Terms and Definitions. Terminology in estimating Basic estimated cost

Terms and definitions of estimate work in construction:

MDS -stands for a method for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation

Major renovation - work carried out to restore the serviceability of structures and engineering equipment. Typically includes strengthening or replacing load-bearing structures and engineering equipment;

Modernization - a set of works to eliminate functional wear, bringing it into line with modern requirements. It consists of installing missing elements of the building without displacing people (replacing electrical systems, adding elevators, installing sunrooms, etc.);

Customer (developer) - an organization or enterprise that allocates funds for major repairs;

Construction and installation work - construction and installation work performed by a contractor under a contract with the customer;

Estimated standards are a generalized name for a set of estimated standards, rates and prices combined into prices;

Estimated norm - a set of resources established for the accepted meter for construction and installation work;

Estimate resources - labor costs of builders, operating time of construction mechanisms, need for materials, products and structures;

Price - the cost of construction, installation and other works, for the accepted unit of measurement and fixed on a certain date (TER, FER, TSN);

Estimated price - the cost of a unit of measurement of building materials, products and structures or the cost of a machine-hour of machine operation, recorded on a certain date (SCM, TSC, FSCM);

Design and estimate documentation - design and estimate documentation

Defective statement- this is a document that indicates the entire list of work that needs to be performed, indicating the amount of material required. To troubleshoot, see the section: Defective statement."

Local estimates - a document drawn up on the basis of a defect list or design documentation for various types of work to be performed. The estimates determine the costs of work, mechanisms and materials with justified consumption of materials.

Certificate of completion of work (percentage) This is a document of the KS2 form, generated on the basis of a local estimate. It consists of data on resources, equipment and completed construction work. MDS These are methodological normative documents responsible for regulating the actions of specific enterprises, companies and federal structures in the construction sector. Their task is to ensure the legality and efficiency of the preparation and delivery of construction projects. Estimated norm This is a complex of consumable resources in the construction industry, the indicator of which is expressed in coefficients and physical quantities. These include the costs of labor of hired workers, building materials and time for operating special equipment and mechanisms.

Depreciation deductions - means for simple or expanded reproduction of fixed assets.

Basic level of estimated cost - determined on the basis of basic estimated prices recorded on a specific date, for example, on 01/01/2000. The basic level of estimated cost is intended to determine the cost by index recalculation into current prices, comparison of the results of investment activities in different periods of time and economic analysis.

Gross domestic product - macroeconomic indicator of national economic statistics. Gross domestic product is calculated as the total value of the final products of the material production and service sectors, regardless of the nationality of firms located on the territory of a given state.

General contractor - an organization, a company that fulfills, at its own risk, under a capital construction contract, its obligations to the customer for the entire complex of construction of the facility.

General designer - a design organization responsible for performing the entire range of design and survey work for the project being designed on the basis of an agreement with customer organizations.

Public bidding - tenders, information about the participants and the content of their proposals are publicly announced in an open form. The results of public tenders (open competition) are published in the press.

Work agreement - an agreement under which the contractor undertakes, at his own risk, to build and deliver within a specified period of time, an object specified in the contract, or to perform construction work stipulated by the contract, and the customer - to provide the contractor with a construction site or to provide the scope of work, accept them and pay for them.

Negotiated price for construction products(contract work) - the price set by the customer and the contractor when concluding a construction contract. The contract price is formed taking into account the demand and supply for construction products, the prevailing conditions in the labor market, building materials, equipment, machines used, as well as ensuring the profit of the contractor.

Design assignment- a list of requirements, conditions, goals set by the customer in writing, documented and issued to the contractor for design and survey work.

Customer (developer) - a legal or natural person authorized by the investor to implement an investment construction project. The functions of the customer, developer and investor can be combined in one person or transferred to other legal entities and individuals.

Investments- long-term investments of capital (financial resources) - investments for the purpose of making a profit.

Investment activities - activities related to the implementation of investment intentions carried out through organizations of the investment complex (investors, customers, developers, designers, contractors through banks, etc.).

Investment cycle- the process of implementation of investments implemented over time from the moment of formation of investment intentions until the moment the commissioned objects reach the design technical and economic indicators.

Investors - participants in investment activities investing their own or borrowed funds, intellectual values ​​in the creation or reproduction of fixed assets.

Value change indices(prices, costs) in construction are the ratios of current (forecast) cost indicators to the base ones for comparable resources and individual costing components.

Costing- a document illustrating price formation (calculation rationale) presented to the consumer by the seller or manufacturer.

Capital - the value that brings surplus value increases itself.

Capital construction - as a branch of material production, it includes design, survey and research, construction and installation organizations, construction industry enterprises, production of building materials, etc. In addition to new fixed assets, the functions of capital construction include expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing fixed assets.

Major repairs of buildings and structures does not apply to capital construction and includes work on the restoration or replacement of individual parts of buildings (structures) or entire structures, parts and engineering equipment due to their physical wear and tear.

Coordination center for pricing and estimated standardization in constructiongovernment (CCCC)- organization that coordinates activities RCTS.

Project manager - a person who performs project management functions to ensure that all work on a given project is carried out efficiently. The functions of a project manager can be performed by a customer, contractor, or designer.

Author's supervision - supervision over the compliance of construction and installation works with design solutions, carried out by design organizations throughout the entire period of construction and acceptance into operation of completed facilities.

Supervision technical - construction supervision carried out by the customer including functions of acceptance of completed construction and installation work.

Tax value added (VAT) - a form of withdrawal to the budget of part of the value added by living labor. Added at a rate of 18% to the estimated cost of construction products. At the same time, the contractor is also a VAT payer on the purchased material and technical resources and services.

Offeror - cm. Tender.

