Mortgage for the construction of a private house in the Moscow region. How to get a loan to build a house

Greetings! Today our topic is a mortgage for the construction of a private house. Here you will find out which banks issue mortgages for building a house, lending conditions and alternative options. So…

Every person sooner or later comes to the need to purchase their own home, and one of the questions that a person asks is “secondary housing or new building”, “apartment or house” and so on. For most, the advantages of a private home are obvious, from square meters to individual layout. Let's say you decide. Therefore, let’s consider how to get a mortgage to build a house, where and under what conditions?

First of all, let's look at what are the differences between a home construction mortgage and a regular mortgage?

  • The first difference is that with a regular mortgage you first decide on apartment options and only then go to the Bank. And if you decide to take money to build a private house, then first they will determine the amount for you, and then you plan the costs of construction within this amount.
  • The second difference is the increased interest rates for building a house, which can easily be explained by the fact that the liquidity of the apartment is much higher.
  • Third, a mortgage for individual housing construction will require you to provide and approve the project, as well as reporting documents on the completion of construction, but in the end you will receive a built house, planned according to your taste and desire.
  • Fourth, there are certain requirements for land. You can't build anywhere. The house under construction must be on land of the appropriate purpose and category, which is permissible for the construction of an individual house with permanent residence. Read more in our previous post "".
  • Fifth, during the construction period of the house, the bank may require additional security in the form of a guarantee or collateral for other housing.
  • And sixth, the opportunity to receive a mortgage in tranches depending on the completion of construction stages.

Today, such mortgages are issued by two banks - Sberbank and ATB. Let's look at mortgage lending for construction using the example of these financial institutions.

The requirements in this area are almost the same with minor variations; let us dwell on this issue in more detail.


  • Along with the availability of a loan for the construction of an individual house, there are, for example, age restrictions - from 21 to 75 years at the time of full repayment in Sberbank and from 20 to 65 years, respectively, in ATB.
  • The next mandatory condition in this area is confirmation of solvency. It is interesting to note here that if you apply to Sberbank and receive a salary on its card, then you do not need to take a certificate of income from your place of work. Sberbank takes into account additional income without mandatory documentary evidence, which allows you to significantly increase the loan amount.
  • Work experience at the current place of work must be at least 6 months. Total experience from one year.
  • If you want to increase the loan amount, you can attract up to three Co-borrowers. You will need certificates to confirm their income, which will be taken into account when approving the amount for you, and your other half will automatically be a Co-borrower.
  • The plot on which you plan to build must be your property or lease, since it becomes collateral to the Bank for the duration of the loan, and if it is leased, you will have to issue a pledge of title.
  • The land plot in the ATB must be suitable for individual housing construction. Sberbank allows a loan for the construction of a private house on agricultural land for the purposes of personal farming.
  • Well, there is only one requirement for your future home - to fit the design and estimate documentation into the approved amount and meet the deadline.
  • At Sberbank, independent construction is allowed. At ATB, construction is possible only by an organization specially accredited by the bank.
  • The mortgaged property must be built in the territory where the bank operates. As you understand, Sberbank has no competitors here.

Stages of registration step by step

  • So, first of all, you determine the conditions of which financial organization are most attractive to you.
  • Then you go to his branch with your passport and documents, do not forget the documents for the pledge of other real estate if you are planning to formalize it.
  • Next, wait for approval of your loan application with a pre-approved amount for building a house.
  • Once approved, you provide land title documents and construction documents.
  • Loan documentation is signed.
  • Registration of the transaction in justice.
  • Issuing a mortgage in full or in tranches.

Practice shows that on average it takes a month to obtain a mortgage.


Documents that need to be provided:

  • Borrower's application.
  • Copies of passports of all participants in the transaction;
  • SNILS.
  • Certificates of marriage and birth of children (if this event occurs)
  • 2NDFL certificate for the last 12 months of all participants in the transaction (a certificate in the Bank’s form is possible).
  • A copy of all completed pages of the work book, certified by the employer.
  • For business owners - tax returns and management reporting
  • In addition to income certificates, security forces provide a certified copy of the contract and a certificate of length of service.
  • Collateral documents (if any)

After the application is approved:

  • Documents confirming the presence of a down payment;
  • Design and estimate documentation;
  • Pledge documents:
  • Certificate of ownership
  • Documents on the basis of which the right arose
  • Conclusion of the assessment
  • Cadastral (technical) documents for land
  • Extract from the Unified State Register;
  • Consent of all co-owners of the property (for example, both spouses);

Bank conditions and features

In order to make it more convenient for you to compare mortgage programs for the construction of a private house, below is a table with the lending conditions of the two banks we are considering.

