Why is local estimate calculation performed? What documents are needed to calculate estimate documentation? Name of work and costs

The estimated cost, determined as part of the estimate documentation, is the basis for planning capital investments, financing construction, payments for completed contract work, payment of expenses for the acquisition of equipment and its delivery to construction sites, as well as reimbursement of other costs from the funds provided for in the consolidated estimate calculation,

The basis for determining the estimated cost is:

Project and working documentation, including drawings, statements of volumes of construction, installation, land reclamation, land and other types of work, specifications and statements for equipment, basic decisions on the organization of production and the order of construction adopted in the PIC. and PPR, explanatory note to design materials;

Current estimated standards (including resource standards), as well as selling prices for transportation costs, equipment, materials;

Decisions and regulations of government bodies.

In relation to the preparation of estimate documentation, the construction object is a separate building (industrial building or workshop, warehouse, station, vegetable storehouse, residential building, club, etc.) or structure (bridge, tunnel, platform, dam, etc.) , with all related facilities (galleries, overpasses, etc.), equipment, furniture, inventory, utility and auxiliary devices, as well as, if necessary, with adjacent utility networks and general site works (vertical planning, landscaping, landscaping, etc.).

The construction object can also be a set of buildings and structures that have a common technological or other purpose (a block of workshops, a boiler room with a fuel warehouse, several tanks, a group of water intake, treatment or other structures). During the construction of enterprises, industrial or residential complexes, separate objects are external networks with service and auxiliary structures on them (water supply, sewerage, district heating, gas supply, energy supply, etc.), access roads, intra-factory or intra-block roads and other general site works .

Estimate documentation can be divided into 3 groups (Fig. 2.5.1):

- main;

- auxiliary;

- normative and informational.

Main estimate documentation, as a rule, mandatory for all working projects, serves to determine the estimated cost of construction of the designed enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues. Consists of local estimates (local estimate calculations), object estimates (object estimate calculations), estimate calculations for individual types of costs, consolidated estimate calculations of construction costs, cost summaries, list of contract prices, etc.

Auxiliary(or additional) estimate documentation is an addition to the main one and in some cases precedes its preparation or is necessary due to the specifics of the project. Supporting estimate documentation includes:

Calculation of transport costs;

Calculation of the cost of materials, products, structures;

Individual unit prices;

Estimates for the implementation of research and experimental work, the need for which arose in connection with the design and construction of these activities and structures;

Statement of the estimated cost of environmental protection facilities and work.

Regulatory and information estimate documentation is a mandatory methodological basis for the development of basic and supporting documents. This is a whole system of documents on pricing and estimated standardization, approved by resolutions of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

The forms, procedure and methodology for drawing up estimate documentation are established by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation in the documents:

SNiP 10-01-94. System of regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions.

SP 81-01-94. Set of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design and estimate documentation.

MDS 81-1.99. Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The forms of estimate documentation allow you to compile it in a certain sequence, gradually moving from small to larger construction elements. This can be presented in the following sequence: type of work (costs) - object - start-up complex - construction queue - construction as a whole.

Local estimate

Local estimates are primary estimate documents and are compiled for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work based on the volumes determined during the development of the detailed design, working documentation (working drawings). Local estimates are also prepared for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work in cases where the scope of work and costs have not been finally determined and are subject to clarification, as a rule, on the basis of working documentation.

Local estimates (estimates) for certain types of construction and installation work, as well as for the cost of equipment, are compiled based on the following data:

Parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted in design decisions;

Scope of work taken from the construction and installation work sheets and determined based on design materials;

Nomenclature and quantities of equipment, furniture and inventory adopted from custom specifications, statements and other design materials;

Current estimated standards and indicators for types of work, structural elements, as well as market and regulated prices and tariffs for industrial and technical products and services.

Local estimates (estimates) are prepared:

a) for buildings and structures:

For construction work;

Special construction work;

Internal sanitary works;

Internal electric lighting;

Electric power plants;

Rice. 2.5.1. Types and composition of estimate documentation.

For the installation and purchase of technological and other types of equipment, instrumentation and automation, low-current devices (communications, alarms, etc.);

Purchase of fixtures, furniture, equipment;

Other works;

b) for general site works:

For vertical layout;

Construction of utility networks, paths and roads;


Small architectural forms, etc.

When designing complex buildings and structures, developing technical documentation for construction by several design organizations, as well as when forming the estimated cost for start-up complexes, it is allowed to draw up two or more local estimates (estimates) for the same type of work.

In local estimate calculations (estimates), data is grouped into sections according to individual structural elements of the building (structure), types of work and devices. The grouping order must correspond to the technological sequence of work and take into account the specific features of individual types of construction. Buildings and structures can be divided into an underground part (zero cycle work) and an above-ground part.

Local estimate calculation (estimate) may have sections:

For construction work - earthworks; foundations and walls of the underground part;

Walls; frame; ceilings, partitions; floors and bases; coverings and roofs; filling openings; stairs and platforms; finishing works; various works (porches, blind areas, etc.), etc.;

For special construction work - foundations for equipment; special grounds; channels and pits; lining, lining and insulation; chemical protective coatings, etc.;

For internal sanitary and technical work - water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.;

For equipment installation - purchase and installation of process equipment; process pipelines; metal structures (related to the installation of equipment), etc.

At the cost of certain types of construction, special and related work (work to prepare the site and soil for planting, sowing, purchasing appropriate sowing equipment).

