Where and how to get a medical insurance policy. New standard compulsory medical insurance policy: where to get it, replacement and other questions

Since 2010, the rules for the provision of free healthcare services for people with an insurance policy have changed. Now everyone is provided with a document with an unlimited validity period - a compulsory medical insurance policy. Let's take a closer look at what kind of document this is, to whom it is provided and what services are provided by healthcare institutions when the patient presents this policy.

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What is a medical insurance policy?

Until 2010, health insurance for citizens was provided for one year, after which the policy had to be renewed. In the absence of such a document, the medical institution could refuse the patient free treatment. Moreover, the employer was required to enter into an agreement with the insurance company, for the unemployed - the employment service, and for minors - educational institutions.

After the release of the law regulating this aspect of relations, the rules changed. Now every citizen can individually choose an insurer and receive a compulsory health insurance policy from the company. Therefore, the competitiveness of insurance companies has increased, and their control over healthcare institutions has also strengthened, because the quality of service has begun to play a big role in the number of clients attracted.

The compulsory medical insurance policy has now become unlimited; it does not need to be changed every year, because the contract with the policyholder is concluded for life. If the policy is lost, you can always contact the office of the company serving the patient and get a duplicate.

When visiting a hospital, the patient is required to present a document confirming the person’s participation in the compulsory medical insurance program. The basic services provided for this program are approved by the regional government every year.

Who has the right to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Absolutely everyone has the right to provide this document. It doesn’t matter at all where the person is registered, where his place of residence is, what the age and social status of the insured is. Basic services are provided free of charge to every person who goes to the hospital and presents an insurance policy.

It turns out that the following can receive a compulsory medical insurance document:

  • Any adult citizen of Russia.
  • Young children under the age of fourteen.
  • A person who has a refugee certificate.
  • A person with foreign citizenship who has permanent or temporary registration in our country.
  • A person without any citizenship.
  • A person without permanent residence.

No insurer can refuse a person to participate in the compulsory medical insurance program due to lack of registration, citizenship or a specific place of residence.

Legal basis

This side of the relationship is regulated primarily by the Federal Law, issued on November 29, 2010. This law No. 326-FZ is called “On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation.” According to it, universal health insurance in Russia is designed to guarantee the protection of people’s life and health. At the same time, stateless persons and refugees have equal rights with other residents of our state.

The policy owner can get basic medical services without paying for them. He can choose the insurer independently, and if the patient is not satisfied with the quality of service, then once a year he can change it.

After the release of this law, the Duma issued several more acts that amend the current bill. The latest amendment came into force on January 1 of this year (Law No. 418-FZ).

What do you need to participate in the insurance program?

Obtaining a document confirming participation in the health insurance program is very simple. It is enough to choose a suitable insurer and contact their company office.

There you will be asked to write an application and will also be asked to provide documents:

  • For an adult resident of the Russian Federation - an identity card (passport).
  • For a young child - birth certificate, passport of one of the representatives (parent, guardian).
  • For refugees - a refugee certificate.
  • For foreigners - an identity card, residence permit or temporary residence permit in Russia.
  • For those who do not have citizenship at all - an identity card, a mark on a permanent or temporary residence permit (or residence permit).

In addition, if you have a SNILS plastic card, you must also provide it. Upon submission of the listed documents, any of these categories of persons can enter the compulsory medical insurance program. The only reason for the policyholder's refusal to issue a policy may be the lack of necessary documents.

What else do you need to know about the compulsory medical insurance policy?

Thus, having a certificate of a participant in the compulsory medical insurance program ensures that a person receives free help in the event of emergency situations, when his health deteriorates and his life is threatened. Of course, no hospital will work for free. Who pays for the treatment of insured persons?

Contributions to the compulsory medical insurance system come from employers and from the budget for persons who do not have official employment. This value is equal to 3.6% of the single social tax.

It is important to know exactly what services are included in the free compulsory medical insurance program. There are often cases of controversial situations when medical institutions refuse to provide assistance because the case is not insured.

So, free insurance includes:

  • Emergency medical care.
  • Diagnosis and medical care at home and in inpatient settings, while outpatient treatment is not provided with drugs.
  • Inpatient stay if the following situations occur:
    • acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases that require constant monitoring and control by a doctor;
    • diseases of an epidemic nature requiring isolation of the patient;
    • childbirth, abortion, fetal pathologies;
    • acute poisoning;
    • serious injuries;
    • rehabilitation after illness, requiring constant medical supervision.