Construction phase - part of construction, consisting of a group of buildings, structures and devices, the commissioning of which ensures the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project. May consist of one or more launch complexes.

Forecast cost level is established on the basis of projected prices when it is planned to make payments for construction products.

Project - a set of technical and economic documentation, consisting of an explanatory note, drawings and estimates. The explanatory note substantiates the design solutions and technical and economic indicators. Drawings give a visual representation of the object, and construction is carried out according to them. Estimates determine the cost of construction products.

Construction Organization Project (COP) is an integral part of the project, determining the total duration of construction, the distribution of capital investments and the volume of construction and installation work, material, technical and labor resources, and their sources.

Design and estimate documentation - a set of documents (calculations, drawings, etc.) necessary for the construction of a newly built or reconstructed (repaired) facility.

Launch complex - This is a collection of several objects (or parts thereof) of a construction project or its phase, the commissioning of which ensures the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project. The construction phase may consist of one or more launch complexes.

Regional coefficients for wages - standard indicators of the degree of increase in wages depending on the location of the construction organization. Accrued on all types of wages.

Prices - standard level of payment for individual operations of the technological process of manufacturing products, various types of work and services, production of one unit of product, used for piecework wages.

Expansion of existing enterprises- this is the construction of additional production facilities at a previously created enterprise.

Regional centers for pricing in construction (RCCP) - organizations created by the State Construction Committee of Russia in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement the state pricing policy in construction.

Reconstruction of existing enterprises - provides for the reconstruction of existing workshops and facilities for primary, auxiliary and service purposes.

Profitability of construction products - one of the main indicators characterizing the efficiency of using costs for the construction of an object. Norma R. s. p. is calculated as the ratio of profit from sales of products to its full cost.

Cost (expenses) - expenses of an economic entity for the production and sale of products, performance of work or provision of services.

Estimated norm - a set of resources (labor costs of construction workers, operating time of construction machines, demand for materials), installed on the adopted work meter.

Estimated cost of construction enterprises, buildings and structures - the amount of funds necessary for its implementation in accordance with the design materials.

Estimate and regulatory framework- this is a set of legal, methodological and regulatory documents that establish the procedure for determining the cost of construction.

Estimated standards - a generalized name for a set of estimated norms, rates and prices, combined into separate collections. Together with Part 4 of SNiP “Estimated Norms and Rules”, all estimated standards form a system of pricing and estimate standardization in construction.

Specification- one of the main documents of technological and design documentation (for products, materials, structures) in the form of a table in drawings indicating data on materials.

Construction products - enterprises, buildings and structures for production and non-production purposes built and put into operation, created in the field of capital construction.

Construction "Full construction"- construction and commissioning of a completely finished facility. The customer pays the entire cost of the object after its delivery.

Construction- this is a set of buildings and structures for various purposes, the construction, expansion or reconstruction of which is carried out for the volume of products determined in pre-design studies (investment justification) according to a single design documentation in the volume determined by the consolidated estimate or cost summary.

Demand- the number of goods (products) that can be sold at the existing price level.

Solid negotiated price - this is a price fixed at a certain level tied to a specific date in the contract or the date of signing the contract.

Current cost level calculated on the basis of prices in effect at the time the cost is determined.

Tender(from the English “tender” - “offer”) - a competitive form of placing orders to attract contractors for the construction of facilities. Firms interested in taking part in the auction - providers - send to the customer the declared information in a certain form tender offers, which are called offers or tenders.

tender documentation- this is a set of documents containing initial information about the technical, commercial, organizational and other characteristics of construction projects and bidding items, as well as the conditions and procedure of bidding.

Feasibility Study (TES)- justification for choosing a design or production solution by identifying and comparing technical and economic indicators (TEI) of options and adopting the best option. TEP.

Technical re-equipment of existing enterprises – a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of individual industries, workshops and areas based on the introduction of new equipment and technology.

Discount interest (official discount rate)- the percentage at which the Central Bank provides loans to commercial banks to replenish their cash reserves and lend to customers.

Economics of construction– economic science, which studies the patterns of development and the efficiency of capital construction, serves as a methodological basis for determining the effectiveness of design decisions and construction and installation work.

Examination of projects and estimates– design and estimate documentation is subject to state examination and approval as part of construction projects in order to improve the technical and economic indicators of the project.

Acceptance certificate for completed work in form KS-2(percentage)

Contains parts of the estimate (items completed or partially completed). Acceptance certificates for completed work are the document on the basis of which the customer pays for work performed by the contractor. Form No. KS-2 is given in samples of unified forms of primary accounting documentation approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 11, 1999 No. 100.
The act is signed by authorized representatives of the parties having the right to sign (the work contractor and the customer (contractor).
Based on the data from the Certificate of Acceptance of Work Completed, a Certificate of Cost of Work Completed and Expenses is filled out (Form No. KS-3).


Basic estimated cost

The total cost of construction according to estimates, calculated on the basis of estimated prices and standards for construction work and services approved as of the previous base date.

Basis-index method

Estimated calculation performed according to the prices of the base (past) periods with the reduction of the estimated estimated cost to the current price level according to the coefficients of change in the estimated cost - current and forecast indices in relation to the cost determined in the base price level.

Basic price level

Basic estimated cost

The total cost of construction according to the estimate, calculated by any method in the prices for construction work, resources and services prevailing on the date of development or approval by the customer of the estimate documentation.


The statement is defective

It is compiled for objects subject to repair or restoration and takes into account the composition and volume of work, which can be determined as a result of a field inspection. The defective list does not include the scope of work, which can only be confirmed by design documentation.

