Where to open a free payment card “Mir. Applying for a world card from Sberbank What is needed to obtain a world card from Sberbank

The government plans to begin transferring pension and social benefits to cards of the national payment system in 2018. Therefore, recipients of government payments already need to be interested in how to get a Mir card from Russian banks.

How is the World map different?

The need for a payment system independent of foreign resources has been brewing in Russian society for a long time, but its legislative implementation began only in 2014. In the second half of 2015, the first bank branches appeared where you could get a Mir card.

The main differences between these cards and foreign analogues are:

  1. Fully state-owned type of operator of the national payment system (NPS).
  2. Independence from foreign financial markets.
  3. All information about card account holders will be stored on servers within the country.
  4. The use of card products will be regulated exclusively by domestic legislation.

The listed features of the Mir card system will also help ensure additional security for users from fraudulent activities of foreign cybercriminals.

Cards of the Mir payment system can be of 3 types: debit, classic (with the possibility of lending), premium. The latter type provides round-the-clock technical support and a return of 0.5% of the money spent.

Who issues the Mir card?

Not all banks have yet joined the NPS, which is due to the need to spend some time on technical and legal procedures for introducing new cards into the bank’s IT structure. But potential profits and growth in the client base are encouraging the financial sector to integrate into NPS Mir at an accelerated pace. As of May 2017, the list of banks where you can get a Mir card includes the following financial institutions:

  1. Asia-Pacific Bank.
  2. AB "Russia".
  3. Vanguard.
  4. JSCB Primorye.
  5. AK Bars.
  6. Almazergienbank.
  7. ActiveCapital.
  9. Altai Business Bank.
  10. JSC Bank Agroros.
  11. Alfa Bank.
  12. "Saint Petersburg".
  13. Bank of Kazan.
  14. Crown.
  16. Binbank KK.
  17. Uralsib.
  18. Oriental.
  19. Revival.
  20. VTB 24.
  21. GENBANK.
  22. Gazprombank.
  23. Geobank.
  24. House-Bank.
  25. Devon-Credit.
  26. Far Eastern Bank.
  27. Yenisei United Bank.
  28. Ekaterinburg Municipal Bank.
  29. Zemsky Bank.
  30. West Siberian Commercial Bank.
  31. Zenith.
  32. Interprogressbank.
  33. Izhkombank.
  34. Kraiinvestbank.
  35. Kuznetskbusinessbank.
  36. Kama Commercial Bank.
  37. KS Bank.
  38. Credit Ural Bank.
  39. Kuban Credit.
  40. Left Bank.
  41. MPSB.
  42. Moscow regional.
  43. Moscow Industrial.
  44. Municipal Kamchatprofitbank.
  45. MFBank.
  48. Education.
  49. Primsotsbank.
  50. Post Bank.
  51. Primtercombank.
  52. RNKB.
  53. Raiffeisenbank.
  54. Rosselkhozbank.
  55. Rosbank.
  56. Rus.
  57. Sberbank of Russia.
  58. Sarovbusinessbank.
  59. SDM-Bank.
  60. Svyaz-Bank.
  61. Sevastopol Maritime Bank.
  62. SKB-bank.
  63. Sovcombank.
  64. Snezhinsky.
  65. Tinkoff.
  66. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  67. UralTransBank.
  68. Khlynov.
  69. Khakass Municipal Bank.
  70. Chelyabinvestbank.
  71. CHBRR.
  72. Chelindbank.
  73. Center-invest.
  74. Energotransbank.

In addition to this list, more than 130 banks service Mir cards with their ATMs and terminals. Crimean banks are also present in the list, so residents of the newly annexed region of the Russian Federation can easily order a national card in Crimea.

How to get a "World" card

Almost all pensioners already know what a Mir payment card is and where to get it. Other, less informed citizens, to obtain NPS cards, must first contact a branch of the bank that supports this product. As an example, we can consider the algorithm for obtaining a “Mir” card from Sberbank, where there are two special offers: “MIR Classic” and “MIR Pension Card”.

Conditions for receiving and servicing Mir cards

Card products of the Mir payment system can be used by citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14, as well as persons without Russian citizenship, but legally residing in the country. In both cases, an identification document will be required to open an account.

Banks are not a charitable organization, so only recipients of social payments can obtain free Mir cards. Other people are required to pay for the use of the national card product. For example, the cost of issuing a Mir card at Sberbank and VTB is 750 rubles, but Gazprombank offers to issue non-embossed cards of this type for only 120 rubles per year.

It is better to find out about the tariffs of Mir cards, how and where to get this product on the website of the bank you like immediately before going to the branch. After all, increased competition in the card banking market forces financial institutions to periodically reduce fees for using services.

