Fraudsters stole money from a card: will the bank return it? If fraudsters have withdrawn money from a Sberbank card, what to do and how to return it? They steal money through mobile banking.

Fraudsters are an inventive people. Today they have worked out a fair number of ways to steal money from the accounts of bank card holders. Since theft from cards has acquired an impressive scope, we decided to pay attention to this problem and tell you how to return money withdrawn by fraudsters from a bank card.

Money was stolen - what to do?

Is it possible to return stolen money? Can. If there is a suspicion that any transactions were made with your card without your participation and funds were withdrawn, we recommend that you immediately take the following measures to get your money back:

  • Immediately contact the bank using the toll-free number indicated on the card and request that it be blocked. You need to do this because to withdraw funds or pay for purchases, it is not at all necessary to know the PIN code and have the card itself in hand. A bank employee will tell you by phone about the balance on your card account and the latest actions with the card.
  • If it is impossible to resolve all the issues over the phone, it would be best to personally contact the nearest office of your bank, where you can not only block the card, but also receive all the necessary information about the movement of money in your account.
  • If your fears are confirmed and money has been debited from your account by fraudsters, submit an application to the bank with a request to investigate the suspicious transactions with the account and return the money withdrawn from the card. Receive a statement of your card account and attach it to your application.
  • Since this is a criminal offense, it is necessary to file a statement about fraudulent activities and demand the return of the withdrawn money to the police department. The application is drawn up in two copies; your copy indicates the number under which it is registered with the police.

By completing these steps, you can expect the stolen money to be returned.

What you need to know

Now we’ll tell you in more detail what to expect in the process of investigating the fact that money has gone missing from your account.

Application-complaint to the bank. Before drawing it up, study the responsibilities of the bank and the client, that is, you, specified in the contract for servicing the card account.

When making a statement, try to describe what happened in as much detail as possible, emphasizing your innocence in the loss of funds from the card. The bank that issued the card will contact the credit institution that received the payment with a request to return the money withdrawn by the fraudsters.

The payee has three months to review this request before deciding to transfer the funds. During this time, the relevant departments of banks check transactions on the client’s account, and also check the reputation of the applicant and the person who received the money.

During the investigation process, it is possible that bank security officers may interview the applicant’s colleagues at the place of work, talk with the local police officer at the place of residence and ask questions to family members of the card holder.

This is completely justified, since the bank must exclude the involvement of the victim himself in the fraudulent actions committed.

When fraud is proven, the receiving bank is obliged to return the funds received back to the cardholder's account.

As written above, the correct thing to do would be to file a police report. Wanting to preserve your business reputation, bank employees will certainly try to dissuade you from this step.

Currently, the level of Internet crime is only gaining momentum. In news publications you can constantly hear references to how websites are hacked and people’s accounts and bank card information can be stolen. Almost no one is immune from this: neither ordinary users of banking services, nor those holding high positions.

Below are instructions on what to do if money was stolen from a Sberbank card, and where to turn for help in such a situation.

Almost every Sberbank client freely uses a personal account or a mobile application on a smartphone. With it, you can track all transactions related to your account. Also, your mobile number, which is linked to the card, constantly receives SMS messages with information about withdrawing funds or replenishing the balance in one way or another. Using the services described, you can control all transactions. If you notice a suspicious transaction, it means fraudsters have stolen access to your account.

So, what to do when your Sberbank card is hacked? First, you need to make sure that you did not perform the transaction mentioned in the message, and that the funds were actually stolen. If the money was stolen and the debit occurred without your knowledge, then proceed as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to block your Sberbank card yourself by sending an SMS message from the same mobile number to 900. Remember that this function is available only to those who have activated the “mobile banking” service;
  2. in the message text field, enter the following: BLOCKING *last 4 digits of the card number* *reason for blocking the card* (without asterisks);
  3. the reason for blocking is indicated as follows: number 1 – lost, 2 – forgotten in the terminal or ATM, 3 – any other reason;
  4. if you receive an SMS in response with a text saying that the account cannot be blocked, send a second message to the same number.

The exact same operation can be done using Sberbank Online. You can protect your Sberbank bank card from fraudsters as follows:

If for some reason you are unable to perform actions with SMS or your personal account, then use the hotline number 8-800-555-55-50. Tell the operator about the reason for blocking, provide your details and wait for the operation to complete.

Now you can breathe easy - no one else will be able to withdraw money from your account without your participation. And you can return the funds that the burglars stole through the bank. But what to do next?

How to return stolen funds?

