In which bank to take a mortgage. Which bank is better to take a mortgage? A mortgage loan is profitable with state support from VTB Bank

Many people, not having enough money to buy an apartment or a private house for cash, turn to banking institutions to get a loan to buy real estate.

The most profitable mortgage in Moscow banks

Consider the popular offers of Moscow banks for the mortgage of the current year.

  1. Leading Russian bank Sberbank offers low mortgage rates. Ready-made housing in this credit institution will be offered to you at a rate of 10.75% per annum. The bank offers such a low percentage on the condition that you are a young family and you have three or more minor children as dependents. In this case, the loan is given for a period of 10 years, and the down payment will be more than 50%. If you have less than three children to raise, the rate will start at 11.5% per year.
  2. Rosselkhozbank has the lowest mortgage rate in the city of Moscow as part of the Mortgage with State Support program. This is 10.9% per annum for Russian citizens from 21 to 64 years old who have documented their income. If the borrower refuses insurance, the bank will increase the rate by 7%. Loan term - up to 30 years, advance amount - 20% of the loan value. These loans are for pre-owned housing or housing in buildings under construction.
  3. Promsvyazbank makes an offer with the lowest mortgage interest in Moscow, which will be 12%. The person must be 21 years of age at the time of taking out the loan. The loan is granted for at least 3 years.
  4. Profitable mortgage 2019 in the city of Moscow is offered by Svyaz-Bank with a rate of 12.25%. In this case, the advance payment should be equal to 50-90% of the price of the apartment, the term of the loan is 3-10 years. The borrower must have a salary card of this bank.
  5. MTS Bank gives loans in Moscow for housing on the secondary market to applicants who are somehow related to this financial institution (have cards for payments or are employees of AFK Sistema). Advance payment - 50-85%, 3-10 years of loan provision. Payments are calculated in equal monthly installments.
  6. Gazprombank sets the percentage of the annual rate, according to the amount of the first payment. 11.5% - in the event that there is a salary card of the specified bank, the first installment is more than 50%. Resale real estate is taken on credit from state-owned Moscow enterprises.

When deciding where to apply for a loan for housing, experts recommend paying attention to the partners of the state structure AHML, these companies are accredited, which allows you to get preferential terms, become a member of the state support program. A number of parameters:

  • Solvency confirmation. When applying for a loan on 2 documents without a certificate of income, the amount of the overpayment will be increased. With the provision of documents confirming income, the terms of the transaction will be more loyal. Only one reference to f. 2-NDFL allows you to reduce the level of overpayment by 1%.
  • Commission accruals. Upon receipt of the minimum rates on a loan, a one-time additional fee for processing a loan is required.
  • Insurance - the requirement of the bank to take out housing insurance is mandatory (real estate is the subject of collateral), but personal insurance can be waived, which will lead to an increase in the interest rate by 1-1.5 points. In case of early repayment of a loan in the Security Council of the Russian Federation, a part of such expenses is available for return.
  • Terms - from 10 to 30 years. Experts tend to choose shorter terms, since their value has little effect on the amount of monthly contributions, and the overpayment grows with long installments.
  • Down payment – ​​standard offers are rated at 20%, but there are banks willing to lend at 10%, which comes with higher interest rates. Credit institutions seek to insure risks and offer a minimum level of overpayment to those who have paid a large amount of the first installment.
  • Overpayment. The average interest rate on mortgages without the use of special programs is 13-15%. When participating in promotions, partnerships and government programs, rates are reduced to 7-10%. If you take into account inflation, then housing goes with a minimum overpayment.
  • Early repayment - without restrictions or commissions, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Convenient service - SMS notifications, online and mobile banking, provision of cards, cashless transfer service through partner organizations or points of sale - these and other features allow you to make payments on the most comfortable conditions.

