Receive compensation for comprehensive insurance. How to receive payment under a comprehensive insurance policy

CASCO insurance will allow you to compensate for losses if something bad happens to your car - damage as a result of an accident or natural disaster, theft of individual elements or theft. Receiving insurance compensation will not be difficult if you responsibly approach all stages on the path to obtaining insurance.

Study the CASCO agreement. Sometimes car owners enter into an agreement without reading the terms. Find out which situations are insurable and how the insurance company pays compensation. Some insurance companies allow a one-time payment for minor damage to a car without filing a report with the traffic police. This is a small fixed amount or a percentage of the sum insured. But there is a nuance here - if you incorrectly determined the amount of damage by eye and when calculating the cost of repairs by the insurer, the indicated limit is significantly exceeded, you may be denied payment. Upon arrival of the traffic police officers, do not wait aside to fill out the protocol. Make sure that the document reflects all the circumstances of the event and records all external damage to the car. It is important to note that hidden damage is possible. Without this record, the insurance company may refuse to replace parts not specified in the protocol. When receiving documents, check the specified data for correctness - whether the date and location of the incident, the names of the participants in the accident, car brands, registration plates, and contact information are correct. Submit a package of documents to the insurance company. The list may vary from company to company, but usually it includes:
  • Protocol (certificate) drawn up by a traffic police officer;
  • PTS, vehicle registration certificate;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • An application that is filled out when submitting documents;
  • CASCO policy;
  • Receipt for payment of the next insurance premium;
  • Pledge agreement – ​​for a credit car;
  • The key and alarm fob are in case of theft.

The traffic police certificate and application must be provided in the original, other documents must be photocopies. Take a receipt from the insurer that a complete set of documents has been accepted.

Give the car to the insurer for inspection. Make sure that the inspection report indicates all identified damage, as well as a note about hidden damage. Based on the report, the amount of repairs will be calculated. Receive insurance compensation. Depending on the terms of the CASCO agreement, compensation is possible in different ways:
  • The insurance company itself pays for repairs at a car service center you select from the list offered by the insurer.
  • The insurance company transfers the calculated amount of compensation to your bank account, and you find the car service yourself.
  • You choose a car service at your discretion, receive an invoice for repairs and submit it to the insurance company for approval. You pay the bill, and upon completion of the repair the insurer will compensate your costs.

CASCO is an insurance policy that can be used to resolve issues arising as a result of an accident or another insured event. The CASCO policy is quite flexible.

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The scope of its activities may include additional services. For example, an emergency dispatcher, technical assistance or tow truck visiting the scene of an accident. But you can refuse these services, because they significantly increase the cost of the policy.

Getting a CASCO payment can sometimes be difficult. Insurance companies resort to various tricks in order not to pay the insured amount or to keep the amount of compensation to a minimum.

The article explains how to protect your interests and what you need to know so that the maximum CASCO payment in full is used for its intended purpose.

Terms and Conditions

Any client of an insurance company, when an insured event occurs, wants to receive insurance payment quickly and in full. There are cases when the insurance company refuses to pay out under CASCO and the law is on their side.

Such a nuisance can only happen in one case - the client signed an agreement “with pitfalls.”

To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully read the contract, provide for possible insurance situations as much as possible and, if necessary, insist on changes to the conditions in the standard contract.

Often, insurance company clients find themselves in situations where the insurance company has refused to pay out under CASCO. These include:

  • malicious violation of traffic rules (exceeding the speed limit by more than 60 km/h, driving into oncoming traffic, passing a railway crossing with the barrier down, running a red light, driving a car with an expired maintenance, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs);

    This condition is considered a generally accepted norm in the insurance market. Moreover, the concluded insurance contract does not exempt the driver from complying with traffic rules.

  • spontaneous combustion or explosion of a car that was not moving. Those. Your car was damaged while passing a burning car;
  • after an accident, a traffic police officer was not called to the scene of the accident or incorrect data about the accident was provided
  • self-repair of a car as a result of an accident;
  • the car was damaged during washing, during loading and unloading or cleaning operations taking place nearby;
  • the car was stolen or damaged as a result of the keys being forgotten in the ignition switch.