List of documents

A minimum of documents are required to register a Mir card product at Sberbank. To apply for a pension card you will need:

  1. Passport.
  2. Application form.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. A document with the specified SNILS number.

When re-registering the pension recipient bank, the person must have his insurance personal account number (SNILS) with him. It can be written on a piece of paper, but it is better to present a document with clearly written numbers to the financial institution. Elderly people do not need to collect any certificates.

Ordinary citizens can also receive a Mir card. To receive the MIR Classic banking card product from Sberbank, they simply need a passport and a completed application form.

How to choose a good bank?

The choice of a financial institution to open a card account is determined not only by the bank’s rating or the level of its capital, but also by the needs of the person and the ease of use of the product. If both banks are located near your home, then it is advisable to get more financial services for less money. Therefore, having decided to receive a “Mir” card, a person should check with banking institutions for answers to approximately the following list of questions:

  1. Is online banking supported?
  2. Is the customer support phone number toll-free?
  3. What are the fees for transfers and cash withdrawals?
  4. Is it possible to block a card account using a phone?
  5. What discounts and bonuses for non-cash payments?
  6. Is there support for cards abroad?

A number of banks, for example, Gazprombank, have already issued co-branded (joint) MIR cards with foreign partners, such as Mir-Maestro, Mir-JCB. Cards from these projects can be used in any country where payment systems of the JCB and Maestro brands operate. Joint projects with UnionPay and American Express have been signed and are in the final stages of implementation.

The final choice of a bank to open a card account should be made after studying the tariffs of the financial institution, the conditions for servicing cards and taking into account your needs.

Scheme of the "World" card

To better understand the benefits and principles of protection of the new national cards, you should familiarize yourself with their scheme.

  1. Bank logo.
  2. Payment system logo.
  3. Card number.
  4. Hologram.
  5. Type of product.
  6. Owner's name.
  7. Validity.
  8. Chip (microprocessor).
  9. Magnetic strip.
  10. Signature panel.
  11. CVV code (PPK2).
  12. Information about the issuer.
  13. Ultraviolet element.

The security elements are designed to prevent fraudsters from making copies of plastic cards using stolen data from a magnetic tape or chip. Having such a protected product, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your money.

As of May 2017, Sberbank alone issued more than 2.5 million Mir cards, which indicates the trust of Russian citizens in this payment system and the need to think about getting their own card.

In Russia today there is a MIR bank card, which is an alternative to international analogues in the form of Visa or Mastercard. The purpose of its introduction was the need to relink all payments to the population from the budget from Western systems to our Russian one. This allows you to reduce the risks of a possible shutdown of the functioning of international payment systems in the country.


The MIR payment system has been in operation for about 4 years. The main incentive for its creation was the introduction of Western sanctions and the shutdown of the Republic of Crimea, which prohibited the use of cards from international payment systems. Today, the MIR map represents:

  • 145 banks that use these payment instruments;
  • 100% support of Russian POS terminals for the MIR system, which allows the use of plastic throughout the country.

How to apply

Due to the innovation of such a banking product for citizens, questions often arise regarding the design of the plastic itself. But here the procedure is standard and is not much different from receiving cards from international payment systems. The procedure for obtaining a plastic card is as follows:

  1. First you need to come to any Sberbank branch.
  2. There you need to present your passport and fill out an application for receiving plastic.
  3. After this, you need to wait for 1-2 weeks until you receive a notification informing you that the card is ready.
  4. You must again visit the branch where the corresponding application was submitted to receive the plastic.

According to the presidential order, obtaining a MIR card is considered mandatory for all state employees, as well as pensioners.

In addition, there are other features and innovations introduced into financial activities. In total, this decree assumes:

  1. Transfer of public sector employees to receive salaries starting in the summer of 2017 exclusively through the MIR system.
  2. Reissue of pension cards to the Russian payment system before the summer of 2020.
  3. Transfer of all payments, as well as military salaries and scholarships to students until mid-summer 2018.
  4. The introduction of an obligation for stores, as well as supermarkets that have a revenue of more than 40 million per year, from the summer of 2017 to enable the ability to accept MIR cards for payment.
  5. The requirement for banks to prepare by the summer of 2017 the technical capability of servicing the national payment system.

The meaning of this law is to minimize losses from a possible tightening of sanctions from Western countries regarding the country’s finances. Therefore, the Russian MIR payment card is a necessary protective measure.

Client requirements

To be able to issue this card, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • be a citizen of Russia (receipt of plastic by foreigners is at the discretion of banks);
  • age over 14 years, with the exception of a pension card, which can only be issued if you are 18;
  • availability of temporary or permanent registration;
  • To obtain a social card, you must submit documents confirming your right to receive the appropriate payments.

