Deposits are not subject to insurance. Deposits subject to insurance


  1. CASCO car insurance
  2. Mandatory insurance
  3. Selecting an insurer
  4. Obligations of the parties
  5. Studying documents
  6. Be careful with low prices
  7. Criterias of choice
  8. Bonus conditions
  9. Services in modern society
  10. Insurance risks
  11. Subjects and objects
  12. Insurer
  13. Beneficiary

In modern conditions, many car owners are interested in the latest insurance rules for vehicles. At the same time, you need to know that the sooner you insure your car, the better. This is due to the dynamically developing conditions of modern life, where people can be faced with unpleasant surprises from nature, the state or other factors at every step. Therefore, modern insurance principles are the mechanism that allows you to protect your property, including ensuring the protection of your vehicle from various unfavorable situations.

Modern principles of insurance

Among vehicle owners, everyone knows that they are considered the owner of a high-risk object. For example, as a result of an unsuccessful maneuver of your car, you can damage another car. Moreover, if the driver’s guilt is proven, then compensation will have to be paid, which can be quite significant. Of course, not everyone will be ready for such expenses. You can prepare for such surprises with vehicle insurance. This will help you plan your expenses and avoid excessive spending in the future.

Modern types of car insurance

In modern conditions, insurance of a transport facility is considered a complex concept, which consists of three main points. First of all, this is the vehicle insurance procedure itself, which is otherwise called CASCO. Also, another type is considered to be civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, which includes a compulsory insurance document. In addition, there is such a type of service as accident insurance for the driver and passenger.

CASCO car insurance

One of the most popular types of classic insurance is CASCO, which has its own registration rules. As for civil liability insurance and other services, they are significantly less popular. Signing CASCO allows you to compensate for damage caused by accidents, adverse weather conditions, as well as damage to the car by third parties.

Mandatory insurance

If you cause damage to other drivers, these costs can be covered through compulsory civil liability insurance. In this case, the rules say that this document is necessarily signed by the owner of the transport facility. In addition, such a service can be arranged voluntarily.

Features of signing documents in various companies

Each company providing such services has its own specific insurance rules, which are important for vehicle owners, as well as for the carrier. However, the legislation has clear rules that assign certain responsibilities to the insurer.

Selecting an insurer

When choosing an insurer, vehicle owners should be interested in the clauses that indicate exclusions from insurance coverage and the reasons why compensation for damage may be denied. This is due to the fact that there are policies that have strict restrictions on these points, which reduce the cost of insurance. However, in this situation, paying compensation in the future may prove difficult. Therefore, experts do not recommend that the owner of a transport facility enter into such documents.

Obligations of the parties

Most insurance plans do not have completely one-sided obligations. That is, when assuming the functions of compulsory compensation for damage, the insurer always requires the client to comply with the rules relating to the insured transport object. In this regard, the client needs to clearly read the document, paying attention to each specific condition. In addition, you need to carefully study the insurance rules relating to the insurer. This applies both to compulsory vehicle insurance and other types of similar services.

Studying documents

Documents should be read between the lines. The adequacy and quantity of all conditions that are reflected in the program are compared. Moreover, the more fully all these points are described, the fewer questions and problems will arise later. Therefore, do not be alarmed by the large amount of text in the document.

Be careful with low prices

Many vehicle owners need to be warned that they need to be very careful with low prices in this case. This is due to the fact that in this case agency guarantees are purchased. It turns out that with wider coverage, the guarantee is higher than with lower coverage. That is, the higher the cost of compulsory or voluntary insurance, the better. However, high cost does not always mean quality of services. At the same time, low prices in general should always be alarming.

Criterias of choice

Choosing a company for compulsory vehicle insurance should take into account not only simple numbers, but also the entire range of conditions in the document. First of all, you need to pay attention to all the exceptions that give the right to refuse payments. Also, the client should always study the full range of risks against which it is necessary to insure. The contract also contains the concept of a deductible, which represents that component of damage that the insurer will not compensate. T

Important points when insuring

One of the important points when applying for compulsory vehicle insurance is the territory to which the document applies. In addition, such documents may or may not take into account depreciation, which also has a certain significance and somewhat changes the rules for the provision of services. However, the insured amount may change after compensation for damage has been paid. Drawing up an insurance contract involves paying the payment, either with a one-time payment or dividing it into parts.

