Prospects for the development of tourism in Russia. Promising directions for the development of international tourism in Russia







Coursework in the discipline

Economics of tourism

Topic: “Analysis of the prospects for the development of tourism in modern Russia”



Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….3

Chapter 1 Analysis of global trends in tourism development and the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation……………………………7

Chapter 2 Problems of development of outbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation………………………………………………………………………………….21

Chapter 3 Prospects for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation......30

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..37

List of used literature ………………………………………..39

Application ……………………………………………………………………41


The relevance of the work lies in the fact that tourism around the world is a promising area of ​​the global and domestic economy. For some countries, tourism and its development is a vital sector of the economy, and the well-being of the residents of such states completely depends on the development of this area. For Russia, tourism naturally has a lower economic importance, but the industry is also an important industry, especially for large cities.

The tourism industry is a branch of the economy that significantly influences the development of culture and education, the organization of communication and recreation, and the restoration of human strength.

Tourism has entered the 21st century as the most steadily developing sector of the economy, seriously influencing the socio-economic development of many countries around the world. For 38% of countries, tourism is the main source of income, and for 83% of countries, tourism is one of the five main sources of income.

World tourism has achieved particular success over the past 30 years, when the number of international tourists has quadrupled and foreign exchange earnings increased 25 times. This area accounts for more than 10% of the world's gross national product, more than 6% of global investment, every 10th job, and 12% of global consumer spending.

Tourism has a huge impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport, hotel and restaurant services, trade, construction, production of consumer goods and many others, acting as a catalyst for socio-economic development.

The tourism sector is a long-established economic system. In Russia, with its traditionally profitable extractive industries, tourism is an important and relatively new area of ​​economic development.

Currently, Russia, as a country developing tourism, occupies a very insignificant place in the global tourism market. The share of tourists entering Russia accounts for approximately 1% of the world tourist flow. This is a low figure, given that the cultural, historical and natural potential of Russia is much higher than in many countries with traditionally high tourist attendance.

Consequently, the Russian tourism industry is faced with the problem of finding methods for building an effective management system that would strengthen the market position of each Russian organization engaged in serving tourists, and thereby contribute to the further development of the entire sphere of tourism business, Russia’s integration into the world tourism industry. Only a clearly formulated concept for the development of the tourism industry can ensure an appropriate level of quality of tourism services that meets international standards, make Russian tourism competitive and, as a result, achieve significant growth in domestic and inbound tourism in Russia.

Tourism in Russia has a long history, but its current state largely depends on the prospects for the development of international tourism, its potential, as well as the sphere of interaction between the state, travel agencies and tourists.

Tourism is playing an increasingly prominent role in the global economy, which is why this industry is developing rapidly in many countries around the world. According to experts, the level of international tourism in terms of arrivals in 1999-2010. could amount to more than 1 trillion. tourists, but some scientists believe that it will be no more than 937 million. This, however, indicates that the number of arrivals by 2010 will increase significantly. The tourism sector today accounts for about 6% of the world's gross national product, 7% of global investment, every 16th job, 11% of global consumer spending.

Due to the fact that tourism is an intersectoral sector of the economy, covering not only accommodation facilities, but also transport, communications, food, entertainment and much more, this area affects every continent, state or city. The importance of tourism for the economies of different countries is associated, first of all, with the benefits that it brings subject to successful development, even in the context of the global financial crisis. First of all, this is the growth of jobs in hotels and other accommodation facilities, in restaurants and other food industry enterprises, in transport and in related service industries. Another important advantage is the multiplier effect of tourism, i.e. its influence on the development of related sectors of the economy. The third advantage is an increase in tax revenues to budgets of all levels. In addition, tourism has an economic impact on the local economy by stimulating the export of local products.

However, in Russia, for a number of reasons, the sphere of tourism activity has not yet received proper development in comparison with many other countries. Russia, together with all the CIS countries, accounts for only 2% of the world tourist flow.

The current state of tourism in Russia suggests that Russia accounts for about 1% of the world tourist flow. According to WTO estimates, Russia's potential allows, with an appropriate level of development of tourism infrastructure, to receive up to 40 million foreign tourists per year. However, today the number of foreign guests coming to Russia for business, tourism and private purposes is 7.4 million people, which does not correspond to its tourism potential.

The main factors hindering the development of inbound tourism include: the image of Russia as a country unfavorable for tourism, created by certain foreign and domestic media; the current procedure for issuing Russian visas to citizens of foreign countries that are safe in terms of migration; undeveloped tourism infrastructure; discrepancy between the price and quality of hotel accommodation, etc.

At the same time, the number of Russian citizens wishing to make a tourist trip, especially to foreign countries, is growing every year. Thus, in recent years, the average number of Russian tourists traveling to countries far and near abroad is about 13 million people. This indicates that tourism activity, having survived a period of chaotic development, is going through a stage of becoming qualitative.

Russia has enormous potential both for the development of domestic tourism and for receiving foreign travelers. It has everything you need - a huge territory, a rich historical and cultural heritage, and in some regions - untouched, wild nature.

Inbound and domestic tourism in Russia is represented by a wide variety of types. The most actively developing are environmental, sports, extreme, skiing, educational, business, medical and recreational, cruise, fishing and hunting, event and gastronomic types of tourism. Individual and children's and youth recreation is also popular.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the development of the tourism market in Russia at the present stage.

The work uses general scientific methods, which include: dialectics, synthesis and analysis of the material being studied; special methods considering the subject as a system, comparative and specific scientific methods, and scientific and educational literature was also used.

Chapter 1

Analysis of global trends in tourism development

and the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation

Modern economic science considers tourism as a complex socio-economic system, in which a diversified industrial complex, called the tourism industry, is only one of the components. Economic problems are analyzed in the context of the social and environmental aspects of tourism.

Currently, domestic and international tourism are distinguished, and domestic tourism dominates over international tourism in terms of coverage. Domestic tourism accounts for 75-80% of the total number of tourists in the world; accordingly, in terms of financial results in many countries, it significantly exceeds foreign tourism.

If we analyze the data on the rate of development of world tourism over the past 50 years, we can see a colossal increase in quantitative and cost indicators (Table 1).

Table 1

The pace of development of international tourism

For most countries of the world, tourism is currently one of the main sources of income. Tourism ranks first in the world among all other economic sectors in terms of the number of jobs. If in 1998 115 million people were employed in the tourism sector, then according to the forecast, 550 million jobs will be created in 2020.

Currently, tourism in different countries is developed very unevenly. Mostly tourists come from highly developed countries, which, according to WTO terminology, are countries that supply tourists. This group includes states where the share of the population traveling abroad is more than 10%. The number of such countries is small (12-15), but their list is constantly growing. Until recently, their number, in addition to the highly developed countries of Western and Northern Europe, North America and Japan, included the states of Eastern Europe and the Persian Gulf region. Today, their place is actively occupied by new industrial countries, developing states that have achieved a high degree of development - the Republic of Korea, Singapore, etc.

Significant results in tourism in recent years have been achieved largely due to a large number of large-scale events, such as the Summer Olympic Games in China, as well as the Winter Olympic Games in Canada, the World Hockey Championship, the European Football Championship and others. More than 65% of all foreign tourist movements and 75% of trips created worldwide are made by citizens of industrialized countries.

Long-term prospects for the development of the tourism industry seem optimistic to experts. It is expected that by 2010 1 billion people will travel in the world, and by 2020 - 1.5 billion people. and revenues from hotel and tourism services will amount to approximately $2 trillion (Table 2, 3).

table 2

Countries - leaders of outbound tourism in 2010

Table 3

Countries leading inbound tourism in 2020

Research by modern experts shows that the state of the global tourism industry, despite the objective difficulties of recent years, generally demonstrates stability and maintains its position as the largest, highly profitable and rapidly developing sector of the world economy. This explains the increased interest in the tourism sector on the part of the governments of most countries in the world, which have influential executive structures to ensure effective public policy for its development.

