Rules for drawing up estimates for electrical installation work. Estimates for electrical installation work

Work on the installation of electrical equipment is one of the most common, since it includes a number of different processes: lighting, security alarms, laying power cables, power supply to auxiliary premises. In order to do all this efficiently, you need a correctly drawn up estimate for electrical installation work.

The estimate for electrical installation work refers to, which can then be included in the facility’s financial documents. This includes laying cables, connecting to electrical networks, installing panels and junction boxes, installing sockets, switches and electrical appliances and much more. At the same time, it is important to accurately or approximately understand the amount of funds required in order to assess your capabilities and, if necessary, adjust the calculations.

To prepare a reasonable calculation, first of all, you should draw up a package of documents on the basis of which the estimate will be formed. It usually includes:

  • floor plan indicating the electrical wiring diagram;
  • intended installation locations for electrical equipment;
  • technical specifications obtained from the energy supplier (if necessary);
  • permission to connect to the network (if necessary).

For household consumers, the first two documents from the list are usually sufficient. If we are talking about industrial enterprises, then a number of additional papers may be needed: an order for the delivery of equipment, a document on the limitation of operational liability, an act confirming the balance sheet ownership of the facility.

Before drawing up a diagram, the customer, together with an electrical specialist, should consider the range of all devices that will consume current and decide on their location in the house. The sum of the powers of all devices indicates the total energy consumption, which should be compared with the maximum load allowed for the power line to which the connection is made.

The cross-section of the wire and the type of insulation, and, consequently, the technical characteristics, prices and cost of the entire wiring system in the house depend on the type and power of each device, the conditions of its placement. When drawing up a diagram, the electrician divides the devices into groups with separate lines. Powerful devices (electric stove, washing machine, boiler) must have separate lines with a total load of no more than 5 kW. After this, the placement of low-power devices (lamps, sockets, switches) and distribution boxes is detailed. Approximately the diagram might look like this:

As a result, according to the scheme drawn up and agreed upon with the customer, the contractor begins to formulate a local estimate.

Stage of direct budget formation

After preparing the schematic diagram, the direct calculation of the cost of the entire process begins. It can vary greatly depending on the materials and instruments used, the condition of the object, and the list of necessary work. The customer must control the process of drawing up the document in order to be able to adjust it if necessary.

So, the next steps in preparing an estimate are:

  • calculation of the required amount of materials and devices in accordance with the drawn up diagram;
  • selection of the most profitable offers for each position;
  • calculation of expected costs.

If costs exceed the budget planned by the customer, then you need to carefully review all costs, and, if possible, replace some of them with cheaper ones. Alternatively, you can reduce the number of electrical points (for example, replace the ceiling lighting with a regular chandelier or reduce the number of sockets).

It is best to conduct such a discussion directly on site to avoid misunderstandings.

An electrician's estimate for an apartment or private house is formed from two tables:

  • calculating the costs of necessary materials;
  • local calculation of costs for work performed.

The calculation of materials is carried out based on the calculation of the parameters shown in the diagram. Typically, contractors, unless we are talking about expensive materials, round up their quantities in order to be able to carry out work if small inaccuracies have crept into the calculations. The table indicates the quantity of material in natural units of measurement (pieces, meters), unit price and amount for each item.

First, all the necessary components for the installation of electrical wiring (cables, sockets, switches), then the elements of automation and the panel are entered into the table, after which the consumables that are necessary for the installation are indicated (dowels, clamps, screws, etc.). Sometimes contractors include in a separate table the installation of switches, sockets, chandeliers and lamps, which are most often purchased by the customer in accordance with their personal preferences.

  • the area of ​​the object where work needs to be performed and its condition;
  • quantity and technical characteristics of connected devices;
  • the need to dismantle old equipment and wiring;
  • method of laying cables (open or hidden).

If you need to change all the electrical equipment in an old house, the final price will be much higher than in a new building. This is due to the time-consuming and expensive process of dismantling electrical appliances, panels and wiring. The material from which the building is constructed (concrete, brick or wood) and the finishing used are also of great importance.