Benefits Programs

Preferential terms for housing loans are available when using a number of programs:

  • State support. The program is designed to improve the living conditions of families with children, the disabled, etc. State bodies partially compensate for payments, which makes it possible to reduce the amount of overpayments. The popularity of mortgages is justified by a decrease in interest by 2/3 of the current refinancing rates, which is 7.33%.
  • For military personnel. Average current rates are 12-13%. The basis for their receipt is a military certificate.
  • Pledge of property. The program involves apartments owned by credit institutions, and confiscated from the previous owners for debts. This allows you to save on the cost of real estate in 10-15%.
  • Young families. The Security Council of the Russian Federation and Absolut Bank offer the most attractive conditions for clients under the age of 35 with children.
  • family capital. The parent certificate is used to reduce the payment and get more loyal conditions.
  • For budget employees. The programs are implemented jointly with government agencies, they allow you to get lower interest charges.
  • For payrolls. Participants of payroll projects have access to lower rates and higher loan amounts.
  • Partnership programs. Usually, the minimum rates are available when registering real estate in the primary market. The transaction is accompanied by a 3-way agreement between the clients, the developer and the credit institution that provides discounts from developers.
  • Some cities have programs aimed at significant savings.

An additional condition is the presence of a good credit history. In the presence of delays and arrears, interest rates will be increased.

Economic Forecasts

The crisis situation in the country has a negative impact on industries that provide for the regular transfer of large amounts of loans. Few people have 100% certainty that tomorrow or in a few months their company will not go bankrupt, or will not announce staff cuts, wage cuts. Other potential risks include rising inflation and a decline in purchasing power. That is, while maintaining wages, people will be able to purchase fewer goods with these funds.

Foreign experts believe that the economic situation in the Russian Federation, which depends on the sale of hydrocarbons, has fallen into a protracted crisis. They do not foresee an increase in the price of oil and gas over the next 2 years, and a decrease is quite possible.

Negative economic forecasts can affect a number of factors:

  • Stagnation of the economy and "freezing" of unfinished facilities due to lack of financial resources.
  • State support and artificial prevention of rising interest rates on mortgages.
  • Social projects, their reduction may be caused by the lack of financial investments.

A negative outlook could lead to a shortage of affordable residential properties on the market, higher interest rates and higher income requirements for clients.

In practice, there is an alternative behavior of buyers and banks. Demand for mortgage housing is increasing, and the largest financial giants (for example, Sberbank) are lowering rates to 0.5 points of the rate. The leadership of the Security Council of the Russian Federation announced a possible reduction in interest rates in 2017 to 10% per annum.

Well-known Russian experts are cautious in their statements regarding a sharp decrease in interest rates, predicting an average rate of 13% per annum. But it is important to consider additional nuances:

  • Prices for real estate are rising, developers are adding additional costs for building materials to the prices per square meter, their price has increased by 10%.
  • The number of proposals for new buildings is decreasing, their minimum number is at the development stage.

Features of the choice of real estate:

  • The best option would be to buy ready-made objects or what is at the final stage of construction. New buildings that are at the launch stage are dangerous by delaying the completion of the project.
  • It is important to take into account the liquidity indicators of buildings planned for purchase in a mortgage. They must meet the parameters of an urgent sale, if you need to quickly repay the loan.
  • It is important to choose programs in local currency. Dollar options threaten to collapse the ruble.
  • The currency should correspond to the main part of the income projected for the long term.
  • The amount credited monthly for the calculation of loan obligations should not exceed 30% of the total income of the family, or the main payer of the loan. In practice, loans using maternity capital are subject to great risk, where in the future it was planned to repay the loan at the expense of the spouse's income. There are cases when a husband leaves the family after a year, which is accompanied by litigation.
  • Distinguish between fixed and floating method of calculating interest rates. Under programs with state support, rates remain at their original values ​​until the end of the term. Floating rates are determined by indicators of the Russian financial market and may have different parameters and lead to unforeseen jumps. Regarding fixed rates, banks are often guided by a personal approach to clients, which threatens to change interest rates from the initial parameters.
  • When registering a share with co-borrowers, a large part should be issued to the one who has a larger amount of official income (this will ensure the possibility of maximizing the return on tax deductions).

Housing lending with state support

The growth of mortgage loans, relative to previous periods, is justified by the involvement of state support programs. The main task is to provide assistance to the construction sector, to increase demand for mortgages through interest subsidies. That is, the state partially repays the costs incurred by developers, and allows you to purchase housing in new buildings, which is sold by legal entities. Purchase of secondary real estate with subsidies is not possible.