Interest rates10,5%
- 0.5% - if you have a salary card;
+1% - for the period until you have registered a mortgage;
+1% - if you refuse life and health insurance, as required by the Bank
12,25 -12,5%
· +1% when confirming part of the income using the bank form;
· +1.5% for business owners and individual entrepreneurs;
· +1.5% if you build a country house
· the interest rate will be increased by 2% until you provide documents that confirm the intended use of loan funds
Credit termup to 30 yearsfrom 3 to 25 years
Minimum amount300,000 rubles600,000 rubles in Moscow and Moskovskaya;
350,000 - in other regions
Maximum amount, rub.Not higher than 75% of the collateral valuationUnlimited, but not more than 70% of the deposit
An initial feefrom 25%from 30%
InsuranceCompulsory insurance of collateral property (except for land)Insurance of life, health of the Borrower and collateral

Moreover, if you refuse one of the insurance policies, the interest rate increases from 1 to 1.5%

Young Family Program

The state has launched a number of programs to support mortgage borrowers to help solve the housing problem of the country's residents as profitably as possible. We talked about them in more detail earlier in the post mortgages with state support. Now let’s briefly discuss a number of them regarding construction.

A family in which at least one spouse has not reached 35 years of age at the time of applying for a loan or a single-parent family in which a parent has not reached 35 years of age at the time of applying for a loan can take advantage of the program at Sberbank. The loan under this program is issued at 11.25%, down payment from 20%.

ATB has a similar program called “Mortgage for Young People,” but its conditions differ from Sberbank’s. If at Sberbank you can take advantage of the preferential terms “young family” when receiving a loan, then at ATB the preferential program for young families is intended to support borrowers with whom a mortgage agreement has already been concluded after the birth or adoption of a child, allowing during the grace period (one calendar year ) pay the monthly payments established by the loan agreement in a reduced amount.

Maternal capital

And, of course, no one canceled the right to use maternity capital. involves you using all or part of these funds to pay off part of your home mortgage. The conditions for using capital also differ in the banks we are considering, so:

— at Sberbank you can use maternity capital for a down payment or part of it, as well as for partial early repayment;

And in ATB - only for partial early repayment of the loan.

And don’t forget that the decision to transfer funds via mat capital is made within two months, so worry about this in advance.

Before finishing our educational program on mortgages for building a house, I would like to say about the additional preferential conditions that are available in the financial institutions we are considering; they are of course different, but their presence is pleasant, in principle.

At Sberbank, you can take advantage of a two-year deferment on the payment of the principal debt or increase the loan term. To do this, you need to provide documents indicating that the cost of your residential building under construction has increased during the construction period.

In turn, at ATB you can reduce your monthly payments under the “Set Your Rate” program. The idea is that you make a qualifying lump sum payment and your interest rate goes down accordingly. There are three options:

“Light” - a one-time payment is 1% of the loan amount, the rate is reduced by 0.5%;

“Classic”: one-time payment – ​​2.5% of the loan amount, the rate is reduced by 1.0%;

“Premium”: one-time payment – ​​4% of the loan amount, the rate is reduced by 1.5%.

Tax deductions

Well, we can’t help but mention tax deductions. Tax deductions apply to the amount of interest paid on the target mortgage loan. The amount of deduction is 13%, maximum - 260,000 rubles. The deduction is provided after receiving the Certificate of Ownership of the residential building.

Alternative options

You must understand that taking out a mortgage to build a private house is a completely affordable, although not the most profitable option for several obvious reasons.

Firstly, this is a rather lengthy process.

Secondly, it is expensive, since preparing design estimates will cost you a pretty penny, unless of course you are a designer.

An alternative in this case could be consumer loans, where you do not need to provide projects for the construction of a house and construction reports, these are:

  • non-targeted consumer loan, which can be obtained in the shortest possible time. In this case, you will receive an increased interest rate compared to mortgage lending, a short loan term of 5 years, a limited maximum amount, but you do not need to formalize a collateral transaction,
  • either a consumer loan or, here there is a fairly decent loan period - up to 20 years, also a limited maximum amount, although more than a consumer loan without collateral, but should not exceed 60% of the appraised value and high interest rates.

Pros and cons of construction mortgages

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a mortgage for building a house, then the advantages are obvious, in general, as are the disadvantages, let's take a closer look at them. Let's start with the minuses and end with the pluses

The disadvantages here include:

  • preparation of design and estimate documentation, which must still be approved by the Bank;
  • A certain deadline for completion of construction, which is also approved by the documentation.
  • Strict adherence to the approved design and estimate documentation;
  • The land for construction must already be owned or leased for the entire loan term, i.e. if you do not have land, you cannot obtain this type of mortgage;
  • Certain requirements for land.

But, for all these disadvantages it is easy to find advantages:

  • You will significantly improve your quality of life for the same money;
  • If you have no real estate in addition to land for development, you are solvent and can confirm this, if you need an amount for construction of more than 3,000,000 rubles, then a mortgage for building a house is definitely a huge plus for you.

