How to make money using Instagram? How do bloggers make money on Instagram, what do they get paid for? A million views on Instagram, how much money.

Instagram is a social network that is gaining more and more popularity every day, which provides great prospects for occupying your niche and gaining a large audience. Is it worth starting your project in 2017, how quickly will the investment pay off, how much do publics, bloggers and top stars earn on Instagram from followers - we’ll talk about all this today.

How much do you earn from advertising on Instagram and how to get into the trend of the growing social network?

The fact that selling on Instagram is much more profitable than on VKontakte and other social networks has long been known to advertisers who strive to get the maximum return on their investment (ROI). In addition, the fact that this site is demonstrating positive growth dynamics provides another compelling argument in favor of developing your own account. In the era of Internet technology, people are already too lazy to read blogs and magazines; they just need to scroll through, watch photos or videos. Instagram today is associated with popular photographers, top models, show business, and the Russian elite. That is why today, according to advertising exchanges, about 80% of orders from advertisers go to this social network.
On average, for a top model of average popularity with 500 thousand followers, the publication will cost about 20,000-30,000 rubles. For all-Russian stars with an audience of millions, the amount of earnings from one placement can reach 1 million rubles. For example, Kim Kardashian, with an audience of 60 million, costs 1 placement $10,000.

If you don’t have a promoted account yet, you can try it on Insta.

How much can you earn on Instagram in a month?

On average, you can start earning income on Instagram with 50,000-100,000 subscriptions from 100 to 15,000 rubles. for advertising. If you take this minimum level, you can earn from 3,000 to 450,000 rubles per month. Prices depend not only on the number of subscribers, but also on the chosen topic, activity and geolocation of the audience.

Today the following topics are trending: fashion industry, popular photographers, individual beauty blogs, entertainment topics, video blogs. The chance to quickly find your audience is guaranteed to publics targeted at the middle class of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Topics such as sports, life in a metropolis, proper nutrition, and others are becoming increasingly popular. The growth trend of publics is the same as on VKontakte.

How much do stars earn on Instagram?

Celebrities who appear on the covers of fashion magazines, posting posts on their profiles, receive tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles. for one placement. How much does stellar PR actually cost and is it affordable for everyone?
Let’s satisfy our curiosity about how much Buzova earns on Instagram. The TV personality currently has more than 9 million subscribers on her account. And the minimum placement threshold is 202 thousand rubles.

Alena Vodonaeva sets the same price. For Ksenia Sobchak, who has about 4.5 million subscriptions, one advertising placement costs 100-250 thousand rubles. Ksenia Borodina asks for about 150 thousand rubles for one publication. Victoria Bonya takes the same amount. Alena Shishkova’s post is estimated at 70 thousand rubles. Anastasia Volochkova and Victoria Lopyreva quote approximately the same price. For the not so famous model Daria Shay, placement with an audience of millions costs 10,000 rubles.

How much do bloggers earn on Instagram?

Today, the authority of the opinion of bloggers who are style icons is so great that even manufacturers of such fashion brands as Louis Vuitton or Chanel are ready to give them bags just for the promotion of their products to their subscribers. On average, popular bloggers with a number of subscriptions of 50,000-100,000 people receive 5,000-15,000 rubles per post. Advertising with the most popular bloggers can cost advertisers 200 thousand rubles. You can imagine that when publishing just one advertising placement per day, passive income per month ranges from 150 thousand to several million rubles. But now it’s not funny at all, especially for those who didn’t show any hope for this social network and made fun of those who diligently posted photos to promote themselves on the social network.

Let's look at this example - how much does the famous YouTube video blogger Maria Wei, who has more than 4 million “fans,” earn. The screenshot shows that 1 placement costs about 270 thousand rubles.

How much do publics on Instagram earn from advertising posts?

Today, advertisers who grew up in the era of social networks are “hardened” in the topic of Internet marketing and can literally determine by eye which platforms are worth posting on and which ones are not. They easily estimate what percentage of live subscribers on a blog, and which of them are stuffed with bots.

1 placement on average costs from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles.

The most popular social network Instagram allows account owners not only to publish photos, text notes and short videos, but also to earn money from the posted content. Of course, no one will pay for the very fact of creating an account: in order to start receiving money, the user needs to gain a certain number of subscribers, and ideally, enter into several contracts with advertisers.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally another popular question: ? The income of the account owner depends on the efforts made, commercial abilities, external data, literary skill and basic luck. Without at least one of these factors, success becomes much more difficult.

