Drawing up a set of estimate documentation for the construction of a section of the highway. An example of calculating an estimate for the construction of a highway. Integrated construction price standards

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Transport plays an important role in the development of social production and increasing its efficiency. In our country, all modes of transport form a single transport system, in which road transport plays an important role in terms of the share of cargo and passengers.

The efficiency of road transport largely depends on the development and technical condition of the road network. A well-maintained network of highways ensures the rational transportation of goods and passengers, the development of production forces in certain areas, reduces distribution costs, and creates conditions for saving production resources.

Road transport requires an extensive and technically well-maintained network of highways. The economic and social development plans of the Russian Federation provide for significant resources (monetary, labor, material) for the construction and maintenance of this network. They must be used most effectively to ensure high quality of road construction and subsequent maintenance.

In the process of developing coursework, the following tasks are set: to study the methodology for completing coursework; deepen and expand knowledge in the discipline; gain experience of independent work with normative and reference literature; to instill practical skills in carrying out cost estimates and using in practice modern methods of justification, evaluation and selection of optimal investment decisions.

The assessment of construction products in a market economy is carried out by the investor (customer) when concluding a contract for the construction or reconstruction of facilities, including based on the results of bidding (tenders).

For this purpose, in the process of developing pre-project or design and estimate documentation, investor estimates are drawn up, in which the free (negotiable) price of the objects under construction is determined.

The contract price is determined for the construction site as a whole and includes: the estimated cost of construction and installation work; costs for the purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory; other costs related to the contractor’s activities; the cost of other work undertaken by the contractor under the contract; reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs in the amounts established by agreement of the parties; costs associated with the formation of market relations and not taken into account by state estimated standards and prices.

In the course work, it is proposed to use the basic index and resource methods to determine the contract price for the construction of a highway. Thus, the contract price in construction consists of two parts: a basic price indicator, calculated using recommended state estimates and prices, and an additional indicator that takes into account the influence of market factors.

Taking into account the specifics of road construction, the course work proposes to draw up estimate documentation in the following composition:

Local estimate for the construction of the subgrade;

Local estimate for the construction of road pavement;

Summary estimate of the cost of highway construction. ;

Statement of contract price for highway construction.

In addition, the course work presents the following calculations: calculation of transport costs for the transportation of building materials; calculation of the estimated cost of local materials; a single price for the preparation of a mixture for the top layer of coating, which are necessary for drawing up a local estimate for the construction of road pavement.

1 . Drawing up a local estimate for the construction of the roadbed

local estimate

An estimate is a document (part of a project) that determines the amount of money needed to construct an object or perform a certain type of work.

The cost of work is determined by local estimates, including direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit.

The basis for calculating the volume of work is the data of the individual task; length of road (km); specific volume of earthworks per kilometer of route (thousand m3/km); structure of earthworks by mechanization methods (%).

The thickness of the compacted soil layer is assumed to be 25 cm.

The area of ​​the final layout of the top and slopes of the road embankment is conventionally assumed to be equal to twice the total area of ​​the roadbed.

The layout area of ​​quarries for the purpose of land reclamation is taken based on a conventional norm of 2000 m2/km of road.

The results of calculating the volume of work are shown in Table 1.

The collection of Federal unit prices for earthworks /1/ serves as a regulatory framework for developing local estimates for earthworks.

The estimated profit of road construction organizations is determined by the general industry standard of 65% of the wage fund of main workers and machine operators.

Table 1

Sheet for calculating the volume of work for the construction of the roadbed

Name of work

Unit of measurement

Volume calculation formula

Scope of work

Removing the vegetation layer

Excavation of soil with an escalator

Cutting off soil shortage

Transportation of soil by dump trucks

1, 6*50, 45*1000

Work on the dump during delivery

Construction of an embankment using a scraper

Building an embankment with a bulldozer

Compacting the soil without watering

Layout of the top area using a mechanized method

15*2*11500/ (1000*100) *98

Same manually

15*2*11500/ (1000*100) *2

Layout of soil quarry areas

2 . Drawing up a local estimate for the construction of road pavement

The list of works on the construction of road pavement is determined by the set of its structural layers, reflected on the transverse profile, Fig.

When calculating the volume of work, it was taken into account that the additional layer is laid across the entire width of the wall. taking into account the slopes, and the lower layer of the base is arranged with slopes (1: 1) (Table 2, 1). The overlying layers are arranged along the width of the roadway.

GESH are used as a regulatory framework for preparing estimates; FSSCM; FSTSPG; FSTSESM.

Before drawing up estimates, it is necessary to work out a scheme for the delivery of basic materials.

The estimated cost of road transportation is determined according to the Federal Service for Transport and Transportation, . The cost of rail transportation is determined according to SSTSPG-91 with indexation to 2001 prices.

Determining the estimated cost of materials comes down to calculating the price of the ex-office warehouse at the construction site. The estimated price for the material consists of the selling price, the markup of supply and marketing organizations, and procurement and storage costs.

It is also necessary to draw up a single price for the preparation of mixtures for the coating: the top layer - hot dense asphalt concrete m/z type A and the bottom layer - hot porous asphalt concrete mixture.

Using the initial data, the results of calculating transport costs, as well as FSSCm. We compile a calculation of the estimated price of materials in 2001 prices.

Figure 1. Cross-section of the road Layers of road pavement: 4 - cement concrete B30 - 220 mm, 3 - crushed stone laid according to the method - 180 mm, 2 - low-active slag - 150 mm, 1 - medium-sized sand - 230 mm.

Table 2. 1

Scope of work on road pavement



Total quantity

Labor costs

Labor costs of workers Wed 2, 3

Drivers' work tomorrows

Machines and mechanisms

Forklifts 5 t

Medium type motor graders 99 (135) kW (hp)

Self-propelled road rollers with pneumatic wheels 30 t

Watering machines 6000 l

Self-propelled smooth road rollers 13 t

Stone fines distributors

Tractors on crawler tracks when working on other types of construction (except for water management) 79 (108) kW (hp)

Truck-mounted cranes when working on other types of construction (except main pipelines) 10 t

Concrete-laying machines on rail-forms, machines for finishing cement concrete pavements

Concrete placing machines on rail-forms, foundation profiler

Concrete placing machines on rail-forms, cement concrete distributor

Machines for applying film-forming materials

Tractor trolleys 20 t

Mobile power plants 2 kW

Surface vibrators

Flatbed vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons


Natural sand for construction work

Metallurgical porous slags: open-hearth and waste blast furnace

Crushed slag blast-furnace and steel-smelting stone for road construction, class 1, fraction 10-20 mm

Crushed stone from natural stone for construction work, grade 1200, fraction 10-20 mm

Crushed stone from natural stone for construction work, grade 1200, fraction 40-70 mm


Road concrete (for top layer and single-layer coatings)

Road concrete (for the bottom layer)

Film-forming materials for road works PM-100A

Separate structural elements of buildings and structures with a predominance of hot-rolled profiles, the average mass of an assembly unit is over 0.5 to 1 t

Softwood lumber. Edged bars 4-6.5 m long, 75-150 mm wide, 40-75 mm thick, grade III

Softwood lumber. Edged boards 2-3.75 m long, 75-150 mm wide, 32-40 mm thick, grade III

Coal fuel oil

Softwood lumber. Edged boards 4-6.5 m long, 75-150 mm wide, 25 mm thick, grade III

Birch and soft hardwood lumber: birch, linden. Edged boards, length 2-3.75 m, all widths, thickness 25, 32, 40 mm, grade I


(local estimate)

construction of road pavement for 11.5 km

name of work and costs, name of object)

Base: drawings, diagrams

Estimated cost, thousand rubles.

