Reconstruction of buildings and structures. Reconstruction project and estimate

Reconstruction of buildings and structures is a whole complex of installation and construction work, the purpose of which is to change the architectural design of objects and create various capital superstructures, extensions and attics. In addition, this includes changes in the building equipment system and load-bearing structures, as well as landscaping of adjacent areas.


It must be carried out comprehensively, and it usually begins with repairing the foundation, creating it additionally, or strengthening the foundation underneath it. Reconstruction work includes waterproofing the base of the building and its basements and walls, replacing floors and roofing systems. Recently, some companies and organizations have begun to include interior decoration, equipment, and the addition of a residential attic to the list of these services.

There are several types of reconstruction of buildings and structures:

  • conversion of an industrial facility into apartments or offices;
  • increasing the area of ​​premises;
  • expansion of production areas due to the construction of additional ceilings in buildings with high ceilings, etc.

In general, the reconstruction of facilities involves the creation of additional space to accommodate industrial workshops and warehouses, various units and equipment, and residential apartments. Comprehensive modification of buildings also includes the installation of a number of engineering systems, such as heating, energy supply, sewerage, ventilation, security and fire protection systems. And all this must comply with accepted construction standards.

Types of reconstructions

For industrial enterprises, there are two types of restructuring: actual transformation and technical re-equipment. The latter involves replacing equipment when the cost of construction and installation work is no more than 10% of the total cost. When the actual transformation of a structure occurs, not only the equipment is changed, but also the building itself. At the same time, various superstructures, extensions, construction of new buildings, etc. can be made.

For many facilities, the share of equipment in the overall balance is insignificant, so they are divided according to a slightly different principle, and specifically into partial or complete reconstruction. The first implies the replacement of only individual elements of the structure with the continuation of its operation, and the second - a radical reconstruction of the building, where it is possible to replace structures, equipment, individual components, change its size, etc.

It should include information relating to all types of construction and installation work, calculations and design of changes that will be made in the communication and engineering systems of the structure, as well as a package of documents on the suitability of the building for use. Drawing up a reconstruction plan should be done exclusively by specialists with experience in this matter.


Before you begin rebuilding a facility, you need to prepare the appropriate documentation. Then it is necessary to coordinate it in different government authorities. It should be noted right away that this can be very difficult to do. This is especially true for objects of cultural and historical significance, as well as architectural monuments. In addition, there are difficulties in agreeing to recreate or preserve their original appearance. Construction and installation work can only begin if permission to carry it out has already been obtained.

Main stages

Reconstruction of buildings and structures basically consists of the same stages as the investment cycles of new buildings:

  • Pre-project stage. It includes all activities carried out during new construction. But most often this stage occurs in a somewhat simplified form.
  • Inspection of reconstructed foundations and objects. It should be noted that it is impossible to skip this stage. During it, not only the hydrogeological regime, soil conditions and relief are assessed, but also the condition in which underground and above-ground structures are currently located, as well as the possibility of additional load on them and their further operation. The inspection of all elements of the building must be carried out carefully and any damage found must be described in detail. In this case, every bend, crack or spot of dampness must be photographed, measured and recorded in a document. If necessary, laboratory tests are performed if individual elements have been opened. At the end of the examination, a special report is drawn up, which includes photographs, calculations and other documents.
  • A renovation project is in many ways similar to what is done for newly constructed buildings, but involves less paperwork. It contains all the main parts: architectural and construction, technological, estimates, general and construction organization plan. The reconstruction project is considered and approved in almost the same way as a new building.
  • Implementation of the plan. In order to carry out a reconstruction project, it is necessary to carry out construction and installation work. If they are carried out on the territory of an existing enterprise, then its activities should either not be reduced at all, or only to a minimal extent. At the same time, its management carefully coordinates the sequence and implementation of all construction and installation work, as well as the conditions for combining them with work in production shops with the general contractor and designer.

The most effective are reconstructions of buildings and structures carried out using the nodal method. In this case, the enterprise is conditionally divided into parts where it is possible to freely set up and install technological equipment, as well as carry out construction work. After the unit is completed, it is handed over to the operation service.

and reconstruction

These works have a lot in common. Reconstruction and capital construction, as two sets of work, seem to be quite complex processes that require maximum coherence and responsibility from the construction and installation companies carrying them out. This applies to both the preparation of relevant documentation and the attraction of highly qualified specialists.