The program participants are partner banks with large financial volumes. The conditions for all credit institutions are the same, the difference lies only in the interest rates assigned by the financial institution. The official limit is 12% per annum.

Bank offers 2017

Brief overview of popular programs:

  • The most attractive mortgage terms with state support at Tinkoff Bank. Up to 100,000,000 rubles are available to clients for a period of 30 years at 10.5% per annum. The first installment is 15%.
  • Choosing favorable conditions for military personnel, Sberbank will be the best option. The loan is provided for 20 years at 11.75% in the amount of up to 2.05 million rubles.
  • They successfully refinance existing mortgage loans at the Otkritie credit organization. Clients are provided with up to 120,000,000 rubles. at a rate of 13.25% for up to 10 years.
  • Acquisition of housing (finished and new buildings) is favorably financed by Unicredit Bank at a rate of 13%. Really get up to 15,000,000 rubles. for 30 years.

The best offers for buying a private house are available at Sberbank. Such a mortgage will cost 12% per year, the funds will be allocated for 30 years, requiring a down payment of 25%.

The main advantage of mortgage loans for secondary housing is a wide range of choice of purchased real estate. Therefore, when choosing a bank, the main issue for Russians wishing to purchase housing through this program remains the interest rate.

TOP-5 banks with the lowest interest rate on mortgages for secondary housing

    RosEvroBank - from 9.75% per annum

    Primsotsbank - from 10.0% per annum

    DeltaCredit - from 10.75% per annum

    Sberbank of Russia - from 11% per annum

    Raiffeisenbank - from 11.5% per annum

The main nuances of obtaining a secondary mortgage

A wider range of housing options, which is provided for mortgages in the secondary real estate market, often requires additional costs from the client in comparison with lending for the purchase of an apartment in a new building. These expenses include:

    Valuation of the acquired property. Almost all banks impose this item of expenditure on the borrower.

    Considering that the secondary market provides for possible fraudulent schemes, for example, to cancel a housing purchase and sale transaction after this operation, credit organizations try to protect themselves as much as possible. Therefore, it is mandatory to take out title insurance, especially for real estate that was owned by the previous owner for less than three years (statute of limitations).

In addition, it is worth noting that all standard conditions remain unchanged. For example, such expenses as registration of a sale and purchase transaction and encumbrances, insurance of the collateral, etc. There are also positive aspects. In particular, it is possible to use the accumulative mortgage system (NIS) of military personnel or maternity capital, and receive a tax deduction of up to 13% of the value of the purchased property.


    The main advantage of this option is a wide range of choice not only of the housing itself, but also of its cost. Thus, the borrower will be able to choose the most suitable property according to their requirements and financial capabilities.

    By purchasing an apartment or a house on the secondary market with a mortgage, you can immediately move into the newly acquired living space. After all, all communications are already connected, and gradual cosmetic repairs can be done over time.

    Exclusion of risks with the possible bankruptcy of the developer, which, unfortunately, has recently become not so rare.


    The whole design process is more complicated than with the option with a new building. For example, additional difficulties arise due to the need to assess real estate, check the acquired housing for legal purity, etc.

    Possible price discrepancy. It should be understood that the bank relies solely on the price indicated in the assessment of the core company. At the same time, the seller may request a higher value than is taken into account by the credit institution, and in this case, it will be quite problematic, and often even impossible, to complete the transaction.

    Fraud risks. Of course, due to title insurance, the bank will protect itself from the loss of borrowed funds. Yes, and additional checks are often carried out by credit organizations. Although all this does not exclude the possibility of real estate fraud, in this case, the borrower simply loses his funds already paid to the bank, and at the same time remains without the purchased housing.

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Which bank is better to take a mortgage? In 2018, this issue became relevant again, as the Russian economy gradually emerges from the crisis, household incomes increase, and the real estate market comes to life.

Since 2015, the Russian government has been pursuing a policy of creating favorable conditions for mortgages. To begin with, the Central Bank lowered the base rate, which led to a reduction in overpayments on mortgage loans.

Another measure is the creation of special state programs, thanks to which you can take a housing loan on favorable terms.

You just need to find out which bank is better to take a mortgage, familiarize yourself with the requirements of banks and the terms of registration.