Compiled at base prices as of January 2000.

CALCUATION 1 for the preparation of 1 t Preparation of heavy concrete on crushed stone class B30 with a material density of 2.5 t/m3

Price justification

Name of costs

GESN 06-01-080-14

Preparation of heavy concrete on crushed stone class B30 with a material density of 2.5 t/m3

Labor costs of construction workers

Payroll accrual

Driver labor costs

Mobile concrete mixers 250 l for other types of construction (except water construction)

Forklifts 5 t


Portland slag cement for general construction and special purposes, grade 500

Natural sand for construction work

Crushed natural stone for construction work


Delivery of the mixture to the track

Costing 1

Transportation of 1 ton of sand from the quarry to the highway

Compiled in prices as of 01/01/2000

Initial data

1. Type of selling price FTSC

4. Automotive 2000

4, 2. Cargo class 1

4, 3. No discounts

Costing 2

Transportation costs for 1 ton of sand from quarries to asphalt plants

Initial data

1. Type of selling price FTSC

2. Name of suppliers Quarry

3. Type of transport Automobile

4. Automotive 2000

4, 1. Type of vehicle Dump truck

4, 2. Cargo class 1

4, 3. No discounts

4, 4. Explanatory coefficient 1. 0

Costing 3

Transportation costs for 1 ton of crushed stone from the departure station to the asphalt plant

Initial data

1. Type of selling price FTSC

2. Name of suppliers of DKZ Smolensk

3. Type of transport Automobile, rail

4. Automotive 2000

4, 1. Type of vehicle Open carriage

4, 2. Tariff scheme 1

4, 3. Discounts 0.5

4, 4. Wagon loading rate 1. 0

5. Road transport

5, 1. Type of vehicle Dump truck

5, 2. Cargo class 1

5, 3. No discounts

5, 4. Explanatory coefficient 1. 0

Operation name

Transportation distance

Cost 1 t

Calculation formula

Loading into and unloading wagons

Rail transportation



Delivery of wagons for unloading


Loading and unloading operations for road transport at destinations



Explanatory correction factor.

Total for 1 t

Costing 4

Transport costs per 1 ton of crushed stone from the quarry to the highway

Initial data

1. Type of selling price FTSC

2. Name of suppliers Quarry

3. Type of transport Automobile

4. Automotive 2000

4, 1. Type of vehicle Dump truck

4, 2. Cargo class 1

4, 3. No discounts

4, 4. Explanatory coefficient 1. 0

Operation name

Name of final transportation points

Transportation distance

Cost 1 t

Calculation formula

Quarry Bryansk

Road transport to destinations

Quarry - route

Total for 1 t

Costing 5

Transportation costs per 1 ton of cement from the asphalt plant to the route

Initial data

1. Type of selling price FTSC

2. Name of suppliers Quarry

3. Type of transport Automobile

4. Automotive 2000

4, 1. Type of vehicle Dump truck

4, 2. Cargo class 1

4, 3. No discounts

4, 4. Explanatory coefficient 1. 0

Operation name

Name of final transportation points

Transportation distance

Cost 1 t

Calculation formula

Loading and unloading operations in road transport for meat purposes

Asphalt plant in Bryansk

Road transport to destinations

ABZ - route

Explanatory correction factor

Total for 1 t

Costing 6

Transportation costs for 1 ton of black crushed stone from the asphalt plant to the highway

Initial data

1. Type of selling price FTSC

2. Name of suppliers Quarry

3. Type of transport Automobile

4. Automotive 2000

4, 1. Type of vehicle Dump truck

4, 2. Cargo class 1

4, 3. No discounts

4, 4. Explanatory coefficient 1. 0

Operation name

Name of final transportation points

Transportation distance

Cost 1 t

Calculation formula

Loading and unloading operations in road transport for meat purposes

Asphalt plant in Bryansk

Road transport to destinations

ABZ - route

Explanatory correction factor

Total for 1 t

Costing 7

Transportation costs per 1 ton of cement concrete from the asphalt plant to the route

Initial data

1. Type of selling price FTSC

2. Name of suppliers Quarry

3. Type of transport Automobile

4. Automotive 2000

4, 1. Type of vehicle Dump truck

4, 2. Cargo class 1

4, 3. No discounts

4, 4. Explanatory coefficient 1. 0

Operation name

Name of final transportation points

Transportation distance

Cost 1 t

Calculation formula

Loading and unloading operations in road transport for meat purposes

Asphalt plant in Bryansk

Road transport to destinations

ABZ - route

Explanatory correction factor

Total for 1 t

3 . Drawing up a consolidated estimate for the construction of a highway

In the consolidated estimate, the funds required for road construction are systematized and presented in chapters, the numbers and names of which for each type of construction remain unchanged for transport construction projects; the consolidated estimate of construction costs (SSRCC) includes the chapters listed below in Table 3. 1 .

Each chapter reflects the costs of the objects related to it according to the technological structure of investments: construction and installation work, purchase of equipment, and other costs.

Due to the fact that transport construction is characterized by its peculiarities, the basis for drawing up SSRSS roads are local, rather than object estimates. In this regard, in the course work, the indicators for chapters 2 and 3 are filled in based on the final data compiled by local estimates for the construction of the subgrade and the construction of road pavement.

In the course work, in accordance with the chosen base-index method for determining the cost of a highway, the consolidated estimate should be drawn up at the basic price level of 2000.

Calculation of winter price increases and norms are presented in Table 3. 2.

To determine the estimated cost of building a highway in modern prices, it is necessary to draw up a statement of the contract price (Table 3. 3).

The initial data for these calculations are the items of the individual task related to the consolidated estimate and the corresponding values ​​of the aggregated indicators of the estimated cost of construction (UPSC).

Following the summary estimate, the value of the return amount (revenue) from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures is indicated in the amount of 15% of the costs for them (Chapter 9).

Table 3. 1

Consolidated estimate of the cost of highway construction Compiled in 2000 prices 54546.87 thousand rubles.

Number of estimates and


Name of chapters, objects, works and costs

Estimated cost, rub.

Total estimated cost

Other costs

Chapter 1. Preparing the construction area

Design of road right of way 11. 5*1, 624=18, 68

Registration of land allocation for quarries, temporary roads 2, 4*5, 23=12, 55

Restoration of the route of technical category 2

5, 253*11, 5=60, 38

Forest cutting with stump uprooting 11500*40=46000m2=

46*0, 17=7, 82 ha

7, 82*11, 939=93, 36

Compensation for losses to land users from land seizure: 46*0, 11=

For arable land: 5.06*95.19=481.66 thousand rubles

5.06*167=845.02 thousand rubles.

