Regional minimum wage from January 1 of the year.

The regional minimum wage for Moscow is revised every quarter. From January 1, 2018, Muscovites will again experience a new meaning.

How much is the minimum wage in Moscow from January 1, 2018

The minimum wage in the capital of Russia from the new year is 18,742 rubles. This is 1742 rubles. more than in St. Petersburg. And almost 5000 rubles. more than in the Moscow region, unless a new minimum wage agreement is signed there.

Please note: regional values ​​have been adopted for 2018 in 85 regions of Russia. In each subject of the Russian Federation, the regional minimum is no less than the federal minimum wage. For 2018, this will be 9,489 rubles. Increasing the minimum wage throughout the country from the beginning of the new year is already a traditional matter. Also, this indicator may change throughout the year. How it was in 2017. Let us remind you that from July 1 the figure was raised from 7,500 rubles. up to 7800 rub.

How the minimum wage is set in Moscow in 2018

The Moscow minimum wage depends on the subsistence level of the working population. This indicator is set by the Moscow Government. Moreover, if the cost of living suddenly falls, then this is not reflected in the minimum wage. It remains at the same level.

Taking this into account, at the beginning of 2018 the value for the 2nd quarter of 2017 was approved in the amount of 18,742 rubles. (Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 12, 2017 No. 663-PP). Reason: Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018 between the Moscow government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations dated December 15, 2015.

What does the Moscow minimum wage affect?

An employee’s salary in Moscow cannot be less than the established regional value. That is, for a fully worked month, the employee’s salary must be at least 18,742 rubles. After withholding personal income tax, the amount in hand will be 16,305.54 rubles. . And if there are any other deductions - alimony, writs of execution - the amount to be issued (transferred) to the employee will be even less. And this, as you can see, is legal under these conditions.

For wages below the minimum wage, fines are imposed without proper justification. The company, if the violation is the first, faces a fine from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. If the violation is repeated - from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles. For an official, the sanctions are accordingly: a fine from 1000 to 5000 rubles. and from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. or disqualification from one to three years. The same rules apply to an entrepreneur as to an official, only disqualification cannot be applied to an individual entrepreneur (clauses 1 and 2 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

A salary not lower than the minimum wage is guaranteed for those who work part-time or part-time. Only in such a situation the remuneration will be calculated in proportion to the time worked. Therefore, the amount to be paid will be reasonably less.

An example of calculating a salary for a person with a shortened working week

Secretary of Morozov G.N. works in a Moscow company 10 hours a week. The salary for this employee's position with a full work week (40 hours per week) is equal to the minimum wage.

Morozova's production rate is 25% (10 hours: 40 hours × 100%).

The accountant will pay the employee a salary of 4,685.50 rubles for January 2018. (RUB 18,742 × 25%).

When, instead of the minimum wage in Moscow, you need to apply strictly federal

We have identified three cases when you need to apply to the minimum wage. But not regional, but established for the entire country.

Calculation of benefits

To calculate social benefits, use the federal minimum wage, not the regional one.

Let us remind you that “minimum” social benefits are received by employees with earnings below the minimum wage or with short work experience (up to 6 months) (clause 1.1 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

Accrual of vacation pay

The federal, and not the regional, minimum wage also appears in the calculation of vacation pay. Namely, according to the law, the average monthly earnings calculated for calculating vacation pay cannot be lower than the minimum wage (clause 18 of the Regulations, approved by Government Resolution No. 922 of December 24, 2007). Therefore, you need to compare the calculation result with this indicator. And if the comparison is not in favor of the employer, you will have to make an additional payment up to the federal minimum wage.

Calculation of personal contributions of individual entrepreneurs for 2017

Individual entrepreneurs' insurance premiums for personal insurance for 2017 are also calculated based on the federal minimum wage. In this case, you need to take the value set at the beginning of the year (RUB 7,500). But - attention: since 2018, personal contributions of individual entrepreneurs are no longer tied to the minimum wage. The Tax Code - in paragraph 1 of Article 430 - now spells out fixed amounts that all businessmen will have to pay throughout the year. And these fixed payments do not depend on the amount of income. And it doesn’t matter whether the businessman worked at a profit or at a loss. As a general rule, all private owners will have to pay such contributions to the Federal Tax Service budget.

