Arranging a loan for the development of agriculture. Loan for farmers

Farming is expensive. It is necessary to purchase livestock, agricultural equipment, seeds for sowing and much more. If his savings are not enough, the rural worker will have to take out a loan from the bank. And although agriculture in Russia has always been accompanied by difficulties, the government is doing everything possible to revive production and return the able-bodied population to the villages, ensuring a decent standard of living.

The revival of agriculture is currently given particular importance - more and more new social programs are being developed, loans are being issued for the development of production.

Agricultural lending

Today, banks offer borrowers - residents of the village a huge number of various programs. The most popular loan is a loan for the purchase of goods for agricultural work. The terms of this credit program stipulate that the purchased goods must be of domestic production. This is done in order to support both farmers and Russian producers at the same time.

Borrowed funds must be used for the following purposes - the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, livestock, poultry and feed for them. With an agricultural loan, you can buy equipment and spare parts for its repair.

Conditions for issuing loans for agriculture

Despite the fact that the conditions for lending to rural workers are quite liberal, certain requirements are imposed on applicants who apply for a bank loan. They can be farmers, cooperatives and those who are engaged in personal subsidiary plots. Beginning rural workers can get an investment if they can convince the bank of the expediency of their undertakings. To do this, it is necessary to submit to a credit institution - a plan, after the analysis of which a decision is made to issue a loan.

As for the terms of lending, loans for agricultural needs are issued for a short period of time - from three to five years. The loan amount should not be less than 150,000 rubles. The time for consideration of the application is from 5 to 10 working days from the date of filling out the questionnaire and submitting documents to the bank. As with other loans, agricultural loans provide for early repayment without a moratorium, penalties and additional fees.

Preferential agriculture

Strict requirements are imposed on applicants for obtaining a preferential agricultural loan. They must not be in arrears in taxes and insurance premiums. A working agricultural enterprise should not be unprofitable and receive during the last time.

As for the staff of the economy, it must contain specialists with the appropriate education, confirmed by a diploma of the established form. The minimum number of employees is five people, and at least two of them must have the status of legal entities.

An agricultural enterprise, in order to be an applicant for a preferential loan, must have its own funds - at least a quarter of the requested loan amount. Beginning farmers submit to the bank a business plan that justifies the expediency of using credit funds for the development of production.

Only able-bodied borrowers can receive a preferential agricultural loan, and their financial condition must be documented. If the applicant expects to receive a large loan, he must have guarantors and collateral, which is loan security. It is desirable that real estate objects play the role of collateral. Often, cattle, vehicles or equipment act as collateral for a loan. A prerequisite for issuing a loan is the application of the local authorities.

The procedure for obtaining an agricultural loan

In order to get an agricultural loan, the applicant applies to the bank with an application. After reviewing the submitted documents, the bank offers the future borrower a loan program with individual conditions. The interest rate for using the loan, as a rule, does not exceed 17% per annum. The following indicators are taken into account - the individual characteristics of the applicant, the seasonality of his activities, the purpose of lending, and many others. If the bank makes a positive decision and approves the issuance of a loan, the borrower is obliged to submit documents for which the borrowed funds were spent, since the agricultural loan is targeted.

As for the Sberbank of Russia, the main lender to rural workers, many clients of this bank receive loans under the program of subsidizing interest on loans. This is where enterprises come into play that support the medium and are guarantors for such loans.

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Rosselkhozbank is one of the most demanded and popular banks that provides various types and forms of lending to citizens for targeted and non-targeted needs. You can also take it, but this type of lending requires completely different conditions. For the development of personal subsidiary farming, Rosselkhozbank is also ready to issue a loan with state support at a low interest rate.

Loan for the development of personal subsidiary farming

In order to open your own business, you need to find or come up with an original business idea and find out. Either will do. Any, can also be easily adapted to local conditions, for example, or. But in order to get a loan for the development of a personal subsidiary plot in the Russian Agricultural Bank, it is necessary that your idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba PSF fits one of the following categories of expenses:

  • Purchase of fuels and lubricants;
  • Acquisition of young animals of agriculture;
  • Acquisition of means of protection and mineral fertilizers for agricultural plants;
  • payment of electricity;
  • Payment of rent for land and premises required in your household plot;
  • Purchase of building materials;
  • Various seasonal expenses and expenses.

