Car loan home loan. Car loans at Home Credit Bank

Home Credit Bank (or HKB) is one of the five largest banks in terms of loan portfolio volume in the Russian Federation. It is well known to Russians thanks to consumer lending programs. Today, in almost every large household appliances and electronics store you can make a purchase on credit using borrowed funds from the bank.

Not everyone knows that you can also purchase a car on credit at Home Credit Bank. However, the bank does not implement car loan programs in the classical sense.

But it offers non-targeted consumer loans in the amount of up to 200 thousand rubles. In some cases, this amount will be enough to purchase a used car.

Comparison of car loans from Home Credit Bank and classic car loan programs

What are the differences between the offers from HKB and the car loans offered by other banks? In the case of classic car lending, the client enters into a targeted lending agreement, and the money for the car immediately goes to the car dealer’s account, bypassing the borrower.

In this case, the car is actually owned by the bank for the entire period of payments under the loan agreement. The borrower is required to draw up a collateral agreement and transfer the vehicle title to the bank.

At Home Credit Bank, money is issued to the borrower. In the future, he has the right to spend them at his own discretion.

But in this case it is assumed that he will pay for the car. The bank will not check where funds are spent. The only thing that matters to him is timely payment under the loan agreement.

Thus, you won’t be able to get a classic car loan from Home Credit. But that is precisely why its loans have some advantages that may become the determining motive for choosing this particular bank:

At the same time, such a loan has its pitfalls. Borrowers always pay a higher interest rate for the speed of consideration of the application and the absence of a mandatory requirement to confirm income. In this way, banks neutralize their risks when issuing unsecured loans. In this case, car loans are more profitable in terms of the amount of overpayment.

In particular, negative reviews about lending at HKB are mainly associated with high interest rates on loans and significant overpayments. Also, despite the fact that CASCO is not issued, the bank often insists on the need to issue voluntary life insurance.

Today the bank operates two consumer lending programs: “Big Money” and the “Pension” loan.

Conditions for the “Big Money” and “Pension” loan programs

As part of the “Big Money” credit program, you can get a loan in the amount of 50 to 200 thousand rubles. Loan terms range from 12 to 36 months.

The interest rate is set at 36.9%. With a minimum loan amount and maximum term, the monthly payment will be 2,318 rubles.

“Pension” loan is a type of consumer lending intended for pensioners. The loan is issued based on your passport and pension certificate.

It is believed that such borrowers are more disciplined, so the loan rate for them is 4 percentage points lower. (32.9%). True, the available loan amount is limited to 150 thousand rubles. which is unlikely to be enough to buy a car.

Documents required to apply for a car loan at Home Credit Bank

Potential loan borrowers are subject to the following minimum requirements:

  • age from 23 to 64 years (as of the date of loan application);
  • availability of permanent registration in the region where the loan is provided;
  • having a permanent income;
  • personal insurance is not required, but recommended;
  • good credit history.

Confirmation of income from the borrower is not required, which may be especially important for those who are not ready to provide a 2-NDFL certificate.

In this case, the bank must provide documents that indirectly indicate that the borrower has funds to secure its loan obligations.

To receive a loan from Home Credit Bank, you need to provide a passport with a registration mark, as well as two other additional documents to choose from (one from each list).

The first list includes a passport, driver's license and SNILS. The second consists of documents confirming solvency. These may include:

  • original account statement for the last 6 months, certified by the bank (“KhKB” takes into account the average monthly income from the account; it should not be less than the loan payment);
  • PTS certificate in the name of the borrower (the car should not be more than 5 years old for a domestic car and more than 7 years old for foreign cars);
  • CASCO policy with a coverage amount of at least 5 thousand dollars;
  • a foreign passport with notes on trips abroad during the year;
  • certificate of registration of real estate ownership;
  • VHI policy.

Thus, a clear advantage of obtaining a car loan from HCF is the ease of obtaining loans for relatively large amounts with loyal requirements for borrowers.

Car loans from a reliable company mean quick processing, convenient service, reduced interest rates, as well as an affordable payment schedule, which is selected on an individual basis. We will tell you below how to get a car loan from Home Credit Bank.

What car loan programs are available?

Car loans today are one of the most popular financial products in the Russian Federation. More than half of domestic and foreign-made cars are purchased on credit. The popularity of loans is associated with the high competition of Russian banks, which, in order to increase sales, daily issue profitable car loan services. The lowest interest rates on loans are presented at HKF Bank LLC, which is a subsidiary of the Czech holding Home Credit Group.

