Residential complex new bullfinches, 3rd stage. Residential complex "Novosnegirevsky" (New Bullfinches)

It’s so good to ride out of town on a half-empty train on a Sunday morning! There is autumn sun outside the window, your favorite music in your headphones, and a fashionable thermos mug with coffee in your hands. The mood is wonderful. And fellow travelers radiate some kind of unconditional happiness. Here is a family with children. The head of the family cuts the cake and pours tea into mugs. They probably also decided not to waste time at home for breakfast. In the next row are cheerful pensioners. Apparently, they gathered for some kind of fun pensioner get-together. Almost like Chukovsky: “They ride and laugh, chew gingerbread.” Only there it was on the tram.

However, I need to stretch my imagination and imagine what the atmosphere is like here on weekday mornings and evenings. After all, I’m not going out of town to pick mushrooms or fry bread over a fire. I went along the Riga direction to the Snegiri station in order to try on permanent residence 23 km from Moscow.

And at the start of sales of the third stage, we are offered a wonderful opportunity to become the owner of an apartment in a monolithic brick building for only 2.1 million rubles.

The photographs show part of the first stage. Construction of the second is nearing completion, and the third stage is still at the stage of digging a foundation pit. If the developer’s grandiose plans are destined to come true in full, then in a few years 4 lines of residential buildings will be built on an area of ​​40 hectares. Today, in addition to residential buildings, a kindergarten building, an administrative building have been built (above, in the photo it is at the end of the alley), and several shops are operating. In the future, another kindergarten, a sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool and a large shopping and entertainment complex will be built. Car enthusiasts will also be taken care of here, for whom multi-storey parking lots, a tire service station and a car wash will be built. An important point is that the territory of the complex will be fenced.

The houses in each queue have a different configuration, because the buildings of the queues are built according to individual projects. The height of the buildings is from 3 to 12 floors. This is what drives the developer’s craving for originality. We are offered 1-2-3-4-room apartments of various sizes and layouts with an area of ​​45 sq. m. m. On the ground floors there are apartments with separate access to the local area.

There are also ready-made housing of the first stage for sale, where you can move in immediately, unless, of course, bare walls and lack of plumbing are not a hindrance. But the cost of a “one-room apartment” in this case will be already a million more expensive. And “kopeck piece” is one and a half. More expensive than what? More expensive than the apartments of the third stage, which will be put into operation before the end of 2016. I give the prices in the table.

Table 1. Cost of apartments in the third stage of development of the Novosnegirevsky residential complex

Number of rooms Footage, sq. m Price, million rubles
One-room from 44.3 from 2,134
Two-room apartments from 71.5 from 3,003
Three-room apartments from 89.5 from 3,491
Four-room apartments from 126.2 from 4,795

The INCOM company is involved in concluding contracts and sales, but on their website the prices seem to be a little late. The developer's website also has information about the cost and it largely coincided with the information about the cost that was given to me in the sales department.

For informational purposes, it is better to start using the INCOM website, and then proceed to the developer’s website (Istra Dali LLC), because there is a lot of information there, and it is not organized in the most successful way. But this is in my picky opinion. But its fullness is very good. If there was also such a thing as a “forum”, it would be very good. Well, okay, but we have our own newspaper - “New Bullfinches”.

Let's go to the Internet for reviews. First of all, of course, we will face the discontent of local residents. Let's lower our gaze and move on. And what? They can be understood. Here, in Snegiri, half of my friends have dachas. Old ones, at that. Everyone is used to coming here to relax from the city noise, to walk in the spacious fields. And now it turns out that a small town with a population of more than 10 thousand people will appear here.

It is clear that there are caustic and simply aggressive statements regarding the use of communications. But in this regard, the developer states that he drilled additional wells, reconstructed water intake devices, built water storage tanks, equipped new treatment facilities, built distribution and transformer substations and laid new cables. What a great guy.

We also went through the purpose of the land. These reviews, however, are already quite outdated - 2012, but I still wouldn’t want them to shake the nervous system of potential buyers. Therefore, I would like to draw the reader’s attention to the Project Declaration of the first stage posted on the website, which states that these are lands of settlements with a type of permitted use - for housing construction. About a year before these reviews appeared, an additional agreement was drawn up to the lease agreement for the land plot, in which the purpose of use was changed to “residential construction”.

