How to create a WebMoney wallet. What is webmoney? Registration and creation of wallets Vep mania

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WebMoney is an international electronic payment system.

Offers users to use, which can be accumulated on the account, pay with them when making online purchases or transfer to regular bank cards, cash out at terminals.

Let's take a closer look at what WebMoney is, using an example. Vasily is a teacher and child psychologist. She has been successfully working with difficult children for over 10 years. During this time, I have gained enough experience on how to act in difficult situations. Wrote his own manual of practical recommendations. But publishing houses were not interested in the novice author. He lives in a small town, there are few opportunities to search for an agent, to promote a book. I decided to publish the book on the Internet, with a paid (small) viewing cost. For the convenience of payment, I opened an account on the WebMoney electronic payment portal (I chose the most common one). Vasily is pleased with the result - he receives income from readers living in different countries. For the money received, he pays for online purchases, mobile and even utilities. Now you do not need to stand in queues - everything is done in a few minutes via a computer.

What is webmoney

The WebMoney payment service has been operating since 1998. The name is often used - webmoney. Main site In each country where it works, it has its own website: - in the Russian Federation, - in Ukraine, and so on. Ownership of WM Transfer Ltd. Management, development and technical support is carried out in Russia.

WebMoney is the most common payment service in the post-Soviet space. The number of users exceeded 36 million in January 2018 and is constantly growing. On average, about 280 thousand transactions are made per day.

The payment portal allows you to exchange "title units" that are denominated in different currencies. From a legal point of view, they are not money, but are equated to them in value.

WebMoney has developed services that make it possible to account, exchange funds, and conclude transactions. It will take seconds to transfer money, even if the recipient is in another country.
All users are provided with a single interface for using the system. Valuables are stored by the Guarantors - participants of the system in different countries.

What can be paid with webmoney

What is webmoney for? What opportunities does it give its users? With this payment portal, you can:

  • transfer payment for utilities;
  • pay in online stores, including in other countries;
  • purchase software;
  • transfer money to bank cards (your own and others);
  • top up your mobile phone account;
  • pay for Internet services, cable TV;
  • publish your book;
  • donate to charitable projects;
  • purchase goods on credit;
  • lend money;
  • pay fines and taxes.

All transfers from a personal account in the system can be made quickly and conveniently while staying at home.

The service is often used when hiring remote specialists (freelancers). They can fulfill orders while at home in another city or even country. Payment will be credited to them.

How to use


First of all, a legal or natural person needs to create an account. Only 4 stages:

  1. Registration - indicate your contacts on the portal: a reliable mobile phone (international number format) or an account in a social network. This is necessary to guarantee the security of operations, to search for the registered user profile in the future, and to recover the password.
  2. Data Entry - Valid user data is required. It is possible to transfer them from an account on a social network.
  3. An email or SMS will be sent to the specified e-mail or mobile phone to confirm registration.
  4. Setting a password - you need a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.

The user is then assigned a WMID.

WMID: what is it in webmoney

This is a personal registration code that is unique for each registered client. Consists of 12 digits assigned automatically.

Initially, the following restrictions are set for each WMID:

  • Replenishment - the total amount of title units in all currencies should not exceed 15 thousand Russian rubles.
  • Withdrawal - you can pay no more than 15 thousand rubles per day, 45 thousand per week, 90 thousand per month.

To change the size of the amounts, you need to get a certificate of the next level. This is an electronic certificate, which is compiled taking into account the personal data of the user. You can see it on a special page of the certification center website ( Here you can check and change your personal information, manage browsing options, apply to administrators. At the request of the client, he can create several WMIDs for his passport.

What is a webmoney wallet

For WMID, different wallet options are opened. This is the account where the title characters are located.

Varieties of electronic wallets in the WebMoney system:

Money transfer

Transfer of funds can only be carried out between wallets with the same type of currency. For example, you can transfer any amount in ruble equivalent only to a WMR wallet. You can exchange one sign for another in exchange services with other users. The WebMoney service itself is not involved in the process.

