Types of voluntary property insurance. Property insurance and its types

Property primarily refers to things, money, securities and other objects. Property should include any valuables, except those insured under other types of insurance contracts. A property insurance contract can only be concluded in favor of an interested party who has legal grounds for doing so (clause 1 of Article 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This interest arises among persons who have property by right of ownership, or among persons who are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the safety of this property. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a property insurance contract concluded when the policyholder or beneficiary has no interest in preserving the insured property will be invalid. Despite this, a property insurance contract can be concluded without specifying a name. In this case, the policyholder is issued an insurance policy to bearer (clause 3 of Article 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) The following property interests can be insured under a property insurance contract:

1) the risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to certain property (Article 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

2) the risk of liability for obligations arising from causing harm to the life, health or property of other persons, and in cases provided for by law, also liability under contracts - the risk of civil liability (Articles 931, 932 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

3) the risk of losses from business activities due to violation of their obligations by the entrepreneur’s counterparties or changes in the conditions of this activity due to circumstances beyond the entrepreneur’s control, including the risk of not receiving expected income - business risk (Article 933 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Under a business risk insurance contract, only the business risk of the policyholder himself can be insured and only in his favor.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 947 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation when insuring property or business risk, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract, the insured amount should not exceed their actual value.

– for property – its actual value at the location of the property at the time of concluding the insurance contract;

– for business risk – losses from business activities that the policyholder may incur upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Insurance compensation under contracts is determined and paid in monetary terms. However, according to paragraph 4 of Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”, the terms of the property insurance contract may provide for the replacement of the insurance payment with compensation for damage in kind within the amount of insurance compensation.

The essential conditions of property insurance include:

– the amount of the insured amount;

- contract time;

– property or property interest that is the object of insurance;

– the nature of the event against which the insured event is insured.

TO species property insurance in accordance with Art. 32.9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” includes:

1) insurance of land transport vehicles (except for railway transport vehicles);

2) insurance of railway transport vehicles;

3) insurance of air transport;

4) insurance of water transport;

5) cargo insurance;

6) agricultural insurance (insurance of crops, crops, perennial plants, animals);

7) insurance of property of legal entities with the exception of vehicles and agricultural insurance;

8) insurance of citizens’ property with the exception of vehicles;

9) civil liability insurance for vehicle owners;

10) civil liability insurance for owners of aircraft;

11) insurance of civil liability of owners of water transport vehicles;

12) insurance of civil liability of owners of railway transport vehicles;

13) civil liability insurance for organizations operating hazardous facilities;

14) insurance of civil liability for damage caused by defects in goods, works, services;

15) insurance of civil liability for damage to third parties;

16) insurance of civil liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract;

17) insurance of business risks;

18) financial risk insurance.

They can be combined into three main groups, such as property insurance (Article 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), insurance of civil liability (Articles 931, 932 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and business risks (Articles 933, 967 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Types of insurance are the areas in which insurance companies operate in the insurance market.

All types of insurance are divided by insurance objects.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” identify the main types of insurance:


business risk insurance

liability Insurance

This is the official division of the insurance market used in Russia by statistical authorities when compiling reports.

Due to the fact that insurance relations do not stand still and are constantly evolving? new types of insurance have appeared. We will look at them below.

Personal insurance

In personal insurance, the object of insurance is the life, health, ability to work and pension provision of the policyholder or the insured person.

In accordance with the Conditions for licensing insurance activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, personal insurance includes:

Is life insurance a guarantee of payment to the insured? upon the occurrence of an insured event or reaching a certain age, determined by the insurance contract for the amount of money.

In addition, a life insurance policy is a good investment tool that allows you to increase your savings.

Endowment life insurance got its name because by the time the program ends, you will have accumulated a significant amount, in addition, it is a tool for investing money.

In other words, the insurer invests your money in the stock market and transfers a percentage of the profit determined by the contract to your account.

Accident insurance - the object of insurance is the interests of the insured person in the event of loss of health or death as a result of an accident.

In this type of insurance, insured events are:

injuries and other bodily harm;

burns, poisoning, hypothermia and frostbite;

disability and death of the insured.

Medical insurance guarantees the receipt of medical care both at the expense of voluntary accumulation of VHI and at the expense of the state - compulsory medical insurance.

Medical insurance in the Russian Federation is represented by two types:

Compulsory health insurance;

Voluntary health insurance.

Compulsory health insurance (CHI) is a type of social insurance, produced on a mandatory basis, designed to provide citizens with a minimum of free medical care upon the occurrence of an insured event, provided at the expense of the budget and extra-budgetary funds, in accordance with the approved compulsory health insurance program and within the limits established by federal legislation .

The purpose of voluntary health insurance (VHI) is to provide citizens with additional medical services that are not included in the list of compulsory medical services guaranteed by the state under the compulsory health insurance policy.

Children's insurance . Its essence is to compensate for the costs of restoring the child’s health after an illness, accident or disability.

Policyholders can be parents, close relatives, guardians or trustees. There are no strict restrictions on the period of insurance and the age of the insured.

Pension insurance - under this type of payment, payments are made only upon reaching retirement age.

Pension insurance is divided into compulsory and voluntary.

Mandatory pension insurance is carried out by the state, payments are made from the federal budget.

Compulsory pension insurance of citizens is carried out in cases of retirement:

old age;

when developing work experience;

on disability.

Voluntary pension insurance is carried out by non-state pension funds (NPFs) or insurance companies.

Insurance is provided at the expense of citizens or salary deductions (6%) made by the employer. Usually it comes as an addition to compulsory pension insurance.

Passenger insurance is mandatory and is carried out on road, air and water transport. Its purpose is to cover the costs of treatment or cash payment in the event of loss of ability to work or death of the insured.

The amount of insurance payment varies depending on the type of transport. The insurance fee is already included in the ticket price. For example, insurance for passengers on the metro, trains, when flying on airplanes, etc.

Employee insurance is carried out by the employer and aims to insure the life and (or) health of the employee. Basically it is mandatory (insurance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Medical institutions).

Property insurance

In property insurance, the object of insurance is the property that we own, use and dispose of. Movable and immovable property, personal belongings.

The insurance market in this segment is developing in two directions: insurance of property of citizens and insurance of property of legal entities.

Property insurance includes:

Real estate insurance allows you to insure buildings, structures, premises, including houses and apartments and all engineering equipment located inside the facility (heating, water supply, sewerage, etc.).

An insurance contract can be concluded without an agent visiting the property; in this case, the cost of the policy will be lower, but the amount of insurance payment will also be limited.

When the agent visits the property, a more detailed inspection of the property is carried out. In this case, there are practically no restrictions on the terms and amount of the insurance contract.

Vehicle insurance(land, air, water) is carried out in case of complete loss of the insured object (both actual and structural - when the cost of repair exceeds the cost of the object itself) or damage to the hull, mechanisms, equipment that occurred during the operation and storage of the vehicle as a result of:

natural disasters, explosion, fire, capsizing, running aground, collision with other ships and objects;

breakdowns of mechanisms and equipment;

hijacking a ship or stealing its parts.

Cargo insurance- the risks of damage or loss of cargo during transportation, loading/unloading, and storage are insured.

