Features of property insurance in VSK. "VSK" - insurance house: reviews, addresses, contacts, operating hours VSK real estate insurance company

Insurance joint-stock company "VSK" has been operating since 1992. Property insurance programs offered by the company allow you to reliably protect real estate and receive compensation in the event of fire, explosion, flooding, theft and other unforeseen incidents.

Advantages of property insurance at VSK

At the end of 2015, the company took 4th place among Russian insurance organizations in the property insurance segment, collecting 2,533,471 thousand rubles. bonuses and paying 385,780 thousand rubles. for insurance cases.

The authorized capital of JSC "VSK" is 3.65 billion rubles, and the company's reliability rating is assessed by the Expert RA agency as exceptionally high "A++" with a stable forecast. The company's insurance obligations regarding payments are guaranteed by the largest reinsurance organizations, including Swiss Re, Hannover Re, Gen Re, Munich Re, SCOR. The services of the insurance company "VSK" are used by more than 14 million individuals and 200 thousand legal entities.

Types of property insurance programs

SO "VSK" offers a wide selection of real estate insurance programs, differing in terms of insurance and the amount of insurance coverage.

"Classic building insurance"

Basic insurance program for country real estate, guaranteeing compensation for losses associated with the occurrence of the following insured events:

  • fire, explosion;
  • flooding;
  • failures of heating systems, water supply, etc.;
  • natural disasters;
  • broken glass;
  • collision with vehicles;
  • falling of aircraft and their fragments;
  • soil subsidence;
  • defrosting engineering systems;
  • causing harm to the life, health or property of third parties.

The following objects are subject to insurance under this program:

  • House;
  • interior and exterior decoration;
  • engineering equipment;
  • household property;
  • Civil responsibility.

The client individually creates an insurance program for himself, choosing the necessary insurance objects, a list of insured risks and the amount of insurance compensation.


This insurance package is intended for insuring suburban real estate worth up to 1 million rubles. All insurance conditions are listed in the classic program.

"Lucky Plus"

An insurance product designed to insure suburban real estate worth up to 3 million rubles. Insurance conditions are identical to those of the classic program.

"Maximum protection"

A comprehensive apartment insurance program that guarantees coverage of costs associated with such insurance risks as:

  • fire, explosion;
  • exposure to water;
  • accidents of engineering systems;
  • natural disasters;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • electrical short circuit;
  • collision with vehicles;
  • terrorism.

The following objects can be insured under this program:

  • interior and exterior decoration;
  • engineering equipment;
  • household property;
  • civil liability.

"Full construction"

This program is designed to quickly insure an apartment using a standard package. The insurance conditions completely duplicate the conditions of the previous program, with the exception that the list of insured objects does not include structural elements of the apartment.

"For a time of rest"

Short-term apartment insurance program for vacation (from 1 to 9 months). The program provides insurance for the following objects:

  • interior and exterior decoration of the apartment;
  • engineering equipment;
  • household goods;
  • civil liability.

The insured risks of the program include:

  • fire, explosion;
  • exposure to water;
  • accidents of engineering systems;
  • natural disasters;
  • falling foreign objects;
  • illegal actions of third parties (including terrorism);
  • collision with vehicles;
  • civil responsibility to neighbors.


This program is designed to insure apartments for rent and guarantees compensation for losses associated with such insurance risks as:

  • fire, explosion;
  • natural disasters;
  • flooding;
  • accidents of engineering systems;
  • falling foreign objects;
  • collision with vehicles;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • causing damage to the property of third parties.

In accordance with the terms of the program, the following objects are subject to insurance:

  • interior and exterior decoration of the apartment;
  • engineering equipment;
  • household property;
  • Civil responsibility.

"I'm filming"

The program is designed to insure household property and liability to neighbors when living in a rented apartment. Insured risks include the risks listed in the “Rent” program.

"Investment apartment"

This program is designed for clients who expect prices to rise in the real estate market in order to sell an apartment at a higher price. The set of covered insurance risks corresponds to the list of risks of the “Maximum Protection” program. The following objects are subject to insurance under the program:

  • structural elements of the apartment;
  • Civil responsibility.