Every citizen of Russia is guaranteed by the state payment for his work when working in any organization (IP).

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The authorities also set the minimum level of wages that must be paid to him (minimum wage).

It is established at the federal level, but some federal subjects, including Moscow, also have their own minimum wage.

Main concepts

The minimum wage is the minimum wage that must be paid to employees of various organizations and individual entrepreneurs for a fully worked day, working on a full-time and full-time basis.

The salary includes not only the actual salary established for the employee, but also all additional payments related to remuneration (bonuses, allowances, etc.).

For a long time, the size of the minimum wage was established only as a completely conditional indicator, not tied to any source data.

But at present, the all-Russian level is strictly tied to the subsistence level of the working population in the country as a whole.

The basic minimum wage is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. It is often called all-Russian or federal. It determines the amounts of various benefits and other social payments.

Previously, the amount of individual entrepreneur contributions to insurance funds was also calculated based on the minimum wage. Since January 2019, these two indicators have ceased to be interrelated.

The legislation of the Russian Federation also allows regions to make decisions regarding the size of minimum wages.

But they cannot set this indicator on the territory of a federal subject lower than in the country as a whole.

In addition, the introduction of a regional “minimum wage” requires the mandatory conclusion of a special agreement between employers, trade unions and the leadership of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Comment. In many regions, after the increase from May 1, 2019, regional tripartite agreements on the minimum wage lost their meaning and ceased to be valid.

But Moscow and a number of other regions made an exception and these documents are applied in them as before.

Legal basis

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes an obligation for employing organizations and individual entrepreneurs to pay their employees a salary not lower than the “minimum wage” approved at the federal level as amended.

According to these legislative acts, the federal minimum wage is set at 11,163 rubles.

Comment. In accordance with these documents, the all-Russian minimum wage from January 1, 2019 will be equal to the cost of living in the Russian Federation as a whole for the second quarter of 2019 for the working population. In the future, this indicator will have to change annually on January 1.

The tripartite agreement concluded between the city authorities, employers and trade unions sets the minimum wage in Moscow at 18,742 rubles from January 1, 2019.

This document is signed on the basis of the Labor Code and the Law of the City of Moscow No. 4 of November 11, 2009. The metropolitan value is not directly linked to the PM of the working population.

Factors in calculation

Moscow is traditionally the leader among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the minimum wage level. But this is easily explained because when calculating it, the relevant commission is guided by the following factors:

Living wage It is higher in the capital, because its residents usually require additional costs for transport, and also prices for a number of goods in the Moscow Region are slightly higher than in the regions
Economic situation Most of Russia's money is in the capital region and the economic situation there is somewhat better than in the country as a whole
Region conditions There are no severe climatic conditions in Moscow, but there are other problems - for example, those associated with loss of time on the road
Legal restrictions The Moscow authorities, as well as the leadership of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, can only increase the minimum wage level compared to the federal level
Position of employers and trade unions The task of the capital's leadership is to find the most balanced size option that suits both organizations representing the interests of employers and trade unions of workers
Budget revenues of a constituent entity of the federation The Moscow budget traditionally accounts for a fairly significant portion of income, which means city authorities have more opportunities to maintain relatively high salaries for public sector employees

In fact, the size of the minimum wage in Moscow depends most of all on agreements between trade unions and employers.

Currently, virtually no one in the commission responsible for agreeing on the size of the “minimum wage” represents the interests of the organization and entrepreneurs from the SME segment.

The size of the national minimum wage depends entirely on the level of the subsistence minimum, and therefore on the composition of the consumer basket and the prices of the goods included in it.

In the PC, for calculating PM, 3 components are allocated and their cost is calculated separately according to different rules.

We will analyze this information in detail in the table below:

PC component What is included in the component Procedure for determining the cost of a component
Grocery set A minimum of food products that allow a person to receive the necessary energy, vitamins, and microelements. No delicacies are included in the PC for PM Food prices are tracked by Rosstat, which provides statistics on them quarterly. Based on them, as well as the list and number of products included in the PC, the cost of this component is calculated
Non-food products A very small amount of basic clothing, essential medicines, basic necessities, hygiene products The cost is set as a percentage of the cost of the food set when calculating the PC for the all-Russian PM. Prices for non-food goods/services are not monitored separately for these purposes.
Services Utilities and transport services. In the latter case, we mean traveling by public transport. -«-

Increase from July 1

The minimum wage in Moscow is set once a year. The rest of the time it does not change. Thus, from July 1, 2019, the “minimum wage” in Moscow will still be 18,742.