In the coming years, the tourism markets of developed industrial countries will grow steadily due to the increasing accessibility of tourism to wider sections of society and the frequency of tourist trips. New and developing tourism markets are characterized by a tendency to maintain dynamic growth and a corresponding increase in budget revenues in the next decade. A gradual shift in emphasis in tourism development is expected from the traditional markets of Western Europe, the USA, Japan and Canada to alternative markets, such as Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia, China, South Korea, Mexico, as well as some countries of the Middle East (Table 4) .

Table 4

Forecast of distribution of inbound tourism volumes by regions of the world

(international tourist arrivals, million people)

Regions of the world




America (North and South)

East Asia

(Pacific region)

Near East

South Asia

Chart 1 shows the region's share of the global market. .

One of the most significant trends in the development of world tourism is a sharp increase in competition in the tourism offer market as a result of the emergence of an increasing number of growing countries with ambitious plans to attract tourists, as well as oversaturation of the same type of tourist offer in the market. As a result, countries seeking to maintain or strengthen their positions in the international market plan tourism based on the principles of sustainable development, provide for long-term investments in this area and have clear government strategies for tourism development. Accordingly, the role of state policy for the development of tourism in the country as a whole is increasing, as well as the targeted promotion of individual tourism products in the domestic and international markets (Diagram 2) (Appendix 1).

The main components of strategies that are used in world practice: a detailed analysis of their own markets with an assessment of the relationship between traditional and promising directions, taking into account global trends and the multiplier effect of tourism development, conducting annual international campaigns under certain memorable slogans, as well as the widespread use of advanced information technologies such as a basic platform for communication with consumers of tourism services.

The exchange of international tourism services between countries is part of international trade and has a significant impact on the country's export and import performance. The share of receipts from international tourism is 9% of all receipts from world exports (Figure 3).

Diagram 3. Place of tourism in the structure

world exports in 1980-1991

Tourism covers many sectors of the economy, making it difficult to estimate the number of people working in this field. However, it is clear that tourism has a large impact on employment in the economy. In some (especially small) countries, up to 50% of the working population is directly or indirectly involved in tourism. According to the International Labor Office, approximately 100 million people worldwide are employed in tourism. The number of people employed in some countries is presented in Diagram 4 (Appendix 2).

Thus, the influence of tourism on the development of the world economy is difficult to overestimate and is constantly increasing. However, in Russia the economic impact of tourism remains generally insignificant. Let us analyze the reasons for this situation.

An analysis of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation shows that in recent years this area as a whole has been developing steadily and dynamically, even in the conditions of the global financial and economic crisis.

There is an annual increase in domestic tourist flow. It should be noted that until 2008–2009. The rapidly growing demand for tourist services within the country has caused a boom in the construction of small hotels, mainly in resort regions, as well as an increase in the number of hotels of international hotel chains in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities of the country, and the creation of domestic hotel chains. The volume of investment proposals for hotel construction from both foreign and domestic investors has sharply increased. At the same time, the main proposals are aimed at developing the hotel business in the regions of Russia. For example, special mention should be made of the successes of recent years in the development of the resort and tourism complex of the Krasnodar Territory, which naturally led to the choice of our country when choosing Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Thanks to this, not only Krasnaya Polyana and Sochi, but also the entire Krasnodar region became world famous the region as a whole, which determines long-term business interest in the development of the tourism infrastructure of this region and a guarantee that in a few years the Black Sea coast will become a developed world-class resort center.

According to forecast estimates of the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism revenues in 2007 in our country's GDP, taking into account the multiplier effect, amounted to 6.7%. According to the same source, the number of jobs in tourism amounted to 1% of total employment, taking into account related industries - 5.7%, investments in fixed capital in the Russian tourism industry amounted to 12.1% of total investments with an annual growth of 8. 2% level.

Long-term economic, cultural, and historical ties with countries have a great influence on the formation of incoming tourist flows. The predominant volume of tourist flow comes from the CIS countries. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing flow of tourists from Turkey, China, and Israel.

In 2008, 2,100,601 foreigners visited Russia for tourism purposes. Of these, only 8.9% used the services of Russian travel companies. This indicates that domestic firms have not yet taken their due place in the international tourism business and are losing the initiative in organizing inbound tourism to foreign competitors. Currently, in Russia there has been an increasing trend of penetration of foreign travel companies into the domestic market of tourism services. And, as a rule, foreign tour operators provide independent services to their tourists in Russia, without attracting local tour operators of the level.

For the majority of foreign tourists (72.9%) who used the services of travel companies, the main purpose of traveling to Russia is recreation; Cruise tourism in Russia is also very popular among them (15.8%).

The winter months of the year for foreigners visiting Russia for the purpose of recreation are mainly the low season (they account for only 2.7-3.4% of tourists served). The increase in the outflow of foreign tourists begins in March (4.6%) and reaches its peak in August (18.5%), after which it begins to decline (from 11.3% in September to 5.3% in November).

Further development of inbound and domestic tourism is in no way possible without vigorous promotion of Russian tourism products on the international market, without forming the image of Russia abroad as a state favorable to tourism. On the world market, there is a low level of advertising about the uniqueness of the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as a lack of thoughtful tourist offers on a variety of routes, taking into account accommodation, food, transport, etc., differentiated by income level and various social groups of the population.

It is known that our country has a huge number of cultural and natural attractions, as well as other tourist attractions. These, according to Rosstat, include 2,368 museums in 477 historical cities, 590 theaters, 67 circuses, 24 zoos, almost 99 thousand historical and cultural monuments, 140 national parks and reserves, 41 estate museums.

Museum-reserves play a vital role in shaping an attractive image of Russia abroad. Of the 15 cultural heritage sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, 12 are part of museum reserves. In accordance with this, the network of museum-reserves as centers of international and domestic tourism requires constant improvement and development.

The identified priority types of tourism and promising tourist regions determine their corresponding priorities in the development of tourism infrastructure.

According to the level of tourism supply, taking into account the uneven distribution of tourism resources throughout the country, as well as the different levels of development of tourism infrastructure and human resources, the country's regions can be distributed as follows:

Regions with a high level of development of the tourism product are Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, the Krasnodar Territory, the Kaliningrad region, the Golden Ring regions;

Regions with an average level of development of the tourism product are the North-Western region, Tver region, Central Russia, Tatarstan, the Volga region, such republics of the North Caucasus as Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, Rostov region, Irkutsk region, Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka, Murmansk region , Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug;

Regions with an insufficient level of development of the tourism product, but with significant potential for future development: coastal territories of the Caspian and Azov seas, regions of the Far North (Arctic, Franz Josef Land), Far Eastern region (Kuril Islands, Commander Islands, Yakutia, Khabarovsk Territory, Chukotka, Magadan region), Western Siberia (Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territory, etc.), Tuva (Kungurtug village, Lake Tere-Khol, Por-Bazhyn fortress), Buryatia, Ural. In the listed areas, a high-quality tourism product is just beginning to appear.

The state provides support for the development of tourism infrastructure mainly within the framework of the Federal Target Program “South of Russia”. So, for the period 2006-2007. within the framework of the Federal Target Program “South of Russia”, two cable cars were put into operation in the regions of the Southern Federal District: on Dombay - Karachay-Cherkess Republic and on Elbrus - Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The first stage of access roads to the ski resort Lago-Naki - Republic of Adygea was put into operation.

The commissioning of the listed facilities in 2007 made it possible to increase the flow of tourists to Dombay from 70 to 90 thousand people and attract over 500 million rubles of private investment for the construction of 51 small hotel complexes. In the resort regions of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody and the city of Anapa, as a result of the implementation of program measures, the capacity of water supply and drainage system structures increased by 40%, which will increase the ability to receive vacationers by 500 thousand people.

An incentive for the development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation can be the amendments adopted in 2006 to the Federal Law “On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation”, which provide for the allocation of special economic zones of a tourist and recreational type.

