Resolution on the extension of the preferential car loan program. Barrier to auto junk

The Russian government has extended the preferential lending program for car purchases until 2020 and introduced additional benefits for car loans for residents of the Far East. The corresponding decree was signed on July 26 by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

“The preferential car loan program has been extended for 2018-2020,” says the explanatory note to the document, published on Monday, July 30, on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. At the same time, the government increased the discount provided under the First Car and Family Car social programs for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District to 25% of the cost of the purchased car.

The goal of this measure is to achieve approximate cost parity between new Russian-made cars and used cars.

The envisaged amount of funding for the program is 15 billion rubles. It will allow already in 2018 to sell 45,100 cars through the mechanism of preferential car loans. Of these, 5,800 vehicles will be sold in the Far Eastern Federal District.

The preferential car loan program was launched in Russia in 2009. As part of the program, the state subsidized banks two-thirds of the Central Bank's key rate. Initially, the program was designed for two years and was in effect until the beginning of 2011. The program was renewed in 2013 for a year.

In December 2014, Prime Minister Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development to work until the beginning of February 2015 on the feasibility of resuming the preferential car loan program. New program in April 2015. Its main difference from previous programs was that the maximum rates for final borrowers were limited. The loan was secured by the pledge of the purchased car. The minimum down payment when purchasing a car under the program is at least 20% of its cost.

The lending rate provided for in the loan agreement was determined as the difference between the bank’s rate and two thirds of the Central Bank’s key rate. At the same time, the loan term should not exceed three years, and the bank’s interest rate could not exceed the key rate of the Central Bank by more than 10 percentage points. Thus, the rate for the end consumer, taking into account the subsidy (2/3 of the key rate) did not exceed 15%.

According to calculations by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, car sales under the new program for the period from April to December 2015 should have amounted to 200,000 units.

In May 2017, Medvedev signed a decree extending the preferential car loan program for 2017. As part of the program, credit institutions provide a 10% discount on the cost of the car for the down payment when purchasing it. Later, the costs are reimbursed to banks from the federal budget.

In 2017, changes were made to the rules for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate for lost income on loans issued to individuals for the purchase of cars. The maximum cost of a car sold under the program was increased from 1.15 million to 1.45 million rubles. This measure was intended to compensate for the increase in car prices that occurred in 2016 and to expand the list of subsidized brands and models of cars. The government hoped that the extension of the program would stabilize the production and sales of cars, maintain employment in the auto industry and related industries, and create favorable conditions for purchasing cars on credit.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade, which prepared a government resolution last year, expected that 350,000 cars would be sold under the preferential car loan program.

According to 4,100 lenders reporting information to the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI), in 2017 the number of issued car loans increased by 29% compared to 2016. In the first quarter of 2018, more than 164,000 auto loans were issued, which is a 28% increase compared to the same period in 2017.

For the entire 2017, Russians received loans worth about 520 billion rubles. This is almost twice as much as in 2015, when the volume of loans amounted to 270 billion rubles. According to the General Director of the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI) Alexander Vikulin, this is largely due to the increase in the average size of a car loan: if in 2015 the average loan size for the purchase of a car was 559,000 rubles, then in 2017 it increased to 692,000 rubles. In the first quarter of 2018, this figure exceeded the threshold of 700,000 rubles.

The preferential car loan program has been extended until 2020. 15 billion rubles have been allocated for the entire duration of the program; in 2018, 45 thousand cars are expected to be sold using this mechanism. Also, for residents of the Far East, the discount on the payment of the first loan installment has been increased to 25%. In addition, the rules for providing subsidies from the budget to compensate banks for lost income on car loans for 2018 have only now formally emerged. Previously, the Association of Russian Banks (ARB) complained about the absence of this mechanism and, accordingly, the inability to receive subsidies from the state.

The government has approved the extension of the preferential car loan program until 2020. According to the government decree published on July 30, this will allow the sale of about 45 thousand cars in 2018, including 5.8 thousand in the Far East, through a preferential mechanism. The total amount of funding for the program is 15 billion rubles. Also, for residents of the Far East, “in order to increase the availability of Russian-made cars,” the discount on the down payment on a loan increases from 10% to 25%.

