Where can I see open positions in Quick (QUIK)? Account status and monitoring of client portfolio in Quik-e Aton LLC has licenses.

Good afternoon everyone!

I decided to write a short post for beginners, in which I’ll talk about how to view open positions in the Quick terminal (QUIK) when trading futures and shares. So, let's go.

Open positions on futures

When trading futures, we need to build a table with the name “positions on client accounts.” To do this, we need to click “create window” in the upper corner of the screen, and then select “all window types” from the drop-down list. Then find the required item in the list.

Now in this table in the column “current net positions” we can monitor our open positions.

If 0 is indicated in this column (or there are no numbers at all), then there are no open positions. If we see a value of -1, then we have a short position open, if +1, then we have a long position. Always check this column, because due to inexperience, it often happens that a deal is not completely closed and some contracts continue to hang. So that it doesn’t happen that the next time we launch the terminal we find a negative margin on the account. Well, or positive, if you’re lucky :)

Open positions in stocks

You can view open positions on shares in the “account status” table. To do this, click on the “create window” item in the upper corner of the screen and then select “account status”. In this table we can also see the price at which we entered the trade, the volume at which the entry was made and other useful parameters. Everything here is quite simple, I think you will figure it out, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments.

You can also monitor our current profit/loss on securities in the “client portfolio” table. It is added through the same “all types of windows” item, just like the table for futures. Everything here is also quite simple. I just want to focus your attention on the “type of limit” point. We need a "T2" limit.

Type of limit: T0, T1 and T2

In general, there are three limits: T0, T1 and T2. I’ll tell you about them very briefly, since full information about this can be found on the Moscow Exchange website. I will highlight the main points that a trader needs to know.
So what do these limits mean? And they mean the period to which the obligations relate:

  • T0 - obligations with settlement due today.
  • T1 - obligations with settlement due tomorrow.
  • T2 - obligations with settlement due the day after tomorrow.

And since the trading mode on the exchange is T+2, you can ignore the T0 and T1 limits. You only need to look at the “T2” limit. Our current positions will be displayed there. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you find a change in the “profit/loss” column in the “T1” limit for today, without making a single transaction, since these are calculations from yesterday.

I will end here, I hope this article was useful to you. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. Subscribe to the group

View portfolio status

In the QUIK trading system, you can view the status of cash and paper positions.

By opening the “Account Status” window, you can:

Get acquainted with the assessment of your position in cash and securities;

See how your profit is estimated;

Carry out the necessary operations to close and reverse your position.

Opening the “Account Status” window in the QUIK system is carried out in one of the following ways:

By selecting the “Account State” item in the program menu of the “Trading” section;

By clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar;

By selecting the context menu item “Account Status” in the “Client Portfolio” table.

The window contains two tabs:

“Positions” – status of open positions “Collateral” – explanation of the formation of collateral At the top of the window there is a toolbar for setting up tables.

The toolbar is common to the “Positions” and “Collateral” tabs.

The bottom part of the window displays the totals for each tab.

The information in the table is updated when the Client Portfolio table is updated.

The following settings are available on the toolbar:

Button – update values ​​in tables.

Switch “All positions”/“Open” – selecting displayed positions in the table:

“All positions” – positions are displayed for all instruments for which there are limits (including zero);

“Open” – only non-zero positions for instruments are displayed.

Combo box “As of date” – displays positions by status “T0”/“T+”. The setting allows you to view positions at the current moment and at the time of calculations without setting up two sets of tables. (The value of this filter does not apply to positions and restrictions on the derivatives market).

Button - controls the method of calculating parameters in the “Buy” and “Sell” columns.

Possible values:

The button is pressed – the values ​​are calculated taking into account borrowed funds (margin);

The button is released - the values ​​are calculated only based on your own funds.

“Close” button – closing a position for one security selected in the “Positions” or “Collateral” table.

“Flip” button – flip a position one security at a time, selected in the “Positions” table

or "Collateral".

“Close All” button – closes all client positions.

