Basic conditions for obtaining a loan for the purchase of housing in Belarusbank. Preferential loans for housing construction in Belarus: features, application rules and reviews Loans for the purchase of housing Belarus

A loan for the purchase of housing from Belarusbank is provided under certain conditions and has its advantages and disadvantages. Purchasing housing with a loan in Belarus is current practice for many people, since not everyone can save the necessary amount of money.

Terms of a loan for the purchase of housing in Belarusbank

A loan for the purchase of housing at ASB Belarusbank implies certain conditions, namely:

  • The loan is issued for the purchase of premises intended for housing (room, share in ownership) and built according to the state. order.
  • Credit period— up to 20 years. You should know that you need to repay the loan after 18 months, next month.
  • The annual interest is not fixed and is 13.5%. Interest is paid upon the use of loan funds.
  • Volume of credit funds – up to 90% of the cost housing based on the borrower's solvency. If the borrower's solvency is insufficient, the income of the guarantors may be added to the total income of the borrower. For families with three or more children under age, the amount of loan funds is 95% of total cost housing.

Based on the recipient's written application, the loan is provided by transferring the amount to the real estate seller's account opened with Belarusbank or to legal accounts. persons of banking organizations with cash settlement services. It is important to note that accounts using bank cards are an exception.

Other Belarusbank loans for the purchase of housing

In 2019, Belarusbank also provides other types of housing loans:

NameLending period, yearsInterestVolume of borrowed funds
Mortgage with usUp to 20The first 36 months is the refinance rate. National Bank of the Republic of Belarus – 2.51 percent. points, that is 7.99%

From 37 months –
refinance rate NB RB + 1.5 percent. points, that is 12%

Up to 90% of the cost of housing, taking into account the client’s solvency
Buying an apartment and a house using the construction savings system

The construction savings system consists of 2 stages:
Stage 1. Opening of a “Housing and savings” deposit
Stage 2. Issuance of a loan by Belarusbank.

Up to 2011.5% (refinance rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus + 1 percentage point) or the weighted average refinance rate. NBRB for the period from the month when the savings agreement was concluded to the month when the loan agreement was concluded, increased by 1%Up to 70% of the purchase price. The amount borrowed is determined based on the total amount of money in the savings phase and the ability to repay the loan.
Loans for housing construction
For the construction or restoration of housing using subsidized payment for repayment (based on the state document of the head of state No. 240)Up to 20Within the framework of the standardized price of residential premises in the maximum volume, which is established by state authorities on the provision of subsidy assistance and the solvency of the borrower
For housing constructionUp to 2013.5% (refinance rate + 3%)Up to 90% of the construction price/rehabilitation of an object intended for housing/total value of housing bonds in nominal value, taking into account the solvency of the borrower
For the construction of apartments and houses using the construction savings systemUp to 2010.5% (refinance rate) + 1 percent. point or weighted average refinance rate. NBRB for the period - from the month of concluding the housing savings agreement to the month that precedes the month of concluding the loan agreement, increased by 1%Up to 75% of the total cost of construction of a residential property

Preferential lending from Belarusbank is represented by a loan for those in need of improving housing conditions. Loans are provided to applicants, who build residential facilities in houses and individuals. houses intended for habitation.

You must also be registered those in need of improved housing conditions. The loan is issued for a period up to 20 years, bid is 5.25%(the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is 10.5%/2) + 3%, that is, 8.25%.

The amount of loan funds issued is no more than 75% of the total cost of construction of a residential property, no more than 90% for families who have three or more children under age at the date of conclusion of the agreement with the bank.

For young families at Belarusbank in need of financial support from the state (namely, to repay debt on soft loans received for the purchase or construction (reconstruction) of housing), a Preferential Loan is intended based on Decree No. 13.

Application for financial assistance

Important! After a young family is approved on the list for a preferential loan, only then does it have the right to enter into a credit agreement to receive a loan. Regarding the issue of approval on the list, this needs to be decided in the state. bodies authorized to carry out this activity.

Financial assistance to a young family is offered in the amount of 10% of total debt for loans received at the birth (adoption) of 1 child and 20% for 2 children.

Belarusbank requirements for borrowers

In order for the applicant (guarantor) to receive a loan to purchase housing from a Belarus bank must meet certain requirements:

  1. Reside within Belarus on a permanent basis.
  2. Have a regular income.
  3. Be competent.

For those, who has reached retirement age, a real estate loan is issued:

  • With security in the form of guarantors who have not reached this age.
  • Based on the size of pension payments, for those who do not receive state. pension after acquiring this right and work – 50% of average monthly income over the last 3 months.

