Application form for employment. Job application form How to make sure that the application form is filled out correctly

Hiring a new employee is an important matter. The success of his work activity in the company depends on how competently the candidate is selected. To select a person suitable for a vacant position, interviews are held, during which applicants are asked to fill out a job application form.

The sample questionnaires provided for download can be changed in accordance with the needs of the company; some items can be removed, others can be added.

The selection of a new employee is usually carried out by the personnel department. In large organizations, this is an entire department consisting of several specialists headed by a boss. In smaller ones, this may be one personnel employee. In some organizations there are no HR specialists at all, and the function of selecting applicants is performed by the head of the organization or another authorized employee.

No matter who interviews candidates, as a rule, the applicant is first asked to fill out a special questionnaire that will help to understand the applicant better, identify his strengths and weaknesses, and determine how suitable he is for the vacant position.

Depending on the position and the required level of skills and knowledge for the vacant position, the application form may vary. For example, for the position of head of a department, the applicant’s application form should be more serious and full of points than the application form for hiring a loader.

Sample design

Typically, a job application must include the following information:

  • Title of the vacant position;
  • Full name of the candidate;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Marital status, information about immediate relatives;
  • Military duty;
  • Contact information (telephone, address, email);
  • Education – periods of study, name of educational institution, specialty received;
  • Work experience – list of previous employers, periods of work, position, job responsibilities;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • Additional information, depending on the position, usually the level of computer knowledge, skills, abilities, availability of a driver's license, character traits, hobbies.

The standard application form for hiring a new employee includes the above information. The above list can be supplemented with information that will help to better assess the personality of the applicant:

  • Reasons for leaving previous jobs;
  • What interested the company;
  • Why the position is interesting;
  • Life goals;
  • Desired income level;
  • What kind of work is interesting?
  • How the candidate is useful to the company, etc.

The list of information in the questionnaire can be changed and increased in accordance with your wishes. The main thing when selecting a suitable candidate for a vacant position is not to overdo it. For example, if the position does not require knowledge of computer programs or foreign ones, then these questions should not be included in the text of the job application form. We need to respect and value applicants' time.

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Pre-diploma practice is the final stage of the educational process. When completing this type of internship, students acquire practical skills in their specialty, performing duties in accordance with the positions defined by the qualification characteristics.

The task of pre-diploma practice is to assimilate and consolidate the knowledge and skills of students acquired at the institute throughout the course of study, testing the possibilities of independent work in the field of banking.

The purpose of the pre-diploma internship is to familiarize yourself with the work of the bank, study the activities of the retail business department, study the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, regulatory documents of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and OJSC Belinvestbank, as well as select factual material for further use of this data when writing a thesis.

Practice objectives:

Give a general assessment of the efficiency and competitiveness of Central Bank No. 508, Minsk OJSC "Belinvestbank";

Study the composition and structure of transactions on household deposits carried out by the bank.

The place of my internship is the retail business department in the Central Bank of Ukraine No. 508 of Minsk OJSC Belinvestbank.

During my internship, I carried out activities within the competence of the retail business department. The activities of the department are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the Central Bank of Banks, protecting the interests of the founders, shareholders, clients and employees of the bank.

The department solves the following main tasks:

Attracting free funds from individuals in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency.

Providing individuals with all types of banking services within the competence of the department.

Providing high-quality and prompt customer service.

Monitoring the legality of transactions performed.

To achieve the set goals, a number of interrelated tasks were solved:

· a description was given to the bank OJSC "Belinvestbank";

· the standard structure of the Central Bank of Ukraine was analyzed;

· the bank's regulatory documents on deposit operations were studied;

· collected and analyzed reporting data on the volumes and dynamics of the accumulation of funds in the Central Bank of Ukraine for 3 years.

1. Mandatory part of the internship program

1 Organizational structure of the bank

The composition of CBU No. 508 of OJSC Belinvestbank includes:

· Corporate Business Department;

· Retail Business Department;

· Cash transactions sector.

The main task of the departments and the sector is to provide comprehensive integrated service to the bank’s clients. Direct management of departments and the cash operations sector is carried out by the heads of departments and sectors, direct management of the cash operations sector is carried out by the head of the sector - the cash manager, who report to the manager of the department and his deputy. The heads of departments, the head of the sector - the cash manager are appointed to the position by order of the chairman of the bank's board on the recommendation of the branch manager.