845, 02-481, 66=

Land area: 46*0, 16=7, 36 hectares

7, 36*27, 28=200, 78

647, 68-200, 78=

Land reclamation

12, 55*282, 71=3548, 01

Chapter 2. Subgrade

Local estimate No. 1

Construction of the subgrade

Strengthening works:

Prefabricated concrete slabs 16 cm on a layer of crushed stone 20 cm

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Thousands of kilometers of roads daily connect the most remote cities and objects, allowing us to move freely between them. Even the most reliable road surface eventually needs major or routine repairs. In order to take into account all the factors and features, not to overpay significantly and to accurately determine the timing, estimates for repair work are drawn up.

Regulatory basis

Before you begin drawing up an estimate for road repairs, you need to decide from what sources the upcoming repairs will be financed. If from commercial sources, then the regulatory framework is agreed directly with the customer and it is quite possible that commercial prices will be used. Government customers are strictly limited by the allocated budget funds, so the correct construction markups and price increase indices according to different regulatory frameworks should be used:

  • Federal collections of FER. They contain basic general prices for construction and repair work, based on the prices of the 1st base region (Moscow region).
  • Territorial collections TER. They are based on federal ones, but are adjusted taking into account the cost of materials, wage levels, costs of using equipment, and climatic conditions in the region.
  • Territorial regulatory collections of Moscow TSN-2001.

It is necessary to determine which of the collections to use in each specific case based on the resolutions of the State Construction Committee, taking into account the type of budget financing and price increase indices by region. It is necessary to consider the interests of both parties – the customer and the contractor – on an individual basis. If Moscow repairmen carry out work in the region, then when calculating the estimate, the corresponding TEP is taken as the basis. When performing work by a regional organization in Moscow with a federal source of funding, it is necessary to take into account the cost indices developed for the city of Moscow.

What to consider when drawing up an estimate for road repairs

First of all, it is necessary to diagnose the road that is going to be repaired. Clearly determine its technical condition, the intensity of traffic on it. If possible, determine the cause of its destruction in order to prevent its recurrence in the future. The road repair estimate includes:

  • The direct cost of materials that will be spent. Depends on what type of coating will be used. The degree of intensity of operation will determine the thickness and number of layers of the main coating and the substrate material for the base of the roadway.
  • Costs for complete or partial dismantling of old road surfaces. Not only its cutting, but also the costs of loading and removing garbage. It will determine whether road side stones, storm drains, and drain manholes need to be removed.
  • Expenses for workers' salaries and the direct cost of repair work performed. Depends on the desired timing, time of year, volume.
  • Costs of equipment that will be used to perform repairs. Rental cost, operating time.
  • Material and condition of the adjacent sidewalk or local area. Laying out lawns or installing garden side stones.
  • Subsequent road markings, arrangement of pedestrian crossings, installation of road signs and indicators.
  • A set of measures to ensure safe repair work. Coordination of timing based on traffic intensity and additional use of the detour. Placement of warning signs and fencing of the work area.
  • The cost of geodetic control, issuance of documents confirming the guaranteed quality of the coating.

It is important to clearly define the deadlines for completing the work from the very beginning. Sometimes estimates are drawn up for stage-by-stage implementation, but in this case the repair may take a long time and it is difficult to estimate its final timing and cost. A fully compiled estimate, taking into account force majeure circumstances, and specified deadlines for each stage of work, will allow you to reduce costs as much as possible.

Asphalting of roads and territory

Asphalt pavement continues to be the most popular and reliable in road construction and repair. There are many brands of asphalt, which are characterized by varying degrees of wear during operation, the amount of moisture absorbed, and composition. When drawing up an estimate, you need to decide on the purpose of the future road, because different types of asphalt are used for different roads and different coating thicknesses are needed. The ratio of sand, crushed stone, gravel and bitumen in the asphalt grade is different for the asphalt surface of the local area, at a pedestrian crossing and for roads with a high traffic load, especially heavy vehicles.

Asphalting is carried out in two main ways - hot and cold. The first requires cool, dry weather. The second allows you to extend the time of repair work and carry it out in a short time. If it is necessary to remove old asphalt, a special milling machine is used. It is capable of cutting off old coating even in hard-to-reach places near the curb, regardless of the road terrain, and simultaneously loading the cut material into trucks. This should be taken into account in the estimate to avoid cost discrepancies.

The laying of asphalt must also take into account the terrain, so that puddles and potholes do not form on the roads. The need to strengthen and compact soft areas of soil should be considered. When paving large three-lane roads, powerful pavers are required.

Pothole repair is very popular. Contrary to popular misconception, it does not contribute to the destruction of road surfaces. It is carried out in accordance with GOST by hot pouring asphalt using special grades. It is important to consider that you need to start it at the first cracks on the road, then the quality of the repair is guaranteed. A separate estimate is also drawn up for this type of repair.

When applying asphalt to adjacent areas, special inexpensive grades of asphalt are used. You need to familiarize yourself with the layout, decide on the location of the lawns and planted trees. Do you need a parking lot, an area for drying clothes, a children's and adult recreation area? Additional removal or installation of side stones may be required. Changing the layout or cutting down trees requires special permits.

The cost of asphalt paving is based on the price per 1 m2. It consists of the total area and the amount of material used. All this should be reflected in the estimate for asphalting roads along with general estimates for the construction and repair of road surfaces, associated and adjacent areas.

Where to make an estimate

Most large companies engaged in road construction and repair have one or more estimators on their staff for a large volume of work. It should be understood that the base of markups and costs of materials is constantly updated, which requires new programs and data. Otherwise, the compiled estimate is unlikely to be relevant. Smaller companies and private customers prefer to use the services of estimate bureaus.

You should not save on drawing up a full estimate for road repairs or asphalting areas. The money saved will result in large material and time costs during the implementation of the project and will affect the quality of the work performed. A correctly drawn up estimate will become a reliable legal document in the event of unforeseen situations with repair companies and contractors.

An example of an estimate for asphalt paving, repair and construction of a road

Download a sample estimate for asphalt paving, repair and construction of the road -

Estimated regulatory framework (SNB) is a set of regulatory and legal documents establishing the procedure for determining the estimated cost of construction. It is based on estimated standards.

Estimated standards are a set of estimated norms, prices and rates, combined into separate collections along with rules and regulations and provisions containing the necessary requirements. They serve to determine the local cost of construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

Estimated standards are classified as follows:

By structure and degree of enlargement: elemental, enlarged

elemental> estimated standards and prices for resources, estimated standards and prices for types of work;

enlarged > expressed in %, indicators and estimated standards;

  • - by development and level of application:
    • Ш state estimate standards;
    • Ш industry estimate standards;
    • Ш territorial estimate standards;
    • Ш branded estimate standards (for specific enterprises and organizations);

On their basis, the need for resources is calculated: to carry out work on the construction of a given facility; to develop unit prices and determine the cost of semi-finished products prepared in stationary installations.

