Recommendations on how to live economically and practically. Is it possible? Live economically, but richly Very economical people how they live

Many of us know in theory how to save money and use it rationally. But theory always remains theory, and in practice everything is usually more complicated, very often there is not enough person who would give advice, hints and share his tricks. In our article, we will tell you how to save money correctly and manage your household more practically and expediently, even with a small salary.

Basic rules of economical life

First you need to know a few basic rules that are suitable for everyone who has embarked on the path of saving.

  1. Spend less than you earn - you need to live within your means.
  2. Save extra money - be practical and economical in everything.
  3. Make the deferred funds work and bring in new money - and again reasonable practicality, which will not allow the deferred money to become cheaper.

These are the three basic rules, but again, this is just a theory. How to apply them? In practice, they are applied as follows:

  • Record all your income and expenses. If you do not trust your memory, then take a notebook where you will write everything down. You should be aware that at present there are special computer programs that allow you to properly manage your home bookkeeping.
  • Cut down on unnecessary spending. Always buy only what you need, this applies to everything: products, things. Excesses take a significant part of your capital and do not always bring benefits. In the lifestyle of each of us there are things for which we regularly pay, but they do not bring us any benefit, and perhaps even harm. For example, alcohol, coffee, fast food, chips, sweets, subscription to unnecessary newspapers or magazines.
  • Try to find extra income. Ask your boss to give you extra work, drive fellow travelers if you have a lot of free time, look for part-time jobs on the Internet and among friends.
  • Set aside money for the so-called rainy day. We recommend that you hide the extra money not under the mattress, but invest it in various pension or savings funds. Firstly, you will not be able to spend them quickly, and secondly, there is a nice bonus in the form of growing interest.

What can you save on

In fact, you can save more than 10% of your current income, because living economically and practically is not at all difficult. You can save on everything, you just need to move away from the usual stereotypes that make us spend too much.

Housing. If you do not have your own real estate and you are renting a house, then choose a more budget option, not necessarily in the center and with a chic renovation. You can live in a good sleeping area and a clean, tidy apartment.

Public utilities is one of the main items of expenditure. Save all types of consumed services, put on all meters, eliminate leaks and see how much you will no longer spend on these services.

Be frugal - turn off lights and water when you don't need them.

Install economical lighting in all rooms, yes, it is more expensive than Ilyich's bulbs we are used to, but in the long run it is a great solution for saving money.

Do not use heaters and air conditioning without much need. Try to take a shower rather than a bath - it's more practical. If installed indoors plastic windows, then you will avoid drafts and save on heating.

Transport. If you are used to taking a taxi, then remember about public transport. Traveling by metro, buses and minibuses is much cheaper. If you live close to work, then walk, ride a bike or scooter. It is absolutely free and will benefit your health. If you have a personal car, then you can earn extra money by driving fellow travelers.

Food. You can save a lot of money on food. First of all, you need to give up going to restaurants, cafes and fast foods. After all, you have to spend a lot of money on it. Cook at home by buying groceries from stores or markets. Give preference to products in large packages, it will be much cheaper. Try to buy seasonal fruits and vegetables. You can pickle mushrooms, fruits, vegetables. Canned, dried and frozen. Then you do not have to buy unreasonably expensive jams and pickles in stores. Do not buy products that raffle off various prizes and gifts, because the cost of the goods is already included in the budget of the “promotion”.

Cloth. The main rule is to buy high-quality and practical things. Each piece should go with most of the wardrobe, be wearable and versatile enough to be worn on different occasions. Always be aware of seasonal sales and discounts.

Get a discount card on which discounts will grow.

Buy only the essentials. Don't be shy about second hand shops. For those who do not know, there are special stock departments that sell brand new items. Learn how to repair your own clothes and use them carefully. If possible, sell things that you no longer need.

Rates. Reconsider your tariffs for telephone, TV and Internet. New, more favorable rates appear almost every day, and you can pick up something suitable for yourself.

Entertainment. Give up bad habits, because alcohol and cigarettes take a lot of money. It is not necessary to go to bars and clubs every day. Movies, music and new books can be downloaded online.

Household little things. You can rethink your arsenal of cleaners and detergents. Choose a universal remedy for all surfaces and do not forget about the usual soda, vinegar and ammonia. They can clean any surface in your home, but are many times cheaper than even the most affordable types of cleaning products.