Anyone who visits the developer’s website will be struck by the Sova Holding Group of Companies. This raises questions in me and confusion in the heads of forum members. But in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section, here on the website, you can see a fairly clear explanation. The Istra Dali company is part of the Sova Holding Group of Companies. All the preparatory work, design and attraction of investments was carried out by SOVA, and then this office transferred the affairs to Istra Dals, because It was with them that the lease agreement for the land was concluded.

GC "Sova-Holding" was marked on the map of the Moscow region with such objects as a residential complex in the village "Zeleny" of the Noginsk region and a residential complex in the microdistrict "Chernevo-2" in Krasngorsk.

There is also indignation from some buyers that when purchasing an apartment in a monolithic brick building in the complex, they were not warned that the enclosing structures were made of foam concrete and expanded polystyrene. Here, dear reader, I am warning you about this.

They are also discussing the proximity to the cowshed. There are fears that the odors of animal activity will disturb the new residents. This is serious. Let's check.

Before the visit, I call the sales office managers and arrange a meeting. At the other end, a not very young, but very friendly female voice talks in detail about how to get to the place. Let's hit the road!

If you don’t take a car and take the train at Tushinskaya, you can get to the Snegiri station in 30-35 minutes. We get out of the last car and see a minibus, which for 25 rubles and in 3 minutes will take you straight to the door of the sales office.

Already on the threshold, the same owner of an elderly voice greets me and, flashing a luxurious smile, invites me into that creepy building, which is considered a sales office here. Auntie, however, later reassured me that any day they were moving to the administration building, which is located right at the entrance to the Novosnegigrevsky residential complex.

Here you can see that the complex has the ability to organize a checkpoint system. As long as the passage is free. That, however, does not prevent new residents from letting their children walk alone around the village. Although... What are their options? Parents are probably working tirelessly to pay off the mortgage...

I learn from an office employee that they are currently not doing very well with showing apartments. It’s a shame: from the outside the case looks very good and I wanted to make sure that everything looks the same inside. The manager explains this precisely by the move and the resulting mess with the keys.

The employee said that the apartments will be rented with interior partitions, but without finishing. Double-glazed windows and heating radiators will be installed. You will have to install the electrical wiring yourself.

The ceiling height in the apartments is only 2.64 meters. But an optimist will even be happy about this: less building materials will be used. Just kidding, of course.

Let's take a look together.

We enter the territory. The alley stretches out in front of us. The silence and the small number of people on the street are surprising.

At the end of the alley there is a fence. Behind it is the very third stage of development, among the buyers of which I see myself more and more clearly. True, no activity is noticeable to either the eyes or ears. But maybe because it's a day off? But the technology is not visible either.

Let's get closer to the finished occupied buildings. Some asceticism is evident. But along with asceticism, I also notice the accuracy of execution.

I also liked the quality of the road surfaces. Everything is very smooth.

I also liked the surrounding area.

Isn't it cute? And nothing extra.

I couldn't resist taking a couple of pictures from the balcony. From here we see the houses of the second stage and the kindergarten building, which is about to be put into operation.

We see that there are enough premises for convenience stores.

And many of them are already fully operational.

Let's take a look at the surrounding area. We go outside the complex and see the territory on which the shopping and entertainment complex will be built. It turns out a little to the left of the exit. The territory, however, is much larger than in the picture.

We turn our heads to the right and see in the distance the lands that will be built up in the fourth phase. They will start building a school somewhere there. According to the developer, construction of the school will begin in 2015. In the meantime, the new residents are using educational institutions in the neighboring village of Rozhdestveno. Understanding that the issue of the presence of a school can become fundamental for most buyers, the developer carefully shares links to the websites of nearby schools: Rozhdestvenskaya Secondary School and the Orthodox School “Rozhdestvo”.

Well, one cannot help but emphasize the proximity of the forest.

I didn't forget about the barn. I suck in air noisily, but I don’t feel any smells confirming this proximity.

For the sake of information, I decide to walk to the station. The INCOM company website says that this distance can be covered in 10-15 minutes. I doubt.

The path lies along the road. If anyone is interested in the possibility of walking, I want to warn them that they will not have to walk along brightly lit paving slabs in a crowd of people. The road to the station basically looks like this. But it's beautiful.

Along the way we see the same barn that should smell like something. Doesn't smell. But maybe the wind was not in my direction.

I turn around and take another photo to show the distance to the apartment complex.

We cover the camera and quickly go to the station. Travel time was 22 minutes.

