Dollar to ruble exchange rate for October. US dollar exchange rate dynamics

Constantly monitors US dollar to ruble exchange rate. Below is a report on changes in the US Dollar exchange rate during October 2017. You will find information such as US dollar value for every day in October 2017, the minimum, maximum and average value of the US Dollar. US Dollar Price is the market weighted average (for fiat currencies the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is given).

Chart of changes in the US dollar to ruble exchange rate for October 2017

Below is US dollar to ruble exchange rate chart for every day for October 2017. Average price of US dollar calculated as a weighted average value of the US dollar on the market. For national currencies, the graph shows the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

US dollar to ruble exchange rate table in October 2017

US dollar to ruble exchange rate table in October 2017 includes the US Dollar rate for each day and changes in the US Dollar rate. The change in currency value is calculated in absolute terms, that is change in the price of the US dollar in rubles, and in relative values, that is change in the value of the US dollar in percent.

Number of unitsWell
US dollar
Change of course
US dollar
October 3, 20171 USD57.8134 RUB
October 5, 20171 USD57.7832 RUB−0.0302 −0.05%
October 6, 20171 USD57.5811 RUB−0.2021 −0.35%
October 7, 20171 USD57.7612 RUB+0.1801 +0.31%
October 10, 20171 USD58.3151 RUB+0.5539 +0.96%
October 11, 20171 USD58.0713 RUB−0.2438 −0.42%
October 12, 20171 USD57.921 RUB−0.1503 −0.26%
October 13, 20171 USD57.6869 RUB−0.2341 −0.4%
October 14, 20171 USD57.6196 RUB−0.0673 −0.12%
October 17, 20171 USD57.0861 RUB−0.5335 −0.93%
October 18, 20171 USD57.3392 RUB+0.2531 +0.44%
October 19, 20171 USD57.2721 RUB−0.0671 −0.12%
October 20, 20171 USD57.5706 RUB+0.2985 +0.52%
October 21, 20171 USD57.5118 RUB−0.0588 −0.1%
October 24, 20171 USD57.4706 RUB−0.0412 −0.07%
October 25, 20171 USD57.5852 RUB+0.1146 +0.2%
October 26, 20171 USD57.614 RUB+0.0288 +0.05%
October 27, 20171 USD57.7643 RUB+0.1503 +0.26%
October 28, 20171 USD58.0833 RUB+0.319 +0.55%
October 31, 20171 USD57.8716 RUB−0.2117 −0.36%

Minimum, maximum and average exchange rate of the US dollar to the ruble in October 2017

The table shows minimum, maximum and average exchange rate of the US dollar to the ruble in rubles in October 2017. For the minimum and maximum rates, the date on which this rate fell is indicated.

In October 2017 US dollar value in rubles varied in the range from 57.0861 RUB to 58.3151 RUB with an average value of 57.6861 RUB. At the same time, the minimum average daily price per US dollar was recorded on October 17 (57.0861 RUB), maximum value of the US Dollar in October 2017 dated October 10 and amounted to 58.3151 RUB. Hesitation US dollar exchange rate within a month 1.2290 RUB.

In the third quarter and following the results of nine months, slow growth continued in Russia. A number of problems, especially regarding the standard of living of the population, still remain, however, some positive progress is being made in this area. The threat of a new collapse in oil prices or devaluation of the ruble is now unlikely, despite the fact that oil and financial markets around the world remain highly volatile, a strengthening of the US dollar by the end of the year is very likely.

What are the results of economic development in January-September of this year? Does Russia have enough safety margin in case the dollar rises?

GDP: growth picking up?

In the second quarter of 2017, Russia's GDP grew by 2.5% compared to the same period in 2016. This is significant progress, as gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of only 0.5% in the first quarter. And according to the results of the first half of the year, GDP increased by 1.6% year on year. The indicator slightly diverged from expectations, since the consensus forecast of analysts (including us) was expecting growth of 1.7%. However, rapid GDP growth in the second quarter contributes to an upward revision of official forecasts for growth of this indicator in 2017. The Ministry of Economic Development raised its forecast for GDP growth for the year from 1.5% to 2%, and our forecast for GDP growth in 2017 did not change - we expect growth of 2%.