Bonus conditions

When signing a document for compulsory insurance of a transport facility, certain bonuses may be present. They will be beneficial for both the carrier and the car owners. Bonuses include reimbursement of expenses for transporting a damaged car, a 24-hour assistant in the form of a Call Center that provides technical assistance online. As a rule, bonuses are not typical for liability insurance.

Services in modern society

Now in modern society, insurance services are used by all motorists without exception. Almost any vehicle is subject to compulsory civil liability insurance. Modern rules provide a list of vehicles that are not accepted for the insurance procedure. First of all, this applies to those vehicles whose service life has ended. Also, cars whose technical condition predisposes to the rapid occurrence of an insured event are not subject to insurance.

Cars that are not subject to insurance

Modern rules of compulsory civil liability insurance, as well as the rules of other types of vehicle insurance, do not provide for the execution of an agreement for confiscated or arrested cars. Also, traditionally, the service cannot be issued for cars located in areas affected by natural disasters.

Insurance risks

When taking out CASCO insurance, the client receives protection against all events, including the complete loss of a transport object, as well as its damage. All these risks can occur both for the owners of the transport facility and for the carriers. An advantageous difference between this type of service and compulsory civil liability insurance is compensation for damage for the entire list of risks. Today, the list of risks in domestic and foreign companies is practically the same.

Cases that are not insured

When taking out compulsory civil liability insurance, there are a number of cases for which insurance will not be paid. For example, for many owners of a transport facility, compensation for damage will not be made if the car is damaged due to the negligence or intentional actions of the policyholder. Also, in case of illegal actions of the car owner or use of the car for purposes other than its intended purpose, payments will not be made. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the traffic rules in accordance with all civil liability requirements. In addition, insurance payments will not be made for those owners of a vehicle who drove a car while under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other intoxication.

Situations in which insurance does not pay

It is important for any carrier that any company will not compensate for damage in the event of damage to a transport facility by cargo. In addition, during military operations, civil war, strikes, and so on, in most cases, damage to a car will not be considered an insured situation. However, there are agreements under which these situations will still be considered insurance events. This is very important for vehicle owners. Compensation for such damage is not possible when taking out compulsory civil liability insurance.

Subjects and objects

When insuring vehicles, the object is the car itself. As for the subjects, they are the policyholder and the insurer. The owner of the transport facility acts as the insurer. This can be an individual or a legal entity, which can be a carrier company. It is interesting that when taking out compulsory civil liability insurance, the policyholder may not be the owner of the transport facility.

Rules for the provision of services to the insurer

Modern rules for the provision of such services provide for the execution of an agreement in cases where the policyholder owns the car through rental, leasing, or by power of attorney. In each of these cases, vehicle owners are interested in high-quality protection of the car from insurance situations. If for some reason the client is not interested in preserving his car or the carrier’s car, then the insurance contract cannot be concluded. This applies to compulsory civil liability insurance and other types.


When providing services for car owners or the carrier, the insurer must be a company that has the right to conduct such activities. Modern rules require that this organization obtain a license for such services in the direction of vehicles. This license can be issued by a mutual insurance company, which is a non-profit organization.


When taking out compulsory civil liability insurance or other types of insurance, there is such a subject as the beneficiary. This is an entity represented by the carrier, the owners or the lessor of the car, in whose favor the person who operates the car by proxy enters into an agreement. In this case, the rules of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicles provide for payment to this person when an insurance situation occurs. This is beneficial for both the carrier and the private car owner. When taking out civil liability insurance, a specific car is always the subject of insurance.

1. Motor insurance

2. Air transport insurance

3. Water transport insurance

-1 Motor insurance

Transport insurance(vehicle insurance) – a set of types of insurance that provide for the insurer’s obligations for insurance payments in the amount of full or partial compensation for damage due to damage or destruction (theft) of a vehicle.