If the reader liked the Novosnegirevsky residential complex as much as I did, then it will be important for him to know that the conclusion of the Shared Participation Agreement will become possible around mid-November. Before this moment, you can book an apartment, which will entail fixing the cost of housing. The reservation will cost the buyer 10 thousand rubles. Payment for the apartment will need to be made after concluding the DDU (in accordance with 214-FZ) and registering it with the registry office. For mortgage purposes, you can use the services of Sberbank, VTB24, Vozrozhdenie, Interkommerts, Delta Credit and SPM-Bank.

For a broader overview, I suggest taking a look at similar offers from competitors.

Table 2. Comparative analysis of the cost of apartments in residential complexes in the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region

Name Distance from MKAD Footage, sq. m Price, million rubles Deadline
Westland-New Holland 19 km from 25 from 1,750 4 sq. 2015
Nakhabino Square 20 km from 36.3 from 2,291 4 sq. 2014
Nakhabino Yasnoe 20 km from 25.9 from 2,360 1 sq. 2016

I can honestly say that I am seriously looking at the Novosnegirevsky residential complex. I consider the location of the complex in one of the most favorable, from an environmental point of view, parts of the Moscow region to be an obvious advantage. In my opinion, this is an excellent option for young families who want to acquire their own housing and raise children in a quiet, clean town. Especially if a clinic or outpatient clinic is ever built here.

For those who see themselves as the head of a large family, the developer still has a couple of offers for townhouses for 7.5 million rubles. But those who wish to do so need to hurry up. Almost all townhouses have been sold.

It’s also great that you can walk to the station. However, I do not recommend doing this in the dark or in severe frost. Of course, over time there will be no end to the offers from carriers here, but for now the minibus runs here about once every 20 minutes. Bus - less often. But I will add that this is a Sunday.

I would advise young and active people to combine the decision to purchase with the idea of ​​​​organizing some small business. Considering the somewhat isolated nature of the complex, the field for entrepreneurial imagination here should be wide. For example, you can think about services for organizing children's leisure activities in the summer. Well, or something like that. After all, for many parents, the worry of taking their children out of town will no longer exist, and it’s somehow not good for children to hang around all summer without anything to do, even in the fresh air.

Motorists here seem to be excited about plans to build an exit onto the Novorizhskoye Highway. But if I were the motorists, I would still look for a parking spot near the railway station. And, of course, it is still necessary to test the train at rush hour.

IN "Novosnegirevsky" everything goes as usual. Houses are being built and delivered, although not without problems. Violation of delivery deadlines is not unusual for this residential complex, and the houses of today’s latest third phase are no exception. But on the other hand, the delay for them is not yet great. We didn’t have time to complete the project at the end of 2018, but now five buildings (No. 13-17) look completely ready and, if not all, then at least some of them, it is quite possible to complete the project by the end of the first quarter or a little later. The question with building No. 27 is more difficult. The “box” of the house is not ready yet, monolithic work is underway, and it is quite obvious that it will not be completed in the first quarter. At the right pace, it is realistic to build it before the end of this year, but we won’t make any guesses.

Delays in the progress of construction do not characterize the developer - the company from the best side "Istra Dali", however, there are still no serious reasons for concern. The Sova-Holding group of companies, which includes the developer of Novosnegirevsky, has been known on the market for several years. For the Moscow region, this is a fairly reputable player. Therefore, this residential complex, of course, will be put into operation. Well, because there is a delay, the new residents have the option of suing the developer for compensation.

In the portal's opinions over the past years, we have already talked about the pros and cons of this residential area. We have to admit that the construction of social facilities here still lags behind. One kindergarten has been built and that’s all for now. Residents rightly demand from the developer and local authorities the construction of another kindergarten, school, health center, and clinic that were previously promised. All these issues were discussed in February at a meeting of residents with a representative of the developer and with the head of the Istra administration A. Vikharev. It promised to fulfill what was stated in the project. There are no specific dates yet, but the demands of the people have been heard by the local authorities.

There is some news on the transport issue. Last year, a new project of the capital’s government was presented - MCD (Moscow Central Diameters). Comfortable high-speed trains will go through Moscow from some areas of the Moscow region to others. In fact, this is an analogue of the above-ground metro. It is planned that traffic on the first two lines will be launched by the end of 2019. One of them (MCD-2) will connect Nakhabino and. The Novosnegirevsky residential complex is located relatively close to Nakhabino. Perhaps, in the foreseeable future, residents will appreciate the new type of transport, and for some, this method of getting to the capital and moving around it will be more convenient than those that exist now (motor transport, trains from Snegiri).