Cumulative statement

A document that combines and summarizes data on the performance of work over a certain period of time

Work quantity calculation sheet

It is the source document for determining the estimated cost of construction work.
It should be noted that the term “estimated volume” differs from the concept of “volume” adopted in mathematics. Estimated volumes mean any quantities of work and structures, measured in m3, m2, t, pcs. and other units of measurement determined from project data and used to calculate their estimated cost.

Material write-off list(form M-29)

The report on the consumption of materials in construction serves as the basis for writing off materials to the cost of construction and installation work and comparing the actual consumption of building materials for completed construction and installation work with the consumption determined according to production standards. A report on Form M-29 is opened separately for each construction project and is maintained by the site manager (foreman) throughout the year using the required number of loose sheets.

Brief report form:


This is the cost:
- from the sale by the customer of materials and parts obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures, determined by calculations at the prices of possible sales minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivering them to storage places;
- materials and parts obtained from dismantling structures, demolishing and moving buildings and structures, in the amount determined by calculation;
- furniture, equipment and inventory purchased for furnishing residential and office premises for foreign personnel supervising installation of equipment;
- materials obtained through incidental mining.

Temporary buildings and structures

Selective control

Control in which some part of the quantity (sample) of controlled products is checked. The sample size is established by building codes, design or other document. If building codes require random placement of control points, the sampling is established in accordance with GOST 18321-73 as for products submitted for control using the “scatter” method.

Incoming control

Control of incoming materials, products, structures, soil, etc., as well as technical documentation. Control is carried out primarily by the registration method (using certificates, invoices, passports, etc.), and, if necessary, by the measuring method.


General contractor (general contractor)

One of the main participants in the investment process in construction, which, on the basis of a construction agreement (or contract) concluded with the customer, is fully responsible for the implementation of construction in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation and on time, for ensuring the high quality of construction and installation work performed for a construction project or complex. The general contractor has the right to entrust, under a subcontract agreement, the execution of certain types and complexes of work to specialized contracting organizations, i.e. subcontractors (in the text of the contract, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the general contractor is the customer, and the subcontractor is the contractor)

State elemental estimate norms (GESN)

Designed to determine the composition and need for material, technical and labor resources necessary to carry out construction, installation, repair, construction and commissioning work. GESN are used to determine the estimated cost of work performed using the resource method, to develop unit prices for various purposes (federal, territorial, industry, company) and aggregated estimate standards.


Equipment dismantling

Dismantling of equipment with its removal from the installation site and, if necessary, conservation in order to move it to another installation site or replace it with new equipment during the period of reconstruction of buildings and structures.
Disassembly of equipment with or without removal from the installation site to perform repairs (correction or replacement of worn parts) does not include dismantling of equipment.

Work agreement

An agreement under which the contractor undertakes, at his own risk, to build and deliver within a specified period of time an object specified in the contract or to perform construction work stipulated by the contract, and the customer undertakes to provide the contractor with a construction site or to provide the scope of work, accept them and pay for them.

Negotiated price

The price for the construction of an object, established as a result of contract bidding and fixed in the construction contract between the customer and the contractor.

Negotiated price for construction products (contract work)

This is the price set by the customer and the contractor when concluding a construction contract; is formed taking into account the demand and supply for construction products, the prevailing conditions in the labor market, building materials, equipment, machines used, as well as ensuring the profit of the contractor. The basis of the contract price is the estimated cost..

Additional work

Work discovered during construction that is not taken into account in the technical documentation, the need for which is determined either by the customer unilaterally or by the parties to the contract by agreement. Carrying out additional work leading to an increase in the estimated cost of construction is carried out on the basis of an additional estimate agreed upon by the parties.


Unit prices

The structure or work meter adopted in them contains the following indicators:
- labor costs for workers (except for labor costs taken into account in the cost of operating construction machines) as of 01/01/2000;
- the cost of operating construction machines, including wages for workers servicing the machines as of 01/01/2000;
- cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price) as of 01/01/2000;
- norms for the consumption of materials (in physical terms), the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price;
- names and consumption rates of materials, products and structures, the characteristics of which are accepted when drawing up estimates based on design data.

Natural loss of building materials

These are losses in the quantity (weight, volume) of products due to their physical and chemical properties that occur during transportation and storage, including loading and unloading operations.


Design assignment

A list of requirements, conditions, goals set by the customer in writing, documented and issued to the contractor of design and survey work.

Procurement and storage costs

These are costs associated with placing purchase orders, acceptance, accounting, storage of equipment in a warehouse, inspection and preparation of it for installation, as well as transferring it for installation. They are taken into account as part of the estimated cost of equipment. The amount of procurement and storage costs can be determined by a separate calculation.


This is a legal or natural person who enters into a contract or government contract for the construction of a real estate property and carries out its duties in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The customer may be the developer or another person authorized by the developer.

Completed object

This is a construction project in a composition that allows for the possibility of its independent use for its intended purpose, on which load-bearing, enclosing structures and engineering systems are installed in accordance with the requirements of design, normative and technical documentation, which together ensure the strength and stability of the building (structure), protection from atmospheric influences, temperature conditions, safety of users, the population and the environment.

Construction site preparation costs

Includes funds for work and costs associated with the allocation and development of the built-up area.

Costs for training operational personnel

Costs for design and survey work, designer's supervision

These are funds for:
- performance of design and survey work (services) - divided into design and survey work;
- carrying out designer supervision of design organizations during construction;
- carrying out examination of pre-project and design documentation;
- testing of piles carried out by a contracting construction and installation organization during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer;
- preparation of tender documentation.

Commissioning costs “under load”

Costs of maintaining the customer-developer service (technical supervision) of the enterprise under construction

Costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures

These are funds for the construction and dismantling of title temporary buildings and structures (specially erected or adapted for the construction period of production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures necessary for construction and installation work and servicing construction workers).