Advice: to increase the popularity of your account, it doesn’t hurt to involve professionals in the design and writing of texts - artists, photographers, copywriters and marketers. Their services are not free, but the account owner is guaranteed to receive a return, expressed in an increase in the number of page visitors - both one-time (random) and regular (subscribers).

It is the number of subscribers that is the decisive factor: the more there are, the more you can earn on Instagram, receiving both active (from new publications) and passive income.

Important: in any social network, not excluding Instagram, “live” subscribers are especially valued - real people who perform actions dictated by emotions, and therefore unpredictable. They can periodically subscribe to an account, unsubscribe from it, put and remove likes and write more or less pleasant comments. Retaining them (let alone motivating them to take the necessary actions) is extremely difficult, and if the account owner does not have the relevant experience, but wants to receive a stable income, he will have to hire a promotion specialist.

However, it is still impossible to distinguish “live” subscribers from “inflated” ones with the help of special algorithms with 100% probability, and therefore many account owners who do not have the opportunity to quickly gain the required number of regular visitors prefer to keep the page from being idle and use not entirely honest ones. but much faster methods to get the desired number.

The most common ways to make money on Instagram are:

  • receiving money from advertisers for advertising integrations or separately placed posts;
  • placing likes on the posts of other users in exchange for a certain, usually not too large, reward;
  • promoting other people's accounts.

The second option does not bring real profit, and in order to make money with the help of the third, you need to have the necessary knowledge and skills. This means that the average owner should concentrate on the first way to generate income.

Profit in this case will depend not only on (this should be agreed upon in advance with the advertiser), but also on the initial number of subscribers (at the time of concluding the contract) and their growth: the more promising the account, the more its owner will be able to earn.

Currently, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Over the course of several years, its audience has grown to enormous proportions, and the service itself has been expanded with a host of different functions during this time. But the most interesting thing is that business and a solvent audience have come to Instagram, which means that advertising budgets have begun to be allocated, some of which we can earn. And today we will tell you all the options for making money on Instagram, and how much you will earn depends on your activity and abilities.

How to start making money on Instagram using this method? It’s simple, you post your best work on your account, thereby creating a kind of portfolio, and through it you get clients.

To make it easier to find your offer:

  • You should add hashtags to your posts with the name of the services and the area where your potential clients are located;
  • Use mass following (mass subscription to people who may be interested in the services offered).

You've probably seen examples of such accounts more than once; someone you don't know has subscribed to you. When you came to this page, you most likely came across an offer to buy some product or service. This is how mass following works. The account owner massively subscribes to everyone he deems necessary, hoping that the person will notice the notification, go to the subscribed page and become interested in the offer.

During the transition we see cosmetic services

Below we will tell you which programs you can use to organize a mass subscription so as not to do it manually.

Earnings from selling goods

If you are engaged in the production of handmade products, are the owner of an online store or a blogger who wants to sell your branded paraphernalia (mostly clothing), then Instagram can be a very good way to find new customers, since the consumer spectrum here is larger than in many other countries. other places.

For those involved in reselling, Instagram also provides a good place to start and promote. At the same time, you can sell anything - from clothing (the most common example) to goods in which an extremely narrow circle of users is interested.

The best sellers on Instagram are:

  • Sneakers;
  • Swimwear;
  • Underwear;
  • Fashionable streetwear;
  • Accessories: belts, glasses, gloves, handbags.

Selling goods through Instagram has become very common because it is very convenient, you can attach up to 10 photos and videos of a product in one post, make a description, and accept orders through comments or WhatApp. This saves the buyer from having to follow links to an online store, and allows them to make purchases directly within the social network. This gives the store owner the opportunity to speed up the sales process, and therefore increase profits.

All that is required of you is to provide a competent visual presentation of your products and actively promote your account.

Promoting accounts for money

Large companies often need specialists who can promote Instagram accounts for money, thereby attracting new clients. Such specialists are usually called Instagram managers (SMM specialists in a more general case), and they deal with the design of the appearance of the account (posting photos with descriptions for them), trying to give it the most presentable appearance, setting up advertising and promoting the account using various methods.

At the moment, this method of earning money is quite popular due to its relative ease of learning, and even schoolchildren make money from it.

In 1-2 months you can well study the intricacies and aspects of this business, while for maintaining one account they can pay up to 30,000 rubles per month. Agree, your income will be quite decent if you maintain 2-3 accounts.

