Is it possible to give money on a holiday? How to lend money correctly: signs, customs and recommendations

Taking on debt is always unpleasant, and not only morally, because debts block financial flows into your life.

Lending is doubly unpleasant, because there is always a chance that the money will not be returned to you, even if you have known this person for a long time.

Some people take debts calmly, while others think about them every day. It is best for such people not to take on debt and not to give it to them.

Few people know that you can only lend an amount that you agree to part with forever.

And when lending, always be prepared for the fact that your money may not come back to you.

What do folk superstitions say about debts? When and how to ask for a loan and repay debts?

If you lend

The main thing in the popular belief is to feel that when you lend money, you start a cash flow and ask them to return to you in larger quantities. But follow these rules:

1. You cannot lend money or bread in the evening - there will be neither one nor the other in the house, and salt should not be given to neighbors at all.

2. Don’t lend money on Tuesday - you’ll be in debt all your life.

3. Don’t lend money on Sunday - they won’t pay you back. More

4. If you are borrowing money, when transferring the money, say: “So that I always have it, and yours will increase.”

5. If you lend money, when you return it, they must give you back at least one ruble more.

6. When a debt is repaid to you, keep the fig in your pocket (do it with your left hand).

7. On Monday, the 13th of each month and April 7, on the Annunciation, you cannot lend money, it will go away irrevocably and that’s all.

8. When giving money or accepting debts, you cannot pass banknotes from hand to hand: the negative energy of another person, for example, the energy of poverty or bad luck, can be transferred along with the money.

9. Be sure to set the condition that the debt be repaid to you in bills of the same denomination as they were taken, but not in small change.

Say the protective whisper to yourself three times:

“Not for loss, but for profit, now I’m giving, then I’ll get double. Exactly!"

“You borrowed, didn’t give back, you, (debtor’s name), attacked the wrong person! Bring it back, bring it yourself! Let it be so!".

In this case, the debt will definitely be returned to you, because the debt is worth paying.

10. If the debtor returns the money with a scandal (and this can also bring poverty to you), after he leaves, you should wash the door handle and pour this water out the gate (entrance door).

If they give you a loan:

1. They take out a loan on the waxing moon, and return it on the waning moon.

2. Pay back borrowed money in small bills.

3. You cannot repay the debt on Friday.

4. It is best to repay debts in the morning, then they will be settled, but in the evening - it is impossible, since any actions with money in the evening promise ruin.

5. It is best to borrow with your left hand, and to give back with your right.

6. Thank the person who helped you not only out loud, but also in your soul, saying: “God grant that you will always have plenty of money and may I never run out of it.”

7. Borrowing in the last days of the outgoing year (or, even worse, on the first day of the new one) risks the fact that for the next twelve months you will have to live in “eternal” debtors.

General signs about debts:

To prevent money from being transferred, debts were always repaid in the decreasing month. And it was customary to borrow money during the waxing moon.

On Monday - no bills, no calculations. A difficult, unfavorable day. They also don’t give loans.

On Tuesday it was also not customary to give or borrow. It was believed that the whole life would then be spent in debt.

On Sunday it was forbidden to go into debt and borrow money yourself. This could attract lack of money and failure in trading.

Give and lend without fail in the morning.

By delaying the return, the debtor punishes himself: the dissatisfaction of those whom he voluntarily let down creates a certain negative aura around him, which “scares away” money from him, and he will never have enough of it.

If you give or give money to a person, never give it unfolded. Fold bills in half and place the folded end facing forward.

And in general, try to never borrow, but rather lend more often, thereby you are, as it were, programming money so that it returns to you.

Better read the article about not getting into debt.

Even the most selfless people would like to live in abundance and without need. But wealth is not a lot of money; it is, first of all, the ability to manage your income and expenses, as well as your time. But how can one learn this skill - the ability to correctly distribute your money and guess good days? In particular, the Money Calendar will help you with this. When to lend and when not to lend money, when to borrow according to the lunar calendar and when not to borrow. Favorable days for money transfers, deposits and investments, taking out insurance, loans and concluding contracts, making large purchases, exchanging or purchasing currencies and working with documentation. Even when to buy a wallet, and when it is better to reduce your financial activity or beware of losses. For all these questions, you can find a detailed money calendar, as well as several recommendations on how to maintain and increase your income.

Almost every family has its own superstitions related to money and wealth. Many believe that this can help them escape poverty and lack of money. But is it? Many of these signs came to us from our distant ancestors, but will they bring wealth to the house?

