VTB 24 activate your insurance policy. “Hello Neighbor” insurance from VTB Bank

How often, when leaving an apartment or leaving a country house for several months, have you thought about the safety of your own property, which could be damaged by unforeseen incidents? Have you ever wondered how much the losses will cost, and what the cost of restoration will be?

It is in these cases that the “Hello, Neighbor!” insurance policy comes to the rescue. from VTB. The company has been on the market for quite a long time and has managed to establish itself as a reliable insurer, one of the top ten insurers in Russia. The company offers to insure an apartment, house, cottage, as well as the furniture and equipment in them.

A unique offer from VTB Insurance - the “Hello, Neighbor!” policy. The uniqueness is that it can be bought ready-made, with virtually no documents or inspections. The seller may only ask for a passport, although it will also be needed during registration.

This insurance package can be given as a gift or used independently, and all the necessary options are already included in the contract and do not need to be clarified or added.

Rules of property insurance "VTB Insurance"

The sum insured is divided into two parts, one of which protects real estate and personal property, namely:

  • Cosmetic repairs, electrical wiring, water supply and household equipment;
  • All equipment, including video and audio, household;
  • Furniture, jewelry, valuable property and clothing.

The second part protects the insurer's civil liability to neighbors, guests and other third parties who may have suffered as a result of emergency situations.

Insurance situations:

  • Actions prohibited by law, for example, theft, attempted entry, hooliganism, fight, etc.;
  • Flooding, regardless of cause;
  • Natural disasters, eg hurricane, flood;
  • The occurrence of a fire as a result of a lightning strike, short circuit of electrical wiring, explosion of household appliances, etc.;
  • Damage to property as a result of mechanical impact, for example, it can be dropped or scratched.

The cost of a VTB policy under the “Hello, Neighbor!” program

There are six varieties of the “Hello Neighbor!” pole:

Insurance policy costThe maximum amount of payment is sent to protect property (in case of damage to: interior decoration, movable property, household appliances)Maximum amount of payments to pay off civil liability
549 rubles100,000 rubles50,000 rubles
799 rubles150,000 rubles70,000 rubles
1,599 rubles300,000 rubles200,000 rubles
2,999 rubles500,000 rubles250,000 rubles
5,000 rubles750,000 rubles350,000 rubles
12,000 rubles1,250,000 rubles750,000 rubles

Of these, there are three popular tariffs:

  • The first policy costs 1,599 rubles and is designed to cover inexpensive property, most suitable for communal apartments and apartments.
  • The second policy costs 5,000 rubles and is designed for apartments with European-quality renovation and country houses, the insured amount is 1,100,000 rubles, of which 750,000 are used to protect property, and 350,000 are used to pay off civil liability.
  • The third and most expensive policy costs 12,000 rubles, with increased protection up to 2,000,000 rubles, of which 1,250,000 can be used to compensate for lost real estate and movable property, and 750,000 can be used to compensate for damage caused to third parties. Designed for luxury residential buildings and apartments to cover all damage caused. Sold exclusively at VTB Insurance offices.

If it turns out that the amount of any damage is greater than the stated compensation in the contract, the policyholder undertakes to pay it himself and not claim additional insurance premiums. If the amount of damage is less than promised, then it is fully compensated without the right to count on the remaining money.

Ivanov and Petrov bought themselves two policies worth 5,000 rubles...

Ivanov and Petrov bought themselves two policies worth 5,000 rubles. After a certain time, they simultaneously experienced a pipe burst, at the start of the heating season. Petrov was at home and managed to eliminate the accident in time by calling a special service. services Ivanov was late at work and therefore, when he arrived, not only his apartment was damaged, but also the apartment of the neighbors below. As a result, the total amount of damage to Petrov was 100,000 rubles, which included the replacement of batteries, parquet flooring and payment for emergency services. For Ivanov, the total damage amounted to more than 1.5 million, since he had to not only replace pipes and parquet, but also pay for the damage caused to the neighbors. Having contacted the insurance company, Ivanov received only the declared 100,000, and Petrov received 700,000 and 400,000; he had to pay the remaining money out of his own pocket.