Although the capital authorities, like the leadership of other regions, are obliged to review the living wage quarterly after receiving the relevant data from Rosstat.

The minimum wage value for the second quarter (will be applied from April 1) is expected until the end of July 2019, for the third quarter (will be applied from July 1) – in October.

Actions of the employer when the salary of employees is below the indicator

If an employer is faced with a situation where, when calculating the salary of his employees, the salary turns out to be below the subsistence level, then according to the law, he must make an additional payment up to the minimum wage level.

But before that we need to clarify a few points:

Has the employee worked fully for the month? If the month is only partially worked, then it is quite possible that his salary will be less than the minimum wage. At the same time, depending on the situation, the employee may have the right to receive social payments, for example, disability benefits if he was on sick leave
Is the salary calculated correctly to compare the minimum wage? It includes not only the salary, but also various allowances, bonuses and other incentives related to wages
Compares with salary before or after tax The first option is correct. After deducting personal income tax (13%), the employee may actually receive an amount less than the level of the indicator

Every employer must understand that when paying wages below the minimum wage, he is at quite a risk. This will attract the attention of the Federal Tax Service, as well as other regulatory authorities.

Could it be less

In fact, the employer is not always obliged to pay a salary of at least the minimum wage.

Employees who work part-time, i.e. less than 8 hours, or those who work a shortened week can receive a smaller salary.

Such actions are not prohibited by law and will not entail any negative consequences for the employer. Typically, such working conditions are established only for part-time workers.

In other cases, the employer risks being brought to administrative or even criminal liability.

Moreover, if the second option is quite unlikely, then the first, when checked by a labor inspectorate, is quite possible.

We present in the table the amounts of fines for employers who pay wages less than the “minimum wage” in violation of the law:

An employee receiving a salary below the minimum wage can seek in court the payment of all shortfalls, as well as compensation for their delays. This point also needs to be taken into account by employers.

Video: about increasing the indicator

The plans of the State Duma of the Russian Federation were to increase the minimum wage (abbreviated as minimum wage) from the beginning of 2019. But Vladimir Putin initiated a bill that would change the minimum wage from May 1, 2018 in Russia by region and equate this indicator to the subsistence level of an able-bodied person. And then in more detail about what the minimum wage is, what its size is now and how it will change from May 1, 2018 for workers in different regions.

Why is the minimum wage needed?

Back in 2000, it was decided that it was necessary to introduce at the legislative level such an indicator as the minimum wage. As planned, this should guarantee that every employee who officially works at the enterprise for an entire working month receives no less than a fixed amount of money. The minimum wage was supposed to provide the minimum human needs.
This initiative was adopted and from that moment on, according to the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee cannot receive a salary below the minimum wage for a month worked.

If an employer violates the law and does not provide payment of the minimum wage, then the employee has every right to complain about the actions of company officials.

From time to time, taking into account rising prices, inflation processes and rising social standards, the minimum wage increases. And now the next such increase was planned only for the beginning of 2019, but not for the middle of 2018. But everything changed by the decision of Vladimir Putin, who, having visited one of the factories in the Tver region on an official visit, promised to equate the minimum wage to the subsistence level.
Having made a promise, the President fulfilled it. For example, since the beginning of this year, wages have been at a minimum level of 9,489 rubles. If compared with the current subsistence level, this is only 85%.

From May of this year, the minimum wage will be equal to the subsistence level and will be 11,163 rubles. This decision has already been made; 402 deputies voted for it.

As experts note, such an increase is optimal and correct. Of course, many may argue that such an increase is not significant and cannot cover the minimum needs of a citizen.

But a sharp increase in the minimum wage could lead to inflation, rising prices and the irrationality of all measures to improve the social security of citizens of the Russian Federation.

But the equality between the subsistence level and the minimum wage is very fair and economically justified.
By the way, it should be noted that, according to the Labor Code, the minimum wage cannot be lower than the subsistence level for a long time. But so far this rule has not worked, and only from May 2018 it will work.

