Trading contracts for difference or choosing a broker. Xforex: reviews of the dealing center

Good afternoon, dear visitors and readers of our site. Today we will look at what trading in contracts for difference, or trading in CFD contracts, is. I believe that this topic is very important and you should definitely familiarize yourself with it.

It is not a fact that you will trade such contracts, however, it will be useful to you as information development. Overall, I really hope that this topic will be of great interest to you.

CFDs themselves are quite an interesting way to trade stocks, futures, commodities, etc. Quite a lot of traders around the world resort to this type of trading and find it very relevant. At its core, CFD trading is a speculative form of trading.

About the essence of the contract

However, if you approach it wisely, this type of trading can also be used for hedging. You might be wondering how this can be used as a hedge? For example, an investor bought a certain number of shares, whose value for the current period is temporarily falling.

But he is confident in his forecast and believes that for now this phenomenon is temporary, and soon the shares that he bought earlier will definitely begin to steadily rise in price. In this regard, he does not yet have the desire to sell previously purchased shares. Accordingly, a person, in view of such conditions, may well enter into sales under a contract for difference, which corresponds to the underlying asset.

What is a contract for difference? This is an asset that allows you to trade not specifically in stocks, futures, or commodities, but directly in contracts that reflect the degree of change in the value of the underlying assets.

The contract for difference itself is a kind of credit purchase of the corresponding share. You're probably wondering where such contracts even came from. They first became widespread within the UK, and gradually began to become popular.

What is the point of contracts for difference? In this case, by buying such a contract, for example, for a share, a person receives all the benefits of the share itself in the form of its stable movements and dividends, but at the same time it is spent only on lending costs. In this case, we get a full-fledged loan, in which the buyer enjoys all the benefits of the promotion, and the seller receives his interest. In this case, a contract for difference simply combines this process into a single whole.

Comparison of a contract for difference with exchange transactions with the same assets

For example, if a contract for difference represents a stock, futures or commodity, its value will largely coincide with the value of the underlying asset. In this case, a contract for difference is a more simplified way of trading, because you have the opportunity to trade all previously announced assets, but without their final delivery.

In addition, for example, buying shares can be costly not only in terms of finances, but also in time. And trading contracts for difference allows you to carry out transactions very quickly. In addition, another important advantage can be considered the fact that the corresponding CFD can be used even when the underlying stock is not available for trading.

Watch a video review about CFD

Another advantage can be considered the fact that leverage extends to CFD trading. Accordingly, you can use it to increase your trading turnover due to this very leverage, without actually having a large amount in your account. Why are contracts for difference interesting?

Imagine that you are simply tired of ordinary currency trading and want something new. For example, you are interested in stocks, you observe several stocks and realize that you clearly understand their movements and want to use them in trading. But at the same time, you do not have the funds to use the shares themselves, but at the same time, you can use the corresponding contracts for difference.

Let's say you like Apple stock, you understand its movement and it appeals to you. Buying shares is expensive, but you can purchase a corresponding contract for difference. With all this, you can enjoy all the advantages of this promotion, but without spending a lot of money.

Why would it be more difficult to buy a real stock? Well, let's start with the fact that it will take time to deliver it, in addition, it will be an expensive operation. In turn, within the framework of a contract for difference, you can safely use all the advantages of this stock, but without wasting time on its acquisition, and without spending huge amounts of money.

I very often see that contracts for difference are compared with futures, but in my opinion, this is illogical, and I will explain to you the reason. Let's start with the fact that the futures itself is an exchange-traded contract, and a contract for difference is an over-the-counter contract.

The price of a contract for difference may still differ slightly from the underlying asset. This is largely due to the presence of a spread, as well as some price correction on the part of the brokerage company itself. Even considering the fact that one contract is an exchange contract and the other is not, comparing them is absolutely illogical!

