Appraisal of the apartment. Appraisal of an apartment What characteristics are taken into account when appraising an apartment

Old License for appraisal activities (licensing cancelled):

Independent appraisers of our company

  • Belyaev Mikhail Yurievich, (business valuation, valuation of machinery and equipment)
  • Bondin Andrey Mikhailovich, (main direction: real estate valuation)
  • Bumazhkina Svetlana Borisovna, (main direction: damage assessment)
  • Isakova Yulia Nikolaevna, (business valuation, real estate valuation)
  • Lanin Sergey Nikolaevich, (business valuation, valuation of intangible assets)
  • Lanina Olga Anatolyevna, (real estate valuation, damage assessment)
  • Maksakov Kirill Andrey, (main direction: assessment of machinery and equipment).

Appraisers' websites

There are quite a lot of sites on the Internet for valuation activities. I would like to highlight the most visited appraiser sites:

  • - site for appraisers. Various assessment methods, reviews and assessment competitions are collected here. The appraiser website is of interest primarily to independent appraisers, but even a person without appraisal education can find a lot of useful information on it.;
  • Appraiser's Bulletin is one of the oldest websites for appraisers in Moscow and Russia. The most useful thing about this site is examples of evaluation reports and an archive of the forum over many years. If you want to check the authority and quality of the appraiser's services, you can ask a question on the forum.;
  • There are also several old sites of appraisers: (the site is informative, but full of advertising and sales links), the Kikinda forum (almost abandoned);
  • Well, accordingly, the sites of appraisers - the sites of self-regulatory organizations are presented on the page:

Currently appraisal activities is not a licensed type of activity , appraiser services are regulated by SRO.

Federal Law of August 8, 2001 N 128-FZ (as amended by N 309-FZ of December 30, 2008, as amended by Federal Law of July 18, 2009 N 177-FZ)

Article 18. Transitional and final provisions (as amended by Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 30, 2008).
clause 5.1. Since July 1, 2006 Licensing of the following types of activities specified in paragraph 1 of Article 17 of this Federal Law is terminated:

  • appraisal activity;
  • .........

Audit license

License to carry out auditing activities:

Currently, regulation of appraiser services is carried out and controlled in a slightly different way:

Federal Law No. 135-FZ of July 29, 1998 “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” in its current version reads:

Article 4. Subjects of valuation activities (as amended by the Federal Law dated 07.27.2006 N 157-FZ)

Subjects of appraisal activities are recognized as individuals who are members of one of the self-regulatory organizations of appraisers and who have insured their liability in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law (hereinafter referred to as appraisers).

Property valuation always accompanies serious transactions that involve handling significant financial flows. This could be getting a loan, buying or selling real estate, vehicles, or even a business. Errors made during the valuation process can lead to the transaction being declared invalid and, as a result, its participants incurring serious losses. That's why it's so important to get it right choose an appraisal company, the conclusion of which becomes the basis of any purchase and sale transaction.

How to choose an appraisal company

When giving preference to one or another consulting company, we always focus on value for money. But if you analyze the pricing policy without falsehood (to do this, just look at the company’s price list), then the quality of services is an ephemeral category, which can only be assessed by the results of work. By and large, the choice of an appraisal company is based on indirect signs characterizing the quality of its work. And this:

  • period of existence on the market;
  • areas of activity (the company can specialize in one type of valuation activity or offer a range of consulting services);
  • the amount of insurance for a specific type of activity;
  • belonging to SRO.

This information is not difficult to find and is usually the hallmark of any appraisal company.

The next level of assessment is recommendations. If the circle of clients of the chosen company includes large organizations, interaction with which lasts for several years, you can safely entrust your affairs to it. Another sign of the quality of work is recommendations from other market participants. For example, banks are required to carry out the accreditation procedure for appraisal companies and recommend their clients to contact them.

At the next stage, you will have to evaluate the quality of interaction: how competently and politely the consultant communicates, whether he takes into account the wishes of the customer, whether you can work together. Property valuation involves fairly close interaction with the appraiser, so he, at a minimum, must inspire confidence.

Let's figure out what caused the popularity of the profession, and most importantly, what rights and responsibilities these specialists are required to bear. Of course, this discussion will not be complete without comparing the pros and cons of the specialty we are discussing.