The law does not provide for the provision of free of charge to patients the following services not included in the insurance program:

  • Outpatient examinations, consultations, diagnostics.
  • Special conditions for inpatient treatment of a patient (for example, a ward with an increased level of comfort).
  • Treatment in a sanatorium or resort.
  • Services for anonymous requests from citizens (does not include AIDS diagnosis).
  • Cosmetology services.
  • Dental prosthetics.
  • Preventive treatment of diseases during remission.
  • Not routine vaccines and vaccinations.
  • Sexological pathologies.

The list of services provided free of charge is approved at the regional level; in individual regions of the Russian Federation they may differ. You can find out this list at your local compulsory medical insurance office or by calling the phone number indicated on the policy itself.

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow is possible from absolutely any insurance company that is engaged in this activity and has the appropriate license.

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All information regarding the address and name of the insurance company can be found at the medical institution. As for disabled people (group 1), these services can also be provided at home.

There are a huge number of insurance companies in the capital that can provide this package of services, namely compulsory medical insurance:

  1. "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine".
  2. Insurance company "Sogaz - Med".
  3. Insurance company "ROSNO-MS".
  5. Health insurance.
  6. Insurance company "Soglasie - M".
  7. Insurance company "Ingosstrakh - M".

Required documents

In order to purchase this package of services, you need to provide a certain list of documents, namely:

  1. Recipient's application
  2. Passport, for children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate must be presented
  3. Identity document of one of the parents, namely a passport

Also, as for foreign citizens, they must present:

  1. Passport of the country in which they reside
  2. Residence permit, i.e. a passport with a corresponding entry confirming the right to temporary stay in the Russian Federation.

If the application is accepted, the client is issued a temporary document that is valid for a month.

Instructions for obtaining a new policy

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the choice of insurance company. Since February 2011, citizens of the Russian Federation You are given the opportunity to directly choose your own insurance company. To carry out these actions, you must visit the official website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and select your region.
  2. It is also worth approaching this issue very carefully, since it is impossible to change the insurance company within a year. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents.
  3. This list can be seen on the official website of the insurance organization you have chosen. There are also 2 ways to submit this documentation: Through a representative or independently. The next step is to obtain a policy. The preparation period will be 1 month. Before its issuance, the client has the right to use a temporary document that will allow him to carry out all the services stated in the policy.

An insurance company employee will notify you about the readiness of the policy via email or telephone.

Who needs to get a medical policy in Moscow first?

  1. The following persons are entitled to receive this insurance policy:
  2. Foreign citizens who live in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Stateless persons
  4. Refugees
  5. Temporarily residing persons in the territory of the Russian Federation (they have the right to receive only a temporary document that determines the duration of their stay in the country).

A compulsory health insurance policy is, of course, necessary for every person (even children), since, first of all, it is the key to receiving qualified assistance.

In any situation, the client has the right to receive medical care without the corresponding fee.

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a baby, you need to take the baby’s birth certificate from the registry office after you complete the registration. Next, you need to register the child at his place of residence. The final stage is the preparation of the relevant document.

To carry out these actions, you must contact the medical institution at the place of registration of the child and clarify information regarding the cooperation of this clinic with the insurance company.

Also find out her address and contact details for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies.

It is possible that its location is relatively close, and it is also possible that the insurance company is located in the clinic building itself.

If a child is registered temporarily (for example, lives in a rented apartment), then, first of all, it is necessary to temporarily register him at his place of residence, which is regulated in the rental agreement.

In turn, the necessary documents require a corresponding extension for a new period along with the extension of temporary registration.

Also, those persons who have mistakenly lost it, changed their full name or changed their registration, or if it becomes clear that an error has occurred in the preparation of documents, also need to prepare this document.

After changing your place of residence, you must notify the insurance company about this no later than 30 days after re-registration.

How to get compulsory medical insurance for nonresidents

There are various situations after moving to another city for a new job. In the process of bustle, you don’t think about the need to obtain any documents.

In turn, if you do not have a residence permit, then this document can be obtained by registering at your place of residence.

If any difficulties arise, you must contact the compulsory health insurance fund.

This organization closely monitors the implementation of legislative norms related to the issue of compulsory medical insurance and identifies all violations, as well as provides assistance in drawing up documents.

Once received, you must join the clinic that you find suitable. This procedure is carried out with the consent of the doctor. In case of avoiding abuse of power, it is necessary to fill out an application addressed to the heads. A doctor from the medical organization you have chosen and at the same time will ask the insurance company for support.

A sample application must be taken from the reception desk of a medical institution.

If the clinic you have chosen is not suitable for any reason, you have the right to refuse to receive these services and change the place of service. The need for detachment disappears,

because this medical organization will independently submit a request to another clinic of your choice.

