Uk new ohta. What residents, police and management company say about the problems of the Novaya Okhta residential complex

Recently, NP wrote that the residents of two houses in the Sofia residential complex at 55 South Highway are preparing a class action lawsuit to challenge the results of the vote on the choice of the management company (see NP, No. 6/2016). They took this step after LSR Group avoided a city competition for servicing new buildings, taking advantage of gaps in the law.

A month after that publication, NP received a collective letter from shareholders of another LSR Group project - six houses of the first stage of the Novaya Okhta residential complex.

“In April 2015, we were informed that 51.3% of owners voted for the management company SK Vozrozhdenie SPb LLC. Many residents had not heard about the meeting at all and did not have certificates of ownership at that time. Neither the developer nor the management company showed the reports, and it is unclear which of the future owners participated in it,” write proactive citizens. The situation is similar to what happened in the Sofia residential complex. Many new residents now recall that when handing over the keys, they were required to sign a management agreement with the management company (which did not specify the terms of its validity), and also fill out a form with their wishes for service. Apparently, such questionnaires with signatures were then transformed into the results of absentee voting for the selection of management companies with the approval of tariffs. Citizens expected the district administration to hold an open competition provided for by the Housing Code. But officials decided that since the new residents had already taken control of the property, there was no need for a tender.

Last summer, citizens began to write complaints to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which recognized the authorities’ inaction as illegal and ordered the administration to hold a competition. But in February 2016, the arbitration annulled the order, confirming the presence of gaps in the law. “Unfortunately, having relied on the Federal Antimonopoly Service, we missed the time to file our own lawsuit (as the residents of the Sofia residential complex did) and appeal the voting results. Of course, you can go the usual way: organize a new meeting, but given the incomplete occupancy of the houses, it is now almost impossible to gather a quorum, and you have to pay according to the imposed tariffs,” says one of the activists, Marina K. “The initiative group already numbers several dozen people. After we made a fuss, the administration began holding competitions for the management of houses that were handed over later. And there citizens pay less. It's not fair!

In a collective appeal, the residents of the complex warn shareholders of the remaining queues about other surprises: they say that the developer is in no hurry to fulfill obligations to build infrastructure, and the layout of the territory development presented at the sales office does not correspond to the General Plan.

Residents of Novoohtinsk said that the government of St. Petersburg is buying apartments from the LSR company for people on the waiting list in their residential complex. Large families, migrants from communal apartments, and graduates of orphanages settle here. Neighbors consider the last category of beneficiaries to be the most problematic.

“In 2016, the city settled orphanage residents in three buildings with 220 apartments each (this is house No. 64 on Murinskaya Road and houses No. 7, building 1 and building 2, on Korney Chukovsky Street. - Ed.). Over the course of a year, everything that could be broken and painted was destroyed and painted there. Locals complain about constant fights, drunkenness, and drug addicts. Of course, not all the residents there are “frostbitten,” but over the course of a year a quite stable gang has formed that keeps all three houses at bay,” residents of Novaya Okhta wrote in OK-inform.

They said that the events that took place on October 7 had overwhelmed the patience of local residents. About 40-50 people took to the street with bats and traumatic weapons to “kill the dags,” as they themselves called this process.

“Two people were beaten in the elevator hall of building 7, building 1, on Korney Chukovsky Street. Only the intervention of the police dispersed them to their homes. The next day the crowd was again seen and shots were heard. The police detained a couple of people, but after the patrol left, the crowd gathered again. People began en masse to write appeals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the city and district administration with requests to intervene, restore order and prevent local Kondopoga from becoming part of “Novaya Okhta,” residents of the new microdistrict on the territory of the former state farm “Ruchi” told OK-inform. They believe that the authorities should pay attention to the problem of orphanage residents who destroy state-owned apartments and rent out their homes, although they do not have the right to do this under a social tenancy agreement. But the administration is still silent, and the local police officer does not respond to complaints.

Red Guard Ghetto

On Wednesday, an OK-inform correspondent and photographer came to Novaya Okhta to check whether the neighborhood with orphanages is really as terrible as local residents say. At first glance, there are no signs of a “terrible ghetto”: high-rise buildings in cheerful colors, clean and well-groomed territory, an abundance of playgrounds, an autumn forest on the horizon. But already the first woman and child we met was aware of the dangerous neighborhood. Ekaterina pointed to the houses where the orphanages live. She said that she periodically reads on social networks about the horrors that happen in these houses, but she herself has not witnessed the atrocities.

