How to open a tin can without an opener: description of methods. How to open a tin or sealed jar without an opener? How to open a can of stew

If you want to open a can of canned food or condensed milk, but you don’t have the necessary tools at hand, you can use several proven methods. In addition, worldly wisdom will also come in handy when opening glass jars.

To do this, you will need to have one of the available tools with you, such as a spoon, a chef's knife or even a stone. A few simple and time-tested tips will help you figure out how to open a jar without an opener.

With a knife

Before starting the procedure, the jar must be placed on a flat surface so that it does not slip or fall out of your hands during the process. It is better if it is a waist-high table. To understand how to open a tin can without an opener, you should follow a number of simple steps.

Then you need to place the tip of the knife near the edge of the tin lid. The knife should be kept in an upright position. If you tilt it, nothing may work. Then you should grasp the handle so that your fingers do not accidentally get on the blade.

The advantages of this method over simply “sawing” the lid with a knife:

  • no shavings get into the contents of canned food;
  • the knife becomes dull much less;
  • As a “working tool” you can choose a chisel and any product that resembles a knife.

Once the knife is positioned vertically above the container and the blade is at the edge of the lid, you can begin opening. First, you should lightly hit the handle from above with your second hand. This will allow you to make a puncture. Do not hit with excessive force. To make the knife feel more, you should strike with an open palm.

Now you need to move the knife to the side. You need to make another hole in a similar way. In this way, cuts are made along the entire circumference. Now you can open the container. You should insert a knife blade into any hole and pry off the lid. At this point, it is better to protect your hands with a towel. Thereby simple way You can find out from your own experience how to open a tin can without an opener.


Oddly enough, an ordinary metal spoon turns out to be simple and effective means for opening cans. The covers are made of thin metal, which can easily be “wiped” with normal back-and-forth movements.

The spoon is placed with the scoop down, at the very edge of the top of the container. Then you need to start wiping the lid with it in one place, as soon as liquid begins to appear, or the spoon begins to “sag”, you should move to the next area. How to open a can of condensed milk without an opener, without spending extra effort? Using this method, you can quickly access the contents of the tin container.

Chef's knife

As in the previous version, the jar needs to be placed on the table so that it is convenient to open. Do not squeeze it between your knees. If the knife comes off, it can cause serious injury. The heel of the knife is placed above the inner edge of the jar. It is placed near the very edge.

The opening algorithm is as follows:

  1. Press your heel into the selected area. Carefully press the hole without hitting or pressing too hard on the container.
  2. Do not be tempted to use the sharp edge of the tool and open the can with a simple “sawing”. If you work only with your heel, the container will not jump out of your hands, and the knife blade will not be damaged.
  3. Move the knife forward a little along the edge and make a new hole. Subsequent holes are made in the same way.

This method allows you to quickly and safely open a can. Without worrying about the knife becoming dull or the tool slipping.


Since the lid is made of fairly thin metal, it is easy to wipe with many hard objects. However, one of the most effective for opening cans is a rough stone or piece of concrete. If the stone is smooth, it will take much longer to wipe the lid.

The procedure for opening canned food is as follows:

  1. Turn the jar upside down and start rubbing it on the stone.
  2. To control the process, it is worth constantly inspecting the lid.
  3. Don't be overzealous and rub too hard. This way you can ruin the entire contents of the tin container with a few movements.

Once the lid is wiped, it can be pryed off with a knife and opened. Then it should be bent and finally broken off.

A spoon is suitable for cases when there is no knife. There are also quite a lot of ways with a spoon to open a glass jar of jam without an opener. However, even in the absence of any tools, an ordinary rough stone is suitable. When opening the jar, you need to cover your hand with a towel so as not to accidentally get hurt.

Jar of jam

If opening a tin can is quite simple using kitchen utensils, then you will have to tinker with glass containers. Pickles and preserves are sealed under screw or seal lids. There are many ways to open a glass jar without an opener.

If the lid is seaming, the simplest and most effective way is to hit it from above with your elbow (with a hammer or rolling pin). The edges of the lid will be bent, and it can be easily removed even by hand. You can also make a few small dents in the lid with a simple spoon. Then, once the edges have lifted, the lid can be easily removed with a gloved hand or a towel.