Car loans from Home Credit Bank are distinguished by a wide range of services provided, as well as installment payments from 1 to 7 years. If necessary, the loan can be repaid ahead of schedule, without paying additional fees.

Current car loan programs at Home Credit Bank:

  1. "Auto mania" . The loan is provided for the purchase of a new car of domestic or foreign production, worth up to 500 thousand rubles with an installment plan of up to 5 years. The down payment amount is 20% of the cost of the car. The interest rate on a car loan varies from 18.9 to 25% per annum, depending on the insurance; a guarantor is not required. The collateral is the purchased car;
  2. "Big money." Car loans are provided to borrowers without collateral or a guarantor. The loan is issued in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. The interest rate is 20% per annum. When signing the contract, you will need to confirm your own solvency, as well as pay an initial payment of 15%.


Taking out a car loan allows the borrower to spread the cost of transport without financial burden and significant overpayment.

Conditions for car loans at Home Credit Bank:

  • without CASCO. Taking out insurance is at the borrower's discretion, however, the interest rate on such a loan will be significantly higher;
  • 0% down payment. If the borrower does not have his own budget, the bank provides a loan without paying an advance;
  • opportunity to participate in the program "buy-back" where the borrower does not pay the final 20-40% of the cost of the car, but returns the vehicle to the dealer.

Also, under the terms of the loan agreement, the purchased car will remain pledged to the bank until the debt is repaid in full.

Requirements for a borrower at Home Credit Bank

The main requirements for the borrower at Home Credit Bank are as follows:

  • age - from 21 to 65 years;
  • presence of an official place of work;
  • work experience of at least six months;
  • presence of registration at the place of residence;
  • a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • salary - at least 25 thousand rubles.

How to get a car loan from Home Credit Bank?

A car loan can be issued at any of the existing branches of the lender, on the official website of Home Credit Bank or directly in the car dealership.


  1. Preparation of necessary documents;
  2. Filling out the form;
  3. Then you need to wait for a response from the lender;
  4. If the application is approved, you must select a car within 30 days;
  5. Draw up a purchase and sale agreement with a car dealer;
  6. Sign a loan agreement;
  7. Register the car with the traffic police;
  8. Hand over the package of documents, together with the vehicle title, to a bank employee.

An application for a car loan is reviewed within 7 days.

To take out a loan to purchase a car, you will need the following documents:

  • Borrower's identity card;
  • driver license;
  • salary certificate (2 personal income taxes);
  • a copy of the work book;
  • SNILS pension certificate.

Download a sample application for a car loan at Home Credit Bank

Procedure and methods for repaying a car loan

An important condition of the loan agreement is the cost of monthly payments, as well as the procedure and methods of settlement with the lender. Home Credit Bank provides clients with the opportunity to pay fees through:

  • automatic withdrawal of funds from another account;
  • at any ATM;
  • postal transfer;
  • via Internet - banking.

Pros and cons of car loans

Advantages of car loans at Home Credit Bank:

  • quick consideration of the application;
  • loyal requirements for borrowers;
  • the ability to remotely submit an application for a car loan;
  • convenient ways to pay monthly payments;
  • minimum overpayment for a car.

The disadvantages of car loans from Home Credit Bank include the fact that the purchased vehicle will remain pledged to the bank until the debt is repaid.

The main direction of the company's financial activity is issuing loans for various purposes to individuals. The organization began its work in 1990, a little later experienced its secondary formation and began to effectively develop other numerous areas of the institution. Modern clients of the organization are given the opportunity to obtain such a profitable loan as a car loan in. This offer offers the most favorable loan conditions, and the requirements for clients are quite acceptable.

Numerous clients of financial institutions note a large number of advantages characteristic of this form of profitable lending. Among them, the following important points can be noted:

  1. A loan for the purchase of a car is issued strictly to the applicant. It is not required to provide documentary evidence of the special intended use of the amount received.
  2. The organization issues a simple consumer loan, in which only timely payments are important.
  3. The selected car is not taken as collateral by the bank, that is, its new owner has the right to dispose of it at his own discretion - exchange, sell and donate.
  4. The absence of any requirements for the car, its technical characteristics, installed alarm system, as well as mileage and date of manufacture.
  5. Complete absence of down payment.
  6. The car can be purchased both in the showroom and from an individual.
  7. Reduced loan amount based on the absence of the need to take out a CASCO insurance policy.

