How to get a room in a communal apartment from the state. How to get free housing from the state? Who applies for a free apartment, and who can get free housing out of turn in Russia

20.10.17 209 135 0

How to get housing under social programs

You can ask the state for an apartment. And get it.

Ksenia Suvorova

received a two-room apartment from the state

It's a hard road. You will need to collect a bunch of documents and go through a lot of offices. But it is possible to get housing from the state. You will be able to move from an old granny's apartment to a new building or a secondary building with renovations - and for free.

There are government programs that provide subsidized housing. There are many such programs. In each region, conditions may change: there will be different amounts, accounting standards, but the general receipt scheme and rules are the same.

In this article we will look at programs for relocating emergency and communal housing and providing living space for the disabled, orphans and veterans.

Housing Improvement Program

To whom. If a person lives in the same apartment with relatives, then new housing must be found for him. To get housing, you need to prove that the person registered in the apartment has less than the accounting norm for living space. This only applies to apartments registered under a social tenancy agreement.

The accounting norm is different in different cities. Usually this is from 6 to 11 m². In St. Petersburg the norm is 9 m², the federal sanitary minimum is 6 m². To find out your right to improve conditions, divide the total footage of a social rental apartment by the number of people registered in it. If it turns out to be less than the norm, you can apply for improved living conditions.

Low-income people, large families, military veterans, disabled people and families with disabled children, as well as other beneficiaries can improve their living conditions. There is still a chance to get housing without benefits, but the queue will be much longer.

The state offers such citizens several options.

Take a subsidy for the construction or purchase of housing. The state gives some money. This option is not suitable if you are not ready to take out a mortgage or you do not have savings.

The subsidy is calculated based on the cadastral, and not the actual cost of the apartment in which the person lives and is registered. In St. Petersburg, they will give out about 850,000 rubles per person; the amount for a family of two or more people will be different. A modest one-room apartment costs about 1.7 million rubles.

Rent an apartment from the state. The tenant will not receive ownership of such an apartment; it will also be impossible to sell or rent it out. But the tenant does not pay rent and only pays for utilities.

Such an agreement is concluded for a certain period, after which it is revised and extended or re-issued into a social rental agreement. If the tenant gets another place to live, they will have to move out of the rented apartment. Usually this option is offered to orphans so that no one deceives them and deprives them of their home.

Rent an apartment under a social tenancy agreement. Such housing can be privatized, rented out, exchanged and sold. More information about this can be found in the Housing Code - in articles,, and. You can rent it by registering with a person who wants to rent an apartment. You can sell it either through privatization of housing, or by registering the buyer in the apartment and making a re-registration. It is easier to exchange an apartment than to sell or rent it out.


To improve your living conditions, you need to collect a large package of documents: certificates of income of family members and their property, all documents about benefits and awards. Then the housing committee will put you on a waiting list for a subsidy or rent.

It should be taken into account that the total income of family members should not be higher than what is permitted by regional regulations. That is, the family should be considered low-income. Each region has its own cost of living. The amount of income of the entire family must be divided by the number of family members registered and living in the apartment. The income per family member should not be higher than the minimum subsistence level.

For example, the father of a family in St. Petersburg receives 40,000 rubles, his wife does not work, his mother receives a pension of 10,000 rubles, and he also has three children. Total income - 50,000 rubles. We divide it by the number of all family members - 6 people. It turns out that for each family member there are 8,300 rubles. And this is less than the living wage: in 2017, the living wage in St. Petersburg based on the results of the second quarter is 10,758.7 rubles. This amount is reviewed after each quarter.


The queue for social rent (read: apartment ownership) creeps slowly: you can wait for your apartment for decades. Apartments are given out of turn to orphans, veterans, people with chronic diseases and the disabled. To get an apartment faster, it is important to update your documents: bring fresh income certificates to the administration if they decrease. Also in the queue are important events for the state: the birth of children, disability, illness, death of relatives.

The fastest queue is preferential. The next fastest is to receive a subsidy. The rest move much slower.