Estimated standards are a set of resources installed on the accepted work meter. They serve to determine the standard consumption of resources to complete the project volume of the corresponding type of work as the basis for the transition to cost indicators. Estimated standards reflect expenses related to direct costs. Estimated standards serve as the basis for determining the need for resources at the PIC and PPR stage:

  • - development of unit prices for relevant types of work;
  • - development of enlarged estimate standards (UPR, URN).

Estimated standards take into account the industry average technological level of construction production. The influence of specific conditions for the production of work provided for by construction organization projects is taken into account by the coefficients given in the relevant collections. Estimated standards provide for uniform indicators for the entire territory of the country of labor costs, machine time and material consumption per unit of a structural element or type of work.

Unit prices are used to determine the estimated cost of construction, in particular direct costs (using the base-index and base-compensation methods), certain types of work, structural elements, enterprises, buildings and structures. They are compiled according to the accepted work meter. The price for the accepted meter contains: the name and characteristics of the work, the total amount of direct costs, including a breakdown of direct costs. In addition, the labor costs of construction workers for the adopted work meter are shown.

There are 2 types of unit prices:

  • 1) closed - they take into account all costs;
  • 2) open - do not take into account the costs of basic building materials, the consumption of which:
    • - or indicated in the prices;
    • - either accepted according to the project;

Costs for materials not included in the prices are taken into account in the local estimate (local estimate), as a separate line after the corresponding price:

where HP ij mat is the rate of consumption of materials, products and structures not taken into account by unit prices;

Q i - volume (quantity) of individual types of work calculated in the unit price meter;

T cmj mat - the estimated price of a unit of measurement of material resources not taken into account by the i-th price;

j is the range of materials not included in the prices for the i-th type of work;

i - type of work;

Formula for calculating unit price:

where CH j is the estimated consumption rate of the i-th type of resource (determined from the collections of the State Electric Power System);

C cmj - estimated unit price of each type of resource;

j=1-3 nomenclature of resource costs (material, labor, technical).

Estimated cost of construction.

  • · determining the size of capital investments required for construction;
  • · formation of contract prices for construction products;
  • · settlements for the performance of work between the customer and the contractor;
  • · payment of expenses for the purchase of equipment and its delivery to the construction site;
  • · reimbursement of other expenses and expenses provided for in the consolidated estimate.
  • · accounting and reporting, assessment of the activities of contractors and customers;
  • · comparison of PIC and PPR;
  • · selection of designs and space-planning solutions;
  • · comparison and selection of building materials and work technology.

Since the estimated cost of construction serves to determine the size of capital investments, all costs in it are grouped in accordance with the technological structure of capital investments:


C STR.R - the estimated cost of construction work, namely:

  • 1. work on the construction of buildings and structures:
    • - earthworks;
    • - installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete, monolithic concrete, brick, metal, beam, wooden and other building structures;
    • - floors, roofs;
    • - finishing works.
  • 2. sanitary work:
    • - installation of internal water supply, sewerage, heating, gas supply, ventilation, etc.;
    • - construction of external networks and gas pipeline structures, main gas and oil pipelines, wastewater treatment facilities, to protect the atmosphere from pollution.
  • 3. work performed under special conditions. construction:
    • - roads, railways, airfields, bridges, etc. power lines, communications, television, radio broadcasting structures, hydraulic structures;
  • 4. special construction work:
    • - mining and stripping operations, drilling and blasting, piling, soil consolidation;
    • - landscaping, forest protection plantings;
    • - work on preparing the construction site (deforestation, stump uprooting, territory planning, hydraulic filling, relocation of buildings);
    • - work on the installation of foundations and foundations for equipment;
    • - dismantling of building structures

SMONT.R - estimated cost of installation work.

  • - assembly and installation in the design position at the site of permanent operation of all types of equipment;
  • - laying power supply lines and networks to electric power plants, connecting to networks;
  • - dismantling of equipment during reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs of existing enterprises, buildings, structures.

WITH REV. - estimated cost of equipment, furniture and inventory.

  • - devices and means of automatic communication control;
  • - vehicles automatically connected to the production process;
  • - cost of production tools (testing, impact, metalworking, etc.)
  • - cost of household equipment (tables, chairs, hangers, trash cans, fire-fighting tools).

C PR - the cost of other costs related both to construction as a whole and to individual objects and works.

They are classified as follows:

  • 1. Other costs related to construction as a whole (Chapter 1 of the Consolidated Estimate): allotment of land plots, issuance of architectural and planning assignments, highlighting the red building line, laying out the main axes of the building and structure, transferring them into reality, securing them with points and signs , payment for land when withdrawing a land plot for construction, demolition and relocation of buildings. Compensation for damages and losses of the owner of buildings and lands, other compensation costs provided for by current legislation.
  • 2. Other costs related to the activities of the contractor (Chapter 9 of the SSR):
  • 2.1. Related to construction and installation work
  • - funds for the construction and development of title, temporary buildings and structures (Chapter IX of the consolidated estimate);
  • - additional costs associated with carrying out work in winter (Chapter X of the consolidated estimate);
  • - costs of maintaining permanently operating roads used for construction needs and their restoration after completion of construction;
  • 2.2. not related to construction and installation work (Chapter X of the consolidated estimate);
  • - transportation of workers by motor transport over a distance of more than 3 km;
  • - relocation of a construction and installation organization from one construction site to another;
  • - on secondment of workers to carry out construction and installation works;
  • - to perform work on a rotational basis;
  • - to ensure normal working conditions;
  • - on bonuses for putting the facility into operation;
  • - insurance of employees and property of the contractor and other costs provided for by current legislation and regulations.
  • 3. Other costs related to the customer’s activities: technical supervision of the construction progress (Chapter XI of the consolidated estimate).
  • 4. Other costs associated with the activities of other construction participants (Chapter XII of the SSR): design and survey work; designer's supervision; examination of design and estimate documentation, development of tender documentation.

WITH UNPR. - a reserve of funds for unforeseen expenses and expenses, which is intended to reimburse the cost of work and expenses, the need for which arises during: development of working documentation; during construction as a result of clarification of design decisions or construction conditions for objects.

Estimated cost of construction and installation work.

In the practice of estimated standardization and pricing, the estimated cost of construction and the cost of construction and installation work are combined into a single cost item - the estimated cost of construction and installation work (with construction and installation work).

S SMR = S STR.R + S MOUNT.R = PZ + HP + P cm

PZ- direct costs - costs directly related to the performance of work on the construction site, reflecting the cost of the resources used (material, labor, technical).


M- the estimated cost of building materials, products, structures necessary to complete the design scope of work.

It is determined on the basis of the estimated prices for these material resources, the "ex-franco" type.

where P i k mat - consumption of certain types of material resources to perform the i-th type of work;

Ts smk 1 unit - estimated price for 1 unit of measured individual type of material resources:

i= 1-n - types of work performed:

k=1-m - nomenclature of material resources used;

M and C smk 1 unit are calculated in accordance with MDS 81-2-1999.

ZPs- labor costs for construction workers employed directly to carry out the work, as well as workers moving material resources from the on-site warehouse to the place of laying or installation.

