Accounting for funds in a current account and working with it. Accounting for transactions on a current account Cash in a current account what account

In practice, every business entity is faced with the need to make non-cash payments. Settlements of the enterprise with suppliers for purchased materials (services); with buyers for products sold; with credit institutions for loans; settlements for mandatory payments to the budget, payments to extra-budgetary funds and others are most often carried out through a current account.

Conceptual help!

Checking account is an account opened by an enterprise with a bank in ruble currency and intended for storing the organization’s funds and making non-cash payments.

The current account is the main account of the organization through which monetary transactions are carried out. In this case, the organization independently determines the required number of current accounts. Each open account is assigned a 20-digit number, with this indicated in the charter of the enterprise. In the future, this number is indicated in all documents related to the movement of funds through the current account. Banking settlement and cash services are carried out on the basis of a concluded agreement between the organization and the bank. Operations on the current account are carried out in chronological order according to the relevant order of the account owner (organization), as well as without the owner’s order in cases specified by law. If there is a shortage of funds, debits from the account are carried out in the following order:

Compliance with this queue is regulated by Art. 855 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

A current account is opened in credit institutions (banks), which the enterprise chooses for itself independently.

The bank manager puts a “permissive” signature on the Account Opening Application and the business entity opening the account is assigned a current account number consisting of 20 characters. All non-cash payments of the enterprise are carried out through the current account (only with the help of documents).

From May 1, 2014, organizations and individual entrepreneurs who pay insurance premiums are exempt from the obligation to report information on the opening and closing of bank accounts to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. These changes were introduced by Federal Law dated April 2, 2014. No. 59-FZ.

From May 2, 2014, the obligation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs to report to the tax office information on opening and closing accounts has been abolished, in accordance with the Federal Law of April 2, 2014. No. 52-FZ.

Procedure for opening a current account

To open a current account in a bank, a legal entity must provide the following documents to the bank:

  1. Application for opening an account in rubles, signed by the head and chief accountant of the organization;
  2. Bank account agreement (two copies) in rubles, signed on each sheet;
  3. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  4. A copy of an extract from the unified state register of legal entities certified by a notary or the authority that issued the document with an issue date not exceeding 1 month before the submission of documents;
  5. A copy of the duly approved charter (regulations) with amendments and additions, certified by a notary or the body that registered the document;
  6. A copy of the constituent agreement, certified by a notary or a higher authority;
  7. Minutes of the founders' meeting;
  8. A copy of the employment contract with the head of the organization;
  9. A copy of the order on assuming the position of a manager and the appointment of a chief accountant, certified by the seal and signature of the head of the organization;
  10. A card with sample signatures and a seal from the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant, certified by a notary;
  11. A photocopy of the passports of the persons stated in the sample signature card;
  12. Original certificate of registration with the tax authority and its notarized copy;
  13. A copy of the information letter from the territorial body of state statistics with assigned codes and confirming registration with the state territorial statistical body, certified by a seal and signatures of officials of the organization (optional);
  14. Copies of licenses for activities that require licenses.

The list of required documents is fixed by Bank of Russia Instruction No. 153-I dated May 30, 2014 (as amended on December 24, 2018) “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts, deposit accounts” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 19, 2014 N 32813) .

Synthetic and analytical accounting of current account transactions

In the chart of accounts, information on cash flows in current accounts with the bank is taken into account in active account 51 “Current accounts”. The debit of the account reflects the receipt of funds into the current account, and the credit reflects their write-off. The account balance can only be debit or zero.

Analytical accounting of cash flows is maintained in Bank Statements. The bank compiles and provides statements to the organization in accordance with the bank's document flow. The statement is drawn up from the bank's perspective, and it is provided with all primary documents attached. The frequency of providing statements is determined by the turnover of cash flows in the current account, but usually daily.

Bank statement

The bank statement is the basis for compiling correspondence of accounts for account 51 “Current accounts”.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that, as mentioned earlier, the statement is drawn up from the bank’s position. And this, in turn, means that the amounts reflected in the loan statement in accounting must be reflected in the debit of account 51 and vice versa, those amounts that are in the debit statement are an expense in account 51 and the company must reflect them in credit turnover . Based on this, the balance in the statement can only be a credit balance, because There cannot be a negative account balance.

If an enterprise has several current accounts, analytical accounting for account 51 “Current accounts” must be maintained in the context of each account.

Synthetic accounting of cash flows on the current account using the journal-order form of accounting is carried out in the journal-order No. 2, statement No. 2 and, accordingly, in the General Ledger. In the automated form of accounting, the registers systematizing primary accounting data are: SALT, account analysis, account card, SALT for the account.