Summarizing all of the above, we see that it is impossible to give an unambiguous objective assessment of each product, including our current mortgage, because each of you has your own vision of the positive and negative aspects of the loan products that Banks offer us today. Ultimately, everyone has their own priorities and needs, so arm yourself with information and make the only right decision for you.

To make this decision as effective as possible, check out our previous posts: “Buy a house with a mortgage” and “Cottage mortgage.”

And we are waiting for your questions in the comments, which we will be happy to answer.

If a mortgage for the construction of a residential building is too complicated for you or you need to assess the legal validity of documents on land and property, as well as simply the support of a professional lawyer, then please sign up for a free consultation with him directly on our website in a special form in the corner of the screen.

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Having your own home is the highest blessing, which, unfortunately, not everyone has. Some people live in their parents’ apartment for two families, others rent it.

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Too high real estate prices in the absence of initial capital and insufficient wages, and the slow pace of house construction cannot quickly solve the housing problem. This is where the idea of ​​building a house yourself with borrowed money arises.

But how to get a mortgage if banks usually require a down payment to obtain one? What to do in this situation? It is for such cases that we will tell you how to take out a loan to build a house without a down payment. So…

What it is

A mortgage loan without a down payment is a targeted loan and is characterized by a high risk of non-repayment of the borrowed money. Therefore, banks impose more stringent requirements on this type of borrower and offer less favorable conditions with a higher interest rate.

Instead of a down payment, the borrower may be offered the following types of replacement:

Consumer loan

As a down payment, a consumer loan would seem to be the easiest way: the issuance period and the required package of documents are minimal.

But at the same time, there are also disadvantages, namely:

  • money is issued for a short-term period, often up to 1 year;
  • the loan size cannot cover the amount of the down payment required by the bank;
  • When filling out a mortgage application form, you must indicate all existing obligations on other loans, including this one, and this reduces the chances of getting a loan to build a house on terms that are favorable to you. The bank will determine your solvency somewhat lower, since, in addition to the mortgage, you will need to pay and.

Maternal capital

This is a personalized certificate designed to stimulate the birth rate in the country and improve the demographic indicator. After 01/01/2007, all women who gave birth to or adopted a second child and subsequent children have the right to receive it.

In addition, men who have adopted more than one child and the children themselves after the death of their parents also have this right. Federal budget funds are accumulated in a special personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (read more on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) and are adjusted for the level of inflation.

This certificate is of a targeted nature and can only be used for the subsequent education of children or the purchase of housing.

Additional collateral

This type of substitution can only be used by those potential borrowers who own any real estate, provided that the bank agrees to take it as collateral, i.e. so that it is liquid and its value could cover the size of the loan issued (“On Mortgage”).

Existing benefits

The following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation can also receive a loan on preferential terms:

  1. Awardees from the Presidential Fund.
  2. Liquidators and participants of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  3. Families with social benefits, large and low-income families, with disabled children.
  4. Young families with two or more children.
  5. Families in need of improved housing conditions, etc. (more about this in).

Special conditions for preferential lending have been created for them, which are not legalized by any laws or regulations. For example, they may be subject to lower interest rates than usual or an extended loan repayment program.

But such benefits apply only to the minimum area established by the government: 33 square meters. m. – for a single person, 42 sq.m. per family and 18 sq.m. additionally for every third and subsequent family member.

If you provide documents confirming the borrower’s special status, you can get a loan with an interest rate of no more than 13%.

Bank conditions for receiving

To obtain a loan for the construction of a house, the borrower must meet the following requirements, namely:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age from 22 years to 65 years at the end of loan repayment (at Sberbank - up to 75 years);
  • work experience of at least 1 year;
  • providing a certificate of income for the last six months;
  • registration at the location of the creditor bank.

In addition, as collateral for a loan to build a house, the bank usually takes a plot of land, which must be located within a city or suburban area.

It is also subject to a number of requirements, namely the following:

  • location of the site in the region where the bank is located;
  • in the cadastre, the type of plot should be defined as land of a settlement;
  • the plot should not be under arrest or with any encumbrance;
  • A document confirming that the land is owned by the potential borrower is required.

Due to the fact that banks currently do not provide loans without collateral for building a house, you need to take care of the necessary documents for the land plot before applying to the bank for a loan.

Amounts and percentages

Most banks that issue money for a mortgage at the construction stage, the interest rate always increases by 1.25-1.75%. You can pay with the bank either by annuity or differentiated payments. The maximum loan term is 30 years, and the loan size is 20 million rubles.

The table below shows generally accepted interest rates, which are lowered if you are borrowing at a preferential rate or under a special program.