Objects of insurance are any self-propelled vehicles subject to state registration by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

In car insurance allocate2 sub-sectors:

I. Motor insurance comprehensive insurance

The object of insurance is vehicle as supplied by the manufacturer. Insurance coverage can be extended to cover additional equipment not included in the factory package (television equipment, anti-theft device, alarm system, etc.).

Insurers usually offer comprehensive insurance and additional equipment in a package with insurance for luggage in the vehicle and trailer, as well as the life and health of the driver and passengers.

CASCO motor insurance is a voluntary type of insurance.

Policyholders- legal entities and individuals. Legal entities insure vehicles that are on their books, rented, leased, etc. Individuals insure their own vehicles, used under a power of attorney for the right to use, rented, etc.

When insuring the driver and passengers against accidents, at the client’s request, the entire cabin or individual seats are insured.

The insurance region in the contract is the Russian Federation, but at the request of the client it can be expanded.

There are two options for insurance coverage:

1. Partial comprehensive insurance includes the risks of damage or destruction of an object or its parts as a result of an accident; explosion, fire; natural disaster; failure of the plumbing and heating systems in the garage; damage from illegal actions of third parties; collisions with wild animals; falling through the ice; loss of the vehicle's marketable appearance as a result of such events.

2. Full comprehensive insurance includes partial comprehensive insurance and theft.

The scope of insurance liability in the contract depends on the insurance options (programs) developed by specific insurers and on the wishes of clients. For example, insurance against collisions with animals is typical for vehicle owners living in rural areas, against illegal actions of third parties - in cities, against theft - for everyone.

The insurance contract can be concluded for a period of up to 1 year. The insurance premium is paid at once or in two terms: 50% upon conclusion of the contract and 50% within 2-3 months.

Sum insured. A vehicle can be insured at the full market price (new vehicles), at a market price taking into account wear and tear (used vehicles), for the amount of the insured’s liability to the organization that leased the vehicle, at a partial value with the establishment of proportional liability.

When determining insurance premium take into account the car make, model, year of manufacture, mileage, region of insurance, purpose of using the vehicle, storage conditions, type of protective device (security, anti-theft), qualifications and experience of the driver, accident rate (discounts for driving without accidents). It is possible to establish an unconditional franchise.

When an insured event occurs, the policyholder must report this to the relevant competent authorities (traffic police, police department, fire department, etc., depending on the nature of the incident) in order to receive a document certifying the fact of the insured event, as well as to the insurer within a specified period.

Compensation payment period depends on the specific conditions of insurance and usually ranges from 3 to 10 days from the receipt of all necessary documents. In the case of theft, the terms may be increased due to the initiation or suspension of a criminal case for theft of a vehicle.

There are two forms of compensation for damages under comprehensive insurance:

1) financial compensation paid in case of theft or almost complete destruction of the vehicle.

2) payment for repair work at a service station is made in case of damage to the vehicle (repair costs + costs of delivering the vehicle to the service station).

Insurance indemnity cannot exceed the insured amount specified in the contract.

Established by law cases in which damage caused as a result of:

1) force majeure or intent of the victim;

2) the effects of a nuclear explosion, radiation, radioactive contamination;

3) military actions or military measures;

4) civil war, civil unrest, strikes.

Specific grounds for the insurer's refusal to pay compensation:

Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances;

Receipt by the insured of full compensation for damage from the person responsible for causing it;

Using a vehicle for driving lessons and for participating in competitions;

Receipt by the policyholder through the social security authorities of another car to replace the damaged, destroyed or stolen one.

The insured are deposits - funds in rubles and foreign currency placed by individuals in the Bank on the basis of a bank deposit agreement or a bank account agreement, including capitalized (credited) interest on the deposit amount.