The next stage is visiting a bank branch and writing an application. After blocking, the account will be frozen and no funds will be lost from it. However, the client needs to ensure that he will be compensated for his losses. So do this:

  • go to the nearest Sberbank branch;
  • write an application, the staff will advise you on the form. The application must indicate all the circumstances down to the smallest detail so that employees can get a complete picture;
  • submit your appeal. In response, you will be given his number, by which you can track the decision on your issue;
  • if you want to speed up the process, you can duplicate the request through support on the official website of the institution.

If you can convince the institution that you are not involved in the hacking and transfer of money, then the bank will return the funds to you after you restore the account or get a new bank card.

To protect money on a Sberbank bank card, you just need to block it. But you will not be able to return the funds without an application and proceedings with the bank. Let's figure out what needs to be done to protect your Sberbank credit card from fraudsters and avoid unpleasant and lengthy procedures for returning funds:

  • never share information (PIN code, number) with third parties;
  • do not confirm dubious SMS messages coming to your phone;
  • If you use your personal account, then come up with a complex password and write it down separately. Also, do not save login information on other people's computers.

Let's take a closer look at the last point.

How to secure Sberbank's mobile online banking?

When registering in online banking, you are given a login and password that are generated by the system. Despite this, customers are given the opportunity to change the password themselves. We recommend doing this immediately after you register. This can be done in your personal account settings. If you have had money stolen from your Sberbank card through a mobile service, then think about the password for the application (it can also be set separately). If your phone is stolen, you will not be able to use mobile banking.

Also, if you lose your mobile phone, the risk of losing funds from your account automatically increases. In this case, the withdrawal will be completely legal, since your number was used. It will be much more difficult to prove the guilt of the attackers. If your mobile device is stolen, immediately block your SIM card through your operator. Also, some smartphone models can be blocked through the official service, such as Apple devices.

What to do if Sberbank Online is hacked?

If you have lost access to your personal account, you must immediately contact support to resolve this issue. You also need to quickly block the account so that attackers cannot withdraw money to third-party resources. Now you know how to return money stolen from a Sberbank card, as well as how to protect your Sberbank card on the Internet so that it is not stolen and your money is not stolen from it.

The Sberbank card is, of course, a reliable way to make payments and withdraw cash, but there are certain risks here that it would be wrong not to mention.

The point is that cases of cash theft from clients’ bank cards have become more frequent.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call free consultation:

It is noteworthy that Russia was at the top of the ranking of countries where card fraud was at an extremely high level. Such dubious “leadership” was achieved by our country in 2013, after which a number of bills regulating this area were adopted.

In particular, the law “On the National Payment System”, adopted back in 2011, but it became most widespread after 2013. It is this resolution that describes all the legal actions a citizen can take if money has disappeared from his card.

Sberbank service “mobile bank”

The Mobile Bank service is most often activated by the client himself. at the time of issuing a Sberbank bank card. Of course, such a service is a convenient tool for working with a plastic card using mobile communications.

The client registers his phone number in the system, then to his number you will receive SMS messages about completed banking transactions, confirmation codes etc.

However, despite all the benefits of mobile banking, there is a certain probability that with the help of this service, funds from the owner’s card can be stolen.

How can scammers withdraw money from a bank card?

The fact is that a person can change not a single SIM card in his life, which is quite natural.

If he connects the mobile banking service to his number, but subsequently stops using this SIM card, without disabling this service, then the risk of money being stolen from your card increases many times over.

This is explained by the fact that mobile operators sell old phone numbers that the previous owners do not use to their new customers.

A respectable citizen, having discovered that a “mobile bank” is connected to the number, will report this to Sberbank. However, the owner of the phone number may also be a fraudster who wants to take over other people's money.

So, you discovered that a certain amount of money has disappeared from your Sberbank card. Calm, just calm. Analyze the situation as follows:

  • First you need to understand - whether your money is really stolen or not? Notification of debiting funds from the card may arrive with some delay;
  • Remember if you have any unpaid debts that can be collected and withdrawn from your Sberbank card;
  • Remember the last time you paid for purchases with this card, or cash withdrawal;
  • Please remember that debiting funds from your card may be fee for annual maintenance of a Sberbank card;
  • Remember that write-offs may be guaranteed payment for utilities or loan.

If your situation does not fit any of the above, then most likely the money from your card has actually been stolen.

If money is stolen from your card, your actions should follow the following algorithm:

  • call the Sberbank hotline phone number - 8 800 555 55 50;
  • card blocking;
  • a statement that you do not agree to the transaction;
  • return the money.

