What certificates are needed for a loan? What documents are needed for a loan from Sberbank? Documents for loan refinancing

Today, banking organizations provide customers with many different types of loans, which differ from each other in terms of requirements for the borrower, features, and also have their own advantages and disadvantages. The following types of lending are distinguished:

  • targeted – funds are issued for the purchase of a specific product or service;
  • non-targeted – funds are issued for any needs;
  • secured by a vehicle;
  • secured by property;
  • secured by the purchased property (you will find the list of documents on our website);
  • under the guarantee of third parties, etc.

Basic documents

When applying for a loan, regardless of its type, you will need to collect and provide a certain set of papers. The list of required documents for a loan, for example, at Sberbank includes:

  • original and copy of the applicant’s passport;
  • a certified copy of the work book or another document that can replace it;
  • certificate of income received by individuals.

A certificate containing information about income received for a certain period of time can be obtained from the accounting department or the personnel department of the institution where the applicant works. It is worth noting that different banking institutions require the provision of this document for a certain period of time. In order to find out the required period, you need to consult with an employee of your bank.

Additional documents

In addition to the basic package, the banking organization may additionally require confirmation of a certain social status. You may need:

  • foreign type passport (by the way, read how to apply for a new type of foreign passport);
  • TIN certificate;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • copies of existing loan agreements and disbursed agreements;
  • certificates confirming the absence of existing debts on credits and loans;
  • certificates confirming the existence of securities, shares, etc.;
  • copies of diplomas of education received.

Targeted loans


You can return part of the money spent on training in the form of a tax deduction. To do this, you need to collect the necessary documents and contact the tax office. We will tell you more about the deduction in. In another article you can read how to get your money back for treatment

To apply for a consumer loan, you need additional documents confirming the expenditure of funds on goods or services for which the funds were issued. For example:

  • a loan issued to pay for studies – confirmation of the targeted expenditure of funds is an agreement concluded with an educational institution;
  • purchase of any equipment - an invoice received at the store is used as confirmation;
  • home loan – confirmation is the purchase agreement, various consumable documents, etc.

As you can understand, when using a targeted loan, it is necessary to provide documents that confirm the fact of spending funds on those things for which the bank lent money.

Additional documentation required to apply for a car loan

When applying for a loan secured by a vehicle, in addition to the basic set of documentation, most banking organizations also require:

  • car purchase and sale agreement;
  • certificate or any other document confirming the applicant’s ownership of the transport;
  • a certified copy of the vehicle's technical transport;
  • registration certificate;
  • insurance contract.

A set of documents required for obtaining a loan secured by real estate

When applying for a loan secured by purchased or owned real estate, you will also need to provide additional papers:

  • a document confirming the applicant’s ownership rights to the collateral property;
  • real estate cadastral passport;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights;
  • extended type extract taken from the house register.

Additional documentation for other types of lending

If a bank enters into a loan agreement with individual entrepreneurs, it requires the provision of the following additional documents:

  • originals of notarized copies of documents on registration of an individual enterprise;
  • an extract from the organization's bank account;
  • a copy of the tax return, which is filled out according to the third form of taxes on personal income.

What documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan - watch the video:

If, instead of collateral, the applicant applies for a loan under the guarantee of third parties, then they are required to provide:

  • originals and certified copies of identity documents;
  • certificates, certificates or statements confirming employment;
  • any documents that can confirm financial solvency, etc.

Thus, if you want to borrow money from a bank, it is strongly recommended to find out in advance what documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan. It is important to understand that banking organizations differ from each other, and accordingly, the requirements for the documentation provided may also be different. Therefore, before submitting an application, you must familiarize yourself with the lending rules of your bank.

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Consumer credit is the most popular type of loan in banking and microfinance organizations. This is the name given to non-targeted loans issued by banks to individuals for the purchase of goods and services for personal needs. What documents are required to obtain a consumer loan - we will discuss this further.

