See what “State Budget” is in other dictionaries. The state budget

The state budget- This is the state treasury, which is necessary for collecting and spending funds for the needs of the state. With its help, the government carries out its functions and redistributes national income to other areas. Many industries do not produce products, but are very important for the country: education, medicine, transport. Therefore, the state must take care of their development.

Budget expenses– costs arising in connection with the performance by the state of its functions. Budget functions: redistribution of national income; government regulation and economic stimulation; implementation of social policy; costs of financing social and cultural areas (education, health care, social security), defense and administration; current expenses (for wages); for reserves (savings, provision of loans).

Budget revenues arise from:

A) taxes(90%): indirect taxes (VAT, excise taxes, customs duties); direct taxes (enterprise profit tax, income tax, land tax, inheritance tax, etc.);

b) non-tax income: profits from state enterprises and the issue of government securities, from foreign trade and donations from citizens.

Budget deficit- the excess of budget expenditures over its revenues. The reasons for the budget deficit may arise due to the ineffectiveness of planned reforms, military expenditures, cyclical downturns in the economy, reduction in tax revenues, large-scale theft, corruption, etc. To eliminate the deficit, the government takes the following measures: rising prices, borrowing from the population through issue government securities loans from foreign countries, as well as through issue. Emission is the printing and release of money into circulation by the central bank.

State debt– state debt to internal and external creditors. The internal creditor is the population, external creditors are foreign states and banks that lend money to the state and receive interest for it. Russia's largest external creditors are financial and banking organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the London and Paris Clubs.

Repayment of public debt can be done in several ways: increasing taxes on the population; debt refinancing, i.e. extending the loan term, repaying the debt by issuing new securities and selling them to the public; provision of real estate to pay off debt; through new loans; attracting foreign capital; reducing costs.

Off-budget funds– funds at the disposal of the state and having a specific purpose. Types of extra-budgetary funds: Pension Fund (for payment of pensions), Social Insurance Fund (for payment of child care benefits and sick leave), Medical Insurance Fund (health insurance).

Presentation on items of the state budget. One of the budget items is taxes. Therefore, attention is paid to the types and functions of taxes. The presentation can be used both in a social studies lesson and to prepare for the Unified State Exam.



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The state budget. Taxes.

The term “budget” translated from English means “wallet”, “bag”. “A budget is income and expenses for a certain period”

There are 3 situations with income and expenses. Income = expenses – this is a balanced budget. We earned 15 thousand and spent 15 thousand. Income expenses – surplus budget. We earned 15 thousand and spent 14 thousand, then we have 1 thousand left for future use.

Types of budget 1. family budget 2. company budget 3. state budget

Family income items: 1. Salary. 2. Profit from business 3. Pensions and benefits 4. Sale of grown vegetables, fruits, berries.

Family expenses: 1. We pay housing and communal services 2. We pay off loans 3. We buy food, clothes, medicines 4. We pay for transport travel. 5.Going to the cinema, theaters. 6.We pay for Internet, etc.

“The state budget is the annual plan for the state’s revenues and expenditures.” The state budget is always developed by the Government, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (the highest legislative body of the state).

The sources of the state budget are: 1. Taxes, 2. government loans (securities, treasury bills, etc.) 3. Issue (additional issue) of paper and credit money 4. Loans from international organizations.

State expenses: 1.maintaining defense capability - about 20% needs - about 50% 3.infrastructure development - roads, communications, transport, landscaping.

The state budget is 1) the totality of taxes received by the state 2) the annual plan of income and expenditure of the state 3) state expenditures on defense, healthcare, culture, science, education 4) government purchases of goods and services The state budget surplus is 1) a depreciation of the national currencies 2) high inflation 3) refusal to fulfill debt obligations 4) excess of income and cash expenses

Family budget income includes 1) payment of interest on a loan 2) purchase of food 3) unemployment benefits 4) payment of utilities What is one of the items of state budget expenditure? 1) repayment of loans by debtor countries 2) financing of defense orders 3) profits of state-owned enterprises 4) excise duties on tobacco products

Taxes are mandatory payments made by individuals and legal entities to the state.

Direct taxes are mandatory payments levied by the state on the income or property of individuals and legal entities. 1. income tax – 13% in the Russian Federation; 2.income tax; 3. property tax; 4.real estate tax.