Car loan programs “First Car” and “Family Car” have been operating in Russia since 2015. According to them, credit institutions provide a discount on the down payment on the loan in the amount of 10% of the cost of the car. Thus, families with two or more children, as well as citizens buying a car for the first time, could count on a discount on the cost of the car. The banks' lost income is compensated from the federal budget.

Earlier, for the same period, until 2020, the government extended the program of preferential leasing of ground vehicles. At least 2 billion rubles will be allocated annually to subsidize advance payments under leasing agreements. This should increase sales by 4–5 thousand units of equipment per year. At the same time, the volume of state support for leasing is still lower than in 2017, and the funds allocated for the program in 2018 have already been exhausted.

The preferential car loan program for 2018 is also suspended. On May 14, the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that during the four months of its operation, almost 86 thousand cars were sold on preferential terms, with a target of 80.6 thousand cars. At the same time, ARB appealed to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, since the banks participating in this program have not been able to receive compensation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade for their lost income for several months. The department intends to settle accounts with them no earlier than the fall.

Which allows you to get discount when buying a car on credit. In 2017, this program was expanded and the state began to provide an additional discount on purchases.

This article will discuss the latest changes that have been made to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate for lost income on loans issued by Russian credit organizations in 2015 - 2017 to individuals for the purchase of cars, and reimbursement of part costs of loans issued to individuals in 2018 - 2020 for the purchase of cars" from August 7, 2018.

Extension of the preferential lending program until 2020

1. These Rules establish the procedure and conditions for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate for lost income on loans issued by Russian credit organizations in 2015 - 2017 to individuals for the purchase of cars (hereinafter referred to as credit organizations, loans, subsidies, respectively).

1. These Rules establish the goals, conditions and procedure for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate for lost income on loans issued by Russian credit organizations in 2015 - 2017 to individuals for the purchase of cars, and to reimburse part of the costs of loans issued in 2018 - 2020 to individuals for the purchase of cars (hereinafter referred to as loans, credit organizations, subsidies).

The first important innovation is the program is extended for 3 years(2018, 2019, 2020). However, if you are planning to get a soft loan, I recommend not putting it off until the last minute, because... Due to the large number of participants, subsidies may end much earlier. In previous years, cars sold out in 3-4 months.

Number of cars in 2018

And in order to sell 408.35 thousand cars in 2017, including 58.35 thousand cars under loan agreements...

In order to sell 45.1 thousand cars in 2018 under loans issued in 2018 - 2020....

Please note that the available number of cars is only known for 2018. It amounts to 45 100 pieces. Last year, 58,350 cars were sold under similar conditions. If demand this year is the same as last year, the cars will most likely run out in mid-autumn.

As for the limits for 2019 and 2020, they have not yet been set. Most likely next year the resolution will be updated again and the missing information will be added.

How to get a subsidy of 25% of the cost of the car?

Providing for reimbursement of the cost of paying a down payment in the amount of 10 percent of the cost of the car (25 percent of the cost of the car purchased in the Far Eastern Federal District) ...

So, in 2018 there are 2 subsidy options:

  • 25% - when purchasing a car in the Far Eastern Federal District;
  • 10% - when purchasing in other federal districts.

Those. the maximum discount in the Far Eastern Federal District will be 1,450,000 * 0.25 = 362,500 rubles.

In other regions - 1,450,000 * 0.10 = 145,000 rubles.

The Far Eastern Federal District includes the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

If you live in one of these regions, then you are in luck and can receive a subsidy of 25 percent.

If you live in other regions of the federation and are planning to buy a car on credit, then it makes sense to think about going to the Far East. Still, the difference is more than 200,000 rubles and in some cases the trip can be profitable. Especially for residents of neighboring regions (Siberian Federal District).

I do not rule out that for the sake of a discount someone will travel to the Far East and from the European part of Russia. However, such buyers should carefully calculate everything to find out whether the trip will bring benefits.

Cancellation of discount on loan interest

Another important change. In 2017, in addition to the discount on the down payment (10 percent), the state also compensated for part of the costs of paying interest on the loan:

h) the lending rate stipulated by the loan agreement is determined as the difference between the credit institution’s rate in effect on the date of loan issuance and:

two-thirds of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect on the date the loan was issued - for loan agreements concluded in 2015 or 2016;
a discount of no more than 6.7 percentage points - for loan agreements concluded in 2017.

This paragraph was not supplemented with information about 2018, i.e. interest on loan you will have to pay in full.