Consumer loan: essence, types, general characteristics

The essence of such a loan is to finance final consumption. A consumer loan allows the population to purchase goods and services, paying for them gradually, in partial installments. Thus, consumer credit increases the standard of living of the population and their purchasing power.

Main criteria for consumer credit:

  • availability;
  • interest rate;
  • deadlines for provision;
  • repayment terms;
  • the borrower's ability to repay the loan.

The subjects of the loan we are considering are:

  • banking and microfinance organizations (lenders);
  • commercial establishments;
  • population (borrowers).

Important! The main guarantee for the provision of a consumer loan is the constant financial income of the individual - the borrower, that is, his solvency.

Consumer loans are classified according to different criteria, depending on which we can talk about loans:

  • short-term and long-term;
  • secured (with collateral) and unsecured;
  • with or without down payment;
  • loans in cash or by card;
  • one-time and renewable;
  • with an annuity or differentiated repayment schedule, etc.

Note! The leader in the Russian consumer lending market is Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The documents required to obtain a consumer loan are one of the first questions that potential borrowers have. Having this information, a person can save time when contacting a banking organization. It is equally important to know about the nuances of submitting documents.

List of documents

The list of documents for consumer lending is determined by the internal rules of the credit institution. Each organization is free to reduce to a minimum or, conversely, supplement the general list typical for any loan. The conditions for submitting documents depend mainly on the loan program, as well as on the client’s credit history. A complete list of documents, as a rule, can be found on the bank’s website or can be checked directly at the branch. But we will consider the main series of documents that employees of a credit institution most often require.


Mandatory documents that will be asked for in any organization include a passport and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Recently, many credit institutions, especially microfinance ones, are trying to limit the client to only these two documents. The simplicity and instantaneity of obtaining a loan is very attractive to potential borrowers. For this purpose, lenders try to simplify this procedure to a minimum. It is worth clarifying that quick loans are only possible if you receive a small loan amount.

Note! The more accessible and simpler the lending conditions, the more expensive a bank loan is for the average consumer.

A more expanded list of documents will be needed to receive a large amount or in the event that the borrower is recognized by bank employees as not very trustworthy. In such a case, the client may be required to provide:

  • income certificate in form 2-NDFL;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • guarantor documents (passport, tax identification number, income certificate).

Remember! The more documents a bank requests to obtain a consumer loan, the lower (on average 2%) the interest rate on the loan is usually.

Some other documents may also be specified; it already depends on the loan program. So, if the loan is issued on the security of a car or real estate, then in this case it will be necessary to provide title documents (for example, a title or real estate documents). If the borrower has an insurance policy, then this will also need to be provided. In the case of a loan issued to a student, a copy of the student ID will be required; for a pensioner - a corresponding pension certificate.

Thus, the borrower must provide a passport and TIN; the need for other documents is determined by the type, consumer loan program and the status of the borrower.

How and where to submit documents?

Having collected the necessary documents for a consumer loan, the client gives them to the loan specialist and fills out the application. In cases where he himself, for some reason, cannot do this, the transfer of documents is carried out through an official representative by proxy. You can also send the papers by registered mail with a list of attachments. But at the same time, each copy of the document must be notarized.

After reviewing the loan application, checking and evaluating the documents, bank employees will confirm the loan application (but may also refuse!). Next, an agreement is concluded and signed between the lender and the borrower. At the same time, the borrower puts his signature on each copy of the documents, indicates the date of conclusion of the agreement and confirms that the copy corresponds to the original. The bank employee also signs in the same way.

Sometimes the client is asked to place scanned documents in their Personal Account. But this is allowed mainly for long-time bank clients. For example, if he receives a salary from this bank and has a Personal Account.

