What is financial literacy and where is the border between literacy and illiteracy. What is financial literacy and why study it from school?

Study your home budget. Find out how much income comes from different sources, how much money is spent, and where the money spent is distributed. To do this, you can take the following steps:

  1. Pay attention to your bank statements. See how much money is coming into the account and how much is being spent on various purposes (except for monthly bills).
  2. Look at your monthly bills. You need to know exactly to whom, for what and how much you pay.
  3. Study all credit card transaction statements carefully. Find out how much you pay for cards, what the balance is on each of them, and what the funds are spent on.
  4. Keep records of loans. Find out the total amount of all debt obligations and how long it takes to repay the loans in order to calculate monthly payments.
  5. Review investment income statements. Find out what your funds are invested in and how much annual income those investments generate.
  6. Review your annual credit history information. In the United States, everyone has the right to obtain a free copy of their credit report for the year once a year by contacting one of the three major credit reporting agencies. To get the information you need now, go to http://www.annualcreditreport.com.

Set budget goals. It is easier to maintain financial discipline if you need to achieve a certain goal. You can set any task (renovate the bathroom, buy a new TV or car, and so on). Proper motivation is the basis of your success, and if you personally want to achieve the goal, saving money is much easier.

Develop a budget and stick to it. So, you have found out the amount of funds received and spent, and also set goals. Develop a reasonable financial plan that will achieve this goal. When preparing it, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Keep track of your monthly expenses for several months. Include costs for food, gas, clothing, restaurants, dry cleaning, school expenses, and so on. You need to make sure that this information reflects the real situation.
  2. Draw up the expenditure side of the budget based on records from previous periods. You can cut inflated expenses, and some items can be eliminated altogether.
  3. Revise your budget if necessary. Adjust your budget if your income changes or regular monthly bills appear or disappear. To achieve your goal, you need to stick to your budget, but it must be flexible enough to respond to external changes.
  • Discuss financial issues honestly and openly, without deviating from such conversations. Typically, one spouse is responsible for finances, but that doesn't mean they have to bear the burden of financial planning alone. Both spouses should know how money is spent so they can share responsibility for financial matters. Of course, control doesn't mean that you or your spouse have to account for every penny you spend. The main thing is that both of you are aware of the family's financial situation by participating in decisions about large expenses.

    Find out the difference between good and bad credit. Debt obligations are different, and you need to look at the following points to determine the quality of loans:

    1. Credit is considered good if it creates value that contributes to the growth of wealth. A good example is a mortgage. As you pay off the loan, the home's value increases and you create real estate assets for yourself. Another example is a student loan. In exchange for a loan, a person receives a diploma and education that will be useful in his life.
    2. A sign of bad credit is an increase in debt obligations while simultaneously reducing the price of the purchased item. A typical example is credit card payments. The purchase quickly depreciates or is eaten up, and the interest on debt obligations increases. Bad loans include loans for the purchase of cars, since the value of the car falls faster than the loan is repaid.
  • Avoid the most common fund management mistakes. Income must exceed expenses. As a rule, this balance is upset by ordinary situations when a frivolous or spontaneous decision on expenses is made, depending on the person himself.

    1. Life on credit. A person breaks away from living within his means when he begins to make purchases using a credit card or loans to purchase expensive items. This is how bad credit begins to accumulate, and a person gradually digs a hole of debt, from which he will then not be able to get out.
    2. Lack of financial goals. This is a very important point. If a person has no need to save, the motivation to control financial flows is much less. A financial goal determines the future and also disciplines the present to achieve what you want.
    3. Don't call luxuries necessities.
  • Take training in personal budget management. In any community there are organizations whose activities are aimed at increasing financial literacy. The form of assistance can be different - articles, lectures or special courses.

    • Ask about training programs at banks and credit unions, non-profit organizations, courses for company employees, and religious communities.
    • Be sure to check with your local college/university to see if they offer courses in personal finance or family economics.
  • Learn to identify sources of false information (including information from the Internet - the same basic rules apply here).

