Casco for a month. Characteristics of comprehensive insurance for a month. Is it possible to sign comprehensive insurance for 1 month?

Any car owner can apply for CASCO insurance for a month at his own request. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, compulsory auto insurance is compulsory motor liability insurance. CASCO, on the other hand, refers to voluntary insurance, which is why it is purchased when the risks of being damaged in an accident and under other circumstances are too high. This policy allows you to protect the policyholder’s vehicle from various situations that arise on the roads. Due to the large list of insurance risks included in full insurance, the cost of CASCO compared to compulsory motor liability insurance is quite high.

Some clients do not want to buy annual insurance, so they tend to take out policies for a shorter period, for example, one month. Let's look in more detail at what this point may be connected with, and what conditions the insurance company imposes when applying for a CASCO policy.

Conditions for registration of CASCO

Today there are many insurers who offer to insure a car voluntarily under a CASCO policy.

When registering, the car is insured against such risks as:

  • hijacking;
  • death;
  • losses caused by an accident;
  • other insurance events provided for by the contract.

The price of the policy increases every year. Changes occur depending on the global economic situation in the country and a number of other reasons. But even many years ago CASCO was not cheap. For some cars, a voluntary insurance policy can cost the car owner 100 thousand rubles or more.

For this reason, vehicle owners try to reduce the cost of purchasing this service as much as possible. For regular customers, the insurance company has special bonus programs that allow you to save a little on the purchase of CASCO insurance.

However, in addition to this, you can reduce the price of car insurance if you take it out for a shorter period.

Insurance companies provide for policyholders to issue a policy for a period of 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Such proposals from insurers are explained by their desire to attract as many clients as possible who are ready to insure their cars under CASCO. After all, many vehicle owners refuse such insurance only because its price is too high.

Registration of CASCO insurance for one month does not change the terms of concluding a standard contract. However, damages in this case will be minimal.

Insurance companies provide insurance services in accordance with established rules. The policyholder is obliged to familiarize himself with them in advance and also take into account any possible shortcomings.

When is it necessary to issue a CASCO policy for a month?

CASCO insurance for a month is necessary for the car owner in cases where he:

  1. plans to sell the car in the near future;
  2. wants to move it to another region;
  3. rarely drives the vehicle, for example, only in a certain season.

It is quite possible to cancel an insurance policy purchased for a year and get your money back. However, you will have to spend a lot of time on this. For this reason, car owners apply for CASCO insurance for 1 month, retaining the opportunity to extend its validity at any time.

Which insurance companies provide monthly CASCO insurance services?

​Purchasing CASCO car insurance does not cause problems today. It can be issued for a period of up to 12 months. However, insuring a vehicle for just one month can be problematic, even though its price is always approximately 30% of the cost of annual insurance.

Now you can purchase CASCO for a month from insurers such as Tinkoff, Renaissance, Intach. But the conditions for providing auto insurance services for such a short period have striking differences and depend on the type and class of the car, the subject of auto insurance, and the region of use of the vehicle. In addition, all compensation payments under previously issued CASCO policies, if any, are taken into account.

How to independently calculate the cost of CASCO for a month?

With a CASCO policy, everything is much more difficult, since the voluntary car insurance policy is not regulated by law. The state only monitors the quality of fulfillment of insurers' obligations, but cannot have any influence on prices.

There is no special formula for calculating the CASCO price in nature. But many insurance companies use this method of calculation in their work:

CASCO = Cost of the car / specific coefficients used by the insurer.

This formula is quite simple to use, which allows the car owner, if desired, to calculate the price of CASCO insurance by substituting the necessary coefficients into the formula.

This formula for calculating the cost of CASCO is not used in all insurance companies. However, in many cases, the price calculated by the formula often coincides with the cost billed by the insurer.

The policyholder can clarify the amount of the insurance premium by:

  • specifying data in the online calculator on the official website of the insurer;
  • personal appeal to the IC office;
  • self-calculation using other online calculators that are freely available on the Internet.

The most accurate calculations will be those of the insurance company, so ideally, to clarify the cost, it is better for the car owner to contact a company specialist.

What is the difference between monthly and annual CASCO?

CASCO car insurance for one month and for one year have significant differences. The main ones are:

  1. cost of the policy;
  2. the number of risks that are covered by the insurance premium;
  3. list of insurance events;
  4. other restrictions.

The main difference between monthly and annual car insurance is the price. Despite the fact that its cost is much lower, if you multiply the price by a year, you can see a significant overpayment. It is for this reason that it is worth taking out CASCO insurance for a month only in exceptional situations and after carefully choosing an insurer. After all, not all insurance companies are willing to accommodate clients who want to insure a car for a short period of time.