The choice of wiring method is a matter of agreement between the customer and the contractor. The hidden method, which is more familiar to all of us, when the cable is laid in a groove knocked out in the wall or hidden behind finishing elements (panels, suspended ceilings), is used in rooms where people live (multi-story and private houses). It has a number of advantages, in particular, the cable is not exposed to external influences, lasts a long time and prevents electric shock to residents. However, correcting any problem will require damage to the interior and subsequent repairs.

The open method is much cheaper, since it involves placing cables in special trays or corrugated plastic pipes, which are attached to the ceiling or walls with plastic brackets. Most often, this type of wiring is used in residential buildings made of timber or logs, as well as in non-residential premises (garages, barns, production workshops, livestock farms). The open method of laying cables is less aesthetically pleasing than the hidden one, but it is much cheaper (sometimes by several times) and allows easy and quick access to the network in the event of a breakdown.

When carrying out electrical work, one should not forget about the quality of external electrical wiring (on the external surfaces of structures, supports). There is no need to skimp on its insulation; it must be resistant to mechanical stress, frost-resistant, and immune to insolation. In such cases, it is better not to experiment and strictly follow the approved “Rules for Electrical Installations”.

Not all customers, especially private ones, are well versed in electricity; sometimes unscrupulous companies can take advantage of this and “inflate” the price. To avoid this, before concluding a contract, you should go to specialized stores and find out the prices. However, a much simpler and faster option is to search on the Internet. Many construction companies post on their websites up-to-date information about the prices of certain works (drilling walls, installing a meter, socket, switch), and construction supermarkets post prices for the necessary goods.

You can also find special online calculators on the Internet, where you need to enter the necessary parameters and get an approximate calculation of the expected costs. This, of course, cannot be considered an estimate for the work, however, such calculations can serve as an aid in discussions with the contractor.

Is it difficult to create an estimate for electrical work? The answer will be: more likely yes than no, because surveying electrical installation work is a separate and perhaps the most labor-intensive section of any repair or construction. Developing an electrical calculation requires the estimator to have extensive and versatile knowledge in the field of electrical installation: features of hidden and open wiring, installation of various types of cable products, as well as installation of complex electrical equipment. The electrical installation work section in the estimate file includes many prices, but all this variety can be schematically divided into at least two parts: “repair” and “construction”.

Collections of repair work (TERr (FERr), GESNr) contain part No. 67 called "Electrical installation work". It is clear that this estimate standard describes possible options for estimating electrical installations during a major overhaul if it is necessary to dismantle or replace elements of the building’s electrical system. This is the reason for the rather small composition of prices included in this collection:

FERR 67-1 (3) – removal of electrical wiring, cable on brackets;

FERR 67-2 – dismantling of vinyl plastic and steel pipes and wires;

FERR 67-4 – removal of lighting fixtures and other devices: sockets, switches, lamps, electricity meters, etc.;

FERR 67-5 – replacing a burnt-out lamp with a new fluorescent (or incandescent);

FERR 67-6 (-7, -8, -9) – replacement of magnetic starters, package switches, lamps, sockets);

FERR 67- (-12-15) – repair of electrical equipment.

A completely different scale and variety of choice is provided to the estimator by the collection of installation works in part No. 8: electrical installations. This collection contains 5 large sections related to electrical work, including:

Electrical distribution devices, substations;

Sewage of electricity and electrical networks;

Lighting and power electrical installations;

Cable lines and electrical installations for special electrical equipment;

Cable lines and electrical installations for the mining industries.

Let's take a closer look at each of these departments. The first section contains prices for the installation of open switchgears for 7-650 kV and their components: current and voltage transformers, air and oil switches, as well as grounding switches, fuses, etc. There is also a price GESNm 08-01-25 for the installation of complete transformer substations. The second and third sections describe the installation of enclosed switchgears for 35-220 kV and 3-20 kV. Here you can also find prices for the installation of prefabricated, round and branch busbars (see GESNm 08-01-68 - GESNm 08-01-76). The fourth section - “Converter devices” - contains prices for the installation of control cabinets, converters and heat exchangers for them.