    1. Sources of reliable information include colleges and universities, local/regional governments, prominent national organizations (eg, National Cancer Research Society), and industry journals and peer-reviewed publications. Trusted organizations' websites often end in .gov, .org, or .edu. These domains typically point to government, non-profit, and educational organizations.
    2. Unreliable sources include self-proclaimed experts using blogs, personal web pages, social networks, online forums, and websites of unknown organizations. In general, use a double filter: information is unreliable if it is published in an unknown publication and/or the author is not an expert.
  • Keep learning. There is always something new to learn in personal finance. It is also very good to pass on the acquired knowledge to children and other descendants. You can find out how to teach children finances on the website of the tax administration or even at the Ministry of Finance. These organizations have even developed simulation games for children to teach about financial issues. Visit page

    Unfortunately, the financial literacy of the population of our country is at a very low level. Even more unfortunately, few people think about how to improve your financial literacy. But this is precisely one of the reasons for the misery of the overwhelming majority of people who live according to the principles instilled in them by those who benefit from keeping them in poverty (the state, employers). Many do not even imagine that it is possible to change something, to live according to some other principles that are more beneficial to a person.

    Low financial literacy of the population has developed in most people a purely consumerist attitude towards money. They live from paycheck to paycheck, “walk” on the day they receive it, live in poverty and get into debt in the last days before the next paycheck. And this is how all life goes: from Monday to Friday, from morning to evening, work-home-work, and more and more often appearing thoughts about...

    There is only one way to change this situation: improve your financial literacy. It is necessary to change your approach to money, stop seeing it only as a means of satisfying your needs, move from the concept of “money” to the concept of “finance”, meaning “money in motion”, realize that money can and should not only satisfy needs, but also bring other money. Moreover, not only to some millionaires, but also to you - the most ordinary person with the same low salary as the majority.

    I had to communicate a lot with residents of other countries, in particular with Europeans, incl. and former residents of our country who moved to Europe for permanent residence. From this conversation, I concluded that the financial literacy of the European population is at a much higher level! Europeans do not waste their salaries on stupid things, as we do, they always calculate their income and expenses, look for sources of passive income, and banks are their first friends!

    I heard the expression “the bank is our first friend and helper” directly from a native resident of one of the developed European countries!

    Compare this with ours and money. It's quite the opposite. One of the reasons for this state of affairs, of course, lies in our state, its level of development and the principles of the people in power. But the second, undoubtedly, is in ourselves, in ordinary people, and this reason is called - the low level of financial literacy of the population.

    You can improve your financial condition in the current situation only by increasing your financial literacy and changing your attitude towards money, which is the basis of life in a capitalist society.

    In the capitalist society into which we have moved, the communist and socialist principles in the spirit of “he who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat,” by which many continue to live, no longer work, even though we haven’t had this system for more than 20 years. Here, in order to live with dignity, it is necessary to use new, capitalist laws, which are based on money: you need to competently manage your money and make it generate income for yourself.

    In a capitalist society, the main income comes not from labor (work), but from money (capital)! Labor should be used only as a way to create this capital.

    I have very briefly described the modern basics of financial literacy. This is clearly not enough to change your life for the better. You must continue to strive to improve your financial literacy, which will take more than one day or even one month. But how to do that? How to improve your financial literacy if this is not taught at school or college. And even in economics majors (for example, I have a diploma with honors in finance, but no one taught me at the institute how to manage my money! I had to learn this on my own!)

    You can sign up for any financial literacy courses. There are a lot of them now, especially in large cities, but they have one serious capitalist drawback: you have to pay for them! And in most cases, you pay a lot. And as a rule, those who are experiencing financial problems want to improve their financial literacy, and this is quite logical.

    Can be purchased or downloaded books on financial literacy and study them. This will be very useful for your overall development and may make you look at money differently.

    But it is far from a fact that from books or courses you will learn exactly what worries you specifically, get answers to your questions, and find ways to improve your financial condition. Therefore, I offer you a simple and absolutely free (which is not unimportant!) way to increase your financial literacy - do it yourself search, study and analysis of information about personal finance on the Internet. Undoubtedly, in this case you will be faced with a lot of absolutely unnecessary and useless garbage, but, on the other hand, you will be able to independently identify practical tips that are useful for yourself and begin to apply them in everyday life.