“Yes, the guys are very different from the residents of the first queues. They look different, behave differently, communicate differently. “Gopniks” is the right word. But I don't walk around the area in the evenings, so I don't run into them. And I try to go around the houses in which they are placed so that nothing from the windows falls on me and the stroller. This is practiced there,” said Ekaterina.

In her opinion, housing graduates of orphanages in one residential area, and even more so in one house, was a big mistake of social services.

“I am not at all against the fact that the city fulfills its social obligations, and our developer helps it with this. But the creation of a ghetto of orphanages does not contribute to the socialization of orphans,” says Ekaterina.

“In Novaya Okhta we also received housing under the social program, since my mother is a public sector employee, and the state pays her mortgage. Our neighbors are graduates of the orphanage, very decent, nice people. Below too. One size does not fit all. But I read about the horrors at Chukovsky on social networks. I haven’t seen guys with bats and injuries myself, but I don’t rule out the possibility that this is possible. I saw drug addicts, but I don’t know whether they came from an orphanage or not. In general, be careful here, because many people know them and pass everything on to them,” Svetlana, a resident of the microdistrict, warned us.

Another girl with a child, whom we asked about the dangerous neighborhood, turned out to be an orphan herself who received an apartment in Novaya Okhta: “I live in a house where 70% of the apartments were given to orphanages. It's terrible what's happening here. Recently, people were rushing around the yard with injuries, shooting, until the police arrived. Elevators, stairs, entrances - everything is dirty. They scream at night, we hear everything. The apartments were being cleared out. They opened up uninhabited buildings and took out everything, even bathtubs and kitchen stoves. It is impossible to live peacefully here, because people continue to exist according to orphanage rules. But there they were under control, but here no one is watching. They promised that there would be some kind of control, but there is none,” said Maria.

“I’ve been living here since the summer. I have such a job that I come back late. I personally didn’t see anything criminal, but I read in the VKontakte group about chaos: fights with bats, shooting at windows with pneumatic guns, murders. And all - in houses where apartments were given to orphanage residents. When I bought the house, I didn’t know about it. If I had known, I would have chosen somewhere else. And now I’m thinking about quickly selling the apartment here and moving,” said Sergei, a resident of Novaya Okhta.

Don’t go for a walk on Chukovsky - they will beat you and offend you there

We talked with Sergei on Korney Chukovsky Street, about which the locals say, paraphrasing this children’s writer: “Children, don’t go for a walk on Chukovsky Street, they will beat you and offend you there.” The entrance to house number 7, building 1, turned out to be open, and we were able to go inside without arousing suspicion from the concierge.

Some of the mailboxes in the hall on the first floor were dented, as if they had been punched and kicked. The elevators also have dents and stains left after the inscriptions were erased. We decided to go up to the 22nd floor and go down the back stairs - what we saw helped to fully imagine the residents of the house.

The glass of the balcony doors on each floor was broken. Across the floor are bags of garbage, empty cans, bottles. On several floors there is blood on the floor and on the walls, in some places it is completely fresh, not dried. And also inscriptions on the walls and doors, with the help of which residents glorify drugs, disgrace their friends and glorify AUE (we wrote about the spread of a subculture among young people, whose adherents live according to thieves’ concepts. - Ed.).

“I never walk up these stairs. There is no light there, the lamps are broken and unscrewed,” admitted a resident of the house. She agreed to talk to us, but only behind the doors of her apartment - so that none of the neighbors would see.

The police can't get excited

This girl received a one-room apartment in Novaya Okhta as an orphan. He says that there was no choice, so he has to live next to drug addicts, drunkards and gopniks. She was threatened with death more than once for looking the wrong way, saying the wrong thing, or doing the wrong thing. There are special rules here, and rumors spread like lightning. Neighbors watched her at the entrance, threatened her with a knife, and once even strangled her, and these were not the same people, but residents of different apartments. Each time the girl contacted the police and each time was unsuccessful.

“Now the police have three of my statements. The deadline for their consideration has already expired, but things are still there. The district police officer doesn’t do anything, he stopped answering the phone when I call. The head of the 66th police department of the Krasnogvardeysky district says that they cannot “get excited,” but he, too, would be afraid for his wife and children if they lived in our house. In our last conversation, he suggested complaining to the prosecutor's office and the administration so that they could influence the management company and it would evict the problem tenants. Everyone knows that these troubles come from two or three apartments in our building. According to one of them, a case was opened about a brothel, but to no avail. People continue to commit outrages there, having a written undertaking not to leave the place,” said a resident of house 7, building 1, Chukovsky Street.

