How is an estimate for design work prepared? Methods for estimating the cost of design work.

The estimate for design work (which is also called the estimate for design and survey work - abbreviated PIR) refers to specific types of estimate calculations, since the basis for drawing up the project estimate is not collections of territorial and federal unit prices (TERs and FERs) and not elemental prices (GESNs ), and reference price reference books (SBC collections). Such reference books are developed separately for each industry - mechanical engineering, metallurgy, gas, etc. - and from them standard indicators are taken, which, after substitution into the formula, give the value of the cost of work.

The basis for the design and survey estimate is the SBC - Directories of basic prices for construction, used with the use of appropriate indexing:

  • for design work,
  • for engineering surveys.

When calculating the cost of work using SBC collections, most often, a formula is used that includes:

  • fixed standards for each type of design work - A, B,
  • the main quantitative design indicators are X, which enter values ​​in various units of dimension: pcs., km, etc.,
  • coefficients for converting initial prices (basic cost of work) into prices (cost) of the current period.

The formula, which in general looks like (A+B*X)*K, can be illustrated with an example for which a SBC is used for design work for utilities and engineering networks. So, to calculate the cost of design and survey work for external street lighting for a length in the range from 1000 to 3000 linear meters based on the SBC of utility networks, the following is taken:

  1. data from Table 2 with indicators of outdoor lighting on streets, parks, boulevards, squares, driveways, highways in the values ​​A = 75.97 thousand rubles, B = 0.013 thousand rubles,
  2. a conditional quantitative indicator of the length of the street - for example, 2000 linear meters,
  3. coefficient Kts (current prices) for recalculating the base value of 2001 into current prices (in the example - the index for the 2nd quarter of 2013): Kts = 3.6,
  4. coefficient Kрд (working documentation) of the share of working documentation in the cost of design work as a whole: Kрд = 0.6,
  5. coefficient set in the presence of a contact tram network (SBC for utilities, clause 2.2.7): K = 1.05.

With these initial data, the calculation will look like this: (75.97+0.013*2000)*3.6 *0.6*1.05 = 231.27 thousand rubles.

In the given example of calculations when drawing up an estimate, the cost of construction was indicated in the initial data. However, often when constructing complex objects, prices are either unknown in advance or are of an uncertain and controversial nature. In this case, aggregated cost indicators are used, which are also given in special collections. Moreover, the calculation using this method involves first transferring the base value, which is taken according to the indicators of 2000, to the data of 2001, and then, in the second step, to the current period.

The tabular part of Form 2p, which is used to prepare estimates for design work, consists of 5 columns (columns).

  1. The first column contains the serial number of the works.
  2. The second one includes information about the type of work.
  3. The third column contains the numbers of tables, parts, sections, points of the SBC from which the source data is taken.
  4. In the fourth column, the calculation formula is implemented using specific data: numerical indicators and indices (sometimes, to display comprehensive information, both the formula itself and its expression with the substitution of indicators are entered in the field).
  5. In the fifth column, enter the resulting calculation result - the total cost of design and survey work in rubles for this line.

At the top of the document (in its “header”), in addition to indicating the number of the contract to which the estimate is attached, and the names of the designer and customer, sometimes a list of used collections of Basic Price Directories is given, but, as can be seen in the example, this is not necessary, since the same Information on the items is contained in the 3rd column. At the bottom of the table are the final estimates and the total estimated amount.

Guidelines for using SBC

A number of clarifications and recommendations for the preparation of calculations have been introduced into the Methodological Guidelines for the use of SBC, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development. In particular, it defines the procedure for calculating the cost of design work in the presence of additional factors. Among them, the use of additional coefficients if:

  • in the Directories, when developing design and working documentation using the mock-up method, there are no increasing factors - the indices 1.05 and 1.1 are applicable here for design and working documentation, respectively,
  • reused or standard documentation is used in the absence of changes in the above-ground part - here the prices of the Directories are multiplied by coefficients in the range of 0.2-0.35,
  • reusable or standard documentation is also used, but with changes to the above-ground and underground parts - here the coefficient on the price of the Directories reaches 0.8,
  • the price of design development for the construction of unique objects is determined - in this situation, an increasing factor of 1.5 is applied, etc.