Conditions for participation in the program

The basic conditions for participation remain the same:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • having a driver's license;
  • the car must be the first ("First Car" program) or the borrower must have 2 or more children ("Family Car" program).

The changes affected the clause prohibiting taking out other car loans:

did not enter into other loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2017, which is confirmed by a credit report provided by the credit history bureau in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”, and also undertake not to enter into other loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2017, which confirmed by written statements from borrowers submitted to the credit institution;

did not enter into loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2017, which is confirmed by a credit report provided by the credit history bureau in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”, and also undertake not to enter into other loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2018, which is confirmed written statements of borrowers submitted to the credit institution.

Please note that in 2017 the condition was more strict. During the year the borrower should not have borrowed no car loans, except for the preferential one.

The updated program says that the car buyer should not take out car loans in 2017, as well as in 2018 after receiving a subsidy.

Let's look at an example. In January 2018, Ivan bought a car on credit. The benefit was not provided in this case, because subsidies are issued only from August 7, 2018.

In August 2018, Ivan learns about new preferential programs and decides to purchase another car (for his wife) with a 25% discount.

In this situation, the bank should not refuse Ivan, because It fully complies with the terms of the program.

Maximum car cost

no more than 1,450 thousand rubles - for cars purchased in 2017;

b) the total weight of the purchased vehicle does not exceed 3.5 tons, and its cost:
no more than 1,450 thousand rubles - for cars purchased in 2017 and 2018;

In 2018, the maximum cost of vehicles has been maintained and is 1,450,000 rubles. Let me remind you that in previous years the cost gradually increased.

Year of car manufacture

d) the purchased car is manufactured:

  • in 2016 or 2017 - for cars purchased in 2017;
  • in 2017 or 2018 - for cars purchased in 2018. In this case, a vehicle passport for a car produced in 2017 must be issued no earlier than December 1, 2017;

In this case, the conditions have become more stringent. In 2017, it was possible to buy a car manufactured during 2016, i.e. last year's

In 2018, you can also buy a car from last year (2017), but a title must be issued for such a car after December 1, 2017.

For example, if a car was manufactured in September 2017, and the title for it was received on October 15, 2017, then you will not be able to buy it at a discount.

Increasing the term of the loan agreement

g) the validity period of the loan agreement does not exceed 36 months - for loan agreements concluded before December 31, 2017 inclusive;

Previously, the maximum term of a preferential car loan was 36 months, i.e. 3 years. And this condition did not allow some buyers planning to take out a loan for a longer period (for example, 5 years) to participate in the program.

This condition has not been carried forward to 2018, i.e. Currently the maximum loan term is is not limited.

In conclusion, I would like to note that preferential car loan programs in previous years allowed many citizens of the Russian Federation to purchase cars at a good profit. So if you are planning to take out a loan to buy a car, then I advise you to take a closer look at these programs.

Good luck on the roads!

The government has extended the program of preferential car loans. Previously, it was valid only until the end of 2017, but now it will work until 2020. But the conditions of the program have changed. There will be no more interest rate discounts. But the budget will provide more money for the down payment. In 2018, it will be possible to buy 45 thousand cars under this program.

Here's how you can now buy a car with government support.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


Basic conditions

  1. The program includes those who are buying their first car and families with children (two minors are required).
  2. It is mandatory to have a driver's license.
  3. The state will add 10% of the cost of the car to the down payment.
  4. There is no more preferential rate.
  5. The loan can be taken out for a maximum of three years. The car will be pledged.
  6. The vehicle must be Russian-made and weigh up to 3.5 tons.
  7. Year of manufacture: December 2017 or 2018. Title must be no earlier than December 1, 2017.
  8. Price - up to 1.45 million rubles.

What is this program?

Since 2015, a preferential car loan program has been operating in Russia. Under this program, the state compensates part of the costs of buying a car, but only if it is taken out on credit. Once upon a time they only reimbursed, then they began to give money. Now everything has changed again.

Who can buy a car on preferential terms?

There are general requirements for program participants:

  1. The car is taken on credit. This should be a car loan, not a consumer one. With a car loan, the car is pledged to the bank until the loan is repaid, so the rate may be slightly lower.
  2. The car loan borrower must have a driver's license and Russian citizenship.
  3. In 2017, the participant did not have car loans, and in 2018 there will be no more. That is, you can take out only one car loan on preferential terms.