    There are many websites and blogs about personal finance on the Internet, one of which is mine. Financial genius website. Here I regularly publish my own articles, verified by personal experience and reflecting my vision of effective personal finance management. Undoubtedly, you may have other points of view, which I would be happy to discuss with you in the comments to the articles. In any case, I am sure that Financial Genius contains a lot of really useful, practical and unique information that will allow you to improve your financial literacy and take personal finance management to a new level.

    Therefore, I recommend that you bookmark and join our communities on popular social networks to track new publications. I sincerely hope that my advice will help you improve your financial condition, because that is exactly why I created this site. If you have any questions as you read the publications, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments: I will be happy to answer.

    Now you know how to improve your financial literacy. See you again on Financial Genius!

    Ecology of consumption. Business: As a rule, one comes to financial literacy through a huge number of mistakes and trials, gradually gaining experience...

    By managing your finances wisely, you can not only significantly reduce expenses, but also significantly increase the thickness of your wallet. As a rule, one comes to financial literacy through a huge number of mistakes and trials, gradually gaining experience and ignoring the wise advice of financiers.

    Here are a few key points to consider on your path to financial literacy.

    1. "Airbag"

    The overwhelming majority of people believe that any savings are completely useless: you will lose everything anyway, so why save if you can spend everything now and buy some necessary thing?

    Perhaps, for a specific moment in life, this decision may seem correct, but after some time you may need a certain amount for unforeseen expenses: minor repairs in the office, increased prices from suppliers, etc.

    How to pay these expenses if there are no savings at all? The loan may not be issued, and it often takes several days or even weeks to receive it, and you may not have this time.

    That is why it is important to remember the first rule: You should always have savings of 3-6 monthly expenses for emergencies.

    2. Savings “under the mattress” instead of a bank

    In Russia, less than 50% of the population uses bank deposits and up to 5% are investors in the stock market. And all for the reason that few people trust any financial instruments, preferring to keep their savings at home under a pillow/mattress/bedside table, etc.

    In fact, this type of “investment” provides a guaranteed income of minus 10-13% per annum! The reason is simple - inflation. So, your today's 500 thousand rubles, put in the nightstand, in 5 years will turn into 310 thousand rubles. with inflation of 10% per year.

    Therefore, rule two: you should not store your savings in the nightstand - it is better to place them at least on a bank deposit to save them from inflation. Are you afraid of bank bankruptcy? Please note that when placing in one bank up to 700 thousand rubles. if his license is revoked, you are guaranteed to return your deposit safe and sound thanks to the deposit insurance system.

    3. Incorrect loan parameters

    Having decided to take bank loan, it is important to remember that it must be in the currency in which you receive your profit. Most often these are rubles. If you succumb to the temptation to take out a loan in foreign currency at a lower rate, you can then see an increase in your monthly loan payments by 30-50% due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate.

    Not to be too big: take out a loan not “with a reserve” just in case, but exactly for the amount that you need. Please note that if you take an extra 50 thousand rubles. on credit, you will have to repay the bank 75 thousand or more.

    Therefore, it is better to take out a loan in rubles, for the most necessary amount and for the minimum period, so that the loan payment is up to 20-30% of your income.

    4. Investments without a deadline

    It is impossible to invest wisely if you do not know for what specific purpose it is being done. At the same time, “earning money” is not the goal. The goal must have a deadline, cost, and priority. Only by clearly defining it can you competently select the right investment instruments for you.

    So, if you are investing with the goal of saving up for some important goal in 1-3 years, then it is better to prefer bank deposits and highly reliable bonds or bond funds.

    If we are talking about a goal in 3-10 years, then, in addition to deposits and bonds, you can add up to 50% of stocks or equity funds to your portfolio. Well, if you invest for 10 years or more, then you can increase the share of shares to 70-80%.

    5. Take smart risks

    If your colleague or neighbor invests in stocks and enjoys returns of 20% per annum or more, this does not mean that you urgently need to buy them. The fact is that each person has his own level of risk appetite. And if your neighbor is sometimes ready to tolerate a drop in the value of his shares of up to 50%, then you may not be ready for this, you will sell shares at just the most inopportune moment, receive losses and be disappointed in your investment.