The tips offered are designed to simplify the procedure for obtaining a consumer loan, go through it without fuss and as quickly as possible. Please note the following:

  • An income certificate is an important guarantee of your solvency. Therefore, if you are offered to take out a loan without a certificate of income, check whether there is an option that includes a certificate from your place of work in the loan application. Sometimes credit specialists deliberately keep silent about the fact that if you have this certificate, you can get a loan on more favorable terms.
  • You should not send documents by mail or scanned form. It is best to contact the credit department and provide documents in person.
  • Even if you have prepared all copies of the necessary documents, be sure to take the originals with you, otherwise you will have to return for them.
  • When choosing a loan program, pay attention to options that require submitting more documents. As a rule, such loans are more profitable, since each document increases the client’s reliability. The exception is when the borrower is a regular customer of the bank. In this case, sometimes a passport is enough. All the necessary information is already available in the banking database. Sometimes you don’t even need a passport: some banks simply send the client an SMS with a transaction confirmation code. After all, the bank also has a photograph of the client in its database, so identifying his identity will not be difficult.
  • A complete list of documents, mandatory and additional, will be required only if the potential borrower’s credit history is zero, that is, he has not taken out a loan from this bank before, but wants to receive a fairly large amount, which is why additional confirmation is needed.
  • To protect yourself from possible misunderstandings in the future, ask a bank employee for an official statement confirming receipt of your documents, which will indicate names, series, and registration numbers.

Important! You should absolutely not leave the originals of your documents (except for income certificates) with bank employees! The credit specialist is only obliged to verify the information in the original and copies, but he does not have the right to take away the personal document for some time.

If you urgently need to buy something expensive, but you don’t have enough money, don’t despair. Take out a loan. A loan is an economic transaction concluded between a borrower and a lender, under certain conditions, for the provision of funds, with subsequent repayment. Almost all modern people belonging to the middle class take out a loan when necessary, because it is quite difficult to accumulate the required amount in a short time, and technology does not stand still, you always want to buy something new, or just go somewhere on vacation , or open your own business.

A package of documents for obtaining a loan with confirmation

  • A company with a turnover of 50 million to 100 million rubles per month.
  • Full support.
  • The company has a staff of at least 200 people.
  • Documents for the loan include: 2-personal income tax certificates, income certificates in the bank form, photocopies of the work record book and, upon request, certified photocopies of the company’s charter.
  • 100% confirmation from the company.

Why do you need a loan?

Everyone knows that only smart, prudent, thrifty people who know how to earn money can buy expensive, large-scale or simply valuable things, and afford resort trips (even if not with your cash, but with money borrowed from some organization at interest). . If you take out a loan, this already means that you are conscientious and solvent. So what is it for? In order not to deny yourself the pleasure of driving a new car, living in your own apartment, wearing expensive fur coats and jewelry, etc. In general, in order to feel comfortable and keep up with the times.

Have you decided to take out a loan?

When you decide to take out a loan and have decided on the loan amount, you need documents to apply for the loan. And this is a very tedious and labor-intensive job. You need to collect many documents and certificates, such as:

  • application form filled out by the borrower;
  • copies of all pages of the passport;
  • personal income tax certificate 2;
  • certificate from place of work;
  • copies of employment contracts, etc.

Convince the borrower

Your task is to convince the borrower of your solvency; documents for obtaining a loan will be the most important factor. Otherwise, they will not give you a loan, because the bank will not take risks, because... there are a lot of unscrupulous and irresponsible people.

The most common problem for clients taking out a loan is that the amount of their official salary does not suit the credit institution. The 2-NDFL certificate may contain an amount that does not reach the minimum threshold. Although in fact, since you are confident that you will pay on time, you have quite a decent, stable income. In this case, you will be denied a loan.

Buy documents for a loan

To avoid such misunderstandings, you can buy documents to obtain a loan from us.

You don’t have to waste your invaluable time, energy and nerves. Entrust this unpleasant work to us, and enjoy the result. We will process everything quickly and efficiently, guaranteeing full compliance with requirements and standards.

Mikhail Startsev 02/05/16

Thanks to the documents, I bought myself a new car, a Honda civic type r!