The following funds are not insured:

  • placed on bank accounts of individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, if these accounts are opened in connection with the specified activity;
  • placed by individuals in bearer bank deposits, including those certified by a savings certificate and (or) bearer savings book;
  • transferred to individuals to the Bank for trust management;
  • placed on deposit in branches of the Bank located outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

4.4. Situational questions:

a).The procedure for calculating insurance compensation amounts if a husband and wife have deposits in the same bank;

b) if there are several accounts in one bank whose license has been revoked/two accounts in different banks whose license has been revoked?

V). calculation of the amount of insurance compensation if there is a deposit in foreign currency;

G). calculation of the amount of insurance compensation if a bank client has a deposit and debt on a loan/credit card.

4.5. The essence of the concept of “insured event”.

The depositor's right to receive compensation for deposits arises from the date of the insured event.

An insured event is one of the following circumstances:

4.5. Procedure for reimbursement of deposits. Sum insured.

1. Payment of compensation for deposits is made by the Agency in accordance with the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors within 3 days from the date the depositor submits the necessary documents to the Agency, but not earlier than 14 days from the date of the insured event.

2. When a depositor submits documents to the Agency, he is given an extract from the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors indicating the amount of compensation for his deposits.

3. The Agency publishes a message about the place, time, form and procedure for accepting applications from depositors in the “Bulletin of the Bank of Russia”, as well as in the printed publication at the location of the bank.

4. Within a month from the date of receipt from the bank of the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors, a corresponding message is sent to the bank’s depositors, information about which is contained in the register, on an individual basis.

5. Payment of compensation for deposits can be made at the request of the depositor either in cash or by transferring funds to a bank account specified by the depositor.

6. Reception of applications from depositors for payment of compensation for deposits and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation for deposits can be carried out by the Agency through agent banks acting on its behalf and at its expense.

Sum insured- the amount of money determined by the insurance contract or established by law, within which the insurer, upon the occurrence of an insured event, undertakes to pay insurance compensation under a property insurance contract, or which it undertakes to pay under a personal insurance contract. The insured amount corresponds to the maximum amount of the insurer's obligation to make an insurance payment to the policyholder or a third party entitled to receive it. Based on the insured amount, the amounts of the insurance premium and insurance payment are established, unless otherwise provided by the contract or legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The insured amount is an essential condition of the insurance contract.

The sum insured may be aggregate And non-aggregate. Non-aggregate sum insured is the limit of the insurer's liability for each insured event.

The aggregate insured amount is the limit of payments by the insurer for the entire insurance period (the period of validity of the contract). With an aggregate insured amount, after payment of the insurance compensation, the insured amount is reduced by the amount of the insurance payment made for this risk.

Posted: 07/04/2016

Vehicle insurance

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-1 “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” there are two forms of insurance: compulsory and voluntary. In compulsory insurance, the state establishes the obligation for the relevant circle of insurers to make insurance payments (for example, compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners, compulsory medical insurance, tour operator liability insurance, etc.)

Voluntary insurance operates by force of law, but on a voluntary basis. Legislation may determine objects subject to voluntary insurance and general aspects of insurance, but specific conditions are regulated by the Insurance Rules established by the insurer.

Currently, the institute of voluntary insurance has gained quite popularity in the Russian insurance market (voluntary insurance of financial risks; voluntary pension insurance; voluntary insurance against fires and risks of natural phenomena, etc.).

Insurance companies operate on the basis of a license. Licensing of insurance activities is aimed at protecting the interests and rights of policyholders, insurers and the state and is a way of state regulation and control of the activities of insurance organizations and their compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The body responsible for licensing insurance activities on the territory of the Russian Federation is the Bank of Russia.

Let us pay attention to the meaning of some concepts used in insurance relations and requiring understanding on the part of the policyholder.

Insurance premium– this is the amount that the policyholder undertakes to pay to the insurer when concluding an insurance contract. Not to be confused with the concept of sum insured(!).

Under insurance amount in insurance we understand the amount provided by law or the insurance contract, within which the insurer makes a payment upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Insurance case– an accomplished event provided for by law or an insurance contract, upon the occurrence of which the insurer becomes obligated to make an insurance payment to the policyholder.