Indirect taxes are established in the form of surcharges on the price of goods and services. 1.customs duties; 2.export tax; 3.excise taxes; 4. value added tax (VAT); 5.sales tax.

Taxation systems: 1) proportional - the amount of tax is proportional to the income of employees 2) progressive - the higher the tax, the higher the income. 3) regressive - the higher the tax, the lower the income.

Functions of taxes: 1. Fiscal is the maintenance of the state apparatus, the defense of the country, the financing of schools, hospitals, libraries, etc. 2. Distribution – redistribution of income between different social strata in order to smooth out inequality in society.

Functions of taxes: 3. Stimulating (anti-monopoly) – stimulating the development of scientific and technological progress, increasing the number of jobs. 4. Social and educational – curbing the consumption of unhealthy products by imposing increased taxes on them. 5. Specific accounting – records the income of citizens, enterprises and organizations.

Taxation is a mechanism defined by law for 1) withdrawing the income of private enterprises in favor of public enterprises 2) withdrawing part of the income of citizens in favor of the state 3) increasing expenses for the state apparatus 4) increasing pensions and benefits

The following consumer income is taxed in the Russian Federation: 1) pension 2) scholarship 3) wages 4) unemployment benefits Indirect tax is 1) income tax 2) customs duty 3) property tax 4) income tax

Are the following statements about taxes correct? A. Direct taxes are mandatory payments to the treasury from the income and property of citizens and enterprises. B. Indirect taxes are levied on the treasury only if the income of citizens and firms exceeds expenses. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both A and B are true; 4) both judgments are incorrect;

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer is obliged to 1) demand compliance with tax secrecy 2) pay legally established taxes 3) receive timely credit for amounts overpaid 4) receive free information from the tax authorities about current taxes

Find the characteristics of any tax in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are listed. 1) mandatory payments 2) gratuitousness 3) proportionality to income 4) repayable nature 5) legislative establishment.

Establish a correspondence between the types of taxes and their specific examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. Examples of taxes A) Income B) Sales tax C) Excise tax D) Inheritance tax E) Property tax E) Value added tax Types of taxes 1) direct 2) indirect

You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Taxes and their impact on the country’s economy.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

1 . The concept of “tax” 2. Types of taxes a) direct; b) indirect. 2. Taxation systems: a) proportional; b) progressive; c) regressive. 3. The impact of taxes on the country’s economy, manifested through the implementation of the following functions: a) fiscal; b) redistribution of income; c) educational d) stimulating; d) specific accounting.

There is no “state money” - there is only taxpayer money. The connection between taxes and the budget is obvious. But are they the only ones who form the budget? Let's look at this using the example of the Unified State Exam tasks from the economic block.

Unified State Exam Economics assignments with an expert

We continue to analyze tasks from the field of economics. Today's analysis of tasks complements the theme of our mini-course on complex topics of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2014. Subscribe to it immediately and use it in your effective preparation for the Unified State Exam.

First, a simple task for Part A from the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2013.

What's happened ? Both the family, the company, and the state have their own expenses and incomes. Questions to understand the sources of financing and types of government expenditures are the most relevant on the Unified State Exam. The main thing here is to calculate state interest and the level of decision-making.

1) Can a private person charge interest on deposits? Yes! Is answer 1 correct? No!

2) Do employees of private enterprises receive salaries from the state? No! Is answer 2 correct? No!

3) Do citizens’ taxes constitute state income? Yes! Is answer 3 correct? No!

4) Does the state maintain it and spend money on its maintenance? Yes! Answer 4 true? Yes!

The task is more difficult, assessing two judgments.

A9. Are the following statements about the state budget correct?

The state budget:

A. Always drawn up for 1 year.

B. Depends on the growth rate of the country's economy.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

What should we be wary of in option A? The word is always. To be specific, the modern budget of the Russian Federation, for example, was adopted for three years. Option A is eliminated.

The budget is the main economic plan of the country. Do you want to get a lot of income and plan for serious expenses during the economic crisis? This, at a minimum, is not realistic, and, at a maximum, will lead the country to! Of course, the state takes into account growth rates, since income depends on them (for example, growth means more goods sold means more taxes received). Option B is correct! Answer 3.

Now the question of part B. Let’s practice task B8, but search for a generic concept for the given terms (generalizing).

