Collection of penalties from O2 Development. termination of contracts and full compensation for losses

Support until the actual receipt of money. 100% guarantee of results, a unique discount is valid only until...

Dear shareholders!

The YuAP-SPb group of companies has been guarding the interests of St. Petersburg shareholders for more than 8 years. We are familiar in detail with the problematic situation regarding the O2 developer and specific problematic objects - the Forces of Nature residential complex, the Samoe Heart residential complex, and the My Element residential complex.

What do shareholders need to do:

    Receive detailed information on the state of construction of objects, including actual construction deadlines

    Assess possible risks, including the risks of bankruptcy of the developer, the risks of additional payments for completion and the risks of long-term construction

    Assess possible legal prospects in the case, including the possibility of receiving a penalty or complete termination of the contract

    Assess recovery prospects, i.e. the possibility of receiving money through court decisions or in pre-trial proceedings. Reliably find out the actual timing of such procedures

You can search for the information listed on your own, but it’s easy to get confused among all the “information garbage” and internally contradictory information on the Internet.

Lawyers and lawyers of the Group of Companies of the Southern Administrative District of St. Petersburg, as part of the campaign to support defrauded shareholders of O2 Development, are conducting free legal advice .


    Analysis of your contract with the developer

    Detailed information about the prospects for the construction of your facility

    Familiarization with judicial practice on your property (we show examples of cases won by other shareholders)

    Familiarization with successful collection practices (we show and explain how to get money from a problematic developer)

    Formation of an individual work plan for your problem

    Answers to all your questions and pitfalls

It is important to understand that contracts under the housing cooperative scheme and contracts for participation in shared construction have their own specifics. It is highly recommended not to sign any additional agreements with the developer or other documents without prior approval from a lawyer. Reckless actions may deprive you of the right to receive penalties for violating the terms of the contract or result in the payment of unreasonable compensation. Be careful!


  • The largest specialized law firm in shared construction in St. Petersburg
  • At the market of St. Petersburg since 2008
  • Successful practice in O2 Development – more than 30 won cases
  • Lawyers with more than 10 years of experience, Master of Law from St. Petersburg State University
  • Conducted more than 2000 trials to protect the rights of shareholders - the best judicial practice in St. Petersburg
  • Success rate in courts – 92,3%
  • Guarantees of achieving results - if the result is negative, you do not pay anything (we do not have negative results at O2 Development)
  • We enter TOP 50 law firms in Russia according to
  • Client personal account – 24/7 online support and convenient services for our clients

On all issues, we provide free legal consultations for shareholders.

Consultations for shareholders are conducted by Director of Legal Affairs Alexander Alexandrovich Askerov:

  • One of the leading specialists in St. Petersburg on shared-equity construction issues
  • Permanent expert of Business FM radio on shared-equity construction issues
  • Participant in more than 200 successful lawsuits against the largest developers of St. Petersburg
  • Leading expert on the largest transactions in the field of shared construction in St. Petersburg
  • Laureate of the A.A. Sobchak Prize, Prize of the Government of St. Petersburg
  • Participant in television and radio programs, publications in the press (Channel 5, Russia, Nevskoe Vremya, Radio Rox, etc.)
  • Master of Laws
  • Head, Managing Partner of UAP

We will definitely help:

Services and prices

We took care of our clients and collected a complete list of all services from specialized lawyers! Pay attention to the exclusive offers of the “Highest Authority”! did not you find what you were looking for? Call us!

    • Free consultation in the office/by phone

      Help from the best lawyers and lawyers on issues of preschool education in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region is available to everyone

      More details

      We know your doubts in advance, because in most cases a free consultation is a way to impose your services. But not in our case. You get only what you need and communicate not with a sales manager, but with a specialized practicing lawyer. Just call us and we will answer all your questions over the phone or schedule an in-person meeting with a leading specialist.