Our interlocutor claims that no one was punished for damaging common property. The police are blaming everything on the Vozrozhdenie Criminal Code. He says that the company should write statements about damage to property, but they say they are not interested in this. In this case, the damage must be more than 250 thousand rubles in order to attract vandals.

The management company reported that the residents of the building have no complaints against them.

“We are fulfilling our obligations. Cleaning service specialists work even beyond schedule. However, the cleanliness of common areas must also be observed by residents of the house itself. Unfortunately, the dishonesty of some of them sometimes prevents them from reacting quickly,” the Criminal Code told OK-inform, noting that in cases of property damage, which often occurs in building 7, building 1, Chukovsky Street, everything is corrected.

“We are replacing broken windows, lamps, and installing barriers for elevator equipment to prevent any interference. Moreover, for our part, we contacted the district administration, which is also puzzled by the problem of this particular house,” say the housing workers.

Who lives well on Okhta

“Mirrors in elevators and glass on doors, of course, do not cost 250 thousand. But they are beaten the very next day after they are changed. In four years I will be able to register ownership of the home in order to sell it. But, I’m afraid, if things continue like this, I won’t find buyers,” our interlocutor said, adding that LSR plans to sell two more houses in Novaya Okhta and several houses in the neighboring residential complex Novaya Okhta to the city for social housing. On the river". The prospects are not rosy. But the Rodnoy 24-hour store is good, where you can buy not only alcohol, but also drugs at any time of the day, the girl says.

Her neighbor Mikhail, who received an apartment on an interest-free installment plan because his wife is a doctor, confirmed that the police cannot pacify the hooligans.

“We have a good area, a forest is nearby, the infrastructure is developing, a puncture was opened in Murino. But there is a catastrophic shortage of law enforcement officers, and there are plenty of marginal contingents. At the same time, there is zero impact from the 25th stronghold, which was opened in August. We write statements to the police regularly, but all of them are on behalf of witnesses to incidents, and not from victims. Therefore, everything is without result. At one time they wanted to create a voluntary public squad, but it didn’t work out, because the activists who were ready to fight back against hooligans themselves once had problems with the law, and with a criminal record you can’t be a vigilante. After the events of October, we are thinking of again initiating the creation of the DND. At the same time, we are discussing the issue of creating a House Council, which will install CCTV cameras instead of the dummies that are currently hanging. Money for this can be taken from those collected for current repairs,” Mikhail noted.

The 66th police department refused to communicate directly with the press. Ok-inform sent a request to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and is ready to publish an official response immediately upon receipt.

Varlamov is pumping up for the sake of his rating

On Thursday, the famous blogger Ilya Varlamov, having read a discussion of the dangerous neighborhood in the Novaya Okhta residential complex group, published an article entitled “Varlamov’s terrible prophecy came true.”

The blogger used photographs and comments that residents published in a closed community, and provided them with text in the spirit: “I warned that residential areas on the outskirts of St. Petersburg will turn into ghettos, and then it will only get worse.”

This publication caused outrage not only among Novookhta residents, but also among the developer, the LSR company. It is noteworthy that in the same group where people scolded their marginal neighbors, they began to scold Varlamov, believing that he was deliberately and far from freely spoiling the reputation of Novaya Okhta.

). 5 people participated in our survey. Each of them shared their opinion regarding living in the complex, pointed out the pros and cons of the residential property. The 18 questions we asked cover everything from public transport to utility bills. Find out what the residents of Novaya Okhta like and what they advise you to pay attention to.

28 years old, unmarried. Loves to cook and invent new culinary recipes. She practices yoga and values ​​an active lifestyle. Lives in the complex for 6 months.


31 years old, married. He is interested in fishing and tries to spend as much time as possible in nature. Lives in the complex for 8 months.

35 years old, married with children. Insurance company manager. She prefers to devote her free time to her children and husband. Lives in the residential complex for 9 months.

29 years old, married with children. He is interested in photography and sports. Loves to travel. Lives in the complex for 5 months.

30 years old, not married. Reads military literature and likes to go outdoors. Lives in the complex for 10 months.