List of documents

To take out a loan to buy an apartment from Belarusbank, you must prepare the following documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. Income certificate or bank account statement over the last 3 months. subject to receipt of payments from Belarusbank.
  3. Consent of the borrower and guarantor to verify personal data and submit a loan report from the Credit Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.
  4. Certified by a notary/registrar Contract of sale and registered in the institution according to the state. registration of real estate showing the final settlement period under the agreement.

If an individual entrepreneur applies, additional papers are required (data on state registration, information on income of the individual entrepreneur, etc.).

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Calculator for calculation

For this it is necessary select the loan name, then the interest rate and term lines will be filled in automatically.

  • Maximum size (in suggested fields you need to enter your income and expenses).
  • Required Income to receive (you must enter the desired loan amount and expenses in the fields provided).

A loan calculator is a convenient tool for assessing your capabilities before applying to a banking organization for a housing loan.

How to get a loan to buy a home?

To apply for a loan need to visit the organization issuing preferential and mortgage loans:

  1. In Minsk - to the department for issuing preferential and mortgage loans of the Mortgage Office or to the locality at the place of residence and registration.
  2. In the locality at the place where the living space was purchased, for example, in the Central Budgetary Institutions of Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, etc.

If the CBU does not have this service, then you need to contact the retail business support service.

When contacting, employees of a banking organization will help you fill out a form and choose the most suitable lending option.

Then get a preliminary decision on issuing a loan; if the decision is positive, you need to visit the bank to conclude an agreement and you need to have a package of documents with you, necessary to obtain a loan.

The procedure for repaying a loan at Belarusbank

The loan is repaid by making a payment every month, which consists of two parts:

  • Interest on the use of credit funds.
  • Part of the principal debt, that is, the body of the loan.

In case of early repayment of the loan no penalties will be charged.

Among the repayment methods you can choose the most convenient for yourself - information kiosks, Internet and mobile banking, Autopay service.

Advantages and disadvantages of a home loan

A loan for the purchase of secondary or primary housing from Belarusbank has its pros and cons for the borrower.

Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • Certificate of income may not be provided, if the borrower’s salary or pension payments go to Belarusbank.
  • A variety of loan repayment options to choose from most comfortable for you.
  • No commissions for early repayment.
  • Possibility of purchasing a property in a short period, if your own funds are not enough.
  • Possibility to insure housing purchased on credit.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. The interest rate is not fixed and may change when the refinance rate changes. NB RB.
  2. Making monthly payments throughout the entire period of the concluded contract.
  3. If you are unable to pay the loan there is a probability lose your home.

Currently, many people dream of moving from a noisy metropolis outside the city, closer to nature, or simply having a dacha where they can come on weekends for cultural recreation, and Belarusian citizens are no exception. Therefore, enterprising banks began to offer loans for housing construction in Belarus. Let's consider the main proposals and subtleties of choosing suitable lending programs.

What is the situation with lending for the construction of houses in Belarus?

Belarus is an agricultural country, therefore all government efforts are aimed at reviving and stabilizing the agricultural industry. In this regard, citizens build houses and receive not only profitable loan products for them, but also government subsidies intended for certain categories of Belarusians. But it often happens that a person or family cannot competently approach the choice of a credit program. They are conducted only at low interest rates or with a minimum package of documents. In this regard, it is necessary to compare all offers and make the best choice.

How to get a loan for housing construction in Belarus

The housing issue in this country today is one of the most pressing issues, and in practice the possibility of solving it independently is limited. The excessively high cost of real estate is simply not comparable with the low level of salaries of average employees of state and private enterprises. Therefore, buying a home in a short time is akin to science fiction.

The Government of the Republic annually makes adjustments and improvements to legislation, and all of them are aimed at improving the conditions under which loans are provided. In the context of an economic crisis, this is problematic to do, but the policy is aimed at improving the living conditions of all citizens. There are many banks operating in Belarus, and almost each of them is ready to offer optimal lending conditions. They will be studied further.

Key conditions for obtaining a loan in Belarus

Construction of housing from scratch, especially construction of a private house on credit in Belarus, is the best way to resolve the issue. If only because a new residential property will always be liquid, and this is an additional guarantee for the bank. Here are the requirements you can count on when applying to Belarusian banking organizations for a loan to build your own home:

  • rate – 10-37% (depending on various factors);
  • surety;
  • collateral is required;
  • grant period – on average 20 years;
  • start-up fee (10-30% of the loan).