And two more requirements to choose from. At least one of them will have to match:

  1. Family car. The family has at least two minor children.
  2. First car. The borrower has never owned a car before.

That is, a family with two schoolchildren can take out a car loan and buy a car with government support. And a university graduate without children and a wife can buy the first car in his life on preferential terms. Even if he already has a family and a child, but the car is his first, state support is due.

What kind of car is given state support?

The car must simultaneously meet the following requirements:

  1. It is new and was assembled in Russia. You need to buy it at a car dealership, it must come from the assembly line, and not as a trade-in. You don’t have to buy a Lada Granta (although you can), you can also buy a Russian-assembled foreign car. For example, Ford, Kia, Renault and Hyundai are also suitable.
  2. The weight of the car is no more than 3.5 tons.
  3. Price - up to 1.45 million rubles. The amount has not changed since last year, although in some media you can see reports that the value limit has been increased to 1.5 million - this is not so. They were going to do it, but they didn’t give me a promotion.
  4. Year of manufacture - 2017 or 2018. If the car is 2017, then the title must be issued after December 1. Previously, this condition did not exist; the PTS date was not important.
  5. The car is pledged. The bank will have the original title; you cannot sell the car until the loan is repaid.

An initial fee

There are no down payment requirements for car loans since 2017. This is decided by the bank, taking into account its programs and requirements for a particular borrower.

Credit term

A car loan can only be taken out in rubles. In 2017, there was a term limit of three years. Now this is decided by the bank, but its rules may also have such a condition.

State support - plus 10% of the price to the down payment

The state gives each borrower 10% of the cost of the car. They are added to the down payment. For example, if a car costs 800 thousand rubles, then the state will add 80 thousand rubles to the down payment. And if you take a car for 1.4 million rubles, then state support will be 140 thousand.

There is no need to return this money to the state.

For the Far East - special conditions

If you buy a car in the Far Eastern Federal District, the state will provide not 10% of the cost of the car, but 25% for the down payment. The rest of the conditions are the same. This means that the maximum amount of state support for the Far East will be 362 thousand rubles.

The program says that you need to buy a car in the Far Eastern Federal District, and not have a residence permit, real estate or work there. Theoretically, you can buy a car in Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk or Birobidzhan and receive 200 thousand rubles more from the state. But here the bank will have questions: will it agree to issue a car loan to a borrower registered in another region.

What about the preferential rate?

There is no longer a preferential rate for these two programs. If you take out a car loan with state support in 2018, you will receive only 10% of the cost of the car in addition to the down payment.

Previously, the state also subsidized the rate - it could be reduced by 6.7 percentage points. But the Central Bank rate has decreased, car loans have become cheaper - the government no longer sees the point in these subsidies.

The rate for a car loan is set by the bank. According to this program in 2018, the state does not influence it.

Do you have to be married to get a preferential car loan?

No, it is not necessary to have an official marriage. You need to buy your first car or have at least two children. That is, the borrower will have to provide their birth certificates, in which they are listed as the parent.

If there are two children in a family, is it necessary to buy the first car?

No, the condition of the first car is an alternative to having children. The First Car and Family Car programs replace each other. If you have two children under 18, you can buy at least the fifth car in your life on a loan with government support. The main thing is that the same borrower does not have other car loans for two years.

How does the bank know that there was another car loan?

Any bank about this. Checking the availability of other car loans since 2017 is the bank’s responsibility under the program.

The borrower must also write a statement that he will not have another car loan until the end of 2018. If this obligation is violated, the subsidy will have to be returned. Everything is strict here.

Can I get government support in cash?

How to get a car loan with government support?

Contact a dealer who sells new vehicles of the appropriate brand. Find out which banks he works with under the preferential car loan program.

Or vice versa - find out which dealers the bank works with that will definitely give you a loan on favorable terms.

Not all banks participate in the state support program, so the choice of car dealership may determine which car you buy and whether you buy it at all. But the program has definitely been extended and will start working in the next few days. Money has been allocated for it, the conditions have been approved.

What about taxes? State support is a benefit, do you have to pay 13% of it?

Government support for buying a car is a benefit, but you do not need to pay tax on it. Last year, amendments were made to the tax code in this regard. You will not have to pay anything to the budget from the subsidy amount under the First Car and Family Car programs. There is also no need to submit a declaration.