When to lend and when not to lend

There are a lot of superstitions associated with debts. For example, everyone knows that you cannot lend money on Monday. But why? Everything is quite easy to explain; Monday is one of the hardest days of the week. The weekend is still a long way off, and there is still a lot of work to be done. And therefore, everyone is not in the best mood, and financial transactions carried out on this day are doomed to failure. After all, you must admit that any business that is done in a bad mood does not work and successes are usually insignificant. Therefore, it is better to lend on another day, when there is an atmosphere of joy, a desire to work and conquer heights.

When to borrow and when not to borrow

But, according to the superstition, you can’t borrow on Friday. But everything is clear here, no magic. After all, we all know that most often on this day rest begins after the working week. The money taken on this day can be spent on something that is not needed, and it will be extremely difficult to give it back later. Therefore, it is better to borrow in the middle of the week in order to wisely distribute your finances.

Favorable days for deposits and investments

On Monday you can’t not only lend money, but also make large deposits and investments. The reason is still the same, it is on this day that people are most in the mood for business. Everyone is just getting started. Also, some major holidays are not the best days for transactions, deposits, investments, and so on. Signs suggest that when making large purchases, or indeed any investments, you should not leave your pockets empty. But here everything is clear, because life is quite unpredictable and it is unknown what needs you may need money for at the moment. I didn’t want them to end at the most inconvenient moment. That’s why there was such a sign that leaving an empty wallet is a bad omen.

Currency exchange

The same applies to foreign exchange transactions. It is better not to carry them out on Monday, Friday and major holidays. All because of those reasons. For example, during the holidays your thoughts are far from allocating finances and you may simply be inattentive. This, in turn, may lead to you losing some of your money.

When to buy a wallet

Favorable days for this purchase are associated more with lunar cycles, but signs only tell us which wallet is better to buy so that it contains money. It is believed that you cannot buy the cheapest one. But this is easily explained, because when meeting people they usually judge by their clothes. And therefore, the wallet must be respectable in order for a business person to form an opinion about you. This will help you in attracting profitable deals.

There are a lot of similar signs, for example, a coin found on the sidewalk promises wealth. The origins of this superstition are clear, because previously even one coin -
it's a fortune.

There is also a sign that you can’t give money in the evening, and you can’t lend it either. This is due to the fact that, firstly, by this time our attention has become dull, which means that the likelihood of error and miscalculation is high. secondly, it is in the evening that the activity of thieves and scammers is higher than during the day and in the morning. And if a person lends money, that means he has money.

A similar sign exists with garbage. We all know that you cannot take out the trash at night. But it appeared in a completely natural way and is not at all connected with magic. Previously, the garbage was taken out by men and most often it contained waste from cutting up chicken and other livestock. Naturally, this attracted wolves to the yard, where the living creatures were usually located. This could also lead to hunger, and therefore they tried to take out the garbage during the day.

It was also believed that the money received should not be spent immediately on the first day. You must wait one night. But here, too, everything is clear, because to celebrate, you can buy a lot of unnecessary goods. When a person thinks about everything and judges, then purchases will be the most useful.

Not only signs, but also the Money Calendar will help you in distributing finances. Here you can adjust all your financial transactions, understand when it is better to carry them out, and when it is better to refrain from them.

Find out how to lend money - the signs of our ancestors will teach you to approach this matter correctly from the point of view of magic. Proper handling of money is a guarantee of connection to the money egregor, and therefore a guarantee of an enviable financial situation.

In the article:

Borrowing money - signs about borrowing funds

If you borrow money from someone, take it with your left hand. Signs about borrowing money say that if you take it in this way, it will be easy to give it back. People who borrow money with their right hand constantly have problems paying it back.

Many actions seem much more moral if you look at them through the fingers that hold money.

It is advisable to borrow in large denominations. They symbolize powerful ones. Such a loan will attract financial flows to you and, accordingly, new sources of profit.

Borrowing is generally not a good sign. In the old days they thought this: everyone is given according to their capabilities. If you don’t have money to fulfill your desire or satisfy your need, this means that you are not yet at the level that is necessary for this. In this situation, debt is not an option. Our ancestors never borrowed money to buy expensive new clothes or make other purchases of no practical value.

Debt must be beneficial and provide new opportunities for development. So, you can borrow without any special consequences for business development, training, or obtaining any professional opportunities. It is unlikely that you will drive yourself into poverty with such debts. Quite the contrary.

Overdue loans are a very bad omen. If you don't pay back your debts, you're worsening your relationship with them. Financial obligations must be met. Our ancestors believed that a person whose word is worthless will never live in abundance. Before you try to improve your financial situation, deal with your debts.