The larger the amount that is reimbursed as a down payment, the lower the interest the bank charges for using the money.

Package of necessary papers

To apply for a mortgage, the bank must submit the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • TIN certificate;
  • registration at the location of the bank providing the loan;
  • a copy of the work record;
  • documents confirming income (salary certificate, account statement, etc.);
  • collateral documents (real estate purchase and sale agreement, registration certificate of ownership, assessment of the value of a land plot, etc.);
  • documents for replacing the down payment (housing, maternal certificates, certificate of ownership of other real estate, etc.).

Stages of obtaining a loan

Let's consider the sequence of actions of a potential borrower:

  1. Collect all documents for the land plot, including a certificate of ownership of it, a copy from the land registry, calculation of the cost of the plot, the absence of encumbrances on it, etc.
  2. Order a house project and its detailed technical plan, approve it with the local housing commission.
  3. Prepare an estimate for construction materials and work.
  4. Submit the entire package of documents to the bank, write an application form to raise borrowed money.
  5. If a positive decision on financing is made, enter into a loan agreement.
  6. Issue a mortgage on the land plot and transfer it to the bank as collateral ( and ).
  7. Once the money has been deposited into your account, you can begin building your house.

Due to the fact that such a mortgage is considered a targeted loan, the bank has the right to monitor all stages of construction and check the direction of investment of borrowed funds.

The time spent collecting documents is approximately 1.5-2 months, submitting documents to the bank and waiting for a decision – up to 14 days.

In addition, going through the stages of applying for a loan also involves additional costs for drawing up a house project in a design organization, obtaining permits for a land plot, calculating cost estimates, etc.

Pros and cons for a loan with no down payment

The advantages of building a house yourself, using borrowed funds without a down payment, are obvious, namely:

  • the total cost of building a turnkey house with all additional costs for permits is lower than the purchase of ready-made housing of equal value;
  • favorable interest rate compared to other loans;
  • the opportunity to realize any desired design when building your home, and faster than saving money annually to receive the required amount.

Mortgage lending is a very popular way to purchase housing. And if a mortgage on an apartment is a fairly common phenomenon that does not raise a lot of questions, then a mortgage agreement for the purchase of a country or private house has its own characteristic features. The topic of today's article: mortgage on a private house. Let's consider how and where it is more profitable to register, what stages and in what sequence will need to be completed in order to get your own private housing.

Distinctive features of a mortgage on a private house

Not every banking organization is ready to provide credit funds for the purchase of a private home. This is due to the high risks of such a transaction. The risks are due to the fact that private and country houses have low liquidity.

If an apartment, in particular a new building, sells fairly quickly and well by real estate standards, then it will be somewhat more difficult for the bank to sell a private house. In this regard, there are special conditions for processing such transactions. Well, interest rates are correspondingly higher. But you can still take out a mortgage on private houses. If there is such a need, then banks formulate their own proposals.

It’s worth noting right away that not all banks create such offers. We’ll look at which banks provide a mortgage for a private home a little later. Now it is important to determine the basic conditions. And one of the main requirements is the availability of real estate as collateral.

Banks are very reluctant to issue land as collateral. It is much more profitable for a banking company if clients provide an apartment as collateral that is commensurate with the value of the loan agreement. Of course, this is not a prerequisite; it is possible to register the purchased property as collateral. But the approval rate for loans where a city apartment is used as collateral is much higher.

The second distinctive feature is that you can purchase land or a private finished house with a mortgage. In both cases, the land must be owned by the borrower. A plot of land may also be attached to the house. All these nuances are reflected in the terms of the contract. Let's consider these cases separately.

In terms of interest on a loan agreement, a finished house is a more attractive option. In addition, there are often conditions for social benefits, such as mortgages for young families, military personnel and other types of discounts.

The risks are that if the purchased property is the only property of the borrower, and it is pledged to the bank, then in the event of loss of solvency, you may be left without housing at all.

Is it possible to get a mortgage for a plot of land without a house? Yes, you can take the plot itself to build real estate. The limitation is that the property being built must be residential and not be used for commercial purposes. The interest rate conditions here will be somewhat stricter, but in this way you can save on the cost of housing, since the entire construction process can be independently controlled.

They will also provide a mortgage for the reconstruction of owned real estate. This type of financing is justified if the house is partially worn out and requires replacement of the worn-out structure. Also, this type of contract implies additional buildings or superstructures and complete redevelopment.

Then you should wait for the banking company’s decision on the possibility of issuing a loan. This decision may take up to 10 business days. If there is no response, you can contact the bank again.

If the decision is positive, and a certain loan amount is pre-approved, then you should select the necessary housing within these limits. A period of six months is allotted for this. After selecting the option you like, you should order an appraiser and gradually provide the required package of documents to the bank.