When preparing local estimates, priority is given to enlarged estimate standards and cost indicators.

The cost determined by local estimates (estimates) includes direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit.

Accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit when drawing up local estimates (estimates) without dividing into sections is carried out at the end of the calculation (estimate) after the total of direct costs. When forming by sections - at the end of each section and as a whole according to the estimate (estimate). When forming by type of work, overhead costs and estimated profit are accrued for each type of construction, installation and repair work.

Local estimates (estimates) for certain types of construction and installation work, as well as for the cost of equipment, are compiled according to Form 4 and Form 5 recommended by the State Construction Committee of Russia (Tables 2.5.1 and 2.5.2).

Cost and timing of construction estimates

Many customers who want to buy a ready-made house project or, for example, a village of low-rise buildings, ask for a construction estimate.

The vast majority of them are planning to start construction for the first time in their lives. Therefore, they have a vague idea of ​​what a construction estimate is: what it looks like, on the basis of which regulatory and legislative documents it is drawn up, the timing and cost of drawing up a construction estimate, at what stage of the work the construction estimate is drawn up, etc.

This is only a small part of the questions that are asked regarding construction estimates. In fact, in addition to the above questions, a number of others should be asked, essentially more important and significant for the customer.

In order to assist potential customers who wish to order a design or buy a ready-made project for a house or, for example, a village of low-rise buildings, we provide information. We hope that it will answer the above questions, get rid of a number of illusions and help you understand what you should pay attention to when drawing up a construction estimate.

In construction, legal relations between business entities (customers and contractors) are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. “Construction work at the site must be carried out in accordance with technical documentation defining the volume, content of work and other requirements for them, and with an estimate determining the price of the work” (Article 743 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The current legislation of the Russian Federation is the Law “On licensing of certain types of activities” dated September 25, 1998 “On licensing of certain types of activities” No. 158-FZ , does not contain licensing requirements for activities related to the preparation of estimate documentation, since these works are not related to ensuring strength, stability andoperational safety of constructed buildings and structureszheny (letter from the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 28, 1997 No. BE-19-7/12).

    In 1986, a collection of construction standards was approved in the USSR. Before this, in the entire history of mankind, there was no such document that would regulate the economy and organization of construction production.

    Since then, the obligation of the design organization to draw up an estimate has been legislatively approved. The construction estimate was an integral part of the design documentation.

    Therefore, the practice has emerged to estimate the cost of preparing construction estimates as a percentage of the cost of design work. This value was 10% of the project cost.

    For example, if the cost of the project was 10% of the cost of construction and installation work, then the construction estimate cost about 1% of the cost of construction.

    Until now, approximately this practice is quite widely used in the development of project documentation and construction of facilities fully financed from the budget.

In the period from 1986 to the present, so many different legislative, regulatory and advisory documents, annexes and additions to them have been developed that the competent development of construction estimates has become more difficult than it was at the moment when it was first legislatively approved.

Recently, customers, general contractors and contractors have begun to prepare estimate documentation directly.

This practice is the norm in a market economy.

    During the Soviet era, the cost of drawing up construction plans was not flexible, as it is in a market economy.

    Currently, the cost, timing, composition of documents and calculations when drawing up construction estimates are determined by the parties: the customer and the contractor.

    Construction estimates may not be prepared by third parties at all. The customer can draw up a construction estimate directly on his own, and at his own discretion.

Approximate cost and time frame for drawing up design and estimate documentation, depending on the cost of the project (at the end of 2019):

Project cost, rub.

Cost estimate

in % of the project cost

Estimation deadline


up to 1,000,000



from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000



from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000



From 10,000,000 to 50,000,000



more than 100,000,000



Depending on the types of work, their complexity, urgency, etc. for which estimates are drawn up, decreasing or increasing coefficients are applied.

In addition to the difficulty of drawing up an accurate and objectively assessing the possible costs of constructing a construction project, there are a number of very important points that are not mentioned, explained or recommended in any of the existing legislative, regulatory and advisory documents, appendices and additions to them.

This can be briefly explained by a well-known anecdote:

"How much will it betwice two? - And we buy or sell?"

If the construction estimate is drawn up directly by an investor, a person or organization who wants to offer their services and an investor or potential buyer of real estate, then their results will be different.

In addition to the interest in obtaining overestimated or underestimated results, the final accuracy of the construction estimate is influenced by experience, professional level of education and the degree of awareness of the construction project.

The final accuracy of the construction estimate is affected by the stage of work at which it is compiled. A construction estimate can be drawn up both at the stage of the preliminary design and at the stage of developing construction documentation, and can be clarified during the actual construction of the facility.

The accuracy of the construction estimate is determined by inflation, the location of the project, and many other factors.

The cost of the construction estimate depends on the degree of study of the land on which construction is proposed. Customers who ask for an accurate construction estimate almost always have not yet purchased a plot of land and have not carried out the necessary geological studies on it.

The cost of the construction estimate also depends on the level of corruption in a particular locality, city, etc.

Therefore, the designer will not be able to provide an accurate construction estimate at the stage of developing a preliminary design of a house or, for example, a village of low-rise buildings.

The accuracy of drawing up construction estimates largely determines the profit that can be obtained from the implementation of an investment construction project.

If it is necessary to ensure confidentiality when drawing up a construction estimate, then the person or organization that will draw up the construction estimate may not show the appearance of the building and not indicate its exact location of construction. But the accuracy of the estimate will be somewhat lower compared to when the appearance of the building is shown and its exact location of construction is indicated.

