Placement of deposits of legal entities. Deposit for legal entities What is a legal entity deposit account

Deposit accounts in a bank can be opened by individuals and legal entities. These types of accounts are designed to store funds for a certain period and at certain interest rates.

To open a deposit account, an agreement is concluded between the bank and the client. Upon entry into force of such an agreement, all available funds from the account of an individual or legal entity are transferred to a deposit account and from that moment interest is accrued.

Types of deposit accounts

There are several types of deposit accounts: fixed-term and demand. With a fixed-term deposit, the bank client himself determines the specific date when he can withdraw his funds. With this type of deposit, interest rates are much higher than with demand deposits.

When concluding an agreement on a deposit account with a bank, the term deposit type may not be withdrawn from the account until the end of the agreement. In this case, the contract is automatically extended for the same period as the previously concluded contract.

With a demand deposit, the interest rate is significantly lower, but in this case the client will be able to use his funds at any time the depositor wants. There are many situations that the bank always meets its clients halfway when they arise. Every bank and bank employee values ​​​​its reputation.

Interest calculation methods

There are several methods for calculating interest on deposits. This can be accrual of interest monthly, quarterly and with capitalization.

When calculating interest with capitalization, it is actually interest compounded on interest. This method is used in cases where the client withdraws interest from the account quite often. Interest rates on deposits can also be of several types. These are fixed and floating interest rates.

When using fixed interest rates, the contract specifies specifically what interest rate will be applied to a given deposit. And when floating interest rates are used in deposits, the contract states that the interest rate depends, for example, on the exchange rate; such an interest rate is applied mainly in deposits in foreign currency. In this case, it is not the interest rate itself that is indicated, but the changing rate over time. This rate is called the base rate, and the amount of the margin added to it.

How to open a bank deposit account for individuals

Many bank clients know how to open an account. The same procedures apply when opening a deposit account. A valid account of an individual may also be needed when opening a deposit account, since when opening an account, money from a simple account can be immediately transferred at the bank’s cash desk to a deposit account.

To open deposit accounts for individuals, a list of documents established by the bank is required. Opening deposit accounts implies the presence of the client in the bank.

When opening such an account, you will be required to provide a passport and the amount of money that you want to deposit into the account in order to receive interest in the future. This operation in almost all banks can be done directly at the cash desk for servicing individuals.

Opening a deposit account by legal entities

To open a deposit account, legal entities must provide the relevant documents to the bank. As a rule, these are the same documents as when opening a regular current account by legal entities.

First of all, an application for opening a deposit account is submitted to the bank in the prescribed form of the bank. The next step is to provide a copy of the charter, certified by the seal of the legal entity. Then the registration of a card with sample signatures of employees of a legal entity who have access to the disposal of deposits, these are the signatures of the director, founder and chief accountant.

This card is certified by the seal of a legal entity, and then by bank employees. If there are signatures of employees on the card, copies of documents confirming the appointment to positions of the persons indicated on the card are required.

The processing time for opening a deposit account can range from several hours to several days. When opening a deposit account, legal entities have the right to choose to invest their funds at the desired interest rate.

There are deposits in different monetary terms. These can be deposits in national currency and US dollars.

Are you a business owner or individual entrepreneur? How to not only save, but also receive passive income as a result of investing free money? Are there special deposits for legal entities? You will learn about this in the article.

Deposits for legal entities. Concept

Contribution of a legal entity (legal entity) opens if you are a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur and have free funds that are not involved in your business.

Depending on your business, a financial institution (credit and financial institution) may offer to open a deposit for three different categories of organizations:

  • for large businesses (more than 250 employees);
  • for medium-sized businesses (number of employees from 101 to 250 people);
  • for small businesses or individual entrepreneurs (number of employees from 1 to 100 people).

Terms of accommodation:

  1. An agreement is concluded between KFU and you.
  2. An individual account is opened in which available funds are placed.
  3. KFU undertakes to pay interest on the deposited amount.
  4. A certain period is established during which you do not have the right to withdraw funds*.
*You can withdraw part or the entire amount of your deposit, in which case the KFU will charge a reduced interest rate of 0.01% (the interest rate of the "Demand" deposit).

Bank deposits of legal entities. Features and differences from deposits of individuals

  1. To open, your passport and documents of your organization are required.
  2. The minimum amount of funds is significantly higher compared to deposits for individuals (for example, from 500 thousand rubles).
  3. Interest rates on deposits for legal entities are more favorable. For example, when placing 15 million rubles for 1 month, you can receive 10%. The larger the amount and term, the higher the interest rate.
  4. You can independently choose the term for placing funds, focusing on a specific date of a future transaction (for example, from 6 days to 3 years).
  5. When opening a savings account, a legal entity is required to notify the tax service, the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.
  6. When concluding a deposit agreement for a legal entity, some financial institutions offer special offers and bonus programs (for example, free opening of a current account and connection to online bank services, etc.)