Cost of property insurance programs

The table shows approximate data on the cost of property insurance at JSC VSK as of the beginning of 2017.

The name of the program
Objects of insurance
Sum insured, rub.
Cost of insurance, rub./year
"Classic building insurance"
  • House;
  • finishing;
  • engineering equipment;
  • household property;
  • Civil responsibility.
No restrictions
Calculated individually
"Maximum protection"
  • structural elements;
  • finishing;
  • engineering equipment;
  • household property;
  • Civil responsibility.
3 100 000
14 670
"Full construction"
  • finishing;
  • engineering equipment;
  • household property;
  • Civil responsibility.
700 000
3 330
400 000
2 160
"I'm filming"
  • household property;
  • Civil responsibility.
400 000
2 133
"Investment apartment"
  • structural elements;
  • Civil responsibility.
1 200 000
1 350

A prerequisite for obtaining a mortgage loan is the need to insure the property being purchased, as well as, by extension, the life and health of the borrower. Despite the fact that each bank has its own preferences and recommends a certain insurance company to clients, the borrower can independently choose an agent. VSK company is one of the leaders in the mortgage insurance market and offers insured persons very favorable conditions. VSK mortgage is confidence in the future not only for the borrower, but also for his entire family. You will learn more about VSK mortgage insurance below.

Mortgage is a type of long-term lending. Accordingly, there is a high risk of non-repayment of borrowed funds back to the bank due to the inability to predict what financial situation the borrower may develop within 10-30 years. Therefore, insurance is a mandatory requirement for any mortgage. Let's consider what types of insurance are available to VSK clients in relation to mortgaged property and the identity of the borrower.

Title insurance for a mortgage in VSK

Provides for the risk of loss of ownership of real estate purchased under a mortgage program. Simply put, if, after completing the purchase and sale transaction, some facts are revealed that are the basis for canceling the contract and the buyer losing ownership of the residential property, the insurer will cover all losses of the bank.

Most often, such situations arise when executing multi-way transactions, when a whole chain of buyers and sellers is built. Among multiple transactions, errors and inaccuracies may occur, calling into question the legality of the transaction. The list of insured events under this program includes:

  • illegality of a previously completed transaction of transfer of ownership rights;
  • third party claims to property;
  • identifying the falsity of important documents used in the course of purchase and sale, etc.;
  • fraud (deliberately illegal conclusion of a transaction);
  • errors and inaccuracies in documents when registering property rights;
  • incapacity of one of the participants in the sale and purchase;

Borrower's life and health insurance

VSK life and health insurance for a mortgage is a program beneficial to all participants in the process:

  • the bank receives guarantees of the return of its own funds in the event of an insured event;
  • borrower - if it is impossible to fulfill his debt obligations due to loss of job or health, the insurance will fully cover the bank debt without the need to sell the mortgaged property;
  • insurance company - if the specified insured event does not occur during the validity period of the contract, the premium received from the insured person remains in the accounts of the company.

At VSK, if there is a secured mortgage, life insurance is possible for the following insured events:

  • death of the borrower;
  • receiving 1 or 2 groups of disability due to a serious illness or accident;
  • loss of a job or significant reduction in wages.


The “Constructive” insurance policy is a property protection program from the VSK company. A mortgage is the purchase of real estate on credit. Therefore, both parties to the loan, the bank and the borrower, must be sure that the apartment or house will be safe and secure. The client has the opportunity to insure:

  • load-bearing structures of the home;
  • finishing available in the apartment or house at the time of purchasing the insurance policy;
  • furnishings;
  • household and home appliances.

A prerequisite for purchasing a policy is to conduct an appraisal examination, during which the general condition of the property, as well as individual parts inside the premises, is recorded.

The list of insured events under the Kostruktiv program includes:

  • fires;
  • natural and man-made floods;
  • natural disasters;
  • illegal actions of third parties (robberies, terrorist attacks, etc.);
  • destruction due to falling flying objects, as well as falling trees;
  • vehicle collisions, explosions.