It happens that insurance company managers deliberately underestimated the payment for comprehensive insurance; in general, there are a lot of nuances to avoid payments or minimize them on the part of insurance companies, so there is no need to rush into signing an agreement, you should thoroughly study it, read it, think it over, and if necessary, even contact a lawyer .

You should definitely check your CASCO policy for information on how the amount of damage will be determined and calculated. Pay special attention to the form for calculating the amount of payments: with or without a deductible, taking into account wear and tear of parts or without.

If you feel that the insurance company has calculated/paid an unfair amount, then it is best to conduct your own appraisal.

Surely it will be fundamentally different from the examination of the “pocket” experts of the insurance company, naturally not in your favor.

What documents are needed

In some cases, the insurance company has the right to request an additional package of documents, which, in the opinion of company employees, are necessary to restore the full picture of the occurrence of the insured event.

But, basically, the client will be required to provide the following set of documents:

  • identification;
  • original and copy of driver's license and;
  • CASCO policy;
  • certified by the traffic police;
  • in case of theft, you must provide the remaining alarm key fobs, chips, and keys from the car;
  • also, in case of theft, it is necessary to provide a copy of the initiation of a criminal case.

It must be remembered that the list of documents may vary and will change depending on each specific case.

For example, if a car was damaged as a result of a natural disaster, then you need a document from the Hydrometeorological Center, if the car burned down, then you need papers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or from the fire service, and in case of an accident, accordingly, documents from the traffic police.

It happens that it is not possible to call representatives of official authorities due to the remoteness or inaccessibility of the area, or in case of minor damage.

In these cases, it is possible to use the simplified procedure for registering an insured event, specified in the contract.

Amount of payments under CASCO

When interacting with insurance companies, you need to take into account the fact that the rates of different insurers may differ significantly from each other.

To find out everything about the tariffs of this insurance company, you can make the calculations yourself. To do this, specialized services called CASCO calculators operate online. Almost all insurers provide this service, and the process itself will only take a few minutes.

Insurer rates range from 2% to 6% of the cost of the car. For example, if the car costs 100,000 rubles. and at a rate of 2% you will need to deposit 2,000 rubles into the insurance company’s cash desk. annually.

Naturally, the maximum payment under CASCO is the dream of every motorist. But in order to get it you need to know some of the nuances of the activities of the insurance company.

Unfortunately, the insurance company client does not face the maximum payment under CASCO in any case. At least insurance managers will make every effort to do this.

Surely, the maximum amount of payment under CASCO will be reduced by the percentage of depreciation of the car, which is calculated every month. Even if the car is involved in an accident the day after signing the contract, the monthly payment will still be charged.

Insurance indemnities are of the following types:

  1. The insurance company, having an agreement with the repair service, issues you a referral to eliminate technical problems that arose as a result of an insured event. This will be considered a payment.
  2. Payment in cash. In this case, you need to pay attention to how the damage will be calculated. Possible options:
    • according to the calculation compiled by the insurer;
    • according to calculations compiled by an independent expert;
    • based on the invoice provided by the injured party.

The amount of insurance payment is most often determined by calculation with a service station in the direction of the insurance company. However, there are other ways of counting.

Firstly, the insurance amount for CASCO insurance in any insurance company is determined taking into account formal criteria. That is, the insurance company has tables that indicate that a certain part costs so much, and the work to install it costs so much.

If you want to find out the real and fair amount of payments, you need to contact specialized appraisal firms. But this procedure costs money, and in large cities such firms may work behind the scenes with insurance companies.

When a damage assessment is carried out, it is necessary to be present during this procedure. Moreover, it does not matter who conducts the assessment: whether it is a representative of the insurance company or an independent expert hired by you.

After completing the assessment, you must be given a report showing the amount of damage. In addition, you must receive an acceptance/transfer certificate for services performed.

List of insurance cases

CASCO insurance cases are divided into two subgroups:

  1. Theft or theft of a car.
  2. Events or actions that resulted in damage to the vehicle.

This gradation is practiced for convenience, because issues of theft or theft are regulated by the criminal code, and causing damage by civil law.

