Write-off and transfer of receivables upon liquidation. How to restore debt collection deadlines? - question to a lawyer

The receivable is subject to write-off if the statute of limitations has not expired. The basis for this is the approval of the relevant order.

The fact of write-off guarantees the reliability of the generated reporting, since information about the debtor’s debt obligations are mandatory components of accounting for the organization’s liabilities and assets.

Necessity of the procedure

Debt is formed if:

  • the supplier who accepted the prepayment did not ship the paid products for various reasons or did not provide the service;
  • the buyer has not properly fulfilled his obligations to pay for goods, services or work;
  • the borrower was unable to repay the loan issued to him;
  • the worker was unable to account for the amounts given to him on account.

In accounting it is subject to write-off:

  • upon expiration of the limitation period;
  • in other situations in which it becomes impossible for further collection, for example, due to liquidation.

Please note that debt is written off separately for each existing obligation.

The procedure for writing off debt obligations in tax accounting is regulated by Art. 265 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Among the regulations are:

  • in accounting, write-offs are carried out in accordance with Regulation No. 34n;
  • reflection of debt in accounting is regulated by Federal Law No. 129;
  • the period for displaying the debt, including the procedure for fulfilling the assigned obligations, is regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In the balance sheet of companies, the transaction is displayed in accordance with Order No. 66.

Transfer procedure

In the event of liquidation of a company with receivables, the reason for write-off is considered extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, capable of officially confirming the closure of the enterprise. If the debtor is only at the stage of bankruptcy, then write-off is not possible until the completion of the bankruptcy proceedings.

When a company is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities according to a decision of the tax authority, this fact is not directly related to liquidation, which makes it impossible to cancel the debt.

In this case, according to the explanations of the Ministry of Finance, there is only several exits:

  • make personal demands against the debtor and thereby initiate bankruptcy proceedings - within the first 3 months after exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • appeal exclusion from the register by appealing to a judicial authority - within 1 year.

Having decided to forgive the debt in full or in part, for example, by signing a settlement agreement, this operation has a gratuitous transfer of property rights in accordance with Art. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

It follows that this amount of funds cannot be reflected in costs.

The liquidation procedure can be:

  • voluntary;
  • forced.

A distinctive feature is that the company can voluntarily decide to terminate its activities, and in the latter case there is an obligation imposed by regulatory authorities and the court in particular.

You can make your own decision if:

  1. Mergers of one organization with another. In such a situation, several enterprises are forced to stop employment and register in a new way.
  2. Acquisitions by one organization of another- one of them stops working, and the other transfers ownership of its property.
  3. If, at the end of the second year of operation, the cost of the organization’s net assets becomes lower than the available amount of authorized capital.
  4. If the company's management has decided to terminate their employment. For example, an organization was declared unprofitable, and the owners decided to close it because there were no development prospects.

According to Art. 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the liquidation procedure means the termination of work without the transfer of rights and obligations in the established procedure for the succession of its activities to other persons, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If an enterprise is closed, the company is excluded from the register of legal entities, as a result of which all existing shares are burned, i.e. She doesn't owe anyone anything anymore.

Compulsory liquidation occurs when:

  • declaring it insolvent - if the initiators are creditors;
  • exclusion of an inactive enterprise from the state register of legal entities by the tax service.

The tax authority may make such a decision if:

  • over the last year, the company did not provide reports regarding taxes and fees - in accordance with Federal Law No. 129;
  • the company did not carry out transactions on at least one current bank account - according to Art. 21.1 Federal Law No. 129.

In addition, forced liquidation is possible if:

  • In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for more than six months, there was data about a legal entity, in relation to which an entry was made regarding their unreliability - according to Art. 21.1 of Federal Law No. 129;
  • the enterprise must be closed, but it does not have enough funds for the procedure, and it is not possible to assign all the costs to the owners.

For your information, during the liquidation period the company is forced to repay all debt obligations assigned to it. Repayment is carried out at the expense of the enterprise’s property (these include: fixed assets, cash capital in cash and on hand, materials and goods), as well as through collection of receivables.

Upon completion of the procedure, a corresponding entry must be made in the state register regarding the exclusion of the enterprise from it.

In case of non-payment of debt, debt obligations are considered uncollectible and are subject to further write-off.

Basic postings

The procedure for writing off debt obligations in a company's accounting directly depends on whether there is a reserve for doubtful debt obligations.

If available, you must make a note: Debit 63 Credit 62 (76 or another account for accounting for debt obligations to the company)— write-off of receivables from the reserve for doubtful debts.

If the amount of debt obligations is greater than the available reserve, then the resulting difference is applied to the account of other expenses: Debit 91.2 Credit 62(another account may be used).

Written off debt obligations are subject to storage for 5 years and must be accounted for in debit account 007 in full. Only after the expiration of the specified period is it subject to final write-off.

In the absence of a formed reserve, the following postings must be made:

  • Debit 91.2 Credit 62(an account may be assigned to another - writing off as expenses funds that are not possible to receive);
  • Debit 007— written-off debt obligations are taken into account.

It is necessary to store documentation that confirms the fact of writing off receivables for accounting purposes for at least 5 years from the moment the circumstances arose.

On account 007, it is necessary to maintain analytical accounting directly in the context of each counterparty.

Expert advice on writing off accounts receivable is shown in the video below.


Currently, there is an urgent problem in the Russian Federation - high amounts of receivables from organizations providing housing and communal services. Moreover, in some regions of our country the situation of resource supply organizations can be called extremely difficult. In fact, for such organizations, accounts receivable is the predominant area of ​​capital investment. It follows that in order to avoid ineffective activities, housing and communal services suppliers need competent organization of work to collect debts from consumers. In this article, we examined the main models for organizing debt collection activities in the housing and communal services sector, and examined ways of cooperation between resource supply organizations and collection agencies. We also analyzed the effectiveness of collection companies in the housing and communal services sector, examined the issue of maintaining the personal data regime, and in conclusion, offered our own solutions to the problems of large receivables in the housing and communal services sector.

collection agency

debt collection

housing and communal services

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Housing Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004

3. Portal “Housing and communal services reforms” [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.reformagkh.ru. (date of access: 10/23/2014)

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.”

6. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2013 N 353-FZ “On consumer credit (loan)”.

One of the most important problems of housing and communal services (HCS) is the problem of receivables for payment for services provided to the population and tenants of premises.

As an example, Fig. 1 shows the debt of the population, in some regions of the country, to resource supply organizations.

Rice. 1. Debt of the population for housing and communal services in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2013.

To combat this phenomenon, it is necessary to competently organize work to collect debts from consumers of housing and communal services.

Material and research methods

Accounts receivable are formed due to non-payment of bills issued to consumers within the specified time frame. Consequently, accounts receivable are deferred revenue from organizations providing housing and communal services.

Inaction or lack of well-established work to collect debts for housing and communal services entails a rapid increase in consumer debts, because In this case, the population or tenants remain unpunished and do not feel due responsibility.