International events of an event nature stimulate the promotion of Russia as a business tourism country that has the appropriate infrastructure, personnel and tourism product. These include annual international conferences, seminars and other forums devoted to the most pressing problems of tourism development. The Days of Russian Tourism held in countries - the main destination markets, as well as thematic expositions within the framework of national general exhibitions abroad, have proven their effectiveness.

According to the majority of heads of tourism firms (63.3% of 1,137 surveyed firms), there is currently a trend towards a gradual increase in the popularity of domestic tourism. At the same time, Russians most willingly visit St. Petersburg (16.1% of the number of domestic tourists served by travel companies), Krasnodar Territory (15.5%), Moscow (10.1%). Domestic tourism is characterized mainly by short-term tours (1-14 days) for the purpose of recreation, recovery, etc. (70.8% of the number of tourists served). 12% prefer cruises on ships and buses, 6% go for treatment to republican resorts and health resorts. Only 11% of Russians can afford a longer organized vacation (15-28 days). The peak of domestic tourism occurs in July and August (20.6% and 23.1% of tourists, respectively).

The basis of the legal framework for international relations of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism is currently 64 bilateral agreements with countries around the world. Among them, 56 are intergovernmental in nature and 8 are interdepartmental. Cooperation on the implementation of such agreements is carried out on all aspects of tourism development - mutual promotion of the tourism product, investment in tourism infrastructure, exchange of experience in training personnel for the tourism industry, development of the regulatory framework, standards of tourism, hotel and other services for the tourism sector, interaction at regional and municipal levels.

Bilateral working groups on tourism formed within the framework of intergovernmental commissions on trade and economic cooperation with Norway, Austria, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Japan, India, Spain, Romania, Sweden, a subcommittee with China within the commission are actively working on humanitarian cooperation with the involvement of both the leadership of Russian regions and municipalities and the private sector. This activity includes holding thematic seminars and conferences for the exchange of experience, internships for regional and municipal authorities, as well as for tourism industry workers, and organizing trips for the media.

Of particular note are the prospects for working in dynamically developing markets with growing economies such as China and India.

As for cooperation on a multilateral basis, Russia actively interacts with the World Tourism Organization - a specialized agency of the United Nations (UNWTO) as the largest intergovernmental organization in the field of tourism, as well as with such regional economic organizations and forums as APEC, ASEAN, BSEC, SCO, EurAsEC , CIS Council for Tourism.

In December 2007, as a result of significant preparatory work, Russia was again elected to the UNWTO Executive Council, the main working body of this intergovernmental organization. Activities as part of the UNWTO Executive Council will strengthen Russia’s authority in the international arena, confirm the significance of the position of Russian tourism in the international market and improve the country’s image as an attractive tourist destination.

Within the framework of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), Russia annually (since 2005) holds an international conference on the development of tourism infrastructure in Gelendzhik. At the conference of the countries of the Black Sea region, round tables are also held on other topical issues of tourism development, important bilateral events - meetings of working groups on tourism with the BSEC member countries, expert consultations, presentations.

For the last three years, Russia has headed the Council of CIS Countries on Tourism; under its leadership, meetings of this working body have become an important platform for discussing professional issues: classification of hotels, training of personnel for the tourism sector, development of certain types of tourism, such as rural and business.

An important aspect of shaping the image of Russia as a country open to the world is its visa policy. Currently, strategic importance is attached to the dialogue with the EU on the abolition in the long term of visas for mutual trips of citizens of Russia and the EU. Issues of simplifying visa formalities are beginning to be successfully resolved at the bilateral level. Examples of this are the Agreements between the Governments of Russia and Thailand, as well as Russia and Israel on visa-free travel for citizens. At the same time, the issues of facilitating access for foreign tourists to the internal waters of the Russian Federation, to the northern regions, which have significant potential for the development of inbound tourism, remain unresolved.

Chapter 2

Problems of development of outbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation

The development of tourism in Russia is hampered by a number of problems that require an initial solution and without the implementation of which the further formation of tourism in our state is not possible.

It is also obvious that the country’s tourism potential is far from being fully used, and the creation of conditions for quality recreation in Russia for Russian and foreign citizens requires more active implementation of state policy in the field of tourism.

In Russian regions, there is an acute lack of high-quality hotel and entertainment infrastructure, so it is necessary to increase the number of accommodation, entertainment and food facilities built according to European standards with a strict classification system.

For most regions, there is a problem associated with transport accessibility of tourist centers, which means the need to develop transport infrastructure (air travel, rail transport, etc.).

The rather low level of budget expenditures on the tourism industry limits the advancement of both the capabilities of Russia as a whole and its regions individually in the world market; the government needs to increase the level of budget expenditures on tourism throughout the country, rather than concentrating on individual regions, and also transfer the function of creating the image of a particular region to local governments.

Effective legislation has not been created to attract private investment in the industry. The state needs to motivate private investors to make large investments in the development of tourism infrastructure, advertising Russia on the international market, and promoting Russian tour operators abroad.

There is a fairly high shortage of qualified personnel who are able to offer quality service to tourists; the solution to this issue begins not only with the control of education in Russian universities, but also with travel companies of various categories, which need to conduct a variety of trainings and seminars to improve the skills of employees.

The most significant problems that require close attention and a serious approach to solving them include the insufficient development of tourism infrastructure and the lack, with rare exceptions, of the practice of creating favorable conditions for investment in the construction of accommodation facilities and other tourist facilities by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Currently, in our country, a significant part of the tourism infrastructure needs to be updated, since about half of the hotels in our country are classified as non-category.

To achieve the set goals and objectives, program activities and their resource support are developed, and indicators of economic and social efficiency are determined.

Many regions are quite active in regulating and supporting domestic and inbound tourism. Regional tourism development programs have been developed in St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Kursk, Astrakhan regions, the republics of Sakha, Yakutia, Adygea, and Tyva. In Moscow, along with the Program, there is also a Concept for the development of tourism for the future. Similar concepts exist in the republics of Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Bashkortostan, Mari El, in Tomsk, Kemerovo, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions and other regions.

Increasing state attention to the most important areas of increasing the competitiveness of the Russian tourism sector, in particular the creation of a modern tourism industry, the formation and promotion of domestic tourism products on the world market, and increasing the attractiveness of certain types of inbound tourism, is manifested in support for the creation of tourist and recreational special economic zones.

At the same time, proposals for the development of tourism infrastructure cannot be limited only to the creation of a new and reconstruction of the existing hotel stock. It should be noted the importance of the comprehensive development of tourism infrastructure, which includes not only the large-scale construction of new accommodation facilities, but also related infrastructure (transport, catering establishments, entertainment industries, tourist display facilities, etc.). The placement of newly constructed tourist complexes should take into account both the parameters of tourist demand by type of tourism, and the nature of the tourist supply - the availability of tourist resources, conditions for staffing, in accordance with environmental requirements and economic feasibility.

The main obstacles to attracting investment are the lack of ready-made investment sites, the necessary business structures, the presence of local administrative barriers and unfavorable land lease conditions. Thus, registering a plot of land for a hotel often requires a huge number of approvals and takes two to three years. The issues of using rental income for personal purposes (renting out housing for hotel use) remain unresolved.

As noted above, one of the pressing problems is the problem of the transport component in ensuring the further development of tourism in Russia. This applies to air, rail, water and road communications, and the construction of highways.

The insufficiently high level of organization of air transport within the country compared to international transport is one of the main factors limiting the further development of tourist complexes in the regions of the country. The share of air transportation in the structure of incoming and domestic tourist flows is very significant, but the state of the fleet of airliners, airports, and runways is still holding back the development of tourism in a number of Russian regions.

Despite the positive changes that have occurred in recent years in passenger railway transport (renewal of the train fleet, introduction of high-speed trains on a number of routes, expansion of the tourist offer associated with the appearance of tourist trains on the most popular cultural and educational routes, improvement in the quality of service in general), Problems such as the shortage of railway transportation during the high season, the difficulty of purchasing train tickets, the lack of an electronic ticket, and inflated prices remain unresolved. In the context of the pan-European trend of growing popularity of rail tourist trips compared to air travel and due to the greater environmental safety of rail transport compared to air transport, solving the mentioned problems is of utmost importance for the development of tourist travel within the country. The largest flow of tourists in Russia is transported by rail: in 2007, about half of the total number of tourists used its services.