One of the most important and extensive departments of technical installations and electrical work is the 2nd: electrical networks and electricity sewerage. If the first section mainly describes the laying of cable lines up to 500 kV along installed structures, in trenches, or pipes, then in the second, third and fourth, attention is paid to electrical installation work in urban and industrial transport networks. Section 5 describes methods for insulating outdoor lighting, and Part 6 describes wiring inside buildings. Thus, wiring can be installed in metal trays and boxes (GESNm 08-02-395 (396)), fastened with overhead brackets (GESNm 08-02-401), laid along installed structures (GESNm 08-02-402) or in pipes and sleeves (GESNm 08-02-412 (413)). Below are prices for installing busbars and grounding conductors.

It hardly makes sense to describe the contents of each department, since they can easily be found in the installation collections of the current edition of 2013 (2014) or in the Grand Estimate PC. The most important point when drawing up an estimate for electrical installation work is the competent selection of compatible prices from suitable parts and collections. Any calculation must reflect the actual costs of labor and other resources for the electrical installation performed.

To illustrate the example of preparing a calculation for electrical installation work, let’s take a calculation compiled using the Grand Estimate PC (2013 base).

A sample estimate for the technical re-equipment of a water intake station in terms of electrical equipment.

Rationale Name Col. Basic Salary EkMash Salary Fur Total
TERm08-03-572-04 Installation of a control unit in a cabinet version / distribution cabinet with dimensions of 1200x1000 mm, mounted on the wall pcs. 27.78 77.62 3.01 405.80
TERm08-02-146-7 Laying 35 kV cable weighing up to 13 kg: with fastening with brackets 100 m cable 374.42 2717.77 285.27 3758.40
TERm07-04-030-10 pcs. 703.70 2246.820 169.55 4019.36
TERm08-02-146-10 100 m cable 700.20 4857.59 524.05 6230.51
TERm08-02-146-09 100 m cable 569.74 4039.99 430.95 5279.84
TERm08-03-591-09 100 pcs. 303.28 9.85 0.41 412.51
TERm08-03-591-02 100 pcs. 256.31 9.85 0.41 303.64
TERm08-02-420-01 100 pcs. 1766.70 1341.57 56.52 4523.66
TERm08-03-545-02 Krasnodar pcs. 39.45 1.84 0.00 158.08
TERm08-03-594-07 Krasnodar Luminaires with fluorescent lamps, separately installed on rods with two lamps 100 pcs. 1178.08 2352.94 547.53 5355.53
TERm07-04-030-10 Artesian pump with submersible motor 1ETsV 8-25 pcs. 703.70 2246.820 169.55 4019.36
TERm08-02-146-10 Laying 35 kV cable weighing up to 30 kg: with fastening with brackets 100 m cable 700.20 4857.59 524.05 6230.51
TERm08-02-146-09 Laying 35 kV cable weighing up to 23 kg: with fastening with brackets 100 m cable 569.74 4039.99 430.95 5279.84
TERm08-03-591-09 Plug socket with hidden wiring 100 pcs. 303.28 9.85 0.41 412.51
TERm08-03-591-02 Single-key switch for hidden wiring 100 pcs. 256.31 9.85 0.41 303.64
TERm08-02-420-01 Installation of a branch box with a fuse 100 pcs. 1766.70 1341.57 56.52 4523.66
TERm08-03-545-02 Krasnodar Box with clamps for wires and cables with a cross-section of 6 mm2, mounted on a wall with the number of clamps 20 pcs. 39.45 1.84 0.00 158.08

The estimate does not indicate the materials and equipment included in the prices, which are taken from the TSSC directory (database of the Krasnodar Territory 2013). Also some materials and equipment, incl. ECV pump of the required power, fluorescent lamps and control cabinet are purchased at supplier prices (excluding VAT). This sample cannot be directly used in another estimate, since it is nothing more than an example of selecting prices for estimating electrical installation work.