Features of obtaining compulsory medical insurance through the State Services portal You can conclude an agreement on compulsory health insurance on the Unified Portal of State Services.

You only need to place the application in electronic form on the website.

All required data about a citizen is obtained by creating a request to the Unified Identification and Authentication System and the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

As a result, the client receives a notification with his policy number plate.

There is no need to pick him up. All necessary data is stored in the insurance system, this allows you not to provide it when visiting medical institutions.

The issue of the amended insurance policy became known in the spring of 2011, but the updated certificate continues to raise questions even now.

A uniform plastic compulsory medical insurance policy is an improved version of the paper version with a number of advantages.

It is important to note that owners of the new policy can count on the same services as before, so there should be no cause for concern. To avoid difficulties, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for obtaining and validating the policy.

This is what a standard new compulsory medical insurance policy looks like - it resembles a bank card.

What has changed in the new compulsory medical insurance?

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is the shape and appearance. The blue A5 paper document was replaced by a bright miniature double-sided card.
  2. The material for making the certificate has become radically different.
  3. A chip appeared with personal information about the patient.
  4. You can choose your own insurance company.

What advantages does the user of the new version of insurance have?

There are several obvious advantages of the new form of compulsory medical insurance:

  1. Cards are in many ways superior to paper documents in terms of security. The data chip, photo and information about the owner on the new type of compulsory medical insurance make it impossible for unauthorized persons to use the document.
  2. A durable card, unlike its paper counterpart, will not be damaged by water or wrinkled in a bag.
  3. The compact size makes it possible to carry the card in a wallet or pocket.
  4. The ability to choose an insurer also saves the client from many problems.

Replacement is free, so you don’t have to worry about finances either.

What does the current compulsory medical insurance look like?

As already mentioned, the card is double-sided. It is three-colored: one side is made in different shades of blue, the other is “decorated” in the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue and red.

In the center of the upper part of the front side it is stated that this card is a “compulsory health insurance policy.” The red and yellow state emblem is depicted on the left, below it is a golden chip with encrypted data. The compulsory health insurance logo and company name are on the right. Many people are interested in where the policy number of the new compulsory medical insurance is indicated. So, the 16 digits below are the document number.

In the upper left part on the opposite side is the contact phone number of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Immediately below it is the owner’s electronic signature, his image, last name, first name and patronymic, as well as a hologram that serves as proof of the authenticity of the insurance certificate. On the right (from bottom to top) the owner’s date of birth, his gender, and the validity period of the certificate are indicated.

Why get a new document?

It is worth obtaining a new type of certificate to keep up with the times: to be the owner of a compact card instead of a paper document with erasable information that is easily wrinkled and not waterproof.

The new compulsory medical insurance policy is made of plastic: it is comfortable to wear, it does not wrinkle, does not get dirty, and does not get wet.

Are you required to change your certificate?

In the fall of 2018, rumors began to appear that after November the old document would be invalid. It is not true. If you do not want to change the policy to a single sample or for some reason have not yet done so, then you have the right to use a paper certificate. This is stated in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. In 2018, a warning was received that it would be impossible to change the insurance company before January 2019.

Despite the fact that the information is no longer relevant, it is important to understand that you can, but are not required to change the compulsory medical insurance form.

What you need to do to get new insurance

When taking out insurance for a citizen of the Russian Federation under 18 years of age, you must have:

  • the child’s birth certificate or passport if he or she reaches the age of 14;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • passport of one parent or guardian.

Important! Newborn children are required to provide services under the mother's policy.

Adults need to have only 2 documents with them:

  • own passport;
  • SNILS.

If you are going to apply for compulsory medical insurance for another adult or someone else’s child, you will also need a power of attorney.

It is important for refugees to provide evidence confirming this fact.

Stateless persons or citizens of another state will need an identity card, residence permit or certificate allowing them to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as, if available, SNILS.

EAEU employees will need a passport, SNILS and an employment contract.

It is advisable to have with you not only originals, but also copies of documents.

Obtaining a new type of compulsory medical insurance is very simple.

Stages of obtaining a card

  1. Providing documents, photographs and signatures.
  2. Writing an application.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate (valid for a month and 15 days).
  4. Obtaining a permanent document.

Usually the permanent policy card is ready after a month.

Where can I get a new type of compulsory medical insurance?

To replace or issue a document, you need to contact the insurance company or government agency that provides this service. The choice is large, but “Rosno MS” (Now “ LLC VTB MS") is definitely a leader.

You cannot obtain a new compulsory medical insurance policy through State Services, however, on the portal you can find information about the institutions that deal with this.

If you are interested in applying for compulsory medical insurance online, you will need to select an insurance company and act in accordance with the requirements specified on the website.