Card features

Types and conditions

Today, banks that issue MIR cards offer their clients to issue one of the existing varieties of this payment instrument. Each of them is worth considering.


Such debit plastic belongs to the “Basic” tariff. It is designed for those individuals who do not need to use any benefits, so they themselves decided to acquire such an account. It is possible to issue a personalized card, with appropriate engraving on the plastic, or a non-named one. After submitting the application, the first type is prepared in about 2 weeks, and the second within 20-30 minutes.


This type of tariff was introduced specifically for citizens receiving a pension or other social benefits from the state. It became most relevant after the publication of Federal Law No. 88, which indicated the need to transfer all social payments only through the national payment system starting from 2020. To obtain a card, you need to visit a bank branch or order it online using the official website of the Mir card or bank. However, to obtain the plastic itself and sign the contract, you still need to contact the branch.


The MIR bank card in the “Salary” tariff is primarily aimed at public sector employees, as well as organizations that have entered into agreements for cash settlement services. Such a system is convenient for ordinary citizens. You can apply for a similar plastic card by contacting a branch or through the bank’s website.

Where to receive and subsequently use this payment instrument depends on the preferences of the citizen himself. Today, most financial organizations in the country work with the MIR system.

Deposit and withdrawal

First of all, you can remove the availability from your plastic card using ATMs of any bank operating the MIR system. It is recommended to do this at the terminals of the financial institutions where the card was issued. This will allow you to receive funds without paying a commission. However, there are certain restrictions on cashing out money, which amount to no more than 150 thousand rubles per day. To receive funds from plastic, you need:

  • insert the card into the ATM;
  • enter the PIN code set when the card was issued;
  • go to the “Withdraw Funds” section, where you indicate the required amount and click continue;
  • pick up funds, card and check.

If you use ATMs of other banks to withdraw money, a commission of 1.5% of the amount will be charged.

Cash withdrawal is possible at any ATM

To top up your plastic account, you can use one of the following methods:

  • transfer from another bank;
  • depositing funds through an ATM or payment terminal;
  • through the cash desk of a bank branch;
  • making a transfer between your accounts using online banking.

Where can I pay?

Even taking into account the crudeness of such a banking product, it is possible to use a MIR card to pay for purchases or services in those establishments that are equipped with modern POS terminals. Such retail outlets include various restaurants, cinemas, supermarkets and other organizations located in Russia. In addition, preparations are being made to connect the Chinese online trading platform “Aliexpress”.

It is impossible to use the Mir payment system abroad. To do this, you need to acquire a co-branded plastic card (in other words, a combined card). A popular option is Mir-Maestro. This will allow you to use the payment instrument even while abroad.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of the national payment system include:

  1. Having constant access to funds.
  2. High-quality methods for protecting chips.
  3. Possibility of withdrawing cash from an ATM up to 250 thousand rubles monthly without paying a commission.

The disadvantage of the Mir system is the lack of cash back. But since the beginning of 2017, four major banks announced the launch of a loyalty program that will allow you to return up to 15% of the purchase price.

The launch of a national payment system is a necessary tool for the state to stabilize the economic situation in the country. In their appearance, the MIR maps in the photo differ from their international counterparts except for the corresponding inscription. The main feature is the stability and functionality of such plastic.

Greetings, dear friends. Yesterday I went to a forum dedicated to banking issues.

A very popular thread right now is the one where the World map is discussed. Feedback from existing users, release conditions - all the main points are covered.

But most users cannot figure out which bank the Mir card belongs to.

Now for you, dear readers, I will sort out all the relevant information on this issue at the moment. The card is starting to become popular, so it’s worth knowing as much as possible about it.

Plastic card "World"

In December 2015, the first Russian plastic cards “Mir” began to be issued. According to the creators, over time this financial instrument will become a worthy competitor to cards of foreign payment systems.

Where did the idea of ​​creating a national plastic come from? What capabilities and advantages does it have? And how to become the owner of a card with a memorable green-blue emblem? You will learn about this and much more from our article.

The reason for the creation of JSC National Payment Card System (NSCP) in the Russian Federation was serious failures in servicing Visa and Mastercard cards in 2014. Due to the introduction of sanctions against Russia, the mentioned payment systems stopped processing transactions on cards of several banks. This is what prompted the development of our own Russian payment system.

The main tasks of the NSPK:

  • Processing transactions on cards of foreign payment systems within our country in an uninterrupted manner;
  • Creation and distribution of a national payment instrument - PC "Mir".

The Russian plastic card "Mir" will allow its owners to carry out various financial transactions, regardless of rapid changes in the foreign policy situation and decisions of global payment systems.