A loan for these expenses is provided for up to 2 years, but you can get a loan for up to 5 years if you plan larger expenses:

  • Acquisition of adult farm animals;
  • Repair and construction of livestock buildings and pens;
  • Acquisition of agricultural equipment for animal husbandry;
  • Purchase of equipment for connecting gas installations;
  • Purchase of land plots for various needs of agriculture for personal use;
  • Other average costs.

You can get a loan from the Russian Agricultural Bank not only for the development of agriculture. If a citizen of the Russian Federation lives in a rural area, then he can receive money for up to 5 years and for the following types of business:

  • Tourism development;
  • Development of folk crafts;
  • Development of trade;
  • Consumer services for rural residents;
  • Preparation of various fruits and berries, herbs and medicinal plants.

The acquisition of large agricultural machinery is also possible with the help of credit money from the Russian Agricultural Bank, issued for up to 5 years:

  • Cars, dump trucks and others (weighing no more than 3.5 tons);
  • Tractors up to 100 horsepower;
  • Irrigation equipment;
  • Tractor trailers;
  • Agricultural processing equipment.

Advice: Before taking out any kind of loan, draw up a business plan for running your household, as well as a list of necessary expenses. In addition, the subsequent maintenance of statistics of expenses and incomes will be useful. In this way, you will facilitate the process of obtaining the required loan amount with convenient repayment terms, get a more objective picture of managing your household plot, and you will always be aware of how much money has been spent and how much more is needed for certain needs.

Loan for the development of personal subsidiary plots in the Russian Agricultural Bank - conditions

For the most reliable and regular customers, Rosselkhozbank offers very favorable conditions, but even on general terms, the borrower can count on a cash loan with a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum amount of 1 million rubles (for reliable customers, the amount increases by 500 thousand rubles). In addition, it is necessary to comply with some collateral for the loan, namely the guarantee of at least one individual and at least one legal entity. Plus, if you want to purchase equipment, you may need a pledge of property. In this case, the bank can combine these conditions at its discretion.

How to get a loan from the Russian Agricultural Bank for private household plots?

So, in order to get a loan from the Russian Agricultural Bank for the development of personal subsidiary plots, it is enough to have a business idea, determine your expenses so that they fit one of the categories above, and also provide at least two guarantors.

Primary requirements

The borrower must be at least 23 years old and have the citizenship of the Russian Federation. The maximum age of the borrower is 75 years at the time of loan repayment and 65 years for the guarantor. The length of service varies depending on the employment of the borrower. If he is a client receiving wages to the account of the Russian Agricultural Bank, his work experience must be at least 3 months at the last place of work, for other clients - at least 6. A potential borrower must have at least 12 months of experience, leading a personal subsidiary plot with entries in the household book of local governments.

The procedure for granting a loan

In order to receive the required loan amount in your hands, you will need to visit the bank office with a certain package of documents and write an application. The application is considered by the bank within 5 working days, and after approval, the potential borrower has a period of 45 days to process the loan. The bank transfers the loan money to the account of the borrower, who will have to make differentiated or annuity payments monthly (only for an unsubsidized loan). The Bank provides the possibility of full or partial early repayment.

Required package of documents

If you paid for goods and services by bank transfer, then within 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of the loan, you must provide the bank with the original documents, invoices and invoices, and in case of cash payment - the original checks certified by the seal. Within the same period, it is necessary to provide documents for the purchase of goods and services privately from individuals.

When purchasing equipment, within 75 calendar days it will be necessary to provide a vehicle passport, an act of its transfer, a document on registration of the right of pledge in Gostekhnadzor.

When connecting gas equipment within 180 calendar days, you will need to provide documents on expenses and a certificate of ownership of the dwelling.

In addition, an additional set of documents may be required confirming the conduct or termination of activities in agriculture as an individual entrepreneur - the head of a peasant farm (KFH).