A submitted loan application is processed very quickly, taking no more than a couple of hours. There is no need to collect a huge amount of paperwork to assess the borrower’s financial level and other individual conditions.

The only drawback of this form of lending can be considered a slightly increased rate and the total amount of overpayment. This is special compensation to the organization for the likely occurrence of risks.

Loan programs for purchasing a car

Funds for purchasing a car can be obtained from a bank using different methods. The approved amount can be transferred to the card or a credit transaction with cash transfer can be carried out. The cash loan option is more convenient, since credit cards can be issued for an amount less than planned and at a slightly higher interest rate. Cash can be obtained in the amount needed to purchase a car and under fairly favorable lending conditions.

There are two main programs to choose from for loans such as car loans, each of which is characterized by its own individual conditions. Here are the main conditions for each of them:

  • New clients have the right to count on an acceptable amount of approximately 30 to 500 thousand. You can rent them for a period of time from 12 to 60 months and work with them at a rate of 29.9%.
  • Regular clients are given the opportunity to borrow funds in the amount of 10 to 850 thousand for a period of 12 to 84 months. The percentage may be equal to 19.9%.

The credit interest rate directly depends on the total amount, on its time period, as well as on the credit history of the borrower applying for support and his relationship with the organization. On average, the loan interest ranges from 21.5 to 42%.

In all cases, the time spent considering the submitted application does not exceed one hour. There is no need to provide guarantors, and there is always the opportunity to repay the loan before the due date.

How to get a car loan from Home Credit Bank?

To apply for a car loan at Home Credit, you need to ensure compliance with certain conditions and requirements that the borrower must meet. Among the most important of them are:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  2. The borrower's age is from 18 to 68 years.
  3. Permanent or official temporary address registration in the city where the office is located.
  4. Having an ideal credit history.
  5. Source of official income.

You also need to provide a certain package of papers, the list of which directly depends on the amount being drawn up. If you plan to take out a loan in the amount of up to 300 thousand, it is important to provide a civil passport and an additional document - a driver’s license, SNILS or a standard international passport.

If a potential borrower plans to take out an amount of more than 300 thousand, documents that confirm the general solvency of the client can be provided as an addition. These may be documents such as:

  • Foreign passport with travel records for the last three years;
  • Official salary statement for three months;
  • Papers for the car and CASCO policy.

The latest documents for the vehicle are not required, but they will allow you to reduce the interest on the loan and the loan amount.

Car loan at Home Credit Bank: calculator

To apply for a loan before applying for it, you should first visit the resource of a financial institution, carefully study all the promotions presented to your attention and offers specially developed for clients, and you can also use a calculator.

On one of the bank’s pages there is an online calculator, with which you can calculate on your own the total amount of the loan, its duration, the amount of the monthly payment, as well as interest and the amount of overpayment.

Using a similar function, you can choose a loan tariff as reasonably as possible and, with the chosen form of profitable lending, contact the office of a financial institution to draw up an official agreement.

If your application has been pre-approved, you will need to obtain the required amount of funds and purchase the car. You can receive funds to purchase a vehicle in different ways:

  1. Cash that can be obtained when registering a loan with a financial institution;
  2. Money transfers to an account at home credit bank, which is possible both during a personal visit to the office and when applying for a loan via the Internet;
  3. A personal account opened with another financial institution.

Among the listed options, the transfer of funds to a personal account in Home Bank deserves special attention. The advantage here is the ability to make monthly payments without paying interest.

Important! If the bank account was opened quite a long time ago and was not used, during the loan application process it is worth checking whether it was blocked due to uselessness.

Home Credit car loans

Modern Home Credit Bank provides its regular and potential clients with a large number of different financial products, as well as instruments intended for repayment.

Paying the next payment using a bank card and the “My Credit” service application is very popular. The commission in this case will be 0.6-1.3%, it all depends on the type and category of the card and on what interest rates are set.

If you wish, you can use a site where the same commission will be charged for making payments, these are the conditions. To carry out payment transactions, users are given the opportunity to use the bank’s personal account, where the process of applying for a loan is clear on an intuitive level.

Summing up

You can repay an issued car loan in different ways, and most of them do not involve charging a commission. All this shows that cooperation with Home Credit Bank is not only profitable, but also very convenient. Low interest rates, as well as a high level of service, allow you to use borrowed funds with maximum comfort.