After which the bank will make a final decision on the available mortgage amount and offer options for risk insurance. It is worth considering that real estate insurance is a prerequisite; life and health contracts, as well as title insurance, are not required. But thanks to them you can save on interest rates.

As a result, a date for execution of the contract will be set. The transaction will be financed. And the rights and obligations of the parties will come into force. From this moment you can begin to repay the debt and use your new property.

What do banks offer?

Let's look at the offers using the example of two large-scale banking organizations: Sberbank and VTB 24. The rest of the offers on the market will be approximately similar, but we recommend that you do not dwell on several options, but consider as many banks as possible.


Sberbank is ready to provide from 300,000 to 20 million rubles at 14-18%. A person whose age is from 21 to 65 years. In this case, it is worth preparing a down payment of at least 30%. And the term of the contract will be no more than 30 years. A mortgage for a private home from Sberbank is also suitable for various social categories, such as young families and military personnel.

Bank clients, as well as those borrowers who additionally take out comprehensive mortgage insurance, can take advantage of the reduced interest rate. According to the collateral agreement drawn up at Sberbank, in the event of non-payment of the loan, the banking organization has the right to use the collateral at its discretion.

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PJSC Sberbank of Russia is one of the few credit institutions where you can get a loan for the construction of an individual residential building, and perhaps the only one that confirms applications for financing the construction of houses made of timber. In any case, providing loans for construction is quite risky for the bank. Therefore, in order to make a decision on granting payment, the applicant is thoroughly and strictly checked, and serious collateral will be required to confirm the seriousness of his intentions.

Due to banking instability in the winter of 2014-2015. many banks have curtailed their lending programs for private housing construction, since this type of lending is the most risky for banks due to the possibility of unfinished construction.

Sberbank resumed issuing loans for individual construction in May 2015 and plans to continue this practice in 2017. According to the bank's terms and conditions:

  • a mortgage loan can be provided for a period from 1 year to 30 years at 12.5…13.5% per annum and more (as of December 30, 2016);
  • down payment is limited ( at least 25% from the required amount) and the age of the borrower;
  • traditionally, the most favorable conditions are provided for applicants who get paid through Sberbank;
  • the loan can be partially repaid using maternity capital or a state certificate under the “Young Family” program.

Taking into account the maximum loan period for mortgage for building a house from Sberbank(up to 30 years) and the moderate cost of construction services and building materials in the regions, such a loan can be repaid in fairly easy payments.

Mortgage conditions for the construction of a private house in Sberbank in 2017

Sberbank's loan product has an undeniable advantage - low annual interest that the borrower will have to pay for using the borrowed money. In 2017, the minimum interest rate for using a loan is 12.50%. In addition to this benefit, there are others:

  • There are no fees for processing the application or servicing the loan.
  • There are no penalties for early payment.
  • This loan can be paid in part at the expense of maternal capital or funds allocated under the state program providing housing for young families.
  • Each application is considered individually.
  • The loan is repaid monthly in equal (annuity) payments.
  • Favorable conditions for those whose salary cards are issued by Sberbank. And also for borrowers whose employing company is accredited by the bank.
  • To maximize the amount of the loan received, you can attract co-borrowers.
  • It is most profitable to invest borrowed money in a house that is being built by a company financed by Sberbank.
  • For the amount of interest on the loan, you can register with the Federal Tax Service tax deduction at the rate of 13% of all interest paid.

A special feature of Sberbank is the ability to defer the payment of the principal debt for up to 3 years. That is, for the first years the borrower will pay only interest. This is often very convenient, because during the construction process additional and unforeseen expenses constantly arise.

Under what conditions can you get a loan to build a house from Sberbank?

In 2017, you can borrow money from the bank for the construction of individual housing only in rubles. (for obvious reasons, loans are no longer issued in dollars and euros). The mortgage lending program is target. That is, a mortgage from Sberbank for the construction of a private house cannot be spent on any other purposes.

The borrower can count on the following conditions:

  • Minimum loan amount - from 300,000 rub., loan terms - from 1 to 30 years.
  • The maximum amount is no more than 75% of the estimated value of the future private home or 75% of the value of the collateral property (whichever is less).
  • Second part in size at least 25% must be paid as a down payment.
  • The age of the client wishing to apply for a loan is at least 21 years old. The loan repayment period is calculated based on the fact that at the end of scheduled payments the borrower’s age was no more than 75 years old(can be critical when receiving money for a long period).
  • The applicant's work experience is at least 6 months. in the last place and at least one year of continuous work experience over the last 5 years. For participants in the salary project from Sberbank, the requirements are relaxed.
  • The borrower is required insure property, which will act as collateral for the period until the end of the loan agreement. If the loan is paid off early, funds for unused years of insurance can be returned.