Salary funds (WFP) include:

  • - the tariff rate, taking into account the regional coefficient, is taken as the minimum subsistence level calculated for a specific subject of the Russian Federation;
  • - bonuses and payments (at least 20%) of the tariff rate with a regional coefficient;
  • - additional payment for length of service (from 0.6 to 1.5 tariff rates with a regional coefficient);
  • - compensation payments for basic and additional vacations;
  • - northern surcharge for zone 6;
  • - payments for special working conditions;

Determined in accordance with MDS 83-1-99 "Methods for determining the amount of funds for wages in contract prices and estimates for construction and wages for workers of construction, installation and repair organizations.

where salary per month is the monthly salary of a construction worker;

T work - standard labor intensity of performing this type of work;

t month - average monthly number of working hours with a 40-hour work week, determined as follows:

where T work year is the annual number of working hours established according to the production calendar - approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development for 2009 - 1987 hours.

EMM- costs associated with the maintenance and operation of construction machinery and mechanisms.

j=1-m - types of machines used to perform the i-th type of work;

T ij machine-hour is the operating time of certain types of machines and mechanisms to perform the i-th types of work;

T cmj machine-hour - the estimated cost of operating machines and mechanisms per 1 machine-hour.

The cost of 1 machine hour of construction machinery and mechanisms, as well as vehicles, is determined in accordance with MDS 81-3-99. It consists of: one-time costs (delivery of machinery and mechanisms to the construction site, if necessary, their installation and dismantling); annual (fixed costs) - depreciation charges to restore the original cost; current (operating costs) - costs of remuneration of workers engaged in the maintenance and management of construction machines and mechanisms and line personnel as part of participants (teams); costs of material resources.

HP- overhead costs - costs for the creation by construction and installation organizations of general production conditions, its management of organization and maintenance.

HP includes the following cost items:

  • 1. AHR - administrative and economic expenses (salaries of administrative and economic personnel and workers serving them with deductions under the unified social tax (unified social tax - 26%), the state pension insurance fund, to the state health and social insurance fund);
  • 2. Expenses for servicing construction workers: expenses for training and retraining of personnel; costs of maintaining sanitary and hygienic conditions; health and safety costs.
  • 3. Costs for organizing work at the construction site:
    • · Expenses for maintenance, repair, assembly and disassembly of temporary structures;
    • · Maintenance of fire and security guards, production. laboratories, geodetic work, industrial design work. works;
    • · Costs of innovation and invention;
    • · Improvement and maintenance of the construction site;
    • · Preparing objects for delivery;
    • · Retraining of construction organizations and structural units within the construction site.
  • 4. Other overhead costs:
    • · Costs of compulsory insurance of property and certain categories of employees;
    • · Depreciation of intangible assets;
    • · Interest on bank loans attributable to cost plus advertising costs.
  • 5. Costs that are not included in overhead rates, but are included in overhead expenses.
  • · Benefits due to loss of ability to work at work by a court decision;
  • · Taxes, fees, payments included in the cost price;
  • · Contributions to special industry and non-budget funds
  • · Contributions to the reserve for the construction of temporary (title) buildings and structures in cases where funds for their construction are provided for in the contract price for construction.
  • · Expenses reimbursed by the customer at the expense of other costs (Chapter 9 of the SSR clause b)

HP is determined by:

  • 1. MDS 81-33-2004 "Guidelines for determining the value of NR in construction"
  • 2. MDS 81-34-2004 "Guidelines for determining the value of NR in construction, carried out in the regions of the Far North and places equivalent to them"

P cm- estimated profit - funds intended to cover the costs of the contracting organization for the development of production and the social sphere, as well as material incentives for employees:

  • · Payment of certain taxes (tax on profit and property of the organization);
  • · Modernization of equipment, reconstruction of fixed assets;
  • · Material assistance to employees, carrying out measures to protect health and recreation;
  • · Organization of assistance and free services by the educational institution.

Np cm - the rate of estimated profit, determined according to MDS 8-25-2001 "Guidelines for determining the amount of estimated profit in construction, taking into account the letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and Housing and Communal Services No. AP-5536/06 dated November 18, 2004 "On the procedure for applying standards of estimated profit in construction"

Estimated construction cost:

The estimated cost of construction is the amount of money required for its implementation in accordance with the design materials.

In accordance with MDS 81-35.2004, the following methods can be used when determining the estimated cost of construction:

  • 1. Basic - index
  • 2. Resource
  • 2. Resource-index
  • 1. Basis-index method

At the first stage, the estimated cost of individual types of work is determined at the basic price level, depending on the type of unit prices, the PP is determined in the following way:

For closed prices:

For open prices:

where CH ij is the rate of consumption of material resources unaccounted for by EP;

T cmj - the estimated price of a unit of measurement of material, unaccounted for EP.

At the second stage, on the instructions of the customer, the estimated cost of construction can be converted to the current level using cost increase indices. Price increase indices are developed separately for construction and installation work, for new construction, reconstruction, etc.

2. Resource method

It represents a calculation in current or forecast prices of the resources necessary for the implementation of the project. To do this you need to know:

  • - Composition and quantity of necessary resources;
  • - Estimated prices for these resources;
  • - Resources including:
    • 1. Labor costs of construction workers and machinists per person-hour
    • 2. Time of use of all construction machines and mechanisms necessary for construction and installation work, indicating their brands and capacity per machine hour
    • 3. Material consumption of products and structures in accepted units of measurement.
    • 1. Resource-index method

A combination of the resource method with a system of indexes for the rise in price of individual types of resources. The following schemes are possible:

  • 1. The cost of resources is determined at the basic price level
  • 2. Transfer to the current price level is carried out
  • A) using price increase indices for PP items

M t/u = M used * U beat

B) the cost of basic resources is determined at the current price level (according to the range of resources, the prices of which are monitored by regional pricing centers (quarterly))

The estimated construction cost is the basis for:

  • 1. determining the size of capital investments;
  • 2. construction financing;
  • 3. formation of contract prices;
  • 4. mutual settlements for completed contract work;
  • 5. payment of expenses for the purchase of equipment and its delivery to the construction site;
  • 6. reimbursement of other expenses and expenses provided for in the consolidated estimate.

Based on this indicator, accounting and reporting and assessment of the activities of contractors and customers are carried out. Based on the estimated cost of construction, the book value (initial) of the fixed assets put into operation for buildings and structures constructed by the enterprise is determined in the prescribed manner.

Based on the estimated cost of construction, the following is carried out:

  • Ш comparison of PIC and PPR;
  • Ш selection of designs and space-planning solutions;
  • Ш selection of building materials, products and structures.

Contents of the estimate documentation:

To determine the estimated cost of construction of design enterprises, buildings and structures, estimate documentation is drawn up:

  • · summary estimate of the cost of construction and, if necessary, a summary of costs according to forms approved by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation.
  • · object estimates (estimates);
  • · local estimates (estimates);
  • · estimates for certain types of work and costs;

Estimate documentation is drawn up in a certain sequence, constantly moving from small to larger construction elements, which are:

Type of work = > construction site => start-up complex => construction phase => construction as a whole

At the “project” stage, the estimate documentation includes site and local estimates, calculations, estimates for individual types of costs, a summary estimate of the cost of construction and, if necessary, a summary of costs.