An example of the earnings of such specialists

Administration of other people's accounts

This method is similar to promotion for money, but here you will have to work with an already promoted account, and your responsibilities will include filling it with content on a regular basis (posting), communicating with subscribers and monitoring order in the comments. Work of this kind is mainly relevant in commercial accounts or in public pages (profiles with entertainment content). Bloggers, as a rule, maintain their accounts independently, although there are exceptions.

A separate important skill for an employee will be analyzing account popularity statistics. To do this, you can use various services, for example, Pycalitics.

You can find such work on freelance exchanges in the SMM and social networks section. In addition, you can offer your services personally by writing a direct message to promoted accounts.

Earning money from selling advertising

Not only bloggers can make money from advertising. Anyone who has gained several tens of thousands of subscribers on their account can turn it into a solid source of income. The essence is very simple - advertisers need to sell some product or service, and they invite you to post a post with your offer, since you have many subscribers and there will probably be buyers. At the same time, you receive money for posting a post.

An example of advertising eco-candles on Instagram

You can earn money using the following advertising formats:

  1. Selling profile posts;
  2. Advertising in Stories;
  3. Native advertising (mention of a brand or product).

one of the most effective and at the same time not obvious at first glance methods of advertising. For example, a popular blogger appears in a photo wearing some nice T-shirt 1-2 times a month. However, his post says nothing about her. Neither the parameters, nor the price, nor the methods of delivery and payment are specified. To put it simply, the photograph at first glance is not of an advertising nature. But at the same time, the clothing brand is always clearly visible in such photos. This may interest the subscriber, who will later order the T-shirt that the blogger wore. This is how this advertising ploy works, which is completely invisible to the naked eye. Native advertising doesn’t irritate subscribers as much, so it gets more likes and views.

And this is an example of native advertising

The cost of advertising posts is set by the account owner, and there are no limits here, it all depends on your desire and impudence. But, of course, advertising prices must be within reason, otherwise you simply will not be able to find advertisers.


How much can you earn on Instagram from advertising?

On accounts with average popularity (several tens of thousands of subscribers) they offer 500-1000 rubles. At the same time, prices can be raised as the account becomes more popular. It is noteworthy that there is no upper limit on the price: after gaining several million subscribers, you can already ask for hundreds of thousands of rubles for advertising.

If you have an account with a large number of subscribers, and the idea of ​​earning 1000-3000 rubles for one advertising post seems very attractive, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this method of earning money and place it on advertising exchanges.

How do bloggers make money on Instagram and how?

For bloggers, the main source of income is the sale of advertising. At the same time, they can advertise anything and however they want. Most often these are goods, but in addition to them, bloggers advertise services and events.

Example of an advertising post from a blogger

How to make money on Instagram from likes

This way of earning money is the simplest, but also far from the most profitable. It is connected with Instagram only indirectly: the work is done through special sites where you will be asked to like, subscribe to profiles and write comments for money.

This is approximately how much they pay on VKTarget for one subscription and one like.

Among such sites for making money on likes, the following are very popular:


True, such services also have disadvantages. As a rule, the choice of tasks for them is not very large, and the reward for completing them is modest, so you won’t be able to earn big money here.

Earning money from affiliate programs

Affiliate programs provide an opportunity to earn money by advertising other people's products and services for a commission on sales. In your profile, you place advertising offers from various advertisers and receive a percentage of the store's profit. At first glance, this is the same as selling advertising. The methods are really similar, but there are serious differences between them. Here you are paid not for advertising, but for actions attracted users via your advertising link (registration, purchase, replenishment of balance). In order for users to get to the advertiser’s website, usually an advertising link is placed in the profile description, or they create a special advertising profile with photos and descriptions of the product/service and link to it in posts.

Someone is promoting a lamp from an affiliate program on Instagram

What is the best way to earn money:

  • Popular products for women (including mothers);
  • Dating sites (payment for registration, filling out a questionnaire, etc.);
  • Games and applications for mobile.

Video: How to promote your Instagram profile to make money on affiliate programs

The most common are affiliate programs for the sale of physical goods and watches in particular. There are special affiliate networks where you can find advertisers selling different types of products. This allows you to select the most profitable offers for the topic and audience of your account.

Products offered for advertising and rewards for them

Affiliate programs where you can choose an offer for advertising and receive an individual link:


Selling promoted accounts

Often, to conduct business, accounts are used that have many subscribers in advance. This avoids the need to spend money and time on promotion. You just need to buy an account and you can immediately start selling products, advertising campaigns, etc. If you have an account with a lot of followers, but you definitely don't intend to use it, it might be worth selling it. You can also engage in mass promotion of accounts with the further goal of selling them.