Inflation: record decline

At the end of nine months of 2017, annual consumer price inflation in Russia decreased to 4.1% (at the beginning of the year it was 4.6%). Thus, the inflation target of 4% planned in the state budget for the current year will most likely be met. Our forecast for annual inflation coincides with the official one. Let us note that in August and September of this year, deflation was recorded in Russia, while negative food inflation was recorded even from June to September (see Chart 1). In October, the Ministry of Economic Development expects inflation to fall below 3%. Our forecast for annual inflation for 2017 of 4% almost coincides with the forecasts of government departments. The reduction in inflation is primarily facilitated by the moderately tight monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as the fairly stable exchange rate of the ruble this year (see Chart 2).

Chart 1. Dynamics of consumer price inflation in the Russian Federation, January-September 2017, %

Source: Rosstat

Industry: oil is not the growth leader

Over the eight months of 2017, industrial production in the Russian Federation increased by 1.9% year on year. This is a success when compared with the growth dynamics for the first quarter of only 0.1% year-on-year, but the success is quite modest relative to the dynamics of the second quarter, when the industry grew by 3.7% year-on-year (with the largest growth occurring in April- May). At the same time, the main drivers of production growth in Russia are non-resource sectors - most mechanical engineering sectors, a number of chemical industries, and the growing light industry. It is especially important to note that following the results of eight months of 2017, the production of computers and spare parts for them increased by 64% in Russia. From the point of view of the quality of economic growth, this is a great achievement in terms of the development of high-tech industries, but, on the other hand, sales of Russian-made computers for eight months amounted to only $317 million, which is comparable to the revenue of a medium-sized corporation. Oil production, which grew by only 0.8% year-on-year over the eight months of 2017, is not currently a growth driver, but natural gas production, which grew by 14% year-on-year over the eight months, makes a fairly significant contribution to production growth. Our forecast for industrial production growth in Russia for 2017 has not changed and is 2.2-3%.

Personal incomes: a difficult way out of the recession

Over the eight months of 2017, real disposable cash income of the Russian population decreased by 1.2% year on year, which is some progress compared to the results of the first half of the year, when this indicator showed a decrease of 1.3% compared to the same period in 2016. So far, real incomes and, accordingly, indicators of the standard of living of the population remain the most vulnerable point of the Russian economy. However, in August, the decrease in consumer price inflation had a positive effect on real incomes, and therefore in August the decrease in this indicator was only 0.3% year on year. Based on the results of eight months of 2017, the nominal wages of employees of enterprises and organizations increased by 7.2% year-on-year, which is higher than the annual inflation rate, on the one hand, but on the other hand, not all employees of enterprises and organizations felt this increase. But real wages over the eight months of this year increased by 3.7% year on year. If inflation continues to decline, then, probably, by the end of 2017 the negative trend in the decline in real incomes will be reversed. However, this growth is still unsustainable.

Retail sales began to grow

In the second quarter of 2017, the decline in retail sales gave way to an increase of 1% year on year. However, at the end of the first half of the year, retail sales still decreased by 0.3% year on year, which was the result of a weak first quarter. And over the eight months of 2017, retail sales grew by 0.2% year on year. The slowdown in the decline in real income has a positive effect on the dynamics of retail sales. However, consumer demand and, along with it, retail sales will grow steadily only when real incomes of the population show growth.

Investments: growth intensifies

Investments in fixed capital of Russian enterprises in the first half of 2017 increased by 4.8% compared to the same period in 2016, while in the second quarter of 2017, annualized investment growth amounted to 6.3%. Let us recall that investment growth is the main driver of future GDP growth. The volume of investments is growing the most in the coal industry, electric power, the telecommunications and IT sector, public catering, and the hotel business.

Oil: reversal of the downward trend

Brent oil in the third quarter, it reversed the downward trend and rose in price by 14%, and at the end of nine months its decrease was only 0.6%. In the last week of September, the price of Brent crude oil renewed its annual highs since January, the price of Brent soared above $58 per barrel. This was facilitated by a series of destructive hurricanes that swept over the United States in September: natural disasters negatively affected the production of shale oil and, accordingly, caused a strong increase in oil prices at the end of the month. In addition, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in September that he does not exclude the possibility of extending the OPEC+ deal after the first quarter of 2018. We believe that the rise in oil prices, starting in the second ten days of September, was partly due to the statement of the Russian minister. We believe that oil prices may continue to rise in the fourth quarter.