Reconstruction and capital construction involve the simultaneous re-equipment, expansion and construction of various facilities, during the construction of which it will be necessary to carry out not only installation, but also excavation work associated with the construction of load-bearing structures, foundations and utilities.

Repair and reconstruction

Usually these concepts are inseparable from each other. Reconstruction and repair are a set of works in which it is necessary to first change partially or completely the size of the building or carry out its reconstruction, and then move on to internal redevelopment and final finishing. Reconstruction of structures is often carried out when new objects are built nearby, accompanied by the laying of various communications, or in the event of wear and tear of any structures, as well as changes in the condition of the soil underneath them.

The company’s employees inspect and evaluate objects, and, if necessary, test structures in possible and acceptable ways. After the monitoring result is received, the customer receives a conclusion on the possibility of carrying out reconstruction work and information on the technical and economic indicators of the project.

The term reconstruction of buildings refers to a complete reorganization. This process is always labor-intensive and time-consuming. It needs a professional approach at every stage. Thanks to reconstruction, even a dilapidated building can be made suitable for life and activity.

In most cases, reconstruction work includes:

  • changing the size of an object;
  • strengthening of structures and structural elements;
  • registration of papers for the site;
  • procedures related to redevelopment;
  • restoration of engineering networks and communications;
  • construction of an extension and superstructure;
  • finishing of the interior and exterior of the building;
  • converting an attic into an attic, etc.

Building reconstruction works

Depending on the type of building the builders individually select a set of works. Typically, the reconstruction of objects involves repair, restoration, replacement of floors, stairs, windows, doors, and renovation of the building facade. If you compare it with building a house from scratch, it costs less.

Our industrial specialists perform this when the technological process changes or when it is necessary to expand production volumes. Maximum attention here is given to strengthening the walls, restoring the foundation, and ceilings to maintain the strength and stability of the entire facility.

In public buildings, building reconstruction work differs depending on the type of object. Restoration of a non-residential or administrative building includes strengthening load-bearing walls, foundations, facade finishing, and roof repairs.

Reconstruction of structures for various purposes

Our company's specialists carry out reconstruction of permanent buildings. This means changing the facade of the building, improving the technical characteristics of structures, increasing safety and efficiency. It is necessary to carry out reconstruction work on buildings if there is premature destruction of structures, the façade is crumbling, it is necessary to change the internal area of ​​the object, strengthen the load-bearing systems, and restore the foundation.

As a rule, the concepts of repair and reconstruction are inseparable. They include a set of works that require partially or completely changing the size of the object or performing its reconstruction, as well as redevelopment and final finishing. Real specialists approach any reconstruction project individually, taking into account the terrain, capabilities and tools.

What determines the cost of reconstruction?

The cost of building reconstruction depends primarily on:

  • Like;
  • Squares;
  • Construction materials that will be used in the process of carrying out various works;
  • The time frame within which the work must be completed.

In most situations, determining the type of renovation required, determining the cost of various works and the timing of their completion is carried out after a thorough inspection of the building with the help of qualified specialists. To do this, an employee visits the site.

What are the different ways to renovate buildings?

Since the ultimate goal of any reconstruction is the maximum possible increase in the operational efficiency of the building, complex work includes:

  • Façade renovation;
  • Changes in individual technical indicators;
  • Construction of an additional superstructure;
  • Replacement of outdated roofing;
  • Strengthening the supporting structure;
  • Carrying out competent redevelopment;
  • Updating engineering systems and communications.

Also, do not forget that an additional goal of building reconstruction is to minimize the cost of maintaining them, therefore, due to the use of modern materials, the price for the reconstruction of residential and commercial buildings quickly pays off, as the facility is optimized.

Among other things, correct and timely reconstruction makes it possible to avoid any unforeseen situations, for example, fires or any others that could arise due to improper installation of wiring or a short circuit due to leakage of an outdated roofing covering.

The need to reconstruct buildings often arises during their operation. The owner or tenant needs to increase the usable area, change the layout, update the facade or solve other problems.

Before reconstructing a building, specialists perform a full technical inspection, which will allow them to assess the current condition of the facility and select measures for further refurbishment. Next, you can begin to develop design documentation. Priority tasks are changing the quality and quantity of useful spaces inside the building, increasing capacity, extension area, etc.