You can skip the social rent queue at any time and receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

New housing for veteran beneficiaries

Tamara Pavlovna is a labor veteran, a survivor of the siege. She lives in St. Petersburg in a two-room apartment under a social tenancy agreement, in which, besides her, three more are registered: a daughter and a grandson. The apartment has an area of ​​37.7 m², each family member has 9.3 m². This is more than the accounting norm in St. Petersburg, which means she is not entitled to new housing.

To get new housing, Tamara Pavlovna needs to ensure that there is less than 9 m² for each person registered in the apartment. To get this footage, you can:

  1. make repairs and level the walls in an old apartment - the total area of ​​​​the apartment will decrease slightly. Then invite a specialist from BTI, who will re-measure the apartment;
  2. wait until the third grandson appears and register him in the apartment;
  3. register your son-in-law in the apartment, but sometimes this is not easy to do: if there is not enough footage, and an adult has another living space, they may be denied registration.

If this happens, Tamara Pavlovna will be in line for improved living conditions. And since she is a veteran and a survivor of the siege, she will receive a new apartment first - in a year or two. She will be given a new one-room apartment or studio apartment. And her daughter and children will remain in her old apartment.

New housing for people with chronic illnesses

Five people live in a two-room apartment, registered under a social tenancy agreement, with an area of ​​48 m²: Konstantin Sergeevich with his mother and his sister with two children. Konstantin Sergeevich has severe epilepsy, and he also uses a wheelchair.

Konstantin Sergeevich and his guardian mother can get a new apartment, while his sister and children will remain in the old one.

To get housing, you need to take a conclusion from the medical institution where Konstantin Sergeevich is registered. After this, you can get another conclusion from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

But Konstantin Sergeevich alone will not be able to move. His mother, who is considered his guardian, must move out with him.

When all the certificates are ready, the city housing committee will put the disabled person and their guardian on a waiting list for new housing. Konstantin Sergeevich will get to the front of the queue and will receive an apartment in a few months. The old apartment will remain with his sister. Most likely, he will receive a two-room apartment with an area of ​​at least 42 m², since two people of different sexes are moving in. Each region has its own footage. In St. Petersburg, the regional standard is 36 m² for single people, and then the number changes.

New housing for orphans

Vanya is 22 years old, he lives in a two-room social rented apartment with his grandmother, mother, and brother. Apartment area - 44 m². Each person has 11 m², which is more than the norm. Vanya's mother has been deprived of parental rights. By law, a mother deprived of parental rights cannot live with her child, but she has nowhere to go. Therefore, Vanya has the right to a new apartment.

In the legislation, not only children whose mother and father have died are considered orphans. Orphans are also children with living parents who have been deprived of parental rights

In the legislation, not only children whose mother and father have died are considered orphans. Orphans are also children with living parents who have been deprived of parental rights.

Katya is 18 years old. She is pregnant and lives in a one-room apartment with her guardian, who took her from the orphanage. The area of ​​the one-room apartment is 26 m², and the guardian’s 30-year-old son is also registered in it.

Vanya and Katya need to prove that they are orphans. Vanya will provide the housing committee of the city administration with a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights of his parents and documents on guardianship. Katya will bring the death certificate of her parents, a certificate from the orphanage and guardianship documents. After that, they will be put on a waiting list for new housing. Vanya and Katya are orphans, which means they will receive new housing quickly, within a few months.

The state will provide them with new housing under a rental agreement. Vanya and Katya will have to live in the apartment themselves; it cannot be rented out. Residents are also required to let a special commission in once a year. After five years, housing can be registered under a social rental agreement, and then privatized.

Resettlement program

To whom. There are two types of resettlement - emergency housing and communal housing. Communal apartments are resettled at the request of the owners, if they provide documents and stand in line. But this is regulated by special housing programs in the region. Your region may have slightly different requirements for moving into a communal apartment. This must be taken into account.

Emergency housing is being demolished according to the list. The lists are compiled by officials. If the house is falling apart and is not on the list, you will have to wait further or try to get in another queue.