The more complex and expensive the construction project, the more economically feasible it is to entrust the preparation of construction estimates to several independent organizations affiliated with the customer, investor and general contractor.

After receiving construction estimates drawn up by several independent people and organizations, it is advisable to check them at least selectively yourself and, for example, seeking advice from a third independent party.

Calculation of the cost and time of design work in Moscow is carried out according to MRR- - a collection of basic prices for design work for construction in Moscow.

Design time is determined according to MRR- - standards for the duration of design of construction projects in the city of Moscow

Calculation of the cost of design work in Russia 2010 is carried out according to SBCP 81-02-03-2001 reference book of basic prices for design work in construction. Objects of housing and civil construction, Moscow 2010 and SBCP 81-02-01-2001 reference book of basic prices for design work in construction. Territorial planning and territorial planning, Moscow 2010.

Approximate cost structure for the construction of a turnkey low-rise apartment building

Approximate costs for building a “box” house:

Note: cost items depend on the land plot, selected communication systems, level of complexity of the architectural project, etc.

Approximate cost structure for the construction of a low- and medium-rise residential apartment building

1 - Design work, examination and approval of documentation, state duty.
2 - Engineering support.
3 - Other expenses (bank loan, overhead and unforeseen expenses, architectural supervision).
4 - Construction and installation work.
5 - Acquisition of rights to land (lease or purchase).


1. The costs of designing high-rise buildings and houses of increased architectural complexity are higher.

2. The costs of acquiring land rights vary significantly depending on the location of the site.

Approximate structure of the estimated cost of individual parts of the building and types of work


Percentage of building parts and types of work


Cost, thousand rubles.

Percentage of construction and installation work

Cost of construction and installation work

2184, 09


Including .:- earthworks

78, 23

3, 58

Basement foundations and walls

207, 299

9, 5


257, 7

11, 8


25, 364

1, 16


4, 068

0, 18


135, 79

6, 2


131, 778


49, 756

2, 28


183, 755

8, 4

Stained glass

131, 964

6, 04


305, 622

13, 9

Interior decoration

203, 196

9, 3

Exterior decoration

144, 852

6, 6

Cold and hot water supply

69, 52

3, 2


20, 65

0, 94


27, 3

1, 25


73, 5

3, 36


4, 45


Electrical installation work

88, 8

4, 1

Low current devices

30, 0

1, 37

Technological equipment

10, 5

0, 5


No matter how detailed and accurate a construction estimate may seem at first glance, it must be legally competent.

Disputes between the customer and contractors arise quite often. And depending on how legally competent the construction estimate is drawn up and the contract for construction work is drawn up, their relationship, the final quality of the object, compliance with the deadlines for its construction and the actual costs of construction will largely depend.

Therefore, it is economically feasible to involve lawyers in drawing up estimates for the construction of expensive facilities.


Construction estimates can look solid and convincing. But for those who ordered the preparation of a construction estimate, not only its accuracy, reliability and persuasiveness are important, but also the opportunity to buy building materials and order construction services at the prices indicated in the estimate and on favorable terms.


It is planned to build a three-story apartment building. There is a preliminary design for it. The customer wants to know how much it will cost to build such a house. To do this, he orders the preparation of construction estimates from the company "N".

After the time established by the contract, he receives an accurate, solid and convincing construction estimate.

The presented estimate allows you to accurately understand the costs of building a house. But the estimate does not indicate the addresses, telephone numbers and websites of those companies from which it is planned to purchase building materials and order certain construction services.

As a result, the customer, in addition to the costs of the construction estimate, is forced to spend additional time, effort and money on marketing and searching for suppliers of building materials and contractors.

Correcting this situation is quite simple: when ordering the preparation of a construction estimate, the contract stipulates that the contractor is obliged, in addition to his own construction estimate, to provide price lists, website addresses, contact numbers and the names of those from whom data on prices and characteristics of building materials were received.

In accordance with MDS 81-35.2004 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” (approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 15/1), the customer’s costs for performing design work are taken into account in the consolidated estimate of construction costs in Chapter 12 “Design and survey work, designer’s supervision”, which includes funds for:

Carrying out design and survey work (services) - divided into design and survey work;
carrying out designer's supervision of design organizations during construction;
conducting an examination of pre-project and design documentation;
testing of piles carried out by a contracting construction and installation organization during the development of project documentation according to the technical specifications of the construction customer;
preparation of tender documentation.


Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

    Article 710. Contractor's savings
    In cases where the contractor's actual expenses turned out to be less than those taken into account when determining the price of the work, the contractor retains the right to pay for the work at the price stipulated in the contract, unless the customer proves that the savings received by the contractor affected the quality of the work performed. The contract may provide for the distribution of savings received by the contractor between the parties.

    Article 744. Amendments to technical documentation
    The contractor has the right to demand, in accordance with Article 450 of this Code, a revision of the estimate if, for reasons beyond his control, the cost of the work exceeded the estimate by at least ten percent."

RF PP No. 87



28. Section 11 “Estimate for the construction of capital construction projects” must contain a text part as part of an explanatory note to the estimate documentation and estimate documentation.