There are a lot of ways to open a glass jar of compote without an opener. However, the most effective and safest is to simply press on the lid.

Another method concerns screw caps:

  • cover the lid with cling film;
  • put a rubber band around the neck of the jar for money;
  • tap the edges of the lid with a spoon or the handle of a knife;
  • Turn the jar upside down and place it in hot water.

You can also place the lid of the jar under running hot water for half a minute. To avoid getting burned when opening the lid, wrap your hand in a towel. As you can see, there are 2 options with hot water, how to open a jar without an opener with cucumbers (jam, compote).

In addition, the screw cap is easy to unscrew if you first let air into the jar. To do this, insert the tip of a knife between the edge of the lid and pull the handle towards you. As soon as it becomes clear that air has got under the lid (a characteristic pop will occur), you can unscrew the lid. After completing the procedures, it will succumb very easily.

How to open a can of beer and soda

The lid of such a container usually has a special lever opener (key). However, if it breaks, you can open the jar by simply pressing your finger on the place that should become the neck. There are not many ways to open a can of beer without a can opener, the main thing is not to get hurt when making sudden movements.

Surely everyone who has ever tried soda or beer from a can has encountered a situation where effervescent foam suddenly bursts out of a freshly opened container. To avoid splashes, you should use one secret. If you tap the edges of the jar a little, large bubbles of carbon dioxide will rush upward, and after opening the jar they will quickly come out of the jar without dragging the liquid with them.

Tips on how to open a rolled up jar without an opener will help everyone. However, it is worth adhering to basic precautions. To avoid getting hurt, you should follow a few simple rules.

Trouble always happens at the most inconvenient moment. If you urgently need to open a can, and the knife, as luck would have it, has disappeared somewhere or is broken, you can solve this unpleasant problem very simply. Two small, but brilliant in their simplicity, tricks will help you open a tin can in just a minute. Choose the method you like!

So, for the first trick you will need an ordinary spoon. Take it in your hands, as shown in the photo, squeeze it tightly with your fingers.

Then press down on the edge of the jar, moving the spoon back and forth with a little pressure.

After half a minute, a small hole will form in the jar.

Holding the spoon firmly in your hand, lift the edge and begin to open the jar, as you would with a can opener.

The jar is open! Be careful: the edges of the jar are very sharp with this method.

The second method requires the same amount of time, but different materials at hand. Simple sandpaper is best, although if you are at the dacha, a concrete block or abrasive stone can also serve as it. So, place the can on the sandpaper and start rubbing with pressure for half a minute.

This way you “erase” the edge of the jar.

You need to rub exactly until the following stripes appear on the edges of the jar:

This means that the can can now be easily opened by simply squeezing it with your hand. The lid on top will simply fly off.

The tin can is open!

Live and learn. This statement is true for absolutely all areas of our lives. You can live a certain number of years, but still not learn how to open, for example, portioned cream.

This post contains 10 products that can be opened quickly and conveniently, but we didn’t know about it. Well now we know.

Sugar packet

This type of sugar packaging was invented by Benjamin Eisenstadt. The idea is simple: break the bag in half, and do not tear off a corner. Thus, all the sugar ends up in the cup, and the person has one neat candy wrapper in his hand.

Pringles chips

It’s much easier to eat them if you put a folded piece of paper in the jar.

Plain chips

You will need to pierce the packaging with scissors or another sharp object.

Tic tac

It is enough to turn the jar over, and the dragee itself will fall into a special hole in the lid. Yes, we didn't know either.

Portioned cream

You need to pull the “tab” (in the photo on the right it is at the bottom of the container) and move it across the jar. The cream easily pours into the cup and mixes with the coffee.

Coffee at McDonald's

This is the story with coffee: there is no need to suffer and completely tear off the lid. There is a special plug on it that closes the drinking hole in the lid - you just need to bend it all the way, and it will remain fixed in the recess.

Pour juice from the package

The neck of a juice carton is usually located closer to one edge. If you pour juice so that it is at the bottom, air does not enter the bag, the juice gurgles and splashes. The correct way to pour is the same as pouring gasoline from a canister - hold the juice pack so that the neck is higher. Then the juice will flow smoothly and without splashing.