Regulatory accounting basis for account 51 “Settlement accounts”, documentation of settlements

In addition, as mentioned earlier, the following act as a regulatory framework:

  • Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated May 30, 2014 N 153-I (as amended on December 24, 2018) “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts, and deposit accounts”;
  • Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated June 19, 2012 N 383-P (as amended on October 11, 2018) “On the rules for transferring funds”;
  • and etc.

The primary documents for accounting for cash flows on a current account are:

  • Payment order;
  • Collection payment order;
  • Payment request;
  • Announcement for cash contribution;
  • Cash check.

Conceptual help!

Payment order - This is a document representing an order to the bank to transfer funds from the owner’s account to the recipient’s account.

Collection payment order – requirement for undisputed write-off of funds in cases specified by law. When writing off funds on the basis of executive documents, the collection order must indicate a reference to the date, the executive document and the authority that issued it (For example, writing off penalties and non-payment of taxes to the Federal Tax Service).

Payment request – This is a document representing the supplier’s demand to the buyer and the buyer’s order to his bank to pay for the goods, works and services supplied. In this case, the supplier sends the payment request directly to the buyer's bank.

Announcement for cash contribution – is issued when cash is deposited into the current account. The bank issues a receipt as a document confirming receipt of money.

Cash check – a document acting as an order to the bank to issue cash in a specified amount. Check books are issued by the bank on the basis of a special application and are strictly accountable documents. Damaged checks are not deleted; they must be kept by the drawer for at least three years. When closing the account, the drawer must return the remaining unused check counterfoils to the bank.

Typical transactions for account 51 “Current accounts”

Business transactions on the debit of account 51 “Current accounts”

Source documents Corresponding accounts
Debit Credit
1 2 3 4 5
1 Cash received from the cash register to the account Bank statements, announcement for cash deposit, bank receipt for accepting cash 51 50
2 Received funds from foreign currency accounts Bank statement for foreign currency account, 51 52
3 Unused amounts of letters of credit, checks, bank cards, deposits were returned to the current account Bank statement for current account, bank statement for special accounts 51 55
4 Received funds in transit (money transfers, collection of proceeds) Bank account statement 51 57
5 In order to repay the provided long-term and short-term loans to another organization, funds were transferred to the current account Bank account statement 51 58
6 Receipts from suppliers and contractors (refund of prepayments, advance transfers, overpayment amounts) Bank account statement and payment order 51 60
7 Reflects revenue from buyers and customers for supplied finished products, work performed, services rendered Bank statement on current account, payment order, payment request 51 62
8 Funds were received from bank loans and other loans:

A) short-term

B) long-term

Bank account statement, documents for obtaining short-term and long-term loans and borrowings A) 51 A) 66
9 Amounts of overpayments on taxes and fees were returned from the budget based on the results of recalculation 51 68
10 The organization was reimbursed by the social insurance fund for the costs of paying various benefits Bank statement on current account, payment order 51 69/1
11 The amount of overpayments based on the results of the recalculation was returned from extra-budgetary funds Bank statement on current account, payment order 51 69
12 Revenues for sold products and goods are credited to the account listed by accountable persons 51 71
13 Reflects amounts received from employees of the organization, loan repayment, compensation for material damage Bank account statement, postal transfer receipts 51 73
14 Funds for the contribution to the authorized capital were transferred to the current account 51 75
15 Funds were received into the current account from various organizations and individuals to pay off accounts receivable; credited are the amounts of satisfied claims, dividends on securities, interest on debt obligations of other organizations, income from participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, distributed profits from joint activities, funds from subsidiaries Bank statement on current account, payment orders 51 76
16 The amounts of insurance compensation received by the organization from insurance companies are credited Bank statement on current account, payment orders 51 76
17 Received funds for targeted financing Bank statement on current account, payment orders 51 86
18 Funds received as emergency revenues as a result of an emergency situation Bank account statement 51 99/4
19 The parent organization's account received funds from a structural unit accounted for on a separate balance sheet Bank account statement 51 79
20 Cash received as deferred income Bank account statement 51 98/1

Business transactions on the credit of account 51 “Current accounts”.