29. The explanatory note to the estimate documentation provided for in paragraph 28 of these Regulations must contain the following information:
a) information about the location of the capital construction project;
b) a list of collections and catalogs of estimate standards adopted for the preparation of estimate documentation for construction;
c) name of the contractor (if any);
d) justification for the specifics of determining the estimated cost of construction work for a capital construction project;
e) other information on the procedure for determining the estimated cost of construction of a capital construction project, specific to it.

30. The estimate documentation provided for in paragraph 28 of these Regulations must contain a summary of costs, a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction, site and local estimates (estimates), estimates for individual types of costs.
The specified estimate documentation is compiled using the basic price level and the prices prevailing at the time of its preparation (indicating the month and year of its preparation). The basic price level refers to the cost indicators of the estimated standards in force as of January 1, 2000 \(paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 N 427 - see the previous edition).

31. The consolidated estimate of the cost of construction, provided for in paragraph 30 of these Regulations, is drawn up with the distribution of funds according to the following chapters:

Preparing the construction site (Chapter 1);
main construction projects (Chapter 2);
auxiliary and service facilities (Chapter 3);
energy facilities (Chapter 4);
transport and communication facilities (Chapter 5);
external networks and structures of water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply (Chapter 6);
landscaping and landscaping (Chapter 7);
temporary buildings and structures (Chapter 8);
other work and costs (Chapter 9);
customer service content. Construction control (Chapter 10);
training of operational personnel for a capital construction project under construction (Chapter 11);
design and survey work (Chapter 12).

To purchase or order a project for a house and a village of low-rise buildings, contact us in any way convenient for you, indicated on the website.

Practice shows that often an investor, especially a beginner, when conceiving a project, has little idea of ​​what expenses it may entail. Any business requires a preliminary calculation of all costs, otherwise the customer may be faced with the fact that he does not have enough money to complete the work. And this is the answer to a frequently asked question: why do you need an estimate?

First, let's define the concept. An estimate, what it is, when and why it is drawn up. An estimate is a financial document that makes it possible to determine with a significant degree of accuracy and in detail the cost of performing certain works. Calculations are made at the planning stage, after which they are all drawn up in an official document and transferred to the customer.

Estimates are drawn up in various types of human activity where there is a need for a preliminary calculation of costs. However, the concept of estimate documentation plays the most important role in construction, where large amounts of money are involved, and the implementation of processes takes a long time (months and years). This could be a standardized set of documents or a calculation of resources or costs per unit of materials (piece, linear meter, kilogram). In combination with design documentation and the contract, it is the most important element in starting construction.

One of the participants in the investment project can prepare estimates:

  • A designer who is in a contractual relationship with the customer. Usually in such cases the resource method of calculation is used;
  • The customer, who determines the preliminary cost at the stage of preparing a feasibility study (feasibility study);
  • The general contractor who determines the cost of construction through contract bidding.

It is important that this responsible financial document is drawn up by a professional organization that has experience in such activities and a good reputation. An unprofessional approach to the matter can lead to underestimation or overestimation of the estimated cost of construction, which is equally unprofitable for the investor, since it entails additional costs. The work of preparing financial documentation is usually estimated at a certain percentage of the total cost of the project.

Most often, estimates are prepared by construction organizations that will carry out the work and purchase building materials for them. It is important for the customer to take part in all stages of documentation preparation, control the data entered into it on types of work, their costs, prices for materials, and seek its correction. The use of modern specialized computer programs speeds up the execution of calculations, so organizations can offer the customer a choice on the “price - quality” principle of several cost estimate options, taking into account different construction technologies and materials used. After choosing the best option, the customer approves it, after which changes to the document can be made only with his consent.

Calculations when drawing up a financial plan are made on the basis of estimated norms, prices and rates, which are combined into thematic collections, which are the official justification for the preparation. All of them can be classified depending on the subjects who developed them:

  • Federal (state). These are reference books GSN (State Estimate Norms), GESN (State Elemental Estimate Norms), FER (Federal Unit Prices). They are approved by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, can be used in any industry, and are required for repairs or construction carried out at the expense of the state budget.
  • Industrial-industrial (POSN). They are used in construction in certain industries, for example, energy or railway.
  • Territorial (TER). Approved by local authorities and used for construction on the relevant territory, incl. at the expense of local budgets.
  • Individual and branded. They are developed for individual companies or organizations, taking into account the specifics of their construction and installation work, usually based on federal, industry or territorial prices and standards.

All of the above collections of prices and standards together form a unified system of estimated standardization and pricing in construction, applied throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The information contained in the directories is periodically updated taking into account inflation processes and the development of construction technology.

Classification of estimates

Often, a preliminary determination of the cost of a large construction project seems very difficult and even impossible due to constantly changing prices for labor resources, energy, building materials, equipment and tools. In such cases, estimators follow the “from least to most” principle, using various types of estimates:

  • Local prepared for one or another type of work, based on the volume of work, quantity and range of equipment, current estimate standards, market tariffs and prices. For example, internal plumbing work, landscaping or installation of an alarm system. The cost set includes direct costs, estimated profit and overhead costs.
  • Object. They are formed at the current or basic price level for a specific object by summing up several local estimates and grouping data into the sections “Equipment”, “Installation work”, “Construction work”, “Other costs”. This also includes funds provided to cover the so-called limited costs (temporary structures, increased costs of processes in winter).
  • Summary calculation estimate. Shows the limit of funds required for the complete completion of the project envisaged by the project; financing of construction work is opened for it. The summary calculation includes all calculations for individual types of expenses. It is formed for construction as a whole, regardless of the number of contractors, based on the current price level. The funds are distributed into separate chapters depending on the specific object. When drawing up a summary estimate, the instructions provide for the presence of an explanatory note with a text description of the main construction parameters.