CASCO conditionally can be “full” or “partial”. By applying for a “full” CASCO insurance, you will protect your car from:

  • damage in an accident;
  • damage caused by natural disasters (hurricane, flood, lightning);
  • fires or explosions;
  • accidents;
  • actions of hooligans or vandals;
  • theft of a car or its individual parts (wheels, mirrors, glass).
    “Partial” CASCO means that payments will be made only upon the occurrence of certain insured events stipulated by the terms of the contract.

For example, you can get insurance in the event of an accident, but the insurance company will refuse to pay CASCO if your car is stolen.

But there is also a positive aspect in this interpretation: by refusing some risks, you significantly reduce the cost of insurance. Only situations expressly specified in the contract are considered insurable.

The maximum payment under CASCO is possible in the following cases:

  • in case of an accident, even if the victim is found to be the culprit of the accident;
  • when a car is stolen or stolen;
  • in case of damage caused by third parties (vandalism) or due to negligence;
  • in case of arson or spontaneous combustion of a car;
  • sudden, accidental fall of heavy objects (trees, stones, icicles) onto the car;
  • if the car is damaged by animals.

This is not a complete list of possible troubles, but it ensures that insurance pays out if an insured event occurs.

In principle, this list can be significantly expanded if there are no objections from the insurance company or you can pay your contributions in full.

But the insurance company client may not receive insurance:

  • when an insurance company is declared bankrupt;
  • if the insurance contract is declared invalid;
  • in case of loss or theft of an insurance policy form that occurred earlier.

How it happens

Before paying out insurance, the insurance company is determined by two main points:

  1. Is the loss claimed by the policyholder an insured event, and is it necessary to pay for this loss in principle? The contract contains several clauses which stipulate that this or that situation does not fall under the definition of “insured event”. Before the insurance company refuses to pay under CASCO, representatives of the insurance company must make sure that this event does not fall under any interpretation that provides for this refusal.

    The documentary component of this inspection includes official protocols, documents from law enforcement agencies and other official papers.

  2. Estimation of the cost of repairs, inspection of damage, their expert assessment and calculation of the amount of loss that must be compensated under CASCO. The data obtained will significantly influence the period of insurance payment.

Compensation for damage under CASCO is of two types:

  • financial compensation;
  • referral for car repair to a service station.

Having completed the documentation according to the rules and following all the necessary manipulations, you can count on the maximum payment under CASCO.

What you need to do to receive insurance compensation under CASCO:

  1. Immediately call the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the traffic police to the scene of the accident.
  2. Do not touch or move the vehicle.
  3. You should not negotiate with other participants in an accident without going through government agencies.
  4. After drawing up the protocol, study it carefully.
  5. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible.
  6. Provide the entire package of documents that is established or required by the insurer.


As a rule, the terms of payments under CASCO are specified in the contract, or in the rules of the insurance company to which the contract refers.

The countdown begins from the day when all the necessary documents were provided to the insurance company. As practice shows, the terms of insurance payment range from 15 days to one month.

If after a month the insurance has not been paid, the client has the right to submit a pre-trial claim for compensation to the court. If these manipulations do not solve the problem, then you can additionally demand payment of a penalty in court.

Sample claim for recovery

In the event of an insured event, the insurance company is obliged to compensate clients for losses. However, the latter often encounter unfounded refusals or deliberate underestimation of the insured amount.

In such cases, the only correct and effective way to achieve justice is to file a lawsuit against the insurance company.

The statement of claim is filed according to the general rules. The statement of claim must be accompanied by documents that confirm your rights to the insured car, the amount of losses and the occurrence of the insured event.

After an accident, every driver who has purchased protection has the right to protection. But in reality, only a small part receives it. To receive compensation for damages under CASCO in case of an accident, you must provide a number of documents.

Half of them are usually not even necessary, but the insurance company requires them. To protect yourself and be guaranteed to receive a payment, you need to know what CASCO is, the procedure for contacting the insurance company and the terms of payments.

CASCO – car insurance carried out on a voluntary basis. It allows you to protect yourself in the event of an accident or vehicle theft. The policy is valid even if an accident occurs due to your actions.

Sample CASCO policy.

Every driver has the right to choose a convenient insurance method for himself.