In addition to the list, you need to provide a passport, an application form for a loan, an extract on economic activity and a certificate of income.

Interest rates

If you are getting a loan for up to 12 months for the first time, your interest rate will be from 16.5%. If you fall into the category of reliable customers, you can count on a rate of 14.9%. For a period of 12 to 60 months, there is an offer at a rate of 16.5% for new customers and 15.5% for reliable ones. If you violate the conditions for providing documents confirming the target direction of the loan, Rosselkhozbank may increase the interest rate by 2.5%. If you refuse to insure life and health in accordance with the conditions for granting a loan for household plots and the conditions of the insurance company, you should expect an automatic increase in the interest rate by 4.5-5%.

Advice: very often, clients tend to refuse life and health insurance when applying for a loan, and in some ways they turn out to be right. After all, often even with all the commissions and increases in the loan rate, the borrower's payments are expected to be less than with insurance payments. However, if you plan to repay your loan ahead of schedule, it is better to agree to insurance, because in case of early repayment, the money for it can be returned by submitting a written application to the insurance company.

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The government of the Russian Federation today is trying in every possible way to support rural residents and the development of agriculture. In particular, the state is ready to subsidize part of the loan for the development of personal subsidiary plots of any Russian citizen living in rural areas and ready to seriously take up this type of activity. At the same time, Rosselkhozbank offers a loan for the development of private household plots on favorable terms, a relatively small package of documents, a favorable interest rate and a loan term of up to 5 years.

In contact with

Agricultural loans in the context of import substitution are increasingly in demand by farmers and are increasingly reluctant to be issued by banks. Only thanks to subsidies from the state, it is possible to maintain both the volume of lending and its quality. Borrowers for this type of solution can be both individuals and legal entities, however, in general, the lines of most banks are focused on small and medium-sized businesses. What are the advantages of a specialized loan for farmers? Possibility of a long repayment term, low interest rate and many collateral options.


Rosselkhozbank demonstrates the greatest attention to the needs of farmers - it was created specifically to serve the agro-industrial complex. Among the products offered, a special position is occupied by specialized programs for the agro-industrial complex (Agro-Industrial Complex). This includes loans:

  • without collateral
  • to replenish working capital,
  • investment.

Moreover, these lines of banking products are designed not only to support producers of grain crops and livestock that are traditional for the usual rise, but also for holders of fish farms, for those who need an office for the needs of agriculture and for other atypical areas.

For example, a product for mariculture enterprises (marine culture - breeding of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, etc.) implies long-term lending for construction and reconstruction, updating the technical component, purchasing equipment and vehicles, or short-term loans to support the seasonal and permanent operation of the enterprise.

Suggested timeframes: less than a year and up to eight years, depending on the goals. Payments can be monthly or quarterly. The amount is determined by the bank, as security is a pledge of any liquid property, guarantees of the Moscow Region and subjects of the federation, and other things. Collateral insurance is required. A loan for fish farms fully complies with its conditions.

On similar terms, Rosselkhozbank lends not only to farmers, but also to those who process their products and turn them into food.

Special products for farmers

Rosselkhozbank also has such highly specialized products as a loan for the purpose of acquiring grain from the federal intervention fund on the stock exchange or outside it. The amount is calculated from the contract, the term is less than a year, the security can be any, including the purchased grain. Of the difficulties, one can note the supplemented list of documents from the borrower, where there should even be original receipts for grain.

Or, with the help of a bank, you can buy land for agriculture, while laying the land itself to be bought. This product is only available to organizations and entrepreneurs. Terms - from three to eight years, there is a grace period. The amount is determined by the bank, while the borrower must pay at least some part of the cost of the site from his own funds. Of the restrictions: the plot is only from agricultural land, only for potential owners, without encumbrance and without restrictions on turnover.

The bank did not forget about livestock breeders either - in Rosselkhoz you can get money to buy young animals on their bail. With it, you can buy literally any official suppliers. If young animals are bought without a breeding certificate (not for breeding), then only from domestic breeders. Term up to five years, grace period up to two years, different payment schedules. The loan amount is limited to 80% of the transaction amount.