Which bank is better to take a home loan? What to pay attention to?

When asking which bank is better to take a mortgage, you need to pay attention not only to the reputation of the bank, but also to the lending parameters.

These include:

1. Interest rate;
2. The amount of the down payment;
3. Deadline;
4. Type of payment.

The average amount of overpayment on a housing loan varies from 9.5 to 15%. It is logical that the rate of 9.5% looks more attractive. And it seems clear which bank is better to take a loan.

However, in practice, the costs for servicing the loan or for its execution, as well as paying for insurance, are added to it.

To find out the final amount of the overpayment, you need to take into account all expenses. Ideally, the mortgage rate should be in the range of 11-13% per annum.

A down payment is a prerequisite for obtaining a mortgage in many banks. Its minimum size is 20%.

Under a special program from Sberbank for families with children, conditions are better - the down payment is 10%.

It seems that it is already clear in which bank it is better to take a loan. But often the amount of the down payment affects the size of the bet. The more money was deposited into the account, the lower the rate will be.

When considering which bank is better to apply for a loan for the purchase of real estate, consider all of the above parameters.

A mortgage is a loan that is issued for a long period of 30-50 years. At the same time, experts say that it is better to arrange a mortgage for 10-12 years. This will reduce the overpayment.

In Russia, the practice of repaying mortgages in equal installments is common - an annuity scheme. It is beneficial to both the bank and the borrower.

Which bank is better to take a home loan? TOP 5

1. Sberbank;
2. "VTB 24";
3. "Tinkoff";
4. Binbank;
5. Rosselkhozbank


According to statistics, when asked in which bank it is better to take a mortgage, every third Russian firmly says - in Sberbank.

The largest bank in the country is indeed considered the leader in issuing housing loans. At the end of March 2017, the total amount of loans issued for the purchase of apartments and houses amounted to 167,000,000 rubles.

No wonder people, answering the question of which bank is better to take a loan, call Sberbank. It offers a variety of programs. There are 6 programs in the line. Two of them can be taken by special clients: young families and military personnel.

General conditions for a mortgage from Sberbank:

Amount - 60-80% of the cost of housing;
Term - 30 years (20 years for NIS participants);
The rate is 9.5% (minimum).

Mortgages for the purchase of finished housing are in demand among citizens. This loan can be taken at a base rate of 10.5%. The rate of 9.5% is valid as part of the promotion for young families.

If the client does not receive wages at Sberbank, 0.5% is added to the base rate. If you refuse voluntary life insurance, the amount of overpayment increases by another 1%.

The minimum loan amount under the program is 300,000 rubles, and the maximum is 80% of the cost of housing. You can take a mortgage for 1-30 years. The initial payment is 20%.

"VTB 24"

Bank VTB 24 also offers Russians 6 mortgage lending programs. Here you can take out a loan for a new home, a secondary one, or refinance an existing home loan.

Among the 6 existing programs, experts single out a mortgage for the purchase of primary real estate.

The conditions for it are as follows:

Rate - from 10.7%;
Size - 60,000,000 rubles;
The term is 30 years.

Unlike Sberbank, in VTB 24 the down payment is only 10%. To get a loan, just leave an online application on the site.

It will be reviewed within 4-5 days. If the decision on it is positive, it remains to visit the bank branch to present the documents and sign the contract.


When asked which bank is better to take a mortgage via the Internet, you can answer - "Tinkoff". He became famous for working with clients remotely.

The bank issues dozens of credit cards daily. At the same time, there are 4 mortgage programs in his portfolio at once.


For the purchase of primary real estate;
For the purchase of secondary housing;
To buy a house or townhouse;
To buy a room or share in the secondary market.

The general conditions imply an amount of 99,000,000 rubles, a loan period of 30 years, an interest rate of 8.75% and an initial payment of 10%. Statistics show that the majority of Russians turn to Tinkoff for a loan to buy primary real estate. They believe that this bank has better conditions.

This is due to a minimum down payment of 15% and a rate of 8.75%.


Binbank, a large Russian bank, also offers several types of mortgages. Here you can take out a loan to buy a new or second home, a house or a room.