Where can I get a “Hello, Neighbor!” policy?

Insurance policy “Hello, neighbor!” VTB insurance is distinguished by its availability, because it can be bought not only at the office of VTB Bank, but also at Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank, Russian Post, Rostelecom, in Euroset, Megafon communication stores, in Eldorado, Know-How, Svyaznoy and from other partners.

To purchase it, you do not need to provide property documents, an appraiser’s opinion, or generally show your property to anyone. The seller may ask for a passport to confirm the purchase.

Activation of the “Hello, neighbor!” policy from VTB insurance

Insurance begins to be valid only after activation, and it must be carried out no later than the 30th day from the date of purchase. The insurance policy is valid for 1 year. To activate the purchased policy, you need:

1. Go to the official VTB website in the “Individuals” section and find “Property Insurance”. There, select the insurance policy service “ ” ().

2. In the left menu there is a button “Activate policy”, click on it.

3. After clicking it, a page will open with fields for entering information. The policyholder independently enters the policy number, activation code and validity period.

Then provide information about yourself:

  • Date of Birth;
  • Contact phone number and email.

The following information about the insured property must be provided:

  • Type of property (apartment or house);
  • Region, city, street and building of the insured building.

Now the policy is officially activated and comes into force in a month (waiting period, 1 month the insurance will be frozen), this is done specifically to prevent abuse. Be sure to keep your purchase receipts; they will be needed in the event of an insured event.

In order to feel protected in various force majeure situations, the “Hello, Neighbor!” policy was created. VTB Insurance offers this program against the most popular risks, which has a very affordable price. To purchase it, you will not need to waste time on paperwork, but just visit the branch and immediately pick up your purchase after payment.

Features of the “Hello, neighbor!” policy from VTB Insurance

The popular program provides coverage in the event of standard risks. You can use the insurance yourself or arrange it for another person in the form of a gift. One of the main conditions is to activate the policy on the organization’s website and enter the beneficiary’s details.

Studying the VTB 24 Insurance program “Hello, Neighbor!” - conditions, reviews confirm that launching a policy is extremely simple.

At the time of purchasing insurance, an information brochure, a contract and a code for activating the service are issued.
As the main advantage of this program, it should be noted that there is no need for a detailed study of the contract, selection of insurance risks and overpayment for options that are not required in real life. The service provides a standard list of options.
The video provides information in which cases property insurance is extremely necessary:

Risks covered by insurance

Objects that are subject to insurance protection:
  • Appliances;
  • interior decoration;
  • furniture, movable property, textile items;
  • parts of infrastructure;
  • civil liability (flooding of residents from below and the need to repair their homes).

Home insurance coverage includes civil liability to neighbors, but the policy must be active before the insured event occurs.
The risks that this program includes are considered to be in greatest demand. You can insure an apartment or room, but not a cottage or private house. The most common option is apartment insurance.
Circumstances for obtaining insurance coverage:

  • flooding or other damage to property from liquid penetration;
  • fire, explosion, including gas;
  • man-made disaster or natural disaster;
  • falling objects and other impacts;
  • theft, deliberate arson, robbery and other illegal actions of other persons.

Cost of the “Hello, Neighbor!” policy

At the time of purchase, you are given a choice of the price of this policy from three options. All of them include a list of identical risks for which various insurance payments are provided (money that will be provided to the owner of the policy in the event of an insured event). The price depends on the amount of insurance coverage, and the set of risks is the same. In order to pay large insurance claims, it will be necessary to initially pay a larger amount. Under the “Hello, Neighbor!” program, which is offered at VTB 24, you will not need to evaluate the property and pay additional funds. If you have expensive property, it is better to give preference to more expensive insurance.

Where can I get insurance?