But before you decide, you need to carefully study the conditions:

  • what insurance incidents can be insured;
  • maximum payout;
  • application deadlines;
  • payment process.

Of all the above, the maximum payment under CASCO plays an important role. This amount is specified in each insurance contract. If the maximum payment under CASCO is lower than the damage itself, then the company must still pay the maximum amount specified in the contract.

By law, the maximum payout is set by the person's preferred insurance company.

But it’s worth knowing that some programs provide insurance for a specific traffic accident. Therefore, the more cases you indicate in the contract, the higher the maximum payment will be. Before you sign the document, study it carefully so that in the event of an accident you will not be left without payments.

Legal relations between a person and an insurance company are regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. Among them:

  • Law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”;
  • Law on Consumer Protection".

In addition to these laws, relations between the parties are regulated by regulations adopted within the company. We can draw a small conclusion that each insurance company sets its own rules and conditions for the provision of insurance services.

CASCO policy rules

Receiving compensation from an insurance company is inextricably linked with knowledge of a number of rules. There are various types of CASCO insurance, which insure not only against damage in road accidents, vandalism and other troubles. All of them are indicated in the CASCO insurance contract.

When the car owner contacts the insurer, the policyholder is obliged to send documents confirming the incident, and the company must recognize the incident as an insured event.

Expert opinion

Natalya Alekseevna

CASCO payments are made according to the insurance contract. However, the amount of compensation for a damaged car is not always equal to the maximum amount specified in the contract.

How are payments for CASCO insurance calculated? In the case of a traffic accident, the amount depends on the damage. To determine it, a special examination is carried out.

Calculation can be carried out:

  • an independent expert who has a special license for this type of activity;
  • technical service.

Every contract has a clause that stipulates the amount of return: damage can be reimbursed in full or in part. If the car is stolen and it cannot be returned, the maximum amount specified in the insurance contract will be paid.

CASCO insurance step by step.

Receipt of compensation is carried out as follows:

  • car repair;
  • payment of a specific amount;
  • replacing the vehicle with the same one.

The car is sent by the insurance company to a partner service station for repairs. After the car is restored, the insurer pays the cost of repairs. As a result, you receive a vehicle suitable for use.

The insurer pays the company money only after conducting an independent examination or providing a document confirming the costs of car repairs. The compensation amount can be given in person or transferred to your personal bank account.

Replacement of a car is carried out only in the event of theft or complete destruction of the vehicle, and this rule applies exclusively to new, expensive vehicles.

But it is worth highlighting the following point: in such situations, depreciation of the car also plays a big role. If the cost of a new car at the time of its destruction is higher than the maximum insurance amount, then the person will have to pay the missing funds himself.

The driver should remember that the insurance company is reluctant to take on such cases and often refuses to compensate for the damage. Why is this happening? The insurer has the right to refuse to pay damages in the event of failure to fulfill obligations under the contract: the policyholder intentionally damaged or destroyed the car.

A refusal can be obtained in case of gross violations of traffic rules. For example, the driver was driving drunk or without a license. War and nuclear explosion are also reasons why an insurer may not pay compensation.

Procedure for applying for payment under CASCO

Nuances of the CASCO policy.

How to receive a CASCO payment after a traffic accident. It is quite easy to receive insurance payments under CASCO, but you need to know the application deadlines and what documents you will need. Don’t forget about the rules specified in the contract.

First, you should write an application for payment to your insurance company and submit all the necessary certificates. The main action that determines the entire further course of events is the need to inform the insurer about the accident immediately from the scene of the incident. You must provide complete information about the accident within a week.

What documents must be attached to the application?

Each individual incident requires a different package of documents.

In case of theft, you must provide:

  • policy;
  • PTS original;
  • car registration certificate;
  • all keys available to operate the vehicle;
  • other documents required by the insurer.

In a situation where documents and keys were in the missing car, you should provide papers confirming this. Some companies cover the loss of keys and documents.

In case of damage, you need to apply for insurance compensation with the following documents:

  • insurance policy;
  • a document confirming the registration of the car;
  • documents prepared by the road transport service;
  • expert opinion;
  • receipts confirming vehicle repairs;
  • other documents.

Each company requires a different package of documents, so you need to check with your manager for a complete list. All of the above are mandatory for any insurer.