    That's why It is very important to correctly determine your risk appetite: If you are not prepared for significant drops in the value of your investments, place most of your funds in deposits and safe bonds. If you are ready for sharp fluctuations in the size of your savings, you can place a significant part of them in stocks.

    6. Financial plan

    If a person only thinks about buying a car in a year, buying an apartment in 3 years and does not plan to pay for his son’s education in 10 years, then he will buy the required amount for a car, but will be left without a down payment. Due to large loan payments, he will not be able to save the amount necessary for his son’s education, and he will not enter the best university in order to get into the free department. There is no need to talk about retirement. This entire unfavorable scenario was realized because the person had one goal in front of him, and not a full-fledged financial plan.

    7. Neglecting insurance

    In Russia, insurance of apartments, cars, and especially life, is unpopular, because... most believe that nothing can happen to them. The costs of renovating an apartment, compensating flooded neighbors downstairs, and restoring one’s own health are in most cases unexpected and require significant expenses, which not everyone is prepared for. Therefore, property, liability and life insurance is the key to confidence in the future of every person.

    8. Start saving for retirement a couple of years before retirement.

    You need to think about retirement at least 10 years in advance.

    9. Neglect of tax benefits

    Not many people know and use all types of tax deductions. Meanwhile, anyone can receive up to 15,600 rubles annually into their account if they paid for education, treatment, invested in their pensions or did charity work. If you bought an apartment or house, you can receive up to 260 thousand rubles into your account. plus additional compensation for interest on a loan for the purchase of real estate. published

    Financial literacy is the ability to manage one’s own funds, realizing the degree of responsibility for decisions made. It’s easy to acquire basic knowledge – just read the relevant literature, attend lectures, and seminars. Where to start studying?

    Basics of financial literacy

    An economically literate person is able to control income and expenses, manage finances profitably, and increase the level of well-being. Successful is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who is able to consciously spend and invest.

    To immerse yourself in the world of financial management, an online course: economics and monetization.

    The most accessible tool for acquiring knowledge is, of course, books. The most popular book on the topic of financial literacy is Robert Kiyosaki's bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad. Look at money through different eyes: through the eyes of a wealthy person. Robert compares the lives of his own father (imagining him as a “poor dad”) and his friend’s dad (“rich dad”). His main idea is that financial well-being is not the result of deep financial knowledge, but rather a psychological aspect in.

    Business coach Robert Kiyosaki argued that the concept in question includes:

    • Theoretical basic understanding of the tax code;
    • Theoretical and practical knowledge of accounting;
    • Ability to draw up a basic income-expense plan;
    • Know the definition of “money” and understand how to use it.

    Training takes little time even for “dummies” - only a few weeks. Successful people are distinguished by the desire to improve acquired skills and practically use them.

    Differences of an economically literate person

    Differences between an illiterate person Differences of a literate person
    Making rash decisions that negatively impact well-being Maintaining in writing or using income and expense accounting programs
    Purchasing unprofitable credit products, participating in pyramid schemes Awareness of one’s own level, refusal of spontaneous imposed credit products
    Acquisition of ineffective investments, pensions Ability to find a source of information on economics
    Failure to take advantage of market advantages Investing carefully - carefully exploring all options
    Reducing the amount of personal earned money Saving money in case of serious illness, layoff, or other circumstances

    Money illiteracy leads to disastrous consequences, so everyone, without exception, should have theoretical economic knowledge.

    Purchasing methods

    Pavel Bogryantsev’s book “How to Always Be with Money” contains useful and practical advice that is not taught at school. This is a modern approach to the topic of achieving financial well-being, developed from Pavel’s personal experience. His message is this: everyone can achieve financial well-being. How to do this and what horizons open up financial opportunities - read in the book.

    Saving monthly from your salary is not enough to be considered a literate person. Knowledge of macro- and microeconomic fundamentals, familiarization with credit institutions, setting and achieving strategic goals are the basis of economic development. Our time is a time of information, so we can learn in many ways. Helps answer how to level up:

    • Study of economic works, books;
    • Possession of information about the economic situation in Russia, legislative changes;
    • Using special programs to control income and expenses;
    • Studying books, video lessons and courses, for example: 7 secrets of financial psychology;
    • Listening to lectures and seminars on improving financial literacy.

