Investing money in business. Investing in a business - advantages, disadvantages, types, main investment options

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine site! Today we will try to reveal the question "Where to invest money." After all, the difficult economic situation in the country's economy makes you constantly worry about your own financial resources.

Therefore, we constantly face many questions, first, where to invest money, to keep and not lose, then where to invest, to earn, to receive monthly income etc.

Detailed instructions: where to invest money so that they work and bring monthly income

If there is even a small amount of accumulated capital, then there is a real fear of losing it. That is why we try to be more literate in matters of investing money, exploring various profitable investment opportunities.

Of course, many of us are far from politics, big economy and state management methods, but this does not deprive us of the opportunity to study the experience of successful people, look at expert advice, determining the best way to invest money to earn income. Such a detailed review of the situation will help determine the most profitable area of ​​investment money at the moment.

From this article you will learn:

  • Where to invest in 2019 not to lose— expert advice;
  • Where to invest money to earn (to make them work) at a high percentage with a guarantee - the basic principles of investing money;;
  • Consider where you can invest money in Russia + real ways to invest money, depending on the amount of money.

Investment rules

1. Where to invest money so as not to lose - 5 basic investment rules 💎

So all the same, how to invest money so as not to lose it and what needs to be done to make it work and generate income? On our site we present the site 5 rules of investing to be taken as a basis. They will be kind to you" table book”, which will help you make the most correct actions to save and save money.

These rules have been developed through experience gained and have been proving their effectiveness for many years.

Rule number 1. Free money

This is the first rule, which says that you can invest (invest) only those funds that are available after the fulfillment of all basic obligations and needs, that is, we are talking about those not taken on credit / debt, etc.

Never take money to invest on credit or duty. It should be understood that subsequently an unsuccessful investment can lead to bankruptcy and limit the ability to return funds at the appointed time.

In addition, an incorrectly calculated economic budget of your own family will cause additional difficulties for you. After all, sometimes emerging domestic problems require an urgent solution.

Remember that private loans, credit debt can not only rewrite your good history, but also spoil the relationship with close relatives, obligations to which will remain unfulfilled.

But if you still decide to take out a loan, then our article on how, even with a bad credit history, will help you.

Rule number 2. Regular income

When investing your own money, it is important to realize that you can only count on the money that you manage to earn in the usual way, without resorting to the results of investments. About where you can earn money without investments, we already wrote in the article.

Divide these income items into 2 parts, one of which constantly increases capital, remaining intact, and the second ensures personal existence and is replenished monthly from stable sources.

Rule number 3. Investment Plan

Make it up in advance, defining clear parameters. Consider all your possibilities and ways, try to choose 2-3 types of investment. At the same time, it is important to understand that the actions you have planned can be adjusted taking into account the changing economic situation in the country. That is, the built investment plan should be flexible and relevant.

Try to make sure that all available funds are not invested in one single project (investment method). The greatest efficiency will be the investment of funds in several projects. Even if in some area it will not be possible to achieve a profit (there will be a loss), then other types of investment will correct the situation.

Rule number 4. Don't waste your profits

This rule says that the money earned should form and increase your capital. Many experts advise to quickly withdraw the money earned from investing in other investment objects.

Form your own investment portfolio and look for new most profitable sources of investment.

Rule number 5. Control your money

Try to be interested in the movement of your own money and assets as often as possible, paying attention to even minor nuances. This will avoid a lot of mistakes and problems, and will also allow you to make the right decisions on investing your money.

In addition, you should be very careful with dubious And super profitable investment proposals. Carefully check all possible information on these types of investments.

It should not be forgotten that cases fraud have become much more frequent and it is not always possible to immediately determine the veracity of the intentions of the company / person.

Find out about the company that plans to work with you. Look through various reviews on the Internet and learn from the experience of other people who have a history of investing in it.

Try to make preliminary calculations, pay attention to the totals. Too fast and high profit should alert you.

By remembering these simple rules, it will be easier for you to navigate your own capabilities. It should be understood that only a thorough study of the situation and the proposals received will help you become a more competent investor.

We are used to trusting the words of our friends, parents, relatives, but the situation changes daily and yesterday's profitable deposits can turn into a risk of loss today. That is why you should count on your financial literacy .

According to experts, the income we receive monthly must be divided by 3 parts:

  • main- this is the money that is spent on buying food, clothes, paying housing expenses.
  • funded - it is approximately 10% from the amount received. Here, expenses are assumed to be for the purchase of a car, a trip on vacation.
  • working- the entire remaining amount, which can be disposed of at your own discretion. It is she who is the source of future investments.

As you can see from the diagram, there is little money left for investment, but it is they who are able to increase many times with the right approach.

Even if a situation has happened in which a very profitable project has fallen into your hands, and there are not enough own funds for it, try to find other investors / co-investors. By joining forces, you will create a common fund, which in financial language is called pool, thereby giving a start to the business itself to receive higher interest.

These situations are not rare and people very often seek to find like-minded people who have a cash reserve. The general idea is able to give an incentive, and the raised capital is a good return.

2. Where to get money to invest it profitably - tips 📑

Sometimes it seems that the very word " Investment"implies a large financial amount that is difficult to immediately find. (Our article "" to help you). That is why we try to put banknotes in a box, keeping them at home until better times.

In fact, this position unfaithful , because any free money should work for you, attracting new financial resources. If we talk about such a method as preserving and increasing capital with the help of a bank deposit, then the initial amount of investment can be 1000 rubles.

It's just important to choose the right bank deposit and the terms of its use. Read about what happens in a separate publication of our magazine.

Yes, buying currency, precious metals, art objects, and even more so own business will require a larger amount from you. But here, too, there is a way in which you can gradually collect the missing finances.

Firstly , teach yourself to save. Try to shop the right way, creating your own benefit. We recommend reading the article - + expert advice "

And secondly set aside monthly10 % from the income received preservation. Thus, you will create a clear structure for the distribution of funds and in a few months you will come to the intended result.

Profitable ways to invest money so as not to lose, save and earn

3. 13 ways to invest money so that it works and generates income 💸

Let's try to consider the most relevant options for investing your own money, determining their advantages and disadvantages.

Method number 1. Bank deposit (in which bank is it better to put money at interest)

This is the most common way that is available to anyone who wants to invest their money. Its whole essence is that an agreement is concluded, on the basis of which all the funds you deposit are not only preserved for a certain time, but also multiplied according to the specified rate.

The investor (depositor) acquires confidence in that he will receive income, the amount of which can be calculated in advance. This method of working with money is beneficial for both parties.

Method of investing money No. 1 - deposit

You replenishing the deposit, you work to increase it, and bank, taking money, conducts a lot of operations that give him their benefits.

So, your contribution is under 10% is given for a loan with debt obligations to another client in 20 % and, exactly one year later, the returned money will make a significant difference (income) to this institution.

You can choose the most optimal deposit for yourself either on your own or with the help of a consultant who always focuses on the offers that are relevant in a given period.

Another significant advantage this method can be called deposit insurance introduced recently in connection with the regular bankruptcy of credit institutions. Your contribution is now 1,400,000 rubles is subject to compulsory insurance, and hence return in any case by the state.

That is, if your investment amount exceeds this specified threshold, then you can split the money using the services of several banks.

Despite these positive aspects, there are also significant minuses . So, initially, for invested funds, the smallest percentage of all investment methods is set and can be from 0.1% to 9%, which varies depending on the terms of the proposal.

In addition, the unstable financial situation in the country leads to constant depreciation of funds(inflation). But, even in this case, your small profit will allow you to avoid significant losses, keeping your capital at the same level.

Which bank is better to put money at interest in 2019 - expert opinion

When deciding for yourself which bank is better to invest your money in and where to open a bank deposit (deposit account), we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the TOP- 5 banks of the country, paying attention to the reliability rating of these banks.

The bank is more reliable if the main shareholder (controlling stake) is the state. It is unlikely that the state will be interested in the bankruptcy of its own banks.

Reliable banks include For example, such giants of the banking sector as Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank and some others.

So, the TOP 5 banks in which you can safely invest money at interest:

  1. "Sberbank";
  2. "Rosselkhozbank";
  3. "VTB 24";
  4. "Gazprombank";
  5. "Alfa Bank".

The reliability rating of banks changes slightly over time. But the first 3 (three) jar are almost always in their places, as these are large banks with state financial support, that is, reliability at the highest level in the country. Here you can choose a deposit with replenishment, capitalization of interest, as well as prolongation. About that, you can read in one of our publications.

Method number 2. Investing in mutual funds

People who are somewhat familiar with stock exchange, shares, bonds and work with securities prefer to invest in mutual funds (mutual funds).

In fact, this combination only sounds complicated, but it has a simple basis. It represents collective investment of funds and their further management. All money is collected in a common fund, and then, with the help of a professional manager, is directed to the chosen method of use.

The principle of operation of mutual funds

IN most In our own way, we ourselves very rarely have real information related to the economic performance of even the most successful organization. Therefore, the ability to acquire any security is enough, but to manage it competently is not.

Important! By investing money in mutual funds, we get the opportunity to acquire those stock, bonds, gold or currency, which have fallen slightly in price, but are able to gain their positions in the future, determining good growth and a significant share of profits.

To achieve this ideal situation, specialists in investment funds must have an excellent understanding of the economy, not only at the level of their country, but also in general, in the world. It is important to master the basics technical And fundamental analysis, view news feeds and be able to properly respond to constant changes.

It is very difficult for an ordinary consumer to obtain a complex of such knowledge, and even more so to actively dispose of it, therefore, there is a need for the services of a specialist. This is the essence of investing in mutual funds.. You give your free money to managers who have vast experience and good statistics.

Thereby, advantage investment fund is that at any stage you are provided with maximum support and various options for investing funds from which you can choose the most optimal.

There is no need to immediately immerse yourself in all the subtleties and nuances, study daily methods, it is enough to entrust your funds correctly. In addition, you can gradually delve into the ongoing actions thoroughly by acquiring additional shares of the same organization on your own.

It should be understood that the activities of any management company are subject to constant control by the state, and this is already confidence for you in honest cooperation.

It is precisely such tough measures in the legal field and legal issues that ensure the protection of our investment rights as shareholders.

For the most part, a company that values ​​\u200b\u200bits reputation allows only trusted employees with a special certificate to manage the attracted contributions. It is also important that the amount of your initial investment is practically unlimited. It can start from 1000 rubles.

All available capital can be distributed initially between several mutual funds, which will allow you to create your own portfolio, limiting your share risks.

Logically, the situation turns this way: if even one investment fund puts your money at risk and brings you lesion , then the other will help restore the lost amount and, most likely, will provide income .

Even if the fund is recognized bankrupt , then your property invested in this investment will be prohibited from bidding by law. If necessary, you can always request the results of an independent audit, which is carried out daily. So, with the help of the registrar, the fund's own rights to invested shares and all property are recorded. And annually, the company's accounting is subject to audit.

Negative side such a method can be called your own indiscretion, when a young unverified specialist, taking up a case, “letes you down” and your expectations.

It is quite difficult to check its actions in advance, so there is a risk of losing accumulated money.

The only right decision you may want to learn a lot more about the mutual fund you plan to invest in. Try to analyze the situation, look for reviews, read forums, insure yourself.

Method number 3. Acquisition of real estate

Investment method number 3. Purchase of real estate (office, residential, etc.)

This method has always been the most effective for investing money. It should be understood that the acquired property (apartment, etc.) almost never loses its price. We have already told how profitable it is to buy an apartment and, in a separate article.

Over the next few years, its value will gradually increase. Sometimes this happens in sharp jumps, often just a systematic increase, but it always gives its owner the opportunity to be in plus . In more detail about, as well as the pros and cons of this method of investing, we wrote the previous material.

In addition, the purchased option can always be rent out, and this is already a way of passive income, which leads to further accumulation. Experts have noticed that in order to invest it is best to purchase simple rooms or one-room small apartments.

An example of an apartment that can be rented from 20,000 rubles per month in a large city

The rented premises of two such objects are several times more expensive than one area consisting of 2 rooms.