Deposit for a legal entity. How to open

You can contact:

  • to your bank (where your company already has a current account);
  • to any other KFU.

Standard package of documents required when opening a legal entity deposit:

  1. OGRN and TIN of your organization.
  2. Copies of constituent documents.
  3. Card with sample signatures of responsible persons and seal imprint.
  4. Documents confirming the authority of the executive body/representative of your organization to conclude a legal deposit agreement and manage your funds (for example, an extract from the protocol or order).

Deposit of an individual entrepreneur. Package of documents

  1. Your passport.
  2. TIN and OGRN of your organization.
  3. License (if your activity is subject to licensing).
  4. Information from Goskomstat.

Deposits for legal entities

Deposits for legal entities– special accounts opened by the bank for companies, for which the credit institution pays a certain percentage.

Deposits can be used by legal entities to place temporarily available funds.

As a rule, banks offer time deposits to legal entities, that is, placing money for a certain period pre-agreed in the contract. Moreover, this may be revocable or irrevocable - depending on whether the enterprise has the opportunity to claim the amount of money ahead of schedule or not. Most often, upon early termination of a deposit agreement, a reduced interest rate is paid - for example, equal to a demand deposit.

From an accounting perspective, placing a deposit represents opening a separate bank account. Moreover, placing a deposit of a legal entity is possible in any bank, not necessarily in the one where the main current account is located, through which cash settlement services (CSR) are provided. Thus, to open a bank deposit, as a rule, it is necessary to prepare the following package of documents:

  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity (copy certified by the legal entity);
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority (copy certified by the legal entity);
  • deposit agreement();
  • client's application to open a deposit account;
  • a copy of the card with sample signatures and seal imprint, certified by employees of the bank in which the organization has opened a current account;
  • charter of the organization (copy certified by a legal entity);
  • passports of the persons indicated in the card with sample signatures (copies certified by a bank employee);
  • order on the appointment of persons signing documents to the corresponding position (copy certified by the legal entity);
  • power of attorney (if necessary), copies of documents necessary to identify the authorized person (copy of passport; migration card; document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation; TIN (if any); application form of the authorized person ).
  • information letter from Goskomstat (copy certified by a legal entity).
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur.

This list can be shortened if an organization or individual entrepreneur already has an account with this bank.

The opening of a deposit account in a bank, as well as the opening of a current account, must be notified to the tax authorities, the Pension Fund, etc.

As of autumn 2011, deposit rates for legal entities range from 2.5% to 7% depending on the term. Unlike private deposits, in many cases it is possible to negotiate a percentage for the use of money individually. It should be borne in mind that deposits of legal entities are not subject to deposit insurance programs.

See what “Deposits for legal entities” are in other dictionaries:

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Deposit products designed specifically for legal entities provide for the transfer of funds or securities for safekeeping to a financial institution. Such programs are issued in separate accounts and funds from them cannot be spent on the current needs of a commercial organization.

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When opening a deposit, relevant agreements are concluded between representatives of small, large and medium-sized businesses and banking organizations, which can be of two types:

  1. They are concluded on time deposits.
  2. Poste restante.

Legal entities must provide the financial institution with a complete package of documentation, which consists of a large number of certificates.

Before contacting your bank, which provides services for commercial activities, you need to familiarize yourself with all the existing offers of other financial institutions.

How to open?

Currently, the following types of deposit products are available to representatives of small, large and medium-sized businesses:

  1. Open. These programs are issued at certain interest rates and can be either indefinite or valid for a certain period of time.
  2. Cells. This type of deposit allows legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to transfer both money and securities and precious metals to banking organizations for storage.
  3. Closed. This type of deposit involves the transfer of a certain amount of company funds to a financial institution for safekeeping. For the specified period, they are kept in sealed and sealed containers.

To open a deposit product, representatives of small, large and medium-sized businesses need to collect certain documentation and have a large amount of funds available (not lower than the minimum established by the bank).

An agreement is concluded between the parties and the assets are transferred to the banking organization for temporary disposal.

Bank deposits for legal entities

Today, many Russian banks and private financial organizations offer a large number of deposit products for small, medium and large businesses.

They can be opened for short or long periods; they have fairly high interest rates and flexible terms.