A call to the bank is necessary for bank employees to block your card, from which funds are illegally debited. You can also block a card at a local Sberbank branch, but this will require the personal presence of the client.

If it turns out that the funds have indeed disappeared from the card, then you must write a corresponding statement in which you must indicate that you do not agree with the transaction. This application must be accompanied by certain evidence that the withdrawal of funds was not carried out by the client himself.

It would be a good idea to read the agreement you entered into with the bank; it contains all the detailed information about challenging transactions and approximate actions in this case.

If Sberbank fully accepts the client’s demands, then all that remains is to wait for the return of your funds. If a person receives a refusal, then it is necessary to contact the police department with a corresponding statement about the theft of funds.

You can also contact the prosecutor's office, where you can write a statement against the bank stating that it does not agree to fulfill your legal requirements. In this case, you cannot do without a trial, but there is no other way out.

Other types of fraud

At all, There are quite a few methods of fraud with Sberbank cards. Criminals show enviable resourcefulness, with the help of which stealing funds from your card does not seem so impossible. There are several main methods that scammers often use:

  1. Fake winning messages;
  2. Message about bank card blocking;
  3. Links to malicious sites that come to your email;
  4. a copy of a popular website on the Internet where various purchases are made.

Fake winning messages. A message is sent to the Sberbank client’s phone number stating that he has become the owner of some equipment, but to receive this prize he must call back to the specified contact.

During a telephone conversation, as a rule, the fraudster will try to find out the card number and CVC code indicated on the back.
Naturally, if you tell him this kind of information, then you will not be able to get your money back, because you did it of your own free will.

By the way, Sberbank employees themselves warn that even they do not have the right to ask clients about their PIN code or CVC number, so this information is strictly confidential.

Message about bank card blocking. As in the first case, the SMS message will indicate a contact phone number to which you need to call back to unblock your card. Then everything happens according to the usual scenario, i.e. The fraudster is trying to find out the personal details of a person’s card in order to take possession of the funds stored on it.

You can often receive links to malicious sites by email., by switching to which you can lose your personal data. Attackers use phishing to find out your login and password for logging into online banking. Naturally, after this your card will be completely empty.

Fraudsters can copy well-known sites on the Internet where various purchases are made. An unsuspecting person can enter Sberbank card details to buy an item he likes, but as a result, he will only receive a debit from his account.

As we can see, scammers have advanced quite far in this matter.

In order not to become a victim of scammers or lose your money, you must strictly follow certain precautions that will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

How to avoid theft of money from your card?

As practice shows, most cases of theft of money from bank cards are dealt with in court. There is no need to mention once again that this is a very long and difficult process, which is not yet clear where it will lead. Therefore, it is best to adhere to certain recommendations in order to avoid such situations.

If you pay via the Internet

You need to be extremely careful when paying for any services online:

  1. Create a separate card for payment;
  2. Place only the required amount on the card.

If you plan to pay by card, then top up this card with exactly the amount that you are going to spend on the site.

Payment via ATM

When carrying out any transactions with a card through an ATM, carefully inspect the panel where the PIN code is entered. The fact is that there may be a special reading device that will simply copy your PIN code for the purpose of further fraudulent activities.

If you receive dubious SMS messages about blocking your card, then the first thing you need to do is call the Sberbank hotline. There you can clarify all the information, as well as whether the blocking was actually carried out or not.

Protect your Sberbank card

To see how scammers stole money from a card using a phone number that you refused, watch the video:

  • Disable the mobile banking service when changing phone number;
  • do not store the login and password of your Sberbank personal account on your computer;
  • Do not call back the numbers indicated in SMS messages, supposedly coming from Sberbank.

If the mobile banking service was activated on your old phone number, you should disable it immediately after you switch to a new number. As a rule, mobile operators sell phone numbers that have not been used for three months, so you should not delay this procedure.

The login and password for Sberbank Online should not be stored electronically on a computer.

There are a sufficient number of malicious viruses and programs aimed at stealing personal data on the network, so antivirus alone is not enough.

Under no circumstances should you call back the numbers listed in SMS messages supposedly coming from Sberbank or from people running various imaginary lotteries.

Remember that all information about the status of your bank card can only be obtained by calling the Sberbank hotline.

Arbitrage practice

Will the missing money be returned? It is worth noting that returning stolen funds from a Sberbank card is a very difficult matter. In most cases, the bank, on completely legal grounds, refuses to return the funds, because in fact, all operations were carried out correctly.

