Mortgage for the purchase of a garage or parking lot from Sberbank. Finished housing Loan for a parking space Sberbank

  • Lending conditions affecting the total cost of the loan (as of 10/23/2019):
    • rates of 6.99-10.24% for clients whose salary account is opened with PJSC ROSBANK, subject to the purchase of a garage in the secondary market with an initial payment of 25% of its market value
    • with a loan amount of more than 6,000,000 rubles (for real estate located in Moscow/Moscow region) or from 3,000,000 rubles (for real estate located in regions other than Moscow/Moscow region)
    • making a one-time payment in the amount of 1 to 4% of the loan amount due to a decrease in the interest rate under the agreement (depending on the terms of the loan agreement)
    • insurance of life and health, property and the risk of loss (restriction) of the right of ownership to it (the borrower has the right not to insure these risks. In the absence of at least one of these types of insurance, the interest rate increases by 1-4% depending on the type of risks that are insured not carried out)
    • depending on credit history, loan term (3-25 years), labor activity, level of education, number of participants in the transaction, location of the collateral, type of income and ratio of income to expenses
  • The minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles, the maximum loan amount is 3,000,000 rubles for Moscow and the Moscow Region, 1,000,000 rubles for other regions
  • Expenses for appraisal, insurance - in accordance with the tariffs of appraisal and insurance companies

The Bank reserves the right to change any part of this message without prior notice.

For the borrower:

  • Copy of passport (all pages)
  • Documents confirming income:
    • for users of the State Service Portal*
    • certificate in form 2-NDFL or certificate in the form of a bank
    • for business owners and individual entrepreneurs - tax returns, depending on the taxation system established by law, and management reporting
    • a copy of the work book certified by the employer (all completed pages), for military personnel - a certificate in the prescribed form
  • application form

For real estate:

  • Legal documents for real estate
  • Technical documents for real estate: cadastral / technical passport
  • Copies of passports (birth certificates) of real estate sellers

* The certificate is generated in just one click and sent to the bank's email address. In this case, there is no need to provide 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book. If you are not registered on the State Services portal, the bank manager will help you quickly register. If the certificate does not indicate the full income of the borrower, you will additionally need to provide proof of income in the form of a bank

Citizenship: doesn't matter

Age: 20 years old at the time of applying for a loan and not older than 64 years old at the time of full repayment of the loan

Employment: both employees and founders and co-founders of companies and individual entrepreneurs are credited

Co-borrowers / guarantors: co-borrowers can be up to 3 people from among relatives, and any third parties

When buying ready-made parking spaces / garages (in the secondary market):

  • A garage in an apartment building / multifunctional complex for non-industrial purposes must:
    • be an independent property
    • not be in common ownership
    • have a certain area, boundaries, number (in relation to a constructed object - an indication of a garage as a real estate object in title documents, an appraiser's opinion, a technical / cadastral passport, the presence of a property right registered in the USRR, in relation to an object under construction - an indication of a garage as an independent real estate object in the project declaration, acquisition agreement)
  • The bank's minimum requirements for a parking space / garage in a garage complex / in an apartment building:
    • the building in which the object is located must be completed by construction
    • the building in which the object is located must be in a satisfactory condition; there must be no defects in structural elements that can lead to an accident of the structure
    • the facility should not be located in a closed administrative-territorial formation (ZATO) in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/05/2001 N 508 "On approval of the list of closed administrative-territorial formations and settlements located on their territory"

The Bank does not lend for the purchase of parking spaces/garages in garage-building cooperatives

A targeted loan for the purchase or construction of a garage can not be obtained from any bank. However, the country's premier financial institution provides this opportunity even at reduced rates.*

Lending terms

The loan is secured by a garage or other immovable property (including a piece of land in your property on which your garage is located). A prerequisite is the insurance of the object for the entire term of the loan.

At the time of registration of papers on the pledge of premises, the bank must provide other property that it agrees to accept as security, or (no more than three). The spouse of the borrower is always a co-borrower, regardless of income and age. An exception is a concluded and valid marriage contract.

Loan amount and usage fee

Sberbank issues a loan for a garage only in national currency. The maximum loan period is 30 years. Amount - not exceeding 85% of the value of the object.