You can insure the entire cargo or part of it. Accordingly, the insurance payment will be made either in full for the cargo or in part of the lost cargo.

Liability Insurance

In liability insurance, the object of insurance is property interests associated with compensation by the insured for harm caused to the person or property of an individual, as well as harm caused to a legal entity.

Liability insurance includes:

Civil liability insurance for vehicle owners (MTPL) is an instrument that guarantees insurance payment to participants in a traffic accident. In this type of insurance, the state sets tariffs and insurance rules.

Carrier civil liability insurance - all organizations (regardless of their form of ownership) and individual entrepreneurs are required to insure their liability to passengers.

The compulsory insurance policy guarantees passengers compensation for damage caused to their life, health or property during transportation on the following types of transport:

railway transport (suburban, long-distance, international transport);

air transport (domestic and international planes and helicopters);

sea ​​transport;

inland water transport;

bus transportation (intracity, suburban, intercity and international transportation);

urban electric transport (trolleybuses and trams);

light metro and monorail transport.

Civil liability insurance for enterprises that are sources of increased danger - protection of the property interests of organizations operating hazardous production facilities associated with the risk of these organizations causing harm to the life, health or property of third parties and the environment as a result of an accident during the operation of a hazardous production facility

Professional liability insurance allows you to protect your property interests related to the performance of professional duties and means that the insurance company compensates for damage unintentionally caused by the insured's employees to third parties.

When insuring professional liability, the insurance company not only compensates for damage caused, compensates legal costs and other expenses for settling claims, but also, in cases provided for by the insurance contract, settles claims of third parties.

Liability insurance for non-fulfillment of obligations is the obligation of the insurance company, in the manner established by civil law, to compensate for losses and pay a penalty to the creditor in connection with the non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of the obligations of the insured person.

Product liability insurance allows manufacturers to protect themselves from an unplanned outflow of cash resources in the event of claims being brought against them for inadequate product quality.

Insurance of general civil liability to third parties for damage caused. The object of insurance is the possible expenses of the Policyholder (Insured Person) arising as a result of his obligation to compensate for damage caused to the life, health or property of Third Parties.

Entrepreneurial risk insurance (business)

When insuring business risks, the object of insurance is property interests associated with compensation to the entrepreneur for losses, as well as lost income from business activities, provided that his counterparties violate their obligations or other changes in the conditions of activity due to circumstances beyond the control of the entrepreneur.

Types of business risk insurance are:

insurance against business interruption due to loss or damage to property as a result of fires, explosions, accidents and other events;

insurance of investments against political and commercial risks;

deposit insurance;

financial guarantee insurance;

non-payment risk insurance;

export credit insurance.

Agricultural insurance includes insurance:

agricultural crops;

perennial plantings;

livestock insurance;

building insurance;

structures, machines, inventory and equipment of agricultural enterprises and farms;

From exposure to the elements and natural factors, such as flood, fire, locust invasion, etc.

International insurance carried out in the following cases:

If you are looking to access world-class healthcare,
advanced medical technologies, methods of treatment, diagnosis and rehabilitation, as well as the services of highly qualified doctors around the world.

If you are a foreign citizen and work in Russia.

If you often travel abroad.

Collective insurance, in simple terms, several individuals are insured as a single whole. For example, a collective loan, i.e. several people act as loan borrowers and insure their lives and health or buy insurance against job loss.

Investment insurance allows you to invest money in the stock market without the risk of losing your investment.

Marine insurance is aimed at compensating damage caused to sea and river vessels and (or) transported cargo.

Developer liability insurance is the developer’s obligation to insure risks when attracting funds from citizens on the basis of shared participation in the event of improper fulfillment of obligations to transfer residential premises under an agreement for participation in shared construction

Title insurance provides insurance protection in case of loss of ownership or other proprietary rights to real estate if your transaction is declared illegal in court due to events that were not known to you at the time of entering into the purchase and sale agreement.

The main difference between title insurance and other types is that it protects the owner from events that have already occurred that were not known at the time of concluding a real estate transaction.

Political risk insurance - political risks include risks related to force majeure events that are independent of the will of the parties to the transaction, but cause property damage to the interests of one of them.

In a regular insurance contract, this list of risks refers to the so-called “force majeure clause,” which means that damage to the property interests of the policyholder upon the occurrence of the listed force majeure events does not entail the insurer’s obligation to compensate for the damage caused.

Classification of types of insurance

Types of insurance are classified into compulsory and voluntary insurance.

Voluntary insurance- this is when the policyholder voluntarily, to protect his property, life or health, as well as other interests, enters into an insurance contract.

Compulsory insurance- this is when the obligation to conclude an insurance contract arises by force of law and ignoring this obligation can lead to financial sanctions. (MTPL, compulsory medical insurance, tourist insurance, passenger insurance).

Insurance is a very complex field.

Theoretically, you can insure anything against any risk: there is even exotic insurance against alien abduction or elevator breakdown on the way to work.

But in practice, more practical types of insurance are much more often used for basic property and other risks that can cause significant damage to the insured person, which will greatly worsen the financial situation of the insured or, in principle, will be an unbearable burden for him.

In this article we will try to talk as simply as possible about the classification and individual types of insurance.

General division of insurance systems

When an insured event occurs, the policy owner is compensated stipulated by agreement parties amount.

Based on how the amount of compensation is determined, in world practice there are:

  • first risk system. The policyholder is compensated for all damage caused, but within the insurance limit. That is, if the policy specifies a maximum compensation of 10 million rubles, they are paid in full for damage of 20 million rubles. and partially - with damage of 5 million rubles;
  • proportional reimbursement system. In this case, part of the damage is compensated in the proportion agreed upon by the parties. Most often, along with this condition, the contract states franchise condition– damages the amount of which is below the minimum established in the contract are not compensated.

Both of these systems are actively used in Russian and world practice. Prorated indemnity policy much cheaper A full indemnity policy, so it is often used when the cost of regular insurance is too high.

Insurance payments can be:

Insurance can also be:

  • individual;
  • group – issued for a group of people.

An insurance contract most often has limited period, after which it can be extended, but it also occurs life insurance, for example, in the case of death or disability insurance.

Most insurance contracts with a significant amount of compensation are concluded for a limited period.

Damage caused both on the territory of the Russian Federation and in another country can be insured - such insurance includes all types travel insurance acquired compulsorily or voluntarily.

Types of insurance by law

Dedicated to insurance Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The legislation provides for four main types of insurance:

  • personal;
  • property;
  • liability Insurance;
  • business risk insurance.

The Civil Code also determines that insurance can be either voluntary, so compulsory, including mandatory state ones, without specifying the risks against which an individual or legal entity can be insured.

But the law provides a list of risks that cannot be insured:

All other risks can be included in the insurance contract.

According to the amount of compensation, the law distinguishes full, partial and additional property insurance, providing that the amount of compensation may be equal to or less than the amount of damage, and one risk can be partially insured by several insurers.

Personal insurance

In personal insurance, property interests associated with a person are insured - life, health, and ability to work.