  1. What payments are made for car insurance?

    The insurer, within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the set of documents, draws up an insured event report, on the basis of which it makes an insurance payment under CASCO to the victim, or sends a written notice of a complete or partial refusal to pay, indicating the reasons for the refusal. For each day of delay in considering an application for payment, a penalty (penalty) is introduced in the amount of 1/75 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation refinancing rate of the insured amount by type of damage. Insurance payment is made within 3 working days from the date of the decision to make insurance payment.

  2. How much can you insure a car for? What risks?

    You can find out the approximate cost of a CASCO policy by using our online calculator. The price will depend on the set of risks: theft, total loss and damage.

  3. Is it possible to pay for CASCO insurance in installments?

    Can. With some exceptions, most CASCO insurance products can be purchased in installments, provided that the insurance contract is concluded for a period of at least a year and the insurance premium is at least 25 thousand rubles. Specific conditions for providing installment plans are determined depending on the terms of the contract and the region.

  4. What exclusions from insurance coverage are usually provided for under CASCO?

    Typically, CASCO insurance does not cover:

    • Damage to the wheels of the vehicle, if there is no damage to other elements of the vehicle. An exception is damage to wheels as a result of illegal actions of third parties;
    • breakdown, failure, failure of parts, components and assemblies of the vehicle as a result of its operation, as well as due to violation of the requirements for the operation of the vehicle. For example, you should not drive into deep puddles. Water hammer in the engine is not an insured event;
    • damage incurred while driving a vehicle that is known to be faulty. If your tire bursts due to unacceptable tire wear and an accident occurs, the insurer will refuse compensation for the damage;
    • damage incurred when driving a vehicle by a person who does not have the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category, including those deprived of the right to drive;
    • damage caused when a driver was driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
    • damage to the vehicle if the driver fled the scene of an accident or refused to undergo a test for intoxication;
    • theft and theft of a vehicle, if the keys or documents from the vehicle were left in the vehicle or in a place accessible to third parties (if this risk is not separately insured).
    • The remaining exceptions that are provided for by the Ingosstrakh Vehicle Insurance Rules (Articles 21 and 21.1 of the Rules) and the exact wording can be found at the link. The insurance contract (policy) may provide for additional exclusions from insurance coverage.
  5. Is it possible to insure a car at the minimum package to obtain a loan from a bank?

    It all depends on the bank’s requirements for insuring the collateral. At Ingosstrakh, you can conclude an agreement on terms that provide for insurance only for theft and total loss of a vehicle (product “Pragmatist”). A number of banks provide loans secured by a policy for such a product.

  6. Is it possible to buy CASCO insurance if I have not yet registered the car?

    Yes, you can. In Ingosstrakh, insurance is valid regardless of the registration of the car with the traffic police.

  7. I have a right-hand drive car - can I get CASCO insurance?

    Depends on the make/model of the car, its age and other factors. Find out about the possibility of concluding an agreement with an Ingosstrakh representative in your region.

  8. The car is registered to my wife - can I insure it?

    You can conclude (sign) an agreement on behalf of your spouse (i.e. the spouse will be the policyholder), acting as her representative on the basis of an appropriate power of attorney with the right to insure the car.

  9. How many drivers can be included in the CASCO policy?

    You can enter any number of drivers. If there is insufficient space in the policy, an annex to the policy with a list of drivers is drawn up.

  10. I drove for a year without an accident - why did the cost of the CASCO policy increase?

    In addition to your insurance history, there are many other factors that influence your insurance premium. For example, the cost of the policy may increase compared to the previous year due to the fact that cars of a make and model like yours have become popular with car thieves. Or dealers have raised repair prices.

  11. Can I choose a repair station myself?

    You can choose a station from among those with which the insurer has an agreement. Ingosstrakh has a very wide range of such stations: almost all official dealers, as well as stations that are not official dealers, but perform equally high-quality repairs.

  12. Can I add the driver to the CASCO policy after concluding the contract?

    The list of drivers admitted to the management may be changed after the conclusion of the insurance contract. It may be necessary to recalculate the insurance premium depending on age, length of service, gender, marital status, and the presence of children of drivers from the new list. At the same time, the list of drivers is an essential condition of the insurance contract, which can only be changed by agreement of the parties. Those. the insurer has the right to refuse to make changes to the list of drivers.