In this case, special attention should be paid to reducing and preventing newly incurred debts, because The longer the debt is not paid, the less value it is valued taking into account inflation.

The system of working with debtors involves the implementation of several measures: debt monitoring, debt prevention, pre-trial debt reduction and debt collection through the court.

When carrying out monitoring, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of the debt, the amount of debt for each individual defaulter, serviced house (facility) and the dynamics of debt formation.

To determine the areas of work with debtors in the monitoring process, it is recommended to classify debts according to various criteria, for example, by the deadline for fulfilling obligations: current and overdue debts. Overdue debt is characterized by the fact that the legal period for its repayment has expired. Depending on one or another criterion, the direction of further work is selected.

At the stage of debt prevention, general measures are carried out. They are aimed at eliminating the objective causes of debt.

Effective measures to prevent debt include improving the quality of customer service, including improving the payment system for housing and communal services. To achieve this, it is recommended that housing and utility supply organizations carry out the following activities:

    Carry out quick recalculation for short deliveries or provision of low-quality services;

    Provide timely delivery of invoices to consumers for payment of housing and communal services;

    Ensure prompt provision of clarifications on accrued amounts;

    Develop alternative payment systems for housing and communal services;

    Develop and implement reminder systems for payers.

Also, in some cases, it is possible to create the necessary conditions for a consumer who has a lack of funds so that he can reimburse payments for housing and communal services not in money, but in another way. For example, to pay off a debt, perform any work for an organization that provides housing and communal services.

Measures to reduce debt should begin immediately, starting from the appearance of the first overdue debt.

These include notifying debtors through postal notices and telephone calls, visiting debtors, repaying debts by concluding agreements, and suspending or restricting the provision of housing and communal services.

For a large proportion of debtors whose debts appeared less than two months ago, one reminder is enough for them to pay off the debt. A method of notification that is often used is the publication of “black lists” of debtors for payment of housing and communal services on Internet sites and on notice boards in front of entrances. However, there is a question about the legitimacy of this method.

Visits to defaulters by housing and communal services workers are carried out with the aim of jointly finding a solution to the problem. And this approach, at the first stage, is effective. During a personal meeting, the reasons for the debt are clarified and the consumer is offered possible repayment options. In addition, when visiting the debtor, he is provided with information about existing subsidies that he can take advantage of, and the benefits of timely payment of utility bills are explained.

A compromise option for repaying debts is to conclude agreements with the consumer. This method saves the parties from going to court. In the process of implementing this activity, it is possible to conclude a variety of transactions between resource supply organizations and debtors, for example:

    Agreement to change the method of fulfillment of obligations. According to this agreement, the debtor, in order to repay the debt, performs the necessary work. In legislation, agreements of this kind are usually called compensation agreements;

    An agreement to replace one obligation with another: novation of a debt into a loan obligation (clause 1 of Article 414 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The debt is transferred to the category of loan, i.e. the defaulter is obliged to pay the organization also interest on the debt;

    An agreement to repay a debt within a specified period. This agreement establishes a strict period within which the debt must be repaid;

    Agreement on transfer of debt to another person (Article 391 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Suspension or restriction of the provision of housing and communal services is a measure of contractual liability and pre-trial influence, and also includes the accrual of penalties.

The collection of penalties is of a compensatory and punitive nature, i.e., it is aimed at punishing the debtor and compensating for the losses of the resource supplying organization. In accordance with Part 14 of Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, penalties are established in the amount of one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from amounts not paid on time for each day of delay. At the same time, an increase in the amount of penalties established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

The conditions for suspending or restricting the provision of housing and communal services to citizens are provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011. N354.

Suspension or restriction of the supply of utilities is carried out in the following order:

1) the resource supplying organization sends the defaulter a written notification that in case of failure to repay the debt within 1 month from the date of sending this letter, the provision of utility services to him will be suspended or limited. A list of such services is attached to the notice, which is transmitted to the debtor by delivery against signature or sending by registered mail;

2) if the consumer fails to repay the debt, within the period established in the notification, the resource supplying organization has the right to limit the provision of utility services with a preliminary written notice of this to the consumer three days in advance;

3) if the debt is not repaid after 1 month from the date of introduction of the restriction, the resource supplying organization has the right to suspend the provision of utility services, with the exception of heating, cold water supply and sanitation.

Limiting the provision of housing services for the maintenance and repair of common property of the house is practically impossible.

Let's consider debt collection through legal proceedings. If the debtors have not fulfilled their obligations for timely and full payment of housing and communal services, the debt can be collected forcibly. The parties turn to court settlement if the pre-trial proceedings did not lead to a positive result, i.e. appealing to the courts is advisable if all pre-trial measures have been used.

Types of judicial enforcement measures include collection of arrears in payment of housing and communal services, collection of penalties, eviction of a defaulter from a rented residential premises (Article 90 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The law does not provide for the eviction of the owner from his apartment on the basis of debts for housing and communal services in any amount. However, if the apartment is not the only housing for the defaulter, recourse to foreclosure is possible.

Thus, for resource supplying organizations, the main principles in working with debtors should be the construction of clear, planned and regulated actions in relation to consumer debtors, as well as the prevention of debts and their liquidation in the early stages, because further work on debt collection requires much greater financial costs, human and time resources.

From the first day a debt arises and at any time until its repayment, this debt can be transferred to collection agencies - agencies for comprehensive legal collection of debts, the number of which in Russia does not stop growing. In Fig. 2. Some regions are depicted, indicating the number of collection organizations registered in them.

Fig.2. Number of collection agencies registered in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2014

Comparing Fig. 1 and fig. 2 we can conclude that in those regions where collection activities are actively developing, the situation with the population’s debts to pay for housing and communal services is more favorable.

Collectors' methods provide informational motivation for debtors to behave appropriately. A characteristic feature of collections is their ability to develop a single effective method for collecting debts that have similar grounds (loans, utilities). Such integrated work schemes are several times cheaper than individual approaches.

Today, there are two main options for cooperation with collection agencies. The first of them involves concluding an agreement between the resource supplying organization and the agency. The text of the agreement contains data such as: amount of debts, number of debts, repayment terms, information on the debtor, form and amount of remuneration for collectors, etc. In this case, the collector must select and appoint a responsible person who will control and coordinate the work of collectors.

The second option of cooperation involves the sale of debt under an assignment of rights agreement. As a result of concluding such an agreement, the collector becomes a collector, and the resource supplying organization receives a certain amount for the sale of rights previously owned by it. It should be noted that this form of cooperation with collection agencies is somewhat less common than the first option, since such agencies often do not have significant amounts of funds on hand.

Let's consider payment systems for collection agency services.

At the moment, there are three main payment systems for collection services. According to the first system, the amount of remuneration to collectors is calculated as a percentage of the total amount of funds received from the debtor. The amount of remuneration depends on the length of delay and can reach 50% of the debt amount if the delay is more than 1 year. This system helps motivate the collector, because in case of unsuccessful work, he will not receive remuneration. However, when using this payment system, there is a risk that low-income cases will remain unattended by collectors and lie on the shelf until the statute of limitations expires.