When. The queue for resettlement of emergency housing is the saddest. Some wait their whole lives to get into it, while the house falls apart before their eyes. Everything is better with utilities: you can get a subsidy or move to a new apartment. But it’s better for you to come to an agreement with your neighbors and submit documents together or agree to buy out their share. You and your neighbors will receive a subsidy. Very often, in this case, someone alone buys the remaining part of the apartment, and the former neighbors receive money from the state and yours to buy themselves a new home.

How. To resettle emergency housing, you do not need to collect documents: the authorities will contact you and offer you a new apartment. For communal apartments, you need to submit documents to the city housing committee or its replacement body.

Resettlement of communal apartments

Residents of communal apartments have the right to compensation or are awaiting resettlement.

Compensation is a profitable option for residents of communal apartments. They will receive finished housing last, and for compensation they can take out a mortgage on preferential terms.

Compensation is issued for the number of family members. For example, if a family consists of one person, they will pay about 850,000 rubles; if out of two - a little more than a million. Such payment standards are established in St. Petersburg. In the regions or in Moscow, the figures will be different - based on the cadastral value of housing.

This money can be used to purchase another home with an additional payment. You can take out a mortgage loan to buy a room in the same communal apartment.

If you submit documents for resettlement together, you will be resettled faster than those apartments where only one tenant is on the waiting list. Often one family receives a subsidy and buys the second part of the apartment with a loan, while another family receives money from both the state and neighbors and buys a new home.

Resettlement of emergency housing

If you owned a social rented apartment, you will be provided with housing taking into account the standards - at least 42 m² for two, if you are in St. Petersburg; In the regions, accounting standards are different, but you definitely won’t be deprived. But the owners of privatized housing will be given exactly the same amount as in emergency housing, even if 10 people are registered there.

However, the authorities can relocate not to a separate apartment, but to a communal apartment. Usually single citizens are resettled in communal apartments. You can refuse a communal apartment and demand separate housing, but if you cannot agree with the administration on another option, you will be forced to move. But then you can get in line to move into a communal apartment.

So, what do you need to do to get an apartment from the state?

  1. Collect all documents confirming the status of your relatives: disabled people, veterans, orphans, people with chronic diseases.
  2. Calculate how many square meters of housing there are for each person registered in the apartment.
  3. Compare with the accounting norm in your city. If less, prepare documents to obtain new housing.
  4. Constantly update your package of documents to move up in line for a new apartment.
  5. It’s easier to get money than a new apartment.
  6. Remember that resettlement is real. How to get an apartment. The main thing is patience and availability of the necessary documents.

Editorial staff of



To receive housing from the state in our time, and even for free, seems like a utopia to most ordinary people. Gone are the Soviet times when they were distributed to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as the citizen “worked” for this very state. But still, according to the Constitution, the Russian Federation is a social state. This means that it still assumes the function of providing citizens living there with free housing. We have collected in this article information on how you can get an apartment from the state for free.

Photo from, Christian

Primary legal information on obtaining an apartment

There are several options for obtaining an apartment from the state: free and on a commercial basis. First, you need to decide on the position of the law on this issue, and identify a list of persons entitled to a free state apartment, since such housing can also be provided by local, municipal authorities. The law imposes a number of conditions on the applicant.

  • A free apartment can only be obtained under a social rental agreement. The right to receive such housing, in accordance with Part 2.Article 49 of the Housing Code, belongs to persons recognized as needing residential premises in accordance with the procedure established by law. Therefore, this is the first main condition.
  • The second no less significant condition provides for the status of a low-income citizen. This criterion is not clearly defined in the law, but obviously this includes persons whose average monthly income is below the subsistence level in a particular region.
  • The third, very priority basis implies the presence of Russian citizenship.