Health. They say that health is the item of expenditure on which you can not save. But it's not. Here you need to follow just one simple rule: do not forget about disease prevention. Visit all doctors twice a year, this will help to prevent all diseases. After all, it is easier to pay attention to caries than to treat the entire oral cavity later. Go in for sports, temper and lead healthy lifestyle life, then most diseases will bypass you, and this is money saved on medicines.

If you are reading this article, then you are also concerned about the question of how to live economically and practically, and you are trying to find the answer to it on the Internet. Many people think that trying to save money is a sign of greed, but is it?

What is saving

Savings is the ability to correctly allocate available resources in order to achieve your goals. Oddly enough, but the ability to save is characteristic of all rich people. They are rich not because they earn a lot, but because they know how to properly use the money they earn and distribute it wisely.

Try to remember your successful (materially) acquaintances, do they have ill-conceived spending? And vice versa, remember those who often do not have enough money. Do they really lack because they don’t earn enough, or do they most often just spend it unwisely?

Well, for reasonable savings, of course, you need to know your income and basic expenses. Without this, it is simply impossible to apply the right savings strategy.

Again, it is no secret that a large part of the family's expenses are food and housing costs (this includes public utilities, internet, landline and mobile phone, cable TV).

Cost accounting

Since it is difficult to grasp the immensity, let's try to start with the possibility of saving food costs. Do not limit these costs to any specific figure. It is better to consider food expenses as a percentage of total income. The most common percentage of spending on food is 30%, while the optimal figure is 20%.

But initially, it is necessary to put cost accounting at the forefront, but the occupation is tedious, but uninteresting. But how else can you find that black hole into which your money is flowing?

Try to keep records for at least a month, and you will see how much money is spent on all sorts of nonsense that you can do without. Count the costs of sweets, chips, chocolates, eating out, and you will be horrified.

How to keep records is up to you. If you want - write in a notebook, if you are at home with a computer - keep a spreadsheet in Excel or use specially designed programs. Programs can be easily found by entering relevant keywords in a search engine.

There are programs online (search the Internet yourself, I first gave a link, but now it is no longer valid) or those that are installed on a computer, you can find it here - But, if you use the search, you can find others, because there are more and more of them every day.

Try to systematize your expenses, I understand that it’s difficult because you didn’t have such a habit, but understand correctly, until you instill such a habit in yourself, you won’t be able to get out of the constant lack of money.

After all, all the media (television, radio, newspapers and periodicals) educate consumers in us, we constantly want to buy something, including from food. Someone does not have enough to buy chicken, and someone buys foie gras or baked nightingale tongues. So if the expenditure of finances is not controlled, they will constantly be missed.

Do I need to save on food

Everyone decides for himself. What is more important for you, every day to eat tasty and from the belly, or to raise money for the education of a child abroad? Or solve an old one housing problem? After all, by pike command, nothing happens. All you have to do is work hard. Even saving family budget is also labor. Let's see what savings on food can bring.

  1. The ability to save money for long-term and expensive purposes.
  2. Eating sparingly is likely to be healthier. If you refuse smoked meats, semi-finished products or sprats, your stomach will surely be happy about this. And if expensive imported vegetables are replaced by local cabbage, beets and carrots, then any doctor will support such a replacement. Saving on food is not a transition to low-quality products, but rather the purchase of quality products at a reasonable price.
  3. If you learn how to save money and feed your family efficiently, this is a very important skill for a woman-hostess. A woman who is not afraid of crises and possible troubles.

How to save in practice

  1. Replace convenience foods from stores with homemade food. Reduce the consumption of sausages, sausages, store dumplings and fish sticks, as well as cookies, sweets and sweets. Try to cook soups, borscht, salads, sauces and gravies, pies and charlottes on your own.
  2. Do not snack between meals of chips, buns, crackers.
  3. Use the available products as rationally as possible. Don't throw anything away. It is very easy to make croutons from stale bread, we make pancakes from sour milk, marinades from tomatoes and cucumbers can be used in pickles, juice and fat from cooked meat can be used to make sauces.
  4. Try not to eat out. What you cook at home will be much tastier, cheaper, and most importantly healthier. Yes, you will need to spend more time at home cooking, but you will save your health and save money.
  5. Try to buy vegetables and fruits only in season. February tomatoes are not only expensive, but also consist of almost only water, without a tomato flavor. In winter, the assortment of vegetables is of course less, but in summer you can turn around.
  6. In the season of cheap vegetables, you can prepare them and freeze them in the freezer. Help your economy and home canned food and pickles.
  7. Before you go shopping, write a list. With a list, you get what you need and don't buy what you don't.
  8. Analyze prices in nearby stores and determine which store is the most affordable in terms of prices and where it is better to shop.
  9. Compare the weight of the product with the price per package before purchasing prepackaged products. It is better to choose one whose price per kilogram is less, with other equal conditions. And think about it, why overpay for packaging, even a very beautiful one? After all, throw it away anyway.
  10. Nuts, seeds and dried fruits are best purchased by weight, packaged ones are more expensive.
  11. Do not buy exotic juices, they are all made from concentrates. Natural juices at best can be birch, apple and tomato, the rest are just water and concentrate. It is better to cook compotes, the harm will certainly be less.