For many years, river cruises have been very popular among foreign and Russian tourists. The most popular routes are cruises from Moscow to St. Petersburg, as well as to Valaam, Solovki, Kizhi, and along the Volga. In total, 110 motor ships currently operate in Russia on more than a thousand river routes. At the same time, the throughput capacity of the lock system between Moscow and St. Petersburg has practically exhausted itself and a further quantitative increase in the passenger fleet on this route is impossible. Promising regions for the development of river cruises are the waters of the Siberian rivers - Lena, Yenisei and Ob, as well as Amur.

In recent decades, Russia has practically not been building its own modern cruise ships and, at the same time, is not purchasing cruise ships abroad. In this regard, cruise shipping on the Black Sea has practically stopped, passenger shipping on the Caspian and Azov Seas is not developing, and the development of river cruises in Central Russia, Siberia and the Far East is being hampered. The infrastructure of cruise tourism is worn out - sea and river terminals, berths, etc.

Tourist buses with a modern level of comfort are also not produced by the domestic industry, despite the fact that about 15% of tourists use this particular type of transport.

In recent years, ski tourism has begun to actively develop, however, modern equipment of ski resorts requires not only hotels, but also the availability of engineering and transport infrastructure - water, energy and gas supplies, a developed road system, ski lifts and other equipment, information communications, high-quality service, environmentally friendly infrastructure. In addition, the mechanism for leasing forest land for the construction of ski facilities is complex.

A significant problem is the high customs duties on the purchase of vehicles (tourist buses, cruise ships), hotel and restaurant equipment, equipment for ski resorts, water parks and other infrastructure not produced in Russia.

Currently, the development of domestic tourism is in its infancy for many reasons. Firstly, it is unprofitable for travel companies to show Russia to Russians (firms work primarily with profitable foreign tours). Secondly, the price level for accommodation facilities is quite high despite their low comfort. Thirdly, the population of Russia is not sufficiently informed about the recreational opportunities of the country's regions. Fourthly, travel companies have problems when working with organizations of the sanatorium-resort complex, etc. .

The development of domestic tourism, as well as inbound tourism, is impossible without investing in the material and technical base of tourism and, above all, means of receiving and accommodating tourists, reconstruction and construction of roads, entertainment, cultural institutions and historical monuments.

As a result, the resource base of domestic tourism is used by 10-15%. As a result, in the sphere of domestic tourism there is no full-fledged commodity-money exchange - the basis for the economic development of any industry. The funds of Russians, which, in fact, should become the basis for the industry’s self-investment, are exported abroad.

Travel companies themselves could play a big role in reviving domestic tourism and informing Russians about the tourism priorities of their own country. But since they have no direct interest in this, a vicious circle results: firms work primarily with profitable foreign destinations and are afraid to take on domestic tourism, and the clients of these firms do not buy Russian tours because they know nothing about them.

Recent observations show that some Russian travel companies have gradually begun to show interest in domestic and inbound tourism. This is due to the fact that many countries have long understood the need to develop domestic tourism service programs. Within each country, domestic tourism contributes to the stable position of the national economy through the redistribution of national income and the development of activities that are favorable to the economy of the country as a whole. Russia is gradually realizing this benefit. Creating an attractive domestic tourism product, rich in a variety of basic and additional services, is the most important task for the development of the Russian tourism market.

The development of Russian domestic tourism is hampered by a number of negative factors, which include: the lack of a comprehensive view of the country and its individual regions as a tourist destination; poor range of services offered; insufficient development of tourism infrastructure, in particular, middle-class hotels, lack of a developed network of modern transport routes; unsatisfactory performance of transport enterprises; the flow of negative information in the media about the criminal situation in the country; lack of development of the regulatory framework; limited advertising of Russian tourist destinations abroad; poor professional training of tourism industry workers, which leads to the country's orientation towards outbound tourism.

These problems cannot be solved without the support of government authorities. Therefore, at present, the priority tasks of government agencies for tourism management include the creation of effective conditions for the work of tourism organizations, which involves: the formation and further improvement of the legislative framework; development of entrepreneurship in the field of tourism, especially small and medium-sized ones; strengthening the material and technical base of the tourism industry by attracting domestic and foreign investment; development of tourism infrastructure to ensure the country's competitiveness in the global tourism market; development and implementation of progressive methods and standards of tourist services; the revival of mass social tourism and, on this basis, increasing the interest of Russian citizens in their native country, as well as a more effective solution to the issues of preserving the historical and cultural heritage and the natural environment; carrying out active advertising and information activities aimed at promoting and creating the image of Russia as a country favorable for tourism.

The state must support and encourage the development of inbound and domestic tourism and stimulate the development of these areas at the legislative level. This requires the most serious modernization of the Concept of Tourism Development in Russia, the development of an effective modern model of competitive domestic tourism in the global tourism market to transform tourism into a profitable and budget-generating industry. It is also necessary to take into account in this model the creation of a positive image of Russia in the eyes of the Russians themselves, which has not only economic, but also strategic social meaning.

A detailed analysis of the tourism market in the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that the development of tourism in our country is now at the initial stage. Comparing with other countries, it is clear that the activity of Russian citizens remains at a low level due to insufficient solvency - only 26% of the Russian population travels (compared to: in Germany, Japan - 79% of the population, in the UK - 70%).

Based on the analysis of the problems of development of the tourism market in Russia, the following main problems can be identified:

Low professionalism (expressed in a lack of practical skills, and, sometimes, theoretical knowledge, which is the reason for the low level of preparedness of managers of travel companies).

Low quality of the Russian product (is a consequence of the lack of hospitality and culture of serving tourists at Russian resorts, which does not allow the sale of the domestic tourism product).

Dishonesty of foreign partners (incorrect attitude of foreign partners towards Russian tour operators).

Lack of information about the situation in certain regions of Russia (lack of modern interregional connections, lack of complete and objective information about the specific needs in various regions of Russia, as well as the specifics of demand, depending on regional groups).

Insufficient level of culture of corporate relations (the level of business communications among various travel companies is not well developed to solve common market problems).

Bias of the media (biased and unreliable information about a number of travel companies (information war of companies)).

Lack of clear positioning of travel companies (frequent changes in the activities of tour operators from one set of client segments to another, lack of a clear position of offers in the market).

Insufficient elaboration of the regulatory and legislative framework (lack of development of the legislative framework that controls business relationships in the tourism services market).

Chapter 3

Prospects for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation

The Russian tourism market still accounts for about 2-3% of the world market, but it is developing and will develop at a 3-4 times faster pace with a turnover increase of about 2-3 billion dollars per year.

Due to many problems with tourism infrastructure, Russia cannot yet become the undisputed leader in world tourism in the next ten years. However, according to forecasts of the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC), the country's market will develop rapidly and in 2006-2014 Russia will become second in the world in terms of investment.

According to the World Tourism Organization, by 2020, visiting Russia will become one of the most popular tourist destinations, and Russians will become the most active travelers. There is also a change in the entry-exit structure in favor of entry, in the ratio of 60.7% for entry to 39.3% for exit. This will contribute to the development of domestic tourism and improve the balance of export-import operations under the heading “tourism”.

It should be noted that for a combination of objective reasons (the presence of effective demand, the limitation of the possibility of traveling abroad for a significant part, including the solvent population), outbound tourism services can be used by no more than 1.5% of the total population of Russia. Therefore, at present, to ensure the constitutional right of citizens to rest and solve the problems of improving the nation’s health, domestic tourism is becoming increasingly important.

The potential of tourism in Russia is highly assessed by Western experts. The World Travel and Tourism Council compiled the top league of tourist countries in the world in 2004, and in 2014, Russia entered the top ten most promising countries. Estimates of income from tourism are also very high - 7-8 billion dollars.