Foreign exchange market: the ruble fell due to oil prices and Trump

In the third quarter and for nine months of this year, the ruble showed multidirectional dynamics against different currencies. Thus, according to the results of the third quarter of this year, the ruble rose in price against the dollar by 2.9%, and, on the contrary, fell in price against the euro by 1.4%. And over the nine months of this year, the ruble rose by 3.8% against the dollar, and fell by 7.5% against the euro. The euro turned out to be more volatile than the dollar in the third quarter, which was noticeable in the pair EUR/RUB(see chart 3). The rise in the ruble/dollar exchange rate could be caused by various factors. Firstly, the depreciation of the dollar against the euro by 11.4% over the nine months of this year, secondly, the increase in oil prices in the third quarter, thirdly, the recovery from the crisis and the transition of the economy to a stage of moderate growth. It is important to note that for the export-oriented Russian economy, a slight weakening of the ruble in the first half of the year helped exporters increase production volumes, and in fact became a factor in the strengthening of the ruble against the dollar already in the third quarter.

Chart 2. Average exchange rates of the ruble to the dollar and the ruble to the euro by month, January-September 2017.

We believe that the dynamics of the ruble exchange rate and world reserve currencies by the end of 2017 will be affected by the following events:

Is the Fed aiming to strengthen the dollar?

This is probably true. Let us remind you that in the fourth quarter there will be two meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee: from October 31 to November 1 and December 12-13. The most important meeting for the dollar and, ultimately, for the world will be the December meeting. Judging by the speeches of Fed representatives and Janet Yellen herself, the interest rate will be raised in December. This is fueled by record low unemployment in the US, which reached just 4.2% in September, a 16-year low. Although retail sales and inflation show weaker dynamics, this should not, in our opinion, prevent the Fed from raising rates. In December, the Fed may begin clearing its balance sheet, that is, selling excess assets in the form of US government bonds (the volume of assets accumulated on the Fed’s balance sheet has reached $4.5 trillion). This, together with an increase in interest rates in the United States, will mean a transition by the Federal Reserve from soft to tight monetary policy and, accordingly, a course towards strengthening the dollar. We assume that a sharp rise in the dollar exchange rate, however, will be avoided; in addition, in the United States there is no clarity on the parameters of future tax reform. The stalling of the reform and the lack of a clear economic policy from the government of Donald Trump may become an obstacle to significant growth of the dollar. For now, we expect a moderate rise in the dollar starting in December.

The Bank of Russia will most likely continue to reduce the key rate

In the fourth quarter, the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia will hold two meetings: on October 27 and December 15. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation did not rule out the possibility of continuing to reduce the key rate, currently 8.5%, in the fourth quarter of this year. We believe that at the meeting on October 26 the key rate will be reduced to 8%; the likelihood of a further rate reduction in December seems small. Low inflation is an important factor stimulating the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to further reduce rates, but the flip side of this process was a sharp decline in inflation in August and September. Thus, the Bank of Russia will need to find a reasonable balance between supporting production and stabilizing the financial sector, including the banking sector, which, with the exception of a small number of the largest banks, is still finding it difficult to operate in an environment of sharply declining rates, hence the financial problems of a number of large banks.

Chart 3. Dynamics of the key interest rate in the Russian Federation since the beginning of 2017, %

The consequences of the referendum in Catalonia do not yet pose a threat to the euro

On October 1, a referendum on independence from Spain and the creation of a separate state was held in the Spanish autonomy of Catalonia. Despite the fact that almost 90% of voters who came to the polling stations voted for independence with a turnout of 43%, and the Parliament (Generalitat) of Catalonia approved the declaration of independence, for now the head of the autonomy is calling for postponing the declaration of independence and starting negotiations with Madrid through the mediation of the leadership of the European Union. On this news, the euro strengthened against the dollar. The further development of events raises many questions, but it seems that neither Madrid nor Barcelona are interested in abandoning dialogue. Neither side wants a civil war or new economic difficulties. However, until the parties come to an agreement on how Catalonia will continue to live within Spain and what additional rights it will receive, the likelihood of shocks and unpredictable developments in this country still remains. We believe that the euro in this context will be less attractive than the dollar in the fourth quarter.