The demand for apartments in Novosnegirevsky has been stable over the past few years. As of mid-February, only 14 apartments remained in the completed buildings of the first and second stages. There are still plenty of options in the houses under construction and those preparing for delivery in the third phase. In addition, a number of townhouses are also available.

There are no other new buildings near the residential complex we are describing. Closer to Istra, apartments are offered at approximately the same prices in residential complexes and in residential complexes from the Promservice Company, but in both cases the delivery dates have been postponed. Closer to the capital, in Dedovsk, there are the latest options in a completed residential complex, but prices there are higher. Even closer to the capital, in Nakhabino and its environs, you can consider low-rise residential complexes from ("A+") and residential complexes (rated "B", built with delays) that are comparable in price.

Updated January 19, 2018

Not a bad offer for your money. The main disadvantage, of course, is the distance from the capital. But in principle, if you get into the rhythm of daily movements back and forth, then you can consider this option. Especially if there is no critical dependence on social objects. As you know, apart from the kindergarten built in 2015, there are no other social facilities within the residential complex yet. It is planned to build a school and another kindergarten in the fourth stage of the residential complex, but it is still difficult to name the exact timing of their commissioning. However, about the pros and cons "Novosnegirevsky" We already wrote in earlier opinions of the portal. Today we can note the main thing: the project is not stuck, work is underway, the houses are being put into operation, most of the buildings have already been commissioned and occupied. This means that the company "Istra Dali" On the whole, it copes with its task, although there were complaints about it due to the postponement of delivery.

Six buildings of Novosnegirevsky, which belong to the third phase of construction, are scheduled to be put into operation in the fourth quarter of this year. Let's try to assess the reality of this period. Judging by the photo reports presented on the official website, all these houses are at different stages of completion. The 14th and 17th buildings look completely ready from the outside. Building No. 13 is also close to them, but the glazing of window openings there has not yet been completed. Interior work is underway in these three houses. The construction of buildings 15 and 16 is still ongoing. Both buildings have already been roofed, but the masonry of the walls and their brick cladding have not yet been completed. In general, it can be predicted that at a normal pace of work, the delivery of all five buildings mentioned above is realistic by the end of this year. In the case of houses No. 15 and 16, a transfer is theoretically possible, but the likelihood of this will become more obvious in the second half of the year. But as for building No. 27, there are questions about it. As of January, construction of only the first floors of this house is underway. Therefore, there are doubts that it will be completed and delivered in 2018. However, we'll wait and see.

Sales in the Novosnegirevsky residential complex are proceeding at an average pace. There are still quite a lot of options for the houses under construction in the third stage. If you don’t want to wait, then in the already completed buildings of the first and second stages, as of mid-January, there are still a total of 17 apartments left. In addition, there is the opportunity to purchase a townhouse - they have also already been put into operation. By the way, potential buyers need to be careful with the last option. The official website of the project reports that a number of people have bought the townhouses, divided them into smaller lots and are selling this compact housing on the secondary market. But, according to the developer, this was done illegally, so in the future, buyers of these “cells” may have problems.

There are quite a lot of new buildings along Volokolamsk Highway. Along with Novosnegirevsky, you can consider the already completed residential complexes from and MFC. As well as residential complexes under construction from Gazstroyinvest, residential complexes of the PIK company (highest score “A+” in), residential complexes (), residential complexes (rating “B”, there are postponements), etc.

Updated December 21, 2016

The advantages of the complex remain the same as we noted in our previous “Opinion”, but now you can also add the reliability of the project to them. People are already living in the first two stages of the Novosnegirevsky residential complex. The houses were delivered on time and did not cause any serious quality complaints. For the timely delivery of the objects, the developer even received a letter of gratitude from State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, which he hastened to post on the official website of the Novosnegirevsky residential complex.

As of December 2016, construction of the third phase of the project - buildings 13-17 - continues. They are at different stages of readiness. If brickwork is already being completed in buildings 14 and 17, then in building 13 it has just begun, and buildings 15 and 16 are at the stage of constructing a monolithic frame. At the same time, the houses have a general project declaration and are planned to be commissioned at the same time - in the fourth quarter of 2018. That is, there is enough time for their timely commissioning.

The Novosnegirevsky residential complex is still one of the most budget-friendly proposals in the Istrinsky district. Prices for one-room apartments here start from 2.1 million rubles. Moreover, for this money you can buy a “one-room apartment” either at the construction stage or already finished. The cost of two-room apartments in completed buildings starts from 3.3 million rubles. In addition to apartment buildings, the complex has several townhouses, and they have also already been built and put into operation. The cost of a semi-detached house with an area of ​​250 sq. m in December 2016 was 7 million rubles.

