Simoron rituals to attract buyers and clients: what you need to know. Center for Positive Psychology "TAK!" Simoron how to sell an item

Buy Sell!

We sell
We arrange AUCTION.
One of the training participants shares the use of the method:
She seated the baby’s toys; by the way, he crawled nearby and participated as much as he could.
She told me the characteristics of the house, described it, and named the starting price. To be truthful, she knocked with a wooden hammer. The house went to a bald warrior, the apartment to a couple of bears. She shouted “sold” and hit the floor with a hammer.

We make the item for sale attractive.
We smear honey on the car we are selling.
We decorate the apartment like a marriageable bride.

We are writing an ad. Sell-rent.
Lives in Moscow in the LYUBLINO area in an excellent 1-room apartment. Large, spacious, bright living room 19.5 meters, kitchen - even if you play football - 9.5 meters. True, they prefer to sip expensive alcohol there (fortunately there is a stylish bar counter and a stunning view from the window of the Kuzminsky forest park). Everything is great with the magical place - the toilet. It shares a bathroom, but it’s only been renovated a week! The balcony is beautiful - 7 meters, a great place for dreams and achievements. And there is no glass so as not to block the view, fortunately it’s on the 13th floor. And it’s more convenient to get from the Lyublino or Kuzminki metro station only by transport, rather than on foot, but it only takes 10-15 minutes.
And... ATTENTION, the main highlight:
No fools: the previous residents, who rented this apartment for 2 years, got their apartment just a month ago, and before that, while living there, they bought a Hummer car! Moreover, not the Rockefellers, but an ordinary young family. Another fact about the attraction of property: the current owner had been quietly planning this apartment for himself for several years, and then absolutely unexpectedly received it as a gift from his sister for his quarter of three rubles. I made repairs there, lived for six months and went on a great journey that continues to this day. Happiness in your personal life is included. Money is available - of course, in exactly the required quantities.
A miracle apartment is WAITING FOR NEW RESIDENTS.
Special signs of the lucky ones: a positive married couple of Russians, solvent, not yet making money out of thin air, but having a constant source of income. And be sure to be careful in handling things, and by the accuracy of payments to the owners for the apartment of these residents, you can compare your watches.
Price very tasty for such a tasty option:
27 thousand rubles (plus 2 thousand rent).
Those who fit the image of happy tenants and who have expressed to the Universe their real intention to rent a miracle apartment - we will send the text of a serious advertisement with photos to the mail.
Sorceress Mila

We rent, we buy.
We make the bait needed for this thing,
We write advertisements. We hang them on the glass, with the text facing the street.

In this article:

We all once believed in miracles. And then they grew up and stopped. But if you want to try Simoron rituals in action, then you will need this faith to get results. Fall back into childhood and start believing again in magic, fairy tales and Santa Claus, in our case Simoron.

In this article, we propose to familiarize yourself with the rituals for attracting customers, and with them - for increasing sales and popularity of the company or your person.

Wizards and miracles

Do wizards exist? And it depends on whether you believe in miracles! If you believe, you can achieve truly magical results using the most original and easy-to-perform rituals. The Universe loves optimists, and it is on them that it rests.

Cheer yourself up, get rid of depression and smile at your reflection in the mirror. Only then perform the rituals designed to attract buyers. Positivity will attract positive, and negativity will attract negative.

"Simoron" - a practical guide for wizards! The actions often described in the manual resemble “theater of the absurd”, since the work is based on humor, comic rituals and original actions. What will you get in the end? Whatever you want, but the very first thing is a positive charge of energy, a cheerful mood, bright memories.

Simoron’s main idea is to change the usual picture of the world through all kinds of actions, including absurd ones.

Don't think that this doesn't happen. Do it and see otherwise!

Attracting customers and increasing sales with Simoron rituals

"Magic glasses"

This is a classic ritual that has stood the test of time and many people who have nothing to do with magic, and they all claim that the ritual has helped them in one way or another. Why is the end result so different? Because each individual person's belief in what he did is different. Once again I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this belief in miracles should be as strong as in childhood! This is very, very important for a positive result.