In 1990, Russia ranked 23rd in terms of its share of the world tourist flow; in 1999, it moved to 15th place; by 2020, according to WTO forecasts, it will occupy 9th place in the world both in terms of entry and exit. .

Tourism infrastructure will also develop at a high pace. The most dynamic growth is predicted for the tourist transport industry, in particular for air transport.

Taking into account the nature of Russian tourist resources, the state of tourism infrastructure and the readiness of the tourism product, the following types of tourism can mainly be of particular interest for the development of inbound tourism in our country: cultural-educational, business, as well as specialized tourism (cruise, specialized, business, cultural - cognitive, eventful, environmental, rural, hunting and fishing, active, including in the future skiing, extreme (adventure), ethnic, educational, scientific, beach, etc.).

For Russia, with its underdeveloped tourism infrastructure and huge unclaimed tourism potential, the development of specialized tourism as a new alternative destination is of the greatest interest from the point of view of attracting sophisticated foreign consumers and diversifying the domestic tourism offer.

Based on the above, it can be noted that the purpose of developing tourism in The Russian Federation is the formation of a modern, effective, competitive tourism market, providing ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for tourism services, increasing employment and income levels.

To achieve the stated goal, it is necessary to provide incentives for the successful development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation as one of the elements of economic growth, strengthening the international authority of the country and improving the quality of life of the population by solving the following tasks:

Improving legal regulation in the field of tourism;

Development and improvement of tourism infrastructure, including related ones (transport, catering, entertainment industry, etc.);

Creation of new priority tourist centers;

Improving the quality of tourism and related services;

Improving visa policy, including in the direction of simplifying the conditions for entry into our country for tourists from countries that are safe in terms of migration;

Providing conditions for the personal safety of tourists.

State support for the development of tourism infrastructure should be carried out, first of all, within the framework of federal target programs. Currently, the greatest extent of development of the tourist and recreational complex is envisaged at the new stage of implementation of the Federal Target Program “South of Russia”, designed for 2008-2012. .

However, this is clearly not enough. It is necessary to develop tourism infrastructure in the historical and cultural centers of Russia, small and medium-sized historical cities. In historical cities that are promising for attracting tourists, it is advisable to form cultural and tourist zones, including not only architectural, historical and cultural monuments, but also facilities that provide tourists with a full range of accommodation services, food, entertainment, information services, etc.

To increase the investment attractiveness of the tourism sector in Russia, in particular, to improve the situation with tourist transport, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures to reduce or eliminate customs duties on the purchase of cruise ships, tourist buses, equipment of hotels, restaurants, ski resorts, etc., which is not produced in the Russian Federation. d.

To increase the competitiveness of the Russian tourism product and create a favorable image of the country, it is necessary to organize the release of advertising non-profit printed materials in foreign languages ​​of the main destination markets.

Representatives of the Russian Federation for tourism abroad can and should become agents for the active promotion of the tourism product in the main destination markets abroad, which should provide communication with the tourism industry of these markets, with the media, and other participants in the tourism process.

Thus, the task of the state is to promote the Russian tourism product in the domestic and global markets. Private business cannot conduct a non-commercial image advertising campaign for the entire country, since it promotes and sells only its own product, and creating the image of Russia as a country favorable for tourism is an exclusively state task. This is confirmed by world practice.

The need to implement this task is indicated in the Federal Law of February 5, 2007 No. 12-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”.

The experience of implementing government advertising and information strategies indicates the need to diversify the tourism product: along with the traditional tourism offer, it is necessary to ensure the display of new tourism products, the dissemination of broader information about national traditions, trades and crafts, new museums and exhibitions, events and tourism services. All this requires the development of a long-term information campaign aimed at creating a positive image of the country in order to promote the development of inbound and domestic tourism.

Currently, the global tourism market is characterized by a high degree of competition, one of the main tools of which today is improving the quality of tourism services.

In order to improve the quality of tourist services, it is necessary to standardize (certify) the activities of instructors and guides. For the same purpose, it is necessary to standardize (certify) the activities of tour guides, tour guides, tour guides (interpreters) in order to strengthen the unity of the cultural and information space of the Russian Federation, including providing Russian and foreign tourists and sightseers with complete and reliable information about the material and spiritual values ​​of our the country, its historical and cultural heritage, as well as the role and place of tourism in the modern world.

The problem of improving the quality of tourist services is complex and should be solved both through measures to improve the classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities, the introduction of classification systems for beaches and ski slopes, the development of professional service standards, and by creating educational standards that meet the requirements of employers and increasing the level of professional training and retraining of tourism industry personnel. This corresponds to the goals of the Government of the Russian Federation to attract labor resources and ensure employment of the population, increase the professional training of personnel, as well as increase the accessibility and quality of services provided to the population.

One of the main tasks in the coming years is to train qualified personnel to serve guests and participants of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. This requires the development and implementation of special educational programs for training and advanced training of workers in the Sochi tourism industry.

The main directions for improving legal regulation in the field of tourism involve the development of legal acts relating to all sectors of the development of the tourism industry. These include issues of improving federal and regional legislation, stimulating investment activity, improving the quality of tourism services, and state support for domestic tourism.

It is relevant to take a set of measures aimed at improving the safety culture of tourism and implying the formation among tourists and sightseers of a conscious attitude towards ensuring personal safety, as well as towards environmental protection, cultural, historical and natural heritage.

International cooperation should ensure the solution of common tasks of tourism development in the Russian Federation, such as promoting investment, promoting tourism products, training, and improving tourism statistics. It is this goal that is served by the intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements on cooperation in the field of tourism concluded by our country with other countries, and the activities of working groups on tourism within the framework of intergovernmental commissions. In the coming years, at the first stage of strategy implementation, bilateral cooperation should be carried out primarily with European countries that traditionally send tourists to Russia and are the most experienced in the field of tourism, with Asian traditional and new sending markets - Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and receiving markets - Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, as well as CIS countries. Particular attention should be paid to cooperation with such growing destination markets as China and India, and in the future, at the second stage of the Strategy, with Brazil, other Latin American countries, as well as countries in the Middle East.

Cooperation in a multilateral format should strengthen Russia’s position in international organizations, expand interaction with the programs of the European Union, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Forum (APEC), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( SCO), Euro-Asian Economic Cooperation (EurAsEC).

Much attention must be paid to interaction with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as a specialized agency of the UN system, which will strengthen our country’s position in the global tourism market and attract additional interest from both global tourism business professionals and foreign consumers.


At the turn of the millennium, tourism has become a profound socio-economic and political phenomenon, significantly influencing the world order and politics of a number of states and regions of the world.

The tourism sector, with successful development, can become one of the key elements that allows creating conditions for achieving the strategic development goals of the country, namely, increasing the well-being of the population based on dynamic and sustainable economic growth, ensuring employment of the population, increasing the level of satisfaction of social and spiritual needs, and building capacity for the future development of the state and strengthening Russia’s international positions. Subject to effective government policy, the tourism industry ensures an increase in the quality of services, stimulates the development of human capital, improves the quality of life, and creates and improves infrastructure.

In the field of tourism, the interests of culture and transport, security and international relations, ecology and employment, the hotel business and the resort complex are closely intertwined. This industry is of great importance for the state as a whole, the constituent entities of the Federation, municipalities, as well as the individual in particular.

Russia cannot yet boast of similar results, but the development of the tourism industry in the country is proceeding at a rapid pace. The domestic tourism industry has begun to change qualitatively and acquire the features of a dynamic, efficient and civilized sector of the economy. The attitude towards tourism on the part of regional authorities and the Government has changed. An increasing number of Russians prefer to vacation in their homeland.

Despite the ongoing tourism boom in Russia, the impact of tourism on the country's economy is still insignificant. It is adequate to the state’s contribution to the development of this industry and is constrained mainly by the lack of real investment, a low level of partial service, an insufficient number of hotel beds, and a shortage of qualified personnel.