Contents of business transactions Source documents Corresponding accounts
Debit Credit
1 2 3 4 5
1 Funds were transferred to the cash register from the current account Bank statement on current account, PKO 50 51
2 Funds were transferred from one current account to open current accounts in other banks Bank statement on current account, payment orders 51 51
3 Recorded write-off on account for the purchase of foreign currency Bank statement on current account, foreign currency account, payment orders 52 51
4 Funds credited to letters of credit Bank statement on current account, special accounts, payment orders, application for letter of credit 55/1 51
5 A check book has been issued Bank statement on current account, special accounts, payment orders, application for registration of a checkbook 55/2 51
6 Deposit accounts opened 55/3 51
7 Other special accounts have been opened (special account for bank cards, special account for financing capital investments) Bank statement on current account, special accounts, payment orders 55 51
8 Loans were provided, bonds and other financial investments were paid from the current account Bank account statement 58 51
9 Settled accounts with suppliers and contractors (including the transfer of advances) Bank statement on current account, payment orders 60 51
10 The unused advance amount previously received from them was returned to buyers and customers. Bank statement on current account, payment orders 62 51
11 Paid short-term loan debt Bank statement on current account, payment orders 66 51
12 Debt on long-term loans has been paid Bank statement on current account, payment orders 67 51
13 Debts on taxes and fees transferred to the budget Bank statement on current account, payment orders 68 51
14 Settled accounts with social insurance and security funds Bank statement on current account, payment orders 69 51
15 Payments were made to personnel for wages, benefits and dividends (in accounts with credit institutions and by postal transfers) from the account Bank statement on current account, payment orders 70 51
16 Advances were transferred to accountable persons located outside the organization Bank statement on current account, payment orders 71 51
17 Reflected in the accounts are compensation for the use of personal cars for business trips, loans by employees of the organization for individual needs Bank statement on current account, payment orders 73 51
18 Accrued amounts of income to founders and legal entities from participation in the activities of the organization (dividends on shares, shares, land shares) Bank statement on current account, payment orders 75 51
19 Amounts transferred by insurance companies for property and personal insurance Bank statement on current account, payment orders 76/1 51
20 Settled accounts with depositors Bank statement on current account, payment orders 76/4 51
21 Settled settlements with the population for accepted livestock and agricultural products Bank statement on current account, payment orders 76/7 51
22 Settled accounts with alimony recipients Bank statement on current account, payment orders 76/9 51
23 Funds were transferred to cover the costs of the targeted event, financed from targeted sources. Bank statement on current account, payment orders 86 51
24 Money lost due to natural disasters and other emergencies has been written off Bank statement on current account, payment orders 99 51

On the territory of the Russian Federation, all non-cash payments are made to bank accounts. Operations on such accounts are carried out using special settlement documents. Read more about how funds are accounted for in a current account in the following article.

Primary documentation on transactions on the current account

Non-cash payments are carried out by credit institutions on the basis of special rules. forms These forms are payment requests and orders.

A payment order is a document of an administrative nature from the account owner, which obliges the credit institution to deposit a certain amount of funds into the recipient’s account. With the help of instructions, orders for money transfers are issued:

Payment requirements have a slightly different purpose. It is an administrative document not of the payer, but of the recipient of funds. It contains requirements for the transfer of funds from the debtor's accounts to the creditor's current account.

Synthetic and analytical accounting

Synthetic accounting of transactions on the current account is carried out on account No. 51. This account is active. Its debit reflects the balance of non-cash funds in the company’s account, as well as receipts to it, and the credit reflects write-offs. Analytical accounting is carried out for each open account.

Postings upon receipt of funds to the current account

Typical transactions for receipts to the current account will be as follows:

  1. D51 – K50 – receipt of money deposited from the cash register to the current account.
  2. D51 - K58 - repayment of an interest-bearing loan that was provided to another company.
  3. D51 – K60 – return of the previously listed advance to the supplier.
  4. D51 – K62 – funds received from buyers as payment for goods.
  5. D51 – K62 – receiving advance payment from the buyer.
  6. D51 - K76 - the supplier paid the claim.
  7. D51 – K76 – receipt of money from other persons.
  8. D51 – K66, 67 – obtaining a loan or credit.
  9. D51 – K68, 69 – return of money from extra-budgetary funds.
  10. D51 – K75 – making a contribution to the company’s management company.
  11. D51 – K86 – obtaining budget funding.
  12. D51 – K91 – accrual of interest on the current account.
  13. D51 – K76 – receipt of dividends.
  14. D51 – K57 – receipt of funds to the account through transfers in transit.