The second payment system involves transferring a fixed sum of money to the collection agency. This payment system is most often used in cases where the likelihood of debt collection is quite high. It should be noted that in most such cases it is more profitable to collect debts on the resource supplying organization’s own resources.

The third type of payment system is mixed, and implies a combination of the first two systems. In this case, the collection agency is assigned both a flat payment amount and a reward in the form of a percentage of the amounts returned for successful collection of the debt.

Attention should be paid to the fact that if the resource supplying organization has receivables, it is also a debtor. The organization is obliged to pay for the resources that it delivers to consumers. Consequently, by giving collection agencies interest on amounts owed by consumers, or by paying collectors for their work in fixed amounts, she deprives herself of the opportunity to repay her accounts payable. Based on this, we propose a fourth type of payment system, in which only accrued penalties would be transferred to the collection agency, and the debt amounts would be returned intact to the account of the resource supplying organizations. The use of this type of payment would allow housing and communal services suppliers to work without harming their activities and would minimize the risks of bankruptcy.

A difficult legal issue is the issue of maintaining the regime for personal data of debtors.

In the Russian Federation, all organizations that process and store personal data must be included in the Roskomnadzor Register of Personal Data Processing and comply with the requirements of the relevant laws (Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”). If these requirements are met, the collection agency has every right to store and process personal data without the right to transfer it to third parties.

However, the transfer of personal data from resource supplying organizations to collection agencies should occur only with the consent of the debtor to transfer his personal data to the collection agency. When concluding an agreement between organizations supplying housing and communal services with consumers, a separate clause should indicate that it has the right to transfer data about the debtor consumer to third parties.

If the debtor does not give such consent, then Roskomnadzor issues an order to the resource supplying organization to stop the unlawful processing of personal data by a third party within three days.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2013 N 353-FZ “On Consumer Credit (Loan)”, which entered into force on July 1, 2014, the transfer of personal data to third parties upon assignment of rights (claims) under a consumer loan agreement is permitted provided that that the person to whom the rights have been assigned is obliged to store the personal data that has become known to him, to ensure the confidentiality and security of this data and is responsible for its disclosure. However, this law does not apply to the activities of resource supply organizations, which means that a detailed development of the legislative framework for collection activities in the Russian Federation is necessary.

Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) In those regions where arrears in payment of housing and communal services reach critical values, it is necessary to create district and city collection agencies for the payment of housing and communal services debts.

2) Resource supply organizations should withhold wages from debtors to pay off the debt for housing and communal services according to writs of execution. According to Art. 66 of Federal Law N119-FZ, such deduction can be up to 50% of the salary amount. If at one time it was not enough to pay off the debt, then the deductions are transferred to subsequent salaries.

3) Based on the research conducted, we consider it advisable to make changes to Part 14 of Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, namely, to increase the amount of penalties to one two hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This change will increase the interest of collection agencies in the fourth type of payment system for their services, which, in our opinion, is the most effective for organizations providing housing and communal services.


Khrustalev B.B., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Organization and Production Management, PSUAS, Penza.

Baronin S.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Lecturer in the Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management, PSUAS, Penza.

Bibliographic link

Kuzin N.Ya., Chevakina N.I. ORGANIZATION OF WORK FOR DEBT COLLECTION IN THE HOUSING AND UTILITIES // Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 6.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=15621 (access date: 05/04/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Now many people want to implement their own business ideas and work for themselves. For business to be effective, you need not only interesting ideas and the ability to implement them, but also some knowledge in the field of financial accounting. In the course of its activities, any organization sooner or later encounters receivables and payables. It is logical that someone owes money to someone, but how to understand who and to whom? It is very important to distinguish between these concepts, because the analysis of the financial and economic details of a legal entity involves their detailed consideration.

Accounts receivable – what is it?

Every person has probably heard how accountants, during the reporting period, have a mysterious debit that does not want to match the mysterious credit. It is necessary to understand that debit, for example, is not accounts receivable at all, but simply an accounting technique. But, of course, there is a connection in the concepts, since “debet” is translated from Latin as “he must.” You just need to understand the following: do we owe it or to us?

Accounts receivable (in common parlance “receivable”) is a collection of financial assets that are owed to a certain organization, firm or company by other legal entities and individuals. In this situation, these persons are called debtors, or, in simple words, our debtors. As a rule, every legal entity has a receivable, because it is almost impossible to conduct business without it. Accounts receivable (RA) is an asset of the organization, and it refers to current assets without taking into account the period in which it must be repaid.

Important: An asset is a collection of property owned by an organization. That is, a receivable is also property, since it is assumed that it will be converted into cash after a certain time.

When do accounts receivable arise? There are several main ways it appears:

  • When a company has sold a product or provided a service, but payment for these goods and services has not yet been received. That is, buyers or customers received the desired product (service), but have not yet paid money for it.
  • When making payments to accountable persons. For example, with traveling employees or with employees who were mistakenly paid more wages than necessary.
  • Prepayment of any goods or services. A case where a company decided to purchase a product and transferred funds to the supplier’s account, but the delivery of these products has not yet occurred. If we talk about services, here we can give an example of a subscription fee paid in advance (a year in advance) for hosting a website on the Internet.

  • When making payments to the budget, it concerns paid taxes and fees.
  • If the founders have debt on contributions to the authorized capital. When opening, for example, an LLC, the founders, according to Russian law, are required to contribute at least ¾ of the amount of the authorized capital before state registration of the legal entity; the remaining portion can be contributed within one year. This part, if the founders did not immediately contribute the entire amount of the authorized capital, will precisely be their receivables.
  • Other cases of occurrence of remote sensing. For example, if a shortage was identified in an organization, then the culprit is obliged to cover it, and the amount he must contribute will be a receivable for the organization.

Let's consider the first case in more detail - imagine that the Alpha company has entered into an agreement with the Gamma company, under the terms of which it undertakes to supply, for example, bricks to Gamma. The agreement stipulates that Gamma must pay for the bricks within one month. Then “Alpha” brings the bricks, “Gamma” confirms their receipt with a seal and signature in the delivery note, but does not pay for it yet, because there is still a whole month left. At this moment, the Alpha company forms a receivable - the goods have been delivered, but the money for it has not yet been received.

Important: in commercial firms, the lion's share of the receivables (about 80-90%) consists of funds that have not yet been received for products supplied or services provided (the example discussed above).

If we talk about timing, then the remote control is divided into two types:

  • Short-term - it is assumed that it will be repaid no later than one year;
  • Long-term – the payment period is more than one year.

The time interval in which the receivable is paid is determined by documents, therefore, based on the presence or absence of payments, the following types of debts are distinguished:

  • Normal debtor – the payment period for the goods or services that caused it has not yet arrived.
  • Overdue receivable – the payment period for it has expired, that is, the buyer received the goods, but did not pay for them within the time period specified in the contract.