Of course, every bank has a list of additional conditions on the basis of which credit funds are provided. In addition, it is worth paying attention to several factors - the solvency of the loan recipient, age, amount and loan program. Depending on them, the general conditions for granting loans may vary in different banking organizations.

List of documents provided

Every year, such loans are in increasing demand among the population, since they represent a real opportunity to build the home of their dreams. In this regard, banks are constantly simplifying the conditions for obtaining loans, thereby motivating citizens to apply for loans. Here is a simplified set of elements that need to be provided to obtain finance:

  • loan application;
  • a completed form indicating personal data (it is important that all of them are filled out correctly);
  • the project of a residential building that you are going to build;
  • data on collateral;
  • confirmations from guarantors;
  • passport and supporting document if necessary;
  • a certificate from the place of employment indicating the level of income (it must be filled out in form 2-NDFL or in the form of a banking organization).

The form for filling out this data is established by the internal procedures of a particular organization. To get more detailed information, you should contact an employee of the selected financial institution.

The best offers from banks on loans for building a house

There are a large number of banking organizations in Belarus that offer optimal lending conditions for all categories of citizens. Let's consider the list of conditions and options for loan repayment.


This is one of the leading commercial banks in Belarus, offering loans for various purposes and needs. The advantages of loans for real estate construction from this organization are as follows:

  • possibility of granting a deferment;
  • no need for registration;
  • taking into account total income;
  • prompt consideration of the application;
  • many convenient repayment options.

Main loan program – “Friendly family” and “Construction of housing with bail”. Let's look at these programs according to their names.

  1. The amount is 4,500 to 108,000 euros (if considered in equivalent).
  2. In both cases, payments decrease over time.
  3. Real estate collateral is provided, and the guarantee is provided for by the program "Friendly family", regarding the targeted loan "Construction on bail", there may be no guarantors.
  4. A mandatory point is the conclusion of an appropriate policy with the insurance company. Life insurance is optional, but the bank most often insists on it due to high risks.
  5. The average loan term from a bank is 5, 10, 15 years.
  6. The interest rate is 10% during the first year of lending, and then it increases to 14% for the remaining period of the loan.

If we take into account all the conditions, we can say that the bank provides favorable lending conditions. This manifests itself in absolutely all aspects of obtaining loans.


OJSC "ASB BELARUSBANK" is one of the leading credit institutions in the country. Its main goal is to provide as many citizens as possible with profitable loans for various purposes; the construction of residential property is no exception. The advantages of obtaining a loan from this banking organization are obvious:

  • availability of a large number of options for convenient loan repayment (information kiosks, Internet banking, terminals, offices, automatic payment system);
  • the possibility of early repayment of the loan without the accrual of penalties and interest;
  • if a citizen receives a pension or salary from this organization, he does not need to bring a certificate of income when applying for a loan.

Conditions that must be met to receive a loan:

  1. Interest rate. It changes over the life of the loan. That is, during the first 24 months its size is equal to the refinancing rate accepted by the national bank. And from the 25th month. it rises by 3 points.
  2. Loan term. Practice shows that most often people take out a loan for up to 20 years.
  3. The loan amount varies depending on the recipient's solvency and amounts to up to 90% of the cost of construction activities.
  4. Collateral also plays an important role and involves a guarantee, collateral, and loan insurance.

Here is a list of conditions that must be met to obtain a loan on favorable terms. Try to remember them.


It is the country's leading financial institution providing loans for various needs. Judging by the name, one can guess that the purpose of the organization is to assist the state in the development of the agricultural sector. This only means that borrowers can count on the most favorable loan conditions for housing construction. Here are a few features that this organization implies:

  • The interest rate for using a loan is variable and may change in accordance with fluctuations in the refinancing rate within the Central Bank. In the first two years it will be 11%, from the 3rd - 14%;
  • debt repayment is carried out monthly in accordance with the actual daily balance of the loan obligation;
  • repayment occurs in annuities (equal payments), the bank has the opportunity to provide a deferment for a total period of up to one and a half years;
  • The currency in which funds are provided is white. rubles;
  • it is necessary to formalize contractual relations on collateral and surety security for the loan;
  • the maximum loan amount cannot be more than 150,000 Belarusian rubles, and it must not exceed 90% of the approximate cost of the work;
  • debt repayment can occur in cash or non-cash form;
  • The loan term is up to 20 years, early repayment is possible;
  • Two or more individuals must be chosen as guarantors, and collateral must also be provided.

Here are a few basic requirements on the basis of which you can benefit from a loan:

  • reaching adulthood;
  • registration at place of residence;
  • availability of official income;
  • no debt or negative credit history.