Options for purchasing an insurance policy:
  • at the office of the insurance institution;
  • in VTB Group organizations: Bank of Moscow, Post Bank, VTB 24;
  • in the salons of MTS, Euroset, Rostelecom, Beeline;
  • in organizations that are partners of the bank: Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank;
  • in electronics and household centers. equipment “Know-how!”, “Eldorado” (the policy is offered additionally in case of purchasing equipment on credit from the bank).

Buying “Hello Neighbor” Insurance to protect an apartment is possible at VTB branches, and the procedure for launching it takes place on the VTB Insurance website.

In addition, you can buy insurance at the Russian Post. It is impossible to purchase a policy remotely. A special code is required, which is issued during the period of purchase at points of sale.

Rules and requirements

At the time of implementation, certain restrictions are provided. The owner of the insurance must have Russian citizenship and be an adult, and the property must correspond to the price of the policy. Based on reviews from customers who have used the “Hello, Neighbor!” policy, there are no difficulties when purchasing it and paying out insurance coverage.

Customer reviews confirm that the policy begins to take effect after the activation procedure, and coverage payments occur without any problems.

Some insurance holders are interested in whether it is possible to return the “Hello, Neighbor!” policy. from VTB Insurance? This is not provided, because As a result of activation, an agreement comes into force, according to which it is impossible to return the deposited funds or terminate the contract.
In order to extend the insurance period, you will need to purchase a new policy.

All details and insurance details “Hello, neighbor!”

All details and conditions are on the page.

Activation of insurance

In order for the service to take effect, it will need to be launched on the insurance company’s website:
Information for activating the policy:
  • special code;
  • insurance policy number;
  • personal information;
  • validity;
  • address of the insured object (room or apartment);
  • telephone number and email address.

Detailed information about "Hello, neighbor!" and its launch are available on the VTB Insurance website.

The following information will be sent to the indicated e-mail:
  • policy in electronic form, which can be printed if necessary;
  • link to register in your personal account.
The insurance begins to be valid one month after the activation procedure has been completed (waiting period). The duration of the insurance coverage period is 1 year. Compliance with this condition is required to ensure that clients cannot use the policy for their own selfish purposes.

Housing is a person's greatest wealth. However, the apartment can be threatened by many factors: fire, unlawful actions of neighbors, burglary and others. To protect your property, you can insure it. In this article we will look at the insurance programs that VTB offers to its clients.

How to protect your home profitably?

Repairing an apartment or house is very expensive, and the risk of losing your home is high. The likelihood of property destruction increases if, for example, it is rented. In this regard, the best option for the owner to protect his apartment is to insure it. It should be remembered that not only the health of citizens is subject to insurance (for example, in the case of cancer and other critical diseases), but also the property of individuals. In accordance with federal law, property is insured only through contracts with private organizations.

Apartment insurance programs from VTB

VTB offers several types of property insurance programs.

The name of the programSummary
Advantage for homeInsures the house against any disasters
Advantage for an apartmentProvides protection for a citizen's apartment
Advantage for technologyInsures household appliances located in a person’s home
Advantage for furnitureA way to avoid problems due to the loss of furniture
Apartment OptimalThe apartment is insured, and protection is also provided against automatic loss of all contents in it, for example, due to fire

However, the “Hello, Neighbor” Program is the most universal and eliminates all risks of damage due to loss or damage to housing.

Real estate and property insurance program “Hello, neighbor!”

“Hello, neighbor” from VTB insures a citizen’s house or apartment. Objects of insurance include:

  • full infrastructure;
  • home decoration;
  • new household appliances;
  • any movable property located inside a house or apartment (for example, furniture and bed linen);
  • civil liability of the insured person, which occurs if damage is caused to other persons due to the fault of the policy owner.

The following event is considered an insured event:

  • flooding;
  • catastrophe or other natural disaster;
  • theft, arson, robbery or other actions that caused harm on the part of other persons;
  • act of terrorism;
  • breakdown of electronic equipment and others.