How to calculate the cost

To calculate the cost of insurance for the selected program, you can use a special calculator located on our website. In the calculation form you need to enter basic data on the loan and insurance. For example, comprehensive mortgage insurance will require the following information:

  • city,
  • creditor bank,
  • conditions;
  • mortgage balance;
  • that will be insured.

After the calculation, it is possible to obtain insurance online.

How to apply step by step

The algorithm of actions for insuring a mortgage loan is as follows:

  1. Signing a contract or transferring an insurance policy-offer to the policyholder.
  2. Payment for insurance services.

If insurance is carried out at the time of concluding a mortgage, the signing of documents and issuance of the insurance policy is carried out by the bank manager.


Depending on the chosen program, the insurer may require the applicant to provide the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • title documents for real estate;
  • expert opinion on the estimated value;
  • certificate of state registration of property rights;
  • technical and cadastral passport of the object;
  • medical documents confirming the completion of a comprehensive examination of the policyholder’s general health (laboratory tests, opinions of specialized doctors, etc.);
  • income certificate in form 2NDFL for the previous few years;
  • a copy of the staffing table from the applicant’s place of work;
  • documents related to the previous owner of real estate (copies of all pages of the passport, documents on marriage and divorce, consent of the spouses to carry out the transaction, certificates of discharge of all persons living in the apartment, etc.).

Pros and cons of mortgage insurance at VSK

VSK insurance company is considered one of the pioneers of mortgage lending. Since its inception mortgages in Russia and to this day the company is a leader, accredited by most financial institutions in the country. If you decide to insure your property or health with VSK, you will benefit from the following competitive advantages of the company:

  • favorable client rates;
  • a wide list of possible risks for all available insurance programs;
  • simple and acceptable process for concluding an insurance contract;
  • an extensive all-Russian network of VSK branches allows residents of the entire country to use the company’s services without restrictions;
  • large selection of partner banks.


Mortgage and insurance are two inseparable processes. Long-term housing loans must be maximally protected in all areas of risk: the health and life of the borrower, possible problems with the title, safety and security of the purchased property. The VSK company creates simple and maximally transparent terms of cooperation for its clients, and also provides the opportunity to calculate future costs at the preliminary stage of the transaction.

You can compare the conditions with in the next post.

If you need help with a mortgage or insurance, please schedule a free consultation with our lawyer using a special form.

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Recently, in addition to vehicles, citizens have begun to actively use other products of insurance companies, namely property ones.

About company

Military Insurance Company (VSK) has been operating since February 11, 1992. Currently, the insurer occupies a leading position in the insurance market in Russia. In 2020, the company celebrated its 25th anniversary.

It is worth noting that the high performance of the company was noted with gratitude from the President of Russia in 2002, 2007 and 2020. The company also became a laureate of the National Competition “Company of the Year” twice.

Today the insurance company is ready to offer its clients more than 100 attractive insurance products.

The following types of insurance are especially popular:

  • vehicle;
  • life and health;
  • property;
  • travel protection.

Today the VSK company is:

  • about 400 offices throughout Russia;
  • 3,650 million registered capital;
  • 23.3 billion - payments per year;
  • 37.10 billion – reserves;
  • an established risk reinsurance system that has been regulated for years.

More than 14 million individuals have entrusted their protection to the VSK insurance company. As for corporate clients, more than 125,000 enterprises have chosen the company as a reliable partner who can be trusted with their most valuable asset – the company.

Rules for real estate insurance in VSK

Real estate is one of the types of objects of civil rights, which includes: land plots, buildings and structures, residential and commercial real estate.

According to the rules of property insurance in VSK, the company can provide protection to the property of both individuals and organizations.

Before purchasing insurance coverage, you will need to carefully study the insurance rules. You can obtain the rules either at the office of the insurance company or download them from the official website of the insurer.

When studying, special attention should be paid to such points as:

  • what insurance risks are included in the insurance contract;
  • franchise agreement;
  • payment of insurance compensation;
  • procedure for payment of insurance premium.

