Modern problems of science and education. Integration connections in learning Integration happens

In news feeds or news programs you can often hear the word “integration”, usually in the context of some economic or political event or situation. It has entered our lexicon quite tightly, but its meaning is not clear to everyone. This article will help answer the question of what integration is. In addition, you will be able to fill gaps in knowledge and better understand what is happening on the political and economic Olympus.

What is integration?

The Latin word “integration” means the process of combining different parts into a single whole. Moreover, depending on the context of application of this term, the definition is clarified and supplemented. In the economic context, integration is the process of active rapprochement, merger and mutual adaptation of national economic systems. They are inclined to self-regulation and self-development on the basis of political and economic agreements agreed between states.

International level

International economic integration consists of a number of criteria that ultimately determine its essence:

  • It is likely only between countries that are close to each other in social and ideological structure, have political compatibility of systems and comparability in economic level of development.
  • International economic integration is effective and, even more so, successful only at an equally high level of development of productive forces, that is, it is possible between developed countries.
  • It has its own internal logical sequence of activities, since the various components of integration have a close relationship and interdependence.
  • It is managed and directed at the highest level – interstate and intergovernmental.

European version

European integration has a fairly long history, where for several decades the search for the optimal path of development and formation of a united Europe has been carried out. So far it has not yet been found, since countries trying to unite have very heterogeneous processes, which makes integration difficult. Let's look at what European integration is.

The longest, most extensive integration with global processes began in Western Europe back in 1958. The formation of the European Economic Community (EEC) marked the beginning of the creation of the European Union (EU), the goal of which was the formation of a single economic and financial market. And in 2002, European integration continued with the creation of a single union currency, which led to a more complex stage of integration - political.

Signs of integration

There are a number of signs by which the changes taking place in the country can be classified as prerequisites for integration or the immediate beginning of this process:

  1. Mutual interweaving and penetration into other areas of production processes.
  2. Profound changes in the economic structure in countries participating in integration.
  3. Necessary and targeted management of merger processes.
  4. The emergence of various structures at the interstate level in connection with this factor.

Forms of integration

Forms (or stages) of integration have several levels. First of all, as a rule, a free trade market is formed, aimed at a gradual reduction and further elimination of customs duties and payments between the participating countries in terms of mutual trade in various goods. The second stage is the creation of a customs union, which involves mutual duty-free trade relations and a single foreign trade tariff in relations with countries not united by integration.

The third stage is the creation of a single market. This means free trade and production processes within the integration countries, as well as the creation of a centralized governing body. The goal is a single market as one state, where there is a free and unhindered movement of goods, services, labor and capital. At the fourth stage, an economic union is created, then a monetary union. A unified policy is being pursued regarding the economy, finance, currency of integration participants, as well as citizenship.

Integration conditions

There are a number of conditions under which integration can be not only possible, but also successful:

  • The economies of the merging countries should be at approximately the same level.
  • All countries of the association must be at the stage of growth: economic, political, cultural and so on.
  • Political decisions need to be made at the level of the governments of the participating countries.
  • A close territorial location of powers and common borders is desirable.
  • It is necessary to decide on the leading state in the association.


There are a number of factors influencing the development and acceleration of integration processes. These include:

  • openness and transparency of the national economies of countries seeking integration;
  • division of labor at the international level;
  • dynamic development of global infrastructure and market;
  • expansion of production beyond the borders of one’s own country and its optimization at the global level;
  • strengthening and redistribution of financial flows;
  • migration flows of labor;
  • international development of the scientific and technological sector;
  • creation and development of international systems for transport, communications and information management.

All of the above factors stimulate the stages of merger and contribute to the transition of the association to a fundamentally new level of quality. Integration and development together increase competition, lead to an increase in scale, progression of specialization and cooperation of production, which, in turn, contribute to economic growth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that the implementation of integration processes carries a lot of positive factors for the national economies of the merging participating countries, there are also negative aspects. The most common integration problems are:

  1. The processes of rapprochement and merger are hampered due to the incomplete and weak complement of the economies of the participating countries.
  2. The infrastructure is developing unevenly.
  3. There is a difference in economic levels and, accordingly, in the potential for further development.
  4. Instability of the political system in at least one participating country is possible.

Faced with such obstacles on the path of integration, countries delay the unification process for many years, which cannot have a positive effect on their economy and leads to negative consequences. What is integration for countries with less developed economic sectors? It leads to an outflow of various resources and their redistribution towards more stable coalition members. In addition, increasing production within the framework of an integration association carries with it a delayed effect of losses precisely from the increase in scale. There is a risk of collusion between the participating countries on a certain segment of the goods market, which will undoubtedly lead to an increase in prices for them.

The advantages of integration processes include an increase in the size of the market for free trade, which, in turn, leads to competition between countries. This gives impetus to providing better conditions for trade, as a result of which infrastructure is improved and the latest world technologies are also actively disseminated.

Integration examples

There are quite a lot of them in the world. Let us give an example of the largest, most famous and successful associations:


Turovets D.G.

The article examines and analyzes the essence of “integration”, “integration ties” in the food industry. The key problems faced by enterprises in the region are highlighted. The author's diagram of integration connections, a flexible integrated structure (which reflects the degree of their interaction) for use in practice is presented, and the main conclusions based on the results of the study are formulated. Key words: integration relations, food industry, food industry cluster.

The food industry, as world and domestic practice has shown, is one of the priority sectors of the national economy. Its successful development is the “first step” towards increasing the country’s food security and raising the level and quality of life of the population. On the contrary, its weakening in terms of a decrease in basic socio-economic indicators can create a real threat to the working capacity of the economically active population, since the level of labor productivity directly depends on the full provision of the population with high-quality and affordable food products.

Today, the food industry market in Russia is one of the most rapidly developing and highly competitive. There is strong competition for consumers, due to the rapid development of the global food industry and the constant emergence of new production and marketing technologies. To remain competitive, a manufacturer is forced to engage in an “innovation race,” regularly reviewing its product portfolio and launching new ideas onto the market.

Integration ties in the food industry are a key element of competitiveness and therefore must be established correctly. The formation of integrated structures in the food industry (integration links are developed precisely for the purpose of subsequent construction of integrated structures and their implementation in practice) is the basis for food industry enterprises to emerge from the crisis that has emerged over the last decade.

In connection with the need to increase the efficiency of economic, production and other activities of food industry enterprises, there is a growing need for restructuring, consolidation of business, and, as a consequence, the construction of special integrated structures, the definition of integration links between them. One of the ways to solve the problem of competitiveness of the food industry in the region should be a systematic approach to the development of an integral system for building integration links at food industry enterprises. In one of the reports on the development of the industry in question, E. Akbulatov at the annual meeting dedicated to the development of industries in the region, noted that agro-industrial integration, cooperation and integration ties between enterprises will contribute to an increase in the volume of products produced in the region.

The rapid, and at the same time dynamic, progressive development of the economy necessitates the development of a universal approach to the competitiveness of food industry enterprises based on integration ties. Integration links in conjunction with the main tools for increasing competitiveness will ensure more sustainable and efficient operation of enterprises over time.

The increasing importance of interaction between enterprises in modern conditions leads to the need for a more in-depth study of the essence of integration. Modern literature presents a significant number of scientific works that give a very ambiguous interpretation of the terms “integration”, “integration process”, “integration ties”.

Without going into a detailed analysis of the content of scientific research on this issue, we have highlighted key concepts. By integration, the author understands “the unification of economic entities, the deepening of their interaction, the development of connections between them.”

Integration allows enterprises to achieve and maintain certain positions in the market by solving the following problems:

  • - pooling of resources - intellectual, technological, financial, marketing - to achieve a synergistic effect and diversify activities;
  • - optimization of R&D costs, organization of the technological process, corporate governance, promotion and support of goods to achieve maximum savings and increase business profitability;
  • - minimizing commercial risks by obtaining guaranteed access to target markets. The purpose of the integration association, as such, according to I.O. Sorokina, is to deepen interaction between participants to strengthen their ties.

By “integration processes” the author understands the processes of combining assets by subjects of market relations within a single process with or without the formation of a new company. Integration ties, in turn, are designed to establish a strong relationship between enterprises, thereby creating a powerful reserve for strengthening industrial potential, which determines the future development of the industry.

An integration structure, in turn, can be designated as a stable group of cooperatively related participants, united on the basis of the voluntary transfer of part of their rights to one of the participants - the central (parent) company and subordination to the common interests of the integrated structure as a whole.

The principles of integration of market participants are the most general, fundamental rules and recommendations that they should follow when conducting joint activities. Large integrated structures, according to the author, can be organized in the form of the following companies:

  • - holding companies created by introducing state blocks of shares of enterprises into their authorized capital;
  • - holding structures based on private and mixed (with state participation) capital and existing in the form of multi-level chains of parent companies. Their undeniable advantage lies in the extreme complexity and opaque organization of financial flows;

It is worth remembering that the integration process is quite labor-intensive and requires significant costs and resources. The main condition for intensifying the activities of food industry enterprises can be the development of integration ties as the most important factor in stabilizing the economy. It is important to consider integration ties not only as a means of stabilizing the economic situation of a region or an individual enterprise, but also as a factor in the development of the production and sales base of an enterprise or complex of enterprises.