When determining the cost of work, much depends on the information provided by the parties to the agreement for the preparation of documents. Here are several types of estimates:

  • Conceptual. Prepared at the stage of developing a feasibility study of an investment proposal. Based on the capacity of the object or the cost per unit of consumer properties. Accuracy from 17 to 20%.
  • Investor. It is developed at the pre-project stage as the basis for the starting price during bidding. In this case, a master plan, a sketch, a layout diagram of the structure, and an enlarged calculation of equipment specifications and scope of work are used. Accuracy from 10 to 13%.
  • Contractor's estimate. Compiled on the basis of tender documentation in preparation for concluding an agreement. When preparing it, the contractor uses FER and TER and previous experience in constructing similar facilities. There are already inflationary losses, the organization’s profit and the costs of subcontractors. Accuracy from 5 to 7%.
  • Designer's estimate. More complete documentation is used (project, working diagrams and drawings, unit prices, elemental standards, average industry price values), which increases the accuracy of calculations to 2-5%.
  • Executive. It is calculated based on the actual expenses of the contractor at the final stage of construction, therefore, all additional expenses incurred by the customer and contractor are taken into account. Using this financial document, the final book value of the constructed facility is calculated.

The estimate can be in the form of a table, the columns of which indicate the types of work, their volume, quantity, price and cost of building materials, as well as additional processes and resources. In another option, it is possible to use such sections as direct costs (operation of equipment, wages, purchase of building materials), overhead costs (deductions to funds, business trips, labor protection) and estimated profit

To confirm the correctness of the financial calculations made, identify inaccuracies and make necessary changes, the customer has the right to contact independent experts. Their services typically cost between 0.3 and 0.5% of the total construction cost.

How to make an estimate correctly

When constructing any facility, design and estimate documentation is initially drawn up. The main purpose of the estimate is to clearly determine the total cost of construction, taking into account possible changes in the market for building materials, equipment, etc. Estimate calculations are carried out on the basis of different approaches - from the point of view of time s x costs, basic price indices, resource costs. A description of these approaches, as well as a ready-made example of preparing an estimate, can be found in the article.

Determine the goals of creation

An estimate is a financial document containing a detailed cost plan for the construction of a real estate property. For convenience, these costs are divided into several sections, and below is the total cost at current or projected prices.

Budgeting involves achieving several goals at once:

  1. Determining the estimated cost – i.e. total amount of construction.
  2. Determination of costs for individual types of construction work at all stages.
  3. Report on the expenditure of funds to the customer, representatives of government agencies, investors and other interested parties.
  4. The ability to adjust values ​​in accordance with the changing situation in different construction markets.

A professionally drawn up estimate is a guarantee of efficient spending of funds, continuous construction process, and competent distribution of financial resources. Therefore, to draw up estimate documentation, it is necessary to select a certain approach (methodology), then carry out calculations and check their correctness.

Budgeting methods

There are various methods of preparing estimates, which differ in their approach to determining construction costs.


This method is used in practice only in cases where the estimator initially has information with the prices of objects that have already been built or designed previously. The method is called analog because both objects being assessed must be similar - for example, 2 residential buildings made of similar materials. At the same time, it is not necessary that they be identical: the main condition is the same cost in units of measurement (linear meter, square meter of area, etc.).


This approach involves determining cost based on the measurement of a unit of labor time. The technique has limited application, since it is usually used only when assessing small volumes of construction work. This could be repairs, household work, etc. When it comes to the construction of large construction projects, other approaches are most often used.


It is based on the use of databases with current and forecast indexes. In this case, the cost is often determined at a basic level, which is where the name of the method comes from. It is also determined at the current level in the values ​​of the previous period.

To determine current prices into basic costs for each element, multiply by the index, choosing a value for:

  • specific industry;
  • by region;
  • in view of work, etc.


The total cost of the object is determined on the basis of current (or predicted, taking into account inflation and other possible risks) prices for resources and tariffs. The calculation is based on resource costs, so this approach in practice is the most optimal for both the customer and the developer himself. Natural measurement of costs allows you to adequately assess costs for different budget items. Therefore, this method can be used for any stage of development of estimate documentation.

However, the disadvantage of this approach is that it takes a lot of labor and time to make calculations. In addition, the calculation is carried out using rather complex formulas, which causes additional difficulties and increases the risk of errors or inaccuracies. Another drawback is that it is difficult for the customer to track price dynamics at the regional level. Therefore, he cannot fully control the use of funds by the contractor.

Resource index

This approach combines a resource approach, as well as the use of an index system for costing. The advantage of the method is that it provides fairly adequate calculations thanks to the use of databases that are updated monthly. Information is taken from unified pricing centers. Some experts recommend using this method not for all resources at all, but only for representative materials, as well as for leading machines. As for other calculations, they can be carried out using regional indices.

Enlarged estimate standards

In this case, this determination of cost uses enlarged estimate standards. They are expressed in different units of measurement:

  • interest;
  • linear meters;
  • square meters of area, etc.