Seasonal credits

An additional highly specialized line of Rosselkhozbank is aimed at helping farmers during seasonal work. These are loans for crop growers, livestock breeders, those who are engaged in processing, as well as for all farmers for their purposes on the security of the harvest. There are also universal loans for micro-businesses working in this area among them. All products are united by the fact that they are issued not only directly for the purchase and implementation of work, but also for those expenses without which the work of farmers is impossible - for example, for fuel and lubricants.

Organizations and KFH (Peasant Farming) act as clients for them, the terms are up to a year, any liquid property that the bank arranges, as well as guarantees and guarantees can act as collateral. Amounts and rates are offered by the bank individually for each borrower, depending on the current situation.


Rosselkhozbank is ready to accept as collateral: new agricultural machinery and auxiliary devices, transport, machinery for logging, road construction, utilities, agricultural equipment for milking, storing vegetables, power plants, woodworking machines, elevators, installations, incubators, batteries, mechanical and piping systems , refrigerators and repair equipment. Moreover, they are considered new for up to two years of operation. All other vehicles and equipment can be provided as collateral if no more than 4 years have passed since their purchase. At the same time, insurance is a mandatory step, but on the security of equipment, you can get funds for almost any need. website


Another bank that pays great attention to lending to the agro-industrial complex is Sberbank. He has several programs designed specifically to help farmers. For example, leasing of special equipment costs separately - in a subsidiary of Sberbank, which deals only with leasing, you can successfully get almost any necessary agricultural equipment and necessary transport.

The program is designed for a wide range of clients - from peasant farms (see above) to medium-sized businesses. To conclude a leasing agreement, you need to deposit at least a quarter of the funds from the cost. You can conclude a contract for up to 24 million and for a period of up to three years. The payment schedule remains at the choice of the client, you can choose the balance holder. And only insurance remains invariably mandatory. Given that a minimum package of documents is required to use this loan, it becomes clear why many customers choose Sberbank over Rosselkhoz.

Loans for agro-industrial complex

Sberbank also lends against the security of the future harvest, for the purchase of animals and for current needs. For example, project financing is available for up to ten years with a prolongation and maintenance of the rate, and if the state subsidizes part of the rate, the terms can be extended up to 15 years. The owner pays at least 20% of the contract value.

What are the features? Pledge is obligatory, insurance is obligatory, despite the clearly defined boundaries, the last word on the conditions still remains with the bank. Without state support, when selling a business, before investing your money, financing is not carried out, there is no delay in issuing a pledge.

Loans for livestock breeders

Sberbank issues loans only for the purchase of livestock for the purpose of breeding it. Terms range from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of animal. Purchased animals serve as collateral. The share of the borrower in the transaction must be at least 20%, there is a grace period and the possibility of concluding an export contract. Another interesting and important feature is that you cannot lend a deal to buy twice as many heads of cattle as the borrower already has in the main herd. The conditions are valid only for residents with a ready-made business plan, a draft contract, with an experienced specialist in the purchased animals in the state, feed and premises available.

Pledge of the future harvest

The cost of sowing and seasonal work can also be credited by Sberbank. The product is provided only to medium and larger businesses, mainly engaged in crop production. The client must have experience in agriculture, have land and equipment, make a profit for the last three years and have been a bank client for six months. The client can be credited for a year and a half inclusive if he provides a guarantee, property and a future crop as collateral. But the share of the borrower can be zero. You can get a loan at any time, and repayment of the loan is possible immediately after the harvest.

Other banks

Other lending institutions, apparently, are not so much focused on agriculture, so you can just get a loan for business development, special leasing or business mortgage without being tied to the agro-industrial complex and subsidizing the government. At a rate, it comes out more expensive, but the amounts and interest are immediately visible.