For this ritual, you should take any fake glasses or stick two surprised eyes cut out of a magazine on the most ordinary ones. The ritual is used to lift the mood, helping to look at the world and situation with different eyes and find a mistake. What this error is depends on your specific situation.


Someone will find the answer to the question “why don’t clients come to me”, someone will find what they are looking for in the documents, someone will be able to expose a dishonest partner or companion. Glasses are worn as necessary, but no more than three times a day, so that you are not suspected of dementia or connections with foreign intelligence.

Happy Star

Make stars out of foil and colored paper and assign numbers and names to them.

Hang star No. 1 with the name “Lucky Star” above your bed to wake up every morning under a lucky star and spend the whole day accordingly. At the same time, do not be surprised at the miracles and gifts of heaven.

Star No. 2 – “Captivating Happiness” enhances the effect of the first and is hung there if you think that one star in this area is not enough.

Star No. 3 – “Falling”. In the process of making a wish, it falls, and so many times until the wish comes true. Another modification of the shooting star work: put the star on your head like a crown and shout “I do!”, fall from a height onto the sofa. You can fall as much as you like.

Star No. 4 – “Star from the Sky.” You know the expression “there are not enough stars in the sky”? Grab it! Yes, as often as you can, attaching it to something under the ceiling. This will allow you to strengthen your talents and advance your career in a short time.

Attracting clients with poems and exercises

When doing exercises, raise your hands up and with a positive attitude towards the best, recite the following poem:

I raise my hands up briskly,
And I attract clients to me,
I replace the minus with a plus,
I will collect beads for clients.

First scatter the beads on the floor (take larger and brighter ones), collect them, string them on a thread and take them to your workplace. You need to transport the beads pompously, for example, by inflating balloons, with flowers, and certainly by car.

Clients are surrounded!

Draw a large circle that you can fit into while standing. Write the word “customers” repeatedly along the circle. Jump into the circle shouting “Customers are surrounding!”

Complementary food for clients

Hang a bird feeder outside your office window with the name of your company written on the feeder. Mentally rename the birds as clients and feed them daily. Every day there will be more and more client birds, as new ones will fly in with the old ones.

When there are enough client birds, add semolina, known for its magical properties, to the millet. Semolina should be poured from a jar with a sticker “Bonuses for regular customers of such and such a company.” After that, you can start adding buckwheat for VIP clients and greens with cabbage to attract money.

Business promotion

Take purple thread, write “my business” on the spool, then wind the thread onto your business card, chanting:

“I will promote my business, and I will make good luck, the company will become richer and have a large income.”

Another way to promote a business, especially relevant during the hot season. Write “my business” on the fan blades, turn it on and let it spin.

Helping hand

Buy a pendant in the shape of a hand, which symbolizes the blessing, approval, help and support of the Higher Powers. Imagine that this hand is helping you. Now you will have nothing to do with anything.


Loan repayment

Since the loans are being repaid, we will also be extinguishing the CANDLE. Take any candle, write the word “credit” on it, light it, let it burn a little, and then sharply extinguish it in one breath and with one blow.

Solve the problems!

Attach a sign to your steering wheel that describes your problems, get behind the wheel and steer in any direction, resolving the accumulated problems.

Money Rain

Water and shower are very powerful magical units. There are the following rituals, which are designed both to attract clients and to get rich quickly. Here's one of them. Attach coins to your shower, preferably larger ones, and receive the rain of money every day, bathing in wealth and prosperity.

Things to do through the butt

So that your business no longer goes through your butt (to put it mildly), apply an iodine mesh to this very place and lie on your stomach. Now problems and matters will be solved in another place, since your beloved woman is in captivity, as a result of which she is unable to participate in your life.

A ritual for sale is a magical sacrament with which you can sell any product, including a plot of land or a car. Thanks to business rituals performed at home, you can conclude a profitable deal. To complete the procedure, you will need available means: salt, keys, candles and others.

Special psychotechnics Simoron suggests the use of rituals for the sale of real estate. It is characterized by efficiency and ease of implementation.

