Where to invest money at high interest rates? Analysis tips and examples. Which bank has the most favorable conditions for deposits and a high percentage of the deposit Which bank to invest money in

Investing money at a high interest rate to avoid inflation and even make a profit in 2016 is difficult, but there are several options. Let's take a closer look at where it is more profitable to invest money at interest so that it works.

Many people are trying to save money. But not everyone succeeds. And it’s not even that the salary is small, just saving money today is not enough, you need to invest it. If you save money “under the mattress,” inflation eats it up and this type of accumulation can be considered pointless.

In this case, where is it more profitable to invest money to avoid inflation and make a profit?? There are several simple and affordable options for investing personal savings, which Rossiyskaya Gazeta experts recommend to readers.

Profitable bank deposits at high interest rates

The easiest option for investing funds is to open a deposit in a bank. As a rule, the maximum deposit period is two years. But the deposit can always be reopened. Currently, the average deposit rate is 8 percent. It is clear that over time the situation may change and the percentage may be either increased or decreased. But this method of investing money is simple and understandable to everyone.

The only thing worth considering when choosing a bank is not to chase the maximum interest rates. It is still better to choose a reliable bank with government participation.

Invest money in gold

Another fairly simple investment option is precious metals. In almost 8 years, a gram of gold has risen in price by 284 percent. At first glance, the investment looks very attractive, because with such dynamics, in 30 years it can rise in price by more than a thousand percent.

However, there is one very big BUT! On the world market, gold is quoted in dollars. As you know, in recent years the ruble has weakened significantly against the American currency. And this did not take long to affect the price of gold in Russia. Therefore, if we ignore the effect of ruble devaluation, then the growth is no longer so impressive. In addition, we should not forget that gold is a market instrument, which means its value depends on a number of factors and there is a possibility that its quotes on the world market will fall, which will also affect its ruble value. Nevertheless, it is potentially quite an interesting instrument for long-term investment.

Individual investment account (IIA)

As an alternative, you can suggest opening an individual investment account (IIA). This account allows you not only to accumulate funds (as in a bank deposit), but also to invest them in securities (stocks, bonds) to receive additional income. The main advantage of this account is that the state guarantees that its owner will receive a tax deduction on contributions (13 percent), as, for example, when buying an apartment.

The only condition: during the year, the replenishment amount should not exceed 400 thousand rubles, and the validity period of this account is at least three years. 13 percent of compensation is already income that exceeds bank interest and inflation. And if these funds are wisely invested in various securities, income can be increased. At the same time, you have a choice - invest on your own or trust the professionals.

For example, 24 thousand rubles were deposited into IIS in the first year. Tax deduction - 13 percent and income from investing in reliable bonds - 10 percent. The total profit for the year will be 23 percent.

Investments in mutual funds

Another investment option is investing in a mutual fund (mutual investment fund). Unlike IIS, here the funds are clearly given to management. In addition, there are no tax benefits; you will have to pay taxes on the income received. In addition, the management company charges a certain fee for its services.

The profitability of mutual funds varies from year to year, it all depends on what instruments were invested in and what dynamics they showed. At the end of 2015, some mutual funds grew by 40-70 percent, while some, on the contrary, lost about 11.5 percent.

Of course, a professional company will evaluate all possible risks, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely avoid them. Therefore, when choosing a savings method, it is worth remembering that the higher the potential profit, the higher the risks.


What you definitely shouldn’t do today is try to save for old age in cash, although the temptation is great. In 2015, the ruble weakened against the dollar by 21.5 percent. But exchange rates are extremely volatile. And in almost the first five months of 2016, the ruble, on the contrary, strengthened against the dollar.

Having foreign currency savings for a rainy day is good, but investing all your savings in dollars in hopes of spending them on retirement is probably pointless. The circulation of cash currency in Russia could someday easily be canceled overnight and savings in dollars will disappear.


In general, with such long-term investment horizons, one should remember the rule of a good housewife: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” It is advisable to divide investments between several instruments, giving preference, although not the most profitable, but the least risky.

Where to invest money at high interest rates

Hello, dear readers! A stable monthly income is good, but you can always try to increase your own funds.

It was with this desire that Maxim Petrovich came to us yesterday, who a couple of years ago worked as a security guard at our bank.

He asked us for advice on an old friendship. In particular, he was interested in where he could invest money at a high interest rate? Otherwise, there are savings, but they are not used in any way. I shared with Maxim Petrovich several areas for investment. Now you, friends, will learn about them.

Profitable deposits in reliable banks

A deposit is a great opportunity to save and increase your funds, especially if you choose the right program and banking institution. There are a huge number of banks that are happy to provide their clients with various deposit options on various conditions.


On the one hand, this helps you choose a truly worthwhile type of deposit that fully satisfies all your requirements, but on the other hand, it significantly complicates the selection process and stretches it out over time.

To save you from wasting time and making possible mistakes in the selection process, we suggest using our calculator. Thanks to the online calculator for calculating deposits, you can quickly select the best offer according to your requirements.

To do this, you do not need to waste time visiting bank offices and studying their documentation; just fill out the calculator form and click the “Calculate” button. The system will do the rest for you - a list of suitable offers will be ready in a few seconds.

Deposit calculator

So, to calculate the profitability of deposits, you need to select a region, a currency (it can be Russian rubles, US dollars or euros), determine the amount and term of the deposit. To ensure that the calculation is as accurate as possible and covers all the nuances, you can also fill in fields with additional conditions.

Each of the proposed options can be studied in detail by clicking on the “Open” button, where complete information on the deposit program will be presented. Comparison of programs is also available. To do this, you need to select interesting offers from the general list and click the “Compare” button.

After which the site will display a detailed comparison of deposits in all respects. This will allow you to study the nuances of each deposit as thoroughly as possible.

In which cities is the deposit calculator relevant?

Today, the deposit calculator supports geographical reference of banks and offers options relevant to your region. You can calculate the profitability of deposits in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Ufa, Penza, Orenburg, Tolyatti, Voronezh and many other cities in Russia.

source: https://www.moneymatika.ru/bank/vklad-depozit/kalkulyator.html

Where to invest money at high interest rates. Earning money from business investments

Every person wants to earn a lot of money in order to ensure a comfortable life in which he can not deny himself anything. Of course, to achieve this goal, you need to work hard.

First of all, the investor must decide where to put money at interest so that it brings real profit. There are quite a lot of options. However, you need to remember that none of them is completely optimal and does not guarantee good profits without risks.

Bank deposits

The most popular method is a bank deposit with high interest rates. This is due to the huge range of offers, public trust in such organizations, accessibility and ease of registration. The investor only needs a minimum package of documents and the amount of money itself.

Which bank should I invest my money in? Significant competition in this segment forces organizations to make concessions, offering clients more and more favorable terms of cooperation.

However, it must be remembered that the higher the interest rate, the more doubts should be raised about the reliability of the institution. That is why, before deciding which bank to invest money in, you need to evaluate not only all the benefits, but also the risks.