  13. After repair, do I need to provide the car for inspection?

    Yes, you need to submit the vehicle for inspection to the insurer after repairing the damage that was recorded at the time of insurance, or for which insurance compensation was received in cash according to the calculation, or for which compensation was refused by the insurer. Otherwise, claims for parts whose damage was recorded at the time of insurance or during the settlement of previous insured events will not be accepted for further consideration, and insurance payment for such claims will not be made.

Bonus-malus system

This is a reward/punishment system for drivers. Bonus is a discount that you receive when renewing your policy if you have not had any major accidents. Malus - an increase in the cost of the policy when renewing insurance if you were the culprit of a major accident.

The estimated cost of damage to your vehicle that occurred as a result of a covered event.

Place system and lump sum system

This is an accident insurance system for the driver and passengers in the car at the time of the insured event. Thus, with a seat system, the insurance amount for each seat in the car is set separately, so payments are made to the driver and each passenger. For example, if 2 places were insured with an insured amount of 300 thousand rubles. for each place and at the time of the accident there were 2 people in the car, then each victim, depending on the severity of the injury, will be paid up to 300 thousand rubles. With a lump-sum system, the insurance amount is established for the car as a whole, so everyone in the car at the time of the accident is considered insured for a share of the total insured amount. For example, if at the time of an insured event there are 3 people in the insured vehicle, then each of them is considered insured in the amount of 30% of the total insured amount; if there are 2 people, then in the amount of 35%, if 1 person, then in the amount of 40% of the total insured amount.

Insurance claim form

There are several forms of compensation that the client chooses when purchasing a CASCO policy: cash payment to compensate for losses from damage or loss (destruction) of your car; repair of a damaged vehicle at service stations directed by the insurance company.

Compensation system

There are 2 compensation systems: “New for old” - insurance payments are made without taking into account the wear and tear of components and parts that need to be replaced (except in cases of theft, theft and “total loss” of the car). And when repairing at a service station, even a used car is equipped with new parts. “Old for old” - insurance payments are made taking into account the wear and tear of the car.


These are losses unpaid by the insurance company in the amounts specified in the contract. The contract may include a deductible for each incident or a deductible for the second insured event.
Please note that in case of an insured event, in order to receive a referral for repairs, you must pay a deductible bill.

Compensation for the difference between the original cost of the car and the amount of compensation under CASCO in the event of its theft or total loss.

Paint and varnish coating (LPC) of car body parts

Loss of marketable value (LCV) is a potential decrease in the value of a car associated with its repair after an insured event.


Vehicle control monitoring system. The system is installed on a car when concluding a CASCO agreement with the “Telematics” option and records data during the validity of the agreement on driving style (speed, severity of acceleration/braking, etc.) and the nature of the vehicle’s use. When concluding the next CASCO agreement with the “Telematics” option, an adjustment factor (discount/surcharge) may be applied depending on the driving style and the nature of the use of the car.

One of the options for protecting your car is CASCO for a month. This service is relevant in some cases when it is necessary to provide financial guarantees in case of theft, damage in an accident, or other risks stipulated by the contract. This service is offered by companies to attract more clients and to satisfy the needs of a certain category of citizens. More on the features below.

Insurance companies offer CASCO insurance for the following periods - one year, nine months, six months, three months and one month. Some companies offer other options, for example, registration for several days. The problem of a long search for an insurance company that issues a CASCO policy for one month does not exist. There are quite a lot of them.

Despite the significant increase in the price of a CASCO policy, when issued for less than one year, this service is in demand. Not all insurance companies are willing to “exchange” and divide the time of using the insurance policy into parts. Therefore, if such a need arises, you will have to go to the website or call the company’s office.

In what cases is it necessary

The following types of vehicles can be insured:

  • motorcycles
  • cars
  • trucks
  • tractors
  • buses
  • trailers

There may be circumstances in which policyholders have to resort to registration for a shorter period:

  1. The owner’s intention to sell his car, but unwillingness to expose himself to material risk if damaged or stolen during the remaining time.
  2. Purchasing a vehicle in one region and moving it to another for final registration. When moving a car, the risk of getting into an accident increases, so it makes sense to pay for this short period.
  3. Purchasing a machine that will be used only during seasonal work. This, for example, is possible when using a vehicle to deliver construction materials. During winter, construction work stops in some areas.

The use of tractors in rural areas is seasonal. Trailers can only be used for fishing.

  1. The loan repayment period to the bank is ending. The policyholder in the future wishes to purchase a policy with other conditions to which the bank does not currently agree.