An example of the reconstruction of an industrial building (factory) into an office center:

The main goals of the reconstruction of buildings and structures:

increasing the area of ​​the building (construction of attics, redevelopment of premises, addition of floors, construction of extensions, etc.

refurbishment of internal premises;

updating or changing the façade of a building;

changing or updating the appearance of an object;

strengthening the load-bearing structures of the building.

One of the main areas of our activity is the reconstruction of industrial buildings. During their work, the specialists of the RosArchitect company have implemented many projects of varying complexity. etc.

What work is included in the reconstruction project?

The main list of work performed during the reconstruction of public, industrial, and residential buildings is indicated in the Appendix of Departmental Construction Standards of the State Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning. To update and restore objects, in addition to increasing the usable area, the following is carried out:

  • reorganization of internal space. This stage of reconstruction is especially important for industrial buildings, allowing the old building to be brought into compliance with new requirements for working conditions;
  • modernization of internal and external engineering networks, replacement of equipment with modern, reliable and efficient analogues;
  • restoration of the load-bearing capacity of structural elements (foundation, walls, ceilings);
  • improvement of architecture and landscaping of the surrounding area. It is mandatory to carry out the reconstruction of administrative and public buildings located in the historical part of the city, and other objects whose appearance must correspond to the aesthetics of the surrounding buildings.

Depending on the purpose and condition of the object, this list may be supplemented with other items, so the design of building reconstruction is always carried out individually.

Reconstruction projects for different parts of objects

The building reconstruction project is being prepared in stages, with a detailed study of each element of the structure. The foundation, walls, facade and roof are considered separately. Restoring or updating each has its own characteristics.

Design of building foundation reconstruction

Work is carried out if the foundation masonry is weakened, the load on it is increased or the bearing capacity of the soil is reduced. The strength of the foundation is increased with the help of reinforced concrete structures, soil imperfections are corrected by laying cast-in-place piles, compacting crushed stone, and silicization.

Building wall reconstruction project

When restoring walls, the main work is aimed at restoring their load-bearing capacity, reducing shrinkage, erosion and cracks. To strengthen the project, reinforced concrete products or new brickwork are laid along all enclosing structures and attached to them with anchor bolts.

Roof restoration

Before designing the reconstruction of the roof of an industrial, residential, or public building, its condition is assessed. After the inspection, the list of works includes eliminating defects, painting damaged areas, replacing pipes and gutters, and outdated roofing.

Reconstruction of facades of residential, administrative, industrial buildings

When updating the façade, the project involves not only strengthening the walls. Restoration work may include installation or repair of the entrance group, increasing the number or size of window openings. The final stage is finishing, for which plaster or paint is used. Before starting work, restoration operations are carried out to correct wall defects, and materials that comply with GOST standards are selected.

Also, the restoration of the facade is carried out using new brickwork or strengthening the old one. In the second case, the structures are enclosed in steel corners, and a polymer cement solution is pumped into the gaps.

Another way to update facades is to install suspended ventilated systems. This method of reconstruction is applicable to all types of objects, but is especially in demand in industrial buildings, hiding communications and any surface defects.

Work examples

Stages of work

Architectural concept

Development of preliminary architectural and space-planning solutions for the construction site, including the development of AGR

Obtaining initial permitting documentation (IRD)

  • Obtaining GPZU
  • Carrying out engineering surveys
  • Carrying out a building survey (if necessary)
  • Obtaining Technical Specifications, etc.

Project documentation

Development of project documentation at the “Project Documentation” stage in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008, to the extent necessary for passing the examination of project documentation

Approval of project documentation

Obtaining all necessary approvals, including undergoing an examination of design documentation and obtaining a Construction Permit.

Working documentation

Development of working drawings to the extent necessary for construction and installation work

Conducting architectural supervision of the construction of the design object

Carefully carried out engineering calculations and preparation of technical documentation guarantee exceptional reliability, functionality and energy efficiency of the buildings being constructed.

The design of buildings is carried out in full compliance with current building codes and regulations. Each object developed by our architects is a unique building, distinguished by comfort, functionality and ergonomics.

The advanced trends that are used in the design of buildings are reflected by strict proportions and elegant decoration of facades, thoughtful layout of premises and communications, as well as full natural insolation of the internal space and compliance with the requirements for the accessibility of buildings by people with limited mobility.

Why is it profitable to order building design in "RosArchitect"

Personal approach to each client. At the stage of preliminary approval of the project, the Customer can make adjustments to the documentation.