The Positions tab contains position cost estimates for one selected class. The rows in the table are sorted as follows: first, cash positions are displayed, sorted by currency code, followed by paper positions, sorted by security code.

Paper - Short name for paper;

View - Tool type;

Position - Number of securities in the current position;

Balance price - Weighted average price for opening a position;

Price - Current price of the security;

Liquid price - The price at which it is currently possible to close a given position on a security;

Cost - The cost of the position at the current price;

% of assets - The share of the value of an asset position in the total value of assets, excluding money;

Liq. cost - The cost of the position at the liquidation price;

Unreal. PL - Profit arising when closing a position;

In purchase - The number of securities in active purchase operations (blocked funds for orders, stop orders, over-the-counter orders, reporting orders are taken into account);

On sale - The number of securities in active sales operations (blocked funds for orders, stop orders, over-the-counter orders, reporting orders are taken into account);

Buy - The maximum number of securities for a purchase order;

Sell ​​- The maximum number of securities for a sell order.

Final parameters of the “Positions” tab:

Balance. item - Total estimate of the value of positions at purchase prices (based on the value of the Balance price parameter).

Liq. item - Total assessment of the value of positions at current prices, excluding active orders.

Corresponds to the value of the “Current” parameter. Funds" in the "Client Portfolio" table.

Profit of the day - The sum of all profits for the day. Corresponds to the value of the “Profit/Loss” parameter

in the “Client Portfolio” table. The value is calculated as follows: Liquid. st-t - In.

We're standing.

Profit% - Profit as a percentage of the value of positions at the beginning of the day. Corresponds to the value of the "Process" parameter. Change." in the “Client Portfolio” table.

The value is calculated as follows:

Profit of the day / In. We're standing.

Ven. Long - Available for opening long positions taking into account active orders. Corresponds to the value of the “Purchase” parameter in the “Client Portfolio” table.

Ven. Short - Available for opening short positions taking into account active orders. Corresponds to the value of the “For Sale” parameter in the “Client Portfolio” table.

Free - Available for withdrawing funds while maintaining the security of positions or opening positions on non-margin assets, taking into account blocked funds for active orders.

Corresponds to the value of the “PurchaseNotMargin” parameter in the “Client Portfolio” table.

The “Collateral” tab contains estimates of the value of a position for one (the most liquid) class. The rows in the table are sorted as follows: first, cash positions are displayed, sorted by currency code, followed by paper positions, sorted by security code.

The table columns display the following parameters:

Paper - Name of the tool.

Type - Type of asset.

Assessment class - The class for which the assessment is taken.

Instrument type - Possible values: “MO” – marginal and accepted as collateral, “M”

– marginal and not accepted as collateral, “O” – non-marginal, but accepted as collateral, “MSHO” – marginal, accepted as collateral, short positions are prohibited, empty - non-marginal and not accepted as collateral.

Position - Number of securities in the position. Long positions are positive, short positions are negative.

Collateral - The value of the position accepted as collateral. Corresponds to the value of the “Evaluation (coefficient)” parameter in the “Buy/Sell” table.

% supply - Contribution of the instrument to the total value of the collateral.

Final parameters of the “Collateral” tab:

Collateral - The total value of positions accepted as collateral. Corresponds to the value of the “Current” parameter. assets" in the "Client Portfolio" table.

Longs - Total assessment of long positions included in the collateral. Corresponds to the value of the “Longs” parameter in the “Client Portfolio” table.

Shorts - The total value of short positions. Corresponds to the value of the “Shorts” parameter in the “Client Portfolio” table.

Money - The amount of cash balances. Corresponds to the value of the “Amount of cash balances” parameter in the “Client Portfolio” table.

The operation of closing a position is called by clicking the “Close” button on the toolbar of the “Positions” tab in the “Account Status” window.

–  –  –

As a result of the operation of closing a position, the QUIK system generates a package of instructions to withdraw those orders that meet the specified conditions. The number of generated orders to withdraw orders is displayed in the Message Window. The result of canceling each order is also displayed in the Message Window in the same form as when withdrawing an order manually.