To recognize a citizen and his family members as needing a state apartment, you need grounds, and their list includes:

  • Lack of social housing and residential premises provided under a social tenancy agreement;
  • Availability of privatized housing or housing under a social rental agreement, but having a total area for each family member below the accounting norm;
  • Living in apartments that do not meet safety requirements is emergency housing;
  • Cohabitation with a sick or chronically ill family member in apartments of the specified types.

As a rule, priority categories of citizens include:

  1. large families (read separately about how a large family can get an apartment);
  2. patients with chronic diseases;
  3. disabled people of the first and second degree;
  4. disabled since childhood;
  5. orphans (we previously wrote about how to get housing for an orphan);
  6. former career military personnel;
  7. liquidators of man-made disasters;
  8. forced migrants;
  9. citizens subject to resettlement programs under federal programs, for example, from the regions of the Extreme Server.

But at the same time, ordinary citizens can count on receiving a free apartment from the state. The important thing here is to follow the advice that will increase your chances. Before registering as a person in need of housing, do not allow deliberate actions with the previous housing aimed at worsening its condition for 5 years.

Simple tips that will speed up getting a free apartment from the state

  • If you already have social housing at the standard or even higher, but for some reason do not want to live in it, find through a real estate agency an option to exchange for two small apartments, one of which will soon be recognized as dilapidated or dilapidated housing. In the future emergency apartment, register the main part of your family. Subsequently, you can apply for a new apartment and improve your living conditions at the expense of the state
  • In advance of the established deadlines, you can register direct relatives belonging to preferential categories, for example, disabled people, etc., in your social apartment.
  • Families who do not have children, but want them, can be recommended to adopt minors. Read the article about how a young family can get an apartment.
  • You can register a marriage with one of the citizens listed above who are beneficiaries.
In this sense, you may encounter a problem such as refusal of registration or adoption. But there are no unsolvable issues here either. You need to find a lawyer specializing in such cases and file a claim to recognize the right of previously absent or future (adopted) family members to live with you.

Recently, alternative ways of obtaining an apartment on the secondary market have become popular. They, in fact, also become (transfer) into your property, sanctioned by the state. These are methods that involve the conclusion of an annuity agreement and the presence of a will and are subject to notarization.

Rent agreement

Nowadays, no one will be surprised by the large number of lonely elderly people without relatives. So, one of the additional legal options for obtaining an apartment is considered to be the conclusion of a lifelong annuity agreement with the warded elderly owner or owner of the apartment.
There is a peculiarity when concluding such agreements, since they are based on trust relationships. You, as an applicant for housing, must please the elderly person and win him over, as well as conscientiously fulfill your obligations under the contract. To avoid conflict, it is advisable to take precautions:

  • Clearly outline the list of necessary actions to be performed by the guardian
  • Include in the contract a condition on the transfer of the apartment after the death of the ward into your ownership
  • To increase your chances of getting an apartment under a rental agreement, taking into account your abilities and physical capabilities, take care of several elderly single people.
The main problem in this direction may be the lack of information about the available opportunity. You can only get it from friends or from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. In the latter case, if you are a student or a housewife, you have the opportunity to legally get a job in the social security department and get your first job.
Further actions depend on your initiative. Surely, among the employees and your first wards, there will be other people in need of mandatory care. You can already get to them by recommendation if you are a kind and decent person.


Inheritance, in particular, is understood as the transfer of property, including apartments, into the ownership of individuals and legal entities, from a deceased citizen. It implies universal succession, by law or by will.
Applicable to our topic, two aspects can be distinguished. An apartment, as well as the right to receive it on preferential terms.

For example, WWII widows can receive a new apartment under the federal program to provide WWII veterans with free housing, as legal heirs. Transfer this right to other family members (children, grandchildren) in the order of presentation.
Even more opportunities for purchasing housing are provided by a will, which can be drawn up for any person, even if he is not a relative of the testator.

A will is a person's personal will and takes precedence over intestate succession if one has been made. Having a trusting relationship with you, single elderly people may often prefer to transfer their apartment to you in a will.

Other ways to obtain housing from the state

Citizens who do not want to wait their turn, or who are unable to get a free apartment, can take advantage of preferential loans or subsidies under long-term federal housing programs.