Postings written off from the account

Postings to the current account regarding write-offs will be as follows:

  1. D50 – K51 – withdrawing money from a bank account to deposit it in the company’s cash desk.
  2. D58 - K51 - provision of an interest-bearing loan to another company.
  3. D60 – K51 – transfer of payment to the supplier for the supplied products.
  4. D60 – K51 – advance payment to the supplier.
  5. D62 – K51 – return of advance payment to the buyer.
  6. D66, 67 – K51 – repayment of the “body” of a loan or credit, as well as interest on it.
  7. D68, 69 – K51 – repayment of debt on payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds.
  8. D70 – K51 – transfer of salaries to employees’ bank cards.
  9. D71 – K51 – transfer of accountable amounts to bank cards of accountable persons.
  10. D76 – K51 – payment to the buyer according to his claim.
  11. D57 – K51 – write-off of funds through transfers in transit.
  12. D51 – K51 – making a transfer from one account to another.
  13. D91 – K51 – write-off of funds to pay for bank services.
  14. D75 – K51 – payment of dividends.
  15. D73 – K51 – issuing a loan to the company’s employees.

The organization's funds, both its own and borrowed, with the exception of -

transfer of cash balances in the cash register, and part of the proceeds used in turnover are kept in a bank account.

A current account is opened by organizations, enterprises that have

independent balance sheet and own working capital.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation “On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities,” each enterprise has the right to open settlement and other accounts in any bank for storing funds and carrying out all types of settlement, credit and cash transactions.

To open current and current accounts, the organization submits the following documents to the bank:

application in the prescribed form for opening an account;

copies of the company's charter and constituent agreement, certified by a notary;

copies of the registration certificate of the enterprise, certified by a notary;

certificate of the tax authority on registration of the enterprise as a taxpayer;

a copy of the document on registration as a payer with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

a copy of the document confirming registration with the territorial compulsory health insurance fund as a payer;

a card with sample signatures of the manager and chief accountant of the enterprise and an imprint of the enterprise's seal in the prescribed form, certified by a notary;

copies of the certificate of assignment of statistical codes.

The right of first signature on LLC “Project” belongs to the manager, and the second – to the chief accountant of the organization.

Free funds are concentrated in the current account of Proekt LLC.

funds and receipts mainly for products sold, work and services performed, short-term and long-term loans received from the bank, and other deposits. Almost all payments to the organization are made from the current account: payments to suppliers for materials, repayment of debt to the budget, social insurance, receipt of money to the cash desk for the payment of wages, financial assistance, bonuses, etc. The issuance of money, as well as non-cash transfers from this account by the bank, is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of an order from the organization that owns the current account or with its consent (acceptance).

When making payments between enterprises, banks and the state, a calendar settlement system is used, that is, all payments from the current account, including deductions to the budget and payment of wages, are made in calendar order (in the order they are received by the bank).

The forms of non-cash payments used in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Regulations of the Central Bank of Russia dated April 12, 2001 No. 2 - P “On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation” include: settlements by payment orders; settlements under a letter of credit; payments by checks; collection settlements.

In the analyzed organization, subaccounts were opened to account 51 “Current Account”: 51/1 – Account in the BIN-Ulyanovsk branch of JSCB BIN (OJSC), Ulyanovsk.

In order for the bank to accept, issue or carry out a transaction with non-cash funds, the accountant provides the bank with specially executed documents signed by the manager and himself, that is, by the persons whose signature samples are submitted to the bank.

The primary documents on the basis of which LLC Proekt carries out operations on the current account are:

for cash payments - these are cash checks and an announcement for cash contributions;

in case of non-cash transfers – payment orders.

When depositing money into a bank account, an announcement for cash deposits is provided (Appendix P). The supporting document in this case is a bank receipt confirming the transfer of the specified amount. In LLC "Project" enrollment for

the current account is subject to funds exceeding the cash register limit.

Cash checks are presented to the bank when funds are withdrawn from the account

(Appendix P). The supporting documents in this case are the counterfoil, which remains in the company’s checkbook (Appendix C).

A payment order is a client’s order to transfer

funds to another enterprise (Appendix T). It is issued on the basis of invoices, contracts, certificates of completed work, invoices, accounting orders for the transfer of taxes and fees, etc. Payment orders are valid for 10 days from the date of issue. Payment documents are issued using computer technology in the number of copies required by the bank and all parties involved in the settlements. Project LLC works with its bank through the “Client – ​​Bank” system, which is an integral part of the banking software package. The “Client – ​​Bank” system is designed for prompt payments, as well as monitoring the status of your current account from your workplace, and interaction with the bank is carried out through “telephone lines” communication channels.

LLC "Project" periodically receives from the bank an extract from the current account, that is, a list of transactions performed by it for the billing period. Attached to the bank statement are documents received from other enterprises and organizations, on the basis of which funds were credited or written off, as well as documents issued by the enterprise.

An extract from the current account is the second copy of the organization’s personal account opened by the bank (Appendix U). In the statement, the bank records cash balances and receipts to the current account as a credit, and write-offs and cash withdrawals as a debit. When processing a statement, the organization's accountant must record the credited amounts and the balance on the debit of the current account, and the write-off on the loan.