Turnkey service package. Specialists perform a full range of work, starting with developing the concept of the future structure and ending with project support at all stages of construction.

Automation of work. During the design process, advanced computer modeling methods and modern equipment are used. As a result, the quality and efficiency of technical documentation development significantly improves.

Experience and competence of employees. The company's staff consists of specialists with specialized education and extensive experience in the field of building design.

No intermediaries. The project is developed by one organization, which guarantees compliance with deadlines and more favorable price conditions.

We guarantee:

  • fulfillment of contractual obligations efficiently and on time;
  • full compliance of the results with the goals set;
  • flexible approach and readiness to solve any technical issues;
  • prompt approval of design documentation.

The best prices for building reconstruction this month!

Name of works Cost, rub. Unit change
Dismantling of gypsum concrete partitions135 m2
Dismantling of brick partitions (up to 1/2) 150 m2
Dismantling of partitions made of reinforced concrete thickness. 8 cm 500 m2
Cleaning the ceiling from paint and putty 160 m2
Cleaning walls of paint and putty 100 m2
Cleaning walls from plaster 160 m2
Cleaning the ceiling from plaster 220 m2
Installation of decorative beam structures with antique sanding and varnish coating1000 m2
Installation of 2-layer gypsum plasterboard partitions400 m2
Installation of 4-layer gypsum plasterboard partitions500 m2
Installation of partitions made of bricks 1/2450 m2
Installation of partitions from blocks400 m2

Do you want to increase the area of ​​a private house and add a floor to it? Or maybe you need a grandiose redevelopment of an apartment building or office? But you don’t know who to entrust it to? Order building reconstruction from our company and don’t worry about anything else! Be the first to find out what problems the reconstruction of buildings and structures successfully solves, and why it is better to entrust this kind of work exclusively to professional builders!

Building reconstruction work: what does it include?

Reconstruction of buildings and facilities is the performance of certain construction work aimed at modernizing a building and improving its operational characteristics.

The construction and reconstruction of industrial and production buildings is carried out with the aim of modernizing and improving its functionality, increasing production capacity, changing the range of products and improving their quality. If we talk about the reconstruction of residential buildings, then in this case its main tasks are to extend the service life of houses, expand the usable area by creating attics, extensions and superstructures, as well as increasing the level of comfort.

After repairs and reconstruction of buildings, the finished building must fully comply with current technical, environmental, sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards.

Why can’t major repairs and reconstruction of buildings be entrusted to people without construction experience?

The operation of buildings subject to reconstruction usually involves large costs - as a rule, it is better to pay a significant amount once for a competent reconstruction than to constantly pay for the maintenance of a dilapidated building. The last option will ultimately be the most expensive - which is why the reconstruction of the premises in the building remains one of the most important construction functions. Construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures requires a high level of qualifications and a professional approach to each stage.

Improperly performed major reconstruction of buildings can cause not only the appearance of cracks in the floors and facades, but also deformations of the foundation structure and even complete destruction of the building!

Without compliance with SNiPs, technical and environmental standards, it is impossible to carry out competent reconstruction of a non-residential building or residential building. By entrusting the building reconstruction project to amateurs, you will not save money, but will waste it, since such an approach to work will very soon force you to look for contractors for urgent major repairs. To organize the reconstruction of buildings, it is worth choosing a company with many years of experience, which employs qualified specialists and involves experienced builders to carry out the work.

Issue No. 6


Reconstruction of buildings

In the construction industry building reconstruction and buildings occupies a special place. Reconstruction of the building happens, it is necessary in many cases - for example, when the customer wants to change the functional purpose of the building, or when the building has fallen into disrepair or is obsolete, as well as in many other situations when it is necessary to change the configuration and size of the building, remodel the building, rebuild the building, add floors , additional extension, etc.

Obviously, building reconstruction- this is a complex of organizational and construction measures and construction and installation works associated with a change in the functional purpose of the building, a change in the quantity and quality of internal premises, the need to increase the total area of ​​the building and its capacity, etc.

Reconstruction of structures as their operation progressed, it became the main and perhaps the most significant issue in the construction industry. After all, the costs of operating dilapidated buildings that require constant repairs here and there are much more than the funds that can be invested in reconstruction of objects.