The study analyzed the prospects for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation, as a result of which it can be seen that Russia has sufficient potential to improve and promote tourism. Tourism is of great economic interest in general for our country and, in connection with the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, allows us to attract foreign capital, which is of particular importance during the global crisis.

An analysis of possible directions for solving systemic problems confirms the need to develop a unified state strategy for the development of the tourism sector, based on a combination of institutional and project approaches, the development of cooperation between government structures of all levels, the business community and public organizations, and aimed at implementing priority tasks within each of the strategic directions.

The underdevelopment of tourism infrastructure, poor quality of service, and high crime rates in the country have led to the fact that Russia currently accounts for less than 1% of the world tourist flow. However, according to forecasts, in the next 10–15 years, tourism could have a significant positive impact on the economy of the country and its major cities. Thus, tourism, being a profitable sector of the economy, can become, under appropriate conditions, the most important item in Russia’s gross national income.

The country as a whole is currently gradually developing a realistic approach to tourism and an understanding of it as a sector of the economy that has significant benefits for the socio-economic development of Russian regions.


1. Birzhakov M. B., Nikifirov V. I. Analytical note. The state and problems of tourism in the Russian Federation // Ed. Birzhakov M.B.,

2. Birzhakov M. B. Introduction to tourism. - M.-SPb.: “Nevsky Fund”, 2000.

3. Brymer R. A. Fundamentals of management in the hospitality industry M., AspekPress, 2003

4. Vavilova E. V. “Fundamentals of international tourism” / Textbook. – M.: “Gardiki”, 2005.

5. Voloshin N.I. Legal regulation of tourism activities. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998.

6. Gulyaev V. G. Tourism: economics and social development. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.-304 p.: ill.

7. Durovich A.P., Kopanev A.S. Development of tourism // ed. Gorbyleva Z.M. Mn., Economypress, 1998

8. Zorin I.V. Tourism management. - M.: RMAT, 1998.

9. Zdorov A. B. Tourism Economics: Textbook. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. – 272 p.: ill.

10. Law of the Russian Federation of 02/05/2007. No. 12-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”.

11. Kvartalnov V. A. Foreign tourism. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

12. Kvartalnov V. A. Strategic management in tourism: modern management experience M., Finance and Statistics, 1999

13. Kolova I. A., Martov N. K. “Strategic problems of tourism development in Russia” - M.: “RIB “Tourist”, 2007.

14. Concept of tourism development in the Russian Federation for the period until 2005.

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22. Chudnovsky A. D. “Tourism and hotel management” - St. Petersburg: “Afes”, 2005.

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  • I block 9. Professional development of personality. Conditions for effective professional self-determination.
  • Agro-industrial complex and its development in market conditions The importance of the agro-industrial complex
  • The main directions of tourism development in Russia for the near future are defined in the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Target Program “Tourism Development in the Russian Federation”.

    According to these documents, the priority areas for the development of the domestic tourism industry in this future will be the following types of tourism:





    Within the framework of these directions, as well as taking into account the trends in the development of world tourism, the following directions for the development of domestic tourism can be predicted.

    1. Gradual change in the entry-exit structure in favor of entry.

    2. Further increase in incoming tourist flow at the expense of non-CIS countries;

    3. Gradual reorientation of the outbound tourist flow to the regions of the CIS countries that are traditional for Russian citizens: Crimea, the Black Sea, Caspian and Azov coasts and the Baltic countries.

    4.Gradual development of new tourist resources in the North-Western, Volga, West Siberian and Far Eastern regions of the country.

    5. Revival of tourism in the Caucasus region as the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya ends and interethnic conflicts are localized.

    6.Continuation of the development of cross-border tourism.

    7.Increasing the share of domestic tourism by increasing the tourist mobility of young people, elderly people and people with average income.

    8. Further development of children and youth tourism within the framework of amateur, sports, hiking and educational tourism.

    9. Revival of weekend tourism.

    10.Increasing the share of excursions in educational domestic tourism programs.

    11.Increasing the popularity of eco-tourism and travel to small towns in Russia.

    12.The growing trend in the popularity of combined tours: rest and treatment.

    13. Formation and strengthening of the trend of club holidays and travel.

    14. Interest in event and pilgrimage tourism, etc.

    15. Changing the cost structure and duration of travel to more frequent but shorter trips with lower costs per trip.

    16. Formation of a trend towards increasing costs for the needs of a higher quality tourism product.

    17. The development of information technology will help increase the share of individual bookings and the formation of tours and reduce booking times.

    The above trends in the development of international tourism may undergo serious changes in connection with mass actions of terrorism, nationalism and extremism that have engulfed many countries of the world. These factors are incompatible with the sustainable development of tourism and cause enormous harm to it.

    Planning the cost of services.

    The purpose of drawing up a plan for product costs is to identify trends in changes in product costs, determine the influence of factors on its growth and establish reserves for reducing product costs. All costs are divided into production (direct and indirect) and commercial. Production costs are the costs of manufacturing TP.


    1) costs of acquiring rights to the services of third-party organizations used in the production of technological infrastructure: food, accommodation, transportation, insurance, entertainment, etc. 2) costs associated with the activities of production personnel - wages, unified social tax, costs of official travel .

    3) costs of divisions of the tourism organization directly involved in the creation of the TP.

    Invoices (indirect):

    1) costs associated with the organization of the production process (remuneration of employees of the management apparatus and business workers; unified social tax; costs of business trips, for the operation of AUP buildings, security, rental of AUP buildings, office equipment, etc.)

    2) depreciation expenses, 3) depreciation of intangible assets,

    4) depreciation of low-value and wear-and-tear items

    5) non-capital costs associated with improving technology and organization of production, 6) costs of developing new tours

    7) payment for communication services, 8) costs of purchasing forms and documents, 9) payment for bank services, 10) interest on loans

    11) payment for information and consulting services, 12) training and retraining of personnel, 13) maintenance of premises, 14) occupational health and safety, 15) insurance payments, 16) contributions to the repair fund, 17) entertainment expenses, 18) contributions to special sectoral and intersectoral extra-budgetary funds

    19) taxes and fees, 20) etc. expenses.

    Commercial costs - associated with the sale and promotion of goods: 1) costs associated with the activities of sales points

    2) costs of commissions, agency fees to third-party organizations, 3) costs of paying employees involved in the promotion and implementation of technology, 4) costs of advertising, 5) costs of participation in exhibitions.

    To calculate the cost of production, all costs are grouped by main elements and items. The grouping of costs for production and sales of products is reflected in the estimates. In order to create a complete cost plan, it is necessary to provide an estimate of overhead and selling expenses.

    Classification of costs by elements:

    1)material costs, 2)labor costs, 3)deductions for social needs, 4)depreciation, 5)other.

    Classification of costs by main items:

    1) USO, 2) services of production subdivision. 3) salary of the main production person. 4) overhead costs. 5) commercial expenses

    Total production s/s – the sum of all elements. or articles.

    TP price = cost * sales tax * profit margin.

    Economic information– a set of information about socio-economic processes that serve to manage these processes and groups of people in the production and non-production spheres. Also under economic information refers to information characterizing production relations in society. Economic information includes information that circulates in the economic system about production processes, material resources, production management processes, financial processes, as well as economic information exchanged between various management systems.

    Characteristics of economic information:

    · large volumes;

    · repeated repetition of cycles of its receipt and transformation in established time periods (month, quarter, year, etc.);

    · variety of sources and consumers;

    · significant share of routine procedures during its processing.

    In the modern information society, information is the most important strategic resource of the management system. The information system must be developed taking into account the specified consumer needs properties of information:

    · value, adequacy of information;

    · completeness of information for the implementation of control actions;

    ·accuracy and reliability of information;

    · relevance, timeliness and efficiency of obtaining information.