The bank statement replaces the analytical accounting register for the current account and at the same time serves as the basis for accounting records. All documents attached to the statement are canceled with the “cancelled” stamp. Amounts erroneously credited or written off from the current account are accepted into account 63 “Settlements for doubtful debts”, and the bank is immediately notified of such amounts for correction. In subsequent statements, the bank makes corrections, and in the accounting records of the enterprise, the debt is written off. Statements are processed on the day they are received. The accountant, having received the statement, checks the amounts on the statement with the amounts in the supporting documents, and enters accounting entries in the fields of the statement next to each amount. Supporting documents are laid out in accordance with the amounts in the bank statement and stitched with it.

Synthetic accounting of transactions on the current account is maintained on account 51 “Current account”. This is an active account, the debit of which records the balance of the organization's free funds at the beginning of the month, receipts credited from product buyers, customers, debtors, advances received, advances, borrowings. The credit of this account reflects the funds transferred to repay the organization's debt by the supplier of material assets, the contractor for work performed, the budget, the bank for loans received, social insurance authorities and other creditors, as well as amounts paid to the organization in cash at the cash desk.

To reflect turnover on the credit of account 51 “Current account”, a journal is used - order No. 2 “Current account” (Appendix F). Turnovers on the debit of the account are recorded in different order journals and in statement No. 2. The basis for filling out these registers is verified and processed statements from the current account.

An extract from a current account is a copy of the personal account of an enterprise opened for it by the bank. It reflects the movement of funds in the company's current account.

A prerequisite for filling out these registers is to use one line for each bank statement. In the order journal, the amounts are recorded in the section of normalized accounts with the debit and credit of account 51 “Current account”.

The presence of these indicators for each reporting period allows you to analyze the sources of funds received into the company’s current account, control the intended use of funds, and the fulfillment of obligations to the budget and other economic bodies.

Let's consider transactions on account 51 “Current account” for 02/01/06 – 02/06/06. V

table 4.

Table 4 - Correspondence of accounts for recording transactions on the current account

LLC "Project" for 01.02. – 06.02.2006


Amount, rub.

Balance as of 02/01/06, rub.

Receipts from buyers

Receipts from buyers

Other payments (bank services)

Advance issued

Payment to the supplier

Other supply

Advance received

Other payments

Advance received

Advance received

Other payments

Advance issued

Other supply

Advance received

Other advances

Payment to the supplier

Other payments

Advance received

Balance as of 02/28/06, rub.

The turnover on the current account of Proekt LLC on debit amounted to 10,951,330.13 rubles, and on credit – 8,870,735.46 rubles.

Analyzing the accounting of transactions on the current account at Proekt LLC, we can say that in general, accounting is kept in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and legislative acts.

The list of all transactions on the current account of Proekt LLC is presented in

account card 51 “Current account” (Appendix X).

In addition to account 51 “current account”, the use of account 55 “Special bank accounts” is provided. The second subaccount 55 “Check books” accounts for settlements using cash checks. This form of payment in

Recently, it has been increasingly used in homogeneous calculations. The procedure for settlement by checks is regulated by the bank.

The deposit of funds when issuing check books from the payer is taken into account on account 55, subaccount 2 “Check books”, from the credit of account 51 “Current account”, 66 “Short-term bank loans” and other accounts. As debts are paid by checks, they are written off from the credit of account 55 to the debit: “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” and other similar accounts. Analytical accounting for subaccount 55-2 is maintained for each checkbook received. The third subaccount of account 55 “Deposit accounts” takes into account the movement of funds invested by the organization in bank and other deposits.

Issued check books are reflected in the following accounting entries:

Debit 55/2 “Checkbooks”

Credit 51 “Current account”.

As debts are paid by checks, they are written off with the following accounting entry:

Debit 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”

Credit 55 “Special bank accounts.”

The amounts of remaining unused checks and those returned to the bank are written off:

Debit 51 “Current account”

Credit 55/2 “Checkbook”.

Analytical accounting for subaccount 55/2 “Checkbook” is maintained for each checkbook received.

At LLC “Project”, transactions using a checkbook were not carried out and, accordingly, account 55 “Special accounts in banks” was not yet used.

Accounting for transfers in transit is due to the need to reflect them in reporting

the amount of payment actually transferred, not actually deposited into the current account of the enterprise. Accounting for such funds at LLC “Project” is carried out on account 57 “Transfers in transit,” which is intended to summarize information about the flow of funds in transit, i.e. sums of money (mainly proceeds from the sale of goods of organizations engaged in trading activities) deposited in the cash desks of credit institutions for crediting to the organization's current account, but not yet credited for their intended purpose.