Insurance rate– the insurance premium rate per unit of sum insured, taking into account the object of insurance and the nature of the insurance risk. Insurance rates for types of compulsory insurance are established in accordance with federal laws on specific types of compulsory insurance. The size of the insurance tariff in voluntary insurance is determined by the voluntary insurance contract by agreement of the parties.

Motor vehicle insurance

In the field of auto insurance, we can distinguish compulsory state (OSAGO) and voluntary (CASCO) insurance.

What is OSAGO?

The Institute of Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners is regulated by Federal Law No. 40-FZ dated April 25, 2002 “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners” (hereinafter referred to as Law on compulsory motor liability insurance), Regulations on the rules of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, approved by the Bank

The purpose of compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners is protection of the rights of victims to compensation for harm caused to their life, health or property when using vehicles by other persons. Vehicle owners are required to insure the risk of their civil liability under the conditions and in the manner established by the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance. Operating a vehicle without insurance is illegal and will result in a fine.

Compulsory insurance is carried out by the owner of the vehicle by concluding a compulsory insurance agreement with the insurer. This agreement is concluded in relation to the owner of the vehicle, the persons specified by him in the compulsory insurance contract, or in relation to an unlimited number of persons allowed by the owner to drive the vehicle in accordance with the terms of the compulsory insurance contract, as well as other persons using the vehicle legally (Clause 2 of Article 15 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance).

Thus, two types of MTPL policies are distinguished: with a limited number of persons allowed to drive a car, and without restrictions. In the case of insurance with restrictions, each driver must be included in the OSAGO policy form. The MTPL policy, without limiting the number of persons who have the right to drive a car, applies to all drivers authorized by the owner to drive a specific vehicle (this option is used by delivery services, postal services, etc.).

The MTPL agreement is concluded for 1 year. According to Article 7 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, upon the occurrence of each insured event, the insurer undertakes to compensate the victims for the harm caused, which amounts to: a) in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life or health of each victim, 500 thousand rubles; b) in terms of compensation for damage caused to the property of each victim, 400 thousand rubles.

To exercise the right related to compensation for damage caused to a vehicle in an amount exceeding the amount of the insurance payment, the victim may file a lawsuit against the person who caused the damage (clause 3.7 of the Regulations). The procedure for determining the amount of insurance payment for causing harm to the life or health of the victim is regulated by Article 12 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance.

Procedure in the event of an insured event under compulsory motor liability insurance

(in case of damage to property)

Notifying the insurance company about an insured event

The victim makes a claim for compensation for damage caused to the vehicle to the insurer that insured his civil liability (direct compensation for losses), if the following conditions are simultaneously met: as a result of the accident, damage was caused only to vehicles (there is no harm to life or health); The accident occurred with the participation of two vehicles, the civil liability of whose owners was insured under compulsory motor liability insurance (clause 1, article 14.1 of the Law on compulsory motor liability insurance). In all other cases, the claim of the victim for compensation for damage caused to his property is presented to the insurer of the person who caused the damage.

When an insured event occurs, the victim presents to the insurer application for insurance payment or direct compensation for losses and necessary documents no later than five working days after the accident or sends them in any way that provides confirmation of sending (for example, by mail with acknowledgment of receipt) (clause 3.8 of the Regulations).

List of documents to be submitted to the insurance company

When compensating for damage to property, the victim attaches to the application for insurance payment the documents provided for in clauses 3.10 and 4.13 of the Regulations:

A copy of the identity document of the victim (beneficiary), certified in the prescribed manner;

Documents confirming the authority of the person who is the representative of the beneficiary (for example, a power of attorney);

Documents containing bank details for receiving insurance compensation, if payment of insurance compensation will be made by bank transfer;

Consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if the payment of insurance compensation will be made to the representative of the victim (beneficiary) under the age of 18;

A certificate of an accident issued by a police department, if the registration of documents about an accident was carried out with the participation of authorized police officers;