To perform the ritual you will need a rubber toy in the form of a hammer. The performer should pretend to be the host of the auction. Hit the hammer and say “Sold!” Text:

“I’m selling my favorite apartment! I give the keys to the new owner and thank him for the money. Selling it is for my benefit. The new owner will be happy. Its walls will protect it from bad weather. I bow to the floor of my apartment, which gave warmth to our entire family. Thanks to the fireplace, doors and walls. An apartment that has served us all faithfully. I will say “thank you” to her for the last time. Darling, goodbye. I'm leaving. I'm waiting for change by closing this door. The new owner will be here now.”

Thanks to the rhyming lines, the effect of the sacrament is enhanced, the goal is achieved in a short time.

What sales magic spell will help?

To sell movable and immovable property, you need to spend a large sum to hire a realtor and pay other necessary expenses. You can increase the chances of a successful transaction using a ritual.

You can resort to the help of a witch. Rituals for sale can be performed without the participation of strangers at home.

To choose a suitable ritual, you should study magical literature. To achieve results, you need to follow all the rules, take into account the time of day and other factors.

Per coin

Rituals for sale using coins are carried out exclusively on the days of the waxing moon. The power of the celestial body enhances the effect. For a magical sacrament you will need a piece of silver. The object must be lubricated with aromatic oil, saying:

“I gave away the goods, took the coin. I take your gift, I give mine. Luck is with me. Amen".

After completing the ceremony, you should go to the store, purchase any item and pay with a coin upon purchase.

With key

  • pot;
  • ceramic or glassware;
  • the presence of an open source of fire - stove, fireplace, fire, candle;
  • key;
  • water.

The ritual carried out for sale must be performed on Friday, Wednesday or Saturday. Fill the pan with water and place it on the fire. Wait until the liquid boils. They throw the key into boiling water, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Human life depends on water. She gives it, nourishes it, protects it. As a man thirsts for water, so let the buyer thirst for my product. I ask for help."

After reading the ritual spell, the pan must be cooled. The key is left in the container. The cooled water is poured into a glass or ceramic vessel along with the object. On the eve of selling the liquid, you need to wash your hands and spray the item for sale.


There are various rituals that are aimed at making a successful sale. The ritual with a pin is considered an effective sacrament. A magical item is often used in various conspiracies and is used as a talisman. It is characterized by the property of absorbing negative energy to protect the owner. Sorcerers cause damage and resort to the power of an object to achieve a love connection. To attract money and sell property, businessmen pin a pin to their clothes so that the transaction is successful. It is recommended to use this item to sell property. It is used as an amulet against the evil eye of a buyer or competitor.

The ritual must be performed at night. To achieve the result, you need to take into account the phase of the moon. The pin needs to speak:

“I have income, he has housing, I have good income, he has housing. I am calling for someone who is reliable and accommodating. I drive away the capricious and picky. I sell my home, I get money, I find happiness.”

You can achieve a profitable deal for housing or a piece of land by turning to a brownie for help. To carry out the ritual, you need coins, honey, and water. On the days of the waning moon, a piece of silver and a treat are left in every corner of the house, saying:

“Uncle Brownie, help me successfully sell my home. Bring buyers. Accept my gifts. Let the buyer agree to my price. Amen".

A powerful ritual for sale is the sacrament with candles. They resort to it when there is a need for a profitable deal for the sale of a land plot. The procedure is performed on the days of the waning moon in the evening hours. You need to purchase 9 green candles for the ritual. They need to be placed in glass glasses and placed on the floor, arranged in a circle. Stand in the center, concentrate on the upcoming deal, saying:

“I stand in a circle of fire in the power of the Lord of Light. I ask him for help. Help me sell the land. Bring a good buyer. Help me get good money. There is power in my words. They cannot be destroyed. Adonai."

An effective selling ritual that has a quick effect is to cast a spell on water. Used to conclude a successful transaction.

To sell an apartment or country house, there is a magical procedure that needs to be carried out indoors. Execution algorithm:

  1. On Thursday you need to drink water blessed in the church.
  2. At 19.00 they enter the property for sale.
  3. They read the plot, turning their face towards the direction where the sun rises.
  4. They go to bed.