In addition, among the factors that additionally influence the calculation of the cost of project development, the following are mentioned:

  • The absence in the region where construction is taking place of a centralized data bank created for the current cost of resources (in the case of compilation using the resource method). This becomes a condition for introducing a multiplying factor of 1.1.
  • Difficult construction conditions that increase the complexity of design: subsidence, permafrost soils, landslides, mine workings under construction sites, etc. (increasing factor - 1.15), seismicity depending on the points (up to a factor of 1.3 with 9 points).
  • Installation of imported technological equipment, which makes it possible to apply (by agreement with the customer) a coefficient of up to 1.3.
  • Performing the functions of a general designer and curator of design work, which increases the cost of development by up to 2%.

Estimate for design work is a written document establishing the volumes and other characteristics of the costs of carrying out design work under the design contract.

Rules for drawing up estimates

Such a document is drawn up in writing and approved by the interested parties. The development of the estimate is preceded by the parties signing a contract for the implementation of design work. Such an agreement determines the scope and list of essential conditions for the implementation of design work.

The estimate for the work is drawn up in pursuance of the main agreement on the implementation of design work. As a rule, such an estimate is drawn up and signed along with the design contract. By agreement of the parties, the analyzed document can be approved by the parties later.

The work is an annex to the main design contract and must meet certain criteria. Such a document must contain the necessary conditions, the absence of which may lead to the recognition of the transaction as invalid.

Requirements for information in estimates for design work

    Must not contradict the terms of the main design contract.

    Must not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Must be sufficient to fulfill the obligations assumed.

    Signed by authorized representatives of the parties.

A sample estimate for design work, a standard form, does not have a strict form and is compiled in any form. Nevertheless, the requirements imposed by Russian legislation must be observed by counterparties in the contract transaction.

The estimate, prepared in simple written form, is attached to the main design contract and is an integral part of it.

It must be remembered that such a design agreement can be used without an estimate attached to it, and the estimate, in turn, is not a sufficient document in itself, since it does not contain a sufficient number of essential conditions displayed in the design contract .

Contents of the estimate for design work

    Information about counterparties, their authorized representatives and documents confirming these authorities.

    Information about the design contract under which the estimate is prepared.

    Date and place of signing of the analyzed document.

    Duration of validity and procedure for termination of the rights and obligations of the parties.

    Detailed list of costs for design work. In some cases, for convenience, this information is summarized in a table, which is divided into understandable and logical sections.

    How to use this document and other useful information.

The described document is binding on the parties while the main design agreement is in effect. Termination of the design agreement entails the termination of all annexes, including the analyzed design estimate.

Procedure for making changes and additions

If interested parties need to make changes and additions to the project estimate, then an additional document is drawn up in the form of an additional agreement. Such an agreement is signed by authorized representatives and it enters into legal force.

The approved estimate cannot be changed unilaterally and is binding on the parties who signed it. Certain positions of such a document can be declared invalid only by the parties who signed it or in court.

Recognition of individual items of the estimate as invalid does not entail recognition of the entire estimate as such. In the provisions of the contract that are not disputed in the established manner, it continues to operate in accordance with the previously agreed terms.

Our resource contains various samples of such documents, which can be downloaded absolutely free of charge in the “Samples of Documents” section; articles on law enforcement issues are posted in the “Question and Answer” section.

We wish you good luck!

Drawing up estimates for design and survey work (D&R) can be attributed to one of the specific types of estimate calculations. The cost of design work is calculated not according to collections of unit prices, which include TERs, FERs, and not even according to elemental prices (GESNs), i.e. in a sense, they stand apart from general construction, commissioning, repair and other works, estimates for which are developed on the basis of the listed collections. Estimates for design and survey work, as a rule, are calculated according to reference price reference books (BPS) developed for each sector of the economy: gas, utilities, metallurgy, engineering, etc. When calculating the cost of estimates for design and survey work using BPS collections, estimators usually use the formula: (A+B*X)*K, in which indicators A and B represent the fixed standards specified for each type of design work, the value X is the main quantitative indicator of design (km, units and other units of dimension), K are the conversion factors of the base the cost of design work in the prices of the current period, taking into account possible adjustments. Let's consider a sample estimate for design and survey work, developed on the basis of a price guide for design work on utility and engineering networks and structures, translated from current prices for the 2nd quarter of 2013 in the Krasnodar Territory.