Of the competitors located relatively close to the Novosnegirevsky residential complex, in addition to those complexes that we have already mentioned earlier, we can note the one built in. Finished apartments in this multi-storey complex can be purchased at a similar price as in the project "Istra Dali" company.

Updated November 18, 2015

Residential complex "Novosnegirevsky" will be of interest, first of all, to those who are looking for economy-class housing in a quiet place with a favorable environment. The complex has been under construction for several years, and at first it raised many questions among buyers: connecting communications, meeting construction deadlines, and completing documentation. However, at the moment several buildings have already been built and construction continues.

Despite the fact that this is an economy class project, the apartment layouts are distinguished by spacious rooms, interesting solutions and functionality.

Again, despite the fact that the residential complex is positioned in the economy class segment, the project involves a closed local area, the construction of its own infrastructure, such as a kindergarten, playgrounds and sports grounds, a temple, a shopping and entertainment complex and a sports center, which costs noted as an excellent prospect for future residents.

Transport accessibility, taking into account the distance from the Moscow Ring Road, can be assessed as satisfactory. It is convenient to get to the capital by private car along the Novorizhskoye Highway, since the traffic there is less congested. An additional advantage for motorists will be that the development plan for the Moscow region includes the construction of a road that will connect Volokamskoye and will pass close to the residential complex, which will simplify access to major highways. In this case, a faster way to get to the capital is to take an electric train to, this way you can avoid traffic jams.

The most attractive quality of this residential complex is ecology. There are no industrial enterprises nearby, but there are plenty of forest areas and a river nearby.
Of course, a significant disadvantage of the complex is its remoteness from the capital, although for those who are looking for silence and clean air, this, on the contrary, is a plus. Moreover, if the developer fulfills his promises, then all the necessary social, shopping and entertainment infrastructure will appear here, which will make LCD "Novosnegirevsky» a small independent microdistrict.

In terms of cost per square meter of housing, the complex probably has no competitors in this area. The price level in is not much higher, but there have been delays in construction time. Basically, elite low-rise housing is being built in this area, for example, in Skazka, Artek.

Yuri: Well, you wrote it, my hands itched when I saw your “extensive review”. It’s unlikely that you live here, otherwise you wouldn’t write so ugly about your place of residence, but would simply sell it and move to a place where everything suits you.... About yourself: I bought a one-room apartment in the 1st stage on a pit and fields with dandelions in In 2011, on the advice of a colleague who knew the developer since 1998, what a risk there was and how many difficult thoughts it was impossible to convey, but in two years the town grew before our eyes, sold a one-room apartment, bought a two-room apartment in the second phase, moved his daughter’s family from N. Novgorod, the daughter met her fate here and the family grew - a three-ruble apartment in the 3rd phase in building 13 is already on the way, but for now we all live together in building 18. My grandson goes to the municipal kindergarten "Snegirek" on the territory of the residential complex, I can’t say that the kindergarten is particularly crowded, because... Only the children of our residential complex are accepted here, what kind of queue are you talking about - I don’t understand, since 2016 we have been visiting the kindergarten since our grandson was 3 years old. Next year - we plan to enroll in Christmas school - there are also no special problems, say neighbors whose children are already studying at this school, there is not even a second shift. They initially promised to build a school on the territory of our residential complex only in the 4th stage; they were not going to build it before.. As for the clinic - did someone promise you a clinic in Novosnegirevsky? As far as I know, there are no clinics in populated areas with such a large number of residents. In the urban district of Istra, to which we belong, there are two medical complexes - in the city of Dedovsk and in Istra, and no more medical institutions are being built - we were also not promised a clinic on the territory - we are attached to the medical complex in the city of Dedovsk - a completely modern clinic, a hospital complex and a wonderful maternity hospital, we have already tried it - we gave birth to our second baby six months ago))) So there is no need to say that the developer does not keep his promises, my family does not have any unjustified hopes, we have everything we counted on: there are plenty of shops of all kinds, cafes very tasty, there are several hairdressing salons, a pharmacy, there is a place to get your teeth fixed... There are really a lot of cars, but this is a problem not only for our complex, we are waiting and believing that there will be parking lots, although parking spaces have been actively created this spring, at least two parking lots already are filled. As for sealing seams - what kind of seams? The houses are monolithic, there are no seams and cannot be by definition! Insulate walls - why? In my two apartments the heat was incredible all winter; we slept even in the coldest weather with the window open without any insulation. .. As for streams and underground sources - the project seemed to have to undergo an examination in geology (I myself am a related profession with geology by education), since the examination allowed the construction of high-rise buildings here - it means that your claims are again far-fetched, in my 18- There is not and never has been any water in the basements of the house, even though it is located below the buildings of the 1st stage. Regarding the walking distance to the Snegiri railway platform - it’s actually 1.4 km away, not 2.2, as you write. The navigator shows exactly 1.4 km from Snegiri Square to the entrance to the Complex from Lilac Boulevard; I cover this distance on foot at 65 years old in 15-18 minutes. Yes, the path to the railway leaves much to be desired, but still, walking accessibility is very important, you can always calculate the time and not have to deal with vehicles languishing in hours-long traffic jams. The only thing I agree with is that minibuses are unreasonably expensive, but this price tag will soon come to an end, my neighbors are already writing to the relevant authorities, and for example, I always take fellow travelers for free, many of those living in our complex do the same, so there is always an opportunity to get to platforms without spending money for a 3-minute ride on a minibus. And finally, about the barn... We never felt any smell, perhaps because our 18th house is not on the 1st line from the barns, but how wonderful it is that elite cows are grazing 800 meters from the residential complex breeds of the economy of the Academy of Sciences, and not just some lost herd. For me, as a former resident of N. Novgorod, this is of course a huge plus, I don’t know about you, who are reading this review and are thinking of moving from your dirty Moscow to the Pearl of the Moscow Region (without exaggeration!), the proximity of cows with the opportunity to drink fresh milk (Yuri says that it is from the refrigerator - how else can it be preserved for several hours except in the refrigerator???) and eating the freshest meat without any rubbish in it is the highest good, me and my adequate neighbors, at least, that’s what we think . And you, Yuri, are wrong!