Having analyzed the works of leading scientists on the problem of integration, we came to the conclusion that at present there are three main types of integration. In the economic sphere, there are three main ways to increase the potential of an organization: “horizontal integration”, “vertical integration”, “diversification”. This classification needs to be considered in more detail, since for the further construction of a scheme of integration connections, tested at food industry enterprises, this conceptual apparatus is simply necessary.

  • 1. Vertical integration - production and organizational association, merger, cooperation, interaction of enterprises related by common participation in the production, sale, consumption of a single final product: suppliers of materials, manufacturers of components and parts, assemblers of the final product, sellers and consumers of the final product.
  • 2. Horizontal integration - merging enterprises, establishing close interaction between them “horizontally”, taking into account the joint activities of enterprises that produce homogeneous products and use similar technologies.
  • 3. Diversification “by its nature” is based on the conscious investment of capital in a number of functionally unrelated industries and industries.

Belyakov G.P. rightly notes that currently there are three types of integration mechanisms in Russian industry. The first type implements control opportunities associated with the possession of property titles of the merged enterprises. The second type uses levers for coordinating joint activities based on regulating access to individual production resources. Finally, the third type of mechanisms is based on the voluntary centralization of a group member and the transfer of a number of powers. The combination and restructuring of typical integration structures in practice “to suit your needs” serves as the foundation that will contribute to the comprehensive development of the food industry.

An analysis of the problems of forming integration processes in the country allows us to conclude that it is necessary to use a systematic approach to developing an effective strategy to improve the main indicators of the food industry. Irreversible market processes put pressure on the most vulnerable (“bottleneck”) areas of enterprises, which are poorly prepared to take the right strategic, tactical and managerial steps and decisions. By carrying out activities together, developing according to the principle of “intercompany partnership,” enterprises will receive benefits in the form of: a) gaining experience through the mutual exchange of information, knowledge, and competencies; b) equal distribution of shares in the company’s share capital; c) reducing risk and uncertainty from making (non-making) relevant decisions.

Having identified the need for integration, building a flexible integrated structure and subsequent establishment of integration links, the author proposes a diagram that clearly reflects the feasibility of using this tool for implementation at food industry enterprises. Its use from testing in practice is intended to increase production efficiency through externally attracted resources (personnel, financial, information, etc.), which ultimately should find its logical confirmation in labor productivity indicators, actual industry growth rates, etc.

Analysis of trends and patterns of development of the analyzed industry clearly showed that the activities of enterprises (OJSC Milko, KPC Food Company, OJSC Krasnoyarsk Bread, OJSC Siberian Province, etc.), although not unprofitable, are fully is not effective. The region has virtually no manufacturing facilities of its own. The level of production capacity and its technical equipment do not meet established standards. Everywhere one can observe an excess of the share of imports in the gross output of industrial production. The degree of interaction between enterprises is poorly established; integration ties at most enterprises are weakly expressed. Coordinated and concerted efforts are needed to manage the food industry more effectively.

Optimizing the activities of food industry enterprises is the key to increasing the competitiveness of the food industry, subject to a number of conditions:

  • - orientation of production towards the production of various types of food products (infant formula, deep processing of raw materials, reduction of the duration of the “production cycle”, optimization of sales and purchasing activities; improvement of management and control procedures for supply chains in the industry (transport logistics);
  • - review and adjustment of standard “business processes” at enterprises;
  • - establishing and improving a feedback mechanism with local governments, agriculture, wholesale and retail trade;

Rice. 1. Flexible Integrated Food Industry Structure (GIS)

    Correct and effective construction of integration links, an integration chain of connections between enterprises. The identified problems in the food industry require a new high-quality approach to creating a flexible integrated structure and building integration ties in the food industry. The author proposes a diagram reflecting the essence of an adaptive integrated structure for the food industry. This structure is classified by the author as universal (can be recommended both for the food industry and others) (Fig. 1).

Possessing, on the one hand, sustainable marketing potential (the ability to successfully supply products in the domestic market) and, on the other hand, attracting the necessary investments to expand their activities, enterprises receive double benefits. It is obvious that integration ties in this case will be aimed at establishing the degree of interaction between enterprises and increasing the overall synergistic effect from joint activities. The formation of an integration structure at a food industry enterprise of this type will make it possible to fully use the accumulated potential (including information, production, scientific, trade, financial components) and thereby contribute to the development of the food industry in the region.

Of particular interest to us is the last level of GIS. Being in a single structure, the manufacturer and distributor can jointly develop requirements for high-quality new products and plan a production program. The transition to a flexible, centralized production management system is especially important for the competitiveness of food industry enterprises as a large holding. The author is of the following opinion: “the introduction of this integrated structure, which, on the one hand, has powerful functionality, and on the other hand, is flexible and adaptable to the needs of a particular enterprise” is the basis for the future development of food industry enterprises.”

The construction of a GIS, as already noted, determines the feasibility of using integration links in production. The more correctly the mechanism of coherence, interaction and coordination of divisions and departments at a particular enterprise is developed, the effectiveness of integration links is considered to be higher. The benefits of building integration links and including them in the designated structure are shown in Fig. 2.

Integration connections are designed to connect a number of key elements, the analysis of which is advisable, since the most significant indicators of the industry depend on the degree of penetration of one production sphere into another, on the way in which the work of production, marketing, and sales links in the product chain is organized. Let us consider each of the elements in the presented diagram for its significance.

  • 1. In the process of building an integration chain due to the mutual strengthening of production, an alternative arises for more successful management of production, marketing, sales and other potentials. By reducing duplication of operations in production, enterprises gain an additional competitive advantage.
  • 2. Increasing the efficiency of production management based on the interaction of services and departments within enterprises will occur in a coordinated manner.
  • 3. Labor productivity serves as an important lever in ensuring the competitiveness of the region's food industry. Taking into account the experience of Western companies, it is worth striving to ensure that the share of manual labor is minimal, and, if necessary, revised taking into account the specifics of the specific product produced at the enterprise.
  • 4. In the process of interaction of enterprises with each other within the framework of one cluster (in our case, the “food industry cluster”), it is worth striving to reduce the production time of products in compliance with the necessary requirements imposed on it from a technological point of view. The effectiveness of cooperation between enterprises can also be manifested in the distribution of risk and responsibility in the event of adopting an effective (losing) version of the development strategy. The lower the likelihood of new potential competitors entering the industry, the higher the synergistic effect from the interaction of enterprises with each other. The closer enterprises are dispersed within one cluster to the leading raw materials center (“food industry cluster”), the lower the costs of transportation and storage of products, and the higher the possibility of finding additional reserves and attracting resources for the development of activities.

Rice. 2. Benefits of using integration links in the food industry

    5. Economic, tax, price barriers are the main key components of the development of food industry enterprises.

  • 6. Flexibility and adaptability of enterprises can be achieved through the creation of a vertically integrated industrial company with a full production and sales cycle, covering all parts of the product chain. For example, when producing meat products, we can carry out our activities through the production of compound feed, production of meat products and their subsequent sale on the market.
  • 7. Market conditions also affect the ability of enterprises to be, to a certain extent, competitive. Depending on the economic situation, tastes and preferences of consumers, the strategic steps taken by companies in order to retain a specific market segment for their products depend. The purpose of integration communication in this case is to establish production and output in such a way that supply fully satisfies effective demand.
  • 8. Over the past years, there has been a clear trend in the food industry towards a transition to the use of resource-saving technologies in food production. The emphasis is on the fact that the technology should be revised, in which the raw materials remaining from primary processing continue to work in the production cycle, and after the final stage can be used in the production of a new high-quality product. The use of so-called resource-saving technologies in your production has one important advantage: the cost of the manufactured product is reduced, transportation and operating costs are reduced. In addition, the saved accumulated funds can be used to develop your activities.

Based on the study, the following conclusions can be formulated:

  • 1. One of the obvious ways to increase the competitiveness of the industry under consideration is identified by the author as integration links, the introduction of a flexible universal integrated structure for industrial production management.
  • 2. Building integration ties, as the study showed, is one of the priority areas for the development of the food industry in the current conditions. The creation of a single food cluster (one of the elements identified by the author when building integration links), uniting a group of enterprises according to a number of criteria and parameters (economic, social, etc.) is an important condition for increasing the potential of the food industry, bringing output and production indicators to required values, improving the quality of life, ensuring food security for the industry as a whole.


  • 1. Belyakov G.P. Integration processes in economics: problems, searches, solutions. Monograph / G. P. Belyakov - M.: MAI Publishing House; Good word, 2003. - 243 p.
  • 2. Big economic dictionary / ed. A.N.Azriliyan. - M.: Institute of New Economics, 2004, 434 p.
  • 3. Oksanich, N.V. Construction of an integrated management structure for a food holding company / N. V. Oksanich // Food industry. - 2008. - No. 38. - p.24-27.
  • 4. Program of socio-economic development of the region for 2007 - Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. - 2007. - 92 p.
  • 5. Sorokina, I.O. Theoretical foundations of the concept of “integration” and the principles of its implementation / I. O. Sorokina // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2008. - No. 2. p.3-6.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 01/17/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"



(lat. integratio - restoration, replenishment, from integer - whole), the side of the development process associated with the unification of previously heterogeneous parts and elements. I. processes can occur both within the framework of an already established system—in this case, they lead to an increase in the level of its integrity and organization—and when a new system emerges from previously unrelated elements. Dept. parts of an integrated whole may have varying degrees of autonomy. During the process of information management in the system, the volume and intensity of interrelations and interactions between elements increases, in particular, new levels of control are added.