Also, a small quadrature is easier to repair, giving it a presentable look, and furnish it with your own furniture. If we use the language of numbers, then renting the purchased room will bring us 10-20% per annum which maximizes return on investment 6-8 years old, and after that the period of receipt of net profit will begin.

But renting an entire apartment brings only 5-7% per annum and this is a longer period for the return of their funds. In addition, the existing method of renting housing by the day provides the most favorable prospects, but entails the need for constant work on search for residents And repair which will become more frequent.

You will need to provide not only the best conditions, but also the prestige of the location of the room in the area. Investing your own money in housing has mass benefits . This is stability, and the possibility of further residence and return of invested money at any convenient time.

It is worth understanding that sell property you can always. (For information on how to do this quickly, read the article -?). Moreover, you can easily give your square meters hand over them by inheritance or bequeath a specific person.

disadvantage In this way, it is necessary to consider the high cost of the object and the difficulties in making a transaction. So it is not always easy to collect the amount from 500 000 rubles, and even a loan taken from a bank imposes a lot of obligations on you. But having money on hand is not a guarantee of a successful result.

In today's world, there are a lot of schemes used scammers when selling a home. And your initial conviction may later turn out to be a deception.

Therefore, vigilance is very important when searching for premises, checking documents and working with lawyers.

For more information on real estate investing, see the video below:

Method number 4. precious metals

The purchase of gold has become a very common way of investing. It is purchased in special ingots and, as a rule, kept in the same banks, creating a special account.

Over time, prices for this instrument may, as grow, and fall, but for the most part they provide the owner of the precious metal with profit. It is not difficult to buy it even on the day of the application itself.

If the transaction occurs in an impersonal form, then VAT in fact sales or purchases do not receive . But the formation of metal into an ingot involves tax payment value added in the amount 18% (VAT).

In addition to gold, actively sold silver, palladium And platinum. In fact, the entire income of the depositor is formed due to the growth in the cost of precious metals in world markets. If necessary, accounts can be replenished in the monetary equivalent of the value of this investment instrument.

Closing the contract, according to its terms, the bank has the right to give you not only financial resources, taking into account the increase in the amount, but also the bars themselves. By the way, very often prematurely closed accounts do not entail the payment of accrued interest.

Advantages of this method is that it protects savings from inflation, protects the owner in case of any unstable economic or political situations in the country. In addition, here is high liquidity use, that is, a quick transfer to cash, as well as a stable increase in the cost of them.

Gold, as a precious metal, is always valuable. The price of gold is subject to small fluctuations, but in the long run grows in price.

From shortcomings can be called the need to create special storage conditions, purchase And sale is produced only through the banking system, and the increase in capital gains is slow.

In addition, when working with this method, you must follow a few basic rules.

First, the acquisition of precious metals is important to carry out in the most favorable period. Try to identify the underlying price decline.

Secondly It should be understood that such investments pay off only in the long run.

AND, thirdly, when starting the main actions, try to study the market in advance, understand the peculiarities of the extraction and consumption of each metal, and also analyze the forecasts of experts.

Getting gold gradually depletes its reserves, which allows you to make the price more expensive after a time period.

Method number 5. Business

Investment method number 5. Business creation and development

Creating and developing your own business, as well as acquiring a ready-made project, involves special risks in the initial stages. In general, of course, the sphere of investing money is considered profitable, but it can be very difficult to achieve such a result. About that, we already wrote in our issue, which provides detailed instructions on how to open, what to look for, as well as popular business ideas as examples.

Important not only initially correctly calculate the amount of investments, staff availability, purchase of goods And other items of expenditure, but also take into account the rent of the premises, the traffic of the planned place, and even the cost of the average bill, which gives reason to talk about the profitability of the event.

In addition, there are a number of factors that can disrupt the original plans. This presence of competitors, not a good relationship with suppliers, equipment upgrade, changes in Russian legislation, and much more.

advantage such investment can be considered the possibility of joint ownership of the business, collegial management of it and the search for a niche poorly occupied by competitors.

Under such conditions, as well as competent business management, you can not only receive a good income, but also be sure of its constancy.

Negative side this method is called the absence 100% guaranteed. Your invested funds may, in the end, not only not return, but also impose special obligations to eliminate debts resulting from activities.

Any area of ​​business requires special attention, constant work and personal dedication. You will either have to constantly monitor the course of affairs with the money invested, or independently participate in them, achieving positive results.

In more detail and in detail about, we wrote in our past material.

Method number 6. Purchase of securities

Investing in such instruments becomes profitable in the long run. The main types in your portfolio can be called stock, bonds And Eurobonds.

Way of investing money №6. Purchase of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.)

Let's take a look at each purchase in more detail.

So " promotion"- This is a security that makes it possible to confirm your right to a share in the capital of the company. It allows not only to receive dividends, but also to participate in the management of the enterprise itself.

Main advantage such an acquisition can be considered a huge profit based on the increase in its price. The entire scheme for storing and controlling such papers is now in electronic form, so it is very convenient to use.

Also, when working with securities, many companies open their controlled companies in offshore zones (“offshores”). we have already written in our previous issues.

negative moment experts call the high risk of storing these tools. Such an acquisition is done at your own risk. No one gives good guarantees of the success of such an event.

"Bonds" their owners increase capital gradually. Its growth is slow, but it makes it possible to become stable. In the general portfolio of securities, they are most likely acquired for diversification, that is, expanding the range.

They reduce risk and are suitable for those users who can expect a long period of adding initial funds.

"Eurobonds" are issued most often by corporations and the government in foreign currency denominations. The starting rate for their acquisition is 1000 dollars.

Main advantage of this method of investment lies in the cost difference between currencies. Due to this, you can get a good income and sell bonds at any time without losing interest.

Flaw of this method is that it is very difficult to choose the right stock or bonds into your portfolio. You will have to resort to the opinion of professionals and experts.

Only they, understanding the real economic situation of our country, as well as understanding all the nuances of working in this area, are able to advise and choose the most optimal solution for you.

Method number 7. Private lending (P2P lending)

Another method that is now the most widely used. This is a method in which money is provided to the borrower on special terms. It is important to draw up a contract correctly, evaluate everything risks And losses, to study the personal data of the person with whom you have to work.

Your advantage is high yield. Providing credit obligations from one individual to another for a short period allows you to get up to 50% per annum. But the disadvantages of this method are also serious.

There is a possibility of non-repayment of borrowed funds. Even a very thorough search for borrowers does not guarantee their honesty.

Method number 8. Buying currency

This way of investing can be carried out both with the help of banks (banking institutions, branches, etc.), and by attracting brokerage companies to trade in the Forex currency market. One of the best brokers is " ForexClub".

If In the first case you just need to provide a document proving your identity, then in the second- a special agreement is signed, which initially may carry additional risks. In one of the articles in our magazine, you can find out what and what you need to pay attention to when.

That is why it is important to choose the right specialists with significant experience in this field of work. The most popular currencies today are: U.S. $, Euro, Japanese yen, Swiss frank, And English pound sterling.

Key Benefits This method can be called some points.

Firstly , the increase in profit is achieved in 100% and more, which allows you to increase the initial capital, enriching yourself daily.

Secondly If you know the dynamics of the growth of the exchange rate, then it becomes possible to protect yourself from inflation. You can independently choose a currency, determine its changes and predict further consequences.

Third , the purchase for you is not limited in time. This process can be scheduled for any period of personal free time.

AND, fourthly By providing constant access to the Internet, you are able to independently control the situation, monitor course changes, and determine the effectiveness of your further actions.

Flaw with these advantages, only one is the unpredictability of the currency. In order to make the right decision, you need to carefully monitor the changes, be able to correctly predict the behavior of quotes and try to bet on various types of funds.

Yes, experts advise to instantly increase your starting capital, make an investment in dollar or Euro.(In the near future we wrote in the last issue, which provides advice and expert opinions).

If it's a priority for you safety of funds despite the difficult political environment, turn your attention to pounds or Swiss frank.

Of course, buying them is more expensive, but this operation gives stability, because their position is more stable in the foreign exchange market.

☝ It has also been growing in popularity lately. We covered them in detail in our last issue.

Method number 9. Investing in art

This is one of the stable ways not only save your funds, but also increase them significantly. To do this, it is important not only to really understand art, but also to attend special events, selecting your future buyers.

This method has both a lot of advantages and disadvantages. As you know, the art market has existed for quite a long time and everyone can become a participant, regardless of gender, age, and even religious prejudices.

The first and significant a plus work with masterpieces is very simple purchase procedure works. There are no special formalities, licensing, special checks. The investor selects a future acquisition from the catalog or by visiting the gallery itself. He is called the price of the canvas he likes according to the established price list.

If necessary, an expert is involved to confirm the authenticity of the work. Such a specialist can be provided both by the organization itself and from the circle of personal preference. The work you like is carried out by a purchase operation and given to the investor in his hands.

By the way, it is believed that investing in such sources becomes the most profitable in periods of crisis, wars or extreme situations. This is a kind of capital protection, providing further profit.

But against the background of these advantages, one can distinguish a number of shortcomings . Let's start with the fact that this market has low liquidity. Auctions are held with frequency 1-2 once a year, and the sale itself may take 6 to 18 months.

In addition, the availability of buyers who are able to pay you the required amount is very limited and it is important to convince them of the importance of the acquisition. Many lending institutions refuse loans to their clients, even if they are trying to secure them with the same art objects as collateral.

No work unable to bring to its owner intermediate income, such as renting an apartment or buying shares, but the costs can be significant. The owner needs to ensure not only the correct storage conditions, but also insurance, security, delivery.

In addition, sometimes it happens that the period of price increase is replaced by its stability and waiting for a long time the owner may just make a small profit. Even at well-known auctions and auctions does not exist 100% counterfeit protection. Often, the staff of experts there is very limited and it is not physically possible to check all works of art purely physically.

Many experts advise taking this method of investing capital very seriously. Try to provide for yourself the maximum possible methods of checking works for authenticity, involve those employees who will give a guaranteed result.

It should be understood that only the canvas that has not been put up for sale for a long time and spent it in one collection has a serious chance of increasing its value.

Method number 10. Internet projects

With the development of modern technologies, this direction is becoming more and more popular.

Way to invest money #10. Investing in Internet projects

At its core, it has 2 areas, which may be of interest to both a novice investor and an already experienced specialist.

Firstly, the World Wide Web allows you to create innovative web resources that are regarded as startup. By the way, we wrote in our last article.

Secondly, you can invest in creating your own website, which will become the foundation of your business and begin to bring additional funds on a regular basis.

AND, Thirdly, financing those projects that seem most profitable to you.

Let's take a closer look at each direction in order to understand how profitable it can become later.

In the first case you will need come up with an original idea, which will be able to interest the future buyer with its profitability. Having worked it out more carefully, it is important to understand even the smallest details.

Further, specialists are involved who are able to bring the idea to life, and your task is to exercise control at each stage of the work. Later, a scheme is formed according to which this business project is actually carried out and tested.

Your investment is returned back with a return . The amount of profit received on hand depends entirely on the degree of development of the created Internet site and its attractiveness for future owners.

Second case has a more common onset and is beneficial for a number of reasons. You can create your own business on the Internet, even with a small capital.

You save on retail space, warehouses, staff, but you have the opportunity to access a wide range of users and implement at a convenient time.

Investments in this type of activity less risky than creating a business in reality. But the development of such a direction and the multiplication of initial financial sources completely depends on your employment, interest and intentions.

Third way attachments funds through the space of the world wide web is also associated with doing business, only by people who are able to prove the effectiveness of their start. There are many platforms where people post their projects with a specific description of the cost and level of profit.

Investing in websites. An example of selling a site from the Telderi exchange. The lot indicates the average monthly income and expenses and other information for buyers (investors)

They offer you to invest in it, promising a certain share of shares, on which you can later receive income or raise money for their sale. Registration of such obligations takes place by a special type of contract worked out by specialists.