  • Subsidizing for the purchase of housing
  • Social mortgage
  • Mortgages for young families

Compared to Soviet times, the circle of people who can legally be provided with apartments has now significantly decreased. The majority do not have reliable information on this issue and still consider this approach unrealistic. If you know of other ways to get free housing, write to us in the comments. Read about how to save money for an apartment here.

The right to housing for Russian citizens is guaranteed by Art. 40 of the Constitution. Our state, while complying with these standards, continues to provide free municipal housing on a first-come, first-served basis to those citizens who need it. However, we have to wait for new apartments for years, and sometimes even decades.

Caroline Albricht. Queue

Who can apply for free municipal housing

Currently, in order to receive a free apartment from the state, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions that are regulated by the new housing code adopted in 2005. This:

  • lack of square meters per person (each region sets its own standards);
  • low family income, which is not enough to purchase their own home.

That is, with the adoption of the new housing complex, only low-income citizens who find themselves in cramped living conditions can get on the waiting list. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether their apartment is privatized or not. The new housing code establishes the financial insolvency of citizens as a priority parameter when placing them in line.

It is obvious that after the adoption of the Housing Code, the list of applicants for free housing has noticeably decreased. However, despite the fact that the new law has significantly reduced the number of waiting lists, their number is still quite large.

It should be noted that those “lucky ones” who registered before the adoption of the new code, that is, before 2005, do not need to prove the lack of funds to purchase housing. Benefits are also maintained for them. But they are unlikely to have to count on a housewarming party in the near future.

According to official data, in 2011 housing was provided to citizens who stood in line for an apartment back in 1989-1990.

Those who want to get on the waiting list for an apartment now will have to prove that they belong to the low-income category. To do this, you will have to collect quite a lot of papers and certificates. Let us remind you that this category is determined based on the income and property owned by all family members. Moreover, in each region, the criteria for financial insolvency are established independently by local authorities.

Grounds for recognizing citizens in need of housing

According to the provisions of Art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, citizens in need of residential premises are the following categories of the population:

  • persons who are not tenants of housing under a social lease agreement or members of the tenant’s family, or property owners or members of the owner’s family;
  • persons who are the owners of residential premises or occupy housing under a social tenancy agreement, provided that the total area of ​​housing per family member is less than the established standard;
  • persons living in an apartment that does not meet the sanitary standards and requirements established for residential premises;
  • persons living in an apartment (privatized or not) that is occupied by several families. If at the same time there is a patient in the family who suffers from a severe form of the disease, which excludes the possibility of living together with him in the same apartment. For example, tuberculosis, AIDS and a number of other severe chronic diseases. Let us note that a complete list of such diseases is established at the federal level by executive authorities.

It should also be said here that if an applicant for placement on the housing queue and/or his family members have several residential premises, regardless of whether they are privatized or not, the level of provision with living space is calculated based on the total area of ​​all available and suitable for living residential premises.

Charina Anna. Autumn rain. Old house in Stremyanny Lane. 2010

The new housing code provides for three categories of citizens who are entitled to housing out of turn. Thus, among the poor, first of all, the following will receive social housing on the basis of a social tenancy agreement:

  • citizens whose residential premises have been duly declared unfit for habitation and cannot be repaired or reconstructed (residents of dilapidated houses, victims of natural disasters and other emergencies);
  • orphans, as well as children left without parental care (after finishing their stay in special educational institutions, foster families or family-type orphanages);
  • citizens with severe forms of chronic diseases that pose a threat to the health of others.

What documents are needed to get on the waiting list for housing?

In order to become on the waiting list and apply for a new apartment, you must collect and submit the following documents to the housing commission of the district government:

  • registration application signed by all family members (the form can be found at the local social security office);
  • identification document (passport, birth certificate);
  • certificate of marriage (divorce);
  • documents confirming the right to benefits granting the right to priority receipt of living space;
  • documents confirming the presence or absence of other housing (owned or occupied under a social tenancy agreement) by the applicant and his family members.