Unlike buying an apartment on credit, when the bank immediately transfers the money to the seller, this is not possible with individual construction. In this regard, the money is transferred to the borrower in parts: usually half first, and then the rest. The second part will be issued only after a report and submission of documents for the first.

The bank does not charge penalties or fees for early loan repayment:

  • Each time, in the form of a scheduled payment, you can make an amount of any amount, but not less than that established by the agreement.
  • Final early repayment is made upon application and must occur on a weekday.

Collateral is a mandatory condition for lending

The bank must make sure that the borrower really intends to repay the borrowed money, therefore, in order to avoid risks real estate pledge is issued(mortgage). However, since the house under construction itself, especially at the initial stage of construction, cannot act as collateral, the applicant will have to pledge other residential premises or property.

Most often, a loan is issued for the construction of a house. secured by land in Sberbank. If the cost of the plot is disproportionate to the amount required by the bank client, the latter may require additional collateral. It can be a garage, car, apartment, or other property.

The practice of attracting co-borrowers is also common. They will help solve two problems at once:

  • will contribute to increasing the loan amount for which the borrower can qualify;
  • for the bank they will be an additional guarantee that the loan will be repaid in full.

Co-borrowers or guarantors may not be required in every case. They are involved in numbers of up to 3 people. In practice, it is quite difficult to convince relatives or friends to act as guarantors of the security of the loan. But the spouse is an obligatory co-borrower, if she exists and regardless of her age.

Interest rates for the program

The interest rates presented are relevant in 2017 for borrowers receiving salaries on Sberbank cards. They depend on the term for which the loan is issued and the amount of the down payment. May change at the discretion of the bank. But for those who have already drawn up a loan agreement, changing the interest on the loan is impossible in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

Interest on the Sberbank loan program for individual construction(as of December 30, 2016)

For applicants who do not participate in Sberbank salary projects, interest rates will be somewhat higher. Additional interest:

  • + 0.5% - for those who do not receive a salary from the bank;
  • + 1.0% - for the period of mortgage registration;
  • + 1.0% - if the borrower refuses to insure his own life and health at the request of the bank.

The sequence of obtaining a loan for building a house in Sberbank

Receiving money from a bank in order to invest it in the construction of an individual residential building implies a certain sequence of actions. An applicant for a loan for building a house from Sberbank will need to do the following:

  1. Collect and provide a preliminary package of documents (on ownership of a building plot, house design).
  2. Submit an application and documents to the Bank or its branch.
  3. Wait for a positive decision (2-5 days are allocated for consideration).
  4. Conclude a loan agreement with the bank.
  5. Receive the first part of the loan.
  6. Report to the bank about spending money.
  7. Get the second part of the money. The procedure is repeated as many times as the credit line is divided into parts.
  8. Register ownership of the house after completion of construction.
  9. Give the house to the bank as collateral to reduce interest.

You can submit your application to a Sberbank branch at one of the places you choose:

  • borrower registration;
  • construction of a private house;
  • accreditation of the borrower's employing company.

To reduce risks, the bank may insist on additional conditions that will be written down in the agreement along with the standard ones.

Sberbank practices limiting the construction period - for example, three years. After this period ends, the borrower will have to register the house, insure it and transfer it to the bank as collateral. This will help reduce the interest by 1 point.

Documents for obtaining a construction loan

The applicant will need three types of documents: identifying him, confirming his solvency and plans to build a house. You also need to fill out a special application form, which will be issued at the department. To consider a loan application, the bank will need:

  • Passport of the applicant (and co-borrowers, if any).
  • Certificate of income of the applicant and other documents confirming his earnings and solvency (the same for co-borrowers, if any). These certificates are not needed if the applicant receives a salary through Sberbank.
  • Documents for a land plot suitable for housing construction.
  • Documents for additional real estate that is planned to be mortgaged.

After a positive decision on the application you will need:

  • Project of the future house, sketches, estimates and any other documentation.
  • A bank statement confirming that the applicant has his own funds for the down payment.

The list of documents can be supplemented by decision of the loan officer. For those who receive a construction loan under the “Young Family” program, additional papers will be needed (for more information, see the relevant paragraph below).

Interim documents for reporting the expenditure of the first part of the money can be checks for the purchase of materials, contracts with a construction company and suppliers of individual structures (windows, doors, stairs), various receipts - but only with the seals of legal entities.

Preferential conditions for participants of social programs

Participants of government programs " Maternal capital" and "Providing housing for young families" (sometimes simply called "Young family") no preferential conditions are provided for obtaining or paying off a construction loan. They cannot count on lower interest rates or any other concessions.

However, they have the right to use state budget funds to repay the loan amount and interest on it. Taking into account the funds allocated by the state for relevant programs, this can serve as a great help for parents with children and young families.