Despite the increase in the cost of a vehicle by 30% of insurance for a year, purchasing a CASCO policy for one month may be a more profitable option. In this case, you will not have to pay for car insurance for the time when it is not used.

How is it different from a one-year policy?

The main difference between a CASCO policy issued for a month and a policy for a year is the increase in cost. The list of insured events for which the insurance company undertakes to pay compensation remains the same or changes depending on the conditions of the company. For example, the policyholder may be deprived of the right to apply a deductible. Most likely, the cost of the policy for one month cannot be paid in installments. Some insurance companies do not include car theft or theft in their list of insured events.

This is an economically unfeasible risk for them. Before purchasing a policy, the policyholder must explain the circumstances due to which he is asking for an individual plan agreement. The process of obtaining a policy for a shorter period than a year also occurs when you personally visit the company’s office or when ordering a policy online. The company can provide a home delivery service.

What insurance companies offer

To purchase an insurance contract for a short period of time, you do not need to search for a specific company. It is sold by all insurance companies that have a license to provide CASCO services.

The advantage of choosing the monthly option is its relevance in case of:

  • upcoming car sale
  • need to move to another region
  • for seasonal use

This option will cost about a third of the cost of a regular annual policy. By analogy with the usual option, the amount will be affected by the type of vehicle, region of use and insurance, and the driver’s participation in an accident. Many clients offer a choice among companies such as Intach, Tinkoff Insurance or Renaissance, which (in their opinion) offer the most favorable conditions.

Tariffs and conditions

There are no special features under the terms of the monthly car insurance contract compared to the regular option. The difference is in the payment, which will be at a minimum level, but this depends on the policy of the insurance company. Despite the low cost (compared to the full option), when choosing it, the car owner overpays several times over, which is economically feasible only in case of emergency. To reduce the price, you can use installments or a franchise, but not many companies do this.

The terms of the agreement require the following:

  • list of insured events for which insurance coverage is provided
  • start and end dates of the contract
  • insurance amounts

To register you need:

  • contact the insurer or its representative
  • to write an application
  • provide documents of the owner of the car and the car
  • remit payment

Example and calculation

You can calculate the estimated cost of insurance using a standard formula, where the determining factor is the insurance period. Also, at the time of entering the initial data, you need to have documents near you from which you will need to transfer information for subsequent calculations.

It should be said that the law does not regulate the issue of the cost of CASCO, but the following formula is accepted as standard: Tbu×Ki×Kv×Kf×Kr×(Tx×Ti)×Kp×Kr, where data on basic damage, wear and tear of the car, driver’s age, franchise, installment plan, tariff for the risk of theft, coefficient for the anti-theft system.

To obtain a more accurate cost, you must use the assistance of insurance company personnel or an intermediary. They will take into account the specific situation and select the optimal odds if there are no restrictions.

What affects the cost

Based on the coefficients used in calculating the cost of insurance, it follows that the amount may vary depending on the value of the selected coefficient in relation to a particular client, the duration of customer service from the insurer, promotional offers, and the minimum list of risks. As an example, let’s look at insuring a BMW X5 car, which a driver with 5 years of driving experience wants to insure using the example of previously recommended companies.

These companies have approximately the same compensation, but the price of the policy varies. It will be cheaper to get service from Tinkoff Insurance. Despite the fact that the law does not regulate tariffs, as is the case with compulsory motor liability insurance, the companies themselves try to maintain a certain level without exceeding a certain limit.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a car insurance option for a month, you need to take into account the following:

  • the policy has no guarantees
  • the cost will be higher than standard rates
  • The company does not always fulfill its obligations under the contract
  • compensation may not be complete, since the insurance company takes into account the risk it takes

What is the price

The price is directly dependent on the period for which it is issued. Thus, issuing for three months will reduce the cost of the policy by 40-50% in relation to the policy for a year, when issuing for one month - by 20-30%. Prices tend to rise every year. The reasons are the rise in price of cars and the increase in the cost of spare parts for its repair.

Because of this, the base tariff increases. Increasing coefficients may also increase, for example, due to an increase in the “theftability” value of a certain car brand. Accordingly, the cost of a policy issued for one month will increase, since it depends on the annual cost. The price for one month when issued for this period will be significantly higher than for each of the twelve months with an annual policy.

You must be prepared for the fact that most insurance companies do not provide additional benefits for short-term insurance: installment payments, deductibles, personal discounts. When signing a contract, an individual plan is drawn up. To protect itself, the insurance company will most likely ask you to justify the reasons for this decision of the policyholder. Depending on the season, different coefficients may be used, which is also discussed with the purchaser of the policy. The law does not control the terms of the contract for a CASCO policy, so they depend on mutual agreement.