Advertisements for the sale and purchase of Instagram accounts are posted on specialized forums and VKontakte groups, and the transaction takes place through a guarantor, for example, through the service

How to make your page popular - instructions for attracting subscribers

A promoted page on Instagram, as on any social network, can always serve as a source of income, you just need to put in the effort. In our economically unstable times, a popular Instagram profile can allow you not to be left without money in the event of layoffs, layoffs, and similar measures. Thus, an Instagram account is also an investment, absolutely the same as, for example, an investment in real estate, which differs, however, in its scale. If you want to have such a source of income, you should think about promoting your existing account now. To succeed in this matter, do the following:

1. Select a relevant topic for your account

Subscribers will go en masse to places where there is always something fashionable and relevant, interesting to everyone in our time. A competent choice of profile topics is the key to your success.

2. Increasing the number of subscribers

The concepts of page popularity and the number of subscribers cannot exist without each other, so attracting an audience should be taken seriously. Attract subscribers using old methods (hashtags, mass following, mass liking), as well as by publishing interesting content, because Instagram promotes interesting posts for free. Participate in giveaways (group purchase of advertising from a popular blogger) and use paid promotion of posts at first.

3. Account activity

In addition, you must always stay active: constantly make new interesting publications, communicate with subscribers, hold competitions for them, etc. Subscribers should see your interest in maintaining your profile.

Never take long breaks. Posting on your page should be regular. If necessary, you can take short breaks, but if they drag on too long, the interest of subscribers in the project fades.

Instagram today is one of the most popular and in-demand social networks both for communication and for earning hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. The main idea of ​​this project is to share your impressions and emotions through photographs. Perhaps it was because of this idea that the project began to gain rapid popularity, and in just three years of work, the Instagram service had more than 200 million active users.

Thanks to this social network, almost every girl has learned to form a duck’s lips and find a good angle for a selfie. But the platform attracts not only the number and variety of charming photos, but also a good opportunity to make money on Instagram.

Previously, users created YouTube channels to promote themselves and make money from their subscribers. Now a similar earnings scheme has moved to Instagram. But making money in this project has a number of advantages:

Ease of content creation

Maintaining your profile is relatively simple. You just need to choose the topic of your account, and it can be multidisciplinary.

You can safely alternate pictures of yourself with pictures of nature and attractions, as well as with shots of restaurant food and, at worst, your feet in the bath! These seemingly oddities have become Instagram classics.

People just love to view any beautiful, high-quality and colorful images. A little imagination and developed taste - and your profile can become popular.

Promoting your page is easier than on other social networks

Perhaps because Instagram is a relatively young project, it is much easier to attract the public here. For example, many beautiful girls have a lot of subscribers, and they did not offer any special efforts for this, but became famous solely due to their attractive appearance.

In the world of Instagram, it’s enough just to post high-quality materials, respond to the mood of your audience, conduct a dialogue with the public - and popularity will appear.

For example, Olga Buzova’s income from her page exceeds one million rubles a day.

Why is there such a strong emphasis on popularity in this article? Because she is the one who will help you earn really good money on Instagram.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Instagram has become one of the most popular networks in the world, used by 800 million people. Business develops more easily than on other resources on the World Wide Web.

How much can you earn on Instagram?

  • 4 – 10 thousand people. — from 500 to 1000 rub. ($ 8 — 16) for 1 post;
  • 20 - 30 thousandfrom 2000 to 5000 ($ 32 — 80);
  • 50 - 80 thousand- from 10 to 30 thousand. ($ 160 — 481);
  • popular - over 100,000 ($ 1604).

Many people are interested in how much Instagram pays for views. It all depends on the number of subscribers.

First thing a niche is selected, in which you feel free, you can achieve success. It’s not just millionaires who receive income. Below are recommendations with the intention of receiving funds for a new recruit.

Drawing up a promotion plan

Main - account theme. Content is divided into 3 categories:

  1. Educational or entertaining.
  2. Private.
  3. Selling.

Post about yourself and your work process inside. The visitor wants to see a person, not a robot. Publish posts better morning and evening around 8-9 o'clock. The best option is 1 publication per day. Characters under photos are limited up to 2000, divide the text into parts and fit in 500−1000 characters. Divide the text into small paragraphs, it’s more pleasant to read. Use the image in square resolution with the same style. Video clip must catch with original content understandable without sound:

  1. Applications for purposes photo processing: VSCO, Snapseed, Afterlight, Pinterest.
  2. Applications for video enhancement: Imovie, InShot, Flipagram, Hyperlapse, Boomerang.
  3. Applications for the sake of creating stories: Story Lab, Story Maker, Story Art, Unfold, InstaMini.
  4. Ideas looking for on Pinterest and on the Internet.