This is a ground-based construction structure with premises for living and (or) activities of people, location of production, storage of products or keeping animals.


Inventory (book) value

The actual cost of construction in the inventory structure of the customer's or investor's fixed assets.

Investor estimate (calculation, costing)

A set of documents as part of pre-project or design and estimate documentation for construction, intended for the customer’s preliminary assessment of the cost of construction at various stages of determining the size of capital investments, preparing contract tenders, or for negotiations with the contractor. The investor's estimate (calculation) provides the full cost of construction, including the cost of equipment, design and survey work, maintenance of the customer's service involved in construction, etc.


This is bringing current (forecast) prices to the level by multiplying cost elements or totals of the base cost by the corresponding index, followed by summing up the results in the corresponding columns of the estimate document, while in order to recalculate the cost of operating machines to the appropriate price level, it is recommended to use the index for operating machines, and to the remuneration of machine operators, which is included in the cost of operating the machines - the index for labor remuneration.

Deflator index

A coefficient used to bring cost indicators expressed in current prices to prices of the base period.


Long-term investments of capital (financial resources) - investments for the purpose of making a profit and solving social problems.

Investment activities

Activities related to the implementation of investment intentions carried out through organizations of the investment complex (investors, customers, developers, designers, contractors, banks, etc.).


These are participants in investment activities who invest their own or borrowed funds, intellectual values ​​in the creation or reproduction of fixed assets.

Executive estimate documentation (executive estimate)

Drawed up by the contractor after concluding a contract and establishing the contract price for construction or the procedure for determining it. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, only such estimate documentation has the value of a normative document that legitimately regulates the financial and other relationships of the parties - “In the case when the work is performed in accordance with the estimate drawn up by the contractor, the estimate becomes valid and becomes part of the contract from the moment of confirmation its customer" (clause 3, article 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). After approval of the as-built estimate by the customer, all changes and additions to the estimate, as well as corrections of errors and adjustments to the calculation results fall within the competence of the customer and are carried out at his expense. When developing as-built estimates, construction contractors can use base cost estimates - forms of the customer's tender documentation, or perform their own calculations according to the rules and regulations of the company's estimate and information base and the current conditions of the regional market for construction resources. The as-built estimate documentation may include, in addition to standard estimate documentation forms, calendar and network construction schedules, logistics plans, volumes and terms of payments for completed construction work. The result of the development of executive estimate documentation for construction is a schedule of construction and financing of the facility, formed according to the allocated stages (sections, sections, completed sets of work, individual buildings and structures) of construction, with the calculation of funding volumes by calendar dates and performers.



This is a document illustrating the pricing (invoice justification) presented to the consumer by the seller or manufacturer.

Capital construction

As a branch of material production, it includes design, survey and research, construction and installation organizations, construction industry enterprises, production of building materials, etc. In addition to new fixed assets, the functions of capital construction include expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing fixed assets.

Major repairs of buildings and structures

This is work to restore or replace individual parts of buildings (structures) or entire structures, parts and engineering equipment due to their physical wear and tear with more durable and economical ones that improve their performance.

Major repairs of external utilities and improvement facilities

This includes repairing water supply, sewerage, heat and gas and electricity networks, landscaping courtyard areas, repairing paths, driveways and sidewalks, etc.

Indirect losses of building materials

Caused by the use of materials of higher grades or grades than required by building codes.

Indirect costs

Indirect costs include all other amounts of expenses necessary for the implementation of the normal construction process, justified by calculations and used to generate income from the statutory activities of the organization. Indirect costs in the estimate calculations are grouped according to the construction subjects - contractors and customers. The contractor's indirect costs are taken into account in the site estimates for construction work, and the customer's indirect costs are included in the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction of the facility. Indirect costs of the contractor in construction include overhead costs, which determine the costs of managing the construction organization and other costs of the contractor, both limited by law (payments for compulsory and voluntary insurance, costs for the mobile nature of work, rotational construction, etc.) and not limited. (cost of intangible assets, payments on bank loans, etc.).

Red lines

Lines that indicate existing, planned (changed, newly formed) boundaries of public areas, boundaries of land plots on which engineering and technical support networks, power lines, communication lines (including line-cable structures), pipelines, highways are located , railway lines and other similar structures.


Laboratory standardization method

This is a way of developing standards based on observations made in specially created conditions.

Local estimates

It is the primary estimate document and is drawn up for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work based on the volumes determined during the development of working documentation (DD).

Local estimate calculation

Costs are calculated for individual work and for buildings and structures or for general site work in cases where there is no detailed data on the volume of work, as a result of which the cost calculation is carried out based on aggregated indicators and is subject to clarification when developing working documentation.


Material resources

This is a collective term denoting a variety of material elements of production, used primarily on the quality of objects of labor in the main and auxiliary production processes: various types of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy resources (all types of fuel and energy).

Standardization method

This is a method of developing standard indicators of consumption, losses, waste and reserves of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy, which involves considering the entire set of factual data, identifying and taking into account the main standard-forming factors.

Supervision over the compliance of spruce and installation works performed by CRPOHf with design solutions, carried out by design organizations throughout the entire period of construction and acceptance into operation of completed facilities.

Technical supervision

Construction supervision carried out by the customer, including functions of acceptance of completed construction and installation work.


These are the costs of construction and installation organizations associated with the creation of general production conditions, its maintenance, organization and management.

Value added tax (VAT)

VAT is accepted in the amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, based on the final data on the consolidated estimate for construction.

New construction

This is the construction of a complex of facilities for the main, auxiliary and service purposes of newly created enterprises, buildings and structures, as well as branches and individual production facilities, which, after commissioning, will be on an independent balance sheet. .New construction, as a rule, is carried out in vacant territories in order to create new production capacities.