Social intelligence means the presence of ordered relations between individuals, groups, organizations, states and T. d. When analyzing information, the level of the information systems under consideration is distinguished. (I. individual, group, society and T. d.). I. society or dept. states can be carried out on the basis of coercion, mutual benefit or similarity of socio-economic. system, interests, goals and values ​​of various individuals, social groups, classes, states. IN modern conditions develops to interstate. I. in economics and political areas both under socialism and under capitalism. However, this one is profoundly different in socio-economic terms. nature, forms, methods, economic. and political consequences.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


(from Latin integer - complete, whole, unbroken)

process, or, having as its result; unification, connection, restoration of unity; in Spencer's philosophy it means a dispersed, imperceptible state into a concentrated, visible state, associated with a slowdown of internal movement, while disintegration is the transformation of a concentrated into a state of atomization, associated with an acceleration of movement. Spencer repeatedly uses “integration” as equivalent to aggregation. The development of the solar system, planet, organism, nation consists, according to Spencer, in alternating integration and disintegration. In psychology Jenscha integration means the spread of individual spiritual traits to the entire totality of spiritual life. In Smenda's doctrine of the state, integration is understood as the constant self-renewal of the state through the mutual penetration of all types of activities aimed at it.

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .



See what “INTEGRATION” is in other dictionaries:

    Cultural state internal integrity of culture and coherence between diff. its elements, as well as the process that results in such mutual agreement. The term “I.K.”, used primarily in Amer. cultural... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    Integration: Wiktionary has an article “integration” Integration is cohesion, the unification of political, economic, government ... Wikipedia

    - (lat.). The combination into one whole of what previously existed in a scattered form, followed by differentiation, that is, a gradual increase in the difference between initially homogeneous parts. From integration accompanied by differentiation... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from Latin integer whole) unification of economic entities, deepening their interaction, developing connections between them. Economic integration takes place both at the level of national economies of entire countries, and between enterprises, firms,... ... Economic dictionary

    integration- and, f. integration f. , lat. integratio. 1. Combining into a whole which l. parts. BAS 1. Process of integration and disintegration. OZ 1873 2 2 232. How strong are the foundations on which the integration of the community was previously accomplished. OZ 1878 5 1 120. 2.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Latin integratio restoration, replenishment, from integer whole), a concept meaning the state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of a system into a whole, as well as the process leading to such a state (for example, integration in science ... Modern encyclopedia

    Integration, association, connection, merger; merger Dictionary of Russian synonyms. integration see association 3 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

    - (integration) The combination of two or more companies under one control for the purpose of mutual benefit, reducing competition, reducing costs by reducing overhead, securing a larger market share, combining technical or financial ... Financial Dictionary

    Integration- (integration) See Economic integration... Economic-mathematical dictionary

    An association. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms


  • , Savchenko I.A.. Sociocultural integration is one of the most difficult aspects of the development of a multi-ethnic community. Integration is a concept that is easy to pronounce but difficult to conceptualize. That's why…
  • Integration and communication as vectors of sociocultural dynamics. Monograph, Savchenko I.A.. Sociocultural integration is one of the most difficult aspects of the development of a multi-ethnic community. Integration is a concept that is “easy to say but difficult to conceptualize.” That's why…

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At the current level of development of science, the integration of social, natural science and technical knowledge is clearly expressed. The integration of scientific knowledge, in turn, places new demands on specialists. The role of a person’s knowledge in a field adjacent to the specialty and the ability to comprehensively apply it when solving various problems is increasing. This determines the relevance of integration connections in school education.

The problem of integrating teaching and upbringing in school is important and modern for both theory and practice.

Its relevance is dictated by new social demands placed on the school, and due to changes in the field of science and production. adverb lesson Russian interdisciplinary

The modern education system is aimed at the formation of a highly educated, intellectually developed personality with a holistic view of the picture of the world, with an understanding of the depth of connections between the phenomena and processes that represent this picture. Subject disunity becomes one of the reasons for the fragmented worldview of a school graduate, while in the modern world tendencies towards economic, political, cultural, and information integration prevail. Thus, the independence of objects and their weak connection with each other give rise to serious difficulties in the formation of a holistic picture of the world among students and prevent the organic perception of culture.

Integrated lessons will contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, understanding the connections between phenomena in nature, society and the world as a whole.

According to a number of researchers, the reason for the failures of the school, including the cultural and speech illiteracy of students, is the loss of balance in education, currently aimed primarily at intellectual development with insufficient attention to the cultivation of a culture of feelings and a culture of work.

Educators and psychologists have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to strengthen the role of humanitarian education, which is understood as a set of educational subjects that create in students a holistic idea of ​​a person as a bearer of humanistic ideals and values ​​that contribute to the formation of readiness for mutual understanding and interaction.

In this regard, the main goal of teaching the native language, the relevance of which is emphasized in current programs, is to teach schoolchildren to use their native language as a means of communication, knowledge of the world and themselves in it, familiarization with culture, and to develop in them the ability to actively and creatively master your native language.

The task of improving the methods of teaching the Russian language and the methods of developing students’ speech is one of the most important tasks of modern methodological science.

This problem is complex and multifaceted. It was considered by scientists in its various aspects and was reflected in methodological classics (works of F.I. Buslaev, A.M. Peshkovsky, K.D. Ushinsky), in the studies of psychologists and psycholinguists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria and others), in works on methods of teaching the Russian language and speech development (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, V.I. Kapinos, L.P. Fedorenko, G.B. Vershinina), in works on methods of teaching music (D.B. Kabalevsky, E.B. Abdullin).

The greatest representatives of linguistic and methodological thought of the 19th century, continuing the best traditions in the study of the native language, recognized its comprehension as a fundamental activity and, moreover, of such a nature that all human knowledge is based on it.

The Russian language is studied in close connection with literature, revealing with the latter quite clear conditions and meaningful similarities that objectively exist between them, thanks to which already at that stage it was possible to talk about the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in teaching.

There were many programs for the Russian language course, but the more advanced and useful ones were created by F.I. Buslaev, K.D. Ushinsky, A.D. Galakhov, etc. They continued and improved the work of their predecessors A.Kh. Vostokov and N.I. Buckwheat. The focus of methodological research and recommendations by F.I. Buslaev finds the personality of the student, gives the idea - a person is a bearer of high thoughts and deep feelings. He saw the task of teaching methods as developing and exercising students’ abilities in every possible way. His works reveal differences from the previous grammar installations of A.Kh. Vostokov and N.I. Grech, who looked at her only from a scientific side. F.I. Buslaev considered the development of a student’s personality to be the most important part of Russian grammar, which is also important today. A.V. Tekuchev especially notes three ideas in the methodological system of F.I. Buslaeva:

1. “The study of the Russian language at school should be comparative-historical (related to the study of Church Slavonic and Old Russian languages, comparative, scientific). highly valued the cognitive and social functions of language, considering the native language as the main, main academic subject..."

2. “You need to study the language at school, and not just grammar and spelling” (which is close to modern requirements of the methodology).

3. “The teacher must develop, educate and exercise the student’s abilities: his science then has its value when it is suitable for those to whom it is taught.”

F.I. Buslaev decisively opposed the formal cramming of grammar rules: “There is nothing more harmful in pedagogical terms,” he wrote, “than the excessive predominance of tedious for the mind and memory, fruitless memorization of grammatical rules, detached from living, meaningful speech.”

In choosing teaching methods, the teacher-scientist took a progressive point of view, which required their diversity, and the preference for one or the other depended on the subject of study and on the personality of the student, considering the purpose of teaching to be the communication of useful information in the most extensive volume.

According to F.I. Buslaev, the method of any teaching is determined by the natural development of the human spirit, on the other hand, by the essence of the subject being taught:

1. “Bring to the child all the phenomena of language, in the way that nature itself does, that is, through oral expression to direct ideas, through conversation or reading.”

2. “Forms of speech that the student already knows how to use, bring to his consciousness by analysis, therefore, by analysis.” That is, in teaching it is important to give exercises (skills) first, then theory (knowledge).

3. “Connect synthesis, the coupling of the individual, with analysis in practical exercises. Variety of exercises is a good sign of good teaching; let memorization and judgment go hand in hand with exercise and skill...”

4. “Connect the external with the internal, form with content (never consider parts of speech and individual forms by themselves, but constantly imagine them as an organic whole...).”

A huge work on the methods of the Russian language was created by K.D. Ushinsky. His “Pedagogical Works” in 6 volumes are of great importance for the progress of pedagogical thought at the beginning of the 20th century. K.D. Ushinsky is confident that only very young children up to the age of seven can be taught through play, “after that, science should already take on the serious tone characteristic of it.” “A child does not only learn conventional sounds when studying his native language, but drinks spiritual life and strength from the birthplace of his native word.” By mastering his native language, a child learns not only words, their addition and modifications, but an infinite variety of concepts, views on objects, many thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of language, and learns easily and quickly, in 2-3 years, so much that he cannot learn even half of it in 20 years of diligent and methodical study.