If an insured event occurs via “Hello, neighbor” from VTB, the client must call a special telephone number and report the incident. After this, you must act in accordance with the instructions of VTB employees.

Activation of the “Hello Neighbor” policy

It is worth remembering that purchasing “Hello, Neighbor” from VTB does not mean that your property is insured. You must activate your policy. This must be done within 30 days after purchasing the policy.

You can buy insurance not only for yourself, but also as a gift to any other person.

To activate “Hello Neighbor” from VTB you need:

  1. Go to the official VTB website (vtbins.ru) in the “Individuals” section.
  2. In the “Property” tab, select “Hello, neighbor.”
  3. Find the line “Activate policy”.
  • information about the insurance policy: its number, activation code, expiration date;
  • information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender);
  • email to which the activation code will be sent;
  • contact telephone number and place of residence of the policyholder.

After activating the policy, your property will be insured under the “Hello, Neighbor!” program.

Required documents

A special feature of insurance under this program is that practically no documents are needed to conclude a contract.

The client must provide only an identification document and a certificate of ownership of the property. You don’t even need to do real estate appraisals using the “Hello, Neighbor” program.

Tariffs for services

Depending on the volume of property insured, payments and the final insurance premium, the tariffs of the “Hello, Neighbor” program vary.

Standard – an economical option for property protection

This tariff is the cheapest. If an insured event occurs, the client will receive one hundred thousand rubles in compensation for paying for repairs and repairs of communications, as well as for compensation for damage in case of breakdown of furniture and electrical appliances.

Comfort – classic level

This program implies the same range of insurance, but the amount of compensation increases to 200 thousand. In addition, for subscribers who choose this type, damages in the event of flooding of the apartment will be compensated.

Premium – maximum protection

This is the most expensive version of the “Hello, Neighbor!” program, but with its help an individual receives the maximum degree of protection: a compensation amount of 200 thousand, and VTB also compensates for the cost of hotel accommodation in the event of a complete loss of housing.

How to calculate the cost?

The price of insurance consists of the following factors:

  • filling out the insurance itself;
  • property size;
  • contract time.

The exact cost calculation will be known in each specific case.

Algorithm for online purchasing

Policy “Hello, neighbor!” You can buy both on the official VTB website and from intermediaries.

However, the easiest purchase option would be to issue a policy on the VTB website. To do this, you need to go there, select the “Property” tab, then “Apartment Insurance”. After this, the system will prompt you to enter housing data:

  • total area of ​​the property;
  • location of the apartment;
  • package of services;
  • additional service if necessary.

Then the program calculates the final amount of the insurance policy for “Hello, neighbor” from VTB. Next, you need to enter specific information about the property and its owner, and indicate the insurance period. All this information will be included in the policy.

After this, you can pay for the policy with a card, and the “Hello, Neighbor” insurance contract from VTB will become concluded.

Difficulties in concluding a contract and ways to solve them

In accordance with insurance rules, the owner of the “Hello, Neighbor” program must be an adult.

But what to do in a situation where the apartment belongs, for example, to a 12-year-old citizen? In this case, the policyholder should not be the child himself, but his legal representative (usually one of the parents).

VTB insurance “Hello, neighbor!” - a policy that will help insure your own property and real estate. Its advantage is that you can give it to your friends and relatives. To purchase it, you just need to visit one of the branches of VTB, Bank of Moscow, Post Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Euroset or MTS.

If you register a “Hello, Neighbor!” policy, you can always count on:

  • Compensation for losses due to an insured event.
  • Compensation for damages to your neighbors if you flood them.
  • Compensation of funds for property repairs during flooding.
  • Compensation for the cost of purchasing new equipment if it is stolen.

If you want to insure your VTB 24 “Hello, Neighbor!” apartment, you do not need to invite appraisers to inspect it or submit any documents to the bank.

The policy covers losses for:

  1. Household, audio and video equipment.
  2. Clothing and equipment located indoors.
  3. Preservation of interior decoration.
  4. Safety of furniture and interior items.
  5. Civil liability to neighbors.