Alexey Utkin 02/27/17

Thank you very much, I am doing exclusive renovations in a new apartment

Alexander Proskurin 03/23/17

I urgently needed money for a wedding so that it would be normal, with a limousine, a cafe, but the official salary was small. At work, they refused to write more, out of harm’s way, they were afraid of inspections, so I had to buy all the documents. But everything was processed quickly, without delay.

Sergey Gabrielov 08/09/17

Thanks a lot. helped a lot

Vasily Knizhknikov 10/31/17

I don't work officially. I needed money to buy an apartment in the Czech Republic. helped!

Vladislav Popukalov 01/06/17

Thank you. I took documents for Sberbank, everything was fine. The only thing that was a little disappointing was the interest rate of the bank itself!

Anna Knyazeva 01/09/17

I liked working with VTB. Many thanks for the consultation!

Vladimir Drozdov 09/21/2018

I ordered documents for a loan from Alfa Bank and received 1,800,000 rubles without any problems!

To simplify the procedure for drawing up an agreement, many banking institutions offer a loan based on two documents without income certificates. In this situation, the bank is provided with originals and copies (possibly without certification):

  • Passport with registration and citizenship.
  • Taxpayer identification number.

The following can be provided as a second mandatory document with your passport:

  • International passport;
  • Driver's license, regardless of category;
  • SNILS;
  • Compulsory health insurance policy.

With this set of documents, you can take out a loan with a high interest rate of 30-40% per annum and a limited funds limit. Such programs allow you to receive money on your card with an interest-free grace period. However, the maximum loan amount usually does not exceed several salaries.

Certificates and statements for classic credit

Standard targeted and non-targeted consumer loans with low interest rates from 10% to 27% are provided subject to proof of income.

Documents certifying the amount of income

For employed citizens, in addition to the basic documents of a passport and TIN, the bank may request the following types of papers:

  • Certificate of your income 2-NDFL. It is issued by the employer, who indicates the wages you received for at least the last 6 months.
  • Salary certificate according to the employer's company form.
  • Bank statement for an active salary card. If you take out a loan from a bank where a salary card is opened, a document confirming income is not required.
  • Work record book or a copy of the last entry in it.
  • Statements of deposits, certificates of ownership of securities, shares in enterprises.

How to confirm income of an individual entrepreneur

If the borrower is an individual entrepreneur, in addition to the main documents, he provides a copy and the original (to certify the copy) of the certificate of state registration of the individual entrepreneur. To confirm his solvency, an individual entrepreneur can provide the bank with one of the following documents to obtain a loan:

  • Help 3-NDFL. Issued by the tax office for at least the previous 6 months.
  • Statement of income from current or current accounts.

Long-term loans with large amounts

If you need to obtain a large amount or a foreign currency loan for a long period, regardless of the interest rate, you will need to provide collateral. The latter includes the participation in the agreement of a guarantor (one or more) or collateral.

Loan papers with collateral

The collateral can be property purchased with a targeted loan or already owned by the borrower (real estate, car). A deposit can also be a form of collateral. In this case, in addition to the basic documents certifying your identity and solvency, the bank is provided with:

  • Ownership and registration certificate for the mortgaged property.
  • Driver's license, as well as registration certificate for the car.
  • A statement of a deposit account in any bank. When receiving a loan from the structure where the deposit is kept, confirmation is not required. A deposit loan can be provided without a certificate of income if the amount of funds in the account exceeds the loan by at least 10%.
  • If expensive equipment is provided as collateral, complete documentation must be provided for it - registration certificate, sales receipt, supply contract (if any).

Documents for guarantors and co-borrowers

If the terms of the agreement require the provision of guarantors or to increase the level of solvency you attract co-borrowers, you must also provide documents for each of them.

Guarantors and co-borrowers submit a package of general documents similar to yours: passport, tax identification number, income certificate. The difference in these categories of parties to the agreement is that a separate agreement is concluded with the guarantor, which is submitted to the bank along with the main package of documents. In turn, the co-borrower acts as an equal participant in the loan agreement and can claim a share of the property purchased with loan funds.