At the stage of “working documentation” - object and local estimates.

Negotiated price, its composition:

Mutual settlements between the customer and the contractor for the performance of work (provision of services) are carried out on the basis of the negotiated price. The basis for the formation of a DC is the estimated cost of construction, determined as part of the estimate documentation. The DC is formed by the customer and the contractor on an equal basis, either based on the results of tenders or on the basis of direct negotiations. As a result of the joint decision, a protocol for approving the DC for construction products is drawn up, which is an integral part of the contract.

DC develops:

DC = S Subdr + S dr

where C Subdr is the estimated cost of contract work

C dr - the estimated cost of other costs, the obligations for the implementation of which are assigned to the contractor

C Subdr = C smr + C Other

C Other - the estimated cost of other contractor costs provided for in Chapter 10 of the consolidated estimate.

S smr = PZ+NR+P cm +Z lim

Z lim - limited costs (for the installation of temporary, title buildings and structures, for the winter increase in the cost of work)

Relative structure values:

Relative values ​​are the result of comparison (division) of two statistical values. The denominator contains the value with which it is compared - the comparison base, and the numerator contains the indicator being compared. Relative values ​​of the structure characterize the specific weight, in percentage, of part of the population in its total value taken as 100%.

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Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

Higher professional education

Siberian Federal University

Civil Engineering Institute

Department of Highways and Urban Structures


Discipline: "Economics of road construction"

On the topic: “Drawing up a set of estimate documentation for the construction of a section of the highway”

Krasnoyarsk 2014

  • Introduction
  • 1. Explanatory note
  • 2. Calculations and estimates


For the construction of a section of a third technical category highway with a length of 2.1 km on the territory of Krasnoyarsk, the following materials and products are required: GPS for the installation of the lower base layer; GPS for the installation of the top layer of the base and for construction work on the installation of a leveling layer of sand base; cold asphalt concrete mixture type BX for the installation of the top layer of coating; black crushed stone for the installation of the bottom layer of coating; crushed stone for making cushions for pipe foundations; links of culvert single-point round reinforced concrete pipes with a hole of 2 m; heads for culverts.

To construct a roadbed, it is necessary to excavate the soil using various types of machines: a bulldozer with a power of 330 kW; trailed scraper with a bucket with a capacity of 4.5 m 3; self-propelled scraper with a bucket with a capacity of 8 m 3; an excavator with a bucket with a capacity of 1.6 m 3 with loading into dump trucks. In addition, it is necessary to transport soil over a distance of 12 km.

Gravel is transported by dump trucks from the quarry to the work site over a distance of 85 km; sand is transported by dump trucks from the quarry to the work site over a distance of 35 km; links and pipe heads are delivered from the reinforced concrete products plant (FRP) to the work site by on-board vehicles over a distance of 326 km.

Taking into account the given data, you need to: compile the KTR and KSM.

Based on the data obtained, it is necessary to draw up local estimates and calculate the estimated cost of constructing a road subgrade, installing road surfaces and constructing a culvert.

Then, as a result of special calculations, determine the costs of work in winter, standard labor intensity and estimated wages.

Next, based on the data obtained, draw up an object-based and consolidated estimate of the cost of construction and determine the cost of the road at current prices.

1. Explanatory note

To the estimates of the detailed design for the construction of highway III in the Krasnoyarsk Territory with a length of 2.1 km. The estimates are compiled in 2001 prices. The initial data for drawing up estimates are:

a) summary statement of volumes of work;

b) Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81? 35.2004.

Unit costs are accepted for the first territorial zone with reference to local conditions of building materials and reinforced concrete structures. Selling prices for quarry materials are accepted according to TSC 81-01? 2001. Selling prices for concrete and reinforced concrete products are accepted according to the price list TSC 81 - 01? 2001. Cost calculations for reinforced concrete products take into account the cost of props. Loading and unloading operations are accepted according to TSC 81 - 01? 2001. Territorial collection of estimated prices for the transportation of goods for construction for zone I of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. For the Krasnoyarsk Territory, we introduce a coefficient to the basic wage of workers servicing the machine in the amount of 60%.

The estimate takes into account the following work and costs: temporary buildings and structures - 4.1%; funds for organizing contract tenders - 1.1%; funds to combat encephalitis ticks - 0.3%; funds for voluntary insurance - 1%; costs of transporting employees - 0.85%; additional costs when carrying out work in winter - according to calculations according to GSN 81-05? 02 ? 2001; additional payment to employees of mobile construction organizations - 3.7%; length of service - 1%; snow fighting - 0.4%; additional costs for continuous work experience - 0.4%; business trip costs - 0.089%; costs of carrying out work on a rotational basis - 1%; unforeseen work and costs - 3%.; the maintenance of the directorate of the enterprise under construction is 1.3%.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the off-road coefficient using the formula

where 20% is a seasonal increase in tariffs;

75% - the share of unpaved roads in the total length of roads used for the transportation of goods;

4 - the duration of the thaw, established by local authorities.

The total estimated cost is calculated using the formula

where PZ - direct costs;

HP - overhead costs;

SP - estimated profit.

Direct costs (DC) take into account the cost of production resources necessary to perform construction and installation work, calculated using the formula

PZ = ZP page + EM + M,

where is the salary page? funds for the salaries of builders and machinists;

EM? operation of machines, mechanisms, equipment;

M? materials, products, structures.

Overhead costs are a set of costs associated with creating the necessary conditions for performing work, as well as their organization, management and maintenance. Their value is determined by the indirect method as a percentage of the estimated costs for the labor of builders and machinists as part of the PP in accordance with MDS 81? 33.2004 according to the formula

It depends on the type of work; for road construction it is equal to 142% of the salary of builders and drivers.

Estimated profit - funds intended to cover the costs of contract VSOs for the development of production and material incentives for workers. It is a normative part of the cost of products and is calculated in accordance with MDS 81? 25.2001.

