How to calculate the annual loan payment. Calculation of annuity payments on a loan: formula, example

A loan calculator will help you avoid finding yourself in a difficult situation due to late payments. You can preliminarily estimate all expenses and calculate the monthly payment and overpayment, and, using our service, quickly calculate the loan.

It must indicate the interest rate, amount, repayment period of the principal debt and payment scheme (annuity or differentiated). The results that appear will show the monthly payment amount, including all charges. A convenient payment calendar allows you to calculate how much you will need to pay monthly.

Using the calculator, you can immediately estimate the amount of payments in advance. The information in it is approximate and the exact payment schedule will be provided by the bank manager for the selected offer.

To get the most profitable loan amount or money on your card, contact the financial institution you are interested in. Employees of financial institutions, taking into account your wishes and capabilities, will try to select the appropriate size of a consumer loan and monthly payments.

Loan calculator

What affects the benefits of a loan? Its amount, term and interest rate you expect. These are the parameters that the online calculator takes into account. With it, you can not only prepare to receive a loan from a bank, but also select other products that suit your requirements. You don’t have to use complex formulas: this way you will eliminate the possibility of error and receive accurate information to assess the possible financial burden.

Our calculator takes into account such an important parameter as the payment scheme. It affects your monthly payment and affects the total overpayment on your loan. An annuity scheme (in equal shares), as a rule, carries less financial burden on the borrower per month, but at the same time results in a larger overpayment. In addition, repaying the loan ahead of schedule with such a payment scheme is pointless, since interest is mainly paid at the very beginning of the period. As a rule, differentiated payments decrease towards the end of the service period and at the same time reduce the total loan amount, but can put pressure on the client in the first months of payments. In addition, having issued a loan with such a calculation scheme, it makes sense to repay the debt to the bank ahead of schedule.

By the way, about early repayment. The online loan calculator also takes this parameter into account. Many borrowers, when taking out a loan, try to repay it in advance. This can be done in two ways - by shortening the payment period or reducing the amount of debt. To take this parameter into account in your calculations, click on “Early repayment” under the main fields. Select the option that suits you and enter the amount you plan to contribute and the term. If you plan to make several contributions for early repayment, indicate them as well.

The result of the calculations will be a chart with general information: the total payment amount, divided into the principal part of the debt (the one you received from the bank), accrued interest and the amount of the monthly payment. Download the payment schedule to check it with your bank or use it as a reference in future searches.

Loan selection

The online loan calculator from will not only calculate the benefits of the proposed loan for you, but will also select suitable offers from Russian banks operating in your region.

The database of our portal stores information about offers from banks with branches throughout Russia. The system automatically selects programs whose conditions match the data you entered.

Each card indicates interest rates, probable amounts (minimum and maximum thresholds), as well as the main benefits of the loan for the borrower. On one page you can familiarize yourself with the conditions of several banks. You no longer need to contact the financial institution’s office directly or search for information on different websites. All the data you need to make your choice will be right before your eyes.

Dig deeper by calculating the benefits based on what each individual bank offers. To do this, click on the “Detailed calculation” button. The service will apply the rates and terms for the program, and with an approximate payment schedule you can understand whether it is worth applying for this particular loan. Many organizations offer their services online, so you can proceed to filling out an application directly from the page of our portal by clicking on the appropriate button.

Thus, the loan calculator from is an opportunity to select and take out a loan from one of the Russian banks in the shortest possible time. To do this, you don’t have to travel to the branches of different organizations or wait in queues - you just need an Internet connection and a few minutes of your day.

One of the most important criteria influencing the feasibility of applying for a loan is the amount of the monthly payment. The capabilities of modern information technologies make it possible not to perform the necessary calculations manually, since anyone can make calculations using numerous online calculators located on the network. However, to use them correctly, you need to know the calculation rules.

How to calculate monthly payment?

First of all, it should be noted that there are two options for monthly payments:

  • Annuity. This loan repayment scheme provides for regular equal payments throughout the loan term. The consequence of using this option is the same financial burden on the borrower;
  • Differentiated. The monthly payment amount is calculated taking into account the currently remaining debt on the loan. As a result of using this loan repayment option, the financial burden on the bank client is gradually reduced.