General principles for the reconstruction of buildings and structures

Variety of existing buildings and structures- the result of the interaction of factors such as the original purpose of the building, its configuration and others architectural and planning solutions, level of comfort of premises, etc. All these characteristics underwent noticeable changes as social requirements for housing and opportunities grew construction industry. Therefore, as a basis classification of residential buildings the period of their construction may be taken into account.

Reconstruction and repair of buildings

Reconstruction of buildings and structures involves the implementation of a set of works that are necessary in the event of changes in the size of the building, its complete or partial reconstruction and internal redevelopment. Reconstruction It is also necessary in a situation where temporary or permanent loads increase, underground and recessed premises are equipped. Often reconstruction carried out when new structures are being built nearby, various communications are being laid, or in case of deterioration of structures or changes in soil conditions.

Reconstruction or annual renovation?

Many production associations specializing in repairs And reconstruction, we know firsthand the problems of industrial enterprises and the housing and communal services complex in the regions. Many enterprises changed the profile of their main production without making any changes to designs workshops
The costs of maintaining such dilapidated facilities are increasing every year and are comparable to the costs of their reconstruction...

Materials for reconstruction

Silicone coatings, silicone panels allow you to preserve traditions when reconstruction and meet modern demands of construction and conservation. They also provide thermal insulation and environmental safety when reconstruction.


Reconstruction of the building or structures- this is a complex of construction works to change the architectural design of the building, including the creation of capital extensions, superstructures, attics, changes to the load-bearing structures and engineering equipment systems of the building, as well as the corresponding landscaping of the territory. Permission to reconstruction- a document certifying the right of the customer (owner, tenant, etc.) to carry out reconstruction of the building , structures in accordance with the approved design documentation and the conditions established by the construction decision.

Reconstruction of buildings

Reconstructionrepresents a thorough repair with full or partial replacement of structural elements, changes in technical and economic parameters. Thanks to reconstruction production premises, the enterprise can create additional jobs, and old houses can acquire a modern look and become a full-fledged living space. Although building reconstruction requires significant material costs, they are justified by the benefits that such changes bring. In order for the result building reconstruction meets the initial requirements, you should approach the issue of preparation, elaboration and planning of repair and construction work quite carefully.

Industrial technologies for the reconstruction of low-rise residential buildings

Conceptual framework building reconstruction The first mass series is the development and creation of highly industrialized flexible technologies based on the use of fundamentally new volumetric elements of factory production. This solution allows you to transform the technological process reconstruction into the assembly-assembly cycle and significantly reduce the duration of work.

Constructionsvolumetric blocks for superstructure and furnishing of buildings have a high level of factory readiness, transport and installation manufacturability. Their distinctive feature is the ability to be geometrically variable through the use of hinged joints.

Reconstruction of the object. Legal aspects

Perhaps, every owner of real estate: a building, premises, sooner or later there is a desire or need to expand the facility, rebuild, add an additional floor, or make an underground parking, in a word, produce reconstruction your real estate.

However, it’s hard to even imagine: how many owners, without thinking, are reconstructing their objects without receiving the necessary permits and then run into a problem registration of property rights on object being reconstructed.

What's happened reconstruction and how it should be produced in order to protect yourself from possible problems with registration of ownership ? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

House reconstruction

In our time reconstruction Houses and apartment renovation is one of the most popular areas in construction and renovation activities. Reconstruction Houses characterized by the preservation of the external architectural appearance of the building, while its interior undergoes significant changes. In some cases house reconstruction can transform all interior spaces beyond recognition

Reconstruction of individual residential buildings

Works on reconstruction due to their complexity, they are usually performed on the basis of documentation. The main documents are project and estimate, as well as an agreement with the work manufacturer (contractor), additional documents are various coordination. Order project documentation possible in architectural and construction firms.

The use of suspended ceilings during reconstruction

Suspended ceilings are becoming an integral part of modern reconstruction. They can be found in all types of buildings: commercial, industrial, public and individual purposes, in new construction and reconstruction old buildings.

Criteria for cost-effectiveness of design solutions for the reconstruction of buildings and structures

From the correct economic assessment of the final results of using capital investments aimed at reconstruction buildings and structures, decision making on the choice of the preferred option depends. The choice of one indicator does not give grounds to consider such a decision complete.

Under current practice, evaluating options building reconstruction and structures can be produced through a number of economic indicators: conditionally net production, efficiency ratio, use of capital investments, level and increase in labor productivity, volume and increase in profit of the annual economic effect, one-time costs and their payback period and a number of other indicators.