Investing in Internet projects- this is the direction that should be studied very carefully, because it is impossible to predict the result in advance. Of course, there are risks here.

And perhaps disadvantage such a method can be called unpredictability. The experts calculated that 10 offers put forward for consideration only 4 capable of becoming profitable .

Method number 11. Binary Options

This is the fastest way to make a profit on your investment. It is based on two components: risk taking and clear detailed study economic situation.

Method number 11. Investing in binary options

Your task is to provide a correct prediction for the price of the asset being used. For example, it is most convenient for a person to work with stocks. By purchasing an option on them, he is betting that, for example, exactly in a day their value will become much higher than indicated at the moment.

After the specified time, the result is evaluated. In the event that the assumptions are confirmed, the amount of profit will fluctuate from 65-85% . This is a significant increase in invested capital.

But do not forget that you may not guess. Exactly then is lost 80-100% rates. We have already written in detail about options in our issue - “What is it and real beginner reviews”.

At first glance, it may seem that generating income in this way - just a game of chance. Actually it is not. It is worth delving a little into the created system, and you will begin to make predictions more correct, and this, as a result, increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the bet.

Investing in binary options, it is worth considering that they have a mass benefits.

Firstly , those trading instruments that will be offered to you have a wide range and provide the right to a huge choice. So anyone, even a novice investor, can work with both standard currency pairs and precious metals, shares of various companies, oil and other assets.

Secondly , your level arrived and possible risk predetermined. In general, you can calculate in advance how much you can get as a result of a positive outcome of the case and what you can lose if the situation is incorrectly resolved.

Some trading platforms offer their consumers to independently set the percentage of the future outcome.

For example, by setting the numbers 80/70 , you lose 80% of the bet without guessing it, or gain 70% of the initial capital.

Third , any interested investor is always provided with easy access at any time of the day. That is, there is no need to download and install additional programs, go through levels of control or somehow confirm your individuality.

It is enough to get to the official website of the trading platform and you can track the results, make new bets, and analyze the situation. In addition, all trading continues every minute, without breaks on weekends, holidays or at night. Thus, your desire to start earning on the money invested can come true at any second, you just need to find free time.

AND, fourthly , the trading interface is designed in such a way that even the most uninitiated beginner will understand on an intuitive level. All intermediate price fluctuations of the instrument you have chosen are removed, giving only the final result for the time you set.

There are 2 main principles here: CALL UP - a deal to buy (profit from rising prices) and PUT DOWN - a deal to sell (income when the price falls). Despite such a number of advantages described, it is worth understanding that binary options, like any other type of capital investment, they can have some disadvantages.

Let's list some of them. So, the only failure you made is capable of taking away up to 90% invested capital. And this is sometimes a very significant amount, and in order to return it back it takes about 3-4 successful transactions.

In addition, it is not allowed here in advance break deals or refuse them. Even if you understand the fallacy of your actions, and the worsening forecast constantly confirms your guesses, then you can only hope for a miracle, waiting for the final result.

Also, the program itself assumes the absence of credit obligations. That is, you can invest only free funds that you have available. On the one hand, this is even good, because, as a rule, a novice investor enters into excitement and is able to spend more than he intended from the very beginning.

But, on the other hand, there are some types of transactions or the stability of the economic situation, when a positive result can be predicted in advance, and this can lead to significant earnings.

Only at this moment there is very little money in your account. Working with binary options is capable of not only save invested funds, but also increase them significantly, one has only to correctly understand the situation and study in more detail the scheme of work with each tool.

Method number 12. PAMM accounts

This is another way to manage your finances, which allows you to entrust personal savings to a specialist. In more detail about how to open and choose a PAMM account for investment, we told in one of our articles.

Investment method No. 12. Investing in PAMM - accounts

It is worth immediately understanding what is the difference between a mutual fund ( mutual fund) And PAMM account.

If in the first case the manager has full access to your funds and can dispose of them at his own discretion, without being liable even in case of losses, then the second option assumes only the presence of a deposit, which can only be handled by concerted actions.

PAMM account is intended for trading, making deals, but only in a technological way. Moreover, all funds provided for investment on this account can not only be checked at any time, but also the actions of the manager can be stopped at any time.

Key Benefits money contributions in this way are:

  • Opportunity to earn significant profit with the help of skillful actions of a specialist. As you know, such accounts provide access to the most highly profitable investments.
  • Minimum investment threshold. Some of these accounts may start with an amount of 100 dollars and that is why they become not only attractive, but also accessible to a large circle of people.
  • Full control . Thanks to the automated system, the account holder can easily and quickly analyze the activities carried out, and all calculations are performed automatically.
  • Easy choice of manager. Throughout all the working processes, not only its statistics are published for each PAMM account, but also the history of operations, which makes it possible to easily view the current situation, contact your manager and, if necessary, replace him.
  • Portfolio formation. As in the situation with mutual funds, the occurrence of risks is always possible. That is why it is necessary to insure yourself by creating several accounts with different assets.
  • Liquidity of operations. At any time, if necessary, you can not only deposit your funds, but also withdraw them. The whole operation takes no more than a day, but gives the owner confidence that there is control and even the most complex transactions can be stopped during their execution.

Method number 13. Invest in yourself

This is another way to invest money. It is considered very beneficial in the sense that even the smallest knowledge gained while attending courses can become a serious platform for a further start.

In general, this type of investment has 3 main directions.

1. Health

Even if it seems in their 18 years, you do not have problems in this area, be sure that they will appear without due attention to you. And how well you take care of him now, depends on your condition in adulthood.

2. Appearance

This is a constant work on yourself. In order to be properly perceived, you need to follow cleanliness of clothes, own fragrances, skin, nails And hair.

Of course, there is no need to constantly visit expensive salons and spend all the money on procedures, but it is also useless to make appointments when the external image looks like a fat, greasy cat.

Try to join the sport in order to have a beautiful figure and a toned stomach, watch your hairdo, and even more so unpainted hair roots, sign up for manicure and pedicure procedures.

Timely monitor the condition of the skin and at least purchase the necessary creams to help fight wrinkles, pay attention to your wardrobe. Try to select for him things of good quality in a strict business style. Don't forget to wash and iron your clothes on time.

3. Knowledge

The fulfillment of the first two main points entails further personal growth. Now it is important to read books of various kinds, drawing something important for yourself.

Make it a habit to read daily at least 50 pages . Sign up for useful courses, trainings, visit presentations (for example, such as - "", etc.) try to communicate with new interesting people.

If you have the opportunity to watch a training video, use it. Schedule a trip to another country or city, choose excursions with which you can study history, various types of architecture.

Believe me, there is nothing educational in visiting a beach or a bar. It's also good to get into museum , theater , movie ,Botanical Garden or even zoo .

Invest in yourself - this is knowledge, experience, skills, ability to apply the whole range of acquired skills in practice at the right time for you. After all, it was not in vain that wise people said: “Knowledge is not to be carried behind your shoulders, and you never know what information will be useful to you today.”

7 principles of investing to make money 📋

We wrote above about where you can invest money with a guarantee, so we also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the principles of investing.

Basic principles of investing money at a high interest rate with a guarantee of income

Principle 1. Long-term perspective

Imagine a situation in which the market, which has become so familiar to you, simply closed and it was decided to resume its activities only after a few years. Where would the money be invested?

Try to think ahead without resorting to daily quotes, the mood of other investors, fluctuations in the cost of raw materials and finished products. So, for example, take the purchase of shares of a well-known company " Coca Cola". Even at the time of its conquest of the market, they cost $40.

The increase in the price of sugar in those years caused the value of the security to fall to its minimum. A rush was created in which they were sold almost for next to nothing, but today we understand how profitable these purchases became then. Agree that this is a great example of where you can invest money to earn. Such a prospect can be offered to you by shares of another company, buying gold , antiques And even apartments .

Principle 2. Careful examination of the financing instrument

Before you give away even a small amount of your hard-earned savings, try to make an in-depth analysis of the chosen method. Talk to those who already work in this field, consider their experience. This principle applies in particular to areas such as mutual funds, work in the stock markets, PAMM accounts.

Principle 3. Own opinion

It is not enough to just have information, even if it is collected very carefully, it is important to be able to cut off everything unnecessary and look at the future perspective.

Try not to succumb to the forcing opinion from the outside, develop your character by determining your outcome and the result of investments.

Principle 4. Know how to stop

Sometimes it happens that work in one direction ceases to be profitable, and there can be many reasons for this.

Consider other options, look for more promising investments, learn to close unnecessary pages.

Principle 5. Take your time

Making investment transactions in the modern world, we rely mainly on the help of the Internet. It seems and more efficient And faster. But such a position is initially wrong. It is important to understand in subtleties and nuances, determine the outcome of the case and only then make a decision.

After all, the question of where to invest money at a high percentage with a guarantee requires taking into account all the outcomes of the event (from getting big losses to getting a decent income).

Principle 6. Choose winners

It should be understood that even against the backdrop of a difficult economic situation in the country, there are companies that give good performance and develop very steadily. The task of the investor is to find access to its shares and get them for the success of their business.

Principle 7. Think about tomorrow

This principle of investing lies in the fact that even if you are very lucky today, you should not stop there, withdrawing all the money to buy expensive things.

Continue your work, look for new sources, tools, ways, collect your portfolio. Only this way of action will lead to a stable positive result.

5. Where to invest money to get monthly income - 5 useful tips from experts 💡

Where to invest money in order to receive income every month, we wrote above, so we suggest that you also read the advice of experts who have experience in investing.

Since earning our money, we try to not only save, but also multiply, and in a crisis, lack of stability and a difficult economic situation in the country, there is a feeling of fear, accompanied by a sense of loss.

So, expert advice on where to invest money in order to earn and not lose it:

Expert Tip #1. Try to minimize the risk for part of your investments as much as possible

From the total amount of capital, separate 30% and give yourself a guarantee that they will invested without loss. In this way, experts believe Bank deposit, purchase of art objects, purchase of gold bars, precious metals And real estate.

The main essence of the advice is that with any further arrangement of affairs, you will be able to save the starting amount, and if possible, you will also earn on it.

Expert Tip #2: Create Recurring Passive Income

If this is your principle, pay attention to the purchase of stocks or bonds, and indeed securities.

By the way, even buying your own square meters, which are then rented out, will also allow you to receive a monthly income. You can read more in our article - - ideas and sources of passive income "

Expert Tip #3: Separate How You Invest (Diversify)

It is important to understand that keeping all the money in a single project is very inefficient, diversify your investments. That is why, having ensured stability, try to find a profitable business area or become a co-investor in a business that, in your opinion, will be very profitable.

Expert Tip #4 High Yield Investing

For economical And frugal people, this way of investing capital should become the most extreme, because in fact it is associated with big risks . Your appeal to mutual funds or PAMM accounts, and even more so binary options, will allow you to both instantly receive income and put all initial capital at risk.

Expert tip #5. Check information

Before you invest your money, you need to carefully and scrupulously study the object of investment. Make sure that the expected return is correct, you may be offered to invest in an object with a questionable return.

6. Where do not invest money so as not to burn out - the main investment mistakes 📛

Despite many warnings and a huge amount of information on the Internet, people who want to invest their own money make a number of mistakes that lead to an undesirable result.

The very first and most important the moment is that newcomers give their finances at random, agreeing with the arguments of acquaintances, relatives and even third-party representatives of the worldwide network. Of course, the probability of receiving income still remains, but it reduced to a minimum.

Second mistake can be called an emotional state. There are frequent cases when, inspired by the example of a friend, a person tries to imitate his behavior, repeating each step of investing, but without a clear calculation and premeditated prospects, instead of increasing funds, we get them. loss .

Another wrong move considered to be in a hurry. People are in a hurry in choosing an investment tool, as well as in the desire to take the first results. As everyone knows, profits don't grow on trees. That is why it must be expected. Give yourself time to understand the subtleties and subjects, learn to act systematically.