A fee is charged for every transfer. It is paid by the sender of funds. The minimum commission is 0.8%, but limits are also set: the minimum commission is 0.01 WM, the maximum is an amount from 50 to 100,000 WM (depending on the chosen currency).

Transfer between wallets of the same type, registered for one WMID or one passport (with a level not lower than the initial one), is carried out without commission. When replenishing or withdrawing funds, the conditions and amount of payment are set according to the tariffs of agents - banks of payment systems, exchange offices. The process will take from a few seconds to five banking days. The commission will be from 0 to 11.6%, depending on the conditions and agreements with agents.

Wallet Management

Wallet sites with simple or advanced features (WebMoney Keeper Standard and Keeper WebPro) have been developed. They differ in the presence of restrictions on transfers and security settings.

You can use the system without installing programs - just go to the payment portal website and enter your data (WMID and password).


When it comes to managing finances, especially over the Internet, the issue of security and customer protection is one of the most important. To perform any action, the user is identified. This is done using:

  • files with keys;
  • personal electronic certificates;
  • entering a login and password (with additional verification by a code sent via SMS or generated by the E-Num service).

In addition, it is possible to allow WM Keeper programs to work when working from a specific IP address or a group of them. Additionally, the services "Protection by code", "Protection by time", "Service Escrow" protect against fraud. The desired option is selected in the settings. When they are applied, the transaction will not be carried out until the secret code is entered. The time of its recruitment and the number of incorrect attempts are limited.

Advantages and disadvantages of WebMoney

The WebMoney electronic system has many advantages that distinguish it from others. This has influenced the fact that many users prefer it.

The main advantages include:

  • Security - you must provide personal data and copies of documents. Login to your profile is confirmed with a password via E-num key or SMS.
  • Prevalence - payments are accepted by almost all online stores and services.
  • A large number of currencies - works in many countries, as it is multicurrency. Moreover, there is a conversion from one type of signs to others.
  • Convenience for business – the portal organizes tools that are useful and convenient for shops and banks.
  • The speed of transactions - in many cases, the transfer of money takes a few seconds.
  • Functionality - a large selection of customization options at the request of the user.


  • Strict rules - if fraud is suspected, administrators have the right to block the account. Moreover, in case of serious violations, his work, as well as the amount in the account, cannot be restored.
  • Complex interface - due to the large number of functions, the operation of the system can be difficult for beginners.

Comparison with other payment systems

WebMoney is not the only service for receiving and transferring money that works on the network. The most popular include: and Qiwi Wallet. They differ in the set of functions available to the user, have their own features of work. Let's consider in more detail.

What is better webmoney or qiwi wallet

QIWI Wallet is an electronic account for Visa prepaid account holders. Its clients are over 19 million people. It provides access to Visa products. In relation to the webmoney system, the advantages of QIWI Wallet are:

  • Transfer of funds without commission.
  • Work without an Internet connection - all operations can be performed through special terminals, of which there are a sufficient number in crowded places.

But QIWI Wallet loses to WebMoney in other aspects:

The complexity of cashing out money - you can only replenish your mobile phone account.

Technical support - answers to customer requests are provided a few days after the request. In some cases, they don't exist at all. You have to write again.

Security - Protection against fraudsters and access by third parties is weak.

What is better webmoney or Yandex.Money

The Yandex.Money payment system is one of the three most popular in Russia.
Advantages of Yandex.Money compared to WebMoney:

  • Account in real Russian rubles. This is better in some cases.
  • Security for Yandex clients is provided by SMS confirmation or a special code generated by the program. Supported by 4 patents. However, in WebMoney, protection against fraudsters is higher, and the choice of security tools is wider.
  • Anonymity - for small transactions (up to 15 thousand rubles per month), you can not provide personal data, having received an anonymous status.
  • There is no commission for transfers within the system.