Overdue debt can also be classified by type, based on whether there is a likelihood of still receiving debt payments:

  • Doubtful – a debtor is considered such when there is no certainty that the debts will be repaid within the time established by the contract. In this case, the possibility of paying the debt exists, despite the unsatisfactory state of the debtor's financial affairs.
  • Bad debts are debts that are considered almost impossible to pay. For example, if the debtor is declared bankrupt.
  • Unclaimed – for some reason the debt was not claimed, perhaps due to an accountant’s error.

It is necessary to calculate accounts receivable for the following main reasons:

  1. To prepare financial statements.
  2. To analyze the financial condition of the organization.
  3. In order for the manager to have the opportunity to make the right management decisions based on knowledge of the financial situation of his company.

How to calculate receivables? There is nothing difficult about this if the organization maintains accounting records correctly. In each company, the composition of the DZ may differ, so there is no calculation formula that suits everyone, but in general it looks like this:

Accounts receivable= the sum of debit balances on accounts 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76 minus the credit balance on account 63.

The table presents and characterizes the accounts used to calculate receivables:

Of course, a receivable for which no payments have been received cannot be registered with the organization forever; as a result, unpaid debts will be written off. How and when can this be done? The limitation period, determined by Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is 3 years. Therefore, after 3 years, the accounts receivable are written off. And where to? If the company has created a reserve for doubtful debts, then it is reduced by the amount of receivables written off. If there is no such reserve, then profit decreases. When writing off debts, the director of the organization issues an order, and the accountant makes the appropriate entries.

Important: a written-off receivable does not disappear into thin air; according to the law, it must be reflected in account 007, which is off-balance sheet.

Accounts payable – what is it?

Lenders have always existed, probably even before the advent of money. Therefore, as a rule, there are no difficulties in understanding the essence of borrowed funds.

Everyone knows the meaning of the word “credit” - this is our debt to the person who provided us with their money, products, etc. for use. The word comes from the Latin “creditum”, which translates as “loan”. The one who borrows is the borrower, and the one who lends something is the lender.

Accounts payable (in common parlance “creditor”) is the totality of financial assets that our organization owes to other legal entities and individuals, that is, these are our debts to suppliers, employees, etc.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of accounts payable (AC), without it many organizations simply would not be able to operate, since borrowed funds, especially at the initial stage of a company’s activity, stimulate its development and allow it to stay afloat.

Accounts payable are the company's obligations, its liabilities. Liabilities also include loans and borrowings received by the organization.

Several types of creditors can be distinguished, based on the reason for their occurrence:

  • Debts that an organization must repay for products supplied or services provided. For example, our company decided to purchase inventories; they were delivered, but we did not have time to transfer the money for them.
  • If the customer has made an advance payment (made an advance payment) for goods or services that he wishes to receive from our organization. For example, funds have already been transferred to our account, but we have not yet provided services.
  • Debts on accrued tax payments and payments to extra-budgetary funds, arising, as a rule, at the end of the reporting period.
  • Wages accrued to employees until they are paid are considered accounts payable.
  • When making payments to employees (accountable persons), for example, a situation may arise: an employee must purchase something for the organization, he is given funds on account, but in the end he spends an amount exceeding what was given to him. Its overspending will be a debt for the organization that must be repaid.
  • Other cases of settlements with personnel that do not fall into the previous categories.
  • Accrued but not yet paid income of the founders.
  • Debts to other creditors. For example, fines and penalties that the company will have to pay.

Speaking above about receivables, we looked at an example when the Alpha company (it supplies goods, but there is no payment for it yet) has receivables. So at the same moment, Gamma incurred accounts payable.

Important: It should be understood that in order for a company to have a creditor, it is not necessary to take out a loan from a bank. Its presence is a normal state for an organization conducting business activities, since the purchase of goods, payroll, etc. happen all the time.

Any organization needs to know exactly what its accounts payable are? This knowledge will help you competently plan the distribution of available funds.

Creditor (short-term, with a maturity of less than one year)- the sum of credit balances on accounts 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76. The names of these accounts are presented in the table above, only in the case of a shortfall we will owe, not us.

A creditor can be written off if the company has not paid the debt to the counterparty within 3 years. How to do this? You will need the following:

  • Draw up an inventory report of settlements with debtors and creditors;
  • Prepare an accounting certificate.

Important: The company must include a short-term claim with an expired statute of limitations as non-operating income.

You should also be careful about the process of determining the limitation period for a creditor; for this you can use the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 196 and 200).
According to the legislation, the limitation period is calculated from the date specified in the contract, and not from the date, for example, of the actual delivery of goods or provision of services. Example: the Alpha company decided to buy the same bricks from a counterparty and entered into an agreement with Gamma for their supply, which was carried out on June 7, 2014. The agreement stated that Alpha undertakes to make payment by June 20, 2014. There was no payment. From what date is the statute of limitations calculated? From June 20. Therefore, it will expire on June 20, 2017.

How and in what documents are they displayed?

Receivables and creditors are reflected in the company's financial statements - balance sheet (Form 1). The balance sheet consists of two parts - an asset (property) and a liability (capital and liabilities, due to which the property was formed).

Receivables in the balance sheet are shown in the second section of the asset in line 1230. Short-term accounts payable are displayed in the fifth section in line 1520. Borrowed funds in the form of loans and borrowings are located in the fourth section - line 1410 (long-term) and in the fifth section - line 1510 (short-term).

Let's try to answer the most common questions regarding debtors and creditors.

Is accounts receivable insurance required?

Currently, cases of non-payment of receivables by counterparties have become more frequent, so the relevant question is: is it possible to insure the funds that others owe to our company? It is possible, but it is not required by law. Now there are a huge number of companies providing services to protect organizations from the risks of remaining without payments on receivables. To insure against losses, you need to fill out certain documents:

  • A complete list of counterparties with which the legal entity works.
  • A questionnaire-application covering the financial condition of a legal entity.

Based on this data, the policyholder will decide on the terms of insurance. Many companies that used the services of insurance companies in 2008, after the financial crisis, were able to stabilize their position only thanks to accounts receivable insurance. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Therefore, if a company has the opportunity to protect itself from unscrupulous counterparties, it should take advantage of it.

What is the importance of monitoring the debtor to creditor ratio?

To objectively assess the economic condition of an organization, it is necessary to constantly analyze the indicators of its financial and economic activities. Of course, the analysis must be comprehensive; you should not consider, for example, the elements of the balance sheet separately; it is important to be able to look at the situation as a whole. Monitoring the ratio of receivables and payables plays an important role here - the main idea is the following: the amount of receivables should exceed the amount of creditors.
o simple and logical for every person, since the situation is favorable for the organization if it is owed more than it owes. Of course, the opposite option does not mean at all that the company is financially insolvent, because you need to look at other indicators, for example, cash, which may be in excess. True, this happens extremely rarely - if you have money, then why not pay the creditor? Ideally, the company should cultivate a rule according to which the deferment in payment of the contract is approximately equal to the waiting period for payments under the contract.

What is the liability for evading repayment of accounts payable?