Financial institution Minimum deposit amount(in rubles) Rates Name of deposit product Validity period of the program developed for legal entities
Milbank 500 000 16,00 Urgent 365
Sberbank 1. up to 100 000 0002. over Determined depending on the term and amount of the deposit 7 types of deposits from 31 to 366 days
Aktiv Kapital Bank 50 000 000 16,00 Standard 6 months
Rinvestbank 2 922 016 15,00 Leap Bonus 30
RITC Bank 3 000 000 14,50 Urgent 6 months
Alfa Bank 30 000 from 8.20 14 types of deposits from 1 month
Plus Bank 500 000 13,80 Business Reliable Plus 6 Mass.
Education 10 000 001 13,50 Base 9 months
Rosenergobank 35 000 000 13,50 Profitable 3 months
Bank BCC Moscow 35 000 000 13,50 Urgent 18 months
World 1 000 000 13,30 Comfortable 6 Mass.
Idea bank 300 000 13,00 Premium 6 months

Interest rates

Unlike deposits intended for individuals, deposit products for Russian business representatives may have floating rates.

Their value can fluctuate widely, since it directly depends on the agreements that will be reached between the management of the financial institution and the management of the commercial company.

Of all the deposit products presented on the domestic market, the most profitable are those that provide for replenishment.

Requirements for depositors

Russian banking organizations willingly cooperate with representatives of small, large and medium-sized businesses, since they belong to the category of the most profitable investors.

There are no strict requirements for them, especially if they are already regular customers before opening deposits. In this case, the documentation package will consist of a minimum number of certificates.

List of documents

For new depositors, financial institutions have developed a fairly extensive list of documents that they need to provide to open a deposit program (in addition to the application form established by the bank):

  • certified copies of the statutory documentation (you must take the originals with you when signing the contract);
  • copies of documents indicating state registration of a potential investor as a business entity (must be notarized);

  • if no amendments were made to the statutory documentation in the process of carrying out economic activities by a legal entity, then this fact must be confirmed in writing;
  • copies (as well as originals) of documents confirming the registration of a business entity with regulatory authorities as a tax payer;
  • a letter from the State Statistics Committee confirming the registration with the Unified State Register of Industrial Organizations of a representative of a small, large or medium-sized business (if only a copy is provided, it must first be certified by a notary);

  • documents of the head of a commercial company (individual entrepreneur);
  • if these activities are entrusted to an authorized person, then he must provide, in addition to the power of attorney, copies and originals of his identification documents;
  • cards certifying the signatures of all persons who will have access to the deposit, etc.

Is it possible to withdraw funds early?

Today, many Russian banks allow legal entity depositors to withdraw their funds from deposits ahead of schedule.

At the same time, representatives of small, large and medium-sized businesses should clearly understand that they will have to lose a fairly large part of their passive income.

This is due to the fact that the financial institution will calculate interest for the actual time the money is on deposit at specially developed rates.

How to close a deposit?

To close a deposit program in Russian financial institutions, legal entities must contact the branch where the relevant agreement was signed.

You must have identification documents with you, as well as all deposit documentation. If, when opening a deposit, a representative of a commercial organization was issued a plastic card, then it will need to be returned to the bank.

The manager of the financial institution will check the entire package of documentation and invite the client to fill out an application. Based on this document, the deposit will be closed and all related services will be disabled.

And if you are interested in a cash loan for legal entities, then you need to read the following.

Advantages and disadvantages

Deposit products that financial institutions develop specifically for small, medium and large businesses have many advantages.

In addition to the fact that individual entrepreneurs and commercial companies will be able to receive decent passive income, they will benefit from cooperation with the bank the following advantages:

  • deposit programs are opened for both short and long periods (some products may have a perpetual period);
  • if the deposit is made in a banking organization that provides services to a legal entity, then the package of documentation is reduced several times;

  • time deposit products have fairly high interest rates;
  • individual entrepreneurs, as well as commercial organizations, can terminate (unilaterally) agreements with financial institutions ahead of schedule;
  • If legal entities (this also applies to individual entrepreneurs) issue a certificate of deposit at a financial institution, then they will not need to notify regulatory authorities about the fact of opening a deposit program.

Any legal entity in the process of carrying out economic activities generates free finances. This is due to the gradual growth of profits and the limited amount of working capital.

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The surplus of funds, resulting from the difference between profit and working capital, “lies idle” and does not bring results. In order to use all the company’s assets, it is necessary for free money to start “working”.


Deposits for enterprises and institutions, as well as for citizens, are divided into two main types:

  • urgent;
  • poste restante.

The first category usually includes deposits with a limited period of placement of funds. That is, the conditions stipulate that, for example, the deposit is opened for 1 year, or for 3 years.

At the same time, the presence of a prolongation is not a basis for transferring a deposit from the category of urgent deposits to demand deposits.

Time deposits provide:

  • high profitability;
  • restrictions on some financial transactions (deposits, withdrawals);
  • regular or preferential conditions for early termination.