An estimate for electrical installation work will help you know exactly how much you will have to spend on installing electrical wiring. Let’s take a closer look at how to correctly draw up an estimate, calculate the required amount of cable, and perform a full cost calculation of the work. The manual and calculator will help you independently calculate the price of electrical installation online.

Convenience of a calculator for calculating electrical work

The price for electrical and installation work depends entirely on the volume of planned or already completed activities. Calculation will help you to estimate current prices and calculate expenses not only in total, but also by stages, starting with the starting step - the design price.

So, for example, when changing electrical wiring, installation of a cable channel will be required.

The cost of the service is calculated per 1 linear meter and starts with the width of the given electrical cable being 2.5 cm. At the same time, the construction material of the surface is also important.

The prices for laying electrical cables, depending on the building material of the walls in an apartment or private house, vary in ascending order, in this order:

  • Plaster;
  • Drywall;
  • Tree;
  • Brick;
  • Concrete.

The program for calculating installation work will help clarify the current electrical installation prices for preparation, which is associated with cutting the groove, for installing a power line in the panel and mounting electrical points, which is given a large section.

It clearly states the prices for:

  • Electrical installation of an automatic machine;
  • Mounting and insertion of boxes for various numbers of modules;
  • Installation of RCD;
  • Bell device;
  • Installation of socket, switch;
  • Installation of a chandelier, distributor, etc.

For example, the cost of installing one socket is approximately 250 rubles. Regardless of what kind of outlet it is, electrical, for TV, for PC or phone. The cost of installing the switch also does not depend on the purpose of the device.

Features of calculating the cost of electrical installation work

Installing an intercom, a jacuzzi, an exhaust unit in the kitchen, a ventilation system in the hood and connecting powerful energy consumers is a significant expense item that can be successfully calculated by an electrical installation calculator.

Work on the overhaul of an apartment, design or redevelopment of living space involves electrical installation:

  • Transfer of electrical cables;
  • Connecting individual lines of powerful electrical equipment;
  • High-quality lighting device and others.

The exclusive involvement of electrical specialists of the highest level guarantees the correct connection of the electrical network and the high-quality functioning of the entire power supply system in an apartment in an apartment building, which consists of a distribution panel, sockets, switches, hidden electrical wiring, electrical appliances and lighting equipment.

Nuances of estimates for installation of electrical equipment

Only professionals from a specialized construction company should draw up estimate documents. Only highly qualified craftsmen have all the resources to fully carry out electrical installation during repair work of any level of complexity and volume.

Specialists, together with the creator of the design project, based on the client’s wishes, carry out the following activities:

  • Development of an electrical network plan;
  • Selection of lighting devices;
  • Selection of reliable electrical cables;
  • Installation of electrical wiring and connection of lighting devices;
  • Installation of a guaranteed power supply system.

Installation in an apartment, country house or any other building takes place in stages. The project is being drawn up, the total power and markings are calculated. Then the installation stage is carried out - gating the walls, laying electrical cables, connecting electrical wires, checking the electrical network, connecting electrical appliances.

Step-by-step quality control, the use of highly professional tools and high-quality materials are the key to an impeccable result.

Professionals take into account the wishes of customers and strive to exceed expectations in the production of assigned tasks. Only professionals will carry out warranty service and complete electrical installations on time. An advertisement in a newspaper or online will help you find a reliable company.

A striking example of an estimate for lightning protection and grounding

The estimate for installation and commissioning, start-up work for grounding and lightning protection is simple. This includes the installation of glass supports for buildings 25 m high: (leveling the roof area of ​​400x400 mm using special spacers, edging the base of concrete.

It is important to install a lightning rod on a concrete base and a metal and welded cable structure.

Includes an lightning rod, a rack of prefabricated electrical cable structures (without shelves), weight up to 4 kilos, a pavement support with a holder for fastening the rod to a sandwich panel. The estimate also includes metal cable structures, a metal profile structure for fastening cable hangers, weight up to 2 kg, holders for fastening the rod on the roof surface, on a structure transparent to light, a grounding conductor, which is installed on a round steel base. It is imperative to check the presence of an electrical circuit between grounding conductors and grounded elements.