What changes will an increase in the minimum wage entail?

We should not forget about the fact that changes in the minimum wage are not only changes in the worker’s wages, but also other payments that are calculated on the basis of this indicator.
An increase in the minimum wage leads to an increase in such payments as:

  1. Payments for women during pregnancy and childbirth;
  2. Sick leave and vacation pay;
  3. Child care allowance until he reaches one and a half years old;
  4. Travel allowances.
  5. Penalties for non-compliance

It should be noted that the minimum wage only works for that category of employees who work full time. It is clear that if a citizen works at 0.5 or 0.25, no one is obliged to pay him extra up to the established minimum wage.

Another thing is that the salary of such an employee should be proportional to the minimum wage.

For example, if a person works at 0.5, and the minimum wage is set at eleven thousand one hundred sixty-three rubles, then for half-time no one can pay less than 11163/2 = 5581.5 rubles.
True, there is a peculiarity here too. An enterprise has the right to set its own salaries, which may be lower than the minimum wage. But then, taking into account all the allowances and additional payments, the employee should receive at least 11,163 rubles. If the monthly salary does not reach this amount, then it is necessary to pay an additional payment up to the minimum wage.

If such a law is not followed by the employer, then administrative liability measures may be applied to him in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this case it can be installed liability, both in the form of penalties and in the form of termination of the activities of a legal entity for a certain period of time:

  • An entrepreneur who violates the minimum wage and the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be subject to a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • The same amount of sanctions will be applied to the official who committed such actions;
  • A legal entity will be punished more severely; the fine in this case will be from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. In rare cases, a legal entity may be required to cease its activities for up to 90 days.

The minimum wage inspection is carried out by the labor inspectorate, which has the authority to conduct both scheduled and unscheduled inspections. An unscheduled inspection may be carried out based on a complaint from one of the employees who has not received the minimum wage.

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Federal and regional minimum wage: which one should an employer use?

Everyone knows perfectly well that according to the Russian government, regions have the authority to set their own subsistence level and minimum wage.

Another thing is that he cannot be lower than federal, but no one has the right to limit the maximum size.

Such measures have been taken in order to balance the level of social security of citizens with the level of economic development of the region. After all, for Moscow and Kaliningrad the minimum wage should be different, since the price level is different, and so is the level of economic development.
But with the adoption of the Federal Law on changing the minimum wage at the state level, the regional size of the minimum wage has so far remained unchanged. In fact, the regional minimum wage is currently lower than the federal one. That is why at the regional level it is necessary to bring the minimum wage to normal. And below is a table of the minimum wage for each region.

Table - Minimum salary for some regions of the Russian Federation

Province/region Size Why this size?
Belgorod region 11,163, since the agreement states that the amount will be equal to the cost of living, which is established in the 3rd quarter. 2017 The basis is an agreement concluded between employers and workers’ unions, as well as regional authorities
Bryansk region 11 163 Based on a signed memorandum between employers and local authorities of the Bryansk region
Vladimir region 11 163 Through a contract and agreement that is signed between employers and local authorities
Voronezh region Based on an agreement between employers of the entire district
Ivanovo region 11,163, since the agreement states that the amount will be equal to the cost of living, which is established in the 3rd quarter. Agreement between the authorities, the association of trade unions and the association of employers
Kaluga region 11,163, since the agreement states that the amount will be equal to the cost of living, which is established in the 3rd quarter. Based on an agreement between employers of the entire district, trade unions and local authorities
Kursk region 11163 Based on a signed agreement between employers and local authorities of the Bryansk region
Lipetsk region Equal to 1.2 subsistence level, which is set for the 4th quarter of 2017 Based on an agreement between Lipetsk employers, trade unions and Lipetsk authorities
Moscow 18742 Based on a general bilateral agreement between the association of employers of the Moscow region and the association of trade unions
Moscow region 13750 Conclusion of an agreement between the authorities and the association of employers of the Moscow region. The agreement is valid only in the Moscow region, but not in Moscow
Oryol Region The amount is set at 10,000 rubles; accordingly, the minimum wage should be applied as a basis at the level of 11,163 Tripartite agreement between the authorities, associations of employers and trade unions
Ryazan Oblast
Smolensk region In the amount of eleven thousand one hundred sixty-three rubles Federal Law No. 82, which was adopted in 2000.
Tambov Region In the amount of eleven thousand one hundred sixty-three rubles Federal Law No. 82, which was adopted in 2000.
Tver region In the amount of eleven thousand one hundred sixty-three rubles Federal Law No. 82, which was adopted in 2000.