Resource consumption rate

This is the average amount of resource, the minimum necessary and sufficient to perform the corresponding type of work.

Estimated profit standard

The estimated profit standard takes into account the costs of:
- certain federal, regional and local taxes and fees, including: corporate income tax, property tax, income tax of enterprises and organizations at rates established by local governments in an amount not exceeding 5 percent;
- expanded reproduction of contracting organizations (modernization of equipment, reconstruction of fixed assets);
- material incentives for workers (financial assistance, implementation of health and recreation measures not directly related to the participation of workers in the production process);
- organizing assistance and free services to educational institutions.

Normative act

Subordinate, i.e. a document of a government body or public organization that does not contradict the law, which specifies legal norms that have direct effect; may be indefinite - long-acting or temporary.

Standard indicator

This is a variable value expressing a specific quantitative value of the rationing object. In relation to objects of labor, this indicator characterizes the use (consumption, losses and waste, reserves) of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy in the sphere of production and circulation.


Object of rationing

This is a type of product or work for the production of which the consumption rate of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy is determined.

Construction object

This is a complex of buildings and (or) structures, a separate building and (or) structure or an autonomous part thereof, erected for a specific developer under one building permit.

Non-production objects

These are housing and communal services facilities, healthcare institutions, physical education, art, as well as research and other organizations in the non-productive sphere of activity.

Capital construction project

A building, structure, structure, objects whose construction has not been completed (unfinished construction objects) (with all related equipment, tools and inventory, galleries, overpasses, internal engineering networks of water supply, sewerage, gas pipelines, heating pipelines, electricity supply, radio, utility and auxiliary outbuildings, landscaping and other work and costs, with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar structures) for the construction, reconstruction or major repairs of which a separate project and estimate must be drawn up;

Industrial facilities

Facilities that, after completion of construction, will operate in the sphere of material production: in industry, agriculture and procurement, transport and communications, construction, trade, information and computing services, etc.

Object estimates

They combine data from local estimates for the object as a whole and refer to the estimate documents on the basis of which contract prices for objects are formed.

Object estimate calculations

They combine in their composition (for the object as a whole) data from local estimate calculations and are subject to clarification.

Industry estimate standards

These are estimated standards introduced for construction carried out within the relevant industry (energy, transport, water management, mining, gas pipelines, communications, certain types of industrial facilities, etc.).

Waste construction materials

These are the remains of materials that cannot be used in the manufacture of this product, but are suitable for the production of any other products (offcuts of gypsum sheathing sheets, sawdust, offcuts of lumber, offcuts of glass, etc.)

Construction phase

This is a part of construction, consisting of a group of buildings, structures and devices, the commissioning of which ensures the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project. The construction phase may consist of one or more launch complexes.


Movable price

The contract price, which establishes the possibility of its revision, if the contract contains a clause on price adjustment if certain conditions for the implementation of the project change by the time the contract is executed.

Preparing the construction area

Includes funds for work and costs associated with the allocation and development of the developed territory.

Training of operational personnel

These are funds for training operational personnel for newly built and reconstructed enterprises.

Maintaining the capacity of an existing enterprise

These are activities related to the constant renewal of fixed assets retired during production activities. This mainly applies to extractive industries and production.


This is a legal or natural person who performs work under a work contract and (or) a government contract concluded with the customer in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


This is a space inside a building that has a specific functional purpose and is limited by building structures.

Premises with large numbers of people

Premises (halls and foyers of theaters, cinemas, boardrooms, meetings, lecture halls, restaurants, lobbies, box office halls, production halls, etc.) with permanent or temporary occupancy of people (except for emergency situations) numbering more than 1 person. per 1 m2 of a room with an area of ​​50 m2 or more.

Permanent workplace

A place where people work for more than 2 hours continuously or more than 50% of the working time. A room with a large number of people.

Loss of building materials

This is the part of the materials that cannot be used in production: concrete mixture or mortar hardened in vehicles; cement that sets or is lost as a result of spraying; fragments of bricks, small blocks and other wall materials, etc.

Pre-design study

This is the cost for the full development of an enterprise, building or structure, highlighting the cost for each of the phases, for production facilities and for residential and civil facilities. If necessary, the cost of construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the construction industry base, as well as other objects that are required in connection with the planned construction, can be determined separately.

Preventative (current) repairs

This is systematically and timely work to prevent wear of structures, finishing, engineering equipment, as well as work to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions.

On-site warehouse

Place for storing equipment and materials intended for one specific construction project; provided for by the approved construction organization project (POS), up to which transportation costs for transporting equipment and materials from the manufacturer or supplier are calculated. Further transport from the on-site warehouse to the installation site is taken into account by the standards for equipment installation.

Forecast cost level

It is established on the basis of projected prices when it is planned to make payments for construction products.


This is a set of technical and economic documentation, consisting of an explanatory note, drawings and estimates. The explanatory note substantiates the design solutions and technical and economic indicators. Drawings give a visual representation of the object, and construction is carried out according to them. Estimates determine the cost of construction products.

Construction Organization Project (COP)

It is an integral part of the project, determining the total duration of construction, the distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation work, material, technical and labor resources, and their sources.

Design and survey work

A set of works for carrying out engineering surveys, developing feasibility studies for construction, preparing projects, working documentation, drawing up estimate documentation for the construction (new construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment) of objects, buildings, structures.

Design and estimate documentation

A set of documents (calculations, drawings, etc.) necessary for the construction of a newly constructed or reconstructed (repaired) facility.

These are funds for:

  • performance of design and survey work (services) - divided into design and survey work;
  • carrying out designer's supervision of design organizations during construction;
  • conducting an examination of pre-project and design documentation;
  • testing of piles carried out by a contracting construction and installation organization during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer;
  • preparation of tender documentation.