Real examples of investing money for profit - ways to invest from 100-500 thousand rubles to 1000,000 to earn

7. Where is it better to invest money to make money - real ways + examples of investing a small amount of money to make a profit 💰

Even the smallest earned capital is already becoming an object of further reflection. It is, as it were, a small door that opens the way for you into the world of big investment.

So, let's consider it profitable, starting with a small amount of 5000 rubles and ending 1 million.

2019 promises to be a challenging year in terms of personal finances. Experts predict rate fluctuations, rising prices, falling profitability, and reliability of instruments. Therefore, many are trying to find new ways to increase capital, or at least keep it from inflation. Both classical methods and completely new investment tools deserve attention.

To find your method of passive or partially active earnings, you need to consider several factors. First: the real savings that are available. How much money can be invested additionally without risking financial stability, what losses will be acceptable, and what losses should be avoided at all costs. Beginners can be guided by simple rules that remain important regardless of the amount of capital available. In 2019, nothing will change in this regard: the principles remain the same, global shocks do not threaten the market yet.

Filling the portfolio

The concept of an investment portfolio is simple for private fund holders. It is a set of tools that, taken together, prove to be more reliable than either of them individually. That is, you cannot concentrate finances in one method, for example, in bank accounts or in shares, you need to find alternatives, distribute funds, equalizing risks and profitability.

On a note!

Experts advise choosing at least three areas, but no more than five in the early stages of working with capital.

Banks are developing combined products with more favorable terms. For example, opening a classic deposit at the same time as buying shares. The stability and guarantees of the banking product are complemented by a significant return on securities, which give more risks.

Opportunity Calculation

All investment methods are divided into groups according to the size of the initial capital. In certain areas, it makes no sense to risk little, because the output will be very small. To increase capital, and not lose everything, you need to calculate the amount that can be invested. It should not be targeted savings or insurance family stocks. The opinions of all experts in this plan converge: only free money can be put into circulation.

When calculating the amount that you can invest now, be sure to take into account future risks. If these are highly profitable methods, but with a minimum of guarantees, it is better to leave a safety stock in case of a complete failure. If these are classic deposits, insured investments, you can slightly increase the amount in order to get a big profit.

Risk control

Any investment option involves risk. However, experts note that it is still better to invest money, and not to keep it passively. Since the risk of reducing capital is one hundred percent due to inflation and economic instability. When investing an amount, it is necessary to plan work with it in short periods, and not leave the instruments uncontrolled.

When distributing your money, you cannot forget about it and just wait for the interest to arrive. They need to be controlled by calculating the ratio of risks and rewards. For example, when it comes to stocks, PAMM accounts and cryptocurrency, at first the yield can be 100-150 percent with a risk of 10-20 percent, but after a month this ratio may change towards 80/40. Therefore, constant monitoring is important.

On a note!

The same applies to investments using credit funds. For example, a prospective purchase of real estate or land.

Withdrawal of the first installment

Many high-yield methods involve partial withdrawal of funds as you accumulate. The main task is to quickly get back the initial investment. This will not only significantly reduce the risk, but also act much more actively. This is important when working with securities, PAMM accounts and promising projects.

The withdrawal of the down payment can be offered by all financial institutions, however, this is not always beneficial for the recipients of investments. Therefore, when making an investment, it makes sense to separately stipulate these conditions. More often, a change in the minimum balance entails a reduction in rates, but with a certain level of risk, this is advisable.

Overview of investment options

You can invest money in 2018, as well as in the coming 2019, in order to earn money in numerous resources. The relevance of ordinary deposits began to gradually grow, but precious metals and even real estate ceased to be attractive, especially for owners of large capital. The list of reliable investment projects, startups has expanded, risks in the cryptocurrency area have decreased.

Bank deposit

Over the past three years, investing in key banking products has become less and less profitable, sometimes interest rates have fallen below the inflation rate. However, an increase in the key rate is predicted for 2019, which is beneficial for investors. Already in the final months of 2018, the offers of banks began to change: the average interest on the annual product reached 7 points, and the maximum reached 13-15 percent per year.

The main advantage of this type of investment is stability over the entire period. If the funds are small, as well as knowledge in the financial field, you can choose the direction as the main one. It will be possible to fully compensate for inflation and even earn some money. However, if the main goal is to increase capital, it makes sense to invest, in this way, a small part of the funds, distributing the bulk of it among other products.

On a note!

You can get a slightly higher percentage by making a deposit in virtual banking. The discount will be from 0.5 to 2 percent per annum.

Currency operations

Many holders of private capital have abandoned foreign exchange transactions over the past three years due to the instability of the external economy and international politics. But experts advise not to rush to exchange the entire amount for rubles. A reliable way is to distribute the entire amount in several directions, leaving no more than fifteen percent in the national currency. The most promising in the next period will be:

  • dollar;
  • yen;
  • lb;
  • Swiss frank.

The euro is not on the lists, since almost all market participants expect a fall of at least 10 percent, probably even 15-20 points. At the same time, the Swiss franc will remain the most stable due to the active inflow of funds from other countries. The British pound will be beneficial as the country is focused on curtailing its own economic sovereignty due to attempts to leave the European Union. The Japanese yen traditionally remains at the top of the rankings due to stable growth in production volumes, while Chinese money is still unprofitable for investors due to numerous threats and risks. The dollar will continue to grow stronger, despite the difficult political situation.

Experts advise to transfer earned funds to foreign currency accounts in accordance with the goals of further spending. If a trip is planned, then you should immediately exchange for the national currency. Buying real estate in dollars is also a good reason to start saving American money.

precious metals

Remain one of the least popular private sector investment methods. To really make money, you need to plan a financial period of at least 15 years, which for most is not possible in principle. In addition, in the current situation, it makes sense to buy metals only in the amount of more than 250 thousand rubles, in this case, a certain increase can be obtained in 10-15 years.

On a note!

The trends are the same for all metals, both classic, gold, platinum, and innovative.

Experts propose to abandon the purchase of silver altogether, the risk of losing part of the capital exceeds 50 percent, as the industrial consumption of the resource is actively growing. The same goes for platinum and titanium. Gold will show growth, but microscopic. It is profitable to invest money in the past 2018 and the coming 2019 in special OMS metal accounts. These are not bars or coins, but active trading. A private person gets access to the account, can play on the price courses and thus earn. You will have to pay standard taxes, learn the principles of trading and allocate time for such exchange work. For those who have enough free funds, analysts advise investing in palladium, investors managed to earn up to 15 percent on it in 2018 and the likelihood of another jump is extremely high, while the risks tend to zero.


In the retail investment segment, the reputation of securities and stocks has suffered greatly against the backdrop of the popularity of various Forex exchanges and the like. However, real investments in this segment are becoming more and more profitable. Corporations show rapid growth, especially the already established ones, they try to reinforce their position by issuing bonds. Experts cite the following figures: a beginner with minimal effort can earn about 9 percent per year. It is realistic to reach a level of 20-25 percent when using credit funds, large own investments and risky play.

To make good money in this segment, it is worth taking a risk. Experts agree that now is the time to invest in undervalued but stable companies. Their disadvantage is volatility. Stocks can drop very sharply, but also rise sharply. Cycles replace each other, so you should not be afraid of falls if it is possible to extend the terms of capital investment. Such stocks include:

  • Sberbank;
  • Moscow Exchange;
  • Norilsk Nickel.

On a note!

It is better to choose an investment period from 6 to 12 months. The risks are minimal, and the probability of making money on the next rise increases.

It is easiest for a beginner to invest at good interest in a bank block of shares. This is a single block of securities that are bought at the same time. It has rapidly growing but risky positions, stable but "slow" companies, and those bonds that may not grow, but with zero probability will burn out. The income will not be maximum, but the risk of losing everything is also small. The package must contain securities of at least a few of the largest companies showing the best numbers:

  • Amazon;
  • Cabot Oil;
  • Concho;
  • Netflix.

In the list of profitable companies and stocks, there are practically no brands that are widely known. For example, automakers, fashion houses are currently under threat. Behind consumer popularity are falling sales and internal strife that prevent further growth.

Real estate and land

Investments in apartments and houses at the end of 2018 were included in the list of promising and even “difficult”, in 2019 the situation will not change, on the contrary, the trends will consolidate. Experts suggest that the crisis in the economic sphere will only deepen, become even more widespread, and cover stable markets and business areas. Selling apartments will become much more difficult, and prices may even fall significantly. The price tag for new buildings and for secondary objects is expected to creep up. To make money on square meters, you have to go wait at least 5 years, or look for ways to sell high and buy at a discount when it's difficult.

But there are also advantages. Firstly, it is the absence of the risk of losing everything in the end. Even if prices fall for a certain period, sooner or later the market will go up and investments will pay off and make a profit. During this waiting period, you can count on passive income. And, secondly, it makes sense to invest savings in apartments and houses with the expectation of renting out only if you do not have to take loans from banks.

On a note!

In general, in 2019, buying real estate on credit will remain profitable for the time being, as even more rapid growth in rates is predicted in the future.

Buying land as an investment makes sense in two ways. The first is the acquisition of a plot in the very center or in a promising area, where development will be as dense as possible in the coming years. The second is to develop your own business. In all other cases, it makes no sense to buy plots. This is especially true of suburban cottage settlements, here the initial owners themselves can always sell them even cheaper.

Own business

Starting your own business in the new year is a great way to invest money so that it works for years. Experts give some advice on how to reduce the risks:

  • increase initial capital;
  • choose an area with a quick payback;
  • use ready-made solutions.

You can count on stable earnings in the current economic conditions if you have sufficient initial capital. For a successful business, the minimum will be one million rubles. You can organize a truly profitable enterprise that will not “fly by” in the first six months. The payback period will be a period of 2-3 months. With such indicators, you can organize a business on vending machines, a car wash, a repair shop. There is nothing new in these areas, but they are good for that. The development of business plans that have proven themselves well, for which there is already a demand, is a profitable investment. If the capital is small, it makes sense to master the Internet space, virtual trading networks, where the first costs can be easily minimized.

Experts have a slightly different attitude towards franchises, the number of which is growing rapidly. Very young, little-known chains are now selling their "brands", which may eventually close in a year and a half. During this time, the franchise owner will only develop his business, and in the end will be left with nothing. The profitability of this type of business is rapidly falling for everyone except the franchise owners themselves. Therefore, in the current period, experts advise investing in a business from scratch.

On a note!

According to statistics, 85 percent of dollar millionaires started their own business from scratch, without using franchises or other people's startups.

It is most profitable to make big capital work in business, however, this most often requires personal involvement, which not everyone is ready for. The alternative is investing in innovation and promising start-ups. This is a risky undertaking that can fail. Experts see the reason in the instability of the economy, difficult to predict customer behavior and the rapid development of the innovation sector. What seemed profitable yesterday becomes obsolete technology tomorrow. To make investments in this business segment the most profitable, it makes sense to turn to experts and personal advisers to analyze the existing proposal. Innovations and start-ups in the service sector, the medical segment, and the IT industry are still promising.

PAMM products and mutual funds

This category includes not only accounts known to many, but also entire portfolios, proposals for trust management. Today, this method of investment is treated with caution, for the most part because of the huge number of scammers. However, this is a good choice for those who want to earn a lot and in the short term, want to master active tools. Profit is possible only with professional brokers, and not with financial pyramids or "kitchens", it is important to check the companies, the period of existence, financial statements.

The main advantage is the ability to manage the ratio of risk and profitability. With minimal potential damage, you can earn up to 20 percent per annum of the initial capital, while the probability of losing all investments will be less than five percent. If you choose the most risky strategies, you can get from 50 to 120 points per annum, but the risks will increase to 20-30 percent.

The most profitable in the current period will be moderate investments in PAMM products of a complex nature: both trust management and the purchase of futures, which are likely to grow. At the same time, it is better to choose traditional brokerage companies from America or Europe that have regional accreditation and have been on the market for at least 10 years.

On a note!

Analysts note that such investments will bring a significant income with a starting capital of $1,000 or more.