The importance of choosing the right broker

You must understand that contracts for difference, in fact, they settle inside the broker itself. Therefore, it is vitally important to choose a reputable company that will adhere to an honest policy towards its clients. Here it is worth understanding that trading contracts for difference, in fact, like any other contracts, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To choose these contracts, it will be important for you that the advantages are higher than the disadvantages. I say again, in this matter it is very important to choose a normal broker. Because if you make a mistake with his choice, then your trading is unlikely to be comfortable, and you simply will not be able to return the funds as a result of a conflict of interests. Trading CFDs is a rather interesting topic that should definitely be considered by any trader who is not going to limit their trading to just using currency pairs.

When you decide to do business with foreign partners, your activities automatically come under the increased attention of domestic regulatory organizations. Foreign economic activity (FEA) is strictly regulated by both government regulations and regulations of the Central Bank of Russia. It is simple to explain the state’s interest in foreign economic activity: when working with non-residents and carrying out transactions using foreign currencies, you are de facto acting on behalf of the state in the international arena (although you may not understand or recognize this). Accordingly, your activities should not contradict government policy, should be well traced, legal and controlled.

Therefore, foreign exchange transactions, with all their potential benefits, carry a number of risks associated with the legal execution of transactions, as well as with changes in exchange rates. Let's look at the main points.

Conversion operations: currency exchange “in an adult way”

If you enter into a transaction with a counterparty that involves settlement in a foreign currency, you need to provide a mechanism for completing this transaction, finance it, or, conversely, accept currency from the counterparty. In order for the transaction to proceed correctly, conversion operations are used. These are special services provided by banks, the essence of which is to fulfill the financial part of the terms of the transaction in the required currency. Roughly, conversion operations can be called “non-cash currency exchange for legal entities,” although there are many nuances.

Banks can buy or sell non-cash foreign currency, payments for which can be made in non-cash rubles or in other foreign currencies. In fact, the bank takes on the task of cash execution of the transaction, transferring the funds due for this transaction in the required currency to the counterparty.

This is a special document in which all the parameters of the transaction are recorded and documented. The execution of the transaction passport falls on the shoulders of the initiator of this operation, and control is performed by an authority authorized by the Central Bank. As a rule, such a body is the regional representative office of the Central Bank. The transaction passport is checked and sealed by the authorized bank. It is the presence of this document that is a sufficient legal basis for the transaction.

Currency control in the Russian Federation

According to Federal Law “On Currency Control” transactions with non-residents in foreign currency are subject to exchange control. This procedure is carried out by the authorized bodies of the Central Bank and is designed to ensure compliance with currency legislation when conducting foreign trade activities. Currency control is carried out in several stages, and we have already discussed one of the stages: this is the transaction passport. The currency control procedure itself goes like this:

  1. The initiator of a transaction with a non-resident collects the necessary documents and submits them to the authorized bank.
  2. The transaction is subject to currency control. If necessary, special accounts are opened at the bank for the transit of currency.
  3. Control measures are carried out, the task of which is to determine the legality of the transaction.
  4. The transaction passport opens. As we have already said, this is the main document of currency control, which reflects the entire essence of the transaction, as well as the stages of its passage, as they are carried out.
  5. The authorized bank enters information about the transaction into certain government databases and registers.
  6. The transaction is executed, funds are transferred in accordance with the agreement and transaction passport.
  7. The deal is closed.
  8. Reporting is prepared, final documents are generated, and the transaction is removed from currency control.

The reader may have a legitimate question: what is all this for? Isn't it easier to negotiate with a non-resident directly? The fact is that an operation without a proper transaction passport and without completing the currency control procedure is considered a priori illegal. Therefore, your imported goods will automatically become contraband, and the consequences if discovered will be very dire (including imprisonment).

So we have considered all the current legal risks related to the execution of transactions. However, there is another group of risks: exchange rates (or currency).

Currency risks and protection against them

When transactions are carried out in foreign currencies, the exchange rate is always subject to change. You can never predict how the ruble, euro or dollar will behave in relation to each other over a short period of time. When concluding transactions, foreign trade participants always risk that the situation on the foreign exchange market will be unfavorable and therefore they will lose part of the profit.

To protect against these risks, the financial market offers hedging. This is a technique for limiting potential risks by concluding special contracts that reduce losses in the event of unfavorable market movements. In Russian practice, two main contracts are used.