Thanks to this insurance, you don’t have to worry about losses caused by:

  • Fires or other exposure to high temperatures.
  • Floods, waterlogging, burst pipes.
  • Actions of an illegal nature.
  • Explosions of communication systems.
  • Mechanical impact.
  • Lightning strike or other natural disasters.

When you buy yourself or your loved ones a “Hello, Neighbor!” policy. from VTB Insurance, it is not automatically activated. You must register it yourself. The validity period of such an agreement will be 12 months from the date of registration. Please note that only one policy can be issued for your real estate.

For the insurance policy to take effect, it must be activated. Not all people, especially those to whom it is given, understand this need. For it to take effect, you need to visit the official website of VTB Insurance “Hello, neighbor!” , where the following information must be provided:

  1. The validity period of the policy and its number.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Activation code.
  4. Contact details and email address.
  5. Property address.

It is very important to provide correct contact details as any changes will be sent to them. Also check that the email address you wrote is correct, because an activation code will be sent to it, as well as an insurance form that you will have to print.

Typically, the policy activation occurs a month after entering the data. This was done to minimize the risk of insurance abuse by the user. The duration of the policy is 1 year.

Features of the program

VTB insurance “Hello, neighbor!”, reviews of which you can easily find on the Internet, is a solution for those who need to protect their property from any risk without difficulty and any red tape. The advantage of such insurance is that there is no need to evaluate the house or provide any documents. You will need one passport. It is necessary to ensure that the bank employee is convinced that the buyer is a citizen of Russia.

Insurance policy “Hello, neighbor!” You can purchase it not for personal use, you can give it to your relatives and friends. Activation occurs at any time convenient for you. To do this, you just need to go to the site and provide your data.

When you purchase a policy, you will be given a contract and a brochure that will detail any features of the Hello Neighbor! insurance. They will also generate an access code for you, which you need to keep until your insurance expires. Be sure to ask the bank employee in what cases you can receive a payment, as well as what amount of compensation you can expect.

The advantage of such a program is the complete absence of the need to calculate insurance risks. This significantly reduces the cost of the policy. You do not need to delve into all the legal terms - insurance includes a basic set of options, which is quite enough for any bank client.


Cost of insurance policy “Hello, neighbor!” determined by the client himself. All packages presented by VTB have the same risks, but differ in the amount of insurance. You determine how much cash you will receive.

Cost, rub.Maximum payout amount
Damage to property, rub.Civil liability, rub.
3900 600 000 300 000
5000 700 000 400 000
12000 1 250 000 750 000

The higher the cost of insurance, the more money you will receive when an insured event occurs. Keep in mind that when you take out such a policy, you will not have to spend money on appraising your property, that is, there will be no additional costs for you.

You can determine for yourself which policy will be enough for you. However, we strongly recommend that you take out the maximum insurance if your home has expensive equipment or modern renovations.

How can I purchase insurance?

To purchase an apartment insurance policy from VTB “Hello, Neighbor!”, you need to visit one of the many sales points.

At the moment you can do this:

  • At the organization's office.
  • In the showrooms of cellular operators.
  • In banks that have entered into partnership agreements with VTB.
  • In all VTB branches.
  • In Eldorado and Know-How stores.

There you can ask the employee to activate your policy. If you are not sure about the correctness of your choice, be sure to read the reviews of VTB insurance “Hello, neighbor!” You can do this on the official website. At the moment, the company also sells policies online. Such high availability makes the policy truly the best choice for those who value their time. With the help of such insurance, you will be able to completely protect your home from unforeseen risks.

Requirements and rules

Buy an insurance policy “Hello, neighbor!” VTB insurance is extremely simple. To do this, you do not have to prepare a package of documents in advance or fill out any applications. The bank does not impose any requirements on buyers; anyone can purchase insurance. The only thing that is put forward to users is the requirement to immediately report an incident. It is also strictly forbidden for a person to independently arrange accidents in order to receive an insurance payment.