Apartment and house Infrastructure for everyone Security and service Transport

Apartment and house

1. Was the house delivered on time?

ANNA: Yes.
Yes, the house was delivered without delays.
Delivery is timely, even ahead of schedule, according to the contract of contract.
The house was delivered with a slight delay. 2 weeks.
Yes, even earlier than expected - inspection in November, received the keys in early December.

2. How did the reception of the apartment take place? Were you satisfied with everything or did you have any questions? How quickly did the developer resolve them?

ANNA: At the first viewing, it was not a representative of the developer, but a worker (Uzbek), there were many comments, they then took 2 months to correct, not everything was done.
We inspected the apartment with the manager, went through the entire apartment, and found no major problems. The only thing was that the door in the kitchen was warped, but the manager called some worker and he re-hanged the door in front of us. This was the only drawback.
Acceptance of the apartment by appointment, it was very dirty in the apartment, construction waste was left, the wallpaper was partially peeled off, they promised to eliminate the comments within 30 days, they didn’t wait, they accepted it because... We were in a hurry to move. 2 months after we moved in, a foreman from the developer came to eliminate the comments, but by that time we had already eliminated everything ourselves.
We made an appointment by phone for an examination. We arrived at the appointed time. The manager was already waiting for us. We looked at the apartment. We were satisfied. Everything worked, the apartment was warm. We signed the inspection certificate (without comments), and after 2 weeks we received the keys.
During the first inspection, there were minor defects: a crooked saucer-like floor in two rooms, a crooked wall in the kitchen - convex in a semicircle, stains on the ceiling in the rooms from a leak on the wall from the street side, and other little things. The defects were corrected within 2 weeks as expected, and we were satisfied.

3. Does the apartment correspond to what was specified in the contract? (Has the finishing been completed, has the plumbing been installed, etc.)

ANNA: Yes.
Yes, everything is fully consistent, no complaints.
All the parameters of the apartment correspond to the declared ones, the finishing and plumbing were all there.
Everything matches. Everything was measured.
The finish is better than expected. In Okhta, the finishing is 5+ for such a price, and in general, the tiles are laid evenly, everything is done more or less carefully, in general, for the first years you can live in peace and not make any repairs. In general, if guests come, there is no shame. Plumbing, pipes - everything is neat, a decent toilet, faucets, shower, sink, bathtub.

4. Is there anything that the developer promised to fulfill, but did not fulfill?

ANNA: Yes, a pedestrian crossing across the ring road to the metro was promised to us when we bought the apartment, but now they pretend that they are hearing it for the first time.
It seems like no, everything is done.
There should be more open parking in the local area (according to the master plan), as a result, these areas were made into lawns (apparently cheaper), now there is an acute problem with parking, everything else is fine.
and the developer promised washable wallpaper in the kitchen, but in fact the cheapest paper ones are - they are ugly, they need to be re-glued, but the price and speed of delivery of the house fully compensate for this, because the wait was only 7 months.

5. Did warranty cases arise after moving into the apartment? If so, how quickly were they resolved?

ANNA:Didn't arise.
KONSTANTIN: Warranty there were no cases.
OLGA: Guarantee there were no such cases.
ANDREY:There were no warranty cases.
IGOR:There were no warranty cases.

6. Interior of the house: quality of front doors, stairs, elevators. Is there any cameras? Is there security?

ANNA: The front doors and staircases are decorated very poorly, the handles on the doors constantly break. There is no security yet, but this issue is being resolved. The cameras seem to be hanging up.
The front doors cannot boast of super quality. Cracks have recently appeared on some walls, but the house is new. The stairs are ordinary, probably like everywhere else. The elevators are quiet and modern. But I haven’t seen any cameras yet, nor have I seen any security.
The quality of the front and staircases is excellent. There are comments about the operation of the elevators; they often break down, but this is most likely due to the heavy load. There are cameras only on the intercom. There is no security, many apartments are broken into and robbed, cars are also stolen and robbed. In general, the problem of security is acute; residents unite and are on duty themselves at night.
The area is patrolled by police. The camera is only in the intercom for now. The elevators work fine.
The inside is fine, the elevators are rubbish (1 freight and 1 passenger), cameras are only on the intercom in the front door, or someone installed it on the floor on the common door, there are tiles on the floor everywhere, quite decent, there is no security - this is economy class.

Infrastructure for everyone

7. Availability of adult and children's honey. institutions (state and non-state) - are there any, have you visited them, how far away?