      What is included in the service
      • Consultation with a specialized lawyer by phone
      • Consultation at the company office
      • Several solutions to the problem
      What is not included in the service
      • Consultation summary
      • The number of free consultations in the office (promotional) is limited. Hurry!
    • Paid consultation

      from 1900

      A step-by-step algorithm for winning a dispute with a developer

      More details

      During your consultation with the company's leading lawyer, you will receive answers to all your questions without a time limit. After reviewing the details of the case, a specialist will determine the safest and most effective plan to resolve your situation. Pre-registration for an in-person meeting is required.

      What is included in the service
      • Consultation with a leading specialized lawyer
      • Detailed analysis of your situation
      • The meeting is not limited in time
      What is not included in the service
      • Legal opinion
    • Written consultation/legal. conclusion

      from 2900

      We will analyze your question in detail and send a report anywhere in the world

      More details

      You can get help from professionals from one of the best legal companies in the region remotely. To do this, just call or write to our e-mail - [email protected]– and describe the task. Send the documents necessary for an accurate analysis of the situation. We will study the case materials and respond with a detailed action plan. You will receive a step-by-step algorithm of actions, with information confirmed by clauses of legislative acts.

      What is included in the service
      • Study of documents, risk analysis
      • Detailed analysis of your situation
      • Developing a strategy to solve your problem
      • Examples of judicial practice on similar issues
      • Sending electronically or by mail to any region of the country
    • Legal analysis of the remote control agreement

      from 2900

      We will find all the pitfalls in the share participation agreement!

      More details

      Have you decided to enter into a share participation agreement? Do not rush to sign without consulting a lawyer. His services will pay off with interest when he finds enslaving obligations in the contract. Secure your future and don't let yourself be taken in by the developer.

      What is included in the service
      • Consultation with a leading lawyer on DDU issues
      • Legal analysis of the terms of the contract
      • Identifying violations of your interests
      • Recommendations for adjusting the terms of the contract in your favor
      What is not included in the service
      • Amendments to the contract
    • Drawing up and submitting a claim to the developer

      from 3900

      Convincing claim to the developer within 24 hours!

      More details

      Drawing up a claim is the first thing you need to start a dispute with the developer. Firstly, in the vast majority of cases, a claim settlement procedure is mandatory. Secondly, perhaps the claim will be enough to solve your problem.

      What is included in the service
      • Analysis of the situation and development of an effective strategy for resolving the dispute
      • Drawing up and approval of the text of the document by a specialized lawyer
      • The “correct” filing of a claim with the developer
      What is not included in the service
      • Drawing up other documents
    • Drawing up a statement of claim in court

      from from 4900

      An impeccable claim with a guarantee of acceptance by the court!

      More details

      Does the developer ignore your complaints and not fulfill your requirements? It's time to take the case to court! And in order for the process to be accurately initiated, it is worth paying maximum attention to the statement of claim.

      What is included in the service
      • Thorough study of the situation and risk forecast
      • Analysis of precedents from judicial practice in similar cases
      • Drawing up and approval of the text of documents
      What is not included in the service
      • Filing a claim
    • Checking the reliability of the developer

      from 7900

      A thorough analysis of the reliability of a construction company!

      More details

      Thousands of defrauded real estate investors would give a lot to return to the moment when they chose a developer. Saving at this stage was too costly for them. But it’s easy to insure yourself against such risks. You just need to use a legal check of the developer’s reliability.

      What is included in the service
      • Checking the developer's reputation
      • Analysis of design documentation
      • Analysis of the financial capabilities of a construction company
      • Legal advice on shared construction issues
    • Comprehensive support in choosing a developer and examination of the equity participation agreement

      from 15900

      Be confident in the future and in your developer!

      More details

    • from 2900

      Legal support is always with you!

      More details

      Do you want to be able to always be in touch with a lawyer on shared construction issues? We will be happy to provide such an opportunity. With this service, you can get clarification of your question regarding shared construction at any time.