There are many types of personal insurance, the most commonly used are:

  • life insurance. The insured event will be the death of the policyholder at a young age or due to old age. Beneficiary can be any person, for example, when obtaining a mortgage, banks often require that the borrower’s life be insured in their favor;
  • health insurance. Its main purpose is to allow the policyholder to pay expensive medical expenses in the event of illness. Modern medicine can be extremely expensive even for a wealthy person, this makes this type of insurance a very popular type of voluntary insurance;
  • accident and illness insurance. The contract may provide for either full or partial reimbursement of expenses related to the occurrence of an insured event, or payment of an agreed amount;
  • pension insurance aimed at ensuring a certain standard of living upon reaching retirement age, this is part of the compulsory social insurance system;
  • endowment insurance similar to life insurance. But in this case, payment is made not only upon death, but also upon the insured person’s survival to a certain age;
  • accident insurance for tourists also isolated as a separate species. Insurance most often includes search and rescue work, evacuation from the scene of an accident, transportation to your home country, medical expenses abroad, travel absence and related expenses. The policy may include individual risks; their list is determined by the specifics and country of the trip.

Property insurance is aimed at protecting property interests of the individual, therefore, insured events are damage or loss of property or property damage received in any other way.


  • transport insurance (land, air, water);
  • real estate insurance;
  • cargo insurance is widely used in commercial activities;
  • insurance of business and possible losses in the process of conducting commercial activities;
  • insurance of any kind of financial risks;
  • other property insurance.

The contract can provide for insurance of any property against almost any risk, for example, an increase in fuel prices and losses incurred for this reason by an individual or legal entity.

But the most common insurance cases include:

  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • natural and man-made disasters;
  • other unforeseen circumstances causing damage.

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance used in many areas where professional error can cause significant damage - in medicine, among carriers, businessmen.

Liability insurance includes:

  • driver liability insurance;
  • carrier liability insurance;
  • insurance of the employer against harm to the health of employees;
  • professional liability insurance for medical workers, lawyers, notaries and representatives of other professions. Erroneous actions that lead to damage to clients and third parties are insured. Professional responsibility in Some industries are required to be insured;
  • insurance of goods manufacturers. In this case, any damage caused by goods produced by the insured person can be insured;
  • insurance of enterprises whose activities are associated with increased danger to the environment or people;
  • other types of liability insurance (civil liability insurance for homeowners, animal owners, hunters and other persons).

Under a liability insurance agreement, compensation may include both damage caused to the property of third parties, as well as treatment costs, moral damages, and various expenses of persons not directly affected - for example, for the loss of a breadwinner.

Only damage caused unintentionally or damage that could have been foreseen and excluded can be insured.

Business insurance

A separate species can be called business insurance and associated risks. The insured event under the contract can be almost anything.

In general, all risks under business insurance contracts can be divided into:

  • associated with a stop or disruption of the production process;
  • related to market conditions and the behavior of counterparties.

Most often, damage that can be caused in the following situations is insured:

In business activities, insurance is used quite often - in cases where possible losses are significant and critical for the financial condition of the insured person and their occurrence cannot be predicted.

Insurance reduces the necessary reserves for unexpected expenses and helps protect the business from too large one-time losses.

The insurance contract may include any conditions not contrary to law, therefore, in practice, by agreement of the parties, a person can be protected from almost any risk that could cause material damage.

It is important for the policyholder to determine the main parameters of the contract:

  • object of insurance: property risks associated with personality, tangible and intangible property, professional activity;
  • the amount of insurance compensation;
  • whether the damage will be compensated in whole or in part;
  • whether minor damage that will not significantly impact the insured person’s regular budget is subject to compensation;
  • the procedure for paying compensation: lump sum or in installments over a certain period;
  • beneficiary.

How higher probability occurrence of any risk and the greater the amount of compensation, the more expensive the insurance will be, regardless of the insurance system and the terms of the contract.

Video about unusual types of insurance

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    They can’t think of anything they can think of now to get money out of people... you can insure anything, there are a lot of different types of insurance... I would really like to insure my house against accidents (we have flooding very often), but I’m afraid that the promised money I can't wait. Has anyone insured the house? What can you tell me in this situation?

    I would like to insure my life, but I am interested in several questions: 1. Which bank is more profitable to do this in? Are there any more favorable rates, for example, that would allow me to get more money than in many others? 2. If I have a mortgage, am I required by any code or article to insure my life in their favor? They very persistently ask and recommend doing this, but I really don’t want to insure in their favor, is it possible to avoid this?

    • Life and health insurance for a mortgage is carried out not by the bank issuing the mortgage loan, but by an insurance organization. Typically, a bank has contractual relationships with several insurers. You can select an insurer from the proposed list. A larger insurance payment always implies a higher insurance premium (that is, you will pay the insurance company annually until the end of the mortgage at an increased rate). Mortgage life insurance is voluntary! That is, you can refuse insurance altogether; whether the bank will cooperate with you is another matter. And of course the beneficiary in this case will be the bank. Otherwise, what's the point? Will your heirs receive both the insurance payment and the apartment? When an insured event occurs, the bank receives insurance and repays the loan, and the heirs receive an apartment. Another option is to insure your life with different insurance companies. Double insurance in personal insurance is not prohibited by law. Those. You are insured with an insurance company offered by the bank, where it is the beneficiary. And at the same time you enter into an agreement with another insurance company, in which you are the beneficiary (in case of loss of ability to work) or your heirs “in the very opposite case.”

    We voluntarily and compulsorily used the services of an insurance company when obtaining a mortgage. What I was most pleased with was that there was title insurance. Yes, this significantly increased the annual payments, but the main thing is that you can sleep peacefully. Thank you, the bank suggested that after 3 years you can refuse this clause (due to the statute of limitations). And the payment became much smaller. But the insurance company didn’t say a word about it...

    Recognition of the invalidity of a transaction on the basis of which the Insured acquired ownership of real estate is given in Articles 168-179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Transactions are divided into two types: void and voidable. Indeed, currently the statute of limitations for void transactions is 3 years (previously it was 10 years). For voidable transactions - 1 year from the date of discovery. The moment of discovery may happen in, say, 15 years. Therefore, the “title” risk remains after 3 years.
    The terms of insurance are determined by the bank. And if he said that title insurance can be terminated after 3 years (without changing the interest rate), you can do so. Mandatory by law for a mortgage is to insure only the collateral, i.e. real estate. Life and title insurance is voluntary. But the presence of such insurance affects the mortgage rate. If you have insurance, it is lower, and it is safer for yourself and your heirs. Otherwise, the risks remain with the borrower. The price of insurance is usually comparable to the increase in interest rate without additional insurance. It's up to you to decide what is more profitable. The mortgage is taken out for a long period (10 – 25 years), so our “maybe, maybe it will work out somehow” is inappropriate here.

919 07/29/2019 5 min.

Property insurance provides an opportunity for individuals and legal entities to protect their property from various risks. Depending on the specific insurance cases, several types of insurance can be used simultaneously. A property insurance contract involves covering such basic risks as loss, death, threat to life and health.

This list also includes financial risk insurance. The choice of a specific type of insurance directly depends on the property interests of the policyholder. The amount of payments in each specific case depends on the estimated value of the insured property.