Now you have read the material on how to live economically and practically, and I hope that this will really help you learn how to save money and achieve your goals.

How to live economically? There are a lot of tricks on this issue, and even if not every first, then exactly every fifth person on earth asked them. We all have different financial situation, someone can live on 10,000 rubles a month, and someone is missing even a few thousand dollars. However, saving will not hurt even the most wealthy people. It has been verified: both the spirit invigorates, and the worldview changes, and makes you take a fresh look at your own life.

In order to live economically, one does not need to look in newfangled textbooks or speeches for supposedly competent specialists in this matter. It is enough to read our tips and take note of them. So let's go.

  1. Count, write, memorize and count again

How often, when making certain purchases, do you return home, throw away checks and forget how much this or that thing costs? And why? - you will say, because the dress, products or a new gadget have already been bought, it is at home, you can not remember and not try to restore the picture of what happened. But in vain. Statistics and practice show that money really loves an account. Starting to conduct impromptu home accounting (on a calculator, computer or in a regular notebook), you will quickly see the real picture of what is happening. And it seems that trousers for 12,000 are no different from trousers for 3. And if there is no difference, why pay more?

  1. Stop exchanging small things

Unnecessary purchases are the most powerful enemy, every now and then pulling bill after bill from the wallet. When you go to the store, immediately make a list of products that you need to purchase - this will save you from unnecessary purchases in the form of ice cream, chocolates, chips, soda and other useless things. Learn to cope with temptations - it will backfire with a full wallet and a tidy sum that you will save every month. At this rate, it will be enough to collect enough for a car in a year.

  1. Down with thoughtlessness and spontaneity

The acquisition of things that are completely out of place in life is another characteristic of modern man. It has already become a tradition that going to the store and stumbling upon beautiful clothes (which, by the way, is just the sea in the wardrobe) or some stupid trinket, we buy it without a twinge of conscience. Like, it will still come in handy someday. But most often these trinkets spend their time in a closet or on a shelf, and then go to the trash. Just imagine this situation and think - do you need it?

  1. Discounts, promotions, discount cards

There is nothing wrong and shameful in buying goods with a 30%, 50% or even 90% discount. This not only saves the budget, but also brings some special joy, as if you won the lottery. Fortunately, in modern stores of any profile, some kind of promotions and sales are constantly held, where you can really buy good and high-quality things for minimal cash. So why not take advantage of this?

By the way, here it is worth mentioning the option of working with discount cards. They are usually given for purchases or offered to be issued at the checkout. As a rule, such cards are inexpensive, but the benefits will bring innumerable in the future. Don't yawn!

  1. Savings at home

Finally, the last rule that answers the question "How to live economically?" lies in the economy itself. It manifests itself, of course, in our everyday days. So, it is enough to dose cosmetics and various chemicals, pouring out not huge handfuls of the same detergent, but a small droplet - there will still be a lot of foam. It is better to cook from real products, and not from semi-finished products - they are cheaper, and last for a long time, and the taste cannot be compared with anything. Together with entertainment places, you can have a good time with people dear to your heart in nature or at home, inventing your own free entertainment and enjoying the little things. Fitness club - replace with morning or evening jogging, and travel to work - walking (if you get not so far).

In general, drive away temptations and turn on your head. It's really helpful!

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Life with a minimum of expenses is real, it all depends on your attitude and approach to this. The bottom line is that life without many things can be a liberation, not a deprivation. For those who have to cut costs too hard, for those who travel frequently for work or for themselves, and for those who simply need less than they currently have, this article will be a great tip. In it, you can find ways to come to a lifestyle in which you will be enough with little.