The differences between the two schemes lead to a fairly significant difference between the size of the monthly payment and, consequently, the final amount of overpayment, so they must be taken into account when choosing a suitable loan option. It is important to note that today there are several options for calculating the amount of regular loan payments.

Calculate monthly loan payment online

The most popular and easiest way to calculate the monthly payment is to use an online calculator. Today, such simple and convenient services are posted on the official websites of almost all banks, as well as numerous specialized Internet resources devoted to issues of lending and the operation of the country’s banking system. Typically, to perform the calculation, you need to enter the following data into the program, the list of which may vary slightly depending on the type of loan:

  • the amount and term of the loan being issued;
  • loan interest rate;
  • the amount of commissions (if any);
  • the amount of the down payment (if it is planned);
  • loan repayment start date;
  • type of monthly payments (annuity or differentiated).

The advantage of using online calculators posted on the websites of various banks is the presence in their databases of tariffs established by each specific credit institution. This greatly simplifies the calculations. However, if you need to compare the conditions offered by different banks, you will need to visit several sites.

An important advantage of using online calculators is the ability to quickly perform many calculations based on different loan terms or the size of the monthly payment. As a result, the potential borrower gets an excellent chance to choose the most profitable loan option for himself.

Payment at a bank branch

Another option to calculate the size of the regular loan payment is to contact the bank directly with which the client plans to cooperate in the future. Any employee of the credit department also has a program for calculating the monthly payment schedule, which easily and very quickly calculates the terms of a specific loan, based on the basic parameters described above.

In this case, the client can also ask the bank employee to make the required number of calculations in order to identify the most profitable option from the point of view of the client’s financial capabilities. The only disadvantage of this method of calculating loan terms is the impossibility of quickly comparing offers from different banks.

Other calculation methods

Of course, there is also the possibility of calculating the monthly loan payment using a regular calculator, that is, actually manually. Obviously, this calculation option is used extremely rarely today, since it requires a lot of time and knowledge of rather complicated formulas (especially in the case of annuity payments), which leads to the possibility of errors in calculations. Much simpler, more convenient and, importantly, more accurate calculations made using online calculators.

Calculation formula

However, in some cases manual calculations are still carried out. The following formulas are used:

  • for annuity payment:
    • Payment=Credit*(Percent+(Percent/(1+Percent)*Month-1)), where
      • Payment - the amount of the monthly annuity payment;
      • Credit - loan amount;
      • Percent - interest rate;
      • Months - loan validity period.
    • for differentiated payment:
      • Payment=Credit/Month + Balance*Proc./12, where
        • Payment - the amount of differentiated payment;
        • Credit - loan amount;
        • Months - loan term;
        • Balance - loan debt at the time of interest accrual;
        • Percent - the interest rate.

What does the monthly payment consist of?

The above formulas take into account only two main components of the monthly payment, directed to:

  • Repayment of the loan principal;
  • Payment of interest accrued for the use of borrowed funds.

However, often, under the terms of the agreement concluded with the bank, the client is forced to additionally pay for any services related to obtaining a loan, or commissions established by the credit institution. They can either be included in the monthly payment schedule or contained in a separate agreement.

Features of payment depending on the type of lending

In order for the calculation of the actual monthly payment to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of individual types of loans. For example, when taking out a car loan, you should pay attention to the client’s obligation to insure the purchased vehicle, which amounts to a fairly serious amount. A similar situation is associated with obtaining real estate insurance for a mortgage. Full consideration of the terms of a specific loan will allow you to choose the most profitable loan option for the client.

Today, most citizens resort to applying for credit products. Banks are becoming increasingly popular. A citizen with an average income has definitely applied for a loan at least once or intends to receive one.

There are more and more loan offers, because financial institutions are developing projects for different categories of the population. But each bank sets its own lending conditions.

And how can you decide on your own where to turn? How to calculate a loan yourself? Loan payments can be made using an online calculator.

Also, the loan amount and monthly payments can be correctly calculated in Ixelle by entering all the necessary data. With knowledge of the formulas, you can easily calculate a consumer or mortgage loan. At the same time, you can compare the calculations.

How to calculate a loan yourself?