The Novosnegirevsky residential complex is a new economy-class microdistrict, which is being built in the Istra district of the Moscow region, between the village of Snegiri and the village of Rozhdestveno. The Sova-Holding group of companies is constructing the New Bullfinches microdistrict, which is being implemented in several stages.

The first stage of the Novosnegirevsky residential complex has already been put into operation. As part of the first stage, 10 brick-monolithic houses of variable number of floors were built: from 7 to 12 floors. The second phase is under construction and involves the construction of buildings No. 11, 12, 18 and 19, as well as a kindergarten for 120 places.

Buyers of apartments in the first and second stages are offered studios, 1, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments ranging from 27.9 to 139 sq. m. m. All apartments are equipped with a glazed balcony or loggia. Some apartments have walk-in closets. Two- and three-room apartments may have a guest bathroom. Apartments located on the ground floor have a separate exit to the street.

The third stage of the New Snegiri residential complex involves the construction of buildings No. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 27. In these buildings, buyers can purchase 1, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments ranging from 44.3 to 160 sq. m. m.

Townhouses with areas ranging from 183 to 193 square meters are also being built on the territory of the complex. m.

Own infrastructure of the Novosnegirevsky residential complex

The residential complex “New Bullfinches” will be located on an area of ​​40 hectares. The developer intends to improve the local area: create children's and sports grounds, recreational areas, arrange car passages and roads. The entire territory of the complex will be under security.

A large-scale project requires appropriate infrastructure. The Novosnegirevsky residential complex will have shops, a shopping center with a cinema and a restaurant, 2 kindergartens, multi-level underground and surface parking, a sports center with a swimming pool and a spa. An Orthodox Church of All Saints will also be built on the territory of the complex.

Environment and transport accessibility

The Novosnegirevsky residential complex is located in the Istra district of the Moscow region, 23 km from the Moscow Ring Road. By personal transport you can get to Moscow along the Volokolamsk or Novorizhskoe highway. A 20-minute walk from the complex is the Snegiri railway station, from which you can take commuter trains to the Tushinskaya metro station or to the Rizhsky station.

The New Bullfinches microdistrict is being built in an area with excellent ecology. Good ecology is provided by the nearby forests, the Istra River, located 1 km from the complex, and the distance from the capital.

Residents of the complex will be able to use the infrastructure of the neighboring settlements of Rozhdestveno and Snegiri. In these villages there are shops, schools, kindergartens, a gymnasium, an art school, the Church of the Nativity, etc.