Home Credit Bank is one of the leaders in lending to the population of the Russian Federation. You can get a loan not only at a bank branch, but also at various shopping centers (targeted loans for the purchase of certain goods), and car dealerships.

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How to get money to buy a car, and what documents you will need for this, read on.

About the bank

Home Credit Bank was founded in 2002 and by the beginning of 2019 it had gained wide popularity. Thanks to the availability of loans and other offers, the bank’s clients currently include more than 30 million people.

In addition to issuing loans, the bank is engaged in:

  • servicing current accounts of individuals and enterprises;
  • servicing cards, including salary projects;
  • work with deposits;
  • insurance.

Bank branches and sales points of banking products are located in more than 2000 cities of Russia.

Conditions for car loans at Home Credit Bank

The main programs offered by the bank are:

  • a loan issued in cash. The borrower can spend the money received at his own discretion, including on the purchase of a car;
  • targeted loan for the purchase of a specific product (furniture, household appliances, clothing, etc.). You cannot purchase a vehicle under this program.

Thus, an analogue of a car loan at Home Bank is a credit program that involves the issuance of borrowed funds in cash.

A loan from Home Bank is issued on the following conditions:

The loan is issued exclusively in Russian rubles. It takes the bank approximately 1 hour to review the application.

The advantages and disadvantages of car loans at Home Credit Bank can be determined by the following factors:

  • quite high interest rate. The Bank does not participate in the preferential car loan program and cannot offer its clients more favorable conditions;
  • when receiving funds, there is no need to pledge a car, which leads to the possibility of independent disposal of the purchased property;
  • purchasing a CASCO policy is also not a prerequisite. The need for additional car insurance is determined by the client independently;
  • no down payment;
  • You can purchase any vehicles or special equipment;
  • the bank does not charge a commission for issuing borrowed funds;
  • The bank provides many different ways to pay off debt.

What documents are needed

Individuals can receive a loan to purchase a car if the following conditions are met:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • registration and residence in the region where one of the bank’s branches is located;
  • age – 18 – 68 years;
  • having a permanent income;
  • having a good credit history.

B, the amount of which does not exceed 300,000 rubles, includes:

  • passport;
  • second document of the borrower's choice: driver's license, pension certificate, foreign passport, insurance certificate.

If the borrower is a pensioner, then providing the appropriate identification is mandatory.

To obtain a loan in the amount of more than 300,000 rubles In addition, proof of income is required.

Such a document can be:

  • current account statement;
  • CASCO policy issued for the purchased car.

Additional collateral for the loan can be issued in the form of collateral:

  • the car being purchased;
  • real estate owned by the borrower.

To draw up a pledge agreement, you will need documents confirming ownership:

  • PTS (if the collateral is a vehicle);
  • registration certificate (if the collateral is real estate);
  • purchase and sale agreement, gift agreement, certificate of inheritance.

The document confirms the legality of the transfer of ownership of the pledged item.

Registration procedure

Main stages of registration from Home Bank:

  1. Preliminary. You can make the calculation using an online calculator in two ways:
    • based on the amount and term of the loan;
    • based on the loan amount and the desired monthly payment.

    For example, with a loan amount of 300,000 rubles issued for 3 years, the monthly payment will be 12,381 rubles, and the total overpayment on the loan for the entire period of use will be 145,716 rubles.

  2. Submitting an application for borrowed funds. You can submit an application at the bank office or online. To do this, you must indicate in the form provided:
    • Full name and gender of the borrower;
    • date of birth;
    • passport details;
    • mobile phone number and personal email address for communication.

  3. The received application is reviewed by bank employees for a maximum of 60 minutes, after which the decision made is communicated to the potential client.
  4. To draw up a loan agreement, the borrower must personally contact the bank’s office and provide the originals of the documents requested by the credit institution.
  5. After concluding the agreement, funds in the amount specified in the loan agreement are credited to the borrower’s account and can be used for any purpose.
  6. How to pay off debt

    Debt repayment is carried out according to a special schedule, which is an annex to the loan agreement.

    Debt payment can be made in the following ways:

  • online on the bank's website. Depending on the payment system of the card, the amount of the additional commission is determined. For Visa cards the commission is 1.3% of the transfer amount. For Master card – 0.6%;
  • online from your personal account in the Internet banking system. No commission is charged;
  • through the “My Credit” service. The size of the commission is similar to the size when paying on the website of a credit institution;
  • through Cash-in ATMs owned by Home Credit Bank (no commission is charged);
  • through the cash desks of any banks. The size of the commission depends on the tariffs of the credit institution;
  • automatic transfer from a salary card serviced by the bank;

This service is available exclusively to bank clients. To automatically replenish a credit account from a debit salary card, you must personally submit an application to the bank to write off funds.