The basis for accounting for amounts in account 57 “Transfers in transit” (for example, when depositing proceeds from a sale) are receipts from a credit institution (Appendix C).

Money was transferred from the cash register to the bank (revenue - 1200 rubles) reflected as money in transit:

Debit 57 “Transfers on the way”

Credit 50 "Cash".

The funds in transit are credited to the current account:

Debit 51 “Current account”

Credit 57 “Translations on the way.”

Proekt LLC has a procedure for depositing trading proceeds in which cash is deposited directly by a representative of the organization. Such an operation is formalized in the usual manner with the preparation of a cash receipt order confirming the withdrawal of proceeds from the cash register. At the same time, when depositing money at the bank, the representative fills out an application for a cash deposit.

And having its own balance.

Available funds in the currency of the Russian Federation are stored on the current account. Current accounts are also used to make payments to the budget, suppliers, customers and various. The issuance and transfer of funds from this account is carried out by the bank, as a rule, on the basis of an order from the account owner (organization) or with his consent (acceptance). However, in some cases, the bank debits amounts from the current account without the consent of its owner.

Payments from the current account are made in the order of their calendar priority. Transactions on the current account are documented with the following documents. An announcement for a cash contribution is issued when money is deposited from the cash register into the current account. Cash check serves as an order from the organization to the bank to issue the amount of cash specified in the check from the current account. A settlement check is used to transfer funds from the payer's current account to the recipient's current account. A payment order serves the same purpose. The payment request, in contrast to the settlement check and payment order, is issued by the recipient of the funds (supplier). It is intended for payments for products, works and services.

The organization periodically receives from the bank bank account statement, containing the transactions performed, turnover and balance. The statement is accompanied by monetary settlement documents on the basis of which transactions were made on the current account. Based on the statements, records are kept on current accounts.

Analytical accounting for 51 “Current accounts” should be maintained for each current account.

The organization's accounting department maintains synthetic accounting of transactions on current accounts on active account 51 "Current accounts". Turnovers on the credit of these accounts are registered on the basis of bank statements in journal order No. 2, and on debit - in statement No. 2. Amounts with the corresponding corresponding accounts of each statement are added up and recorded in the journal order and statement of results. The debit balance of account 51 means the availability of funds in the current account at the beginning of the month, the debit balance is an increase, i.e., the receipt of funds, and the credit turnover is a decrease, i.e., the write-off of funds.

The debit of account 51 “Current accounts” reflects the following main transactions:

1. Cash deposit to bank accounts:
  • account credit 50 "Cash".
2. Crediting proceeds from the sale of products (works, services):
  • debit of account 51 "Current accounts",
  • credit account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers",
  • credit account 90-1 "Revenue".
3. Crediting of funds received for sold fixed assets, materials, intangible assets, and other assets:
  • debit of account 51 "Current accounts",
4. Crediting to accounts of short-term and long-term loans and borrowings:
  • debit of account 51 "Current accounts",
  • credit account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings",
    credit account 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings."
5. Crediting unused balances of letters of credit and check books:
  • debit of account 51 "Current account",
  • credit account 55 "Special accounts in banks".
6. Crediting of fines, penalties, and penalties received from other organizations for violation of contract terms:
  • debit of account 51 "Current accounts",
  • credit to account 91-1 “Other income”.
7. Crediting of accounts receivable:
  • debit of account 51 "Current accounts",
  • credit account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors."
8. Amounts received from suppliers to cover shortfalls are credited:
  • debit of account 51 "Current accounts",
  • credit to account 76-2 “Calculations for claims”.

On the credit of active account 51 “Current accounts” the following main transactions are recorded:

1. Funds have been received at the cash desk from the current account:
  • debit account 50 "Cash",
2. Payment to suppliers and contractors for products, works, services:
  • debit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors",
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".
3. Transfer of tax payments to the budget:
  • debit of account 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees",
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".
4. Payment of interest to the bank on loans:
  • debit account 91-2 "Other expenses",
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".
5. Repayment of debt on bank bills (face value of the bill):
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".
6. Repayment of debt on received loans and borrowings:
  • debit of account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”,
  • debit of account 67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings”,
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".
7. Transfer to pay off debts to social insurance and security authorities:
  • debit of account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”,
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".
8. Making financial investments:
  • debit of account 58 "Financial investments",
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".
9. Repayment of accounts payable:
  • debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors",
  • credit account 51 "Current accounts".

In addition to current accounts, organizations can have other accounts in banks: 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special bank accounts”.