Departments and sectors have a clear focus and specialization in customer service. In their activities, departments and sectors are guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, including bank regulations, decisions of bank management bodies and current regulations.

The functions of the corporate business department include:

· preparation of a package of documents and concluding agreements with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for conducting active credit operations within the powers and limits provided to the branch by local regulatory legal acts and decisions of the bank’s management bodies;

· support of concluded agreements for carrying out active credit operations with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

· attracting funds from legal entities into deposits, concluding and maintaining bank deposit agreements;

· implementation of currency control functions;

· carrying out currency exchange transactions with the participation of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, with the exception of banks;

· support of foreign economic contracts and international customer payments;

· carrying out transactions with securities within the powers granted to the branch by local regulatory legal acts and decisions of the bank’s management bodies, settlement and cash services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency;

· opening (closing) and registration of accounts of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local regulatory legal acts of the bank;

· concluding agreements for settlement and cash services;

· accrual of income and expenses on accounts for active and passive transactions;

· ensuring compliance with the requirements of current legislation regarding cash circulation;

· reflection in accounting of transactions on balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local regulatory legal acts of the bank.

The functions of the retail business department include:

· preparation of a package of documents, issuance and support of loans to the population;

· opening, maintaining and closing bank accounts of individuals;

· attracting funds from individuals into deposits (deposits), carrying out operations on deposits of individuals in accordance with the local regulatory legal acts of the bank;

· organization and control of foreign exchange transactions involving individuals, including transactions with traveler's checks, establishment of foreign currency purchase and sale rates;

· making international money transfers to individuals using the bank's Western Union transfer system;

· carrying out transactions with securities with the participation of individuals within the powers granted to the branch by local regulations and decisions of the bank’s management bodies;

· issue of bank plastic cards;

· attracting individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for services using bank plastic cards;

· concluding contracts for salary services;

· provision to the population of other services provided by the bank, within the framework of the powers granted to the branch by local regulatory legal acts and decisions of the authorized bodies of the bank;

· organization and control of sales of precious metals and commemorative coins to individuals, establishment of sales prices for precious metals and commemorative coins.

The functions of the cash operations sector include:

· providing cash services to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency;

· carrying out work with cash Belarusian rubles and foreign currency (reception, issuance, exchange, recalculation);

· control over compliance with the procedure for performing cash transactions established by current legislation;

· carrying out currency exchange transactions involving individuals, transactions with traveler's checks;

· making international money transfers to individuals using the bank's Contact transfer system;

· carrying out transactions for the sale of precious metals and commemorative coins to individuals;

· making transfers to individuals in Belarusian rubles using the bank's existing transfer systems;

· servicing bank payment card holders in terms of withdrawing cash and making non-cash payments using a bank payment card;

· servicing individuals in terms of replenishing/withdrawing funds from bank accounts, deposits, performing other operations provided for by the bank’s local regulatory legal acts;

· provision of insurance intermediation services;

· placement, redemption and payment of income on bank bonds;

· placement, redemption and payment of income on government securities issued to individuals.

To carry out its activities, the bank has the following licenses:

2.Certificate of state registration of a commercial organization dated September 3, 2001.

1.2 Technical means of information processing

The main computer programs accompanying the implementation of banking operations at OJSC Belinvestbank are:

1.information and accounting system "BARS";

2.information and analytical system "BRAVO";

.automated information system for documentation management "LanDocs";

.centralized system for comprehensive services for individuals "BRIS";

.program for operational and cash services for individuals "ST-Cash".

3 Bank settlement operations

Documentary collection - this collection form of payment is simple and guarantees the seller that the buyer will receive the goods after payment or acceptance of the draft. However, there may be time delays between the shipment of goods, their delivery, the transfer of documents and payment, which complicate transactions. If the delivery of goods is much ahead of the receipt of documents, then simple transport is possible before payment for the goods, which causes additional costs. To avoid this, the buyer may be given in advance the original document of title (bill of lading), issued in favor of the guarantor bank. On the other hand, due to time delays, the exporter may be exposed to currency risk when market conditions change or suffer from a partner’s loss of solvency.

OJSC Belinvestbank is an active participant in the bank payment cards market in the Republic of Belarus. The bank's activities in the field of development of banking card products began in 1995, when the bank payment cards department was created.