Investments in mutual funds

Mutual funds are another popular way of investing. In this case, a special fund is formed from the funds of investors, which is converted into securities and other assets. Shareholders receive a share of each share in the investment portfolio.

Types of mutual funds:

  • promotional,
  • bond,
  • index,
  • mixed.

Mutual funds have many advantages. These include transparency, risk diversification and professional financial management. If you put money in a bank at good interest rates, it will be insured. In the case of mutual funds, no one will return the lost funds.

Buying a property

Another traditional way of investing is buying real estate. Of course, this requires a considerable amount of money. However, if your own funds are not enough, you can team up with other investors and buy real estate.

The most profitable are apartments in buildings under construction. The price for such housing is lower than in ready-made buildings, and you can make money on such an investment.


Having 100 thousand rubles, you need to find people who want to invest money at high interest rates and open a common fund. In this case, your share will be about 10%.

The profitability of such investments is highly dependent on the market. However, losing the initial amount is quite difficult. On average, the yield is 15–20%, and the construction of a house lasts 2 years. This means that during this period the investor will receive 120 thousand rubles.


  1. Lack of flexibility.
  2. Unpredictability.

It is also worth noting that real estate is purchased not only for the purpose of resale, but also for rental.


In this case, you can invest money at interest in several ways:

  • Open your own business.
  • Invest in someone else's business.

A few years ago, experts advised investing money in business at interest. This method was one of the most successful. However, several unpleasant events have happened recently:

  1. the collapse of the ruble, due to which revenue in national currency fell;
  2. loss of purchasing power among the population;
  3. increasing lending rates that do not provide even the slightest chance of development;
  4. introduction of additional taxes that reduce profitability.

Before investing money in a business at interest, you need to weigh the pros and cons. If after this it becomes clear that you can not only stay afloat, but also get a good income, you can invest. However, this should not be done if there is even a small risk of losing funds due to exchange rate differences or new taxes.

Unconventional ways to invest at interest

Are you looking for a place to invest money with interest, but don't want to use traditional methods? Then check out the not so obvious options:

Securities. This method is one of the most profitable. It allows you to satisfy a variety of desires and implement any strategy. In this case, you bypass mutual funds and invest in stocks and bonds on your own.

In this case, you do not need to pay the manager. However, the risks also fall on your shoulders. To save and increase your funds, you need to understand the mechanism of the market.

Precious metals. We are talking not only about gold, but also silver, platinum and palladium. Jewelry, compulsory medical insurance and bars, coins and stock exchange quotes are suitable for investment.

Currency. It’s probably not worth talking about what’s happening with national currencies in the CIS countries. You can make good money from the difference in rates. However, to do this you need to constantly trade currencies.

  • strong US and EU economies;
  • the fact that the USA and the EU account for about 45% of the total world GDP;
  • quotes on world exchanges that are traded in dollars and euros.

Art. To invest money at interest in this way, you need a decent starting capital. You should also be able to distinguish originals from fakes or involve experienced appraisers in cooperation.


Internet projects. There are trillions of websites of different types on the Internet. Even a schoolchild can put together a simple resource in just 24 hours. You can make good money on Internet projects - 100–200% in the first year. The main problem in this area is that in 95% of cases people invest in an idea that is obviously not profitable. In addition, you need to understand what to do and why.

Trading accounts. There is no desire, time and opportunity to fully master the foreign exchange market? In this case, you should invest money at interest in trading accounts. The funds will be transferred to the trader for independent management.

It is worth remembering that if the game is unsuccessful, the investor irrevocably loses his savings without the possibility of making claims.

Own development. This is one of the few options in which the loss is almost zero. You can study foreign languages, programming, 1C, stock trading, improve your skills, and so on. Such investments will certainly pay off.

source: https://bestinvestor.ru/dengi-pod-procenty/

Invest at a high interest rate

At the beginning of the year, many investors think about where to invest (or shift) their money to get high interest?

Today we will look at one of the investment tools - investing in microfinance organizations. Microfinance organizations can accept at least 1.5 million rubles from individuals. That is, the MFO does not have the right to accept a smaller amount from citizens.

For those who want to get a higher interest rate on invested money than in banks, MFOs offer various investment strategies. Depending on the goals and objectives of the investor (depositor).

Private investments in MFOs will be acceptable for those people who have a desire to try themselves as investors who are able to calculate the possible profit from placing funds in MFOs, but are also ready to take risks. After all, the DIA system does not apply to investment deposits in microfinance organizations

What interest rates do MFOs offer?

The yield on MFO deposits reaches 26% per annum. The average rate is 22%, the average investment amount is 3,000,000 rubles.

If you invest 3,000,000 rubles for a year, you can receive 47,850 rubles per month. (After payment of personal income tax of 13%). No bank will offer such income.

Risks when investing at high interest rates

You can only invest in companies that are in the register of the IFC Bank of Russia. Investment proposals at 50% and even 100% per annum are well indexed by search engines according to the principle - the higher the income, the better for the investor.


But that's not true! Only scammers offer such high fake returns.

Organizing financial pyramids is currently punishable by prison sentences, but this does not stop the criminals. Chasing such percentages means losing everything.

source: https://microcredit-rf.ru/vlozit-dengi-pod-visokie-procenti.html

Where is it better and more profitable to invest money at a high interest rate?

Investing money at high interest rates is not easy. At first glance, there are plenty of options for investing your money - all that remains is to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

But when the question arises acutely, you want to choose the most acceptable and profitable investment scheme for your accumulated amount. If earlier capital investments were limited to bank deposits, bonds and privatization checks, today there have been a significant increase in effective ways to increase capital.

In order to decide how to invest funds at a good interest rate, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the most optimal and popular investment options.


The undisputed leader in terms of investing money at a high interest rate and guarantees are shares.

By possessing securities, a person acquires the status of a shareholder, becoming part of a joint stock company within a particular company.


When buying shares, you need to understand what development paths await the owner of the package of securities.

Generally, shareholders are entitled to a certain share of the profits from the total share received by the company. Dividends, depending on which shares a person holds, are paid monthly, every quarter, or may not be paid at all.

Before purchasing shares, you should make sure of the company’s competitiveness and understand what the dividend payment system is and whether it exists at all. In addition, having studied the stock market well, you can both buy shares profitably and sell them profitably at a profit for yourself.

Foreign currency

The unstable position of the national currency makes you think about saving your funds through foreign currency.

The most popular are the dollar and the euro - and there is a logical and simple explanation for this:

  • The European Union and the United States have the strongest economies;
  • All trading taking place at the global level is carried out exclusively in dollars and euros.

By assessing the situation with exchange rates, you can not only save your savings, but also profitably increase them, because the foreign exchange rate, one way or another, is constantly growing - therefore this is a very successful investment option. (By the way, we advise you to read the article about foreign currency deposits).

Precious metals

No less profitable metals are silver, platinum and palladium.

So, what are the known ways to invest in metals:

  1. The most popular way is to buy jewelry in special stores.
  2. Become the owner of gold bars - which is equivalent to a bank account, but in gold equivalent.
  3. A specific investment solution is coins (which can be gold, rare, antique). But to benefit from this method, you need to be a sophisticated numismatist.


The Forex market is another means of increasing your capital. The essence of this option is to buy and sell various stocks, currencies, etc.


However, without special knowledge, it is pointless to engage in trading on your own - you can simply lose all the funds invested in the deposit.

This is a very delicate professional game - you need to buy on time and close the position on time, making a profit. Thus, either study the Forex market by trial and error, or trust a trusted broker.


Sberbank approaches its clients in accordance with their income, so there is a pleasant and profitable offer for everyone.

All individuals can open a “Save Online” deposit in the bank with a rate varying from 5.15% to 11.25%.

In order to become the holder of such a deposit, an agreement is concluded between the client and Sberbank at any of the bank’s offices. A Sberbank client can always choose a narrower program for saving and accumulating funds.

Here, various nuances of a particular deposit are already taken into account, depending on what goals the client is pursuing and what income he expects.

So, let's look at what Sberbank offers its potential client.

You can determine your money profitably by becoming a participant in the “Happy Interest” program. The interest on the deposit reaches 10.1%. But it is important to remember that this program is seasonal in nature and everyone interested in this deposit should not put things off for a long time.

Clients actively open and use the following Sberbank deposits:

  1. Save;
  2. Replenish;
  3. Manage.

From the names one can get an almost complete idea of ​​the nature of a particular contribution, namely:

  • funds are safe and guarantee a stable income;
  • the deposit is designed for those who seek to accumulate a certain amount;
  • secure storage of funds with the ability to withdraw a certain amount from time to time.

source: https://finansist.guru/banki/vklady/vlozhit-dengi-pod-vysokij-protsent.html

Which bank to invest money in: TOP 5 banks in Russia

Which bank to invest money in: TOP-5 banks in Russia + how to choose the right type of deposit and what income will depend on + we will help you calculate the percentage of profit.


When a large amount of money lies idle in an account, there is a desire to increase it, but at the same time not to organize your own business, and not to take risks by investing in someone else’s dubious business.

The most common way to receive income without any effort is a deposit. This is the name of a banking service when an account is created into which an amount, usually a large one, is deposited. Every year a certain percentage drips onto it.

Of course, there are certain nuances that determine which bank is profitable to invest money in at interest. Don't expect huge profits.

This investment option is the least profitable compared to various exchanges, investing in PAMM accounts and investing in someone else’s business. But, despite this, a very large number of people choose it, since the risk in this case is minimal. Of course, subject to proper investment.

How can you invest money?

There are different types of deposit. There is always the opportunity to choose the one that suits best. They differ in names - each bank calls them differently.

In essence, we are talking about the following standard types:

  1. Urgent - gives a small percentage, but it is accrued over shorter periods, for example, every month.
  2. Savings – the investment period must be at least six months; it is possible to top up your account at any time; accruals come for a certain period, but they are calculated daily, depending on the amount that is in the account.
  3. On demand is essentially an ordinary account that can be freely disposed of, but the interest rate at which funds can be invested does not exceed 1–2%.

The choice of which bank to invest money at interest also depends on the period and currency in which it will be stored and generate income. The timing depends more on when you think the amount will be needed.

But the currency of savings directly depends not so much on the exchange rate as on what the multiplied funds will be spent on in the future. For example, if the purchase that is planned to be made with the money received from the deposit will be made in dollars, then it is better to invest the deposit in dollars.

The interest rate will, of course, decrease, but the benefits will be the same.

How is the interest rate calculated?

If you invest money in a bank at 5% for six months, this does not mean that the income will be exactly the same 5% of the amount. To calculate the profit that can be received, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • deposit term,
  • deposit amount,
  • interest rate.

The interest rate refers to the annual rate, regardless of the term for which the contribution is deposited. If you invest 10,000 rubles for six months at 10%, then the formula for calculating profit will look something like this:

(10,000 * 0.1)/2, the profit for six months will be 500 rubles, which is 5%.

Effective tools

Most often, accruals are calculated as an annual rate, but there is a factor that can affect the final income, such as the capitalization of deposit interest.


Capitalization is the addition of interest to the amount of the previous month, which means that next month the interest will “fall” on the account not from the original amount, but from the one that was formed.

Therefore, before choosing which bank to invest money in, you need to clarify whether the proposed deposit has such an opportunity.

What risks might there be?

The risk of such investments is minimal. It may depend on the amount you invest. Since if you deposit less than 1,500,000 rubles, in any case, the money will be insured.

But even if it’s 1,500,000 or more, the risk is still very small. To protect your savings, which exceed the insurance amount, you can divide the capital by placing it in several accounts.

Which bank is reliable enough?

Just as institutions differ, so do the deposits they offer. First of all, in fact, what conditions are established for the client, as well as their reliability.

To choose the most suitable bank, you should not pay special attention to too high interest rates. They are usually promised in the hope that a person will come running to get a big income without asking any questions.

But also whether it will go bankrupt in six months, and whether it is a real institution and not a front office.

Which bank to invest money in at interest: reliability indicators

Look at the timeline: how long ago it opened and whether it had any problems with the law. Most often, information about major trials is discussed in the media.

Evaluate the institution's rating compared to others. The lower the rating, the lower the reliability. Which foreign financial groups does it belong to? Financial support “from abroad” is always a sign of stability.

What quality of service is provided? Large branches carefully monitor service standards.


What does the interior and exterior look like? This says a lot about the availability of funds.

What part of the city it is located in also says a lot about its reliability. The higher the cost of renting or purchasing land, the more such an enterprise can afford.

You should not trust those banks that give too high a rate compared to others. Especially if it is not widely known and there is no advertising in the media or on banners.

Most often, unreliable institutions provide only small, not particularly noticeable advertising on the Internet and in public transport. The reason is simple: they are afraid to advertise their activities too much to government services.

In which bank is it profitable to invest money at interest and choose the right conditions?

It is possible to invest money in a bank not only in rubles (national currency), dollars or euros.

It is also possible to invest in more exotic options, such as francs or yuan. But this will significantly reduce the interest rate, since the most profit can be obtained only by investing in the national currency.

When choosing a currency, you should also take into account factors such as inflation, exchange rate, etc. Naturally, the benefit directly depends on what rate is offered to the investor.

When the type of deposit, term and currency have already been finally determined, you can safely find out what conditions can be offered based on these data.

If the choice falls on several of the most suitable places for investment, with almost identical conditions for the main points of interest, the choice becomes a little more complicated.

Then you should pay attention not only to the main clauses of the contract, but also to the additional conditions that the bank offers, and choose based on them.


The term should be chosen as long as possible. Because the longer the money sits, the more it will “drip” into the deposit account. But the most important thing is that it should not be longer than the period after which the allotted amount may be needed.

If you withdraw money before the date specified in the contract, you may not receive all the funds that were accrued for the entire past period. The most annoying thing is that this policy does not apply to loans.

Comparison of TOP 5 banks in Russia

The ways to identify scammers or an unreliable banking organization can be listed endlessly.

However, more often than not, people who are looking for where to invest their money stop at the most famous and reputable banks in the country.

Let's look at the five organizations that have the highest ratings. Financial indicators will show you which of them is currently more profitable to invest in.

Comparison of conditions offered by the top 5 banks in Russia:

As you can see, at the moment the most favorable conditions for depositors are offered by Centercombank.

It is worth noting that this advantage applies only to long-term deposits (12 months). If you plan to invest money on other terms, take the time to create your own comparison table.


The currency and investment period must be chosen solely based on the intended purpose of the proceeds. As it has already turned out, a deposit in rubles will have the highest percentage, but it is not a fact that this will be the most profitable solution.

The situation is the same with the investment period: if this is money that will not be needed for the next couple of years, then you can safely invest it for a long period and receive the full promised rate.

But if it is possible that they may be needed soon, then by putting them away for a long time, you can only lose out on the benefits of such a deal.

And if you decide to take a chance and invest in an organization that has not proven itself so well, you should familiarize yourself with further advice.

How to protect your deposit?

In which bank it is profitable to invest money at interest is not as important as whether this profit will be paid and whether the deposits will be returned at all.

As practice shows, the lower the rate that is offered, the less the institution needs any investments, which means that this bank is the most stable.

Of course, you want to maximize your investment, and there is no desire to choose the smallest bet.

Therefore, in order to get the desired profit and at the same time not fall into someone else’s adventure, or simply into an almost bankrupt office, it is worth thoroughly studying the history of the bank, perhaps even reading comments on the website or on various forums dedicated to this issue.

And one more point that should not be forgotten: in order for deposits to be insured, since even the most profitable enterprise can go bankrupt, it is better to open several accounts.


For each of them, the amount should not exceed 1,400,000 rubles.

Such investment insurance gives the investor some degree of confidence that the investment will not be completely lost, and he will not suffer as a result of fraud or negligence.

Therefore, the important thing is not which bank is better to invest money in, but how to do it correctly.

source: http://site/dnevnyk-uspeha.com/investirovanie/v-kakoj-bank-vlozhit-dengi.html

How to invest money at a high interest rate: instructions for use

Are you looking for where to invest money at a high interest rate with a guaranteed return? When there are free funds, it is best to invest them profitably, and not just store them as a kind of airbag. Money must work. Today there are many different ways to use finances.

You can invest money at a high interest rate in order to constantly receive passive income with virtually no stress. True, here you need to know all sorts of pitfalls. Then it will be possible to minimize risks and wisely distribute money among different investment niches. Thus, many people have already managed not only to preserve, but also to increase their capital.

Of course, interest rates and investments are often not everyone's cup of tea. Typically, the likelihood of maximizing income is inextricably linked with increasing risks. Here you should use a simple option: invest money in different projects.

Choose both the most reliable investment methods and the most promising in terms of generating income, but risky. Let's look at different ways and find out where to invest money at a high interest rate.

Investing in banks: important nuances

Is it worth investing in banks? How profitable is this, how will the interest rate and investment be related in this case, what is the level of risk? Let's dwell on the key points.

Many people mistakenly believe that investing in a bank is profitable and easy. This misconception often becomes the reason for unsuccessful investments. It is important to understand that the essence of increasing funds on a deposit deposit is not at all related to generating income.


It’s just that the bank is trying to protect clients’ money from inflation in this way. We can say that this is not investing, but simply saving money.

For example, inflation averaged 11–13% during the year, and the interest rate on deposits was 14–15%. It is difficult to talk about serious profits here.

When you are in doubt about where it is better to invest money at a high interest rate, you should not start with deposits. If you still want to entrust your savings to the bank, be sure to remember several important factors.

There is no need to invest too large an amount in one financial institution. Here it is worth indicating the specific amount of funds: 1.4 million rubles. This is the optimal threshold for investing in a bank. It is highly not recommended to exceed it, since only this amount is covered by the state program implemented for deposit insurance.

In other words, if the bank is declared bankrupt, you may well lose all funds exceeding this threshold designated by the state.

Distribute funds among different banks. This option is the most reasonable, since you can never know for sure what will happen in the near future with a particular bank. It is safer to store eggs in separate baskets. Then, even if there are serious problems in one bank, part of your money will remain safe in another organization.

The financial performance of the bank is of great importance. It is advisable to try to understand the issue more deeply and conduct at least a small analysis of the activities of the financial institution.


The interest rate plays a huge role. But here it is very important to remember the golden rule: a high annual rate does not guarantee your profit! If the interest rate that the bank promises is too high compared to the average offers in this area, this should be alarming.

Often, overly tempting offers come from banks that are already on the verge of bankruptcy. They set such high interest rates, wanting to attract maximum capital from the population.

Carefully consider all the details so that investing money at interest in a bank becomes more profitable and safe for you. But let us note once again that high profits cannot be expected here.

Loans with interest

It is quite possible to invest money at 10% per month and receive income from investing every week, even daily. All this is possible if you start issuing loans at interest. In this case, you will need to enter into formal agreements with borrowers to guarantee the return of money.

In addition, it is advisable to establish a system for checking the solvency of everyone who wishes to receive a loan. Of course, such investment income will require certain labor costs, time, and careful attention. Otherwise, there will be a risk that the funds will simply not be returned.

When people manage to get started issuing loans, they begin to earn a very good income. Here, the interest rate and investment are linked in such a way that there is a real opportunity to make a profit almost every day.

For example, within the framework of microfinance, relatively small amounts (10–20 thousand rubles) are issued at 1.5–2% per day. Of course, such an investment is quite profitable.

In this case, the most important thing is the following:

  • arrange everything correctly;
  • ensure the solvency of borrowers;
  • develop a good client base;
  • take care of advertising.

However, the risk still remains, since any borrower may not repay the funds. Then you will have to deal with the return of money and contact the appropriate collection agencies. This takes time and effort, but does not guarantee success.


Of course, we can talk about guarantees here, although they are also not unconditional. The population is still wary of microfinance organizations. Banks inspire more trust as larger, more reliable financial institutions.

But you can also try investing in microfinance centers, not very large sums to begin with. It is quite possible to get a profit of about 18 percent per annum in them, and this is a more tempting offer than deposits.

Is it worth investing in someone's business?

Today, many new projects and startups are being created. Of course, the founders of such projects always talk a lot about the prospects of their endeavors. However, it is extremely difficult to objectively assess the effectiveness of a business that has not yet had time to prove itself. Should you invest money in someone else's business?

Let's look at the problem from different angles.

At first glance, investing in someone else’s business is easier than starting your own business:

  1. You don't have to look for an idea.
  2. You will not be directly involved in business.
  3. All you have to do is give away a certain amount of capital and wait for profit from the project.
  4. Your income will be passive.

This is all true. But by freeing yourself from responsibility for business development, you will not be able to seriously influence the development of the project. Everything will be handled by strangers, whose competence cannot be trusted.

How to be? How to reduce risks, are there investment options that would make such investments promising? Let's dwell on the key points.

Try to study the issue from an economic point of view. If you are able to personally give an objective assessment of the prospects of the project, this will allow you to significantly reduce the risks of investing.

Become an active participant in the business in which you decide to invest. Negotiate the terms of the investment so that your voice matters in the conduct of business. Then you will be able to influence the development of the project.

Don't invest all your money in one project! Even in what you think is a very reliable business, you don’t need to invest all your available funds. Such a rash step can always lead to the loss of all your assets.

In conditions of market instability and the global economy, success cannot be guaranteed even with competent management of a business project. The risk remains in any case.


Don't invest 100% in the business. The optimal solution is equity participation, for example, investing 10–20% of the total capital of the project.

Investing money in someone else's business at interest is an interesting option, but you must try to reduce the risks.

We invest in our business

Of course, if you have some capital, you can easily invest it in your own business. This direction is promising, since the amount of profit and risks will depend on you and your entrepreneurial abilities. If you decide to invest money at a high interest rate in your own project, you need to immediately try to answer a number of key questions:

  • Is the profitability of the chosen direction high? Will your business pay for itself?
  • How high is the level of competition in this market niche? Is the direction you have chosen promising if you objectively assess the relationship between supply and demand?
  • Is this business idea in demand in your region?
  • Will you be able to ensure the development of the project only with your personal funds or will you need additional investments?
  • How popular is your idea? Is it really possible to successfully implement it in practice in the conditions of the modern market and the current economic situation?

Try to assess your capabilities and probable risks as objectively as possible. Remember that to develop your own business you need to have useful information and knowledge in the economic and legal sphere.

In addition, it is important to have the so-called commercial spirit, that is, the ability to run your own business, competently assess risks and at the same time achieve results. Opening your own business is quite risky.

Stock market, securities

You can invest money at interest in the stock market. Here you will need to acquire some knowledge and minimal skills in order to make a successful investment. There are two promising ways to invest in the securities market.

Brokering(you invest money in shares, securities, but you do not do it yourself, but with the help of a broker - on a special platform). If you decide to go this route, you will need to invest quite a significant amount. Typically, the minimum capital to participate in brokerage is $10 thousand.

But this direction is quite promising. You turn to an experienced specialist, and he then begins to work on your behalf, using your funds. He studies the current situation on the securities market, after which he offers the most successful options for investing money. It is worth noting that the broker receives a certain percentage of profit from each successful transaction.

Trading on the Internet (you become an account manager and trade on the stock market yourself). This method of investing is also very popular. If you choose it, you will need to personally identify the most promising companies to invest in and buy and sell shares yourself.

You can use various manuals, learn from webinars, and also use special programs to quickly track stock quotes.


Investing in the stock market is a rather complex process. Every investor who wants to receive a stable income has to study a lot of literature and master an impressive set of skills. You will also need practical experience, because achieving success right away is not so easy. We will have to gradually enter this area.

At the same time, it will still not be possible to eliminate the risk, since the factor of simple luck also plays a certain role here. The economic situation and the stock market are unstable, so it is impossible to accurately calculate everything and get rid of risks.

Mutual funds

The popularity of mutual funds as sources for investing money at high interest rates is constantly growing. It is mutual funds that enjoy quite a lot of trust. Such funds are a unique form of collective investment. Private investors invest their funds there, which they then use to generate income.

The principle of operation is quite simple:

  1. Mutual funds collect funds from investors;
  2. then shares of specific companies are purchased with this money;
  3. the fund receives a certain profit;
  4. the income received is distributed among private owners in accordance with the size of their investments.

Why are mutual funds convenient? The benefits of funds are obvious. Investors do not need to independently study the market, monitor stock quotes and take any steps to make a profit. The company that accumulates funds carries out all the work independently.

Such funds employ experienced brokers who have a range of necessary knowledge and skills, and use their effective methods of working in the securities market.

The great advantage of mutual funds is the low starting threshold for joining the fund. It is enough to have only a thousand rubles to make a minimum contribution. You can invest small amounts to begin with and evaluate the performance of different funds.

Where is the best place to invest? Nowadays there are many mutual funds. It is important for you to choose the most promising organizations where your funds can be protected and increased. Here it is necessary to monitor the relationship between the level of risk and profitability.

For example, there are projects where you can get really serious income in a short period of time. However, the degree of investment risk in this case will also be high. Security lovers who want to protect their funds choose more reliable funds with stable profits. There the risks are reduced, but the income will not be record-breaking.

How exactly do you make a profit by investing in mutual funds? When you invest in shares, you can later resell your shares. Shares will rise in price over time, and accordingly your share will be worth more. It is the final difference between the funds you invested and the income received that will constitute the profit from investing in mutual funds.

Remember that no one can guarantee receipt of a certain income from investing capital in mutual funds. A certain risk remains.

Real estate

A very promising direction is investing money at high interest rates in real estate. Real estate prices are steadily rising, so such an investment will definitely pay off. Typically, the increase in value is about 14 percent per year.


Please note: you can buy real estate not only in your own country, but also in other countries. In the USA and European countries, housing costs are almost the same as in our large cities.

How to make a profit from investing money in real estate? There are two main ways:

  • resale;
  • rental.

At the moment, it is quite profitable to resell cottages and plots of land. The popularity of suburban real estate is growing. When buying city apartments, you need to double your attention, since the market here is not always stable.

For example, secondary housing is no longer in such high demand, as developers are trying to make prices for new real estate more acceptable. In addition, it is easier to purchase a new apartment in installments, on credit.

The optimal solution is to purchase real estate and then receive income from renting it out. It is the life of a rentier that is most comfortable in the whole world.

You buy a property once, and then rent it out for an unlimited time for a certain amount of money. The income will be constant and stable. However, initially you will have to invest a fairly large amount.

PAMM accounts

The popularity of PAMM accounts is constantly growing. This direction is actually quite promising. Investors are impressed by the fact that they can simply invest their funds and then do nothing to make a profit. This is a typical passive income, when the investor does not directly participate in the process of capital accumulation.

Every month the income can be 5-10%. This is a good indicator. True, there is one extremely important point here: it is necessary to approach the choice of a trader as responsibly as possible. It is he who will manage the finances.


The trader must be experienced; it’s great if he has been working for at least a year. It is necessary to study the results of his work, objectively assess the level of reliability and skill of trading in the stock market.

Investing in PAMM accounts has many advantages, but risks still remain. Your task is to minimize them. This can be done as follows:

  1. invest money in different accounts;
  2. choose different strategies, not only aggressive, with which you can achieve greater income, but also the maximum risk;
  3. carefully study all data about the account, trader, evaluate statistics;
  4. do not invest funds in the accounts of inexperienced traders;
  5. gradually study the literature on investing in managed accounts, gain knowledge and experience in order to more objectively evaluate the offers of different traders.

Despite the existing difficulties, investing in PAMM accounts attracts many advantages.

Let's look at the main advantages:

  • The security system is in place. Traders cannot simply withdraw investors' funds. Money in accounts is protected. Income is distributed in proportion to investments.
  • Anyone can make money thanks to a PAMM account.
  • No special knowledge is required, and the minimum investment threshold is usually quite low. You can invest as little as one hundred dollars and make a profit.
  • The account manager himself is interested in successful work and generating income, since his capital is also in this PAMM account.
  • Investors have the right to withdraw all their money as soon as they wish.

Now you know many investment options. Choose for yourself the most successful way to invest money at high interest rates. The best solution is to use different objects and investment methods.


Knowing how to earn good money is a great art, but even more important is maintaining it and increasing it. Paper money hidden in a secret place depreciates over time and loses its purchasing power. Experienced investors know that in order to grow savings, it is necessary to create a portfolio of investments. Money should be placed in different financial institutions under different deposit programs and interest rates, and in such operations the most profitable deposit is accompanied by increased risks.

What does a profitable bank deposit mean for individuals?

A large assortment of deposit offers and promotions, differences in interest rates, parameters and terms of placement should not distract from the main task of preserving your savings. In order to choose the most profitable deposit, at the first stage it is necessary to determine the reliability of the commercial financial structure. The next step is to assess the profitability, which depends on the annual deposit rate, the capitalization period and the possibility of replenishing the deposit account. Many investors require the freedom to withdraw their funds at a time that suits them.

The purpose of the deposit

To select the right deposit program, decide on the amount you want to invest and the period within which you will need this money. These initial data make it possible to determine your goal for the deposit - to receive short-term income or to steadily accumulate funds with additional replenishment of the account. It is more profitable for bankers to deal with a client who invests funds for a clearly defined period. This provides the opportunity for a banking institution to plan its credit and financial operations for the same long periods.

How to choose the most profitable deposit

To protect citizens' money, a bank deposit insurance program is in place. If the bank loses the money invested by the borrower, compensation is made in the amount of 1,400,000 rubles per deposit. Considering this amount, it is worth making investments in several banks. Choosing the most reliable one will simplify the task of depositing a large amount. The country's population, workers and pensioners have the opportunity to compare bank services and select the most profitable deposits. A balanced deposit portfolio should contain both highly profitable and highly reliable investments.

Interest rates on deposits

After choosing a bank to determine the most profitable deposit, you should decide on the maximum interest rates and the final reward. The resulting or effective interest rate, taking into account additional deposits of cash and commissions, differs from the nominal one. Large financial institutions do not offer the highest returns, since they guarantee reliability with large amounts of ruble and foreign currency deposits. Smaller ones increase rates, introduce attractive conditions for capitalization, replenishment, and try to attract investors.

Interest capitalization

Let's assume you made your first deposit for 3 months. After the end of this period, your deposit will be credited with 0.25 of the annual interest rate for the selected deposit program. You add the amount of accrued interest to the main deposit, and leave the total amount of money for the next 3 months. This process is called capitalization of profits received. A simple calculation shows that the shorter the capitalization period, the greater the final income will be at the end of the deposit period. The capitalization period varies from 1 month to the full deposit period.

Deposit amount

Russian legislation does not limit the minimum and maximum investment amounts. For small deposits, it is worth using the amount of compensation for their insurance for calculations. The probability of bank failure in the era of the global crisis remains high. For large investment amounts, from 10 million and above, it is worth choosing reliable institutions. The deposit amount directly affects the interest rate. The higher the minimum entry threshold into the deposit program, the higher the interest rate. This applies equally to ruble and foreign currency deposits.

Deposit currency

One of the main factors for an investor is the determination of the deposit currency. The ruble is subject to inflation and exchange rate fluctuations, but it has the highest rates. The dollar and euro, more stable currencies, are attracted at a lower interest rate. It is worth noting that currency differences greatly affect additional conditions for deposits. For dollars or euros, banks impose restrictions on free replenishment and early full or partial withdrawal of funds. The manager of the institution will tell you how to take advantage of the available currency programs.

Possibility of deposit replenishment

Some favorable deposit agreements make it possible to top up your account at any time. There are programs where you can only add funds after a certain period of time. The scheme for replenishing the deposit account is a quarterly table that describes the change in the interest rate. This change looks like a staircase in 0.5-1% increments with the highest in the 1st quarter and the lowest in the last. A ban on replenishment in recent months is common.

Interest withdrawal

The deposit term specified in the deposit contract determines the time after which the depositor has the opportunity to access his deposit account and dispose of the money at his own discretion. In the case of monthly interest capitalization, their withdrawal will hinder the growth of your asset. There are rules by which your income is transferred to an additional account. Sberbank offers Savings Certificates, the most profitable of which with a face value of 100 million rubles or more bring an income of 7.2%.

Where to open a deposit at a high interest rate



"Savings account"



"Maximum online"

Credit Bank of Moscow

"All inclusive - maximum income online"


"Additional Bonus"


"My income (online)"



Alfa Bank

"Savings" on demand


"Keep ONL@yn"

Which bank is the most profitable for deposits?

A study by our experts showed that Development Bank offers a large percentage of deposits. The rate on ruble deposits of the Premium program for 12 months depends on the deposit amount. With a minimum amount of 15 million rubles, the maximum rate is 14%, and with a deposit of more than 30 million rubles for 1 year - 14.3%. Interest is accrued and capitalized at the end of the term with the possibility of replenishment. Attractive annual rates for other currencies. For amounts over 5 million dollars or euros, the rate is 7%.

The highest interest rates on deposits today

The table shows profitable deposits of Russian banks.



“Your pension” effective rate

From 31 to 744 days


Early termination rate 0.1% per annum


“Maximum income” for a period from 90 to 181 days

Crocus Bank

“Urgent-360 (% at the end of the term)”


"Golden time!" replenishment 90 days

Orient Express Bank

"VIP deposit" monthly interest

“Deposit No. 1” with capitalization

Up to 735 days

Baltinvestbank St. Petersburg

"Absolute CHAMPION +"

272-366 days

Master Capital Bank


From 30,000 rub.

Bank Zenit

"Urgent Premium"

From 5 million rub.

Profitable deposits in rubles

Considering the accessibility for most depositors, the most profitable deposit is offered by the Asia-Pacific Bank. When entering from 125 thousand rubles under the “Future” and “Investment” programs, the rate is 10.5%. The second most popular program “Katyusha” provides 8.8% per year. Unicredit on deposits offers yields in rubles - up to 9.8% per annum, in dollars - up to 3.23% and up to 1.18% - in euros. Inbank's "Maximum" deposit will bring 9.38% per year for terms from 1 to 36 months, with the possibility of replenishment, monthly capitalization, partial withdrawal and a minimum entry amount of 50,000 rubles.

To choose the most profitable investment and the right investment strategy, you should contact experienced investors. Managers of financial institutions will not be able to help you choose the most profitable deposit. Each of them is interested in attracting depositors to their bank. A competent portfolio investor will help you analyze the effectiveness of your investments. The final return and resulting interest rate differs from nominal and promotional offers. It is necessary to take into account in the calculations additional bank commissions for transferring money to accounts and converting.

It is worth considering the possibility of investing part of your available funds in different currencies, gold and other precious metals. In recent years, the largest banking institutions in the world have chosen Bitcoin as a reserve currency. Competent financial reviews of analytical sites will help you choose the optimal behavior, and teach you how to choose the right strategy and tactics for using financial resources to create passive income, show you new directions for acquiring assets and the most profitable investment.

Profitable deposits in foreign currency

We reviewed the most profitable deposit in foreign currency from Development Bank, but deposits with high interest rates are offered to large investors. The average yield in foreign currency for Russian banks varies from 1 to 2% per annum. Taking into account the factors of reliability, prevalence, and accessibility, the most profitable deposit from Alfa Bank “Pobeda+” with an annual rate of 1.97% in dollars is attractive.

Effective deposit rates for dollars are higher than for euros. The European currency, under the influence of geopolitical problems in Europe, has shown its instability in recent years. The ongoing change in the political elites of the European continent, the new US President, growing tensions between the superpowers, and the prospect of several countries leaving the European Union do not add stability and prospects to the euro for investors.

Deposits in Moscow banks at maximum interest rates

Moscow banks offer the best rates on deposits. BCS, for amounts from 500,000 to 1,000,000, for clients who have entered into DKBO in branches located in Moscow, has launched the “Super Deposit” program for the most profitable deposit with an annual yield of 9.3%. Absolut Bank with the Progressive Income deposit will increase your income by 9.15% per annum. Ziraat Bank Moscow in its “Term” deposit with an entry amount of 90,000 rubles will offer 9% per year with the possibility of replenishment, capitalization and extension of the contract for 730 days.

The Ural Interregional Bank offers to deposit from 10,000 rubles on the “Profitable” deposit at a rate of 8.8% and for a period of 91 days to 1 year. The interest rate under the “Maximum-Online” program from Dolinsk Bank is from 7.35%. At Center-Invest Bank, the project is “Fixed-term for 1 year with auto-extension” at 8.3% of 15 million rubles. “Our people” at the Trust National Bank will receive 8.85%.

BinBank's "Maximum Interest (Online)" deposit provides a rate of 8.5% for six months, but with interest paid at the end of the term. According to the “All Inclusive - Maximum Online Income” program of the Moscow Credit Bank, 7.75% is charged on cash contributions from 185 days with monthly capitalization. Credit Europe Bank offers the “Optimal +” deposit at 8.75% with monthly income payment, and the “Rantier” deposit at 8.6%.

From June 2, 2019, the Moscow Industrial Bank launched the “Spring Traditions” program with a rate of 8.38% per annum with a minimum start of 30,000 rubles for a period of 360 days. The main characteristics are payment of income and capitalization quarterly, preferential termination, replenishment by periods with a “ladder” return from 9.5 to 7%. “Tradition of Success Maximum” offered by Promsvyazbank provides an income of 8.8% per annum in rubles. The “Investment” deposit will bring 8.6% for periods of 180 days with replenishment, capitalization and preferential termination.


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Which bank has the most favorable conditions for deposits and a high percentage of the deposit?

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, what many people don't realize is that keeping your savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, people often do not restrain themselves and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only preserve your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike the stock or precious metals market, you do not need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You simply find a suitable offer and sign the contract. Moreover, in most organizations there are no restrictions on minimum contributions, and if there are any, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so you need to familiarize yourself with the text in person before signing it. To do this, ask the bank employees to provide a sample in printed or electronic form and carefully read all the points, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and include conditions that are unfavorable for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through a compulsory insurance program. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be paid compensation. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain period of time. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. Moreover, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is intended for periodic replenishment (popularly called a “piggy bank”).

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is not profitable for an organization to keep finances for itself, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers for whom the fact of reliability is enough, and potential profits are of little interest to them.

Online assistant

On the website you will find current products on the market. Reliable information is collected here, which our specialists check and update daily. By comparing services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, opening cost and commission, you can make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket on the Runet, successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or most profitable solely in the opinion of Banki.ru experts

When thinking about passive income, you need to invest capital wisely. An investor should approach this decision thoughtfully, because unsuccessful investment can lead to loss of savings. Bank deposits are one of the most reliable ways to invest savings. But here another question arises - which bank to invest money in 2018?

Our country has a two-tier banking system, where the Central Bank of Russia occupies the first level and conducts settlements between credit institutions, regulating their activities. State and private commercial banks belong to the second level, providing financial services to individuals and individuals.

The first banks, closer to modern credit institutions, arose in the 7th century. BC e. in Babylon. They provided loans at a premium of 20-30% per annum, and took houses, land, and slaves as collateral. In Russia, banks date back to the 18th century.

State-owned banks are institutions in which a controlling stake (at least 50%) belongs to the state. The top five largest state banks include:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB and VTB24;
  • Gazprombank;

As for companies owned by private individuals, the leading positions are occupied by Alfa-Bank, as well as UnicreditBank, Raiffeisenbank, etc. It should be taken into account that during 2018, changes may occur in this list due to the purchase/sale of shares.

Bank liquidity implies the ability of a financial organization to fulfill its obligations in full and on time.

Deposits and deposits

A bank deposit is the most optimal and most common low-risk investment that preserves and increases capital. Precious metals, securities and any other assets can be used as an investment. At the same time, a deposit, as a type of deposit, implies investing only cash.

Today, it is not uncommon for shell companies to appear, attracting investors with favorable deposit conditions. As a result, they collect money and close down, declaring themselves bankrupt. Therefore, it is recommended to make deposits in reliable and time-tested organizations. When concluding contracts, you need to study in detail the terms of the program, tariffs, interest, paying attention to the text printed in small font.

The bank accepts a certain amount of funds from the client for an indefinite or pre-agreed period and undertakes to return them with payment of interest in accordance with the conditions and procedures specified in the agreement. The most popular are demand deposits and deposits with a specified period. Additionally, the mode (every month/quarter, at the end of the term) and direction of interest payment, as well as the possibility of withdrawing/replenishing the account are taken into account. When transferring to a current account, the investor can immediately use the funds, and in the case of capitalization (adding % to the original amount), subsequent payments are made taking into account the increase in funds. Small income can also be obtained through debit cards, where unspent funds can be charged from 3 to 7% per annum.

Interest rates

In Russia, the interest rate on deposits in financial institutions directly depends on the refinancing rate and on the economic situation in the country. In the summer of 2017, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided to maintain the refinancing rate at 9%. Considering that the investment rate cannot exceed it by more than 1-2%, banks mainly offer the placement of funds at 7-8% per annum. In addition, according to expert forecasts, inflation in 2018 may be about 4%. As a result, the investor will actually be able to receive no more than 4% profit. For foreign currency investments the rate does not exceed 2%.

Prestigious and reputable banks offer lower interest rates than lesser-known or newly founded private financial institutions. The latter do not have government support and a large client base, so they are forced to borrow resources from the population. To do this, they set maximum interest rates on deposits, backing them up with special attractive conditions and high service levels. But such credit institutions do not guarantee 100% preservation of investments.

In the situation with state banks, investment interest rates are quite low. At the same time, most of their capital belongs to the state, so the likelihood of bankruptcy is significantly reduced. In addition, a high level of liquidity, stable income, and insurance by the Deposit Guarantee Fund increase the level of confidence of potential investors. A deposit can be opened at any branch or using an ATM/terminal, as well as online.

Cash deposits are insured by the DIA, so you need to make sure that the bank participates in the deposit insurance system. In case of bankruptcy 1.4 million rubles. taking into account% (the insurance amount guaranteed by the state today) will be returned to the investor. If you plan to invest large amounts of money, then it is advisable to divide them and make deposits in different companies.

Which bank is better to invest money at interest in 2018? According to Forbes, in 2017 the TOP 10 most reliable Russian banks included Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, as well as subsidiaries of foreign credit organizations.


This largest bank in the country holds more than 40% of all deposits in the Russian Federation. They offer clients various investment programs with different interest rates. Among the offers are deposits that can be made online using the Internet banking system and receive a higher percentage.

  • “Save” is a non-replenishable deposit for receiving a stable income, which is opened for a period of 1 to 36 months. When registering with a bank employee, the rate in rubles (min. amount - 1,000) will be 3.8-5.15%, and when registering via the Internet - 4.05-5.50% per annum. In dollars (min. amount – 100) you can get up to 1.35%.
  • “Top up” (from 3 months) provides the opportunity for investors to make additional contributions of no more than 1,000 rubles. The interest rate when registering at a branch ranges from 3.7 to 4.62%, and online – from 3.95 to 5.05%. These conditions are optimal for people who want to save and increase their funds. In dollars - up to 1.15%.
  • “Manage” – a program for a period of 3 months. provides for both account replenishment and withdrawal of up to 30,000 rubles. and $1,000 without loss. The percentage is 3-4.32% (in the branch) and 3.25-4.7% (through the Network). In foreign currency up to 0.8%.
  • “Give Life” – a deposit is opened in an amount starting from RUB 10,000. for 12 months at 5% per annum, subject to withdrawal for charity of 0.3% every 3 months.
  • “Savings” (perpetual) makes it possible to freely manage deposit funds. It has no restrictions on the minimum contribution, offers up to 2.3% in rubles. and up to 0.01% in foreign currency.
  • “Savings certificate” – has a higher yield of up to 7.10%, since it is not subject to insurance. You can deposit from 10,000 rubles into your account. for a period of 91-1095 days. Replenishment or partial withdrawal are not provided. The security can be cashed by any person, since it does not have a specific owner.

The bank also offers profitable programs for pensioners and periodically holds promotions with favorable conditions.


The second largest Russian bank in terms of assets and the first based on the size of its authorized capital. At the beginning of 2018, the merger of the VTB24 subsidiary was completed. This integration will improve the efficiency of interaction between business lines. Current bank clients do not need to renew existing contracts, and for future depositors VTB offers the following programs:

  • “Loud benefit” – from RUB 30,000. for a period of 120 days up to 10% per annum.
  • “Maximum income” - from 1,000 rubles. for 91-1095 days to 7.14%.
  • “Maximum growth” with the possibility of replenishment and one-time withdrawal in the amount of 1,000 rubles. up to 6.69%.
  • “Maximum comfort” in the amount of 1,000 rubles. and % rate up to 4.32% with the possibility of replenishment/withdrawal.
  • “Savings account” – open-ended for any amount up to 6% per annum.


The organization was initially created to finance infrastructure projects in the oil and gas industry. Today it offers a variety of savings, savings, spending, and pension deposits with various conditions.

Among the most profitable:

  • “Holiday” - issued for an amount of 100 thousand rubles. with payment of 7.25% at the end of the term, which is up to 121 days without the right of early withdrawal and replenishment. The offer is valid until 01/31/18.
  • “Doors are open” - from 300 thousand rubles. at 7.3% for up to 91 days.
  • “Investment income” - 25 thousand rubles/500 dollars, euros at 8.7%, 2% and 0.4%, respectively. The maximum deposit period is 367 days.
  • “Savings and protection” in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. and above for 367 days at 8.8% per annum.

Founded to stimulate and develop agriculture. Among the most interesting programs with increased rates, the “Premium” and “Ultra” packages stand out. For example, by making a “Golden Premium” deposit in the amount of RUR 1,500,000/USD 50,000 at the end of the term, which ranges from 91 to 1460 days, you can get 7.35%. At the same time, the “Profitable” program, which is issued for a minimum of 3,000 rubles. provides up to 7.2% per annum. An interesting deposit is “Investment”, concluded for 50 thousand rubles. and above for a period of 180-365 days up to 8.45% per annum. But this program is available subject to the purchase of a share from investment funds managed by RSHB Asset Management LLC.

Russian commercial banks

Alfa Bank is the largest private credit and financial institution in the Russian Federation, offering a wide range of deposits. Among the most profitable is “Victory+” with a maximum income of up to 7.34% per year. An interesting offer is “Savings Bank”, which provides the opportunity to receive up to 7% on the balance. The account can be replenished automatically on payday within the selected amount, or a certain percentage can be deducted from purchases made using a payment card.

A representative of the European banking group, UniCreditBank, has been successfully operating in Russia for almost 30 years. A wide range of services allows you to choose a deposit for every taste with convenient deposit parameters and relatively high interest rates, varying up to 8.35% in rubles, up to 2.66% in dollars and 0.2% in euros. All deposit programs provide for both capitalization of the amount and payment of interest on a monthly basis.

Raiffeisenbank is a subsidiary of a large Austrian banking holding company, which has been successfully operating on Russian territory since 1996. It has profitable investment programs, such as “Welcome”, which is issued for 50 thousand rubles. and more for 181 days. up to 6% per year or “Profitable Season” with conditions ‒ 100 thousand rubles. for 366 days up to 6% per year.

Other most profitable investments with high interest rates in 2018 are offered by Renaissance Credit (up to 8.25%), Promsvyazbank (up to 8.55%), and National Bank Trust (up to 8%). More detailed investment conditions can be found on the official website of any bank.