Words of the ritual:

“I want to sell happiness to a good buyer, I offer prosperity within peaceful walls. Taking the money, I will buy what I need for myself. I strive to sell (object) for (desired amount). What must happen will happen. Amen".

If you need to sell an animal, you can resort to a special ritual. It is performed in the morning. While stroking a puppy or kitten with your hand, they say:

“How my palm strokes you, so that other hands cannot hurt you. Live well-fed, do not know bitterness. The comfort of home, a good host for you. Amen!"

The text is repeated three times. If all the rules are followed, the ritual, the action of which is aimed at a profitable sale, will work in a short time.

Selling a car is a common type of transaction. People often replace an old model with a newer one.

The Simoron ceremony for selling a car is carried out in several stages. The owner meets with someone who wants to buy a car. It is recommended to use a calm pace of speech and phrases that express your respect for the buyer. Having left for the meeting, the owner pronounces the words of the ritual:

“I’m going to make a deal to sell you. Now you'll start giving someone else a ride. The headlights blink, the steering wheel turns, my transaction will be successful.”

People sell things, products. To achieve the result, you need to cross the product and say the words to improve trade:

“I (name), stroke my product (name), and attract buyers. They will look and praise it and want to buy it. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

When and how best to perform the ritual

Compliance with the rules for conducting magical sacraments is the key to a successful transaction. By following the recommendations, you can speed up the sale and get the desired profit.

  • reading conspiracies is carried out alone;
  • you cannot tell anyone about the performance of the action;
  • faith in the powers of the subtle worlds;
  • the text must be learned by heart;
  • strict adherence to the sequence of actions when carrying out the sales procedure.

To achieve your goal, you need to take into account the phase of the moon. The sacraments performed on the days of the winter and summer solstice are considered effective rituals.

What influences the result

The ritual for selling property is aimed at a profitable transaction and is determined by strict adherence to the sequence of actions. The performer's attitude towards what is happening influences the result. The stronger a person’s energy and his desire to achieve his goal, the higher the chances of success. Any ritual requires concentration and visualization of what you want.

White or black sales magic requires a person’s moral preparation for rituals. This method for making a profitable transaction will not be suitable for followers of the Christian religion. Believers use prayers to turn to God for help.

Many people buy and list real estate in their lives. However, this does not always go smoothly. There are many . To complete a transaction without any difficulties, the Simoron ritual is used.

There are no difficulties in carrying them out; it is enough to know the procedure.

Not everyone likes the classic version of magic. Today there are modern developments that are no less effective.

Among them, the use of Simoron rituals for the sale of real estate is highlighted. Many experts are confident that their effectiveness is not inferior to the classic ones. They were inherited and contain.

Information: Simoron uses exclusively positive energy, which is considered a rational approach.

Buying a new one

Simoron for selling an apartment and buying a new one are almost identical. Buy a new one after you perform one of several rituals to choose from:

  • “Brownie”;
  • "Gold fish";
  • "Money box";
  • “Certificate of real estate.”

In the first case, you should remember that the house cares about the well-being of the owner, which is why it is worth purchasing a themed toy. He should be placed in a place of honor and constantly talked to. A week later, you should put the keys to your new home next to him and offer to resolve this issue.

If you wish, you can write your wish on a piece of paper and put it in his hand, then leave it overnight. In the morning the leaf must be burned.

Simoron rituals for selling a home and rituals for a new home also include another method - “Goldfish”.

If you don’t have a fish, but if your friends have one, you can ask them for a while, or you can go visit them and secretly ask them to fulfill their wish.

Note: a high degree of probability depends on the person himself. One principle must be remembered - thoughts materialize.

In the case of a piggy bank, you need to buy it red. At the top you should write “for the apartment” and throw coins there, while imagining how you are closing the long-awaited deal.

The last method is to print out the title deed on plain paper and post it in a visible place.

The best Simoron rituals for selling an apartment

The Simoronskys are especially popular among the population, although no one tells anyone about it.