    Economic information is usually divided according to the following criteria: By management functions economic information is divided into planning, accounting, regulatory and reference and reporting and statistical information, by place of origin(incoming; summary; outgoing); by degree of compliance(reliable, unreliable, timely, untimely, useful, false, redundant); in relation to processing and storage processes(initial (raw), intermediate, result); by degree of stability(constant [conditionally constant], variable), by degree of data completeness coverage(continuous (full), selective).

    Main directions of research in the field economic information- the most adequate representation of economic objects and processes; development of economic and mathematical methods and processing models economic information; system creation economic information, meeting the needs of managing a modern economy.


    Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business

    Branch of the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business in

    Nizhny Novgorod

    Faculty: Management

    Department: Economics

    Discipline: Finance and credit


    Topic: “Analysis of the prospects for the development of tourism in modern Russia”

    Completed by: IV year student

    Group MGB 43-05

    Sergeeva Galina Gennadievna

    Checked by: Petukhov V.I.

    Grade: ____________________

    Teacher's signature:_______

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    Job registration date " "________200__________

    Nizhny Novgorod


    Chapter 1. Current state of tourism in the Russian Federation

    1.1 The state of legal regulation in the field of tourism in the Russian Federation

    1.2 State of tourist infrastructure

    1.3 Promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the international and domestic tourist markets

    1.4 Training for the tourism sector

    1.5 State of international cooperation in the field of tourism

    Chapter 2. The purpose and objectives of the prospects for the development of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation..

    Chapter 3. Main directions and mechanisms for solving problems of the prospects for the development of the tourism sector.

    3.1 Development of tourism infrastructure

    3.2 Promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourist markets

    3.3 Improving the quality of tourism and related services

    3.4 Improving legal regulation in the field of tourism..

    3.5 Development of international cooperation




    Russia has enormous potential both for the development of domestic tourism and for receiving foreign travelers. It has everything you need - a huge territory, a rich historical and cultural heritage, and in some regions - untouched, wild nature.

    In the rich history of Russia at different times, the Vikings, ancient Slavs, Mongol-Tatars, Cumans, Scythians, Swedes, Teutons, Greeks, Genoese and other peoples left their traces. Our ancestors inherited from them their appearance, faith, different cultures, languages ​​and traditions. This stimulates the development of domestic tourism and makes modern Russians interesting to each other. Grand dukes, monarchs and emperors annexed and lost lands and peoples, travelers went deeper into the North, Siberia and the Far East and discovered new spaces, rivers, seas and oceans. All these events and actions made Russia the way everyone can see it on an excursion (cultural and educational) tour.

    In addition to natural and historical and cultural prerequisites, the development of inbound tourism is facilitated by some social factors. This is a high purchasing power of foreign currencies, ensuring freedom of movement in most of the country, including such promising tourist areas as the Far East, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, the Urals, the North of Russia, as well as Nizhny Novgorod and Samara, cities previously closed to foreign tourists.

    Inbound and domestic tourism in Russia is represented by a wide variety of types. The most actively developing are environmental, sports, extreme, skiing, educational, business, medical and recreational, cruise, fishing and hunting, event and gastronomic types of tourism. Individual and children's and youth recreation is also popular.

    The purpose of this work is to analyze the prospects for the development of tourism in modern Russia. To do this, the first chapter will be devoted to the current state of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation, after which goals and objectives will be set and, based on them, the development of a strategy for improving tourism in our country, thanks to which it will be possible to assess the real prospects for the development of tourism in Russia in the future.

    Chapter 1. Current state of tourism in the Russian Federation

    An analysis of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation shows that in recent years this area as a whole has been developing steadily and dynamically. There is an annual increase in domestic tourist flow. The rapidly growing demand for tourism services within the country has caused a boom in the construction of small hotels, mainly in resort regions, as well as an increase in the number of hotels of international hotel chains in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities of the country, and the creation of domestic hotel chains. The volume of investment proposals for hotel construction from both foreign and domestic investors has sharply increased. At the same time, the main proposals are aimed at developing the hotel business in the regions of Russia. Particularly noteworthy are the successes of recent years in the development of the resort and tourist complex of the Krasnodar Territory, which naturally led to the choice of our country when choosing Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Thanks to this, not only Krasnaya Polyana and Sochi, but also the entire Krasnodar Territory in in general, which determines long-term business interest in the development of tourism infrastructure in this region and a guarantee that in a few years the Black Sea coast will become a developed world-class resort center.

    Currently, there are more than 6 thousand hotels in the country, while in 2004 there were only 4 thousand. Taking into account the number of other accommodation facilities, such as boarding houses, houses and recreation centers, tourist centers and others, the total number of tourist accommodation facilities is about 10 thousand. The number of Russian citizens living in hotels, sanatorium-resort organizations and recreation organizations in 2006 amounted to 26.6 million people, of which 16.4 million people lived in hotels.

    The volume of paid services provided to the population by hotels and similar accommodation facilities is growing annually and amounted to 88.9 billion rubles in 2007, which exceeded the 2005 figures by 47%.

    According to forecast estimates of the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism revenues in 2007 in our country's GDP, taking into account the multiplier effect, amounted to 6.7%. According to the same source, the number of jobs in tourism amounted to 1% of total employment, taking into account related industries - 5.7%, investments in fixed capital in the Russian tourism industry amounted to 12.1% of total investments with an annual growth of 8. 2%.

    It is known that our country has a huge number of cultural and natural attractions, as well as other tourist attractions. These, according to Rosstat, include 2,368 museums in 477 historical cities, 590 theaters, 67 circuses, 24 zoos, almost 99 thousand historical and cultural monuments, 140 national parks and reserves. In Russia there are currently 103 museum-reserves and 41 museum-estates (objects identical to museum-reserves in the nature of their activities, differing, as a rule, in a small territory). Museum-reserves play a vital role in shaping an attractive image of Russia abroad. Of the 15 cultural heritage sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, 12 are part of museum reserves. In accordance with this, the network of museum-reserves as centers of international and domestic tourism requires constant improvement and development. As for such tourist infrastructure facilities as water parks, entertainment centers, ski resorts, tourist transport, etc., they are clearly not enough. It is also obvious that the country’s tourism potential is far from being fully used, and the creation of conditions for quality recreation in Russia for Russian and foreign citizens requires more active implementation of state policy in the field of tourism.

    Moscow and St. Petersburg, still the main transport gates for the entry of foreign tourists, receive up to 75% of international arrivals, the number of which has been declining in the last 2-3 years due to a sharp rise in prices in these cities. The reduction in the incoming tourist flow to our country began to occur in 2006. In 2007, the number of arrivals of “classic” foreign tourists for leisure purposes decreased by more than 8%. This is explained, first of all, by the increased prices for services in the country over the past two years, as well as by a sharp increase in hotel prices in Moscow due to a decrease in the number of tourist-class hotels in the city center due to the demolition or closure for the purpose of reconstruction of a number of the most famous and popular among tourists from hotels such as “Intourist”, “Moscow”, “Minsk”, “Russia”, “Ukraine”, “Leningradskaya”, “Central” and “Beijing”. In Moscow, for various reasons, 9 thousand 3-star seats were withdrawn from circulation. It is the lack of beds in tourist-class hotels that negatively affects the development of inbound and domestic tourism. This significantly increases the cost of the package of services offered to tourists when traveling to Russia. The Moscow Government plans to build 353 new hotels by 2011. However, given the strengthening of the ruble and the current situation in the capital, in which the average price for a room in Moscow hotels is significantly higher than the cost of a room of the same category in European countries with lower comfort and quality of services, it becomes unprofitable for foreign tourists with a limited budget to come to the capital. This situation may continue in the next 2-3 years.

    In order to obtain a comprehensive description of the current level of tourism development in the country, taking into account the results of the state’s activities in the development of this area, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the consideration of the state and trends in the development of legal regulation, tourism infrastructure, personnel training, statistical base, promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourism markets, as well as international cooperation in the field of tourism.