“...The language of the people, as we saw above, being a complete reflection of the spiritual life of the people, is at the same time for the child the best interpreter of the nature and life around him. The study of the native language in folk literature, in folk songs, in the works of folk writers, in living folk speech must constantly counteract alien elements and transform them into the Russian spirit. In the anthology “Children's World” (9-12 years old) K.D. Ushinsky notes that a child is primarily captivated by the thought itself, the content, the phenomenon, the fact, and not the form of expression of the thought. “It is impossible to think of a more indecent activity for a child, a more senile occupation, as taking care of the finishing of forms. This is a luxury, the desire for which comes already when there is a lot of content in the mind, when new things cease to interest us much, and for a child the whole world is still new and interesting.

Children should be taught to find, list and put in order the signs of objects in front of their eyes, then compare several objects that are already familiar to them, finding similarities and differences between them. When students get used to finding and distinguishing signs, then they can be told what a sign is; when they acquire the skill of finding similarities and differences between objects and, as a result, placing them into genus and species, it is already possible to tell very easily what a comparison, judgment, genus, species, etc. are. The same must be done with the explanation of the phenomenon, cause, effect. goals, purposes... A completely different order must be observed when reading, the main significance of which is to understand what is read and, so to speak, in the logical decomposition of thought into its constituent elements. Here the teacher must constantly force the reader with his questions to delve into the meaning of what he is reading, to test and arouse his attention.

It is important to take into account the fact that the integration connections between school subjects are poorly developed, are presented contradictoryly, and there are many disagreements among scientists in understanding the essence of these connections. Teachers, without a clear system of methodological recommendations on this issue, are forced to solve this problem at the empirical level.

The objectives of this work are to:

1) study the existing theoretical aspects of this problem;

2) develop diagnostic tools and criteria for conducting diagnostic work on Russian language topics studied within the framework of integrated lessons and lessons in which interdisciplinary connections were used;

3) develop a methodological system for the formation and development of meta-subject universal educational activities through the use of integration connections in Russian language lessons;

5) analyze and correct the results obtained.

The object of the study is the process of teaching students the Russian language in integrated lessons.

The subject of the study is the use of interdisciplinary connections in Russian language lessons.

The research hypothesis is as follows: if interdisciplinary connections are actively used in Russian language lessons and, on their basis, different types of language and speech activities are taught, this creates conditions for more effective work on the formation of meta-subject universal educational actions of an intellectually developed personality and the development of functional literacy of students.

To achieve the goal and test the hypothesis, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

Establish the degree of development of various aspects of the problem in psychological, pedagogical, linguistic and methodological literature;

To identify the state of the problem under study in the practice of teaching the Russian language;

Develop a methodology for organizing and conducting integrated Russian language lessons;

Select the most effective techniques for using interdisciplinary connections in Russian language lessons;

Create a package of teaching materials;

To check the effectiveness of the developed methodology in a classroom-lesson system in order to experimentally confirm the effectiveness of its application.

To solve the problems, the following research methods were used:

Theoretical (analysis and synthesis of facts on the problem of work based on the studied literature on linguistics, psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, didactics, psycholinguistics, methods of teaching the Russian language, literature, music, speech development;

Sociological and pedagogical (questioning of teachers and schoolchildren, conversations with teachers and students);

Social and pedagogical (observation of the educational process and its aspects (teacher - student) in Russian language lessons;

Experimental (organization and conduct of a complex pedagogical experiment: ascertaining, teaching, control);

Statistical (processing data from a complex pedagogical experiment, summarizing the results of the study).


In relation to the educational system, “integration” as a concept can take on two meanings: firstly, it is the creation in schoolchildren of a holistic understanding of the world around them; secondly, it is finding commonality in subject knowledge, that is, the formation of meta-subject universal educational actions.

According to a number of researchers, the reason for the failures of the school, including the cultural and speech illiteracy of students, is the loss of balance in education, currently aimed primarily at intellectual development with insufficient attention to the cultivation of a culture of feelings and a culture of work. Educators and psychologists have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to strengthen the role of humanitarian education, which is understood as a set of educational subjects that create in students a holistic idea of ​​a person as a bearer of humanistic ideals and values ​​that contribute to the formation of readiness for mutual understanding and interaction.

Long-term observations show that students, and later high school graduates, having received training in certain subjects, find it difficult to apply knowledge, skills and abilities when studying other subjects in practice. They lack independent thinking and the ability to transfer acquired knowledge to similar or different situations. All this happens due to the mutual inconsistency of classes in various academic subjects in primary school.

Integration in a modern school takes place in several directions and at different levels. Let's note these levels:

· intrasubject;

· interdisciplinary.

Features of content selection during integration: integration of material from traditional, classical subjects and inclusion of content material new to the school. These approaches may produce different results:

a) the birth of completely new objects;

b) the birth of new special courses that update the content of subjects;

c) the birth of a cycle of lessons that combine the material of one or more subjects while maintaining an independent existence;

d) one-time integrated lessons of a different nature.

The main goal of integration is to create in the student a holistic understanding of the world around him, i.e., the formation of a worldview. Let's consider some possibilities for the integrated construction of the educational process, allowing us to qualitatively solve the problems of teaching and educating students:

1. The transition from intra-subject connections to inter-subject connections allows the student to transfer methods of action from one object to another, which facilitates learning and forms an idea of ​​the integrity of the world. It should be remembered that such a transition is possible only if there is a certain knowledge base of intra-subject connections, otherwise the transfer can be superficial and mechanical.

2. An increase in the proportion of problem situations in the structure of subject integration activates the student’s mental activity, forces him to look for new ways of learning educational material, and forms a research type of personality.

3. Integration leads to an increase in the share of generalizing knowledge, allowing the student to simultaneously trace the entire process of performing actions from goal to result, and to meaningfully perceive each stage of work.

4. Integration increases the information capacity of the lesson.

5. Integration allows you to find new factors that confirm or deepen certain observations and conclusions of students when studying various subjects.

6. Integration is a means of motivating schoolchildren’s learning, helps to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, and helps relieve stress and fatigue.

7. Integration of educational material contributes to the development of creative thinking of students, allows them to apply the acquired knowledge in real conditions, is one of the essential factors in the education of culture, an important means of developing personal qualities aimed at a kind attitude towards nature, towards people, towards life.

Learning objectives must reflect the application, development, consolidation and generalization of knowledge and skills acquired by students while studying other subjects. In the content of the educational material, it is important to highlight questions the study of which requires reliance on previously acquired knowledge (from other subjects), as well as questions that will be developed in subsequent teaching of disciplines.

The general trend observed in modern science is the development of complex problems and the development of related fields. The process of integration of linguistic (and not only linguistic) sciences, their interconnection and interpenetration, provides a more reliable basis for building a theoretical basis for language teaching. The method of teaching Russian as a native language, and along with it the method of speech development, is based on data from a number of sciences: linguistics, psychology, logic, pedagogy, ethics and aesthetics, Russian studies.

Strengthening the interdisciplinary nature of education is becoming a priority direction for the humanization of the educational process. The school's interest in such integration of academic subjects, when interdisciplinary connections are realized and sustainable learning motivation is ensured, is unusually high. It is obvious that the formation of communicative competence, including teaching oral and written speech (different styles, types, genres) will be more successful if guided by the principle of the integrated use of interdisciplinary connections.

The Russian language is one of those academic disciplines where the issue of implementing interdisciplinary connections is especially important.

Formation of interdisciplinary connections in Russian language lessons

The connections between the Russian language as a subject of school teaching and other academic disciplines, depending on didactic goals, can be viewed from different positions.

It is usually pointed out that the Russian language is associated with all school disciplines, “since language is a necessary means of expression in all subjects” (S.I. Ganelin), “since it reflects all aspects of reality and since no mental activity is possible without mastering the language” (V.A. Dobromyslov). The existence of such a connection is undeniable. In the chain “Russian language - other subjects,” this connection is established not so much for the Russian language, but for all other subjects, since language as a tool of cognition is one of the decisive conditions for students to acquire knowledge in any subject.

It is more difficult to find lines of communication (primarily in terms of content) that extend from different school disciplines to the Russian language in order to better assimilate this subject by students in order to enrich the methodological capabilities in its teaching.

Interdisciplinary connections in teaching the Russian language can be considered from the point of view of the commonality of methods, the development of skills, from the point of view of the commonality between subjects in terms of developing the mental abilities of students, nurturing their creative activity and independence, etc. For example, I.E. Unt, having studied in a number of schools the connection between student performance in a number of subjects with the generality of mental activity, as well as the general mental abilities of schoolchildren, came to the conclusion that the native language and mathematics are closely related in this regard.

Such a distinction is to a certain extent conditional in nature, since the connections between the Russian language and other subjects are not unilinear, but are mutual or, as they are otherwise called, cyclical, in nature. However, highlighting different aspects of connections is necessary not only because unequal goals are pursued, but also, in particular, because the lack of development of the problem requires at first the isolation of some essential aspects of it and a more careful consideration of them. In essence, each of the above aspects in the Russian language methodology is only outlined. Thus, the most important pedagogical problem common to all subjects - the speech activity of students - has been posed a long time ago, but is being developed with clearly insufficient efforts.