Profession real estate appraiser - who is he?

A real estate appraiser is a person who, according to general rules, evaluates various client properties.

These objects include objects of sale and purchase, real estate, apartments, commercial buildings and so on.

In addition, these persons are required to conduct an examination and draw up an appropriate conclusion on the assessment.

Expert in assessing damage from flooding of an apartment - differences, features

Many people confuse the concept of a real estate appraiser and an independent expert in assessing damage to apartments. An expert in assessing damage to an apartment is a person who is also obliged to evaluate the property, however, it has suffered from any factors, in this case, from the bay.

That is, in one case, an independent real estate appraiser evaluates the property in the form in which it is currently located, and in the other, conducts an assessment based on the fact of damage to the real estate. This is the main difference between these experts.

However, the methods and methods of assessment used by both of these persons are no different from each other.

In addition, real estate appraisers are subject to certain requirements. Let's look at the main ones.

Firstly, he must have a higher education, preferably a specialized one, or have a diploma that indicates completion of specialized courses.

Also, the appraiser must have worked in the appraisal field as an assistant for some time.

This citizen must have knowledge of working with a personal computer.

It is also necessary to have membership in the society of appraisers, and a certificate confirming this fact. The appraiser must be able to independently draw up reports, as well as coordinate them with the relevant auditors of several organizations.

Employers who require specialists to work also have additional requirements that may apply to specialists. It would be useful to have a driver's license, since the appraiser's work is of a cross-sectional nature.

Also, constantly improve the level of your qualifications, which means attending specialized seminars, courses and trainings.

Some appraisers may be sent on long business trips; you need to be prepared for this.


A real estate appraiser is a person who not only receives good rewards for his work, but also has a number of responsibilities. At the same time, all his responsibilities place a heavy burden on his shoulders, and any failure to fulfill these responsibilities threatens that the pro will not be in demand.

It is very important to constantly improve your level of professionalism, as well as strictly follow the basic rules.

Let's take a look at the main responsibilities of a real estate appraiser.

Firstly, a real estate appraiser, before drawing up an opinion, must collect relevant information on the property, as well as its history.

Attentiveness is the main thing that a specialist in this profession should be guided by.

The second duty is that the appraiser must value the property independently, without the assistance of others.

Third duty is not only to interact with clients in financial matters, but also to provide them with advisory support. This is related to advice on the purchase and sale of real estate, as well as its further operation.

The last, fixed rule boils down to the fact that upon completion of all work, the appraiser is obliged to draw up a report, which should fully reflect the result of the work performed.

What is he doing?

A public real estate appraiser has many responsibilities, as you have already seen.

Let's look at the areas in which the services of a real estate appraiser may be needed.

Here's just a short list:

  1. Firstly, this is the purchase and sale of real estate. When drawing up this transaction, the experience of this specialist may be useful.
  2. If citizens are going to take out a mortgage, and the property in question is not a new building, the services of an appraiser will also be useful.
  3. Services are also needed in legal disputes, when paying taxes, when carrying out privatization procedures, when transferring real estate under a gift agreement, and so on.

Service price

How much do real estate appraiser services cost? Many people are hesitant to use the services of a real estate appraiser because the cost of the work is supposedly high.

Contrary to popular belief, the price of a real estate appraiser’s services is such that any citizen of our country can pay it.

Moreover, Often, conducting such examinations helps to save money. Let's look at the average cost of these services across the country.

If we are talking about residential real estate, then the price of an apartment appraiser’s service will range from two and a half to 5,000 rubles, and if we are talking about a larger property, such as a house or residential cottage, then the cost of the appraisal will start from 6,000 rubles. and higher.

If we are talking about a land plot, then up to 20 acres the cost of services will be equal to 3 or 4000 rubles, the larger the size of the plot, the higher the cost of its assessment. If we are talking about retail, warehouse, or other commercial premises, then the cost of their assessment will be much higher and in central Russia starts from 15,000 rubles.

Where to find a specialist?

Finding an independent real estate appraiser is not difficult.

Many of them post advertisements in relevant newspapers and on websites, while others organize entire companies that help people make assessments.