The Yandex.Money service is inferior in the following parameters:

  • Users are individuals only. Organizations of all forms of ownership cannot open an account for work.
  • Lengthy registration procedure - to start full-fledged use of the Yandex.Money system, you need to contact the office of the company or its partner. Documents are checked there, and an application for service is accepted. For persons residing outside the Russian Federation, you will have to send notarized copies of documents and an application by mail.
  • Replenishment - outside of Russia there are not many options to replenish your wallet, which can be inconvenient.
  • Account currency - in Yandex.Money, there is only one monetary unit - the Russian ruble. WebMoney - works with the family.
  • Less common - Yandex.Money can only be used in Russia, and in a smaller number of stores. WebMoney is an international system.

In general, Webmoney is more common than a similar service from Yandex. The first is more suitable for advanced clients who need multifunctionality and multicurrency. Yandex.Money is more convenient for small payments and ordinary clients who do not receive income from working on the Internet. By the way, recently you can transfer money between these programs. Now customers can use both.

WebMoney payment service is widespread and convenient. Many sites are ready to carry out calculations with its help. Having understood the features of work and functions, the client receives a lot of benefits for a minimal fee (commission). This saves time, opens up new opportunities, and blurs boundaries. Not surprisingly, the number of WebMoney clients is steadily growing.

Sergey Arsentiev

WebMoney wallet - what is it?

Modern electronic payment means are becoming more and more widespread. Now I will dwell on the Webmoney system, which is one of the most popular in the CIS countries.

WebMoney (in Russian: "WebMoney") is a modern electronic payment system that allows you to exchange so-called "title units" between different participants in the system.

A webmoney wallet is a specific account in this payment system, tied to one person who can manage this account with a password and / or his mobile phone, instantly transferring his money to whomever he wishes.

Why do you need a WebMoney Wallet?

Using the Webmoney payment system, you can send relatively safe and non-advertised money transfers to any country in the world while sitting at your computer and drinking coffee. Most often, using this system, they pay for various goods and services, transfer money to relatives, return debts and, of course, pay for the work of remote specialists (they are also called “freelancers”).

By the way, working with freelancers is often very profitable, because in other countries there may be better prices for services, for example, translators, programmers, designers, etc. As a result, you can save 50% or more of the planned budget.

In addition to the usual transfers to people you know and paying for the work of freelancers, you can buy a variety of services from reputable companies, for example:

  • pay for a mobile phone, Internet and utilities without leaving home.
  • replenish the balance of online advertising, for example, Yandex.Direct and Google.AdWords.
  • make purchases in online stores, including in countries as far away as China.
  • pay taxes, fines and other payments to the state.
  • and much more.

Agree, it is very convenient.

How to make payments?

And then it will be possible to make any payments and send money to the recipient in any country in the world within a few seconds.

Let's say I want to transfer money to another country for services.
To do this, you can create a WebMoney wallet (register in this payment system).
Then credit funds to the wallet by exchanging real money for electronic ones.
Then I need to make a transfer to the person to whom I have to pay.
All! Money instantly appears on a purse in other country.

Further, the recipient of the transfer can go and withdraw cash instead of electronic money in any currency he needs. This is called "" and a whole separate article is devoted to this process (how to do it safely and with minimal losses).

Where to register a WebMoney wallet?

In order to start using this system, you need to issue and register a personal WebMoney wallet for yourself.

To make registration easy. In addition to what and where to enter when registering a wallet, I will give valuable advice so that you do everything right from the beginning and, God forbid, do not lose your money in the future.

After registration, you can enter any site that accepts Webmoney for payment and make any payment. And also transfer any funds to other participants in the system.

What is a WebMoney certificate?

This important concept means the degree of verification of the passport data of a particular participant in the Webmoney system.

That is, employees can check (at your request) your passport data and inform other participants that they are true by assigning a certain passport to your identifier.

Usually distinguished:

  • pseudonym passport (if you are not ready to give your passport for verification)
  • formal passport (if you are ready to give your passport for verification remotely, take a picture of it and send it through the site).
  • personal certificate (if you are ready to personally come and show your passport or send a copy certified by a notary).
  • professional certificates (seller, etc.)

It is important to understand that each passport has its own limitations, for example, a pseudonym passport does not allow you to work with wallets in Russian rubles (WMR) at all, it is impossible to work with Belarusian rubles (WMB) without a personal passport, and so on.