It is strictly forbidden to change places, remove or add to the picture of the incident until the apartment is inspected by a bank employee. It is important that everything looks the same as it did the first time after the incident.

The only exception is if the current situation threatens the life and health of people. If you categorically disagree with the result of the assessment, you retain the right to challenge it with the help of an independent examination.

If property is stolen from an apartment, the bank reimburses money as compensation. In cases where the police manage to return it intact, the client undertakes to return the money previously accepted in full. The bank has every right to conduct an examination that would verify the testimony of its clients. This is also acceptable if access to property is required.

I decided to write about how to competently deal with an insurance company.

By phone. Tablets and technology. PTP+

Let's be honest, you pay 5,000 rubles to get 50 thousand. Who will calmly hand over this money? Nobody. Very often I hear from people - “they took the money and whoops.” You're right.

What to do when you have an insured event. No matter what you are insured against, first take out your policy (insurance contract) and read it. Believe me, just 15 minutes will save your time and your nerves in the future. If you can’t figure it out, call the company’s hotline, preferably from another phone number that you won’t use later, ask a specialist questions, clarify the list of documents, how the policy works. Even if you are harmful, angry and freaking out, the operator will explain, clarify and try to explain to you until the very end.

There is no need to tell the truth or invent super stories. This will have an impact in the future. After the consultation, think about how and what to say. Very often I meet parents who place the blame on their children. A child dropped his phone, a child was pushed at school, a child was eating soup and spilled it on him.

Believe me, these details are of no interest to anyone, and they may not work in your favor later.

There is a risk of external mechanical impact - the phrase “dropped the phone and crashed” would be enough. - Believe me, this will be a payment, and not a trial of who pushed whom and where and why you didn’t go to the police, because a third party was involved.

"External mechanical influence"- This company has its own rules, this means that the defect interferes with the operation of the device. If it is a scratch, chip or broken back panel of the phone, then you pass by. The crack must involve both the screen and the edge of the screen. If the device falls and breaks, for example the model that is inside the device, but the device itself is not damaged, alas, this is not an insured event.

Liquid contact. - Check with a specialist if water from your neighbors will flood your device or you yourself may drop it into the water. Of course, the specialist will say there is a risk, submit documents. And don’t make things up later from your neighbors. Water got in - that's it. Dropped it into the water, Spilled the water. As they say, brevity is the sister of talent.

Theft. The most difficult thing. Since here it is more common to be pulled out of your pocket - which is equal to the phrase you lost your phone. This is not an insurance case. Because it is not provable. And if you think about it, you will understand that then any fool would use this trick and get money. How to proceed in this case? Only through the court, it’s tedious and long, but sometimes insurance companies, believe me, lose and pay. And at that very often.

Don't make up rain, thunderstorms, cars. These are unnecessary documents. Not a single service center will establish that you smashed your iPhone with a hammer, and the insurance company records your conversations.

I don't understand what is written on my policy. - Call the hotline, get advice until you understand what works and how. Or better yet, from the store when you purchase insurance. Sellers can pour anything into your ears...to sell.

Features of policies. Frequent mistakes.

The policy may not begin to operate on the date of purchase; look at what is written on the contract itself, on what date it comes into force. If you apply before the policy expires, then it is clear that it has not yet entered into force and you cannot apply under it. No one will look for you, and will not tell you, think you want to get money. And free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

And a note to those who scream deception. Insurance is a web, everyone chips in so that someone gets the money. Believe me, many people received payment.

Remember, you live in Russia, where a paper hierarchy reigns. Don’t be alarmed when they present you with a pile of papers; you will collect no less in court when you receive a refusal, because you didn’t think, but demanded free money.

Someday I'll get to other products. The policy is not bad for those whose children and phones often fall and break. It is bad against theft, like others from other companies.

The main document requested is: Act of a licensed service center - There is no such thing in your city, do not despair. Any company accepts applications in free form, don’t be lazy, find the nearest one 200 km away, write an application to your company, competently, that you cannot provide not because you want, but because it is very far away. Or the act is expensive, and the phone costs a penny. Ask the company to help you with your hard work because you don’t know how to proceed. Ask for a favor to make a decision without this document or allow you to contact another service that is not licensed, but does it cheaper in your city.

Maybe my review will help someone get money. And please remember, no one will give the money right away. This leads to deadlines, questions and unnecessary documents. Good luck to you. And don't break your phones or spill soup on them

Termination of any contract.

Everyone knows that a new law has been passed and the Insurance Company must terminate your contract and return your money. But not everyone knows how this law works.

You have 5 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract (credit, box, etc.)

Conclusion of an agreement - You come, buy something, they draw up an agreement for you. Everything from this day is reported within 5 working days, during these 5 working days you must submit documents for termination. (Fill out the application, attach the contract, payment receipt and your details). If you have a branch in your city (check with the operator), go directly to the branch. If there is no branch, do not send by e-mail, send by registered mail with notification by Russian post, so that you have a document in your hands confirming the sending of your documents.

Breaking up boxes!

Hello dear friends again! This time I decided to tell you how to terminate the insurance contract and how to get your money back.


Now very often VTB24 sellers sell a couple of boxes as a set with a loan. Which are voluntary insurance, unlike credit insurance, you are not obliged to buy them and they do not affect your credit. Box data: I can do everything, I can do everything+, Live without bothering! Physical education, hello, hello neighbor!

Let's start with the fact that you were sold a product, but you want your money back.

DO NOT ACTIVATE THE PRODUCT. Or ask the seller if he insists on activating the product, say that you will activate it at home. On the same day, or up to 30 calendar days, call the insurance company and ask to terminate the insurance contract, since you did not activate it. Then the procedure will take less time and the money will be transferred to your account.

You will need:

Product box

Check. (If there is no receipt, contact the point of sale. Take a duplicate, a slip, a document on which it will be written “Product, its cost, date of purchase.”

Bank details for transferring money to you.


Now let's look at another option. Your policy has been SELF-ACTIVATED.

There are two possible outcomes: either the policy applies to your property, which is owned, or to your children, or to yourself.

If you have property, so do your children, and so do you. It is almost impossible to terminate the policy. Even the court will stick to its line that the conditions are written on the product. Here is one option, to write a claim to the insurance company, but not with a request to terminate the contract, but with a request to answer on what conditions termination of this contract is impossible, with a request to clarify the clause of the contract where the refund of funds is denied upon termination of the contract and go to court. If only you had documents on hand confirming the insurance company’s refusal to return your money.


To court. You also apply using the claim form to the Investigative Committee, as stated above.

You collect boxes, checks, passports, answers from the insurance company. In court, you can refer to the “Other circumstances” clause. This means that you have no property, and since there is no property or children, then this product is not valid. You will win the trial 100%, previously the insurance company returned the money, but then it changed its mind and began sending people to court, because this way fewer people would deal with red tape.

The legal costs will then be paid by the insurance company, which means they need time from you. Of course, all this makes me terribly angry and nervous. Be patient, my friends, you want your money back. I can say for myself that the trial will take you 2-3 days at most, collecting documents and even less.

The claim is processed within 15-30 working days. If the deadlines are violated, again a claim. Write, a call in court will not play a big role, and your written appeals will play into your hands.

Of course, some will say that because of 3,000 thousand I should still be doing this?

Alas, in this case the money cannot be returned through a scandal, there are only these options.

How to write a claim!?

Application on A4 sheet, addressed to VTB Insurance. Please indicate your full name. address, contact details. Your complaints, claims, questions. Complete with a live signature and your Last Name and number. You take a photo or scan and send it to the address that the operator tells you. Question to the operator: To what address can I send a written complaint. How can I check the status of my claim?

That's all! I’ll add other products later)

I hope I could help you.