How to use PC "Mir"

At the moment, a plastic card allows you to carry out the following operations:

  1. depositing and withdrawing money from an ATM;
  2. money transfer from a card account to another bank account;
  3. payment for goods and services, including utilities;
  4. transferring funds to an electronic wallet, for example, Yandex.Money and Webmoney;
  5. payment for goods and services outside the Russian Federation - currently available only for co-branded cards that contain the emblems of two payment systems: Mir and Maestro (from Gazprombank).

Naturally, this is just the beginning. In the future, it is planned not only to expand the range of functionality, but also the network of Mir card service points in Russia and abroad.

Which banks issue the Mir plastic card?

According to information from the official website of the NSPK, seven banks issue plastic cards. Citizens who are serviced by Gazprombank, Moscow Industrial Bank, MDM Bank, Rossiya Bank, RNKB Bank, Svyaz-Bank and SMP Bank can become owners of a domestic payment instrument. In addition, Mir cards are being tested in 21 more Russian banks.


PC "Mir" has all the basic properties of payment cards. It can already be used in 1,500 ATMs and 100 thousand terminals in Russia. By 2017, all banks in the Russian Federation must connect to the system, for which there is a corresponding law of the Central Bank.

Thus, at the end of next year, holders of the Mir PC will be able to pay with it at any retail outlet in our country, and, according to the creators’ forecasts, it will take about two to three years to introduce the card to international markets.

How to get a plastic card "Mir"

In order to apply for a national card you must:

  • With your passport, contact the bank that issues Mir payment cards - information about such financial organizations is posted on the official website of the NSPK;
  • Write an application for a banking product.

Next, you will need to wait about seven days - that’s how long it will take to make the card. After receiving the card, the owner will be able to freely manage it: withdraw money, pay in the trade and service network, etc.

Cost and design features of the “World” card

Some banks provide their clients with the opportunity to fill out an application for issuing the Mir PC online. To do this, you need to follow the bank link and click on the button: Apply for a card. In the window that opens, you must fill out the form fields and agree to the processing of your personal data.

There you can also find information about tariffs for the Mir card. For example, the cost of annual maintenance of the main account of a simple Mir debit card will cost the owner 90 rubles. Annual maintenance for classic and premium cards will cost 450 and 2 thousand rubles, respectively. The official website of the NSPK contains all the information about the Mir plastic card.

On the official website of the NSPK in the section: Payment system "Mir" the following data is posted:

  1. about the history of the Mir brand and logo;
  2. about PC rules and tariffs;
  3. on the list of operating operators and participants of the Mir payment system.

If you encounter difficulties with the card or other questions, you can contact the 24-hour technical support service for users: 8-495-705-99-99 and 8-800-500-00-05. You can also use the option: Feedback and send a message to the NSPK email in the section: Contacts.

Advantages of the national financial product - PC "Mir"

According to the head of NSPK Vladimir Komlev, the cost of issuing the Mir card at the beginning of the project will approximately correspond to the cost of issuing cards of other payment systems. In the future, with mass production of plastic, the cost of the Mir PC will be lower. Let us remind you that this card will become available to the mass consumer in the second half of 2016.

The main task of NSPK "Mir" is to ensure the security of transactions and independence from foreign payment systems. Cards are produced in compliance with Russian standards and technologies. PC "Mir" can interact with other payment systems in accordance with all international standards.

source: https://www.sravni.ru/enciklopediya/banki/karty/plastikovaja-karta-mir/

Russian banks have started issuing national Mir cards

The first banks issuing Mir cards were MDM Bank, Gazprombank, RNKB, Rossiya Bank, MInB, Svyaz-Bank, SMP Bank. Previously, all these financial institutions successfully passed the stage of testing the performance of the national “plastic” in their infrastructure and began to gradually open their ATM and terminal network.

At this point, the standard functionality of plastic cards has been fully implemented. Thus, Mir card holders will be able to withdraw and deposit cash through ATMs, pay for goods and services, and make money transfers between cards.


In turn, another group of 21 financial institutions participating in the project has begun testing cards of the Russian payment system and intends to complete it by the end of December. In 2016, these credit institutions will begin to open their acquiring network and begin issuing Mir cards.

Olga Skorobogatova, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, emphasized that the start of issuing cards of the national payment system is a significant stage in the development of the domestic financial system and ensuring its sovereignty.

Thanks to the enormous work done, it was possible to create a domestic payment instrument in the shortest possible time, which, I want to believe, will be successful and in demand by consumers and financial institutions.

In turn, the management of NSPK JSC, after the successful implementation of the first stage of the launch of the Mir card, plans to focus on ensuring the widest possible geography of servicing the national “plastic” and on preparing for the start of the mass issue of Mir cards in the second half of 2016.