Production equipment

These are industrial items that create conditions for carrying out and facilitating technological operations (work tables, workbenches, equipment that facilitates the implementation of labor protection measures, cabinets, racks, etc.).

Production method of rationing

This is a way of developing standards based on observations made directly at a construction site, by measuring the volume of work performed and the amount of materials consumed, losses and waste.

Direct costs

The cost of resources required to complete the work is taken into account:

  • material (materials, products, structures, equipment, furniture, inventory);
  • technical (operation of construction machines and mechanisms);
  • labor (funds for remuneration of workers, as well as machinists, taken into account in the cost of operating construction machines and mechanisms).

Direct expenses

Direct costs include material costs provided for in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (building materials, products and structures, construction machinery and equipment, transportation costs) and costs of paying workers in accordance with the provisions of Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Launch complex

Includes several objects (or parts thereof) of the main production and auxiliary purposes, energy, transport and storage facilities, communications, on-site utilities, amenities and other objects that are part of the construction site or its phase, the commissioning of which ensures the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project, and normal working conditions for service personnel in accordance with current standards.

Commissioning work "under load"

As non-capital expenses, they can be included in the estimated cost that will be incurred (provided) during the operation of constructed facilities, and, as a rule, are not provided for in the estimate documentation for construction.


Work zone

The area where construction and installation (repair and construction) work is directly carried out and the materials necessary for this are placed.

Regional coefficients for wages

Standard indicators of the degree of increase in wages depending on the location of the construction organization. Accrued on all types of wages.


Standard level of payment for individual operations of the technological process of manufacturing products, various types of work and services, production of one unit of product, used for piecework wages.

Calculation and analytical method of standardization

This is a way to develop standards through theoretical calculations made on the basis of studying the standardization of construction processes, taking into account the features of their technology.

Expansion of existing enterprises

This is the construction of additional production facilities at a previously created enterprise, the construction of new and expansion of existing separate workshops and facilities for main, auxiliary and service purposes on the territory of existing enterprises in order to create additional or new production capacities, as well as the construction of branches that, after commissioning, will not be located on an independent balance sheet.

Fund reserve for unforeseen work and expenses

This is a reserve intended to reimburse the cost of work and expenses, the need for which arises in the process of developing working documentation or during construction as a result of clarifying design decisions or construction conditions for objects (types of work) provided for in the approved project.

Reconstruction (reconstruction)

This is the improvement of production and an increase in its technical and economic level and carried out under a comprehensive project for the modernization of the enterprise in order to increase production capacity, improve quality and change the range of products, mainly without increasing the number of employees while simultaneously improving their working conditions and environmental protection.

Reconstruction of a building (structure)

This is a complex of construction works and organizational and technical measures related to changes in the main technical and economic indicators (number and area of ​​premises, construction volume and total area of ​​the building, capacity or throughput, etc.) or its purpose, increasing its technical and economic level, increasing production capacity, improving quality and changing the range of products, mainly without increasing the number of employees while simultaneously improving their working conditions.
Reconstruction includes:
- expansion of individual buildings and structures in cases where new high-performance and more advanced equipment cannot be placed in existing buildings;
- construction of new and expansion of existing workshops;
- construction on the territory of an existing enterprise of new buildings and structures of the same purpose to replace those being liquidated, the further operation of which, due to technical and economic conditions, is considered inappropriate.

Repair of a building (structure)

This is a complex of construction works and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral wear and tear, not related to changes in the main technical indicators of the building or its purpose.

Profitability of construction products

One of the main indicators characterizing the efficiency of using costs for the construction of an object. Norma R. s. p. is calculated as the ratio of profit from sales of products to its full cost.

Resource statement

It is formed on the basis of an estimate and contains a list of the expected consumption of materials for construction and repair work.

Resource estimate

A form of calculation of construction estimates at current prices, presented by an estimated statement of the estimated needs for resources and services for the construction project with associated costs.

Resource method of determining cost

This is the calculation in current (forecast) prices and tariffs of resources (cost elements) necessary to implement the design solution. Calculation is carried out on the basis of the need for materials, products, structures expressed in natural meters, data on distances and methods of their delivery to the construction site, energy consumption for technological purposes, operating time of construction machines and their composition, labor costs of workers. The specified resources are allocated from the design materials, various regulatory and other sources.

Resource-index method for determining cost

This is a combination of the resource method with a system of indexes for resources used in construction.

Market price of construction

It is defined as the average, objectively determined cost of construction of a specific facility in a given region in a real calendar period of time with maximum consideration of the situation in the cost of construction work, resources, services and commercial interests of the parties to the contract. In the estimated pricing of the present time, the market price of construction is formed in the contractual process on the basis of the base estimated cost at current prices and costs that take into account market factors for changes in the estimated cost during the construction period. The basic estimated cost of construction reflects the cost elements of pricing and takes into account current construction costs, and the market component of the price includes inflation expectations and compensation for construction risks of contractors and customers in the current conditions of the construction market.


Free (market) price of materials and products

Consists of:

  • foreign trade (contract) price (customs value), including costs in foreign currency for the delivery of products to the Russian border, converted into rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation valid on the date of acceptance of the cargo customs declaration for customs clearance;
  • customs payments, consisting of customs duties, fees for customs clearance, and other customs payments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • other expenses for procurement, transportation and sales attributable to expenses, including transportation costs, insurance payments, storage costs, loading and unloading costs, commissions to intermediaries, sales costs;
  • value added tax (VAT).

Cost Summary

In cases where, along with industrial objects, design and estimate documentation is drawn up for objects of housing, civil and other purposes, it is recommended to draw up an estimate document (cost summary) that determines the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues.