What it is

Property insurance is a specific industry, the main object of which is property or property interests. Property interest in this case may be associated with the possession, use or disposal of material assets.

The scope of property insurance also includes civil liability, business and financial risks.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, any individual or legal entity can enter into a property insurance agreement. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the insurer compensates for damage caused as a result of loss, loss or any other insured risk agreed in advance. The insurer is obliged to compensate the beneficiary for losses in the amount of the established insured amount.


The following main types of property insurance are distinguished:

  • transport;
  • from fire;
  • prevention of commercial risks;
  • losses from business interruptions;
  • new equipment or technologies.

There are also types of insurance related to the protection of real estate, pets and other property. Specific types of insurance also include insurance:

  • construction;
  • cash (for the duration of transportation in transport);
  • from theft;
  • deposit protection;
  • railway transport;
  • air transport;
  • sea ​​vessels;
  • other property.

You can find out more about the types of property insurance for individuals and legal entities.

All types of property insurance are inextricably linked with the right to own, dispose and use property.


All cases of insurance risks are divided into 3 main categories:

  • loss of ownership of property;
  • related to the insured property;
  • responsibility to other persons.

Any individual or legal entity has the right to insure its property against one or several risks at once.

Property insurance objects

Beneficiaries in the case of property insurance can be individuals, as well as industrial or agricultural enterprises. The objects of property insurance for individuals are:

  • apartment (insured events include flooding by neighbors, theft or robbery, fire);
  • house (owners of private houses mainly choose insurance risks such as fire and theft);
  • dacha or country cottage (most often this is a fire, theft, natural disaster, collision with vehicles, objects falling on the house and outbuildings);
  • valuable items (antiques, securities, tomes, jewelry, family heirlooms).

You can also insure a garage, a bathhouse, an unfinished house and other objects on a plot of land. Property insurance objects for enterprises include:

  • various buildings and utility structures;
  • unfinished construction projects;
  • cars and special equipment;
  • property that has been accepted for processing, commission appraisal or safekeeping.

For agricultural enterprises, the objects of insurance are additionally animals and crops, including those not yet harvested.

Until 1998, there was a law requiring country property to be insured for 40% of its value. Today, real estate insurance is voluntary.


Provides property insurance against fire and other factors causing fire. Provides full insurance in the event of the following insured events:

  • lightning strike;
  • fire;
  • explosion;
  • arson.

Together with fire insurance, the list includes the following insured events:

  • natural disasters (hail, hurricane, severe storm, snowfall, landslide);
  • accident at engineering structures;
  • smoke.

When insuring against fire, the contract must specify the risks for which payments are not made.


Transport insurance includes a complex of various types that allow you to reliably insure any vehicle. There are 3 main principles of an insurance policy:

  • (required);
  • (voluntary);
  • CARGO (cargo insurance).

By agreement of the parties, the list of insured events may additionally include risks that were not previously taken into account in the contract.

From losses due to suspension of production

This type will be useful to owners of various enterprises to prevent the risk of damage during forced downtime. The amount of payments directly depends on the duration of the downtime. This type is most often an addition to the insurance contract for the fixed and working capital of an enterprise. Insurance payment rates are calculated taking into account the turnover value of products.

The maximum period for which the contract is concluded is 1 year. At the initiative of the policyholder, this period can be reduced. At the same time, the amount of insurance payments is reduced.

Commercial risks

The main object is . This is the most complex type of voluntary insurance. The insurance risks in this case are:

  • financial losses resulting from unexpected changes in market conditions;
  • deterioration of investment conditions due to external circumstances.

Read about financial risk insurance.

Insurance payments for such risks allow you to compensate for financial losses.

Insurance obligations

All possible obligations for property insurance are necessarily fixed in the contract. According to it, the insurer undertakes to pay the insured, in the event of a risk risk, compensation for losses incurred. Obligations apply to the following types of insurance:

  • property;
  • entrepreneurial risk;
  • civil liability.

Insurer's obligations:

  • familiarization of the policyholder with the terms of the contract;
  • consider the application for the occurrence of an insured event within the established time frame;
  • pay compensation in a timely manner upon the occurrence of an insured event;
  • compensate for expenses incurred by the policyholder.

In some cases, at the request of the policyholder, additional reduction of the insurance risk is carried out.

Responsibilities of the policyholder:

  • provide the insurer with exclusively truthful information when concluding a contract;
  • pay insurance premiums on time;
  • take measures to reduce losses;
  • notify of the occurrence of an insured event within the period specified in the contract.

The policyholder is also obliged to notify the insurance company of other concluded contracts.

Types of contracts

The property insurance contract can be drawn up in any form.


There are the following main forms of property insurance:

  • voluntary;
  • mandatory;
  • Mandatory state.

In the first case, the policyholder himself decides on the need to conclude a contract. In the other two, according to Articles 269 and 235 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, property owners are required to insure it and obtain a policy.

Read what real estate title insurance is.



is a broad industry that includes the protection of property of individuals as well as legal entities. It is issued voluntarily, at the initiative of the insurer. In some cases, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for compulsory insurance of certain types of property. For example, in car insurance this is a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. You can read what OSAGO is in simple language. The object of insurance can also be commercial, financial and political risks.

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  • 1.1 Conditions for property insurance of citizens
  • 1.2 Voluntary insurance of household property of citizens
  • 1.3 Voluntary insurance of buildings and apartments
  • 2. Income of insurance organizations
  • 3. Objectives
  • Bibliography

1. Property insurance, its types and features

Property insurance in the Russian Federation is an insurance industry where the objects of insurance legal relations are property in various types. Property is understood as a set of things and material assets that are owned and operated by an individual or legal entity.

The economic content of property insurance lies in the organization of a special insurance fund designed to compensate for damage to its participants that arose as a result of harm. The insured property can be property that is either the property of the policyholder (member of the insurance fund) or that is in his possession, use and disposal. Insurers are not only property owners, but also other legal entities and individuals who are responsible for its safety. The conditions for insuring someone else's and your own property may differ significantly, which is reflected in specific insurance rules.

Property insurance, depending on the form of ownership and category of insureds, is divided into property insurance of citizens and organizations, insurance of buildings and fixed assets, vehicles, animals, crops and other types. The most common types of property insurance on the Russian insurance market are: agricultural, vehicle insurance, property insurance of citizens, property insurance of enterprises.

Under a property insurance contract, such property interests can be insured as, in particular,

- risk of loss, shortage or damage to property (Article 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation),

- the risk of liability for obligations arising from causing harm to the life, health or property of other persons, and in cases provided for by law, also liability under contracts (Articles 931, 932 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation),

- the risk of losses from business activities due to violation of their obligations by the entrepreneur’s counterparties or changes in the conditions of this activity due to circumstances beyond the control of the entrepreneur (Article 933 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The scope of compulsory insurance includes compulsory insurance of property owned by citizens in the amount of 40% of their value according to state assessment, compulsory insurance of property and property interests of agricultural enterprises and some other types of property insurance.