Carefully inspect the coconut and find 3 black dots located nearby. Pierce one of the points with a screwdriver or a sharp thin knife, insert a straw and drink. To open a coconut, you need to mentally draw a circle, which should be located a little closer to those same black eyes from the middle. Tap the entire fruit along an imaginary line and it will split open.

Canned food

How to open a tin can with an opener. We hold and move the opener towards us and at the same time turn the can. We will get a clear, perfect cut without distortion.


The easiest way to open a can is to use a special can opener. Hardware stores always have a selection of these devices (openers), from regular to electric or battery-powered, which open a jar in no time.

So, if you have a can opener at hand, you need to put the jar on the table and place the knife at the edge of the side. Hold the knife with one hand and hit it from above with the other. A hole appears on the lid. Holding the jar with one hand, with the other you can begin to cut the lid of the jar in a circle, smoothly, catching one side of the knife on the side of the jar, and making an incision with the sharp end. The hand holding the knife should move up and down. The lid needs to be cut a little not completely, then bent upward.

It will not be difficult to open a tin can, the lid of which has a special metal loop. The loop needs to be lifted up and bent a little. Then pull firmly, but not too sharply. It happens that the loop comes off, then again you need to take up the can opener.

If at the right time there is no special knife, the tin can can be opened with an ordinary knife with a sharp end, also by punching a hole in the can and cutting the lid of the can in a circle. The cut will, of course, not be so even, but beauty in this case is not the main thing. It is important not to cut yourself on the sharp edges of the metal. After making a hole in the lid using a kitchen knife, you can then also use medium-sized scissors.

At a picnic, on a hike, or at the dacha, you may not have any knives or tools other than an axe. But he can help too. Of course, the process of opening a can will be more difficult, but this clumsy work is done in the same way as with a knife.

The easiest way, of course, is to open a tin can with liquid contents, for example, condensed milk. To do this, just make two holes in the lid and pour out (drink) the product inside. By the way, the second hole is needed so that constant pressure is maintained inside the can and the stream flows smoothly.

Far from kitchen helpers, sometimes even an ordinary stone (boulder), concrete slab or asphalt can help out. The tin can must be turned over, the lid placed on the stone, then, pressing lightly, move (rub) it in a circle. The meaning of these movements is that in factory conditions, cans are closed by simple bending, which results in a lip (side) on the can. If you grind it off, the lid will fall off by itself. The main thing is not to miss the right moment, otherwise most of the contents of the jar may end up on the stone.

Want to open canned food, but don't have a can opener at hand? No problem: the lids of the cans are made of a thin sheet of tin that is easy to cut through. To do this, you can use a spoon, chef's knife, pocket knife or stone - with their help you will open the lid without spoiling the food inside the jar. A little diligence and you can enjoy the taste of the contents of this very tin can.


Using a pocket knife

    A waist-high table is perfect. Stand over the jar so that you can work comfortably.

    Place the tip of the knife over the inside edge of the lid. Hold the knife vertically, not at an angle. Grasp the handle so that your fingers do not accidentally slip onto the blade. The back of the hand is facing upward.

    • This method is more effective than trying to saw through the lid with a knife blade. With the latter option, you will ruin the knife, and metal shavings will almost certainly get into the food.
    • Make sure the knife is positioned vertically and securely to prevent it from slipping.
    • You can also use a chisel or other durable tool similar to a pocket knife.
  1. Lightly tap the knife handle. With your other hand, lightly tap the back of the hand you are holding the handle with. This will allow the tip of the knife to pierce the lid.

    • Don't hit too hard to avoid losing control of the knife.
    • Strike with an open palm to get a better feel for the knife.
  2. Move the tip of the knife a few centimeters to the side and make the next hole in the same way.

    Pry up the lid. Insert the tip of the knife into one of these holes. Pry and carefully lift the cover.

  3. Move the spoon to the side and repeat the action. Rub the new hole next to the finished point. Continue until the lid is wiped clean. Now the hole made in the lid has become a little larger.

    Move around the entire circumference of the lid. Continue moving the spoon and wiping the lid a little at a time until you have gone all the way around. The lid is now almost open. Do not overturn the jar to avoid spilling the contents.

    Pry up the lid. Slide a spoon under the edge of the lid. Pry and lift the cover up. Carefully peel back the lid to open the jar.