The documents must contain information about the owner, who caused the accident and the amount of damage caused. Only on the basis of this information does the Investigative Committee make conclusions.

Do I need to present the car to the insurer?

Franchise and payments under CASCO

In the event of a traffic accident, any insurance company will require that you provide it with a car for inspection. This procedure is the basis for receiving payments. The insurance company calls an expert to inspect the car. He conducts a detailed examination and makes a conclusion.

The car should be provided to the insurance company even when it is impossible to restore it, since some parts are likely to remain intact and can be sold. In such cases, the amount of payments becomes less.

We repair it ourselves or get an estimate

At the driver's request, he has the right to receive compensation in kind; in this case, the insurance company issues an estimate for repairs. It is issued only after studying all the documents and making a decision. In some cases, the insurer sends the car to a specific service station specified by the insurer.

Also, the owner has the right to restore the car himself. You should contact the insurance company after drawing up a full estimate from a car mechanic at any service station. All receipts and estimates should be kept. They play an important role in determining the amount of payments.

When the car is restored, it must be shown to the insurer. After a re-examination and completion of all work specified by the insurance company, you can safely use the car.

Is it possible to get money instead of repairs?

The insurance contract stipulates in what cases what type of compensation is due. Most companies decide on the type of compensation when concluding a contract.

The insurance company most often gives the policyholder the right to choose the type of compensation. Experienced car owners recommend receiving money rather than repairs, since partner service stations often supply used parts, and the quality of their work leaves much to be desired.

When applying for payment, the policyholder must indicate the type of compensation in the application.

Is payment due in case of self-damage to the vehicle?

You can also receive compensation if you damage your car yourself. However, in case of intentional damage to the vehicle, this rule does not apply.

Differences between voluntary and compulsory insurance.

Examples of situations: in bad weather, a car skidded on the road and collided with an obstacle, pole or fence.

To receive payment, you must provide documents confirming this incident. The procedure is as follows: we call the traffic police to the scene of the accident to confirm the fact of the accident. The driver has the right to use the service of an emergency commissioner operating under the CASCO agreement.

There are a number of breakdowns that do not require documentary evidence.

These include:

  • peeling of paint on a specific part;
  • glass that broke in an accident;
  • damaged headlight;
  • the mirror burst;
  • damage to the standard antenna.

Each insured company provides a similar list at the time of concluding the contract. The list may change depending on the rules of the UK.

What to do if the insurance company cannot pay compensation?

The insurance company has the right to fail to perform its work only if the license is revoked or if it no longer exists. Despite the fact of deprivation of the license and the inability to enter into new contracts, she must fulfill her obligations to the policyholder. You can apply for payments within six months after the license is revoked.

If the insurance company refuses to pay for damage caused by an accident without special grounds, you should write a claim in writing addressed to the director of the company.

All documents for receiving payments must be attached to the claim and a reference to the law governing this right must be provided. The company must respond within 5 days, otherwise it will have to go to court.

Payment terms for CASCO insurance

It is worth noting that the payment terms for CASCO and OSAGO differ. Therefore, you should find out about them at the time of concluding the contract. No legislation stipulates payment deadlines. There is only a law that regulates the right of the insurance company to install them independently and stipulate them in the contract with the client.

On average, you can receive an insurance payment within a month. After this period has expired and compensation has not been received, the policyholder has the right to safely submit a claim to the insurance company.

But there are a number of legitimate reasons to delay the time frame for compensation.

These include:

  1. The company cannot agree on the cost of the damage.
    Solving such a problem is simple: at the time of submitting the application, you need to visit the service station and receive an order for repair work and an invoice, and then take the documents to the insurance company.
  2. Your job is to be in line.
    The IC should inform you about this.

It is also worth noting that the countdown of days begins from the moment all necessary documents are provided to the insurer. If it is necessary to conduct an examination, the period for payment under CASCO will depend on when the conclusion is ready.

Bottom line

It is possible to receive compensation for damages under CASCO in case of an accident, but there are important nuances for the policyholder.

  1. The owner needs to submit an application and a number of documents.
  2. The amount paid to you must be spent solely on repairing the vehicle.
  3. The procedure for applying for payment from insurance companies is usually the same, but it may differ.