Copies of the protocol on an administrative offense, a resolution in a case of an administrative offense or a ruling on the refusal to initiate a case on an administrative offense (if the preparation of documents on an accident was carried out with the participation of authorized police officers, and the preparation of such documents is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Documents confirming the victim’s ownership of the damaged property or the right to insurance payment in case of damage to property owned by another person;

The conclusion of an independent examination (assessment) on the amount of damage caused or the conclusion of an independent technical examination on the circumstances and amount of damage caused to the vehicle, if such an examination was organized independently by the victim;

Documents confirming payment for the services of an independent expert, if the examination was carried out and payment was made by the victim;

Documents confirming the provision and payment of services for the evacuation of damaged property, if the victim requires compensation for the corresponding expenses. The costs of towing a vehicle from the scene of a traffic accident to the place of its repair or storage are subject to reimbursement;

Documents confirming the provision and payment of services for storing damaged property, if the victim requires compensation for the corresponding expenses. In this case, storage costs are reimbursed from the day of the accident until the day the insurer conducts an inspection or independent examination (assessment).

Other documents that the victim has the right to submit in support of his claim for compensation for the harm caused to him, including estimates and invoices confirming the cost of repairing damaged property.

Presenting the vehicle for inspection

In case of damage to property, the victim is obliged to, within five working days from the date of filing an application for insurance payment present the damaged vehicle or its remains for inspection, clarification of the circumstances of the harm and determination of the amount of damages subject to compensation (clause 10 of article 12 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance).

Within no more than five working days from the date of presentation of the damaged vehicle the insurer inspects it and (or) organizes an independent examination (assessment)(Clause 11, Article 12 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance). If the victim’s car cannot participate in road traffic, then an expert examines the car at its location.

Procedure for making insurance compensation

According to clause 12 of Article 12 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, compensation for damage caused to the victim’s vehicle can be carried out:

- by organizing and paying for restoration repairs damaged vehicle of the victim at a service station, which is chosen by the victim in agreement with the insurer in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance and with which the insurer has concluded an agreement (compensation for damage caused in kind);

By issuing the amount of insurance payment to the victim(to the beneficiary) at the insurer's cash desk or transfer of the amount of insurance payment to the bank account of the victim (beneficiary) (cash or non-cash payment).

If the insurer has entered into an agreement with a service station, the choice of the method of compensation for damage is made by the victim.

The insurer pays the insurance compensation, issues a referral for repairs, or sends a reasoned refusal to the victim. obliged within 20 calendar days,(not counting non-working holidays), from the date of acceptance of the application and necessary documents from the victim (clause 4.22 of the Regulations)

For failure to comply with the deadline for payment of insurance compensation or compensation for damage in kind, the insurer pays the victim a penalty in the amount of 1% of the amount of insurance payment determined in accordance with the MTPL Law. For failure to comply with the deadline for sending a reasoned refusal - 0.05% of the insured amount established by the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance for the type of damage caused.

Settlement of a dispute with an insurance company

In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations by the insurer under a compulsory insurance contract, or the victim’s disagreement with the amount of insurance payment, the victim must contact the insurer before filing a claim in court with a claim. The claim is subject to consideration by the insurer within five calendar days, excluding non-working holidays, from the date of receipt. Within the specified period, the insurer is obliged to satisfy the claim of the victim or send a reasoned refusal (Clause 1, Article 16.1 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance).

The requirements for the content of a claim addressed to the insurer are established by clause 5.1 of the Regulations. The claim must contain:

1) the name of the insurer to whom it is sent;

2) last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of residence or postal address of the victim (other beneficiary), to which the response to the claim is sent if the insurer disagrees with the requirements;

3) requirements to the insurer with a description of the circumstances that served as the basis for filing a claim with references to the provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

4) bank details of the victim (other beneficiary), to which it is necessary to make an insurance payment if the insurer recognizes the claim as justified, or an indication of receiving funds from the insurer’s cash desk;

5) last name, first name, patronymic (if any), position (if the claim is sent by a legal entity) of the person who signed the claim, his signature.