Part 1

The right attitude

    Direct your thoughts in the right direction. You need the right attitude - without it you will not be able to live economically, and what little money you have will go away in an attempt to distract yourself from thinking about how much you lack for happiness. With the right attitude, you will behave like many millionaires do, you will be able to save money and live happily, productively and without shame. Spending less than you earn (and better yet, much less), investing wisely (buying reliable rather than expensive and flashy things), and staying financially independent (not showing off the wealth you have) is a sure way to stand firmly on feet for life.

    • Think of the lean lifestyle as new opportunity or even as an adventure. Even if you don’t like all this, there will still be benefits - during this time you will be able to save up money, which will make your life easier in the future.
    • Cherish simplicity as a way of life. Read the article on how to simplify your life for more ideas.
  1. Make the most of your situation. Whatever your reasons for downshifting or your age, see it as an opportunity to find balance in your life. This can be an opportunity for you to reconnect with people you didn't have much time for in your past life, such as family or friends. In addition, this may also be a chance to return to the bosom of your church (or other organization).

    Don't deviate from the budget And be frugal . If you are budgeting, make sure you do it right. If not, then believe me - you need a budget. There is a reason to start thinking about any purchase, big or small - will you fit into your budget for a month if you make it? The easiest way to manage your budget is with an app like Mint or Level Money. With their help, you can track your spending and see exactly where and how much money you spent. This will allow you to understand what you can save on.

    • Do not think that the budget ties your hands. It gives you a certain amount of freedom, but it helps keep you in line in moments of recklessness, it can even rid you of bad habits. For example, you won't need to spend money to settle down. You no longer need to buy ready-made food instead of preparing it yourself at home. You won't let someone lure you into the gym when you can still exercise outside.
  2. Find a way to earn money, including through your skills. If you don't have a job, or if you don't really want one, look for ways to make money by working for yourself. Or trade favors with others to save money.

    • Grow vegetables to sell.
    • Make soap, craft cosmetics, jewelry, and more, and sell at the craft market.
    • Offer tree trimming, grass mowing, training, cleaning, car washing services at a decent price.
    • Look for second hand items that you can sell online. Some people are so good at it that they earn their living reselling goods.

    Part 2

    Living cheaper is real
    1. Try to keep your utility bills down. Of course, we are not hinting at all that in order to save electricity or gas, you need to live in darkness and cold, not at all! Just a few changes, and you will live with almost the same comfort and less terrible figures in utility bills. If you have independent heating, then in the cold months turn it on to the minimum comfortable temperature and dress warmly at home - this will help you save on heating.

      Try to use less water. It is enough to change just a few of your habits - and now you are no longer surprised into which pipe you were able to pour so much water. For example, you can turn on the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are packed to capacity. You can even take a shower like a navy: turn on the water to wet your skin and wash off the soap suds, and wash without water.

      Spend less on health. It is possible that health expenses eat up quite a significant part of your budget. However, not everything is so hopeless here - with the help of simple measures, you can significantly reduce the costs in this category without putting your health at risk. Eg:

      Eat seasonal foods . Seasonal products will always be cheaper than imported ones, because their price does not include transportation costs. Plus, they're usually fresher.

      • Visit markets and supermarkets closer to closing time. You will be able to catch discounts or pick up discarded products as vendors need to sell their merchandise before closing. Read on for details.
      • In supermarkets, check the evening discounts in the bakery, meat and vegetable departments. Many packaged foods, such as takeaway salads, will be cheaper in the evening. The store is interested in making room for groceries the next day.
      • Grow your own produce if you have a permanent home for at least a season. Even using a shared garden can be a great way to provide yourself with healthy, fresh food and meet new friends.
    2. Don't shop every week. Do the smart thing: shop when your stock is nearly empty. Buy things that spoil, like milk and bread, but otherwise take your time and eat whatever you have in your fridge.

      • Alternatively, just don't go shopping one week a month. You will need to live on what you have in your kitchen for a whole week. For many people, this time is very productive and rich in new recipes!
      • Use coupons and discounts to cut down on food costs.
      • Drink tap water. Water is the healthiest and cheapest drink. Put a filter on the faucet if tap water does not meet your requirements for cleanliness; this is a great investment even on a modest budget.
    3. Find cheaper housing. It is quite possible to live in a place for which you have to pay very little, if at all! You might even get paid a little extra! If you want to live in your own home, rented or mortgaged), choose a modest-sized dwelling. It will have to be cleaned less, there will be less space that needs to be furnished. In other words, it will be easier for you to maintain it.