The most popular is Simoron with a red thread.

If you want to sell an apartment, including if it is already for sale, but there is no success, you should prepare:

  • a hammer is a kind of auction item where real estate is found, in particular the sale of real estate in the form of an apartment, house, etc.;
  • 3 small nails;
  • The red thread is exclusively silk.

At dawn in the morning it is necessary to drive nails into the door frame. According to the Simoron method, a triangle should be formed as a result.

During work, in order to sell, you need to say: “Knock-knock, come neither friend nor enemy, but a merchant. Bring the gold, don’t ask for a discount.”

The further procedure for Simoron is as follows:

  1. You need to fasten the red thread to the nail from which you started.
  2. The candle is lit.
  3. The thread is glued using melted wax.

In conclusion, you need to say: “Sealed, spoke, for sale to a good merchant. As soon as he crosses the threshold, he will buy it immediately.”

Help: this Simoron method is in particular demand because it is considered the most effective and not particularly complicated.

Simoron songs for house sale

Simoron for selling real estate implies the possibility of using a song. In this case, absolutely any repertoire can be used.

Help: in order to attract success in the transaction, it is extremely important to approach this process with positive energy.

Simoron for sale of real estate

Simoron, for the purpose of selling real estate, allows you to carry out a transaction in the shortest possible time, if you use a new broom for this.

Procedure for a quick sale:

  • you need to put it upside down - only at the threshold.
  • Clean the house.
  • Afterwards you need to sweep the entire area with a new broom. Be sure to say at the same time: “It’s quick, I’ll buy it soon.” I'm purely thinking, I want to sell my real estate. I make sure that the payment is generous.”
  • After this, you need to wash the floors clean.
  • The broom is put back in its place.
  • After achieving success in negotiations, the ritual is repeated again.

Note: a repeat procedure must be carried out so that the transaction is guaranteed, without failures or other troubles.

If the proposed option for sale does not work, you can try another one that also involves cleaning.


  1. You need to take a new bucket and pour crystal clear water.
  2. The bucket is placed in the center of the living space.
  3. After this, you need to place a lit church candle on the cards and take it in your hand.

After this, you must say: “My golden house, I felt good with you. I promise the brownie, but I repent. I renounce my home and its spirit. From all the walls and frames, I’m ready to give everything for money. I call the new owner and sell him everything. Anyone who can truly love walls will not skimp on money.”

Such words should be repeated clearly and without hesitation 7 times.

  • Clean the floors well. Moreover, this must be done even in hard-to-reach places.
  • Taking the water outside does not matter whether you live in an apartment building or not.
  • Splash it on the road.

Important: if, while taking the bucket out into the street, you meet an old woman or a black-haired girl on the way, it means the brownie is against your idea of ​​selling. It's better to hold off on this.

People who sell their own real estate often encounter problems: either there are no buyers, or the deal falls through at the last moment. In this case, Simoron magic will come to the rescue. Its essence lies in a positive attitude and materialization of thoughts. Simply put, in order for a wish to come true, you must sincerely believe in the success of your planned enterprise and send a request to the Universe. Simoron for the sale of apartments and other real estate will increase the chances of success.

Red thread

To carry out the ceremony you need to take a hammer, a red silk thread, a candle and three small nails. Experienced simoron practitioners advise performing magical manipulations on Thursday morning.

You need to hammer nails into the door frame on the left so that they form a triangle. While working you should say:

“Knock, knock, come not a friend, not an enemy, but a merchant - not a farm laborer! Bring gold and don’t ask for discounts!”

Then you need to fasten the thread around the first hammered nail, twist the remaining two, return to the first one and fix it. The result will be a red triangle.

After this, you should pick up a candle, light it and use drops of melted wax to glue the thread to the nails. While working, you need to read the following plot:

“Sealed, enchanted, for sale to a kind and generous merchant. Amen! As soon as he crosses the threshold, the deal will be of use to me! Amen!"