    • If you can't pry the lid off with a spoon, use a knife. Using a knife, you can even cut through small sections of the lid that are still attached to the jar.
    • The edge of the lid is sharp, so be careful not to cut your fingers. If necessary, use an oven mitt or towel for protection.

Using a chef's knife

  1. Place the jar on a stable surface. A waist-high table is perfect. Do not place the can on your knees or squeeze it between your legs. The knife may come off and injure you.

    Hold the knife where the handle and blade meet. Place the top of the knife in your palm directly above the intersection. Your fingers should be positioned on the sides of the handle, at a safe distance from the sharp edge of the blade.

    • Grab it firmly enough. This method can be dangerous if the knife slips out of your hand.
    • Do not use a knife that is smaller than a chef's knife for this method. A chef's knife is large and heavy, weighing more than a scoring knife or steak knife. To successfully pierce the lid, you will need a knife with a fairly heavy blade.
  2. Place the heel of the knife over the inside rim of the jar. The heel of a knife is the widest point of the blade. It is opposite the tip of the knife. Place it over the inner edge of the lid near the rim.

    • The heel should be centered exactly under the place where the knife is fixed in the hand.
    • Press it firmly against the lid so that the knife does not come off.
  3. Press your heel into the lid. Press firmly with the heel of the knife to pierce the can and create a small hole. If you can’t pierce the lid, try standing up and leaning on the jar. Hold the knife with one hand. Place your other hand on the top edge. Press down with both hands to pierce the lid.

    • No need to hit the can. The knife may come off and injure you. Instead, you need to slowly but firmly press down on the knife until your heel pierces the lid.
    • Don't be tempted to use the sharp edge of a knife to puncture the can. The heel is more stable and will not slip. Also, if you puncture with a sharp part, you will ruin the edge of the blade.
  4. Move the knife and make a new hole. Move the knife a few centimeters along the edge of the lid. Make the next hole in the same way.

    Continue making holes around the circumference of the lid. Go over the entire lid as you would with a regular wrench. The lid is now almost open.

    Pry up the lid. Insert the tip of the knife into one of these holes. Pry and lift the cover. Do not point the sharp part of the blade towards your body to avoid accidental injury. Carefully peel back the lid.

    • If necessary, use a smaller knife to cut through the remaining sections of the lid.
    • You can protect your hand with a towel when you lift the lid. The edges of the lid are sharp, so protection will not hurt.

Using stone or concrete

  1. Find a flat rock or piece of concrete. It is desirable that the surface be rough. A smooth stone will not create enough friction to puncture the lid.

    Turn the jar over and press it against the stone. By turning the jar upside down, you will be able to break the seal that is at the top of the jar.

  2. Start rubbing the jar on the stone. Press the can firmly and rub it against the stone. Continue until liquid is visible on the stone or jar.

    • Turn and check the jar often. You need to stop as soon as the liquid starts dripping. This will mean that the lid is already thin enough and can be broken through.
    • Don't rub so hard that you completely wear off the lid. This will ruin the entire contents of the jar.
  3. Pry off the lid with a pocket knife. The seal will be thin enough that you can pry the lid off near the edge. Insert a knife and carefully pry off the lid. Carefully peel it back or break it off and discard it.

    • If you don't have a pocket knife, a spoon, butter knife, or other object will do.
    • You can find a stone that will allow you to break the lid inside the jar. Is not the best option, as stone chips or dirt may get into the contents of the jar.
    • When opening the lid, cover your hand with a towel to avoid cutting yourself.
  • You can always ask your neighbor for a can opener! Even if you are camping, many will be willing to share a can opener with you.
  • A camping can opener (flat) can be purchased at military, outdoor, and outdoor supply stores. This is a very simple key that is convenient to carry in your backpack.


  • Do not try to cut off the lid with a bread knife. This will allow metal shavings to get into your food.
  • Do not eat food from cans that have exploded or were not sealed before opening, as they may be missing or contain dangerous bacteria.
  • All these methods are not perfect and carry a risk of injury. None of them are suitable for use by children. Never rush and take precautions when trying to open a can without a special key.
  • Even when using a can opener, metal shavings or sawdust may get into the can. Try to prevent this from happening and remove all visible debris. It is best to open the jar in good lighting.