      What is included in the service
      • Contact a lawyer by phone or e-mail
      • Clarification of legislation regarding shared construction issues
      • Advice from a lawyer on aspects of interaction with a developer
      What is not included in the service
      • Documentation analysis
    • One-time visit by a lawyer to negotiate with the developer

      from 3 900

      Iron-clad protection of your interests at a meeting with the developer!

      More details

      Do you want to make changes to the contract? Or do you have other disagreements with the developer? In these or any other cases, our lawyer is ready to protect your interests during negotiations with the developer.

      What is included in the service
      • Departure of a lawyer to a meeting with the developer
      • Legal analysis of the equity participation agreement
      • Motivation of client requirements in accordance with current legislation
      What is not included in the service
      • Drafting of documents
    • Conducting turnkey negotiations

      from 8900

      We are guaranteed to reach an agreement with the developer and ensure that your interests are respected!

      More details

      Don’t want to waste your time arguing with the developer? We can do it for you! Entrust the defense of your position to experienced lawyers in disputes with developers. We know market conditions and have serious experience in resolving any disputes with a construction company.

      What is included in the service
      • Consultation with a leading DDU lawyer
      • Legal analysis of the parties' position
      • Drawing up a negotiation strategy
      • Regular report on the progress of the dispute
      • Drawing up a settlement agreement
    • Consultation with a lawyer before accepting an apartment

      We'll tell you how to properly accept an apartment from a developer

      More details

      Unfortunately, in our country, negligence towards the quality of housing being built is quite common. Only a few developers transfer apartments for use without complaints. Shareholders should know that the law is on their side: they do not have to sign the Acceptance Certificate until all violations are eliminated. Consult with a lawyer before accepting housing to be sure you are right.

      What is included in the service
      • Face-to-face meeting with a leading lawyer on DDU issues
      • Answers to your questions
      • Tips for checking the quality of housing and filling out a claim sheet
    • Departure of a lawyer to accompany the acceptance of the apartment

      from 3900

      Our lawyer will note all the shortcomings and record them in a claim against the developer

      More details

      Often equity holders accept apartments with obvious deficiencies and then fix them at their own expense. This happens either due to ignorance of their rights, or due to pressure exerted by representatives of the developer. Our lawyer will help you accept the apartment in accordance with all the rules: identify and eliminate all violations of the conditions of the DDU.

      What is included in the service
      • Visit of a lawyer;
      • Legal analysis of the contract;
      • Filling out a claim form (if necessary)
    • Documentary support of the transaction for the assignment of rights

      from 5900

      We will prepare all the necessary documents in the shortest possible time

      More details

      Don't have the time or desire to draw up documents? Our lawyers will save you from paperwork and draw up all the necessary documents for the assignment of rights without errors or inaccuracies.

      What is included in the service
      • Consulting and reference support
      • Legal examination of documents
      • Drawing up a contract taking into account your interests
    • Legal support of the turnkey assignment of rights transaction

      from 13900

      Full support of the transaction on the assignment of rights

      More details

      A transaction for the assignment of rights to an apartment carries risks for both the buyer and the seller. Accompaniment by a lawyer guarantees the legality of the transaction. Our DDU specialist will check all the documentation and protect you from possible disputes.

      What is included in the service
      • Consulting and reference support
      • Legal support of the transaction
      • Guaranteed registration of rights in the Cadastral Chamber
    • Supporting the termination of a pre-employment contract by agreement of the parties (peacefully)

      from 6900

      We will help you to part ways with the developer without unnecessary disputes

      More details

      A conscientious developer company usually always meets shareholders halfway and terminates the contract without questions. But this does not always happen and without legal pressure to influence the system. a company is not easy. Enlist the support of our lawyers and get what you want from the developer on the day you contact us.