    The tourism industry in Russia should become a powerful sector of the national economy. As foreign practice shows, the development of the industry will be possible if government agencies vested with power realize the importance of the role of tourism in the social and economic development of the Russian Federation and begin to pursue protectionist policies regarding the tourism industry.

    In recent years, we have made some progress in this direction.

    The Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (No. 132-FZ, November 24, 1996) states for the first time that tourism is one of the priority sectors of the economy.

    By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1995. No. 1284 (Appendix 3), the Concept of reorganization and development of tourism in the Russian Federation was approved.

    The main goal of the concept is the creation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist complex, providing, on the one hand, ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for tourism services, and on the other hand, a significant contribution to the development of the country’s economy, including by increasing the number of jobs , tax revenues to the federal budget, influx of foreign currency, conservation and rational use of cultural and natural heritage.

    To achieve this goal it is proposed:

    • 1. inclusion of tourism in the list of main directions of structural restructuring of the Russian economy;
    • 2. implementation of the federal target program "Development of tourism in the Russian Federation";
    • 3. creation of a regulatory framework for tourism development that corresponds to international practice;
    • 4. the formation of economic mechanisms to stimulate the development of foreign and domestic tourism, attracting investments in this area and protecting the domestic tourism market by providing tax and customs benefits, state guarantees and other measures of state support;
    • 5. introduction of a strict system of certification and licensing of tourism activities;
    • 6. creation of favorable conditions for cooperation of tourism, banking structures, transport, hotel and insurance companies in order to form high-tech complexes of tourist services and develop the material and technical base of the industry.

    The prospects for the development of the tourism industry in the country are determined by the federal target program "Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 1996. No. 177 and the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation for the period 1996-2000, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 1997 No. 222.

    The federal program contains basic measures for the development of tourism. Its main goal is to create a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist complex in Russia, providing opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for tourism services, a large number of additional jobs, tax revenues to the budget and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage.

    The following directions are provided for the implementation of the program:

    • ? tourism is included in the list of main directions of structural restructuring of the Russian economy;
    • ? creation of a regulatory framework for tourism development that corresponds to world experience and legal practice;
    • ? formation of economic mechanisms for stimulating the development of foreign and domestic tourism, attracting investment in this area and protecting the domestic tourism market by providing tax and customs benefits, state guarantees and other government support measures;
    • ? introduction of a strict system of certification and licensing of tourism activities;
    • ? creating favorable conditions for cooperation between tourism, banking structures, transport, hotel and insurance companies in order to form high-tech complexes of tourist services and develop the material and technical base of the industry.

    For the Russian state, the direction of national protectionism should be a preferential value added tax in tourism, which is practiced all over the world. For example, in France, VAT for all industries is 22%, and in tourism - no more than 13%. Since the beginning of 1994 in EU countries the amount of this tax has been reduced to 10%. Naturally, such a powerful economic lever gives quick and very significant returns.

    To attract tourists to the domestic market, according to Arintsev Yu.N. (Arintsev Yu.N. How to make tourism in Russia profitable? // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 1998, No. 3, pp. 2-4), the main emphasis must be placed on the quality of service and price. Comparability of product quality and price is fundamentally important for Russian consumers. The avalanche of holiday offers abroad was in demand by Russians because they were offered higher quality service at reasonable prices.

    Bringing the prices and quality of services provided by Russian tourist organizations into line requires, first of all, modernization and improvement of the existing material and technical base, and therefore capital investments.

    To increase the competitiveness of the material and technical base of domestic tourism, it is necessary:

    • ? exemption of tourism enterprises (hotels, sanatoriums, campsites) from paying customs duties for equipment and building materials imported from abroad for repair and construction work at tourist sites;
    • ? partial or complete exemption from payment of all federal taxes when investing in the material base of the tourism and sanatorium industry, depending on the volume of capital investments made;
    • ? provision of preferential loans (at 7-10% per annum) for the improvement and development of the material and technical base of tourism, deferment of payments for a period of 2 to 10 years.

    In order to support the development of tourism, measures should be taken to exempt tourism enterprises from paying city and regional taxes within limits not exceeding the amount of investment (city: income tax, VAT; regional: land tax, housing, education, transport tax, property tax , income tax, VAT).

    Regional authorities could exempt tourism enterprises from regional taxes (such as road use, education tax, transport tax, property tax, income tax) within limits not exceeding investments in the development of the material and technical base. Unfortunately, the federal program for the development of tourism in the investment section is practically not being implemented; there is a lack of necessary financial support for tourism from both federal and local authorities. Moreover, national entrepreneurs are being strangled by exorbitant taxes, the constant increase in the cost of utilities, and the emission of land and fixed assets.

    The state poorly protects domestic travel agencies from foreign travel companies, which, as noted in the previous section, operate widely in the Russian market. Foreign companies that create their representative offices in Russia pay taxes in their homeland, and, accordingly, the Russian budget is not replenished. But some progress has been made in this direction. Thus, the draft “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, adopted in the second reading (09/04/98), stipulates that only those tourist enterprises, 51%, will have the right to operate on the territory of Russia whose shares are owned by persons with Russian citizenship. In addition, the share of the authorized capital of foreign owners must not exceed 49%; at least half of the total number of personnel must be citizens of Russia permanently residing on its territory. The board of directors or other executive body must also be present. the majority of Russians. In order to prevent the appearance of fly-by-night companies on the Russian market, amendments to the law include a requirement that foreign companies operating in Russia must have at least 10 years of experience.

    One of the priority areas for the development of tourism in Russia should be the training of highly qualified specialists. The tourism product has significant differences from the “classic” product, so the hope that people without special knowledge will cope with tourism activities did not materialize. This problem is relevant not only for the tourism sector, but also for the entire hospitality industry, which has fallen into decline during the years of Soviet power in the country.

    Public tourism organizations

    Non-governmental public tourism organizations are active in our country. Their main tasks:

    • ? creation of tourism infrastructure,
    • ? influence on the development of legislation,
    • ? implementation of international service standards,
    • ? promotion of Russian tourism products to foreign markets.

    Such organizations operate both at the national and regional levels.

    1. At the national level:

    ASTUR - Association of Tourist Organizations of Russia;

    NTA - National Tourism Association;

    NGTP - National Guild of Travel Press;

    PACT - Russian Association of Social Tourism;

    RATA - Russian Assembly of Travel Agencies;

    RGA - Russian Hotel Association;

    TSSR - Tourist and Sports Union of Russia.

    2. At the regional level:

    MATA - Moscow Association of Travel Agencies;

    NTL - Nizhny Novgorod Tourist League, etc.

    Among public national organizations, it stands out for its active work Russian Assembly of Travel Agencies(President of RATA - Deputy Chairman of the SCFT Sergei Shpilko, Vice President - President of the Academservice Corporation I. Zvorykin).

    RATA was created in July 1993 by six Moscow companies, and currently has 611 members.

    There are ten regional branches in the RATA structure:

    • ? North-Western (St. Petersburg);
    • ? Tverskoye (Tver);
    • ? South Russian (Krasnodar);
    • ? Central Chernozem (Voronezh);
    • ? Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod);
    • ? Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk);
    • ? Buryatskoe (Ulan-Ude);
    • ? Khabarovskoe (Khabarovsk);
    • ? Primorskoe (Vladivostok);
    • ? Interregional "Golden Ring" (Yaroslavl).

    In addition, there are representative offices in Crimea, Great Britain and Bulgaria.

    RATA was created as an association of travel companies, but now it includes hotels, health resort enterprises, insurance companies, advertising agencies and the travel press. The Nizhny Novgorod branch joined RATA in May 1998, the initiator of this was the Nizhny Novgorod Tourist League.

    The Russian Assembly of Travel Agencies solves various problems:

    • 1) development of domestic and outbound tourism;
    • 2) participation in international exhibitions;
    • 3) development of bills. Areas of work:
      • ? consumer rights Protection;
      • ? equalizing the imbalance between inbound and outbound tourism;
      • ? lobbying the interests of small and medium-sized businesses;
      • ? support for regional development programs.

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