This is the bank in which citizens most often apply for a loan for housing under construction.

It can be taken under the following conditions:

Term - 3-30 years;

Down payment - 20% (if maternity capital is used when applying for a mortgage, the amount of the down payment is reduced to 10%);

Amount - 20,000,000 for Moscow and St. Petersburg and 10,000,000 for other regions;

The rate is 9.5%.

If the down payment is 50%, the rate is 9.5%, with 30-49% - 9.75%, with 20-29% - 10%. When confirming income using a certificate in the form of a financial institution, the rate increases by 0.5 percentage points. and by 0.7 p.p. upon cancellation of life insurance.

If you have already decided in which bank it is better to take a mortgage, then apply at the bank office. This increases the chances of her approval.


Rosselkhozbank offers a general mortgage lending program. The funds taken on credit can be spent on the purchase of secondary and primary housing, land or a house.

A mortgage can be taken in the amount of 20,000,000 rubles for up to 30 years. The size of the down payment varies from 15 to 30%.

The rate is determined individually. It depends on the purpose of the loan and the status of the client. The minimum rate is 9.5% and the maximum is 12%.

When applying for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank, real estate insurance is mandatory. The client's life insurance is issued voluntarily. If necessary, insurance costs are covered from the loan.

Based on the conditions listed above, you can determine which bank is better to take a housing loan.

Which is better: a mortgage or an installment plan?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally which is better. It is more profitable for some citizens to take out a long-term loan and gradually pay off the debt on it. Others consider the installment option as the most economical.

Mortgages are better for those who have a down payment and the confidence of a stable income. The installment plan is intended for citizens who will be able to fully pay off the cost of housing in 1-2 years.

Installment plans are offered by developers of residential complexes. They use a similar payment format in order to sell apartments faster.

When buying a home in installments, you do not need to trust the words of the developer. The transaction should be registered by a notary public, specifying all rights and obligations. This will eliminate misunderstandings in the future.

If you are looking for which bank is better to take a home loan, you should not rely only on the rate. You should pay attention to commissions and allowances. Then you can objectively say which bank is better for lending.

Having found out in which bank it is better to take a mortgage, once again analyze all the pros and cons of a loan, evaluate your financial capabilities, and only then apply.


The problem of providing housing for everyone is still acute in the state. The construction of new housing of different price categories and classes is constantly underway. However, the income of the majority of Russians does not allow them to purchase square meters in a short time, so they must turn to credit organizations for help. In which bank it is better to take a mortgage in Moscow, everyone decides for himself after a thorough study of information on interest rates and terms for granting loans for housing.

How to choose the right bank for mortgage lending

To begin with, it should be said that there are no uniform conditions for housing loans, therefore, exact information should be clarified with each banking organization separately. Mortgage is a type of lending, the essence of which is the pledge of acquired residential property. The "legal cleanliness" of the property will definitely be checked, because housing loans are issued for the purchase of squares not only in new buildings, but also in the secondary market.

Before you decide which bank is best to take a mortgage, you should find out if it cooperates with any construction organizations, because then the buyer is provided with additional discounts and bonuses. Promotions may involve a reduction in the basic interest rate or an increase in the payment period, and maybe even a minimum down payment. Not bad if a co-borrower can be included in the total income.

Mortgage rates

Interest on housing loans depends on the term of the loan, the amount of the down payment and the value of the property. In addition, attention is paid to the currency of the loan, although recently they are trying to issue only ruble loans due to the high risks of non-repayment of money due to the growth of foreign exchange rates. All mortgage rates can be divided into three types.

Fixed rate loans are the most common, and for good reason. Firstly, the borrower always knows how much he needs to repay, and secondly, the interest does not depend on the economic situation in the country. Loans with a floating value are set with reference to some specific parameter, for example, a key (base) rate. They have not gained popularity in Russian mortgage lending, as there is uncertainty about the cost of a loan in the long term.

Mortgages with a mixed rate are widespread. Its essence lies in the fact that a banking organization exposes a percentage for using a housing loan, part of which is constant, and the second depends on certain indicators. For example, it can be the exchange rate of the national currency, the inflation rate or the weighted average rate on bank loans.