The point is that the PIN code, login and password for Sberbank Online, as well as other data, were entered correctly, but it is not considered who exactly entered this data.

Judicial practice shows that Sberbank returns funds when there is indisputable evidence of fraudulent activity.

For example, the card holder is in one city, and money is withdrawn from his personal card in another.

There are also good prospects for cases where the injured party files a claim regarding illegal transactions immediately after the funds are written off. In such cases, The bank is obliged to satisfy the client's requirements.

What to do if money was withdrawn from your bank card. Watch the available solutions to the problem in the video:

Keeping money in a Sberbank account or card seems to be a fairly profitable option, considering how many banks are closed by the Central Bank every year. However, clients are increasingly complaining that their money was stolen from their Sberbank card. Is a refund possible and how do scammers work?

What is skimming

One of the methods used by scammers to take possession of other people’s funds is skimming. Skimmers are devices that can be built into ATMs to read card information. This information is collected together with the PIN code, a duplicate of the “plastic” is created and an attacker can easily steal without the owner immediately realizing it.

Does chip protection help?

The chip on the Sberbank card is designed to protect information from being read by skimmers. Most Russian cards are equipped with chips, but not every ATM can work with them. In most “green” ATMs it’s just the opposite - funds can be withdrawn without a chip, having only plastic and a PIN code.

Even if it is not possible to withdraw funds, using the created duplicate, the attackers will connect a new mobile phone to the Online Bank and gain access to all the victim’s accounts.

Cases of skimming are becoming more frequent as the crisis in the country deepens, but Sberbank clients suffer from this more than others, since the mobile bank has the opportunity not only to withdraw everything from a bank account, but also to close deposits, cash out credit cards and savings books.

Methods of protection

To protect yourself from skimmers, use ATMs located in official branches, and not in provincial stalls or streets. Inspect the card reader - if anything is loose, glue is visible, it is better to refuse operations with it. Sometimes the ATM screen prompts you to compare the view of the card reader with the one suggested on the screen - do not miss this moment.

If you suspect that fraudsters have obtained your data, immediately call the bank, whose telephone numbers are at every ATM, and block access to your card and accounts.

What to do with money

What to do if you discover money being stolen from skimmers? Immediately block the card and go to the branch to write a statement. If the application is written by the card owner, who has the original in hand, the bank returns the money to the victims of skimmers. The only caveat is that the return may take up to six months while the circumstances of the loss are clarified.

Phishing cases

  1. The classic case is that you receive an email from Sberbank with a link that you need to follow - there is a failure in the system, the need to re-authorize, etc. But the link you are asked to go to only superficially matches the official website. In reality, the victim ends up on the scammer’s website, the site’s interface is very similar to a banking one - so that the differences are difficult to find. As a result, the victim enters a login and password, thereby transferring his data to third parties.
  2. Another option is to receive an SMS about the card being blocked for no apparent reason. Then the victim receives a call from the attacker from a number very similar to a bank number, and tells him the card details, including the expiration date and the code under the magnetic stripe. Then a string of many SMS messages begins, the victim becomes completely confused, and at this time the scammer has already transferred all the funds and his number has become unavailable.
  3. When selling things at online auctions, never mention the expiration date of the card, codes from SMS and numbers under the magnetic tape. Knowing the phone number, which sellers usually have in their contacts, as well as the card number for supposed prepayment, it is enough to receive only the code from SMS and the expiration date to take possession of your funds. Standard excuses - I sent money to the wrong place, accidentally withdrew it and didn’t transfer it, entered the number incorrectly, etc.

Who is being deceived and what to do

Most often, theft through mobile banking affects pensioners, people who receive salaries through these cards - usually they are not technically savvy and can easily get confused. The danger is that it is enough to know the mobile and card number to register again in Internet banking and receive codes from SMS. It is also possible to create one template, which then performs operations without entering the code from SMS.

If money is stolen from a Sberbank card through a mobile bank, the question of whether the money will be returned is quite controversial. The fact is that if you yourself told the scammer the code from the SMS, without even knowing his intentions, then you automatically gave consent to the processing of the data, so the bank does not return the money.

How to protect yourself

Since banks do not reimburse losses if money is stolen from a card via the Internet, it is better to prevent the leakage of funds in advance. To protect yourself, follow the rules:

  • Enter data only on the official website with a secure connection: If the site address begins with http:// or the letters in it are replaced, immediately leave the page.
  • If during authorization other data is required in addition to your login, password and one-time code, you are on a scammer’s website.
  • Sberbank does not have a function for canceling or canceling actions via SMS - codes requested for cancellation or cancellation are received by scammers.
  • Try not to give your card number to strangers unnecessarily, and you shouldn’t tell anyone the expiration date at all - you can transfer money without an expiration date.
  • If you receive a call from Sberbank, be careful. Employees call only when they offer new loan or deposit products. In all other cases, there is an intruder on the wire.