    Changing attitudes towards financial literacy helps to improve financial literacy. The psychology of consumption does not lead to prosperity - money is not earned for sudden unnecessary spending. Going beyond the instincts of the average person is a guarantee of success. The modern one allows you to obtain useful knowledge and step-by-step instructions in the form of online courses at a psychological level from specialists, which leads to financial well-being.

    Creating a passive deposit

    Passive investing is also called investing money for profit. This does not depend on your immediate activity - there are a lot of places where you can invest money. The main rule is the formation of several sources of contribution. Following this rule is important for. Economists recommend using your funds in a variety of ways - you should not invest only in real estate or purchasing shares.

    Examples of creating passive income:

    • Bank deposit - the larger the amount, the more profitable the rent;
    • Purchasing shares, playing on the stock exchange;
    • Receiving money from advertising placement on your website;
    • Investing in real estate;
    • Investments in a partner or your own business;
    • Receiving money after writing books, creating applications, programs of your own authorship.

    Modern Internet technologies make it possible to create other sources of passive income, for example: mining farms.

    Many publications are devoted to this technology, since mining has become a very popular business model and is developing very quickly.

    Practical use

    Applying the basics in practice does not imply a radical change in life - quitting your job or starting a business. The main thing is to make money on assets, distribute funds wisely, while leaving the main source of income.

    Economically illiterate people have created a myth that the bank’s goal is to trick people into taking out an unprofitable loan product. This is a misconception, since large organizations are quite interested in literate clients. It is beneficial for the bank that the client himself is serviced by the organization, recommending it to colleagues, friends, and relatives.

    Increasing literacy is characterized by the discovery of the fact that a banking organization is a partner for savings.

    A set for accounting for income that has common principles:

    • Control of income and expenses;
    • Removing pointless expenses;
    • Identification of main expenses (utilities, food costs, hygiene items, etc.);
    • Distribution of money;
    • Designation of the portion of funds that can be invested.

    Example programs are “Daily Expenses”, “Wallet - Finance and Budget”, “MoneyFy”.

    Useful books

    The Internet and bookstore shelves are a source of many books that help teach financial literacy. Of course, the first of these books in popularity is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki.

    The author's father worked diligently all the time as a government employee, having a small source of income. The friend's father was an entrepreneur, teaching Robert about economic fundamentals. The author admits that thanks to his lessons he became a rich man.

    Robert believes that the rich buy assets, the poor only spend, and the middle class buys liabilities thinking they are getting assets. Let's understand these concepts.

    An asset is something that generates cash. Passive - what spends them. For example, an empty house is a liability. If it surrenders, it turns into an asset. A book written by yourself is a liability, a book published and bringing benefits is an asset.

    The millionaire also examines the concept of “investing”, gives advice and recommendations, citing exact figures from personal experience.

    Useful and very affordable online courses on financial literacy once again prove that any person has the opportunity to improve their well-being.

    The book “The Path to Financial Freedom” by Bodo Schaeffer has not lost its relevance to this day. It talks in detail about starting a business, investments, the importance of paying off debts, and proper management of money. The book is suitable as a financial literacy textbook for beginners. The author describes a possible path from the status of an ordinary worker to security and a stable income.

    The book The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason covers the basics of investing. He suggests developing certain habits, such as:

    • Saving a tenth of your own income;
    • Cost control;
    • Increase in wealth, inadmissibility of meaningless storage of savings;
    • Assessment of risk, profitability of investments;
    • The arrangement of the house should represent personal desires, not neighbors;
    • Improving money earning skills;
    • Providing your own pension.

    Thematic sites

    It is easy to find almost any information on the Internet; the topic of “economic literacy” is no exception. The best sites to help you learn money literacy:

    • The financial online game Cash Flow created by Robert Kiyosaki will expand your knowledge. The goal of the game is to make you a financially independent person.
    • Finagram. The site has an answer to every question in the field of economics, and there is also a lot of information on the topic of financial literacy for beginners.
    • Fingram TV was formed by the Association of Banks of Russia. There are step-by-step instructions for acquiring money literacy from scratch.
    • ABC of Finance is a project created by the Visa payment system. It is made specifically for residents of Russia. The site contains detailed information about the payment system.
    • “A course for people who earn less than they can” can change your idea of ​​material well-being, earning options and take a new look at your relationship with finances.