      • Consider moving to a cheaper area. Look for such places in your city - but try not to move too far away from your work. If this option is not for you, but you yourself are not tied to the place of work, then you can decide on more global changes - for example, move to the suburbs or even to another city (provided, of course, that life there is really cheaper). You can find suitable cities on the Internet.

    Part 3

    Minimizing individual expenses
    1. Put things in order. You already have a lot of things, put them in order. If you had to save money due to being fired from your job or moving, then you may feel resentment and dissatisfaction. Such emotions will not play into your hands, so watch your emotional background. Look at this as an opportunity to find out the true value of things and get rid of everything that bothers you. For those who choose a life of little or no spending, this experience should not be too emotionally difficult. Perhaps you have already mentally said goodbye to all the deposits in your closets, and now you just need to implement everything ... and move on. If you don't have anything else, just read on.

      • See if you can sell something instead of just throwing it away. If you don't have the energy or time to sell these items online, try an in-home auction. The easiest way to sell things online is not to sell each item separately, but to sell everything together. This way you will earn less than if you sold everything separately, but even so it will turn out more than if you just threw everything out.
      • Give all unnecessary things to charity.
    2. Try to spend less money on phone calls. For example, you can refuse some services or even change the provider. You will be surprised that you can still live perfectly without certain services that were previously considered indispensable. Look among the mobile and telephone operators in your area for the one whose services cost the least (preferably less than what you pay for the phone now).

      • You may need to lower your limits and turn off automatic app updates.
      • If it’s getting harder to manage the cost of a cutting-edge smartphone, it makes sense to buy a simpler phone.
    3. Switch to a cheaper cable TV tariff or stop this service altogether. Very often it turns out that people pay for what they do not use. Save money by upgrading to the most basic tariff plan or ditching television entirely in favor of online services like Netflix.

    4. Get rid of the car. There are quite a few types of public transport. Again, in an emergency, it will be much easier and cheaper to simply hail a taxi than to maintain the car. Walk and bike as much as you can (you'll keep yourself in shape), and check out local train, bus, metro, and ferry schedules.

      • If you live in a rural or suburban area, then it makes sense to consider either reducing the number of cars you own, or sharing a car with colleagues or neighbors for the sake of economy.
    5. Dress well. Your financial position is not an excuse, you should still present yourself with dignity. The task of “looking good” can be solved with quite a bit of blood ... that is, expenses. Secondhand stores are great, where you can always find affordable and high-quality clothes. Gone are the days when it was considered shameful to buy things second-hand, now it is considered acceptable. This will allow you to save money and find great things at very affordable prices.

      • Try to keep your wardrobe to an absolute minimum. Keep only what you wear regularly and what you absolutely need.
    6. Look for free and cheap entertainment. There are so many options for all tastes that even finding them will become an exciting activity in itself. You can attend free concerts, you can walk around the city or go hiking, go for a bike ride, visit a museum or library, giveaways where you can learn something, you can take a ferry ride, go for a walk in the areas of your city where you haven't been yet. Also think about:

      • Jogging, swimming, playing tennis in the local park - all this is almost free and fun. Equipment can be found in second-hand stores.
      • You can make your neighborhood more beautiful by helping landscaping it or by making decorations out of trash.
      • Even an ordinary thing, like going grocery shopping with your family, can be turned into an exciting adventure.

    Part 4

    Travel: free or almost free
    1. Try to find a job related to travel. Many vacancies involve travel - both at the expense of the company, and simply with significant discounts. However, this work comes with a lot of responsibility. On the Web you will find many sites with relevant vacancies. Search by job title or something else and read carefully. The options may be:

      • You can work on yachts, driving them to the right point in the world to the owners, you can also become a member of the yacht crew
      • You can become a courier delivering goods from hand to hand using international flights
      • You can become a crew member of a container ship (hard work!)
      • You can become a guide for tourists (eco-routes, historical tours and all that)
      • You can do car racing
      • You can go to teach your language in another country.

How to live economically, practically and well. Tricks

Manual with photo - learn to live economically!