Please note that this is the minimum required set of documents. It should be taken into account that during the registration process, government agencies may require you to provide additional documents and certificates, depending on the specific situation.

Of course, everyone understands how slowly the line moves. But being placed on a waiting list gives some people the opportunity to purchase housing in a shorter period of time with the help of the state.

Currently, the state, having recognized a citizen or family as in need of improved housing conditions, often offers various social programs that can significantly facilitate the purchase of an apartment at the expense of citizens’ own funds, relying on the assistance of municipal authorities.

Anchukov Dmitry. Moving. 2009

In our country, in all regions, there are a number of social housing programs that are available only to persons in line for an apartment:

  • state subsidies for the purchase of a new apartment;
  • social mortgage, for example, to help large and young families;
  • provision of installment plans when purchasing an apartment.


Of course, there are a lot of applicants for housing. In Moscow alone, at present, according to the head of the Housing Policy Department, Nikolai Fedoseev, there are about 117 thousand families in need of improved housing conditions.

Officials report that every year the number of people queuing for an apartment is decreasing. However, neither the federal nor the regional authorities have been able to quickly resolve this issue.

However, hundreds of thousands of families across the country are already in need of housing. And they will have to wait 15-20 years for their apartment. How can this problem be solved?

Unfortunately, it is not only a lack of funding or excessive bureaucracy that hinders its solution. Very often, certain problems arise that are associated specifically with construction companies involved in the construction of social housing. First of all, this is non-compliance with the terms of the contract, construction deadlines, and as a result of their actions, sometimes the provision of new apartments to those on the waiting list is delayed.

Some experts believe that the acute problem of shortage of social housing can be partially solved by starting the construction of so-called social apartment buildings. For example, in Europe, this practice is quite common and is used quite successfully, making it possible to provide real support to vulnerable and low-income categories of citizens. Such houses would allow people in need to rent housing from the state for little money, receiving a real apartment with normal conditions here and now, rather than waiting for years for new housing.

Anna Belova,

How to get an apartment for free from the state,It will be interesting to know for citizens who have a priority right to government assistance. You will learn from our article who can apply for housing and how you can get the coveted square meters.

How to get an apartment for free from the state?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 40 enshrines the right of low-income people and other citizens specified by the legislator to receive housing free of charge or at an affordable price from state and other housing funds. But only if they are recognized as needing square meters.

That is, you can get an apartment from the state for free and for a certain fee. We are interested in the first option.

  • free housing is provided exclusively under social rental agreements;
  • a citizen applying for housing must be recognized as low-income and in need of housing;
  • An applicant for free housing must have Russian citizenship, except in cases established by law.

Don't know your rights?

  • whose apartments are declared unfit for habitation and are not subject to repair (reconstruction);
  • who suffer from severe forms of chronic diseases, the list of which is established by the legislator.

Who can apply for free housing from the state?

Low-income citizens of the Russian Federation who are recognized as needing housing can apply for free housing. The legislator classifies the following as needy:

  • those in need of improved housing conditions because the housing does not meet safety requirements;
  • living in an apartment with persons with whom being together, due to their illness in accordance with the law, is not possible;
  • having housing under a social rental agreement, the area of ​​which is less than the minimum established by law;
  • those who do not have their own housing and do not live in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement.

In addition, the citizen must be recognized as low-income. This means that the family income level is below the subsistence level established in the region.

After all the necessary documents confirming the need for square meters and classification as low-income citizens have been collected, you must contact the local municipality to register as a person in need of free housing from the state.

If you are interested in receiving free housing from the state, we recommend that you do not make any dubious transactions with your existing housing in the hope of becoming a “beneficiary”. The fact is that when registering as someone in need of housing, the entire housing history of the citizen who applied for improved living conditions over the last 5 years is checked.

Thus, it is possible to receive free housing from the state. To do this, you need to collect all the required documents and contact the local government to be placed on the waiting list.