Additional documents requested by the bank

When receiving a large amount of money to the bank, you may be required to provide documents confirming that you do not have obligations limiting the possibility of a transaction and there are indirect factors guaranteeing solvency. This list includes:

  • Copy and original of marriage (divorce) certificate. If you are legally married, you will need a notarized permission from your spouse to receive a loan, since he is also the person responsible for his property for your loan obligations.
  • Birth (adoption) certificates of children of whom you are a parent or guardian.
  • Document on higher education. Required as confirmation of guarantees of high chances of employment.
  • Document confirming the change of surname (if it was carried out).
  • For men under 27 years of age, it is required to show a military ID or a certificate of deferment (exemption) from service.
  • A certificate from a psychiatrist confirming the absence of psychological disorders and the ability to bear responsibility for decisions made.

Special lending conditions

The package of documents for a loan becomes more complicated if there are additional factors and characteristics of the borrower. This includes refinancing, obtaining loans by non-residents, and social loan programs for vulnerable categories of citizens.

Documents for loan refinancing

In addition to the basic package stipulated by the bank’s terms and conditions, in order to refinance a consumer loan, it is necessary to provide information about the loans that will be repaid with a new loan. This includes:

  • A copy of the agreement with the bank where you took out the repayable debt. This may be several agreements from different banks, if the purpose of refinancing is to combine all payments into one.
  • Payment schedule established by the bank.
  • Receipts for each payment made during the loan repayment period.
  • Certificate about the amount of current debt.

Social lending programs

In some cases, the state compensates part of the loan, for example, by reimbursing the down payment, to vulnerable segments of the population. At the same time, the list of papers submitted to the bank includes the corresponding certificates of state support and permission from the authorities allocating these funds (pension fund, employment center).

If the preferential program is carried out by the banking structure itself (loans for pensioners, military, students), you must provide a document confirming your right to participate (pension certificate, military ID, student ID).

What is required for a foreigner to apply for a loan?

In Russia, consumer loans can by law be issued to a foreigner. If such a person has the appropriate registration, along with a standard set of documents, he must provide:

  • Certificate of registration in the region where the loan was received;
  • Employment contract and work permit;
  • Certificate of work experience at the current place of work for at least one year;
  • Translation into Russian (with notarization) of basic documents - passport, marriage certificate (divorce), birth certificates of all children.

Knowing what documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan, you will be able to assess your own capabilities in obtaining the desired loan terms. This will speed up the process of finding a profitable offer and influence the bank’s decision.

The process of applying for any loan begins with collecting documents. Their list may differ significantly depending on the lending program you are interested in and the bank you choose: there are documents that will be required in any case, and those that may be needed exclusively when applying for a certain type of consumer loan. At the same time, the presence of certain certificates and certificates in the credit file significantly increases the borrower’s chances of receiving a loan. We will consider in detail all the documents that may be needed during the registration process, dividing them into mandatory and additional, as well as those that are required for mortgage and car lending.

Standard package of documents

Regardless of which lending program you choose, you will need to provide the bank manager with the original civil passport (a photocopy of all completed pages is made, which is certified by the borrower’s signature, stamp and signature of the bank manager). You will also need to fill out a loan application and questionnaire. Some credit institutions offer the borrower an application form (this document combines both forms).

When applying for both consumer loans and mortgage loans, in most cases, banks additionally require you to provide:

  1. A copy of the work book certified by the HR department or another document confirming employment (certificate from the employer, a copy of the employment agreement or contract, an extract from the work book). The documents must contain information about the position held and length of service. Documents must be certified page by page. Sailors must provide contracts for the last 2-4 years, their official translation into Russian and a seafarer’s passport.
  2. Certificate of income in the form established by the bank, or in form 2-NDFL, signed and certified by the seal of the enterprise. The certificate must contain information about income for at least the previous 6 months. If you have another official source of income other than salary (pension, rental income, etc.), provide supporting documents - this will increase your chances of receiving a loan. We talked about these documents in more detail in the article “Confirmation of income in the bank - income certificates.”
  3. Military ID, registration certificate or other documents confirming the availability of a deferment from military service for borrowers under the age of 27.