Maria Alexandrovna Getz

© Maria Alexandrovna Getz, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-2084-6

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


A manual with photographs for people who want to learn how to live economically. Personal experience. Today, not only those who are retired or with a small income, but also quite wealthy people of the middle class are striving to save. For many, saving on everything is like a kind of hobby, gambling, sport. Does the art of saving exist in Russia? Yes, sure. You won’t believe it, living by the principle of “not paying for anything” or “how to live almost for free and not paying for anything” is very easy! It is better to walk around in cheap clothes but drive a good car than vice versa.

Why do you need to learn how to live economically?

People want to learn how to save for two main reasons:

- not to work, but to have enough money for life and domestic needs, and spend free time on creativity, hobbies, etc.

- in order not to throw money on "household decay", but to save up for something important - moving to another country or city, a new car or housing.

You won’t believe (because you can?), How much you can save and not only on everyday expenses, but also on cars, real estate and so on. I hope this guide will help you save a lot of money and spend it usefully - on really important and valuable things: travel, education, your business. After all, you must admit that it is better to eat modestly and dress badly, but have several apartments and your own business, than to spend a lot of money on restaurants and branded clothes and live in misery in a communal apartment. Let's start with simple savings every day (food, clothing, essentials) and end with real estate savings (buying a cheap home).

Questions and points that we will consider with you:

How much money can you save in 1 month?

Savings on clothing and household items. Life hacks. Gifts.

We save on services. A training model is required.

Travel savings. Contests.

Save money on photo shoots. Beautiful photos for free.

Savings on food. Tricks. Nettle, mint and other herbs. The shops. Tea and porridge as a gift.

Savings on entertainment. Correct advice. Good friends. Dating websites.

Savings on utility bills. The poor. We cheat counters. What is the most expensive item on your utility bills?

How to save on a car and then save on gas. Drain solarium and gasoline in the right places. Take a ride to a workout with a friend.

How to save up for an apartment with a salary of 20,000 rubles without a mortgage.

How much money can you save per month or year?

Let’s calculate how much money you can save in your budget if you don’t buy clothes, don’t spend money on entertainment (but this doesn’t mean “don’t have fun”), get cosmetics and equipment for free, get a free haircut, spend on food at a minimum.

So, it’s quite possible to save on clothes per month per person in the family:

2,000 rubles. Approximately as much, on average, according to statistics, is spent per adult or child per month. You can't save on socks and shorts. But on clothes, outerwear and shoes - it's very easy.

On services per month per person in the family:

1,000 rubles. These are haircuts, painting, manicure, eyebrows, etc.

On trips per year for two:

50,000 rubles. If you're lucky, then about as much. Maybe a little less, or maybe much more - up to 200,000 rubles.

On furniture, household appliances, household goods per month for the whole family:

2,000 rubles. This is a new kettle, instead of the old one, a sofa, curtains or a set of cosmetics.

For photo shoots for the whole family:

8,000 rubles. If you take a lot of pictures, then the savings are impressive.

On food per month per person in the family:

5,000 rubles. E saving on food is the hardest thing, but possible.

On entertainment per month per person in the family:

2,000 rubles. This is a trip every weekend to the cinema, to a cafe, to an amusement park.

On utility payments per month per person in the family:

1,500 rubles. Saving on bills is also not very easy, but real.

On gasoline per month per person in the family:

1,000 rubles.

Outcome. If you are alone in the family, then you will save about 30,000 rubles a month or 360,000 rubles a year. The savings are enormous! If you don’t even earn so much, then it turns out you will “spend more” on various amenities without spending a penny. If the family has children and other relatives, then add 12,000 rubles of savings for each person per month, or 144,000 per year.

Savings on clothing, furniture and household goods

Everything is very simple - do not save on sales and discounts, but look for clothes, appliances, cosmetics, toys for children and other things for free, as a gift.

Yes, these are second-hand things, but many of them look like new, even branded and very expensive ones come across. So expensive initially clothes that you could not / could buy a new one for yourself. Many things are given well-groomed and washed, they do not need to be washed.

They donate beautiful evening dresses, shoes, men's jackets, and down jackets, and double boilers, and irons, and any children's clothing with shoes, and toys, and dishes, and TVs, and DVD players, and printers, and telephones and much more. other. Paints, women's and men's bags, laptop bags, ironing boards, jewelry, towels and bed linen, optical mice for a computer, vacuum cleaners, shoe dryers, electric kettles, perfumes, coffee machines, e-books, routers, you can't list everything!

End of introductory segment.

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