    ABC of Finance Visa payment system project

    It is not money that controls the personality, but the personality with it - a law that every person must understand. Debt pits, purchasing goods “unaffordable” for an imaginary status, senseless waste slow down development, reducing the chances of gaining success and prosperity.

    I’ll tell you this: if at the age of 18 someone had shown me this article, and most importantly, if I had implemented everything that was in it, then now I would have a very decent capital.

    Financial literacy where to start: I will tell you everything in detail in simple words and with a minimum of steps.

    What separates you from becoming a financially independent and successful person is just 5 steps: here they are:

    Financial literacy where to start: a 5-step checklist on how to become a financially independent and successful person

    If you like the video more, please:

    Changing attitudes and beliefs

    I wrote in more detail about the transformation of beliefs and limiting attitudes here.

    The first thing you need to accept and what you need to imbue to the marrow of your bones is that there is a lot of money in the world.

    Lack of money is easy false belief. If a person does not have money, this does not mean that there is no money in the world.

    There is plenty of money, but to get it... you need to offer something in return. The amount of money you have is determined by the value you can offer to the world.

    Think about what you can offer the world? If the answer is nothing, then... something needs to be done about it. Go to study, for example.

    And then launch your own information business: read how to do it

    A quote from Zig Ziglar comes to mind here:

    If you want to get what you want, help others get what they want.

    Money comes only in EXCHANGE for something that you give to the world - some value. If you have nothing to give, blame yourself and don’t complain.

    There are still many negative attitudes about money ( money is evil, money comes from hard work, etc.) – you need to squeeze them out drop by drop.

    Because how can you want something that deep down you consider evil? The desire to get rich will be subconsciously sabotaged - after all, we don’t want harm to ourselves, right?

    Cost optimization

    Notice I didn't say saving. I said cost optimization. I can confidently say that 10-20% of what you currently spend can be saved without losing your quality of life.

    In general, success in finance is... it's how you spend it.

    And here mass culture trips us up again. A fashion for success has appeared (look through social networks) and now we are trying to LOOK rich, which leads to unnecessary spending: we buy what we don’t need.

    On a note: Not all rich people look like the “rich” people on Instagram.

    Well, okay, but how can we optimize expenses for what we regularly spend money on?

    The easiest way is to start discount and discount cards in various stores. And cashback cards.

    For example, I couldn’t persuade one of my friends to sign up for a discount card at a gas station. He told me: What am I, some kind of beggar?!

    He just forgets about this math: if you put the money saved from a discount in the bank at interest, then in a year you can buy car insurance with it. It's a small thing, but nice.

    And such little things come up so many.

    The trouble is that people don't think about the long-term “consequences” of saving. They do not count on the long shoulder.

    Now, if you were told that all the money you save on discount cards would be deposited in the bank at interest, that in 20 years you would be able to buy a new car - would you make such cards?

    Most would say that 20 years is a long time. I'll say this: deferred compensation this is one of the main qualities of successful people.

    There are hundreds of ways to optimize your expenses: just ask Google and you will get a long list. Choose what is right for you and act.

    The trouble is that you have to “bother” to do something there... As for me, it’s worth it. Moreover, this leads to an increase in the quality of life.

    There is one more thing that people really don't like: This is an accounting of expenses and income. But without this it is very difficult to optimize something.

    Can you imagine a business that doesn't keep track of expenses and income? One day he will simply go bankrupt. So why then don’t people keep track of their income and expenses?!

    Because it’s broken!

    Although in reality such accounting takes at most 5 minutes a day. Sometimes even less. Especially in our time, when a whole bunch of different applications and services have appeared.

    For example, I use the coinkeeper.me phone app. Here's what it all looks like.

    Here you can even link a card and record all SMS with debits. Damn, you don’t even need to enter the amounts manually - how can it be a mistake if it’s only a matter of 1-2 minutes of time.

    In short, it's a matter of habit.