ANNA: There is nothing in our area.
KONSTANTIN: We didn’t visit such establishments, but I didn’t even see them in our area.
OLGA:Social and state There are no institutions on the territory of the residential complex; they promise to build them gradually, starting in 2016. The problem is acute, because According to surveys of residents in the residential complex, more than 2 thousand children in need of kindergartens and about 1,500 children in schools have to be transported to the city, to the nearest areas.
ANDREY:In Okhta, the clinic will be built only in 2016. The nearest one is 10 minutes away by car.
IGOR: None.

8. Availability of kindergartens and schools - are they there, how far away?

I don’t know, we don’t have children yet.
There is nothing except playgrounds near houses.
Not in Okhta. But they are being built. Delivery 2016. And so for now I take the child to Yesenin (there is a school there).
Absent, there are only within the Ring Road, and Okhta is outside the Ring Road.

9. Availability of shopping and entertainment complexes (+ cinemas + fitness + swimming pools + active recreation + recreation areas in the form of parks and water bodies).

ANNA: There is nothing.
There is nothing nearby.
OLGA: There is 1 Dixie store. We go to the tape, but we have a car, it’s difficult for others, societies. transport (bus 177) is overcrowded, there are no commercial minibuses.
ANDREY: For now only playgrounds.
IGOR:None, the nearest is Mega Parnas/Academic/Rodeo Drive.

10. Availability of minimarkets, hypermarkets, pharmacies - how far and how convenient is it to get there?

ANNA: There is a Dixie grocery store on site. This is all.
KONSTANTIN:All large grocery stores are outside the territory of the kada. The closest one is the tape, a little further, okay. There are practically no shops within walking distance, but this is not a problem if you have a car.
OLGA: The same.
ANDREY: R poison Lenta (by car 10 minutes), Mega is not so far if you also go by car.
IGOR:There's Dixie next door - that's all. The nearest pharmacy/shop is Prizma on Toksovskoye Shosse/Lenta on Prosveshcheniya, pharmacies near the Grazhdansky Prospekt metro station - accessible by taxi, car, bus, which runs every half hour.

11. Are there playgrounds?

ANNA: Yes.
Yes, there are children's playgrounds.
OLGA: IN I already said above - there are very good ones.
ANDREY:D There are many playgrounds.
IGOR:There are many playgrounds and very good ones, children and mothers are happy.

Security and service

12. Is there a management company (management company)? How does it work? What are you happy with and what are you not happy with?

ANNA: There is a management company, but there was no competition, it was appointed by the developer, there was even a court hearing about this. They work poorly, the tariffs are too high.
We have a management company, but it works very poorly. Recently we asked about a burnt-out light bulb in the entrance, the request was accepted, but no one has fixed it yet. They also complained that the elevator walls were being cleaned with a mop. Also no results. In general, they are reluctant to respond to requests and comments from residents.
There is a management company, for the first three months they were extremely outraged by the cleaning of the MNP, the territory - it was not there. The tariffs were also outrageous, about 20% higher than the tariffs approved by the St. Petersburg tariff committee. All resources (water, electricity, heat) on time, with the exception of rare outages.
There is a management company (revival of St. Petersburg). Tariffs have been doubled. They don’t make contact with people. In general, the management company is not happy
The manager is Vozrozhdenie, roughly speaking, the developer is the manager, the floors are washed, everything is repaired, the garbage is taken out every day in normal new expensive cars, so there is no sound or smell. Cons of the house - really bad elevators, they break down every day - Shcherbinsky plant - they are constantly being repaired, they are constantly breaking down. That's why there is always a lift operator! There is no garbage chute - I would consider this a plus, because everyone takes their waste outside and therefore the stairs are clean and do not stink of garbage.

13. How are things with parking? Are there paid places?

ANNA: The parking lots have not been built yet, and there are not enough parking spaces. Moreover, not everyone has arrived yet.
KONSTANTIN: The developer said something about paid parking, but it doesn’t exist yet. You have to park anywhere. There is not enough space.
OLGA: There are parking lots, but they haven’t been put into operation yet, I think the problem is expensive maintenance, because... not all the places in them have yet been sold, they are very expensive (from 350 to 500 thousand per place + monthly utilities about 2 thousand rubles) - there are few people willing to buy them. There are no paid parking lots yet, because... The developer has not yet transferred the land to the city, and the administration cannot give commerce permission in this matter.
ANDREY: Parking is difficult. There are no open paid parking lots and there won’t be until construction is completed. Parking spaces for sale.
IGOR: P there are a lot of arches, 2 or 3 of them, very expensive for Okhta and therefore irrational in terms of purchase, because for this money you can buy a comprehensive insurance cover for 10 years in advance, and the field and forest seem to allow you to park the car anywhere and anytime. There is enough free parking around the house, but there are still not enough spaces; cars, as in any new complex, are regularly stolen.