The operation of flipping a position is called by clicking the “Flip” button on the toolbar of the “Positions” tab in the “Account Status” window. (The operation is available if the position size for the selected instrument is greater than or equal to the size of one lot for this instrument).

–  –  –

The operation of closing all positions is called by clicking the “Close All” button on the toolbar of the “Positions” tab in the “Account Status” window. (The operation is available if there is at least one non-zero position in the table on the “Positions” tab. The position size must be greater than or equal to the size of one lot for the selected instrument).

If the “Request confirmation to close a position” option is enabled in the program settings, then a dialog for closing all positions appears on the screen:

–  –  –

When you click on the “Close Positions” button, all positions are closed on a white background. Items highlighted in yellow and red are ignored.

The procedure for closing all positions is similar to the procedure for closing one position.

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ATON LLC has licenses:

a professional participant in the securities market to carry out brokerage activities No. 177-02896-100000 dated November 27, 2000 Issued by the Federal Service for Financial Markets to a professional participant of the securities market to carry out dealer activities No. 177-03006-010000 dated November 27, 2000 Issued by the Federal service for financial markets of a professional participant in the securities market for the implementation of depository activities No. 177-04357-000100 dated December 27, 2000 Issued by the Federal Service for Financial Markets for the conclusion by an exchange intermediary in exchange trading of contracts that are derivative financial instruments, the underlying asset of which is the exchange product dated April 27, 2010 Issued by the Federal Service for Financial Markets Thank you for your attention!

During exchange trading, a trader must always be aware of the status of the open account and available assets, as well as monitor blocked trading instruments and money. The QUIK trading platform version 7 makes it possible to constantly monitor the state of assets and see data on the available money in the client account, the number of purchased securities and the total value of the portfolio.

Limits on financial assets

A limit table should be used to keep track of all balances and blocked assets. It can be opened through the text menu (create new - all types), with the F7 button or using the icon in the form of a white sheet with a green plus located in the toolbar. After this, a table will appear showing the available tools.

Initially, the window has many parameters that a beginner does not need. Therefore, the table needs to be changed, for which you need to right-click in any area and go to editing through the list that opens. The column headings in this window indicate the parameters. Beginner traders are advised to keep the following:

Tool name;
. The purchase price is the price at which the transaction was closed;
. Blocked - shows the number of securities that the system has blocked (when placing an order when the transaction has not yet been completed);
. Total - displays the total number of shares purchased or sold;
. Available - this is the total number of shares (minus blocked ones) that are available to the client for making new transactions.

Also, for convenience, you can arrange the columns in a convenient order, for which you use the arrows near the window with added parameters.

Account limits

Unlike the previous table, which provides the trader with a set of information about the number and value of assets, this one informs about the state of the client account. It is created in a similar way and is called “Money limits”.

After creation, it is also recommended to edit this window to leave only those columns that are required at the initial stage of work. Having opened the settings menu for this table, you should first clear all parameters, and then add the following:

Blocked - the total amount of money that the system has blocked for applications. After their execution, the money will be written off and this column will be reset to zero.
. Total - the total amount of free money.
. Available - free money, minus those blocked for applications.

By placing these two windows in one tab, the trader will always be able to see current data on the state of his portfolio, both by instruments and by finance.

Total Asset Value

To evaluate the entire existing portfolio, as well as to have an idea of ​​profits or losses, you should open the “Client Portfolio” window. It displays complete information on assets and money at the moment, taking into account price fluctuations and order execution. Beginner users are advised to configure the table so that it displays the following columns:

A client code is a numeric identifier that a broker assigns to a client when opening an account. It is convenient to always have this number at hand, since it is used to identify the trader during telephone conversations or correspondence.
. Incoming assets are the value of the user's entire portfolio at the beginning of the current trading session.
. Current funds are the current balance of money, taking into account open (but not yet executed) positions.
. Leverage - the number in this column indicates the percentage of borrowed funds to those available to the user. In this case, 3 means that the broker provides the trader with an additional 300% of his own funds to carry out transactions with this asset. Thus, if a client has 100,000 rubles to buy securities, then the broker will provide him with another 300,000 rubles of his money.
. Current leverage - shows what amount of leverage is used after opening a position using brokerage borrowed funds. For example, if a trader has 100,000 rubles available, he buys shares for 110,000 rubles (even though the amount of leverage will be equal to 3), then when using a loan of 10,000 rubles, the current amount will be 0.3.
. Longs are the amount of funds held in long positions (when purchasing valuable assets with the aim of further selling them at a higher price).
. Shorts - the amount of funds invested in short positions (sale of assets borrowed from a broker, with the expectation that their value will fall in the future).
. The margin level (in percentage) shows how much the trader covers all available transactions with his own money.
. Profit/loss - shows how much the portfolio value has changed, taking into account earned or lost funds during the current session.
. The percentage change is the same profit or loss expressed as a percentage of total assets.

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Good day, dear readers.

Alexander Shevelev is with you.

In most cases, after opening an account with a broker, after launching the trading terminal for the first time, all novice traders have one main question: where to look at the balance of their account?

Just today, using the Kwik trading terminal as an example, we will try to figure this out.

If you trade futures (as I do), then the main task comes down to building a “Client Account Limits” table. In the future, all changes to your account will be displayed in this table.

In order to build a table “Limitations on client accounts”, do the following:

1. First, in the main menu of the Quik terminal, click “Create a window / All types of windows.”

2. A window appears in which we select the line “Limits on client accounts”. Click the “Ok” button

3. After this, the table “Limitations on client accounts” is immediately built.

Now we need to configure this table so that the required columns are displayed. To do this, right-click on the table and select “Edit table”.

A window appears in which we must select the parameters we need. But first, let’s click on the “Clear” button to remove the information we don’t need.

Great! Now from the left column “Available parameters”, using the “Add” button, we will transfer the necessary lines to the right column “Selected parameters”. I advise you to choose the following:

— previous limit of open positions;

— limit of open positions;

— current net positions;

— planned net positions;

— variation margin;

— accumulated income;

- exchange fees.

After that, click “Yes”.

Super! Now our table displays the columns we need.

Let's go over all the main parameters and figure out under what circumstances they change.

If you have funds in your account, they should appear in the “Open Position Limit” column. This is the main column that is always updated at the beginning of a new trading day.

The next column is “Current Net Positions”. If there are no open positions, then the column will be 0. When you buy or sell a futures, the collateral is transferred to this column.

For example, if the GO futures on the RTS Index is 10,000 rubles, then when purchasing 2 contracts, the amount of 20,000 rubles will appear in the “Current net positions” column. These are reserved funds that will be returned to you after the trading position is closed.

For example, after we bought 2 futures contracts on the RTS Index, the amount in the “Planned net positions” column decreased by 20,000 rubles (approximate GO). As we remember, this amount went to the “Current net positions” column.

The next column, Variation Margin, shows how much money we made or lost during one trading session. Let me remind you that a new trading day begins to be taken into account from the beginning of the evening trading session (from 19:00). Those. if you opened a position in the evening (after 19:00), then it will be considered that you opened a position on a new trading day. Accordingly, the entire variation margin will be taken into account for the next day.

During day clearing (14:00-14:03), all accumulated variation margin is moved to the “Accumulated Income” column. This is already a fixed value, which will be transferred to the “Open Position Limit” column during the evening clearing session.

The result of the main trading session (variation margin) is also transferred to the accumulated income. All this happens during evening clearing.

The “Exchange Fees” column shows how much commission we paid for completed transactions. This commission is also taken into account when calculating the limit on open positions.

I haven’t talked about “Previous limit of open positions” yet. If by the end of the day we have received some result, then the limit of open positions, which was at the beginning of the day, will automatically change to a new one. The old limit goes into the “Previous limit of open positions” column. This is done so that you can track the dynamics of your account for at least 2 days.

That's it, friends.

Use this sign, monitor your account and control your free funds.

Good luck to you!

Alexander Shevelev was with you.