6) List of documents in the appendix to the claim in accordance with clause 5.1. Provisions (if any of these documents were not submitted to the insurer earlier when filing an application for an insured event).

The claim is submitted or sent to the insurer at the address of the location of the insurer or the insurer's representative.

What is CASCO?

“CASCO” in the Russian Federation means a type of voluntary car insurance, related to the protection of the driver’s property rights (insurance against damage and theft). Damage can result from an accident, robbery causing mechanical damage to a vehicle, fire, explosion, or natural disasters. Theft of a vehicle involves its illegal and unlawful possession by third parties.

Unlike MTPL, CASCO tariffs are not set by the state, but are developed by each insurance company using its own coefficients. A unified form of CASCO policy has not been approved at the legislative level, and therefore its appearance and data may differ depending on the insurance company. The payment terms under the CASCO agreement are determined by the parties when concluding the CASCO agreement, but in fact all the terms of the contract are developed by the insurance company, and the client only joins them. The payment terms are not specified in the insurance contract itself, but in the Insurance Rules to which the contract refers. The rules are handed over to the policyholder along with the insurance contract.

It is worth considering that bank car insurance programs for the purchase of a new car provide for the mandatory registration of CASCO, while the choice of the insurance company remains with the bank.

(!) When signing up for a CASCO car insurance contract, carefully read the rules of the insurance company, study the risks included in the insurance package, and pay attention to what is written in the fine print of the contract.

Additional equipment insurance

A standard CASCO policy provides insurance coverage only for equipment included in factory equipment of the vehicle, and everything installed after is subject to under the definition of “additional equipment” and must be insured separately. If you install additional elements on the vehicle, you must show the car to the insurer and ask to expand the CASCO policy to include new parts. Insurance of additional equipment is carried out either on the basis of payment documents (receipts, checks) or based on an assessment of the cost by experts of the insurance company.

(!) When insuring additional equipment, it is important to be fully informed about what insurance protection and against what risks will you receive for your additional equipment?, with or without wear and tear, payments will be made for parts.

Where can I complain about an insurance company?

Bank of Russia.

Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA)(provides consultations on MTPL issues, receives complaints and requests from policyholders and victims of the actions of insurance organizations - members of the RSA; on the RSA website you can check the MTPL policy for the affiliation of the insurance organization);

Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow, administrative districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The entire insurance system is divided into two groups: compulsory insurance And voluntary.

At the same time, compulsory insurance established by law.

It is clearly regulated; rules, objects and insurance rates are defined for it by regulatory legal acts.

Based Article 927 of the Civil Code compulsory insurance is carried out by concluding an agreement between the insurance company and the insured person.

Compulsory insurance affects the risks of large masses of the population or the entire society.

Insurance rules are specified in a large number of federal laws and regulations. Many of them, such as passenger insurance, have been adopted in recent years.

But no matter how ideal the insurance legislation may seem, practice points to huge gaps in the system.

Types of compulsory insurance:

Compulsory medical insurance - compulsory medical insurance

Compulsory health insurance is the most common type of compulsory insurance. Almost all residents of the country have a compulsory medical insurance policy; it provides broad guarantees in the provision of medical services.

The purpose of compulsory health insurance is ensure immediate medical care at the expense of the fund's savings. Employers transfer money to the medical fund in the form of deductions in the amount of 3.6% of the unified social tax.

Not all medical services are provided free of charge; for example, preventive, health resort, cosmetology and other services provided on the personal initiative of citizens are provided on a commercial basis.

To obtain a health insurance policy, you must contact Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, whose address can be found at the nearest clinic. When moving from one federal subject to another, you must surrender your old policy and then get a new one.

However, you have the right to receive medical care in any corner of Russia, therefore, When going on a business trip or vacation, be sure to take the insurance policy with you.

Insurance for transporting passengers by land, water or air

This type of insurance is provided by insurance companies that have concluded an agreement with the carrier.

The main purpose of this type of insurance is to protect the interests of passengers in the event of damage to life, health or property.

Insurance does not cover this type of transport such as a taxi.