Demand deposits are deposits with low returns (on average from 0.01% to 0.1% per year), but with truly limitless possibilities. The agreement is valid until the legal entity decides to close the account.

Deposit and withdrawal operations - without restrictions, up to the minimum balance amount (as a rule, the minimum balance is 1 ruble, or the equivalent in another currency).

Deposits for legal entities are also divided according to the possibility of early withdrawal:

  • revocable;
  • irrevocable.

The first group includes deposits with the ability to partially withdraw funds, the second - without such an opportunity.

Many credit institutions offering deposit products to legal entities establish individual placement conditions.

In this aspect, deposits for enterprises and deposits for citizens are fundamentally different - for the latter, pre-established conditions always apply.

A separate bank account must be opened for any deposit. Moreover, it is not necessary that the account be opened in the same bank as the deposit.

And yet, it is more convenient when both the deposit and the accompanying bank account are in the same organization - this way the settlement and cash services will be of the highest quality.

Where can I apply?

Almost all Russian banks provide deposits for organizations and enterprises of any form of ownership.

As a rule, the minimum amount for placement is 1 million rubles, but there may be products with a reduced down payment.

Thus, Plus Bank has developed several products at once with a minimum amount of only 100 thousand rubles and flexible terms - from 3 months to 1 year.

Among such deposits we can highlight Business Reliable Plus. The interest rate is 13.8% per annum.

Some banks offering deposits with the possibility of replenishment:

Bank's name

Product name Sum


Plus Bank Business Reliable Plus 100 thousand 6 months
Rosenergobank Deposit for self-regulatory organizations From 5 to 100 million From 2 months up to 1 year
Trust Business Maximum 100 thousand From six months to 1 year
Bank Sovetsky Classic for legal entities 10 million From six months to 1 year
Investsotsbank Classic in rubles 30 million 1 year

But expense transactions are available for the following products:

Of course, in addition to little-known credit structures, such financial market giants as VTB 24, Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank and Unicredit have not forgotten about legal entities.

For example, Sberbank has 6 products with predetermined conditions, and 1 offer that allows a legal entity to optimally select only the necessary options and conditions.

The names of Sberbank deposits speak for themselves:

  • Classical;
  • Classic online;
  • Refillable;
  • Refillable online;
  • Recallable;
  • Reviewable online;
  • On different terms.

Bank rates

Rates vary greatly depending on the bank, the available deposit options, the amount of funds deposited, the term and the currency.

Traditionally, the highest profitability awaits an organization that has available funds in rubles.

Plus Bank offers the highest profit of all banks existing in Russia. The product is called Term Account Plus and is opened for any period ranging from 1 to 365 days.

This deposit does not provide for outgoing and incoming transactions. Income is paid at the end of the term in amounts depending on the term of the deposit:

So, you can get a colossal yield of 14.3% per annum if you deposit just 100 thousand rubles for a period of six months to a year. This product is unique - it’s unlikely that such conditions are offered anywhere else.

Rosenergobank is slightly behind Plus Bank in terms of profitable deposits. It offers the following offers that allow businesses to make good money:

When investing for 1 year in an amount of 20 million rubles, the return will be 11.75%. By the way, almost the same profit can be obtained by investing much less, but for a longer period.

The rate of 11.5% will apply in the case of:

  • registration of a deposit for a period of 1.5 years;
  • investment of at least 1 million rubles.

As for deposits in foreign currency, the interest on them is higher than on similar offers for individuals.

The leader in terms of profitability is NovakhovKapitalBank with its Term deposit in dollars - the rate is as much as 6.5% per year.

In 2nd place is Plus Bank, a deposit called Term Account Plus (3.5%), in 3rd place is Rosenergobank (Universal deposit, interest rate 3.25% per year).

How to apply

The procedure for registering a deposit for a company, organization or institution:

  • searching for a bank with the most favorable and suitable conditions;
  • visiting the office of a credit structure to calculate profitability;
  • preparation of the documentation package required to open a deposit and bank account;
  • depositing funds by bank transfer (as a rule, there is a limit on cash deposits due to large amounts).

What documents are needed

Unlike individuals who only need a passport to open a deposit, for legal entities the list of documentation is much more extensive:

  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;

  • application for opening a deposit account;
  • articles of association;

  • a card with sample signatures of the organization’s executives and samples of seals;
  • order on the appointment of managers to the relevant position;
  • passports of the persons indicated on the card;
  • information letter from Goskomstat.

Additional documents (provided if necessary):

  • power of attorney;
  • migration card and a document indicating the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation (if the applicant is a citizen of a foreign state).

What is the tax on a legal entity's deposit?