It is also reported that Sberbank has become a participant in the Mir PS and intends to take part in the issuance and acquiring of Russian payment cards. So, next year a project will be launched to begin issuing our own Mir cards and accepting them at ATMs and Sberbank’s acquiring network. To date, several dozen cards have been issued for employees of financial institutions participating in the project. The NSPK intends to issue about 30 million Mir cards during 2016.

In addition, it became known that on December 15, 2015, the Central Bank issued a commemorative silver coin with a face value of 3 rubles. The event is timed to coincide with the start of the issue of the first cards of the domestic payment system “Mir”. The coin has a rectangular shape (51 mm x 32 mm) with rounded corners.

On the reverse side there is an image of the “World” card. The circulation of the coin is 5000 pieces. The regulator emphasizes that the new coin is a legal means of payment on the territory of the Russian Federation and should be accepted at face value without any restrictions.

source: http://site/credit-card.ru/news/first-emission-card-mir.php

Sberbank world map - national payment system

For the convenience of Russian citizens, a national payment card has been created, the main advantage of which is complete independence from the actions of foreign financial institutions. How to quickly get a Mir debit or credit card from Sberbank?

Why do you need a Sberbank World card?

The national payment system Mir has released a new card as an alternative to the international systems VISA and MasterCrd. So far, Mir operates only on the territory of the Russian Federation, in Crimea. In the future, it is planned to issue integrated payment cards jointly with Belarus and Armenia.

You can get plastic from many banks; some citizens prefer to contact Sberbank. This organization has proven itself to be reliable, so companies and budget organizations that pay salaries to their employees cooperate with it.

Functionality of the Mir payment system

What are the advantages of the Mir payment card issued by Sberbank? Positive aspects noted by financiers:

  • Since Sberbank is the largest Russian organization, cards are serviced anywhere in the Russian Federation, even in Crimea;
  • High degree of protection - a Russian chip is built into the plastic;
  • Servicing Sberbank-Mir costs less than the services of international payment systems.
  • The world has a quality certificate.

How to apply for a card - step-by-step instructions

Would you like to receive a Mir bank card from Sberbank at one of its offices? You can choose the one closest to your home - since September 2016, all centers of this system have been processing national plastic cards.

To register you will need:

  1. Write an application to open a card account;
  2. Provide identification documents;
  3. Select account type (debit, credit).

If the client wants to receive only payment plastic (open a debit account), it is enough to submit only a passport or residence permit when submitting an application


When registering a credit account, there is a larger set of documents; you must prepare a certificate from your place of work about your income for a certain period of time. The credit limit offered by Sberbank can reach up to 600,000 rubles.

After writing the application, the citizen is asked to wait a certain period of time. Typically, it does not take more than ten days to produce a new card.

After this period, the client can come to the Sberbank service center with a passport and, having signed an account servicing agreement, receive a Mir plastic card. The signature in the contract, on a special strip of plastic, must necessarily coincide with the autograph left by the recipient in the passport.

Online registration

Do you prefer to complete all financial transactions via the Internet? You can apply for a Sberbank-Mir card online.


The official website suggests registering and receiving a personal login password before receiving payment plastic. Thus, the security of the client’s financial transactions increases. After registration, the user selects the required service. Since there is no need to submit original documents here, it is enough to fill out a special form.

Remember! Any error when filling out may result in delays in issuing the card. Therefore, be extremely careful when transferring passport data to the lines of the electronic form.

The user can receive the ordered product in 7-10 days. Sberbank provides the service of sending cards by postal service, in which the envelope is delivered to the client’s home. You can pick up the payment card yourself by identifying in advance the bank branch that will issue the card ordered online.

Terms of Use

Tariffs for the Sberbank-Mir national payment card are the same in all cities. For annual services, a commission of 300 rubles is deducted from the account.

Every client can withdraw cash from ATMs and service centers of Sberbank free of charge. There is no need to pay for card issue. The only commission fee is for SMS messages about account status and expenses. As with mobile banking, it costs 30 rubles per month. If the user wishes, this service can be disabled.


With the help of Sberbank-Mir, you can manage only one currency – Russian rubles. You can pay for purchases, utilities, and withdraw cash.

Those who previously received a Mir card can use it now. Since September 20, national payment accounts are serviced by Sberbank ATMs and terminals. They are accepted for payment in retail chains and service centers.

source: http://site/kreditvbanke.net/karta-mir-sberbank.htm

BIN of a bank card

Not everyone knows how to identify a bank card by its number.

It's simple, the first 6 numbers are the so-called bank card BIN.