This contract provides the simplest way to control risk - a deal is concluded for the future, but at the current rate. That is, no matter how the rate changes in the future, the transaction will be carried out at a pre-fixed rate.


This contract does not oblige, but only gives the right to buy or sell an asset at the price fixed in the contract. For the purpose of hedging, an option is opened in such a way as to compensate for the loss from unfavorable market conditions on the main transaction. Accordingly, if the market goes in our direction, we only lose the funds invested in the option. If the market goes against us, we suffer losses on the main trade, but receive income from the option, which compensates for the loss.


Foreign economic activity is a rather complex phenomenon with a lot of features and subtleties. However, it is fraught with many opportunities, since it is thanks to the successful conduct of business with foreign partners that truly giants of industry and the service sector grow. Therefore, the financial and legal support for the legal completion of these transactions must be carefully studied and taken into account when planning business with foreign partners.

The Xforex broker appeared in the financial market arena in 2003. The company was founded by a successful practicing trader, who tried to implement all his wishes for improving the activities of brokers into the company.

The company's clients are located in many cities around the world, and the broker's work does not violate any of the current laws of the countries with which it cooperates.

Features and capabilities of Xforex:

  • with the speed of order execution
  • with slippage of pending orders buy stop, sell stop, buy limit, sell limit, as well as limiting deposit losses - stop loss, and fixing profit orders - take profit.
  • with problems in the trading terminal.

What is offered to traders?

  1. Beginner traders can take a basic training course that provides a better understanding of the fundamentals of trading in the financial markets.
  2. Managers provide individual training.
  3. A convenient interface of the economic calendar with data from economic indicators appearing in the calendar immediately after their publication.
  4. A unique trading platform with many functions.
  5. A convenient system for depositing and withdrawing funds, which involves almost all methods of electronic payment.

What do clients think about deposit and withdrawal systems?

Customer opinions regarding the issues of replenishing and withdrawing funds are very diverse and depend mainly on the characters of the customers. This procedure requires the fulfillment of certain rules that require corresponding time expenditures.

Traders who are classified as disciplined understand the need to check documentation and process withdrawal requests. From the point of view of the security of the client’s personal data and invested funds, this is a very important point in the company’s work.

However, there are clients who want to get everything instantly and at once.

To carry out withdrawal operations you must:

First: go through the verification procedure. To do this, you need to upload screenshots to the server:

  • The main page of the passport with a photo and a page with information about registration of place of residence.
  • A document confirming the place of residence of the company's client. This document may be a utility bill. Also, the second document can be a driver's license.

Second: On the company’s website, in the appropriate section, you must fill in personal information, including banking information.

  • When filling out the information, the amount of funds ordered for withdrawal must be indicated in digital format, and the name of the currency in letter format. The use of special currency symbols is prohibited.

Third: print the completed form.

Fourth: sign in the appropriate place.

Fifth: scan the application and send it to your email in the form of a color screenshot.

Withdrawal of money will be made only if the company’s specialists approve the submitted documents and applications after a thorough consideration of them.

When withdrawing funds not to a bank card, but in another way, for example, using electronic funds, you must additionally contact the manager to explain the situation to him, as a result of which he creates an application based on the client’s personal requests.

XForex currency transactions

Currency transaction is any operation related to the movement of capital.

The point of carrying out such operations is the difference in the purchase and sale rates of trading instruments in the form of currency pairs, which is the main profit of the broker.

To conduct currency transactions for the purchase and sale of trading assets, XForex has developed a unique trading platform that operates online.

The company carries out transactions on the interbank market with the real supply of purchased currency.

Advantages and disadvantages of Xforex

Xforex has many advantages, some of which will be listed below.

  • log in to the company website,
  • go to your personal account.
  • manage orders directly from your personal account using the built-in, ready-to-use trading platform.

In the era of the global world economy, trade between countries and continents is actively developing. Development and industrialization are based on the principles by which money is used. Transactions with currency have become so firmly established that they have become commonplace not only in economic relations between countries, but also within states.And it is about currency transactions that will be discussed in this article. By the way, currency transactions are closely related to such a concept as we wrote about earlier.

Currency transactions are transactions that involve the use of foreign currency as a means of payment, its purchase and sale, import, export and transfer from abroad, as well as other transactions that involve the transfer of ownership of the currency.

Currency transactions login

The concept of entering the foreign exchange market refers to the procedure for opening a transaction to buy/sell foreign currency. If, according to the forecasts of the exchange player, a downward or upward trend is expected in the near future
trend(price movement), then he decides to open a transaction and enter the market. Depending on the directiontrendoperations are carried out to buy (if prices are expected to rise) or sell currency (in case of a planned depreciation) - this is the entrance to the market. Exit from the foreign exchange market is carried out at the moment of closing the order (transaction) with a profit if the forecast turned out to be correct, or with a loss in case of an error.

In principle, a foreign exchange transaction is any action performed by a certain person with the currency of foreign countries. A classic foreign exchange transaction is the purchase of dollars or euros for rubles; most often this concept is used in this context. Also included in the definition of this concept are transactions that involve the purchase of any goods, for example, real estate or a car for the currency of foreign countries.

Types of foreign exchange transactions:

Purchase, sale or transfer of funds made by residents among themselves;

Transfer of currency values ​​between a citizen of the Russian Federation and a non-resident;

Currency transfers between citizens of foreign countries;

Import and export across the customs border of the Russian Federation of currency, securities and currency values;

Transfer of funds from an account opened in a foreign banking institution to a Russian bank;

Transfer of money by foreign citizens between accounts opened in Russian banks.

Resident- a person who has the citizenship of a certain country and is located on the territory of the same country, to whom national legislation applies in full force.

Non-resident- a person who has foreign citizenship, is registered and operates abroad. It is not subject to the jurisdiction of national legislation or is only partially subject to it, depending on the nature of its activities and current location.

Transfers in foreign currency from foreign countries aimed at paying import/export bills;

Credit loans for up to six calendar months;

International financial transfers for the withdrawal of interest on profits from investments;

Various financial transactions that are not of a trading nature (for example, payment of social benefits).

Operations related to capital movements:

Financial loans issued for a period of more than six months;

Money transfers related to the purchase of real estate abroad;

Contributions to the authorized capital, investments in the acquisition of securities, etc.

Currency exchange transactions

Currency exchange transactions are the procedure for acquiring foreign currencies. Conversion is carried out according to the current exchange rate. There are four types of exchange rates - fixed, current, floating and forward.

Fixed- the rate that is set by law by the main banking institution in the country (the central bank). Secondary commercial banks do not have this right.

Current- the conditional rate at which the transaction was completed. It can be established over a certain period of time, and fluctuations in the fixed rate do not matter.

Floating- the rate is set by trading on the exchange; it is constantly updated depending on the current position of speculators.

Forward- this is a rate fixed for a short period of time for the purpose of carrying out transactions for the purchase/sale of foreign currency. At the time of the transaction, the parties agree that the exchange rate will not have time to deviate from the original figures by a significant amount.

Xtrade has been helping its clients increase their capital for more than 10 years. The broker occupies a leading position in the market and offers in-demand services, access to liquid assets, and the ability to trade CDF contracts.

TOP 3 Forex brokers in the world:

  • more than 50 currency pairs;
  • CFD on shares;
  • Index CFDs;
  • CFD on metals;
  • CFD on raw materials (oil, gas, coffee, corn).

Contracts for difference (CFDs) are one of the most profitable ways to trade. A trader takes a position on the future price of an asset, regardless of where it moves.

Advantages of trading on CFD Xtrade:

  • low margin;
  • access to small capital markets;
  • the ability to sell and purchase a contract at any moment.

A trader can use forecasts to determine a buy or sell position. Absolutely anyone can start trading, even with minimal knowledge about online trading.

All trading instruments are available for trading from one account.

You can top up your account using the following systems:

  • credit cards;
  • Skrill payment system;
  • bank transfer.