Maternity capital to repay a loan for building a house

Families who own a maternity capital certificate are given the opportunity by federal law to use funds provided by the state for down payment on the loan, as well as payment of fees and interest. At the same time, funds under the certificate cannot be used to pay fines, penalties and other unexpected payments.

The legislation regulating maternity capital does not specifically separate loans for the purchase of housing (houses, apartments) from loans for its construction. All of them make it possible to improve living conditions, which means they are suitable for investing in maternal capital.

To take advantage of the opportunity to invest a certificate under the maternity capital program in the construction of a private residential building, you will need:

  1. Take it from the bank certificate of credit debt balance.
  2. Contact the Pension Fund (PF) with this document and write an application for disposal of maternity capital funds for partial repayment of the loan.
  3. After the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation approves the application, you will not have to agree on anything with the bank - the transferred amount will be counted towards payment of obligations under the agreement and will allow you to recalculate the monthly payment schedule.

After the bank accepts funds from maternity capital, review of the loan repayment schedule: the amount of monthly payments is reduced, but the repayment dates and the period for using the money do not change (as it was, for example, 20 years, it will remain so).

Construction loan under the “Young Family” program

The holder of a state certificate under the program “Providing Housing for Young Families” can invest the state subsidy funds allocated to him in the amount of up to 30-35% of the cost of the property under construction to pay off a loan taken from Sberbank for construction.

The procedure for using a certificate implies that first its owner must:

  • obtain a certificate from the bank about the loan balance;
  • contact the local government body with an application to spend the money.

The transfer to the bank of an amount from the state budget under the “Young Family” certificate occurs to repay the loan debt and interest. After making this payment, the amount of monthly payments is reviewed, similar to using a certificate under the maternity capital program.

To receive a subsidy, program participants will need to provide the bank with additional documents:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children (if relevant);
  • documents confirming the relationship of the co-borrowers, if they are parents or wife.


Building housing away from the bustle of the city is a modern trend, popular among Russians. Living outside the city is healthier and more enjoyable. And building an individual house on credit is a justified decision when you want to move to a new home in the near future, but there is not enough money for construction work. It’s especially great if you already have a plot for a house.

Welcome! Mortgage for the construction of a private house Sberbank is the topic of our post today. You will learn all the nuances of a mortgage for building a house, receive a list of documents and step-by-step instructions for registration.

Everyone knows the main advantage of owning a country house: the absence of city noise. In addition, your own plot, if the house is being built, also has an individual layout. But is it worth taking out a mortgage from Sberbank to build a residential building or is it easier to buy an apartment in the center?

Another unobvious advantage of building your own home is significant savings on square meters. An apartment, even in the primary housing market, goes through several intermediaries and receives its own markup - for example, an apartment in a new building skyrockets in price just before delivery.

You either supervise the construction of the house personally, or hire a single specialist who deals with this issue - thus, for one price you get living space 2 times more than what you could have been offered when buying an apartment.

But a mortgage for the construction of a residential building is not a bright opportunity to go out of town and live happily ever after. This is a big responsibility that will require you to take a serious and balanced approach to the issue. If you take into account all the nuances of obtaining this type of mortgage from Sberbank, you can get your dream home on fairly favorable terms.

Issued with the condition that the land must be owned by the borrower or he has the right to lease it for a period exceeding the term of the mortgage.

Why is mortgage lending from Sberbank profitable?

The main advantage of a mortgage for the construction of a residential building in Sberbank is the low interest rate. It must be remembered that this type of mortgage is risky for any bank - if something goes wrong, the financial institution will be left with an unfinished house as collateral. Therefore, Sberbank’s offer on the market is essentially unique, and, in addition to the favorable interest rate, this bank can provide other advantages:

  • Sberbank does not charge a fee for servicing the loan and processing the application;
  • Lends loans to non-working pensioners and disabled people;
  • Sberbank issues an amount greater than competing banks due to the fact that it takes into account additional income without certificates, in your words;
  • If you pay off your mortgage early, the bank will not charge you any penalties;
  • This type of mortgage at Sberbank is loyal to government programs: for example, you can partially pay off the loan debt with funds from maternity capital or from providing housing for young families;
  • Sberbank has special conditions for salary clients or for those borrowers whose employers are partners of Sberbank;
  • This type of mortgage allows for co-borrowers;
  • The bank has a list of accredited construction companies, and if you contact them when choosing a contractor, you will be offered additional preferential conditions;
  • For the total amount of interest paid, you can apply for a tax deduction with the Federal Tax Service (13%, which is approximately 260,000 rubles, and also make a tax deduction).

Sberbank also specifically stipulates loan deferments – they are allowed for up to 2 years. Such a deferment does not relieve the borrower of the obligation to regularly pay the required interest during this period, but it can insure him against unexpected expenses, which a private house under construction will certainly provide. You can apply for a deferment immediately, and for the first three years after receiving mortgage funds you will not have to spend money on repaying the loan.