To receive compensation, you must initially behave correctly and follow all the rules specified in the contract. After all, the slightest deviation from them can lead to refusal.

Tell us about your experience of receiving compensation under CASCO?

The purchase of a CASCO policy means insurance of movable property, which the owner undertakes voluntarily. The legislation does not determine the maximum permissible amount of insurance payments for companies, so they can independently limit their amount or pay the maximum.

It all depends on the specific individual case. Often, insurers use various tricks, put forward reasoned reasons why they try not to pay insurance or greatly underestimate it in order to reduce the company's losses. Therefore, policyholders have to prove their case.

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In order for an unpleasant situation to not arise between the insurer and the client and for the policyholder to receive what is due, he needs to follow a certain procedure:

  • collect information about the incident, which is submitted to the company along with the application;
  • take part in an independent examination organized by the company or independently invite an appraiser to inspect the damaged car, but be sure to notify the company that an independent assessment will be carried out;
  • Before submitting documents to an agency employee, make copies for yourself;
  • submit the originals according to the list, which must be certified with the signatures and seal of the company;
  • obtain from the policyholder a document confirming the amount of compensation due, calculated based on the amount of damage;
  • receive a contract to estimate the cost of repair work.

Companies from which clients purchase CASCO insurance are responsible for fulfilling their obligations under the contract. The amount of insurance compensation that clients receive is much higher than that paid under compulsory motor liability insurance; they protect car owners from financial losses. An independent assessment is one of the mandatory conditions.

The maximum payment under CASCO is possible if the client perfectly complies with all insurance conditions if his real estate is stolen or suffers such damage that repairs are pointless. In addition to accidents and theft, the complete loss of a vehicle can be caused by illegal actions of third parties, animal attacks, natural disasters and other incidents.

Features of established sizes

For any client, what is more important is not the fact of concluding an insurance contract, but receiving the largest possible amount of payment upon the occurrence of an insured event. But most often this size does not suit car owners, which indicates numerous complaints against insurers.

There is a certain scheme for calculating the amount of compensation that insurers use. But each car owner must first figure out whether the maximum payment is due in his individual case.

It is necessary to remember that the vehicle never pays off completely. At a minimum, the cost of the remaining balance and depreciation of the car will be deducted, which is accrued every month from the moment the contract is concluded. To determine the amount of insurance payout, companies use a set of criteria.

Special tables display parts for the car model, their estimated cost and replacement services. The indicators are close to market ones, but most often they are underestimated so that with the money received from the company it is difficult to find a service station that will undertake the work.

Therefore, when concluding contracts, experts recommend that policyholders choose the repair option at a service station offered by the insurer. In this case, money is not given to the policyholder for restoration, but is transferred to the service station that will carry out the repairs, so prices for parts and repair work are not important for the client.

If the deadline for completing the work is significantly delayed, the policyholder must be guided by the insurance rules. It is also possible to request a referral to another service station with which the insurer cooperates.

In the event that the policyholder definitely wants to use cash or non-cash funds that the insurer will transfer to him, and in the amount necessary to carry out restoration work, he will have to not only conduct an additional independent examination, but also go to court. This applies where it is indicated that the repairs are carried out by the insurer’s partner service station. In other cases, under the terms of the contract, the policyholder receives compensation on a bank card or it is directly paid to the service station that the client chooses.

Cases of maximum payment under CASCO

When concluding an insurance contract, the client plans to receive compensation in the event of an insured event in the maximum amount; in practice, few receive large amounts of payments. Violation of one or more of the rules put forward by the insurer distorts the idea of ​​an ideal compensation that can cover all losses.

Therefore, it is better to deal in advance with the points that may serve as a refusal, for example:

  • An independent examination must be organized by the insurer within 5 days after damage to the car. If damage assessment has not been organized within this period of time, the client can independently hire an independent expert, but the company must be notified. In this case, the company is obliged to accept the assessment results. If she objects, then the policyholder will easily win the case when filing a claim in court and the insurer will not be able to refuse the maximum payment.
  • After the examination, the policyholder submits a package of documents and an application to claim payment to the company. After reviewing the documents, a decision is made on the calculation of the amount of payment, and its calculation is carried out. The funds are transferred to the client or the repair shop.
  • If the insurer does not recognize the occurrence of an insured event or puts forward reasons for refusing to pay, and they may be legal or not, it sends a written refusal to the client. It is this document that the car owner can challenge in. If the outcome is positive, when the insured event is recognized, the client is given a calculation of the payment.