However, evaluating options reconstruction objects from the economic side alone are not sufficient. It also requires taking into account all factors influencing various aspects of the object’s activities. In this case, the goals of the object should be considered from the point of view of its reconstruction through reconstruction, as well as its development.


Coordination of reconstruction

For reconstruction of a building or structure, first of all, it is necessary to coordinate it in various government authorities. Execute coordination not so easy. The hardest thing to get approval for reconstruction, if this concerns cultural and historical buildings and architectural monuments, it is also difficult to obtain approval for preserving or recreating the original appearance of these cultural and historical monuments. Construction work can begin after the coordination of reconstruction and permission to carry out construction work will be obtained.

... reconstructionis needed not only to preserve the historical architectural appearance. This type of construction work has recently become quite popular. By and large,reconstruction- this is not only and not so much the renovation of a building, in which either the facade is completely preserved (and the internal ceilings and walls are significantly changed), or even the external surroundings of the house undergoes significant metamorphoses.Reconstructionto a large extent represents the actual reconstruction of the building. And it requires no less approvals than the construction of a new building.

Read Reconstruction of buildings, reconstruction of houses, coordination of reconstruction, reconstruction work


Construction and reconstruction organization project

Construction organization project is necessary for thoughtful and competent conduct of work, since it reflects all the fundamental conditions of future construction: the volume of installation and construction work, the distribution of capital investments, the timing of work, the cost of associated expenses, and also contains a justification for the duration of construction and the cost of each type of work according to the estimate. This project is part of the working draft construction or reconstruction of residential or industrial building.

To the project construction organization As a rule, the following documents are included: a comprehensive network schedule (schedule plan), general construction plan for reconstruction, organizational and technological schemes for the reconstruction of main structures, premises and buildings, as well as an explanatory note.

Organization of reconstructions

Reconstructionindustrial and agricultural enterprises is very important in environmental activities, since it is the main means of introducing low-waste and environmentally friendly technologies. Compared to "new" construction reconstruction requires significantly lower material costs. At the same time, the duration of construction and installation work and the payback period for investments are also shorter.

Organization of work during reconstruction

Reconstruction organization project forms an integral part of the approved design and estimate documentation and is developed (as part of design and estimate documentation) in parallel with other sections in order to link technical and technological solutions to the conditions and methods of carrying out repair and construction work. Repair organization project ( reconstruction) is developed by a design organization performing design, or a specialized design or design and technological organization at the expense of allocations for design and survey work. The project performer must have the appropriate license.

Read Reconstruction work


Main stages of reconstruction

Stage engineering surveys corresponds examination reconstructed objects and reasons. Without such a stage reconstruction unacceptable. Compared to engineering surveys for "new" construction, survey reconstructed objects solves a wider range of issues. Not only soil conditions, relief, hydrogeological regime are assessed, but also the condition of all above-ground and underground designs, the possibility of their additional loading and operation in new conditions.

Necessary stages of reconstruction of a country house

It is important to understand that reconstruction more difficult than building a new facility, therefore, you need to contact a specialist who will inspect the house and all its supporting and enclosing structures.

The next step is the development and approval of the project in the relevant local authorities and, as a result, obtaining permission to reconstruction. This can take from 3 to 6 months, and the cost of services will depend on the type and complexity of the work and amount to several thousand dollars.

Then it is very important to correctly draw up an agreement with the contractor company, agreeing on the terms reconstruction, and the materials that will be used, and the repair technology...


Preparation of design documentation for reconstruction

Estimated cost reconstruction residential and public buildings includes the entire set of costs that, according to the project, are necessary to completely eliminate physical and moral wear and tear of both the building as a whole and all of it designs and engineering equipment.

At reconstruction buildings, when projects are required, estimates are drawn up according to working drawings, in other cases (when projects are not required) - according to defect sheets and inventory plans.

Composition of design and estimate documentation for reconstruction

Developed technical documentation on reconstruction residential and public buildings should provide for a reduction in time and cost of design and construction and installation work.

Design and estimate documentation for reconstruction residential and public buildings are drawn up, as a rule, in one stage - a detailed design with estimate. However for comprehensive reconstruction with the redevelopment of premises, changes in facades, change of coverings at a high cost of work, the development of technical documentation is carried out in two stages: I - technical design; II - working drawings.