So, we looked at how to get a loan to build a private house in Belarus. This is quite simple to do if you comply with the conditions offered by banking organizations and meet all their requirements. It is also important to choose the right program that meets your wishes and preferences. We reviewed the most popular offers from leading Belarusian banks.

Loans for housing construction can be obtained in 2018 from almost any bank in Belarus. The loan rate for such offers is higher than for the purchase of a finished apartment. But due to the desire to move outside the metropolis, to become the owner of not a small apartment, but an entire house, this led to the popularity of such solutions.

Advantages of loans for housing construction

Today, many preferential loans have been developed that allow those in need to buy or build a roof over their heads. There are special offers for young families that allow you to pay the minimum monthly amounts.

A loan is issued for housing construction in Belarus:

  • with the ability to choose a suitable lending option among a large number of offers;
  • with the execution of an offer on more favorable terms to those who receive officially earned funds from banks;
  • with a chance of early repayment without penalties.

Conditions for issuing a loan for housing construction

It is easier to get a construction loan if you have a plot of land and the construction of the foundation or walls has begun. The best option is to start construction with your own funds. This is an indirect sign of your solvency.

Each bank has its own list of additional rules, subject to which money is issued. But primary attention is paid to:

  • solvency;
  • subject's age;
  • the required amount;
  • selected program.

The period during which the debt with interest will need to be repaid to the bank and the size of the down payment depend on the fulfillment of these conditions. You can take out a loan from almost all banks for housing construction in Belarus using property as collateral.

Documents for a construction loan?

When you decide to submit an offer for the construction of an apartment, please note that the loan rate depends on the list of documents provided. A certificate of income is required, which is submitted along with a passport and a completed application form. You will need a project of a residential building and documents for the collateral property.

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Do you want to build your own home, but don’t have enough money for it? In this case, only loans for housing construction in Belarus can help. Such loans are issued by many banks in Belarus in 2019, including Belarusbank, Belgazprombank, Paritetbank, Priorbank and many others. These organizations issue loans taking into account the solvency of clients.

What are the conditions for obtaining loans for housing construction in Belarus?

You can currently take out a loan for housing construction under the following conditions:

  • loan rate - from 11% per annum;
  • period of issue - up to 25 years;
  • down payment - from 25%;
  • early repayment without penalties or additional fees.

Additional conditions are determined by the bank's credit policy. All citizens over 18 years of age with a regular income can apply for a construction loan. To increase their chances of receiving a loan, they need to submit a certificate of income and provide the bank with guarantors, as well as collateral.

How to get a loan for housing construction?

To get a loan for housing construction in Minsk or another city in Belarus, you need to do the following:

  1. Initially, you need to study the programs where you can be granted a loan. If you need a soft loan, special attention should be paid to programs for the needy or for a young family, you can get preferential interest rates on them.
  2. After this, you need to collect a package of documents and submit a loan request to the bank. You will need to provide a citizen’s passport, income certificate, application form, as well as guarantor forms.
  3. Next, you will need to wait until the bank approves the loan for the construction of an apartment. If the credit institution gives you a positive answer, you will need to sign a loan agreement.
You can receive a loan under this scheme in 3-5 working days. Those clients who have more than 25% of the down payment, have been served by the bank for a long time, have a deposit in their accounts, can receive a loan in 1-3 business days.

“A decent young family will rent inexpensive housing for a long period of time”—the pages of newspapers, Internet sites, and poles at public transport stops are full of such advertisements today. It is rare that a family has the opportunity to find apartment happiness at the dawn of its formation. However, renting a home allows you to get the illusion of your home only for a while. Sooner or later, the question of how to acquire housing still arises.

To get the opportunity to build your own house or you can take out a loan to build housing for a young family. This method is not so bad and has its certain advantages. The main thing is to know what you are entitled to and do everything according to the rules.

In law

Loans for housing construction in Belarus can be obtained by completely different categories of the population, including young families. Moreover, many citizens are entitled to significant benefits and concessions when applying for a loan. The main document regulating the receipt of preferential cash loans is considered to be dated 01/06/12, number 13. Its full name is: “On issues of providing citizens with state support during the construction (reconstruction) and/or acquisition of residential premises.”

Those who decide to read it should know that there is a later version, or rather, Presidential Decree No. 469 of November 16, 2015, which came into force on March 1, 2016. This decree corrects several points of the previous one, so it is better to study it in detail too.

Who is entitled to a preferential loan?