Household property, as well as buildings, at the request of the policyholder, can be insured according to one of the following four options:

- compensation for losses from all insured events that may result in damage to property,

- compensation for losses in case of destruction or damage to property by fire, regardless of the cause of the fire,

- compensation for losses in case of destruction or damage to property by water as a result of an accident or natural disaster,

- compensation for losses in case of loss of property as a result of theft, destruction or damage due to unlawful actions of other persons.

This procedure best suits the interests of policyholders, since insurance for individual risks is much cheaper than for the entire range of liability. The policyholder chooses the risk when concluding a contract that, in his opinion, is most likely to occur.

1.1 Conditions for property insurance of citizens

Insurance market . In addition to state insurance organizations, many joint-stock insurance companies operate in the insurance market, which, in a competitive struggle, try to attract policyholders through better service and cheaper services, that is, lower tariff rates of insurance premiums. Therefore, the terms of insurance for certain types of property must meet the needs of policyholders, both in terms of coverage of objects and the range of insurance risks. At the same time, insurers can increase or decrease tariff rates depending on the insurance risk.

Property insurance contract .Under a property insurance contract, the insurer undertakes, for a fee stipulated by the contract, upon the occurrence of an event stipulated in the contract, to compensate the policyholder for losses caused as a result of this event in the insured property within the limits of the insured amount determined by the contract.

Conditions for payment of insurance premium by the policyholder . The policyholder has the right to pay the insurance premium at a time, as well as in installments. If the parties agree to pay the insurance premium in installments, that is, in parts, then the policyholder must pay the insurance premium for the first payment period immediately upon delivery of the insurance policy. In this case, the accumulated parts of the insurance premium are considered deferred until the agreed payment deadlines. If an insured event occurs during the validity period of the contract, the unpaid part of the insurance premium is withheld from the payment of insurance compensation.

If the insurance premium is not paid by the policyholder within the agreed time frame or is not paid in full, then from the day established for payment of the insurance premium or part of the insurance premium by the due date, the insurer is released from liability for damages and the insurance contract is terminated.

Grace period . Citizens who have insured household property or buildings, as well as vehicles for at least two years without interruption, are given a grace period by insurers to conclude a new insurance contract for the corresponding type of property. A new contract concluded during the grace period comes into force from the moment the previous contract expires. If an insured event occurs during the grace period and a new contract is not concluded, then the insurance compensation is paid based on the insured amount established under the previously valid contract, with the deduction of the annual premium.

Limitations on Damages . Losses are not compensated for the loss, damage or destruction of household property, as well as buildings and apartments, resulting from any kind of military action, terrorist acts, civil unrest, strikes, confiscation, seizure, destruction or damage to property by order of civil or military authorities.

Level of insurance coverage . An indicator of economic conditions for policyholders is the volume of insurance coverage of the insured property. In this regard, a maximum level of insurance coverage has been established in the amount of its actual value, based on the principle that the policyholder should not benefit from the insurance.

1.2 Voluntary insurance of household property of citizens

property insurance loss

Insurance of property of citizens is the most widespread type of insurance, along with insurance of buildings and farm animals. Insurers conclude insurance contracts for household property with citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as with foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation. In addition, insurance contracts can be concluded with enterprises for the benefit of their employees. Insurance contracts are valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The objects of household property insurance are home furnishings, household items and consumption items used in the household and intended to satisfy the household and cultural needs of the family, for example,

- furniture, carpets, rugs, curtains, clothes, linen, shoes, dishes,

- household equipment, televisions, radios, refrigerators, washing machines, typewriters, electrical appliances,

- musical instruments, books, paintings, food supplies, fuel, fodder,

- building materials purchased for repairs and construction on your farm, bicycles, mopeds,

- watches, cameras, video cameras, video recorders, radio tape recorders, toys, sewing machines, sewing materials.

All these items can be insured under the terms of a general or special contract.

Under a special agreement, products made of precious metals, precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones, as well as collections, paintings, unique and antique items are accepted for insurance, if there is a document certifying their value. Under the same agreement, spare parts, parts and accessories for vehicles and other property stored in an individual garage, building materials owned by a personal household for individual housing construction are accepted for insurance. Under a special agreement, individual items of household property that are of the greatest value to the owner can be accepted for insurance.

Objects are not insured if the fact of their destruction by fire or natural disaster or theft is difficult to establish, for example, banknotes, securities, slides, photographs, documents, manuscripts. Household items are considered insured

- at the permanent place of residence of the policyholder in all residential and ancillary premises owned or allocated to the policyholder for individual use,

- on a personal, dacha or garden plot, or garage at the address specified in the insurance policy, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.

If the insured changes his permanent place of residence, the household property moved in connection with this is considered insured at the new place of residence of the insured without reissuing the insurance policy until the end of the period stipulated by the contract. Items of property temporarily left at the policyholder's previous place of residence are considered insured only for ten days from the date the policyholder moves to a new place of residence. Household items are also considered insured during their transportation to a new permanent place of residence within the territory of the Russian Federation.

Household property located at the dacha, in a summer garden house, as well as items of property of citizens on vacation or on a business trip are not considered insured under an insurance contract concluded at the permanent place of residence of the insured. They can only be insured under a separate contract. Property inherited by another person and located at the permanent place of residence of the policyholder is considered insured until the end of the contract. Property transferred to a person who does not live with the insured is not considered insured.

Insurance liability covers cases

- destruction or damage to property as a result of natural disasters, such as flood, storm, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, storm, rain, hail and others,

Destruction or damage to property as a result of accidents caused by fire, explosion, collision with a vehicle, falling tree or aircraft, failure of the heating, water supply or sewerage system, penetration of water from neighboring premises, theft, as well as illegal actions of other persons related to damage property.

Under an insurance contract for all household property at the permanent place of residence, up to a certain insured amount below the actual value of all family property, you can insure household items without breaking them down into groups against all insured events. If the sum insured for home contents insurance is high, then it is advisable to set it broken down by property groups, for example, furniture, video equipment, radio equipment, musical items, clothing. Such insurance contracts may be concluded with the insurer's liability for all insured events or for individual risks.

The breakdown of the insured amount into property groups helps to establish more correct relationships between the insurer and the policyholder upon the occurrence of an insured event, when the damage caused for destroyed or damaged items is determined.

Household property is not accepted for insurance if it is located in emergency buildings in which residence is prohibited. Household property located in an area threatened by natural disasters, from the moment such a threat is announced in the prescribed manner or a relevant document is drawn up by the competent authorities confirming the fact of the threat, can be accepted for insurance against all events, with the exception of the event the threat of which was announced .

The exception is when the insurance contract is issued for a new term before the expiration of the previous contract. In this case, the insurance amount under the new contract cannot exceed the amount of insurance established by the previous contract. When concluding an insurance contract, the policyholder pays for the insurance risk. Insurance premiums are set by the insurer at tariff rates, the amount of which depends

- depending on the type of contract,

- depending on the insurance option,

- from the insurance period,

- from the insured amount,

- on the location of the property.

For contracts concluded for a period of less than a year, contributions are paid at the rate of one-twelfth of the annual contribution for each month, with an incomplete month being paid as a full one. The insured amount is set at the request of the policyholder within the actual value of the property on the day of concluding the insurance contract. Collections, paintings, unique and antique items are accepted for insurance only in the amount of their actual value indicated in the relevant document issued by the competent organization.