The basis for calculating the estimated profit is the amount of funds for remuneration of builders and machinists as part of the estimated direct costs. Estimated profit is determined by the formula

estimate costing material construction

2. Calculations and estimates

Summary estimate of the cost of construction of section III of the highway because in zone I of Krasnoyarsk

Estimates, calculations

Name of chapters, works, costs

Estimated cost, thousand rubles.

construction work

installation work

equipment and inventory

other costs

total, thousand rubles

Chapter 2. Subgrade

Subgrade made from ordinary soils

Total for Ch. 2

Chapter 3. Road pavement

Installation of a coating made of cold asphalt concrete mixture

Total for Ch. 3

Total for chapter 1-8

Total for Ch. 9

Total for Ch. 1-9

Total for Ch. 3

Chapter 4. Artificial structures

Construction of a single-point reinforced concrete round pipe with a diameter of 2x2 m

Total for chapter 1-8

Chapter 9. Temporary buildings and structures

Temporary buildings and structures, 4.1% of the amount given in Ch. 1-8

Total for Ch. 9

Total for Ch. 1-9

Total for chapter 1-8

Chapter 9. Temporary buildings and structures

Temporary buildings and structures, 4.1% of the amount given in Ch. 1-8

Total for Ch. 9

Total for Ch. 1-9

Chapter 10. Other work and costs

Additional costs for winter increases in construction and installation costs

Funds for organizing contract tenders, 0.1%

Costs of combating encephalitis ticks, 0.3%

Funds for voluntary insurance, 1% (but not more than 3%)

Costs of transporting workers by road, 0.85%

Longevity remuneration costs, 1%

Costs associated with the mobile nature of work, 3.7%

Costs for continuous work experience, 0.4%

Expenses for business trips of employees, 0.089%

Additional costs for snow removal, 0.4%

Costs of carrying out work on a rotational basis, 1%

Total for Ch. 10

Total for Ch. 1-10

Costs of maintaining customer service, 1.1%

Total for Ch. 11

Total according to the consolidated estimate (chap. 1-12)

Fund reserve for unforeseen work and expenses, 3%

Total according to the consolidated estimate

Total for the USSR, including VAT, 18%

Objective estimate of the cost of construction of a section of a motorway of category III (1 zone, 1 district, Krasnoyarsk)

Number of chapter, calculation, document

Name of work and costs

Estimated cost, thousand rubles.

Labor intensity, thousand man-hours

Estimated salary, thousand rubles.

Unit cost

construction work

installation work


other works


Travel clothing

Artificial structures

Total for chapters 1-8

Temporary buildings and structures, 4.1%

Standard labor intensity, 0.016

Estimated salary, 19%

Total for chapters 1-9

Other work and costs

Costs of winter price increases

Standard labor intensity, 0.04

Estimated salary, 40%

Total for chapters 1-10


Total: estimated cost

Estimated salary, 40%

Total for chapters 1-10


Unforeseen costs and work, 1.5%

Local estimate No. 1 for the construction of the roadbed for section III of the highway because in Krasnoyarsk

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Total cost, rub.

Labor intensity, person/hour.

direct costs

machine operation

direct costs


machine operation

per unit


incl. wages

incl. wages



TER 01-01-032-08

Soil development of 4 groups with a bulldozer with a power of 330 kW with a movement of 30 m to the first: 10

TER 01-01-032-16 K=3

for subsequent ones: 20

TER 01- 01-01-023-04

Development of group II trailed scraper with a 4.5 m 3 bucket and a travel of 300 m

TER 01- 01-01-023-16 K=10

for subsequent ones: 200

TER 01-01-023-04

Development of group II trailed scraper with a 4.5 m 3 bucket and a travel of 500 m

For the first 100 m

TER 01-01-032-16 K=40

for the next ones:

TER 01-01-023-04

Development of the first group of soil with a self-propelled scraper with an 8 m 3 bucket and a movement of 900 m

for the first: 300

TER 01-01-023-16 K=6

for subsequent ones: 600

TER 01-01-023-

Development of the first group of soil with a self-propelled scraper with an 8 m 3 bucket and a movement of 1100 m

For the first 300

TER 01-01-032-16 K=8

for the next ones:

TER 01-01-012-07

Development of group I soil using excavators with a 1.6 m 3 bucket with loading onto dump trucks

TSC 81-01-2001 table. 8

Transportation of soil by dump trucks operating outside the quarry at a distance of 12 km

Total direct costs

Wage adjustment

MDS 81-33-2004 adj. 4 p. 2

Overhead costs for mechanized excavation work, 95% of the salaries of builders and machinists

Cost of construction and installation work

MDS 81-25.2001 adj. 3 paragraph 21

Estimated profit for mechanized excavation work, 50% of the wages of builders and machinists

Estimated profit - the sum of cost and profit

Salary according to estimate

Local estimate No. 2 for the construction of road pavement for section III of the highway because in Krasnoyarsk

Code and position number of the standard

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Total cost, rub.

Labor intensity, person/hour

direct costs

machine operation

direct costs


machine operation

per unit


incl. wages

incl. wages



TER 27-04-003-01

Installation of the top layer of the base 8 cm thick from ASG 60%

TER 27-04-003-01 K=16/12

Installation of the top layer of the base 16 cm thick from ASG 55%

Cost not included in the ASG price

TER 27-04-001-01

Installation of a 26 cm thick leveling layer of sand

The cost of sand not included in the price

TER 27-06-019-02

Installation of a 6 cm thick top layer of cold asphalt concrete type BX

TER 27-04-003-01 K=(6-3)/0.5=6

For every 0.5 cm change in thickness, add to EP 27-04-003-01

TER 27-06-018-02

Installation of a lower layer of covering 9 cm thick of black crushed stone of dense stone material 3t/m 3 and

Total direct costs

Wage adjustment

Totals of direct costs adjusted to wages

MDS 81-33-2004 adj. 4 p. 21

Overhead costs for mechanized excavation work, 142% of the salaries of builders and machinists

Estimated wages for workers performing work that is included in overhead costs, 5.1% of overhead costs

Standard labor intensity of workers performing work that is taken into account by overhead costs, 0.0044 of overhead costs

Cost of construction and installation work

MDS 81-25.2001 adj. 3 clause 21

Estimated profit for mechanized excavation work, 95% of the wages of builders and machinists

Standard labor intensity according to estimate

Salary according to estimate

Local estimate No. 3 for the installation of a culvert reinforced concrete round single-point pipe with a diameter of 2 m on the highway III because. in Krasnoyarsk

Code and position number of the standard

Name of work and costs

Unit cost, rub.

Total cost, rub.

Labor intensity, person/hour.

direct costs

machine operation

direct costs


machine operation

per unit


incl. wages

incl. wages



TER 30-01-001

Installation of crushed stone cushions under the pipe

TER 30-07-002-09

Laying pipe sections

Inventory, Part IV (440-9006)

The cost of pipe links not included in the price

TER 30-07-014-06

Laying pipe heads

Inventory, Part IV (440-9006)

The cost of pipe heads not included in the price

Total direct costs

Wage adjustment

Totals of direct costs adjusted to wages

MDS 81-33-2004 adj. 4 p. 24

Overhead costs, 110% of the salaries of builders and machinists

Estimated wages for workers performing work that is included in overhead costs, 5.1% of overhead costs

Standard labor intensity of workers performing work that is taken into account by overhead costs, 0.0044 of overhead costs

Cost of construction and installation work

MDS 81-25.2001 adj. 3 paragraph 24

Estimated profit, 80% of the wages of builders and machinists

Estimated cost - the sum of cost and profit

Standard labor intensity according to estimate

Salary according to estimate

Calculation No. 1 of additional costs for work in winter

Name of work

Estimated cost, thousand rubles.

Norms of additional costs for winter price increases in % of the estimated cost

Justification of the norms for additional costs for winter increases in the cost of work

Estimated cost of winter increase in cost of work, thousand rubles.