If necessary, you will need to ask clarifying questions to a company specialist and only after everything is clear, proceed to obtaining insurance coverage.

How to apply

Taking out a property insurance policy with VSK is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is worth taking into account that the procedure for drawing up a contract consists of several stages.

Registration procedure:

  1. Getting advice

The first thing each client needs to do is personally visit the office of the insurance company and receive detailed information about the required type of insurance. Don't be afraid to ask for rules and ask the same questions several times if the answers are not clear to you.

At this stage, everyone should clarify what documents will need to be provided to the insurance company representative.

  1. Filling out an application and providing documents

Once the complete package of documents has been prepared, you will need to fill out an application form. The application should indicate in detail not only the name of the property that is subject to insurance, but also in what condition it is.

Be prepared to indicate:

  • date of major repairs;
  • presence of a security system;
  • if there are fire extinguishers;
  • type of finishing and value of the property.

You can fill out the application form either remotely or in person at the company’s office. When filling out remotely, you will need to request the application form to your personal email, print it out, fill out all the fields and send it to the insurer.

  1. Property Inspection

Since the insurance company is ready to provide protection to property, the value of which can be several million, a pre-insurance inspection of the property will be carried out before signing the contract.

A representative of the company will certainly inspect the property, take high-quality photographs and draw up an inspection report, which will reflect all the results of the property inspection. This act will necessarily be attached to the contract of both the insurer and the policyholder.

  1. Insurance premium calculation

Only after the company personally knows what it accepts for insurance can the insurance premium be calculated. When making calculations, the company will take into account the risks that the client wishes to include under the contract and the technical condition of the property.

  1. Registration of the contract

If the amount of the insurance premium and the conditions are suitable for the policyholder, a representative of the VSK company draws up a contract. Before signing, you should once again carefully study all the main points and, if necessary, ask clarifying questions.

  1. Payment

As for payment, individuals deposit cash directly into the insurance company's cash desk. Legal citizens pay according to the invoice issued within 3 days after receiving the details.

At the end of the visit, the policyholder must have a complete package of documents, namely:

  • insurance policy;
  • contract;
  • receipt for payment of insurance premium;
  • property inspection report;
  • memo for the client;
  • insurance rules.

As for natural citizens, acquire protection from necessary risks they can on the day of application. Registration for legal citizens takes from 1 to 3 working days.

Required documents

To purchase insurance coverage, you will need to prepare a full package of documents.

If you are planning to purchase protection for country real estate (house or cottage), the company will request:

  • certificate of ownership of the land plot;
  • an extract from the land register or other document that confirms the characteristics of the land plot;
  • gardener's book.

To insure an apartment or house you will need:
  • certificate of ownership of property;
  • certificate from the BTI;
  • description of the property located in the apartment;
  • documents that reflect the market value of the property.

As for the property of legal citizens, the following may additionally be required:
  • lease contract;
  • power of attorney for the policyholder, from the manager, according to which he can represent the interests of the company.

In addition to the listed documents, each policyholder must show the original passport.

It is worth taking into account that the insurance company may request additional documents that will need to be prepared. If this is not done, the insurer may refuse to conclude the contract.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is impossible to foresee all the risks that may happen to property from day to day. That is why the insurance company offers to provide protection for what is dear to every person. However, you should not rush to draw up an insurance contract, since you should first carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of this service from the VSK company.



Thanks to protection, you can save your own money. If an insured event occurs, the insurance company will compensate for all expenses.

Just imagine that property worth several million can burn down and the insurer will compensate the entire amount, only because timely protection was purchased.

Favorable term You can purchase protection for any period convenient for you. The insurance company offers contracts for both 1 month and several years. In the second case, each client receives a wonderful opportunity to protect property with an additional discount.
Big package of risks Each client decides for himself which risk package to include under the contract. You can insure your property either for a full package or for one risk.
Installment plan Since the insurance premium can reach several tens of thousands of rubles, the company offers to pay the premium in installments. Depending on the value of the contract, an installment plan of 2 or 3 installments may be provided.
Payment within 10 days According to the rules, the company is ready to compensate all expenses within 10 days from the date of the insured event. This is an excellent opportunity to recover as quickly as possible in a short period of time.