The task of the subject teacher is to identify potential sources of connections in the Russian language (with which subjects contacts are established), to differentiate the nature of these connections (different academic disciplines are connected with the Russian language in different ways), to outline the most optimal use of interdisciplinary connections in teaching the Russian language, and also to try introduce into the practice of their work the preparation and conduct of integrated lessons for the better formation of meta-subject learning activities and the development of students' literacy.

The school curriculum highlights two interrelated areas in teaching the Russian language: familiarizing students with the basics of language theory and (based on it and in close connection with it) developing practical language skills in students, both spelling and the use of oral and written speech. Moreover, in the modern program there is a noticeable strengthening of the theoretical direction. This feature of the content of education (and dictations that develop the problem of interdisciplinary connections pay attention to it) cannot but be taken into account when solving the assigned problems.

When identifying potential sources of connections in the Russian language, one should, firstly, keep in mind those items that help explain the origin or existence of various facts of the modern Russian language and better reveal their features. These connections are either genetic or comparative in nature. It is important, secondly, to show why this or that phenomenon exists in the language, how it is used in different styles of speech. These connections can be called functional.

The specificity of interdisciplinary connections of the Russian language is that they are of different quality and can be expressed in the following groups:

1) Russian language - foreign languages, history;

2) Russian language - literature;

3) Russian language - natural science, mathematics;

4) Russian language - music, drawing, physical education, labor.

The content of these groups is different. In the first case, the connections are comparative in nature, in the second - the connection acts as a primary element for the study of literature, in the third - the connections are expressed in the use of the material of a particular subject for the development of speech and for revealing the commonality of natural language and the language of science, in the fourth - they enrich speech with imagery , show the intonational commonality of poetic words and music and the specificity of word usage in sports and in labor processes.

The totality of interdisciplinary connections of the Russian language reveals the main social functions of language as a means of communication and as a means of cognition. This contains the most important generalizing functions of the academic subject “Russian Language” in teaching.

Let us note one more option for contacts that are established between the Russian language and other subjects in organizational and methodological terms. This refers to the use of organizational forms of learning (lessons, laboratory classes, excursions, etc.), characteristic of different school disciplines, as a basis for oral and written work in Russian language lessons: drawing up examples, answering questions, writing essays based on personal impressions and etc. This type of connection allows for different equivalent options, a wide replacement of materials of one object with materials of another, that is, integration.

Let’s say students are asked to write a mini-essay “How I made a birdhouse” or “How I sewed an apron.” In this case, we appeal to the experience of students acquired in labor lessons. But isn’t the topic “How I filled out the outline map”, or “How I prepared the seeds for sowing”, or (possibly something like this) “How I prepared for the essay”, not equivalent for the Russian language? Here are just a few options; the list of similar topics could be significantly increased by linking them to any school discipline.

All these topics are possible, the purpose of working on them is the same - describing the process. The composition of the work, the selection of many linguistic means, etc. will be the same. The choice of a specific topic, connection with any subject is determined by certain conditions: the brightness and freshness of impressions, the volume of actions involved in the process, the vocabulary of students, etc. Thus, the “bundle” of these connections turns out to be unfixed. It can include any school subject and even, as we have seen, the Russian language itself. Moreover, reliance on the student’s entire life experience turns out to be equivalent, i.e. here the concept of interdisciplinary connections will be equivalent to another - connection with life.

Interdisciplinary connections function in the learning process as an essential factor in the activation of educational and cognitive activities of students, which qualitatively transform all its components.

Increasing the creative potential of interdisciplinary connections is achieved by teaching generalized methods of cognitive activity, which allows solving new problems based on general guidelines characteristic of a whole class of phenomena. Generalized concepts and actions, despite their universality, should not lose their objective meaning, otherwise they turn into empty abstractions, unproductive in knowledge. The generalization of knowledge and methods of action, increasing the activity and success of the activity, also strengthens its cognitive motivation, especially when solving creative, non-standard problems. The student's interest in his own thinking process, in its operational side, increases. The “discoveries” that students make when solving interdisciplinary cognitive problems turn out to be more significant and subjectively more significant than success in standardized subject activities. In this regard, the values ​​of the new “interdisciplinary” type of cognitive activity also increase, and the need for it becomes stronger. Putting educational and cognitive tasks before students while establishing interdisciplinary connections significantly activates cognition. Such a task must be recognized and solved as an interdisciplinary one. The student must establish connections between elements related to different subject knowledge systems. This requires active mental activity, tension in his memory, thinking, emotional-volitional processes, development of imagination and speech. Interdisciplinary connections are the most important factor in optimizing the learning process, increasing its effectiveness, and eliminating overload for teachers and students.

Of particular importance are interdisciplinary connections for the effective use of organizational forms of training, as well as the targeted restructuring of all the main links of the educational process, including the creation of integrated lessons. Such a restructuring, taking into account interdisciplinary connections, is aimed at creating an active position of the student in the learning process, because it provides for the implementation of the unity of educational, developmental and nurturing functions of teaching; unity of ideological, theoretical, scientific and worldview content of education and active educational and cognitive activity of students. In the context of a Russian language lesson, integration as a promising and relevant direction in the methodology of teaching humanities is not a form, but a complex content that helps to enhance knowledge obtained from different sources. In addition to the tasks of assimilation (data transfer and the formation of various, including speech, skills and abilities in integrated Russian language lessons), favorable conditions are created for students to gain experience in an emotional and value-based attitude to reality, and experience in creative work. The lesson develops the ability to live in unity and harmony with nature, people, the environment and the skills of such communication in the native language, when conditions for creativity are created.

Russian language and history.

The Russian language establishes genetic connections with history (primarily with the history of culture). Information from history makes it possible to explain, for example, many features of the vocabulary and phraseology of the modern Russian language, variants of forms, the specifics of Russian writing, etc. The genetic connection with other subjects manifests itself mainly in the study of the formation of words and their etymology, when the pattern in the creation of words is considered in the linguistic plane itself, and information from one or another field of knowledge helps to explain the content of individual words and allows one to reveal the history of a concept.

The specificity of the genetic connection established between the Russian language and other subjects in order to reveal the origin of certain words lies in the fact that we attract information from one or another field of knowledge. Indeed, revealing the origin of concepts denoted, for example, by the words: “digit”, “zero”, “number”, “calendar”, “draw”, “buckwheat”, “daisy”, etc., it is impossible not to turn to history relevant science. The same thing essentially happens when figuring out the etymology of any significant word. “As a name, as an indication of an object,” wrote academician V.V. Vinogradov, “the word is a cultural-historical thing.”

A typical illustration of this situation can be, for example, the names of various concepts (geographical objects, units of measurement, laws, etc.), the etymology of which is given in school textbooks.

From work experience. Here are some examples that can be used as historical dictation:

The names "Europe" and "Asia" were introduced by ancient Greek geographers.

The word "Africa" ​​comes from the name of the Berber tribe - Afrigii. The name “Africa” was given by the Romans to one of the territories in the north of the continent where this tribe lived, then the name spread to the entire continent.

Mesopotamia is a country of very ancient culture.

The name “Far East” arose among the people at the end of the 17th century, when Russian explorers walked towards the sun in search of new lands and fur-bearing animals.

The unit of voltage is named volt in honor of the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta, who created the first galvanic cell.

The dependence of current on voltage at the ends of a section of a circuit and the resistance of this section is called Ohm's law, named after the German scientist Georg Ohm, who discovered this law in 1827.

“Flower of the sun” - under this poetic name in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century, a plant brought from Mexico with a bright yellow inflorescence was known. For many years, Europeans grew the “sun flower” as an ornamental plant. It came to our country in the 17th century. The plant was planted near huts and was called sunflower.

The number of such examples can be significantly increased, but the nature of the ones given shows their close connection with the history of society, science, and culture.

From a linguistic point of view, it is important to highlight the features that form the basis of a particular name. The set of these features is limited, many of them are the same for proper and common nouns.

Thus, in the above cases, the names arose in connection with the name of the discoverer, were given by the name of the people, in relation to the sides of the horizon, by location, etc.

From work experience. Also in Russian language lessons it is possible to use historical terms as a vocabulary dictation, for example:

An armed attack by one state on another. People power. Absence of any power. The spread of economic and political influence of one state over another. Politics of intimidation, violence, suppression.

In the process of writing this dictation, a conversation is held with students to clarify the meaning of words they do not understand.

Thus, the genetic connection of the Russian language with other subjects turns out to be strictly fixed, since when establishing it we focus on a specific area of ​​knowledge - history. Moreover, this connection also has another characteristic: it is closed because it is confined to the specified area of ​​knowledge.

The genetic connection with history manifests itself differently when studying different sections of the Russian language. Thus, it will be more complete in those of them that are directly in contact with the history of society: in vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, graphics, spelling, speech culture, stylistics, general information about language. In work on phonetics and grammar, such a close connection is essentially absent. There are great possibilities for connections with the history of the language itself.