Currently, the bank is a member of the BELKART payment system, a member of the international payment systems Visa International and Master Card International, a member of the Russian payment system "Zolotaya Korona" as an acquiring bank for issuing cash.

The bank’s line of card products is designed for both individuals and legal entities and is represented by cards from the following payment systems:

1.International payment system Visa International (Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, Visa Platinum, Visa Business);

2.International payment system MasterCard International (Maestro, MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Electronic, MasterCard Gold, MasterCard Business);

3.Payment system BELKART (BELKART).

To receive a bank payment card, the client must fill out an application form, after which the bank will enter into a card account agreement with him.

OJSC Belinvestbank provides services to trade (service) enterprises for organizing payments using bank plastic cards.

By introducing this service, your company will improve its image and acquire a number of other advantages:

increasing the number of customers due to card holders;

reducing the risk associated with accepting cash;

solving delivery problems;

elimination of errors in settlements with clients, typical for cash payments.

Salary projects

OJSC "Belinvestbank" offers a service for organizing the enrollment and payment of wages using VISA Electron or Maestro bank plastic cards.

By organizing payment of wages using plastic cards, you will be able to:

minimize cash transactions;

avoid hassles associated with receiving, delivering and storing cash;

eliminate queues for receiving wages on the days of their issuance, while reducing the loss of working time;

pay wages to staff by one bank transfer, including employees in remote structural units;

reduce social tensions that arise when salary payments are delayed through the use of an overdraft loan by employees.

Salary card holders have access to the entire list of services with plastic cards of OJSC Belinvestbank, including:

using a salary card to carry out transactions in foreign currency not only on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, but also abroad;

receiving cash from ATMs of the joint network of OJSC "Belagromrombank" and ASB "Belarusbank" without paying a commission; - issuing additional cards to the card account (for example, for family members) and monitoring the expenditure of funds on them by setting limits;

overdraft lending (credit line with a limit of up to 400% of the average monthly salary);

making payments in favor of service providers without paying a commission (housing and utilities services, mobile communications, cable television, Internet access, etc.) at self-service devices (ATMs, information kiosks, self-service terminals) and using a mobile phone;

purchasing goods and paying for services in trade (service) enterprises using a plastic card without paying a commission;

instant transfers of funds between cardholders of OJSC Belinvestbank;

receiving interest on deposits directly to the card account.

To receive a plastic card, the client fills out an application form for opening a card account and issuing a bank plastic card and signs an agreement on opening and maintaining a card account.

In order to promote the bank's card products, inform customers and popularize and stimulate non-cash payments among cardholders, the following events were carried out by the Central Bank of Ukraine in 2014:

direct work with bank clients;

placement of information on information stands;

meetings with heads of organizations;

propaganda and explanatory meetings with labor collectives;

distribution of booklets about bank card products.

4 Passive bank operations

By passive we mean such bank operations, as a result of which there is an increase in funds held in passive accounts or active-passive accounts in terms of the excess of liabilities over assets.

Passive operations play an important role in the activities of commercial banks. It is with their help that banks acquire credit resources on the market.

There are four forms of passive operations of commercial banks:

1.contributions to the authorized capital (sale of shares and shares to the first owners);

2.deductions from bank profits for the formation or increase of funds;

.deposit transactions (funds received from clients);

.non-deposit transactions (loans received from other legal entities).

The following funds can be credited to the deposit account of individuals in Belarusian rubles:

· transferred from an account opened in the name of the same person;

· listed for crediting to the deposit in the name of the depositor;

· paid in cash.

In accordance with the Rules for carrying out transactions on current (settlement) and deposit accounts of individuals in foreign currency, funds can be credited to a deposit account in foreign currency:

· transferred from an account opened in the name of the same individual;

· received from the depositor's foreign exchange transactions with the bank;

· paid in cash.

Opening accounts for clients is carried out in accordance with the Rules for banks opening accounts for clients in the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated September 28, 2000 No. 24.12. Legal entities submit the necessary package of documents to open an account. An account is opened for an individual upon application of the depositor upon presentation of an identification document.

Opening of deposit accounts for clients is carried out on the basis of a bank deposit agreement. The bank deposit agreement is drawn up in two copies. One copy remains in the bank, the second is given to the depositor.

5 Bank operations with securities

OJSC Belinvestbank issues discount, interest-bearing bonds for legal entities denominated in Belarusian rubles, US dollars and euros, and also issues interest-bearing bonds for individuals denominated in Belarusian rubles, US dollars and euros.