Online calculator

You can calculate the cost for any period, including one month, by going to the website of the selected insurance company. Before you start making calculations, you need to find out what restrictions a particular insurance company imposes on a policy when it is issued for a monthly period. When entering data into an online calculator, you must be careful and accurate. You should enter only those coefficients that are applicable to this type of insurance.

For example, issuing a policy for a period of one month does not imply the availability of an installment payment service. You can calculate the cost for different periods and make a comparative analysis. After the calculation, you can make a final decision on the advisability of purchasing for a period of one month.

How to buy

You can purchase insurance in person by visiting one of the offices of the selected company, its intermediary (insurance broker). Not all insurance companies sell the online service if the car has mileage. The reason is the lack of opportunity to assess her condition. For those applying to the company for the first time through the official website, in order to obtain a policy it is necessary to go through the mandatory registration procedure.

Rarely do resources offer one-click purchases, since the service involves entering information about a specific person. After filling out standard windows with information about yourself, specifying your email address and phone number, it is activated and your Personal Account opens. Access to services that are closed to other users may also be made available.

Having logged in with your password, you must select CASCO and continue registration, not forgetting to indicate a limited period of time corresponding to a period of 30 days. After completing the application, payment and activation of the contract are carried out. You can pick it up in person at the company’s office or by receiving an electronic version to the specified email address. After printing it, there is no need to doubt its legal validity - it is equivalent to the original. If desired, the document can be certified at any office of the company.


The list of requirements consists of the following documents:

  • application (you can use a sample from the Internet or fill it out at the company on their letterhead and with the help of a company specialist);
  • passport or other identification document;
  • certificate of registration of a legal entity in the case of such an application or a power of attorney for its representative;
  • car passport, registration certificate, customs documents, paper confirming ownership, certificate-invoice;
  • documents for other drivers, if they are allowed to drive;
  • documents for anti-theft systems.

The car itself, which is planned to be protected by contract, is also necessary.

Refund procedure

To receive compensation, it is important to complete the procedure for submitting all documents, as well as write a request for payment in a timely manner (no later than 7 days after the event). At the very beginning, you need to remember that a car that has been involved in an accident cannot change its position. To receive payment, it is important not to negotiate with the participants of the event, but to act according to the established regulations, calling and waiting for the traffic police officers. You definitely need to call your insurer.

Important! The car cannot be transported by other means of transport, as payment may be refused. Towing is permitted, but in accordance with established rules.

To submit documents, you should ensure that they comply with the company’s requirements, which should be determined in advance by consulting with a specialist and reviewing the contract. These include:

  • the contract itself
  • payment receipt
  • driver's license
  • inspection certificate
  • car registration certificate

It is also necessary to have documents from the State Traffic Inspectorate: a certificate of accident. It must indicate the date of the event, location, and characteristics of the damage. It is required to provide a protocol on the offense, a decision to initiate a criminal case and a decision to refuse, if such an event occurred. After contacting the appropriate department of the insurance company, you will be given a referral to an independent expert to inspect the car. Its conclusion is the basis for determining the amount of payment and issuing it. Since there are companies on the insurance market that accept documents remotely, you should call, find out your questions, and follow the instructions provided.

Important! After submitting the application, you need to find out its number in the list of accepted documentation and find out the period for consideration of the case. As a rule, well-known companies make payments after submitting all papers and considering the application within 2 weeks after the application. Some may deliberately stall for time, as a result of which a person may not be transferred or transferred within a period exceeding two weeks.

How to terminate a contract

You can terminate the contract even if it is valid for 1 month. This can be done for the following reasons:

  • compliance with legal requirements
  • filing an application by one of the parties that signed it (Article 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
  • by mutual agreement of the parties

The contract may be canceled in the event of a payment made due to an event - the repayment of obligations by the insurer. The insurance company itself can apply for termination if the client did not promptly report the following facts:

  • losses of STS, PTS
  • other changes specified in the contract

If such circumstances are not listed, then termination may not occur.

The refusal procedure itself is as follows:

  • contact the company office and write a statement
  • provide documents confirming the need for termination or others that may be requested by a company representative in accordance with the situation
  • wait for the application to be reviewed and a decision made on it


Car owners will appreciate the positive aspects:

  • operating a car during a certain period of the year
  • in case of planning to sell a car, if the current annual policy expires and there is no need to issue a new one for the year. In this case, the new owner will buy the new option if he deems it necessary
  • when transiting a car, especially in summer
  • in case of financial difficulties

At the same time, payment is provided for in this version of the policy, the company itself does not lose anything by paying for it, and the car owner gains confidence in protection.