The first digit of the BIN is a number that indicates the type of payment system that services the issued card:

  • VISA – 4;
  • American Express – 3;
  • MasterCard – 5;
  • Maestro – 3, 5, 6;
  • JCB International – 3;
  • China UnionPay – 6;
  • UEK – 7;

The card number format is governed by ISO/IEC 7812-1. Issued by the SWIFT system. Taking into account the fact that there are no longer enough 6-digit BINs, the range allocated to “Mir” is 8-digit. NSPK received a BIN range starting with 22. Card numbers, accordingly, can range from 16 to 19 characters.

gold Crown

The Zolotaya Korona bank card without numbers is an independent development created at the end of 1993 in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. And that's a different story. The second to fourth digits (for NSPK, Mir - third to fifth) are the bank number, which is generated by the payment system.

The fifth and sixth digits (for NSPK, Mir - the sixth and seventh) are the identifier of the banking product. For Sberbank - 72, 83 ... - these are debit cards. The last digit is the checksum. The numbers in between are the holder identification number.

PS. For my credit card, the sites say that it is a debit card and incorrectly indicate the name of the product, so the “banking product identifier” may not coincide with reality.

source: https://pikabu.ru/story/bin_bankovskoy_kartyi_4961206

How to determine a bank by card number

The unique card number received by the client at the bank consists of a 13 or 19-digit number. Each of the digits of the number carries encoded information about the type of card and bank.

You can find out whose card it is by the number. When transferring funds through a bank branch, self-service terminal or non-cash through online banking, the number will allow you to find out the name of the owner, guaranteeing the accuracy of receipt of funds.

There are situations when you need to know additional information, which bank issued the card, and check that the recipient of the money transfer is correct. When making a payment transfer, knowledge of the issuing bank will allow you to find out when the payment will be received by the addressee and whether a commission will be charged for this operation.

How to find out a bank by card number

The digital combination assigned upon issue by the issuing bank is a specific code, the main information of which is contained in the first 6 digits included in the bank identification number (or BIN for short).

The Bank Identification Number (BIN) allows you to determine the following information:

  1. card type (debit or credit);
  2. payment system;
  3. belonging to a specific region;
  4. issuing bank.

Affiliation with the issuing bank can be determined in the following ways:

  • To find out this information, just use one of the many online services and enter a six-digit BIN in the search window.
  • Some online payment resources allow you to see information about the recipient’s bank when making a transfer.

If the numerical combination matches your BIN, you can be sure that the card belongs to the same bank. For example, all owners of banking products with combinations starting with 4276 are clients of Sberbank.

source: https://www.avatar-bank.com/docs/card

What you need to know about cards of the MIR payment system

To ensure the security of the financial system and the uninterrupted execution of payments using cards of international payment systems in the shortest possible time, the National Payment Card System was created from scratch in Russia.

In December 2015, the first cards of the Mir payment system were issued, the name and logo of which were chosen as a result of an all-Russian competition. Elena Nikitina, Deputy Manager of the Tyumen Branch of the Ural State Administration of the Bank of Russia, spoke about the possibilities and advantages of the Mir card and the timing of transferring public sector employees to cards of the new payment system.

— Elena Gennadievna, please tell us what caused the need to create a Russian payment system?

— The project to create a national payment system in the Russian Federation, designed to ensure the security of the country’s financial system, has been implemented since mid-2014.

The need for a national payment system arose after the international systems Visa and Mastercard stopped servicing the cards of several Russian banks that fell under Western sanctions. After this, the law on the National Payment Card System (NSCP) was adopted, obliging international payment systems to transfer their processing to Russian territory.

— What is the peculiarity of the Mir card and its advantages in comparison with cards of other payment systems?

— The Mir card is a card of the national payment system, which was created by the state taking into account the characteristics of the Russian financial market. The presence of a national payment system will provide Russian residents with a modern payment instrument, the operation of which does not depend on the geopolitical situation.

The NSPK software and the payment application for the Mir card itself are Russian-developed products that are entirely the property of NSPK. This guarantees the security and independence of the national payment system from external economic and political factors.

At the same time, the Mir card complies with both Russian and international security standards. The use of Russian technologies in national payment cards makes it possible to quickly adapt improvements of varying complexity.

In addition, it is possible to place additional non-financial services taking into account the needs of various regions of Russia, for example, combining payment, social and transport cards.

— How many banks already issue and service Mir cards?

— As of March 17 of this year, 243 banks were registered in the Mir payment system, of which 57 issue the Mir card, 118 banks have prepared their devices for accepting and servicing national cards.


To date, almost 100% of the ATM network of participating banks in Russia is ready to accept cards, 88% of POS terminals in retail and service enterprises accept cards for payment, more than 2.6 million Mir cards have been issued.

To apply for a Mir payment card of any type, just contact the nearest branch of the bank that is already issuing cards..ru.

— When is it planned to switch to the Mir payment card for employees of budgetary organizations and pensioners?

— According to current legislation, banks are already required to ensure the transfer of funds from the budget and extra-budgetary funds to Mir cards. However, 2016 was the year of preparation and opening of the banking network to accept cards.