Mutual funds or mutual funds are often confused with PAMM products. However, the difference is significant when it comes to investing small capital. You can become a member of the fund with very modest savings. Most offer a minimum share for an amount of 1 thousand rubles, international companies set a higher plan - from 500 dollars on average. At the same time, mutual funds are regulated by the state, which limits their profitability, but increases reliability. The maximum earnings here will not exceed 50 percent, on average it is 15 percent per annum. The main advantage is the availability of insurance guarantees. Here you can invest money safely if you find a fund with appropriate contractual obligations. As a rule, in such organizations, the average monthly income varies from 0.5 to 3 percent. But it is possible that the owner of the capital will not earn anything at all.

Private lending

Private lending is becoming a more attractive investment method as the legal framework expands substantially. The safest way to invest in such an enterprise is to become a full member of the MFI. The larger the microfinance company, the lower the risks, but the higher the initial capital required. It is set by law at the level of one and a half million rubles. However, this is the lower threshold, and the companies themselves usually raise it further.

The main disadvantage of this option is the duration of investments. Most of the contracts are designed for at least 3 years. But the yield at the same time is about 30 percent per annum. The risks are low, as MFIs are considered to be among the most stable. They rarely close, especially if they are large federal chains, their bankruptcy is an isolated case, which is rather an exception. The demand for MFI services is huge, and therefore income is currently consistently high. The main thing is to follow the basic rules and not invest everything in one source of potential profit, form an individual portfolio, monitor the current situation, which is especially important in the field of private lending.


In the current period, the cryptocurrency has become one of the most promising in terms of quick and big earnings, but also the most risky. In fact, this is a good investment for those who want to instantly increase their capital, but are ready to lose it completely. Therefore, experts propose to consider this method as an auxiliary one, and keep the bulk of the funds on more reliable resources.

The classic and well-known cryptocurrencies have recently shown a huge drop in rates, and then again a sharp increase. This is quite normal and does not indicate a market crash. Like any synthetic phenomenon in the economy, such virtual coins are actually a huge “soap bubble”, since there is no physical support behind them, no economic processes. But today it is still possible to profitably invest in reliable projects. One of them is Synterium. This large platform is unique both from a program point of view, and in terms of profitability, and even in terms of its guarantees for investors. A special approach is the main advantage. This is not one of hundreds of ICO projects.

Here you can engage in the most profitable - mining of a promising cryptocurrency. Own code, created from scratch, practically eliminates the loss of all initial capital.

Although cryptocurrency allows you to earn quickly, you still cannot count on a quick withdrawal of the invested amount. Analysts advise opening accounts for at least a year. The course jumps sharply, showing an increase or decrease of up to 30 points in one day. Therefore, in the long run, it is likely to wait for the right moment to sell and exit the market. Experts agree that it is worth investing in cryptocurrencies now, at least in small amounts. Already in 3-4 years it will be estimated several times higher, the purchase will become impossible for ordinary ordinary investors.

On a note!

You can start investing in this market with $100, but the optimal first investment is $300 for a private person and $3,000 for a large trader.

Virtual Projects

Projects in the network are the type of investments that will generate income depending on the degree of involvement or initial capital. To earn you need to choose one of three methods:

  • invest a lot in an already promoted project;
  • invest a small amount, but actively participate in the business;
  • start from scratch with no capital.

The first method is the fastest in terms of returns. For example, it is profitable to invest in social networks and well-known publics. Here, the yield can reach up to 25 percent per annum, and this figure is only growing. With a small initial capital, it is worth considering virtual services that will be profitable. Search engines in the IT field, sales aggregators, website content and support, advertising, bulletin boards and job search. The risks are greater, but the final return may be higher.

You can create a virtual project without a base if you have a lot of free time and the required knowledge. If all this is not available, it is necessary to have enough funds to hire specialists, at least in technical work. But virtual projects are good because a multi-million dollar business can be created from a couple of hundred rubles and one good idea. If you need long-term investments, interesting ones that can potentially bring up to 200-250 percent per annum, but in unknown terms, this is a good option.

Art and history

In terms of advantages and disadvantages, buying art and antiques in 2018 and 2019 will be a tool similar to buying precious metals. From the point of view of passive income, this is a long-term investment: the purchase of even an already well-known and expensive item will be justified in the future for decades. At the same time, the value of classical paintings or sculptures is growing more slowly than the creations of new authors. This type of investment will be the most interesting in terms of earnings, however, for this you must either have a special intuition or deep knowledge in this area.

On a note!

People who got rich precisely on art and antiques “from scratch”, without having a large initial capital, are few.

To buy even new canvases, which are still unknown, you need a solid initial capital. The average cost of the work of novice masters is $ 30,000 in the world market. At the same time, it is necessary to be able to distinguish fake and ordinary hype from real art, which is also not easy. The interest in antiques, however, financiers propose to consider as a hobby, and not as a method of investing. If we are not talking about organizing a large auction house with regular buying and resale of such values.

Risks of investing in Russia

The quality of investments within Russia has been gradually growing for several years now. This is facilitated by risk reduction. The refinement of laws, the approval of certain guarantees and insurance measures, the emergence of resources to support large and private investors lead, although not to an increase in profits, but to a decrease in losses. However, this does not apply to all areas. The most risky segments are still financial markets. Many fake brokers and intermediaries, the possibility of their work without accreditation and registration worsens the situation. Therefore, experts still advise investing in large foreign funds, investing in foreign PAMMs and mutual funds.

To get the most out of working capital, you need to be aware of specific risks. First of all, they are connected in the current period with the instability of the national currency. The imperfection of the law and the lack of sufficient practice of the courts are also important. Therefore, all complex investment schemes must be carefully thought out, preferably together with professionals in this field.

Another disadvantage of working within Russia with own capital is the almost complete lack of support for innovation. Investments in such startups are especially risky, since the processes of their introduction into production and further sale are still very “raw”. Therefore, experts advise either choosing something that will “shoot” for sure, or entering such a business as an investor already at the final stages, when the main implementation points have been passed. If all this does not seem attractive or possible due to the amount of capital, financiers suggest choosing more traditional investment methods.

Trends in effective investing in 2019 are not much different from the previous period. As before, traditional banking products, such as deposits, complex blocks of shares, remain the most reliable. However, PAMM accounts and mutual funds are becoming more and more interesting, especially when applying to foreign brokerage companies, since the risks of investing in Russia also remain. For those who are ready to take action, there are great prospects for investing in innovation, Internet projects, and private lending.

One of the most famous ways to invest money is investing in a business. Many business areas allow potential investors to choose the most appropriate and promising investment option, focusing on their preferences and expert opinion. It is worth noting that not in all cases it is necessary to have a lot of money to make a profit. Even modest contributions can generate significant income if the project is successful.

Fundamentals and types of investment in business

There are several types of business investment, which are distinguished by:

  • investment stages - in a business that has just started or in an already promoted company;
  • the volume of contributions - equity participation or full financing of the project;
  • by right of ownership - investments in one's own or someone else's business;
  • according to the forms of making a profit - income of an active or passive nature.

Also important is the type of investment, which can be direct or portfolio. In the first case, the investor invests only in one company, and in the second, he distributes his funds among several organizations, forming a kind of portfolio.

Information diagram of the main strategies for investing in a business

Why you need to invest in a business

If a potential investor has a certain amount at his disposal, then the most rational decision would be to invest in business projects. Such actions will ensure a comfortable existence for both the most risky investor and his entire family, if everything is done correctly.

The mentality of the majority of our "Soviet-style" citizens is limited by various prejudices. They do not believe that it is possible to make a profit without investing fabulous funds, and without having special talents in the economic sphere. But these postulates are erroneous and have not corresponded to reality for a long time. Even a small amount of money can "work" for the benefit of its owner. To understand and accept this, you need to change your thinking and stop working "for your uncle", opening your own horizons in the field of entrepreneurship. If you invest in a business created independently and from scratch (own business), you can get the desired feeling of stability, confidence in the future.

Investing in a business: pros and cons

Of course, any investment process goes hand in hand with risk (however, like all existing types of investments). But, as you know, those who do not take risks do not become an investor, do not get a chance to improve their lives, and continue to work "from pay to advance".

Investing in a business has several benefits:

  1. The ability to choose any direction from those that are most interesting and familiar.
  2. There are no income restrictions. In other words, you can expect to receive a profit of 100% or more in excess of the initial investment. The faster the company develops, the higher the level of financial returns.
  3. There is no need to have a large initial capital. Even a little money can help you make good money.
  4. The investor has the right to directly influence the activities of the company in which he invested funds (if the type of deposits is not bonds). In some cases, the investor takes control of the organization into his own hands, increasing the income item.
  5. Visible return on investment. The company's assets reflect the results of investment activities.
  6. Ease and availability of passive income through investing in business projects.
    At the same time, it is not necessary to have special knowledge and skills in the field of investment. Such an activity is a great way of self-realization. You can create your own business from scratch and subsequently be proud of your "brainchild".

Disadvantages of investing in a business:

  1. High risks of financial losses. If the business is organized incorrectly, then there is a high probability that part of the funds (and sometimes all the capital) will be lost.
  2. Corruption in the country and a large number of legislative restrictions can cause slow business progress. Restrictive acts, inspections of regulatory authorities, fiscal services sometimes cause the collapse of even the most successful business.
  3. For active investors, having a certain knowledge in the field of economics is necessary in order to maximize their income.
  4. Unstable return on investment in business projects. Many factors influence profitability. Having absolutely identical initial conditions, you can get different income in the end. Therefore, it is so important to actively study the market and adapt in time to its changing direction.
  5. Discord between partners. In some cases, when the conflict between investors reaches its climax, one of them goes out of business, taking his funds. Such actions negatively affect the profitability of the entire enterprise.
  6. The need for patience. You should not count on momentary enrichment, because it takes some time to get more or less significant profit.

It is also possible the occurrence of various force majeure circumstances. In addition, very often business projects require regular cash injections. If this is not done, then you can get a decrease in the profitability of project investments. However, do not be afraid of such an impressive list of cons, because these are more warnings than a pattern.

Ways to reduce the risks of investing

Two interested parties - the owner of the business and the investor - want to receive income and minimize all kinds of risks as much as possible. The owner of the company wants to attract more investors and keep them, and the investor wants to save his money and increase it. There are several main investment risks:

  • Organizational - not properly organized business;
  • Legal - lack of legal confirmation of the fact of investment by the investor;
  • Financial - ignorance of the basic rules in the field of economics, which entailed losses;
  • Economic - an unstable state of the economy.

If you use the services of lawyers at the initial stage and protect your investments with documents, you can avoid the influence of the legal aspect. It is also necessary to adequately assess the economic efficiency of the current project. It is recommended to carefully study the field of activity in which a particular company operates. If a person is absolutely ignorant in a certain area, then he should refuse to invest in such a project. To increase the chances of success when investing in a ready-made business, it is worth visiting the office of this company, talking with employees, assessing the general situation.

Top 9 ways to invest in a business

  1. Creating "your" business. This method is suitable for those who have basic knowledge of the rules of doing business, understand the economy, at least at the initial level. The presence of the notorious "entrepreneurial streak" is also welcome. In this case, you have to invest not only your money, but time and mental strength. It is difficult to call this method passive - it is an active type of activity. In addition, you should not count on a quick return. However, one of the clear advantages of investing money in your own business is the undivided ownership of all profits. Owning a business is a dream for many, but not everyone can achieve it. You will have to invest finances, time, soul, experience, knowledge, before resting on your laurels.
  2. Become a franchisee. Buying a franchise business allows you to save several years that would have to be spent on promoting the company. In the case of a franchise, the entrepreneur receives a ready-made business with a recognizable name. What are the advantages of this way of investing in a business:
    1. Advertising costs are kept to a minimum;
    2. Few expenses;
    3. Availability of professional support and advice from the franchise owner;
    4. Payback comes very quickly.

    In some cases, the franchise owner helps with staff training, decoration of a commercial or industrial premises, and provides ready-made equipment.