If during the period of validity of the contract the policyholder wishes to increase the sum insured, then an additional contract is concluded within the limits of the actual value of the property for the period remaining until the expiration of the main contract. A home contents insurance contract is concluded on the basis of an oral or written statement from the policyholder with or without inspection of the property, depending on the type of contract and the amount of the insured amount. During the inspection in the presence of the policyholder, the compliance of the sum insured declared by him with the availability and actual value of the household property is checked.

Insurance contracts for products made of precious metals, precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones, as well as collections, paintings, unique and antique items are concluded with an inspection and inventory of the items.

The insurance contract is concluded for a period of one year, unless otherwise provided by its terms. It comes into force for insurance premiums in cash from the next day after payment of insurance premiums, by bank transfer - from the day the premiums are received into the account of the insurance organization. When concluding a contract for a new term before the expiration of the previous contract or renewing it, the new contract comes into force from the moment the previous contract expires. The contract expires in a year or a contractual number of months after the expiration of the day preceding the date on which the contract came into force.

The additional contract expires simultaneously with the expiration of the main contract of the same insurance option.

The fact of concluding a contract is certified by the issuance of an insurance policy after payment of the insurance premium in full or part of it for the first term. If an insurance contract is concluded with an enterprise or organization in favor of their employees, then a single insurance policy is issued, to which is attached a second copy of the list of employees. The first copy of the list remains with the insurer.

Policyholders who have entered into an insurance contract for two or more years without a break and have not received insurance compensation during this time are entitled to a discount on the tariff rate when concluding a new contract for a subsequent period. Those policyholders whose household property is located in apartments taken under protection by internal affairs bodies using alarm systems are provided with an additional discount on the tariff rate for the risk of “kidnapping”.

Mutual obligations of the parties and the procedure for paying insurance compensation. When an insured event occurs, the policyholder, and in his absence an adult family member, are obliged to take measures to prevent further damage to property and inform the relevant authorities depending on the nature of the event (police, fire or emergency services), and also report this to the insurer within 24 hours .

Upon receipt of an application for an insured event, the insurance organization issues the policyholder or a member of his family a form for compiling a list of destroyed, damaged or stolen household property and explains the procedure for filling out this document. It is not permitted to include groups of items (clothing, footwear, dishes, bedroom set, books, linen) in the list of generalized names. Each item included in the set, service, kit, set must be written down in the list on a separate line with a detailed indication of the necessary information (material, color, size). The exception is homogeneous, equivalent items that do not have any special distinctive features and can be listed in total quantity, for example, sheets, pillowcases, tablespoons or chairs.

Products made of precious metals, precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones, as well as collections, unique and antique items insured under a special contract, are recorded in a separate section of the list.

The list must be signed by the policyholder, or in his absence by an adult family member, and presented to the insurer's representative upon his arrival at the site to draw up a report on the destruction, damage or theft of the insured property. In addition, the policyholder is obliged to present to the insurer's representative all damaged items or their remains.

The act is drawn up by the insurer with the participation of the policyholder or an adult member of his family within three days after receiving the application. If necessary, a commodity expert or other relevant specialist is invited to participate in the preparation of the act.

The amount of damage caused is determined on the basis of the data specified in the act of destruction, damage or theft of household property, taking into account the documents received by the insurer from the competent authorities. The amount of damage is determined for each item separately. Wherein

- an item is considered destroyed if, as a result of an insured event, it has completely lost its quality or value and cannot be used for its intended purpose, and after repair cannot be brought into a condition suitable for its intended use,

- an item is considered damaged if, as a result of an insured event, the quality of the item has deteriorated, but it can be used for its intended purpose.

In case of destruction or theft of property, the damage is determined based on the value of the item in a new condition at the time of the insured event, reduced by the percentage of its wear and tear, the resulting amount is the actual value of the item and will be the amount of damage.

In the event of damage to an item, to determine the amount of damage caused, its actual value is reduced by the percentage of depreciation, that is, loss of quality and value as a result of the insured event. The resulting depreciation amount for the item will be the amount of damage. If the damaged item is restored through repair, then the cost of repairing the item is taken into account in calculating the damage.

When determining damage, wear and tear of items is not taken into account in the following cases:

- in case of complete loss, that is, destruction or theft of all property or property insured by the group, if the damage is equal to or exceeds the insured amount under the insurance contract or group of property,

- when paying the cost of repairing insured household property,

- for stolen or destroyed collections, paintings, unique and antique items accepted for insurance in the amount of their value as assessed by the competent organization.

When determining the amount of damage caused to the insured by the destruction or damage of household property as a result of an insured event, the costs of rescuing and putting it in order are taken into account. The amount of damage also includes the cost of conducting an examination, if it is considered necessary. The amount of expenses for carrying out these works is calculated according to the current prices or tariffs established to pay citizens for the corresponding works and services.

Insurance compensation for destroyed, damaged or stolen property is paid in the amount of actual damage, calculated at prices in force at the time of the insured event, taking into account wear and tear, but not higher than the insured amount established under the insurance contract.

For stolen individual items of household property insured under a contract against all insured events without specifying the insured amount for groups of property, insurance compensation is paid in the amount of actual damage, but not more than 20% for each item of the insured amount under the insurance contract. In case of destruction or theft of insured household property accepted by the transport organization for transportation as baggage with a declared value, insurance compensation is paid within the amount of the declared value of the baggage.

The procedure for determining the amount of damage and insurance compensation has its own peculiarities, when the insured household property is simultaneously taken under protection in case of theft using alarm systems by internal affairs bodies. Insurance compensation for stolen property is paid in the amount of actual damage within the insured amount minus the amount received by the insured from the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, the amount paid by the internal affairs bodies excludes the cost of stolen items that were not considered insured: banknotes, securities, icons and others.

If the policyholder, in order to increase the amount of insurance compensation, deliberately included in the list of property submitted to the insurer also property that was not actually destroyed, damaged or stolen, then the insurer, depending on the circumstances of the case, may decide to reduce the amount of insurance compensation due by up to 50%.

If, on the day of the insured event, the policyholder had insurance contracts with several insurers, damage compensation is distributed in proportion to the ratio of the insured amounts in which the property was insured by each insurer. In this case, the insurance compensation cannot exceed the actual value of the property.

Insurance compensation is paid by the insurer that entered into the contract within three days after receiving all the necessary documents.

If a criminal case is initiated for the destruction, damage or theft of household property, payment of insurance compensation is made until the end of the preliminary investigation. The basis for payment is confirmation by the investigative authorities of the fact that a criminal case has been initiated, accompanied by an inventory of destroyed, stolen and damaged household property.

If the defendant in a criminal case is the policyholder or a member of his family, the issue of payment or refusal to pay insurance compensation is decided after the insurance organization receives a court decision. The contract under which the insurance indemnity was paid remains valid until the end of the period specified in the policy in the amount of the difference between the insured amount stipulated in the contract and the insurance indemnity paid.

In the event that, after payment of the insurance indemnity, the stolen item is returned to the policyholder, the insurance organization is obliged to demand that the policyholder return the insurance compensation for this item, minus the costs of repairing or putting it in order associated with the theft.