The ECB may tighten monetary policy

In the fourth quarter, two meetings of the board of directors of the European Central Bank will be held - on October 26 and December 14. ECB head Mario Draghi said back in the summer that the ECB could return to the issue of changing the quantitative easing program before the end of the year. The European financial regulator is discussing raising interest rates, which are currently at zero. However, it is still difficult to name the timing of changes in monetary policy in the eurozone. It is likely that the ECB will first wait for the Fed's decision to raise interest rates; in addition, the unpredictability of developments in Catalonia also forces the financial regulator not to make sudden movements. An interest rate hike would lead to a significant rise in the euro, however, it seems that the ECB does not intend to rush into an increase just yet. The key argument is that accommodative monetary policy is working, judging by the eurozone's fairly strong macroeconomic performance.

OPEC meets again, but with whom?

The next OPEC ministerial meeting is scheduled for November 29 in Vienna. Will it have an impact on the oil market? Judging by the fact that oil has become cheaper since the beginning of the year, and was unable to maintain its annual high of $58 per barrel in September, the oil market is not paying much attention to the actions of the oil cartel. And primarily because the cartel itself does not comply with the discipline associated with the implementation of the OPEC+ agreement to reduce oil production. There is also pressure on the market from American shale oil producers. Recently, OPEC Secretary General Mohamed Barkindo said that US shale oil producers should be involved in the OPEC+ agreement. The market reacted to this statement with growth, but a more significant factor for the oil market, in our opinion, will be the participation in the agreement of Nigeria and Libya, which, although they are members of OPEC, refused to comply with it. If these two countries join the agreement, then oil will have an incentive to grow further.

Putin's election campaign could start at the end of the year

Let us remind you that presidential elections will be held in Russia in March 2018. The current president, Vladimir Putin, has not yet announced his participation in future elections, although no one doubts that he will participate in the elections and, of course, will win. An official announcement by Vladimir Putin about his participation in the presidential campaign could take place, in our opinion, before the end of the year, possibly during the traditional December press conference for Russian and foreign media. In itself, Putin's announcement of his desire to run for president again will not have an impact on the foreign exchange market, but it may create optimism in the stock market. In addition, during the election campaign, Vladimir Putin may make a number of statements regarding his economic policy, and this may cause certain movements in the foreign exchange market, usually towards the strengthening of the ruble.

Anniversary of the October Revolution: is it significant for the market?

Let us remind you that on November 7, Russia celebrates the anniversary of a significant event - the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917. This event, to which different political forces in the country have different attitudes, will not have a direct impact on either the currency or stock markets, since it has more historical and cultural significance for the country than economic. However, it cannot be said that it is not capable of having an indirect impact on the economy. In particular, in St. Petersburg, where this date will be widely celebrated, despite the fact that November 7 is no longer a day off, a large influx of foreign tourists is expected, primarily from China, a number of Latin American countries and those countries of the South -East Asia, which have successfully implemented the Chinese economic and political model (in particular, Vietnam and Laos). An influx of tourists is also expected in Moscow - there will be quite a lot of people wanting to visit places associated with the name of Lenin. This event may have an indirect impact on future economic results, as tourism will provide the country with additional demand for hotel services and will likely increase retail sales.


In the fourth quarter of 2017, in our opinion, the main risks for the ruble are the possible strengthening of the dollar, which could lead to a temporary decline in oil prices. There are also risks that the growth of GDP and industrial production in the second half of the year will slow down, since with a fairly stable ruble exchange rate, import substitution no longer works, and consumer demand has not yet fully recovered. However, we do not expect in the fourth quarter either a collapse of the ruble or a collapse in oil prices, similar to those that took place in 2014-2015. We expect that in the fourth quarter, if the cleanup of the Fed's balance sheet brings immediate results and the tax reform of US President Donald Trump is successfully launched, the dollar exchange rate may rise to levels of 60-62 rubles, but most likely it will not stay there for long , since Russia also has a margin of safety due to economic growth and low inflation. We expect that by the end of the year the dollar will trade in the range of 57-62 rubles, and the euro at levels of 66-70 rubles.

Natalya Milchakova, Deputy Director of the Analytical Department of Alpari

So far, none of the experts dares to publish a categorical forecast of the dollar exchange rate for October 2017. The thing is that the current situation on the foreign exchange market today is quite unstable and does not provide a definite picture.

Divided in opinion, they do not give a definite forecast. Some experts believe that the dollar exchange rate, although it will rise slightly, will not reach a critical level.

You should expect a maximum of 60 rubles per unit of US currency in October. Other analysts are more categorical and offer a forecast with a more negative outcome.

In their opinion, the strengthening of the ruble will be only a temporary phenomenon, and the dollar will very soon, literally by the middle of the month, reach 62-64 rubles per unit.

The lion's share of uncertainty is brought to the market by a new wave of anti-Russian sanctions. will largely depend on how well the Russian economy survives this blow.

Factors influencing the dollar exchange rate in October

There are many factors that can be named, but all of them, unfortunately, will be negative for the ruble. So, let's return to the new sanctions imposed against Russia. The economy survived the first wave of bans more or less with dignity. However, the last trickle of foreign investment in the Russian economy may be blocked.

And then investment will literally be reduced to zero. Naturally, such an event cannot but affect the economy and the national currency exchange rate in a negative way.

In addition, experts are also concerned about the policy of the Central Bank of Russia, which continues to artificially lower rates in the second half of this year. Unfortunately, this does not have a positive effect on the value of the ruble.

Finally, the situation on the oil market, which at the very least, but helped the ruble “straighten out,” also does not inspire hope. Despite the fact that the OPEC agreement was extended until the end of March next year, the expected stabilization did not follow.

Moreover, the active development of shale oil fields in the United States has a negative impact on oil prices.

Thanks to this, the market is flooded with new supplies of raw materials, for which American mining companies have already managed to prepare, but the rest of the market is completely unprepared. If no positive events occur, we can expect that oil will once again lose its hard-earned positions.

One way or another, the US currency will be able to rise somewhat in October. According to preliminary forecasts, the dollar exchange rate may be:

    At the beginning of the month, 57 rubles per unit.

    By the end of October 60 rubles per unit.

    The maximum value of the dollar is expected to be around 61 rubles.

U.S. dollar is the official currency of the United States of America. Bank code is USD. Denoted by $. 1 dollar is equal to 100 cents. The denominations of banknotes in circulation are: 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 (a relatively rare banknote), 1 dollar, as well as coins of 1 dollar, 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 cent. In addition, there are banknotes in denominations of 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 100,000, which were previously used for mutual settlements within the Federal Reserve System, but have been no longer issued since 1945, and since 1969 have been officially withdrawn from circulation because They were replaced by an electronic payment system. The name of the monetary unit, according to the most common version, comes from the medieval thaler coin minted in Germany.

Traditionally, the obverse of the US dollar features images of presidents and political figures of the United States. On modern banknotes these are Benjamin Franklin - 100 dollars, Ulysses Grant - 50, Andrew Jackson - 20, Alexander Hamilton - 10, Abraham Lincoln - 5, Thomas Jefferson - 2 and George Washington - 1 dollar. The reverse side depicts historical monuments: 100 dollars - Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed, 50 - the Capitol, 20 - the White House, 10 - the US Treasury, 5 - the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. The $1 bill has a special design on the back consisting of a double-sided image of the so-called Great Seal of the United States, used to authenticate government-issued documents and kept in Washington.

It is believed that to counteract the printing of counterfeit dollars, the design must be changed at least once every 7-10 years. Moreover, absolutely all US banknotes issued since 1861, when money was first issued in paper form, are legal tender in the United States.

The first decision to issue US dollars was made by Congress in 1786, and in 1792 they became the main currency of the state. Since 1796, the principle of a bimetallic monetary unit was introduced, that is, both silver and gold coins were minted. Moreover, each time, as a result of a change in the price ratio of two precious metals, either one or the other coins disappeared from circulation. Until 1857, foreign money (primarily Spanish pesos and later Mexican dollars) also served as legal tender in the United States.

In 1900, the gold standard law was passed. At this point, 1 dollar corresponded to 1.50463 grams of pure gold. In 1933, it was devalued for the first time by 41% as a result of the Great Depression. A troy ounce of gold now costs $35.