Construction of the subgrade

GSN 81-05-02-2001, section. I, paragraph 3.2

Construction of road pavement

GSN 81-05-02-2001, section. I, paragraph 3.14

Laying culverts

GSN 81-05-02-2001, section. I, paragraph 3.17

Construction of temporary buildings and structures, 4.1%

Material cost calculation

Name of materials

Place of shipment

Gross weight units Meas., t

Transportation costs 1t., rub.

Selling price, rub.

Supply and sales margin, %

Cost of containers, packaging, props, rub.

Transport costs, rub.

Price "free on-site warehouse", rub.

Procurement and storage costs, rub.

Estimated cost, rub.

Pipe links

Pipe heads

0,6 273,19+0,4 235,53

0,55 327,19+0,44 235,53

Calculation No. 1 of transport costs for 1 ton of culvert links of reinforced concrete round single-point pipes with a diameter of 2 m

Initial data

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Calculation No. 2 of transport costs for 1 ton of culvert heads of reinforced concrete round single-point pipes with a diameter of 2 m

Initial data

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Calculation No. 3 of transport costs for 1t of gravel

Initial data

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Calculation No. 4 of transport costs for 1t of sand

Initial data

Compiled in 2001 prices.

Calculation No. 5 of transport costs for 1 ton of soil of the first group

Initial data:

Compiled in 2001 prices.

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The course project requires determining the amount of capital investment required for the construction of the proposed highway. To calculate the estimated cost of a highway, the estimated cost of individual structural elements and types of work is first determined. The basis for their determination are unit prices or aggregated indicators of estimated cost.

Estimates for the most important structural elements of the road (base, surface) are compiled on the basis of unit prices in order to take into account their design, organizational and technical features. For other structural elements and types of work, estimates can be developed on the basis of aggregated cost indicators, including direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit.

A collection of unit prices is a document in which, based on estimated standards and prices, the amount of direct costs for performing a unit of volume of certain works is established. The cost provided for by any unit price includes the wages of construction workers, the costs of operating construction machines, including the wages of drivers, and the cost of materials.

Depending on the industry focus, 49 collections of unit prices (EP) have been developed. EP collections were developed at the basic price level (as of January 1, 2001) for the conditions of the 1st base region (Moscow region) and are an integral part of the pricing and estimate standardization system in construction operating in the Russian Federation.

EP collections for construction work are divided into federal (FER), territorial (TER) and sectoral (OER). In each collection, unit prices are arranged in a certain sequence and coded. For example, the unit price number 30-01-001-1 means that it is placed in collection No. 30 and has a serial number 01-001-1.

In the terms of the course project, the cost of constructing road pavement is determined at unit prices. The local estimate for the construction of road pavement is calculated using FER No. 27 “Highways” in Form 4 (see file “Form 4”) in the following order.

Table 1. Initial data

Table 2. Types and volumes of work when constructing road pavements with cement concrete pavement

Type of work and unaccounted materials

FER table No. 27

Unit change

Scope of work

Installation of a 20 cm thick c/w coating


Installation of joints in freshly laid concrete

Black sand

Construction of a base made of crushed stone M1000 fr. 40-70 mm, 15 cm thick

>/<15 см

Construction of a base made of crushed stone M700, fr. 40-70 mm, 15 cm thick

>/<15 см

Construction of a sand base layer

Sand for construction work

Having determined the list of works on the installation of structural layers of road pavement, from the FER collection No. 27 we write down the direct costs per unit of type of work, including the basic wages of workers, the cost of operating machines, including the wages of drivers and the cost of materials.

In the general case, the estimate developer is faced with the fact that the thickness of the structural layer he is considering does not coincide with the thickness of the layer taken into account in the unit price of the FER collection. Then it is necessary to adjust the unit price from the FER, recalculating it to the design thickness of the structural layer of the road pavement. In the course project, we use the following table to describe such adjustments.

Table 3. Recalculation of unit prices

FER quotation number

Layer thickness taken into account in the price, cm

Corrected coefficient

Cost per meter, rub.


main salary

exploitation cars

material cost

including salary

Recalculation of the unit price for the installation of a foundation made of crushed stone 24.8 cm thick, rub./1000 m2

Recalculation of the unit price for the installation of a foundation made of crushed stone 14.8 cm thick, rub./1000 m2

Here the adjustment factor is calculated using the formula:

i=(h f -h t)/h k,

where h f is the actual thickness of the structural layer according to the specifications, cm;

h t - thickness of the structural layer, taken into account by the FER table, cm;

h к – change in layer thickness, taken into account in the price for adjusting the FER table, see.

We calculate the volume of unaccounted materials by multiplying their standard costs for the accepted meter by the volume of work. We determine the cost of unaccounted materials for the entire scope of work by multiplying the amount of materials in the appropriate units of measurement by the cost of a unit volume of material at the price of the FSP (FRANCO-construction site).

We determine the amount of direct costs as a whole according to the estimate as the amount in the “Total” column. We calculate the amount of overhead costs by multiplying their rate (142%) by the amount of the wage fund, obtained as the sum of workers' wages and machinists' wages. Estimated rates of overhead costs are established in the “Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction MDS 81-33.2004” in% by type of work.

We determine the amount of estimated profit as the norm as a percentage of the wage fund. The rate of estimated profit (95%) is established in the “Methodological guidelines for determining the amount of estimated profit in construction” MDS 81-25.2004” in% by type of work. We record all calculations in Form 4.

The estimated cost of work on the construction of road pavement in base prices of 2000 is found by summing up direct costs (PC), overhead costs (IO) and estimated profit (P): C = PO+NR+P.

Table 4. Form 4. Work on the installation of structural layers of road pavement with a c/w coating

The amount of capital investment required for the construction of a highway is assessed by developing a consolidated estimate.

The basis for the development of a consolidated estimate is local estimates for individual structural elements and types of work, compiled according to unit prices or aggregated indicators of the estimated cost, as well as estimate calculations (costs of temporary buildings and structures, design and survey work, costs of maintaining the directorate of the facility under construction) .

The summary estimate consists of 12 chapters and a reserve for unforeseen work and costs. The first seven chapters reflect the costs of construction and installation work (CEM), the rest - other costs and additional costs associated with the performance of work and the preparation of design estimates.

A summary estimate of the cost of road construction is drawn up according to Form 1.

To go to 2014 prices, multiply the found estimated cost of work on the construction of road pavement by the index of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation work i c (i c =6,74) to FER-2001, recommended by the Ministry of Construction for the 4th quarter of 2014 (by type of construction “Other objects”).

Table 5. Form 1. Summary estimate of the cost of construction of a category highwayIb in Primorsky Krai

No. of estimates and calculations

Name of chapters, works and costs

Estimated cost, thousand rubles

Share of chapters, %

Equipment and its installation

Other costs

Chapter I. Preparation of the construction site

Chapter II. Subgrade

Chapter III. Artificial structures

Estimate No. 1

Chapter IV. Travel clothing

Chapter V. Communication device

Chapter VI. Intersections and junctions

Chapter VII. Road devices and road conditions

Chapter VIII-XII. Limited and other costs

Total from chapters I to XII

Reserve for unforeseen work and costs

Total according to the consolidated estimate (estimated cost)

Cost of 1 km of road