Summary estimate of the cost of construction (repair)

They are compiled on the basis of object estimates, object estimates and estimates for individual types of costs.

Cost (expenses)

Costs of an economic entity for the production and sale of products, performance of work or provision of services.

Moving price

Contractual cost, which provides for reimbursement of the contractor's actual costs according to agreed upon rules for revising the base construction price during the contract period.

Estimate documentation

An estimate drawn up according to the rules of business in the standard form of a professional estimate file or according to the instructions of the customer.

Estimated norm

This is a set of resources (labor costs of construction workers, operating time of construction machines, requirements for materials, products and structures, etc.) set to the accepted meter for construction, installation or other work.

Estimated profit

These are funds intended to cover the costs of contractors for the development of production and material incentives for workers.

Estimated cost

This is the amount of money needed to carry out construction in accordance with the design data and the estimate and regulatory framework. The estimated cost is the basis for determining the size of capital investments, financing construction, forming contract prices for construction products, paying for completed contract (construction and installation, repair and construction, etc.) work, paying the costs of purchasing equipment and delivering it to construction sites, and also reimbursement of other costs at the expense of funds provided for by the consolidated estimate, according to the calculation methodology and economic content consists of direct costs, overhead costs, estimate

Estimate and regulatory framework

This is a set of legal, methodological and regulatory documents that establish the procedure for determining the cost of construction.

Estimated standards

This is a generalized name for a set of estimated norms, rates and prices, combined into separate collections. Together with the rules and regulations containing the necessary requirements, they serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of construction.

Estimate calculation

In the budgeting business, two concepts are used: estimate and estimate calculation. The estimate is a more accurate price and is compiled on the basis of the volume of work according to working documentation (DD) or working drawings (RD). Estimate calculations are drawn up at the pre-design or design stage, when the working documentation has not yet been developed and the scope of work has not been finally determined and is subject to clarification on the basis of the DD or during construction.

Estimates for design and survey work (D&R)

Compiled on the basis of reference books of basic prices for design and survey work using indices of changes in the cost of design and survey work approved in the prescribed manner).
Directories of basic prices for design work can be divided into federal (SBC, introduced in various years by Rosstroi of Russia, the Ministry of Construction of Russia, Gosstroy of Russia and Gosstroy of the USSR) and Moscow (MRR, introduced in various years by the Moscow Government).
Indices of changes in the cost of design and survey work for federal SBC are approved and published monthly by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
Indices of changes in the cost of design and survey work relative to the Moscow MRR are approved monthly by the protocols of the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy in Construction under the Moscow Government.

These are funds for the maintenance of the apparatus of the customer-developer (the single customer, the directorate of the enterprise under construction) and technical supervision both for construction and during repair and restoration work.


One of the main documents of technological and design documentation (for products, materials, structures) in the form of a table in drawings indicating data on materials.

Certificate of cost of work performed and expenses (form No. KS-3)

Used for settlements with the customer for work performed. A certificate in form No. KS-3 is drawn up for construction and installation work performed in the reporting period, major repairs of buildings and structures, and other contract work and is presented by the subcontractor to the general contractor, and by the general contractor to the customer (developer).


This is a set of buildings and structures for various purposes, the construction (expansion, reconstruction or repair) of which is carried out for the volume of production determined in the pre-project justification for investments according to a single design and estimate documentation, combined with a consolidated estimate or summary of costs.

Building construction

This is a part of a building or other construction structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions.

Construction site

This is a fenced area used to accommodate the construction site under construction, temporary buildings and structures, equipment, soil dumps, storage of building materials, products, equipment and construction and installation work.

Construction products

These are completed buildings and other construction structures, as well as their complexes.

Construction estimate

Calculation of resource requirements (labor, materials, machines, mechanisms, finances, time, etc.) for the upcoming construction site

Construction product

This is a product intended for use as an element of building structures of buildings and structures.

building structure

This is a single result of construction activity, intended to carry out certain consumer functions.

Construction material

This is a material (including piece material) intended for the creation of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of building products.

Turnkey construction

Construction and commissioning of a completely finished facility. The customer pays the entire cost of the object after its delivery.

Surrogate price in construction

It is established by the customer or contractor unilaterally and mandatory, in the absence of competition or a monopoly position in the market for investments and construction services. The surrogate price is determined on the basis of estimate calculations carried out according to special rules, using estimate norms, rates, prices and indices developed and approved by departmental and administrative bodies of executive power and sectoral management. The surrogate price in the contractual cost of construction reflects the administrative (or corporate) limit on financing the construction of an object in the market conditions of investment and construction activities in Russia.


Fixed negotiated price

This is a price fixed at a certain level and tied to a specific date in the contract or the date of signing the contract

Current estimated cost

The total cost of construction according to estimates, calculated by any method in the prices for construction work, resources and services prevailing in regional markets at any (current) point in time. Determined by estimate, which uses today’s (current) prices prevailing in the regional markets of construction resources and services. In construction cost estimates, current prices are the basic level of the estimated cost estimate for a construction project. The modern pricing system uses current prices - indicators of the cost of resources in the price level at the current time or at the beginning of the planning period. Prices for construction work, resources and services in a country with different climatic, administrative, demographic conditions, uneven distribution of construction industry enterprises and concentration of construction organizations can only be determined for conditionally isolated regional markets for investment and construction activities. Current prices in estimated pricing are taken as average indicators for a group of homogeneous types of resources for specific periods of construction cost planning and in limited territorial areas of application of these prices. Current market prices for construction resources and services, for use in construction cost estimates, are taken at the actual selling prices of regional market suppliers or at the average market monitoring of prices for construction resources in the region.


Preventive (current) repairs consist of systematically and timely work carried out to prevent wear of structures, finishing, engineering equipment, as well as work to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions.