Owners of bonds for legal entities can only be legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - residents and non-residents of the Republic of Belarus.


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Job seekers are often perplexed: why do they need to fill out a job application form if the employer has already been provided with a resume for review? And sometimes you may come across the opinion that a written questionnaire for employment is useless, because it can be replaced by an interview. No, he can not. Neither a resume nor an interview are a complete replacement for a job application questionnaire.

Every employer knows that in a resume the candidate tries to present himself in the best light and may not indicate information that is unfavorable for him (for example, temporary jobs, the presence of small children). Moreover, the main purpose of a resume is to receive an invitation to an interview.

The questionnaire is the first stage of direct acquaintance between the employer and the future employee. The interview is its second stage.

Below are examples of an applicant's application form when applying for a job and a sample of filling out an application form when applying for a job. From them it will become clear that an employer, using a survey, can obtain:

  • general information determining the legality and advisability of further interaction with a candidate for a vacant position;
  • an adequate initial assessment of his professional qualities, necessary for making a decision on admission.

For the applicant, this document is no less important, since it may contain questions the answer to which is not contained in the resume. And, in addition, the potential employee himself learns a lot about future employment.

In this regard, a sample application form for a job candidate is a more objective document. The application form for an applicant when applying for a job contains a list of mandatory items that allow you to evaluate the candidate, his professional level and personal qualities more deeply. Looking through the information specified in the questionnaire, employers pay attention even to such seemingly trifles as:

  • the applicant's literacy level;
  • accuracy of filling;
  • the amount of time spent filling out the form;
  • completeness of the data provided;
  • attentiveness, etc.

You won’t be able to evade answering an awkward question by not answering it in the questionnaire—the employer will ask it anyway. So it's better to be honest.

The emotionality and mood with which the candidate comes to the interview are also assessed.

Thus, a sample application form for employment reveals the socio-psychological characteristics of the applicant, which simplifies selection.

For whom is the form required?

According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 667-r dated May 26, 2005, the questionnaire must be filled out by citizens wishing to take part in competitions for filling places:

  • state civil service;
  • municipal service.

In all other cases, the questionnaire is not included in the number of documents required for employment ( Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation ).

But many businesses develop their own sample job interview questionnaire and use it to evaluate the candidate.

All information about the applicant that is indicated in it is confidential information and is not subject to public disclosure ( Art. 86 Labor Code of the Russian Federation ). If confidentiality is violated, the employer may be subject to criminal liability.

What questions does a sample job application form contain?

The job application form contains from 10 to 30 points, the answers to which the employer wants to receive from the candidate. The questionnaire can also be completed electronically.

The job application form, a sample of which we have posted below, may contain the following items:

  • FULL NAME. applicant for a vacancy;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • address of actual residence and place of permanent registration;
  • telephone, email address;
  • passport details;
  • education (including additional and courses);
  • availability of a medical book;
  • information about work activity for a certain period of time: (place and period of work, position, responsibilities, salary);
  • professional skills and abilities;
  • marital status and information about close relatives;
  • hobby;
  • character strengths and weaknesses;
  • wishes for working conditions and salary;
  • having a driver's license;
  • level of foreign languages ​​and PC proficiency;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • recommendations from former employers.

The employer must understand: in order for the questionnaire to be as informative as possible, the questions contained in it must be clear and concise. They must also imply a precise answer.

Enterprises that require filling out a detailed questionnaire for employment (for example, banking structures) must take care in advance to document the voluntary nature of providing personal data, which requires obtaining the written consent of the candidate, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4.

How to correctly compose a questionnaire

We offer some practical tips for drafting. It is very convenient when questions are grouped by topic. This will make the work of both the interviewer and the interviewee easier.

We propose dividing the questionnaire into two parts: general questions in one part, highly specialized ones in the second. This division makes it easier to use a single form of the questionnaire for a large enterprise, since its first part will be the same for candidates for vacancies in any workshop or department of the enterprise.

General issues

In the first part, the standard points usually come first:

  • Date of Birth;
  • residential address;
  • Contact Information;
  • Family status;
  • children;
  • attitude towards military duty;
  • having a criminal record.


  • educational institutions in which he studied (with years, assigned qualifications and diploma numbers, which can be checked if necessary);
  • advanced training courses completed, seminars, master classes and conferences attended;
  • degree of proficiency in foreign languages.

If the last point is important directly for the position held, we recommend checking your actual language proficiency during the interview, since the candidate’s self-assessment of his language skills often does not correspond to the real state of affairs.

Employment goals

You can then ask questions to understand the applicant's goals for future employment. We suggest including questions that will reveal the applicant's motives and goals. Examples of such questions:

  • what position he would like to hold now;
  • whether he wants to make a career;
  • Is there a desire and/or ability to work overtime and on weekends;
  • How does the candidate feel about business trips?

A great way to understand an applicant's personality is through preference lists. Suggest, for example, ranking by importance a list of benefits that a candidate would like to have in this workplace:

  • good team;
  • decent salary;
  • growth prospects;
  • advanced training or obtaining qualifications;
  • proximity to home;
  • flexible schedule.

By ranking such a list, a potential employee will reveal his preferences and thereby reveal himself. It makes sense to offer to add your option to the ranked list.

Candidate's health

Whether it is necessary to ask questions about the health of a potential employee is up to each employer to decide for himself. This is a rather slippery question. In fact, such questions may amount to an invasion of privacy.

However, quite important information that will affect the employer’s obligations towards the employee (providing benefits, etc.) is disability and chronic diseases that require regular hospital treatment.

We suggest the following rather tactful formulations:

“Do you need special working conditions due to your health condition?”

“Do you need extra days off to care for a relative?”

But we must remember that a refusal to provide a workplace to a person with health limitations (if these restrictions do not affect his ability to perform the assigned work) may be grounds for going to court.

Personal qualities

And finally, an even more painful point in the first part of the questionnaire is personal qualities. These questions not only cause a negative reaction from the person being questioned, but are also extremely ineffective, since a person rarely can and wants to adequately assess his strengths and weaknesses, especially when applying for a job. We can suggest using list ranking again, however, this method is also quite ineffective. It is better to use the oral interview method.

Experience and skills

Having finished with the first, general, part, we move on to the second, highly specialized one, which we recommend starting with obtaining information about work experience. The structure of this section should serve two purposes:

  1. Provide the employer with the necessary information about the candidate’s work skills. To do this, professions, who he worked for, positions held, and a list of duties performed must be indicated.
  2. Get an idea of ​​the candidate's communication skills and mental stability. To do this, they ask about the reasons for changing jobs and ask the candidate to name one or two former employees who can give characteristics and recommendations.

To obtain relevant information about work skills, a highly specialized questionnaire is required. When filling a driver vacancy, they are interested in the category and time of obtaining a license, and driving experience. If a programmer is surveyed, they ask questions about proficiency in certain programming languages, specific software products created by this applicant. This section should be compiled by the immediate supervisor of the future employee, because he is the one who knows exactly what skills the future employee will need in the new place. This is a very important point in the questionnaire. No matter how communicative and stable a candidate is, if he does not have the necessary work skills, he is unlikely to cope with the proposed functionality.

What a job applicant should not write in a job application

Despite the fact that at the moment there are no forms approved by law for the questionnaire, the law does not allow the employer to include in it whatever they want.

How long should the questionnaire be?

Sufficient, but not excessive. We also recommend asking questions tactfully so as not to scare off potential employees and minimizing the number of personal questions. It makes sense to ask only what is directly related to the future position and assumes the possibility of a reliable answer.

Let us recall that the law obliges a candidate for a vacant position to be honest in providing personal data, giving the employer the right to terminate the employment contract if forged documents are used ().

How to make sure that the form is filled out correctly

First of all, you need to check that all the questions asked are answered. The next step is to verify the provided data with the data of your passport, diploma and other documents. The third stage may be to verify the authenticity of the provided data and documents.

Sample of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

In this section we have posted a sample application form for an applicant when applying for a job.

What happens to the questionnaire after filling it out? Information about all candidates is entered into the enterprise database (subject to the consent of the person to process personal data). When a new vacancy appears, a candidate who did not pass the selection may be remembered and invited back for an interview. It is quite possible that the second attempt will be successful. If employment has taken place, the questionnaire is filed along with other documents in the employee’s personal file.

The one who processes the admission documents has access to personal data, and, therefore, must be warned about maintaining confidentiality (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152 “On Personal Data”, Article 6, paragraph 3). According to the law, the head of the enterprise is responsible to the state for the actions of the operator.