This table can be continued to 85 regions, in almost all of them the minimum wage from May 1, 2018 will be set at eleven thousand one hundred sixty-three rubles. This amount will be established by law, or by an agreement signed between regional authorities, enterprises and trade unions of the region.

Table - Areas in which the minimum wage will be higher than 11,163

Province/region Minimum wage Why exactly this value?
Tula region At level 13000
Murmansk region In size 14281 The agreement of a given area on what size min. salaries will be set for employees in a given area for a specific period.
Nenets Autonomous Okrug Minimum - 14260 The agreement of a given area on what size min. salaries will be set for employees in a given area for a specific period
Saint Petersburg The minimum wage is 17,000 rubles, but the wages of a 1st category employee must be no less than 13,500 rubles.
Irkutsk region The minimum payment will be from 11,163 to 12 thousand six hundred fifty-two rubles, depending on the employee’s field of activity Regional agreement on establishing a minimum wage
Krasnoyarsk region The size is set as a range: 11,163 - 26,376. Depends on the field of activity, for example, for municipal institutions at the level of 11,163 rubles Agreement of a given region on what minimum wage should be established for workers in a given region.
Tomsk region The minimum wage is from 11,163. But a minimum wage of 16,500 is also allowed, it all depends on the employee’s area of ​​work Agreement of a given region on what minimum wage should be established for workers in a given region.
Kamchatka Krai Minimum - 16,910

Maximum - 19,510

Agreement on the establishment of a minimum wage. and also on the basis of Federal Law - 82 of June 19, 2000
Magadan region Min.-19 500; Max. - 21,060. But this minimum wage immediately includes compensation payments to each employee required by law Agreement between employers and the government of the Magadan region, as well as on the basis of Russian Federation Law 82 (2000)
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) The minimum amount is 17,388. This is due to the increased wage ratio Agreement between employers and trade unions, as well as on the basis of RF Law 82 (2000)
Sakhalin Minimum -

Maximum - 20,200

Agreement of the regional authorities on the establishment of the minimum wage, as well as on the basis of Russian Federation Law 82 (2000).
Khabarovsk region Minimum - 11,414; Maximum - 15,510 Agreement between employers and trade unions on the establishment of the minimum wage in a given region, as well as on the basis of Russian Federation Law 82 (2000)

The main conclusion from the tables presented: on average throughout the Russian Federation, the minimum wage will be set at 11,163 rubles.

As the data shows, there are not many areas with a minimum wage higher than the established minimum and they have their own specifics, including territorial location, for which workers in such regions are paid certain bonuses and higher wage rates are established.
It is also encouraging that when adopting a new minimum wage of eleven thousand one hundred sixty-three rubles, the President of the Russian Federation stated that this was the first step towards establishing fair wages, which should ensure a decent life for the population. That is why it cannot be said that this year there will not be another increase in the minimum wage. But time will tell. According to the data that is already known, the next increase in the minimum wage is expected at the beginning of 2019.

How will an increase in the minimum wage affect child benefits?

In some cases, minimum maternity payments and monthly payments for children under 1.5 years also depend on the size of the minimum wage.

If a woman’s working experience at the time of calculation is less than 6 months or the salary for the calculation period was less than the current minimum wage, then the calculation of child benefits is made based on the minimum wage.

This increase only applies to benefits that will be issued after the relevant date.

The increase in the above benefits will not apply to benefits already paid.

Minimum wage - 2018 - 2019 - in pursuance of the order of the President of the Russian Federation, its size by May 2018 reached 100% of the subsistence level established for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. What is the current minimum wage and whether it will change in the future, read here.

Why is the minimum wage needed, who sets (changes) it and when?