  • through the Golden Crown services. The commission for transferring an amount less than 5,000 rubles will be 50 rubles. When transferring a larger amount, the commission will be calculated as 1% of the transfer amount;
  • at the Russian Post office. To make a payment, you must know the bank and credit account details;
  • through the Rapida payment system;
  • through terminals of the Eleksnet system;
  • funds from the Qiwi electronic wallet.

Each borrower has the right to independently choose the most convenient way for him to pay the debt under the loan agreement.

The main thing is to transfer funds without violating the established payment deadlines, since for late payment the bank will charge a penalty in the amount of 0.2% of the amount of the resulting debt.

Penalties will be accrued daily until the amount of money required to repay the debt is credited to the borrower's credit account.

Vehicles such as cars have long ceased to be a luxury. The need for their use is constantly increasing.

Since not every person can buy a car for one salary, and saving money sometimes becomes very difficult, nowadays car loans are in great demand in financial institutions. After all, then such a valuable purchase can be made in the shortest possible time and use the car right now.

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Modern banks offer many different programs and tariffs to improve customer convenience. Among their diversity, everyone can find something suitable for themselves.

How to apply

Home Credit Bank cares about its customers. The organization constantly holds various promotions and sweepstakes. There are individual programs for regular clients.

To apply for a car loan at Home Credit Bank, you need to go through several stages:

  1. Lending conditions at this bank are constantly being improved. Therefore, the future client should first go to the website of this financial institution and find out about all the offers and conditions there.
  2. There is an online calculator on the bank's website. You can use it to calculate your monthly payment. To do this, you just need to enter the basic data on the loan and the loan amount.
  3. Collect all necessary documents. They will be needed during the application process, as well as for the final loan processing. Their list can also be found on the Home Credit Bank website.
  4. The loan application can be filled out directly on the website. This can also be done at any bank branch.
  5. Sign the loan agreement after the application is approved.
  6. To buy a car.

Thanks to this car loan system at Home Credit Bank, the client can buy a car not only in the showroom, but also from its previous owner. The bank has no restrictions on used cars.

Required papers

Taking a car loan from Home Credit Bank is not at all difficult. This financial institution requires minimum conditions from clients.

The borrower must:

  • be aged at the time of loan application from 23 to 64 years old;
  • be registered in the region where you take out the loan;
  • have a permanent place of work;
  • good credit history;
  • take out insurance (optional).

The bank does not require a certificate confirming income, but the client must have documents that confirm his solvency

The main document required to obtain a car loan from Home Credit Bank is a passport. It must be registered.

In addition to the passport, the borrower will also need two additional documents. The bank client can choose them independently. There are two lists for this.

The first one includes:

  • SNIS;
  • international passport;
  • driving license.

In the second list you can find the following names:

  • an extract from the client’s account, certified by a bank representative (original);
  • CASCO for an amount of at least $5,000;
  • borrower's international passport;
  • VHI policy;
  • certificate of registration of your own real estate.

You can note the simplicity of applying for a car loan at Home Credit Bank. He doesn't demand too much from his clients.

Current offers on various conditions

Home Credit Bank provides its clients with various car loan conditions. Among them, each bank client will be able to find the most suitable program.

Without CASCO

There has long been an opinion that it is better to take out car loans without a mandatory CASCO policy. This is supposedly a big money saver. But this is not entirely true. This simplicity contains some dangers.

But first, here are the positive features of a car loan without CASCO:

  • the client saves money on insurance that he does not need;
  • car insurance is a purely personal matter for the owner (he can decide where and when to do it);
  • there is a service for early loan repayment;
  • insurance can be paid for in a down payment.

But here you can also find negative sides:

  • without insurance, the client will face a higher interest rate (banks are forced to take this step to cover the risk of non-payment of the loan);
  • in such cases, the down payment on the loan may be half of the total amount;
  • if a car that was bought on credit without a CASCO policy is stolen, its owner will have to return the entire loan amount himself;
  • also, using his own funds, the car owner will need to repair his car in the event of an accident;
  • the car owner will only make his vehicle more expensive if he decides to take out insurance on his own;
  • Most often, loans without CASCO are taken out for used cars.