    Revenue growth

    I'll say the obvious. The more sources of income you have, the better. It is very unwise to rely on just one trickle.

    And now, more than ever, is the right time (the Internet era) to create another source of income for yourself. Why don't most people do this?

    The answer is banal: laziness and habit.

    Do you want additional income? Just set yourself this goal: to find a source of additional income in the near future.

    State your intention to the Universe and you will receive an answer. I'm serious. Many people want to have sources of additional income, but do not focus their energy (at least in thoughts to begin with) in the right direction.

    I don’t know ANY person who set himself the goal of finding a source of additional income and did not find it.

    Learn, try, keep trying - and the goal will be achieved. I re-read the last sentence: banality is banality in the spirit of Captain Obvious. But, damn it, THAT’S SO IT IS!

    Saving and investing

    I am sure that most of you know about the basic law of how to become a financially independent person.

    It reads: pay yourself first.

    Withdraw some money from any income and do not spend it. What should we do with them? Invest. Even at a small percentage.

    Because taking money out and investing it in something will not only cause you to accumulate a decent amount over time, but also cause you Train yourself to live on less than your income.

    And that's what all rich people do.

    The main thing in saving money regularity and discipline: To When you quit this game, you lose. All!

    Where can I get money to save?

    They will appear when you optimize your expenses. You don’t even need to earn money anymore - optimize your expenses and invest them at interest.

    And if you add an additional source of income and invest from it, that’s absolutely cool.

    How much to invest?

    Start with what is comfortable for you and gradually increase it to 10%, and then further. Up to 20-30%. The amount is not so important here, but the regularity is important.

    Where to invest money?

    The answer is simple: there what you understand. If you don't understand something, don't invest money in it.

    Don't give in to mass hysteria and don't chase big bets. Where there are big stakes, there is always a big risk of losing everything.

    Lately I have probably received hundreds of offers to invest in Bitcoin. But I didn't do it - because I don't understand how it works.

    By the way, when the cue ball collapsed, everyone who colorfully told me about its charms disappeared along with it 😉

    I'll say it again: Don't chase big profits. Do you know what Warren Buffett, one of the richest investors in the world, thinks about this. He says this:

    The basic rule of investment: the amount you invested should not decrease.

    Notice that he didn’t say look for the largest percentage, no. The main thing is that it doesn’t get smaller.

    Here is the structure of my investment portfolio.

    I don’t play on the stock exchange, I don’t buy shares, I don’t invest in cue ball, I use the classics.

    First. Airbag.

    This cash amount is equivalent to 6 months of my monthly expenses. If something suddenly goes wrong, I will have 6 months to fix everything and I will not need anything.

    Before you invest in anything else, build up a cushion. This pillow also gives emotional calm– you don’t worry so much about money when you know that there is a cushion.

    Second. I'm investing in my information business.

    And guess what? Over time, every ruble invested brings me 5 rubles or more.

    I don't know ANY OTHER INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD that would give such a profit. Therefore, if you have all your business processes correctly structured, then invest in traffic and you will be happy.

    About traffic for information business I

    What if I don’t have a business?

    Third. Accumulative pension insurance in foreign currency.

    This is a small percentage, but I estimate that you can save $1,000,000 by the time you retire.

    Don't let this number scare you. If you started saving some money for retirement at age 18, even if you worked a regular job, you would have a million bucks by the time you retired.

    Time and discipline will make you a dollar pensioner 😉

    $1,000,000 in your retirement fund means you'll receive almost $5,000 every month after retirement for 15 years.

    Do you know what else is the additional benefit of such a large pension? Like it or not, you will have to live longer, at least another 15 years after retirement 😉

    There is no need to rely on the state - take the accumulation of your pension into your own hands.

    Fourth. Bonds.

    This is an investment, but only in other businesses. Even in our country, which is not at all an investment country, there are bonds at 10% per annum in foreign currency. This despite the fact that the bank has only 1.5%.

    Find the bonds you need and buy them. Then you sell over time and receive your percentage on top.

    That's it, nothing more. Bonds, information business, pension insurance and airbag.

    There is one more thing where I invest money, but I don’t know what type to classify it as:
