Scientists involved in tax control issues, their opinion. Fedorov D.R., Vodopyanova V.A


Fedorov Denis Romanovich 1, Vodopyanova Valentina Aleksandrovna 2
1 Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, 5th year student of the specialty “Taxes and Taxation”
2 Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, senior lecturer at the Department of Finance and Taxes

The main and most effective form of tax control is tax audits. As a result of their implementation, most problems can be successfully solved: to identify, suppress and prevent tax offenses. In this regard, the article discusses one of the main issues of developing a set of practical recommendations aimed at improving tax control in order to increase the effectiveness of tax audits. Creating an approach to improve tax control aims to increase its efficiency by clearly regulating the consideration of the interests of all participants in tax legal relations and to bring more clarity and predictability for taxpayers to the actions of tax authorities in the course of their control activities.


Fedorov Denis Romanovich 1, Vodopopyanova Valentina Aleksandrovna 2
1 Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service, Student of the 5th course of the specialty "Taxes and Taxation"
2 Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service, Senior Teacher of Chair Finance and Taxes

The main and most effective form of tax control are tax audits. As a result of their carrying out it is possible to solve the majority of tasks successfully: to reveal, stop and warn tax offenses. In this regard in article one of the main issues of development of a complex of the practical recommendations submitted on improvement of tax control, for increase of productivity of carrying out tax audits is considered. Approach creation on improvement of tax control, sets before itself the purpose to increase its efficiency by an accurate regulation of the accounting of interests of all participants of tax legal relationship and to clear up more and predictabilities for taxpayers actions of tax authorities during implementation of control activity by them.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Fedorov D.R., Vodopyanova V.A. Tax audits at the present stage of development of the tax control system in the Russian Federation (using the example of the Russian Federation MIFTS for the largest taxpayers in the Primorsky Territory) // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2014. No. 6. Part 2 [Electronic resource]..03.2019).

From the practice of tax authorities, it follows that it is difficult to reduce the negative impact of shortcomings in tax legislation on the results of the control work of tax authorities only by administrative methods - it is much easier to achieve this goal by introducing amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. By reforming tax legislation in order to introduce provisions to prevent evasion of taxes and fees.

It must be admitted that the legislator is constantly working to improve tax legislation. Proof of this is the changes made every year to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, as well as the explanatory work of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

At the same time, the collection of taxes and fees remains at an insufficiently high level due to the following reasons: low efficiency of control work when tax authorities carry out desk tax audits; the still ongoing evasion of certain categories of taxpayers from paying taxes and fees and the lack of tools allowing tax authorities to take appropriate measures to bring non-law-abiding taxpayers to tax liability; weak organization of interaction between tax authorities and law enforcement agencies; lack of clear algorithms and methods of control work, in particular methods of conducting on-site tax audits on specific taxes and fees; insufficient level of collection of additional amounts of taxes and fees identified during tax control.

Solving the above problems will ensure proper efficiency of the control work of tax authorities. The relevance of the problems associated with the process of improving the control work of tax authorities to ensure the revenue side of the country's budget, in order for the state to fulfill the tasks facing it, necessitates the search for effective ways to solve them, both in economic and organizational aspects.

The purpose of the work is to study current problems in the tax control system, having both a theoretical and practical nature of their legal regulation, as well as organizing tax audits, identifying shortcomings in legal regulation and formulating a set of proposals aimed at improving tax control.

Based on the formulated purpose of the study, the author set the following tasks, the solution of which determined the scientific novelty and practical significance of the work:

Explore the essence of the control and analytical work of tax authorities and develop reasonable proposals for improving the control work carried out by tax authorities;

Assess the current state of the tax control system and identify factors that influence its effectiveness;

Determine priorities in the system of organizing tax audits and ways to improve it, as well as highlight problems in the practice of its application.

Tax control is the oldest form of state control and an element of the state management system, which largely determines the methods and effectiveness of regulating the economy and social sphere. Only through tax control does the tax system ensure the fulfillment of its main goal, namely ensuring the revenue side of budgets at various levels.

Tax control is the activity of authorized bodies to monitor compliance by taxpayers, tax agents and payers of fees with legislation on taxes and fees in the manner established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The current forms of tax control are tax audits and taxpayer registration.

The main form of tax control is tax audits, through which control is exercised over the timeliness, completeness and correctness of taxpayers' payment of taxes and fees. Registration of taxpayers as a form of tax control serves as an auxiliary means of tax control and can be used to collect evidence on tax offenses identified during tax audits and appearing in the audit report. The choice of certain methods of control work, determination of their combination and sequence of application are within the competence of the tax authority itself and depend on the specifics of the taxpayer’s activities and the goals pursued in the implementation of tax control.

Tax control is carried out by a tax authority or other body exercising powers of tax administration, within its competence, with a visit to the site or premises of the relevant body.

Let's consider the indicators of control activities based on the departmental reporting of the MIFTS of Russia for the largest taxpayers in the Primorsky Territory, which most indicatively evaluates the work of the inspectorate, because The largest taxpayers play a special role in budget formation; their tax payments for several years have exceeded 60% of the total receipts of federal taxes and fees in Russia; some relative indicators have been calculated that characterize the effectiveness of the control work of tax authorities, table 1.

Table - 1 Dynamics of additional charges based on the results of the control work of the Russian Federal Tax Service for the largest taxpayers in the Primorsky Territory for 2011-2013.


Absolute change

Growth rate, %

2012 by 2011

2013 by 2012

Total additional charges
For entry tax audits
According to desk tax audits

The data given in table. 1 show that the main amount of additional charges based on the results of the control work was formed due to on-site tax audits, increasing every year.

A sharp increase in additional accrued amounts based on the results of control work in 2012. (further decrease in 2013) is due to the fact that in the 3rd quarter of 2012. an on-site tax audit was conducted of the largest taxpayer engaged in air transportation in the Russian Far East, as a result of which an additional 503,761 thousand rubles were assessed, including a tax of 378,955 thousand rubles. and the following violations were established:

The duties of a tax agent have not been fulfilled:

When operating aircraft that were purchased from foreign companies on the basis of financial lease (leasing) agreements, the amount of VAT is not transferred to the budget.

When determining the tax base for personal income tax for 2009-2010. the tax agent has not calculated, withheld or transferred personal income tax.

To reduce additional charges based on the results of desk tax control for 2013. in comparison with the same period last year, it is mainly influenced by the availability of VAT returns, the result of which is “refundable”. So according to report 2-VAT 2013. Desk audits of VAT tax returns were completed with a negative result for 176 returns, which is 25% more than the same period in 2012. As a result, the indicators of control work on desk audits regarding the validity of compensation have increased.

It should be noted that if accruals are reduced, compensation based on the results of 2013 was denied. desk audits in the amount of 645,938 rubles. (for 2012, compensation of 284,189 rubles was denied)

One of the main factors when analyzing the control work of the tax inspectorate is the effectiveness of field and desk tax audits, Table 2.

Table 2 – Analysis of the effectiveness of desk and on-site tax audits carried out by the Ministry of Taxation and Taxation of Russia for the largest taxpayers in the Primorsky Territory for 2011-2013.


Absolute change

Growth rate, %

2012 by 2011

2013 by 2012

Number of desk checks
- using additional documents
- effective desk audits
Number of on-site inspections
- effective on-site inspections

According to the data in Table. Level 2 of effectiveness of desk audits in 2011. – 0.7%, 2012 – 1.5%, 2013 – 1.6%.

In 2012 There has been a decrease in the total number of desk checks, including those requiring documents, due to the deregistration of 9 organizations.

In addition, taxpayers in 2012 The information provided on licenses received for objects of aquatic biological resources is 73 or 9% less than in 2011.

Level of effectiveness of on-site inspections for 2012 was 100%.

In 2013 There is an increase in the total number of inspections by 4.3%, with a decrease in inspections requiring documents - by 9%.

The decrease in the number of desk audits requiring documents was due to taxpayers submitting mineral extraction tax declarations in smaller quantities than in similar previous periods due to the deregistration of 4 taxpayers. In addition, information on received licenses for objects of aquatic biological resources was provided by 11.7% (85 declarations) more than in 2012. which are subject to desk checks without requiring documents.

Level of effectiveness of on-site inspections for 2013 amounted to 95%.

The main factors identified during the study that negatively affect the effectiveness of tax control are:

Inaction of the norm of tax legislation (clause 3 of Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), which establishes holding a taxpayer liable for tax liability for intentional tax evasion;

The absence of measures providing for the punishment of persons for the creation and use of so-called fly-by-night companies for the purpose of tax evasion;

Lack of methodological support for conducting on-site tax audits on specific taxes and fees and, accordingly, a unified approach to their implementation;

Limitation of the rights of tax authorities that they could use during desk tax audits;

Lack of control over taxpayers submitting amended tax returns, through which taxpayers reduce tax liabilities;

Limited time frame for conducting a desk tax audit.

An analysis of the current tax legislation shows the imperfection of tax control in terms of conducting desk tax audits, in connection with which it is proposed to transform the desk tax audit into the main type of tax control due to the impossibility of covering all taxpayers with on-site tax audits, as well as to expand the rights of tax authorities when conducting desk tax control .

It is also necessary to consider the issue of expanding the rights of tax authorities when conducting desk audits in order to exercise tax control over a separate group of taxpayers using tax evasion schemes using shell companies. Currently, there is practically no tax control over taxpayers engaged in economic activities within three years from the date of registration.

The number of such organizations registered with the tax authorities exceeds half of the total number of taxpayers, and there is no control over them.

Identifying facts of relationships with such taxpayers in recent years is one of the main items on the list of issues that are considered when planning and conducting on-site tax audits.

However, at present, firms specifically created for the use of tax evasion schemes and existing for less than three years are not fully controlled by the tax authorities, since there are no tools that allow tax control during tax audits.

Thus, it is necessary to expand the rights of tax authorities granted to them during desk tax audits for the purpose of tax control over this group of taxpayers. The possibilities of tax control are significantly limited by the fact that, according to Art. 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax authority is given only three months from the date the taxpayer submits a tax return to carry out a desk tax audit. It is important to consider the possibility of introducing changes to tax legislation so that the tax authority has the opportunity to immediately begin an audit from the moment of filing tax returns with the simultaneous submission of supporting documents by the taxpayer.

Analysis of the effectiveness of on-site tax audits showed a positive trend in the growth of tax control efficiency. However, the lack of a unified system of approach to conducting on-site tax audits on specific taxes and fees negatively affects the organization of the work of tax authorities.

The effectiveness of the control activities of tax authorities depends, among other things, on the quality of the methods used by tax inspectors during tax audits. Due to the current lack of a unified system of approach to conducting on-site tax audits, it is proposed to develop a methodology for conducting on-site tax audits on specific taxes and fees. The audit program is designed to solve this problem and ensure the efficient use of the time of the on-site tax audit by the inspectors. This program should be compiled by tax inspectors conducting an on-site tax audit of the taxpayer, based on the available information. It should be based on pre-audit analysis data and detail the work of the tax inspector in collecting evidence on possible facts of violation of tax laws. In order to establish a uniform practice of applying the right of the tax authority to determine the amount of tax by calculation and eliminate the shortcomings that currently exist taking into account the existing practice of arbitration courts, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation proposes to introduce a uniform method for calculating taxes by calculation for all participants in tax relations (subclause 7 Clause 1 of Article 31 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

This will not only limit the ability of unscrupulous taxpayers to exploit gaps in tax legislation by failing to submit documents for inspection, but will also significantly increase the efficiency of control work.

Also, an analysis of the current legislation shows the ineffectiveness of the existing tax control mechanism for updated tax returns that reduce tax liabilities, and therefore it is proposed to adjust the procedure for conducting such audits by excluding from Art. 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation the right to conduct repeated on-site inspections on such declarations.

Tightening control over companies that use shell companies to evade taxes and duties should be a priority for tax authorities. Among the measures to combat fly-by-night companies, an effective mechanism can be the suspension of transactions on accounts at the request of a person, voluntary blocking of an account by decision of the taxpayer due to the failure to carry out real economic activities of the organization, while funds frozen in the accounts are subject to credit to the budget of the Russian Federation.

Also today, the most widespread practice is tax evasion using various schemes in order to reduce the tax burden, i.e. tax evasion with obvious intent.

In order to combat unscrupulous taxpayers who deliberately use illegal schemes to minimize taxes and fees, it is necessary to establish an increased amount of penalties for tax offenses by increasing the amount of penalties from 40 to 100%.

Thus, the practical implementation of proposals to improve control work should lead to incentives for taxpayers to voluntarily renounce the use of illegal tax minimization schemes and establish a clearer procedure for conducting tax control in the form of desk and field audits, which will make the control work of tax authorities more understandable for taxpayers.

Ensuring the full and sustainable collection of taxes and other obligatory payments is the most important condition for stabilizing the state’s financial system. The solution to this problem is currently associated with tax administration.

In his speech, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. On May 5, 2015, Nazarbayev announced the need to carry out reforms in the field of tax administration. “The reforms will also affect the tax system. We are on the eve of a universal declaration of income and expenditure,” noting that “this is the way to ensure that there are no terribly rich people and very poor people.”

The term “tax administration” has become firmly established in taxation terminology.

In Kazakhstan, the term “tax administration” was introduced into the theory and methodology of tax relations with the transition to a market economy.

Tax administration is one of the main elements of the effective functioning of the tax system and the state economy.

First, you need to define what the word “administration” means.

By administration, explanatory dictionaries, as a rule, understand management through orders and instructions, often without taking into account specific working conditions and the essence of the matter.

A more modern definition given by A. Fayol: “To administer means to foresee, organize, manage, direct, control.”

Thus, we can definitely say that administration is the process of managing certain relationships.

In order to formulate a definition of tax administration, it is necessary to consider the variety of approaches to defining this concept. As a result of studying only a small number of works on this topic, more than 30 definitions were discovered.

In the scientific literature, the concept of “tax administration” is not interpreted unambiguously, in the interpretation of its features, properties and elements. Each author tries to define, characterize, and explain the category of tax administration in accordance with his knowledge and scientific position.

Table 1 provides a definition of the concept of “tax administration” by various authors dealing with this problem.

Table 1 - Definition of “tax administration” by various authors


I.A. Mayburov

Tax administration is the process of managing tax proceedings, implemented by tax authorities and other bodies (tax administrations) that have certain powers in relation to taxpayers and payers of fees.

V.G. Panskov

Tax administration can be defined as the management activities of the state and local authorities on tax planning, formation and improvement of the system of taxes and fees, monitoring compliance with tax legislation and the rights and responsibilities of participants in tax relations.

A.Z. Dadashev,

A.V. Lobanov

Tax administration is an organizational and managerial system for implementing tax relations, which includes a set of forms and methods, the use of which is intended to ensure tax revenues into the country's budget system.

M.T. Ospanov

Tax administration includes a set of measures to optimize the structure of taxes, improve the mechanism for their collection, tax accounting and reporting, control over the correctness of calculation, timeliness and completeness of tax payment, and compliance with the law.

M.V. Mishustin

The concept of tax administration in a broad sense covers many areas of activity and regulation of the state tax system.

L.I. Goncharenko

Tax administration is part of the management of tax relations, organizationally represented by the tax system.

B.K. Ramazanova

Tax administration is a set of organizational and economic relations in the field of taxation, based on legal regulation in the system of establishing, introducing, collecting taxes and fees, tax control over compliance with tax legislation, responsibility in the field of taxes and fees, and protecting the rights of taxpayers.


Tax administration is the organization and implementation of effective activities of tax control subjects.

A.A.Arutyunov, A.T.Izmailov

Tax administration is the basis for ensuring the receipt of tax payments, a potential reserve for reducing the tax burden, and the development of international economic processes.

T.A. Slesareva

Tax administration is the management of the process of interaction between participants in tax legal relations that arise in the course of fulfilling obligations to the budgets of various levels of the budget system, within the framework of the activities of tax authorities performing the functions of collecting taxes and monitoring their payment.

Further analysis showed the following:

The analysis of the interpretation of the concept of tax administration in the document fundamental to domestic tax legislation showed that in the text of Chapter 80 of Art. 555 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “tax administration consists of the implementation by tax authorities of tax control, the use of methods for ensuring the fulfillment of unfulfilled tax obligations and measures for the forced collection of tax debts, as well as the provision of public services to taxpayers (tax agents) and other authorized government bodies in accordance with legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan". From this legal act it follows that the concept of “tax administration” is used to replace such a concept as “tax control” and are a kind of synonyms.

Analyzing various judgments, according to some authors, tax administration is exclusively the control activity of tax authorities. However, many authors do not identify the concept of tax administration with tax control according to the following criteria (Table 2).

Table 2 - Distinctive features of tax administration and tax control

Tax administration

Tax control

according to characteristics

tax administration is a system for managing tax relations

tax control is an element of financial control and tax mechanism

by object

tax relations

activity of the subject as a taxpayer

by function

planning, accounting, analysis, control and regulation

fiscal, control, regulatory

by methods

preventive and immediate; differentiated and neutral; power and partnership

continuous and selective; preliminary, current and subsequent;

office and away

optimal organization of tax relations by authorized executive authorities for maximum implementation of the fiscal components of taxes and fees

ensuring the completeness of tax collection to the budget through control measures, incl. obstacle to tax evasion

by task

increasing the prestige of the tax service and the tax culture of taxpayers; improving cooperation with taxpayers in the implementation of tax relations; increasing tax collection; combating tax evasion and the use of tax schemes; forecasting the development of tax relations.

ensuring the completeness and timeliness of fulfillment of tax obligations by taxpayers; compliance with tax laws and prevention of violations; control over the correctness of accounting and tax accounting and preparation of accounting and tax reporting; control over the activities of banks in terms of their interaction with taxpayers.

according to the principles

legality; objectivity; transparency;

continuity; scientific character; effectiveness; effectiveness; informational; differentiation

mass character; regularity; comprehensiveness;

prevention; effectiveness; scientific character; transparency; independence

Thus, the tax administration system, like any management system, has the following structure: characteristic features, subject-object composition, functional elements, methods, goals and objectives, and principles.

In our opinion, it is necessary to establish in detail what and/or who is the object and subject of tax administration.

The object of control is what the power of the subject of control is directed at. They can be individuals and legal entities, as well as socio-economic systems and processes.

The object of tax administration is a set of relations between tax administrators, taxpayers and tax agents that arise regarding the creation of conditions and ensuring the completeness and timeliness of payment of established taxes and fees in accordance with the law.

The subject of tax administration is understood as an official or legal entity from which authority comes.

The subjects of tax administration can be state authorities and management, which can be classified as follows: tax authorities; bodies with the powers of tax authorities (state revenue authorities, financial authorities, customs authorities); law enforcement agencies (from the point of view of economic security). In practice, tax administration entities are called tax administrators (administrations) or managing entities.

Tax administrations are recognized as tax and other authorized executive authorities, which are entrusted with the functions of organizing the tax administration process in relation to taxpayers located in the territory under their jurisdiction in the context of tax revenues under their control.

Managed subjects of tax administration also include taxpayers: individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

In the context of the above analysis of approaches to the definition of “tax administration”, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The concept of tax administration in a broad sense is the activity of state authorities, which has a decisive impact on the system of managing tax relations (tax system);

In a narrow sense, tax administration is the activity of government bodies and their officials exercising tax control over the timely and full payment by taxpayers of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget.

Thus, the concept of “tax administration” is currently in the stage of development, reform and further improvement of the tax administration system, increasing the efficiency of the government body are necessary and sufficient conditions for the process of ensuring the economic development of Kazakhstan.

Collection output:


Levchuk Konstantin Viktorovich

Master of the Department of “Public Service and Personnel Policy” IGSU RANEPA of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Belyaeva Yulia Sergeevna

Master of the Department of “Financial and Legal Disciplines and Disciplines of the Property and Land Cycle”

Moscow Finance and Law University

RF, Moscow


Konstantin Levchuk

master of State Service and HR Policy Chair, International Institute of Public Administration and Management, Russia, Moscow

Yulia Belyaeva

master of Financial Legal Disciplines and Disciplines of Property and Land Circuit Chair, Moscow University of Finance and Law, Russia, Moscow


The article discusses current issues and problems of organizing tax control. The economic well-being and financial security of the state directly depends on the effectiveness of the tax audit mechanism. Having analyzed the organization of taxation in the Russian Federation, it was concluded that the essence of tax control is expressed in the activities of authorized bodies to verify compliance with the requirements of the legislation on taxes and fees by taxpayers, tax agents and payers of fees, carried out in order to prevent tax offenses, as well as restore violated rights, preventing such violations in the future and making decisions in accordance with the law.


The article deals with current issues and problems of tax control organization. Economic well-being and financial security of the state directly depends on the effectiveness of the tax audits mechanism. After analyzing the company taxation in the Russian Federation, it is concluded that the essence of tax control reflects in competent authorities' performance due to diligence of legislative requirements for taxes and dues by taxpayers, tax agents and levy payers, which is carried out to prevent tax offenses, as well as the restoration of violated rights, prevention of such violations in the future, and decision making in accordance with the law.

Keywords: tax control; tax authorities; taxpayers; budget; finance; legislation; analysis.

Keywords: tax control; tax agents; taxpayers; budget; finance; legislation; analysis

The tax system of the Russian Federation at the present stage is a formed system of tax legal relations characteristic of a state with a market economy. The main parameters of its design correspond to generally accepted criteria in world practice and take into account the peculiarities of the Russian economy.

Tax control recognizes the activities of authorized bodies to monitor compliance by taxpayers, tax agents and payers of fees with legislation on taxes and fees in the manner established by the Tax Code. Tax control is carried out by officials of tax authorities within their competence through tax audits, obtaining explanations from taxpayers, tax agents and fee payers, checking accounting and reporting data, inspecting premises and territories used to generate income (profit), as well as in other forms, provided for by the Tax Code.

Currently, one of the key tasks of the Government of the Russian Federation is to increase the level of state budget revenues.

Achieving this result is, first of all, associated with the development of state tax control within the framework of the task of increasing the efficiency of the tax system of the Russian Federation in the field of taxes and fees, overcoming existing problems at this stage and improving existing procedures and methods of control over the fulfillment by taxpayers of the obligation to pay taxes and fees. Currently, the Russian Federation has accumulated quite a significant amount of experience in conducting tax control activities, and the mechanisms used are distinguished by the consistency of the forms and methods used. Meanwhile, the potential for increasing tax collection by improving control measures in the Russian Federation is at a fairly high level. One of the options for increasing budget revenues is to resolve existing problems and contradictions in the implementation of tax control. The reason for the lack of effectiveness of tax control measures is caused, first of all, by the unclear regulation of its procedures. The above opinion is due, among other things, to the following circumstances. One of the important problems of state control of tax offenses, which has become, among other things, the reason for the increase in the number of tax disputes considered by arbitration courts, is the problem of the need to assess the integrity and reasonableness of the taxpayer, which gives rise to a high degree of subjectivity in tax control. It can be assumed that this problem is central to the tax control system, requiring mandatory regulation by law. We assume that tax rules should be as specific as possible, since only in this case will their correct understanding and application be ensured by both taxpayers and government authorities. At the same time, we believe that the integrity of the taxpayer should express the general concept of the development of tax law. Among the problems, one can highlight such an indicator as the low level of culture of paying taxes and fees. This situation is due to the different attitude of taxpayers to the rights and responsibilities of citizens enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The obligation of everyone to pay taxes and fees legally, established by Article 57 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is not perceived as a source for the state to carry out its functions and tasks, including the implementation of state social programs, ensuring the fulfillment of the constitutional rights of citizens to decent housing, free education, quality medicine, etc. . e. Paying taxes is most often perceived as the alienation of one’s own property in favor of an unidentified entity. In this regard, a confrontation arises between the taxpayer and the state, based on a conflict of interests, which negatively affects the level of tax revenues of the budget. On the other hand, the problem of tax relations is also reflected in the work of tax authorities when they carry out tax control measures. We are talking about certain plans for additional assessment of taxes and fees, which are formed before each tax audit. This circumstance negatively affects the quality of control measures in the field of taxation. This is expressed, firstly, in the distortion of the role and purpose of tax authorities in the system of tax relations, and secondly, in the deterioration of the quality of control measures. Thus, since the problem of tax relations has a deep, personal level, its solution is extended over time and largely depends on an integrated approach to overcoming it.

Considering the process of tax control, we will especially highlight tax audits. In the Russian Federation, during the tax reforms, the approach to organizing and conducting tax control has significantly changed. Tax authorities gradually abandoned comprehensive control and placed emphasis on a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of the taxpayer, on control based on risk criteria. For a long time, one of the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness and efficiency of on-site (previously documentary) tax audits was the “coverage” indicator of on-site tax audits. This indicator reflected the share of on-site tax audits carried out in the total number of taxpayers registered with the tax office. To ensure the growth of this indicator, a constant increase in the number of on-site inspections was required, but this reduced their quality. Today, this problem has been solved through the application by tax authorities of the Concept for planning on-site tax audits. An on-site tax audit is carried out on the territory (premises) of the taxpayer based on the decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority. The selection of taxpayers to be audited is based on an analysis of the financial and economic performance indicators of organizations. To plan on-site audits, tax authorities currently use more than 20 software packages, including: EDI - local level, FIRA-Pro, PC “Visual Information Analysis”, as well as “One-Day”, “Schemes”, “Risk Dossier” and etc.; The industry sector of the business is recorded. Tax specialists receive a large amount of information from “open” sources, as well as unofficial sources, for example, Internet resources, the media. Thus, taxpayers and tax authorities have a certain common goal - increasing tax discipline and reducing the number and volume of tax disputes. The effectiveness of pre-audit monitoring of taxpayers has been shown by the practice of its application, if we consider such indicators as an increase in additional charges based on the results of on-site tax audits and a decrease in the number of audits (Table 1).

Table 1.

Results of on-site tax audits by tax authorities of the Russian Federation in 2012–2014.


Number of completed VNP (units)

Amount of additional accruals based on GNP results

(million rubles)

Amount of additional charges per inspection, thousand rubles.

Amount of actual tax revenues, million rubles.

Share of additionally accrued payments in the amount of actual tax revenues, %

Growth rate of indicators, %

In the future, to achieve the socio-economic and budgetary efficiency of tax control, it is necessary not only to carry out a set of control measures carried out by the tax authority, which are aimed at a comprehensive study of information about the taxpayer, the relationship between the financial results of a tax audit and the labor costs for its implementation, but also the formation of an adequate assessment system effectiveness and efficiency of such activities. Currently, departmental regulations for organizing and conducting tax audits practically do not provide for analysis and evaluation of the results of audits. In the Federal Tax Service, the assessment of the activities of tax authorities is carried out in accordance with the Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Based on the results of the control work, the tax authorities generate and publish a report in Form 2-NK “Report on the results of the control work of the tax authorities”, which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of control activities only according to certain criteria:

  • the number of desk and field tax audits conducted (including the number of audits that revealed violations);
  • the amount of additionally accrued taxes, penalties, and sanctions based on the results of inspections.

As you can see, statistical reporting published on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia reflects individual results of desk and field tax audits, while there is no official reporting that would indicate the effectiveness of the control measures carried out. In this regard, there is a need to develop and implement a system of indicators to assess the effectiveness of tax control in order to make informed management decisions on its further development.

Assessing the effectiveness of tax audits is a fairly multifaceted process; based on this, an effective tax audit can be considered one where the amounts of additional taxes, penalties and fines significantly exceed the costs of its implementation, and there are also sufficient interim measures for actual recovery from the taxpayer additional amounts of tax accrued at the expense of his funds and property.

The choice of methods or individual indicators for assessing the effectiveness of a tax audit is determined by the goals of the analysis, the purpose of the results, the form of their presentation, the group of users, the depth and frequency of the study, and the nature of the analyzed statistical information. The results of the study can be used by both external and internal users to assess the effectiveness of government bodies and to develop recommendations for improving tax policy taking into account regional characteristics, as well as to conduct an independent assessment of factors influencing the formation of the tax potential of regions.

Currently, to assess the effectiveness of on-site tax audits, as a rule, individual indicators of the control work of the tax authority are used, for example:

  • the total number and dynamics of on-site tax audits conducted;
  • load indicator, defined as the ratio of the number of taxpayers registered with the inspectorate to the number of tax authority specialists in their main activities;
  • the number of inspections during which violations of legislation on taxes and fees were identified;
  • the total amount and dynamics of the amounts of additional tax payments based on the results of the control work, etc.

The qualitative indicators of the organization and conduct of tax audits, which reflect:

  • the degree of coverage of taxpayers by audits (the ratio of the number of taxpayers audited in the reporting period to the total number of taxpayers registered with the inspectorate);
  • workload on tax authority specialists (the ratio of the number of IRRs performed to the number of tax authority specialists in their core activities);
  • the share of additionally accrued taxes and fees in the total amount of tax revenues to the budget for a certain period of time;
  • the share of collected taxes and fees from the total amount of additional taxes assessed by the audit, etc.

A promising area of ​​tax control in Russia is tax monitoring, which is based on cooperation agreements between the state and the taxpayer. The use of such a form of interaction as tax monitoring will allow not only tax authorities to increase the efficiency of tax audits, but also the largest taxpayers to reduce tax risks, the number of lawsuits, and increase investment attractiveness.

We believe that in order to improve tax control and administration, tax authorities must necessarily strengthen the work of the analytical component of their activities. It is analytics that makes it possible to stimulate taxpayers to voluntarily fulfill their tax obligations.

We also believe that in order to improve tax control, it is necessary to make changes to the Tax Code in terms of the legal and organizational basis for the control activities of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation themselves. Important points in the development of methods for regulating tax control should be a change in the legal status of tax officials. In order to strengthen the effectiveness of control activities, it is necessary to improve tax procedures for the application of administrative and tax sanctions.

The use of the measures discussed above will improve the effectiveness of control activities of tax authorities, and accordingly, will increase tax collection throughout the country.


  1. Dorofeeva N.A. On indicators for assessing the effectiveness of tax inspectorates / N.A. Dorofeeva, A.V. Suvorov // Taxes and tax planning. – 2010. – No. 8.
  2. “Constitution of the Russian Federation” (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (taking into account amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 No. 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 No. 7-FKZ, dated February 5, 2014 No. 2 -FKZ, dated July 21, 2014 No. 11-FKZ) // SPS ConsultantPlus: Legislation: Version Prof. – [Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL: (date accessed 05.11.2015).
  3. Komarova E.I. Development of tax control in Russia and assessment of its effectiveness // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 1, [Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL: (date accessed 05.11.2015).
  4. “Tax Code of the Russian Federation” Part 1 dated July 31, 1998 No. 146-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 16, 1998), (current edition dated July 13, 2015) [Electronic resource] // SPS ConsultantPlus: Legislation: Version Prof. – [Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL: (date accessed 05.11.2015).
  5. “Tax Code of the Russian Federation” Part 2 dated August 5, 2000 No. 117-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 19, 2000), (current edition dated July 13, 2015) [Electronic resource] // SPS ConsultantPlus: Legislation: Version of Prof. – [Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL: (date accessed 05.11.2015).
  6. “Main directions of tax policy for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017” (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2014) [Electronic resource] // SPS ConsultantPlus: Legislation: Version Prof. – [Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL: (date accessed 05.11.2015).
  7. Sarkisyants G.V. Modern problems in the organization of tax control and ways to increase the efficiency of tax audits [Text] / G.V. Sarkisyants // Young scientist. – 2015. – No. 4. – pp. 421–423.


Legal problems of tax control in the Russian Federation


§1. Legal status of executing subjects of tax control

§2. The concept and types of tax audits carried out by the tax authorities of the Russian Federation

§3. Offenses identified during tax audits and responsibility for their commission



Relevance of the research topic. At the present stage of economic development of the Russian Federation, the problem of timely replenishment of the budget, its balance in income and expenses, reducing the deficit and external debt, and ensuring financing of federal and regional needs is particularly relevant. Taxes are the main source of government revenue.

World practice shows that the results of the tax system of any state depend on the quality of tax control. With its low efficiency, taxpayers will seek methods of evading taxes and fees in full, which will lead to a sharp decrease in tax revenues to the budget, failure of the state to implement social programs, and increased social tension in society.

Practical significance of the research topic. The role of taxes in a modern state is invaluable. They form the basis of the state’s revenue, which allows it to carry out its functions in full: maintain the army, build roads, carry out social programs, etc. However, the implementation of tax control in Russia is complicated by the fact that the Russian tax system was created almost anew, with minimal continuity in relation to the Soviet era and significant use of Western experience. Tax control proceedings are fundamentally different from pre-reform times.

This circumstance gave rise to many problems. The Tax Code contains gaps and contradictions due to both the variability of economic relations and errors and inaccuracies made in the process of adopting laws. The tax system at the present stage is characterized by the absence of a unified conceptual approach to the organization of tax control, therefore there are large reserves in the study from the standpoint of regulating the complex of relationships between tax authorities and taxpayers, the procedure for carrying out tax audits and the application of tax liability measures.

The relevance of the problem of increasing the efficiency of tax control in Russia, the insufficient development of ways to solve these problems in the economic and organizational aspects determined the choice of the topic of this thesis and predetermined the concept of this scientific work, the purpose, objectives and objects of research

Degree of knowledge of the problem:

Despite the fairly large volume of scientific work devoted to the study of tax legal relations in the field of tax control, it cannot be admitted that all problems in the study of legal regulation have been solved. Most of the works are devoted to the characteristics of tax legislation, consideration of the subject, methods of tax control, analysis of tax legal relations, and study of the legal regime for collecting individual taxes. Tax administration issues are among the least developed in domestic and foreign literature.

In connection with the adoption of the Tax Code and a fundamentally new approach to the implementation of tax control, interest in studying the problems of tax control has increased. In the late 90s, tax control became a constant object of research by scientists and practitioners. A wide range of scientific and educational literature is devoted to the development of tax control methodology. This thesis would be impossible without studying the theoretical developments of the problems of tax control. The basic principles of tax theory contained in the classic works of A. Smith, D. Riccardo, C. Montesquieu, W. Petty, J. Sismondi are relevant for this study. Among the representatives of domestic science involved in the theory of taxes and taxation, one should name N. Turgenev, I. Ozerov. Important provisions of the theory of taxes and tax law that meet the conditions of modern Russia were formulated in the works of scientists: L. Bryzgalin, O. Gorbunova, I. Gorsky, V. Gureev, P. Kozyrin, L. Okuneva, S. Pepelyaev, G. Petrova , V. Pushkareva, G. Tolstopyatenko, N. Khimicheva, D. Chernik, I. Peronko, S. Shatalin, V. Parygina, A. Tedeev, L. Yavich and others.

Research confirms the presence of certain gaps in the norms of the Tax Code (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code) of the Russian Federation governing the conduct of tax audits and the implementation by tax authorities of effective tax control. Tax legislation is controversial; organizational procedures for tax control and the practice of their application have given rise to many problems, the need to solve which requires a comprehensive and in-depth study. This paper makes an attempt to consider the main problems that arise when implementing tax control.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the theory and practice of tax control in Russia and abroad and to develop on this basis practical recommendations for improving the tax control system as the main function of tax administration.

The purpose of the study is determined by the need to solve the following theoretical and practical problems:

Based on the evolution of taxation, explore the concepts of the content of tax control, identify patterns of development of forms and methods of tax control in the context of reforming the tax system;

Determine the main forms of tax control, the legal status of its participants and the procedure for bringing to tax liability based on its results;

Research the regulatory framework for tax control, analyze court decisions and propose measures to improve tax legislation;

The object of the study is the totality of tax relations between the state and taxpayers of the Russian Federation.

The subject of this study is the rules of law governing the implementation of tax control in the Russian Federation.

The normative basis of the work was the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments, decisions and resolutions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, federal arbitration courts of districts, arbitration courts subjects of the Russian Federation and others.

The theoretical basis of the work was the work of Russian scientists A.A. Isaeva, V.A. Lebedeva, D.I. Lvova, I.Kh. Ozerova, E.G. Osokina, K.I. Rovinsky, N.I. Turgenev, Soviet scientists: A.A. Sokolova, S.D. Tsypkina; Russian legal scholars: A.V. Bryzgalina, D.V. Vinnitsky, A.N. Kozyrina, T.L. Komarova, I.I. Kucherova, O.A. Nogina, S.G. Pepelyaeva, E.V. Porollo; economists: A.V. Bachurina, G.L. Rabinovich, T.F. Yutkina; practical workers: V.V. Gusevoy, D.G. Blueberry. The work uses publications in scientific journals, materials of scientific and practical conferences, abstracts of dissertations.

The information and empirical base of the study was formed on the basis of materials from the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Bryansk region, the Statistics Committee of the Bryansk region, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, publications in the domestic and foreign press.

The methodological basis of the study was general scientific methods of cognition, including historical, formal-logical methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, observation and comparison.

Provisions for defense:

1. It is necessary to add paragraph. 2 clause 8 art. 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and state it in the following wording: “

2. Paragraph should be changed. 4 clause 9 art. 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and state it in the following wording: “The period for the taxpayer to provide documents requested from him before the date of the decision to suspend the on-site tax audit is also suspended.”

3. Add clause 2 of Art. 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and state it in the following wording: “The requested documents are presented in the form of copies certified by the person being verified or, at the request of taxpayers, in the form of originals with the obligation of tax authorities to subsequently return the verified documents to the taxpayer.”

Scope and structure of the study. The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, including six paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications on the research topic. The work is presented on 83 pages of main text. The structure of the work reflects the general idea and logic of the study.

Chapter 1. Legal characteristics of tax control

§1. The evolution of taxation and tax control in the Russian Federation

Tax control is one of the most important areas of state financial control. Its priority is due to the importance of taxes and fees, which are the main source of income for budgets at all levels. Improving tax control is impossible without understanding its legal essence, studying the stages of development and the mechanism of action of tax control, its forms, types and methods, as well as assessing the effectiveness of tax control in the Russian Federation.

In the gradually reforming Russian economy, which has moved from a planned economic system to market financial and economic regulation of commodity and cash flows, a special place is occupied by the system of state control, including tax control, which is one of the factors of its development and stabilization. Taxes are the main source of government revenue. Taxes account for 78.5% of the federal budget. Moreover, only half of the taxpayers in the country actually pay taxes. The number of taxpayers who do not submit reports to the tax authorities or submit “zero” reports, as of the beginning of 2007. amounted to 1,458,725 organizations and 967,691 individual entrepreneurs.

1. Therefore, the issue of clear, without ambiguities and ambiguities, legal regulation of the relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers (payers of fees, tax agents) arising during the implementation of tax control, was and currently remains one of the main issues of building a rule of law state and the possibility of further continuation of economic reforms. Ideally, the legal regulation of the tax control system should create acceptable conditions for the holistic, consistent, rational and successful performance by this system of its inherent functions in the specific economic environment existing in Russia. The legal regulation of tax control remains poorly understood today. At the same time, the study of this issue has both theoretical (in order to identify ways to further improve legislation) and practical (to protect the rights of taxpayers and the interests of the state) necessity. Taxation problems have constantly occupied the minds of philosophers, economists, and statesmen of various eras. The organization of effective tax control was one of the most important tasks solved by the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian. To carry it out, he created financial institutions in all provinces of Ancient Rome, whose competence, in addition to control over the timing of tax receipts, included the assessment and determination of community tax contributions. Analyzing the evolution of taxation, it should be noted that from the beginning of taxation to the present day, the main problem in establishing taxes was the problem of the size of the tax established and control over its payment. S. Montesquieu believed that “not a single state question requires such wise and prudent consideration as the question of what part should be taken from the subjects and what part should be left to them. State income should be measured not by what the people can give, but by what they must give. But if the people are left with only what is needed to sustain life, then the slightest disproportion will lead to the most disastrous phenomena. In imposing a tax, the state must “proportionate its wealth to the wealth of individuals.”

S. Montesquieu posed the question: “Will the state begin to enrich itself through the ruin of its subjects, or will it wait until its subjects, who have achieved material well-being, enrich it?” In the 19th century tax began to be seen as an instrument for the redistribution of social wealth: stronger shoulders should bear a heavier burden, the very weak should be freed from the burden of taxes, the weak should be supported by the taxes collected. A. Smith believed that only those who have income can pay taxes. The main three sources to which the type of income corresponded: land - rent, capital - profit, labor - wages. All other types of income (for example, artists, writers, etc.) are secondary and are formed from the three named incomes. This phenomenon was described in the 18th century. and is associated with the introduction of a new tax on profits.

The main merit of A. Smith is that he developed the legal and economic basis of financial management. His scientific recommendations began to be used in the legislative practice of European states. A. Smith's teachings continue to be developed by his student D. Riccardo. A follower of the ideas of A. Smith, J. Sismondi saw the goal of tax policy as a significant improvement in the lives of the people by reducing indirect taxes, establishing a tax-free minimum, and demanded progressiveness in taxation. He believed that “those who use these services, the wealthy, and not the poor, should pay for state services with taxes.” The progressive views of J. Sismondi were used by the governments of many European states in the second half of the 19th century.

The teachings of Smith, Riccardo and Sismondi made it possible to take a step forward in the doctrine of state and law, including tax law. They began to demand from the state that it recognize as inviolable the personal dignity of a citizen, his rights and freedoms. The theory of the physiocrat W. Peggy and the views of I. Kant served as the basis for the concept of the rule of law.

Under the influence of new theories in the field of philosophy, law and government, conceptual models of tax systems changed depending on the economic policy of the state. A theoretical view of taxes began to take shape relatively recently, posing the following questions: what is the internal nature of taxes as a legal phenomenon, how do various taxes affect the country’s economy, how do taxes affect different segments of the population, what is the effectiveness of certain taxes for the state treasury.

In Russia, the prototype of a unified tax service took shape in the reign of Ivan III with the advent of the financial management of the state order. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the number of orders in charge of collecting taxes increased significantly, and only in 1718 they were abolished by Peter I in connection with the establishment of a chamber collegium, whose responsibilities were “supervision and management of salary and non-salary income.”

During the time of Catherine II, by decree of October 24, 1710, an expedition for state revenues was established. A year later, it was divided into four independent expeditions: the first dealt with income, the second with expenses, the third with auditing accounts, and the fourth with collecting arrears, shortfalls and surpluses. All four expeditions were subordinate to the Prosecutor General. By that time, the Petrine Collegiums had been abolished, and their financial management functions were transferred to the treasury chambers. On September 8, 1802, the Ministry of Finance was created, the main task of which was to manage the treasury and state money needed by the government for its maintenance. Locally, issues of the tax system were resolved by the Treasury Chamber, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance. In 1885, the positions of tax inspectors were established under the jurisdiction of the treasury chambers, who monitored the correct collection of taxes in their areas. Tax inspectors studied the real state of affairs in the economic activities of the population and the amount of income received. They also investigated the facts of abuses to conceal tax income and tax evasion.

February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 did not make any serious changes to the system and structure of tax authorities. Radical changes began only at the end of 1918. On October 31, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a Decree on the organization of financial departments of provincial and district committees of the Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies. From an instrument of financial policy and a regulator of market relations, taxes were turned into a weapon of class struggle, a means of economic suppression of a large number of people belonging to the middle class. For example, the ten-billion-dollar emergency tax adopted in 1918 was openly confiscatory in nature.

The civil war and economic devastation led to the policy of war communism, when private trade was completely prohibited, a planned supply of the population with essential goods (ration card system), labor conscription, and surplus appropriation were introduced. Food detachments carrying out food appropriation were given broad powers by the Sami. The surplus appropriation plan implied the confiscation of all surpluses received by the peasant. These changes were illegal and inhumane. Only in March 1921. the surplus appropriation system was replaced by a tax in kind. 1

In 1925 The NKF of the USSR adopted the Regulations on external tax supervision, which defined the rights, functions, tasks and responsibilities of financial inspectors, their assistants and financial agents. External tax supervision was entrusted with examining taxpayers, studying the sources of their income, and objects of taxation. Salary accounting (arrears cards, books, reporting sheets, etc.) was transferred to cash authorities, and collection of payments was transferred to tax agents. Of exceptional importance was the control over the collection of taxes by higher financial authorities.

According to the regulations on the collection of taxes, in order to carry out their tax control functions, financial agents were endowed with the broadest powers to conduct audits. When forced to collect taxes, financial authorities had the right to inventory, seize and sell at public auction property and buildings belonging to the debtor, and to levy collections on amounts due to the debtor from third parties or on current accounts in credit institutions. Consequently, the state exercised strict tax control. The Criminal Code of the RSFSR (1922) had a number of articles (Articles 78, 79, 79a, 80, 139a, 108) providing for liability for tax offenses and crimes against taxation procedures. The number of people convicted under these articles was significant. So in 1923 - 20,572 people were punished for tax evasion, and in 1925. the number of people convicted under these articles has already reached 26,152 people. In addition, tax crimes in those years acquired a political overtones, i.e. were seen as hidden opposition to Soviet power.

It should be noted that the huge number of tax offenses has led to the need to create tax courts. For example: In Leningrad, in accordance with the Resolution of the Leningrad Provincial Court, a special chamber of the people's court for tax cases was created, and later it was created under the Moscow Financial Department. In our opinion, today there is a ripe need to create tax courts, which is spoken about not only by scientists and tax service specialists, but also by the judicial authorities themselves. It is important to note that the methods of tax evasion used in the 20s are still relevant today. Thus, some of the common methods of tax evasion were such as liquidation of an enterprise at the time of tax payment, the creation of cooperatives that enjoyed tax benefits, trading in goods purchased through dummies with patents, and maintaining double accounting books.

In addition, tax crimes in those years acquired a political overtones, i.e. were seen as hidden opposition to Soviet power. It should be noted that the huge number of tax offenses has led to the need to create tax courts. For example: In Leningrad, in accordance with the Resolution of the Leningrad Provincial Court, a special chamber of the people's court for tax cases was created, and later it was created under the Moscow Financial Department. In our opinion, today there is a ripe need to create tax courts, which is spoken about not only by scientists and tax service specialists, but also by the judicial authorities themselves. It is important to note that the methods of tax evasion used in the 20s are still relevant today. Thus, some of the common methods of tax evasion were such as liquidation of an enterprise at the time of tax payment, the creation of cooperatives that enjoyed tax benefits, trading in goods purchased through dummies with patents, and maintaining double accounting books.

Economic and legal reform in Russia led to the emergence of the concept of “tax control” in legislation. For the first time, this category was enshrined in Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1991 No. 943-1 “On the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation” by defining the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation (now the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation) as a unified system for monitoring compliance with tax legislation and the correctness of calculations , completeness and timeliness of contributions to the relevant budget of taxes and other obligatory payments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1635 of December 23, 1998. The State Tax Service of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation. However, it should be noted that the change in the status of tax authorities did not actually occur.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1176 of August 14, 1996 "On the system of federal executive bodies", the Ministry of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that carries out public policy and carries out management in the established field of activity, and the federal service of the Russian Federation is considered as a federal body executive power, carrying out special (executive, control, licensing, regulatory and other) functions in established areas of jurisdiction. From the definition of the Ministry of the Russian Federation it is clear that it is a body that directly manages a certain range of objects related to a given branch of management and subordinate to them. Unlike the ministries of the Russian Federation, which have mainly sectoral specialization, federal services are called upon to carry out intersectoral functions and do not have powers for direct operational management. Subordination can only be present in some special relationship.

Considering the issues of such a distinction, a well-known specialist in the field of tax law Ayvazyan G.A. noted that the intersectoral, controlling, as well as coordination and regulatory nature of activity is the special feature that distinguishes functional bodies from sectoral ones. Publications on tax law rightly note the functional and controlling nature of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation. However, such assessments of the essence of tax control bodies are not always clearly interpreted in the specialized and educational literature. There are statements that “through tax control, the legality and expediency of the activities carried out, the timeliness of payment of taxes and fees are checked.” Conclusions are drawn about tax control as a method of guiding the competent government body over compliance by taxpayers with the requirements of tax legislation. We cannot agree with this approach. Neither the Tax Code of the Russian Federation nor other acts of tax legislation contain norms indicating the possibility of control by the tax authorities of the appropriateness of the activities of taxpayers and tax agents. Such powers are typical for sectoral rather than functional and control bodies. Accordingly, the definition of tax control as a management method seems inappropriate. However, it should be taken into account that only Federal Law No. 137-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Amendments and Additions to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” introduced the concept of tax control. Until this time, this definition was absent in the legislation. Having studied the history of the development of tax control, let us analyze its essence and significance in more detail.

§2. The concept and significance of tax control

As noted above, until recently the legislation did not contain the concept of tax control. The Tax Code was limited to indicating that tax control is carried out by officials of tax authorities within their competence through tax audits, obtaining explanations from taxpayers, tax agents and fee payers, checking accounting and reporting data, inspecting premises and territories used to generate income ( arrived). Making an attempt to formulate the concept of tax control, one cannot fail to note the definitions that were encountered before 2008. in scientific literature. So, T.F. Yutkina writes that “tax control is an element of financial control and the tax mechanism. Tax control permeates the economy vertically and horizontally, ensuring compliance with the rules of accounting and reporting, and the legislative framework of taxation.” Alekhin A.P. points out the specialized nature of tax control, determining that such control is formed in the form of organizationally and legally independent government bodies.

I.I. Kucherov only says that tax control is one of the most important areas of financial control, it belongs to the type of financial and economic control, correlating with state financial control as the particular with the general.

According to A.V. Bryzgalin and V. Zaripov, tax control consists not only of checking compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees, but also of checking the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of payment of taxes and fees, as well as eliminating identified violations. In general, tax control was defined by these authors as: “a set of techniques and methods of verification established by law, carried out by tax authorities and ensuring the completeness and timeliness of payment of taxes and fees, as well as the fulfillment of other obligations of taxpayers and other obligated persons.”

Currently, the concept of tax control contains Art. 82 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax control recognizes the activities of authorized bodies to monitor compliance by taxpayers, tax agents and payers of fees with legislation on taxes and fees in the manner established by the Tax Code. Tax control is carried out by officials of tax authorities within their competence through tax audits, obtaining explanations from taxpayers, tax agents and fee payers, checking accounting and reporting data, inspecting premises and territories used to generate income (profit), as well as in other forms. The specifics of tax control during the implementation of production sharing agreements are determined by Chapter 26.4 of the Tax Code. Tax authorities, customs authorities, authorities of state extra-budgetary funds and internal affairs authorities, in the manner determined by agreement between them, inform each other about the materials they have about violations of the legislation on taxes and fees and tax crimes, about the measures taken to suppress them, about tax audits carried out by them, and also exchange other necessary information in order to perform the tasks assigned to them.

The phenomenon of tax control is much broader and more voluminous than the idea of ​​it as the simplest mechanism for implementing the fiscal function of taxation. Objectively, tax control, as an independent state-legal institution, is subject to existing social and economic realities. Therefore, when defining the concept of “tax control,” one cannot limit oneself to a descriptive approach, but it is necessary to consider its internal essence, internal content.

The problem of studying the internal essence of tax control as an independent state legal institution (Tikhomirov Yu.A. understands by state institution a relatively independent structural and legal element of a state organization, formalized in organizational and legal terms and intended to solve certain state problems), requires research into it legal nature, determining the place of tax control in the tax system.

The nature of tax control is clearly revealed in its main manifestations as a function of managing the state taxation system. In accordance with the provisions of the Lima Declaration of Guiding Principles of Control, control is not an end in itself, but an integral part of the national system for regulating public relations, revealing deviations from accepted standards and violations of the principles of legality, efficiency and economy in the use of material resources at an earlier stage, with in order to be able to take appropriate corrective measures, and, if necessary, bring the perpetrators to justice, recover the damage caused to the state, and at the same time develop and implement measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of similar violations in the future (Article I). The legal literature rightly notes that the content of control includes 1:

a) monitoring the functioning of controlled objects, obtaining objective information about their compliance with rules and instructions, their condition;

b) analysis of collected information, identification of trends, causes of violations, development of forecasts;

c) taking measures to prevent violations of the law and discipline, harmful consequences, damage, inappropriate actions and expenses;

d) taking into account specific violations, identifying their causes and conditions;

e) identifying those responsible and bringing them to justice.

The specificity of any control as a control element is that you can only control what already objectively exists, really exists (or at least should exist). Tax control is in itself an element of the organization of any financial activity. The purpose of tax control is the elimination and prevention of errors and violations, as well as the qualitative improvement of tax accounting and reporting. 2

The state exercises tax control, primarily for such purposes as replenishing the budget and extra-budgetary public funds. The activities of non-governmental organizations and private entrepreneurs are subject to state tax control only in terms of compliance with financial discipline. In order to objectively assess the role and essence of tax control, its concept should be considered in two aspects: narrow and broad. In a broad aspect, tax control is a set of government regulation measures that ensure, in order to implement an effective state financial policy, the economic security of Russia and compliance with state and municipal fiscal interests. In a narrow aspect, tax control is the control of the state, represented by the competent authorities, over the legality and appropriateness of actions in the process of introducing, paying or collecting taxes and fees. Tax control, like control in general, is a special way of ensuring legality in tax law and is carried out at all stages of the financial and economic activities of fiscally liable persons. Since tax control is a type of state control, it carries all the essential features of the latter. At the same time, tax control has some specific features that distinguish it from other areas of control activity and consist in the characteristics of its object and subject, the composition of subjects of control and controlled persons, goals and objectives, as well as forms and methods. The specifics of tax control depend on the areas of financial and economic activity of taxpayers, types of taxes, legal status of the taxpayer, etc. The objects of tax control are the movement of funds in the process of accumulating public funds, as well as material, labor and other resources of taxpayers. The subject of tax control is currency and cash transactions, enterprise estimates, tax returns, the use of tax benefits, accounting documentation, etc.

The subjects of tax control are tax authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, and customs authorities. The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation have separate control powers regarding the sphere of taxation. Controlled entities are organizations and individuals who are responsible for paying legally established taxes and fees. In the system of legal relations developing in the field of tax control, these subjects become recipients of government regulations, which necessitates monitoring the implementation of established rules of conduct. The purpose of tax control can be defined as ensuring the legality and efficiency of taxation. This is most clearly expressed in checking compliance with special tax regimes. Tax control over legality also extends to the commission of actions (operations) established not only by prohibitory norms. For example, requirements to provide tax authorities with information necessary to monitor the correctness of calculation and complete payment of taxes are subject to control.

The main task of tax control is carried out by solving certain tasks that depend on the financial policy pursued by the state:

Ensuring the economic security of the state during the formation of public centralized and decentralized monetary funds;

Ensuring proper control over the formation of state revenues and their rational use;

Improving interaction and coordination of the activities of control authorities in the Russian Federation;

Verification of the fulfillment of financial obligations to the state and municipalities by organizations and individuals;

Checking the intended use of tax benefits;

Suppression and prevention of offenses in the tax sphere.

The scope of tax control does not include checking the fulfillment of financial requirements and rules of an economic rather than legal nature, which, although they affect the fiscal interests of the state, do not relate to financial and legal regulation (securities portfolio management, profit planning in a commercial enterprise, compliance with export regulations). and import quotas, etc.). 1

Tax control over the private sector of the economy affects only the sphere of fulfillment of monetary obligations to the state (payment of taxes and other obligatory payments), compliance with the legality and targeted use of tax benefits, compliance with accounting rules established by the state, as well as compliance with the legal requirements of authorized state bodies regarding the provision of -or financial documentation.

When exercising tax control, the collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about a taxpayer (fee payer, tax agent) obtained in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), federal laws, as well as in violation of the principle of safety information constituting the professional secret of other persons, in particular attorney-client secret, audit secret. 2

The effectiveness of tax control largely depends on the quality of organization of accounting and tax accounting at enterprises.

Let us consider in more detail the forms and types of tax control.

§3. Forms and types of tax control

The implementation of tax control is carried out through the procedural activities of tax authorities, the basis of which is justified and adapted specific techniques, means or methods used in the implementation of control functions.

A form of tax control is a way of concretely expressing and organizing control actions. The form of tax control can also be understood as individual aspects of the manifestation of the essence of control, depending on the time of control activities.

The main forms of tax control are 1:


Obtaining explanations from taxpayers, tax agents and fee payers;

Checking accounting and reporting data;

Inspection of premises and territories used to generate income (profit).

Control over the activities of taxpayers can be carried out in other forms provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Forms of tax control are of great importance, since the achievement of the final result and the effectiveness of control depend on the correct choice of specific actions and procedures by the controlling entities. On the other hand, adequate application of tax control techniques and methods guarantees compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of controlled entities and allows not to interfere with the normal functioning of their financial and economic activities.

The presence of various goals and objectives for tax control also determines differentiated approaches to solving them, i.e. the need to use certain methods of inspections, assessments and analysis of the financial condition of controlled entities. The use of a certain form also depends on other factors: the legal status and characteristics of the activities of regulatory authorities; objects of control; grounds for the emergence of tax control legal relations; features of accounting; financial and legal regime of income and expenses of a controlled entity, etc.

Tax control is classified on various grounds into several groups.

Based on the time of implementation, tax control is divided into preliminary, current and subsequent.

Preliminary tax control is carried out before the reporting period for a specific type of tax or before the issue of granting the taxpayer tax benefits, changing the deadlines for paying taxes, etc. is resolved. For example, a mandatory condition for granting a tax credit is a preliminary audit of the taxpayer’s financial condition by an authorized government body.

Ex-ante control is important when assessing the economic, legal and political consequences of tax bills; upon the introduction of new financial and legal norms regulating the taxation of business entities. The preliminary implementation by control bodies of their functions is of great importance for the prevention of crime and helps to strengthen financial discipline.

Externally, the results of preliminary tax control can be formalized in the form of expert opinions on draft agreements on the provision of tax benefits, tax credits, deferment or installment payment of taxes, etc.

Current tax control is carried out during the reporting tax period. A feature of current tax control is its implementation during the implementation of business or financial transactions, in the process of daily work of taxpayers. Therefore, current tax control is otherwise called operational. This type of control is based on accounting and tax accounting, primary documents, inventories, and the procedure for conducting cash transactions, which allows both regulatory authorities and controlled entities to quickly respond to changes in financial activities, prevent violations of tax legislation and thus prevent financial losses of state or municipal treasury. 1

Subsequent tax control is carried out after the end of the reporting period through analysis and audit of accounting and financial documentation. The main goal of subsequent tax control is to assess the timeliness and completeness of the fulfillment of tax obligations on the part of fiscally obligated persons. The main criterion for subsequent tax control should be considered the maximum completeness of coverage by inspections, audits and other methods of all aspects of the financial and economic activities of the controlled entity.

In the course of tax control at the end of the reporting tax period, the state of financial discipline is determined, tax offenses are identified, and ultimately the basis is laid for further improvement of state and municipal financial activities. Subsequent tax control is characterized by an in-depth analysis of the financial and economic activities of a fiscally obligated person for a certain period and allows one to determine the degree of effectiveness of previously carried out preliminary and current control.

Tax control is a type of financial activity and at the same time a type of management activity of the state in the tax sphere, therefore, depending on the subjects, control is distinguished:

a) tax authorities;

b) customs authorities;

c) bodies of state extra-budgetary funds.

Depending on the location of the tax control, tax control is distinguished:

a) exit - at the location of the taxpayer;

b) desk - at the location of the tax authority.

For the purpose of tax control, organizations and individuals are subject to registration with the tax authorities, respectively, at the location of the organization, the location of its separate divisions, the place of residence of an individual, as well as at the location of the real estate and vehicles owned by them and on other grounds, provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

An organization that includes separate divisions located on the territory of the Russian Federation is obliged to register with the tax authority at the location of each of its separate divisions, if this organization is not registered with the tax authority at the location of this separate division on the grounds provided for Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has the right to determine the specifics of registration of major taxpayers, as well as foreign organizations and foreign citizens. Features of accounting for taxpayers when implementing production sharing agreements are determined by Chapter 26.4 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Registration of organizations and individual entrepreneurs with the tax authority is carried out regardless of the presence of circumstances with which the Tax Code of the Russian Federation associates the emergence of an obligation to pay a particular tax or fee.

Registration of an organization or individual entrepreneur with the tax authority at the location or place of residence is carried out on the basis of information contained, respectively, in the unified state register of legal entities, the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

When an organization carries out activities in the Russian Federation through a separate division, an application for registration of such an organization is submitted within one month from the date of creation of a separate division to the tax authority at the location of this separate division, if the specified organization is not registered on the grounds provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, with the tax authorities on the territory of the municipality in which this separate division was created. If several separate divisions of an organization are located in the same municipality in territories under the jurisdiction of different tax authorities, the organization can be registered by the tax authority at the location of one of its separate divisions, determined by the organization independently. If taxpayers have difficulty determining the place of registration, a decision based on the data they provide is made by the tax authority. Tax authorities, based on available data and information about taxpayers, are obliged to ensure their registration.

Each taxpayer is assigned a single taxpayer identification number for all types of taxes and fees, including those payable in connection with the movement of goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation, and throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The tax authority indicates the taxpayer identification number in all notifications sent to it. 1

Each taxpayer indicates his identification number in the declaration, report, application or other document submitted to the tax authority, as well as in other cases provided for by law, unless otherwise provided by this article. The procedure and conditions for assigning, applying, and changing a taxpayer identification number are determined by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs have the right not to indicate taxpayer identification numbers in tax returns, applications or other documents submitted to the tax authorities, while indicating their personal data provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 84 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Based on accounting data, the federal executive body authorized for control and supervision in the field of taxes and fees maintains the Unified State Register of Taxpayers in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Information about a taxpayer from the moment he is registered with the tax authority is a tax secret, unless otherwise provided by Article 102 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Banks open accounts for organizations and individual entrepreneurs only upon presentation of a certificate of registration with the tax authority. The bank is obliged to report the opening or closure of an account, or changes in the account details of an organization (individual entrepreneur) to the tax authority at its location within five days from the date of the corresponding opening, closure or change in the details of such an account. The procedure for the bank to notify about opening or closing an account, about changing account details in electronic form is established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in agreement with the federal executive body authorized for control and supervision in the field of taxes and fees. Banks are required to issue tax authorities with certificates about the availability of bank accounts and (or) cash balances in the accounts, statements of transactions on the accounts of organizations (individual entrepreneurs) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation within five days from the date of receipt of a reasoned request from the tax authority.

Certificates about the availability of accounts and (or) cash balances in the accounts, as well as statements of transactions on the accounts of organizations (individual entrepreneurs) in the bank may be requested by the tax authorities in cases of tax control measures being carried out from these organizations (individual entrepreneurs).

The specified information may be requested by the tax authority after a decision is made to collect the tax, as well as in the event of decisions to suspend operations or cancel the suspension of operations on the accounts of an organization (individual entrepreneur). 1

Thus, having mastered the concept of tax control given by the legislator and leading legal scholars in the field of tax law, having studied the essence of this, the main types of tax control, methods of registering taxpayers, we will move on to the analysis of the main forms of tax control - tax audits, and also study the rights and responsibilities of the bodies implementing them.

Chapter 2. Tax audit as the main form of tax control

§1. The concept and types of tax audits carried out by the tax authorities of the Russian Federation

The study of tax control will be incomplete without studying the main forms of its implementation, the legal basis for conducting tax audits, the concept and essence of tax obligation, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the bodies exercising tax control.

A tax audit is the main form of tax control, which is a set of procedural actions of authorized bodies for monitoring compliance with legislation on taxes and fees and is carried out by comparing the reporting data of taxpayers with the actual state of its financial and economic activities.

Carrying out inspections of financial and economic transactions of taxpayers is the main task of the tax authorities, the right to implement which is granted to them by Art. 31 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The exercise by tax authorities of the granted control powers is possible only in the manner established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Detailed legal regulation of control procedures is carried out through regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Tax audits occupy a leading place among other forms of tax control. Through a tax audit, it is possible to compare the data provided by the taxpayer to the tax authority and those facts identified by the tax authority. The main purpose of tax audits is to monitor compliance by fiscally obligated persons with the legislation on taxes and fees, timeliness and completeness of payment of due mandatory payments.

Tax legislation provides for the following general rules for conducting tax audits. The statute of limitations for conducting a tax audit is three calendar years of activity of the taxpayer, fee payer or tax agent preceding the year of the audit. This period is correlated with the statute of limitations for bringing to responsibility for violations of legislation on taxes and fees, which is also three years. As a general rule, it is prohibited to conduct repeated on-site tax audits on the same object - tax payable or paid by the taxpayer for a previously audited reporting period. There are two exceptions to this rule:

1) conducting a tax audit in connection with the reorganization or liquidation of the taxpayer organization;

2) conducting a tax audit by a higher tax authority in order to control the activities of the tax authority that conducted the initial audit.

If the tax authority needs to obtain information about the activities of third parties related to the taxpayer being inspected, it is permitted to request from these persons documents that are important for identifying the actual financial and economic activities of the inspected entity. Such procedural actions are called counter tax audits. The concept of “counter check” was enshrined by the legislator in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation before amendments were made to it by Federal Law No. 137 of July 27, 2008. After the amendments, such a concept is absent in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but in essence the Tax Code of the Russian Federation presupposes its existence.

Thus, clause 2 of Article 93.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that if, outside the framework of tax audits, the tax authorities have a justified need to obtain information regarding a specific transaction, a tax authority official has the right to request this information from the participants in this transaction or from other persons who have information about this transaction.

The guarantee of compliance with the rights of taxpayers during tax audits is established by Art. 103 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation the principle of inadmissibility of causing unlawful harm. This principle provides controlled entities with legal protection from arbitrary actions of tax authorities carrying out control activities. When conducting audits, tax legislation prohibits causing harm to the taxpayer, fee payer, tax agent or their representatives, as well as property in their possession, use or disposal. The implementation of the principle of inadmissibility of causing unlawful harm is ensured through compensation for losses caused by such actions. Unlawful actions of tax officials should be considered actions committed in excess of legally established competence or in the abuse of granted rights.

Losses caused by unlawful actions are subject to compensation in full, including lost profits (lost income), and the form of guilt contained in the actions of tax officials does not matter. Compensation to the taxpayer for unlawfully caused damage is made at the expense of the treasury of the Russian Federation, the treasury of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the municipal treasury.

Tax audits are divided into two types: office and on-site. A desk tax audit is carried out at the location of the tax authority on the basis of tax returns (calculations) and documents submitted by the taxpayer, as well as other documents on the activities of the taxpayer available to the tax authority.

This type of checks is carried out in relation to all types of taxpayers and without any special decision of the head of the tax authority, since the fact that the taxpayer has submitted a tax assessment automatically acts as a legal fact to verify its accuracy. Conducting a desk tax audit upon submission of financial documentation also determines the frequency of this type of control, i.e., as reports are submitted. A desk tax audit must be carried out within no more than three months from the date the taxpayer submits to the tax authority the documents that are the objects of tax control . Extension of the period for conducting a desk audit is not allowed. If the tax authority did not have time to compare the data from the taxpayer’s financial statements, then an on-site tax audit may be scheduled.

The object of a desk tax audit is the financial and economic activities of the audited entity for the reporting tax period. When conducting a desk audit, the tax authority has the right not to limit itself to the documents provided by the taxpayer and to request additional information, receive explanations and documents indicating that the taxpayer has fulfilled his tax obligations in good faith. The main method of desk verification is the selective method, which involves reconciliation of a precisely defined range of financial documents.

A desk tax audit is carried out by authorized officials of the tax authority in accordance with their official duties without any special decision of the head of the tax authority within three months from the date the taxpayer submits a tax return (calculation) and documents that, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, must be attached to the tax declaration (calculation), unless the legislation on taxes and fees provides for other deadlines.

Clause 3 art. 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that if a desk tax audit reveals errors in the tax return (calculation) and (or) contradictions between the information contained in the submitted documents, or inconsistencies are identified between the information provided by the taxpayer and the information contained in the documents held by the tax authority, and received by him during tax control, the taxpayer is informed about this with the requirement to provide the necessary explanations within five days or make appropriate corrections within the prescribed period.

In some disputes, tax authorities expressed the opinion that the above provision is not binding, but only provides the tax authority with the right to bring identified errors or contradictions to the attention of the taxpayer. However, this position has not found support in judicial practice. Very characteristic in this regard is the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated August 24, 2005. in case No. F04-5532/2005 (14267-A27-15), where it is stated that since the inspection, having violated the procedure for conducting a desk audit (Article 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), did not provide the taxpayer with the opportunity to confirm the expenses incurred, the court rightfully came to the conclusion on the illegality of the inspection decision being appealed by the taxpayer.

A taxpayer who submits to the tax authority explanations regarding identified errors in the tax return (calculation) and (or) contradictions between the information contained in the submitted documents, has the right to additionally submit to the tax authority extracts from tax and (or) accounting registers and (or) other documents confirming the accuracy of the data entered in the tax return (calculation).

The person conducting the desk tax audit is obliged to consider the explanations and documents submitted by the taxpayer. If, after considering the submitted explanations and documents, or in the absence of explanations from the taxpayer, the tax authority establishes the fact of a tax offense or other violation of the legislation on taxes and fees, tax authority officials are required to draw up an inspection report in the manner prescribed by Article 100 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Requesting all primary documents to confirm the compliance of tax reporting with the actual state of affairs means turning desk audits into on-site audits, and the tax inspector does not need to check documents on the taxpayer’s territory and be there during the audit: the enterprise itself will submit to the tax authority the documents necessary for the audit ( see on this issue the decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated December 26, 2005 No. A42-2859/2005, dated June 3, 2005 in case No. A26-12618/04-29, dated April 21, 2005 in case No. A42-8825 /04-26, dated July 1, 2004 in case No. A66-9798-03, dated June 15, 2004 in case No. A56-28520/03; FAS Volga District dated March 3, 2006 in case No. A55-10425/05- 51; FAS Volga-Vyatka District dated April 14, 2005 in case No. A29-6147/2004a).

Indeed, substitution of tax audits would lead to non-compliance with the guarantees established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for taxpayers related to the procedure for conducting an on-site tax audit, regulated by Art. 89 and 100.

Unfortunately, the essentially correct conclusions of the judicial authorities did not find support from the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, which considered the controversial situation without taking into account the legitimate interests of the taxpayer (see resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 14766/05, dated May 16, 2006 No. 14873/ 05).

It seems that after these decisions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the courts will draw a conclusion about turning a desk audit into an on-site audit only if the tax authority requests an unreasonably large number of tax and accounting documents, including those clearly not related to the subject of the audit. Even after setting out the position of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the FAS of the West Siberian District in its resolution of July 6, 2006 No. F04-3944/2006 (2399b-A46-7) in case No. 14-1072/05 noted that tax legislation distinguishes between the concepts of desk and field tax inspections, as well as the grounds and methods for conducting them, substitution of one form of tax control for another is not allowed.

When conducting desk tax audits, tax authorities also have the right to request, in accordance with the established procedure, from taxpayers using tax benefits, documents confirming the right of these taxpayers to these tax benefits.

Introduced into the Tax Code of the Russian Federation by Federal Law No. 137 of July 27, 2006. The changes significantly limited the rights of tax authorities. So, clause 7 of Art. 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, limits the rights of tax authorities to request documents from the taxpayer.

If previously, before the changes were made, the tax authority had the right to request all the documents necessary for the audit, now the tax authorities, when conducting a desk tax audit, do not have the right to request additional information and documents from the taxpayer, with the exception of:

1. documents confirming the right to tax benefits of the taxpayer using such benefits (clause 6 of Article 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),

2. documents that, in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, must be attached to the tax return (calculation), if they were not submitted with the declaration (calculation),

3. documents confirming the legality of tax deductions when filing a VAT return, which declares the right to a tax refund (clause 8 of Article 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),

4. if an audit is carried out on taxes related to the use of natural resources, then the tax authority has the right to request other documents that are the basis for the calculation and payment of such taxes (clause 9 of Article 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

However, the following restrictions apply:

Tax authorities do not have the right to demand documents that have already been requested,

The desk audit does not have to be on-site.

According to paragraph 8 of Art. 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when submitting a tax return for value added tax, in which the right to a tax refund is declared, a desk tax audit is carried out taking into account the features provided for in this paragraph, on the basis of tax returns and documents submitted by the taxpayer in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The tax authority has the right to request from the taxpayer documents confirming, in accordance with Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the legality of applying tax deductions.

As an analysis of judicial practice shows, when observing this norm, sometimes ambiguities arise. So, for example, according to the definition dated September 18, 2008. No. 11997/08 Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneur Lavrukhin A.Yu. appealed to the Moscow Arbitration Court with a statement to recognize as illegal the decision of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate to bring him to tax liability on the basis of Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The basis for bringing the entrepreneur to tax liability was the incomplete submission of documents within the deadline established in the inspection requirement during a desk tax audit of the VAT return for March 2007.

The court of first instance satisfied Lavrukhin's claim, based on the fact that the right to VAT refund for March 2007 was confirmed by inspection decision No. 23/17, the entrepreneur, by virtue of paragraph 11 of Art. 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation could not fulfill the requirement of the tax authority, which does not comply with the law.

By the decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal, the decision of the first instance court was canceled and the invalidation of the inspection decision disputed in the case was refused. At the same time, the court indicated that the tax authority has the right to request from the taxpayer any primary documents related to business transactions and which are the basis for the application of tax deductions.

However, the cassation court agreed with the conclusions of the first instance court and pointed out that the documents requested by the inspection were not considered mandatory by the said norm and their failure to submit did not entail the impossibility of applying a tax deduction. The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District upheld the decision of the trial court without change.

As the analysis showed, tax authorities encounter difficulties when conducting desk tax audits of VAT declarations, when the taxpayer calculates the minimum amount of tax to be paid to the budget, while tax deductions on the declaration amount to several million rubles. Tax authorities are deprived of the right, when conducting desk audits, to verify the correctness and validity of tax deductions when calculating taxes to the budget.

The tax authority has the right to request from the taxpayer additional information and documents confirming the correctness of tax calculations and the legality of applying tax deductions.”

Desk audits of VAT declarations at a rate of 0% have certain specifics. Clause 4 of Art. 176 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that within a three-month period from the date the taxpayer submits a declaration and supporting documents, the tax authority must make a decision regarding the tax refund amounts declared in the declaration. During this period, the tax authority checks the validity of applying the 0% rate and tax deductions. In principle, we can say that the provision of paragraph 4 of Art. 176 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation obliges the tax authority to conduct a desk audit of each VAT return at a rate of 0%, and such an audit acts as a necessary prerequisite for resolving the issue of tax refund.

The result of a desk tax audit is the conclusion of the controlling official of the tax authority about the reliability, doubtfulness or unreliability of the information contained in the reporting financial documents. If a tax audit reveals errors in filling out documents or contradictions between the information provided, the taxpayer is informed about this with a requirement to make the necessary changes or additions within a specified period. If the inspector identifies a tax arrear, the taxpayer is also required to pay the missing amount of taxes (fees).

The above provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation allow you to begin a desk audit without notifying the taxpayer of its conduct. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation also does not establish norms obliging the tax authority to report cases when an audit was started, completed, but did not reveal any violations. This state of affairs does not seem entirely justified. Indeed, in terms of the degree of significance of the results obtained, desk tax audits are not much inferior to on-site tax audits. In this regard, informing the taxpayer of information about a desk tax audit (regardless of what results are obtained) is essentially one of the guarantees of compliance with the rights of the taxpayer.

If, during the commencement of a desk audit, it becomes necessary to conduct a counter audit, the taxpayer’s counterparty should be informed about what kind of audit is being conducted against the taxpayer. Otherwise, the counterparty may rightfully refuse to provide the requested information to the tax authority. This results in a paradox: the counterparty who is undergoing a counter audit must be notified of the desk audit of the taxpayer, but the taxpayer himself may be in the dark about its conduct and the results obtained.

An on-site tax audit is carried out on the territory (premises) of the taxpayer based on the decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority.

If the taxpayer does not have the opportunity to provide premises for conducting an on-site tax audit, an on-site tax audit may be carried out at the location of the tax authority. 1

The decision to conduct an on-site tax audit is made by the tax authority at the location of the organization or at the place of residence of an individual, unless otherwise provided by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. An independent on-site tax audit of a branch or representative office is carried out on the basis of a decision of the tax authority at the location of the separate division.

The decision to conduct an on-site tax audit must contain the following information: 2

Full and abbreviated name or last name, first name, patronymic of the taxpayer;

The subject of the audit, that is, taxes, the correctness of calculation and payment of which is subject to verification;

The periods for which the audit is carried out;

Positions, surnames and initials of the tax authority employees who are entrusted with carrying out the audit.

The form of the decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority to conduct an on-site tax audit is approved by the federal executive body authorized for control and supervision in the field of taxes and fees.

An on-site tax audit in relation to one taxpayer can be carried out on one or more taxes. The subject of an on-site tax audit is the correctness of calculation and timely payment of taxes. As part of an on-site tax audit, a period not exceeding three calendar years preceding the year in which the decision to conduct the audit was made.

Tax authorities do not have the right to conduct two or more on-site tax audits on the same taxes for the same period.

Tax authorities do not have the right to conduct more than two on-site tax audits in relation to one taxpayer during a calendar year, except in cases where the head of the federal executive body authorized for control and supervision in the field of taxes and fees makes a decision on the need to conduct an on-site tax audit of the taxpayer in excess of the specified restrictions.

When determining the number of on-site tax audits of a taxpayer, the number of independent on-site tax audits of its branches and representative offices is not taken into account.

An on-site tax audit cannot last more than two months. This period may be extended to four months, and in exceptional cases - to six months. The grounds and procedure for extending the period for conducting an on-site tax audit are established by the federal executive body authorized for control and supervision in the field of taxes and fees.

As part of an on-site tax audit, the tax authority has the right to inspect the activities of branches and representative offices of the taxpayer.

The tax authority has the right to conduct an independent on-site tax audit of branches and representative offices regarding the correctness of calculation and timely payment of regional and (or) local taxes.

A tax authority conducting an independent on-site audit of branches and representative offices does not have the right to conduct two or more on-site tax audits on the same taxes for the same period in relation to a branch or representative office.

The tax authority does not have the right to conduct more than two on-site tax audits in relation to one branch or representative office of a taxpayer within one calendar year.

When conducting an independent on-site tax audit of branches and representative offices of the taxpayer, the audit period cannot exceed one month.

The period for conducting an on-site tax audit is calculated from the day the decision to order the audit is made until the day the certificate of the audit is drawn up.

The head (deputy head) of the tax authority has the right to suspend an on-site tax audit for:

1) requesting documents (information) in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 93.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

2) receiving information from foreign government bodies within the framework of international treaties of the Russian Federation;

3) conducting examinations;

4) translation into Russian of documents submitted by the taxpayer in a foreign language.

Suspension of an on-site tax audit on the basis specified in subparagraph 1 of clause 9 of Art. 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is allowed no more than once for each person from whom documents are requested.

The suspension and resumption of an on-site tax audit is formalized by a corresponding decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority conducting the said audit.

The total period of suspension of an on-site tax audit cannot exceed six months. If the inspection was suspended on the basis specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 9 of Art. 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and within six months the tax authority was unable to obtain the requested information from foreign government bodies within the framework of international treaties of the Russian Federation, the period of suspension of this inspection may be increased by three months.

This paragraph must be supplemented in order to avoid controversial situations between tax authorities and taxpayers.

A repeated on-site tax audit of a taxpayer is an on-site tax audit conducted regardless of the time of the previous audit on the same taxes and for the same period.

When scheduling a repeat on-site tax audit, the restrictions specified in paragraph 5 of Art. 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation do not apply.

When conducting a repeat on-site tax audit, a period not exceeding three calendar years preceding the year in which the decision to conduct a repeat on-site tax audit was made.

A repeated on-site tax audit of a taxpayer can be carried out: 1

1) by a higher tax authority - in order to control the activities of the tax authority that conducted the audit;

2) by the tax authority that previously conducted the audit, on the basis of a decision of its head (deputy head) - in the event that the taxpayer submits an updated tax return, which indicates the amount of tax in an amount less than previously declared. As part of this repeated on-site tax audit, the period for which the updated tax return was submitted is checked.

If, during a repeated on-site tax audit, it is revealed that the taxpayer has committed a tax offense that was not identified during the initial on-site tax audit, tax sanctions are not applied to the taxpayer, except for cases where the failure to identify a tax offense during the initial tax audit was the result of a conspiracy between taxpayer and tax authority official.

An on-site tax audit carried out in connection with the reorganization or liquidation of a taxpayer organization can be carried out regardless of the time and subject of the previous audit. In this case, a period not exceeding three calendar years preceding the year in which the decision to conduct the inspection was made was verified. The taxpayer is obliged to ensure that tax officials conducting an on-site tax audit have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with documents related to the calculation and payment of taxes.

When conducting an on-site tax audit, the taxpayer may be required to provide the documents necessary for the audit in the manner established by Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a tax authority official conducting a tax audit has the right to request from the person being inspected the documents necessary for the audit by delivering to this person (his representative) a request for the presentation of documents.

The requested documents are presented in the form of copies certified by the person being checked. Copies of the organization's documents are certified by the signature of its head (deputy head) and (or) other authorized person and the seal of this organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It is not permitted to require notarization of copies of documents submitted to the tax authority (official), unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If necessary, the tax authority has the right to familiarize itself with the original documents.

In the decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District dated September 29, 2005 in case No. A19-4553/05-20-F02-4711/05-S1, dated April 20, 2006 No. A19-4554/05-44-45-F02-1680 /06-C1 in case No. A19-4554/05-44-45, a situation was considered when the tax authorities tried to bring the taxpayer to justice under clause 1 of Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for failure to provide the requested documents in the form of duly certified copies, without taking into account the fact that the taxpayer submitted the original documents to the tax authority. The court, supporting the taxpayer, indicated that from the literal interpretation of the rule set out in paragraph 1 of Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it follows that the presentation of original documents requested by the tax authority instead of duly certified copies is not a basis for bringing the person who presented them to tax liability.

In its ruling dated November 8, 2005 No. 438-O, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation noted that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides a mechanism to minimize the costs associated with tax control. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation indicated, in particular, that taxpayers have the right to submit tax returns by mail and electronically via telecommunication channels (clause 2 of Article 80). But the main thing in this definition is an indication of the admissibility of minimizing the taxpayer’s costs associated with the implementation of tax control.

In this regard, it is necessary to eliminate this gap in the legislation and supplement clause 2 of Art. 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and state it in the following wording: “The requested documents are presented in the form of copies certified by the person being verified or, at the request of taxpayers, in the form of originals with the obligation of tax authorities to subsequently return the verified documents to the taxpayer.”

Documents that were requested during a tax audit are presented within 10 days from the date of delivery of the relevant request.

If the inspected person is unable to submit the requested documents within 10 days, he, within the day following the day of receipt of the request for the submission of documents, notifies in writing the inspecting officials of the tax authority about the impossibility of submitting documents within the specified time frame, indicating the reasons for in which the requested documents cannot be submitted within the established time limits, and about the time period within which the inspected person can submit the requested documents.

Within two days from the date of receipt of such notification, the head (deputy head) of the tax authority has the right, on the basis of this notification, to extend the deadline for submitting documents or to refuse to extend the deadline, for which a separate decision is made.

The inspected person’s refusal to submit the documents requested during a tax audit or failure to submit them within the established time frame is recognized as a tax offense and entails liability under Article 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In the event of such a refusal or failure to submit the specified documents within the established time frame, the tax official conducting the tax audit shall seize the necessary documents in the manner prescribed by Article 94 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

During a tax audit, tax authorities do not have the right to request from the inspected person documents that were previously submitted to the tax authorities during desk or field tax audits of this inspected person. This restriction does not apply to cases where documents were previously submitted to the tax authority in the form of originals, which were subsequently returned to the person being inspected, as well as to cases where documents submitted to the tax authority were lost due to force majeure.

The tax official conducting the tax audit has the right to request from the counterparty or other persons who have documents (information) relating to the activities of the taxpayer being inspected (fee payer, tax agent) these documents (information).

Request for documents (information) relating to the activities of the taxpayer being inspected (fee payer, tax agent) may also be carried out when considering tax audit materials on the basis of a decision of the head (deputy head) of the tax authority when assigning additional tax control measures.

If, outside the framework of tax audits, the tax authorities have a justified need to obtain information regarding a specific transaction, a tax authority official has the right to request this information from the participants in this transaction or from other persons who have information about this transaction.

The tax authority carrying out tax audits or other tax control activities sends a written order to request documents (information) relating to the activities of the taxpayer being inspected (fee payer, tax agent) to the tax authority at the place of registration of the person from whom the specified documents should be requested ( information).

At the same time, the order indicates during which tax control event the need to submit documents (information) arose, and when requesting information regarding a specific transaction, information allowing the identification of this transaction is also indicated.

Within five days from the date of receipt of the order, the tax authority at the place of registration of the person from whom the documents (information) is requested sends this person a request for the submission of documents (information). A copy of the order to request documents (information) is attached to this requirement.

A person who has received a request to provide documents (information) fulfills it within five days from the date of receipt or within the same period informs that he does not have the requested documents (information).

If the requested documents (information) cannot be submitted within the specified period, the tax authority, at the request of the person from whom the documents are requested, has the right to extend the deadline for submitting these documents (information). The requested documents are presented taking into account the provisions provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A person’s refusal to submit the documents requested during a tax audit or failure to submit them within the established time frame is recognized as a tax offense and entails liability under Article 129.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

However, this article contains a condition under which it is subject to application, namely, if the specified offense does not contain signs of a tax offense under Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, failure to provide the tax authority with information about the taxpayer, expressed in the refusal of the organization to provide the documents it has, provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, with information about the taxpayer at the request of the tax authority, as well as other evasion from providing such documents or providing documents with deliberately false information, if such an act does not contain signs of violation of the legislation on taxes and fees, provided for in Article 135.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, entails a fine of five thousand rubles.

Thus, the distinctive features of a tax offense under clause 2 of Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are:

1) failure to provide information about the taxpayer to the tax authority, but not untimely submission;

2) the subject of this offense can only be an organization (legal entity).

It should also be noted: in connection with the intersection of the compositions of Art. 129.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and clause 2 of Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, there are different interpretations regarding the application of these rules of law. So, Bryzgalin A.V., Bernik V.R., Golovkin A.N. in the article “Theory and practice of application of Ch. 14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” note that from January 1, 2007, persons who do not submit information about the taxpayer on time at the request of the tax authorities are brought to tax liability only under Art. 129.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And they justify their conclusion, including the amount of penalties, since the fine under clause 1 of Art. 129.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation 1000 rubles, which is significantly less than the fine established by clause 2 of Art. 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (5000 rubles).

Well-known specialist in the field of tax law Bryzgalin A.V. believes that clause 2 of Art. 126 was in effect during the transition period before the entry into force of Federal Law No. 137-FZot on July 27, 2006. However, clause 2 of Article 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has still not lost force. The procedure for interaction between tax authorities in carrying out orders to request documents is established by the federal executive body authorized for control and supervision in the field of taxes and fees. Familiarization of tax authorities with original documents is allowed only on the territory of the taxpayer, with the exception of cases of conducting an on-site tax audit at the location of the tax authority, as well as cases provided for in Article 94 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. If necessary, authorized officials of tax authorities carrying out an on-site tax audit may conduct an inventory of the taxpayer’s property, as well as inspect production, warehouse, trading and other premises and territories used by the taxpayer to generate income or related to the maintenance of taxable objects, in the manner established Article 92 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. If the officials carrying out the on-site tax audit have sufficient grounds to believe that documents evidencing the commission of offenses may be destroyed, hidden, altered or replaced, these documents are seized in the manner prescribed by Article 94 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. On the last day of an on-site tax audit, the inspector is obliged to draw up a certificate of the audit, which records the subject of the audit and the timing of its conduct, and hand it over to the taxpayer or his representative. If the taxpayer (his representative) avoids receiving a certificate of the audit, the said certificate is sent to the taxpayer by registered mail.

A person in respect of whom a tax audit was carried out (his representative), in case of disagreement with the facts set out in the tax audit report, as well as with the conclusions and proposals of the inspectors, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the tax audit report, has the right to submit written objections to the relevant tax authority on the said act as a whole or on its individual provisions. In this case, the taxpayer has the right to attach to written objections or, within the agreed period, submit to the tax authority documents (certified copies thereof) confirming the validity of his objections.

As noted by the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation A.L. Kononov in a dissenting opinion on the resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2004 No. 14-P, “tax audit as an authoritative instrument of administrative control, detection and suppression of tax offenses significantly affects the rights and interests of the taxpayer, creates a problematic situation for him, in a certain way interferes with his economic activity, burdens him with a number of additional responsibilities before the tax inspection authority, which is especially typical for on-site tax audits directly on the taxpayer’s territory.” The legislator abandoned the concept of “motivated resolution” (Article 87 as amended by Federal Law No. 137-FZ of July 27, 2006), which certainly reduces the guarantees of the legitimate interests of the taxpayer and the possibility of challenging these resolutions. As noted by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 12-P of June 17, 2004, legal norms, including financial ones, exert their regulatory impact on budgetary relations, as well as tax relations, not on their own, but in connection with the goals of the state economic policies, including financial policies. In his Address to the Federal Assembly dated April 25, 2005, the President of Russia noted that “tax authorities do not have the right to “terrorize” business by repeatedly returning to the same problems. They must work rhythmically, respond in a timely manner to violations committed, while paying primary attention to inspections current period. ... The priority in their activities should be checking the implementation of tax legislation, and not the implementation of any “plans” for the collection of taxes and duties.” The motivation is an expression of the legality of the decision, since the corresponding requirement is included in the procedural rules. Since motivation means the justification of conclusions, in this sense it is an expression of the validity of procedural decisions. The significance of the requirement to motivate decisions lies not so much in their external persuasiveness, but in their internal validity, in the need to make just such decisions and not others.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes a system of norms aimed at ensuring the stability of the economic situation of taxpayers. This system includes, in particular, rules defining: the validity of acts on taxes and fees in time (Article 5), the period for making a decision on the collection of taxes, fees, penalties from the taxpayer’s funds in bank accounts (Article 3 Art. 46); deadline for filing a statement of claim for tax collection (clause 3 of article 48, taking into account clause 12 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2001 No. 5 “On some issues of application of part one of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation”); deadline for sending a demand for tax payment (Article 70); deadline for refund (offset) of overpaid taxes, fees, penalties (Articles 78, 79); the period that may be covered by a tax audit (Articles 88, 89); inadmissibility of repeated tax audits (Article 89); limitation of bringing to tax liability (Article 113); limitation of collection of tax sanctions (Article 115); provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation defining the timing and procedure for conducting tax audits, etc.