How much will you still have to pay? This question is of concern. Calculating monthly payments is not difficult.

The formula for calculating the monthly payment is classic. The main nuance when calculating is the deduction of all commission fees and payments and taking into account only the main indicators.

What indicators are required to calculate the monthly payment?

To calculate the monthly payment in the Excel book, you need to take the exact loan amount, the time period of the loan and the discount interest. After calculation, the potential borrower sees the exact picture of the payment schedule, sees the value of the interest overpayment and the entire cost of the loan.

What is the purpose of performing calculations in the Ixelles book? This is a simple check of the issued data using a loan calculator. After calculations, you can determine whether there are any hidden fees that the financial institution included in the monthly payment, but did not notify the client.

Financial institutions want to earn as much as possible from the consumer of their own services, so they practice this all the time.

Basic terms every consumer should know

1. Payment scheduleThe payment schedule includes the amount of monthly loan payments. The amount of the monthly payment includes the annuity payment, the amount of accrued interest, the amount of the principal debt, the remaining amount of the debt, the total amount of overpayments and the total amount of all payments. Additional services that will be added to the payment can also be displayed in the payment schedule. Additional services can be separately allocated, or they can immediately be included in the composition.
2. Payment per monthMonthly payment – ​​the minimum payment amount, which consists of the amount of the principal debt, accrued interest, insurance and additional services. Most often, payment is calculated using the annuity method; less often, financial institutions agree to the differentiation method.

Calculation of payment per month

When taking out a loan for consumer needs and a mortgage, the client must take into account the following formula:

Payment using the annuity method = Loan size * ((i*(i+1)^n)/(1+i)^n-1), where:

  • n – loan period,
  • i – discount interest on a loan.

In the book Ixel the consumer is offered special formula:

PLT ( Accounting interest/12; time period of lending; loan amount).

Below we give an example of calculation using all methods. So the conditions:

  • Lending period – six months .
  • Issue size – 100,000 rubles.
  • Accounting interest – 18%.

Using an online calculator, the monthly payment comes out 28591.01 rubles. Taking into account the PMT formula, the same amount is obtained - 28591.01 rubles. Using the first formula listed very first, the following comes out:

Payment per month = 100000 * ((0,18*(0,18+1)^6)/((1+0,18)^6)-1).

Payment per month = 28591.01 rubles.

According to calculations, it turned out that by all methods we get the same answer. But this doesn't always happen. In addition, the calculation using the formula may yield a slightly different value. This is achieved by rounding to whole numbers.

How to build a payment schedule?

To build a credit payment schedule, you need to create a table in Excel with the following columns: payment date, payment amount, principal amount, accrued interest, remaining amount.

To enter dates automatically, you first need to enter the first ones yourself. 2 dates, and then stretch with a cross for the required period ( in this case for 6 months). 6 dates available- With 01.02.2018 By 01.07.2018.

How to independently calculate the amount of accrued interest?


Calculation of accrued interest:

Interest =(Principal debt * % * calendar days in a particular month) / (100 * 365(366)).

Calculation of the amount of principal debt

We calculate the principal debt as the difference between annuity payments and accrued interest.


Principal debt = Amount of payments using the annuity method – accrued interest.

Calculation of the amount of remaining debt

It is calculated as the difference between the loan size and the principal amount paid for the month.


Residual debt = Loan amount – principal debt per month.

In the second month, the calculation procedure is similar, but instead of the entire amount of the loan, we enter the remaining amount of the principal debt. The previous calendar date minus the current calendar date gives the number of days in the period.

It happens that this happens when there is still an amount remaining after the last payment. Due to such circumstances, financial institutions may overestimate the amount of the last payment or, conversely, underestimate it.


Results may vary between financial institutions. This is absolutely normal. Each financial institution uses its own calculation principles. The legality in such actions is respected.

Therefore, you can ask the employee for their own calculation formula to make the calculations, as well as make a comparison of the obtained data. Financial institutions may have a special approach to calculating the date or take into account weekends.

Loan calculator with early repayment

In the early repayment section, you can create a plan for such repayments. Some banks often impose penalties associated with the payment of such a payment. In the commission section, you can set the appropriate parameters and thereby determine exactly how profitable early repayment will actually be.

Loan calculator report in Excel

The loan calculator will calculate the total cost of the loan - a value calculated as a percentage, which takes into account commissions, associated payments and the time of their payments. This makes it possible to compare loans with different fees.

Accounting for inflation in loan payments

By setting the parameters of the expected inflation of the loan calculator, you can estimate the costs, taking into account the real purchasing power of money over time.

Dependence of overpayment and monthly payment amount on loan parameters

Analysis of graphs of dependence of loan parameters allows you to select the most comfortable loan conditions. By clicking on the point of interest on the chart, you can start a more detailed calculation for the parameter selected on the chart.

Annuity or differentiated payment

With annuity payments, the amount of monthly payments is the same throughout the entire repayment period, while in the initial period, debt repayment is slower, since you have to pay accrued interest on the loan. This type of loans is most common in Russia. A scheme with differentiated payments involves at the initial stage the payment of large monthly amounts, which will become smaller with each subsequent time. The debt is repaid in equal installments over the entire term, but the amount of accrued interest varies. The total amount of overpayments in absolute terms is greater with the annuity scheme, however, it is important not to forget about inflation, especially for long-term loans. In conditions of high inflation, this scheme becomes significantly more profitable in the context of the purchasing power of money. Those. You will be able to purchase more goods and services over the entire loan repayment period.

Before contacting the bank for a loan, you should do the calculations yourself. The loan can be expensive due to one-time fees, insurance and other mandatory payments. Let's take a closer look at how to independently calculate interest on a loan.

What does a loan consist of?

For a financial institution, income is the amount of the difference between funds received and issued under loan agreements. Profit on long-term loans will be greater than on short-term loans. If the bank increases interest rates above market rates, customers will simply refuse to borrow funds. Therefore, banks are developing various service programs.

Credit- this is the amount of borrowed funds that the bank provides to the client for a certain period. It consists of the principal amount (the amount that was not enough to purchase), the discount rate and various commissions. To correctly calculate interest on a loan, you need to know what you have to pay for.

An initial fee

The borrower pays the advance payment independently to the seller's cash desk. The loan is reduced by this amount. Having a down payment is an additional guarantee that the borrower is solvent. Experts believe that a person approaches the issue of lending more consciously if he has spent his funds immediately. Interest-free loans only violate financial discipline. The advance payment is not taken into account when calculating interest on the loan.

Credit body

The “body” of the loan is the principal debt. This is the amount that the client lacked to purchase the product. The monthly payment necessarily includes part of the principal debt and a fee for using funds.


The banking agreement may provide for additional fees, such as a one-time fee for applying for a loan and monthly fees. They all increase the cost of borrowing and affect the effective rate. To calculate the total cost of the loan, you should add up all the costs that can be found in the agreement.

Annual interest rate

Annual rate- This is the percentage that is paid for the use of funds. To increase their income, financial institutions set quarterly, monthly and semi-annual interest rates. Next, formulas for calculating loan interest will be presented.


Insurance is a requirement when taking out a long-term loan, such as a mortgage or car loan. It guarantees that in the event of the borrower’s death, the insurance company will pay off the debt for him. In the short term, the probability of the borrower's death is very small. Therefore, insurance is an additional optional service. Payments on an insurance contract increase the future cost of the loan.


The difference between the total loan amount with all fees and mandatory payments, as well as the original amount, is the overpayment. It is measured in absolute and relative terms. The higher the interest rate on the loan, insurance, and monthly commissions, the more money the client will pay to the bank. Therefore, it is very important to correctly calculate the loan before completing the documents.

How to accurately calculate loan interest

Today, some banks actively offer consumer loans at 0.01%, but with a commission, while others offer loans at 15% without additional overpayments. Clients who do not know the basics of financial mathematics will not be able to quickly and correctly calculate the interest on the loan, that is, the effective rate. This is also due to the fact that banks do not provide all the information on the loan, but only what is required by law. As a result, when applying for a loan at 17%, the client actually pays 78%. The interest rate is the main, but not the main indicator that you should focus on when choosing a loan.

In financial mathematics, there are several formulas for calculating interest on a loan. They differ in the accuracy of calculations. In a simplified form, the time period is specified in the number of periods (months, quarters, years), and in the exact form - in the number of lending days.