How to lend money - signs of our ancestors

Give it to the steward - and they will love you, and they will love you forever, unless someone gives you two hundred.

Regarding how to lend money, signs recommend not to do this "from hand to hand". This brings poverty to both the borrower and the lender. In order to avoid the negative meaning of this belief, place the bills on any surface - table, chair, cabinet. Let the person you give them to take them himself. Perhaps you have noticed special containers for money in stores? They serve the same purpose - with bills and coins. Money passes through many hands, and not every owner was the owner of clean energy.

If you are interested in how to lend money correctly, signs advise giving banknotes with your right hand. You should also pay off debts with your right hand. This is a sign of prosperity. When you receive your money back, hold the fig behind your back with your left hand. This will protect you from the evil eye and negative emotions of your debtor. It’s not a fact that there are any, but it’s better to protect yourself.

It is better to give and repay debts in small bills. Large ones symbolize powerful flows of monetary energy, which it is better not to part with. If you only give small amounts of money, regardless of the amount, it will bring profit in the future.

Do not give money if you are concerned about this. This often happens to people who subconsciously expect karmic punishment for not repaying loans. For example, if you yourself do not pay off your debts or your relatives do this, you can hardly hope that the money will be returned to you on time. You can only lend money with a light heart - think that everything will come back.

Ask the debtor to give you the money in the same bills that you gave him. Paying off a debt in small change is a common magical way of getting rich at someone else’s expense. It has already been described above. If you want to do this, you can ask the debtor for larger bills. This simple trick will take away his money energy and direct it towards you. You can ask the debtor to pay a slightly larger amount, at least one ruble more. This leads to income growth.

There are special conspiracies that are said to yourself while you are giving money to a person in need. They oblige him to repay the debt, protect you from losses, and sometimes work as conspiracies to attract money. Here is one such text:

Not for loss, but for profit, now I give, then I will receive double. Exactly!

And another similar conspiracy:

You borrowed, didn’t give back, you attacked the wrong person, (debtor’s name)! Bring it back, bring it yourself! Let it be so!

Some conspiracies can be said out loud, and their texts are unlikely to upset the borrower. Here's an example:

So that I always have, and you increase.

Such a good wish in a conspiracy form does not have any bad consequences. Using these words, you can insure yourself against ruin, non-payment of debt, and also make sure that the borrower has the opportunity to pay you fairly.

When you can lend money - signs about choosing the right time

It was the rich who invented that talking about money is tactless.

According to signs, they don’t lend money on time. waning moon. This phase of the moon is not suitable for monetary transactions at all. No conspiracies or rituals for enrichment are carried out during the waning of the night star. During this period, it is better to avoid large expenses, if possible. From the point of view of the rules of the monetary egregor, material assistance to one’s neighbor is a good thing. Helping a loved one in the form of lending money always pays off - the Universe will reward someone who does not leave other people in need. But during the waning moon, monetary energy flows outside the human world, so your money will flow away and will not return. Perhaps the debt will not be repaid at all, or perhaps you will immediately spend the returned funds on solving new problems.

It is also better to ask for a loan when the moon is waxing. This is how money energy will come. It doesn't matter that this is a loan and not your personal income - this money will only bring good things. If the person you borrowed from is not superstitious, try paying him back on the waning moon. The moon will wane, and all your debts will go away with it. True, this will not bring anything good to the person to whom you owe money - his financial situation will worsen.

It is not customary to repay debts or lend money at the beginning of the week. Monday is the worst day for this. This belief promises poverty and ruin for both the debtor and the borrower. They do not lend or repay debts on Sunday either - our ancestors separated this day from the rest to engage in spiritual affairs, and not material difficulties. Lending money on Tuesday means becoming a debtor for life. You cannot repay debts on Friday and Saturday. There are only two days of the week favorable for borrowing money - Wednesday and Thursday.

If given on the 13th of any month, according to legend, it will be gone forever. There are many bad omens written about the negative meaning of this number. Such beliefs are especially common in the West. The same applies to the 31st number - this is the number 13 written backwards.

Don't borrow money before. Regarding when to lend money, signs unanimously allow this to be done on the eve of the holidays. Paying off debts before the New Year is a very good omen for stability and good income next year. But it’s better to borrow after the holidays are over. Or you should give the money before the new year. Celebrating the New Year in debt is a very bad omen; you will be paying off creditors for the whole year and living in poverty. You cannot borrow on January 1 - you will be poor and live in debt for the whole year.