Dear Defense Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this type of insurance due to the high cost of the contract. Sometimes minimal protection costs several thousand rubles.
Object requirements The insurance company carefully examines the property and only after that makes a decision whether to provide protection or not. If the property is in a bad area or condition, the company representative may refuse to conclude the transaction, since this is a voluntary type of insurance and the company itself decides with whom to cooperate.
The agreement comes into force on the 5th day

It is worth taking into account that the insurer does not begin to bear responsibility under the contract immediately, but 5 days after the contract is executed.

The insurance industry in Russia is thriving every year. Every citizen can have the opportunity to compensate for losses if they find themselves in an unpredictable situation. However, for cooperation you should choose only proven companies that have been on the market for more than one year. VSK is exactly such an organization. The insurance house has mostly positive reviews due to its wide range of services and reasonable prices.

Basic information

The VSK insurance house was founded in February 1992. For more than 20 years, the company's management has been able to achieve truly great success. Based on the results for 2015, the insurance house was among the top ten leaders in its field. The company is very popular among legal entities and individuals. We offer a huge range of services to cover losses in the most unpredictable situations.

Today the VSK company works in many directions. life, compulsory health insurance - all this can be arranged here with a minimum package of documents. Each client can submit an application for concluding a contract in real time. All the information you need can also be easily found on the insurance company’s website.

Contact Information

The main office of the institution is located in the capital of the Russian Federation. Exact address: Moscow, Ostrovnaya street, building 4. For insurance questions, you can contact us daily, from 9:00 to 18:00, except weekends and holidays. The central office of the insurance company does not settle claims. For such questions, you can contact one of the branches. You can get to the company's central office by corporate transport from the Molodezhnaya metro station. Minibus taxis run from 9:45 to 16:00.

The VSK insurance house has more than 20 customer service offices. Addresses of the most visited branches:

  • Bratislavskaya street, house 16, building 1;
  • Entuziastov highway, house 14;
  • Vavilova street, house 17;
  • Yuzhnoportovy proezd, building 16a;
  • Leningradsky Prospekt, house 47, building 2;
  • Prishvina street, house 8, building 2.

The VSK insurance house receives clients every day. Opening hours are the same for all representative offices (daily, from 9:00 to 18:00).

The insurance company also operates offices in St. Petersburg. The most visited branch is located on Botkinskaya Street, building 1.


The program offered by the VSK insurance house will help drivers feel safe on the road even with little driving experience. Everyone can weigh the risks and choose the insurance coverage they need. The object of the contract with the company can be domestic cars, as well as foreign cars no older than six years. You can also insure equipment that is not included in the factory package. It also offers to insure the life and health of drivers and passengers "VSK" (insurance house). Reviews show that this service is very popular.

The insurance company offers many additional opportunities. You can also insure a vehicle that was purchased on credit. In addition, the concluded agreement is valid not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. This means that if the driver gets into an accident outside the state, he will receive insurance compensation.


Civil liability insurance for vehicle owners is a mandatory procedure. Each driver has the right to independently choose which company to enter into an agreement with. As reviews show, many car owners seek to conclude a deal with the VSK insurance house. OSAGO makes it possible to compensate for damage caused to another vehicle in the event of an accident.

The MTPL policy depends on several factors. The make of the car, engine size, and the presence of additional equipment in the vehicle are taken into account. To conclude an agreement, the car owner must submit a statement of desire to receive an MTPL policy, a passport or other document confirming his identity, or a technical passport of the vehicle.

Property insurance

No one can predict theft, natural disasters or other situations that could lead to property damage. To cover possible costs, it is recommended to conclude an agreement with an insurance company. Loyal conditions are offered by VSK (insurance house). Reviews show that classic residential property insurance is the most popular. The object of the contract can be both household property and civil liability provided that harm is caused to neighbors.