Opening and funding an account is quick.

The broker does not charge a commission for depositing/withdrawing funds, as well as for placing transactions on the financial market. It also offers the benefits of a suite of graphical, analytical and automated tools that promote a high level of competitiveness to make even better deals.

Unlike most brokers, X trade brokers do not provide the most popular MetaTrader 4 platform for trading. In its videos, the broker advertises the Xtrade platform and positions it as the platform of the future, as well as an innovation in online trading for CFD contracts.

Traders note that the broker's platform works perfectly. Fast execution of orders, absence of requotes and slippages, as well as “hairpins” - these are the main advantages of Web Trade from Xtrade.

Company regulation

X Trade is registered in Belize in an offshore zone. It is authorized and regulated by the Belize Financial Services Commission (IFSC).

Other broker licenses.

Because of these documents and the absence of problems with withdrawing money, many traders consider X-Trade to be a reliable broker.


News and analysis.

Traders have the opportunity to plan their strategies, as access to current market events and analytical reviews is provided.

Through X Trade Brokers, clients receive market news from Reuters. By receiving information about the state of stock, currency and commodity markets, it is possible to predict price movements.

There is also a “Technical Analysis” section, by studying which traders will learn how to use financial instruments in their trading operations.

Subsections of technical analysis.

Chapter Contents and features
Autochartist Market Reports The company's clients receive such reports 3 times a day when trading begins in Tokyo, London, and New York. Reports in the form of comments from technical analysts who take into account various factors affecting the market.
Autochartist Alerts You can receive such types of reviews as “Volatility Analysis”, “Trading Results”, “Trading Opportunities” and others.
Xtrade Newsletter Analytical and information materials on the US and European markets.
Financial calendar A calendar of daily economic events and their analysis, as well as an extensive database of financial research.

Access to all materials is free, and you can subscribe to them after registering on the site and opening a real account.


The educational center.

X Trade Brokers Academy provides useful trading materials and guides for traders of varying experience levels. Professionals and beginners alike will find important information here. You can study either with the help of company specialists or on your own.

The following video tutorials are available for self-study:

  • registration and interface;
  • presentation of the Xtrade application;
  • familiarization with Xtrade applications;
  • Xtrade charting tools;
  • program “How to open a position”;
  • application “How to trade CFDs”;
  • “How to open a position: mobile platform”;
  • “How to get your bonus: mobile platform.”

The site also offers online courses in the form of webinars.

In addition, there are electronic textbooks for self-study.

Materials are available to the company's clients after registration and free of charge. You can also register and enroll in courses on the website or by contacting consultants.

bonus program

By collaborating with this broker, you can participate in various promotions and receive additional money into your accounts.

Promotions are subject to special conditions and rules, which are important to study before submitting your application.

Additional services and features of the broker

The company does not offer additional services for earning money, except for online trading in financial markets. There are no investment solutions or signal trading (social trading) opportunities here, this broker is created exclusively for professional online trading.

X trade brokers are chosen by a large number of professional brokers because of the principles of their work. The broker has 2 features:

  1. Client funds are segregated. This means that their money is kept separately from the broker's capital, in separate bank accounts along with the broker's capital. This is beneficial for those who trade CDFs.
  2. There is an investor compensation fund.

Such fund security methods inspire confidence among traders.

Contacts and technical support

On the official website of the broker, all the necessary sections are present and conveniently located.

Site navigation.

There are also official broker communities on all popular social networks. By subscribing to them, you can find out the latest company news and communicate with other traders who use their services.

An online chat is available on the website, where anyone can contact for advice. It is worth considering that the specialist may not always be online, so you can leave your question.

Online chat technical support.

The answer will be sent to an email address, which will also need to be added in the online chat.

Phone, fax and email address.

At the bottom of the page are contacts: phone number and official email. Therefore, you can also contact us for advice using these details.

In addition, the user can refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section. Here you can get information and find out the answer to your question without contacting a consultant.

Legal information and advice.

The site can be accessed at any time, but trading on the market is only possible 24/5. At the same time, technical support for the site is also available.