They do not give or take loans during church holidays. This belief has a particularly negative meaning if you do this at Christmas, Easter, Annunciation or Epiphany. On church holidays you are supposed to think about the divine. On most Holy days, it is prohibited to work, including conducting any financial transactions. Tackle your problems after the holiday is over.

The problem is not having money for black caviar, but finding taste in it.

You can't lend money at sunset. This period is similar in its influence to the waning phase of the moon. Of course, the influence of the time of day is much weaker than the influence that the phases of the moon have on the world. But it’s easier to follow this sign - just ask the person who came for the money to come back the next day.

The lunar money calendar shows the most favorable days and hours for various financial transactions and decisions. If you want your wealth to constantly grow and multiply, follow the recommendations of the money calendar. He will help you choose a good day for buying, selling, borrowing, credit and solving other money issues.

When is it possible and when not to borrow and lend?

According to the lunar money calendar, you cannot borrow while the Moon is waxing. It is believed that as the moon grows, so will your debts. Astrologers do not recommend giving debt during the waning moon. If you give money these days, you may not get it back.

Also, when it comes to borrowing money according to the lunar calendar, the days of the week play a special role. You cannot lend on Monday, a day ruled by the Moon. On Tuesday, and especially in the evening, you cannot borrow money. The remaining days of the week are neutral in terms of loans.

When is the best time to shop?

If you want the purchased items to serve you faithfully for a long time, and the purchases themselves are profitable for you, then you should know about successful days according to the money lunar calendar.

  • The most favorable time for shopping is during the waning moon. At this time, monetary energy is in complete balance with lunar energy - the Moon is waning, and so is money.
  • If you decide to start saving money and want to invest it somewhere, then the money calendar recommends doing this on the waxing Moon, so that as the Moon grows, monetary energy increases.
  • The most unfavorable days for any financial transactions are the full moon and the new moon. The reason is the unstable emotional background, which is maximally manifested in people on these lunar days.

08.10.2014 09:08

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Few people know that money is banknotes that have magical properties. It is important to treat them correctly in order to be a successful and wealthy person. From this article you will learn when it is better to repay debts, what each bill means and much more.

How to borrow money correctly

Tired of poverty? Do you want money to constantly flow? First of all, think about whether you know how to borrow correctly. After all, your financial condition in the future depends on it. Read on to find out why and when it is better to pay off debts.

First, think about the amount you can borrow. Do not ask for more if you understand that you cannot pay on time.

They will simply stop trusting you, and you will no longer be able to turn to this person for help.

If the time has come to pay off the debt, do not say that you do not have this amount. Never regret the money you lost. Remember: if you give one amount, much more will come exactly at the moment when you least expect it. Don't forget that you took someone else's money, which will not bring you joy if you regret it.

To avoid financial problems in the future, borrow money only when you really need it and cannot live without it. You shouldn't buy another fur coat or car. If you know that you can do without this thing, it is better to wait until you can collect a certain amount on your own.

How to repay debt correctly

Never return money after There is an opinion that it will be gone forever, and you will not receive a new amount soon. For example, your salary will be delayed, you will lose your wallet, etc. It is not advisable to give money in the evening, it is indeed a very bad omen.

Even in ancient times, it was noted that you should not give money on Monday, Tuesday and Sunday. These days are considered non-financial. Try to refrain, no matter how much you would like to get rid of debt faster.

If you still decide to return the money in the evening or on non-financial days, then do not give it to them. Place on a shelf, nightstand, table or chair. It is advisable that the surface be wooden and not plastic.

Try not to repay debt in small bills. Remember that then the same amounts will be with you. Therefore, it is better to return in large bills, then you will see stability and improvement in business.

On bad days, never return money in amounts containing numbers such as 2 and 0. They are the ones who take away your wealth and will not allow you to earn money in the future.

We have already figured out a little about when it is better to repay debts. It wouldn’t hurt to find out the designation of banknotes. After all, a lot depends on them in the life of every person.

Designations of monetary amounts

Each number has its own purpose. Every person should know what this or that number means, since financial well-being depends on it.

Let's start with the number 1, which brings neither good nor bad. However, this is a small bill that is not advisable to borrow. But the number 2 brings bad luck to a person, especially if there are one or more zeros after it. These can be bills such as 20, 200, 2000 and so on.

The number 3 brings good luck, but don’t expect any special savings from it, but 4 is just stability and nothing more. A bill with the number 5 only brings financial well-being and good luck in all endeavors.