The concept of the minimum wage (minimum wage), its meaning, the procedure for application, establishment and amendment are determined by the norms of federal legislation:

  1. The minimum wage is established by the federal legislator and is valid throughout our country (Part 1 of Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. According to CC. 2, 3 tbsp. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the established minimum wage must be taken into account, observed and paid by all employers to their employees if they have fulfilled the monthly standard for working time and labor.
  3. The minimum wage, in addition to regulating the level of wages, is used to calculate sick leave benefits, maternity benefits and other social insurance purposes (Article 3 of the Law “On the Minimum..." dated June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ). You can read about all this on our website here: Minimum wage.
  4. In accordance with Art. 421 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure and terms for increasing the minimum wage are established at the federal level.

Let's talk about the last point in more detail.

Is there always an increase in the minimum wage in Russia since January?

Part 1 art. 133 together with Art. 421 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the rule: the minimum wage must be no less than the subsistence level, and it is adjusted to this value by federal laws. If you look at changes in the minimum wage over the past 10 years (see Table 1), you can see that there is no clearly defined time trend. The only thing that is obvious is that the value is getting larger each time.

Table 1

Minimum wage changes

Commencement of the new minimum wage

Minimum wage, rub.

From 2013 to 2016, a new minimum wage was introduced annually from January, then this order was changed.

The Federal Law “On Amendments...” dated December 28, 2017 No. 421-FZ (Law No. 421-FZ) established the minimum wage from 01/01/2018 in the amount of 9,489 rubles, and also introduced the provision that starting from 01/01/2019, and further, the minimum wage will be determined based on the cost of living for the second quarter of the previous year. While the cost of living decreases, the minimum wage remains at the level of the previous year. In advance of the specified period, the minimum wage equaled the level of the subsistence level from 05/01/2018 and amounted to 11,163 rubles (Law “On Amendments...” dated 03/07/2018 No. 41-FZ). From January 1, 2019, its size increased slightly to 11,280 rubles (Law “On Amendments...” dated December 25, 2018 No. 481-FZ)

Minimum wage rate from 01/01/2019

Law No. 481-FZ increased the minimum wage from 01/01/2019 to 11,280 rubles.

So, the minimum wage - 2019 has the following features:

  • the previous figure increased by 117 rubles;
  • The minimum wage is equal to the subsistence minimum established for the second quarter of 2018.

What the minimum wage will be in 2020 is still unknown. This depends on the living wage, which will be determined in accordance with the Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation” dated October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ for the second quarter of 2019 (in the second quarter of 2018 it amounted to 11,280 rubles).

In any case, as provided in Art. 3 of Law No. 421-FZ, if the cost of living when calculated in the next quarter of the year decreases, this will not affect the minimum wage. The minimum wage will remain at the same level.

What will change, besides increasing the minimum wage from January 1, 2019

In addition to changing the minimum wage in 2018 - 2019, Law No. 421-FZ updated the provisions of a number of regulations:

  1. Part 2 art. 95 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, which establishes the procedure for calculating compensation for witnesses in court. The specified compensation is calculated not on the basis of the minimum wage, but in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2012 No. 1240.
  2. Part 2 art. 108 CAS RF, which, as in the above paragraph, establishes the procedure for calculating compensation for a summoned working witness to court. After Law No. 421-FZ on changing the minimum wage comes into force, the rules of the above-mentioned resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation are applied.
  3. Part 4 art. 107 Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The changes occur similarly to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and the CAS of the Russian Federation.

The volumes and composition of products consumed by different groups of the population in 2018 - 2020 remain the same as specified in the law “On the consumer basket...” dated December 3, 2012 No. 227-FZ, despite the fact that in 2018 the consumer basket should have been update.

What will be the benefit and the amount of insurance premiums after increasing the minimum wage?

With the change in the minimum wage in 2019, the amount of sick leave, maternity benefits and child care benefits will change.

The minimum wage is taken into account when calculating the specified social benefits if the employee (employee) does not have enough insurance coverage or an insufficient amount of earnings received in the billing period.

Calculation of average daily earnings at the minimum wage in 2019 is 11,280 rubles:

SDZ = 11,280 × 24 / 730 = 370.85 rubles.

From 05/01/2018 to 12/31/2018 the minimum wage was 11,163 rubles, therefore

SDS = 11,163 × 24/730 = 367 rubles.

Thus, the final benefit amount in 2019 will be calculated based on the SDZ of 370.85 rubles. (in 2017, SDZ was 246.58 rubles).