Insurance compensation is not paid

- if the insured property is destroyed, damaged or lost as a result of an event that does not apply to insured events, for example, the taking of property by fraud or the destruction and damage of transported property as a result of a vehicle accident under the carrier’s liability for safety,

- for household items that are not considered insured, for example, musical instruments, sports equipment and other rental items, uniform equipment or items for temporary use,

- if the insured property was located outside the residential or utility premises, outside the personal or estate plot, or not at the address specified in the insurance policy,

- if the kidnapping or attempted kidnapping was not reported to the police, and also when the fact of the kidnapping or attempted kidnapping is not confirmed by the competent authorities,

- if the insured event was the result of intentional actions of the policyholder or an adult member of his family, and the presence of intentional actions is established on the basis of a court document or a resolution of the relevant authorities that conducted an investigation into this fact,

- for additional damage caused by the policyholder or an adult member of his family due to failure to take measures to save household property during an insured event and prevent further damage.

Insurance organizations have the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation if the policyholder, and in his absence, an adult family member, having the opportunity, did not inform the insurer in the prescribed manner and on time about the destruction, damage or theft of the insured property. Such a decision to refuse to pay insurance compensation may be made when, as a result of a violation of the established procedure, it is not possible to establish the fact and reason for the destruction, damage or loss of property or to determine the amount of damage caused. Moreover, if the deadline for submitting an application to the insurer falls on a weekend or holiday, then the last day of this period is considered to be the first working day after the weekend or holiday.

If, when drawing up a report on the destruction or damage of household property, the policyholder, or in his absence an adult family member, did not present the damaged items or their remains to the representative of the insurance organization, then payment of the insurance premium for these items may be refused.

1.3 Voluntary insurance of buildings and apartments

Insurance contracts for buildings of citizens are concluded upon the oral or written application of the insured after inspection of the buildings.

Under the insurance contract, residential buildings, dachas, garden houses, outbuildings placed in a permanent place, having walls and a roof, as well as apartments with all structural elements, finishing and equipment can be insured. The exception is dilapidated or destroyed buildings that cannot be used for economic purposes. Structures located in areas threatened by collapses, landslides, floods or other natural disasters are not accepted for insurance if this is announced in the prescribed manner. This restriction does not apply to cases where insurance is renewed for a new term before the expiration of the existing contract. Apartments that require major repairs or are located in buildings subject to demolition are also not accepted for insurance.

The policyholder can enter into an agreement to insure all residential and commercial buildings located on the land plot allocated to him, and individual buildings, for example, a residential building, except for commercial buildings, or his share of the building.

If the policyholder has lost ownership of a building or apartment, the contract is terminated without refund of insurance premiums, except in cases where such objects become the property of another person by inheritance. In this case, they are considered insured until the end of the period specified in the insurance policy.

Voluntary insurance of buildings and apartments is carried out in case of their destruction and damage as a result of natural disasters, as well as the theft of individual elements of a building or apartment and their damage or destruction as a result of illegal actions of other persons.

Upon conclusion of the contract, the policyholder pays for the insurance. Insurance premiums are set by the insurer at tariff rates depending on the insurance option and term, as well as the insured amount. Tariff rates are calculated by region, territory and republic, taking into account insurance compensation payments and other costs of running a business.

The insurance amount insured is set within the actual value of the buildings, taking into account the insured amount for compulsory insurance.

The actual cost of buildings is determined in the regions based on actual construction costs or in relation to the market value of a typical building, taking into account wear and tear. In those regions (regions, territories, republics) where there are developed assessment standards for assessing buildings, adjusted by correction factors taking into account the increase in prices for building materials, tariffs for their transportation and wage rates for workers involved in construction, these standards are applied. In this case, the actual cost of buildings is determined minus depreciation.

The actual cost of the apartment is determined taking into account its actual condition, total area and the average cost of one sq.m. at the time of conclusion of the contract. m in a given region for similar categories of buildings (wooden, panel, brick or others).

If during the period of validity of the contract the policyholder wishes to increase the sum insured, then an additional contract is concluded within the limits of the actual cost of the buildings for the period remaining until the expiration of the contract.

For contracts concluded for a period of less than a year, contributions are paid at the rate of 1/12 of the annual contribution for each month, with an incomplete month being paid as a full one. Insurance contracts for buildings or apartments located in an area declared unfavorable due to the threat of a natural disaster can be renewed. The insured amount of the renewed contract must not exceed the amount established by the previous contract. Insurance contracts for buildings and apartments are concluded for a period of one year.

An apartment insurance contract is drawn up if there are documents confirming ownership of it. If the ceilings, floors and other elements of the apartment are damaged, a corresponding note is made in the insurance policy to exclude these damages from the calculation when an insured event occurs.

When insuring buildings or apartments, the percentage of wear and tear is indicated in the insurance policy and in the application by agreement of the parties. When concluding an agreement, the policyholder can pay a premium for the entire insurance period in cash from the insurance organization or by non-cash payments through the accounting department of the organization where the policyholder works.

The insurance contract begins

- when paying the insurance premium in cash - from the next day after payment,

- by bank transfer - from the date of receipt of withheld contributions to the insurer's account.

If an insurance contract was concluded with an enterprise or organization in favor of its employees, then a single insurance policy is issued, to which is attached a second copy of the list of employees. The first copy of the list remains with the insurer.

When employees are dismissed, their buildings and apartments remain insured until the end of the insurance period.

Insureds who have entered into contracts for building insurance for two or more years without interruption and have not received insurance compensation during this time are entitled to a discount on the insurance rate when concluding a new contract for a subsequent period. When an insured event occurs, the policyholder, and in his absence an adult family member, must take measures to prevent further damage to the building or apartment and reduce the damage.

In addition, in the event of a fire or explosion or damage caused by unlawful actions of other persons, it is necessary to notify the relevant authorities, as well as within 24 hours, not counting weekends and holidays, to the insurer who entered into the contract.

After receiving an application for an insured event, the insurance organization is obliged to inspect the building or apartment within three days and draw up a report in the prescribed form.

The amount of insurance compensation is determined by the insurer on the basis of an act drawn up by him, taking into account documents received from fire and emergency services, police and other competent authorities about the place, time, cause of destruction or damage to a building or apartment.

In case of complete destruction of a building or apartment, insurance compensation is paid in the amount of the insured amount established under the contract, minus the value of the remains suitable for further use in construction, taking into account wear and depreciation. In case of damage to the apartment, insurance compensation is calculated based on the cost of repairs, taking into account the percentage of wear and tear established in the contract, according to the prices in force at the time of the insured event. If reconstruction of the premises is carried out, then the costs for it are not included in the amount of compensation.

In the event of damage to buildings, the cost of repair can be determined by applying the percentage ratio (weight) of the cost of individual structural elements of the building to the total cost. The specific weights of the structural elements of a building are determined from a table developed for a given type of building in a collection of evaluation standards.

In this case, the insurance compensation will be calculated in such a proportion of the insured amount as the cost of the damaged or destroyed element of the structure in its total cost.