It was important not just to issue a card and give it to bank clients, but to prepare the infrastructure for servicing it and make the card convenient to use.

The mass issue of Mir cards, as well as the process of transferring state employees to cards of the new payment system, should begin this year in accordance with the stated plans of the banks.

Many of the country's largest banks have already begun issuing national payment cards. From July 1, 2017, it is planned to begin issuing Mir cards to retiring people. The rest of the pensioners will receive them after the expiration of the bank cards they have in their hands through which they receive pensions.


Thus, for pensioners the transfer will be longer (for two to three years) than for employees of budgetary organizations.

— Who will be interested in the Mir card and what services are already available within the national payment system?

— The Mir card is addressed to all residents of the country, so banks offer their customers a wide product line - from basic Mir debit cards to premium ones. Tariffs of the Mir payment system take into account the interests of issuing banks and acquiring banks, as well as trade and service enterprises.

Due to the fact that the rates of the Mir payment system are cheaper, banks are able to offer customers various card products at lower rates, which makes the Mir card much more profitable for customers.

Holders of the Mir payment card have access to all the usual payment functionality - from withdrawing cash and paying for purchases in stores to transferring funds from card to card, including cards from other payment systems.

In addition, the Mir payment system provides a contactless application and online commerce services, and is also developing its unique interbank loyalty program, which is based on cash-back payments (return of a certain part of the amount spent on a purchase) to Mir card holders.

— What opportunities and benefits does the loyalty program provide for Mir card holders?

— The loyalty program service brings together the best offers from retailers. The average cash-back amount within the program will be 10-30%. The program is designed in such a way that participation in it is beneficial to all parties: national card holders, trade and service enterprises and banks.


The main share of cash-back will be received by the card holder, but part of these funds will also be received by banks, which will be able to earn money from the loyalty program. Trade and service enterprises will also benefit: they will be able to attract new customers - cardholders of the Mir payment system.

— Is it possible to use the Mir card to make payments abroad?

— Today you can use the “World” card abroad. Now this is possible thanks to co-badging projects - the issuance of joint cards with international payment systems. Banks are already issuing “Mir”-Mastercard and “Mir”-JCB cards.

Such cards work in Russia as “Mir” cards, and abroad they are accepted throughout the international network of the Mastercard brand and the Japanese payment system JCB. Agreements on the issue of joint cards were also signed with payment systems AmEx and UnionPay. The signing of the agreement between NSPK and Visa is expected as planned in the second quarter of this year.


In addition, work is underway to ensure mutual acceptance of cards from national payment systems of the EAEU countries.

An agreement on mutual acceptance of cards has already been signed with the Armenian Card payment system, within the framework of which it is planned to complete technical work in mid-2017 and ensure the acceptance of cards of the Mir and ArCa payment systems in the devices of banks participating in these payment systems.

Acceptance of cards from national payment systems is also planned to be implemented with other EAEU countries - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The bank has been unable to resolve its mistake for almost a month now.

Tinkoff Bank

In principle, the service is good, it was my number 1 bank until one unpleasant situation. My card was demagnetized and I blocked it to order a new one. Naturally, before this, I transferred the money to the card to another bank, so that while they were making the card for me, I could use it. We must give credit to the bank; the card was made and delivered very quickly. BUT THE AMOUNT THAT I TRANSFERTED TO ANOTHER BANK FOR SOMETHING...

Yuri Kamshitsky, Moscow

Very comfortably. Thank you


Our accountant is an aunt of the old school and, it seems, she is eternal. She put us all on the World and in the very bank where you can even breathe according to an agreed schedule. I won’t describe the inconveniences and what I generally think about this card and bank, since Russian literary speech is required here. Irina, a manager from Lyublinskaya, was able to defeat our accounting titan and helped get me the right to receive a salary...

Alexander, Moscow

Take care of the client


I sent money using incorrect details and received a message in the chat in the application that the details were incorrect. They offered to make changes (directly in the chat) or wait for the amount to be returned. I had never encountered such an approach before. I had to find out for myself where the money was.

epaderin, Moscow

Extra money is returned

I hasten to show off the gift! For my birthday, my husband gave me a brand new card, WEEKEND, from MTS Bank. The card is not a credit card, but it is not empty either; of course, he put money there in advance. The gift turned out to be all the nicer because before the weekend she gets cashback, 1% on all purchases, but after my friends and I went to a restaurant - 5%. And then they also left by taxi, from these expenses also 5%. Not in the cinema yet...