This issue is regulated by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 177. Now criminal liability threatens those who evade payment of accounts payable, the amount of which exceeds one million five hundred thousand rubles. Failure to repay such a debt will result in one of the following penalties:

  • Fine (up to two hundred thousand rubles);
  • Mandatory work (up to 480 hours);
  • Forced labor (up to 2 years);
  • Arrest (up to six months);
  • Imprisonment (up to 2 years).

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Thus, the essence of accounts receivable and accounts payable is explained quite easily in simple words - in the first case, we owe money, in the second, we are debtors. It is interesting that there can be one situation, and two of its participants will be different parties: one is a debtor, and the other is a creditor.

This type of debt can be positioned as one of the components of working capital. In addition, it is able to characterize the diversion of working capital for further use by debtors.







Any company keeps records of its income and expenses. This is of great importance for both large and small companies. The concept of accounts receivable often appears in such calculations. In order to analyze accounts receivable data and use it effectively, it is important to have all the information on hand, as well as to build careful control over it. Only in this case can you really achieve a positive result. Today we’ll talk about what accounts receivable is and consider its types.

“Concept” - what accounts receivable “means”

This is the amount of money that organizations are required to pay debtors within specific deadlines. Debtor is a debtor, an individual or legal entity.

An organization's receivables are a component of its assets. It has a negative effect on the company, since the company cannot manage the funds included in it, which means they will not be used for profitable projects right at the moment. Lost time means missed opportunities. This is why controlling the amount of outstanding debt is so important.

Not all novice businessmen understand what accounts receivable is and why it is considered an asset, that is, property. It is explained this way: accounts receivable - what is it? Debts owed to a legal entity from private or other legal entities, but still unpaid.

What is accounts receivable in simple words? What the organization owes. When debts are eliminated within the agreed period, the amount of money in the cash register increases. From here it is obvious that receivables are part of the company’s property.

This tool is not so clear cut.

If you manage receivables skillfully, it allows you to expand the market for services or products promoted by the company, open up new areas for proposed development, and establish new connections. This happens due to deferred payments.

They are varied. Some are directly related to the financial functionality of the company (providing trade credit), others do not depend on it. When they talk about the last option, they most often mean unscrupulous partners. They could agree to the proposed conditions, knowing in advance about their payment insolvency.

Selling managers often focus on collecting funds, while some aspects of the issue, including those directly related to the interests of the company, may be overlooked. This often concerns the solvency of the partner company. The result is the emergence and increase of receivables, which sometimes simply have to be written off.

What are accounts receivable? These are customer debts for services or products shipped. This also includes advance payments to contractors and amounts issued on account for various needs. Accounts receivable include debts on loans that could be issued to employees of the enterprise. Of course, the debt of customers and buyers remains a frequent occurrence. Sometimes receivables arise in non-contractual situations, for example, when causing harm.

What is included in accounts receivable

Two main types of receivables are described:

  1. The one for which the payment deadline has not arrived.
  2. Overdue.

The first one has already been mentioned above. Overdue accounts receivable are debts that were not repaid on time, that is, funds for them were not paid within the terms specified in the agreement. Most of these debts are settlements with counterparties.

Having understood what overdue receivables are, let’s move on to its varieties. It is usually divided into doubtful and hopeless.

The first includes debts that are not paid on time and are not secured by a guarantee or collateral. Such commitments are questionable due to the partner's ability to pay and business reputation. An example of receivables would be the debts of an enterprise whose previous work showed stability, that is, it regularly fulfilled partnership obligations. It may well experience short-term financial difficulties; it is permissible to judge from experience the successful outcome of the transaction, since it is a trustworthy partner. And if a client with whom the contract is signed for the first time behaves in the same way, it is unknown how he will behave. In the latter case, the debt becomes doubtful and is classified as hopeless. The named receivables of an enterprise are debts that cannot be collected after the expiration of the time prescribed by law (three years).

Bad debts can be caused by:

  • Bankruptcy of the organization.
  • Liquidation of the debtor enterprise.
  • End of the limitation period.
  • The impossibility of collecting a debt, even with a court decision. This may be due to the company's transition to operational management, however, such measures are usually associated with bankruptcy proceedings.
  • The content of finances in the debtor's bank account deprives him of the right to continue conducting business. This ban may affect many banks, which is associated with the initiative of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; accordingly, this factor cannot be excluded.

What to do if the company’s accounts receivable are influenced by these factors? Experts say there are two options:

  1. The arbitration court makes a decision to liquidate the bank, but there are no funds to liquidate the company. The debt is called bad and written off. To make such a decision, documents from the debtor confirming his position are considered a necessary component.
  2. The court decided to restructure the bank. In this case, the company has the opportunity to create a reserve for debts of questionable quality and wait for a better situation in the debtor company or bank.

The reporting separates short-term and long-term receivables.

Short-term receivables are those in which the debt is expected to be repaid in less than a year. By long-term we mean a debt for which funds will not be received earlier than twelve months later.

“Control” - what to do with accounts receivable.

Accounts receivable management requires a thorough approach. Some managers thoroughly think through processes related to deferred payments, while others lose sight of this issue. However, practice proves that a frivolous attitude towards receivables often has a disastrous outcome.

Let's return once again to what accounts receivable means. This is a component of working capital. Funds are taken from circulation and used by debtors.

In legal terms, an enterprise’s receivables are property claims against other persons included in the company’s property.

Why do accounts receivable need to be controlled? Because this issue is often directly related to the security of the organization. By postponing its decision, on the one hand, business owners free up a lot of time for themselves. But there is no solution. Moreover, all sorts of unpleasant phenomena are likely to occur:

  1. Money is lost. Receivable: what is it? Sometimes it’s a direct loss of finances. Sometimes there is a connection with shell companies, for which the deferment of payment was not justified. Bribes from them are fine; even a court decision will not be a panacea if you want to get your finances back.
  2. The company's financial strength may be shaken. With regular open accounts receivable, an organization may face the problem of paying salaries, taxes and other payments.
  3. There is inefficient use of resources. Several employees work on accounts receivable at once, including managers, directors, and lawyers. At the same time, the development of new directions may slow down. Plus, the costs in court can also be far from small.
  4. Business reputation suffers. When transferring products to one customer, the second does not receive them (wait). In addition to tense relationships with the clientele, problems are inevitable: some clients are more likely to go to competitors to avoid long waits.
  5. Competitive advantages are lost. Accounts receivable provoke additional expenses. If the company's money is used in circulation, it does not go towards development; if we are talking about borrowed money, then interest is still required to be paid on it.

If you dig deeper, you can find a lot of other problems. Each enterprise will have individual ones, related to the field of activity and other nuances.

Measuring and accounting for each indicator is the basis for smart business. In order to clearly understand what relates to accounts receivable and what became its root cause, you need to constantly analyze indicators and manage the process without letting it take its course.