The system contains:

  • Reception rod AL, D (16 + 10);
  • FIX lightning rod base;
  • Terminal VA of the same rod element FIX;
  • Concrete base edging for lightning rod with fixing element FIX-B16;
  • Holder ZN + FT, D 16 C M 8;
  • Clamp terminal FT;
  • Support AL, fastening element 1-bolt standard FT, RD 8-10 X RD 16;
  • Support (corner) VA 40 x 2, quick mounting holder PA, RD 8-10 C M 8, H 30.

The estimate for grounding and lightning protection must include a holder for a flat roofing surface, PE, RD 8 (concrete), support AL (terminal), etc.

Stages of calculating estimates for laying cables in trays

The construction estimate is the main and irreplaceable document for the entire period of work, on the basis of which capital investment planning, project financing and settlements between the construction company and the client are carried out.

The cost estimate for installing electrical cables in trays (a sample is provided by the company) is the basis for payments for the electrical installation work performed.

The document includes expenses for construction, installation, purchase of electrical cables and additional building materials. The estimate also specifies the labor costs required to carry out the work. Coordination and preparation of estimates for laying cables in trays is an element of the project.

The project must agree:

  1. Local council and authorities in terms of choosing the power line route, installing structures above and below ground.
  2. Operating organizations when crossing, converging or rearranging municipal engineering structures that have already been installed.
  3. Management of railway, tram and waterways when installing electric cable crossings over rails and obstacles on the water.

Approval of any documentation is carried out in the manner established by the instructions of the State Construction Committee. Samples and examples of completed documents are provided by the relevant authorities.

Popular free estimate programs for electrical installations

Mini-estimate is a unique free program for estimate documents. It makes it possible to create estimates for repair work, construction, etc. This program is easy and comfortable.

You can also use free services:

  • Lightik-Estimate;
  • Kors Estimate;
  • Grandee.

Problem-free preparation of estimate documents for repair and construction work is useful both for individual use and for companies and teams. The program makes it possible to calculate the amount of upcoming repairs.

You can also carry out a step-by-step accounting of the work and investments for each estimate, print out the estimate documentation in a professional form, and send it to Word, Excel.

Filling out documentation is carried out by pressing one button, there are several price categories for building materials and services. You can calculate both in rubles and in foreign currency at the same time, you can change the exchange rate. A mini-estimate gives no more than 10 items per document. The program "Hector: estimator - builder" is needed for drawing up estimate documentation, reports of completed work KS-2, statements of need for building materials and statements of their write-off, accounting for the consumption and receipt of building materials, accumulative statements, as well as for tracking the volume of work performed and their payment according to client and contractor.

The program makes it possible to create, calculate, and adjust:

  • Local, object and summary estimate calculations (Ter);
  • Certificates of completed works KS-2;
  • Accumulation statements (KS-6a);
  • Certificates in form KS-3;
  • Statements of requirement and write-off of building materials (M-29);
  • Statements of the actual cost of building materials and price increases.

The program allows you to use different methods for calculating estimates. You can calculate both construction estimate documents and estimates for design and survey work (Form 2-P). Together with Hector, estimate and regulatory frameworks are supplied.

How to calculate an estimate for electrical installation work (video)

An estimate for electrical installation work allows you to understand how much money will be spent on completing the task. The document acts as a guarantee and control.

Before performing electrical repair and replacement work, at the preparation stage a wiring diagram is drawn, according to which all the necessary calculations are made. First of all, they draw up an estimate for electrical installation work, which determines the amount of materials and labor costs. Thus, you can determine upcoming expenses in advance and calculate the required amount of funds.

Documentation and calculation data

Before drawing up an estimate and carrying out calculations, it is necessary to collect a mandatory package of documents that will be used in further calculations.

The package includes the following several components:

  • Plan of the facility with future electrical wiring marked.
  • A separate project for the installation and connection of electrical equipment is drawn up.
  • If necessary, technical specifications issued by the organization supplying electricity are required.
  • In addition to the listed documents, permission to connect to the electrical network may be required.