Magic water

To carry out the ritual, you need to take a new bucket, fill it with water and place it in the center of the room. Squat down in front of a vessel with liquid, pick up a church candle and read the spell seven times:

“House of gold, it was good with you. I bow to the brownie and repent. I renounce the house and its spirit! From walls and frames, I will give everything for money. Invite the new owner, sell the walls and floors! Whoever can love you won’t hurt you with money, he won’t be able to! Amen!".

After these words, the water will acquire magical powers, so you need to wash the floors in the house with the liquid. It is advisable not just to symbolically wipe the surface with a rag, but to carefully treat every corner and hard-to-reach places.

After cleaning, you need to go outside with a bucket and pour the water somewhere away from the house.

There is such a sign: if along the way you meet an elderly woman or a black-haired girl, then it is recommended to postpone the sale of real estate. Experienced simoron workers claim that in this way the brownie tries to convey to the homeowners that he is against their move.

Birch twig

You need to pick a small branch from a birch tree with your own hands. It must be without flaws. Then return home, walk around the house clockwise, touching the windows, doors, and walls with a twig. At this time you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“The walls, frames and windows are light. They glitter with gold, they want to amaze the merchant. Don't hesitate, feel free to bargain. Let him give away a full wallet, and add more on top, and wish the seller happiness! Amen!".

At the end of the ritual, you should hang a twig near the front door or place it next to the threshold. When a potential buyer appears, the magical attribute must be taken outside the house, or, even better, burned. Otherwise, the deal may fall through.

New broom

To carry out this ritual you will need a new broom. You need to purchase it not in a store, but in the market. It is very important that the seller is a man. Experienced simoron traders say that goods purchased from a woman will not have magical powers.

You need to place the broom at the doorstep with the whisk facing up and start cleaning. After putting things in order, sweep all the floors with a broom, saying the following words:

“It’s quick, I’ll be buying it soon. I'm purely thinking, I want to sell my real estate. I make sure that the payment is generous.”

Wash the floors and put the broom in its original place at the threshold.

A magic broom cannot be used like a regular one.

After negotiations with potential buyers, the ritual should be performed again. This is necessary to ensure that unforeseen problems do not arise (for example, difficulties with paperwork, the threat of deal failure).

After the sale of the property, the broom should be burned.


To carry out the ritual, you need to imagine yourself in the role of auction manager and try to get used to the image. It is advisable to wear formal attire in a classic style. Men can opt for a formal suit with a bow tie (a tie will not work in this case). Women should wear a black pencil skirt and a white blouse.

Since the effectiveness of Simoron rituals depends on visualization, you need to imagine and sincerely believe that the property being sold is the location of the auction. Now wealthy people are coming here, eager to buy this apartment. You need to try to imagine what each of the guests looks like, what they are wearing, and how they behave. Small details like these will allow you to believe in the reality of what actually exists only in the imagination.

Next, you need to stand in the center of the room (you can even build something like a podium) and announce the start of bidding. You should imagine how people take turns placing bets and how the price rises. It is advisable to feel this exciting atmosphere, as if an auction is actually taking place. When the required amount is announced, you should take a toy hammer and, hitting the wall or floor with it, exclaim “Sold!”

It is advisable to use a hammer with a squeaker so that the object makes funny sounds

Next, you need to go around the entire apartment clockwise, tapping the windows, walls, and doors with a hammer. At the same time, do not forget to repeat the word “Sold!” and do it with joy, as if the apartment had actually already been purchased by someone. Having walked around the entire home, you need to return to the threshold and knock on the front door with a hammer seven times and repeat the above-mentioned magic word the same number of times.

Now all that remains is to wait for the buyer to arrive. It is believed that it should appear in the near future.

You can perform the ritual not alone, but with household members. You can involve all family members and act out a scene. Let everyone try to get used to the buyer's image. The more intense the passions, active bargaining and increased rates, the better. It was this ritual that helped my friend sell her property. All household members actively participated in the fun game, although deep down they did not believe that such a ritual could be effective. Imagine their surprise when a couple of days later a buyer came and didn’t even bother to bargain. The friend received exactly the amount that was announced at the impromptu auction.