Unfortunately, it must be admitted that this system is not always effective. For example, by virtue of the direct instructions of Art. 87 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as amended in force until January 1, 2007 - see Federal Law No. 137-FZ of July 27, 2006), the resolution of a higher tax authority, on the basis of which a repeat on-site tax audit is carried out, must be motivated. Clause 4 of the Procedure for appointing on-site tax audits (appendix to the order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated October 8, 1999 No. AP-3-16/318) explains this concept: this resolution should set out the circumstances that necessitate the appointment of a repeat on-site tax audit.

Higher tax authorities usually ignored the provisions of Art. 87 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and did not in any way motivate the resolution on a repeat on-site tax audit. Taxpayers appealed such decisions to the court (an example is the decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated August 4, 2006 in case No. A29-12639/2005a, dated December 19, 2005 in case No. A11-2141a/2005-K2-23/140; FAS North Caucasus District dated August 23, 2005 No. F08-3831/2005-1526A in case No. A25-2761/2004-8; FAS Moscow District dated August 14, 2006, August 21, 2006 No. KA-A40/7581-06 in case No. A40-79154/05-114-672; FAS Far Eastern District dated August 17, 2005, August 10, 2005 No. FOZ-A16/05-2/2391 in case No. A16-150/2005-2, etc.) .

When refusing to satisfy a taxpayer's application, courts, as a rule, justify their refusal by the absence of violated rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayer. This is the case when the courts do not distinguish between subjective rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayer. Despite the fact that the legislator has made significant changes to the procedure for ordering repeated tax audits, which came into force on January 1, 2007, the taxpayer can appeal those decisions of a higher tax authority that were made before January 1, 2007, precisely from the position of protecting the legitimate interests of the taxpayer .

Clause 3 art. 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that documents that were requested during a tax audit are presented within 10 days from the date of delivery of the relevant request.

If the inspected person is unable to submit the requested documents within 10 days, he, within the day following the day of receipt of the request for the submission of documents, notifies in writing the inspecting officials of the tax authority about the impossibility of submitting documents within the specified time frame, indicating the reasons for in which the requested documents cannot be submitted within the established time limits, and about the time period within which the inspected person can submit the requested documents. Within two days from the date of receipt of such notification, the head (deputy head) of the tax authority has the right, on the basis of this notification, to extend the deadline for submitting documents or to refuse to extend the deadline, for which a separate decision is made.

This norm should be changed, since at the enterprise the secretary receives mail, therefore, it reaches the addressee with a delay, sometimes significant. The legislator should set reasonable deadlines for taxpayers so that they can fulfill their responsibilities in a timely manner.

In this regard, paragraph 3 of Art. should be amended. 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and adopted in the following wording: “If the inspected person is not able to submit the requested documents within 10 days, he, within three days following the day of receipt of the request for the provision of documents, notifies in writing the inspection officials of the tax authority about impossibility of providing documents within the specified time frame indicating the reasons.”

§2. Legal status of executing subjects of tax control

The tax authorities of the Russian Federation constitute a unified system of control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of taxes and other obligatory payments being entered into the relevant budget, as well as control over compliance with currency legislation carried out within the competence of the tax authorities.

Tax authorities carry out their functions and interact with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and state extra-budgetary funds through the exercise of powers provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Tax authorities have the right:

1) require from the taxpayer or tax agent documents in the forms established by state bodies and local governments, which serve as the basis for the calculation and payment (withholding and transfer) of taxes, as well as explanations and documents confirming the correctness of calculation and timely payment (withholding and transfer) taxes;

2) conduct tax audits in the manner established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

3) to seize documents during tax audits from a taxpayer or tax agent that indicate the commission of tax offenses, in cases where there are reasonable grounds to believe that these documents will be destroyed, hidden, altered or replaced;

4) to summon, on the basis of a written notification to the tax authorities, taxpayers, fee payers or tax agents to give explanations in connection with their payment (withholding and transfer) of taxes or in connection with a tax audit, as well as in other cases related to their implementation of legislation on taxes and fees;

5) suspend transactions on the accounts of taxpayers, fee payers and tax agents in banks and seize the property of taxpayers, fee payers and tax agents in the manner prescribed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

6) inspect (survey) any production, warehouse, retail and other premises and territories used by the taxpayer to generate income or related to the maintenance of taxable objects, regardless of their location, and conduct an inventory of property owned by the taxpayer. The procedure for conducting an inventory of a taxpayer's property during a tax audit is approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

7) determine the amount of taxes to be paid by taxpayers to the budget (extra-budgetary funds), by calculation based on the information they have about the taxpayer, as well as information about other similar taxpayers in cases of the taxpayer’s refusal to allow officials of the tax authority to inspect (survey) production facilities, warehouse, trading and other premises and territories used by the taxpayer to generate income or related to the maintenance of taxable objects, failure to submit to the tax authority for more than two months the documents necessary for calculating taxes, lack of accounting for income and expenses, accounting for taxable objects or keeping records in violation of the established a procedure that led to the impossibility of calculating taxes;

8) demand from taxpayers, tax agents, and their representatives to eliminate identified violations of the legislation on taxes and fees and monitor compliance with these requirements;

9) collect arrears of taxes and fees, as well as collect penalties and fines in the manner established by this Code;

10) control the compliance of large expenses of individuals with their income;

11) demand from banks documents confirming the execution of payment orders of taxpayers, fee payers and tax agents and collection orders (orders) of tax authorities to write off taxes, penalties and fines from the accounts of taxpayers, fee payers and tax agents;

12) attract specialists, experts and translators to conduct tax control;

13) call as witnesses persons who may be aware of any circumstances relevant to the conduct of tax control;

14) submit petitions for cancellation or suspension of licenses issued to legal entities and individuals for the right to carry out certain types of activities;

15) create tax posts in the manner established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

16) bring claims to courts of general jurisdiction or arbitration courts:

On the collection of tax sanctions from persons who have committed violations of the legislation on taxes and fees;

On invalidating the state registration of a legal entity or the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur;

On the liquidation of an organization of any organizational and legal form on the grounds established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

On early termination of a tax credit agreement and an investment tax credit agreement;

On the collection of debts on taxes, fees, corresponding penalties and fines to budgets (extra-budgetary funds), which are owed for more than three months by organizations that, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, are dependent (subsidiary) companies (enterprises), from the corresponding main (prevailing, participating) ) companies (partnerships, enterprises), when the latter's bank accounts receive proceeds for the goods (work, services) sold by dependent (subsidiary) companies (enterprises), as well as for organizations that, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, are the main (prevailing, participating) companies (partnerships, enterprises), from dependent (subsidiary) companies (enterprises), when their bank accounts receive proceeds for goods sold (work, services) of the main (predominant, participating) companies (partnerships, enterprises).

Higher tax authorities have the right to cancel decisions of lower tax authorities if these decisions do not comply with the legislation on taxes and fees.

The duties of the tax authorities, according to Art. 32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation include the following:

1) comply with the legislation on taxes and fees;

2) monitor compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees, as well as regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it;

3) keep records of organizations and individuals in accordance with the established procedure;

4) inform free of charge (including in writing) taxpayers about current taxes and fees, legislation on taxes and fees and regulations adopted in accordance with it, the procedure for calculating and paying taxes and fees, the rights and obligations of taxpayers, the powers of tax authorities and their officials, as well as provide tax reporting forms and explain the procedure for filling them out;

5) carry out a refund or offset of overpaid or overcharged amounts of taxes, penalties and fines in the manner prescribed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation,

6) maintain tax secrecy;

7) send to the taxpayer or tax agent copies of the tax audit report and the decision of the tax authority, as well as in cases provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a tax notice and a requirement to pay taxes and fees;

8) provide at the request of a state or municipal customer, at the request of a federal executive body, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body authorized in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods , performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs" to carry out functions of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state or municipal needs for state or municipal customers, information on the presence of debt of a legal entity or individual for accrued taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to budgets of any level or state extra-budgetary funds for the past calendar year, on appealing the existence of such debt and on the results of consideration of complaints no later than ten days from the date of receipt of such a request.

Tax authorities, when identifying circumstances that suggest a violation of the legislation on taxes and fees containing elements of a crime, are obliged to send materials to the internal affairs bodies within ten days from the date of discovery of these circumstances to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case.

According to Art. 33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax officials are obliged to:

1) act in strict accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;

2) implement, within their competence, the rights and obligations of tax authorities;

3) treat taxpayers, their representatives and other participants in tax legal relations correctly and carefully, and not humiliate their honor and dignity.

Customs authorities enjoy the rights and bear the responsibilities of tax authorities to collect taxes when moving goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws on taxes, as well as other federal laws.

The powers of financial authorities in the field of taxes and fees are determined by Art. 32.4 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation provides written explanations on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, approves tax calculation forms and tax return forms mandatory for taxpayers, as well as the procedure for filling them out.

The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies authorized in the field of finance provide written explanations on the issues of applying, respectively, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and regulatory legal acts of local government bodies on local taxes and fees. Tax and customs authorities are responsible for losses caused to taxpayers as a result of their unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction, as well as unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction of officials and other employees of these bodies in the performance of their official duties.

Losses caused to taxpayers are compensated from the federal budget in the manner prescribed by this Code and other federal laws. For unlawful actions or inaction, officials and other employees of tax authorities are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The powers of internal affairs bodies in the field of tax law are determined by Art. 36 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. At the request of tax authorities, internal affairs bodies participate together with tax authorities in on-site tax audits conducted by tax authorities. If circumstances are identified that require the commission of actions classified by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation as the powers of tax authorities, internal affairs bodies are obliged to send materials to the appropriate tax authority within ten days from the date of identification of these circumstances to make a decision on them. Internal affairs bodies are responsible for losses caused to taxpayers as a result of their unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction, as well as unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction of officials and other employees of these bodies in the performance of their official duties. Losses caused to taxpayers during events are reimbursed from the federal budget in the manner prescribed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

For unlawful actions or inaction, officials and other employees of internal affairs bodies are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 137 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, every person can appeal against non-normative acts of tax authorities, actions or inactions of officials, if, in the opinion of this person, such acts, actions or inactions violate his rights. This rather simple formulation hides one important question. Which acts of the tax authority can be appealed? After all, the concept of “acts of a non-normative nature” is quite general. For the first time, the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation tried to answer this question in 2001 (Resolution No. 5 of February 28, 2001). He indicated that an act of a non-normative nature, subject to appeal, should be understood as a document of any name (demand, decision, resolution, letter, etc.), signed by the head of the tax authority and relating to a specific taxpayer. Consequently, the taxpayer can appeal the demand for payment of tax, penalties and fines, regardless of whether he challenged the decision of the tax authority on the basis of which the demand was made.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation went even further (Determination No. 418-O dated December 4, 2003). He established that any act signed by any official of the tax authority (and not just the manager) can be appealed. So, it turns out that you can appeal any act (decision, letter, etc.) signed by any official of the tax authority. However, we should not forget about the wording of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: “if acts ... violate his rights.” From this phrase it follows that:

The act violates the rights of the taxpayer. The list of taxpayer rights is enshrined in Article 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (not exhaustive).

A person may appeal an act affecting him. For example, a taxpayer cannot appeal an instruction from the head of a tax authority addressed to officials of a tax authority. Here, however, a question arises. What if this instruction violates the rights of the taxpayer in some way? It seems that then the taxpayer will be able to appeal the act issued by the official on the basis of this instruction.

What, for example, can be appealed against in a decision to refuse to prosecute (which is made based on the results of consideration of the materials of an on-site tax audit)? This decision may indicate the amount of arrears and penalties. This decision cannot provide for the payment of a fine, since a fine is a measure of responsibility. But the taxpayer may not agree with the amount of arrears and penalties, or even with the fact that he must pay these arrears and penalties. In this case, the taxpayer will challenge the arrears and penalties.

What actions and inactions of tax authorities can be appealed? Art. 32 and 33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establish the responsibilities of tax authorities and their officials. The list is open: tax authorities also bear other responsibilities provided for by the Tax Code and other laws. The acts and omissions complained of must be related to these duties. If the tax authorities do not have an obligation to perform any actions or, conversely, to refrain from performing them, the taxpayer will not be able to challenge the action of the tax official that he does not like.

In this regard, paragraph 3 of Art. is very interesting. 33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the obligation of officials to treat taxpayers correctly and carefully and not to humiliate their honor and dignity. If taxpayers appealed against all actions of tax officials indicating incorrect and inattentive attitude, the courts would be overwhelmed with such cases.

Sanctions are broadly understood as an element of a tax rule that provides for adverse consequences of non-fulfillment or non-compliance with tax obligations formulated in the dispositions of tax rules. This type of sanctions includes fines, collection of arrears, and penalties. The institution of tax sanctions in the narrow sense is enshrined in Art. 114 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a tax sanction is expressed as a fine and is a measure of responsibility for committing a tax offense. The presence of a legitimate definition of a tax sanction is important because it shows the logical completion of the development of the institution of tax liability.

§ 3. Offenses detected during tax audits and liability for their commission

According to Art. 106, a tax offense is defined as a committed unlawful (in violation of the legislation on taxes and fees) act (action or inaction) of a taxpayer, tax agent and other persons, for which the Tax Code has established liability.

At the same time, for violation of tax legislation (depending on the specific legal fact), liability is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with this, a violation of tax legislation is characterized by the presence of a combination of the following elements:

1. this is an unlawful guilty act or omission;

2. it is aimed at violating the norms of tax legislation (Tax Code of the Russian Federation or other regulatory legal acts in the field of taxation);

3. there is liability for its commission, and it does not matter whether liability for its commission is established by tax, administrative or criminal legislation.

The absence of at least one of the listed signs means that the act is not a violation of tax law.

In addition, the main difference between a tax offense and a violation of tax legislation is the factor of the legal nature of liability. In this case, the regulatory legal source is important, in which the procedure for applying the measures of state responsibility provided for such an unlawful act is legally established: the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The composition of a tax offense is formed by four elements: subject, subjective side, object, objective side.

Entities subject to liability for committing tax offenses include organizations and individuals. In this case, an individual can be held accountable for committing tax offenses from the age of sixteen.

The subjective side of a tax offense represents a set of signs that reflect the internal side of an unlawful act (action or inaction) and characterize the internal mental processes occurring in the mind of the offender regarding the act and its consequences. 1

The objective side of tax offenses is a set of signs of illegal acts provided for by the norms of tax law and characterizing the outward reflection (manifestation) of tax offenses in reality. The grounds for prosecution for tax offenses, as well as for violations by banks of the legislation on taxes and fees, are established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The object of a tax offense is social relations protected by law that develop in the tax sphere. The object of the offense is what it encroaches on, what it causes or may cause any harm to.

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax violations include:

1. Violation of the deadline for registration with the tax authority (Article 116 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

2. Evasion of registration with the tax authority (Article 117 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

3. Violation of the deadline for providing information on opening and closing a bank account (Article 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

4. Failure to submit a tax return (Article 119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

4. Gross violation of the rules for accounting for income and expenses and objects of taxation (Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

5. Non-payment or incomplete payment of tax (fee) amounts (Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

6. Failure of a tax agent to fulfill the obligation to withhold and (or) transfer taxes (Article 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

7. Failure to comply with the procedure for ownership, use and (or) disposal of property that has been seized (Article 125 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

8. Failure to provide the tax authority with information necessary to carry out tax control (Article 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

9. Wrongful failure to report information to the tax authority (Article 129.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Controversial situations often arise. For example, ZRGO LLC applied to the court to recognize the illegality of the decision of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 3 of the Kursk Region. As established by the court, the tax authority, during an on-site tax audit, identified discrepancies between the amounts of taxes indicated by the company in its tax returns and the amounts of taxes established during the audit. 1

Paragraph 42 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2001. No. 5 explains that if in the previous period the taxpayer had an overpayment of a certain tax, which covered or was equal to the amount of the same tax, underestimated in the subsequent period and subject to payment to the same budget (extra-budgetary fund), and the specified overpayment was not offset against other debts, then the offense under Art. 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, absent.

At the previous moments when the offenses were committed (August 2004, September 2004), the taxpayer had an overpayment that covered the amount of tax that was underestimated in the subsequent period and was not offset against other payments.

The presence of overpayments in all audited periods can also be traced from the calculation of VAT penalties drawn up by the tax authority for the on-site tax audit report.

The court considered that the tax authority did not prove the existence of an offense in the form of non-payment of VAT, provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation contains articles that establish liability for offenses that cannot be fully called tax offenses, although they, one way or another, affect the norms of legislation on taxes and fees:

1st Art. 128, establishing liability for failure to appear or evasion of appearance without good reason of a person called as a witness in a tax offense case;

2. art. 129, which establishes liability for the unlawful refusal of a witness to testify, as well as for giving knowingly false testimony; an expert, translator or specialist for refusing to participate in a tax audit, giving a knowingly false conclusion by an expert or making a knowingly false translation by a translator;

3. Art. 129 1 NK; RF, which establishes the liability of a person for unlawful failure to report (late reporting) of information that this person must report to the tax authority.

Of course, these offenses impede the implementation of tax legislation, but are directed, first of all, against the order of management and justice.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 115 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax authorities may apply to the court with a claim for the collection of fines from an organization and an individual entrepreneur in the manner and within the time frames provided for in Articles 46 and 47 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, from an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur, in the manner and within the timeframes provided for by the article 48 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A statement of claim for the collection of a fine from an organization or individual entrepreneur in the cases provided for in subparagraphs 1 - 3 of paragraph 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation may be filed by the tax authority within six months after the expiration of the deadline for fulfilling the requirement to pay the fine. The deadline for filing the said statement of claim missed for a valid reason may be restored by the court.

Art. 46 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that the collection of taxes, fees, as well as penalties and fines is carried out at the expense of funds in the accounts of the taxpayer (payer of fees) - an organization, an individual entrepreneur.

The decision on collection is made after the expiration of the period established in the requirement to pay the tax, but no later than two months after the expiration of the specified period. A decision on collection made after the expiration of the specified period is considered invalid and cannot be executed. In this case, the tax authority may apply to the court with a claim to recover from the taxpayer (tax agent) - an organization or individual entrepreneur - the amount of tax due for payment. The application may be filed with the court within six months after the expiration of the deadline for fulfilling the requirement to pay the tax. A deadline for filing an application missed for a valid reason may be reinstated by the court.

The decision on collection is brought to the attention of the taxpayer (tax agent) - organization or individual entrepreneur - within six days after the decision is made.