Depending on the specific features of a particular object, an act is required that determines the balance sheet ownership of the object, as well as a document limiting operational responsibility and an order with a list of supplied equipment. These documents are usually necessary when performing work at industrial enterprises.

At the preparation stage, the materials are determined in advance. For example, switches and sockets should not be selected based on appearance, but on the basis of technical characteristics. For higher loads, you should choose more powerful and, therefore, more expensive sockets, preferably with a grounding contact. Accordingly, the price of different products will differ, and the final estimate for electrical installation work will depend on this. Therefore, many owners who do not have special knowledge prefer to seek help from qualified specialists. They will help not only to select suitable electrical installation products, but also to select cross-sections of cable and wire products based on the expected loads.

Usually, the company that made the preliminary calculations subsequently carries out the ordered electrical installation work. When drawing up an estimate, it is necessary to take into account who provides the materials - the customer or the contractor. This is a very important factor that largely determines the final price of electrical installation in the estimate.

Settlement operations

Calculating the cost of electrical installation work takes up the bulk of the time required to prepare an estimate. This event is very serious, since it is necessary to cover the maximum amount of work. In the future, this will help to avoid situations when, at the end of the electrical installation, certain work is discovered that was not taken into account during the calculations.

Thus, unexpected overpayments arise that the customer did not expect at all. Therefore, you need to carefully determine the list of works and carefully select the necessary materials. Their number is calculated on the basis of regulatory documents, which determine the consumption for each item.

The search for equipment and materials should be carried out in several directions in order to compare prices from different suppliers. After this, only the most advantageous offers are considered. If, after making all the preliminary calculations, there is not enough money, it is recommended to reconsider some positions, reducing the number of points or replacing some products with cheaper options.

Separately, they prepare and calculate estimates for electrical installation work. Here, too, there are some features that can turn into very unpleasant surprises. Some unscrupulous electricians calculate costs by individual points or square meters, which is contrary to regulatory requirements. In fact, first of all, the footage of the cable and groove, the number of switches, sockets, lighting fixtures and other equipment should be taken into account.

That is, instead of the vague concept of “point”, the installation of specific products and the cost of an electrician’s work to install each of them are calculated. This approach allows you to avoid unnecessary costs and pay only for services actually rendered. Every reputable company has approved fixed prices, which can be found in advance on the website or during the process of determining the scope of work. Thus, the price does not change during the entire period of electrical installation.

You can make a preliminary acquaintance with the prices yourself using an online calculator. With their help, you can draw up an estimate and determine the approximate cost of work in a one-, two-, three-room apartment or in a private house. The simplified version produces results with a probability of 90% of the actual cost of installation work.

Using an online calculator

Many owners use an online calculator after receiving a commercial offer from a specialized organization. This allows you to double-check the received data, calculate and determine how much the required amount of work actually costs.

It is quite possible that you will have to refuse the company’s services and look for cheaper options. If there are certain difficulties with drawing up an online estimate, it is recommended to invite a specialist from a third-party organization to conduct a so-called independent examination. The cost of his work will in any case be significantly lower than possible overpayments at inflated prices.

Currently, most serious companies prefer to familiarize their clients with prices in advance using online calculators. Estimators enter all initial data in the presence of the customer, and the cost of materials is not taken into account. If desired, this data can also be entered based on the average cost on the electrical products market.

You should also take into account the cost of consultations and drawing up the estimate itself, which includes the calculation of electrical installation work. This point is clarified immediately, even during the very first visit of the electrician. In addition, the company can have a significant discount on materials as a regular wholesale buyer. Therefore, in many cases it is more profitable to order them from a contractor rather than purchasing them yourself from dubious sellers.

Before proceeding with the installation of electricity in the house, you need an estimate for materials. This is necessary in order to calculate approximate (or even exact) costs and during electrical installation do not encounter a situation where there is not enough money for sockets or switches. Based on the prepared cost table, you can understand whether there are enough materials or whether it is better to purchase cheaper materials in order to certainly avoid problems with shortages. Next, we will tell you how to create an estimate for electrical installation work, providing step-by-step instructions with a video, as well as a sample.