Insurance of the object of crediting and additional commissions

Additional security in the form of insurance of the purchased property and/or life of the borrower is of great importance for the bank when issuing mortgage products. Thanks to this, he can be sure of reimbursement of expenses incurred in case of force majeure. For the insured borrower, there is a bonus in the form of a reduced interest rate.

Down payment amount

Each bank has different requirements for the borrower's own funds. As a rule, a minimum threshold is set, and the maximum value is not specified. There are offers on the market with a zero down payment requirement, but this is found only in special lending programs. According to experts, in the current situation, payment above 30%, and better than 50%, with a loan term of up to 10 years, is considered optimal. According to the final overpayment, this approach is considered the most effective.

Delivery time

The period for granting a housing loan is what distinguishes a mortgage from other types of consumer lending, such as Loko Bank, where you can take a loan for any purpose, including the purchase of a home, for 5–7 years. Most mortgage offers are limited to an average of 20-25 years, but this bar also directly depends on the age of the borrower, who must pay the last installment before he reaches a certain number of years. It is important to know that the longer the period, the greater the amount of the overpayment, but the monthly payments themselves are smaller.

Interest scheme

You will have to pay money to use the loan. When concluding an agreement, bank employees must provide the borrower with a payment schedule. There are two ways to pay interest. The first of these is annuity payments. They are calculated according to a special formula. Thanks to this, the monthly payment has a fixed figure. Another type of payment of remuneration is the calculation of interest on the balance of the debt. The disadvantage of such a system is a large amount of initial contributions, which is unprofitable for long-term loans and large amounts of borrowing.

Where is the best place to get a mortgage?

Mortgage lending gives citizens the opportunity to purchase housing in the secondary and primary markets. At the stage of deciding which bank is better to take a mortgage, it makes sense to analyze the offers of construction companies and realtors, because sometimes you can buy a good small apartment in a developed area at the price of housing in a new building on the outskirts of the city. Do not forget that the borrower must have a source of regular income, otherwise the issue may be denied.

For the purchase of housing in the primary market

The purchase of apartments in new buildings at different stages of readiness is offered to customers by a number of organizations. When choosing, you need to understand that the cost of an apartment at the “pit” stage is cheaper than the price of a square in a house ready for occupancy. In order to make it easier to decide in which bank to take a mortgage, you can pay attention to the following suggestions:

  • "New building with state support" from Binbank. You can take 300,000–20,000,000 rubles to residents of Moscow and the region. Rates are available and start from 9.50%. When using maternity capital, the minimum down payment will be 10%, in all other cases - 20%. The term of the mortgage is 3-30 years. Documents are reviewed within 1-3 business days.
  • "Purchase of housing in the primary market" from VTB24. You can buy real estate under construction at a rate of 10.7%, and the loan amount is from 600,000 to 60,000,000 rubles. The maximum loan term is 30 years, and the down payment is only 10% of the value of the original home. Comprehensive insurance is a prerequisite.
  • Uralsib "Mortgage lending for the purchase of housing under construction." It is proposed for a period of up to 25 years to take on the security of real estate from 300,000 to 50,000,000 rubles. The rate is from 10.4% with own participation from 10%.

For secondary housing

If there is no time to wait for a house to be built, but you really want to have real estate in a certain area, a mortgage on the secondary market will come to the rescue, with which you can buy not only apartments, but also ready-made houses. Here are some current offers on the credit market:

  • Sberbank "Acquisition of finished housing". Up to 80% of the appraised value of the purchased housing is credited. A loan can be taken at a rate of 9.5% for up to 30 years. A prerequisite is the additional insurance of the purchased property. Sberbank offers a loan for all categories of the population.
  • "A loan for the purchase of an apartment in the secondary market" from the Russian Agricultural Bank. The minimum down payment depends on the type of property and is 15-30%. The maximum amount is 3,000,000 rubles with a rate of 9.50% up to 30 years.
  • Raiffeisenbank "Apartment on the secondary market". It is proposed to take a mortgage to persons with a good credit history up to 26,000,000 at a rate of 10.99%. The minimum down payment is 15% and the maximum loan term is 25 years.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage

When choosing where it is better to take a mortgage, it is important to pay attention to the offers of banking structures for certain categories of borrowers. By taking advantage of special offers, such as Novostroyka, a mortgage with state support from Gazprombank, you can save a lot. It is important to understand that every percentage that you can reduce the rate by can eventually turn into a large amount.