The adoption of the law on insurance for the carriage of passengers in January 2013 was associated with violations by carriers of the interests of citizens and the lack of guarantees of receiving payments.

With the adoption of the law, the situation has changed little, and carriers, in collusion with insurance companies, are doing their best to avoid fulfilling their duties.

To receive payment in the event of an emergency, you will need contact the insurer with a ticket and insurance check. Therefore, do not throw away your ticket and insurance before arriving at your destination. The insurance is valid only for the duration of the trip.

Compulsory social insurance of citizens

Social insurance of citizens is one of the most useful and necessary types of compulsory insurance. Throughout their lives, the working population contributes funds to the social fund. From there, people in need receive payments.

Child benefits, disability benefits or large families, unemployment benefits, pensions - all this is paid by the social fund. It provides help to people who are in difficult situations, although this help can be difficult to achieve.

Social insurance is valid throughout a person's life. Many government agencies require presentation SNILS - document, which indicates the citizen’s special personal number.

Using this number you can find out about the amount of insurance premiums and work experience, which will subsequently affect the amount of your pension accrued.

To apply for SNILS you should contact Pension Fund with a passport or when applying for a job write a statement directly to the employer.

Insurance for military personnel and government employees

Insurance of military personnel, as well as government employees, helps protect the life and health of these people. For such categories of citizens special benefits and payments are provided. This is due to the constant threat to life and health.

Military personnel undergoing military service or contract service, government employees receive payments if their health is harmed, receive pensions for funerals and family support.

Insurance payments are not made if the insured person committed an act while intoxicated or intentionally caused harm to himself.

Insurance is handled by a company authorized to provide compulsory state insurance services. This organization a commercial, which has repeatedly caused controversy and discussion.

Another mandatory type of insurance is compulsory motor liability insurance. All car owners know about this type of insurance. It guarantees compensation for damage to health, life or property in the event of an accident.

Payments under compulsory motor liability insurance are small - up to 160 thousand rubles. To receive additional funds, you should insure yourself with DSAGO.

By the way, auto liability insurance will not help you in case of car theft or damage. For high payments and an extended insurance package, you will have to apply for CASCO, which is not cheap.

Every driver driving a vehicle must be included in the insurance policy; or it must indicate that anyone can drive. OSAGO must always be carried with you and in case of violation of the rules, present it to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Insurance of civil liability of the owner of a dangerous object

Mandatory types of insurance in the Russian Federation include civil liability insurance for the owner of a hazardous facility. This type of insurance is aimed at providing assistance to persons injured as a result of an accident at a dangerous facility.

The law on this type of insurance was adopted in 2010, but began to work only in 2012. All owners of dangerous objects must take out insurance and make additional payments to the insurance fund.

  • mines;
  • metallurgical plants;
  • mines;
  • explosives factories;
  • oil production platforms;
  • fuel and lubricants warehouses;
  • chemical shops;
  • flour mills;
  • other enterprises with the possibility of a threat to life.

People don’t often think about what a dangerous object is, yet they are close to us and pose a threat to life and health. Even escalators in shopping centers and subways can cause harm to health, and there have been cases of death!

An ammonia leak, an explosion at a nuclear power plant, a collapse in a mine, a fire at a gas station - all these are accidents at hazardous facilities.

Everyone remembers the explosion of the power unit in Chernobyl. The state still pays compensation to injured people for the harm caused, albeit in a ridiculous amount.

If an accident occurs at a dangerous facility, all injured people receive increased insurance payments.

The state allocates billions of rubles annually for life and health insurance of citizens. But not all of this money (but only a small percentage) reaches its destination. And all this because legal illiteracy of people.

If you want to receive the money you are entitled to by law, you will have to study regulations and acquire knowledge in the legal field.

Mandatory types of state insurance are:

  • compulsory health insurance;
  • insurance for passenger transportation;
  • compulsory social insurance;
  • insurance for military personnel;
  • And I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year +)

    Hello! The establishment and payment of compulsory insurance coverage for compulsory pension insurance is carried out in the manner and under the conditions established by the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Burial and Funeral Business”.