      What is included in the service
      • Preliminary consultation with a specialized lawyer on DDU issues
      • Analysis of the situation and forecast of the developer’s actions
      • Departure of a lawyer to negotiate with the company
      • Analysis of the terms of the agreement on termination of the DDU
    • Are you ready to waste your time and energy on a legal battle with the developer? If not and you just want to get your money back, then take advantage of the full support of the contract termination procedure. Our lawyers will not only achieve a positive verdict for you, but will also monitor the implementation of the court decision.

      What is included in the service
      • Full documentary support
      • Representation of a lawyer in court
      • The ability to completely exclude your participation in the process
      • Conducting enforcement proceedings until the actual receipt of money
    • Legal analysis of the situation with the developer

      from 1900

      Be fully armed, thanks to the advice of our lawyers!

      More details

      more details

      fatal consequences. This is especially true for those who used a mortgage loan to purchase an apartment. The process of bankruptcy and payments due to equity holders can drag on for many months, or even years. But we can offer a way out of the situation: the services of a lawyer for DDU. This is comprehensive support at all stages until the actual payment of funds or provision of living space.

      What is included in the service
      • Unlimited consulting and reference support
      • Full documentary support
      • The ability to completely exclude your participation
      • Guaranteed inclusion in the register of creditors
      • Support until the actual receipt of the invested money or living space
All services

Residential complex Forces of Nature is located at Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Murino, Lavriki highway, 64, nearest metro station Devyatkino and is positioned as an Eco-quarter. The developer Development O2 initially planned the completion date for the project in the 4th quarter of 2014.

2 years ago Development O2 offered to sign an additional agreement to postpone the deadline.

"Hello! I am a shareholder of O2 Development of the Forces of Nature object, the funds under the contract to the developer have been paid in full 100%. Initially, the completion date for the project was planned for the 4th quarter of 2014, at least that’s what they promised when concluding the contract; my family and I were counting on this date, since we have a small child. The progress of the construction of the Forces of Nature residential complex is such that to date our turn has not been commissioned, the deadlines are constantly being postponed, now there is information that, at best, the house will be commissioned no earlier than the 4th quarter of 2015, that is, the delay is already more than a year. It is currently unknown when the Forces of Nature residential complex will be completed. But that’s not even the question. Yesterday we received a notification from the developer that it is necessary to sign an additional agreement to postpone the construction period, otherwise we will not receive the apartment and the house will not be delivered. Please tell me whether it is worth signing such an agreement and what will happen if we refuse to sign it, if I understand correctly, we should not sign it since the construction of the house does not depend on us, we have already paid our money.”

Using the example of LEK "London Park", where contracts with shareholders were renegotiated 3-4 times and each time with a postponement of the transfer of the apartment, we can conclude that by signing an additional agreement, you do not receive a guarantee of receiving the apartment within the new period promised by the developer.

Everything turned out to be the same here. For more than 2 years, 2.5 thousand equity holders have been waiting for their housing.

May 2017. New developer.

Residential complex Forces of Nature will be completed in 2019

The shareholders managed to draw attention to the problem of construction of the Forces of Nature residential complex and in May 2017, the complex got a new developer - the RR-City Company.

RR-City will begin work from its own funds, negotiations are underway with Baltinvestbank about providing a loan. The investor plans to receive additional funds from the sale of apartments.

RR-City will continue construction of the complex and plans to complete it by the 2nd quarter of 2019: building 1 - by October 31, 2017, building 2 - by December 25, 2017, building 3 - by September 30, 2018, building 4 - by July 30 2019

On June 1, 2017, work began on the site of the Forces of Nature residential complex. It is planned to prepare the site within a week to continue construction, after which contractors will begin work.

In June 2017, RR-City LLC plans to hold a meeting of shareholders and sign additional agreements to the share participation agreements on new construction terms. Shareholders will be faced with the question of waiving compensation for delays in delivery in exchange for completion of construction.

For example, a penalty for an apartment worth 4 million rubles will amount to more than 1.5 million rubles! Which, you see, is significant.