The maximum payment under CASCO can be received by the car owner if he studies all the clauses of the contract in advance, fulfills the company’s requirements and his actions do not become a reason for refusal

An insured may be legally refused to pay compensation if:

  • Seriously violates traffic rules on the road, which will cause an accident. In this case, the insurer will not consider the incident an insured event.
  • It will be determined that the car was faulty at the time of the accident, which was the cause of the accident.
  • He will receive damage by driving past a car that is on fire but not moving, i.e. the driver will artificially create an insured event.
  • If the car is stolen, which in itself is an insured event, but the circumstances of the theft do not comply with the terms of the contract. The policyholder must carefully study this point in advance.
  • The client, according to the company, provided incorrect information about the accident and the circumstances under which it occurred. To do this, you should carefully check the protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer.
  • Waives the right to claim compensation for damage from the person at fault in the accident, i.e. the insured does not recognize him as guilty, and therefore the insurer relieves itself of the obligation to pay the loss and does not consider the case insured.

In other cases, in order to receive the maximum payment, when the insurer may, legally or not, underestimate the amount of payment, the car owner can avoid the situation if:

  • The company will delist some damaged items as it does not want to pay for them. The insurer needs to obtain an additional certificate from the traffic police regarding clarifications regarding the accident, in which these elements will be indicated. In this case, you can also require the company to conduct a technical examination, which should confirm the presence of damage to these parts.
  • Will provide reliable information about the cost of repairs, despite the fact that a company employee, based on an expert opinion, considers it to be overpriced. This happens most often when companies require policyholders to pay for repairs themselves and subsequently reimburse the cost. The car owner should request an independent examination of the repair work performed.
  • He will sue the company, which is trying to underestimate the cost of repairs already paid for by the victim. In this case, the company argues the refusal on the basis of its expertise, and the policyholder argues on its own. The court will order a third independent examination, based on the results of which a decision will be made.

When concluding a contract, if the policyholder comes across the phrase “market price,” he should clarify what the insurer means by this, what cost of repairs or parts will be taken into account. In this way, he will be able to avoid underestimating the amount of payments.

How to choose the best option

The method by which the policyholder will receive compensation is negotiated between him and the company at the stage of purchasing CASCO. Some companies allow customers to choose in favor of one method or another, others do not. A number of large insurers even allow this to be done when an insured event occurs and an application is submitted to claim payment.

When choosing a payment method, you should consider:

  • If the client wants to repair the car in case of damage independently at a service station that he chooses, it will cost him about 2 times more, so the cost of the policy will increase by 20–30% .
  • When the insurer sends the car for repair to a service station that is its partner, the cost of the work will be lower, but the client will become dependent on this repair organization. Often, insurers do not pay for work on time, and the service station does not want to take a responsible approach to repairing insured cars or does not return them to their owners until they receive payment.
  • The policyholder can be confident in the calculation of payments if he trusts his company, where he purchased the policy, that it will fulfill all the terms of the contract and on time. After all, their size is often underestimated by interested auto experts. In other cases, service stations are unhappy with delays in payment from the company, which affects the quality of repairs. If the policyholder is unsure of the actions of his insurer, he can make an independent repair estimate, which will be carried out by a certified auto appraiser. If, based on this examination, it is possible to obtain funds in hand, the car can be repaired independently or at any service station, where, if paid on time, all work will be completed on time and responsibly.

Best deals

Recommended companies Insurance premiums from companies are (RUB million) How many companies refuse payments (%) On average, companies pay CASCO (thousand rubles) Final score with data on CASCO and OSAGO
700,0 2,7 64,5 30,1
Yugoria 2200,0 2,6 68,7 30,8
13100,0 3,0 69,5 29,5
25100,0 2,0 66,4 29,4
9200,0 2,8 77,4 29,7