The ritual will only take a couple of minutes. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. You need to take a photo of the property for sale.
  2. Use a marker to cross out the image diagonally.
  3. On the right side write “Sold”.
  4. Place the magic item in the eastern part of the house.


In Simoron magic, it is believed that rhyme has special power. That is, a desire formulated in poetic form will be fulfilled faster. That is why experienced simoron makers recommend not to be lazy and compose a rhyming request to the Universe. In a poem, you can express your hope for a quick sale of the property, say goodbye to the apartment, and wish it good luck with the new owners. You need to give room to your imagination and pour out all your accumulated thoughts and feelings on paper. An important nuance: you cannot mention negative aspects. You should focus only on the positive nuances.

Here is an example of a correct poem:

“Today I let you go with love,
My beloved apartment!
I hand over the keys to the new owner
And I welcome the money from the sale -
With incredible benefit for yourself.
My customer is glowing with happiness
And I bow to you once again -
For the beauty and strength of the walls in bad weather,
The view from the window and the trusty toilet.
He swears to pamper and cherish you
The owner is new... How good it is
That I can trust you with him,
And he’s already putting money on the table for me!
The cycle closes. Goodbye, dear!
I’m waiting for changes, I can’t stand it anymore...
Be happy! I bless you
And, closing the door, I easily walk away.”


If you don’t have the inspiration or talent to create poems, you can simplify the task. You just need to change the words in existing songs. Famous comedians often do this, creating cover versions of popular hits with funny lyrics.

Since we are talking about the sale of real estate, the words need to be selected according to their meaning. For example, if we take Alla Pugacheva’s song “Summer” as a basis, we can compose the following text:

“I really want a buyer to appear,
I was tempted by my apartment,
And I bought it!
I really want the deal to happen
For it to happen as desired
And I moved!”

The point is to voice your desires more often and try to believe in their speedy fulfillment. You can simply listen to the radio or player and, using the above principle, replace words in all compositions. If you can’t rhyme, don’t worry. You just need to remember to sing along.


You need to tune in to a positive mood, get comfortable in a chair or on the sofa. The atmosphere should be calm and relaxing. Close your eyes and imagine in detail how a buyer comes, how he persuades you to sell him an apartment, how he offers you a lot of money and then hands you packs. You need to try to feel each bill, imagine how it crunches. You should feel the joy and euphoria from the sale of an apartment, and capture the significant moment of the transaction in your memory. Such visualization will bring this desired event closer.

It is impossible to see a brownie in person. That is why you need to purchase a soft toy (which is externally associated with the spirit of the home) and put the item in a place of honor. Which one exactly depends on personal preference. This could be an armchair, chair, shelf in the hallway or on the floor at the threshold.

You can sew a toy yourself - such a thing will be even more effective, since it will be “charged” with the energy of the owner

In the evening, you need to write on a piece of paper a wish for the apartment to be sold as soon as possible, and put it under the toy’s hand. The message should be burned the next morning. It is precisely this method of communication with the brownie that is welcomed in Simoron rituals.

gold fish

You need to buy an aquarium with a goldfish and ask it to fulfill your wish. If it is not possible to make such a purchase, you can do it easier: go to a pet store or to a neighbor who has an aquarium, and do the same manipulations. It is recommended to succinctly formulate your desire and say the words to the fish in a whisper.

Red panties

You need to buy new red panties and walk around in them for a day so that the underwear is “charged” with the energy of the owner. At this time, you need to think about the fulfillment of your cherished desire: how the apartment will be sold and the money will come in. After this, you need to rinse your panties, saying: “I leave the information, but I erase the dirt.”

“Pants for a chandelier - money for the house, and let the house sell soon!”

If you don't succeed in doing the trick the first time, you need to keep trying. However, nothing worked out for me either the first or the tenth time. So I just put a stool and carefully hung my panties on the chandelier. To enhance the effect, she shouted the word “Fucked!” three more times when she jumped off the chair. I admit that the ritual really helped me with the sale of the dacha.

A magic item can hang for as long as you like: from one day to a month. Usually, positive changes are felt within a few days. If no changes occur, you can repeat the ritual in a week or two.