If it is impossible to deliver the decision on collection to the taxpayer (tax agent) against receipt or transfer in another way indicating the date of its receipt, the decision on collection is sent by registered mail and is considered received after six days from the date of sending the registered letter.

Provisions of Art. 46 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are also used when collecting fines and penalties for late payment of taxes.

Clause 2 of Art. 48 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that a statement of claim for the collection of tax at the expense of the property of a taxpayer - an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur, may be filed with a court of general jurisdiction by a tax authority (customs authority) within six months after the expiration of the deadline for fulfilling the requirement to pay the tax. A deadline for filing an application missed for a valid reason may be reinstated by the court. Previously, this period for going to court was preemptive and could not be restored by the court due to omission.

Sometimes controversial situations arise related to the calculation of procedural deadlines. Thus, the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 2 for the city of Moscow appealed to the Arbitration Court of Moscow with a statement to ZAO Abitare to collect tax sanctions for committing a tax offense provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow Arbitration Court refused to satisfy the stated requirements, since the Inspectorate missed the six-month deadline established by clause 1 of Art. 115 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, to file a claim in court for the collection of tax sanctions.

The tax authority referred to the fact that the deadline for filing an application to collect a tax sanction from the Company should be calculated according to the rules provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 115 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, since a resolution was issued against the general director of Abitare CJSC to refuse to initiate a criminal case, which was received by the tax authority on January 23, 2007, therefore, from this date the six-month period for filing the said claim should be calculated.

The courts found that the on-site tax audit report was drawn up by the tax authority on September 28, 2006, therefore, the six-month period for filing a claim for the collection of tax sanctions expired on March 28, 2007, while the application for the collection of sanctions under the audit report was sent by the Inspectorate to the arbitration court by mail on July 23, 2007 , that is, with a significant missed deadline established by law.

In this regard, the courts came to the correct conclusion that the Inspectorate missed the deadline established in paragraph 1 of Art. 115 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as amended before amendments were made by Federal Law No. 137-FZ of July 27, 2006).

In this case, the appellate court proceeded from the legal positions set out in paragraph 38 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2001 N 5, according to which the fact that the issue of criminal prosecution was being decided against an official of the taxpayer organization, is not a basis for applying special rules for calculating the statute of limitations for tax sanctions against an organization.

Responsibility for violation of tax laws is also provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. In Art. 15.3.-15.9, 15.11 Code of Administrative Offenses contains the legal elements of offenses encroaching on public relations in the field of taxation:

Violation of the deadline for registration with the tax authority;

Violation of the deadline for submitting information about opening and closing an account with a bank or other credit institution;

Violation of deadlines for submitting a tax return;

Failure to provide information necessary for tax control;

Violation of the procedure for opening an account for a taxpayer;

Violation of the deadline for executing an order to transfer a tax or fee (contribution);

Failure by the bank to comply with the decision to suspend transactions on the accounts of the taxpayer, fee payer and tax agent;

Gross violation of the rules of accounting and presentation of financial statements (a gross violation of the rules of accounting and presentation of financial statements is understood as: distortion of the amounts of accrued taxes and fees by at least 10%; distortion of any article (line) of the accounting reporting form by at least 10 %).

Tax liability is one of the main categories of tax law; its design largely determines the place and role of legal regulation of tax relations in the legal system. 1

Tax liability by its nature, subject and method of regulation is an integral part of financial and legal responsibility and is implemented in state-authority relations that develop regarding the establishment and collection of mandatory payments.

The legislator has established a number of conditions for bringing to responsibility for committing a tax offense: 1

Prosecution for committing a tax offense is carried out on the grounds and in the manner provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

Repeated prosecution for committing the same tax offense is not allowed;

The liability provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for an act committed by an individual occurs if this act does not contain elements of a crime provided for by the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

Bringing an organization to justice for committing a tax offense does not relieve its officials, if there are appropriate grounds, from administrative, criminal or other liability provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation;

Bringing a person to justice for committing a tax offense does not relieve him of the obligation to pay the due amount of tax (fee) and penalties;

A person is considered innocent of committing a tax offense until his guilt is proven in the manner prescribed by federal law;

A person held accountable is not required to prove his innocence of committing a tax offense. This responsibility rests with the tax authorities. Irremovable doubts about the guilt of the person held accountable are interpreted in favor of that person.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of using circumstances that mitigate and aggravate liability for committing a tax offense. The list of circumstances mitigating and aggravating liability for committing a tax offense is enshrined in Art. 112 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes circumstances that exclude a person’s guilt in committing a tax offense. They recognize:

1. committing an act containing signs of a tax offense as a result of a natural disaster or other extraordinary and insurmountable circumstances;

2. the commission of an act containing signs of a tax offense by a taxpayer - an individual who was in a state in which this person could not be aware of his actions or manage them due to a painful condition;

3. execution by the taxpayer (fee payer, tax agent) of written explanations on the procedure for calculating, paying a tax (fee) or on other issues of applying the legislation on taxes and fees given to him or an indefinite number of persons by a financial, tax or other authorized state body (authorized by an official person of this body) within its competence;

4. other circumstances that may be recognized by the court or tax authority considering the case as excluding the person’s guilt in committing a tax offense.

In accordance with this norm, there are the following main circumstances mitigating liability:

1. commission of an offense due to a combination of difficult personal or family circumstances;

2. committing an offense under the influence of threat or coercion or due to financial, official or other dependence;

3. difficult financial situation of an individual held accountable for committing a tax offense;

4. other circumstances that may be recognized by the court or tax authority considering the case as mitigating liability.

Circumstances mitigating or aggravating liability for committing a tax offense are established by the court or tax authority considering the case and are taken into account when applying tax sanctions. This norm (clause 4 of Article 112 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) was introduced by Federal Law dated 07/09/1999 N 154-FZ.

In addition to circumstances mitigating liability for committing a tax offense, the Tax Code establishes circumstances aggravating tax liability.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 112 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an aggravating circumstance is recognized as the commission of a tax offense by a person who was previously held accountable for a similar offense (a sign of repetition). A person is considered to have been brought to tax liability within 12 months from the date of entry into force of a court or tax authority decision to apply a sanction for a similar violation of tax legislation.

Circumstances mitigating and aggravating responsibility for committing a tax offense are important in determining the measure of influence on the offender and are applied by the court. The facts considered do not have any impact on the qualification of the act as a tax offense.

Compliance with tax law is ensured by the state’s ability to apply coercive measures for violation of obligations provided for by the legislation on taxes and fees. Responsibility for tax offenses is expressed in the corresponding part of the rule of law, called a sanction. A tax sanction is a form of government response to a violation of tax legislation and is an external material expression of state coercion for committing a tax offense.

Sanctions in tax law can be considered in two aspects: broad and narrow. Sanctions are broadly understood as an element of a tax rule that provides for adverse consequences of non-fulfillment or non-compliance with tax obligations formulated in the dispositions of tax rules. This type of sanctions includes fines, collection of arrears, and penalties.

The institution of tax sanctions in the narrow sense is enshrined in Art. 114 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a tax sanction is expressed as a fine and is a measure of responsibility for committing a tax offense.

The amount of tax sanctions is provided for by special articles of the Tax Code, established and applied in the form of monetary penalties (fines) against a person found guilty of committing a tax offense. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that a taxpayer brought to tax liability has the right to challenge the collection of sanctions of any type and to participate in tax proceedings to investigate the circumstances of the offense.

At the present stage, the tax system of the Russian Federation is imperfect; tax administration reform is ongoing. The tax system of the Russian Federation is characterized by the presence of potential opportunities for tax evasion, which encourages the development of the shadow sector of the economy, the system of tax control mechanisms is insufficiently effective, and there is often a lack of ensuring the legal rights and interests of taxpayers. Having analyzed the tax legislation, we came to the conclusion that it has gaps, namely: the legislator significantly limits the rights of tax authorities when conducting desk tax audits; they do not have the right to request documents from the taxpayer being inspected, which creates numerous controversial situations. All this points to the need to improve the tax control mechanism. Evidence of this is the numerous changes in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Some of the most significant changes were introduced by the Federal Law of November 4, 2005. No. 137-FZ and Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 137-FZ “On amendments to parts one and two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of measures to improve tax administration.”

One of the most important elements of reform is the constant improvement of tax control, since it is aimed at collecting taxes and timely replenishment of the state budget.


Legal regulation of tax control is one of the most pressing problems in the field of taxation in our country. This problem acquires particular significance during the period of transition from one taxation system to another. According to Art. 82 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax control recognizes the activities of authorized bodies to monitor compliance by taxpayers, tax agents and payers of fees with legislation on taxes and fees in the manner established by the Tax Code.

Tax control is carried out through the implementation by government bodies of special measures called forms of tax control. The forms and methods of tax control differ in significant specificity. There are such forms of tax control as audit, verification of accounting and reporting data and supervision. The main form of tax control is audits.

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the subjects authorized to conduct tax audits are tax and customs authorities. Customs authorities are authorized to conduct tax audits only in relation to taxes payable when moving goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation. Thus, only tax authorities are full-fledged entities that have all the rights to conduct tax audits in relation to all fiscally obligated persons and to pay all types of taxes.

Tax audits are divided into two types: office and on-site. A desk tax audit is carried out at the location of the tax authority by officials of that authority. An on-site tax audit is carried out for one or more taxes based on a decision of the tax authority. Tax authorities also carry out counter audits if, outside the framework of tax audits, the tax authorities have a justified need to obtain information regarding a specific transaction. Having analyzed the tax legislation, we came to the conclusion that it has gaps, namely: the legislator significantly limits the rights of tax authorities when conducting desk tax audits; they do not have the right to request documents from the taxpayer being inspected, which creates numerous controversial situations.

As the analysis showed, tax authorities encounter difficulties when conducting desk tax audits of VAT declarations, when the taxpayer calculates the minimum amount of tax to be paid to the budget, while tax deductions on the declaration amount to several million rubles. Tax authorities are deprived of the right, when conducting desk audits, to verify the correctness and validity of tax deductions when calculating taxes to the budget. Therefore, it is necessary

Thus, it is necessary to supplement clause 8 of Art. 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and state it in the following wording: “When submitting a tax return for value added tax, which declares the right to a tax refund, a desk tax audit is carried out taking into account the features provided for in this paragraph, on the basis of tax returns and documents submitted by the taxpayer in accordance with this Code.

The tax authority has the right to request from the taxpayer documents confirming, in accordance with Article 172 of this Code, the legality of applying tax deductions.

The tax authority has the right to request from the taxpayer additional information and documents confirming the correctness of tax calculations and the legality of applying tax deductions.”

During the period of suspension of the on-site tax audit, the actions of the tax authority to request documents from the taxpayer are suspended, to whom in this case all originals requested during the inspection are returned, with the exception of documents received during the seizure, and the actions of the tax authority in the territory are also suspended (on the premises) of the taxpayer related to the specified audit.

However, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not stipulate whether the deadlines for the provision of documents by the taxpayer are suspended for the period of suspension of the audit, if the request for the provision of documents is served on the taxpayer one day before the decision on suspension is made. In practice, cases of ambiguity arise whether the deadline for providing documents by the taxpayer is suspended or whether the taxpayer must submit documents on the very first day after the decision to resume the audit is made. Paragraph should be changed. 4 clause 9 art. 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and state it in the following wording: “During the period of suspension of an on-site tax audit, the actions of the tax authority to request documents from the taxpayer are suspended, to whom in this case all originals requested during the audit are returned, with the exception of documents received during carrying out a seizure, and the actions of the tax authority on the territory (premises) of the taxpayer related to the specified inspection are suspended. The deadline for the taxpayer to provide documents requested from him before the date of the decision to suspend the on-site tax audit is also suspended.”

As a rule, tax authorities, when conducting an on-site tax audit, require a very large volume of documents, since they require documents for 3 years. Taxpayers in accordance with Art. 93, 100, 165 and other articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation annually produce millions of copies of primary and other accounting documents for the tax authorities. Notaries alone certified more than 17 million copies in 2007, although notarization is not required. To make copies, the taxpayer not only needs a large amount of time, but also needs to incur significant material costs for copying documents (for copying equipment and paper). In this regard, there are often requests from taxpayers to be allowed to provide originals rather than copies.

In connection with the above, clause 2 of Art. 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and state it in the following wording: “The requested documents are presented in the form of copies certified by the person being verified or, at the request of taxpayers, in the form of originals with the obligation of tax authorities to subsequently return the verified documents to the taxpayer.”

The tax system of the Russian Federation is characterized by the presence of potential opportunities for tax evasion, which encourages the development of the shadow sector of the economy, the system of tax administration mechanisms is insufficiently effective, and there is no provision for the legal rights and interests of taxpayers. All this points to the need to improve the tax administration mechanism.

List of used literature

Regulatory acts

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation // Russian newspaper No. 102, 1994.

2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Part 1 // Russian newspaper, No. 148-149, 1998

3. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Part 2 // Russian newspaper, No. 153-154, 2000

4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part 1 // Russian newspaper No. 238-239, 1994

5. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part 2. // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, No. 23, 24, 27, 1996.

6. Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation// Rossiyskaya Gazeta, No. 220, 2002.

8. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 137-FZ “On amendments to parts one and two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of measures to improve tax administration.” // SZ RF No. 42, 2006

Materials of judicial practice

1. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District dated April 20, 2006 No. A19-4554/05-44-45-F02-1680/06-S1 in case No. A19-4554/05-44-45 // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 1 , 2007, p.34-37

2. Resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated December 26, 2005 No. A42-2859/2005, dated June 3, 2005 in case No. A26-12618/04-29, // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 1, 2007, p. 39 -42

3. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated August 4, 2006 in case No. A29-12639/2005a, // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 3, 2007, pp. 53-57

4. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated August 23, 2005 No. F08-3831/2005-1526A in case No. A25-2761/2004-8; // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 6, 2007, pp. 214-218

5. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated August 14, 2006, August 21, 2006 No. KA-A40/7581-06 in case No. A40-79154/05-114-672; // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 6, 2007, pp. 234-237

6. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Far Eastern District dated August 17, 2005 No. FOZ-A16/05-2/2391 in case No. A16-150/2005-2, etc.) // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 9, 2007, p. 117- 124

7. Resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of April 28, 2008 N KA-A40/3299-08 // Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 91, 2007, pp. 86-88

Educational, scientific literature and materials of legal publications

1. Alexandrov N.G. Legality and legal relations in Soviet society. - M.: Gosyurizdat, 1955. – 572 p.

2. Alekseev S.S. The mechanism of legal regulation in a socialist society. - M.: Legal literature, 1966. – 388 p.

3. Alekseev S.S. General theory of law. In two volumes. T.2. - M.: Legal literature, 1982. – 866 p.

4. Vasiliev A.M. Legal categories. Methodological aspects of developing a system of categories of legal theory. - M.: Legal literature. 1976.- 516 p.

5. Vengerov A.B. Theory of State and Law: Textbook for Law Schools. – M.: New Lawyer, 2004. – 628 p.

6. Vinnitsky D.V. Russian tax law: problems of theory and practice. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Legal Center Press", 2005. – 426 p.

7. Gissin E.M. The legal status of the bank as a special participant in tax legal relations. - M.: UNITY, 2007. – 572 p.

8. Civil law. Textbook. Volume 1, 2 / Ed. E.A. Sukhanov. M.: Legal literature, 2005. – 590 p.

9. Civil law. Textbook. Part 1, 2 / Ed. A.P. Sergeeva, Yu.K. Tolstoy. – M.: PROSPECT, 2005. – 632 p.

10. Gritsenko V.V. Citizen as a subject of tax law in the Russian Federation. – Saratov: VEC, 2007. – 252 p.

11. Isaev A.A. Essay on the theory and practice of taxes. – M.: LLC “YurInfoR-Press”, 2006. – 270 p.

12. Kerimov D.A. Culture and technology of lawmaking. M.: UNITA, 2006. - 344 p.

13. Kechekyan S.F. Legal relations in a socialist society. - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958 – 742 p.

14. Komarov S.A. General theory of state and law. Saransk: SRGI, 2004.- 456 p.

15. Konov O.Yu. Institute of permanent establishment in tax law: Textbook. – M.: APU, 2007. – 152 p.

16. Kucherov I.I. Tax law of Russia: Course of lectures. M.: Training and Consulting Center "YurInfoR", 2005. – 454 p.

17. Makuev R. Kh. Theory of state and law. Textbook. – Orel: ORAGS Publishing House, 2003. – 674 p.

18. Myshkin B.V. Some theoretical aspects of the content of tax legal personality // State and Law. 2004. N 3. P. 91 - 94;

19. Myshkin B.V. Contents of the tax legal personality of the parties to tax legal relations // State and Law. 2004. N 5. P. 97 - 101.

20. Taxes and tax law. Textbook / Ed. A.V. Bryzgalina. M.: Analytics-Press, 2006. – 357 p.

21. Tax law of Russia: Textbook for universities / Rep. ed. Doctor of Law, Prof. Yu.A. Krokhina. M.: Publishing house NORMA, 2006. – 383 p.

22. Tax Law: Textbook / Ed. S.G. Pepelyaev. M.: Yurist, 2004. – 572 p.

23. Tax law. Textbook / Ed. G.B. Polyaka, I.Sh. Kilyaskhanova. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2007. – 271 p.

24. General theory of law / Ed. A.S. Pigolkina. M.: New lawyer. 2004. – 568 p.

25. Osipov Yu.M. Russia in the 21st century // Philosophy of Economics. 2002. No. 2 (20). pp. 31-34

26. Perov A.V., Tolkushkin A.V. Taxes and taxation: M.: Yurait-Izdat, 2005. – 720 p.

27. Petrova G.V. Tax law. Textbook for universities. M.: Publishing group "INFRA-M-NORMA", 2007. – 388 p.

28. Rovinsky E.A. Basic questions of the theory of Soviet financial law. - M.: Gosyurizdat, 1963. – 628 p.

29. Savigny F.K. Law of Obligations (translation from German by V. Fuchs and N. Mandro). M.: UNITY, 2008. – 552 p.

30. Sergienko R.A. Organization as a subject of tax law. Voronezh: VSU, 2007. – 366 p.

31. Spasov B.N. The law and its interpretation. M.: Scientific literature, 1986.- 468 p.

32. Staroverova O.V. Tax Law: Textbook. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005. – 413 p.

33. Tarasenko O.A. Subject of the Federation as a subject of tax law: Dis. Ph.D. M., 2002. – 451 p.

34. Theory of State and Law: Textbook / Ed. M.N. Marchenko. – M.: Zertsalo, 2004. – 564 p.

35. Tkachenko Yu.G. Methodological issues of the theory of legal relations. - M.: Legal literature, 1980. – 288 p.

36. Financial law: Textbook / Answer. ed. N.I. Khimicheva. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Yurist, 2007. – 726 p.