Conclusion: using interdisciplinary connections in Russian language lessons, the teacher needs to prepare students who are literate in the broad sense of the word, equip them with the skills to use oral and written language to the extent that they need it for creative, industrial and social activities.

The use of interdisciplinary connections in Russian language lessons when studying the topic “Verb”.

Let's consider the issue of an integrated approach to Russian language lessons in general and aspects of studying the topic “Verb” based on interdisciplinary connections, in particular. This will allow us to note the “blind spots”, problems of integration of academic disciplines and prospects for further research, the topic of which is stated in the work.

An attempt has been made to generalize the experience of conducting the first school lessons and to present a system of tasks tested in practice on the topic “Types of verbs”, studied using the textbook by Mikhail Trofimovich Baranov in the 5th grade.

In the topic “Verb”, the paragraph “Types of verb” was not chosen by chance, because information about the species pair is new for a fifth-grader, and the proposed system of exercises will interest the student.

Any topic relating to “the most lively part of the speech of the Russian language,” according to one of the modern poets, for the teacher is a topic in which attention must be paid to the following difficulties:

Compliance with norms when forming a species pair (stylistic and orthoepic); - constructing phrases taking into account the combinative properties of the word.

The proposed tasks are compiled based on difficulties and are aimed at overcoming them.

The first task is named with words from a poem by A.A. Blok. This task is carried out during the lesson of explaining new material at the consolidation stage. The exercise connects with subjects such as literature, speech development, literary criticism, and linguistic analysis of text.

Task 2 A FAIRY TALE IS A LIE, YES IT HAS A HINT IN IT, is also performed during the lesson of explaining new material at the consolidation stage. Here an interdisciplinary connection with literature, speech development, and rhetoric is realized.

Both of these tasks help develop students' language skills.

The task EVERYONE IS FOLLOWING YOUR OWN EXAMPLE is carried out during the lesson of generalization, repetition of the studied material at the generalization stage. This example implies a connection with lexicography and word formation (this is intra-subject integration).

Task 12 - the grammatical fairy tale “Once upon a time” is performed in a generalization lesson, repeating the studied material at the generalization stage. This is a creative task that shows integration with the culture of speech, and with linguistic analysis of the text, and with the development of speech.

By presenting the tasks in the table and selecting didactic material for each type of task, you can trace the stages of formation of the following skills:

Analytical (text analysis, performing types of analysis),

Speech (written speech),

Communicative (oral speech).

These skills, developed taking into account interdisciplinary connections, allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

· firstly, the means of art through artistic images help to activate the personal experience of each child, connecting the intellectual-volitional and emotional spheres of a person;

· secondly, an integrative approach to studying the topic helps the student to see and understand the significance of the educational material and its place in the language system and the holistic picture of the world;

· thirdly, the system of exercises allows you to create a solid visual image of a word, form the linguistic thinking of students, that is, consciously comprehend the laws of language and speech.

Using the material from landscape poems by A. Blok, prove the validity of the scientist’s observations mentioned in this text. Pay attention to the morphological means by which the work conveys the feeling of rapid movement.

1. “Rapid movement” A. Blok

A. Blok introduced into Russian poetry a feeling of unprecedented expanses, diverging distances, a vague path lost in the darkness (“Autumn Will”, 1905; “Russia” 1908, etc.). The space is permeated with a rapid, whirlwind movement, signified by such favorite Blok verbs as “fly”, “rush”, “strive”, “twist”, “whirl”: “we fly into millions of abysses”, “the steppe mare flies, flies”, “ worlds fly”, “hasty flight of comets”. The natural world is all in light, flying outlines, as if “blown through by the wind.”

Wind is the main element of creativity... It carries with it clouds of snow or dust, blinds, knocks down, tears windows off their hinges. Blok often intertwines motifs of wind and snow, from which the image of a blizzard or blizzard is born (“Rus”, 1906; “Under the noise and peculiar ringing...”, 1909; cycle “Snow Mask”, 1907; “Twelve”, 1918). The air of Blok’s landscape is most often cloudy, unclear, hazy. None of the poets so powerfully conveyed the spontaneity of Russian nature, impetuous, unbridled, daring (“Autumn Will”, “Rus”, “My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together?..”, 1910; “New America”, 1913).

M. Epstein.

2. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Listen to a wonderful fairy tale. How do verbs differ in right- and left-hand speech? Construct the statement as follows: thesis - evidence - conclusion.

One day the right hand said to the left:

Be ashamed, because we are created in the same way by nature, and yet I can do everything, and you can do nothing. I reap, and mow, and sow, and water the garden, and write, and draw, and draw - in a word, I do everything. And you're idle.

To which the left hand replied:

What is my fault that my master does not exercise me? Let him just begin to exercise me - and I will do everything: I will cut, and I will mow, and I will sow, and I will water the garden, and I will write, and I will draw, and I will draw no worse than you.

According to A. Peshkovsky.

3. Verbs creative power

Analyze any landscape poem by A. Fet and see what morphological means are used to achieve the impression of movement, continuous change in nature. Draw a conclusion.

4. Without studying, you can’t weave bast shoes

Write down as many species pairs as possible that form a perfect species with the meaning given below. Try to write short sentences for all the listed cases with both species pairs. Be sure to check your work.

a) once, suddenly (jump - jump); b) a certain time (talk - talk); c) in a certain direction (run - run); d) to a certain border (to run - to run); d) in large quantities (cook - boil); f) do something in detail, thoroughly (look - consider); g) again, anew (do - redo); h) finish the action (burn - burn out).

5. In a word

Replace the indicated interpretations with a verb with NOT. Make sentences with some of them.

1. Feel hostility towards someone or something.

2. Force, force to do something.

3. Feel a sense of outrage.

4. Show insufficient attention or oversight during observation.

5. Eating not enough, eating poorly.

6. Not feeling very good.

7. Synonym for the word “overlook.”

8. I feel bad, I didn’t get enough sleep.

9. Be perplexed.

10. Groom, cherish.

11. Indulge in bliss, enjoy.

12. Show rage.

13. Synonym for “not feeling well.”

14. Having hatred towards someone.

6. Think out loud!

Oral work. Insert a suitable verb into the proverbs and decide whether b is needed in it. Who can better explain the moral contained in these proverbs? Write a short story, ending it with a proverb.

7. Golden lines of Russian poetry

Determine the type of verb:

More cupids, devils, snakes jump and make noise on the stage; The still tired lackeys sleep on fur coats at the entrances; They haven’t stopped stomping yet, blowing their nose, coughing, shushing, clapping; Even outside and inside, lanterns shine everywhere; Still, having grown cold, the horses fight, Bored with their harness, And the coachmen, around the lights, Scold the masters and beat them in the palms - And Onegin went out; He goes home to get dressed.

8. No sooner said than done

Write down as many verb pairs as possible, the types of which differ:

1) suffixes:

a) -va- (pour - pour); b) -a- (save - save); c) -yva- (-iva-) - -a- (tell - tell); d) -yva- (-iva-) - -i- (unscrew - unscrew); e) -a- - - i- (decide - decide)

2) place of emphasis (cut - cut).

9. Who is faster!

From the indicated verbs, form at least 30 related perfective verbs.

10. Whatever you go for, you will find!

Select species pairs that are formed from different bases.

For example: catch - catch, take - take.

The winner is the one who correctly selects the most examples.

11. Everyone is a good guy, following his example.

Pairs of verbal roots with alternating vowels and consonants are given. Use them to reconstruct species pairs. For example: water - west: withdraw - withdraw. If you find it difficult to complete a task, use a school dictionary of word structure and word formation.

nose - carried, carried - carried, dir - der, feast - lane.

world - mer, ezh - eh, nim - nya, lag - lie,

met - places, pad - pass, start - empty,

rash - grow, dry - dry, jump - skoch.

12. Once upon a time (grammatical tale)

Write a grammatical tale with the following beginning:

“Once upon a time there were two brothers. They were called Dress and Wear. They were very similar to each other, and therefore many thought that they were twins. But one day it turned out that they were not so similar. It happened like this..."

After analyzing this lesson, we can draw the following conclusions:

The principle of integration, assuming the interaction and interconnection of various aspects of the activities of the teacher and students, techniques and forms, allows:

1) based on common points, combine several subjects within the framework of a Russian language lesson that is new in quality and show the originality of each integrated subject;

2) implement the unity of training, development, education; taking into account the peculiarities of the creative nature of work on speech development, rely on the laws of the educational process and art, creativity;

3) diversify the types of activities of the teacher and students and combine them in an act of co-creation in the lesson.

The classes chosen for experimental work were in all respects ordinary, typical for a given school and city.

The subject of our attention was, first of all, the written speech of students. We judged the level of its development based on the data from the control section. Analysis of student works showed that children do not have sufficient command of this type of speech such as description, their speech is poor, inexpressive, they do not always understand the meaning of artistic expressiveness. There is a significant gap between the stock of ideas of schoolchildren and their vocabulary; students tend to misunderstand words in their polysemy. To understand the essence and develop the ability to use paths, good development of such mental operations as comparison, juxtaposition, generalization, and specification is required. Their training is provided by appropriate language material drawn from other school subjects.