Naturally, in addition to this list, many financial organizations ask to provide additional documents. We will talk about them further.

Additional documents confirming the identity and social status of the borrower

You can prepare and submit these documents to the bank not only at the request of the manager, but also on your own initiative. Many of them will help confirm your social status and have a positive impact on the results of your credit assessment. It is advisable to provide these documents both for regular consumer lending and when applying for loans secured by cars and real estate. These include:

  • driver's license or vehicle registration certificate;
  • TIN (Certificate of registration with the tax authority);
  • insurance certificate of the State Pension Fund;
  • international passport;
  • existing insurance policies (including compulsory medical insurance, MTPL, CASCO, etc.);
  • original or copy of the certificate of ownership of real estate owned by the borrower (ownership or co-ownership);
  • documents confirming the availability of securities or bank accounts, account statements;
  • copies of documents on the education received: diplomas, certificates, certificates;
  • copies of loan agreements, bank certificates about the absence of debt, statements of loan accounts;
  • original or copy of the certificate of marriage (divorce), birth of a child.

In some cases, when issuing a personal loan for the purchase of goods (for example, household appliances), banks may ask for an invoice from the store; when receiving an education loan - an agreement with the educational institution and a copy of the license for the right to carry out educational activities.

Compared to consumer loans, a more complete list of documents is provided for obtaining loans secured by real estate (mortgage) or a car (car loan). More details about this.

Documents required when applying for a secured loan

When lending secured by property, the bank will require you to provide all the documents described by us in the list of main and additional ones, as well as certificates and certificates characterizing the object of collateral and confirming your ownership of it. For a mortgage this is:

  • originals of title documents (sale and purchase agreements, exchange, donation; court decision; certificate of inheritance; resolution of an authorized government body);
  • original certificate of state registration of ownership;
  • cadastral passport and floor plan (when registering property more than 5 years ago) - issued in the BTI;
  • cadastral passport for a land plot (issued at the Cadastral Chamber);
  • construction permit (if the loan is issued for the construction of a residential building, and a land plot is pledged as collateral);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP);
  • extended extract from the house register.

When applying for a loan secured by a car, you will need:

  • car purchase and sale agreement;
  • invoice from the car dealership (for new cars);
  • a copy of the car's passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate (for used cars).

In the future, upon receiving a positive decision from the bank on a loan secured by real estate or a car, the borrower undertakes to provide the written consent of his spouse to transfer property as security for the loan; receipt of payment of the down payment; insurance contract and receipt for payment of insurance premiums; conclusion of appraisers, etc. A more detailed list will be announced by the manager of a particular bank.

Banks may impose additional conditions when lending under the guarantee of individuals and when applying for a loan by an individual entrepreneur. More about this.

Documents provided by guarantors and individual entrepreneurs

If a loan is issued by an individual – an individual entrepreneur, he must provide the following documents:

  • a copy of the tax return in form 3-NDFL or under the simplified taxation system for the previous year and the last reporting period of the current year.
  • original and notarized copy of the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  • statement of accounts from the bank serving the individual entrepreneur for 6-12 months.
  • documents confirming the conduct of activities (agreements with suppliers, certificates of completed work, etc.).

If the loan is issued under the guarantee of an individual or with the involvement of a co-borrower, the bank will require the same documents from your guarantor as from you (with the exception of documents confirming ownership of the property being pledged).

To summarize, we note that the bank’s decision to issue a loan largely depends on the completeness of the package of documents provided. It is not always worth limiting yourself to the minimum list: it is better to prepare an extra certificate or take an unnecessary diploma than to miss the opportunity to get a profitable loan.