If it is impossible to determine the insurance compensation by using the specific weights of individual parts of the structure, it is allowed to calculate the cost of repairs at unit prices valid at the time of the insured event. When determining the cost of repairs using unit prices, insurance compensation is calculated taking into account the percentage of wear and tear established at the conclusion of the contract.

If a building or apartment was insured for less than its actual value, then the insurance indemnity is paid out of the cost of repairing the building or apartment, calculated at unit rates, in such a proportion as the insured amount is from the actual value of the building or apartment.

Insurance compensation is paid within three days after receipt of all necessary documents.

For each day of delay in payment due to the fault of the insurer's employees, a fine is paid in accordance with current legislation.

In the event that a criminal case has been initiated regarding the destruction or damage of a building or apartment, payment of insurance compensation is made until the end of the preliminary investigation. The basis for payment is confirmation by the investigative authorities of the fact that a criminal case has been initiated. If the defendant in a criminal case is the policyholder or a member of his family, the issue of payment or refusal to pay insurance compensation is decided after the insurer receives a court verdict.

Insurance indemnity is not paid when

- the insured event was the result of intentional actions of the policyholder or a member of his family, or the damage was caused by their actions, qualified preliminary investigation bodies or the court as an intentional crime,

- the destruction or damage of a building or apartment by the actions of other persons was not reported to the police, and also, if this fact is not confirmed by them,

- the policyholder provided the insurer with knowingly false information about the object of insurance.

The insurer has the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation if the policyholder, or in his absence an adult family member, having the opportunity to do so, did not report the insured event in the prescribed manner and within the required time frame, as a result of which it is impossible to determine the amount of damage caused.

2. Income of insurance organizations

The composition and structure of income of an insurance organization are determined by the totality of their activities. Along with direct insurance under contracts between policyholders and insurers, insurance organizations transfer and accept risks to reinsurance, and also engage in investment activities.

Based on the list of income presented in the Regulations on the specifics of determining the tax base for payment of income tax by insurers (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 1994 N 491), the income of an insurance organization can be grouped according to the areas of their activity, i.e. Insurer income includes:

- receipts of insurance premiums for direct insurance;

- income from the transfer of risks to reinsurance;

- income from risks accepted for reinsurance;

- income indirectly related to insurance activities;

- income from non-insurance activities.

Each of the listed types of income of an insurance organization has certain sources of formation:

1) receipts of insurance premiums by type of insurance paid by policyholders under the relevant contracts;

2) the amount of return of insurance reserves deducted but not claimed in previous periods;

3) amounts sent in accordance with the established procedure to cover the costs of conducting business by the insurer for compulsory types of insurance, financed from budgetary funds.

The income of an insurance organization from risks transferred to reinsurance consists of commissions, bonuses, and compensation by the reinsurer for a share of losses (insurance payments) for risks transferred to reinsurance.

The commission remuneration of the reinsurer, who transferred the risk liability to the reinsurer for reinsurance, represents the part of the insurance premium retained by the reinsurer under the insurance contract, which accounts for the share of liability accepted by the reinsurer. The amount of commission is established by agreement of the parties in the reinsurance agreement, usually up to 25% of the premium accrued to the reinsurer and is intended to cover the corresponding share of the costs of conducting the business.

Bonus - this is the share of profit established by the reinsurance contract, received by the reinsurer from participating in risk reinsurance, which is paid by him to the reinsurer for the opportunity to receive additional income and conduct business under the insurance contract. The size of the bonus is established, as a rule, as a percentage of the profit based on the results of the reinsurance agreement and is specified in it.

The income of an insurance organization - reinsurer from risks accepted for reinsurance is the amount of the insurance premium attributable to the liability for risks accepted for reinsurance under the reinsurance agreement (minus the commission paid to the reinsurer) and the received interest accrued by the reinsurer to the depot (deposit) of premiums on risks accepted by the reinsurer for reinsurance. The reinsurance agreement may provide for the creation by the reinsurer of a depot of all or part of the reinsurer's insurance premium attributable to the risks accepted by it for reinsurance.

If there were no insured events, upon expiration of the reinsurance contract, the reinsurer transfers to the reinsurer the amount in the deposit along with the interest accrued on it for non-use of funds in circulation. The amount of these percentages is established in the reinsurance agreement.

Income indirectly related to insurance activities includes:

- commissions received by the insurer for providing the services of an insurance agent, insurance broker, surveyor (accident commissioner) to other insurance companies;

- amounts received in the course of the implementation by the insurer who paid the insurance compensation of the right of claim that the policyholder has against the person responsible for the losses compensated by the insurance company in accordance with the insurance contract;

- income received from investing insurance reserves and own funds;

- saving money on conducting business on compulsory health insurance;

- income received from investing funds from reserves for compulsory health insurance, minus the amounts used to cover the costs of paying for medical services and replenishing the corresponding reserves according to the standards established by the territorial compulsory health insurance fund.

Income from non-insurance activities includes:

- profit from the sale of fixed assets, material assets and other assets;

- income from property rental;

- income from non-insurance activities not prohibited by law;

- amounts received in repayment of accounts receivable written off as losses in previous periods;

- written off accounts payable;

- non-operating income.

3. Objectives


Calculate the amount of insurance payment and insurance compensation. The business entity insured its property for a period of one year with liability for burglary in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. The insurance rate is 0.8% of the insured amount. The insurance contract provides for an unconditional deductible in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, which provides a 4% discount on the tariff. The actual damage to the policyholder is 15 thousand rubles.


A conditional (non-deductible) deductible means that the insurer is exempt from liability for damage if it does not exceed a percentage of the deductible. If the damage exceeds the deductible, the insurer is obliged to compensate the damage in full.

In our case, the damage is: 15/300=0.05=5% of the insured amount, which means that the insurer is not exempt from liability.

The amount of insurance compensation will be equal to the amount of damage, i.e. 15 thousand rubles, because the damage is more than 1% of the insured amount.

Let's calculate the amount of the insurance payment based on the tariff 0.8 and the insured amount of 300 thousand rubles: 300*0.8/100=2.4 (thousand rubles).

Let's determine the amount of discount provided to the Policyholder from the insurance payment: 2.4*4/100=0.096 (thousand rubles) or 96 rubles.

Let's calculate the amount of insurance payment payable by the enterprise taking into account the discount: 2.4 - 0.096 = 2.304 (thousand rubles)


Give an assessment of the degree of probability of a shortage of funds using the F.V. coefficient. Konshina if:

insurance company A has an insurance portfolio of 1,300 concluded contracts, insurance company B has 1,050;

Insurance company A has an average tariff rate of 4.0 rubles. from 100 rub. insurance amount, for insurance company B - 4.6 rubles. from 100 rub. insurance amount.



where T is the average tariff rate,

n is the number of insured objects.

According to the data in the problem, for insurance company A it turns out that K = v1-4/4*1300 = -0.002

According to the data in the problem, for insurance company B it turns out that K = v1-4.6/4.6*1050=-0.003.

Conclusion: Based on the solution to the problem, it can be noted that the degree of probability of a shortage of funds for insurance company B will be lower than for insurance company A, because K a = -0.002, which is higher than Kb = 0.003, the lower the coefficient K, the higher the financial stability of the insurer.


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