VSK clients have the opportunity to anticipate a wide variety of risks. According to the contract, this may include fire, failure of engineering systems, natural disasters, penetration of water from neighboring premises, illegal actions of third parties, and so on. For an additional fee, property can be insured against power surges. In this case, the policy can be issued without prior inspection of the object of the contract.

Liability Insurance

Anyone can take out a policy that covers the specifics of a particular home. Liability insurance is an opportunity to compensate for damage caused to neighbors in a fire. According to the contract, upon the occurrence of an insured event, expenses related to the reduction of harm are reimbursed. In this case, the claims of third parties must be fully justified.

The VSK insurance house also offers to conclude a short-term contract. Branches will come to the rescue if you need to temporarily leave your home. The cost of the policy will depend on the period for which the contract is concluded. If you need to insure your home for a month, you will have to pay only 1000 rubles. The amount of compensation will reach one million rubles. Insured events under this program include damage to property of third parties, fire, natural disasters, robbery and theft, and so on.

Accident insurance

The VSK insurance house (St. Petersburg, Moscow or other cities - it doesn’t matter where you apply) offers to draw up a contract for adults and children. Under the terms of the contract, compensation may be paid to the client in the event of temporary disability as a result of a fire, natural disaster or other accident. In addition, everyone can count on payments subject to the assignment of a degree of disability. You have the opportunity to choose the best insurance option for yourself and your loved ones. One contract may provide insurance for several family members.

The advantage is that you can also choose the duration of the contract. Reviews show that programs that provide insurance for children during the summer holidays are popular. This is especially true if the child goes to camp and is far from his parents. So, in order to insure your son or daughter for three months, you will have to pay 470 rubles. The amount of insurance compensation will be two hundred thousand rubles.

Voluntary health insurance

Poor environment, stress, lack of adequate nutrition - all this can incapacitate a person who has never complained about his health. At the same time, quality medical care in Russia costs a lot. To be confident in qualified medical assistance when their health conditions deteriorate, many decide to take out a voluntary health insurance policy. The VSK insurance house offers several programs in this direction.

Moscow is a city in which not only domestic citizens live and work, but also foreigners. That’s why they use a program called “Migrant”. Non-residents of the Russian Federation who have entered into an agreement can receive full reimbursement of the costs of emergency medical care and further treatment. The cost of the policy is from four hundred rubles.

“Medicine without borders” is another program of the VSK insurance house, which is popular among citizens. People who have purchased the policy can count on diagnostic procedures, as well as treatment of the disease outside of Russia.

Payment on time

Insurance provides not only payments in the event of unforeseen situations. Every person has plans that they would like to implement. VSK (insurance house) offers to be sure that you will be able to accumulate the required amount. Reviews show that the company’s “Payment on Time” program is very popular. The advantage is that not only citizens of the Russian Federation, but also people who are not registered in the country can complete the transaction.

“Payment on time” is a program that allows you not only to save money, but also to earn money. Interest is calculated annually on the amount deposited by the client, taking into account inflation. The transaction can be concluded in both domestic and foreign currency. At the request of the client, additional clauses regarding life insurance may be included in the contract.

According to the terms of the program, the client must make contributions quarterly or annually. The minimum amount of insurance is 150 thousand rubles. The minimum insurance period is 5 years, the maximum is 20 years.

Lifetime Insurance

The pension income of many citizens today leaves much to be desired. State payments are not always enough for older people to lead a full life. To avoid troubles in the future, many decide to visit the office of the VSK insurance house in advance. The Lifetime Program guarantees payment of compensation if the client survives to a certain age.

The minimum amount of insurance under the contract is 4 thousand dollars or 150 thousand rubles. The client will have to make contributions quarterly throughout the entire insurance period, which can range from 5 to 20 years, as is the case with the “Payment by Date” agreement. The policyholder and the insured person may not necessarily be the same person. Clients can enter into an agreement for loved ones or relatives.

The Lifetime Policy is a profitable investment. The VSK insurance house will annually accrue interest on the amount invested by the client. The hotline, where you can find out more detailed information, is listed on the company’s official website.