For a young family

The state comprehensively supports young families in their desire to acquire their own square meters, providing subsidies and offering favorable conditions in cooperation with banks. Below you can see the offers for this category of citizens:

With government support

Housing built with the help of government programs, as a rule, has consumer qualities, so its cost is affordable for many. It is being built with the help of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), which is an intermediary between the needy and banks, making loans more affordable. You can take a look at the rating below:

For social categories of citizens

For certain categories of citizens, banking institutions offer relatively cheap mortgages - at reduced interest rates. This applies to public sector employees - doctors, teachers, young and low-income families, and the elderly. Young specialists and scientists can also take such a loan. There are special offers for them:


There is a separate category of banks that provide loans for the purchase of real estate for military personnel. Lending is carried out thanks to a special savings account, where the state deducts a certain amount every month. Financial institutions are willing to lend to this category of citizens, since the state is the guarantor of the return. Here are some banking organizations and interest rates for which you can take a military mortgage:

Bank opening




For payroll clients

Receiving wages and payments equivalent to it in a certain banking institution, the client has the right to count on preferential offers, which include mortgage lending. The table below shows some of the offers of banks for their regular customers:

Which banks offer the lowest interest

Compared with abroad, where you can take housing loans at a rate lower than 3%, then in Moscow, and throughout Russia, according to the statistics of 2016-2017. interest is not so profitable, although among the entire list you can find very interesting offers with a relatively low rate. However, in addition to this value, it should be taken into account whether the bank has additional commissions and payments. Below is the ranking of banks at the lowest nominal rate:

With a minimum down payment

When choosing from which bank it is easier to take a mortgage, it is important to pay attention to the down payment. The interest rate can directly depend on the amount of your own money, but, on the other hand, you can always find a bank with which you can become the owner of a home with a minimum amount on hand. Here is a list of banking organizations that issue mortgages with small own funds:

The most profitable mortgage loan in Moscow

Those wishing to purchase housing in the capital, including New Moscow, have plenty to choose from. They offer apartments in high-rise buildings, penthouses, apartments. Affordable mortgages in Moscow banks are not a myth, but quite a reality. The main thing is to take the time to study offers from banks to calculate upcoming payments on a loan calculator and choose the appropriate option. Here are some worthy offers to consider:

  1. "The mortgage is calling!" from Unicredit Bank helps to buy an apartment in the secondary real estate market at a rate of 10.20% per annum with an initial payment of 15%. Suitable for everyone who wants to improve their living conditions. Pros - you can get a loan without additional fees. Minus - a mandatory appraisal of the apartment.
  2. Promsvyazbank Novostroyka. Up to 30,000,000 rubles can be taken at a rate of 10.9% per annum. The loan term reaches 25 years with a down payment of 10%. Mortgage is suitable for everyone who wants to build a new apartment, including for owners of maternity capital. The main advantage is the fixed rate for the period of the loan.

  1. Tinkoff. The online bank offers to take loans not directly, but from the Housing Finance Bank, AK BARS Bank, Uralsib and other partner banks. Offer rates start at 8.75%. To obtain a loan, you must submit an application on the website on the Internet, after which the client will be selected the optimal product, and the maximum amount is limited by the solvency of the borrower. The loan is suitable for all categories of the population. Of the benefits - a personal manager who cooperates with the client during the entire time of the mortgage.
  2. Rosgosstrakh "Own apartment +". At 11.75% in a banking organization, you can take a loan from 1,000,000 to 20,000,000 rubles. The loan term is up to 20 years. Initial payment from 10%. Of the obvious advantages, it is worth highlighting the possibility of obtaining a decision on two documents (passport and SNILS).
  3. Mortgage from Gazprombank. At a rate of 10% per annum, they offer to purchase an apartment, apartment, townhouse in the primary market. The loan is issued for a period of up to 30 years with an initial payment of 10%. The advantage of issuing a loan is that the application is processed in one day. Cons - an increased rate for non-salary clients and the need to provide a certificate.