All these bills. Accounting for transactions on them is similar to accounting for transactions on current accounts. Analytical accounting for account 52 “Currency accounts” must be maintained for each account opened for storing funds in foreign currency. And for account 55, it is necessary to ensure the receipt of data on cash flows in letters of credit, deposits, checks, etc.

All temporary available funds of an enterprise, with the exception of cash on hand, must be kept in a current account opened at a bank branch.

The company's current account is credited with revenue for products sold from buyers, customers and other income. The bank accepts cash for crediting to the current account from a representative of the account owner.

The bank carries out orders from the enterprise to transfer or issue appropriate amounts in payment for purchased inventory, to repay bank loans and borrowings, obligations to the budget, extra-budgetary funds, suppliers, other creditors, for settlements with members of the labor collective for wages, travel allowances, business and entertainment expenses, purchase of fuels and lubricants, and other purposes within the limits of the balance of funds in the account and compliance with the priority prescribed by law.

The debiting of funds from the current account is carried out according to requirements relating to one priority, carried out in the calendar order of receipt of documents.

The bank controls transactions performed on the current account. In particular, it checks whether the enterprise that owns the account carries out transactions that do not correspond to the nature of its activities, as provided for in the charter, that violate the established procedure for using funds or payment rules.

If there are insufficient or no funds in the company’s current account, the bank places the payment documents presented for payment in card index 2.

The bank pays for documents placed in the file cabinet as funds arrive in the company's current account, observing the terms of priority.

Procedure for opening a current account To open a current account, an enterprise submits to the bank:

Application in the prescribed form for opening an account;

Copies of the company's charter and constituent agreement, certified by a notary;

A copy of the registration certificate of the enterprise, certified by a notary;

A certificate from the tax authority regarding the registration of the enterprise as a taxpayer;

A copy of the document confirming registration as a payer with the Russian Pension Fund;

A copy of the document confirming registration with the territorial compulsory health insurance fund as a payer;

A card with sample signatures of the manager, deputy manager and chief accountant of the enterprise and an imprint of the seal of the enterprise in the prescribed form, certified by a notary.

The right of first signature on bank documents belongs to the head of the enterprise or his deputy, and the second - to the chief accountant or his deputy.

Businesses are required to inform their tax office about all open accounts. At the same time, the same obligation is assigned to bank branches in which enterprises opened accounts.

Cash payments The bank carries out all operations on a current account with the consent of the account owner or on the basis of his orders (documents in the established form).

Cash is issued to the enterprise (for wages, temporary disability benefits, entertainment and business expenses, for the purchase of fuels and lubricants, payment of bonuses, for business trips) on the basis of checks. A cash check is an order from a business to a bank to issue a specified amount of cash from its current account. The company receives check books from the bank that serves it. The check is filled out by hand using ink or a ballpoint pen. It indicates the amount, date of issue, name of the recipient, as well as information about the purpose of the amounts received (for wages, travel expenses, etc.). Checks are signed by persons who are granted the right of first and second signature on the account, and affixed with the seal of the enterprise; any corrections in checks are not allowed. The bank issues money after checking the authenticity of signatures and seals, i.e., their compliance with the samples.

The bank accepts cash into the company's current account upon an announcement for a cash contribution - a written order from the account owner. The announcement is filled out in one copy, it must indicate the source of the money deposited (revenue for services, deposited wages, etc.) for the amounts accepted, the bank issues a receipt to the cashier, which serves as the basis for drawing up a cash receipt order in the accounting department and writing off funds at the cash desk.

Non-cash payments To receive amounts for performing work and providing services, the supplier company issues payment requests and orders and submits them for collection (presents them for payment) to the bank's servicing branch. The supplier's bank forwards these documents to the payer's bank. Within three days, not counting the day of receipt at the bank, the payer is obliged to either accept them or refuse to accept them with reference to the concluded agreement. The payment order is accepted with the tacit consent of the payer. Refusal to accept is issued in accordance with the sample application established by the Central Bank of Russia. The payer has the right to refuse to accept payment requests for the reasons provided for in the contracts, with a mandatory reference to the clause of the contract and indicating the reason for the refusal.

Acceptance of payment requests and orders of enterprises is carried out with the signatures of the payer's loan administrators (manager and chief accountant) and seal. In cases provided for by law, the bank can write off funds from the company’s current account without the owner’s consent. In an indisputable manner, in particular, arrears and fines for payments to the state budget, to the extra-budgetary road fund, for violations of currency legislation to the state income, payments under executive documents are written off from the accounts of the enterprise.