In general, there are several categories of citizens who are entitled to a special loan for housing construction. Those in need of benefits must first register with the relevant authorities. This will make it possible to get into a special queue consisting of citizens in need of essential

  • citizens in whose families there are people with disabilities since childhood (only the first and second groups);
  • living in houses recognized as dilapidated;
  • talented young people who are laureates of the President's special fund;
  • persons affected by the Chernobyl accident, liquidators;
  • employees of state internal affairs agencies;
  • military personnel;
  • combat veterans;
  • employees of the State Control Committee and the Investigative Committee;
  • persons who have lived in a dormitory or state housing facility for more than 10 years;

Lending to young professionals

If, according to the law, you are considered a young specialist, then you can also try to get in line and try to get a preferential loan for housing construction. Although you do not have a direct right to receive a soft loan, it is still worth trying. It may turn out that you meet some other criteria. In any case, you are required to be put on the queue, but the waiting process may take a long time.

Who is considered a young family?

According to the new law, a family in which at least one of the spouses is not older than 31 years old at the time of filing documents for a preferential loan can be considered young. In this case, the family must raise at least 2 minor children, and the marriage must be the first for both spouses.

To receive a preferential loan for the construction of housing for young people, the average income for each individual member should not exceed three times the average monthly minimum SPB (average per capita consumer budget), calculated for a family of 4 people.

In order to be eligible for benefits, it is necessary that in existing housing there is no more than 10 m2 (for Minsk) or 15 m2 for other cities for each member of one family. At the same time, neither spouse can own any housing on the territory of Belarus, nor act as a tenant when living in non-privatized housing. Simply put, the family must either rent an apartment or live with parents or other relatives on their territory.

There is another interesting point here: being married does not mean that you have to stand in line together. If one of the spouses was in line to receive subsidized housing before marriage, then he can continue to wait until his time comes.

What kind of loan can you expect?

Loans for housing construction, provided for by the state program, are designed to make it easier for a young family to purchase their own home (apartment). For such “cells of society” there are two types of lending:

You also need to know that families who have taken out loans for the construction of housing or its purchase will not be able to fully manage their new property until they fully pay off their debt obligations. This means that housing cannot be sold, donated or exchanged for another. In addition, no such actions with housing can be performed for another three years after the final payment of the loan.

Financial support for young people

Of course, buying an apartment for a young family, even taking into account the benefits, is not so easy. To do this, you need not only to have money for monthly payments over many years, but also to immediately pay 10, or even all 30% of the cost of housing. What should those who have already taken out a loan, and not a preferential one, but a regular one, do?

For some families who have taken out such a loan, a government subsidy is provided. To do this, one of three conditions must be met:

  • have one minor child (or give birth to one after purchasing housing) - assistance will amount to 20 minimum subsistence budgets;
  • for two children under 18 years of age they give 40 budgets;
  • if there are three or more guys, you are entitled to 50

The subsidy will be paid only after state registration of ownership of the apartment (house) has been completed. So you won't be able to use the money as a down payment. And you won’t see the money in person. The amount will be transferred evenly to repay the loan body or interest on it if the principal debt has already been paid.

Collecting documents

If you nevertheless decide to apply for a preferential loan, you should seek advice from Belarusbank. Loans for housing construction are usually issued there with great pleasure. Initially you will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • income certificate;
  • document (certificate) about family composition;
  • for men under 27 years of age - military ID.

The bank will tell you in detail about the documents that will need to be provided additionally.

Loan sizes and area norms

As already mentioned, loans for housing construction still do not cover its full cost, and those who want to have their own home will have to stock up on a down payment. Only

The total area standards are set as follows:

  • 20 m 2 /person — during the construction of a one-room apartment;
  • 30 m 2 /person — for the construction of a 1-apartment residential building;
  • 30 m 2 /person - during the construction of a one-room apartment, a 1-apartment residential building in a rural area, for citizens who permanently live and work there;
  • 44 m 2 /person — for the construction of a 1-apartment residential building, a 1-room apartment in a rural area for 1 person who permanently lives and works there;

Repayment period and interest

The maximum period for which loans for housing construction can be issued does not exceed 20 years, and large families will be able to count on a twice as long period.

Interest rates for using preferential loans are set as follows:

  • 1% per annum - for large families;
  • 10% of the refinancing rate (but not less than 3% per annum) - for citizens who work and permanently reside in small settlements (up to 20 thousand people);
  • 20% of the refinancing rate (at least 5% per annum) - for all other categories of beneficiaries;
  • 50% of the National Bank's refinancing rate, but not less than 5% per annum - for young families and families of military personnel.

These are, perhaps, all the nuances of preferential lending to young families, and those who still have questions should still seek legal advice. There they will give you comprehensive explanations on all points and even tell you what additional benefits you are entitled to.