Important activities when working with accounts receivable:

  • Appointment of a person in charge of its control (auditor).
  • Setting specific dates for receivables control.
  • Introduction of regulations for the transfer of products when deferred payment is applied. Control of its execution.
  • Regular accounting of the amount of accounts receivable.
  • Determination of limits for all counterparties on the duration and amount of deferred payment.
  • It is extremely important to weigh the composition of receivables. Accounting data on receivables can serve as information for such an analysis. It is necessary to take into account not only the amount of debt, but also the time of its occurrence.
  • To understand the state of business activity, organizations often compare the timing of liquidation of receivables with the timing for which it was planned to provide loans.
  • To plan accounts receivable based on the results of the end of the month, experts advise calculating the collection ratio, which demonstrates the share of payment made in the current period before the shipment of products. For example, if a client pays 70% of the amount at the purchase stage, and 30% a month later, the collection ratio can be called 70% this month, and 30% in the next month.

Many people practice recording information about companies that owe debts to debtors. This often brings benefits and allows you to pay off accounts payable against receivables.

Having figured out what accounts receivable means, all that remains is to take control of it. It will be important to have a clearly formed system of rules, which helps to achieve solutions to many problems related in one way or another to receivables. If you keep all the described indicators and points in sight, you don’t have to worry about the health of the company.

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Accounts receivable - information from Wikipedia

The occurrence of receivables

The occurrence of a debt of this type is preceded by a situation in which the goods have in fact already been sold, but the agreed amount has not yet been transferred to the seller’s account. In this situation, no document is drawn up that could confirm the fact of the debt in writing. An exception may be a signature confirming acceptance of the goods on the accompanying document.

Types of accounts receivable

There are several types of accounts receivable. We are talking about normal and expired.

  • In the first case, we are talking about debt for certain goods, which in fact already belong to the buyer, but the payment period has not yet arrived.
  • Overdue accounts receivable are debts for goods for which payment has not been received within the time period specified by both parties. In turn, this type of debt may be doubtful or hopeless. In the latter case, the problem is resolved with the participation of collection agencies.

Regardless of the maturity date of receivables, they relate exclusively to the current assets of the company. Accordingly, this amount is managed at enterprises within clearly established limits. This function is often assigned to a financial manager, general or commercial director. In addition, responsibilities may be divided between the legal department and managers.

Long-term and short-term accounts receivable

The division of receivables into long-term and short-term is determined by the timing of debt repayment by accountable persons, borrowers, customers, and buyers.

There are several types of long-term receivables:

  • for property transferred under financial lease, for example, equipment, buildings, housing;
  • received long-term bills, which are a tool for long-term attraction of financial resources to finance the acquisition of specific assets, the implementation of long-term projects related to the implementation of real investments, etc.

That is, this is a large loan of funds from an organization that is subject to long-term repayment.

This type includes settlements with the budget, repayment of debts on advances paid, accrual of income for the provision of funds for use, internal settlements, etc.

Short-term receivables are treated as payment subject to adjustment of the allowance for doubtful debts or overdue and bad debts. It dominates the total amount of debt because deferment of payment on debt for a period of more than a year is very rare.

An increase in accounts receivable - what does this mean, consequences

The dynamic growth of accounts receivable leads the company to certain financial difficulties. The desire to increase profits by any means possible without taking into account the possible consequences can lead to disastrous results.

For the banking system, an increase in accounts receivable means “pulling out” working capital from circulation and providing it to the borrower in order to receive additional income by returning the loan taken by the client with interest for using the loan. Non-repayment of a loan is a loss of the bank’s own money, and if the number of hopeless defaulters grows and the corresponding work to repay debts is not carried out, then the bank faces losses leading to inevitable bankruptcy.

Also for a trading company, a long-term debt to defer payments for services provided or products supplied can lead to unpleasant consequences in terms of the financial state of affairs and lead to a court settlement.

The solvency of an organization directly depends on the successful management of current assets, and preventing the growth of accounts receivable will prevent a shortage of working capital. If there is inadequate control over payment and settlement discipline and loans are provided without sufficient consideration of the borrower’s solvency, analysis of his reliability in repaying the loan, or market monitoring, then in this case the organization obviously dooms itself to a decrease in the liquidity of its own assets and a decrease in funds in its accounts.

The main goal of the company's management is to keep debt within an acceptable level, which depends on the size of the enterprise, on production volumes, on its territorial affiliation and on many other factors.

Accounts receivable management

Accounts receivables need to be managed differently at different stages. At the preliminary stage, it is very important to objectively assess the client’s reliability and solvency, discuss all the details of the refund procedure, and correctly draw up all the necessary documents.

After this, it is necessary to track the facts of debt payment and take into account the correctness of filling out the papers prepared in advance.

At the stage of active ongoing work with the client, it is also important to resolve the issue of fines for late payments and negotiate all the details of the credit limit.

When overdue receivables arise at the pre-trial stage, a set of works must be carried out to assess the actual level of the client’s solvency. An integral element at this stage are negotiations between the parties, based on the results of which a decision is made regarding further work with the debtor.

If the negotiation process could not fundamentally change the created situation, the stage of legal work with the client begins. After the intervention of the company’s lawyers, the procedure for transferring the debt to collection agencies is carried out. The latter, in turn, take all necessary measures in order to collect the debt through judicial, executive or pre-trial procedures.

Any of these stages can be divided into smaller procedures. The most appropriate style of communication with the debtor is also selected - depending on the situation, a hard or soft style of behavior is used.

The overall outcome of the entire case may depend on how the procedure for returning the amount of money is carried out. The involvement of collection agencies is a last resort. However, few doubt its effectiveness.


What is accounts receivable

Accounts receivable (or, as financiers briefly call it, accounts receivable) are the debts of counterparties to the company. This is money that has not yet been returned to the company. In other words, accounts receivable are everything that is owed to your organization.

Receivables are classified as assets. Indeed, in the future, when the counterparty pays off the debt, the company will be able to manage the money. An organization's receivables include not only money; it can also be in the form of other obligations. For example, a counterparty must transfer goods or provide a service.

When are accounts receivable formed?

The main reason for the occurrence of debt is different dates for the fulfillment of their obligations by the parties to the contract. For example, the product has already been shipped to the supplier, but the buyer has not yet transferred the money.

The presence of debt is an integral part of business (see more about accounts receivable management). Of course, everyone wants to work on prepayment or receive money on the day of shipment, but in practice this rarely happens. Suppliers provide deferred payment or commercial credit. Firstly, not all clients agree to work on an advance payment basis. In order not to lose the sales market, suppliers provide a deferment. Therefore, deferment of payment is beneficial to both parties to the transaction: for the buyer it is an opportunity to temporarily use someone else’s working capital, and for the supplier it is an opportunity to expand the market and increase the number of consumers.

Sales growth and sales volume are almost always inextricably linked with growth in receivables. Therefore, when a company analyzes its indicators, it is necessary to identify the reason for the increase in the number of debts. But too much of this indicator in assets is also bad for the organization. After all, the greater the value of accounts receivable, the greater the risky amount of non-repayment and financial losses

The company's debtors can be different contractors and individuals - suppliers, customers, employees, tax authorities, etc. Here are a few examples of when accounts receivable arise.