It’s difficult to immediately say how much certain bloggers are paid per million followers on Instagram.

Media content optimization

How to get promoted? Content plan created in advance flexible, includes unplanned events:

  1. Rubric.
  2. Post type.
  3. Periodicity.
  4. Hashtags.

To attract buyers you need 5 ways to get people active:

  1. Practical jokes.
  2. Competitions with prizes.
  3. Marathons. It does not take long, 5-10 days will be enough.
  4. Geo-location. Potential clients from your city appear.
  5. Hashtags.

Important! Tags work as navigation; they make it easier to find a post on a specific topic, just as consumers are found in the case of geo-location. The application is limited to 30 pieces.

Statistics tracking

Statistics are irreplaceable when buying PR. Switch to business account and statistics can be viewed on Instagram, and the profile must be open. Available only after connection; if you turn it off, all data will be lost.

The following are visible functions:

  1. Page views and stories.
  2. Coverage.
  3. Impressions.
  4. Clicks in the link area specified in the profile.
  5. Clicks on the “Contact” button.
  6. Engagement (total number of actions).
  7. Saves.

Activity data shows:

  • gender, age, geography of visitors;
  • activity during the week.

It is important to know! Follower information is visible to users with 100 followers or more.

Quality and reputation are paramount

Once you have enough readers, you can make a terrible mistake. Daily and Frequent product advertising is the killer of all efforts. Be more loyal, treat people with respect, choose a service based on the topic.

Only with quality management will there be development.

Compliance with site and advertiser rules

Instagram has the right block user:

  1. Cheating likes and followers.
  2. Not regular posts (otherwise they will no longer be visible in the feed).
  3. Using the same type copied content.
  4. Be active in moderation.

Today the limit on likes, comments and subscriptions is stricter. All limits in force at this stage may change at any time. Be careful, blocking and bans are happening more and more often.

Selling your products

Sales feature - picture. Now there is a trend towards a healthy lifestyle, by removing all harmful components from your creation, demand will begin to grow. It is effective to promote entire collections of inventions before holidays, on occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries.

Important! Don’t be afraid of mistakes, strive for perfection.

Product advertising

Advertising- an effective way to attract future followers. Don't skimp on advertising. Before buying PR, make your profile visually beautiful, let it be published from 6 posts.

Goals for popularization on Instagram:

  • services and assortment for which there is no demand in Google;
  • educational courses, trainings, events;
  • firm, company, brand;
  • establishments, points.

Types of promotion:

  1. Story. Popular, convenient, covering over 500 million similarities.
  2. Photo. Convenient and simple type of advertising.
  3. Video. Video in landscape, square format.
  4. Circular gallery. Posting several photos/videos.
  5. Selection. It is beneficial to present products and inspire customers to buy using videos and photos.

You should also clearly understand how to get money for views on Instagram.

Using affiliate programs

What is an affiliate program and how does it work? It's not the product that's being promoted, purchasing raw materials using a promo code or registering on the website. The income will come from the customer who buys something, and not just clicks on the link.

In the affiliate program you can make a profit without having your own website by posting a referral link on forums, social networks. networks, blog. Don't send spam- these are violations of the program after which you will get blocked.

You are guaranteed:

  1. Official registration and payments.
  2. Online statistics.
  3. Training and support.

Attention! Part of the earnings from income will be lost to pay taxes.

Like and subscribe

The best affiliate programs for arbitration - mass liking and mass following. They are suitable for new recruits. The simplest way to make modest profits paid likes, comments.

Attention! After registering on, v-like you begin to receive profit for completed tasks.

For every 100 likes, an average of 6 users arrive. Subscribe to people who bet hashtags#followme #likeforlike, they will follow back. Common tags are #instagood #photooftheday.

How many subscribers do you need?

You can start making money on Instagram already with several thousand subscribers. A lot depends on the topic of the blog. If the topic is narrowly focused, then even with 5−10,000 followers, you can earn from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. for publication.

Just by looking at the topic, you can say exactly how much to charge for advertising on Instagram.

How much do they pay on Instagram for 1000 subscribers?

For initial earnings it should be approximately 1−2 thousand subscribers, you can type them in different ways.

Bloggers with 1-10 thousand. subscribers can earn from 1000 rub. and more depending on the topic of the page.