Most often, enlarged standards are used at 2 stages to create documentation:

  1. Early design stages.
  2. Development of documentation using UR, PRZS, etc.

Basic compensation

The essence of the approach is that estimators sum up the price of costs and construction work, which are determined at the basic level. Then the data obtained is clarified during the preparation of the project and the implementation of construction work, 1 spring real changes in prices and tariffs. If a difference arises, the customer compensates the costs as they arise. The most common costs include:

  • overexpenditure of materials;
  • additional costs associated with low labor productivity;
  • loss of time due to unforeseen circumstances;
  • increase in the estimate due to payment for the services of intermediaries, etc.

Structure and example of an estimate report

The ultimate goal of the calculations is to compile a consolidated estimate report, which will include the final indicators for 12 sections:

  1. Preparing the construction site.
  2. Main construction objects.
  3. Objects for auxiliary and service purposes.
  4. Energy facilities.
  5. Transport and communication facilities.
  6. External networks and structures of water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply.
  7. Improvement and landscaping of the territory.
  8. Temporary buildings and structures.
  9. Other work and costs.
  10. Contents of the directorate (technical supervision) of an enterprise (institution) under construction.
  11. Training of operational personnel.
  12. Design and survey work, designer's supervision.

The completed document looks like this. The main part is presented in the form of a table with estimate numbers for each of these sections. The table also shows the names of the works, their estimated cost by type and total cost. When specifying estimate numbers, references to the relevant regulatory documents (Letters from the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, contracts, etc.) are required.

A ready-made example of a consolidated estimate report that you can use as a guide when developing documentation looks like this.

An example of preparing an estimate report

The number and features of the preparation of estimate reports directly depend on the construction/installation/improvement project, etc. Let's look at the instructions for drawing up a report using a specific example. The administration of the municipal district plans to carry out landscaping and landscaping of the territory. To do this, she enters into a contract agreement with the selected company. All work must be carried out in strict accordance with the previously drawn up estimate documentation. The work is carried out in several stages.

Stage 1. Drawing up a list of types of work

First of all, the contractor must decide on the specific types of planned work and determine their indicators:

  • unit of measurement (pieces, square or cubic meters, etc.);
  • amount of work (for example, 1500 m2 of territory needs to be landscaped);
  • the equipment necessary to perform these tasks (bulldozers, bitumen pumps, dump trucks, asphalt pavers and many others); when performing work without the use of technology, the appropriate mark “manual” is placed.

The result of this stage should be a finished statement of planned types of work. Based on it, estimators calculate all costs for materials/work, working hours, and employee salaries. The statement is signed for each type of work - for example, in our example it will be planting trees, landscaping the lawn and much more.

Stage 2. Drawing up a sheet for calculating material costs

For each planned type of activity, a statement is drawn up identifying material costs. The document is also drawn up in the form of a table in which the following columns are indicated:

  1. Type of material grouped by task. For example, for a lawn, the materials would be fertile soil and grass seeds for sowing.
  2. The unit of measurement for consumption - it can also be a square or cubic meter, the amount of material, as well as its cost per unit.
  3. Next, indicate the total cost in rubles and give the total cost for each type of object (lawns, trees, driveways, etc.) indicating the total price for all work.

Stage 3. Drawing up a payroll sheet for employees

Estimators must also draw up a statement of salary calculations.
The calculations are presented in the form of a table with the following columns:

  1. Name of the type of work (for example, installing a lawn or planting trees).
  2. The total volume indicated in the previously given units of measurement (for example, 1500 m 2 of lawn).
  3. The amount of time expected to be spent on this type of activity (hour).
  4. The tariff rate is rubles per hour.
  5. Additional payments subject to availability.
  6. The total cost is the wage fund (in rubles).

Stage 4. Compilation of statements for calculating machine hours

Estimators must also calculate data on the costs associated with the operation of each type of equipment. For this purpose, 2 reports are usually prepared. The first indicates the input data that is used to justify the calculation of machine hours (for each piece of equipment). For example, for a bulldozer it would be:

  • book value;
  • tariff rate for wages;
  • cost of 1 liter of fuel;
  • fuel consumption rate;
  • cost of 1 liter of lubricant, etc.

Based on this, each indicator associated with the costs of operating a bulldozer is calculated (depreciation, wages, fuel costs, materials, garage rental, etc.). As a result, a second report (statement) is drawn up, which describes:

  • indicator;
  • unit of measurement (ruble, month, hour, liter, etc.);
  • total cost in rubles.

Stage 5. Local estimates

Finally, the estimator also draws up several local estimates. They are statements with lists of work and materials for each object (lawn, roads, trees, etc.). The table uses the following columns:

  1. Name of the type of expense (salary payment, VAT, overhead costs, etc.).
  2. Total amount.
  3. Note if necessary.

Thus, drawing up a consolidated estimate report is always a multi-stage and rather labor-intensive process. The speed of drawing up documentation directly depends on the complexity of the object, so usually the preparation of estimates is planned in advance.

Local estimates refer to primary estimate documents and are compiled for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work based on the volumes determined during the development of working documentation (DD).

Local estimate calculations are drawn up in cases where the volume of work and the amount of costs are not finally determined and are subject to clarification on the basis of the RD, or in cases where the volume of work, the nature and methods of their implementation cannot be sufficiently accurately determined during the design and are clarified during the construction process.

Local estimates (estimates) for certain types of construction and installation work, as well as for the cost of equipment, are compiled based on the following data: parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted in design solutions; volumes of work taken from the construction and installation work sheets and determined based on design materials; nomenclature and quantity of equipment, furniture and inventory adopted from custom specifications, statements and other design materials; current estimated standards and indicators for types of work, structural elements, as well as market prices and tariffs for industrial and technical products and services.