If you are selling or buying an apartment through a realtor, then most likely, before making this transaction, your realtor will advise you on the services of such a specialist.

Your property will be assessed by state cadastral appraisers.


Recently, namely since 2015, an independent register of real estate appraisers has appeared in our country. It is necessary so that citizens can easily find the appropriate specialist in their region, as well as find his contacts.

In addition, if you have already found an appraiser, you can check information about him in this registry. If a citizen is listed in it, this means that he is truly a qualified specialist and can provide you with competent professional assistance.

The register is compiled in such a way that first it contains the name of the region, and then the name of the company or enterprise where the appraiser operates.

Electronic directory

The electronic appraiser's directory is a new concept in appraisal activities.

Let's figure out what this concept is.

This directory should contain basic information about parameters such as pricing, factors, and also reflect the situation in the existing market for various real estate properties.

A real estate appraiser needs all this data, because he is a highly specialized specialist, since it is they that influence the final value indicated in the report. Often, the appraiser spends a lot of time searching for the necessary information, and the reference book helps save it.

The idea of ​​the project, which is currently under development, is that you are allowed into a base that will work daily, and you can connect to it via the Internet.

All parameters relating to real estate assessment by an expert and related factors that are available will simplify the work of a specialist and will help many people.

The directory is updated daily to provide citizens with only the most up-to-date information on the topic. You can download the real estate appraiser's handbook here.

Accredited by Sberbank

Sberbank of the Russian Federation has long been looking for appraiser partners in order to work with corporate borrowers.

Thus, in accordance with the clauses of the rules for cooperation with Sberbank of Russia, there are a number of rules on the basis of which partner appraisers interact with the bank.

The bank offers work to all appraisal companies in order to create their own registers, and thereby increase the number of clients and help each other increase their base.

True, Sberbank provides a number of requirements for such specialized specialists.

Firstly, the status must be confirmed, and also, these companies must have at least three years of experience in the market. In addition, all work of the company must be carried out through the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

How much does a professional earn?

Many people are concerned about the question of how much a real estate appraiser earns. Someone also wants to devote their life to this profession, and the issue of financial well-being is of great concern to such people.

Thus, the average salary in Russia for such an expert is from 50,000 rubles. Young professionals who are graduates of finance faculties are very interested in this area.

And you must admit that the salary of an appraiser today is quite high, even for a completely beginner, young specialist.

How to become a real estate appraiser?

How to become a real estate appraiser in Russia?

To become a real estate appraiser, you first need to obtain the appropriate education.

The profession of a real estate appraiser can be obtained either at a higher educational institution or by taking relevant courses or seminars.

Your education must be confirmed by a diploma.

Also, you need to work as an assistant in some organization.

You must have work experience in order to independently carry out the activities of an appraiser.

You should also create several evaluation decision documents and resumes yourself to display in your portfolio. This is a standard starter kit for those who dream of becoming an appraiser.

Now you know what rights and responsibilities lie with a real estate appraiser. Now you can decide for yourself whether you want to get involved in this profession, or whether it no longer suits you.

One way or another, today this profession is very relevant and highly paid, which is important in the context of the economic crisis in our country.

In the shortest possible time. Our licensed experts have been full members of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers for a long time. Each specialist knows thoroughly how an apartment is assessed and has dozens of relevant reports to his credit.

Why do you need an apartment appraisal?

Valuation of an apartment or valuation of a share in an apartment is carried out for the following purposes:

  • registration of collateral in the bank
  • mortgage credit lending
  • registration of ownership (for a bank)
  • entry into inheritance rights (for a notary). Used to calculate the amount of notary fees charged. In this case, inspection and photography of the apartment is not required.
  • apartment assessment for guardianship authorities, social protection authorities of citizens
  • assessment of an apartment for the court (including if a case of division of property between spouses or heirs is being considered in court)
  • appraisal of an apartment for the embassy. In this case, we will prepare a conclusion on 3-5 sheets, which will indicate the market value of the property with appraiser documents (certificate, insurance) attached.