The cost of the loan varies depending on the share of the first installment and the term of the contract. For clients who receive income (salary and/or pension) on a Sberbank card or account, they are:

-from 13% to 14%

  • For employees of enterprises accredited by Sberbank (there is a list of them in any branch), rates are increased by 0.5%, for everyone else - by 1%.
  • An increase in a certain rate by 1% is provided for at the time of registration of the mortgage.

Who can apply for a loan

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 75 can take out a loan to buy a garage. At the same time, the loan repayment period must fall on the working or retirement age of each solvent co-borrower.

When considering an application, labor activity is taken into account. It should be:

  • from six months - at the last place of work;
  • from 1 year - "total" experience for the last 5 years.

Required documents for consideration of the application

If you want to buy a garage on credit, you need to prepare an impressive package of documents:

The amount is provided in a lump sum or in installments. A non-personalized credit card can be issued with a limit of up to 150,000 rubles and a personalized one with a limit of up to 200,000 rubles.

The loan is repaid in equal installments on the dates determined by the payment schedule. For each day of delay, 0.5% of the debt amount is charged. The loan can be repaid ahead of schedule in any amount without commissions.

Important nuances

  • in Sberbank, in the case of registration as a pledge of another dwelling, before issuing a loan, the bank does not increase the interest rate by 1%. In addition, you do not need to provide other property.
  • If the object is being built taking into account borrowed funds from Sberbank, the initial payment is at least 10%.
  • No other security is required for the purchase of a garage.
  • Within 24 months from the date of issuance of credit funds for the construction of a garage, you can extend the term of the contract or take advantage of the deferred payment of the principal debt if there has been an increase in the estimated cost. This fact is documented.
  • When applying for a garage loan, personal insurance of the borrower is not required.
* A loan for a garage in Sberbank is not provided in every branch in Russia, but in a number of regions. It is recommended to clarify the current data on the official website and / or with the bank manager.

Most often, bank customers take out loans and mortgages to purchase real estate such as apartments, houses, etc. Lending for the purchase of a garage or a parking space is not the most common type of mortgage lending.

Mortgage for parking place

It is for the stated reason that not every bank provides a mortgage for the purchase of a parking space. Most often, people have to take out a loan on a general basis. Unlike its competitors, Sberbank provides a special-purpose mortgage for the purchase of certain real estate. But, it is worth knowing that in case of obtaining a loan, it will be possible to spend money on buying a garage only for buying it and nothing else.

Separately, I would like to note several more programs from Sberbank, which it offers on favorable terms to its customers. These are lending programs for purchases of secondary real estate, apartments in new buildings, suburban real estate.

Due to the fact that the range of various types of loans provided is quite large, Sberbank is attracting more and more customers. In addition to the above, services are also provided for refinancing loans from other banks, and also, in case of temporary financial difficulties, it is possible to get financial holidays and defer loan repayment.

It should be noted that very favorable lending conditions for other programs of Sberbank. For example, loans with a small down payment are very popular with borrowers. The size of the down payment in such programs starts from 15%.

We get a mortgage or a loan to buy a garage

If we talk about the benefits of loans at Sberbank, we should separately dwell on the conditions for obtaining a loan under the targeted program for the purchase of real estate.

When applying for a loan to buy a garage, check if you are satisfied with the following conditions:

  • You can take out a loan to buy a garage for up to 30 years.
  • The down payment can be as low as 15%.
  • The annual percentage for the use of borrowed funds is from 15% (details should be clarified on the official website of Sberbank, as the conditions may vary depending on the size of the refinancing rate, or ongoing promotions)
  • The property owned by the borrower is secured against the security.
  • Also, there are conditions for deferred payment on the loan. They apply if the loan for individual construction was issued no more than 2 years ago, and you have submitted the necessary documents on the increase in the cost of real estate construction.

Loan rates for the purchase of a garage

Interest rates in rubles:

Additional special mortgage conditions for the purchase of a garage

In order to use a loan for the purchase of a garage and take advantage of additional preferential terms, you must be the owner of a Sberbank salary card. In the event that you decide to take advantage of such a lending program, you will be offered conditions for loyal customers, and this, for example, means a 5% reduction in the down payment rate. In this case, it will be equal to 10% of the purchase price of the property for you.