AT 8. Find the concept that generalizes for all other concepts in the series below and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) budget crisis 2) emissions 3) depletion of funds 4) public debt 5) deficit

Let's talk. We see a list of phenomena related to the deplorable state of the economy. the state will use it, possibly to eliminate the debt. But, what will be the cause of debt? We need a term, and it is budget. Exhaustion, crisis, in this case, are auxiliary concepts that specify the situation. A lack of funds in the budget is called a deficit! Answer 5 (NUMBER BUT NOT TERM).

And now the difficult task of part C is to understand the connection between economic processes - and budgetary issues, in this case.

C6. In a situation of economic depression, the government of the state of M. decided to switch from a “fixed” tax scale to a “floating” regressive one. Make at least two assumptions about the motives of the country's government. What argument could opponents of this measure make?

Let's explain right away. - this is when everyone pays the same percentage of income, regardless of its size. For example, in Russia we have the lowest in Europe - 13%.

Means that the tax changes depending on the amount of income. — the higher the income, the higher the tax rate. - conversely, the higher the income, the lower the tax rate. So, our task situation: why did everyone pay the same rate, and then received more - paid less?

Probably the state wants to stimulate the growth of production in a situation of depression, to induce economic active elements to action, to encourage them? Or maybe government revenues have already declined seriously (depression, after all). Therefore, there is no point in clinging to losses; is it worth taking the risk and refreshing the depressed economy with such a decision? Or are citizens looking for ways to avoid taxes, and the state still encourages them, a little less, but to pay?

We assume:

Our assumptions:

1. The state decided to encourage producers to be more active in the market. If successful, they will be able to keep a larger portion of the income than before.

2. The state, in the face of falling tax revenues to the budget, is trying to ease the tax burden to legalize at least part of the income for taxation.

Well, the following arguments are possible. We are already losing income due to the economic crisis, why lose much-needed income?

Possible argument of opponents of this measure:

— In a crisis, you cannot refuse any tax revenues, otherwise the state will not fulfill its obligations, and a default is possible.

And let us remind you that each completed topic is reinforced by completing the plan. C8. Its topic and your homework for today looks like this:

C8. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "State budget policy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

We are waiting for your answers and discussing them in the comments and in our group.

Social science. A complete course of preparation for the Unified State Exam Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

2.14. The state budget

2.14. The state budget

Budget – a specific detailed plan for the collection and use of resources by economic agents for a certain period. The state budget- an estimate of state revenues and expenses for a certain period of time (usually from January 1 to December 31), compiled with an indication of the sources of government revenue and directions, channels for spending money. The state budget is drawn up by the government and approved by the highest legislative bodies (in Russia - in the form of a law of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation). The state budget itself is law. At the end of the financial year, the Government of the Russian Federation must report on budget execution.

Functions of the state budget: regulates the state's cash flows, strengthens ties between the center and the constituent entities of the federation; legally controls government actions; conveys information about the government's intentions to participants in economic activity; determines the parameters of economic policy and sets the framework for possible government actions.

With the help of the budget, issues of financial regulation are resolved at the macro level and throughout the economy. The economic importance of the budget lies in the fact that it forms a significant part of the final demand (at the expense of its funds, most of the income from the population is generated, large volumes of products are purchased, and state reserves are created). Significant financial flows pass through the budget; it directly influences the formation of important economic indicators. The budget is a way of redistributing monetary income of the population, enterprises and other legal entities in the interests of financing government and other public expenses.

State budget revenues: taxes on income of legal entities and individuals, receipts from the real sector (income tax), receipt of indirect taxes and excise taxes, duties and non-tax fees, regional and local taxes. Formation of budget revenues carried out in accordance with the budget and tax legislation of the Russian Federation; funds are considered to have been received by the budget from the moment the credit institution carries out an operation to transfer them to the account of the body executing the budget; Budget revenues are generated from tax and non-tax revenues; The balance of funds at the end of the previous year is included in the budget revenues of the current year.

Tax revenues constitute federal, regional and local taxes and fees provided for by tax legislation, as well as penalties and fines. Non-tax revenues are: income from the use of state or municipal property; income from the sale of state or municipal property; income from paid services provided by state authorities and local governments; fines, compensation; income received from budgets of other levels of the budget system in the form of financial assistance and budget loans.