Step 1 – Prepare documents

The first step is to prepare documentation on the basis of which an estimate for electrical installation will be drawn up. For calculations you need to collect the following documents:

  1. A floor plan showing the electrical wiring diagram.
  2. Electrical equipment placement project.
  3. Technical conditions that need to be obtained from the electricity supplier (if necessary). We talked about this in a separate article.
  4. Permission to connect to the electrical network (if necessary).

In addition, depending on the situation and characteristics of the facility, you may need a statement of balance sheet ownership, a document on the limitation of operational liability, as well as a work order for the supply of electrical equipment. All these documents are mostly used in enterprises. As a rule, in order to draw up an estimate for electrical installation work in a residential building, it is enough to prepare the first 2 documents from the list, as well as a permit for electrical installation.

Step 2 – Perform the calculation

Calculating the cost of installing electrical wiring is not too difficult, but you will have to take this procedure quite seriously. The more points are indicated in the estimate, the less chance that after the electrical installation is completed, situations will arise that will require you to overpay. So, drawing up an estimate for electrical installation work consists of the following steps:

  1. Obtaining a floor plan linked to electrical appliances. You can take it to the BTI.
  2. Registration of permission to connect to the electrical network.
  3. Bringing all technical conditions to the standards.
  4. Quantity calculation based on the wiring diagram.
  5. Search for the best deals on materials.
  6. Cost calculation.

If, after you have drawn up an estimate for the project, it turns out that there is not enough money, you will have to reconsider the project and, if possible, either remove some electrical points or purchase cheaper materials.

This instruction is suitable for those who want to independently calculate the cost of electrical installation. If you doubt that you can correctly draw up an estimate for electrical installation work, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists, but they, of course, will take money for it. Another important point is who will do the electrical installation. Would you like to do your own electrical wiring in your own home? Then you miss this moment. If it is assumed that the electrical work will be carried out by a company or a private electrician, it is necessary to find out what the cost of electrical installation will be, as well as dismantling the old network (if the apartment is not a new building) and be sure to include this figure in the estimate.

Please note that many companies offering electricity installation services have their own online calculators on their websites, with which you can quickly calculate the cost of electrical installation. There, as a rule, you can also find prices for the installation of certain electrical points (sockets, switches, meters), laying cables and gating walls for wiring. This information will allow you to easily calculate the cost of electrical installation work at new prices.

It should also be noted that estimates can be comprehensive (for the entire facility) or local (for a separate room/premises).

The best way to create a cost plan is in Microsoft Excel. All you need to do is download this program to your computer, install it and create a table in it. Next, enter all the values ​​into the table, and then make calculations based on the formulas. How to prepare an estimate for electrical installation work in Excel is clearly explained in the video example:

Sample of calculation works

Prices for 2019

Well, the last thing I would like to provide is estimated prices for electrical installation in residential premises. So, in 2019 the cost of electrical installation is as follows:

  • installation of a cable channel (1 m.p.) – 120-180 rub. (depending on the material of the walls and the size of the product);
  • Open cable laying costs about 60 rubles. per linear meter, 60 for hidden electrical installation;
  • installation of a circuit breaker – 300-600 rubles;
  • installation of a shield - from 1500 to 5000 rubles;
  • connecting a wall sconce – 700 RUR;
  • installation of socket – 300 rub.

These are the basic prices for electricians, which we recommend using as a guide when drawing up an estimate for electrical wiring work. In general, excluding the price of materials, the cost of electrical installation in 2018-2019 will be (in rubles):

  • one-room apartment: from 18 thousand if the walls are made of brick, from 25 thousand if they are concrete;
  • two-room apartment: from 25 thousand (brick), 35 (concrete);
  • three-room apartment: 40 thousand (brick), 45 (concrete);
  • wooden cottage: up to 100 sq.m. 65 thousand, over – from 95 thousand;
  • brick house: up to 100 sq.m. 75 thousand, over – from 110.

Example price list:

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to draw up an estimate for electrical work in an apartment or house. We hope our instructions were useful and understandable for you.