  3. Online business projects. Today, investing in a business in this way is a very popular investment option among modern investors. The webmaster creates his site, fills it with unique content, monetizes it by selling ads. This is a very effective method of selling information online. If the investor is an expert in any field and can offer site visitors copyrighted content, then the success of his site is guaranteed. Topics for articles can be very different - from legal advice to acne problems on the face. The organization and conduct of online seminars using web programs are also very relevant. You can buy a ready-made site and keep it afloat by periodically adding new publications, while selling contextual advertising in parallel.
  4. Startups? Why not! Finding a promising project is not so difficult. Many startups have only a good idea in their arsenal, but do not have the money to implement it. Investors in this case take on all the risks of implementing the project and invest their money in it. The author gets about 10-15% of the income. This way of investing can equally well both "get rich" and ruin an investor.
  5. Buying shares. Successful and not so successful companies sell their shares through the stock exchange. A share is a title security in which an investor is entitled to some portion of a company. How to make money on stocks? You can buy securities at a low price and sell them at a higher price. However, before buying, you should carefully study the financial condition and reporting of the company, because the security of not every organization can make a profit.

  6. Investments in production business projects. An investor invests his finances in a factory or plant for the production of any goods. First, you should study the profitable part of the enterprise, its competitiveness and compare the likelihood of a return on the money spent. If the company has a stable position in the market, then a return on investment is more than likely. It is best for a novice investor to invest in factories that produce mass-market goods, which are engaged in the manufacture of essential products.
  7. Investing in small business. Small industries and firms that are not part of any corporations and associations can be a good investment. You can invest in a ready-made enterprise and expand it, or you can invest money in a business from scratch. These methods will be effective if you choose the right direction.
  8. Purchase of bonds. These securities are a kind of documented evidence that the investor, by purchasing them, lends money to the company. This is one of the ways entrepreneurs borrow funds. The level of risk in this case is much lower than when investing in stocks. This type of investment is debt and is considered a more reliable way to generate income. Bond coupons are paid regularly. Sometimes low credibility companies offer very high coupon rates to attract more investors.
  9. mutual funds. This type of investment is classified as direct. An investor buys a share in a fund. He, in turn, invests the funds received at his own discretion, taking into account diversification risks. But this way of investing money is highly dependent on stock market crashes. The investor does not in any way participate in the activities of the mutual fund, shifting all responsibility for the success of investments to its managers. It is worth noting that no one needs to pay commissions. The difference in the share price is the profit or loss.

It is impossible to call investment in a business an absolutely safe way to earn money. But if you approach this matter clearly and competently, calculate the possible risks, involve reputable specialists in the matter, then you can manage your money well and get a source of stable income, which we all dream of.

Greetings! Really serious money today is brought only by investments in business. Not only I think so, but also many distinguished experts in the field of finance.

So, investing in business projects: in what ways can this be done? And what are the pros and cons of each option?

There are several ways to invest in promising (in your opinion) business ideas. We will analyze them in order: from direct participation in the project to passive investments through the manager.

Method number 1. Create your own business

Own business is the most profitable (potentially) way to invest in a business project. Direct investments can bring 10%, 100% and even 1000% per annum.

However, own business requires maximum return from its “creator”. And it's not just about the initial investment (although you can't do without them). You will have to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves on your own business.

At the initial stage, you will play the role of an accountant and marketer, CEO and SMM manager, designer and logistician. And this is without taking into account the painstaking work on the main product, product or service on which you plan to earn.

At the same time, the project will not begin to bring the first "dividends" immediately. And not the fact that it will bring in principle. Own business is not an investment, but an active way of earning! True, a huge plus of the method is that the potential profit from investments will belong to you and only you.

Method number 2. Equity in business

It is this way of investing in projects that is one of the most popular. Moreover, in Russia, and in Ukraine, and in Germany, and in the USA. Most of the large and successful companies were born through equity participation.

Advantages of the method: you can create a business without having a large initial capital. In addition, the responsibility for success (or failure) is shared among several participants.

Cons: profits will have to be shared with partners. And as practice shows, in 90% of cases this leads to serious conflicts. Until the resolution of disputes in court.

Method number 3. Investments in startups

By investing in a completely new investment, the investor is claiming the most of the potential return. The author of the idea, as a rule, is engaged only in the implementation of the project and bringing the product "to mind". Moreover, the investor may be in Moscow, and the creator of the project - in Minsk.

It is clear that investing in startups is like buying a pig in a poke. The project may never pay off. Or bring the investor a symbolic 5-10% per annum. Or "shoot" - and make the creators truly rich.

Everyone hopes for the latter. But, unfortunately, samples of the Google and Facebook format appear much less frequently than one-day projects.

Easier and safer through specialized crowdfunding platforms. There, new ads pass at least a minimal selection. Plus, any proposals from investors and startups are considered on an individual basis.

On such platforms, an investor can receive income from investments in three ways:

  1. Royalty (percentage of profit)
  2. Repayment of the entire amount with interest after a predetermined period (public lending)
  3. Getting a share in the company (equity crowdinvesting)

Method number 4. Investment in shares

A share is a security that gives an investor the right to own a tiny piece of a company. A small private trader cannot buy shares directly. But an intermediary broker gives access to the stock exchange to any adult from Yekaterinburg, Tver or Magadan.

There are two ways to earn on stocks:

  1. Buy low - sell high (speculative)
  2. Receive dividends (passive option)

Buy by concluding an agreement, for example, with a FINAM broker? Yes, practically, any that are traded on the market. The price of many shares is available even to the smallest investors. For example, an ordinary share of Gazprom at the beginning of July cost about 122 rubles, Sberbank - 149 rubles, Rostelecom - 71 rubles.

True, shares, as a rule, are not sold "by the piece" - only by "packages". In addition, do not forget about broker commissions. In any case, you will have to pay for intermediary services. Even if you purchased the shares on the eve of the bankruptcy of the company.

And one more nuance that should be taken into account before forming a portfolio of securities. Stocks cannot be bought intuitively! An investor must know at least the basics of financial literacy in order to independently assess the prospects of a particular company.

Method number 5. Investments in bonds

Bonds are also securities, but less risky than stocks. When you buy a bond, you become a creditor for the company. Simply put, you lend her money at interest.

Does not give the investor the right to participate in the affairs of the company. The owner of a debt security does not claim a part of the profit. But he is guaranteed to get his money back on the maturity date (with a premium). And will receive additional profit in the form of coupon income.

Method number 6. Investments in mutual funds

- the easiest, but also the most "indirect" way to invest in a business.
Plus: You invest in a ready-made portfolio of securities. For just a couple of thousand rubles, you can buy a "piece" of 10-20 small and large companies.

Cons: you have to pay a high commission to the manager. Yes, and investing directly in one or two companies will not work here.

In what directions to invest in 2017?

Experts name several areas that are in demand for the coming years.

I will name the most interesting ones, in my opinion:

  • Health gadgets (we are talking about convenient applications that can be installed on a mobile device: pedometers, calorie counters, etc.)
  • Educational applications for children (there are very few quality products on the market that teach children something useful in a playful way)
  • Waste recycling (abroad, waste recycling is one of the most profitable business areas. I believe that Russia will understand this very soon)

How do you usually invest in interesting business projects?

Hello, dear readers of the "site"! In this article, you will learn where it is profitable to invest money so that you can receive monthly income, what ways to invest money are possible at a high interest rate with a guarantee, and how best to invest in order for them to work and bring profit to the investor.

This article is written based on the analysis of the experience of well-known investors, financial consultants, as well as the realities of the modern economy. Plus, the basic principles of investing, possible risks, advantages and disadvantages of each investment strategy are given.

About where you can profitably invest your money in order to receive a monthly income and what options for investing money at a high interest rate with a guarantee exist - read the website in the magazine

In this section, we will talk about the do's and don'ts for young investors taking their first steps in investing. Consider the rules of effective investment, which will allow you to receive a higher return than in a bank, but at the same time almost the same reliability. Why almost? Yes, because The main rule of the investor is :

The risks that an investor is willing to take on are proportional to the potential profit.

You probably can't wait to get started? Do you want us to reveal the secrets of where it is profitable to invest in 2019 year at interest to quickly earn even more?

Let's disappoint you a bit. The first thing a young, fledgling investor should start with investing in yourself, in your knowledge and skills . Believe me, the return on this investment will surprise you!

And only then, when you already understand how a stock differs from a bond, what is the capitalization of a deposit, who are brokers and traders, you can move on to practice.

2. 5 golden rules for investing money

Rule 1: Create an airbag

You should not start risky or not very financial transactions without having a reserve for rainy day.

  • How much should you have in stock? According to experts, this should be an amount that will cover your expenses for six months;
  • ? Save from wages or other sources of income;
  • How to calculate the size of the financial reserve? Calculate your monthly expenses. For example, you got 40 000 rubles. Multiply by 6 months, we get 240 000 rubles.

This is the reserve that you will not use when investing. In order to make the first investment, you will need to save a little more.

So it's going to be forever! you say. It can be faster if you have in addition to your salary passive income , that is, the monetary resources that you receive without putting much effort into it ( rental of real estate, interest on a bank deposit etc.).

Thus, if you put a financial reserve on a deposit in a bank, then you will kill two birds with one stone. Create a reserve and begin to receive passive income.

Rule 2 Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Please note that you can trade directly in currencies, stocks and cryptocurrencies on the exchange. The main thing is to choose a reliable broker. One of the best is this brokerage company .

To avoid the need to use a financial reserve, you need to correctly distribute your funds in investments. You should not immediately invest all your free money in instruments that promise high returns. The risks that you will lose everything to the penny are too great.

You wouldn't put a hundred fragile eggs in one basket, would you? The likelihood that you will drop it 50 /50 . And the risk that all the eggs will break after the fall is already much greater. This can happen with your funds if you decide to invest them all at once. only into one project.

Also, if you allocate your money to different banks, the same thing can happen. Better diversify investments, i.e. invest in different areas. Not only in banking, but also in oil, gas, information, production, etc. In the language of professionals, this is called an investment portfolio.

Investment portfolio- these are several investment instruments combined together, differing in the degree of risk and profitability.

Depending on the chosen investment strategy, there are 3 types of investment portfolios:

  • Aggressive the portfolio consists mainly of high-risk assets;
  • Passive the portfolio is formed mainly from bank deposits;
  • Moderate portfolio includes both.

Rule 3. Assess the risks in advance

Before calculating potential profit and thinking about where you will spend it, evaluate your possible risks and losses.
Do not immediately form an aggressive portfolio. You risk losing everything!

Start small. From the amount that you are internally ready to lose (after all, there is always a risk). And gradually build up.

Take note! In no case should you use money received on credit from a bank or borrowed from friends or relatives for investments. You risk running into debt collectors and losing the trust and respect of your loved ones.

Rule 4. Choose collective investment

You don't have to invest alone. As your experience grows, you can invest in large projects by attracting co-investors. This will allow you to distribute the risks to everyone. And profit, too.

For example, if you have in mind some attractive investment project, but you do not have enough funds for it, then you can invite someone else to participate in it. You will definitely find someone who is willing to work with you. on mutually beneficial terms.

If you are not ready to manage your investment instruments yourself, you can use trustee services . This is the company that will manage your funds in accordance with the investment strategy you have chosen. She can use these funds to make a profit, but she cannot dispose of them on the right of ownership. The trustee receives a certain remuneration for his work.

When transferring funds to trust management arrived And losses distributed among investors in proportion to their contributions .

Rule 5. Generate passive income

Investment and growth of your capital is great. But do not forget that investments are always risky. Today you have income, and tomorrow you can lose it along with the invested capital. Alas, these are the realities of the modern economy.

10 profitable ways to invest money so that they work and bring monthly income

4. Where can you invest money so that it works and generates income - TOP 10 profitable ways to invest

Today you can meet a lot of financial scammers who promise easy money, high profitability in a short time. They have nothing to do with real investments.

Therefore, we will consider time-tested investment tools that allow you to get a return on invested funds, taking into account reasonable risks. So, Where is the best place to invest money to get monthly income?