  • the company has shipped an advance payment to the buyer, but he has not yet transferred the payment;
  • the organization has transferred an advance payment to the seller, but he has not yet delivered the products;
  • the company transferred more taxes than necessary;
  • the employer issued a loan to the employee.

Types of accounts receivable

The debts of an enterprise are classified on different grounds. For example, the timing of debt repayments is important for accounting purposes. Therefore, debt is divided into two types depending on the maturity of the debt:

  • long-term. These are debts that are expected to be repaid more than 12 months after the conclusion of the contract.
  • short-term. The company expects the receipt of money for such debts in less than 12 months. Such receivables are also called current. When the maturity of the debt, which was originally long-term, becomes less than 12 months, the debts become short-term.

Depending on the receipt of payment, there are also two types of receivables:

  • urgent. For such receivables, the repayment period in accordance with the agreement has not yet arrived. Such debt is also called normal;
  • expired. These are obligations that counterparties did not fulfill on time. The payment date is set by the parties in the agreement. Overdue debt happens doubtful and hopeless.

Doubtful is a debt that with a high probability the counterparty will not repay in whole or in part. The debt becomes doubtful not only if the counterparty is late in payment. If the company has learned from the media or other sources that the counterparty is experiencing financial difficulties. Reserves are created for doubtful debts in accounting and tax accounting.

A debt becomes hopeless if it is no longer possible to collect. This happens in two cases:

  • the statute of limitations has expired. The period must be counted from the date when the organization learned of the violation of its rights. For example, if according to the contract the buyer must pay for the goods no later than October 1, then the delay begins from the next day. Another example is that the loan agreement does not specify the terms for repayment of money. Then the creditor has the right to make a demand for return, and the buyer must return the money within 30 calendar days (see, how to return an overdue receivable).
  • the obligation is terminated due to the impossibility of its fulfillment. For example, the counterparty was expelled from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and the bailiffs made a decision that it was impossible to collect the debt. The rule on exclusion from the state register applies only to legal entities. An individual entrepreneur, even after deregistration, continues to be liable for his debts with all the property belonging to him (Article 24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). A businessman’s debt will become hopeless if the court declares him bankrupt or the bailiff is unable to collect the debts.

How to reduce the risk of doubtful and bad debts.

Every company strives to ensure that doubtful and bad debts do not appear in its activities. There are several effective ways to avoid them.

Prepayment. The company will avoid the risks of non-refund if it includes a 100 percent prepayment condition in the contract. The disadvantage of this method is that not all buyers are ready to work under such conditions.

Ensuring supply. For example, a bank guarantee, a surety agreement, a pledge. If the counterparty does not fulfill its obligations, the company will receive collateral; the debt was paid for by the guarantor.

Letter of Credit. This form of calculation is not often used. In this case, a third party appears in the transaction - the bank, which opens the letter of credit. The buyer transfers funds for payment not to the supplier, but to a special bank account. The bank will notify the supplier that the money is in the account. After this, the seller ships the goods. As soon as the buyer provides the bank with documents confirming the shipment, the bank transfers the money to the supplier’s account. This method is safe for both the buyer and the seller. But it is not popular because of its cost - bank services are not cheap.

VIDEO: What are the risks of non-payment of receivables

Konstantin Anoshkin, a financial expert, explains in a video what the risks of not paying debts are and how to avoid them.

How to analyze an enterprise's receivables

The company monitors not only the amount of debt, but also indicators calculated on its basis:

Accounts receivable ratio (Rr). It shows how much of a company's assets are debts. It is calculated as follows:

Kdz = DZ/A, where

DZ – total amount of receivables

A – all assets of the organization.

Another indicator is the turnover ratio. That is, the speed of repayment of receivables - how quickly counterparties transfer money to the company for goods sold.

This ratio shows how many times during the period the company receives payment from customers in the amount of the average outstanding balance. It shows how effectively the company collects debts from counterparties. The indicator is calculated using the formula:

K odz = Vyr / SrOst dz, where

K Odz – receivables turnover ratio,

Vyr – revenue for the period (see more details about calculation of accounts receivable turnover).

СрОст з – average balance of accounts receivable. To calculate it, add up the accounts receivable at the beginning and end of the period and divide by two.

Based on the turnover ratio, the average number of days during which the debt remains unpaid is calculated.

O dz = 365 / K dz

These indicators do not have normal values. Each company, depending on the specifics of its work, determines within what limits the indicators should be. The higher the turnover ratio, the faster buyers pay off debts. And this is better for any enterprise. But high turnover does not always indicate the efficient operation of the company.


Some accounting terms

When you own your own company, there are a number of terms that you need to understand. Especially when they relate to financial issues, you need to be able to handle them. There are two types of debt in business. And if no one needs credit debt, then receivable debt is nice. To make it clear what we are talking about, you should familiarize yourself with this term.

Accounts receivable(abbreviated as receivable) - debts of counterparties to the company. Example: you drew up an agreement for the sale of products, delivered them, but did not pay you. You, as a reasonable businessman, give a deferment and know that you will be paid this money. By and large, you already think that the finances for the deal are in your pocket, you make plans for them, but take into account that they do not exist yet. This is accounts receivable. This term does not always mean debts in the form of money. In addition, you may be required to give away products or provide services.

The good and bad of accounts receivable

Of course, it is not always pleasant to enter into an agreement and fulfill your part, but not receive yours on time. But there’s no way without this, because that’s how business works. And this concept occurs all the time. Let’s just imagine that you expressed dissatisfaction with the counterparty by fulfilling the terms of the contract and saying that you are waiting for money/products/service/ right this minute. In this case, you risk losing this partner once and for all if you use it as a place to sell products. But if you are patient, you will get a good relationship, possibly new partners, and just respect. Indeed, in any case, the counterparty will be obliged to fulfill its terms of the contract; otherwise, you can sue or try to solve the problem in another way.

If a company plans not to “sit still”, but to develop its business by expanding its sales market and increasing the number of consumers, then it will inevitably face an increase in receivables. Few clients will agree to work with you on an advance payment, so you will have to endure the debt of other individuals towards you. But even a large number of such debts is dangerous for business development. After all, there is a high risk of non-refund of funds or cancellation of the transaction, which may affect all future plans.

Where is the receivable found?

In order to better distinguish between receivables, we should consider them using specific examples:

  • The company delivered the products, but the buyer did not pay the money;
  • An advance payment was made for the service, but it has not yet been completed;
  • The director gave the employee a loan;
  • The tax authorities were transferred more than necessary.

This variety is accounts receivable.

Debt classification

Accounts receivable are characterized to give an idea of ​​it at first glance.

According to the payment period, it is divided into two points:

  • Short term. Within twelve months, the counterparty will have to fulfill the terms of the agreement;
  • Long-term. Debt that is expected to be repaid in more than twelve months. When such a debt must be paid in less than the specified period, it is transferred to short-term.