The bank institution notifies its client of all changes in the current account using statements from the current account. The statement indicates all receipts and debits from the current account, the balance on it at the beginning and end of the day. The accounting department of the enterprise checks the extract and compliance of the amounts received and written off according to the supporting settlement and payment documents attached to them. If an error is detected, the enterprise informs the bank institution about this, and the attached supporting documents are numbered. When accounting processing from a current account, the corresponding accounts for each business transaction are entered in its fields to the right of the corresponding amount and the serial numbers of the attached supporting documents are placed on the left.

Synthetic accounting of transactions on a current account To account for transactions on a current account, an active account 51 is provided. The debit of account 51 reflects the receipt of funds into the current account from the credit of different accounts, depending on the type of receipts.

Accounting entries for the receipt of funds into the current account

Debit account 51 (transactions)

Accounts credited

Sales proceeds received:

Products (works, services)

Fixed assets Other property

Cash deposited from the cash register

Return of unused balances of letters of credit (55-1) and limited check books (55-2)

Credited amounts in transit

From buyers and customers

Return of receipts for claims

Excessively transferred payments to the budget were reimbursed

Insurance indemnities credited:

From insurers under property and personal insurance contracts

From the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (69-1), the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (69-2), Federal (69-3), or territorial (69-4) compulsory health insurance funds From individuals in repayment of debt on interest-free loans (73- 1), for damage caused (73-2), for uniform (73-3)

Contributions to the authorized capital and other income from the founders

Receivables repaid

From branches of the enterprise allocated to independent balance

Fines were credited for violations of business contracts earlier, receivables written off as losses, penalties, penalties, interest on current accounts, dividends on shares, interest on bonds

Bank loans credited; loans:

Short term Long term

Targeted financing funds have been credited

On the credit side, account 51 reflects the debit of funds from the current account to the debit of different accounts depending on the type of expenses.

Accounting entries for the withdrawal of funds from the spending account.

Account credit 51 (transactions)

Debited accounts 2

Commissions paid to the bank for transactions (cash out, etc.)

Letters of credit were issued (55-1), limited check books (55-2) and savings certificates were purchased (55-3)

Financial investments have been made

Invoices of suppliers and contractors were paid for goods and materials supplied and services rendered

Payments are listed under an enterprise property insurance agreement, under an individual insurance agreement for members of the workforce

Payments to off-budget road funds have been transferred

The company's debt on claims has been repaid

Payments to the budget are listed (taxes, fines for violations of tax laws)

Payments are transferred to the funds of the Russian Federation (69/2), Federal (69/3) and territorial (69/4) compulsory health insurance funds

Salary transferred

Advances transferred to accountable persons

Payments to the founders were transferred: return of financial investments upon disposal, dividends based on the results for the year

Paid fines, penalties, penalties under business contracts

Repaid debt on bank loans and interest on them: short-term, long-term

Payments were made from retained earnings

The analytical accounting register for accounting for transactions on a current account is a bank statement; it provides the accountant with reliable information about the state of the account and the movement of funds in the company’s account.

The required details of the statement are: the client's current account number, the date of the previous statement and its outgoing balance, amounts credited to or debited from the current account.

Supporting documents are attached to bank statements when issued to clients. The accountant, having received the statement, checks the amounts on the statement with the amounts in the supporting documents, and enters accounting entries in the fields of the statement next to each amount. Supporting documents are laid out in accordance with the amounts in the bank statement and stitched with it.

Based on the correspondence of accounts entered in the bank statement, journal order No. 2 is compiled for the credit of account 51 and statement No. 2 for the debit of account 51 “Current account”.

Characteristics and purpose of special bank accounts Account 55 “Special bank accounts” is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of funds in the currency of the Russian Federation and foreign currencies located on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad in letters of credit, check books, and other payment documents (except for bills of exchange), on current, special and other special accounts.

To account 55 “Special accounts in banks”, in addition to those defined in the chart of accounts, the following sub-accounts are opened, if necessary:

  • 55/1 “Letters of credit” - the movement of funds contained in letters of credit is taken into account.
  • 55/2 "Checkbooks" - funds in checkbooks.
  • 55/3 “Deposit accounts” - takes into account the movement of funds invested by the organization in bank and other deposits.

The transfer of funds to deposits is reflected by the organization in debit account 55 in correspondence with account 51 “Currency accounts” or 52 “Currency accounts”. When a credit institution returns deposit amounts, feedback is made in the organization's accounting.

Analytical accounting of transactions in subaccount 55/3 “deposit accounts” is maintained for each deposit.

Analytical and synthetic accounting of transactions on account 55 “Special accounts in banks” are organized in journal order No. 3 based on bank statements for personal accounts.