To make it clear what amounts we are talking about for the developer, we will give an approximate calculation. For example, in the event of a 1-year delay in delivery of a residential building (complex) with 300 apartments with an average cost of 4 million rubles. the penalty for shareholders will be 270 million rubles. In addition, if the penalty is not paid voluntarily, the law provides for payment of a fine for violation of consumer rights in the amount of 50% of the collected amount. This is another 135 million rubles. Already more than 400 million rubles. Plus moral damages and representatives' services. The period of delay is already more than 2 years. Even taking into account the likely reduction in the amount of the penalty by the court under Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the fact that not all shareholders will go to court to collect the penalty, the amount still turns out to be cosmic.

Get a free legal consultation!

The residential complex “Forces of Nature” is a block of 4 eco-new buildings located on the banks of the Okhta River in the village of Murino. According to the developer, O2 Development, the Forces of Nature residential complex should become a modern quarter with its own well-developed infrastructure.

The advantages of the complex, according to the official website, are:

  • increased size of windows in houses;
  • stylish and fashionable interior of rooms;
  • widespread landscaping;
  • bright colors of facades;
  • proximity to the metro station and the Ring Road;
  • convenient parking without entering the courtyards;
  • safety playgrounds for children and modern outdoor exercise equipment for adults;
  • clinics, schools, kindergartens, shops and other social facilities within walking distance;
  • The construction progress was covered on the project's official website.

Potential buyers were also attracted by the low cost of apartments and the quick delivery time of the project - the end of 2014 for first-stage houses.

Important! Experts note that the houses of the Forces of Nature residential complex cannot be called high-quality. The lack of documentary evidence of the fire resistance limit of load-bearing structures, the design of the water supply and sanitation system, the ill-conceived evacuation system for residents of the upper floors, as well as poor sound insulation indicate that life in such a house is unlikely to be comfortable and safe. In addition, these circumstances indicate that putting the buildings into operation will not be easy.

By the appointed time - the end of 2014 - it became known that the construction was being delayed, and not a single shareholder had received the keys to the new housing. The management of O2 Development stated that construction progress had slowed down “for objective reasons,” which included the economic crisis and legal conflicts with local authorities.

During the two years of downtime, the construction site was not guarded; the construction company made no attempts to protect the building materials. As a result, the pipes left in the open air rusted, some of the communications were stolen, and the other part was hopelessly damaged. The basements of partially built houses were flooded, as was the pit where the 4th building was supposed to be located.

Under these conditions, the panicky mood of shareholders was understandable. In 2016 alone, they organized 30 pickets, 2 rallies, and set up a tent camp. In one of the VKontakte groups, desperate citizens even discussed the possibility of self-immolation on Red Square in Moscow, however, fortunately, this idea has not yet come to fruition. Currently, the number of defrauded shareholders reaches 2,666 people.

Submit your application

Residential complex "Forces of Nature": latest news about long-term construction in Leningrad region

The latest news about the residential complex “Forces of Nature” comes regularly. The most important news in recent weeks was the information that from June 1, 2017, construction will be resumed by the developer RR-City. However, with the arrival of summer, things did not move from the “dead point”. This is explained by the fact that Baltinvestbank, which plans to provide a loan of 2 billion rubles to RR-City, is still auditing the project documentation. Lawyers for shared construction reassure shareholders and advise them not to panic, since preliminary consent for a loan from Baltinvestbank has already been received. In addition, as an additional incentive, RR-City will receive a plot of 23 hectares, located near the Forces of Nature residential complex, as its own property.

Representatives of RR-City name the following approximate dates for the delivery of objects:

  • 1st building - November 2017;
  • 2nd building - December 2017;
  • 3rd building - October 2018;
  • 4th building - July 2019.