The identified shortcomings in the speech development of students and the analysis of their causes made it possible to outline the main directions of work on the formation of meta-subject universal educational activities and the development of literacy of schoolchildren based on the integrated use of interdisciplinary connections in the process of speech development in Russian language lessons.

The purpose of the educational experiment was to identify the effectiveness of selected techniques and teaching aids, taking into account interdisciplinary connections.

When conducting the experiment, the task was to check:

1) the feasibility of involving interdisciplinary material in the Russian language lesson as a stimulus for the development of students’ speech-thought processes and enrichment of their experience.

2) To what extent does the impact of works of art on the sensory-emotional sphere of students (during observations, reflection) contribute to the formation of individual ideas, generalizations, independence of emotional and aesthetic assessments and their use in speech as one of the manifestations of its emotional-figurative expressiveness.

3) How does the use of materials from the humanities influence the formation of the qualities of speech: correctness, accuracy, logic, expressiveness, richness and relevance.

By understanding the word formation of adverbs, students consolidate and improve their ability to recognize this part of speech in context and at the same time receive a kind of training in understanding the spelling of adverbs. Information that among the adverbs stands out an “old” group of words that has no living connections with other words of the modern Russian language, allows us to better understand their meaning and fill in the spelling (here, now, blindly, askew, with a pant).

1 Ascertaining experiment

Two 7th grades of the same level participated in the experiment - grades 7a and 7b. Class 7a will henceforth be called 7k, 7b - 7e. 7k worked according to the traditional method (according to the textbook by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya); and 7e worked using an experimental methodology associated with various methods in the synthesis of various humanitarian subjects: Russian language, literature, speech development, music, painting, MHC.

The initial cut of knowledge in terms of content and complexity was the same in grades 7k and 7e and had the goal of identifying the level of knowledge in both classes before the start of the teaching experiment.

The test on the topic “Adverbs” was a dictation followed by a task on analyzing and reconstructing adverbs and sentences with adverbs. The dictation is voluminous (118 words) with different types of adverbs, with different options for their word formation and spelling (continuous-separate-hyphenated spelling).

6 people from class 7k and 6 people from class 7e took part in the experiment.

Thus, students in both classes showed an average level of knowledge

UDC 330.190.2


© Svetlana Vyacheslavovna POZDNYAKOVA

Tambov State University named after. G.R. Derzhavina, Tambov, Russian Federation, assistant at the Department of Taxes and Taxation, e-mail: [email protected]

The article presents an interpretation of the category “integration”, the prerequisites of which are the desire to improve the quality of management and eliminate inefficiency, the desire to reduce the tax burden, the possibility of diversifying production and using excess resources, the desire to increase the political weight of the company’s management and the personal motives of managers. Meso-level integration is considered, the categories “integration process”, “integration connections”, types and forms of integration are defined. The complexity of integration ties designed to establish strong interdependence between enterprises is described, thereby creating a powerful reserve for strengthening the industrial potential that determines the future development of the industry.

Key words: big business; small business; regional level; entrepreneurship; integration; integration links; integration process.

The structure of modern society is a system that includes the public sector of the economy, large, small and medium-sized enterprises that interact and complement each other. The nature of such interaction is determined by clearly expressed global integration trends, which are reflected in the meso-level economy.

Small enterprises in developed countries successfully interact with representatives of large businesses who consider them as strategic partners. These include industrial, trade, construction, transport, as well as scientific, technical and service corporations that use franchising, venture financing and leasing in their activities. In modern world practice, small and medium-sized enterprises, while maintaining their economic and legal independence, are organically part of large corporations, which often themselves initiate the formation of small enterprises, especially in new scientific and technological areas, providing them with comprehensive support. In the context of the past crisis, the unification of small and large businesses has become one of the ways to maintain their positions in the market, since by combining advantages and establishing effective integration links, a stable and effectively functioning mesostructure can be obtained.

Currently in Russia there are significant disproportions between large and small businesses, despite the fact that their interaction is based not only on mutual interests, but also on common goals. This irrational, from the standpoint of world practice, relationship between large, medium and small enterprises, characteristic of all industries and territorial-economic entities (regions) of the Russian economy, has its historical roots. In the Soviet planned economy, priority was given to large industrial and agricultural enterprises, for which production volumes and the range of products were established. In a market economy, demand determines many things - volumes, assortment, quality, and at the same time the integral efficiency of production of goods and services (costs, quality, assortment renewal, etc.), their delivery to consumers largely depends on the relationships between small and large businesses. Therefore, in the structure of the national economies of developed countries, the share of small and medium-sized enterprises is constantly increasing, the mechanisms of their interaction with large corporations, which are forced to adequately respond to global differentiation of markets and the increasing individualization of consumer demand in the era of post-industrial innovative development, are being improved. Effective use of resource capabilities of the national eco-

Economics, as well as its individual regional and industrial sectors, also depends on the rational ratio of the number of large and small enterprises.

In establishing interaction between large and small businesses at the meso level, government authorities play a special role, providing benefits to small businesses, making them attractive to large and medium-sized businesses, since placing orders with small enterprises allows them to reduce production costs. It is the state that can stimulate large firms, giving preference when distributing state orders to those of them that will carry it out with the involvement of small businesses, since the majority of small enterprises in the manufacturing sector cannot operate sustainably without orders from large and medium-sized enterprises. In all countries with a market economy, each large manufacturing company cooperates with tens and even hundreds of small enterprises, while the cooperation of small and large businesses is mainly carried out along industry and territorial lines in the system of regulatory coordinates of a particular region.

Achieving mutual correspondence between these areas of entrepreneurship largely depends on regional authorities and non-governmental organizations (unions, associations, etc.) coordinating the work of individual groups of large, medium and small enterprises, since in Russian conditions the interaction of large and small businesses is extremely important for the transition of the economy on an innovative path of development, which requires constant contacts between participants in the innovation process, allowing for the adjustment of scientific research, development and production processes, as well as with regional government structures. Such interaction has its own characteristics, determined by corporate interests, which ensure innovative integration of any organizations, regardless of their size.

American researcher of the network society M. Castells notes that in the context of the transition of the economic system from

From the industrial type of development to the informational one, “the crisis of a large corporation and the high viability of small and medium-sized firms as agents of innovation and sources of creating new jobs” are manifested; there is a redistribution of economic power and technological capabilities from large corporations to medium and small firms. Small and medium-sized businesses more effectively master advanced technologies and more successfully use information about all kinds of innovative developments. Small-scale entities are “closer” to the end consumer, show greater flexibility and adaptability to market requirements, quickly adapt the production program, take into account growing demand as much as possible, respond more quickly to structural changes in the economy, as well as small enterprises, thanks to the flexibility of organizational forms are more actively occupying free niches in the market and achieving success in areas in which large enterprises and corporate entities are ineffective.

In the conditions of innovative development, the institutional design of sustainable interaction between all participants in the scientific, technical and production spheres through the development of a unified innovation infrastructure that ensures the effective use of national scientific and technological potential accumulated by business entities of different sizes acquires exceptional importance. This fact is explained by the fact that market reforms in the Russian economy will be socially justified only on the condition that they actually contribute to the creation of a competitive mechanism in the area of ​​innovation activity that is strategically important for the national economy, since the constancy of innovative changes is becoming a priority process in the economic development of modern society.

The innovative economy is aimed, first of all, at realizing the potential of large-scale production as having a superior ability, compared to small and medium-sized entities, to attract innovation-oriented

investments (both domestic and foreign), however, confirmed by theory and practice, its innovative qualities, which significantly increase in the process of interaction with small businesses, actualize the problem of institutional support for the associated activities of large and small businesses.

“At the same time it is true that small and medium-sized enterprises appear to be forms of organization well adapted to the flexible production system of the information economy, and also that their renewed dynamism comes under the control of large corporations that remain at the center of the economic structure of the new global economy. In reality, we are not witnessing the demise of large and powerful corporations, but a crisis of the traditional corporate organizational model based on vertical integration and hierarchical functional management of the staff and line system of strict technical and social division of labor in the company.

Of particular relevance is the promotion and substantiation of the concept of a multifactorial mechanism of macro- and microeconomic stimulation of the innovation process occurring within the boundaries of the integrated interaction of small and large enterprises. In such conditions, the innovative activity of joint goal-oriented functioning of different-scale subjects of economic activity turns into a decisive condition not only for the economic growth of interacting subjects, but also, in essence, for the economic growth of all regional (and national) production.

In essence, integration is an interweaving, merging of separate business structures. The concept of “integration” is relatively new, emerging in the 20s. XX century, its founders were German scientists R. Schmed, H. Kelsen and D. Schindler. The term “integration” (integrace - lat.) means a certain integrity, structure, improvement. Modern literature presents a significant number of scientific works that give an ambiguous interpretation of the terms “integration”, “integration process”, “integration”.

tional connections.” It is worth noting that economic integration is presented both at the level of national economies of entire countries, and between enterprises, firms, companies, and corporations. Economic integration is manifested in the expansion and deepening of production and technological

connections, sharing resources, pooling capital, creating favorable conditions for each other to carry out economic activities, and removing mutual barriers. M. Kaplan’s interpretation of integration is more than simple: integration, in his opinion, takes place when two or more units are united into a whole, as well as “when one system absorbs others.”