Item no. Types of work for enterprises, buildings or infrastructure facilities Part numbers, chapters or tables indicating percentages and indicators for sections of the SBC for design work Cost calculation formula: PIR Cost of design and survey work, thousand rubles.
1 2 3 4 5
1 External lighting of streets with a length of over 1000 to 3000 running meters. SBC (collection) of design of utility networks and structures ed. 2012 Table 2. External lighting on streets, driveways, squares, highways, parks, squares, boulevards, etc. A = 75.97 thousand rubles, B = 0.013 thousand rubles. Quantitative indicator for design work X = 1750 linear meters. Coefficient (Kts) of conversion to prices 2 sq. 2013 Kts = 3.6 (index for the 2nd quarter of 2013 to 01/01/2001). Coefficient reflecting the share of working documentation in the total cost of design work Krd = 0.6 Availability of a tram contact network in accordance with clause 2.2.7 of the SBC for the design of utilities, coefficient K = 1.05 is applied (A + B * X) *Ktts*Krd*K (75.97+0.013*1750)*3.6 *0.6*1.05 223.897
2 Cable lines with intervals over 500 m to 1000 m SBC for design work for utility networks, buildings and structures, edition 2012. Table 17. Cable street and neighborhood electrical networks A = 8.265 thousand rubles, B = 0.041 thousand rubles. The main indicator for calculating the cost of design work is X = 570 m. Conversion factor to current prices is 2 sq. m. 2013 Kts = 3.6 - index for the 2nd quarter of 2013 to the base 01/01/2001) Coefficient of the relative share of working documentation in the design cost Krd = 0.6 (A + B * X) * Kts * Krd (8.265+0.041*570)*3.6 *0.6 68.332

The calculation of the cost of design work in the example is carried out according to the SBC - the official publication of the Ministry of Regional Development, included in the register of generally accepted estimate standards. In addition, there are a number of other industry collections, which in certain cases can be used to prepare estimates for design and survey work. Among such collections is the SBC "Energy Facilities", which includes a methodology for determining the price of design work, price tables for the base year and unit costs for developing DD (detailed documentation) for types of construction and installation work related to an energy facility. Sample estimate compiled according to the collection “Energy Facilities”:

Item no. Types of construction work on buildings and infrastructure facilities Part numbers, tables indicating indicators and percentages for sections of the SBC “Energy Facilities” for design work Formula for calculating prices for design and construction work using the formula a + b* x or as a percentage of the cost of construction and installation work Cost of design and survey work in base prices, thousand rubles.
1 2 3 4 5
1 Overhead lines from 0.4 to 20 kV with construction costs in base year prices: up to 3 million rubles. SBC for the design of energy facilities. Table 11. Determination of basic prices for design work as a percentage of the cost of construction and installation work for the installation of power lines (0.4-20 kV) Coefficient reflecting the use of self-supporting wires (self-supporting wires) – 2.4 (Note 1) Taking into account the design of electrical networks in the regions intensive old buildings, a correction factor is applied K = 1.2 (note 4) K = 0.2 – distribution of the cost of design and survey work according to Table 14 of the SBC OE 75*2.4 *1.2*0.2 43.2

In the above examples of drawing up estimates for design work, the cost of construction of energy and other facilities was indicated in the initial data. Meanwhile, prices for the construction of complex construction and installation works are not always known in advance or are controversial. In this case, instead of calculating the cost of construction of energy facilities, you can use aggregated indicators of their cost, taken from special collections. An example of calculating estimates for design work using this method demonstrates the need to transfer the base cost of work to the current one in two steps: first, from 2000 to 2001, the cost of construction and installation work is transferred, and then to the current period - design.

Explanations for estimates.

When considering estimates for design and survey work, fragments of which are placed in the text, they are compiled on the basis of prices from several collections, only part of which is available in the register of commonly used estimate standards. Collections not included in the register are practically not used when drawing up estimates for design work in the FER, but are quite often used to develop design and survey estimates using alternative methods that can more accurately take into account the specific conditions and features of design and survey work.