14. Is the area landscaped? Is waste collection carried out regularly? Are the front doors removed?

ANNA: Not regularly. The territory has been landscaped.
The area looks decent, the front doors are not always cleaned, although there is a cleaning schedule. Garbage is removed normally.
The lawns are mostly landscaped, but due to the lack of parking spaces, many people park directly on them. The management company cleans up, the garbage is mostly construction, more or less tolerable, but it could be taken out more often. The front doors are being cleaned. I rate the cleaning 4 out of 5.
The garbage is taken out, but they could do it more often. It's the same with cleaning.
Yes, there are noise-absorbing panels, the garbage is taken out regularly, the garbage trucks are new and clean - it’s nice to look at, the front doors are cleaned and on the floors too - 230 rubles is all a pleasure. And for garbage removal 280 rubles per month.

15. Amount of utility bills (optional, satisfied or not satisfied).

ANNA: Payments are too high.
Utility bills are too high (we proceed from the tariffs for similar houses in the city), when we ask the Criminal Code why and the requirement to justify them, they answer that “not on the market”, what they put in, you pay - this is insulting and incomprehensible, we believe that our Criminal Code is not far-sighted on this issue. We are ready to pay inflated tariffs, but only if they are justified. The question remains unclear to the owners why the district administration has not yet held a competition to select a management company, although at our requests the State Housing Property Inspectorate and the Federal Antimonopoly Service gave them such an order (to hold a competition). Currently, the owners are preparing their general meeting to elect a house council and approve the main terms of the agreement with the management company (tariffs, reporting, etc.).
The last receipt was for 3000 without heating and water (two-room apartment).
Well... of course, they are a little overpriced, but I can afford to pay for it.


16. What is the situation with transport accessibility? How far is it to a public transport stop?

ANNA:We made a stop right at the complex. There is 1 bus and 1 minibus.
KONSTANTIN: I don't know what public transport is available because we drive a car. But I saw a stop right next to our complex.
OLGA: The stops are nearby, but not well-maintained; you have to get wet in the rain and wind. I rate public transport at 2 points - rare and overcrowded, additional transport is urgently needed.
ANDREY: ABOUT station near my house. 2 minutes walk.
IGOR:No, the stop is very close, it doesn’t take long to walk.

17. How long does it take to get to the Ring Road, metro, city center by car and/or public transport?

ANNA: 10 minutes to the metro, 3 minutes to the ring road.
KONSTANTIN: It's about 8 minutes by car to the metro, 2-3 minutes to Kad, it's very close. It takes a long time to get to the center - more than an hour, especially during rush hour.
OLGA: By car everything is quick, along the same ring road - 40 minutes and in the center. To the nearest metro 10 minutes, by public transport to the metro 20 minutes, to the center with a lot of transfers an hour and a half.
ANDREY:D about Ring Road 5 min. To metro station 10 (by car). I don’t go to the center by car.
IGOR:It’s really far from the center, so it’s better not to go there by car. The metro is close, that is, you can easily get to it in 10 minutes, and you can also get to the Ring Road quickly if there is no traffic jam.


18. What rating (from 1 to 10) would you give to the complex?

ANNA: I would give the complex a 4. Poor infrastructure, I don’t like the work of the management company.
KONSTANTIN: 6 out of 10. Overall, the complex is not bad, but there are minor flaws. More suitable for those who have a car.
OLGA: Overall, I would rate the residential complex a 6. The houses were put into operation on time (10 points), the houses are excellent! But for the dirt in the apartment, house and on the territory when moving in and the efficiency in eliminating comments - I reduce it to 6 points. Including the lack of infrastructure (walking distance to schools, kindergartens, clinics, shops, pharmacies, etc.), parking. The security of the residential complex and transport accessibility by public transport have not been thought out. According to the management company chosen by the developer, the score is not higher than 4, there are problems with the service personnel (these are their words), as a result - there is no proper quality of services provided at the tariffs that are stated. Often, the management company throws the blame at the developer (for lack of light in the MOP, poor performance of elevators, etc.), forcing the owner to conduct endless correspondence with the developer to eliminate any reason identified during the operation of the building.
ANDREY: I'll give it an 8. No parking, bad management company. There is no infrastructure, but all this is temporary. So everything suits me.
IGOR:Probably 9. There are some downsides, but there are also a lot of upsides! Quite worthy for an economy class residential complex.