Initially, after registration, you will have a pseudonym passport, you can apply for a formal passport without wasting time.

A personal passport, of course, for individuals has the greatest opportunities, but it can also lead to the fact that data about your transactions will end up in the tax office or somewhere else. Yes, and it is difficult to get it, especially for residents of small towns - you have to go somewhere, pay someone, etc.

And the possibilities of the pseudonym passport are very limited: you can actually work only with WMZ / WME, but the confidentiality is maximum.

Is it possible to store savings in Webmoney?

Is it worth trusting this system to store large amounts of money?
To do this, it is important to answer another question: "And who controls the emission (issue) of Webmoney?".

At one time I tried to find an answer to this question, but without success. In the modern Internet, everything related to really serious topics is presented extremely sparingly. If you want Volochkova's boobs - yes, please, Tom Cruise's divorce - all the details, which team won the 1958 Uruguayan championship - no problem.
Who controls and releases the loot? Silence....

In one forum, they answered me that the emission is controlled automatically (!) Through a peg to gold. Of course, this is nonsense. If there is a real owner of the system and no one controls him, then who will stop him from clicking the mouse a couple of times and throwing as many title units on the market as he wants?

In the national banks of countries, this is controlled by state bodies, including specific presidents, who are responsible for injecting new money into the system. Of course, this is not a panacea: after all, even presidents can deceive their people, however, it is a little more difficult for them to do this than for the sole owner of the system. Plus, there are few such countries, in the same USA - no one controls the issuance of dollars, everyone probably already knows that they are issued by a private shop called the Federal Reserve.

Therefore, to store solid money in Webmoney, in my opinion, this is far from the best option. As, however, in US dollars

What is WebMoney?

Webmoney is a payment system that allows you to exchange real money for electronic money and then make payments with this electronic money on Internet sites. So, for example, you can buy for electronic money by paying with webmoney.

You can also do the reverse operation, exchange electronic money from your webmoney wallet to real money, through networks of exchangers or withdraw money to your bank account or plastic card account.

Wallet..wallet...Where can I get it? :)

So, step by step instructions.

Click "Continue"

Or you can not click, but simply launch the wallet through Start-Programs-Webmoney or by clicking on the icon on your computer.

After that, you will need to enter a password to enter the wallet. The password must be entered normal, and not "123456", so that bad people cannot pick it up, but also so as not to forget it yourself :) Enter and click "Next".

This window will appear. And here you need to press the keyboard and move the mouse until the entire bar is filled with green.

After that, the key generation process will start.

You will be assigned a WebMoney ID. It is usually referred to as WMID. This number must be remembered, because. it will be the login to enter the wallet.

After that, you will need to specify the drive and directory where to save the file, as well as specify the access code to the keys. You will need this code if you install the wallet on another computer or after reinstalling Windows. Therefore, this code must also be remembered.

After that, you will need to check your mail again.

and enter the activation code.

A window like this will appear. Remove the checkmark "Start procedure ....". Click "Done"

All. Now your webmoney wallet will start up.

Now click on the "Wallets" tab

This tab will be empty and we need to fix this thing :)

We press the right mouse button and select "Create" ...create a wallet is meant.

And we create, for example, a WMR ruble wallet. Or dollar WMZ. Or in another currency - hryvnia, Belarusian ruble, etc.

After you finish, the wallet, the amount, and the actual wallet number will appear in the wallets tab. If someone wants to transfer WMR webmoney rubles to you, then you will need to tell your R-purse. Report together with the letter R, not just the numbers!

After you have made one wallet, you can create wallets in other currencies.

Obtaining a formal certificate.

After you have installed the wallet, it initially has an alias certificate for you. This is the youngest passport in the webmoney system and this means that not all possibilities are available to you. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain at least a formal certificate.

Attention. If you have problems at this stage, then something is wrong with the security settings of your browser. Set them to default. To do this, go to the browser menu Tools - Internet Options - Security tab and set the default settings there.

If everything is OK, then remember the code that is shown to you, click "Login"

Enter this code in the form, click Yes

The webmoney certification page will open.

Click on the icon I circled in red.

Here you need to fill in all the fields marked with a red asterisk *

After you fill out the form and click on the corresponding. button, you will see that you have been assigned a formal passport.

All. Now you can start replenishing your webmoney wallet.

How to replenish the wallet.

Press the right mouse button and select "Replenish".

Select the wallet you want to replenish and select the method of replenishment.

Perhaps the most convenient is through the terminals, which are usually already installed in many places.

Or select in the keeper the item "Where to replenish the wallet in my city?"

WebMoney(webmoney) is electronic money on the Internet. This is quite real (not virtual!) money that can be withdrawn and spent on some things and services. It may seem strange, but webmoney is not a banking system, but a private organization.

Most money transactions on the Russian Internet are carried out through webmoney. For example, payment for links, payment for registration in directories, payment for content, etc. At the same time, money is almost always accepted either in rubles or in dollars.

WebMoney was founded back in 1998, and since then it has only been growing and getting bigger year after year. Now there are more than 15 million webmoney users.

The popularity of WebMoney can be explained by the high level of security and the presence of a special rating - BL. The higher it is, the more active you are, which means you can be trusted. All claims against you are saved and can be viewed by any user. Such transparency helps to make transactions on the Internet with minimal risk of being deceived. For example, if your BL=200 and another has BL=10, then you have every right to tell him that he will do something in advance. For example, transfer site files, do site registration, etc. Because you can be trusted with a high probability.

To register, you need to go to the main webmoney page and click the "registration" button. Next, you will need to fill in a lot of different data. After registration, you will need to download the webmoney keeper. This is a small program that will allow you to manage your wallets. There are other programs, for example, for a mobile phone, but judging by the rumors, it is not safe to use them, because. cases of theft have increased. Step-by-step registration is discussed in a special article: how to register with WebMoney.

Webmoney certificates

The webmoney system has certain certificates that are issued to users forever. The higher the status of the certificate, the more opportunities to work in the system. Let's briefly consider the types of certificates:

- Alias ​​certificate
Issued to all registered users. The possibilities are very limited and it is almost impossible to work with such a certificate.

- Formal passport
Awarded to those users who have provided their passport data. In my opinion, this is the most popular option among ordinary users. I myself have used such a certificate for many years.

- Elementary
Issued only upon confirmation of their passport data. There are many ways to verify them. For example, I replenished my WMR wallet via UniStream money transfers and eventually received an initial passport.

- Personal
This certification is difficult to obtain. As far as I know, you need to meet with some kind of webmoney agent and conclude some kind of contract with him, and you will also have to pay for it.

There is also a registrar's certificate and special certificates, but I can't really say anything about them, because. never encountered it myself. If you are going to work on the Internet, then their presence is not at all necessary.

Webmoney has many currencies with which they work. The most popular wallets in Russia are:

  • WMR(ruble wallet), the wallet address begins with the letter R, and then comes the digital wallet number;
  • WMZ(dollar wallet), the wallet address begins with the letter Z, followed by the digital wallet number;

Directly in the system there is a currency exchange. True, the rate is very unfavorable, you will have to pay 5-10 percent more, so it is better to use third-party exchange services (see how to exchange currency on the Internet at the best rate). For example, the best currency exchange rates can always be found on BESTCHANGE.

It is a pity that for any transfer of money you have to pay a commission of 0.8% of the total turnover, which is quite a lot, since WebMoney does not do much for this.

Modern electronic payment means are becoming more and more widespread. Now I will dwell on the Webmoney system, which is one of the most popular in the CIS countries.

What is a WebMoney wallet?

WebMoney (in Russian: "WebMoney") is a modern electronic payment system that allows you to exchange so-called "title units" between different participants.

A webmoney wallet is a specific account in this payment system, tied to one person who can manage this account with a password and / or his mobile phone, instantly transferring his money to whomever he wishes.

What can be done with WebMoney?

Using the Webmoney payment system, you can send relatively safe and non-advertised money transfers to any country in the world while sitting at your computer and drinking coffee. Most often, using the service, they pay for various goods and services, transfer money to relatives, return debts and, of course, pay for the work of remote specialists (they are also called “freelancers”).