You can quickly calculate interest on a loan using the following formula:

Interest amount = Loan amount * Annual rate * Number of days of lending / Number of days per year

Example: An individual took out a loan for a year in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. The annual rate is 18%.

Interest amount = 300,000 * 18 * 365 / 365 = 54 thousand rubles. the person will have to pay for using the funds.

Formula for calculating interest on a loan

If an annuity scheme is used, the following formula should be used:

Payment amount = (Loan amount * % / 12) / (1- (1 / 1 + % / 12) number of required payments)

Example: an individual took out a loan for 12 months in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. at 17% per annum.

Payment amount = (60,000 * (0.17/12)) / (1- (1 / 1 + (0.17/12)1) = 850.00: 0.1553 = 5,472.29 rubles.

Payment amount = (Loan balance amount * % * Number of days in the period) / (100 * Number of days in the year)

Let's add the conditions of the previous example. To fully repay a debt of 60 thousand rubles. the borrower should transfer 5 thousand rubles monthly.

Jan payment = (60,000 * 17 * 31) / (100 * 365) = 866.30

Payment for Feb = (55,000 * 17 * 28) : (100 * 365) = 717.26...

Payment for December = (5,000 * 17 * 31) : (100 * 365) = 72.19.

How to calculate your monthly payment yourself

There are several formulas for calculating interest on a loan.

They depend on the lending scheme:

  • Annuity payments. This scheme provides for regular payments in equal amounts throughout the entire loan term. The financial burden on the client is distributed evenly over the entire period of the contract.
  • Differentiated. The payment amount is calculated taking into account the remaining debt. That is, in the first months the monthly payment is large, but with each period it gradually decreases.

The differences between the schemes lie in the total amount of overpayment. If they use an annuity, clients will return more money to the bank.

To perform the calculation, you need to enter the following data into the form:

  • loan amount and term;
  • interest rate;
  • amount of commissions;
  • advance amount;
  • lending start date;
  • type of payments (annuity or differentiated).

The advantage of using calculators on bank websites is that they already contain tariffs for each specific program. This greatly simplifies the loan calculation. To compare the conditions of different programs, you will have to visit several sites. The second advantage is the ability to perform many calculations quickly and without using formulas to calculate loan interest. As a result, the borrower gets a chance to choose a profitable loan option.

How to calculate annual interest on a mortgage

When a borrower applies for a mortgage, the bank analyzes his financial situation in detail. It usually turns out that the situation is not simple; he can get a mortgage not at the advertised 11%, but at least 13%, since he is not a bank client and does not want to pay insurance. After filling out the documents, it turns out that there is no collateral or guarantor for the loan, so the rate automatically increases to 15%. And after taking into account all the factors in detail, the bank will decide to issue a loan at 16%. In this situation, it is difficult to calculate the interest on the loan. However, it is necessary to do this.

In the long term, the monetary unit depreciates. Therefore, banks are actively increasing lending rates to match the inflation rate. This is the main reason for overpaying on your mortgage. Rubles “in stockings” are becoming cheaper every day. In 3-4 months, inflation will “eat up” approximately 170 rubles out of the allotted 1,000 rubles, and after a few months the same 170 rubles, etc. That is, in a year 1,000 rubles will depreciate. The same thing happens with the funds that banks receive under issued contracts. Due to inflation, they depreciate.

Therefore, when calculating a mortgage or car loan, a compound interest formula is used.

FV = PV (1 + r)n, Where

  • PV is the initial cost of the loan.
  • r - rate.
  • N - Number of periods.

Example: the bank gave the borrower 20 thousand dollars for 10 years at 10%.

Banks offer to use a “simple formula” - add interest for 10 years to the amount of the principal debt: 20,000 + (0.1 × 20,000) x 10 = $40,000.

That is, after 10 years the client will “buy the bank” another apartment. In fact, the overpayment on the loan will be much higher. The total amount will be:

FV = 20,000 (1 + 0.10)10 = 20,000 * 2.4328 = $48,656 The difference is $8,656.

In order to competently approach the issue of obtaining a loan for a long-term period, you should correctly calculate the interest on the loan with different initial data.