Local estimates (estimates) are prepared:

a) for buildings and structures: for construction work, special construction work, internal sanitary and technical work, internal electrical lighting, electric power plants, for the installation and purchase of technological and other types of equipment, instrumentation and automation, low-current devices ( communication, alarm, etc.), purchase of fixtures, furniture, equipment, etc.;

b) for general site work: vertical planning, installation of utility networks, paths and roads, landscaping, small architectural forms, etc.

\When designing complex buildings and structures carried out by several design organizations, as well as when forming the estimated cost for start-up complexes, it is allowed to draw up two or more local estimates (estimates) for the same type of work.

4.4. In local estimate calculations (estimates), data is grouped into sections by individual structural elements of the building (structure), types of work and devices in accordance with the technological sequence of work and taking into account the specific features of individual types of construction. Buildings and structures can be divided into an underground part ("zero cycle" work) and an above-ground part.

Local estimate calculation (estimate) may have sections: for construction work- earthworks; foundations and walls of the underground part; walls; frame; ceilings, partitions; floors and bases; coverings and roofs; filling openings; stairs and platforms; finishing works; various works (porches, blind areas, etc.), etc.; for special construction work- foundations for equipment; special grounds; channels and pits; lining, lining and insulation; chemical protective coatings, etc.; for internal sanitary works- water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.; for equipment installation- purchase and installation of technological equipment; process pipelines; metal structures (related to the installation of equipment), etc.

Cost of work in local estimates (estimates) as part of the estimate documentation can be given in two price levels:

at the basic level, determined on the basis of the current estimated norms and prices of 2001;

at the current (forecast) level, determined on the basis of prices prevailing at the time of drawing up estimates or predicted for the period of construction.

When drawing up local estimates (estimates), prices from the corresponding collections are used, and in each position of the local estimate (estimate) a standard code is indicated, consisting of the collection number (two characters), section number (two characters), the serial number of the table in this section (three characters) and the serial number of the norm in this table (one to two characters). The parameters of individual characteristics (length, height, area, mass, etc.) given with the word “to” should be understood inclusive, and with the word “from” - excluding the specified value, i.e. over.

When preparing local estimates (estimates), the conditions of work and complicating factors are taken into account, and the appropriate coefficients are applied. If complicating factors are taken into account by elemental estimate standards and unit prices, coefficients are not applied.

Costs determined by local cost estimates (budgets) may include direct costs, overhead, and estimated profit.

Accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit when drawing up local estimates (estimates) without dividing into sections is carried out at the end of the estimate calculation (estimate), after the total of direct costs, and when forming by sections - at the end of each section and in general according to the estimate calculation (estimate ).

In cases where, in accordance with design decisions, dismantling of structures or demolition of buildings and structures is carried out using structures, materials and products suitable for reuse, the results of local estimates (estimates) for dismantling, demolition (relocation) of buildings and structures are provided as a reference amounts (amounts that reduce the size of capital investments allocated by the customer). These amounts are not excluded from the total of the local estimate (estimate) and from the volume of work performed. They are shown in a separate line called "Including refundable amounts"

The cost of equipment, furniture and inventory is included in local estimates (estimates).

When applying the resource (resource-index) method as the initial data for determining direct costs in local estimates (estimates), the following resource indicators are highlighted: labor intensity of work (person-hours) to determine the wages of workers performing the relevant work and servicing construction cars; time of use of construction machines (machine-hours); consumption of materials, products (parts) and structures (in accepted physical units of measurement: m3, m2, t, etc.).

As part of local estimate calculations (estimates), the costs of operating construction machines are determined based on data on the time of use (standard requirement) of the necessary machines (machine-hour) and the corresponding price of 1 machine-hour of operation of the machines. It is recommended to determine the cost of operating construction machines: at the basic price level - according to a collection of estimated standards and prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles; at the current price level - based on information about current (forecast) prices for the operation of construction machines.

As part of local estimate calculations (estimates), the cost of material resources is determined based on data on the standard needs of materials, products (parts) and structures (in physical units of measurement: m3, m2, etc.) and the corresponding price for the type of material resource. The cost of material resources is included in the estimate documentation, regardless of who purchased them. The cost of material resources can be determined: at the basic price level - according to collections (catalogues) of estimated prices for materials, products and structures - federal, territorial (regional) and industry; at the current price level - at the actual cost of materials, products and structures, taking into account transport and procurement and warehouse costs, markups (surcharges), commissions paid to supply foreign economic organizations, payment for services of commodity exchanges, including brokerage services, customs duties.

Cost calculation (statement) of current estimated prices for materials, products and structures is compiled according to cost elements.

Funds for payment for the transportation of heavy cargo are included in the cost of materials, products and structures (as part of the cost of transport services).

Selling prices for products, materials and semi-finished products manufactured under construction conditions are determined by calculations.

Determining overhead costs Overhead costs in the local estimate are determined from the wage fund (WF). To determine the norms of overhead costs in local estimates, guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction are used.

Determining the amount of estimated profit

The amount of estimated profit is determined from the wage fund (payroll) of workers. To determine the norms of estimated profit in local estimates, documents are used that determine the amount of estimated profit in construction.

The estimate is part of the working documentation. It is necessary for any construction, any work. The estimate determines how much money the construction requires. How many of them are needed to complete the work? In the article we tried to tell how the estimate is filled out, where to get the data for this? What are indices and coefficients? What does the estimated cost consist of? Everything is not as difficult as it seems.