For example, VTB offers to take a targeted loan for the development of any area of ​​the client's business on the security of special equipment or vehicles, if they were purchased from the bank's partners. The rate is from 14.5%, the amount is from 850 thousand rubles, for a period of up to five years inclusive. Advance payment from a quarter of the amount, but a commission is charged for processing the loan. Such financing can be issued both by a credit line and a one-time loan.

A business mortgage from VTB can be useful for those farmers who need their own office. At the same rate, the amount starts from four million, and the term reaches 10 years. If there is still a deposit, then no advance payment is required. The bank also offers to buy equipment put up for sale from it - on credit, of course. There are no commissions, the amount is up to 150 million for ten years maximum. website

Another good loan without mentioning that it is agricultural is an investment loan. At the same rate, you can invest in equipment, construction and expansion of your business for a long time. The previous rate and a long term are well suited for agricultural producers to purchase equipment. There are other banks with products specifically for the agro-industrial complex or with similar conditions, but for a wide range of business activities, so you can choose. By the way, it is better for individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms to pay attention to special programs for the development of personal subsidiary plots.

Recently, banks offer their customers more and more new types of loans. Most of the Russian population uses banking products. They are especially actively used by private entrepreneurs and businessmen. After all, any own business requires investments, both at the initial stage and at the stages of development.

One of the developing and, perhaps, the most important, is or the development of their own farming. This type of loan can be attributed to business financing, but it is much easier to get it, and lending conditions in this case are more favorable. Raising livestock, growing fodder crops and the like is a very important and profitable area of ​​activity. A person, even without the status of an entrepreneur, can engage in small-scale farming and earn quite a lot of money on it.

But a loan for the development of agriculture can only be obtained by a private entrepreneur who has all the necessary documents for doing business in this area. Otherwise, ordinary ones can serve as additional funding. Since financing under a special program aimed at the development of agriculture is much cheaper for borrowers, such people still prefer to register an individual entrepreneur.

To date, many banks have their own well-developed agricultural lending programs, and although such programs have appeared not so long ago, they managed to take their strong positions in the banking services market. And this is not at all surprising, since agriculture has been an integral part of the Russian economy for many years, which ensures its active development and is responsible for food security.

That is why banking structures, together with the state, provide effective support to their customers who wish to receive a loan for business development in the agricultural sector.

What is an agricultural loan? There are preferential agricultural loans that can be issued for two years to perform seasonal work and to meet current farm needs. This loan can be spent on the purchase of planting material, but only domestic, as well as on the purchase of spare parts and other material for the repair of units and machines that are used when performing work on the ground and not only. In addition, credit funds can be used to purchase fuels and lubricants, to purchase food for animals and birds, to fertilize, to purchase young livestock, as well as to purchase veterinary drugs.

In addition to preferential loans, you can get an investment agricultural loan. Such a loan can be obtained by a novice farmer. The funds received can be used to purchase the necessary equipment and machinery for work. It is also worth considering that all purchases should be made only from a domestic manufacturer. In addition, an investment loan can be spent on the purchase of elite livestock or vehicles. You can get such a loan for a period of three to five years, it all depends on the amount of money and the purpose of the loan itself.

How to get a loan for agriculture?

To take advantage of this loan program, the borrower must have:


liquid property;

Fixed income;

Guarantor (if necessary);

All necessary documents for doing business.

You should immediately decide what amount is needed if the borrower decides to take a loan for the opening and further development of a personal farm. For owners of subsidiary plots, many banks are ready to provide a loan for up to five years, and for owners of farms or an agricultural cooperative, a loan for up to eight years is provided.

If a loan is issued by a borrower of retirement age, then he must provide a guarantor, in the role of which one of his relatives should act, who will help him run a subsidiary farm.

When applying to a bank for a loan, the borrower must present:

An extract from the sheet and the household book;

Your passport and the passport of the guarantor.

In addition, the borrower should immediately prepare documents confirming his income. This can be a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL, taken from the organization in which the borrower works, or the result of profit from running your own business. If the borrower is a pensioner, then a certificate from the pension fund on receipt of a pension will be required.