At the end of World War II, as a result of the Bretton Woods agreement, the dollar became the only monetary unit exchanged for gold, while the rates of other world currencies were pegged to the American one. At the same time, in the post-war years, the United States became the main creditor of Europe. Thus, the US dollar became the world's currency of account and took its place in the reserves of central banks.

However, by 1960, chronic US budget deficits led to the fact that the number of dollars owned by creditors around the world exceeded the size of the gold reserve. The crisis of 1969-70 complicated the situation. As a result, in 1971, the exchange of dollars for gold was finally stopped after a corresponding statement by President Richard Nixon.

During the 1970s, the dollar depreciated. The situation was aggravated by the crisis of 1975-76. In 1976, as a result of an international agreement, a new one was created - the Jamaican currency system, which finally legitimized the abandonment of gold backing of currencies.

The strengthening of the dollar in the 1980s put American manufacturers at a disadvantage relative to other countries. As a result, it was decided to devalue the dollar by cutting interest rates. And by 1991, it was possible to actually halve the exchange rate against the Japanese yen, pound and German mark.

In 1992, as a result of the fall of the British pound sterling and the crisis in Europe, the dollar rose in price by almost 30%, but from April 1993 its quotes began to decline again - until 1998, when the dollar weakened significantly against the Japanese yen - from 136 to 111 within three days. This was due to the massive repatriation of funds from Japanese investors as a result of the crisis in the markets of developing countries, including the default in Russia.

1999-2001 - a period of renewed strengthening of the US dollar, which was stopped by the Federal Reserve, which lowered interest rates to 2% in order to stimulate the economy.

The most important event for the dollar was the creation in 1999 of the single European currency, into which the central banks of many creditor countries of the United States transferred part of their reserves.

For the summer of 2011, the US dollar is quoted in the range of 1.40-1.46 dollars per euro, 76-78 Japanese yen per dollar and 1.62-64 dollars per pound.

Despite competition with the euro, today the United States currency occupies a leading place in the reserves of central banks. In addition, it remains the main settlement currency between countries in international trade, and is also the base one for payments through payment systems using plastic cards outside the European Union zone, where the euro predominates.

The US dollar is the main currency of the Forex market. Transactions take place through this currency and basic quotes are set.

Experts' opinions regarding the future of the dollar are diametrically opposed. On the one hand, many believe that the collapse of the dollar financial system is inevitable in the near future due to the huge foreign debt of the United States, the largest in the world. As of the summer of 2011, it exceeds $14.5 trillion.

On the other hand, the stability of the dollar is based on high economic indicators. The US economy ranks first in terms of gross domestic product, almost twice as fast as China, which is in second position. In addition, the high dollar exchange rate is facilitated by the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve System, as well as the faith of investors who keep their assets in American currency and during crises seek to transfer them into dollars, finding refuge in US debt instruments from the elements of a market economy.

Expert forecasts: how much the dollar will cost in Russia

The unstable exchange rate of the national currency and the unstable economic situation do not allow making long-term forecasts. For example, analysts cannot give a definite answer about how much the dollar will cost from October 1. However, most of them express an opinion about the possible growth of the American currency in the last month of summer.

Dynamics of the official exchange rate, maximum values

According to the Moscow Exchange, in July the US dollar rose by 1.4%. It is noted that the growth of the American currency continues for the second month in a row, which means further ascent is not excluded.

Experts make their predictions as to why the Russian ruble is not regaining lost ground. Firstly, the economic situation in Russia is affected by sanctions and Russian-American relations, investor sentiment and capital flows. As the latest news reports, these factors will have a further impact on the Russian currency and it is possible that, at least until the end of summer, the ruble will continue to weaken. In the short term, expert forecasts come down to a level of 61-64 rubles per dollar. At the same time, economists believe that the European currency will also lose its position in relation to its American counterpart.

Analysts unanimously call sanctions the main enemy of the Russian ruble - it is because of them that the national currency cannot recover. And the forecast of 62-63 rubles per dollar is just the beginning and the national currency can significantly accelerate its decline if relations between Russia and the United States do not improve.

On the other hand, investors are now awaiting information on inflation for July in the United States. Plus, the reduction of the Central Bank's key rate in September will strengthen the exchange rate of the Russian ruble. Thus, the positive forecast of analysts comes down to 59-61 rubles per dollar. However, most experts are confident that the US dollar will rise by several points during this month.