37. Tosunyan G.A., Vikulin A.Yu. Financial law: Lecture notes and diagrams: Textbook. M.: Delo, 2008. - 742.

38. Halfina P.O. General doctrine of legal relations. - M.: Legal literature, 1974. – 822 p.

39. Khrapanyuk V.N. Theory of Government and Rights. M.: Prior-izdat. 2002. – 432 p.

40. Tsypkin S.D. Financial and legal institutions, their role in improving the financial activities of the Soviet state. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1983. – 198 p.

41. Yagovkina V.A. Tax legal relationship: Theoretical and legal aspect. M.: NORM, 2003. – 284 p.

42. Yadrikhinsky Ya. Legal problems of protecting the legitimate interests of the taxpayer. // Economy and Law No. 2 (361), 2007. – p. 97-105

43. Yanzhul I.I. Basic principles of financial science. The doctrine of state revenues. - St. Petersburg, 2002. – 474 p.


© 2013 N.G. Kuznetsov, E.V. Porolo, V.G. Shelepov

Kuznetsov Nikolay Gennadievich - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,

Department of Economic Theory, Faculty of Commerce and Marketing, Rostov State Economic University (RINH), st. B. Sadovaya, 69, Rostov-on-Don, 344002. E-mail: [email protected].

Kuznetsov Nikolay Gennadyevich -Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,

Department of Economic Theory, Faculty of Commerce and Marketing, Rostov State

Economic University (RINE),

Email: [email protected].

Porolo Elena Valentinovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,

Department of Finance and Credit,

Finance Department,

Rostov State

University of Economics (RINH),

st. B. Sadovaya, 69, Rostov-on-Don, 344002.

Email: [email protected].

Porolo Yelena Valentinovna -Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Finance Faculty, Rostov State

Economic University (RINE),

B. Sadovaya St., 69, Rostov-on-Don, 344002.

Email: [email protected].

Shelepov Vladimir Germanovich -

Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Department of the Federal Tax Service

in the Rostov region,

st. Socialist, 96/98,

Rostov-on-Don, 344002.

Email: [email protected].

Shelepov Vladimir Germanovich -Candidate of Economic Sciences, Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov Region, Sotsialisticheskaya St., 96/98, Rostov-on-Don, 344002. E-mail: [email protected].

Tax control as an obligatory component of tax relations should be most consistent with the requirements for the taxation system as a whole, primarily with regard to the taxation of business profits. The modern practice of tax control is analyzed, which characterizes, along with the level of tax burden, the most important criteria for the competitiveness of the national tax system.

Key words: taxes, tax control, tax audits.

Tax control as an essential component of tax relations should, to the greatest extent, harmonize with the requirements to the tax system as a whole, first of all concerning the taxation of business profits. This article analyzes the current practice of tax control, characterizing, along with the level of the tax burden, the most important criteria of competitiveness of the national tax system.

Keywords: taxes, tax audits, tax control.

The results of the execution of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation in 2012 indicate an increase in revenues for all tax groups.

income, the growth of which overall amounted to 11.4% compared to the level achieved in 2011. There is a fact of restoration

a decline in the growth trend in tax revenues, interrupted by the economic crisis, which provoked a drop in income tax revenues in 2009 (from 2513.0 billion rubles in 2008 to 1264.4 billion rubles in 2009, or by 19. 9 %) . In general, there was a significant reduction in tax revenues in the budget system of the Russian Federation in 2009 - 2010. is associated both with the consequences of the global economic crisis and with a reduction in the tax burden due to lower tax rates for income tax, postponement of VAT payments and other measures taken in 2008 - 2009.

A significant increase in income tax revenues in 2011 compared to 2010 in conditions of stability of basic tax conditions can be considered the result of not only the general improvement of the economic situation in the post-crisis period, but also the intensification of the activities of tax authorities in the direction of preventing tax violations, cooperation with taxpayers, introducing a system of targeted search for offenses in the tax field and scheduling scheduled on-site inspections based on risk analysis and interaction with law enforcement agencies.

The restoration of the pre-crisis level of budget revenues is associated primarily with the development of the Russian economy in the medium-term three-year period 2011 -2013, which is determined by three main factors: the emergence of the world economy from the crisis and the positive dynamics of prices for the main raw materials, the development of private investment, the effectiveness of government measures economic policy. The positive results of the impact of these factors are manifested in an increase in the current level of tax revenue in 2012. However, as a negative trend, it should be noted the slowdown in the growth rate of income tax - 103.8% in 2012 to 2011 (for comparison in 2010 it amounted to 120.2%, in 2011 - 149.4%), despite the fact that income tax revenues in 2012 amounted to 93.8% of the level of revenues in the crisis year of 2008.

This circumstance predetermines increased attention to monitoring the correctness of tax calculations, since the effectiveness of tax control in conditions of financial instability

sti serves as a guarantor of sustainable growth in tax revenues. The risks of a decrease in income from corporate income tax are associated with a special procedure for calculating tax by consolidated groups of taxpayers that were created in 2012, and include, among other things, unprofitable organizations that influence the amount of total profit of the consolidated group of taxpayers.

Planned deficit of federal and territorial budgets in the medium term 2013 - 2015. determines the need to intensify control measures carried out by tax authorities in terms of identifying reserves for revenue growth by reducing the scope of tax evasion, repaying debt on tax obligations, preventing errors in calculations and late payments. One of the directions in achieving these objectives is to optimize the procedures for appointing and conducting on-site tax audits, which makes it possible to increase their efficiency while reducing the total number of audits. It is enough to note that relatively recently, the assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of tax authorities was carried out according to an extensive criterion - an increase in the number of audit activities, the disadvantages of which were the formality of the audits and the low level of recovery.

The current criteria for the quality of control work presuppose the receipt during inspections of only justified additional charges based on proven violations of tax legislation, which makes it possible to protect the interests of the state in the courts, in which, as a result of taxpayer complaints, a significant number of decisions of tax authorities are canceled. It was the high rate of satisfaction of taxpayer complaints by arbitration courts that determined the qualitative changes in the methodology of tax audits. In 2012, 66% of lawsuits filed in arbitration courts were resolved in favor of the tax authorities, in 2011 - 63% in the amount of 194 billion rubles. (in 2010, the result was in favor of taxpayers - 59% of decisions of tax authorities in the amount of 218 billion rubles were canceled by the courts).

In modern conditions, the importance of a desk tax audit is increasing, which has a dual purpose: firstly, it is a form of control over the correctness and reliability of

the ability to prepare tax returns, and secondly, this is the main method of selecting taxpayers for on-site audits. The software and information systems used by tax authorities make it possible not only to carry out automated desk audits and desk analysis, but also, based on their results, to select taxpayers for on-site tax audits. Desk inspection is the least difficult

a capacious form of tax control (labor costs for it are several orders of magnitude lower than for an on-site audit) and the most amenable to automation. This type of tax control covers 100% of taxpayers who submitted tax reports to the tax authorities, while tax authorities have the opportunity to conduct on-site audits of a limited number of taxpayers (Table 1).

Table 1

Dynamics of tax audits carried out by tax authorities in the territory

Rostov region for 2006 - 2012.

Indicator 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

On-site inspections, total 41,546 19,278 21,218 20,388 2772 2615 1509

of which - those that revealed violations 18,264 10,085 11,164 10,017 2755 2596 1499

% of total 44.0 52.3 52.6 49.1 99.4 99.3 99.3

Desk inspections, total 1,512,723 1,678,951 1,928,338 1,904,823 1,345,697 1,084,027 987,144

of which - those that revealed violations 75,555 62,199 86,599 81,144 74,864 66,539 55,201

% of total 5.0 3.7 4.5 4.3 5.6 6.1 5.6

From the above data it follows that the number of inspections in relation to organizations and individuals is steadily decreasing (in 2006 - 2009, the number of on-site inspections by type of tax was taken in accordance with tax statistics, in 2010 - 2011 - according to the number of inspected taxpayers: organizations and individuals). At the same time, the number of successful checks increases. Thus, if in 2006 44% of on-site audits in relation to taxpayers operating in the Rostov region resulted in additional assessments, then in 2012 the fiscal effect was obtained in 99.3% of cases.

The Federal Tax Service supports a policy of low level of taxpayer involvement in exit procedures

tax audits. If previously about 10% of taxpayers were audited annually, then, according to 2011 data, only 1% of taxpayers were audited, and additional charges on average per on-site audit amounted to about 4.5 million rubles. (for comparison, in a number of OECD countries the control coverage rate is 3%). The use of a selective approach when planning control activities helps to increase the effectiveness of control activities through the implementation of a reasonable selection of potential violators of the law, which is confirmed by the data in Table. 2. They also indicate that the greatest fiscal efficiency is achieved when conducting on-site inspections.

table 2

Effectiveness of tax audits carried out by tax authorities in the Rostov region in 2006 - 2012, million rubles. .

Indicator 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Growth

Total amount of additional charges based on tax control results 5817.2 7684.5 8752.8 10,380.1 8457.3 7167.9 5750.7 -66.5

Additional accruals based on the results of on-site inspections 3481.2 5338.8 5720.8 6933.9 6094.0 5699.8 4328.0 +846.8

% of total 59.8 69.5 65.4 66.8 72.1 79.5 75.3 +15.5

Additional accruals based on the results of desk audits 2336.0 2345.7 3031.9 3446.2 2363.3 1468.1 1422.7 -913.3

% of total 40.2 30.5 34.6 33.2 27.9 20.5 24.3 -15.9

Accruals for one inspection - desk - field 0.002 0.084 0.001 0.277 0.002 0.270 0.002 0.340 0.002 2.198 0.001 2.180 0.001 2.868 -0.001 +2.784

The ratio of the level of additional accruals made based on the results of desk audits in 2012 in the Rostov region amounted to 24.3% of the amount of total additional accruals for all control activities. At the same time, the share of additional charges based on the results of on-site inspections increased in the Rostov region in 2012 compared to 2006 by 15.9%. As a negative trend characterizing the effectiveness of tax control, it should be noted the trend of a steady decrease in the rate of additional charges, which is difficult to explain by the influence of economic instability or an increase in the consciousness of taxpayers. The absolute reduction in additional charges based on the results of tax control audits amounted to 66.5 million rubles. to the base year of 2006. This circumstance requires the intensification of control actions, primarily in relation to corporate income tax.

The priorities of modern tax control policy in the Russian Federation are the prevention of violations and cooperation with taxpayers on the basis of public presentation of the main risks of doing business from a taxation perspective, increasing the likelihood of conducting an on-site tax audit, and in some cases determining its inevitability. At the same time, the Concept of the planning system for on-site tax audits specifies the fundamental guidelines for the implementation of tax control, including:

1) most favored nation treatment for bona fide taxpayers;

2) timely response to signs of possible tax violations;

3) the inevitability of punishment of taxpayers in the event of violations of the legislation on taxes and fees;

4) the validity of the choice of objects of inspection.

A differentiated approach to tax control according to the industry sector of the business makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the control work of tax authorities, since each industry has specific income generation characteristics.

dov, typical expenses, as well as special techniques for constructing tax optimization schemes. Modern approaches to conducting tax audits on corporate income tax should take into account the following factors:

Industry direction and business customs;

Existing business processes and features of the technological and territorial structure of activity;

Tax legislation requirements for taxpayers of this category;

Availability of conditions allowing the use of benefits and other forms of government support;

Features of the accounting technologies used by the payer for information support of the processes of forming the tax base;

Organization of contractual relations and settlements with counterparties;

Approaches to managing the level of tax obligations on the part of owners, executive bodies, as well as specialists directly involved in the development of internal tax regulators.

Thus, taking into account the specifics of taxpayers’ activities and the inherent risks makes it possible to formulate strategic directions for tax control, organize effective monitoring of the tax base, and carry out a comparative analysis of the tax burden in each specific industry in order to identify deviations and establish the reasons for differentiation of the tax base.

At the same time, the implementation of control measures should not negatively affect the economic activities of bona fide taxpayers. These circumstances determine the target orientation of modern tax administration technologies to analyze the conditions of activity and economic relations of organizations and individual entrepreneurs. In addition, quantitative parameters characterizing the economic performance of functioning in a specific area of ​​economic activity are also taken into account (Table 3).

Table 3

Benchmarks used for tax administration purposes in the Russian Federation

in 2006 - 2011, total for the economy, %

Indicator 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Profitability of goods, products, works, services sold 14.0 14.3 14.0 10.5 11.4 11.5

Return on assets of organizations 9.3 6.0 11.5 5.7 6.8 7.0

Tax control measures are designed to eliminate the risk of unjustified tax benefits by optimizing the tax base, for which purpose organizations with indicators of systematic losses, deviations from the industry average level of production indicators or from development dynamics should be subjected to an in-depth audit.

It should be noted that the use of desk audits of tax returns as a source of information for analyzing the taxpayer’s activities and searching for signs indicating possible violations is complicated due to legislative restrictions since 2007 on the powers of tax authorities to request documents from taxpayers during desk tax audits, with the exception of three situations: 1) when checking a VAT return, if the amount of deductions exceeded the amount of calculated tax; 2) when the payer uses tax benefits; 3) when calculating taxes and fees related to environmental management. In all of the above cases, the tax authority may request upon request only those primary documents that are necessary to verify the specific situation provided for by law. In addition, since 2010, the law has prohibited the repeated request by tax authorities of documents previously submitted during tax audits.

In this regard, the problem of expanding the powers of tax authorities to gain access to information resources and evidence is currently becoming urgent. It should be noted that many states provide tax administrations with broad rights to combat tax evasion, including for the purpose of effectively conducting desk audits effectively. For example, Scandinavian states (Sweden, Norway) allow the taxpayer to request primary

documents when conducting desk audits of any declarations, and in Norway, inventory and inspection of territories, premises, documents and items of the taxpayer can be carried out outside the framework of on-site audits. In France, Sweden, and Germany, tax authorities, when conducting tax audits, have the right to unhindered access to electronic databases of accounting and tax records of the taxpayers being audited.

At the same time, in Russian practice, the expansion of powers for additional requests for accounting documentation that is not related to the subject of control, as well as the implementation of verification actions outside the territory of the tax authority, entail the risk of unjustified oppression of taxpayers and an increase in transaction costs significantly above the acceptable level, which can lead to serious deterioration of the tax climate in Russia. However, the question of obtaining the right of access of tax authorities to electronic databases seems fair, provided that this information resource is used exclusively on the territory of the taxpayer and with the obligation to maintain tax secrets about the activities of the person being inspected.

In addition, in many states, tax services, when conducting tax audits, have the opportunity to directly access not only data on transactions on bank accounts, but also to databases of various government bodies and other organizations that accumulate information necessary for tax control purposes. It seems obvious that the development of tax control in modern conditions is based on expanding the scope of information and communication interaction and the introduction of new technologies for identifying signs of tax violations and selecting taxpayers for conducting an in-depth (on-site) audit based on processing

ki large-scale volumes of information, documents, information.

A relevant direction for the development of tax control seems to be the use of indirect methods for calculating the taxable base, the use of which can be of great benefit in the context of massive tax evasion and the complication of the forms of concealment of taxable objects used by Russian taxpayers. As an analysis of the practice of control work of the Russian tax authorities shows, facts of evasion of taxes by taxpayers through ignorance of accounting, or maintaining it in violation of the established procedure, which make it impossible to determine the size of the taxable base, have become widespread. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation gives tax authorities the right, in cases of lack of accounting or significant distortion of accounting data, to determine the amount of taxes subject to payment to the budget, by calculation, based on data on similar taxpayers, or on the basis of information that the tax authority has about the person being inspected. However, indirect methods for calculating tax liabilities cannot be used if the taxpayer presents deliberately distorted documents and information.

The difficulty of working with this category of payers is due to the lack of effective mechanisms to combat such phenomena. Without sufficient time and human resources necessary for the actual restoration of accounting records, tax inspectorate employees are forced to take as a basis for calculating the taxpayer’s tax liabilities the data declared in tax calculations and arising from the accounting documentation, even in cases where the analysis of other available information provides grounds to conclude that these documents are distorted. Current legislation practically does not provide tax authorities with the right to make calculations of the taxable base based on the use of any other information about taxpayers other than that contained in financial statements and tax returns.

Received by the editor

Identification of reserves for the growth of tax revenues, including through improving tax control methods in order to minimize losses of budget revenues, is an important factor in achieving a balanced budget system of the Russian Federation in 2013 - 2015. However, the actions of tax authorities alone to improve the quality indicators of tax control and the level of tax revenues will be insufficient, since the problem of sustainability of the revenue base is complex and requires both clarification of the provisions of regulations and coordination of the work of a number of government bodies. In particular, to achieve additional growth in tax revenues, it is necessary to solve a number of organizational and economic problems that hinder the full implementation of tax potential.


1. Reports of the Federal Treasury on the execution of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. URL: (date of access: 04/27/2013).

2. Reporting of the Federal Tax Service. URL: (date of access: 04/27/2013).

3. Tax reporting form 2-NK “Report on the results of the control work of the tax authorities.” URL: (date of access: 04/27/2013).

4. The inspector does not walk around in vain. The Federal Tax Service is changing its emphasis in control work. Interview with M. Mishustin to Rossiyskaya Gazeta // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2011. 22 Nov.

5. Report on the results of the control work of the tax authorities" (Form 2-NK). URL: http://www.r61. (date of access: 04/27/2013).

6. The concept of a planning system for on-site tax audits. Approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 30, 2007. No. MM-3-06/333@. URL: (date of access: 04/27/2013).

7. Publicly available criteria for self-assessment of risks for taxpayers, used by tax authorities in the process of selecting objects for conducting on-site tax audits. Appendix No. 4-5 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 30, 2007 No. MM-3-06/333@ (as amended on May 10, 2012). URL: (date of access: 04/27/2013).