TO income from the use of property, located in state or municipal property, include: rent for temporary use of property located in state or municipal property; interest on budget balances in accounts with credit institutions; income in the form of profit attributable to shares in the authorized capital of business companies, or dividends on shares owned by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Federation or municipalities.

Own revenues of budgets– incomes assigned on a permanent basis, in whole or in part, to the relevant budgets. Regulating budget revenues are federal and regional taxes, which set standards for contributions to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation or local budgets for the next financial year.

Government revenues - part of the country’s national income, circulated in the process of its distribution through various types of cash receipts into the ownership and disposal of the state in order to create a financial base for fulfilling its tasks in implementing socio-economic policy, ensuring the defense and security of the country.

Revenue part of the state budget consists of three main parts: taxes (direct and indirect taxes), non-tax revenues, revenues of targeted budget funds.

State budget expenditures: industry, social policy, agriculture, public administration, international activities, defense, law enforcement, science, healthcare, education. Capital Expenditures(development budget) – expenses for innovation and investment activities. Current budget expenditures– expenses ensuring the functioning of state authorities, local governments and budgetary institutions. Budget expenditures are carried out in the forms of: appropriations for the maintenance of budgetary institutions; funds to pay for goods, works and services under state or municipal contracts; transfers to the population; budget loans; subventions and subsidies; investments in the authorized capital of existing or newly created legal entities; loans to foreign countries; funds for servicing and repaying debt obligations.

TO expenses financed jointly from the state budget, federal and municipal budgets, may include: state support for industries (construction, agriculture, transport, communications); ensuring law enforcement activities; ensuring fire safety; science and socio-cultural events.

Types of state budget

* Balanced Budget(in which the ratio of income and expenses is equal).

* Deficit budget(budget expenses are higher than income).

* Surplus budget(budget revenues are higher than expenses).

Sources of financing the budget deficit:

a) internal financing: issue and sale of securities (bonds and bills), budget loans received from budgets of other levels; use of central bank funds; b) external financing: sale of securities on the global financial market, loans from foreign banks and international financial organizations, loans from foreign governments.

Budget requirements: should not have a strict link between income and expenses (flexibility of economic policy is ensured); The hierarchy of budgets must be respected (promotes budget autonomy); All income and expenses controlled by the government must be included.

Covering the budget deficit is carried out using special financial methods: release of additional money supply into circulation (inflation); issue of government bonds (domestic debt); financing and lending to other states (external debt).

General measures to regulate (reduce) the state budget deficit are: reorganization of the tax system towards increasing its efficiency; restructuring of government external debt; strengthening control over the expenditure of budget funds; reducing budget expenditures on subsidies to unprofitable industries; streamlining the current system of social benefits.

Sources of financing the federal budget deficit:

1. Internal sources: loans received from credit institutions in rubles; government loans carried out by issuing securities on behalf of the Russian Federation;

2. External sources: government loans made in foreign currency by issuing securities on behalf of the Russian Federation; loans from foreign governments, legal entities and international financial organizations in foreign currency.

Factors influencing the state of the state budget: long-term trends in tax revenues and government spending; phase of the economic cycle in the country; current government policy.

State debt – the amount of government debt on issued and outstanding loans, including interest accrued on them. Debt servicing is the payment of interest on the debt and the gradual repayment of the principal amount of the debt.

1) Domestic public debt– debt obligations of the federal government to legal entities and individuals, expressed in national currency. Domestic debt obligations: market (debt obligations issued by the state on the domestic market in the form of securities - bonds); non-market (arise as a result of budget execution - the debt of budgetary organizations is converted into public internal debt towards the end).

Causes of internal public debt

* Receipt by the state of loans from commercial banks and legal entities, denominated in national currency.

* Implementation of internal loans by the state (placement of securities on behalf of the state).

* Providing budget loans from one level of the budget system to another.

2) External public debt– state debt on outstanding external loans and unpaid interest on them to international and state banks, organizations, governments, private foreign banks, etc., denominated in foreign currency. External public debt implies strict loan repayment terms, failure to comply with which leads to new sanctions.

Debt restructuring– review of debt service conditions (interest, amounts, start dates for repayment). Restructuring occurs when a country is unable to pay its debt on the original terms.