Kira Smelyakova, Moscow

Great card with nice bonuses

Rosbank has opened a Mir debit card, the most common and understandable one. Yes, yes, the same one that cannot be paid abroad. But I didn’t apply for the card for travel. For me, the main thing is that it is easy to put a day on the card, and just as easy to withdraw it, so there is no confusion with interest and commissions. The World Map is perfect for this. Nothing extra. But despite all its standardness, the card is not simple...

Kirill Faustov, Moscow

In principle, a normal bank... or more, probably, a broker - it seems that they want to force all clients to become investors)) I just use the card, the bonuses are not bad, there is cashback - everything is like with people. If it weren’t for the constant calls and letters with offers to “think about investing,” everything would be normal... Oh, and the exchange rate is good. But I don’t want to be a trader, and I’m tired of persuasion.

Sergey Perlov, Moscow

The MIR bank card is issued by the joint-stock company National Payment Card System (NSPC JSC), which began operating on August 4, 2014. NSPK JSC was created to develop the national payment card system and to ensure the processing of domestic transactions using cards of international payment systems on the territory of the Russian Federation, since previously all card transactions took place through foreign processing centers (VISA, MasterCard, ...), which reduced the level of security and sovereignty states.

The infrastructure for processing domestic transactions using bank cards of international payment systems was created in the shortest possible time, in just five months. The process of transferring all transactions on credit and debit cards of Russian users went almost unnoticed for the holders of the corresponding cards, while access to all international services of payment systems VISA, MasterCard, Amex, etc. was preserved without deteriorating the quality of banking services.

Since 2014, NSPK Joint Stock Company has been operating in full compliance with Russian legislation, in particular, in accordance with Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”.

What is the MIR payment system?

The MIR banking payment system was launched in December 2015. At the same time, the first bank cards of the MIR national payment system were issued. At the moment, MIR cards are accepted in 90% of ATMs and payment terminals throughout the Russian Federation.

Since the MIR payment system was created for use within Russia, you can use the NSPK MIR card abroad only if the card issued is compatible with foreign payment systems. Today, joint co-branded cards of the Mir payment system are being issued with the international payment systems MasterCard, JCB and UnionPay:

  • "World" - Maestro,
  • "Mir"-JCB,
  • "Mir" - UnionPay.

Such cards in Russia work like Mir cards, and abroad they are accepted in retail chains as if they were Maestro, JCB or UnionPay bank cards, respectively. The issue of MIR cards, jointly with the American Express payment system, will soon begin.

Which banks can you get a MIR card from?

Today, 370 banks are participants in the MIR payment system. Of these, 131 banks issue cards, 370 banks service cards, and 7 banks carry out limited card issues. All participants of the MIR payment system are published on the page http://www.nspk.ru/cards-mir/uchastniki-ps-mir/

In particular, among the banks issuing the NSPK MIR card are the country's largest federal and regional banks:

  • "Sberbank of Russia",
  • "VTB 24",
  • "Gazprombank"
  • "AK BARS",
  • "Bank "Russia"
  • "SMP-Bank"
  • "Svyaz-Bank"
  • "MDM Bank"
  • "Raiffeisenbank"
  • "Rosselkhozbank"
  • "Vanguard"
  • "Renaissance"
  • and others.

In total, as of 2019, 131 banks in Russia are issuing MIR NSPK bank cards. The banks closest to your location where you can get a MIR card, as well as terminals and service offices, can be found on the “Device Locator” page of the official website of the MIR payment system - mironline.ru

Until July 1, 2018, all public sector employees were required to receive a “MIR” card, to which salaries of teachers, doctors and employees of ministries and government departments are transferred. New card holders received privileges: a reduced rate on loans and an overdraft with a grace period. All pensioners will switch to the MIR card, which will be issued to them free of charge, until July 1, 2020.

The procedure for obtaining a Mir bank card is absolutely no different from the usual process of receiving cards! You come to the bank, submit an application and passport, and after a few days you pick up a ready-made payment card. Some banks already allow you to order a Mir card directly from your personal online banking account, or apply for a card over the phone.

In 2019, you can get a Mir card in almost all major Russian banks: Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank, Gazprombank, etc.

Advantages of the MIR bank card

Among the advantages of MIR card holders is cashback, that is, a return to the card of part of the funds spent on a purchase in the amount of 15-20% of the purchase, which has no analogues on the market. In addition, the MIR card gives access to bonus promotions of other banks, for example, the “thank you” program from Sberbank.

It is convenient and safe to pay with MIR cards on the Internet. The new online payment protection technology MirAccept 2.0 was introduced in August 2017. Confirmation of transactions can be carried out not only using an SMS password, but also using a graphic key, the bank’s mobile application and using biometric authentication.

The MIR card, being a Russian development, independent of external financial systems, services and data centers, is 100% protected from all external political and economic factors. Card counterfeiting is excluded, and all card transactions are reliably protected by the domestic security system.