Also, a bank can issue a loan specifically for the registration of a purchased property as a pledge (in our case, a garage).

Requirements for borrowers

The age of the borrower must be at least 21 years old and not older than 75 years. Also, the borrower must have an officially confirmed source of income from the main place of work. The length of service, in this case, must be at least 6 months.

If the borrower is married, his/her spouse is involved as a co-borrower and guarantor.

What documents are required to apply for a loan to buy a garage

Now let's go through the list of required documents:

  • Initially, you need to fill out a borrower's questionnaire at the nearest bank office.
  • You will also be asked to fill out a form of a pledger of a legal entity.
  • Documents for collateral.
  • Passport of the borrower and guarantor.
  • Documents confirming your official income from your main place of work.

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Take advantage of real estate insurance programs (within the framework of a mortgage), as well as the life and health of the borrower at IC Sberbank Insurance LLC and IC Sberbank Life Insurance LLC - 100% subsidiaries of Sberbank PJSC:

  • Simple, convenient and fast design. For example, when renewing an insurance contract, you do not need to transfer a copy of it to Sberbank yourself, the documents are sent automatically
  • The possibility of resolving the issue online: from signing an insurance contract to settling losses in an insured event
  • The terms and conditions of the insurance programs comply with the Requirements for the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Insurance Services under Sberbank Loan Products 1
  • Insurance tariff / cost of insurance when prolonging the insurance contract for the second and subsequent years is 10% lower
  • In the event of an insured event, you can contact any branch of Sberbank, regardless of where the contract was drawn up
  • You can issue a policy in a few minutes on the DomClick website, on the website of insurance companies - LLC IC Sberbank Insurance and LLC IC Sberbank Life Insurance, or at any branch of Sberbank.

Life and health insurance under the Protected Borrower program 2

What is included in the program?

Insurance is carried out in case of:

  • Death of the Insured Person
  • Establishing a disability or group for the Insured Person

What are you getting?

  • Reduction of the Sberbank mortgage rate to the established level under the "protected loan" condition;
  • The insurance tariff is determined individually depending on the gender and age of the client.


Mortgage insurance 3

What is included in the program?

Insurance of the pledged property (except for the land plot) against the risks of death, damage.

Additional benefits:

  • 1 month of validity of the insurance contract additionally when issued at Sberbank branches

Detailed terms and conditions of insurance can be found on the website.

1 of the Bank to insurance companies and the conditions for the provision of insurance services for property insurance
2 The insurance service is provided by IC Sberbank Life Insurance LLC. The license to carry out life insurance insurance No. 3692 (type of activity - voluntary life insurance) was issued by the Bank of Russia for an indefinite period. PSRN 1037700051146, Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31G. Office hours: Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 20.00 Moscow time
3 Real estate (mortgage) insurance. The insurance service is provided by IC Sberbank Insurance LLC. License of the Bank of Russia to carry out voluntary property insurance SI No. 4331, issued on 08/05/2015 for an indefinite period. PSRN 1147746683479, Address: 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, house 7, tel. 8 800 555 555 7, Working hours Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 Moscow time.

Every year the number of cars is only growing. In big cities, traffic jams are constantly formed, and what can we say about parking lots.

It is almost impossible to park a car near the house, and if you still manage to win a place for your car, then it’s not a fact that nothing will happen to it. And constantly using paid parking is expensive and inconvenient. All problems can be solved by buying a garage.

You no longer need to think about where to park, you don’t have to worry that the car will be damaged by hooligans or even stolen. The garage will cost much less than paid parking, the only thing you will need to make contributions to the garage cooperative. Of course, this is an ideal option, but it also has its drawbacks.

How to quickly buy a garage?

The biggest downside is the cost of the garage. Its price can be about the same as for a brand new foreign car or an apartment. So this is an expensive pleasure, but if you calculate how much money is spent on paid parking, then buying a garage is quite appropriate.

It will take a long time to save up for a “house” for a car, and you will need to limit yourself in some way in order to save at least a small amount of money every month. If you definitely decide to buy, even despite its price, then a good option would be to take a loan for a garage.