Card number fraud

Knowing the CVV code, expiration date and number, you can pay for online purchases and transfer electronic money on third-party sites. The plastic number can easily leak, for example, when paying by bank transfer in a restaurant or cafe, when the administrator takes away the card for a while, or when trading at online auctions, etc.

With only 16 digits on the front side, you can pay for purchases, for example, on the website, and mobile payments also do not require a code on the back side. The attackers withdrew considerable amounts of money to Beeline numbers in this way.

Most large online stores conduct transactions only in the 3D-secure form. This means that the transaction must be confirmed with a code from SMS. But sometimes scammers managed to get hold of these codes.

How to proceed

If the card begins to empty after you told someone its number, immediately call Sberbank and block access. Next, go to the office and file a theft report.

If payment in online stores was made without the 3D-secure protocol, the money will probably be returned. If you entered the code from SMS, then the funds are unlikely to be returned.

How to protect yourself

  • Try not to give your card number to strangers unnecessarily. When paying in restaurants, shops, cafes, require that you swipe your card through the terminal yourself.
  • Refrain from making purchases on suspicious sites or unknown online auctions. Block your card if you accidentally left it in an ATM or if it is lost.
  • In your mobile bank, set a limit on Internet transactions and a ban on paying for services abroad.

Mobile banking capabilities

This type of fraud applies only to Sberbank. To understand the scammers’ scheme of action, let’s look at the possibilities of remote control. The service allows you to receive SMS notifications about all transactions, the ability to make transactions without authorization by sending short commands to number 900.

The economical tariff notifies via SMS only about authorization in the Mobile service, and also sends one-time login codes. The condition for remote management is not only the activation of the service, but also the signing of an agreement for banking services. From this moment the adventure begins.

First way

A mobile bank can be issued not to the mobile number specified in the application, but to a one-digit number different from it. Most often this is an employee's omission. Whether it was done accidentally or intentionally is unknown, but the new account owner can gradually withdraw funds from your account, because all SMS notifications come to his phone.

If you did not write such a statement, and the mobile control is connected to someone else’s phone, you should request re-registration from the employees and write a written confirmation. There is a chance that the stolen turnover will be returned.

Second way

A second phone number is connected to the mobile control, for example, by taking possession of a duplicate, as in the first case, using a skimmer. Then you will no longer receive SMS notifications on your phone and you need to contact the bank immediately.

Third way

You used Sber's mobile services with one phone, and then changed it or lost it. We filled out an application to connect another, new phone. If you change one phone to another, you must write two applications - to disconnect the old one and connect the current mobile number.

Sometimes, due to an employee’s mistake, an application to disconnect services on an old phone is not processed - this process must be monitored immediately after writing. Otherwise, up to eight numbers can be linked to one account and it is almost impossible to return money lost in this way. All that remains is to prove that the person who stole is not your relative, husband, wife, child, there are no such phones in your family, and you still wrote and submitted an application for closure.

Why is remote banking unsecured?

Sberbank clients are more often exposed to such troubles for several reasons. Large transfers can be made without SMS confirmation if the user is authorized in the system. Sberbank employees receive additional bonuses for connecting clients to various services, so they can activate mobile management even for those who did not want it.

Transfers via SIM cards

A relatively modern method of theft. The symptoms are the same everywhere: the phone’s SIM card no longer connects to the network and is blocked, money leaves the accounts, and the operator reports that a new SIM card with your number has been received.

Sometimes fraudsters already obtain enough data, a card number or access to mobile applications, obtaining information illegally. One way or another, the connection is lost, the scammers quickly gain access to all deleted account transactions, and Sberbank blocks access only for the next day.

To withdraw money, all you need is the card details and logging into mobile account management. Re-issuance of a SIM card is carried out using someone else’s passport, and according to a pension receipt - this is a mistake of communication shops. For example, the scammer says that his grandfather is retired and disabled, and cannot independently come to the salon and fill out an application for a SIM card. Good-natured employees reissue the SIM card to the same number, and the scammer receives a duplicate of your SIM card.

How to proceed

Call the bank and write a statement at the office. They often sue the telecom operator, although it can be quite difficult to win. If fraudsters become aware of your mobile login credentials, they will most likely not be able to get your money back.