A new, improved, accelerated and expanded version of the estimate program has been developed XlinkPS-2018(project estimates) , which is intended to calculate the estimated cost of designing security systems at current government and contract prices.

The new version provides automated calculation of the estimated cost of designing the following security systems:
1. Automatic fire alarm installations (AFS)
2. Fire warning and evacuation systems (SOES)
3. Security alarm installations (SAS)
4. Automatic fire extinguishing systems (AUFS) splinker, deluge, gas, powder, aerosol, modular and pulse action
5. Pumping stations for water fire extinguishing systems.
6. Installations and smoke removal systems (SDU)
7. Perimeter security systems (PSS)

The program ensures maximum profit from design work, allows you to quickly create estimate documents, as well as:
— automatically receive a full package of contractual, estimate and delivery documentation,
— speed up and simplify the coordination of estimates with the customer as much as possible,
— increase the professionalism, speed and quality of work of specialists,
— will easily and quickly teach any beginner how to work and calculate estimates.

In the context of a global crisis, the main task is the need to improve our efficiency.
The program uses the most effective methods and algorithms for ensuring maximum profits in the field of security system design.

The standard cost of designing such systems is currently determined by the current Directory of basic prices for design work for construction on fire and security protection systems (SBTsPR, 1999).

The new version of the estimate program allows you to compare the current standard and contractual costs of work, showing the difference between them in the estimate.
Everything is known through comparison, as we know, without which no estimate can be accepted and signed by the customer unless he is convinced or you prove that your contract price does not exceed the state standard.

You must understand that any of your contractual prices will seem too high for the customer if you do not compare it with the current standard design price.

Without using existing state design standards, the customer cannot understand the real current cost of design work in our country, so he will pay the minimum, believing that he has greatly overpaid.

In addition, the state budget generally does not accept estimates that are not based on the current pricing system and state regulations.

Therefore, a standard calculation of the cost of work is in any case absolutely necessary, most beneficial and useful for the contractor to increase profits and the efficiency of the enterprise.

The standard design cost in our country is maximum and therefore allows you to regulate the contractual cost of design work within a wide range, taking into account the customer’s solvency and providing him with good discounts, because the cost margin according to the current standards for security systems allows them to be provided and regulated within a wide range.

The program has no analogues in Russia in its simplicity, speed of calculation and speed of creating estimate documentation. You indicated the area of ​​the object, changed any parameter of the estimate, clicked a button and the estimate is ready with the standard and contract price in EXCEL format, in which with one click you can also change any parameter of the estimate and the cost of work without using an estimate program. A ready-made estimate in EXCEL format is an estimate program with one control button for creating and editing estimates with one click of the mouse. This feature is not available in the demo version of the estimate program and is its limitation, since it displays the estimate in single section viewing mode. All other delivery, settlement and text documents have no restrictions in the demo version and are generated automatically with one click of the mouse.

To install a demo version of the estimate program, download its distribution from this link -> Download
and then extract it into a separate folder.

Install the estimate program on your computer by running the installation right click as administrator .

After installation, the program is ready to use.
Read the short instructions for it from the menu Help / Instructions .
The program will calculate the standard cost of work for you and print all accompanying, estimate and contract documents with one click of the mouse.

The finished estimate is displayed in EXCEL format, contains calculation formulas and allows you to instantly change any of its parameters without using an estimate program, quickly and efficiently adjust the cost of work and agree on an estimate, taking into account the customer’s solvency.

The cost of the maximum set for designing security systems within the current promotion is - 3900 rub .
For those who have already received the previous version - 1900 rubles.

As part of the delivery of the estimate program, the maximum set for the rapid design of security systems is provided:
— current standards, documents, reference books and design manuals,
- standard projects for all occasions,
— technical documentation for all equipment for security systems (passports and user manuals),
— the maximum VISIO-S set for designing security systems, the description of which is located.

The volume of information and additional software provided within the current promotion is more than 50 Gigabytes and has no analogues in Russia. .

An invoice for delivery is provided upon your request if you have the customer's details.

Payment by any type of electronic payment is possible
with receipt of the kit for immediate use immediately upon payment.

The promotion period is limited!

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Working hours - from 8-00 to 22-00 (Moscow time)
Day off is Sunday.