Method 1. Bank deposit

A bank deposit is one of the most common investment instruments. True, the profitability of such an instrument rarely covers annual inflation in the country. Therefore, a bank deposit can be attributed more quickly to ways to save rather than increasing your capital.

Bank deposit - the most popular and easiest way to invest money at interest

Low ↓ return on investment is an honest payment for your peace of mind, because banking the risks are also small ↓.

And if the amount of your contribution does not exceed 1 400 000 rubles, then you don’t have to worry about anything at all. In accordance with current legislation, in the event of a bank failure, the state will return all your money to you.

At the moment, the profitability of bank deposits fluctuates within 7 -10% , which is a couple of percent below inflation.

The most popular bank among the population is Sberbank , despite the fact that the interest on deposits in it is below the market average. The reliability of the bank, and not the potential profit on the deposit, is of decisive importance for many.

The pros (+) of bank deposits are as follows:

  • low risks, deposit insurance;
  • the ability to return the money at any time (sometimes even without loss of interest);
  • availability (you can start with a small amount, for example in 1 000 rubles).

The minuses (-) include:

  • income on the deposit at best covers inflation;
  • in most banks, when the deposit is closed early, interest is lost.

Method 2. Securities

Securities, unlike bank deposits, usually bring higher profitability . You can try to invest in stocks or other financial instruments on the securities market, provided that you are ready to take on higher risks . That's right, there is a detailed article on the site.

Investing in securities (stocks, bonds)

Securities are of different types. Consider the most popular: shares and bonds.

Promotion is a security that confirms your share in the company and gives you the right to vote.

Promotions are ordinary And privileged . The latter have higher percentages, but there is no opportunity to vote at the general meeting of shareholders. We wrote more about what types of shares there are in one of our articles.

Bond is a security that confirms that you have borrowed a certain amount of money from the company that issued it.

Unlike a share, it has a certain period of validity, after which it is subject to redemption. You can own shares for life and receive dividends.

Dividend is the return on a share paid as a percentage of the face value of the security.

In addition, inflation annually "eats" a certain part of the money. Therefore, investing in foreign currency for several years is not very effective. .

You can buy and sell currency on a special market called (from English foreign exchange foreign exchange). In Forex, you can buy and sell almost any freely exchangeable currency. You can buy Chinese Yuan for Japanese Yen, Canadian Dollar for Euro, etc.

Forex work traders who buy and sell currencies throughout the day. Anyone (with the help of a broker) can buy and sell any currency in Forex. We recommend working only with trusted brokerage companies. Many successful traders trade through this broker.

Many companies offer to teach the skill of working in the foreign exchange market. They lure potential investors with high returns. It is worth being vigilant and remember the main rule of investing: high returns are associated with high risks!

Yes, in Forex you can increase your capital in a few months. But the risks of losing everything are very high. According to statistics 80 % of beginners lose their invested funds in the first month of working on Forex. Therefore, before you decide, carefully weigh everything!

Advantages (+) of working in the foreign exchange market:

  • minimum initial capital requirements ( from 100 dollars );
  • profitability is higher than the market average;
  • variety of investment instruments (foreign currencies).

Cons (-) Forex:

  • you need to have special skills and knowledge for investing;
  • significantly high risks.

If you want to learn more about how to lead, read our article.

Method 4. Real estate

This is the second most popular strategy after a bank deposit and a good option for those who are thinking about where to invest in 2019 year to earn. Real estate investment no less reliable than investments in a bank. The difference is that a much larger size is required. initial capital.

Investments in real estate

Thanks to mortgage programs banks, you do not need to save the entire amount to purchase the property of interest. Usually , enough 20 -30 % from the original cost. However, buying an apartment or house on a mortgage and repaying it within 20 -30 years at the expense of salary is not the best option for an investor.

We need to make sure that this real estate brought you passive income and covered mortgage payments.

To do this, you can use the following measures:

  • rent out;
  • if you bought a new building at the construction stage, sell it when the apartment is ready, at a higher price;
  • make several studios out of a two-three-room apartment and rent them out as independent apartments.

Such an investment strategy requires more time and knowledge, but its profitability is also different.

Pros (+) of investing in real estate:

  • the ability to receive passive income through rental payments;
  • the opportunity to earn on the resale of an apartment at a higher price;
  • safety and passive increase of capital (real estate, unlike other investment objects, grows in price in the long term).

The disadvantages (-) of this method include:

  • high requirements for start-up capital ( from 300 -500 000 rubles);
  • difficult to sell quickly if you need to return the money;
  • physically obsolete wear, floods, fires).

Method 5. Own business

This strategy is suitable for those who are not afraid to take risks, are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

Creating your own business

When deciding to open your own business, you must:

  • correctly assess all risks at the initial stage;
  • calculate financial indicators ( payback period, required investment volume, sales plans, production cost or ulugi).

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and some commercial experience, then you can easily cope with this.

Pros (+) of starting your own business:

  • you are your own boss (you independently determine what and how to do);
  • opportunity to attract co-investors ( crowdfunding campaigns, venture funds, other businessmen);
  • it is not necessary to have the entire amount available to open a business (you can use bank loans).

Cons (-) of investing in your own business can be called:

  • high risk of losing everything;
  • it is difficult to quickly return the invested funds;
  • if you attract co-investors, you can lose control of the company.

Method 6. Precious metals

Many consider investing in precious metals the most conservative option. Purchasing gold has been a serious profit for a huge number of years.

Worth considering! Precious metals are not subject to physical deterioration, while their stocks are limited. That is why the cost of gold, silver, platinum and palladium is constantly growing.

There are several options for investing in precious metals:

  1. Purchase of ingots. In this case, the investor must remember that such transactions are subject to tax, whose size is 18 % . Moreover, for ingots, when they are purchased, it is obligatory issued certificate. This investment must be made for the long term. It is important to ensure a profit in an amount exceeding the amount of tax paid;
  2. Purchase of coins from precious metals. Coins are not taxed. Moreover, some of them also have collectible value. But it should be understood that it is possible to get a serious profit from coins only a few years after their purchase;
  3. Opening of metal accounts. A deposit in precious metals is suitable for those investors who want to invest for a short period of time. Since in this case there is no need to buy precious metals, there is no taxation. This option is one of the easiest and safest.. The investor goes to the bank, which recalculates the deposited amount in grams of the precious metal. After a certain period of time, the depositor closes the deposit, receiving the current value of the metals placed on it;
  4. Purchase of securities of gold mining companies. To do this, you will have to become a member. The value of securities does not always increase quickly. Therefore, they should be purchased for the long term.

Method 7. Antiques and works of art

Often, antiques, works of art, and collectibles are called the currency of the rich. If there is a large enough amount for investment, experts recommend paying attention to investing in such property.

By choosing this method, important to remember, What such investments are made only for the long term. In this case, it is better not to count on serious profit even after a year.

However, after a few years, there may be a serious jump in the value of the acquired property. So, some paintings by famous artists at the time of their writing cost literally a few hundred dollars, after ten years - tens of thousands, and after fifty - millions.

For the purpose of investment, you can purchase the following antiques:

  • antique furniture;
  • books;
  • icons;
  • ancient coins;
  • porcelain;
  • dishes.

It is important to understand that these items must be old. In art history, these are things made over 50 years ago . Some of these items may be of historical value and are protected by the state.

Investing in antiques requires a lot of money. Even 500 000 rubles for this type of investment is considered a small amount. However, you can start small. So, For example, Tretyakov I managed to collect my collection, starting with just a few paintings.

It should be understood that for the acquisition of really valuable things it is required to be an art historian yourself, or to have such an acquaintance. Without the appropriate education, it is almost impossible to understand which items are of real value.

Of course, you can use the services of a consultant. However, this requires additional financial investments. Do not forget that any art critic can only assess the current value of the subject, and not its potential profitability. You should contact specialists who understand not only art, but also investment.

Method 8. Franchising

Those who have a capital of half a million rubles or more can create their own business by purchasing franchise . In this case, the activity is carried out according to the scheme worked out by the seller. We wrote about that in detail in a separate article.

Starting a franchise business

It is important to understand that franchising cannot become passive income. The amount of profit depends primarily on the activity of the businessman.

However, the franchise helps save time, money and effort. This is achieved due to the fact that marketing schemes, all processes in such a business have been worked out.

Franchise benefits include:

  • relatively short payback period from half a year to a year;
  • brand awareness ensures the presence of a customer base no additional ads, franchised goods and services already have their customers;
  • the franchisor constantly supports the businessman;
  • the level of competition is minimal, since the franchise provides for a specific number of projects in a certain territory.

However, the business based on franchising has serious flaws . The main one is that by acquiring a franchise, businessman is limited in his actions. He is tied to the developed system and has no right to change the algorithm of actions without coordinating them with the franchisor.

Method 9. Binary options

Experts claim that binary options are the fastest way to generate income from investments. The basis of this option is the ability to take risks, as well as analyze the economic situation in detail.

The task of an investor who has chosen binary options is to correctly predict the value of an asset in use over a certain period of time.

After a specified period, the result is evaluated.

  • If the assumption is correct, the investor will receive profit . It may be approx. 80 % rate;
  • However, the forecast may not be confirmed and the price will go in the opposite direction. In this case, the account will be fixed lesion up to 100 % rate.

At first glance, it seems to many that making money on binary options is the same as playing roulette. However, it is not. A more thorough study of the work on binary options allows you to increase the accuracy of forecasts, and therefore increase your profits.

There are a number of advantages of the investment method under consideration:

  1. A large number of trading instruments to choose from. Even a novice investor will be able to work with both currency pairs, so with shares, oil And precious metals;
  2. The amount of profit, as well as the level of possible loss, are predetermined. Moreover, some trading platforms allow you to independently determine the ratio of profit and loss;
  3. The marketplace can be accessed at any time from any device. There is no need to install additional software for this. To start the analysis, it is enough go to the broker's website;
  4. Binary options trading is carried out around the clock without days off. Therefore, an investor can earn at any free time;
  5. The trading interface is intuitive even for novice investors. In this case, only the final result of the asset value is reflected, intermediate prices are not shown to the user.

There are 2 options for earning on options:

  • call up represents a deal to buy . It should be used if prices are expected to rise. If the value of assets decreases, there will be a loss.
  • put down - This sale deal , the profit will be received in the event of a decrease in the value of the asset.

Despite the large number of advantages, binary options trading also has disadvantages:

  1. A single wrong trade can result in losses of about 90 % invested funds. To return them, you will need at least three profitable trades;
  2. When trading binary options, it is impossible to refuse a transaction or close it before it ends. Even in those cases when the investor realizes that he made a mistake, he has no choice but to wait for the option to expire;
  3. Unlike forex, there are no credit obligations here. It turns out that the investor has the opportunity to trade only those funds that he has available.

Binary options allow you not only to save your own funds from the harmful effects of inflation and devaluation, but also to increase them. To do this, it is important to carefully study the market, as well as make the right choice in favor of one of the brokers.

Method 10. Internet projects

The development of modern technologies has led to the fact that the popularity of investing through the Internet has increased significantly.

There are several directions for investments that are suitable for both a novice investor and an experienced one:

  1. Investments in startups, which are special Internet resources created for the purpose of development or their subsequent sale. The owner of the funds must understand all the details of the project and carefully control the execution of the work. The amount of funds that the investor will receive is determined primarily by the degree of development of the resource, as well as its attractiveness for future buyers.
  2. Invest in your own website. A successful online resource can become the basis of a business and bring regular income. This approach allows you to start your own business even with a small amount of money. At the same time, there are no expenses for renting commercial real estate, staff salaries. It is possible to offer a product or service to a wide audience. Investments in such a business are less risky, but the amount of profit in any case is determined by the efforts of the entrepreneur.
  3. Investing in online projects that seem to be the most profitable for the investor. You can choose effective Internet projects on specialized online resources. The investor thus acquires a part of the business. Subsequently, he is entitled to a percentage of the profits or resale of the share. Relations between the owner of the project and the investor are regulated by a special type of agreement. However, it is worth considering, how to predict efficiency almost impossible. There are serious risks of such investments associated with the unpredictability of market behavior.