The guarantee depends on the amount needed for farming. In some cases, you can get by with collateral for a loan, which can be the liquid property of the borrower. If the borrower needs an amount from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles, then he will need to provide one guarantor, if an amount more than 300,000 rubles is required, then not one, but two guarantors must be provided.

At present, agriculture is called upon to become one of the main directions of state policy. In this regard, individuals, as well as organizations that are interested in its development, are provided with certain support measures. The article will tell about how an individual can get a loan for the development of agriculture.

Features of loans for the development of subsidiary farming

Obtaining and launching such loans has a number of features:

  1. Intended use of the loan. The specific list of purposes for loans for the development of household plots is quite wide. The main ones are:
  • purchase of seeds, planting material, fertilizers or plant protection products;
  • purchase of animals for agriculture;
  • payment for electricity used for irrigation;
  • acquisition or payment of rent for land, as well as premises that are used in the development of the economy;
  • purchase of equipment used for processing agricultural products or for animal husbandry;
  • expenses for the development of tourism business in rural areas;
  • purchase of cars, tractors, fuels and lubricants, etc.

2. Choice of the period during which benefits for the repayment of the principal debt will be valid. This is due to the fact that many areas of agriculture have a pronounced seasonal character. This feature predetermines the receipt of the main profit from the development of the economy in future periods.

3. Payment of a smaller amount of own funds (compared to standard programs) when receiving a loan for the purchase of machinery or equipment.

4. State subsidizing of part of the interest rate. This support may be different, depending on the branches of agriculture, the direction of the use of funds and other factors. However, in any case, the state subsidy significantly reduces the cost of the loan.

In the event that physical a person intends to receive a loan for the development of the economy, the requirements for it will differ slightly from the standard conditions.

Firstly, most bank loan programs in this case provide for the provision of collateral. Most often, they are a guarantee of an individual / legal entity or a pledge of property. If the purpose of the loan is to purchase machinery or equipment, then they act as collateral for a loan for the development of production.

Secondly, when analyzing the financial condition, not only incomes received from the development of household plots are taken into account, but also all other income (at the place of work, which is the main one; from activities as an entrepreneur, etc.)

Thirdly, the presence of private household plots must be confirmed by an extract from the household book. As a rule, according to the requirements of banks, records must confirm the management of the economy for at least one year.

Fourthly, the borrower must confirm the availability of the necessary land and equipment.

Example: obtaining a loan from the Russian Agricultural Bank for the development of household plots

The leader in providing loans for agriculture is Rosselkhozbank. It currently provides two related physical lending programs. persons * - "For the development of personal subsidiary farming" and "For the development of personal subsidiary farming without security." Both programs are designed for loans for existing household plots. The main conditions for loans from Rosselkhozbank for business development are as follows:

The following documents are required to obtain a loan:

  1. General passport of the Russian Federation or other document confirming the identity of the borrower.
  2. Documents confirming the settled relationship with the recruiting authorities (for men not older than 27 years).
  3. Documents that confirm the employment of the client.
  4. Information showing the financial condition of the borrower.
  5. Documents on the selected provided security (for a program with security).
  6. Documents that confirm the right to use the land.
  7. An extract from the household book, which contains information about the personal subsidiary plot.
  • Recommendations of regional offices of the Association of Peasant (Farmer) Households and Agricultural Cooperatives;
  • Recommendations for agricultural needs. cooperatives, etc. organizations;
  • Recommendations of the city or village administration;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  1. Since agricultural lending provides for the possibility of subsidizing the rate, it is advisable to determine eligibility in advance. For each direction and in each subject of the Russian Federation, the requirements may vary.
  2. Be sure to have up-to-date entries in the household book.
  3. Simultaneously with the request for an extract from the household book, it is also advisable to request the recommendations of the head of the local administration. This will confirm the value of the project for which the loan is being requested.
  4. It is advisable to consider the possibility of establishing a grace period for repayment of principal and (or) interest. This will ensure a low credit burden at the beginning of the project.
  5. After receiving a loan, it is highly desirable to confirm the intended use of funds in a timely manner and in full. This will avoid penalties and will not spoil relations with the bank.

*Date of data update – April 2015.