Information for developers

Corporate name of the legal entity (according to the organization’s charter) Limited Liability Company "Management Company "Okhta-Service"
abbreviated name LLC "UK "Okhta-Service"
Organizational and legal form Limited Liability Companies
Full name of the head Vasiliev Dmitry Alexandrovich
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 7804468994
Main state registration number / main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRN/OGRNIP) 1117847394499
Place of state registration of a legal entity (address of the legal entity)
Address of the actual location of the controls St. Petersburg, pr-kt. Piskarevsky, 20, lit. A, item 1H
Mailing address St. Petersburg, pr-kt. Piskarevsky, 20, lit. A, item 1H
Opening hours, including hours of personal reception of citizens On weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00, lunch from 13:00 to 14:00. Personal reception of the director at the address: N. Devyatkino, st. Shkolnaya, house 8 every Monday from 16 to 19. The emergency service accepts requests around the clock by phone. 296-80-02.
Information about the work of the dispatch service:
Contact phone numbers 4988358, 296-86-65
Fax 4988358
Email address (if available) [email protected]
Official website on the Internet (if available)
Number of houses under management, units. 22
Area of ​​houses under management, sq. m 205 761,10
Staffing (determined by the number of concluded employment contracts), incl. administrative staff, engineers, workers, people.
Information about the membership of the management organization, partnership or cooperative in a self-regulatory organization. Self-regulatory organization "Association of management and operating organizations in the housing sector" 191002, St. Petersburg, st. Rubinshteina, 20

Driving directions

Address: St. Petersburg, pr-kt. Piskarevsky, 20, lit. A, item 1H
Supervisor: Vasiliev Dmitry Alexandrovich
Telephone: 296-86-65
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Popular answers to questions about housing and communal services

For an individual, it is possible to use a tariff schedule differentiated by zone of the day (two-tariff accounting). What are the time zones for this tariff and what is the effect of this tariff on weekends and holidays?

According to paragraph 71 of the Methodological Instructions for calculating regulated tariffs and prices for electric (heat) energy in the retail (consumer) market, approved by order of the Federal Tariff Service dated 06.08.2004 No. 20-e/2 (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Instructions), for individuals it is allowed to differentiate electricity tariffs by two zones of the day - “day” and “night”. Differentiated tariffs are calculated and approved by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs in accordance with the above paragraph of the Methodological Instructions...

As part of the activities of retail markets, electric energy supplied by guarantee suppliers, energy supply organizations, energy sales organizations, and consumers is sold at regulated tariffs established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs (regional tariff services), including regulated prices (tariffs) for population...

Books on housing and communal services

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  • Fines and penalties: traffic police, loans, housing and communal services, taxes

    Publisher: Omega-L. Year: 2011.

    The people preparing this book for publication are confident that Russian citizens should know not only their responsibilities. Each of us has rights that protect citizens from arbitrariness, and not knowing about them means exposing yourself and your budget to daily threat. The book contains unique material on fines and penalties in various areas: traffic police, housing and communal services, taxes, loans (including mortgages), etc., which sometimes have their own, complex, and sometimes quite contradictory...

  • How to save on housing and communal services. Step-by-step instruction

    Publisher: Prospekt. Year: 2015.

    Today we are faced with new realities in the field of housing and communal services. The annual rise in prices for utilities - electricity, water, gas and heat - encourages us to stop passively observing what is happening. What do you owe and what do you owe, how and on what basis to defend your rights as an owner, to resist the behind-the-scenes...

Since the end of 2015, low-income citizens have been accommodated in the Novaya Okhta residential complex in the northeast of St. Petersburg under a social program. Graduates of orphanages live in more than 900 apartments. On October 19, blogger Ilya Varlamov published a post that dozens of residents complain on social networks about former orphanage residents who allegedly damage the front doors and are constantly making noise.

How does the management company help solve problems of vandalism and property damage, what do the police say about the crime level in the area, and what else are local residents unhappy with? "Paper" I have collected everything that is known about the Novaya Okhta residential complex.

Blogger Ilya Varlamov published a post about complaints from residents of Novaya Okhta

On October 19, Ilya Varlamov published a post on his LiveJournal about the Novaya Okhta residential complex. In it, he talks about constant vandalism and “inadequate punks who create problems for other residents every day.” The blogger connects this with the settlement of children from orphanages in the complex.