But shareholders do not share RR-City’s optimistic attitude. The fact is that many citizens, tired of waiting for their apartments, terminated their contracts and demanded a refund. Since the contracts were concluded with the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative and not with O2 Development, confusion arose with the definition of the defendant. Representatives of RR-City, in turn, directly stated that they are not obliged to pay money under other people’s writs of execution. The most difficult situation is faced by citizens who terminated the contract, who cannot get their funds back and no longer have any claims to apartments in the Forces of Nature residential complex. According to preliminary data, the number of such shareholders exceeds 50 people.

LCD “Forces of Nature”: what shareholders write in the unofficial group “VKontakte”

In May 2017, it became known that a criminal case was opened against unidentified citizens from among the managers of Romantika LLC, O2 Development and the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative, part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud committed by an organized group.” or on an especially large scale or resulting in the deprivation of a citizen’s right to residential premises.” The sanction of this article provides for up to 10 years of imprisonment. Possible additional sanctions are a fine of up to 1 million rubles (or in the amount of 3 years' earnings) and up to 2 years of restriction of freedom.

The investigation suggests that the management of the listed organizations stole and used for their own purposes more than 6 billion rubles received from shareholders. The sole founder of O2 Development is a legal entity registered in the British Virgin Islands, and the developer itself was transferred to foreign jurisdiction back in June 2016. This fact, as well as the fact that there are multiple companies on the developer’s side, may indicate that the shareholders’ money may have been transferred to foreign bank accounts. In turn, the transfer of money could mean that the management of the construction company foresaw a “freeze” of construction and was preparing to protect the extracted funds from enforcement proceedings.

Comment from a lawyer from Legal Petersburg:

“It was known back in 2013 that construction could stop. When checking the reliability of the developer, some citizens drew attention to the founder, as well as to the fact that until now the construction company has not built a single residential building from scratch.”

In any case, this case received a great public outcry and was even brought to the attention of the President of the Russian Federation, which means that the missing money will be found. The criminal case is under the control of the prosecutor's office. You can find out the latest news about the Forces of Nature residential complex in the unofficial group of shareholders “VKontakte”.

There is a way out for shareholders of the Forces of Nature residential complex

Many shareholders, tired of waiting, terminated the contract and demanded the return of their money through the courts. Reviews about this method of solving the problem vary. For example, shareholder Alexey, who entered into an agreement back in 2014, independently went to court and then signed a settlement agreement with representatives of the developer. Under the terms of this agreement, the shareholder refuses to collect the penalty, and the developer undertakes to return the entire amount within 2 months. But the money was not paid on time.

Privacy Policy

Maintaining your privacy is important to us. For this reason, we have developed a Privacy Policy that describes how we use and store your information. Please review our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.

Collection and use of personal information

Personal information refers to data that can be used to identify or contact a specific person.

You may be asked to provide your personal information at any time when you contact us.

Below are some examples of the types of personal information we may collect and how we may use such information.

What personal information do we collect:

  • When you submit an application on the site, we may collect various information, including your name, phone number, email address, etc.

How we use your personal information:

  • The personal information we collect allows us to contact you with unique offers, promotions and other events and upcoming events.
  • From time to time, we may use your personal information to send important notices and communications.
  • We may also use personal information for internal purposes, such as conducting audits, data analysis and various research in order to improve the services we provide and provide you with recommendations regarding our services.
  • If you participate in a prize draw, contest or similar promotion, we may use the information you provide to administer such programs.

Disclosure of information to third parties

We do not disclose the information received from you to third parties.


  • If necessary - in accordance with the law, judicial procedure, in legal proceedings, and/or on the basis of public requests or requests from government authorities in the territory of the Russian Federation - to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that such disclosure is necessary or appropriate for security, law enforcement, or other public importance purposes.
  • In the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale, we may transfer the personal information we collect to the applicable successor third party.

Protection of personal information

We take precautions - including administrative, technical and physical - to protect your personal information from loss, theft, and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

Respecting your privacy at the company level

To ensure that your personal information is secure, we communicate privacy and security standards to our employees and strictly enforce privacy practices.