A financial institution will help you choose the most favorable loan terms that will fully meet the highest requirements.

If you have already saved up a certain amount of money to buy a garage, and you are missing only a part of its cost, then you can take a cash loan. In order for the bank to offer you good loan conditions, you need to prove your creditworthiness, namely, provide all the documents, including a certificate of income, it is advisable to find a guarantor and.

This option is suitable when you lack a small amount of money. And if you need a large amount, then it will be unprofitable to take a cash loan, since it is issued for a relatively short period, and you will have to pay high interest. Accordingly, the monthly payment may not be possible.

Mortgage Garage!

There is another interesting option. You can get a mortgage on the garage, because it is also real estate. Unlike an apartment, you cannot register and live in it, but there is something in common between a garage and an apartment.

Financial institutions are in solidarity with this opinion, and therefore decided to provide a service such as a garage mortgage. This service can be found only in a few banks, but over time, the demand for such a banking offer will increase and other financial institutions will join the business.

At the moment, there are approximately 50.5 million cars on the roads of Russia. In recent years, 15 million car owners have appeared in the country. Some think in advance about the safety of their car and save money not only for a car, but also for a garage. And in order to speed up the process and quickly get behind the wheel of a long-awaited car, more and more people turn to financial institutions for a car loan and take a garage loan.

The conditions for applying for a mortgage on a garage are very similar to a regular mortgage loan. Among the financial institutions that have included a profitable purchase of a garage in their list of services, there is VTB24 Bank.

He proposes to issue a loan for a maximum of 50 years at 16.35% per annum. But the term of 50 years is too long, there are few who want to pay the debt for the garage for half a century.

The interest rate is slightly higher than when buying a home. When buying an apartment, the bank offers from 13.1% per annum. This is due to the fact that the service is still new and not much developed than a mortgage on housing.

You can consider a slightly cheaper option - buy an unfinished garage. It is also possible to take out a loan or mortgage for such a garage, it does not matter to a financial institution what form the property is in, even if construction has not yet begun, but there is only a building site.

When applying for a loan. It can be half the amount of the cost if the construction of the garage is just starting. Or the down payment will be 30% if the construction of the garage is completed or almost completed.

Contact different banks, find out their conditions for issuing a loan for a garage or mortgage. There is already competition among banks that practice such services, so you will find the most suitable option for yourself.

For example, a large financial institution, Sberbank, provides a mortgage loan under its own Garage program, the down payment will be only 10% of the total cost, and the interest rate is slightly different from VTB24 and is 13% per annum.

The bank will give you a loan for only 85% of the total value of the garage. When issuing a loan, there are no additional fees. Mortgages can be issued for a maximum of 30 years.

Where can I get a mortgage for a garage?

If you have chosen a bank where you will take a mortgage or a loan for a garage, and you have a plastic card of this bank, on which your salary is charged, then you will be provided with special conditions for repaying the loan.

To apply for a loan, you can choose any currency: euros, US dollars or rubles. Some financial institutions require an insurance policy, but Sberbank does not.

His obligatory requirement for obtaining a mortgage loan will be collateral insurance, as well as a certificate from the place of work that the borrower has been working for at least 6 months at the same enterprise. And for the last 5 years he worked for at least a year. If these requirements are not met, the bank will refuse the loan. But there is a big plus for Sberbank - each application will be considered individually, taking into account all the nuances.

You can also contact a financial institution called Svyaz-Bank. He also offers a mortgage on the garage. The lending program is similar to the one offered by Sberbank. The loan repayment period is from 3 to 10 years. The interest rate directly depends on the potential client and on the object, at what stage of construction it is.

Employees of Svyaz-Bank will approach each client individually in order to offer the most favorable mortgage terms. The size of the rate will be affected by the term of the loan, down payment, income statements, credit history and much more.

To increase the term of the loan, you must submit a certificate of income in the form of 2NDFL. And also, thanks to the help, you can. But you can achieve lower rates and increase the loan term by making a large down payment.

Soon, more banks will include the purchase of a garage on credit in their list of services, and then there will be more competition among financial institutions, which will help consumers use this service on more favorable terms. In the meantime, buying a garage is a little expensive.