Regarding insured events that occurred with clients who signed up for a contract for a short period of time, insurers are especially attentive. The reason is the risk of fictitiousness of the case, the deliberate interest of the client. The check may be more thorough, and the payment may be underestimated. In addition, the noticeably high cost of the policy and the short period of time are a significant disadvantage of its choice.

Important! Some car owners want to check how the insurance company works and buy a short-term protection service. It is irrational to do this, since the risk of an event occurring that will demonstrate the quality of staff work is low.

To protect themselves from high costs when operating a car, owners buy insurance. But there are cases when it makes no sense to arrange it for a long period of time. Therefore, many companies offer CASCO insurance for a month. Let's look at how this works further.

CASCO insurance covers motorcycles, passenger vehicles, trucks, buses, trailers and tractor equipment. But you don’t always have to use vehicles for a whole year.

Owners can sign up for the service for a short period of time under the following circumstances:

  1. If the owner is going to sell his car, but is afraid of financial risk from theft or an accident before the transaction is completed.
  2. A car is purchased in one region and then transported to another. The goal is to protect yourself from risks that arise along the route.
  3. Use of a vehicle before seasonal transportation. For example, transportation of building materials, which is almost never carried out in winter.
  4. In cases where the policy is issued when concluding a loan, the policyholder wishes to choose another company, but does not receive the bank’s consent.

Short-term insurance is 30% more expensive than an annual policy. Concluding such an agreement is beneficial when the car will be used for a certain period of time. A wide range of conditions are provided for the comprehensive insurance service for a month with RESO-Guarantee.

Is it possible to get CASCO insurance for a month?

Attention! The insurance policy can be obtained for a year and for shorter periods: one or three months, six months or three quarters. Some companies enter into an insurance contract for several days.

Such operations are not prohibited at the legislative level. Therefore, companies offer vehicle owners different service periods. But the shorter the agreement period, the more expensive the policy. If the car is damaged, the payments will also not be as large as with insurance for a year.

Features of registration for a minimum period

Taking out a policy for a short period may be caused by various circumstances. If the owner of the vehicle nevertheless decides to buy CASCO for a month, he should study all the positive and negative aspects of this type of insurance.

The advantages of insurance include:

  • possibility of confinement for short periods, which is convenient when using seasonal transport;
  • the car is insured for the entire period of its operation;
  • when concluding a contract, you can discuss the types of risks for which compensation will be received;
  • if involved in a traffic accident or in cases of theft, the owner will reimburse his expenses;
  • registration is available for new and used cars.

In addition to the positive aspects, insurance for a minimum period also has disadvantages:

  • the amount of contributions increases to 30% of the cost of the annual policy;
  • the amount of damage is reduced in comparison with full comprehensive insurance;
  • sometimes payments are not provided in cases where the insured becomes the culprit of the accident or there are no other participants in the accident;
  • The concept of an insured event does not include risks associated with fire, explosion, combustion, natural disasters or man-made disasters.

Risks covered by the policy

Each company independently determines the range of insured events for which compensation will be provided. If the owner has chosen CASCO for a month, then in order to buy it, you should carefully read all the terms of the agreement.

Most often, Ingosstrakh provides payment of funds for the following risks:

Which companies offer short-term insurance?

Having chosen a short policy validity period for himself, the owner only has to decide which organization he will contact to conclude the contract.

It is important to know! For any company, this type of insurance remains profitable, so there are only a few who do not provide such services. Let’s figure out where it’s more practical to get comprehensive insurance for a month, and which companies provide insurance.

According to reviews from policyholders, the most acceptable conditions are provided by three well-known companies: Renaissance, Intach and Tinkoff. To issue a policy in these organizations, you will need the vehicle owner’s passport and a vehicle registration certificate.

A condition map may also be useful. The insured events of Tinkoff and Renaissance include theft of a car and its involvement in a traffic accident, while Intach covers an accident and compensation for damage without restoration work.

Companies also provide for some restrictions when concluding contracts. Renaissance does not provide installment plans when purchasing services. Tinkoff makes a one-time payment for an insured event, regardless of its validity period. "Intouch" does not imply the use of a franchise. The presence of the latter will significantly reduce the cost of the policy. In some cases, a CASCO policy may be issued for a week.

Cost of comprehensive insurance policy for a month

When purchasing a CASCO policy for a month, its price will be significantly less than its annual cost. But the overpayment under this document increases by almost 30%.