List of required documents

  • Certificate of state registration of the right to an apartment and a purchase and sale agreement or other title document or social tenancy agreement (copy)
  • Cadastral passport of the apartment, explication of the premises and floor plan, issued by the BTI authority (copy)
  • Copy of the customer's passport

To simplify the procedure for appraising an apartment for a notary (appraisal of an apartment for inheritance) or for social authorities. protection, you can send the specified documents to us at one of the email addresses: [email protected] or [email protected]. Please do not forget to include a contact phone number in your letter in case the appraiser has questions about the materials you provided.

An independent assessment of apartments, carried out by highly qualified specialists from our company, is necessarily supported by a report on the assessment of the cost of apartments, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”.

Tariffs for assessing the market value of real estate objects

Valuation object type Cost of work
(in rubles)
Residential premises, houses:
area up to 60 sq. m 3540
from 61 to 85 sq. m 4130
from 86 to 120 sq. m 4720
from 121 to 170 sq. m 5900
from 171 to 220 sq. m 7316
over 220 sq. m 9440
Non-residential (office, retail) buildings and premises:
area up to 100 sq.m 4720
from 101 to 200 sq.m 8260
from 201 to 500 sq.m 17700
from 501 to 1000 sq.m 27140
from 1001 to 2000 sq.m 35400
over 2000 sq.m negotiable
(at least 35000)
Industrial and warehouse buildings and premises:
area up to 200 sq.m 6490
from 201 to 500 sq.m 11800
from 501 to 1000 sq.m 17700
from 1001 to 3000 sq.m 29500
over 3000 sq.m negotiable
(at least 30000)
Land (without buildings)
area up to 0.03 hectares 3540
from 0.03 to 0.06 ha 5900
from 0.06 to 0.1 ha 8850
from 0.1 to 0.2 ha 11800
from 0.2 to 0.5 ha 15930
from 0.5 to 1.0 ha 21240
over 1.0 ha negotiable
(at least 25000)

Terms of service provision

The deadline for submitting the report is 10 working days from the date of payment for services.

When the assessment period is reduced, the cost of the work increases:

  • less than 3 working days - 100%
  • from 3 to 5 working days - by 70%
  • from 6 to 9 working days - by 50%

Providing benefits
Discount up to 30% is provided:

  • large families
  • heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in other armed conflicts, units of risk groups, liquidation of the Chernobyl accident

For pensioners – up to 10%

State budgetary organizations - up to 20%

Valuation of residential premises
When assessing residential premises and houses, the cost of work increases to 10% in the following cases:

  • if there are more than 5 main premises (rooms in an apartment)
  • for multi-level apartments
  • for individual houses of two or more storeys

Valuation of non-residential premises

When assessing non-residential premises and buildings (structures), the cost of work may be increased in the following cases:

  • if there are 2 or more floors - by 25%
  • if there are more than 5 rooms in the facility - by 10%

Valuation of identical objects in the same building

In the case of assessing several identical objects (more than ten in one building), the cost of appraisal work for each object can be reduced:

  • from 11 to 20 objects – by 10%
  • from 21 to 40 objects – by 15%
  • from 41 to 60 objects – by 20%
  • from 61 to 80 objects – by 30%
  • more than 80 objects - by agreement of the parties

Additional terms

  • In cases where additional collection of necessary certificates and documents for the property being assessed is required, the Customer shall pay all actual expenses incurred by the appraiser based on the financial documents submitted to him.
  • When assessing specific types of objects, such as unfinished construction and reconstruction, architectural and historical monuments, apartment museums, state-protected buildings in the historical zone of Moscow, unique and exclusive buildings and structures, the cost of the specialist’s work increases in accordance with the Order of the Moscow Government dated July 10 .02 No. 3504-r.
  • The cost of appraiser services in preparing documents for judicial and law enforcement agencies, assessing intangible assets, assessing enterprises and businesses, and assessing equipment is negotiable.
  • Expenses for appraisers to travel to remote sites (located outside the Moscow Ring Road) are carried out at the expense of the Customer or paid by him in accordance with the methodology for calculating the cost of services approved by Order of the Moscow Government dated July 10, 2002 No. 3504-r.
  • If the Customer does not have the necessary documentation for the assessed object, the cost of work increases in accordance with the Order of the Moscow Government dated July 10, 2002 No. 3504-r by 20%.
  • The cost of work is indicated including VAT 18%.