Measures to manage public debt: avoiding a debt situation in which all resources are used to pay off the debt, and not to increase national wealth; finding funds to pay off debt; neutralizing the negative consequences of public debt; efficient use of borrowing funds.

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39. STATE BUDGET The state budget is the state treasury, which is necessary to collect and spend money for the needs of the state. With its help, the government carries out its functions and redistributes national income to other

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Budget See also “Business and the State” (p. 108); “Family Budget” (p. 610) Budgeting is the art of evenly distributing disappointments. Maurice Stans, Director of the US Budget Bureau The main factor determining the size and proportions of the current year’s budget is the size

Budget is a specific detailed plan for the collection and use of resources by economic agents for a certain period.

- a document describing the income and expenses of a particular state, usually for the year (from January 1 to December 31).

Functions of the state budget:

  • Regulates the cash flows of the state, strengthens ties between the center and the constituent entities of the federation
  • Legally controls government actions
  • Provides information about government intentions to economic participants
  • Determines the parameters of economic policy and sets the framework for possible government actions

Due to the special importance of the state budget for all spheres of economic life, its preparation, approval and implementation occur at the level of laws. At the same time, the state budget itself is the law.

Almost every economic institution (enterprise, firm, sector of the economy, bank, economic and financial funds, etc.) has a plan for collecting income and using expenses. All socio-political institutions (government organizations, political parties, etc.) also have budgets.

The state budget serves as a prerequisite and financial basis for the functioning of the state and the implementation by it of those functions that society has authorized it to perform. With the help of the budget, issues of financial regulation are resolved at the macro level and throughout the economy. Economic significance The budget lies in the fact that it forms a significant part of the final demand (at the expense of its funds, most of the income from the population is generated, large volumes of products are purchased, and state reserves are created). Significant financial flows pass through the budget; it directly influences the formation of important economic indicators (Fig. 27):

State budget revenues are the final stage of cash flows coming from the real sector and other major areas of financial relations, and state budget expenditures are the starting point for the movement of state resources for the needs identified by the state and society (Fig. 28).

Rice. 27. Impact of the state budget on key economic indicators:
  • Volume of production
  • Investments
  • Real income

Rice. 28. Main directions of income and expenditure of the state budget

The state budget is the country's basic financial plan, which has the force of law.

The budget is a way of redistributing monetary income of the population, enterprises and other legal entities in the interests of financing government and other public expenses.

State budget revenues:

  • Taxes on income of legal entities and individuals
  • Revenues from the real sector (income tax)
  • Receipt of indirect taxes and excise taxes
  • Duties and non-tax charges
  • Regional and local taxes

State budget expenditures:

  • Industry
  • Social politics
  • Agriculture
  • Public Administration
  • International activity
  • Defense
  • Law enforcement
  • The science
  • Healthcare

Balanced Budget- a budget in which the ratio of income and expenses is equal.

If income and expenses in the budget differ, then there is a budget deficit or surplus.

State budget funds are spent in areas and in amounts determined by federal law, laws and other regulatory legal acts of government entities. State budget expenditures can be classified according to various signs, the most important of which is financing state of their functions: economic, social, defense etc.

The following expenses are financed from the federal budget:
  • maintenance of government bodies;
  • national defense;
  • science funding;
  • financing of the real sector;
  • formation of state reserves;
  • servicing and repayment of public debt (internal and external);
  • regulation of the financial potential of state entities (federal or unitary).
Expenses financed jointly from the state budget, federal and municipal budgets include:
  • state support for industries (construction, agriculture, transport, communications);
  • ensuring law enforcement activities;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • science and socio-cultural events.

The basic principle of delimiting expenses between budgets is their adequacy to the powers assigned to the corresponding level of government.

Budget expenditures are also divided according to the principle of their participation in the process of expanded reproduction.

Based on the principle of participation in the process of expanded reproduction, budget expenditures are divided into current And capital expenditures.

Current expenses- This:

  • maintenance of government, management and law enforcement agencies;
  • current expenditures on defense, science, social sphere;
  • separate compensation expenses by economic sectors.

Capital expenditures are divided into:

  • New construction;
  • reconstruction of important state and municipal property.

Among priority State budget expenditures are divided into:

  • social expenses;
  • military spending;
  • maintenance of the judicial system;
  • education and healthcare.