How can this article help?

This article will help you understand the issue a little. Understand budgets at a basic level. Here are only general concepts about the composition of the estimate, examples of estimates for installation. A little about indices and coefficients. Details on the preparation of estimates for are discussed in MDS 81-35. 2001.

Front page

Let's look at how to read estimates using an example. The estimate for installation of a split system (table in the figure below) contains 13 columns. There are other types of forms, differing in the number of columns. But the principle is similar everywhere and the information in the columns is similar. The numbers of the text positions below correspond to the numbers in the picture of the estimate example. An example of an installation estimate was compiled for this article and is not tied to any specific object.

1. At the top left there is a block - “Agreed”. It specifies the contractor. The one who does the work. The organization and information of the manager are indicated. His signature and seal are also placed here.

2. At the top right there is a block - “I approve”, containing the position, surname, initials and signature of the customer’s manager. The “I approve” block is also stamped.

3. Name of the construction site - place of work. Several parts of work can be combined in one construction project.

4. Estimate number. According to regulatory documents, the following numbering order is adopted:

  • the first 2 digits are the section number of the consolidated estimate;
  • the second and third are the line number in its section;
  • the third and fourth are the estimate number in this object estimate.

In the example, the estimate number is not included. It is not included in any documentation.

5. Name of the object, work and costs. Description of work indicating the name and address of the object.

6. Base. On what basis was the estimate formed? This could be a drawing, technical specification. We indicate, for example, technical specifications.

7. Estimated cost of work. The amount of the estimate for installation work is stated in thousands of rubles. Indication of the amount in thousands of rubles is regulated by MDS 81-35.2001.

8. Funds for wages. How much should workers be paid, theoretically?

9. Standard labor intensity. The amount of man-hours excluding downtime required to complete the work.

10. Justification of the estimated cost. The example estimate is compiled in current (forecast) prices for the first quarter of 2018 (but there may be monthly indexation). All prices are recorded in 2001 prices, and then using coefficients they are converted to prices of the current period. This method is called the basis-index method.

The tabular part of the estimate is an example of an estimate for installing a split system

The estimate header includes the following columns:

1. Quote number.

2. Code and standard number. Indicates in what standards the estimate was drawn up and under what order this regulatory framework is in effect. In this case, the FER directory (federal unit construction prices) is used. The numbers in the name of the price mean the numbers: collection - section - price table.

3. Name of work, costs and unit of pricing. The work itself is described (in the same way as it is stated in the price), the price meter (in this case, 1 split system). Further, the coefficients for positions and position indices are written in the name of the price.

4. Quantity. The quantity is entered taking into account the pricing meter. In this example, this is one split system.

Unit cost (block 1). This block includes the current base price and its elements.

5. Total/wages.

6. Operation of machines/including wages (drivers).

7. Materials.

Total cost (block 2). It is obtained by multiplying the unit cost by the quantity.

9. Remuneration.

10. Operation of machines/including wages (drivers).

11. Materials.

Labor costs of workers (block 3) not related to machine maintenance, people. hour.

12. Per unit.

There is also a breakdown of the estimate into sections. There are no strict rules. They break it down logically. The section is always summed up.

What do the numbers in the estimate table mean?

The method of drawing up the estimate under consideration is base-index. Prices in it are indicated at the 2001 price level and are called basic. To convert prices to current levels, the base price is multiplied by the index. Direct prices cannot be immediately converted to the current price level, since there is no index for them. There are indices for cost elements. The estimate is prepared in cost elements.

There are four in total:

  • workers' compensation - wages;
  • operation of machines - EM;
  • wages for drivers - ZPM;
  • cost of materials.

Where to look for direct costs in the table:

Where to look for cost elements in the table:

As in the FER standard 20-06-018-04, cost elements are prescribed. Here you can see which materials were included in the price and which remained unaccounted for.

Therefore, to find out the real price of the work, you need to multiply the prices of the cost elements in 2001 by indices and sum them up. If the “Materials” column is filled in the price, this means that the price unit contains this amount of materials. This can be seen in the example of the price for installing a split system (line No. 1). There are materials that are not included in the price. Then they are called unaccounted for and are entered in a separate line (positions 3 to 9 of this estimate).

Estimated coefficients

In addition to indices, there are coefficients. They are charged on elements of unit prices. Indicated in column 3. The coefficients may be different (for wooden structures, for excavation work, for dismantling, for work in winter conditions...). All of them can be found in magazines, collections of prices and in MDS 81-35.2001. Coefficients are calculated on the elements of unit prices. They can be either decreasing (for example, for dismantling) or increasing (for example, tightness).

At the end of the estimate, all costs are summed up. In this option for filling out the estimate, the cost line first appears in 2001 prices. Then a line with current prices, where all price indices are taken into account. Then comes the column - “Labor costs”.

Next two lines:

  • SP (estimated profit).
  • HP (overhead).

The coefficients for them are indicated in the prices. More information about the calculation of SP can be found in MDS 81-25.2001, and about the calculation of NR - from MDS 81-33.2004.

Afterwards, the “Total” section is divided into cost elements.

Unforeseen expenses are being accrued.

If there are sections in the estimate, then the totals of the estimate are made up of the totals of the sections.

At the end, signatures are placed and decrypted:

Compiled by (engineer full name).

Checked by (engineer full name).