Banknotes with the number 6 or 7 not only bring prosperity, but also help to accumulate a certain amount. However, there is an opinion that they should not be handed over, but placed on a mahogany tree.

Number 8 is a lottery. You never know what to expect from her. She can either bring happiness or take it away. But the number 9 does not contribute to accumulation at all.

What the debtor needs to know

There is a saying that you cannot borrow money on Tuesday. There is an opinion that then you will not be able to sort out your financial problems for a whole year. Money will leave quickly, but it will be difficult to come.

You should never give money in the evening. It is believed that it will be very difficult to give them back later. Moreover, you will not even be able to collect the required amount, since evening time has a bad effect on money.

Borrow only from those people with whom you enjoy communicating and feel pleasant energy from them. After all, bad people can bring trouble into your home. It is quite possible that they will give you negative energy.

When you borrow, it’s better to offer something as a loan. Then you will not only provide yourself with stability, but also repay the debt much faster. After all, you will want to pick up your favorite thing.

Remember: before you borrow a lot of money, you must know for sure that you can pay it back. After all, in this way you attract or repel your financial luck. It all depends on how easily and quickly you repay the debt. Other people's money should always be returned and not appropriated, as it will not help you get rich.

Waning moon period

Much has been said about the fact that you cannot take or give money in the evening. However, if you repay your debt on the waning moon, then you will become a more successful person.

This was noticed by our ancestors, who believed in omens and superstitions.

If you repaid your debt during the waning moon, then come home and perform a simple ritual. In a dark room, light a candle and read the “Our Father” prayer three times. At this moment there should be complete silence in the room. In a month you will be able to verify your financial well-being.

To keep money in the house, during the waning moon, place a large bill in a corner where no one can reach it. Get it out in exactly 3 weeks. And so continue every month on the waning moon.

To have money in the house

There are many signs and rituals for this. One of them is to create a money atmosphere in the room in which you live. There must be a money tree in the main room. This is what brings good luck in the financial direction.

Always try to repay debt in large bills, as they contain strong energy that does not leave the owner. Small bills, on the contrary, take away luck and bring it to the person who lent it.

Never give out straight bills. They should be folded in half or rolled into a tube. It is believed that direct money takes away positive energy from you.

Be sure to repay your debts on time. Only then will your financial problems begin to disappear. Always remember that other people's money never brings good luck. And if you repay your debts on time, they will always meet you halfway and help you in a difficult situation.

Money amulets according to Feng Shui

First of all, your premises should have talismans that attract not only rubles or hryvnia, but also dollars. These are amulets such as a gilded frog on three legs. Such a talisman should be on the desktop where negotiations are conducted, reports are created, and so on.

There are three Chinese coins, which are tied with a red thick thread. Such a talisman should be hung in the kitchen, preferably above the stove. It is he who helps in difficult times, and you will always have money for food.

A talisman in the form of a ship filled with money should be placed in the hall where the family discusses problems. It attracts financial well-being to the home. There is an opinion that you can take the ship with you on a business trip or on vacation. Then you will never experience difficulties on the road.

If there is a schoolchild in the family, there must be a small fountain on his table. It constantly revives positive energy with its splashes, so there will be a calm and friendly atmosphere in the children's area.

However, the above talismans help only when you treat them with care and believe in their power.

Magical properties of money

Everyone knows the proverb: “A penny saves a ruble.” And that's true. Proper savings will not harm anyone. If you spend money wisely, understand the importance and necessity of purchases, then everyone will be able to save a penny from every salary.

It’s not for nothing that they say: “Money loves counting.” Many people do not count the change or money when returning. Such negligence can lead to poverty. After all, he can give the wrong amount by mistake. If you do not count the money on time, you will not be able to prove that you were given the wrong amount. Especially when you need to count a lot of money.

Another property defined by the people: you should always give money without regret, and take it with a smile and joy on your face. Here we can also talk about charity. Donate some money to an old grandmother - and you will see how after a while your financial condition will begin to improve.

You can't lend to the poor who don't have a regular job and a desire to improve their lives. After all, such a person will not learn anything. Therefore, in order not to receive negative energy from them, try not to have any financial issues with them.


From the article you learned when it is better to repay debts. If you follow the signs and adhere to the basic rules, then there will be no problems financially. After all, all of the above proverbs, magical properties and designations of monetary amounts did not come out of nowhere.

Many years ago, people began to notice some features related to money and began to compare them with certain situations. So we came to the conclusion when it is better to give money, borrow money and what to do so that there are always large bills in the house.