Important point! A mortgage for the construction of a house from Sberbank allows you to build a house yourself without the involvement of accredited developers. This is not the case with other banks.

Terms of lending at Sberbank

A mortgage for the construction of a private house in Sberbank is provided on the following conditions:

  • Minimum mortgage size: from 300 thousand rubles;
  • Maximum mortgage size: 75% of the approximate market value of the house under construction (or other housing that you provided to Sberbank as collateral);
  • Duration – up to 30 years;
  • Down payment – ​​from 25%;
  • There is no commission for issuing a mortgage;
  • Interest rate – base 9.7% (if you have a Sberbank salary card, if not, then + 0.5%);
  • Collateral – Sberbank considers as collateral a future residential building, a plot of land with the right to lease land on which it is planned to build a house, or any other living space. A mortgage on another living space or any valuable property may be needed if the land plot is not valuable enough from the point of view of the mortgaged property. You can take out a mortgage for building a house from Sberbank without collateral - under the guarantee of an individual.
  • Insurance of collateral property is required.

As a rule, the bank does not immediately transfer to the borrower all the funds for building a house under a mortgage. Unlike cases with the purchase of a finished or even an apartment under construction, the client does not need all the funds at once, and it is not profitable for the bank to immediately pay off the mortgage in full. Therefore, Sberbank usually transfers first the first half of the amount, and then the second - when you get acquainted with the documents confirming the expenses of the targeted loan for housing construction.

Requirements for the borrower

An individual can get a mortgage for building a house from Sberbank:

  • At least 21 years of age at the time of loan application;
  • At the age of no more than 75 years at the end of the loan term;
  • With work experience of more than 6 months in the last place and total experience of more than 1 year (in total for the last five years).

The main borrower can attract only three co-borrowers to increase the approved amount. If the borrower is married, then his or her spouse must be registered as a co-borrower.

Required documents

Before submitting an application for a construction mortgage to Sberbank, prepare the following documents:

  • Russian Federation passport;
  • Employment history;
  • A certificate in the form of personal income tax-2 or confirming the level of income for the last six months. You can get it at a Sberbank branch or download it from us, and the employer must fill it out, focusing on the accounting reports. But, as a rule, employers have the opportunity to provide the borrower with a standard document that can also confirm this data.

If you have any sources of additional income, be sure to indicate this in the application form. The bank does not require documentary evidence of these incomes.

This is the initial package of documents for a mortgage. After approval, you will need to additionally prepare:

  • Land certificate or other documents confirming the borrower's ownership or lease of the land;
  • Contract for construction work, if you are building a house with the help of a construction company;
  • Construction estimate;
  • Construction permit, if required by law;
  • Documents for payment of the first installment.

It is very important to understand what category of land your site belongs to. If the certificate states that it should be used for horticultural, gardening and summer cottage activities, then a building permit is not required.

A mortgage for the construction of a residential building involves interaction with: providing housing for young families, benefits for large families, maternity capital, benefits for employees of various government agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, municipal organizations, etc.), benefits for the military, etc. If you qualify for one of these programs or are a participant in it, then make sure you have documents that confirm this.

How to get a mortgage

To apply for a mortgage for the construction of a private house in Sberbank, you must personally go to one of the Sberbank branches. But choose your branch carefully: the office closest to your work may not be suitable for obtaining a mortgage.

Sberbank will provide loans to clients in branches at the place of registration, in the area of ​​the land where you are going to build a house, or at your place of work - only if it is a partner of Sberbank (accredited in it). To make an accurate choice, you can consult with a bank manager at the first branch you come across - they will tell you where it is best to apply for a mortgage.

The application can be submitted online on the bank's website.

The stated period for consideration of an application for a mortgage at Sberbank is from 2 to 5 working days from the moment you submit all the required documents.

After approval of the application, it is necessary to prepare documents for land and construction. We wrote about them above. These documents are verified by the bank within two more days. The bank then makes a final decision and sets a date for the transaction.

On the transaction date, a mortgage and insurance agreement is signed. A mortgage specialist will explain all the payment details and issue a tranche.

To receive the next tranche, you must provide a report on the intended use of the money.

Promotion for building a house 2020

In 2020, you have the right to take advantage of Sberbank’s promotion for the construction of a private “Turnkey” home. It allows you to apply for a mortgage using a simplified system without extra estimates, guarantors, etc. We have discussed the detailed terms and conditions of this promotion.

A mortgage for the construction of a private house in Sberbank is profitable, so if you have long had a dream to build a house for living, then feel free to apply for a mortgage. Our free online mortgage lawyer will help you with all the legal difficulties and intricacies. Fill out the form in the corner.

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