Varlamov claims that in 2015, Smolny purchased 1,725 ​​apartments in the complex out of 4,491 in order to distribute some of them to socially disadvantaged citizens. At the same time, the blogger notes that apartment buyers were not warned about this.

Varlamov attached screenshots to the post in which residents of Novaya Okhta complain that vandals paint obscenities on the doors of their apartments and elevators, break mailboxes, break glass of windows and doors in the front doors, and often find vomit and feces on balconies and elevators the next morning.

The blogger also claims that the residential complex is made up of “cheap houses without infrastructure.” As evidence, he uses screenshots in which residents complain about “terrible audibility,” often breaking elevators, playgrounds opposite trash cans, and a lack of parking.

Residents of Novaya Okhta found errors in Varlamov’s post, but agreed that problems exist

Complaints about vandalism, damage to property and noisy neighbors began to be published on forums where the complex is discussed from the beginning of 2016, but people started talking about it en masse only in March 2017. Residents mainly complained about their neighbors who were accommodated under a social program.

"Paper" interviewed those residents of Novaya Okhta whose comments from social networks Varlamov used in his post. Four of the seven residents confirmed that the problems described in the material really exist, but only in three houses where children from orphanages were settled: No. 64 on Murinskaya Road and No. 7, Building 1 and Building 2 on Korneya Chukovsky Street. It is in these houses that the respondents themselves live.

Tatiana Smirnova, lives in Novaya Okhta since September 2016:

It seems to me that most of the details given in [Ilya Varlamov’s] material relate specifically to these three “candles.” In a house that is given to large families, for example, everything is calm. And in our country, someone constantly breaks elevators; they stand for two or three days without being repaired; once every two months, it happens that someone defecates in the elevator cabin on a holiday.

At the same time, residents note that most of the screenshots that Varlamov provides in his post are taken from groups one house in the residential complex “Ulitsa Korneya Chukovskogo 7/1”.

Andrey Shurygin, lives in Novaya Okhta since 2015:

This is not a problem for the entire area, but maybe just for a few houses. And these are not all graduates of the orphanage, but maybe only some of them. Varlamov chose all the worst, but did not give the other side. When I walk through the places he photographed, I see a completely different picture. And if I had a camera, I would have shot it differently.

Experts working with children attribute the rowdy behavior of orphanage graduates to the mass settlement next to each other

According to the city administration, 900 apartments have been purchased in Novaya Okhta for graduates of orphanages. As Human Rights Commissioner Svetlana Agapitova notes in an interview with Novaya Gazeta, the mass settlement of former orphanage residents into neighboring houses is an uncommon but forced practice. They do this because “the city has a certain amount for the purchase of housing and technical specifications.” Basically, according to her, graduates of orphanages are accommodated separately: in houses that they inherit from deceased parents or former guardians, or from which residents have been evicted.

According to Agapitova, now in St. Petersburg there are already areas of compact residence for graduates of orphanages. These are, for example, Shushary and Krasnoye Selo. She notes that local residents “refuse to go to this area (Shushary - approx. "Papers"): they believe that the crime situation there is quite serious.”

The fact that graduates of orphanages can make noise and damage front doors is explained by Stellit manager Marina Kutsak, who is involved in social programs in the field of public well-being, by the fact that, living next to each other, they cannot adapt to new conditions and continue to live the same way. like in an orphanage. She notes that this is further aggravated by the fact that “here they provide housing not just for orphans, but for orphans from one institution.” An important factor, according to her, is also the fact that former orphanage residents receive 58 thousand rubles a month as benefits (for six months or until they find a job - approx. "Papers") and “after such an amount, they don’t want to pay a salary of 20 thousand.”

The management company of Novaya Okhta confirms that there are problems, but claims that it fully fulfills its obligations

The press service of the management company "Vozrozhdenie", which services Novaya Okhta, claims that they are familiar with the problems of the complex and have contacted the administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district, trying to solve the problems of vandalism and damage to property. According to them, now they can only correct cases of property damage or vandalism.

We are replacing broken windows, lamps, and installing fencing for elevator equipment to prevent any interference,” the company says. According to them, cleaning service specialists in the area sometimes work above normal.

The company also notes that the cleanliness of public places must also be maintained by the residents of the house, and in some cases, due to the “dishonesty of some of them,” it is impossible to respond promptly.