Even with the naked eye it is clear that the arguments “against” exceed the arguments “for”. But for those who still do not want to pay extra for CASCO, there are simple custom cash loans.

In this case, the bank doesn’t care whether you are insured or not. And with these funds you can buy everything. Whatever your heart desires.

No collateral

The standard condition for car loans in all banks is that the bank is the owner of the car until the loan is fully repaid. That is, if the loan funds are not paid, the bank can take the car. But there are situations when a financial institution does not require collateral.

By doing this, the bank takes on serious risks. Therefore, he needs to compensate for this with something. Firstly, he may require a guarantor instead of collateral. Secondly, there are exceptional cases when neither collateral nor guarantors are needed.

But in such cases, you always need to be prepared for the fact that the bank will compensate for its risks at the expense of the client. After all, car loans are issued in quite large amounts, and the percentage of non-repayment is huge.

The borrower will have to seriously overpay. And it’s also good if you have CASCO insurance. Then at least you won’t have to pay for repairs, compensation to the injured party in the event of an accident, etc.

Therefore, you should not believe in the myth of “preferential” loans. The bank compensates for its expenses through high interest rates, a huge down payment and significant penalties in case of late payment. Thus, financial structures compensate for those loans that cannot be repaid even with the help of collection firms.

To get a car loan from Home Credit Bank without collateral, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • identification code;
  • work book (photocopy);
  • certificate of solvency.

For a used car

Those who understand cars and can competently assess the condition of a vehicle should consider purchasing a used car. If the required amount of funds is not available, you can always take out a loan from a bank.

Before you decide to take out a loan for a used car from Home Credit Bank, you should know the following:

  • the loan is issued for used cars of a certain age (for domestic cars this is 5 years, for foreign cars – 10 );
  • a borrower who decides to take out a car loan rather than a consumer loan will be presented with an interest rate several points lower than usual;
  • targeted loans for used cars are provided only in those organizations that have agreements with the bank (this is not profitable on the other hand, the same car can be bought from private owners at a lower price);
  • the borrower will not be able to sell the car until the loan is fully repaid, since it immediately becomes the collateral property of the bank;
  • CASCO insurance is almost always a mandatory element of such a loan.

No down payment

For many people who want to take out a loan, the down payment can be a big obstacle. After all, sometimes it can be more than half of the total amount.

Therefore, borrowers are trying to find car loans without a down payment. Thanks to this, a purchase can be made without saving money, which means quickly and at a time when the most tempting offer is found.

It is for such clients that banks create special programs in which the down payment is zero.

For new transport

Buying a new car is a dream for every driver. After all, a car without mileage is more reliable. What can we say about the attractiveness of the appearance of the new car. It can't even be compared to a used one.

To buy a new car on credit from Home Credit Bank, you just need to submit an application on the financial institution’s website.

In just a few minutes, bank employees will contact you by phone and provide all the necessary qualified assistance.

Special programs

Home Credit Bank provides its clients with a number of special loan programs for the purchase of cars:

The bank also has partnership agreements with various car dealerships. Therefore, the client will always be aware of the promotions and offers that are waiting for him there.

The loan is processed according to traditional standards. The client chooses a car at the dealership, takes documents there and goes with them to the bank. There you need to provide all the necessary documents and wait for a positive decision.

The waiting time should not exceed 5 days from the moment of submitting the application, and after this period the loan money should arrive in the account

How to pay off a car loan from Home Credit Bank

You can pay loan funds at Home Credit Bank with or without a commission.

Without commission, debt can be paid in the following ways:

  • using Internet banking;
  • at the cash desk in a Home Credit bank branch;
  • at ATMs of the above-mentioned bank;
  • due to automatic monthly transfer from card to salary (the function can be activated in the accounting department at the place of work or in any bank branch).

If all of the above methods are not suitable, payment can be made in the following ways (a commission will be charged):

  • on the bank's website;
  • through services and ATMs of other banking structures;
  • postal payment;
  • through the service systems “Golden Crown”, “Eleksnet”, “Rapida”, etc.


Home Credit Bank differs from other structures of the same kind in a large number of advantages.

Among their diversity we can highlight the following:

  • it is possible to take out a loan without collateral or guarantors, which reduces waiting time;
  • you can buy a vehicle where the buyer needs it - from a private person or at a car dealership;
  • optional down payment;
  • after early repayment of the loan, the bank does not charge additional fines and commissions;
  • issuing a CASCO policy is also not mandatory;
  • link.