For calculations, information about the type, environmental class to which the car belongs, the region and area of ​​operation of the car, as well as information about whether there are facts of insured events occurring under the previous policy are often used.

The above companies offer comprehensive insurance for a month at the following cost:

  1. Tinkoff. Insurance – RUB 29,754.
  2. Intach – 34,319 rubles.
  3. Renaissance – RUB 34,892.

The cost may vary in different periods and depend on many factors. Companies use a complex formula for calculations, but most of them provide the opportunity to independently calculate the costs of the policy. The insurance organization "Reso" offers to calculate CASCO insurance for a month using an online calculator.

Difference from insurance for a year

Taking out a short-term or standard policy is the decision of every car owner. Unlike an annual contract, the cost of the service is significantly lower, but when recalculating costs for 12 months, the owner pays 30% more. In addition, mini CASCO has fewer types of insurance risks.

The period for obtaining an insurance policy is calculated based on the needs of the car owner. For rare use of transport, it is better to use short-term contracts. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to do CASCO insurance for a month, each owner answers himself.

Briefly answering the question about the differences between CASCO insurance for different periods of time, it must be said that the main difference is the amount required to pay the insurance premium. However, there are additional nuances.

The validity period of an insurance contract is only one of its conditions. If an insurance product offered by a specific insurer establishes the possibility of selling policies with different durations of validity while maintaining all other conditions, then the difference is really only in price.

However, insurers often change other terms of the contract. They may, for example, refuse insurance with a deductible if the insurance period is short. Other changes to contractual terms may be introduced when purchasing policies with a short period of validity.

These changes can significantly affect both the amount of the insurance premium and the issues of coverage of damage in the event of an insured event. The insurance contract proposed for signing should always be carefully studied.

You need to understand that upon closer examination of the terms of voluntary insurance contracts for transport for 12, 6, 3 and 1 months, it turns out that they all offer approximately the same conditions of protection against financial risks.

The only really serious differences between one and the other are the insurance period and the cost of ownership over a long period of time. That is, insurance for 3 months, 6 or 1 has almost the same conditions.

Another problem when applying for CASCO insurance for six months or less is the lack of flexible conditions. Thus, in the short-term CASCO insurance market, there are no discounts, no installment payments, it is rare to find the opportunity to issue a deductible for an insurance contract, and it is impossible to receive any benefits.

In general, vehicle insurance on a voluntary basis for a short period is the prerogative of exceptional situations. For the vast majority of car owners, they do not represent significant value and will only increase the cost of insuring risks associated with the operation of the car.

If we compare a standard insurance contract concluded for a year with insurance for a shorter period, it becomes clear that the insurance conditions are generally similar. If we talk about the main difference, it lies directly in the validity period of the insurance contract.

Among the differences, you should pay attention to the price of the policy. The cost of a short-term CASCO insurance contract is calculated by insurance company specialists based on available tariffs.

When comparing prices, you should pay attention to the fact that no matter how much six-month CASCO insurance costs, it will be 30-40% cheaper than a standard annual insurance contract. That is, the benefit here is obvious. But if you take out insurance for a period of one month, it will cost much more.

Among the differences from standard annual insurance, it should be noted that most often with short-term insurance it is not possible to count on discounts, installments, benefits and deductibles.

To finally understand the financial profitability or disadvantage of purchasing car insurance for 30 days, you should make a comparison with other programs.

If you compare a standard CASCO policy for 12 months and seasonal monthly insurance, you will immediately see significant differences between them.

Let us note the most significant of them:

  • insurance price;
  • the number and types of insured events that can be compensated by the insurer;
  • restrictions and preferential offers.

The difference in the cost of CASCO in these different programs is 70%, but the difference in their validity is as much as 11 months. That is why specialists and experienced insurers strongly advise against purchasing seasonal insurance policies.

Benefits are possible only in the cases that we discussed in previous paragraphs.

CASCO insurance for a month has significantly more restrictions for policyholders than the standard program, namely, a limited number of insured events, there is no right to apply a deductible or buy a policy in installments.

For example, many insurance companies exclude theft from the list of insurance cases. This is explained by the fact that it will be unprofitable for insurers to provide policies under the same conditions as for a long term.

In this case, the amount of compensation is much smaller and is paid once during the entire policy period.

However, be aware that some insurance agencies may refuse coverage for a short period.

Therefore, first read their terms and conditions on the official website, contact the manager, and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each insurer.

What these policies have in common is that they can be issued in two ways - during a personal visit to the insurer’s office or on the company’s official website through your personal account.

Before you take out an insurance policy for a specific period rather than the standard 12 months, you should weigh the advantages and disadvantages for your case.

Such car insurance will be beneficial for those who plan to sell their vehicle in the near future or drive it to another region, or use it only in a certain season.

If your case is not among those listed, then it is still more profitable to use the annual CASCO insurance. Otherwise, monthly insurance will cost 30% of the cost of the annual CASCO policy.

Finding an insurer for one month will not be a problem, because insurance companies willingly offer such programs to popularize their services, as well as for financial benefits.

Many car owners believe that the only difference between insurance terms is the price. But this is a mistaken opinion.

Short-term policies differ significantly from annual insurance not only in cost, but also in many other characteristics:

  1. In most cases, short-term programs are not extended by the insurer. This means that when applying for CASCO insurance for a month, the car owner, if he did not have time to implement his plans, will have to buy new insurance after 30 days. Considering that monthly insurance costs approximately 20% of the annual amount, the expense for the buyer can be quite significant.
  2. CASCO insurance for only a month or a week does not provide a discount for driving without accidents.
  3. A policy for several days, a month or 2 months may not include compensation for damage from theft.
  4. Short-term programs, as a rule, do not include the possibility of using a franchise.

Conditions of registration

It is irrational to purchase CASCO insurance for a short period if the car will be used regularly. But there are situations when a short-term policy is justified:

  • The car is being prepared for sale, and there is no point in overpaying.
  • There was a need to transport a vehicle over a long distance, to another region.
  • It is planned to use the car only for a certain time during the year for various reasons (For example, only during the summer season)

This differential approach helps to save material resources and at the same time minimizes risks for the period of validity of car insurance.

The company sells auto insurance policies regardless of the duration of the document. Qualified managers will explain all the intricacies of the procedure and advise on organizational and technical problems.

As practice shows, insurance can be issued for one day and for some it is very profitable. And this is explained by the fact that let’s say there is a certain cargo that needs to be transferred from one point to another and the time required is within a day, and in such cases the interested company approaches this type.

But it is worth considering the fact that insurance for a minimum period is not very profitable:

  1. She's very expensive and this indicates that not everyone will be able to afford to use this type of insurance.
  2. This type of insurance may not be worth it, since it is not guaranteed.
  3. The insurance company may not fulfill all the conditions, because there is not enough time to study the whole situation.
  4. In the event of an insured event, the amount may not be paid in full, since the object is insured for only one day or a little more.
  5. This is a big risk for an insurance company., since some perform various frauds in order to obtain additional profit.

Casco is a voluntary type of insurance that is used to insure a car against theft, damage and other damage to its integrity.

There are many nuances during registration that insurance companies put forward. The main goal of insurance companies is to protect their funds and increase them. If the situations are very complicated, then the insurance company may refuse, since this directly indicates that they will have to pay out funds for the occurrence of an insured event in any case.

But despite all this, since insurance companies have very high competition, they have learned to approach this situation a little more strictly, or rather, towards policyholders. In turn, each of them has drawn up a number of its own requirements, which must be met by people who want to protect their money.

This option should be approached only in very necessary cases, since in other situations it is better to use the most effective type of insurance to ensure maximum results.

There must be very good reasons for taking out a policy for a short period of time, because people who understand the purchase of a policy know that in a short period of time they will need to spend the maximum amount of money, and this is not a very suitable option.

Reasons for taking out a short-term policy may be:

  1. Financial position. This reason can be twofold. On the one hand, a person has money, but he cannot decide on the choice of an insurance company, and insurance is required. In this case, incentive motives come into force, i.e. a person insures his car for a month or for another period. The second situation is when the policyholder does not have the opportunity to buy a long-term policy, but it is so necessary. All that remains is to insure your property for a short period of time.
  2. Immediate sale of the car. So, a person plans to sell his car, which means that he will not need to purchase a long-term policy, so he chooses the minimum period of time for insurance. New owners can take out longer-term insurance at their own discretion.
  3. Seasonality of car use. As you know, cars can be different (we are not talking about brands and manufacturers), that is, not for transporting passengers, but specialized, for example, a car for construction, snow removal, a concrete mixer, etc. In turn, they can only be used during a certain season. And insurance is only needed for the period of use, since there is no point in paying constantly - it is just an unnecessary expense.
  4. Other life situations– there is no possibility to obtain long-term insurance, the car will only be used for a certain period of time, re-registration of the car to another owner, signing an agreement with another insurance company, etc.