Current price level

This is the price level that prevailed at the time of drawing up the estimate documentation.

Tender (from the English “tender” - “offer”)

A competitive form for placing orders to attract contractors for the construction of facilities. Firms interested in taking part in tenders - tenderers - send to the customer tender proposals drawn up in a certain form, which are called offers or tenders.

tender documentation

This is a set of documents containing initial information about the technical, commercial, organizational and other characteristics of construction projects and bidding items, as well as the conditions and procedure of bidding.

Territorial estimate standards (TSN)

These are estimated standards introduced for construction carried out on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Designed for organizations carrying out construction or major repairs on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, regardless of their departmental subordination and sources of financing for the work performed.

Moscow Territorial Estimate Norms of 1998 ( MTSN 81-98) - developed by the Moscow Center for Pricing in Construction “Mosstroytsena” at the Moscow price level in 1998. They are used to draw up local estimates when financed from the Moscow budget.

Territorial Estimate Standards 2001 ( TSN-2001) - also developed by the Moscow Center for Pricing in Construction “Mosstroytsena” in the price level of Moscow in 2001. They are used to draw up local estimates when financed from the Moscow budget. The structure of TSN-2001 is similar to the structure of MTSN 81-98.

Territorial unit prices (TER)- these are estimated standards containing prices for the implementation of individual construction work on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. TER collections are developed by territorial centers for pricing in construction based on GESN-2001 at the level of regional prices in 2001. The structure is usually similar to FERs. They are used to prepare local estimates when financed from the local budget.

Feasibility Study (TES)

Justification for choosing a design or production solution by identifying and comparing technical and economic indicators (TEI) of options and adopting the option with the best TEP.

Technical part

Technical re-equipment

This is a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of individual industries, workshops and sections based on the introduction of advanced technology and new equipment, mechanization and automation of production, modernization and replacement of obsolete and physically worn out equipment with new, more productive ones, as well as to improve general plant facilities and auxiliary services

Technical part

These are instructions on the procedure for applying collections of estimate standards, coefficients to estimate standards, taking into account the conditions of work, as well as the rules for calculating the volume of work.

Difficult to eliminate losses of building materials

This is the amount of materials that is not included in the mass of products (concrete and mortar mixtures, products, structures, etc.), which inevitably arises in the process of work, subject to the rules and the use of high-quality materials, the necessary machines and mechanisms.


Enlarged estimate standards

These are estimated standards expressed as percentages, including:

  • overhead standards;
  • estimated profit standards;
  • estimated norms for additional costs when carrying out construction and installation work in winter;
  • estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures;
  • indices of changes in the cost of construction, installation and design and survey work, set to the base price level;
  • cost standards for maintaining the customer service (technical supervision)
  • consolidated estimate standards and indicators, including:
  • aggregated indicators of the basic cost of construction (UPBC),
  • aggregated indicators of basic cost by type of work (UPBS VR),
  • collections of cost indicators for types of work (collections of PVR),
  • aggregated resource standards (URN) and aggregated resource indicators (URI) for certain types of construction,
  • aggregated indicators of estimated cost (UPSS);
  • price lists for consumer unit of construction products (PPU);
  • price lists for the construction of buildings and structures;
  • estimated cost standards for equipment and inventory of public and administrative buildings (NIAZ),
  • estimated cost standards for tools and inventory of industrial buildings (NIPP);
  • indicators for similar objects;
  • and other standards.

Avoidable losses of building materials

These are losses and waste of materials that should not occur during work in compliance with the requirements of standards, building codes and regulations, tolerances, etc.


Actual estimate documentation (actual estimate)

It is a variant of the contractor’s executive estimate using reporting indicators on the scope of work, consumption of resources used and actual prices for resources and services according to the contractor’s accounting and tax records. The calculated indicators of the actual estimate must correspond with the data in the forms for recording work in capital construction, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia 10/30/97 No. 71a: act on acceptance of work performed (form No. KS-2); certificate of the cost of work performed and expenses (form No. KS-3); general work log (form No. KS-6); journal of work performed (form No. KS-6a). The actual estimate is compiled based on the total cost of construction in accordance with the inventory structure of the customer's fixed assets, adopted in his production accounting.

Federal unit rates (FER)

This is a complete set of prices for the types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, developed at the main price level for the 1st base region (Moscow region). Contains cost indicators for work. They can be used to compile local estimates using the base-index method for objects financed from the State budget.

Corporate estimate standards

These are estimated standards that take into account the real operating conditions of a specific organization - the producer of the work. As a rule, this regulatory framework is based on standards at the state, industry or territorial level, taking into account the specific specialization of the contracting organization.

FSNB (federal estimate and regulatory framework)

This is a collection of federal estimate standards for calculating the estimated cost of construction.


Household equipment

This includes office and other furniture and furnishings (tables, chairs, cabinets, hangers, wardrobes, etc.), as well as household and office items and room decoration, fire-fighting equipment, office equipment, etc.

Economic method of construction

Conducting work in which the customer and contractor are the same legal entity.


Pricing in construction

This is a mechanism for creating the cost of services and materials in the construction market. The pricing policy in construction is part of the general pricing policy and is based on pricing principles common to all industries. Price is an economic category and a tool for industry development, representing the monetary expression of the cost of a unit of construction products.


Supervised installation

Technical guidance and supervision of representatives of equipment manufacturers (or employees of specialized organizations performing installation supervision on behalf of the equipment manufacturer) over compliance with technical requirements and special conditions when installing complex equipment.


Examination of projects and estimates

Design and estimate documentation is subject to state examination and approval as part of construction projects in order to improve the technical and economic indicators of the project.

Elemental estimate standards

These are state elemental estimate standards (GESN-2001) and individual element estimate standards, as well as standards by type of work.