When choosing an investment method, it is important to conduct a qualitative analysis. This is the only way to understand the potential profits and risks of the project.

The surest way to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee is a bank. And in which bank is it better to invest capital at interest with monthly income - see below in our review

5. Where is it better to invest money at a high interest rate with a risk-free guarantee - an overview of the TOP-5 banks

You can get a guarantee of income, as well as ensure the safety of funds by investing them in a bank.

Important! At the same time, it is worth choosing such credit institutions that participate in the deposit insurance system and have a high-quality reputation.

In addition, you should study and compare the conditions for deposits in different banks.

In which bank is it better to invest money at interest in 2019?

So let's take a look, in which bank it is profitable to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee (with a monthly income). In order not to waste time analyzing a large number of banks, you can use the ratings of specialists. Example list of the best banks for investment presented below.

1) Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff is a unique Russian bank. It does not have a single branch throughout the country. Customer service is carried out completely remotely.

Here you can open a deposit at a rate up to 7% per annum . The payment is made monthly. In this case, the amount of the deposit must be not less 50 000 rubles.

The depositor has the right to choose the method of interest payment:

  • capitalization;
  • transfer to a separate card account.

The agreement provides for the possibility of replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal of funds.

2) Sovcombank

Sovcombank has extensive experience in the Russian financial market - it was founded in 1990 year. Today it is one of the twenty largest banks in our country.

A credit institution offers customers to open a deposit at interest up to 7.6% per annum . The minimum amount for this is 30 000 rubles.

Interest is paid at the end of the contract term. Besides, early termination interest behind 3 months, half a year and full number of years are saved. The deposit can be replenished, but partial withdrawal is not provided.

3) UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank is a credit institution based in Europe. This bank came to Russia over a quarter of a century ago. Today it is the largest credit organization in our country with foreign capital.

Rates on deposits depend on the term, method of interest calculation, amount. Opening a deposit in rubles , available before 8,35 % per annum, in dollars before 3,23 % , In Euro before 0,20 % .

In this case, there are 2 options for calculating interest:

  1. with a monthly payment;
  2. with capitalization.

For the convenience of choosing a deposit, you can use the calculator posted on the bank's website.

4) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

UBRD is one of the leaders in the Russian banking sector. The credit institution has a wide branch network, which includes more 1 500 branches throughout the country.

Here you can invest at a rate up to 11% per annum . Interest is charged every 50 days. In this case, income can be capitalized or received.

For those who open a deposit in online mode , UBRD increases the rate by 1 %. Moreover, the bank connects depositors to the Internet banking system for free.

5) Absolut Bank

Absolut Bank operates on the Russian financial market with 1993 of the year. During this time, the credit institution has won recognition not only from customers, but also from world rating agencies.

Clients can receive income on funds invested in this bank in the amount of up to 8.5% per annum . The deposit amount must be at least 30 000 rubles. Interest on this offer is paid only at the end of the contract. Replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal are not provided.

For ease of comparison, the main conditions of the above deposits are shown in the table.

Table "Banks with the best conditions for deposits, the main parameters of deposits":

Credit organisation Deposit rate Basic conditions
1. Tinkoff Bank Before 7 % per annum The depositor chooses to capitalize interest or receive monthly on the card

You can replenish and partially withdraw the amount of the deposit

2. Sovcombank Before 7,6 % per annum Interest payment at the end of the term

Possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal is not provided

3. UniCredit Bank Before 8,35 % per annum Calculation of interest monthly - at the choice of the investor by capitalization or payment
4. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Before 11 % per annum Capitalization or interest payment

When ordering online, the rate increases by 1 %

5. Absolut Bank Before 8,5 % per annum Interest is paid at the end of the contract

Replenishment and partial withdrawal are not provided

4 current options for investing money today at high interest rates

6. Where it is profitable to invest money in 2019 at interest - 4 best ways today

Deposits bring low income. There are ways to invest that allow you to get much big profit.

Choosing the best option don't forget What As income increases, so does the risk of losing the investment.

Let's take a closer look below main ways of investing for the purpose of generating income.

Method 1. Promising startups

Investing in startups attracts investors because the potential income in this way is unlimited. On the Internet, there are a huge number of projects in which you can invest. To search for them, you can use specialized sites.

When choosing, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis and comparison of a large number of projects. It should be remembered that some of them bring profit for several years. Other projects turn out to be unpromising and entail only losses.

Method 2. Private lending (P2P lending)

Private lending has recently become more widespread and developed. This option involves the issuance of a loan by one individual to another. Using this method, it is important not only to draw up the contract as competently as possible, but also to conduct a thorough analysis of the potential borrower.

Explicit advantage private lending advocates high level of profitability . By lending funds even for a short period, you can ensure profitability before 50 % per annum.

However, there is also a significant flawhigh profits come with serious risks. There is a possibility that the loaned funds will not be returned. It is impossible to guarantee the honesty of the borrower even in the case of a thorough study of its characteristics.

Method 3. PAMM accounts

By investing in PAMM accounts, the owner of funds transfers them to trust management professionals. When receiving money, the manager puts it into circulation and does everything to get the maximum profit.

The investor can only wait until the experts distribute his funds between exchange-traded and other promising assets in order to generate income.

Thus, PAMM accounts are one of the types of passive income. At the same time, the risks of such investments are relatively low.

In order to independently profit from trading on the stock exchange, not only money is required, but also specialized knowledge. At the same time, to invest in PAMM accounts, it is enough to find a company that provides sufficient profitability and transfer funds to its management.

The profitability of such investments is determined primarily by the correct choice of the manager. This process requires a significant amount of time, as well as additional knowledge.

Method 4. Mutual investment funds (mutual investment funds)

mutual funds essentially represent collective investment management funds. The property of such a fund is divided into parts, which are called share . We wrote more about (mutual investment funds) and how they work in a previous article.

The high liquidity of investments in mutual funds is achieved due to the fact that the units are traded on the market. At the same time, the activity of funds is regulated by law.. The relationship between shareholders and the mutual fund is determined by the relevant documents.

An investor buys shares when he expects their value to rise. Once the price reaches the expected value, the profit can be fixed by selling it.

When choosing a mutual fund for investment, it is important to consider its type. You can sell a share at any time only if open fund. From interval mutual fund you can leave only at predetermined intervals, and from closed- upon completion of his work.

It is impossible to determine in advance what profitability the fund will show based on the results of its work. Profits can reach 50 % per annum, which exceeds the deposit rate by about 6 once. However, the market average is about 20 % .

It happens that funds show losses. But do not be afraid that managers will always give negative returns. The amount of their commission depends on the amount of profitability . Therefore, they make every effort to obtain maximum profitability.

Among the advantages of mutual funds are the following:

  • availability. This type of investment is available to everyone, since it is enough to start investing 1 000 rubles;
  • high level of liquidity;
  • PIF activities are regulated by law and is under the control of the state;
  • professional money management.

However, mutual funds also have flaws . The most important of them is no guaranteed profit .

It should be borne in mind that some managers receive income even in cases where their work does not bring profit. That is why some funds in the course of their work show zero profitability, and sometimes loss.

There are many types of mutual funds available. However, regardless of the choice of the type of mutual funds, experts recommend investing in them only if long-term investments are planned.

It is important to carefully read the advantages and disadvantages of various types of investments in order to choose the best option for yourself.

7. Where not to invest your money - unsuccessful investment strategies

Many people want to make quick money without realizing that too high returns are associated with high risks.

Financial Pyramide is a deliberately unprofitable organization that pays income to investors by attracting funds from new investors.

Ponzi schemes were very popular in 90 years in our country. I think everyone has heard about Sergei Mavrodi and his MMM .

But do not think that all these fraudulent organizations have sunk into oblivion. Every year, thousands of gullible investors suffer from the actions, or rather, the collapse of such pyramids. How not to fall into the financial pyramid?

Let's highlight the main features of a fraudulent scheme:

  • Too high return 30 % and higher);
  • Aggressive advertising;
  • Lack of real activity (does not produce or sell anything);
  • The legal address of the company is located outside the country (offshore). we wrote in a separate article.

8. Answers to frequently asked questions

The topic of investing in order to generate income is quite extensive. In the process of studying it, a huge number of questions arise. Today we will answer the most popular of them.

Question 1. Is it possible to invest money at 50 percent for 24 hours?

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of proposals for investing money for a day. However, not everyone knows how real it is.

Earn in such a short period of time allow investment programs of microloan services. This option allows you to invest just for a day, counting on profitability minimum 8%.

Services that issue microloans allow you to replenish your account in a short period of time and start earning, minimizing the risks of losing funds.

The main advantages of this option are:

  • high profitability;
  • the opportunity to participate in the investment program with minimal investment;
  • comfort of transactions;
  • ease of withdrawal.

In addition, before investing money in a microfinance company, you should carefully study its reputation.

Question 2. Where to invest money (rubles) so as not to lose them?

We answer the popular question, where to invest money (in rubles or other currency) so as not to lose it

Keeping funds in rubles is not reliable. This is especially true in times of economic instability. The presence in our country of a sufficiently high level of inflation, as well as devaluation, leads to the fact that simple storage of money in rubles becomes quite unprofitable.

For those who have financial savings, experts recommend investing them. This method of managing funds is more progressive and profitable.

You don't have to be a financial analyst to understand the effects of inflation and devaluation. It is enough to compare prices for certain goods and services over a long period of time.

There are several reasons for the depreciation of the ruble:

  1. decrease↓ prices for raw materials negatively affects the purchasing power of the Russian currency, as it is clearly linked to oil prices;
  2. sanctions of foreign states significantly aggravate the position of the ruble against other currencies.

The described situations lead to the fact that the simple storage of rubles will lead to the loss of part of the funds. This is especially true for large sums of money. In fact, the nominal amount of capital does not change, however decreasing ↓ purchasing power of assets.

Proper investment will help the investor:

  • eliminate the impairment of the amount available;
  • with a successful combination of circumstances, and completely increase capital;
  • partially insure against serious economic shocks that are possible in the future.

The profitability of an investment depends on a huge number of factors. First of all, this concerns the size of the amount available. However, regardless of the amount of capital, investment is a better solution than conventional storage. .

Investing always comes with the risk of losing money. However, if the investment is successful, you can ensure a stable passive income, as well as financial security.

Novice investors often face a number of mistakes that can increase riskiness:

  • making decisions about investing on emotions;
  • lack of thorough analysis;
  • low level of financial knowledge, as well as unwillingness to learn.

Question 3. Where can I invest 100 thousand rubles so that they generate income?

Some people think that you need to have several million to make a successful investment. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Quite successful investments can be made even if there are several thousand, therefore 100 000 rubles and are an excellent amount to start investing.

If it is possible to allocate capital at least in 3 -x investment areas, you can count on serious insurance against various force majeure circumstances.

In the modern economy, it is better to use the following investment methods, which are quite reliable and promising:

  • investing in Internet projects such as websites, blogs, online stores;
  • bank deposits;
  • investing in innovation, as well as promising start-ups;
  • investment in art;
  • purchase of precious metals;
  • investments in securities;
  • acquisition .

Proper investment allows, having 100 000 rubles, to provide additional income.

Question 4. Where and how is it profitable to invest money on the Internet in order to get a quick profit?

There are many ways on the Internet where you can profitably invest your money so that they make a profit. Below are the most profitable of them. But remember: the higher the return, the higher the risk.

Finding the right way to invest online often takes a lot of time and effort. Below are promising and profitable options where you can invest on the Internet so that they make a profit:

  1. Shares (stock market);
  2. Forex;
  3. PAMM accounts;
  4. Binary options;
  5. HYIP projects (very risky investments).

Before choosing one or another way of investing in networks, it is important to calculate the risks and possible profitability in advance.

9. Conclusion + video on this topic

In this article, we described in detail where to invest money in order to receive monthly income and examined popular ways to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee.

We hope that this information will be useful to you, and you will soon noticeably improve your financial condition.

And also video:

On the pages of the site you will find a lot of useful information.