By the way, working with freelancers is often very profitable, because in other countries there may be better prices for services, for example, translators, programmers, designers, etc. As a result, you can save 50% or more of the planned budget.

In addition to the usual transfers to people you know and paying for the work of freelancers, you can buy a variety of services from reputable companies, for example:

  1. pay for a mobile phone, Internet and utilities without leaving home
  2. replenish the balance of online advertising, for example, Yandex.Direct and Google.AdWords
  3. make purchases in online stores, including in countries as far away as China
  4. pay taxes, fines and other payments to the state
  5. and much more

Agree, it is very convenient.

Service description

WebMoney is a system of instant Internet payments, created in 1998.
Each user has his own personal account, which is called WMID (consists of 12 digits, each WMID is unique). Within it, several types of e-currency accounts can be opened - special accounts that keep records of "title units" denominated in various currencies.

The wallet number consists of a letter indicating its type (R, E, Z, etc.) and 12 digits; each number is unique.

Wallets are managed using client software. It exists in various versions: a simple browser version (Keeper Standard), a Windows program (Keeper WinPro), an extended browser version (Keeper WebPro). There are also applications for iOS, Android and other mobile platforms (search in your store for the word "WebMoney").

Using these tools, a user can make transfers from his internal account in the service to another user's wallet in a few mouse clicks. The transaction takes place in a fraction of a second, and the recipient sees the receipt of funds instantly. Transfers are possible only between wallets of the same type, for example, from R to R, from E to E, etc.

Users of the service can transfer WM within the service to other users, as well as to merchants for their goods and services. In addition, the user can receive WM from the company as payments, fees, royalties, deductions, winnings, etc.

At the time of each transaction within the system, the sender is charged a commission in the amount of 0.8% of the transferred amount. The maximum commission is limited, transfers between wallets of the same user are not subject to commission.

WMID - unique user identifier

WMID - Web Money ID. When you register on the website, you get both a WMID and a list of available accounts.

The wallet number and WMID can and should be reported to partners. WMID is a check number to check the correctness of the WMR or WMZ number. If you gave someone your WMR number with an error, but did not give the WMID, then the money will go to someone unknown. And if both numbers, then it is impossible to make a mistake 2 times so that both numbers match and belong to the same person.

How to make payments?

And then it will be possible to make any payments and send money to the recipient in any country in the world within a few seconds.

  1. Let's say I want to transfer money to another country for services.
  2. To do this, you can create a WebMoney WMR account (register in this payment system).
  3. Then credit funds by exchanging real money for electronic ones.
  4. Then I need to make a transfer to the person to whom I have to pay.
  5. All! Money instantly appears on a purse in other country.

Further, the recipient of the transfer can go and withdraw cash instead of electronic money in any currency he needs. This is called “withdrawing money from WebMoney” and a whole separate article is devoted to this process (how to do it safely and with minimal losses).

Where and how to get a WebMoney wallet?

In order to start using this service, you need to issue and register a personal WebMoney wallet for yourself.

You need to do this only on the official page of this payment system, namely:

To make registration easy. In addition to what and where to enter when registering a wallet, I will give valuable advice so that you do everything right from the beginning and, God forbid, do not lose your money in the future.

After registration, you can enter any site that accepts Webmoney for payment and make any payment. And also transfer any funds to other participants.

Can savings be kept?

Should I trust this company to store large sums of money? There are risks everywhere, including when using such services, therefore, it is best to keep funds in offline banks, it will be more efficient. In addition, no one canceled deposit insurance.

Therefore, to store solid money in Webmoney, in my opinion, this is far from the best option. As, however, and in US dollars.

Withdrawals and commission

Now it’s worth talking about the commission, which is charged to the user for almost any operation, with the exception of depositing funds. In all other cases - when transferring, withdrawing and paying for services - Webmoney charges a single commission, which is - 0.8%. It is worth considering this when manipulating finances. Now you know what WebMoney is, and you can safely start working with this popular payment system.