Guided by the definition of a modern economic dictionary, integration can be interpreted as “the unification of economic entities, the deepening of their interaction, the development of connections between them.” Depending on the subjects involved in the integration process, the following levels of integration should be distinguished: intraregional integration, interregional integration, interstate integration.

Integration ties, in turn, are designed to establish strong interdependence between enterprises, thereby creating a powerful reserve for strengthening the industrial potential that determines the future development of the industry. The prerequisites for integration are the desire to improve the quality of management and eliminate inefficiency, the desire to reduce the tax burden, the possibility of diversifying production and using excess resources, the desire to increase the political weight of the company's management and the personal motives of managers. Also, the purpose of mergers and acquisitions is to increase the capitalized value of the combined company.

In modern Russia, processes of disintegration are giving way to establishing connections, interaction, unification and integration. And this process is inevitable, although it has a certain chaotic character. To reach a civilized level, it is necessary to have a deep theoretical study and accumulate practical experience, which is still scattered, but necessary in the light of the

searching for new opportunities for innovative development.

In the course of economic integration, reproduction processes coalesce, scientific cooperation, and the formation of close economic, scientific, production and trade ties occur. Integration is manifested both in the expansion and deepening of production and technical ties, the sharing of resources, the pooling of capital, and in creating favorable conditions for each other to carry out economic activities and removing mutual barriers. In the regional aspect, the features of integration processes can be traced. The basic basis and potential of these processes is formed by the regions, since it is here that business structures are registered, operate and develop. Therefore, integration has as its starting point the regional environment where the resources and potential of business structures are concentrated.

Integration at the meso level allows enterprises to achieve and maintain certain positions in the market by solving a number of problems:

Combining resources - intellectual, technological, financial, marketing - to achieve a synergistic effect and diversify activities;

Organization of the technological process, corporate management, promotion and support of goods to achieve maximum savings and increase business profitability;

Minimizing commercial risks by obtaining guaranteed access to target markets.

As integration processes, we define the processes of combining assets by subjects of market relations with or without the formation of a new company.

The integration process includes: 1) market circulation of goods, services, money supply (such integration is called superficial); 2) production - (deep integration); 3) the scope of decision-making at the level of firms and business unions. The complexity of integration relations lies in the difference in

The main disadvantage of the uniting structures is their unequal ability to participate in the reproductive cycle.

Vertical integration is driven by technological connections between enterprises and provides economies of scale, consolidation and efficient use of resources. Horizontal integration allows minimizing lost profits, and sometimes indicates the monopolistic aspirations of its participants. Diversification of risk and the ability to indirectly influence partners is provided by diagonal integration (merger with an enterprise located at a different level of the vertical production cycle and producing parallel types of products).

Achieving some compromise between the requirements of minimizing lost profits and minimizing costs, including transaction costs, is possible through combined integration (simultaneously along the technological chain and across parallel types of products).

The development of integration processes has been most noticeable in recent years in the sphere of production and services. Large interregional financial and industrial

ny groups, coordination of regions is being strengthened when creating elements of a new market infrastructure. There are interregional companies serving the integration relations of subjects, for example, committees and commissions of the non-profit partnership “Regions of the 21st Century”. “Taking into account the trends towards regional economic self-isolation, expressed in the slowdown or complete cessation of economic interregional cooperation, obstacles to work in the territory of a particular region for representatives of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to stimulate interregional cooperation programs at the federal level.”

According to specialists of the non-profit partnership “Regions of the XXI Century”, it is necessary to develop and implement a new model of interregional and international economic interaction based on market efficiency. It is important to involve regional authorities in the process of attracting and providing the necessary conditions

vii work for efficient and competitive Russian manufacturers from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The implementation of this task is necessary both to increase the economic potential of the regions and to ensure the national security of Russia, since the closed economy of strong regions can pose a danger to Russia as a federal state. Regionalization creates additional opportunities, incentives and mechanisms for the movement of production factors in the international economy. The category “regional” in this case implies not just the geographical boundaries of this or that integration association, but the similarity of economic, cultural and territorial production complexes.

Regional economic integration has the following goals:

1) increasing national competitiveness;

2) taking advantage of the “economy of scale”, which allows expanding the size of the market, reducing transaction costs, creating a combination of new factors of production, and stimulating the influx of foreign direct investment;

3) promoting modernization and structural reforms in the regional economy;

4) obtaining for national entrepreneurs wider access to financial, labor, material resources, and the latest technologies.

In the formation of the institutional foundations of the integration processes of the constituent entities of the Federation in recent years, there have also been certain advances, mainly related to the activities of interregional associations of economic interaction, which have become a noticeable phenomenon in the socio-economic life of Russia. Interregional associations of economic interaction are a voluntary association of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to coordinate efforts in solving socio-economic problems of the regions, improving the quality of life of the population, interregional integration between the regions of Russia and countries of the near and far abroad.

For example, the association of economic interaction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation “Far East and Transbaikalia”

is one of the first interregional associations in Russia. It was created in August 1990. At first, as an advisory body of the leaders of the Far Eastern territories, and in 1993, it was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia as a voluntary economic union of territories - the Interregional Association of Economic Cooperation of the Subjects of the Russian Federation of the Far East and Transbaikalia.

On May 31, 1991, No. 1354-1, the decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR “On the organization of associations for economic interaction between the regions of the Central Black Earth Region” was signed

RSFSR and measures to create conditions for their accelerated development."

In October 1991, the Constituent Agreement of the subjects of the Central Black Earth Region of the RSFSR was signed on the creation of the Association for Economic Cooperation of the Regions of the Central Black Earth Region of the RSFSR.

On September 16, 1993, No. 918 issued the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation “On some issues of the organization and activities of voluntary associations (associations) of economic interaction between the subjects of the Federation and local governments.”

On November 17, 1999, the State Duma adopted Federal Law No. 211 “On the general principles of organization and activities of associations for economic interaction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.”

From 1991 to 2001, the association of subjects of the Central Black Earth region united ten regions (Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Novgorod, Oryol, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula, Bryansk) and was abbreviated as the Black Earth Association.

In total, by the beginning of 1999, 8 associations had been created, covering the entire territory of Russia, except for Chechnya (8 regions were part of two associations at once). The territories of the associations largely coincided with the territories of 11 economic regions of Russia (including the Association "North-West" - Northern and North-Western regions; "Big Volga" - Volga and Volga -

Vyatsky; "Siberian Agreement" - East Siberian and West Siberian).

The leaders of these associations are included in the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation, and extensive experience has been accumulated in the activities of the executive bodies of the associations in the form of their coordination councils.

For the modern Russian economy, the task of developing and supporting entrepreneurship by the state, especially its small forms and especially in the production sector, is one of the main ones. An important condition for the development of entrepreneurship is an active and balanced state policy regarding the regulation and support of small businesses, which should take into account the sectoral and regional characteristics of the development of this sector of the economy, and support should be provided at the federal, regional and local levels.

Both the state and the founders of the enterprises participating in the groups are interested in strengthening the positions of business structures. However, the further development of integration processes in the Russian economy is hampered by the lack of clear legislative norms regulating the processes of creation and activities of business associations. Currently in Russia there are no clear legal provisions defining a group of companies as a single economic entity. The norms of civil, antimonopoly, tax, banking, accounting legislation in terms of regulating the functioning of integrated structures are often

contradict each other and rely on different conceptual apparatus.

1. Castells M. Information era: economics, society and culture. URL: http:// Cap. from the screen.

2. Gayanova M.V. Integration processes in retail trade: abstract. dis. ...cand. economy Sci. Ekaterinburg, 2QQ9.

3. Kaplan M. System and Process in International Politics. N. Y., 1957.

4. Modern economic dictionary. URL: Cap. from the screen.

5. Dubinin V.I. Development of entrepreneurial

structures in the region based on innovation and integration. URL:

articles/index.phtml?sID=38. Cap. from the screen.

6. Information analytical agency “Regions of Russia”. URL: http://www.regions Cap. from the screen.

7. Erokhin V.L. International entrepreneurship. Moscow; Stavropol, 2QQ8.

8. Information about the Interregional Association “Far East and Transbaikalia”. URL: Cap. from the screen.

9. Association "Central Black Earth". Economic interaction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. URL: Cap. from the screen.

1Q. Interregional associations of economic interaction. URL: http://www. Cap. from the screen.

Received by the editor 7.1Q.2Q11


Svetlana Vyacheslavovna POZDNYAKOVA, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, Assistant of Taxes and Taxation Department, e-mail: [email protected]

In article the treatment of a category “the integration” as which preconditions act aspiration to improve the quality of management and inefficiency elimination, desire to lower tax loading, possibility of a diversification of manufacture and use of superfluous resources, aspiration to raise political weight of company management and personal motives of managers is presented. Mezolevel integration is considered, categories “integration process”, “integration communications”, kinds and integration forms are defined. Complexity of the integration communications, called to establish strong interdependence between the enterprises is described, having created, thereby, a powerful reserve for strengthening of the industrial potential, branches defining the future development.

Key words: large business; small-scale business; regional level business; integration; integration communications; integration process.