There are also more unpleasant classifications of debt for the company itself when it comes to late payment of debt. For example, there is a normal receivable - this is when the debt payment period has not yet arrived. A delinquent receivable is an inverse term meaning that the grace date has passed and the debt has not yet been repaid. In this case, overdue receivables are divided into two groups: doubtful and hopeless. A doubtful debt is one that is unlikely to be repaid in full or at least in part. This case is caused by the bankruptcy of the counterparty.


In case of bad debt, the overdue debt cannot be repaid. This happens if the statute of limitations has expired, so it is no longer possible by law to force your partner to repay the debt, except through conscience or other methods. There is another criterion that transfers receivables to the category of bad debts - exclusion of a legal entity from the state register.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the status of your counterparty, especially if it is a legal entity on the verge of bankruptcy. You can learn about the client’s financial situation in advance from the media or other sources. But if an agreement has been concluded with an individual entrepreneur, then even deregistration cannot deprive him of any debts.

To avoid non-payment of receivables, you should carefully write out the contract indicating the date of fulfillment of obligations. After all, if the date is not specified, then you may not get paid, but this should not even stop an experienced entrepreneur. You can submit a return request, and you should be paid the money within a month. You can also request partial or full prepayment. But all this should come from the status of your partner and your business relationship with him. With accounts receivable you need to be careful and attentive, knowing who you can trust and who to be stricter with.


What is considered a company's receivables?

Accounts receivable in accounting implies the amount of debts that are owed to an enterprise or company by the consumer (purchaser) or other categories of debtors for services already performed. In this case, the organization expects to receive this debt within a specific time frame agreed upon with the debtor.

Debtor is a person who is a debtor of an organization that provides services or sells goods.

If we dive deeper into the terminology, then this type of debt is a type of asset, but it should be taken into account that the funds that make up the amount of the debt are not in the company’s account, which negatively affects the balance sheet and financial position.

This allows you to significantly increase sales volumes or the range of potential customers by providing deferred payments.

Structure of accounts receivable and calculation of receivables and its average value

For the normal functioning of an enterprise, it is necessary to build a financial risk management system, an integral part of which should be the analysis of accounts receivable for the timely identification of the possibility of non-repayment of funds.

What is accounts receivable - watch this video:

At the initial stage of building such a system, one should take into account all the data on the existing remote sensing by date, for which it is necessary to distribute it among the component parts of the structure:

  • total amount of debt and number of debtors;
  • the share constituted by the “debtor” in the financial portfolio of the organization;
  • division of debt according to time characteristics;
  • distribution of debt according to the amount of payments.

The simplest formula for calculating accounts receivable (AR) will be:

DZ=DZ 1 +T-R, where

DZ 1 – debt at the end of the previous reporting period;

T – cost of services under the contract;

R – proceeds from sales.

For example, to determine the average receivables, you need to divide the sum of the values ​​of accounts receivable at the beginning and end of the period in half.

Also, for a more complete calculation of debt, turnover, market value, and debt collection period can be taken into account. In this case, it is important to take into account the turnover ratio, which clearly demonstrates the percentage of proceeds per ruble spent.

The formula for calculating turnover is as follows:

Ko=P/average DZ, where

Ko – turnover ratio;

P – revenue received by the organization from sales on credit.

Another indicator, which is calculated mathematically and reflects turnover in days, allows you to present in numbers the period for returning the loan. This indicator is calculated using the formula:

Code=T/Ko, where

Code – turnover period;

T – period of time being analyzed.

Types of debt, such as short-term and long-term and others

There are a large number of criteria that allow the distribution of remote sensing by type. The first, largest division of debt is its distribution according to the time of repayment of the debt due:

  • short-term remote control. This group includes amounts that are expected to be received into the organization’s accounts during the current financial year;
  • long-term remote control. It includes payments that must be received into the account more than a year after the end of the reporting period.

The temporary division is established by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 43 N dated July 6, 1999, which clearly defines the types of debt by maturity.

The next criterion that determines the types of remote control is the receipt of payment. In this case, the debt will be divided into:

  • normal DZ, which includes funds for services rendered or goods sold, the receipt dates of which have not yet arrived in accordance with the current contract;
  • overdue contractual assignment, when amounts for work completed on time were not credited to the organization’s accounts on time.

Following this rule, overdue debt is divided into:

  • doubtful when the financial position of the debtor is far from stable, but there is a chance to receive funds;
  • hopeless, arising in cases of bankruptcy of the debtor. In this case, you should not count on repayment of the debt.
  • deferred debt. A type characterized by an extension of the debt payment period after the preliminary agreement of the parties.

In accounting, it is customary to distinguish another type of debt, determined by the object of the debt:

  • goods, services or other types of work in accordance with the contract;
  • obligations on bills received;
  • settlement transactions with the budget, which includes value added tax paid when passing through customs control in case of import of goods into the country;
  • financial relations with personnel, especially with financially responsible persons;

Reasons for accounts receivable

If there are several types of debt, then there are much fewer reasons for its occurrence. The two main reasons leading to debt are:

  • carrying out the process of normal activities, during which debt is generated due to late payment by customers for work performed;
  • unsatisfactory state of payment discipline, which includes not only untimely fulfillment by debtors of the obligations imposed on them by the contract for timely payment, but also illiterate drafting of the contractual documents themselves.

The primary document appears at the time of the operation (transaction) or immediately after its completion.

It is possible to indicate the moment of transfer of debt payment obligations separately in the “body” of the agreement. Exactly uh that period will be reflected in the corresponding line of the financial statements.

Accounts receivable can be sold, and you will learn exactly how to do this from this video:

If the contract does not separately stipulate the deadline for the obligation to pay off the debt by the buyer, then, in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the time of occurrence of such circumstances is considered to be the moment of shipment of goods by the seller or delivery of services, which is confirmed by a certificate of completion of work or issuance of a bill of lading.

Inventory – the ability to clearly track existing debt

In order to fully know the extent of existing debts on the part of debtors, it is regularly necessary to carry out a process of inventory of remote work through reconciliation acts for each specific agreement.

It should be borne in mind that the moment of signing the reconciliation act is the time of termination of the current contract and is the starting point of the new period.

When carrying out the debt inventory process, it is important to correctly assess the volume of overdue and doubtful debts. It is also equally important to determine the possibility of forming a reserve in the balance sheet of the enterprise based on the amount of doubtful debt.

This requires an analysis of all amounts available in the “accounts receivable” column for their doubtfulness. Debt, the object of which is settlements with personnel, also requires accounting and objective assessment.

Another action during inventory is the analysis of available debit balances on accounts that involve tax payments. This action is carried out in order to identify any overpayments made.

Assignment of receivables under an assignment agreement

Often an organization has situations where it needs to sell its existing remote control. This transaction is carried out within the framework of an assignment of rights agreement, otherwise called an assignment agreement.

The acquisition amount will be the initial value of the receivables for the assignee. Another important nuance of resale of private property is taxation.

If the subject of the assignment agreement is services or goods subject to taxation, then VAT is paid by the acquiring organization not only on the amount of the debt, but also on the difference by which the actual contractual assignment exceeds the cost of the transaction.

In this case, it does not matter how much less the price of the transaction was, VAT will have to be paid in full.