The minimum wage is also used as the basis for calculating insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs, notaries, etc., using the simplified tax system. However, due to its sharp increase, this rule was changed to paragraph 77 of Art. 2 of the Law “On Amendments...” dated November 27, 2017 No. 335-FZ. Fixed payment amounts have been established for 2018, 2019 and 2020

Thus, the following is deposited into the Pension Fund for 2018: 26,545 rubles, for 2019 - 29,354 rubles.

To the FFOMS for 2018 you must pay: 5,840 rubles, for 2019 - 6,884 rubles.

Despite the fact that the tax agent is now the Federal Tax Service, the names of insurance premiums and the procedure for making them remain the same.

The minimum wage in Russia has been increased to 11,280 rubles from 01/01/2019. due to changes in the cost of living.

With the increase in the minimum wage in 2018 - 2019, the amount of insurance benefits will increase. Insurance premiums will also increase, but not by the amount of the increase in the minimum wage. The amounts of such payments for 2018 - 2020 are fixed.

The minimum wage in the Russian Federation from January 1, 2019 will be increased by 1.01% and will amount to 11,280 rubles.

The minimum wage in Russia will increase again from January 1, 2019. We’ll talk about this and what indicators will be affected by increasing the minimum wage in today’s article.

We have collected all minimum wages by region and at the federal level from January 1, 2019 in tables. Download for free:

Increasing the minimum wage from 2019

The provisions on the amount of the minimum wage are regulated in Russian legislation by Federal Law dated June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ. According to the amendments introduced by Federal Law No. 421-FZ on December 28, 2017, from January 1, 2018, the minimum wage amounted to 11,280 rubles.

Maxim Topilin - Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation noted that from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage should reach the absolute level of the subsistence level and will be introduced by legislation on the basis of the subsistence level in force in 2018. The draft law amending Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Minimum Wage” was published on the portal

To make a decision on a significant increase in the minimum wage starting from 2019, the Ministry of Labor conducted an assessment and found that for this purpose, about 24.6 billion rubles will be required from the country’s budget to index the minimum wage for employees of budgetary institutions of federal departments. In general, employers in the country will bear the cost of increasing the minimum wage in the amount of 44 billion rubles. But the regions need to prepare for the most significant costs for the minimum wage; about 56 billion rubles will be spent from their budgets for this purpose.

Minimum wage in the regions - what to prepare for

From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage in the Russian Federation will be 11,280 rubles, which means that employers throughout the country will be required to bring the salaries of employees who received wages at the minimum wage level to this value. Wages will have to be reviewed and adjustments made to employment agreements, and this must be done before the first salary is paid in the new year.

Employers in the northern regions of the country should pay special attention. Here, in addition to the minimum wage, a regional coefficient is required, the value of which varies depending on the distance of the region from the Far North. Thus, the minimum wage in such regions must be higher than the established federal minimum wage.

When paying wages below the minimum wage, the employer faces a fine of 50 thousand rubles (Part 6 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), for a repeated violation - 100 thousand rubles. In case of systematic violation of labor legislation, criminal liability cannot be excluded.

Minimum wage 2019 and payment of benefits

An increase in the minimum wage in the country from January 1, 2019 will entail new requirements for the calculation of benefits for sick leave and maternity leave. These benefits are calculated based on the minimum wage, which means they will also increase. The minimum wage is used in benefit calculations if:

  • the employee obligated to receive a benefit payment did not have a salary in the billing period or it was below the established minimum wage (this is possible, for example, in the first month at a person’s first place of work);
  • the employee's length of service is less than six months;
  • during the period of incapacity, the employee violated the hospital regime and there is documentary evidence of this.

With a minimum wage of 11,280 rubles, the minimum average salary required to calculate benefits will be 370.84 rubles (the formula is used: 11,280 rubles x 24 months / 730 days).

For insured events in 2019, the average daily earnings should be compared with this minimum value when calculating.

Minimum wage 2019 and insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs

Will the new minimum wage affect the basis for calculating insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs, as well as notaries, lawyers and other persons who work for themselves and do not have employees. After all, the value of the minimum wage for calculating the insurance premiums that will need to be paid for 2019, you need to take what will be established on January 1, 2019, that is, 11,280 rubles.

However, in 2019 this rule does not apply. For the period 2018 - 2020, a fixed amount of contributions is used, which does not depend in any way on the minimum wage.